The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films (Resources/Links)

• View the 21st Century's 1,000 Most Acclaimed Films in Microsoft Excel format.
• View the 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films Starting List (12,504 films) in Microsoft Excel format.
NEW TSPDT Letterboxd Account Created and maintained by Dmytro Petryk, you can view the 1,000 Greatest Films, as well as the top 2,500 films from the Greatest Films project, the 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list, and more in the Letterboxd way.
filmAdviser's view, with some clever functionality, of the 21st Century's 1,000 Most Acclaimed Films. Also, the full starting list.

• Listed below are the websites sourced for the detailed presentation of the 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films (top 250). These links are recommended for your online film diet.