The 1,000 Greatest Films (Starting List Table)

The table below lists all 25,562 films in the Greatest Films Starting List. This is also available in spreadsheet format. Once fully loaded up, this monstrous table can be sorted by any of the displayed columns. Please note: Where more than one country received a production credit, only the first country credited has been listed (to make the table more compact).

Stop. Too much. I'm only interested in the 1,000 Greatest Films.

2025 EDITION CHANGES (Impacting on the Starting List)

Previously, all films in TSPDT's 1,000 Noir Films and The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films listings were included in the Greatest Films Starting List. From this edition onwards, this is no longer the case.

For those of you who check-off previous editions to the current one, this is the explanation as to why many noir films and a small number of 21st Century films have been removed from the Starting List.

Also, I've added a new 'qualification' system to four ranking groups…

1) Films ranked in the top 1,000 must appear on at least 5 lists (collated by TSPDT). This qualification is attained comfortably, as no film in this year's top 1,000 has fewer than 22 list appearances.
2) Films ranked in the top 2,500 (1,001 to 2,500) must appear on at least 4 lists (collated by TSPDT).
3) Films ranked in the top 5,000 (2,501 to 5,000) must appear on at least 3 lists (collated by TSPDT).
4) Films ranked in the top 10,000 (5,001 to 10,000) must appear on at least 2 lists (collated by TSPDT).
5) There are no restrictions on films ranked beyond 10,000 (10,001 to 25,562). They just need to appear on at least 1 list (collated by TSPDT).

This 'qualification' system has primarily been introduced to avoid excessively high rankings for films that appear on only 1 list (as collated by TSPDT). For example, Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project appears only on 1 list. In 2024, it's ranking was 5,145. This year, its ranking is 10,002.

• The previous format of this table can be viewed here.
Pos 2024 Title Director Year Country Mins
1 1 Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941 USA 119
2 2 Vertigo Hitchcock, Alfred 1958 USA 128
3 3 2001: A Space Odyssey Kubrick, Stanley 1968 UK 139
4 4 Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasujiro 1953 Japan 134
5 5 Rules of the Game, The Renoir, Jean 1939 France 113
6 6 Godfather, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1972 USA 175
7 7 Fellini, Federico 1963 Italy 135
8 8 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans Murnau, F.W. 1927 USA 110
9 9 Searchers, The Ford, John 1956 USA 119
10 10 Seven Samurai Kurosawa, Akira 1954 Japan 200
11 11 Singin' in the Rain Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 1952 USA 102
12 12 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Akerman, Chantal 1975 Belgium 201
13 13 Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979 USA 150
14 15 Bicycle Thieves De Sica, Vittorio 1948 Italy 89
15 14 Taxi Driver Scorsese, Martin 1976 USA 113
16 16 Persona Bergman, Ingmar 1966 Sweden 83
17 17 In the Mood for Love Wong Kar-wai 2000 Hong Kong 97
18 19 Breathless Godard, Jean-Luc 1960 France 89
19 18 Passion of Joan of Arc, The Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1928 France 110
20 20 Atalante, L' Vigo, Jean 1934 France 89
21 21 Battleship Potemkin Eisenstein, Sergei 1925 USSR 71
22 22 Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929 USSR 80
23 23 Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1975 USSR 107
24 24 Rashomon Kurosawa, Akira 1950 Japan 88
25 25 City Lights Chaplin, Charles 1931 USA 86
26 28 Psycho Hitchcock, Alfred 1960 USA 109
27 26 400 Blows, The Truffaut, François 1959 France 99
28 27 Andrei Rublev Tarkovsky, Andrei 1966 USSR 185
29 29 Au hasard Balthazar Bresson, Robert 1966 France 95
30 30 Mulholland Dr. Lynch, David 2001 USA 147
31 32 Some Like it Hot Wilder, Billy 1959 USA 121
32 33 Ordet Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1955 Denmark 125
33 31 Godfather Part II, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1974 USA 200
34 34 Dolce vita, La Fellini, Federico 1960 Italy 175
35 35 Raging Bull Scorsese, Martin 1980 USA 129
36 36 Night of the Hunter, The Laughton, Charles 1955 USA 92
37 37 Avventura, L' Antonioni, Michelangelo 1960 Italy 145
38 38 Casablanca Curtiz, Michael 1942 USA 102
39 41 Blade Runner Scott, Ridley 1982 USA 118
40 39 Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954 USA 112
41 45 Touch of Evil Welles, Orson 1958 USA 108
42 40 Playtime Tati, Jacques 1967 France 108
43 46 Sunset Blvd. Wilder, Billy 1950 USA 110
44 43 Barry Lyndon Kubrick, Stanley 1975 UK 183
45 42 Contempt Godard, Jean-Luc 1963 France 103
46 44 Pather Panchali Ray, Satyajit 1955 India 112
47 48 Close-Up Kiarostami, Abbas 1990 Iran 98
48 47 Stalker Tarkovsky, Andrei 1979 USSR 160
49 49 Lawrence of Arabia Lean, David 1962 UK 216
50 50 General, The Keaton, Buster & Clyde Bruckman 1926 USA 74
51 52 Modern Times Chaplin, Charles 1936 USA 89
52 51 Beau travail Denis, Claire 1999 France 92
53 59 Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960 USA 125
54 55 Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949 UK 104
55 54 M Lang, Fritz 1931 Germany 99
56 53 Late Spring Ozu, Yasujiro 1949 Japan 108
57 56 North by Northwest Hitchcock, Alfred 1959 USA 136
58 57 Ugetsu monogatari Mizoguchi, Kenji 1953 Japan 96
59 58 Battle of Algiers, The Pontecorvo, Gillo 1966 Italy 121
60 63 GoodFellas Scorsese, Martin 1990 USA 146
61 60 Grande illusion, La Renoir, Jean 1937 France 117
62 61 Wild Strawberries Bergman, Ingmar 1957 Sweden 90
63 65 Rio Bravo Hawks, Howard 1959 USA 141
64 62 Fanny and Alexander Bergman, Ingmar 1982 Sweden 189
65 64 Shoah Lanzmann, Claude 1985 France 566
66 66 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Kubrick, Stanley 1964 UK 93
67 69 Once Upon a Time in the West Leone, Sergio 1968 Italy 165
68 67 Pierrot le fou Godard, Jean-Luc 1965 France 110
69 68 Journey to Italy Rossellini, Roberto 1954 Italy 97
70 70 Chinatown Polanski, Roman 1974 USA 131
71 71 Do the Right Thing Lee, Spike 1989 USA 120
72 72 Metropolis Lang, Fritz 1927 Germany 153
73 74 Woman Under the Influence, A Cassavetes, John 1974 USA 155
74 73 Strada, La Fellini, Federico 1954 Italy 115
75 76 Leopard, The Visconti, Luchino 1963 Italy 186
76 75 Enfants du paradis, Les Carné, Marcel 1945 France 195
77 77 Amarcord Fellini, Federico 1973 Italy 127
78 79 Pulp Fiction Tarantino, Quentin 1994 USA 154
79 80 Wild Bunch, The Peckinpah, Sam 1969 USA 135
80 88 Viridiana Buñuel, Luis 1961 Spain 90
81 78 Man Escaped, A Bresson, Robert 1956 France 102
82 81 It's a Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946 USA 129
83 91 Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Ford, John 1962 USA 119
84 82 Seventh Seal, The Bergman, Ingmar 1957 Sweden 96
85 84 Sansho the Bailiff Mizoguchi, Kenji 1954 Japan 125
86 86 Shining, The Kubrick, Stanley 1980 USA 142
87 83 Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970 Italy 107
88 89 Pickpocket Bresson, Robert 1959 France 75
89 85 Magnificent Ambersons, The Welles, Orson 1942 USA 88
90 87 Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986 USA 120
91 92 Jaws Spielberg, Steven 1975 USA 124
92 90 Nashville Altman, Robert 1975 USA 160
93 93 Gold Rush, The Chaplin, Charles 1925 USA 82
94 94 Gertrud Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1964 Denmark 116
95 95 Jetée, La Marker, Chris 1962 France 27
96 96 Sans soleil Marker, Chris 1983 France 100
97 97 Cléo from 5 to 7 Varda, Agnès 1962 France 90
98 102 To Be or Not to Be Lubitsch, Ernst 1942 USA 99
99 98 Jules et Jim Truffaut, François 1962 France 104
100 99 Meshes of the Afternoon Deren, Maya & Alexander Hammid 1943 USA 15
101 105 Mother and the Whore, The Eustache, Jean 1973 France 210
102 100 Sátántangó Tarr, Béla 1994 Hungary 439
103 101 Sherlock Jr. Keaton, Buster 1924 USA 45
104 103 Madame de... Ophüls, Max 1953 France 105
105 106 Clockwork Orange, A Kubrick, Stanley 1971 UK 137
106 108 Ikiru Kurosawa, Akira 1952 Japan 143
107 104 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1974 West Germany 94
108 107 Aguirre, the Wrath of God Herzog, Werner 1972 West Germany 94
109 110 Annie Hall Allen, Woody 1977 USA 94
110 111 Come and See Klimov, Elem 1985 USSR 142
111 109 Last Year at Marienbad Resnais, Alain 1961 France 94
112 112 Spirit of the Beehive, The Erice, Víctor 1973 Spain 95
113 116 Once Upon a Time in America Leone, Sergio 1984 Italy 229
114 113 Greed von Stroheim, Erich 1924 USA 140
115 114 Piano, The Campion, Jane 1993 New Zealand 121
116 115 Brighter Summer Day, A Yang, Edward 1991 Taiwan 237
117 117 Wizard of Oz, The Fleming, Victor 1939 USA 101
118 118 Yi Yi Yang, Edward 2000 Taiwan 173
119 121 Don't Look Now Roeg, Nicolas 1973 UK 110
120 119 Hiroshima mon amour Resnais, Alain 1959 France 91
121 120 Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1948 UK 133
122 124 Blow-Up Antonioni, Michelangelo 1966 Italy 111
123 122 Bringing Up Baby Hawks, Howard 1938 USA 102
124 126 Eclisse, L' Antonioni, Michelangelo 1962 Italy 126
125 123 Intolerance Griffith, D.W. 1916 USA 178
126 125 Day in the Country, A Renoir, Jean 1936 France 40
127 130 Notorious Hitchcock, Alfred 1946 USA 101
128 131 Alien Scott, Ridley 1979 USA 117
129 129 Vivre sa vie Godard, Jean-Luc 1962 France 85
130 127 Letter from an Unknown Woman Ophüls, Max 1948 USA 90
131 128 Matter of Life and Death, A Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1946 UK 104
132 136 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Spielberg, Steven 1982 USA 115
133 138 Exterminating Angel, The Buñuel, Luis 1962 Mexico 95
134 133 All About Eve Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1950 USA 138
135 139 Olvidados, Los Buñuel, Luis 1950 Mexico 88
136 132 Imitation of Life Sirk, Douglas 1959 USA 124
137 137 Spirited Away Miyazaki, Hayao 2001 Japan 124
138 134 Histoire(s) du cinéma Godard, Jean-Luc 1988-98 France 267
139 135 My Darling Clementine Ford, John 1946 USA 97
140 143 Gone with the Wind Fleming, Victor 1939 USA 222
141 140 His Girl Friday Hawks, Howard 1940 USA 92
142 154 Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945 Italy 105
143 142 Céline and Julie Go Boating Rivette, Jacques 1974 France 192
144 141 Gospel According to St. Matthew, The Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1964 Italy 135
145 146 Daisies Chytilová, Věra 1966 Czechoslovakia 76
146 147 Nosferatu Murnau, F.W. 1922 Germany 84
147 145 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Forman, Milos 1975 USA 133
148 148 Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Demy, Jacques 1964 France 91
149 144 Killer of Sheep Burnett, Charles 1977 USA 83
150 150 Conversation, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1974 USA 113
151 151 Wanda Loden, Barbara 1970 USA 105
152 158 Star Wars Lucas, George 1977 USA 121
153 161 There Will Be Blood Anderson, Paul Thomas 2007 USA 158
154 156 Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Leone, Sergio 1966 Italy 161
155 149 Chien andalou, Un Buñuel, Luis 1928 France 16
156 152 Argent, L' Bresson, Robert 1983 France 90
157 153 Days of Heaven Malick, Terrence 1978 USA 95
158 155 Trouble in Paradise Lubitsch, Ernst 1932 USA 83
159 157 Chungking Express Wong Kar-wai 1994 Hong Kong 104
160 163 Cries and Whispers Bergman, Ingmar 1972 Sweden 106
161 160 My Neighbour Totoro Miyazaki, Hayao 1988 Japan 86
162 159 Manhattan Allen, Woody 1979 USA 96
163 170 Double Indemnity Wilder, Billy 1944 USA 106
164 162 Tropical Malady Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2004 Thailand 118
165 165 Badlands Malick, Terrence 1973 USA 95
166 164 Passenger, The Antonioni, Michelangelo 1975 Italy 119
167 166 Âge d'or, L' Buñuel, Luis 1930 France 63
168 167 Deer Hunter, The Cimino, Michael 1978 USA 183
169 168 Dekalog Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1989 Poland 550
170 169 Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Hooper, Tobe 1974 USA 83
171 176 Only Angels Have Wings Hawks, Howard 1939 USA 121
172 175 Rosemary's Baby Polanski, Roman 1968 USA 136
173 174 Stagecoach Ford, John 1939 USA 96
174 173 Touki Bouki Diop Mambéty, Djibril 1973 Senegal 85
175 171 Duck Soup McCarey, Leo 1933 USA 70
176 172 Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Buñuel, Luis 1972 France 100
177 179 Brief Encounter Lean, David 1945 UK 85
178 184 Ran Kurosawa, Akira 1985 France 161
179 180 Birds, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1963 USA 119
180 178 Colour of Pomegranates, The Parajanov, Sergei 1969 USSR 80
181 177 Earth Dovzhenko, Alexander 1930 USSR 75
182 181 Portrait of a Lady on Fire Sciamma, Céline 2019 France 121
183 185 Johnny Guitar Ray, Nicholas 1954 USA 110
184 182 River, The Renoir, Jean 1951 France 99
185 183 Mouchette Bresson, Robert 1967 France 80
186 186 Chimes at Midnight Welles, Orson 1965 Switzerland 115
187 189 Out of the Past Tourneur, Jacques 1947 USA 97
188 193 Napoléon Gance, Abel 1927 France 235
189 188 Notte, La Antonioni, Michelangelo 1961 Italy 120
190 187 Vampyr Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1932 Germany 73
191 200 Nights of Cabiria Fellini, Federico 1957 Italy 110
192 194 Rocco and His Brothers Visconti, Luchino 1960 Italy 180
193 190 Tree of Life, The Malick, Terrence 2011 USA 139
194 192 Black Narcissus Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1947 UK 99
195 191 Spring in a Small Town Fei Mu 1948 China 98
196 201 Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984 West Germany 150
197 195 Paisan Rossellini, Roberto 1946 Italy 120
198 199 Lady Eve, The Sturges, Preston 1941 USA 94
199 208 Gleaners & I, The Varda, Agnès 2000 France 82
200 207 Raiders of the Lost Ark Spielberg, Steven 1981 USA 115
201 196 Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1975 Italy 117
202 197 City of Sadness, A Hou Hsiao-hsien 1989 Taiwan 157
203 203 On the Waterfront Kazan, Elia 1954 USA 108
204 206 Close Encounters of the Third Kind Spielberg, Steven 1977 USA 135
205 202 King Kong Cooper, Merian C. & Ernest B. Schoedsack 1933 USA 103
206 204 Last Laugh, The Murnau, F.W. 1924 Germany 77
207 198 Vagabond Varda, Agnès 1985 France 105
208 205 News from Home Akerman, Chantal 1976 Belgium 85
209 210 Death in Venice Visconti, Luchino 1971 Italy 130
210 214 Great Dictator, The Chaplin, Charles 1940 USA 128
211 211 Thing, The Carpenter, John 1982 USA 108
212 209 Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1943 UK 163
213 213 Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987 West Germany 130
214 215 Solaris Tarkovsky, Andrei 1972 USSR 165
215 212 Wavelength Snow, Michael 1967 Canada 45
216 216 Moonlight Jenkins, Barry 2016 USA 111
217 219 Breaking the Waves von Trier, Lars 1996 Denmark 156
218 223 Magnolia Anderson, Paul Thomas 1999 USA 188
219 217 Zero for Conduct Vigo, Jean 1933 France 41
220 220 Samouraï, Le Melville, Jean-Pierre 1967 France 101
221 227 Quiet Man, The Ford, John 1952 USA 129
222 218 Kes Loach, Ken 1969 UK 113
223 221 Grapes of Wrath, The Ford, John 1940 USA 129
224 222 Umberto D. De Sica, Vittorio 1952 Italy 89
225 225 Brazil Gilliam, Terry 1985 UK 131
226 224 Life of Oharu, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1952 Japan 146
227 226 Where is the Friend's House? Kiarostami, Abbas 1987 Iran 85
228 228 Sullivan's Travels Sturges, Preston 1941 USA 91
229 229 Love Streams Cassavetes, John 1984 USA 141
230 231 Travelling Players, The Angelopoulos, Theo 1975 Greece 230
231 230 Black God, White Devil Rocha, Glauber 1964 Brazil 110
232 233 Germany, Year Zero Rossellini, Roberto 1948 Italy 74
233 232 House is Black, The Farrokhzad, Forugh 1963 Iran 20
234 238 Ashes and Diamonds Wajda, Andrzej 1958 Poland 96
235 242 Parasite Bong Joon-ho 2019 South Korea 132
236 234 Red Desert Antonioni, Michelangelo 1964 Italy 118
237 235 McCabe & Mrs. Miller Altman, Robert 1971 USA 121
238 237 Matrix, The Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 1999 USA 136
239 246 Best Years of Our Lives, The Wyler, William 1946 USA 172
240 239 Autumn Afternoon, An Ozu, Yasujiro 1962 Japan 115
241 236 Crowd, The Vidor, King 1928 USA 104
242 244 Ivan the Terrible, Part II Eisenstein, Sergei 1946 USSR 88
243 240 Memories of Underdevelopment Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás 1968 Cuba 97
244 241 Performance Roeg, Nicolas & Donald Cammell 1970 UK 105
245 247 Caché Haneke, Michael 2005 France 117
246 243 Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977 USA 89
247 251 Ivan the Terrible, Part I Eisenstein, Sergei 1944 USSR 96
248 250 In a Lonely Place Ray, Nicholas 1950 USA 91
249 245 Band Wagon, The Minnelli, Vincente 1953 USA 112
250 253 Big Lebowski, The Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1998 USA 113
251 268 Schindler's List Spielberg, Steven 1993 USA 195
252 248 Thin Red Line, The Malick, Terrence 1998 USA 170
253 249 Meet Me in St. Louis Minnelli, Vincente 1944 USA 113
254 252 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Gondry, Michel 2004 USA 108
255 257 Diary of a Country Priest Bresson, Robert 1951 France 120
256 261 Cinema Paradiso Tornatore, Giuseppe 1988 Italy 155
257 255 Green Ray, The Rohmer, Eric 1986 France 99
258 254 Daughters of the Dust Dash, Julie 1991 USA 112
259 313 Verdugo, El García Berlanga, Luis 1963 Spain 90
260 260 Graduate, The Nichols, Mike 1967 USA 105
261 259 Tabu Murnau, F.W. 1931 USA 82
262 256 Belle de jour Buñuel, Luis 1967 France 100
263 265 Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1920 Germany 75
264 271 Eyes Wide Shut Kubrick, Stanley 1999 USA 159
265 258 Red River Hawks, Howard 1948 USA 133
266 276 Three Colours: Blue Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1993 France 100
267 263 Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2010 Thailand 114
268 264 Heat Mann, Michael 1995 USA 174
269 262 Night and Fog Resnais, Alain 1955 France 32
270 270 Exorcist, The Friedkin, William 1973 USA 122
271 269 Fargo Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1996 USA 98
272 272 Black Girl Sembene, Ousmane 1966 Senegal 65
273 266 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Huston, John 1948 USA 124
274 274 F for Fake Welles, Orson 1973 France 89
275 267 Kind Hearts and Coronets Hamer, Robert 1949 UK 106
276 273 Taste of Cherry Kiarostami, Abbas 1997 Iran 99
277 280 My Night at Maud's Rohmer, Eric 1969 France 105
278 279 Sweet Smell of Success Mackendrick, Alexander 1957 USA 96
279 292 Back to the Future Zemeckis, Robert 1985 USA 116
280 278 Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1939 Japan 148
281 277 Shop Around the Corner, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1940 USA 97
282 275 Ciénaga, La Martel, Lucrecia 2001 Argentina 103
283 291 Paths of Glory Kubrick, Stanley 1957 USA 86
284 284 Goodbye, Dragon Inn Tsai Ming-liang 2003 Taiwan 82
285 281 Groundhog Day Ramis, Harold 1993 USA 103
286 286 Throne of Blood Kurosawa, Akira 1957 Japan 110
287 282 Day of Wrath Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1943 Denmark 110
288 288 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her Godard, Jean-Luc 1967 France 87
289 283 Pandora's Box Pabst, G.W. 1929 Germany 133
290 285 Ascent, The Shepitko, Larisa 1977 USSR 111
291 300 Sacrifice, The Tarkovsky, Andrei 1986 France 145
292 295 Army of Shadows Melville, Jean-Pierre 1969 France 140
293 287 All That Heaven Allows Sirk, Douglas 1955 USA 89
294 290 India Song Duras, Marguerite 1975 France 120
295 289 Three Colours: Red Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1994 France 99
296 293 All About My Mother Almodóvar, Pedro 1999 Spain 101
297 294 Big Sleep, The Hawks, Howard 1946 USA 114
298 319 Cabaret Fosse, Bob 1972 USA 128
299 296 Happy Together Wong Kar-wai 1997 Hong Kong 97
300 302 Unforgiven Eastwood, Clint 1992 USA 127
301 314 All That Jazz Fosse, Bob 1979 USA 123
302 297 Distant Voices, Still Lives Davies, Terence 1988 UK 85
303 298 Mean Streets Scorsese, Martin 1973 USA 110
304 299 Floating Clouds Naruse, Mikio 1955 Japan 123
305 304 Terra em Transe Rocha, Glauber 1967 Brazil 106
306 301 Mr. Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1953 France 86
307 303 Music Room, The Ray, Satyajit 1958 India 95
308 307 Maltese Falcon, The Huston, John 1941 USA 100
309 306 Charulata Ray, Satyajit 1964 India 117
310 320 World of Apu, The Ray, Satyajit 1959 India 103
311 321 Melancholia von Trier, Lars 2011 Denmark 136
312 308 Faces Cassavetes, John 1968 USA 130
313 315 City of God Meirelles, Fernando & Kátia Lund 2002 Brazil 129
314 310 Werckmeister Harmonies Tarr, Béla 2000 Hungary 145
315 323 I Am Cuba Kalatozov, Mikhail 1964 Cuba 141
316 305 Nanook of the North Flaherty, Robert J. 1922 USA 79
317 311 Separation, A Farhadi, Asghar 2011 Iran 123
318 309 Monsieur Verdoux Chaplin, Charles 1947 USA 123
319 312 Videodrome Cronenberg, David 1983 Canada 90
320 316 Kings of the Road Wenders, Wim 1976 West Germany 175
321 330 In the Realm of the Senses Oshima, Nagisa 1976 Japan 109
322 318 Freaks Browning, Tod 1932 USA 64
323 324 Berlin Alexanderplatz [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1980 West Germany 931
324 322 Belle et la bête, La Cocteau, Jean 1946 France 95
325 329 Philadelphia Story, The Cukor, George 1940 USA 112
326 333 Empire Strikes Back, The Kershner, Irvin 1980 USA 124
327 348 High and Low Kurosawa, Akira 1963 Japan 142
328 317 Lola Montès Ophüls, Max 1955 France 116
329 326 Young Girls of Rochefort, The Demy, Jacques 1967 France 124
330 327 Husbands Cassavetes, John 1970 USA 138
331 325 Canterbury Tale, A Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1944 UK 124
332 337 Amadeus Forman, Milos 1984 USA 158
333 335 Bonnie and Clyde Penn, Arthur 1967 USA 111
334 331 Kid, The Chaplin, Charles 1921 USA 60
335 328 Pyaasa Dutt, Guru 1957 India 146
336 332 Underground Kusturica, Emir 1995 Yugoslavia 167
337 336 Time to Live and the Time to Die, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 1985 Taiwan 137
338 334 Broken Blossoms Griffith, D.W. 1919 USA 90
339 339 Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks Wang Bing 2003 China 551
340 338 King of Comedy, The Scorsese, Martin 1982 USA 109
341 341 Wages of Fear, The Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1953 France 105
342 343 Midnight Cowboy Schlesinger, John 1969 USA 113
343 340 Touch of Zen, A Hu, King 1971 Taiwan 180
344 364 Cranes Are Flying, The Kalatozov, Mikhail 1957 USSR 95
345 344 Weekend Godard, Jean-Luc 1967 France 105
346 342 Kiss Me Deadly Aldrich, Robert 1955 USA 106
347 345 Double Life of Véronique, The Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1991 France 97
348 352 West Side Story Wise, Robert & Jerome Robbins 1961 USA 151
349 349 Cloud-Capped Star, The Ghatak, Ritwik 1960 India 126
350 357 Mad Max: Fury Road Miller, George 2015 Australia 120
351 353 Dog Day Afternoon Lumet, Sidney 1975 USA 125
352 354 Get Out Peele, Jordan 2017 USA 104
353 356 Night of the Living Dead Romero, George A. 1968 USA 96
354 347 Puppetmaster, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 1993 Taiwan 141
355 346 El Buñuel, Luis 1953 Mexico 91
356 350 Out 1 Rivette, Jacques 1971 France 729
357 351 Last Picture Show, The Bogdanovich, Peter 1971 USA 118
358 358 How Green Was My Valley Ford, John 1941 USA 118
359 359 Some Came Running Minnelli, Vincente 1958 USA 136
360 355 Tree of Wooden Clogs, The Olmi, Ermanno 1978 Italy 185
361 367 It Happened One Night Capra, Frank 1934 USA 105
362 363 Make Way for Tomorrow McCarey, Leo 1937 USA 92
363 360 Last Tango in Paris Bertolucci, Bernardo 1972 Italy 129
364 365 Quince Tree Sun, The Erice, Víctor 1992 Spain 133
365 362 Heaven's Gate Cimino, Michael 1980 USA 219
366 361 Muriel Resnais, Alain 1963 France 115
367 370 Marnie Hitchcock, Alfred 1964 USA 130
368 373 Through the Olive Trees Kiarostami, Abbas 1994 Iran 103
369 375 Silence of the Lambs, The Demme, Jonathan 1991 USA 118
370 379 Affair to Remember, An McCarey, Leo 1957 USA 115
371 371 Yojimbo Kurosawa, Akira 1961 Japan 110
372 372 Harold and Maude Ashby, Hal 1971 USA 91
373 381 Teorema Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968 Italy 98
374 374 Peeping Tom Powell, Michael 1960 UK 101
375 369 Fitzcarraldo Herzog, Werner 1982 West Germany 157
376 377 Lost Highway Lynch, David 1997 USA 134
377 378 Stranger Than Paradise Jarmusch, Jim 1984 USA 89
378 366 Written on the Wind Sirk, Douglas 1956 USA 99
379 368 I Was Born, But... Ozu, Yasujiro 1932 Japan 100
380 385 Stromboli Rossellini, Roberto 1950 Italy 107
381 376 Two-Lane Blacktop Hellman, Monte 1971 USA 101
382 382 White Ribbon, The Haneke, Michael 2009 Germany 144
383 391 Turin Horse, The Tarr, Béla 2011 Hungary 155
384 386 Safe Haynes, Todd 1995 USA 119
385 383 Aliens Cameron, James 1986 USA 137
386 388 Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980 USA 125
387 380 Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The Cassavetes, John 1976 USA 109
388 390 This is Spinal Tap Reiner, Rob 1984 USA 82
389 393 Nostalghia Tarkovsky, Andrei 1983 Italy 120
390 414 Under the Skin Glazer, Jonathan 2013 UK 108
391 384 Tristana Buñuel, Luis 1970 Spain 98
392 387 Hour of the Furnaces, The Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas 1968 Argentina 260
393 389 Mon oncle Tati, Jacques 1958 France 126
394 403 Dogville von Trier, Lars 2003 Denmark 177
395 397 Orlando Potter, Sally 1992 UK 94
396 400 Opening Night Cassavetes, John 1977 USA 144
397 392 Limite Peixoto, Mario 1931 Brazil 114
398 394 In a Year with 13 Moons Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1978 West Germany 129
399 413 Day for Night Truffaut, François 1973 France 120
400 404 Flowers of St. Francis, The Rossellini, Roberto 1950 Italy 83
401 395 Woman in the Dunes Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1964 Japan 147
402 415 1900 Bertolucci, Bernardo 1976 Italy 245
403 401 Thin Blue Line, The Morris, Errol 1988 USA 101
404 399 Headless Woman, The Martel, Lucrecia 2008 Argentina 87
405 396 I Know Where I'm Going! Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1945 UK 92
406 402 Suspiria Argento, Dario 1977 Italy 92
407 398 Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989 USA 104
408 407 Tenant, The Polanski, Roman 1976 France 126
409 405 Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915 USA 187
410 411 Orpheus Cocteau, Jean 1950 France 95
411 409 Eyes Without a Face Franju, Georges 1960 France 88
412 416 Miracle in Milan De Sica, Vittorio 1951 Italy 95
413 418 Lost in Translation Coppola, Sofia 2003 USA 102
414 408 Dawn of the Dead Romero, George A. 1978 USA 126
415 429 All the President's Men Pakula, Alan J. 1976 USA 138
416 410 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Hand, David 1937 USA 83
417 406 Splendor in the Grass Kazan, Elia 1961 USA 124
418 417 Fantasia Various Directors 1940 USA 120
419 412 Awful Truth, The McCarey, Leo 1937 USA 92
420 431 Scenes from a Marriage Bergman, Ingmar 1973 Sweden 168
421 421 Plaisir, Le Ophüls, Max 1952 France 97
422 419 Chelsea Girls Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 210
423 424 Europa '51 Rossellini, Roberto 1952 Italy 113
424 420 Salvatore Giuliano Rosi, Francesco 1962 Italy 125
425 422 Bride of Frankenstein Whale, James 1935 USA 75
426 442 If…. Anderson, Lindsay 1968 UK 111
427 425 Bonheur, Le Varda, Agnès 1965 France 79
428 439 Long Goodbye, The Altman, Robert 1973 USA 112
429 433 Angel at My Table, An Campion, Jane 1990 New Zealand 158
430 427 Possession Żuławski, Andrzej 1981 France 124
431 451 Twenty Years Later Coutinho, Eduardo 1984 Brazil 119
432 423 Holy Motors Carax, Leos 2012 France 115
433 435 Winter Light Bergman, Ingmar 1963 Sweden 80
434 430 Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Parajanov, Sergei 1965 USSR 97
435 444 Shawshank Redemption, The Darabont, Frank 1994 USA 142
436 428 Days of Being Wild Wong Kar-wai 1990 Hong Kong 94
437 426 Star is Born, A Cukor, George 1954 USA 154
438 441 Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961 Italy 120
439 456 Casino Scorsese, Martin 1995 USA 182
440 432 Scarlet Empress, The von Sternberg, Josef 1934 USA 110
441 463 Cameraman, The Keaton, Buster & Edward Sedgwick 1928 USA 69
442 469 Network Lumet, Sidney 1976 USA 121
443 434 Flowers of Shanghai Hou Hsiao-hsien 1998 Taiwan 130
444 462 Terra trema, La Visconti, Luchino 1948 Italy 160
445 458 Naked Leigh, Mike 1993 UK 126
446 447 Limelight Chaplin, Charles 1952 USA 145
447 443 Innocents, The Clayton, Jack 1961 UK 100
448 438 Wind, The Sjöström, Victor 1928 USA 88
449 436 Crime of Monsieur Lange, The Renoir, Jean 1936 France 90
450 487 Toni Erdmann Ade, Maren 2016 Germany 162
451 440 French Cancan Renoir, Jean 1955 France 102
452 461 À nos amours Pialat, Maurice 1983 France 102
453 448 Koyaanisqatsi Reggio, Godfrey 1982 USA 87
454 437 Ivan's Childhood Tarkovsky, Andrei 1962 USSR 94
455 445 Région centrale, La Snow, Michael 1971 Canada 180
456 446 Festen Vinterberg, Thomas 1998 Denmark 105
457 460 Songs from the Second Floor Andersson, Roy 2000 Sweden 98
458 449 Trip to the Moon, A Méliès, Georges 1902 France 14
459 466 Act of Killing, The Oppenheimer, Joshua 2012 Denmark 115
460 450 Shoot the Piano Player Truffaut, François 1960 France 81
461 482 Dersu Uzala Kurosawa, Akira 1975 USSR 144
462 467 Grave of the Fireflies Takahata, Isao 1988 Japan 89
463 452 October Eisenstein, Sergei & Grigori Aleksandrov 1928 USSR 103
464 459 Paris is Burning Livingston, Jennie 1990 USA 78
465 453 Listen to Britain Jennings, Humphrey & Stewart McAllister 1942 UK 20
466 465 A.I. Artificial Intelligence Spielberg, Steven 2001 USA 145
467 516 Pan's Labyrinth del Toro, Guillermo 2006 Spain 120
468 468 Harlan County, U.S.A. Kopple, Barbara 1976 USA 103
469 457 Pinocchio Sharpsteen, Ben & Hamilton Luske 1940 USA 88
470 464 Palm Beach Story, The Sturges, Preston 1942 USA 88
471 454 In Vanda's Room Costa, Pedro 2000 Portugal 170
472 471 Talk to Her Almodóvar, Pedro 2002 Spain 112
473 490 Steamboat Bill, Jr. Keaton, Buster & Charles Reisner 1928 USA 71
474 470 Syndromes and a Century Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2006 Thailand 105
475 484 By the Bluest of Seas Barnet, Boris 1936 USSR 71
476 455 Phantom Thread Anderson, Paul Thomas 2017 USA 130
477 483 Elephant Van Sant, Gus 2003 USA 81
478 478 High Noon Zinnemann, Fred 1952 USA 84
479 480 Dead, The Huston, John 1987 USA 83
480 479 Landscape in the Mist Angelopoulos, Theo 1988 Greece 127
481 474 Wagon Master Ford, John 1950 USA 86
482 488 Reservoir Dogs Tarantino, Quentin 1992 USA 99
483 496 Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The Puiu, Cristi 2005 Romania 153
484 477 Lola Demy, Jacques 1961 France 90
485 472 Platform Jia Zhangke 2000 China 154
486 499 Secrets & Lies Leigh, Mike 1996 UK 142
487 475 Carrie De Palma, Brian 1976 USA 97
488 473 Barren Lives Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1963 Brazil 103
489 476 Senso Visconti, Luchino 1954 Italy 123
490 489 Withnail & I Robinson, Bruce 1987 UK 107
491 486 Raise the Red Lantern Zhang Yimou 1991 China 125
492 481 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2011 Turkey 157
493 485 Zama Martel, Lucrecia 2017 Argentina 115
494 491 Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, The Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1972 West Germany 124
495 537 Fight Club Fincher, David 1999 USA 139
496 521 Hustler, The Rossen, Robert 1961 USA 134
497 509 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Lynch, David 1992 USA 134
498 523 No Country for Old Men Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2007 USA 122
499 498 Bridge on the River Kwai, The Lean, David 1957 UK 161
500 501 Five Easy Pieces Rafelson, Bob 1970 USA 98
501 492 Blow Out De Palma, Brian 1981 USA 108
502 525 To Have and Have Not Hawks, Howard 1944 USA 100
503 495 Shane Stevens, George 1953 USA 118
504 507 To Kill a Mockingbird Mulligan, Robert 1962 USA 129
505 505 Monty Python's Life of Brian Jones, Terry 1979 UK 93
506 493 Masculin féminin Godard, Jean-Luc 1966 France 103
507 502 Marketa Lazarová Vlácil, Frantisek 1967 Czechoslovakia 162
508 494 After Life Koreeda, Hirokazu 1998 Japan 118
509 497 Our Hospitality Keaton, Buster & John G. Blystone 1923 USA 74
510 522 Princess Mononoke Miyazaki, Hayao 1997 Japan 134
511 518 Closely Watched Trains Menzel, Jirí 1966 Czechoslovakia 89
512 500 Moment of Innocence, A Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1996 Iran 78
513 520 Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993 USA 189
514 510 Inland Empire Lynch, David 2006 USA 180
515 503 Early Summer Ozu, Yasujiro 1951 Japan 135
516 508 Oldboy Park Chan-wook 2003 South Korea 120
517 512 Crash Cronenberg, David 1996 Canada 100
518 524 Die Hard McTiernan, John 1988 USA 131
519 517 And Life Goes On... Kiarostami, Abbas 1992 Iran 108
520 504 Twin Peaks: The Return [TV] Lynch, David 2017 USA 1024
521 511 Boogie Nights Anderson, Paul Thomas 1997 USA 155
522 530 Age of Innocence, The Scorsese, Martin 1993 USA 133
523 513 Dead Ringers Cronenberg, David 1988 Canada 115
524 514 Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974 West Germany 110
525 534 East of Eden Kazan, Elia 1955 USA 115
526 568 French Connection, The Friedkin, William 1971 USA 104
527 506 Vampires, Les Feuillade, Louis 1915 France 421
528 515 Damned, The Visconti, Luchino 1969 Italy 155
529 533 12 Angry Men Lumet, Sidney 1957 USA 95
530 519 Alice in the Cities Wenders, Wim 1974 West Germany 110
531 528 Lives of Others, The von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel 2006 Germany 138
532 529 Faust Murnau, F.W. 1926 Germany 116
533 544 Boyhood Linklater, Richard 2014 USA 165
534 531 Aparajito Ray, Satyajit 1956 India 108
535 539 Memories of Murder Bong Joon-ho 2003 South Korea 132
536 535 Alexander Nevsky Eisenstein, Sergei 1938 USSR 107
537 526 Yeelen Cissé, Souleymane 1987 Mali 105
538 550 Wind Will Carry Us, The Kiarostami, Abbas 1999 France 118
539 527 Blue Jarman, Derek 1993 UK 79
540 536 Point Blank Boorman, John 1967 USA 92
541 567 Ninotchka Lubitsch, Ernst 1939 USA 110
542 532 Rosetta Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 1999 Belgium 94
543 579 Night at the Opera, A Wood, Sam 1935 USA 96
544 547 Terminator, The Cameron, James 1984 USA 107
545 561 Doctor Zhivago Lean, David 1965 USA 197
546 541 Nostalgia for the Light Guzmán, Patricio 2010 France 90
547 569 Children of Men Cuarón, Alfonso 2006 USA 109
548 538 Man of Aran Flaherty, Robert J. 1934 UK 77
549 543 Hannah and Her Sisters Allen, Woody 1986 USA 107
550 552 Haine, La Kassovitz, Mathieu 1995 France 98
551 542 Lady from Shanghai, The Welles, Orson 1948 USA 87
552 546 Picnic at Hanging Rock Weir, Peter 1975 Australia 110
553 540 Je, tu, il, elle Akerman, Chantal 1974 Belgium 85
554 558 Se7en Fincher, David 1995 USA 127
555 556 Punch-Drunk Love Anderson, Paul Thomas 2002 USA 95
556 545 Strangers on a Train Hitchcock, Alfred 1951 USA 101
557 559 Young Mr. Lincoln Ford, John 1939 USA 100
558 551 Sound of Music, The Wise, Robert 1965 USA 174
559 548 Russian Ark Sokurov, Aleksandr 2002 Russia 99
560 571 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Hill, George Roy 1969 USA 110
561 549 Devil, Probably, The Bresson, Robert 1977 France 95
562 553 WALL-E Stanton, Andrew 2008 USA 98
563 555 I Walked with a Zombie Tourneur, Jacques 1943 USA 69
564 554 Dead Man Jarmusch, Jim 1995 USA 121
565 570 Kagemusha Kurosawa, Akira 1980 Japan 159
566 563 Morvern Callar Ramsay, Lynne 2002 UK 97
567 608 As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty Mekas, Jonas 2000 USA 288
568 584 Land Without Bread Buñuel, Luis 1933 Spain 28
569 566 Brokeback Mountain Lee, Ang 2005 USA 134
570 557 Fellini Satyricon Fellini, Federico 1969 Italy 129
571 565 Wedding March, The von Stroheim, Erich 1928 USA 113
572 582 Being There Ashby, Hal 1979 USA 130
573 578 Mad Max 2 Miller, George 1981 Australia 96
574 560 Yellow Earth Chen Kaige 1984 China 89
575 564 Sambizanga Maldoror, Sarah 1972 Angola 97
576 562 Blue Angel, The von Sternberg, Josef 1930 Germany 103
577 572 Testament of Dr. Mabuse, The Lang, Fritz 1933 Germany 120
578 575 Master, The Anderson, Paul Thomas 2012 USA 144
579 624 Loves of a Blonde Forman, Milos 1965 Czechoslovakia 88
580 581 Easy Rider Hopper, Dennis 1969 USA 94
581 577 Laura Preminger, Otto 1944 USA 85
582 574 Cat People Tourneur, Jacques 1942 USA 73
583 573 Shadow of a Doubt Hitchcock, Alfred 1943 USA 108
584 583 Silence, The Bergman, Ingmar 1963 Sweden 96
585 576 That Obscure Object of Desire Buñuel, Luis 1977 France 103
586 613 Forrest Gump Zemeckis, Robert 1994 USA 142
587 580 Barton Fink Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1991 USA 117
588 596 D'Est Akerman, Chantal 1993 Belgium 107
589 669 Plácido García Berlanga, Luis 1961 Spain 85
590 591 Bande à part Godard, Jean-Luc 1964 France 95
591 588 Bigger Than Life Ray, Nicholas 1956 USA 95
592 598 Servant, The Losey, Joseph 1963 UK 115
593 586 Halloween Carpenter, John 1978 USA 93
594 610 Amélie Jeunet, Jean-Pierre 2001 France 122
595 587 Taking of Power by Louis XIV, The Rossellini, Roberto 1966 France 100
596 594 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Jackson, Peter 2001 New Zealand 178
597 595 Jurassic Park Spielberg, Steven 1993 USA 127
598 599 Repulsion Polanski, Roman 1965 UK 105
599 585 Tale of Tales Norshteyn, Yuriy 1979 USSR 29
600 601 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Lee, Ang 2000 Taiwan 120
601 592 Tootsie Pollack, Sydney 1982 USA 116
602 627 Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One Greaves, William 1968 USA 75
603 606 Terminator 2: Judgment Day Cameron, James 1991 USA 136
604 589 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Hawks, Howard 1953 USA 91
605 590 Grey Gardens Maysles, David/Albert Maysles/Ellen Hovde/Muffie Meyer 1975 USA 95
606 625 Zodiac Fincher, David 2007 USA 158
607 593 Colossal Youth Costa, Pedro 2006 France 155
608 603 Long Day Closes, The Davies, Terence 1992 UK 83
609 602 Hatari! Hawks, Howard 1962 USA 157
610 605 West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty Hondo, Med 1979 France 110
611 597 Seven Chances Keaton, Buster 1925 USA 56
612 609 Full Metal Jacket Kubrick, Stanley 1987 USA 116
613 600 Fellini's Roma Fellini, Federico 1972 Italy 128
614 623 Synecdoche, New York Kaufman, Charlie 2008 USA 124
615 620 Deliverance Boorman, John 1972 USA 109
616 653 Down by Law Jarmusch, Jim 1986 USA 107
617 611 Devils, The Russell, Ken 1971 UK 109
618 621 My Friend Ivan Lapshin German, Aleksei 1985 USSR 100
619 607 Round-Up, The Jancsó, Miklós 1966 Hungary 90
620 604 Providence Resnais, Alain 1977 France 110
621 612 Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les Carax, Leos 1991 France 126
622 619 Shadows Cassavetes, John 1959 USA 87
623 628 Wicker Man, The Hardy, Robin 1973 UK 103
624 614 Edvard Munch [TV] Watkins, Peter 1974 Sweden 210
625 633 Asphalt Jungle, The Huston, John 1950 USA 112
626 630 3 Women Altman, Robert 1977 USA 125
627 615 Boudu Saved from Drowning Renoir, Jean 1932 France 87
628 617 Scorpio Rising Anger, Kenneth 1963 USA 28
629 618 Red Circle, The Melville, Jean-Pierre 1970 France 150
630 616 Ladies Man, The Lewis, Jerry 1961 USA 95
631 622 Pink Flamingos Waters, John 1972 USA 92
632 626 Portrait of Jason Clarke, Shirley 1967 USA 105
633 631 Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965 France 95
634 634 Don't Look Back Pennebaker, D.A. 1967 USA 96
635 632 Golden Coach, The Renoir, Jean 1952 Italy 100
636 644 Rebecca Hitchcock, Alfred 1940 USA 130
637 635 Hour of the Wolf Bergman, Ingmar 1968 Sweden 88
638 636 Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Peckinpah, Sam 1973 USA 122
639 629 Harakiri Kobayashi, Masaki 1962 Japan 133
640 647 Casque d'or Becker, Jacques 1952 France 96
641 656 Royal Tenenbaums, The Anderson, Wes 2001 USA 109
642 648 Titanic Cameron, James 1997 USA 194
643 652 Dark Knight, The Nolan, Christopher 2008 USA 152
644 655 Watermelon Woman, The Dunye, Cheryl 1996 USA 90
645 637 Hana-bi Kitano, Takeshi 1997 Japan 103
646 642 They Live by Night Ray, Nicholas 1948 USA 95
647 646 Frankenstein Whale, James 1931 USA 70
648 641 Rocky Avildsen, John G. 1976 USA 119
649 638 Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler Lang, Fritz 1922 Germany 270
650 640 My Own Private Idaho Van Sant, Gus 1991 USA 102
651 659 Scarface Hawks, Howard 1932 USA 93
652 645 Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia Peckinpah, Sam 1974 USA 112
653 654 Strike Eisenstein, Sergei 1925 USSR 82
654 639 Hoop Dreams James, Steve 1994 USA 170
655 671 Nazarín Buñuel, Luis 1958 Mexico 94
656 678 Ratcatcher Ramsay, Lynne 1999 UK 94
657 643 Walkabout Roeg, Nicolas 1971 UK 100
658 670 Manchurian Candidate, The Frankenheimer, John 1962 USA 126
659 651 Vitelloni, I Fellini, Federico 1953 Italy 104
660 665 Marriage of Maria Braun, The Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1979 West Germany 120
661 649 Top Hat Sandrich, Mark 1935 USA 99
662 650 Xala Sembene, Ousmane 1975 Senegal 123
663 675 Navigator, The Keaton, Buster & Donald Crisp 1924 USA 59
664 662 Akira Otomo, Katsuhiro 1988 Japan 124
665 664 Lady Vanishes, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1938 UK 97
666 672 Arrebato Zulueta, Iván 1979 Spain 105
667 658 Millennium Mambo Hou Hsiao-hsien 2001 Taiwan 119
668 692 Prophet, A Audiard, Jacques 2009 France 155
669 657 Virgin Spring, The Bergman, Ingmar 1960 Sweden 88
670 660 Amour Haneke, Michael 2012 Austria 127
671 703 Piano Teacher, The Haneke, Michael 2001 Austria 130
672 696 Purple Rose of Cairo, The Allen, Woody 1985 USA 82
673 695 Young Frankenstein Brooks, Mel 1974 USA 105
674 661 Bambi Hand, David 1942 USA 69
675 668 Silent Light Reygadas, Carlos 2007 Mexico 136
676 663 Fat City Huston, John 1972 USA 96
677 718 Ace in the Hole Wilder, Billy 1951 USA 112
678 666 Posto, Il Olmi, Ermanno 1961 Italy 93
679 694 Toy Story Lasseter, John 1995 USA 81
680 676 Farewell, My Concubine Chen Kaige 1993 China 155
681 667 Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1947 USA 104
682 685 Wild at Heart Lynch, David 1990 USA 127
683 687 Rushmore Anderson, Wes 1998 USA 93
684 682 Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean & Edgar Morin 1961 France 85
685 673 Intruder, The Denis, Claire 2004 France 130
686 691 Robocop Verhoeven, Paul 1987 USA 102
687 706 When Harry Met Sally... Reiner, Rob 1989 USA 95
688 674 Sorrow and the Pity, The Ophüls, Marcel 1969 France 260
689 720 Killing, The Kubrick, Stanley 1956 USA 85
690 681 Trainspotting Boyle, Danny 1996 UK 95
691 677 Hyènes Diop Mambéty, Djibril 1992 Senegal 110
692 679 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Capra, Frank 1939 USA 129
693 749 Distant Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2002 Turkey 110
694 715 Great Beauty, The Sorrentino, Paolo 2013 Italy 141
695 684 Local Hero Forsyth, Bill 1983 UK 111
696 686 Gimme Shelter Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin 1970 USA 91
697 700 Wake in Fright Kotcheff, Ted 1971 Australia 109
698 680 WR: Mysteries of the Organism Makavejev, Dušan 1971 Yugoslavia 84
699 693 Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach Straub, Jean-Marie 1968 West Germany 94
700 683 7 Women Ford, John 1965 USA 87
701 705 Phantom of Liberty, The Buñuel, Luis 1974 France 104
702 713 Dancer in the Dark von Trier, Lars 2000 Denmark 140
703 716 Thelma & Louise Scott, Ridley 1991 USA 128
704 732 Fish Tank Arnold, Andrea 2009 UK 123
705 689 Cure Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 1997 Japan 111
706 688 Party, The Edwards, Blake 1968 USA 99
707 704 Roma Cuarón, Alfonso 2018 Mexico 135
708 710 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days Mungiu, Cristian 2007 Romania 113
709 701 Lancelot du Lac Bresson, Robert 1974 France 85
710 719 Adventures of Prince Achmed, The Reiniger, Lotte 1926 Germany 65
711 702 Before Sunset Linklater, Richard 2004 USA 80
712 690 Nouvelle vague Godard, Jean-Luc 1990 France 90
713 697 Salesman Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin 1969 USA 91
714 699 Sauve qui peut (la vie) Godard, Jean-Luc 1980 France 87
715 698 Holy Mountain, The Jodorowsky, Alejandro 1973 Mexico 114
716 714 Carol Haynes, Todd 2015 UK 118
717 707 Place in the Sun, A Stevens, George 1951 USA 122
718 709 Hunger McQueen, Steve 2008 UK 96
719 708 Sun Shines Bright, The Ford, John 1953 USA 101
720 730 Hard Day's Night, A Lester, Richard 1964 UK 87
721 717 Moulin Rouge! Luhrmann, Baz 2001 Australia 127
722 711 Kaagaz Ke Phool Dutt, Guru 1959 India 148
723 712 Hawks and the Sparrows, The Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1966 Italy 91
724 772 Malcolm X Lee, Spike 1992 USA 201
725 728 Ben-Hur Wyler, William 1959 USA 212
726 724 Antonio das Mortes Rocha, Glauber 1969 Brazil 95
727 729 Short Film About Killing, A Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1987 Poland 85
728 733 Big Heat, The Lang, Fritz 1953 USA 90
729 741 New Leaf, A May, Elaine 1971 USA 102
730 721 Circus, The Chaplin, Charles 1928 USA 72
731 722 One Way or Another Gómez, Sara 1977 Cuba 78
732 726 Stand by Me Reiner, Rob 1986 USA 89
733 751 Dames du Bois de Boulogne, Les Bresson, Robert 1945 France 85
734 754 Dazed and Confused Linklater, Richard 1993 USA 103
735 723 Moonfleet Lang, Fritz 1955 USA 89
736 742 Titicut Follies Wiseman, Frederick 1967 USA 84
737 735 Design for Living Lubitsch, Ernst 1933 USA 90
738 739 Bad and the Beautiful, The Minnelli, Vincente 1952 USA 118
739 813 Red Beard Kurosawa, Akira 1965 Japan 185
740 725 Grido, Il Antonioni, Michelangelo 1957 Italy 111
741 736 Love Me Tonight Mamoulian, Rouben 1932 USA 96
742 744 Fly, The Cronenberg, David 1986 USA 96
743 747 Y tu mamá también Cuarón, Alfonso 2001 Mexico 105
744 727 Tiger of Eschnapur, The Lang, Fritz 1958 West Germany 101
745 731 New York, New York Scorsese, Martin 1977 USA 155
746 743 Phantom of the Paradise De Palma, Brian 1974 USA 91
747 734 Oh, Sun Hondo, Med 1970 France 98
748 737 Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, The Hara, Kazuo 1987 Japan 122
749 756 Wild Child, The Truffaut, François 1970 France 85
750 802 Idiots, The von Trier, Lars 1998 Denmark 117
751 738 Paper Moon Bogdanovich, Peter 1973 USA 102
752 745 Social Network, The Fincher, David 2010 USA 120
753 740 Triumph of the Will Riefenstahl, Leni 1935 Germany 110
754 755 Streetcar Named Desire, A Kazan, Elia 1951 USA 122
755 771 Diaries, Notes and Sketches Mekas, Jonas 1969 USA 177
756 821 Firemen's Ball, The Forman, Milos 1967 Czechoslovakia 73
757 780 Big Deal on Madonna Street Monicelli, Mario 1958 Italy 91
758 761 Born in Flames Borden, Lizzie 1983 USA 79
759 748 Raising Arizona Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1987 USA 94
760 757 New World, The Malick, Terrence 2005 USA 135
761 790 Fort Apache Ford, John 1948 USA 127
762 746 Subarnarekha Ghatak, Ritwik 1965 India 126
763 797 Memento Nolan, Christopher 2000 USA 113
764 750 Detour Ulmer, Edgar G. 1945 USA 69
765 770 Lolita Kubrick, Stanley 1962 UK 152
766 752 Belle Noiseuse, La Rivette, Jacques 1991 France 240
767 753 Flaming Creatures Smith, Jack 1963 USA 45
768 803 Mädchen in Uniform Sagan, Leontine 1931 Germany 87
769 777 Man Who Would Be King, The Huston, John 1975 UK 129
770 760 Age of the Earth, The Rocha, Glauber 1980 Brazil 158
771 758 Veronika Voss Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1982 West Germany 105
772 789 Two English Girls Truffaut, François 1971 France 108
773 759 Vive L'Amour Tsai Ming-liang 1994 Taiwan 118
774 765 Ossessione Visconti, Luchino 1943 Italy 140
775 764 Hellzapoppin' Potter, H.C. 1941 USA 84
776 791 Rebel Without a Cause Ray, Nicholas 1955 USA 111
777 762 Good Morning Ozu, Yasujiro 1959 Japan 94
778 763 Great Expectations Lean, David 1946 UK 118
779 766 Trial, The Welles, Orson 1962 France 119
780 787 Mamma Roma Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1962 Italy 110
781 768 Foolish Wives von Stroheim, Erich 1922 USA 117
782 807 JFK Stone, Oliver 1991 USA 189
783 769 Mother and Son Sokurov, Aleksandr 1997 Russia 73
784 786 Morocco von Sternberg, Josef 1930 USA 92
785 817 Chikamatsu monogatari Mizoguchi, Kenji 1954 Japan 100
786 776 American Werewolf in London, An Landis, John 1981 UK 97
787 767 Wings Shepitko, Larisa 1966 USSR 85
788 775 Cairo Station Chahine, Youssef 1958 Egypt 77
789 778 Chant d'amour, Un Genet, Jean 1950 France 26
790 781 Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The Greenaway, Peter 1989 UK 124
791 773 39 Steps, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1935 UK 87
792 794 Miller's Crossing Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1990 USA 115
793 792 Ferris Bueller's Day Off Hughes, John 1986 USA 103
794 801 Requiem for a Dream Aronofsky, Darren 2000 USA 100
795 774 Zelig Allen, Woody 1983 USA 79
796 810 Evil Dead II Raimi, Sam 1987 USA 84
797 784 Blissfully Yours Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2002 Thailand 125
798 785 Diaboliques, Les Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1955 France 114
799 796 35 Shots of Rum Denis, Claire 2008 France 101
800 793 Trouble Every Day Denis, Claire 2001 France 101
801 779 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! Meyer, Russ 1965 USA 83
802 783 Code Unknown Haneke, Michael 2000 France 118
803 782 Taipei Story Yang, Edward 1985 Taiwan 119
804 804 All Quiet on the Western Front Milestone, Lewis 1930 USA 133
805 843 Scarface De Palma, Brian 1983 USA 170
806 806 Funny Games Haneke, Michael 1997 Austria 108
807 837 Margaret Lonergan, Kenneth 2011 USA 150
808 795 Producers, The Brooks, Mel 1968 USA 88
809 816 Shock Corridor Fuller, Samuel 1963 USA 101
810 818 Van Gogh Pialat, Maurice 1991 France 158
811 815 Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Almodóvar, Pedro 1988 Spain 88
812 799 Forbidden Games Clément, René 1952 France 87
813 812 Abraham's Valley Oliveira, Manoel de 1993 Portugal 187
814 800 Dog Star Man Brakhage, Stan 1964 USA 75
815 809 Broadcast News Brooks, James L. 1987 USA 133
816 832 Sur, El Erice, Víctor 1983 Spain 95
817 805 Rose Hobart Cornell, Joseph 1936 USA 20
818 820 Woman of Paris, A Chaplin, Charles 1923 USA 78
819 811 Still Life Jia Zhangke 2006 China 113
820 814 My Life as a Dog Hallström, Lasse 1985 Sweden 101
821 808 Passion Godard, Jean-Luc 1982 France 87
822 827 Thief of Bagdad, The Powell, Michael/Ludwig Berger/Tim Whelan 1940 UK 106
823 831 Smiles of a Summer Night Bergman, Ingmar 1955 Sweden 108
824 829 Petite Maman Sciamma, Céline 2021 France 73
825 819 O Lucky Man! Anderson, Lindsay 1973 UK 178
826 848 Grizzly Man Herzog, Werner 2005 USA 103
827 830 Deep End Skolimowski, Jerzy 1970 UK 88
828 835 Naked Island, The Shindo, Kaneto 1960 Japan 96
829 823 Losing Ground Collins, Kathleen 1982 USA 86
830 862 Amores perros González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2000 Mexico 153
831 826 Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1990 USA 105
832 822 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Ford, John 1949 USA 103
833 913 Let the Right One In Alfredson, Tomas 2008 Sweden 114
834 824 Dodes'ka-den Kurosawa, Akira 1970 Japan 140
835 860 Irréversible Noé, Gaspar 2002 France 97
836 828 Dumbo Sharpsteen, Ben 1941 USA 64
837 825 Street of Shame Mizoguchi, Kenji 1956 Japan 87
838 838 Son, The Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2002 Belgium 103
839 833 Funeral Parade of Roses Matsumoto, Toshio 1969 Japan 105
840 836 Commune (Paris, 1871), La Watkins, Peter 2000 France 345
841 879 Great Escape, The Sturges, John 1963 USA 172
842 854 Invasion of the Body Snatchers Siegel, Don 1956 USA 80
843 834 Gummo Korine, Harmony 1997 USA 88
844 847 Persepolis Paronnaud, Vincent & Marjane Satrapi 2007 France 96
845 852 Inglourious Basterds Tarantino, Quentin 2009 USA 153
846 839 Female Trouble Waters, John 1974 USA 98
847 841 White Heat Walsh, Raoul 1949 USA 114
848 869 Angel Lubitsch, Ernst 1937 USA 91
849 856 Point Break Bigelow, Kathryn 1991 USA 122
850 840 Hitler: A Film from Germany Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1977 West Germany 442
851 863 Asthenic Syndrome, The Muratova, Kira 1989 USSR 153
852 845 Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Tarantino, Quentin 2019 USA 161
853 865 Time of the Gypsies Kusturica, Emir 1988 Yugoslavia 142
854 934 Mon oncle d'Amérique Resnais, Alain 1980 France 123
855 842 Right Stuff, The Kaufman, Philip 1983 USA 193
856 861 Starship Troopers Verhoeven, Paul 1997 USA 129
857 866 Blue is the Warmest Colour Kechiche, Abdellatif 2013 France 179
858 873 Mikey and Nicky May, Elaine 1976 USA 106
859 850 Too Early, Too Late Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1981 France 100
860 857 Toute une nuit Akerman, Chantal 1982 Belgium 90
861 851 Shame Bergman, Ingmar 1968 Sweden 103
862 844 They Were Expendable Ford, John 1945 USA 135
863 887 Claire's Knee Rohmer, Eric 1970 France 105
864 846 Sicilia! Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1999 Italy 66
865 867 Clueless Heckerling, Amy 1995 USA 97
866 849 My Little Loves Eustache, Jean 1974 France 123
867 853 Tin Drum, The Schlöndorff, Volker 1979 West Germany 142
868 889 Saving Private Ryan Spielberg, Steven 1998 USA 169
869 855 Spione Lang, Fritz 1928 Germany 90
870 859 Shanghai Express von Sternberg, Josef 1932 USA 82
871 864 We All Loved Each Other So Much Scola, Ettore 1974 Italy 124
872 858 Breakfast at Tiffany's Edwards, Blake 1961 USA 115
873 874 Gloria Cassavetes, John 1980 USA 121
874 871 Unknown, The Browning, Tod 1927 USA 63
875 924 Cría cuervos Saura, Carlos 1976 Spain 110
876 868 Outskirts Barnet, Boris 1933 USSR 98
877 875 Monty Python and the Holy Grail Gilliam, Terry & Terry Jones 1975 UK 90
878 870 Adventures of Robin Hood, The Curtiz, Michael & William Keighley 1938 USA 102
879 905 Red and the White, The Jancsó, Miklós 1967 Hungary 90
880 912 Atlantics Diop, Mati 2019 France 106
881 872 Red Sorghum Zhang Yimou 1987 China 91
882 908 Bridges of Madison County, The Eastwood, Clint 1995 USA 135
883 880 Amour fou, L' Rivette, Jacques 1969 France 252
884 878 Misfits, The Huston, John 1961 USA 124
885 881 Mysteries of Lisbon Ruiz, Raúl 2010 Portugal 272
886 886 Night of Counting the Years, The Salam, Shadi Abdel 1969 Egypt 102
887 884 African Queen, The Huston, John 1951 UK 105
888 898 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Nichols, Mike 1966 USA 129
889 877 Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The Sturges, Preston 1944 USA 99
890 882 Akira Kurosawa's Dreams Kurosawa, Akira 1990 Japan 119
891 883 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring Kim Ki-duk 2003 South Korea 103
892 893 Stroszek Herzog, Werner 1977 West Germany 115
893 885 Seasons, The Peleshian, Artavazd 1975 USSR 29
894 890 Woman Next Door, The Truffaut, François 1981 France 106
895 899 Airplane! Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker 1980 USA 86
896 897 Caro diario Moretti, Nanni 1993 Italy 100
897 894 Showgirls Verhoeven, Paul 1995 USA 128
898 888 Juliet of the Spirits Fellini, Federico 1965 Italy 148
899 915 They Live Carpenter, John 1988 USA 93
900 902 Zabriskie Point Antonioni, Michelangelo 1970 USA 112
901 920 Tongues Untied Riggs, Marlon 1989 USA 55
902 896 Exotica Egoyan, Atom 1994 Canada 104
903 895 Assault on Precinct 13 Carpenter, John 1976 USA 90
904 903 Deep Red Argento, Dario 1975 Italy 98
905 891 It's a Gift McLeod, Norman Z. 1934 USA 73
906 1003 Hôtel Terminus Ophüls, Marcel 1988 USA 267
907 892 Heimat [TV] Reitz, Edgar 1984 West Germany 924
908 900 Phantom Carriage, The Sjöström, Victor 1921 Sweden 107
909 907 Wendy and Lucy Reichardt, Kelly 2008 USA 80
910 904 River, The Tsai Ming-liang 1997 Taiwan 115
911 962 Port of Shadows Carné, Marcel 1938 France 91
912 919 Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz, The Buñuel, Luis 1955 Mexico 91
913 901 End of Summer, The Ozu, Yasujiro 1961 Japan 103
914 928 Meek's Cutoff Reichardt, Kelly 2010 USA 104
915 911 Welfare Wiseman, Frederick 1975 USA 167
916 906 Simon of the Desert Buñuel, Luis 1965 Mexico 43
917 949 Tabu Gomes, Miguel 2012 Portugal 118
918 909 Ceddo Sembene, Ousmane 1977 Senegal 120
919 922 Anatomy of a Murder Preminger, Otto 1959 USA 160
920 916 American in Paris, An Minnelli, Vincente 1951 USA 115
921 917 Night of the Demon Tourneur, Jacques 1957 UK 95
922 921 Last Temptation of Christ, The Scorsese, Martin 1988 USA 164
923 918 Zorns Lemma Frampton, Hollis 1970 USA 60
924 923 Cemetery of Splendour Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2015 Thailand 122
925 945 Fountainhead, The Vidor, King 1949 USA 114
926 932 Roman Holiday Wyler, William 1953 USA 118
927 937 People on Sunday Siodmak, Robert & Edgar G. Ulmer 1930 Germany 74
928 946 Before Sunrise Linklater, Richard 1995 USA 101
929 927 Killer, The Woo, John 1989 Hong Kong 110
930 963 Shaun of the Dead Wright, Edgar 2004 UK 99
931 925 Reds Beatty, Warren 1981 USA 200
932 933 7th Heaven Borzage, Frank 1927 USA 119
933 914 Boucher, Le Chabrol, Claude 1970 France 94
934 943 Near Dark Bigelow, Kathryn 1987 USA 95
935 939 Blood Simple Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1984 USA 97
936 940 History of Violence, A Cronenberg, David 2005 USA 96
937 926 Seven Beauties Wertmüller, Lina 1975 Italy 116
938 935 Portrait of Jennie Dieterle, William 1948 USA 86
939 982 Trou, Le Becker, Jacques 1960 France 131
940 929 Mothlight Brakhage, Stan 1963 USA 4
941 990 Sorpasso, Il Risi, Dino 1962 Italy 105
942 957 American Graffiti Lucas, George 1973 USA 110
943 931 Dirty Harry Siegel, Don 1971 USA 102
944 938 Elephant [TV] Clarke, Alan 1989 UK 39
945 930 From the Clouds to the Resistance Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1979 Italy 104
946 936 Enfance nue, L' Pialat, Maurice 1968 France 80
947 1008 Dust in the Wind Hou Hsiao-hsien 1986 Taiwan 109
948 950 Chienne, La Renoir, Jean 1931 France 95
949 971 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Jackson, Peter 2003 New Zealand 201
950 941 Khrustalyov, My Car! German, Aleksei 1998 Russia 147
951 1025 Diary Perlov, David 1983 Israel 330
952 944 Last Emperor, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1987 China 163
953 965 Return, The Zvyagintsev, Andrey 2003 Russia 110
954 942 Ice Storm, The Lee, Ang 1997 USA 113
955 981 Spartacus Kubrick, Stanley 1960 USA 197
956 947 American Beauty Mendes, Sam 1999 USA 121
957 1049 Excalibur Boorman, John 1981 UK 140
958 951 Perfumed Nightmare Tahimik, Kidlat 1977 Philippines 93
959 961 Othello Welles, Orson 1951 Italy 90
960 1039 Hurt Locker, The Bigelow, Kathryn 2008 USA 130
961 1077 Cool Hand Luke Rosenberg, Stuart 1967 USA 126
962 980 Avatar Cameron, James 2009 USA 161
963 948 Doomed Love [TV] Oliveira, Manoel de 1978 Portugal 262
964 974 Duel Spielberg, Steven 1971 USA 90
965 958 Léon Besson, Luc 1994 France 119
966 975 Z Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1969 France 127
967 960 Tarnished Angels, The Sirk, Douglas 1957 USA 91
968 955 Olympia Riefenstahl, Leni 1938 Germany 201
969 952 Sawdust and Tinsel Bergman, Ingmar 1953 Sweden 92
970 964 Gun Crazy Lewis, Joseph H. 1950 USA 86
971 1016 Long Farewell, The Muratova, Kira 1971 USSR 97
972 954 Duel in the Sun Vidor, King 1946 USA 130
973 1022 Ghostbusters Reitman, Ivan 1984 USA 107
974 956 True Heart Susie Griffith, D.W. 1919 USA 87
975 984 Carlito's Way De Palma, Brian 1993 USA 144
976 967 Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948 USA 80
977 959 Moi, un Noir Rouch, Jean 1958 France 70
978 978 Breakfast Club, The Hughes, John 1985 USA 97
979 973 Page of Madness, A Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1926 Japan 70
980 953 Fox and His Friends Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1975 West Germany 123
981 968 Ride the High Country Peckinpah, Sam 1962 USA 94
982 1132 Pianist, The Polanski, Roman 2002 France 148
983 999 Last Detail, The Ashby, Hal 1973 USA 105
984 966 Summer with Monika Bergman, Ingmar 1953 Sweden 96
985 979 Reckless Moment, The Ophüls, Max 1949 USA 82
986 988 Host, The Bong Joon-ho 2006 South Korea 119
987 969 Anatahan von Sternberg, Josef 1953 Japan 92
988 972 Bête humaine, La Renoir, Jean 1938 France 100
989 992 Arabian Nights Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1974 Italy 130
990 1041 Elevator to the Gallows Malle, Louis 1958 France 92
991 1038 Not Reconciled Straub, Jean-Marie 1965 West Germany 55
992 996 Kwaidan Kobayashi, Masaki 1964 Japan 183
993 1031 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Reisz, Karel 1960 UK 89
994 976 Gilda Vidor, Charles 1946 USA 110
995 983 Handsworth Songs Akomfrah, John 1986 UK 61
996 987 Sholay Sippy, Ramesh 1975 India 162
997 991 Ed Wood Burton, Tim 1994 USA 124
998 985 Sweetie Campion, Jane 1989 Australia 97
999 994 Godfather Part III, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1990 USA 161
1000 986 Numéro deux Godard, Jean-Luc 1975 France 88
1001 788 Ballad of Narayama, The Imamura, Shohei 1983 Japan 130
1002 798 Duck Amuck Jones, Chuck 1953 USA 7
1003 1001 Wings of Eagles, The Ford, John 1957 USA 110
1004 876 After Hours Scorsese, Martin 1985 USA 97
1005 1002 Superman Donner, Richard 1978 USA 143
1006 1004 Red Balloon, The Lamorisse, Albert 1956 France 34
1007 1005 Bandido da Luz Vermelha, O Sganzerla, Rogério 1968 Brazil 92
1008 910 Sideways Payne, Alexander 2004 USA 123
1009 1006 Pakeezah Amrohi, Kamal 1972 India 147
1010 1007 Iracema - Uma Transa Amazônica Bodanzky, Jorge & Orlando Senna 1975 Brazil 90
1011 1018 Head-On Akin, Fatih 2004 Germany 121
1012 1009 Goodbye to Language Godard, Jean-Luc 2014 Switzerland 70
1013 1010 Outer Space Tscherkassky, Peter 1999 Austria 10
1014 1020 Grand Budapest Hotel, The Anderson, Wes 2014 USA 100
1015 1011 Mother India Khan, Mehboob 1957 India 172
1016 1013 Heartbreak Kid, The May, Elaine 1972 USA 106
1017 1019 Portrait of Ga, A Tait, Margaret 1952 UK 4
1018 1012 Empire Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 485
1019 1015 Still Walking Koreeda, Hirokazu 2008 Japan 115
1020 1014 No Home Movie Akerman, Chantal 2015 Belgium 115
1021 1023 Certified Copy Kiarostami, Abbas 2010 France 106
1022 970 I Am Twenty Khutsiev, Marlen 1965 USSR 165
1023 1017 Diary for Timothy, A Jennings, Humphrey 1945 UK 40
1024 1035 Crumb Zwigoff, Terry 1994 USA 119
1025 1028 Saturday Night Fever Badham, John 1977 USA 119
1026 977 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls Meyer, Russ 1970 USA 109
1027 1053 Flor, La Llinás, Mariano 2018 Argentina 808
1028 1021 Stranger by the Lake Guiraudie, Alain 2013 France 100
1029 995 Cul-de-sac Polanski, Roman 1966 UK 111
1030 989 Berlin: Symphony of a Great City Ruttmann, Walter 1927 Germany 65
1031 1030 Straight Story, The Lynch, David 1999 USA 111
1032 993 America, America Kazan, Elia 1963 USA 168
1033 1047 Assassin, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 2015 Taiwan 105
1034 1027 Last Bolshevik, The Marker, Chris 1993 France 120
1035 1024 Leviathan Castaing-Taylor, Lucien & Verena Paravel 2012 France 87
1036 1149 Blues Brothers, The Landis, John 1980 USA 130
1037 1026 All My Life Baillie, Bruce 1966 USA 3
1038 997 Mildred Pierce Curtiz, Michael 1945 USA 109
1039 1000 Lady Windermere's Fan Lubitsch, Ernst 1925 USA 120
1040 1029 Fata Morgana Herzog, Werner 1971 West Germany 78
1041 998 Naked Kiss, The Fuller, Samuel 1964 USA 90
1042 1033 Docks of New York, The von Sternberg, Josef 1928 USA 76
1043 1079 American Friend, The Wenders, Wim 1977 West Germany 125
1044 1089 Princess Bride, The Reiner, Rob 1987 USA 98
1045 1036 47 Ronin, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1941 Japan 219
1046 1072 When a Woman Ascends the Stairs Naruse, Mikio 1960 Japan 111
1047 1040 Bad Lieutenant Ferrara, Abel 1992 USA 98
1048 1095 L.A. Confidential Hanson, Curtis 1997 USA 137
1049 1032 Tih Minh Feuillade, Louis 1918 France 418
1050 1046 Diamonds of the Night Nemec, Jan 1964 Czechoslovakia 63
1051 1073 Fall of the House of Usher, The Epstein, Jean 1928 France 63
1052 1037 Street of Crocodiles Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay 1986 UK 20
1053 1034 Vengeance is Mine Imamura, Shohei 1979 Japan 129
1054 1044 Lone Star Sayles, John 1996 USA 135
1055 1050 Four Nights of a Dreamer Bresson, Robert 1971 France 87
1056 1078 Rififi Dassin, Jules 1955 France 115
1057 1042 Maîtres fous, Les Rouch, Jean 1955 France 36
1058 1043 Window, Water, Baby, Moving Brakhage, Stan 1962 USA 13
1059 1060 Sang des bêtes, Le Franju, Georges 1949 France 22
1060 1091 2046 Wong Kar-wai 2004 Hong Kong 129
1061 1054 42nd Street Bacon, Lloyd 1933 USA 89
1062 1045 Yol Gören, Serif & Yilmaz Güney 1982 Turkey 114
1063 1056 Stop Making Sense Demme, Jonathan 1984 USA 88
1064 1087 Lusty Men, The Ray, Nicholas 1952 USA 113
1065 1048 Strangers When We Meet Quine, Richard 1960 USA 117
1066 1051 Bad Timing Roeg, Nicolas 1980 UK 129
1067 1052 Trás-os-Montes Cordeiro, Margarida & António Reis 1976 Portugal 108
1068 1071 Truman Show, The Weir, Peter 1998 USA 102
1069 1057 Cluny Brown Lubitsch, Ernst 1946 USA 100
1070 1061 Incredible Shrinking Man, The Arnold, Jack 1957 USA 81
1071 1176 Oasis Lee Chang-dong 2002 South Korea 133
1072 1058 Match Factory Girl, The Kaurismäki, Aki 1990 Finland 68
1073 1084 Miami Vice Mann, Michael 2006 USA 133
1074 1055 City Girl Murnau, F.W. 1930 USA 90
1075 1066 Black Orpheus Camus, Marcel 1959 France 103
1076 1105 Ryan's Daughter Lean, David 1970 UK 200
1077 1076 Floating Weeds Ozu, Yasujiro 1959 Japan 119
1078 1109 Gallipoli Weir, Peter 1981 Australia 110
1079 1083 There's Always Tomorrow Sirk, Douglas 1956 USA 84
1080 1082 Lady Bird Gerwig, Greta 2017 USA 94
1081 1107 Sherman's March McElwee, Ross 1985 USA 157
1082 1059 Branded to Kill Suzuki, Seijun 1967 Japan 91
1083 1124 Blazing Saddles Brooks, Mel 1974 USA 93
1084 1096 Sonatine Kitano, Takeshi 1993 Japan 94
1085 1062 Two for the Road Donen, Stanley 1967 UK 112
1086 1063 Disenchantment, The Chávarri, Jaime 1976 Spain 97
1087 1183 Man of the West Mann, Anthony 1958 USA 100
1088 1068 Macunaima de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1969 Brazil 110
1089 1064 Shoeshine De Sica, Vittorio 1946 Italy 93
1090 1065 Odd Man Out Reed, Carol 1947 UK 115
1091 1067 Broadway Danny Rose Allen, Woody 1984 USA 86
1092 1069 Nutty Professor, The Lewis, Jerry 1963 USA 107
1093 1070 Louisiana Story Flaherty, Robert J. 1948 USA 77
1094 1154 Rumble Fish Coppola, Francis Ford 1983 USA 94
1095 1174 Pickup on South Street Fuller, Samuel 1953 USA 80
1096 1074 Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory Lumière, Louis 1895 France 1
1097 1075 Au revoir les enfants Malle, Louis 1987 France 103
1098 1080 Tales of Hoffmann, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1951 UK 133
1099 1101 Outlaw Josey Wales, The Eastwood, Clint 1976 USA 135
1100 1094 Serious Man, A Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2009 USA 105
1101 1130 À nous la liberté Clair, René 1931 France 87
1102 1144 Inception Nolan, Christopher 2010 USA 148
1103 1147 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Zemeckis, Robert 1988 USA 103
1104 1168 Happy as Lazzaro Rohrwacher, Alice 2018 Italy 128
1105 1081 Ida Pawlikowski, Pawel 2013 Poland 80
1106 1086 M*A*S*H Altman, Robert 1970 USA 116
1107 1106 Onibaba Shindo, Kaneto 1964 Japan 103
1108 1085 Apple, The Makhmalbaf, Samira 1997 Iran 86
1109 1103 Dracula Fisher, Terence 1958 UK 82
1110 1102 You, the Living Andersson, Roy 2007 Sweden 93
1111 1146 Saragossa Manuscript, The Has, Wojciech 1965 Poland 182
1112 1090 Oedipus Rex Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1967 Italy 110
1113 1118 Million, Le Clair, René 1931 France 85
1114 1122 Happiness Solondz, Todd 1998 USA 134
1115 1140 Witness Weir, Peter 1985 USA 112
1116 1112 Arrival Villeneuve, Denis 2016 USA 116
1117 1129 Kill Bill Vol. 1 Tarantino, Quentin 2003 USA 111
1118 1092 Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The Wilder, Billy 1970 USA 125
1119 1093 Enfant secret, L' Garrel, Philippe 1979 France 92
1120 1104 Burnt by the Sun Mikhalkov, Nikita 1994 Russia 152
1121 1088 Nomadland Zhao, Chloé 2020 USA 107
1122 1120 Hard to Be a God German, Aleksei 2013 Russia 177
1123 1097 Sweet Hereafter, The Egoyan, Atom 1997 Canada 112
1124 1160 Blair Witch Project, The Myrick, Daniel & Eduardo Sánchez 1998 USA 80
1125 1098 Giant Stevens, George 1956 USA 201
1126 1125 Only Son, The Ozu, Yasujiro 1936 Japan 87
1127 1099 Miss Oyu Mizoguchi, Kenji 1951 Japan 94
1128 1100 India: Matri Bhumi Rossellini, Roberto 1959 Italy 90
1129 1115 Inside Llewyn Davis Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2013 USA 104
1130 1127 Fellini's Casanova Fellini, Federico 1976 Italy 158
1131 1110 Central Station Salles, Walter 1998 Brazil 110
1132 1126 Housemaid, The Kim Ki-young 1960 South Korea 111
1133 1119 12 Years a Slave McQueen, Steve 2013 USA 134
1134 1123 American Honey Arnold, Andrea 2016 UK 163
1135 1232 Grin Without a Cat, A Marker, Chris 1977 France 240
1136 1133 Jour se lève, Le Carné, Marcel 1939 France 93
1137 1116 Mughal-E-Azam Asif, K. 1960 India 173
1138 1108 Sorcerer Friedkin, William 1977 USA 121
1139 1206 One, Two, Three Wilder, Billy 1961 USA 108
1140 1128 Scattered Clouds Naruse, Mikio 1967 Japan 108
1141 1111 Full Moon in Paris Rohmer, Eric 1984 France 97
1142 1166 World, The Jia Zhangke 2004 China 140
1143 1113 Elephant Sitting Still, An Hu Bo 2018 China 230
1144 1121 Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes, The Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 32
1145 1114 Regen Ivens, Joris & Mannus Franken 1929 Netherlands 12
1146 1117 On the Town Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 1949 USA 98
1147 1135 Husbands and Wives Allen, Woody 1992 USA 107
1148 1171 Shoplifters Koreeda, Hirokazu 2018 Japan 121
1149 1152 Mary Poppins Stevenson, Robert 1964 USA 139
1150 1275 Life is Beautiful Benigni, Roberto 1997 Italy 114
1151 1134 Monsoon Wedding Nair, Mira 2001 India 114
1152 1153 Lacombe, Lucien Malle, Louis 1974 France 137
1153 1131 Arbor, The Barnard, Clio 2010 UK 94
1154 1141 Mandabi Sembene, Ousmane 1968 France 92
1155 1191 Audition Miike, Takashi 1999 Japan 115
1156 1180 Far from Heaven Haynes, Todd 2002 USA 107
1157 1136 Princess Yang Kwei Fei Mizoguchi, Kenji 1955 Japan 98
1158 1139 My Childhood Douglas, Bill 1972 UK 46
1159 1137 Fantômas Feuillade, Louis 1913-14 France 334
1160 1157 Palombella rossa Moretti, Nanni 1989 Italy 89
1161 1143 Ten Commandments, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1956 USA 220
1162 1190 Nightmare Before Christmas, The Selick, Henry 1993 USA 76
1163 1234 Autumn Sonata Bergman, Ingmar 1978 Sweden 99
1164 1138 Lovers Rock McQueen, Steve 2020 UK 70
1165 1158 Feu follet, Le Malle, Louis 1963 France 108
1166 1155 Sugar Cane Alley Palcy, Euzhan 1983 France 103
1167 1167 Femme est une femme, Une Godard, Jean-Luc 1961 France 83
1168 1142 Barefoot Contessa, The Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1954 USA 128
1169 1145 Topsy-Turvy Leigh, Mike 1999 UK 160
1170 1150 In Praise of Love Godard, Jean-Luc 2001 France 97
1171 1196 Donnie Darko Kelly, Richard 2001 USA 112
1172 1245 Eternal Breasts, The Tanaka, Kinuyo 1955 Japan 110
1173 1148 Aguaespejo granadino Val del Omar, José 1955 Spain 21
1174 1169 Humanity and Paper Balloons Yamanaka, Sadao 1937 Japan 86
1175 1233 My Beautiful Laundrette Frears, Stephen 1985 UK 98
1176 1151 Hart of London, The Chambers, Jack 1970 Canada 80
1177 1216 Jason and the Argonauts Chaffey, Don 1963 UK 104
1178 1218 Sting, The Hill, George Roy 1973 USA 129
1179 1195 Swedish Love Story, A Andersson, Roy 1970 Sweden 115
1180 1165 It's Such a Beautiful Day Hertzfeldt, Don 2012 USA 62
1181 1244 Short Film About Love, A Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1988 Poland 87
1182 1156 You Were Never Really Here Ramsay, Lynne 2017 UK 89
1183 1252 Girlfriends Weill, Claudia 1978 USA 86
1184 1193 Marie Antoinette Coppola, Sofia 2006 USA 123
1185 1179 Forbidden Planet Wilcox, Fred M. 1956 USA 98
1186 1159 Café Lumière Hou Hsiao-hsien 2003 Japan 108
1187 1177 Midnight Leisen, Mitchell 1939 USA 94
1188 1161 Holiday Cukor, George 1938 USA 93
1189 1162 Dillinger is Dead Ferreri, Marco 1969 Italy 95
1190 1163 Street Angel Yuan Muzhi 1937 China 91
1191 1164 At Land Deren, Maya 1944 USA 15
1192 1197 Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965 Czechoslovakia 74
1193 1184 Ladykillers, The Mackendrick, Alexander 1955 UK 90
1194 1181 Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Sharman, Jim 1975 UK 95
1195 1212 Pépé le Moko Duvivier, Julien 1937 France 94
1196 1189 Magnificent Seven, The Sturges, John 1960 USA 128
1197 1178 Havre, Le Kaurismäki, Aki 2011 Finland 93
1198 1324 Verdict, The Lumet, Sidney 1982 USA 129
1199 1170 Ludwig Visconti, Luchino 1973 Italy 235
1200 1172 Evolution of a Filipino Family Diaz, Lav 2004 Philippines 540
1201 1173 Scarecrow Schatzberg, Jerry 1973 USA 108
1202 1187 Maison des bois, La [TV] Pialat, Maurice 1971 France 360
1203 1188 Usual Suspects, The Singer, Bryan 1995 USA 105
1204 1175 Toni Renoir, Jean 1935 France 81
1205 1208 Gravity Cuarón, Alfonso 2013 USA 91
1206 1186 Divine Intervention Suleiman, Elia 2002 France 92
1207 1254 Eternity and a Day Angelopoulos, Theo 1998 Greece 132
1208 1211 Heaven Can Wait Lubitsch, Ernst 1943 USA 112
1209 1192 This is Not a Film Panahi, Jafar & Mojtaba Mirtahmasb 2011 Iran 75
1210 1182 Nuit du carrefour, La Renoir, Jean 1932 France 70
1211 1199 Girlhood Sciamma, Céline 2014 France 113
1212 1471 Law of Desire Almodóvar, Pedro 1987 Spain 100
1213 1396 Dogtooth Lanthimos, Yorgos 2009 Greece 97
1214 1198 Million Dollar Baby Eastwood, Clint 2004 USA 137
1215 1185 Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Richardson, Tony 1962 UK 104
1216 1317 Player, The Altman, Robert 1992 USA 123
1217 1207 Virgin Suicides, The Coppola, Sofia 1999 USA 96
1218 1241 Man for All Seasons, A Zinnemann, Fred 1966 UK 120
1219 1201 Collectionneuse, La Rohmer, Eric 1967 France 89
1220 1238 Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner Kunuk, Zacharias 2001 Canada 172
1221 1194 El Dorado Hawks, Howard 1966 USA 126
1222 1202 Hero Zhang Yimou 2002 China 99
1223 1200 Volver Almodóvar, Pedro 2006 Spain 121
1224 1283 Midnight Run Brest, Martin 1988 USA 122
1225 1209 Delicatessen Jeunet, Jean-Pierre & Marc Caro 1991 France 99
1226 1225 Circle, The Panahi, Jafar 2000 Iran 90
1227 1219 Boot, Das Petersen, Wolfgang 1981 West Germany 149
1228 1243 Topo, El Jodorowsky, Alejandro 1970 Mexico 124
1229 1286 Enter the Dragon Clouse, Robert 1973 USA 97
1230 1226 Seventh Victim, The Robson, Mark 1943 USA 71
1231 1203 Land of Silence and Darkness Herzog, Werner 1971 West Germany 85
1232 1204 Stormy Waters Grémillon, Jean 1941 France 84
1233 1368 Léolo Lauzon, Jean-Claude 1992 Canada 107
1234 1229 Man Who Fell to Earth, The Roeg, Nicolas 1976 UK 140
1235 1285 Bob le flambeur Melville, Jean-Pierre 1955 France 102
1236 1231 Devil is a Woman, The von Sternberg, Josef 1935 USA 83
1237 1205 War and Peace Bondarchuk, Sergei 1966 USSR 393
1238 1248 Carnival of Souls Harvey, Herk 1962 USA 80
1239 1292 Straw Dogs Peckinpah, Sam 1971 USA 113
1240 1250 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Jackson, Peter 2002 New Zealand 179
1241 1328 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Stuart, Mel 1971 USA 98
1242 1242 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Scorsese, Martin 1974 USA 113
1243 1210 Stories We Tell Polley, Sarah 2012 Canada 108
1244 1279 Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1985 Japan 114
1245 1224 Fuses Schneemann, Carolee 1967 USA 22
1246 1213 Milky Way, The Buñuel, Luis 1969 France 105
1247 1220 Hole, The Tsai Ming-liang 1998 Taiwan 95
1248 1284 Old Joy Reichardt, Kelly 2006 USA 76
1249 1214 Variety Gordon, Bette 1983 UK 100
1250 1215 Go-Between, The Losey, Joseph 1971 UK 116
1251 1217 Night Porter, The Cavani, Liliana 1974 Italy 118
1252 1264 Touchez pas au Grisbi Becker, Jacques 1954 France 94
1253 1265 Son of Saul Nemes, László 2015 Hungary 107
1254 1253 Hard Boiled Woo, John 1992 Hong Kong 128
1255 1221 One Week Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1920 USA 25
1256 1222 Ordinary People Redford, Robert 1980 USA 123
1257 1227 Stray Dog Kurosawa, Akira 1949 Japan 122
1258 1223 Souvenir, The Hogg, Joanna 2019 UK 120
1259 1301 Gladiator Scott, Ridley 2000 USA 154
1260 1230 Run Lola Run Tykwer, Tom 1998 Germany 80
1261 1228 Pink Floyd: The Wall Parker, Alan 1982 UK 95
1262 1239 Holy Girl, The Martel, Lucrecia 2004 Argentina 106
1263 1246 Klute Pakula, Alan J. 1971 USA 114
1264 1236 Adaptation. Jonze, Spike 2002 USA 114
1265 1235 Henry V Olivier, Laurence 1944 UK 137
1266 1237 Tale of the Wind, A Ivens, Joris 1988 France 80
1267 1240 Dishonored von Sternberg, Josef 1931 USA 91
1268 1261 Night Mail Watt, Harry & Basil Wright 1936 UK 24
1269 1268 Clock, The Marclay, Christian 2010 UK 1440
1270 1318 Ruggles of Red Gap McCarey, Leo 1935 USA 92
1271 1270 Gold Diggers of 1933 LeRoy, Mervyn 1933 USA 97
1272 1280 Time to Love and a Time to Die, A Sirk, Douglas 1958 USA 132
1273 1257 Nosferatu the Vampyre Herzog, Werner 1979 West Germany 107
1274 1247 Lessons of Darkness Herzog, Werner 1992 France 50
1275 1249 Mauvais sang Carax, Leos 1986 France 116
1276 1251 Loulou Pialat, Maurice 1980 France 110
1277 1429 Dead Poets Society Weir, Peter 1989 USA 128
1278 1255 Desperately Seeking Susan Seidelman, Susan 1985 USA 104
1279 1256 Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930 France 58
1280 1258 To Sleep with Anger Burnett, Charles 1990 USA 102
1281 1294 Minnie and Moskowitz Cassavetes, John 1971 USA 114
1282 1259 Kramer vs. Kramer Benton, Robert 1979 USA 104
1283 1260 Bamako Sissako, Abderrahmane 2006 Mali 117
1284 1273 Certain Women Reichardt, Kelly 2016 USA 107
1285 1262 Pastoral: To Die in the Country Terayama, Shuji 1974 Japan 104
1286 1263 Coeur en hiver, Un Sautet, Claude 1991 France 105
1287 1277 Dragon Inn Hu, King 1967 Taiwan 111
1288 1281 Goldfinger Hamilton, Guy 1964 UK 111
1289 1310 American Movie Smith, Chris 1999 USA 107
1290 1266 Humanité, L' Dumont, Bruno 1999 France 141
1291 1369 Interstellar Nolan, Christopher 2014 USA 169
1292 1267 I Am Not Your Negro Peck, Raoul 2016 USA 93
1293 1306 Special Day, A Scola, Ettore 1977 Canada 106
1294 1269 Line Describing a Cone McCall, Anthony 1973 UK 30
1295 1271 Stars in My Crown Tourneur, Jacques 1950 USA 89
1296 1272 Corner in Wheat, A Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 14
1297 1287 25th Hour Lee, Spike 2002 USA 134
1298 1274 Still Life Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1974 Iran 95
1299 1299 Babe Noonan, Chris 1995 Australia 94
1300 1276 Love and Death Allen, Woody 1975 USA 82
1301 1288 Now, Voyager Rapper, Irving 1942 USA 117
1302 1278 Terrorizers, The Yang, Edward 1986 Taiwan 109
1303 1296 Kung Fu Hustle Chow, Stephen 2004 Hong Kong 98
1304 1312 Gregory's Girl Forsyth, Bill 1980 UK 91
1305 1282 Late Autumn Ozu, Yasujiro 1960 Japan 127
1306 1297 Whiplash Chazelle, Damien 2014 USA 107
1307 1311 Vitalina Varela Costa, Pedro 2019 Portugal 124
1308 1303 Parallax View, The Pakula, Alan J. 1974 USA 102
1309 1334 Shara Kawase, Naomi 2003 Japan 100
1310 1351 First Cow Reichardt, Kelly 2019 USA 122
1311 1289 Unsere Afrikareise Kubelka, Peter 1966 Austria 13
1312 1348 Kuhle Wampe Dudow, Slatan 1932 Germany 71
1313 1290 Kanal Wajda, Andrzej 1957 Poland 97
1314 1291 Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence Oshima, Nagisa 1983 UK 123
1315 1300 Yellow Submarine Dunning, George 1968 UK 85
1316 1293 Camion, Le Duras, Marguerite 1977 France 76
1317 1314 Secret Sunshine Lee Chang-dong 2007 South Korea 142
1318 1577 Terms of Endearment Brooks, James L. 1983 USA 132
1319 1295 Tout va bien Godard, Jean-Luc & Jean-Pierre Gorin 1972 France 95
1320 1298 White Material Denis, Claire 2009 France 100
1321 1371 Ashes of Time Wong Kar-wai 1994 Hong Kong 100
1322 1339 You Only Live Once Lang, Fritz 1937 USA 86
1323 1308 Wrong Trousers, The Park, Nick 1993 UK 30
1324 1331 Ten Kiarostami, Abbas 2002 France 92
1325 1302 Dance, Girl, Dance Arzner, Dorothy 1940 USA 90
1326 1309 Häxan Christensen, Benjamin 1922 Sweden 83
1327 1304 Bogeyman, The Aravindan, Govindan 1979 India 90
1328 1420 English Patient, The Minghella, Anthony 1996 USA 160
1329 1305 Red Snowball Tree, The Shukshin, Vasiliy 1974 USSR 110
1330 1307 Liebelei Ophüls, Max 1933 Germany 88
1331 1313 Gates of Heaven Morris, Errol 1978 USA 85
1332 1338 Route One/USA Kramer, Robert 1989 France 255
1333 1343 Way Down East Griffith, D.W. 1920 USA 145
1334 1315 Wolf of Wall Street, The Scorsese, Martin 2013 USA 180
1335 1326 Wild River Kazan, Elia 1960 USA 110
1336 1336 What Time is it There? Tsai Ming-liang 2001 Taiwan 116
1337 1616 What Have I Done to Deserve This? Almodóvar, Pedro 1984 Spain 101
1338 1335 On Dangerous Ground Ray, Nicholas 1951 USA 82
1339 1337 Power of the Dog, The Campion, Jane 2021 New Zealand 126
1340 1321 Cameraperson Johnson, Kirsten 2016 USA 102
1341 1332 Call Me by Your Name Guadagnino, Luca 2017 Italy 132
1342 1333 Camera Buff Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1979 Poland 112
1343 1327 Arsenic and Old Lace Capra, Frank 1944 USA 118
1344 1319 Horse Thief, The Tian Zhuangzhuang 1986 China 88
1345 1320 Images of the World and the Inscription of War Farocki, Harun 1989 West Germany 75
1346 1360 Nothing But a Man Roemer, Michael 1964 USA 95
1347 1322 Arrivée d'un train à la Ciotat, L' Lumière, August & Louis Lumière 1896 France 1
1348 1350 My Man Godfrey La Cava, Gregory 1936 USA 95
1349 1323 Before the Rain Manchevski, Milcho 1994 UK 114
1350 1363 Knife in the Water Polanski, Roman 1962 Poland 94
1351 1492 Videograms of a Revolution Farocki, Harun & Andrei Ujica 1992 Germany 106
1352 1325 Indian Tomb, The Lang, Fritz 1959 West Germany 95
1353 1342 Fires Were Started Jennings, Humphrey 1943 UK 80
1354 1346 Enter the Void Noé, Gaspar 2009 France 161
1355 1330 Man of Marble Wajda, Andrzej 1977 Poland 160
1356 1384 Hair Forman, Milos 1979 USA 121
1357 1358 Planet of the Apes Schaffner, Franklin J. 1968 USA 112
1358 1418 Last of the Mohicans, The Mann, Michael 1992 USA 122
1359 1345 Johnny Got His Gun Trumbo, Dalton 1971 USA 111
1360 1344 Suspense Weber, Lois & Phillips Smalley 1913 USA 11
1361 1340 Enthusiasm Vertov, Dziga 1930 USSR 67
1362 1347 Day the Earth Stood Still, The Wise, Robert 1951 USA 92
1363 1349 Poetry Lee Chang-dong 2010 South Korea 139
1364 1468 Bienvenido Mister Marshall García Berlanga, Luis 1953 Spain 78
1365 1316 To Live Zhang Yimou 1994 China 145
1366 1341 Silences of the Palace, The Tlatli, Moufida 1994 France 127
1367 1372 Charade Donen, Stanley 1963 USA 114
1368 1545 Los Angeles Plays Itself Andersen, Thom 2003 USA 169
1369 1356 Movie, A Conner, Bruce 1958 USA 12
1370 1354 Two Lovers Gray, James 2008 USA 110
1371 1423 Argent, L' L'Herbier, Marcel 1928 France 195
1372 1398 Battle of Chile: Part 2, The Guzmán, Patricio 1976 Cuba 88
1373 1352 Rio, 40 Graus Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1955 Brazil 100
1374 1380 Jackie Brown Tarantino, Quentin 1997 USA 151
1375 1355 Toy Story 3 Unkrich, Lee 2010 USA 103
1376 1329 Burning Lee Chang-dong 2018 South Korea 148
1377 1415 Godzilla Honda, Ishiro 1954 Japan 96
1378 1364 Avanti! Wilder, Billy 1972 USA 144
1379 1392 Second Breath Melville, Jean-Pierre 1966 France 144
1380 1357 Ulysses' Gaze Angelopoulos, Theo 1995 Greece 176
1381 1503 Typhoon Club Somai, Shinji 1985 Japan 115
1382 1353 Out 1: Spectre Rivette, Jacques 1972 France 253
1383 2547 Holy Innocents, The Camus, Mario 1984 Spain 107
1384 1359 Three Colours: White Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1994 France 92
1385 1367 Remains of the Day, The Ivory, James 1993 USA 134
1386 1383 Big Road, The Sun Yu 1935 China 104
1387 1361 Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story Haynes, Todd 1988 USA 43
1388 1362 Freeze Die Come to Life Kanevsky, Vitali 1989 USSR 97
1389 1365 Big City, The Ray, Satyajit 1963 India 136
1390 1366 Gion bayashi Mizoguchi, Kenji 1953 Japan 85
1391 1513 National Lampoon's Animal House Landis, John 1978 USA 109
1392 1591 Intentions of Murder Imamura, Shohei 1964 Japan 150
1393 1375 Waltz with Bashir Folman, Ari 2008 Israel 90
1394 1370 And the Ship Sails On Fellini, Federico 1983 Italy 138
1395 1382 Difficult Life, A Risi, Dino 1961 Italy 118
1396 1386 Wrong Man, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1956 USA 105
1397 1379 Pixote Babenco, Hector 1981 Brazil 127
1398 1390 Buffalo '66 Gallo, Vincent 1998 USA 110
1399 1373 Drifting Clouds Kaurismäki, Aki 1996 Finland 96
1400 1400 Storm Over Asia Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1928 USSR 93
1401 1388 Talented Mr. Ripley, The Minghella, Anthony 1999 USA 139
1402 1404 Cremator, The Herz, Juraj 1969 Czechoslovakia 101
1403 1389 Prénom Carmen Godard, Jean-Luc 1983 France 84
1404 1374 Cruising Friedkin, William 1980 USA 106
1405 1446 Hail Mary Godard, Jean-Luc 1985 France 107
1406 1376 Platoon Stone, Oliver 1986 USA 120
1407 1377 Cronaca familiare Zurlini, Valerio 1962 France 114
1408 1378 Santa Sangre Jodorowsky, Alejandro 1989 Mexico 123
1409 1387 Year of Living Dangerously, The Weir, Peter 1982 Australia 115
1410 1393 Shanghai Gesture, The von Sternberg, Josef 1941 USA 98
1411 1443 Spider's Stratagem, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970 Italy 100
1412 1495 Boyz 'N The Hood Singleton, John 1991 USA 107
1413 1381 Adoption Mészáros, Márta 1975 Hungary 89
1414 1405 Days and Nights in the Forest Ray, Satyajit 1970 India 115
1415 1428 Mr. Klein Losey, Joseph 1976 France 123
1416 1430 Marianne & Juliane von Trotta, Margarethe 1981 West Germany 106
1417 1458 Enfant, L' Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2005 Belgium 95
1418 1494 Room with a View, A Ivory, James 1985 UK 117
1419 1385 Invasion Santiago, Hugo 1969 Argentina 123
1420 1432 Soft Skin, The Truffaut, François 1964 France 120
1421 1617 Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The Sargent, Joseph 1974 USA 104
1422 1441 Babadook, The Kent, Jennifer 2014 Australia 93
1423 1452 Up Docter, Pete 2009 USA 96
1424 1409 Je t'aime, je t'aime Resnais, Alain 1968 France 91
1425 1417 Yearning Naruse, Mikio 1964 Japan 98
1426 1519 Kids Clark, Larry 1995 USA 96
1427 1391 Nitrate Kisses Hammer, Barbara 1992 USA 67
1428 1449 Almost Famous Crowe, Cameron 2000 USA 122
1429 1399 Devil's Backbone, The del Toro, Guillermo 2001 Spain 107
1430 1402 Black Panther Coogler, Ryan 2018 USA 134
1431 1411 Thing from Another World, The Nyby, Christian & Howard Hawks 1951 USA 87
1432 1403 Frenzy Hitchcock, Alfred 1972 UK 116
1433 1394 Hapax Legomena I: (nostalgia) Frampton, Hollis 1971 USA 36
1434 1413 Goddess, The Wu Yonggang 1934 China 85
1435 1467 Departed, The Scorsese, Martin 2006 USA 152
1436 1567 Bram Stoker's Dracula Coppola, Francis Ford 1992 USA 123
1437 1504 Gentleman Jim Walsh, Raoul 1942 USA 104
1438 1395 War Game, The Watkins, Peter 1966 UK 48
1439 1397 General Line, The Eisenstein, Sergei & Grigori Aleksandrov 1929 USSR 80
1440 1401 Ronde, La Ophüls, Max 1950 France 97
1441 1424 Stolen Kisses Truffaut, François 1968 France 90
1442 1663 Grease Kleiser, Randal 1978 USA 110
1443 1412 Dances with Wolves Costner, Kevin 1990 USA 181
1444 1475 Incredibles, The Bird, Brad 2004 USA 121
1445 1515 Three Times Hou Hsiao-hsien 2005 France 135
1446 1462 Evil Dead, The Raimi, Sam 1981 USA 85
1447 1435 Leave Her to Heaven Stahl, John M. 1945 USA 110
1448 1460 Pulse Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2001 Japan 119
1449 1406 Funny Face Donen, Stanley 1957 USA 103
1450 1431 Boy Oshima, Nagisa 1969 Japan 105
1451 1421 Happy Hour Hamaguchi, Ryusuke 2015 Japan 317
1452 1407 Bad Sleep Well, The Kurosawa, Akira 1960 Japan 151
1453 1408 Mother Bong Joon-ho 2009 South Korea 129
1454 1422 Scarlet Street Lang, Fritz 1945 USA 103
1455 1410 July Rain Khutsiev, Marlen 1967 USSR 107
1456 1445 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters Schrader, Paul 1985 USA 120
1457 1453 Weekend Haigh, Andrew 2011 UK 97
1458 1414 Dimensions of Dialogue Švankmajer, Jan 1983 Czechoslovakia 12
1459 1416 Pont du Nord, Le Rivette, Jacques 1981 France 129
1460 1463 Jungle Book, The Reitherman, Wolfgang 1967 USA 78
1461 1522 We Won't Grow Old Together Pialat, Maurice 1972 France 110
1462 1440 Class Relations Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1984 West Germany 126
1463 1419 Within Our Gates Micheaux, Oscar 1920 USA 79
1464 1561 Man on Wire Marsh, James 2008 UK 94
1465 1542 Nibelungen: Siegfried, Die Lang, Fritz 1924 Germany 140
1466 1442 Bless Their Little Hearts Woodberry, Billy 1983 USA 80
1467 1518 Big Red One, The Fuller, Samuel 1980 USA 113
1468 1425 Milestones Kramer, Robert & John Douglas 1975 USA 195
1469 1434 Brief Encounters Muratova, Kira 1967 USSR 96
1470 1426 Arnulf Rainer Kubelka, Peter 1960 Austria 7
1471 1650 Baby Doll Kazan, Elia 1956 USA 114
1472 1427 Letter to Three Wives, A Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1949 USA 103
1473 1491 Fantastic Mr. Fox Anderson, Wes 2009 USA 87
1474 1555 For a Few Dollars More Leone, Sergio 1965 Italy 132
1475 1459 Informer, The Ford, John 1935 USA 91
1476 1512 Battle of Chile: Part 1, The Guzmán, Patricio 1975 Venezuela 97
1477 1433 Conversation Piece Visconti, Luchino 1974 Italy 122
1478 1447 Get Carter Hodges, Mike 1971 UK 112
1479 1436 Boys from Fengkuei, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 1983 Taiwan 101
1480 1538 Scream Craven, Wes 1996 USA 104
1481 1472 Inside Out Docter, Pete 2015 USA 94
1482 1437 Baraka Fricke, Ron 1992 USA 96
1483 1438 Scenes from Under Childhood Brakhage, Stan 1967-70 USA 135
1484 1470 Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song Van Peebles, Melvin 1971 USA 97
1485 1439 Insect Woman, The Imamura, Shohei 1963 Japan 123
1486 1466 Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The Dominik, Andrew 2007 USA 160
1487 1461 Being John Malkovich Jonze, Spike 1999 USA 112
1488 1501 Seconds Frankenheimer, John 1966 USA 106
1489 1488 Beaches of Agnès, The Varda, Agnès 2008 France 110
1490 1444 Ju Dou Zhang Yimou 1990 China 95
1491 1455 Changeling, The Medak, Peter 1980 Canada 107
1492 1456 Waiting for Happiness Sissako, Abderrahmane 2002 France 90
1493 1448 Fallen Idol, The Reed, Carol 1948 UK 94
1494 1450 Luna Bertolucci, Bernardo 1979 Italy 142
1495 1451 In the City of Sylvia Guerín, José Luis 2007 Spain 84
1496 1478 Titane Ducournau, Julia 2021 France 108
1497 1454 King in New York, A Chaplin, Charles 1957 UK 105
1498 1484 Ganja & Hess Gunn, Bill 1973 USA 110
1499 1474 Mad Max Miller, George 1979 Australia 88
1500 1487 Eve's Bayou Lemmons, Kasi 1997 USA 108
1501 1457 Reason, Debate and a Story Ghatak, Ritwik 1974 India 113
1502 1590 Irma Vep Assayas, Olivier 1996 France 98
1503 1511 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Persichetti, Bob/Peter Ramsey/Rodney Rothman 2018 USA 117
1504 1486 Lucía Solás, Humberto 1968 Cuba 160
1505 1526 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Aldrich, Robert 1962 USA 132
1506 1464 Vampires of Poverty, The Mayolo, Carlos & Luis Ospina 1978 Colombia 28
1507 1465 Manila: In the Claws of Neon Brocka, Lino 1975 Philippines 125
1508 1480 Querelle Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1982 West Germany 108
1509 1481 Toy Story 2 Lasseter, John 1999 USA 94
1510 1477 Land and Freedom Loach, Ken 1995 UK 109
1511 1469 Lilith Rossen, Robert 1964 USA 114
1512 1493 Goodbye South, Goodbye Hou Hsiao-hsien 1996 Taiwan 124
1513 1473 Three Crowns of the Sailor Ruiz, Raúl 1983 France 117
1514 1490 Paddington 2 King, Paul 2017 UK 103
1515 1575 Anna Grifi, Alberto & Massimo Sarchielli 1975 Italy 225
1516 1499 It's Always Fair Weather Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 1955 USA 102
1517 1516 Alice Švankmajer, Jan 1988 Czechoslovakia 86
1518 1476 I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang LeRoy, Mervyn 1932 USA 93
1519 1502 À propos de Nice Vigo, Jean & Boris Kaufman 1930 France 25
1520 1574 Perfect World, A Eastwood, Clint 1993 USA 137
1521 1479 Vivir en Sevilla García Pelayo, Gonzalo 1978 Spain 109
1522 1482 Timbuktu Sissako, Abderrahmane 2014 Mauritania 97
1523 1483 Francisca Oliveira, Manoel de 1981 Portugal 166
1524 1603 Big Parade, The Vidor, King 1925 USA 141
1525 1672 Shampoo Ashby, Hal 1975 USA 109
1526 1547 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Charles, Larry 2006 USA 84
1527 1485 This Sporting Life Anderson, Lindsay 1963 UK 134
1528 1505 Man Without a Past, The Kaurismäki, Aki 2002 Finland 97
1529 1521 We Need to Talk About Kevin Ramsay, Lynne 2011 UK 112
1530 1489 Salam Cinema Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1995 Iran 75
1531 1525 Better Tomorrow, A Woo, John 1986 Hong Kong 95
1532 1500 Infernal Affairs Lau, Andrew & Alan Mak 2002 Hong Kong 100
1533 1611 Rider, The Zhao, Chloé 2017 USA 104
1534 1507 Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion Anno, Hideaki & Kazuya Tsurumaki 1997 Japan 87
1535 1496 Stray Dogs Tsai Ming-liang 2013 Taiwan 138
1536 1497 Story of a Cheat, The Guitry, Sacha 1936 France 85
1537 1498 Music Box, The Parrott, James 1932 USA 29
1538 1627 Untouchables, The De Palma, Brian 1987 USA 119
1539 1529 Black Sunday Bava, Mario 1960 Italy 83
1540 1539 Charley Varrick Siegel, Don 1973 USA 111
1541 1534 Pursued Walsh, Raoul 1947 USA 101
1542 1641 Drive Refn, Nicolas Winding 2011 USA 100
1543 1506 Shop on Main Street, The Kadár, Ján & Elmar Klos 1965 Czechoslovakia 128
1544 1535 Ratatouille Bird, Brad 2007 USA 111
1545 1508 Mephisto Szabó, István 1981 Hungary 135
1546 1509 Random Harvest LeRoy, Mervyn 1942 USA 126
1547 1510 Dodsworth Wyler, William 1936 USA 101
1548 1564 War and Peace Vidor, King 1956 USA 208
1549 1580 American Psycho Harron, Mary 2000 USA 101
1550 1642 Perfect Blue Kon, Satoshi 1997 Japan 81
1551 1523 Romeo + Juliet Luhrmann, Baz 1996 USA 120
1552 1612 Sixth Sense, The Shyamalan, M. Night 1999 USA 107
1553 1514 Hamlet Kozintsev, Grigori 1964 USSR 140
1554 1517 Stardust Memories Allen, Woody 1980 USA 91
1555 1559 Gone to Earth Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1950 UK 82
1556 1587 Battle of Chile: Part 3, The Guzmán, Patricio 1979 Chile 80
1557 1548 Color Purple, The Spielberg, Steven 1985 USA 152
1558 1551 Que Viva Mexico! Eisenstein, Sergei 1932 USSR 90
1559 1520 Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance Obomsawin, Alanis 1993 Canada 119
1560 1570 sex, lies, and videotape Soderbergh, Steven 1989 USA 100
1561 1622 Actress, The Kwan, Stanley 1991 Hong Kong 154
1562 1596 Murmur of the Heart Malle, Louis 1971 France 118
1563 1524 Force of Evil Polonsky, Abraham 1948 USA 78
1564 1549 Insider, The Mann, Michael 1999 USA 155
1565 1527 Roue, La Gance, Abel 1923 France 273
1566 1528 Modern Romance Brooks, Albert 1981 USA 93
1567 1582 Childhood of Maxim Gorky, The Donskoi, Mark 1938 USSR 98
1568 1530 Equinox Flower Ozu, Yasujiro 1958 Japan 118
1569 1531 Empire of the Sun Spielberg, Steven 1987 USA 152
1570 1532 Man's Castle Borzage, Frank 1933 USA 66
1571 1569 Lion King, The Minkoff, Rob & Roger Allers 1994 USA 88
1572 1533 Rio Grande Ford, John 1950 USA 105
1573 1658 Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Lang, Fritz 1956 USA 80
1574 1536 Death of Maria Malibran, The Schroeter, Werner 1972 West Germany 104
1575 1747 Trust Hartley, Hal 1990 UK 107
1576 1537 Oxhide 2 Liu Jiayin 2009 China 132
1577 1540 Braveheart Gibson, Mel 1995 USA 177
1578 1607 Day He Arrives, The Hong Sang-soo 2011 South Korea 79
1579 1541 Accident Losey, Joseph 1967 UK 105
1580 1563 Man in the White Suit, The Mackendrick, Alexander 1951 UK 84
1581 1543 Right Now, Wrong Then Hong Sang-soo 2015 South Korea 121
1582 1544 King Lear Godard, Jean-Luc 1987 Switzerland 90
1583 1572 Manhunter Mann, Michael 1986 USA 119
1584 1585 Flowing Naruse, Mikio 1956 Japan 117
1585 1546 Mortal Storm, The Borzage, Frank 1940 USA 100
1586 1558 In the Cut Campion, Jane 2003 UK 119
1587 1550 Wayward Cloud, The Tsai Ming-liang 2005 France 112
1588 1674 12 Monkeys Gilliam, Terry 1995 USA 131
1589 1552 Crimson Gold Panahi, Jafar 2003 Iran 96
1590 1560 Girl Chewing Gum, The Smith, John 1976 UK 12
1591 1553 Schwechater Kubelka, Peter 1958 Austria 1
1592 1728 Safety Last! Newmeyer, Fred C. & Sam Taylor 1923 USA 78
1593 1554 Promised Land, The Wajda, Andrzej 1975 Poland 179
1594 1614 Trial of Joan of Arc Bresson, Robert 1962 France 65
1595 1556 Colour Box, A Lye, Len 1935 UK 3
1596 1557 Long Day's Journey Into Night Bi Gan 2018 China 138
1597 1566 Film socialisme Godard, Jean-Luc 2010 Switzerland 102
1598 1562 Reassemblage Trinh T. Minh-ha 1982 USA 40
1599 1593 Repo Man Cox, Alex 1984 USA 92
1600 1630 Queen Kelly von Stroheim, Erich 1929 USA 96
1601 1579 Body Double De Palma, Brian 1984 USA 109
1602 1571 Black Cat, The Ulmer, Edgar G. 1934 USA 65
1603 1660 Women, The Cukor, George 1939 USA 132
1604 1565 Bellissima Visconti, Luchino 1951 Italy 112
1605 1608 Hellraiser Barker, Clive 1987 UK 94
1606 1613 U.S. Go Home [TV] Denis, Claire 1994 France 68
1607 1568 Natural Born Killers Stone, Oliver 1994 USA 119
1608 1760 Ulzana's Raid Aldrich, Robert 1972 USA 103
1609 1592 Faces Places Varda, Agnès & JR 2017 France 89
1610 1789 Ride Lonesome Boetticher, Budd 1959 USA 73
1611 1604 Leviathan Zvyagintsev, Andrey 2014 Russia 140
1612 1628 Femme douce, Une Bresson, Robert 1969 France 88
1613 1581 Cold War Pawlikowski, Pawel 2018 Poland 88
1614 1605 Beyond, The Fulci, Lucio 1981 Italy 82
1615 1573 Shoes Weber, Lois 1916 USA 60
1616 1634 Slumdog Millionaire Boyle, Danny 2008 UK 120
1617 1757 21 Grams González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2003 Germany 125
1618 1746 Bandits of Orgosolo De Seta, Vittorio 1961 Italy 98
1619 1654 Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The Schnabel, Julian 2007 France 112
1620 1696 Seventh Continent, The Haneke, Michael 1989 Austria 104
1621 1576 Tomboy Sciamma, Céline 2011 France 82
1622 1578 Bidone, Il Fellini, Federico 1955 Italy 113
1623 1595 One Sings, the Other Doesn't Varda, Agnès 1977 France 120
1624 1597 Ganga Bruta Mauro, Humberto 1933 Brazil 82
1625 1662 Miracle Worker, The Penn, Arthur 1962 USA 107
1626 1639 Death Proof Tarantino, Quentin 2007 USA 104
1627 1583 Clock, The Minnelli, Vincente 1945 USA 90
1628 1610 Pyramide humaine, La Rouch, Jean 1961 France 90
1629 1584 Yaaba Ouedraogo, Idrissa 1989 Burkina Faso 90
1630 1586 Eniaios Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1990 USA 4800
1631 1753 Gone Girl Fincher, David 2014 USA 149
1632 1697 Night on Earth Jarmusch, Jim 1991 USA 125
1633 1625 Europa von Trier, Lars 1991 Denmark 112
1634 1588 Twin Peaks [TV] Lynch, David/Lesli Link Glatter/Caleb Deschanel/Duwayne Dunham/Tim Hunter/Todd Holland/Tina Rathbone 1990-91 USA 1363
1635 1600 Grande bouffe, La Ferreri, Marco 1973 France 130
1636 1664 In the Heat of the Night Jewison, Norman 1967 USA 110
1637 1594 Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Kaufman, Philip 1988 USA 171
1638 1598 Out of Africa Pollack, Sydney 1985 USA 161
1639 1640 While the City Sleeps Lang, Fritz 1956 USA 100
1640 1646 River Called Titas, A Ghatak, Ritwik 1973 India 159
1641 1599 Tom Jones Richardson, Tony 1963 UK 129
1642 1647 Four Friends Penn, Arthur 1981 USA 114
1643 1806 Gerry Van Sant, Gus 2002 USA 102
1644 1609 Hour of the Star Amaral, Suzana 1985 Brazil 95
1645 1601 Eureka Roeg, Nicolas 1983 USA 130
1646 1602 Saraband Bergman, Ingmar 2003 Sweden 107
1647 1689 Woman in the Window, The Lang, Fritz 1944 USA 107
1648 1725 Little Girl Who Sold the Sun, The Diop Mambéty, Djibril 1999 Senegal 45
1649 1790 Rain Man Levinson, Barry 1988 USA 140
1650 1656 Even Dwarfs Started Small Herzog, Werner 1970 West Germany 96
1651 2085 Promesse, La Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 1996 Belgium 90
1652 1606 Dawson City: Frozen Time Morrison, Bill 2016 USA 120
1653 1638 Triplets of Belleville, The Chomet, Sylvain 2003 France 80
1654 1731 Getting to Know the Big, Wide World Muratova, Kira 1978 USSR 75
1655 1729 Chess of the Wind Aslani, Mohammad Reza 1976 Iran 99
1656 1765 My Winnipeg Maddin, Guy 2007 Canada 80
1657 1773 Black Swan Aronofsky, Darren 2010 USA 108
1658 1673 Through a Glass Darkly Bergman, Ingmar 1961 Sweden 91
1659 1736 Face in the Crowd, A Kazan, Elia 1957 USA 125
1660 1715 Fallen Angels Wong Kar-wai 1995 Hong Kong 90
1661 1615 Hail the Conquering Hero Sturges, Preston 1944 USA 101
1662 1635 Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, René 1930 France 92
1663 1629 Blow Job Warhol, Andy 1963 USA 35
1664 1618 Swimmer, The Perry, Frank 1968 USA 95
1665 1619 Story of Qiu Ju, The Zhang Yimou 1992 China 100
1666 1643 Ghost Story, A Lowery, David 2017 USA 92
1667 1620 Sir Arne's Treasure Stiller, Mauritz 1919 Sweden 106
1668 1621 Szerelem Makk, Károly 1971 Hungary 88
1669 1623 When We Were Kings Gast, Leon 1996 USA 88
1670 1624 Rebels of the Neon God Tsai Ming-liang 1992 Taiwan 106
1671 1738 Samson and Delilah DeMille, Cecil B. 1949 USA 128
1672 1772 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Spielberg, Steven 1989 USA 127
1673 1636 Mysterious Object at Noon Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2000 Thailand 89
1674 1812 Naked Spur, The Mann, Anthony 1953 USA 91
1675 1637 Night and the City Dassin, Jules 1950 USA 101
1676 1626 Streetwise Bell, Martin 1984 USA 91
1677 1700 Ballad of Cable Hogue, The Peckinpah, Sam 1970 USA 121
1678 1712 Hallelujah! Vidor, King 1929 USA 106
1679 1631 Out of Sight Soderbergh, Steven 1998 USA 122
1680 1632 Art of Vision, The Brakhage, Stan 1965 USA 250
1681 1633 Gandhi Attenborough, Richard 1982 UK 188
1682 1740 Man from Laramie, The Mann, Anthony 1955 USA 104
1683 1768 Burden of Dreams Blank, Les 1982 USA 94
1684 1683 Fog, The Carpenter, John 1980 USA 91
1685 1684 Horse Money Costa, Pedro 2014 Portugal 103
1686 1652 Moses and Aaron Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1975 West Germany 110
1687 1653 Moolaadé Sembene, Ousmane 2004 Senegal 120
1688 1835 Mission, The Joffé, Roland 1986 UK 125
1689 1675 Pointe Courte, La Varda, Agnès 1955 France 80
1690 1682 Cérémonie, La Chabrol, Claude 1995 France 111
1691 1644 Colorado Territory Walsh, Raoul 1949 USA 94
1692 1645 In Girum imus nocte et consumimur igni Debord, Guy 1978 France 100
1693 1783 Serras da desordem Tonacci, Andrea 2006 Brazil 135
1694 1659 Heiress, The Wyler, William 1949 USA 115
1695 1648 Orchestra Rehearsal Fellini, Federico 1978 Italy 72
1696 1665 Ghost World Zwigoff, Terry 2001 USA 111
1697 1649 Joli mai, Le Marker, Chris 1963 France 165
1698 1698 Sylvia Scarlett Cukor, George 1935 USA 95
1699 1651 Mr. Arkadin Welles, Orson 1955 France 99
1700 1724 Ghost in the Shell Oshii, Mamoru 1995 Japan 83
1701 1732 Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano Mikhalkov, Nikita 1977 USSR 103
1702 1655 Belovy Kossakovsky, Victor 1992 Russia 60
1703 1713 Signora di Tutti, La Ophüls, Max 1934 Italy 97
1704 1676 Police Story Chan, Jackie 1985 Hong Kong 100
1705 1657 Mother Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1926 USSR 87
1706 1871 God's Comedy Monteiro, João César 1995 Portugal 170
1707 1661 Missing Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1982 USA 122
1708 1671 Lost, Lost, Lost Mekas, Jonas 1976 USA 178
1709 1708 Ménilmontant Kirsanoff, Dimitri 1926 France 37
1710 1707 Carabiniers, Les Godard, Jean-Luc 1963 France 75
1711 1680 Minamata: The Victims and Their World Tsuchimoto, Noriaki 1971 Japan 105
1712 1754 Divorce Italian Style Germi, Pietro 1961 Italy 104
1713 1910 Pasazerka Munk, Andrzej 1963 Poland 62
1714 1737 Fuzis, Os Guerra, Ruy 1964 Brazil 80
1715 1666 Diary of a Lost Girl Pabst, G.W. 1929 Germany 104
1716 1667 Notes Towards an African Orestes Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1970 Italy 73
1717 1668 Women in Love Russell, Ken 1969 UK 129
1718 1669 Hearts and Minds Davis, Peter 1974 USA 112
1719 1758 Night of the Shooting Stars, The Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1982 Italy 106
1720 1670 What's Up, Doc? Bogdanovich, Peter 1972 USA 94
1721 1734 Wonders, The Rohrwacher, Alice 2014 Italy 110
1722 1804 Howl's Moving Castle Miyazaki, Hayao 2004 Japan 119
1723 1681 Warriors, The Hill, Walter 1979 USA 90
1724 1720 Outlaw and His Wife, The Sjöström, Victor 1918 Sweden 111
1725 1829 Bitter Victory Ray, Nicholas 1957 France 82
1726 1721 Her Jonze, Spike 2013 USA 126
1727 1735 Taira Clan Saga Mizoguchi, Kenji 1955 Japan 108
1728 1702 36th Chamber of Shaolin, The Liu Chia-Liang 1978 Hong Kong 115
1729 1589 Fat Girl Breillat, Catherine 2001 France 86
1730 1705 Mystic River Eastwood, Clint 2003 USA 137
1731 1693 Brood, The Cronenberg, David 1979 Canada 92
1732 1795 Destiny Lang, Fritz 1921 Germany 105
1733 1701 Small Change Truffaut, François 1976 France 104
1734 1677 Free Radicals Lye, Len 1958 UK 5
1735 1678 Opfergang Harlan, Veit 1944 Germany 98
1736 1679 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Spielberg, Steven 1984 USA 118
1737 1750 To Live and Die in L.A. Friedkin, William 1985 USA 116
1738 1685 Night Moves Penn, Arthur 1975 USA 95
1739 1723 Testament of Orpheus Cocteau, Jean 1960 France 83
1740 1686 Beware of a Holy Whore Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1971 West Germany 103
1741 1704 Text of Light, The Brakhage, Stan 1974 USA 71
1742 1880 Angel Face Preminger, Otto 1953 USA 91
1743 1688 Hamlet Olivier, Laurence 1948 UK 153
1744 1690 Finis terrae Epstein, Jean 1929 France 80
1745 1777 Re-Animator Gordon, Stuart 1985 USA 86
1746 1770 Iron Giant, The Bird, Brad 1999 USA 86
1747 1691 Donkey Skin Demy, Jacques 1970 France 91
1748 1692 Tender Mercies Beresford, Bruce 1983 USA 89
1749 1730 Of a Thousand Delights Visconti, Luchino 1965 Italy 100
1750 1694 Fists in the Pocket Bellocchio, Marco 1965 Italy 105
1751 1695 Calendar Egoyan, Atom 1993 Canada 75
1752 1699 On the Silver Globe Żuławski, Andrzej 1988 Poland 166
1753 1703 Femmes femmes Vecchiali, Paul 1974 France 115
1754 1800 Speed Racer Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 2008 USA 135
1755 1824 28 Days Later... Boyle, Danny 2002 UK 113
1756 1787 Corbeau, Le Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1943 France 92
1757 1706 Cesar and Rosalie Sautet, Claude 1972 France 107
1758 1727 Bad News Bears, The Ritchie, Michael 1976 USA 102
1759 1741 Star Spangled to Death Jacobs, Ken 2004 USA 402
1760 1775 Trash Morrissey, Paul 1970 USA 110
1761 1742 Duvidha Kaul, Mani 1973 India 82
1762 1709 Last Adventure, The Enrico, Robert 1967 France 112
1763 1710 Homework Kiarostami, Abbas 1989 Iran 86
1764 1711 Artists and Models Tashlin, Frank 1955 USA 109
1765 1882 Step Brothers McKay, Adam 2008 USA 98
1766 1801 Extraordinary Stories Llinás, Mariano 2008 Argentina 245
1767 1918 Handmaiden, The Park Chan-wook 2016 South Korea 144
1768 1869 Omen, The Donner, Richard 1976 USA 111
1769 1794 Hours, The Daldry, Stephen 2002 USA 114
1770 1781 Choses de la vie, Les Sautet, Claude 1970 France 89
1771 1714 Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982 UK 103
1772 1716 Mother Joan of the Angels Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1961 Poland 110
1773 1717 Moonstruck Jewison, Norman 1987 USA 102
1774 1718 Love Affair McCarey, Leo 1939 USA 87
1775 1766 Fantasma, O Rodrigues, João Pedro 2000 Portugal 90
1776 1719 Emigrants, The Troell, Jan 1971 Sweden 191
1777 1752 Finding Nemo Stanton, Andrew & Lee Unkrich 2003 USA 100
1778 2021 In the Heat of the Sun Jiang Wen 1994 China 134
1779 1739 Hugo Scorsese, Martin 2011 USA 126
1780 1755 Black Rain [Japan] Imamura, Shohei 1989 Japan 123
1781 1722 Méditerranée Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1963 France 45
1782 1799 Predator McTiernan, John 1987 USA 107
1783 1726 White Balloon, The Panahi, Jafar 1995 Iran 84
1784 1764 War of the Worlds, The Haskin, Byron 1953 USA 85
1785 1792 Nuts in May [TV] Leigh, Mike 1976 UK 84
1786 1920 Day of the Dead Romero, George A. 1985 USA 102
1787 1733 Tom, Tom the Piper's Son Jacobs, Ken 1969 USA 115
1788 1784 Carnival in Flanders Feyder, Jacques 1935 France 114
1789 1743 Riff-Raff Loach, Ken 1991 UK 95
1790 1744 Misunderstood Comencini, Luigi 1966 Italy 104
1791 1805 Haunting, The Wise, Robert 1963 USA 112
1792 1745 Meantime [TV] Leigh, Mike 1983 UK 102
1793 1759 Peking Opera Blues Tsui Hark 1986 Hong Kong 104
1794 1774 Swing Time Stevens, George 1936 USA 103
1795 2023 Winter Sleep Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2014 Turkey 196
1796 1762 Fast Times at Ridgemont High Heckerling, Amy 1982 USA 92
1797 1748 79 primaveras Álvarez, Santiago 1969 Cuba 25
1798 1859 Pickpocket Jia Zhangke 1997 China 108
1799 1763 Inferno Argento, Dario 1980 Italy 107
1800 1823 Brown Bunny, The Gallo, Vincent 2003 USA 93
1801 1749 Show People Vidor, King 1928 USA 83
1802 1885 Death by Hanging Oshima, Nagisa 1968 Japan 117
1803 1751 Student Prince in Old Heidelberg, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1927 USA 105
1804 1803 Paprika Kon, Satoshi 2006 Japan 90
1805 1886 Indian Summer Zurlini, Valerio 1972 Italy 132
1806 1832 Election Payne, Alexander 1999 USA 103
1807 1776 Old Dark House, The Whale, James 1932 USA 71
1808 1761 Far Country, The Mann, Anthony 1954 USA 97
1809 2020 Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, A Andersson, Roy 2014 Sweden 101
1810 1809 Beguiled, The Siegel, Don 1971 USA 109
1811 1830 Slacker Linklater, Richard 1991 USA 97
1812 1989 Padre padrone Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1977 Italy 114
1813 1767 Crossroads Conner, Bruce 1976 USA 36
1814 1843 Basic Instinct Verhoeven, Paul 1992 USA 127
1815 1769 Before the Revolution Bertolucci, Bernardo 1964 Italy 115
1816 1771 Valerie and Her Week of Wonders Jireš, Jaromil 1970 Czechoslovakia 77
1817 1793 Actor's Revenge, An Ichikawa, Kon 1963 Japan 115
1818 1853 Red Road Arnold, Andrea 2006 UK 114
1819 2221 Incendies Villeneuve, Denis 2010 Canada 130
1820 2152 Birth Glazer, Jonathan 2004 Germany 100
1821 1778 Maborosi Koreeda, Hirokazu 1995 Japan 110
1822 1846 One from the Heart Coppola, Francis Ford 1982 USA 107
1823 1779 Goto, Island of Love Borowczyk, Walerian 1968 France 93
1824 1780 Carnet de Bal, Un Duvivier, Julien 1937 France 144
1825 1933 I Knew Her Well Pietrangeli, Antonio 1965 Italy 115
1826 1952 Honeymoon Killers, The Kastle, Leonard 1970 USA 108
1827 1782 Standard Gauge Fisher, Morgan 1984 USA 35
1828 1785 Judex Franju, Georges 1963 France 98
1829 1814 Escape from New York Carpenter, John 1981 USA 99
1830 1786 Recollections of the Yellow House Monteiro, João César 1989 Portugal 122
1831 1847 Sweet Movie Makavejev, Dušan 1974 France 98
1832 1874 White Nights Visconti, Luchino 1957 Italy 94
1833 1788 Last Wave, The Weir, Peter 1977 Australia 106
1834 1850 Times of Harvey Milk, The Epstein, Rob 1984 USA 87
1835 1840 Bullitt Yates, Peter 1968 USA 113
1836 1820 Thin Man, The Van Dyke, W.S. 1934 USA 93
1837 1821 Went the Day Well? Cavalcanti, Alberto 1942 UK 92
1838 1791 Battle in Heaven Reygadas, Carlos 2005 Mexico 97
1839 1836 Inherent Vice Anderson, Paul Thomas 2014 USA 148
1840 1796 Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania Mekas, Jonas 1972 UK 88
1841 1797 Pink Narcissus Bidgood, James 1971 USA 71
1842 1810 Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner, The Herzog, Werner 1974 West Germany 45
1843 1798 There Was a Father Ozu, Yasujiro 1942 Japan 94
1844 1845 Bitter Moon Polanski, Roman 1992 France 139
1845 1892 Braindead Jackson, Peter 1992 New Zealand 97
1846 1802 Othon Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1970 West Germany 88
1847 1904 Invasion of the Body Snatchers Kaufman, Philip 1978 USA 115
1848 1856 Quai des Orfèvres Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1947 France 102
1849 1808 Waking Life Linklater, Richard 2001 USA 100
1850 1851 Tetsuo: The Iron Man Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 1989 Japan 67
1851 2114 Everything Everywhere All at Once Kwan, Dan & Daniel Scheinert 2022 USA 139
1852 1849 Winchester '73 Mann, Anthony 1950 USA 92
1853 1807 Anticipation of the Night Brakhage, Stan 1958 USA 42
1854 2094 True Romance Scott, Tony 1993 USA 116
1855 1934 Battle Royale Fukasaku, Kinji 2000 Japan 113
1856 1826 Hitch-Hiker, The Lupino, Ida 1953 USA 71
1857 1866 Fantastic Planet Laloux, René 1973 France 72
1858 1837 Burmese Harp, The Ichikawa, Kon 1956 Japan 116
1859 1873 Now! Álvarez, Santiago 1965 Cuba 5
1860 1811 Home from the Hill Minnelli, Vincente 1960 USA 150
1861 1813 Simone Barbes or Virtue Treilhou, Marie-Claude 1980 France 77
1862 1815 Pour la suite du monde Perrault, Pierre & Michel Brault 1963 Canada 105
1863 1816 Third Generation, The Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1979 West Germany 110
1864 1817 Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets Terayama, Shuji 1971 Japan 137
1865 1818 Quatorze Juillet Clair, René 1933 France 92
1866 1899 Fish Called Wanda, A Crichton, Charles 1988 UK 108
1867 1945 Forty Guns Fuller, Samuel 1957 USA 80
1868 1819 Adieu Philippine Rozier, Jacques 1962 France 106
1869 1833 They Shoot Horses, Don't They? Pollack, Sydney 1969 USA 129
1870 1834 Field of Dreams Robinson, Phil Alden 1989 USA 106
1871 1822 Near Death Wiseman, Frederick 1989 USA 358
1872 2308 Murder by Contract Lerner, Irving 1958 USA 81
1873 1890 Great Silence, The Corbucci, Sergio 1968 France 105
1874 1825 Fires on the Plain Ichikawa, Kon 1959 Japan 108
1875 1870 O Brother, Where Art Thou? Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2000 USA 107
1876 1839 Beauty and the Beast Wise, Kirk/Gary Trousdale 1991 USA 84
1877 1827 Why Has Bohdi-Dharma Left for the East? Bae Yong-Kyun 1989 South Korea 135
1878 1828 Dependent, The Favio, Leonardo 1969 Argentina 87
1879 1928 Batman Returns Burton, Tim 1992 USA 126
1880 1831 Man Who Loved Women, The Truffaut, François 1977 France 120
1881 1756 Coeur fidèle Epstein, Jean 1923 France 87
1882 1894 Tale of the Princess Kaguya, The Takahata, Isao 2013 Japan 137
1883 1838 Ici et ailleurs Godard, Jean-Luc/Anne-Marie Miéville/Jean-Pierre Gorin 1976 France 53
1884 1898 Bound Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 1996 USA 109
1885 1841 Pirate, The Minnelli, Vincente 1948 USA 102
1886 1842 13 Lakes Benning, James 2004 USA 135
1887 1844 Flower of My Secret, The Almodóvar, Pedro 1995 Spain 100
1888 2144 One-Sixth of the World Vertov, Dziga 1926 USSR 68
1889 1876 Christmas Tale, A Desplechin, Arnaud 2008 France 153
1890 1848 Soft Fiction Strand, Chick 1979 USA 55
1891 1852 Betty Blue Beineix, Jean-Jacques 1986 France 120
1892 1865 Christ Stopped at Eboli Rosi, Francesco 1979 Italy 250
1893 1965 Canyon Passage Tourneur, Jacques 1946 USA 92
1894 1878 Love is the Message, the Message is Death Jafa, Arthur 2016 USA 8
1895 1884 Heavenly Creatures Jackson, Peter 1994 New Zealand 99
1896 1868 Drugstore Cowboy Van Sant, Gus 1989 USA 100
1897 1854 Personal Problems Gunn, Bill 1980 USA 165
1898 1855 Dirty Story, A Eustache, Jean 1977 France 50
1899 1857 Mississippi Mermaid Truffaut, François 1969 France 110
1900 1858 Lady with the Dog, The Kheifits, Iosif 1959 USSR 90
1901 1860 Man Who Laughs, The Leni, Paul 1928 USA 110
1902 1872 Kill Bill Vol. 2 Tarantino, Quentin 2004 USA 136
1903 1861 Turkish Delight Verhoeven, Paul 1973 Netherlands 108
1904 1862 My Fair Lady Cukor, George 1964 USA 170
1905 1893 Unbreakable Shyamalan, M. Night 2000 USA 106
1906 1917 To Be and to Have Philibert, Nicolas 2002 France 104
1907 1863 Romance del Aniceto y la Francisca, El Favio, Leonardo 1967 Argentina 63
1908 1950 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse, The Lang, Fritz 1960 France 104
1909 2176 Invisible Adversaries Export, Valie 1977 Austria 112
1910 1864 Night and Fog in Japan Oshima, Nagisa 1960 Japan 107
1911 1867 New Babylon, The Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg 1929 USSR 93
1912 1877 Happiness Medvedkin, Aleksandr 1934 USSR 69
1913 1939 Cannibal Holocaust Deodato, Ruggero 1980 Colombia 98
1914 2026 Wayne's World Spheeris, Penelope 1992 USA 95
1915 1968 Passion of Anna, The Bergman, Ingmar 1969 Sweden 101
1916 1957 Radio Days Allen, Woody 1987 USA 85
1917 1887 Crying Game, The Jordan, Neil 1992 UK 112
1918 1888 Nobody Knows Koreeda, Hirokazu 2004 Japan 141
1919 1902 David Holzman's Diary McBride, Jim 1967 USA 74
1920 1889 Roaring Twenties, The Walsh, Raoul 1939 USA 104
1921 1937 Comrades: Almost a Love Story Chan, Peter 1996 Hong Kong 118
1922 1956 Vai-E-Vem Monteiro, João César 2003 Portugal 179
1923 1891 In the Year of the Pig de Antonio, Emile 1968 USA 103
1924 1879 Lucky Star Borzage, Frank 1929 USA 90
1925 1944 Libertad, La Alonso, Lisandro 2001 Argentina 73
1926 1881 California Split Altman, Robert 1974 USA 108
1927 1896 Abyss, The Cameron, James 1989 USA 145
1928 1883 Clowns, The [TV] Fellini, Federico 1970 Italy 92
1929 1954 Five Obstructions, The Leth, Jørgen & Lars von Trier 2003 Denmark 88
1930 1958 Ring Nakata, Hideo 1998 Japan 95
1931 2074 Jacob's Ladder Lyne, Adrian 1990 USA 115
1932 1923 Little Fugitive Engel, Morris/Ray Ashley/Ruth Orkin 1953 USA 80
1933 1901 Salt of the Earth Biberman, Herbert J. 1954 USA 94
1934 1908 Mouth Agape, The Pialat, Maurice 1974 France 82
1935 1925 Fist of Fury Lo Wei 1972 Hong Kong 107
1936 2130 Big Sky, The Hawks, Howard 1952 USA 122
1937 1895 Man There Was, A Sjöström, Victor 1917 Sweden 55
1938 1897 Countess from Hong Kong, A Chaplin, Charles 1967 UK 108
1939 1906 Bowling for Columbine Moore, Michael 2002 USA 120
1940 1964 Love Actually Curtis, Richard 2003 UK 135
1941 1916 Big Wednesday Milius, John 1978 USA 120
1942 1915 Poison Haynes, Todd 1991 USA 85
1943 1967 Plein soleil Clément, René 1960 France 119
1944 1903 Smiling Lieutenant, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1931 USA 93
1945 1924 Hands Over the City Rosi, Francesco 1963 Italy 101
1946 1936 King of Marvin Gardens, The Rafelson, Bob 1972 USA 104
1947 1941 Public Enemy, The Wellman, William A. 1931 USA 84
1948 1907 Petulia Lester, Richard 1968 UK 105
1949 1909 ...All the Marbles Aldrich, Robert 1981 USA 113
1950 1932 Show Me Love Moodysson, Lukas 1998 Sweden 89
1951 1998 Angels with Dirty Faces Curtiz, Michael 1938 USA 97
1952 1993 Peter Ibbetson Hathaway, Henry 1935 USA 88
1953 2499 Good Will Hunting Van Sant, Gus 1997 USA 126
1954 1959 Lonesome Fejös, Pál 1928 USA 69
1955 1940 Moana Flaherty, Robert J. & Frances H. Flaherty 1926 USA 85
1956 1911 Devil in the Flesh Autant-Lara, Claude 1947 France 110
1957 1912 Innocente, L' Visconti, Luchino 1976 Italy 129
1958 1913 Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting, The Ruiz, Raúl 1978 France 66
1959 1980 From Here to Eternity Zinnemann, Fred 1953 USA 118
1960 1914 Quadrophenia Roddam, Franc 1979 UK 115
1961 1919 High School Wiseman, Frederick 1968 USA 75
1962 1921 Dil Se.. Ratnam, Mani 1998 India 157
1963 2234 Seven Men from Now Boetticher, Budd 1956 USA 78
1964 2083 Diner Levinson, Barry 1982 USA 110
1965 1922 Midnight Express Parker, Alan 1978 UK 121
1966 1942 Best of Youth, The Giordana, Marco Tullio 200+F19673 Italy 373
1967 1926 Profound Desires of the Gods Imamura, Shohei 1968 Japan 173
1968 1943 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Gilliam, Terry 1998 USA 118
1969 2166 Advise and Consent Preminger, Otto 1962 USA 139
1970 1929 Sound and Fury Brisseau, Jean-Claude 1988 France 95
1971 1931 Broken Lullaby Lubitsch, Ernst 1932 USA 77
1972 1978 Man and a Woman, A Lelouch, Claude 1966 France 102
1973 1962 Hidden Fortress, The Kurosawa, Akira 1958 Japan 126
1974 2095 Fistful of Dynamite, A Leone, Sergio 1971 Italy 138
1975 1935 Kaos Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1984 Italy 187
1976 2164 One-Eyed Jacks Brando, Marlon 1961 USA 141
1977 2065 Clerks Smith, Kevin 1994 USA 89
1978 1966 Playing Coutinho, Eduardo 2007 Brazil 100
1979 1977 Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987 Denmark 102
1980 1938 Harder They Come, The Henzell, Perry 1972 Jamaica 98
1981 2289 Forest of Bliss Gardner, Robert 1986 USA 90
1982 1976 Kingdom, The [TV] von Trier, Lars & Morten Arnfred 1994 Denmark 264
1983 2071 Coming Home Ashby, Hal 1978 USA 127
1984 1961 Take the Money and Run Allen, Woody 1969 USA 85
1985 2180 Drive My Car Hamaguchi, Ryusuke 2021 Japan 179
1986 1946 Duelle Rivette, Jacques 1976 France 121
1987 2196 Fury Lang, Fritz 1936 USA 94
1988 1948 Man Who Planted Trees, The Back, Frédéric 1987 Canada 30
1989 2132 Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird Iosseliani, Otar 1970 USSR 85
1990 1949 Long Absence, The Colpi, Henri 1961 France 85
1991 2093 Marquise of O, The Rohmer, Eric 1976 France 102
1992 2146 Little Big Man Penn, Arthur 1970 USA 150
1993 1951 Unfaithfully Yours Sturges, Preston 1948 USA 105
1994 1953 Sheltering Sky, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1990 UK 137
1995 2117 Jour de Féte Tati, Jacques 1948 France 70
1996 2084 Jeremiah Johnson Pollack, Sydney 1972 USA 107
1997 1955 Falls, The Greenaway, Peter 1980 UK 195
1998 1960 This Man Must Die Chabrol, Claude 1969 France 115
1999 2072 Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997 USA 106
2000 1974 Island of Lost Souls Kenton, Erle C. 1932 USA 70
2001 2001 Lust, Caution Lee, Ang 2007 USA 158
2002 2002 Ingeborg Holm Sjöström, Victor 1913 Sweden 72
2003 1687 Battles Without Honour and Humanity Fukasaku, Kinji 1973 Japan 99
2004 2004 Something Different Chytilová, Věra 1963 Czechoslovakia 85
2005 2003 Mattei Affair, The Rosi, Francesco 1972 Italy 116
2006 2005 Afrique 50 Vautier, René 1950 France 17
2007 2007 Homeland (Iraq Year Zero) Fahdel, Abbas 2015 Iraq 334
2008 2008 Howards End Ivory, James 1992 UK 142
2009 2012 Office Space Judge, Mike 1999 USA 89
2010 2006 Valentin de las Sierras Baillie, Bruce 1967 USA 10
2011 2011 Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!, The Zucker, David 1988 USA 85
2012 2009 They All Laughed Bogdanovich, Peter 1981 USA 115
2013 2010 Gabbeh Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1996 Iran 74
2014 2036 Daisy Kenyon Preminger, Otto 1947 USA 99
2015 2013 Angst Kargl, Gerald 1983 Austria 87
2016 2015 Force Majeure Östlund, Ruben 2014 Sweden 120
2017 2017 Awaara Kapoor, Raj 1951 India 168
2018 2016 Us Peele, Jordan 2019 USA 116
2019 2014 Eight Deadly Shots [TV] Niskanen, Mikko 1972 Finland 316
2020 2030 Bridesmaids Feig, Paul 2011 USA 125
2021 2731 Hunt, The Vinterberg, Thomas 2012 Denmark 115
2022 2018 Begone Dull Care McLaren, Norman 1949 Canada 8
2023 2019 Mandala Im Kwon-taek 1981 South Korea 105
2024 1875 Sant Tukaram Fattelal, Sheikh & Vishnupant Govind Damle 1936 India 131
2025 2039 Idiocracy Judge, Mike 2006 USA 84
2026 2022 Belfast, Maine Wiseman, Frederick 1999 USA 245
2027 2025 Parents' Hearts Chun Kim 1955 Hong Kong 111
2028 2041 Millennium Actress Kon, Satoshi 2001 Japan 87
2029 2035 Addiction, The Ferrara, Abel 1995 USA 82
2030 2076 Antichrist von Trier, Lars 2009 Denmark 108
2031 2024 Timeless Bottomless Bad Movie Jang Sun-Woo 1997 South Korea 144
2032 2059 Isn't Life Wonderful Griffith, D.W. 1924 USA 120
2033 2037 Poltergeist Hooper, Tobe 1982 USA 114
2034 2048 House Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1977 Japan 88
2035 1900 Twenty Days Without War German, Aleksei 1976 USSR 101
2036 2031 Stunt Man, The Rush, Richard 1980 USA 129
2037 2165 Shape of Water, The del Toro, Guillermo 2017 USA 123
2038 2027 Om Shanti Om Khan, Farah 2007 India 169
2039 2028 Plan 9 from Outer Space Wood Jr., Edward D. 1959 USA 79
2040 2032 Gangs of Wasseypur Kashyap, Anurag 2012 India 320
2041 2033 Dune Lynch, David 1984 USA 137
2042 2029 Ornamental Hairpin Shimizu, Hiroshi 1941 Japan 70
2043 2042 Working Girl Nichols, Mike 1988 USA 113
2044 1930 Our Daily Bread Kaul, Mani 1970 India 110
2045 2047 Lobster, The Lanthimos, Yorgos 2015 Ireland 118
2046 2034 Little Stabs at Happiness Jacobs, Ken 1959-63 USA 15
2047 1947 Waiting for Guffman Guest, Christopher 1997 USA 93
2048 2101 Bull Durham Shelton, Ron 1988 USA 108
2049 2298 Pale Flower Shinoda, Masahiro 1964 Japan 96
2050 2052 Sexy Beast Glazer, Jonathan 2000 UK 88
2051 2212 Big Country, The Wyler, William 1958 USA 166
2052 2044 Strange Case of Angelica, The Oliveira, Manoel de 2010 Portugal 96
2053 2058 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy McKay, Adam 2004 USA 94
2054 2040 Blood of the Condor Sanjinés, Jorge 1969 Bolivia 85
2055 2051 Oh! Man Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 2004 Italy 71
2056 2045 Winter's Bone Granik, Debra 2010 USA 100
2057 2049 Tingler, The Castle, William 1959 USA 82
2058 1963 Joan of Arc of Mongolia Ottinger, Ulrike 1989 West Germany 165
2059 2043 Witchfinder General, The Reeves, Michael 1968 UK 98
2060 2136 Sunday Bloody Sunday Schlesinger, John 1971 UK 110
2061 1984 They Died with Their Boots On Walsh, Raoul 1941 USA 138
2062 1985 Eros + Massacre Yoshida, Yoshishige 1969 Japan 202
2063 2046 Édouard et Caroline Becker, Jacques 1951 France 88
2064 1994 Raining Stones Loach, Ken 1993 UK 90
2065 2054 Clouds of Sils Maria Assayas, Olivier 2014 France 124
2066 1987 Objective, Burma! Walsh, Raoul 1945 USA 142
2067 1969 Martha [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1974 West Germany 112
2068 1970 Taking Off Forman, Milos 1971 USA 93
2069 1983 Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould Girard, Francois 1993 Canada 93
2070 2112 São Bernardo Hirszman, Leon 1972 Brazil 113
2071 1971 Vie de Jésus, La Dumont, Bruno 1997 France 96
2072 1990 Ox-Bow Incident, The Wellman, William A. 1943 USA 75
2073 1992 Entr'acte Clair, René 1924 France 22
2074 1972 Matewan Sayles, John 1987 USA 130
2075 1973 Damnation Tarr, Béla 1988 Hungary 116
2076 1991 Looking for Langston Julien, Isaac 1988 UK 46
2077 1975 Pajama Game, The Abbott, George & Stanley Donen 1957 USA 101
2078 2110 Meetings of Anna, The Akerman, Chantal 1978 France 120
2079 2050 Anges du péché, Les Bresson, Robert 1943 France 96
2080 2060 Samson and Delilah Thornton, Warwick 2009 Australia 101
2081 2053 Sundays and Cybele Bourguignon, Serge 1962 France 110
2082 2068 Doulos, Le Melville, Jean-Pierre 1963 France 108
2083 1979 Dangerous Liaisons Frears, Stephen 1988 USA 120
2084 1981 Marriage Circle, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1924 USA 85
2085 1982 Serpico Lumet, Sidney 1973 USA 129
2086 1999 Seashell and the Clergyman, The Dulac, Germaine 1928 France 31
2087 2063 Rouge Kwan, Stanley 1987 Hong Kong 96
2088 2080 Daughters of Darkness Kümel, Harry 1971 Belgium 87
2089 1986 Out of the Blue Hopper, Dennis 1980 USA 94
2090 2070 Autumn Marathon Daneliya, Georgi 1979 USSR 90
2091 2055 Image Book, The Godard, Jean-Luc 2018 Switzerland 84
2092 1996 My Ain Folk Douglas, Bill 1973 UK 55
2093 2133 Pee-wee's Big Adventure Burton, Tim 1985 USA 90
2094 1988 Welcome to the Dollhouse Solondz, Todd 1995 USA 87
2095 2066 Ah Ying Fong, Allen 1983 Hong Kong 110
2096 2056 Battle of the Somme, The Malins, Geoffrey 1916 UK 74
2097 2057 Other Side of the Wind, The Welles, Orson 2018 France 122
2098 2238 Riddles of the Sphinx Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen 1977 UK 92
2099 2239 Red Psalm Jancsó, Miklós 1972 Hungary 87
2100 1995 Vera Cruz Aldrich, Robert 1954 USA 94
2101 2138 Me and You and Everyone We Know July, Miranda 2005 USA 91
2102 2038 Raw Ducournau, Julia 2016 France 99
2103 2061 Somewhere in Time Szwarc, Jeannot 1980 USA 103
2104 2141 Witness for the Prosecution Wilder, Billy 1957 USA 114
2105 1997 Heimat 2: Chronicle of a Generation [TV] Reitz, Edgar 1992 Germany 1416
2106 2088 Big Fish Burton, Tim 2003 USA 125
2107 2062 Pictures of the Old World Hanák, Dusan 1972 Czechoslovakia 74
2108 2000 Chambre en ville, Une Demy, Jacques 1982 France 90
2109 2211 Nightmare on Elm Street, A Craven, Wes 1984 USA 92
2110 2081 There's Something About Mary Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 1998 USA 119
2111 2129 Brigadoon Minnelli, Vincente 1954 USA 108
2112 2064 Beat That My Heart Skipped, The Audiard, Jacques 2005 France 107
2113 2270 Velvet Goldmine Haynes, Todd 1998 UK 120
2114 2128 Cargo 200 Balabanov, Aleksei 2007 Russia 89
2115 2090 Squid and the Whale, The Baumbach, Noah 2005 USA 80
2116 2067 Chinoise, La Godard, Jean-Luc 1967 France 95
2117 1927 Children of Heaven Majidi, Majid 1997 Iran 89
2118 2069 Ådalen 31 Widerberg, Bo 1969 Sweden 115
2119 2153 Swept Away Wertmüller, Lina 1975 Italy 116
2120 2191 Gremlins Dante, Joe 1984 USA 106
2121 2267 Good Morning, Night Bellocchio, Marco 2003 Italy 106
2122 2087 Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1996 Netherlands 126
2123 2599 Chariots of Fire Hudson, Hugh 1981 UK 123
2124 2086 Bye Bye Brasil Diegues, Carlos 1980 Brazil 110
2125 2073 Glen or Glenda? Wood Jr., Edward D. 1953 USA 61
2126 2563 Love in the Afternoon Rohmer, Eric 1972 France 97
2127 2075 Five Year Diary Robertson, Anne Charlotte 1981-97 USA 2160
2128 2137 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Mamoulian, Rouben 1931 USA 97
2129 2103 Match Point Allen, Woody 2005 UK 124
2130 2560 Watership Down Rosen, Martin 1978 UK 92
2131 2077 Mademoiselle Richardson, Tony 1966 UK 103
2132 2078 Crime Wave Paizs, John 1985 Canada 80
2133 2079 Taste of Honey, A Richardson, Tony 1961 UK 101
2134 2123 School of Rock Linklater, Richard 2003 USA 108
2135 2145 Merry Widow, The von Stroheim, Erich 1925 USA 137
2136 2125 Zvenigora Dovzhenko, Alexander 1928 USSR 109
2137 2126 Signs of Life Herzog, Werner 1968 Germany 90
2138 2172 Together Moodysson, Lukas 2000 Sweden 106
2139 2222 Last Days Van Sant, Gus 2005 USA 96
2140 2082 He Who Gets Slapped Sjöström, Victor 1924 USA 95
2141 2374 Strange Voyage Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1964 Spain 92
2142 2203 Legend of Drunken Master, The Liu Chia-Liang 1994 Hong Kong 102
2143 2284 Neighbouring Sounds Mendonça Filho, Kleber 2012 Brazil 131
2144 2116 Bal, Le Scola, Ettore 1983 France 109
2145 2102 Ballet mécanique Léger, Fernand & Dudley Murphy 1924 France 19
2146 2184 Human Condition I, The Kobayashi, Masaki 1959 Japan 208
2147 2435 Tangerine Baker, Sean 2015 USA 88
2148 2121 Sorry to Bother You Riley, Boots 2018 USA 111
2149 2089 Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator Makavejev, Dušan 1967 Yugoslavia 79
2150 2139 Vanishing, The Sluizer, George 1988 Netherlands 101
2151 2124 Elle Verhoeven, Paul 2016 France 130
2152 2173 Bright Star Campion, Jane 2009 UK 119
2153 2091 Decasia Morrison, Bill 2002 USA 70
2154 2174 Strange Days Bigelow, Kathryn 1995 USA 145
2155 2092 Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Jarmusch, Jim 1999 USA 115
2156 2293 Play it Again, Sam Ross, Herbert 1972 USA 87
2157 2158 Fidanzati, I Olmi, Ermanno 1963 Italy 77
2158 2096 Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert Duras, Marguerite 1976 France 114
2159 2097 Postino, Il Radford, Michael 1994 Italy 113
2160 2127 Lilya 4-Ever Moodysson, Lukas 2002 Sweden 109
2161 2098 Stella Dallas Vidor, King 1937 USA 106
2162 2099 Peppermint Candy Lee Chang-dong 1999 South Korea 129
2163 2100 I Am Somebody Anderson, Madeline 1970 USA 28
2164 2240 State of Things, The Wenders, Wim 1982 Germany 120
2165 2113 Ms .45 Ferrara, Abel 1981 USA 84
2166 2118 Poseidon Adventure, The Neame, Ronald 1972 USA 117
2167 2195 Woodstock Wadleigh, Michael 1970 USA 184
2168 2162 Moonrise Kingdom Anderson, Wes 2012 USA 94
2169 1905 George Washington Green, David Gordon 2000 USA 89
2170 2104 Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion Petri, Elio 1970 Italy 112
2171 2105 Pariah Rees, Dee 2011 USA 86
2172 2202 Guerre est finie, La Resnais, Alain 1966 France 121
2173 2634 Couch Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 54
2174 2106 Clash by Night Lang, Fritz 1952 USA 105
2175 2134 My Brilliant Career Armstrong, Gillian 1979 Australia 101
2176 2135 Three Days of the Condor Pollack, Sydney 1975 USA 117
2177 2143 Sleeping Beauty Geronimi, Clyde 1959 USA 75
2178 2107 Five Dedicated to Ozu Kiarostami, Abbas 2003 Iran 74
2179 2108 Emperor of the North Pole Aldrich, Robert 1973 USA 118
2180 2109 Spiritual Voices Sokurov, Aleksandr 1995 Russia 328
2181 2306 Medea Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1969 France 118
2182 2200 Time Bradley, Garrett 2020 USA 81
2183 2111 Accidental Tourist, The Kasdan, Lawrence 1988 USA 121
2184 2188 Late Chrysanthemums Naruse, Mikio 1954 Japan 101
2185 2115 Dupes, The Saleh, Tewfik 1972 Syria 107
2186 2186 3:10 to Yuma Daves, Delmer 1957 USA 92
2187 2361 Natural, The Levinson, Barry 1984 USA 134
2188 2119 Melancholia Diaz, Lav 2008 Philippines 450
2189 2120 Ajantrik Ghatak, Ritwik 1958 India 102
2190 2122 Wind from the East Godard, Jean-Luc/Jean-Pierre Gorin/Gérard Martin 1970 France 100
2191 2168 Same Old Song Resnais, Alain 1997 France 122
2192 2251 Bend of the River Mann, Anthony 1952 USA 91
2193 2217 Bigamist, The Lupino, Ida 1953 USA 80
2194 2171 Falbalas Becker, Jacques 1945 France 111
2195 2213 Horse Feathers McLeod, Norman Z. 1932 USA 68
2196 2177 Daguerréotypes Varda, Agnès 1975 France 80
2197 2131 Thunderbolt and Lightfoot Cimino, Michael 1974 USA 114
2198 2148 Amsterdam Global Village van der Keuken, Johan 1996 Netherlands 245
2199 2190 Roger & Me Moore, Michael 1989 USA 87
2200 2140 From Saturday to Sunday Machatý, Gustav 1931 Czechoslovakia 69
2201 2316 World According to Garp, The Hill, George Roy 1982 USA 136
2202 2214 Hud Ritt, Martin 1963 USA 112
2203 2241 My 20th Century Enyedi, Ildikó 1989 Hungary 92
2204 2142 Under Capricorn Hitchcock, Alfred 1949 UK 117
2205 2333 Paterson Jarmusch, Jim 2016 USA 118
2206 2398 Medium Cool Wexler, Haskell 1969 USA 110
2207 2147 Ciel est à vous, Le Grémillon, Jean 1944 France 105
2208 2149 Jean de Florette Berri, Claude 1986 France 122
2209 2150 Asparagus Pitt, Suzan 1979 USA 20
2210 2151 Taste of Others, The Jaoui, Agnès 2000 France 112
2211 2247 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge Chopra, Aditya 1995 India 189
2212 2210 Naked and the Dead, The Walsh, Raoul 1958 USA 131
2213 2178 Aviator's Wife, The Rohmer, Eric 1981 France 104
2214 2206 Driver, The Hill, Walter 1978 USA 90
2215 2154 Morte rouge, La Erice, Víctor 2006 Spain 32
2216 2155 Sieranevada Puiu, Cristi 2016 Romania 173
2217 2156 Puzzle of a Downfall Child Schatzberg, Jerry 1970 USA 105
2218 2157 Emitaï Sembene, Ousmane 1971 Senegal 103
2219 2159 Salvador Stone, Oliver 1986 USA 123
2220 2160 What's Opera, Doc? Jones, Chuck 1957 USA 7
2221 2249 Vie de Bohème, La Kaurismäki, Aki 1992 France 100
2222 2409 City of Pirates Ruiz, Raúl 1983 France 111
2223 2161 Cops Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1922 USA 18
2224 2187 Cold Nights Lee Sun-Fung 1955 Hong Kong 136
2225 2163 King of the Children Chen Kaige 1987 China 106
2226 2533 District 9 Blomkamp, Neill 2009 South Africa 112
2227 2193 Birdman González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2014 USA 119
2228 2215 Whale Rider Caro, Niki 2002 New Zealand 101
2229 2167 Pelican, The Blain, Gérard 1973 France 90
2230 2169 Hourglass Sanatorium, The Has, Wojciech 1973 Poland 124
2231 2170 Something Wild Demme, Jonathan 1986 USA 113
2232 2420 Breaking Away Yates, Peter 1979 USA 100
2233 2252 Prestige, The Nolan, Christopher 2006 USA 130
2234 2287 Martyrs Laugier, Pascal 2008 France 100
2235 2342 Italian Straw Hat, The Clair, René 1927 France 105
2236 2175 Portrait of a Lady, The Campion, Jane 1996 UK 144
2237 2179 New Rose Hotel Ferrara, Abel 1998 USA 93
2238 2273 Fistful of Dollars, A Leone, Sergio 1964 Italy 96
2239 2207 Where Eagles Dare Hutton, Brian G. 1968 USA 158
2240 2181 House on Trubnaya Square, The Barnet, Boris 1928 USSR 84
2241 2182 Man Vanishes, A Imamura, Shohei 1967 Japan 130
2242 2292 Ruby Gentry Vidor, King 1952 USA 82
2243 2283 Mean Girls Waters, Mark 2004 USA 97
2244 2183 3 Penny Opera, The Pabst, G.W. 1931 Germany 112
2245 2312 Femme infidèle, La Chabrol, Claude 1969 France 98
2246 2185 Tobacco Road Ford, John 1941 USA 84
2247 2358 Quattro Volte, Le Frammartino, Michelangelo 2010 Italy 88
2248 2189 Lodger, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1926 UK 75
2249 2192 Voyage to Cythera Angelopoulos, Theo 1984 Greece 120
2250 2194 King and the Mockingbird, The Grimault, Paul 1980 France 83
2251 2275 Love & Basketball Prince-Bythewood, Gina 2000 USA 124
2252 2274 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Herek, Stephen 1989 USA 90
2253 2197 Love in the Afternoon Wilder, Billy 1957 USA 130
2254 2334 Last Waltz, The Scorsese, Martin 1978 USA 117
2255 2198 Manila by Night Bernal, Ishmael 1980 Philippines 150
2256 2223 Working Girls Borden, Lizzie 1986 USA 90
2257 2199 Pola X Carax, Leos 1999 France 134
2258 2201 White Dog Fuller, Samuel 1982 USA 89
2259 2452 Duellists, The Scott, Ridley 1977 UK 101
2260 2718 Southland Tales Kelly, Richard 2006 USA 144
2261 2204 Bad Education Almodóvar, Pedro 2004 Spain 105
2262 2205 On Her Majesty's Secret Service Hunt, Peter R. 1969 UK 140
2263 2311 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Parker, Trey 1999 USA 81
2264 2281 Dracula Browning, Tod 1931 USA 75
2265 2208 We Can't Go Home Again Ray, Nicholas 1973 USA 93
2266 2257 Notting Hill Michell, Roger 1999 USA 123
2267 2209 Merchant of Four Seasons, The Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1971 West Germany 88
2268 2246 Goonies, The Donner, Richard 1985 USA 114
2269 2330 Farrebique Rouquier, Georges 1946 France 87
2270 2366 It Follows Mitchell, David Robert 2014 USA 100
2271 2392 Long Voyage Home, The Ford, John 1940 USA 105
2272 2228 Raining in the Mountain Hu, King 1979 Taiwan 120
2273 2495 Day I Became a Woman, The Makhmalbaf, Marzieh 2000 Iran 77
2274 2227 Phantom Lady Siodmak, Robert 1944 USA 87
2275 2243 Outrage Lupino, Ida 1950 USA 75
2276 2340 Last Movie, The Hopper, Dennis 1971 USA 108
2277 2216 You Can't Take it with You Capra, Frank 1938 USA 127
2278 2218 Black Cat, White Cat Kusturica, Emir 1998 France 127
2279 2219 Christmas on Earth Rubin, Barbara 1963 USA 29
2280 2341 Time That Remains, The Suleiman, Elia 2009 UK 109
2281 2263 Frances Ha Baumbach, Noah 2012 USA 86
2282 2892 Village de Namo - Panorama pris d'une chaise à porteurs, Le Veyre, Gabriel 1900 France 1
2283 2220 Babel González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2006 France 143
2284 2245 28 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 1985 UK 133
2285 2260 Under the Bridges Käutner, Helmut 1946 Germany 99
2286 2224 Interiors Allen, Woody 1978 USA 92
2287 2231 Blind Chance Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1981 Poland 122
2288 2225 Two Stage Sisters Xie Jin 1965 China 112
2289 2226 Ugly, Dirty and Bad Scola, Ettore 1976 Italy 115
2290 2272 My Way Home Douglas, Bill 1978 UK 71
2291 2314 Four Weddings and a Funeral Newell, Mike 1994 UK 117
2292 2229 3-Iron Kim Ki-duk 2004 South Korea 88
2293 2570 Connection, The Clarke, Shirley 1961 USA 110
2294 2302 Immortal Story, The Welles, Orson 1968 France 63
2295 2271 Ceremony, The Oshima, Nagisa 1971 Japan 123
2296 2230 Trading Places Landis, John 1983 USA 116
2297 2363 Regular Lovers Garrel, Philippe 2005 France 183
2298 2242 Top Secret! Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker 1984 USA 90
2299 2250 Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge, Die Lang, Fritz 1924 Germany 129
2300 2232 Sons of the Desert Seiter, William A. 1933 USA 69
2301 2276 Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed Kluge, Alexander 1968 West Germany 104
2302 2262 Party Girl Ray, Nicholas 1958 USA 99
2303 2253 This is England Meadows, Shane 2006 UK 103
2304 2368 J'entends plus la guitare Garrel, Philippe 1991 France 98
2305 2586 Insiang Brocka, Lino 1976 Philippines 95
2306 2233 S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine Panh, Rithy 2003 Cambodia 101
2307 2254 Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Anderson, Wes 2004 USA 118
2308 2255 Kiki's Delivery Service Miyazaki, Hayao 1989 Japan 103
2309 2235 Phoenix Petzold, Christian 2014 Germany 98
2310 2236 Devils on the Doorstep Jiang Wen 2000 China 139
2311 2348 Cyrano de Bergerac Rappeneau, Jean-Paul 1990 France 138
2312 2237 Class, The Cantet, Laurent 2008 France 128
2313 2295 Salaam Bombay! Nair, Mira 1988 UK 113
2314 2297 RR Benning, James 2007 USA 111
2315 2543 Fog of War, The Morris, Errol 2003 USA 107
2316 2265 Touch of Sin, A Jia Zhangke 2013 China 133
2317 2285 Reconstruction Pintilie, Lucian 1968 Romania 100
2318 2286 Cross of Iron Peckinpah, Sam 1977 UK 119
2319 2244 Another Woman Allen, Woody 1988 USA 84
2320 2248 Village, The Shyamalan, M. Night 2004 USA 108
2321 2353 Good Bye, Lenin! Becker, Wolfgang 2003 Germany 121
2322 2256 My Left Foot Sheridan, Jim 1989 Ireland 103
2323 2258 Détective Godard, Jean-Luc 1985 France 95
2324 2445 Two Rode Together Ford, John 1961 USA 109
2325 2259 Lumumba Peck, Raoul 2000 France 115
2326 2261 Baker's Wife, The Pagnol, Marcel 1938 France 124
2327 2294 Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind Miyazaki, Hayao 1984 Japan 117
2328 2264 Birth of Love, The Garrel, Philippe 1993 France 94
2329 2266 Toute la mémoire du monde Resnais, Alain 1956 France 21
2330 2299 Crooklyn Lee, Spike 1994 USA 115
2331 2268 Song of the Exile Hui, Ann 1990 Hong Kong 100
2332 2325 Midsommar Aster, Ari 2019 USA 147
2333 2269 Tous les matins du monde Corneau, Alain 1991 France 114
2334 2336 Femme Fatale De Palma, Brian 2002 France 110
2335 2331 Band of Angels Walsh, Raoul 1957 USA 125
2336 2690 Tenebrae Argento, Dario 1982 Italy 101
2337 2277 Fiddler on the Roof Jewison, Norman 1971 USA 181
2338 2338 Room at the Top Clayton, Jack 1959 UK 118
2339 2321 Ballad of a Soldier Chukhrai, Grigori 1959 USSR 88
2340 2278 Dames Enright, Ray 1934 USA 90
2341 2279 Amar Akbar Anthony Desai, Manmohan 1977 India 184
2342 2280 Girl with the Hat Box, The Barnet, Boris 1927 USSR 60
2343 2282 Faust Sokurov, Aleksandr 2011 Russia 140
2344 2327 Pot Worth a Million Ryo, A Yamanaka, Sadao 1935 Japan 92
2345 2288 Fire in Castilla (Tactilvision from the Moor of the Fright) Val del Omar, José 1961 Spain 20
2346 2290 Late August, Early September Assayas, Olivier 1998 France 111
2347 2303 Billy Elliot Daldry, Stephen 2000 UK 110
2348 2291 Fisher King, The Gilliam, Terry 1991 USA 137
2349 2318 Wings Wellman, William A. 1927 USA 144
2350 2296 Rainbow Dance Lye, Len 1936 UK 4
2351 2337 Under the Volcano Huston, John 1984 USA 109
2352 2713 Furtivos Borau, José Luis 1975 Spain 82
2353 2414 Parsifal Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1982 West Germany 255
2354 2479 Napoleon Dynamite Hess, Jared 2004 USA 82
2355 2412 Last Metro, The Truffaut, François 1980 France 133
2356 2344 Scum Clarke, Alan 1979 UK 98
2357 2300 Blonde Venus von Sternberg, Josef 1932 USA 97
2358 2301 Captive, La Akerman, Chantal 2000 France 118
2359 2370 My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument Desplechin, Arnaud 1996 France 178
2360 2304 King Lear Brook, Peter 1971 UK 137
2361 2349 Set-Up, The Wise, Robert 1949 USA 72
2362 2305 Zorba the Greek Cacoyannis, Michael 1964 Greece 146
2363 2307 Sound of the Mountain Naruse, Mikio 1954 Japan 96
2364 2403 Twentynine Palms Dumont, Bruno 2003 France 119
2365 2362 Germany Pale Mother Sanders-Brahms, Helma 1980 West Germany 150
2366 2309 Dreamed Path, The Schanelec, Angela 2016 Germany 86
2367 2387 Death of Louis XIV, The Serra, Albert 2016 France 115
2368 2310 How to Live in the German Federal Republic Farocki, Harun 1990 West Germany 83
2369 2688 Fountain, The Aronofsky, Darren 2006 USA 97
2370 2451 London Keiller, Patrick 1994 UK 85
2371 2559 Metropolitan Stillman, Whit 1990 USA 98
2372 2382 Son's Room, The Moretti, Nanni 2001 Italy 99
2373 2574 Shooting, The Hellman, Monte 1966 USA 82
2374 2313 Fragment of an Empire Ermler, Fridrikh 1929 USSR 75
2375 2315 Devil Rides Out, The Fisher, Terence 1968 UK 95
2376 2786 Kings & Queen Desplechin, Arnaud 2004 France 152
2377 2345 When the Wind Blows Murakami, Jimmy T. 1986 UK 80
2378 2373 Vincent, François, Paul and the Others Sautet, Claude 1974 France 118
2379 2795 Valparaiso Ivens, Joris 1963 Chile 34
2380 2376 Throw Down To, Johnnie 2004 Hong Kong 95
2381 2317 At Sea Hutton, Peter B. 2007 USA 60
2382 2347 Santiago Salles, João Moreira 2007 Brazil 80
2383 2422 Gran Torino Eastwood, Clint 2008 USA 116
2384 2588 Carmen Saura, Carlos 1983 Spain 102
2385 2426 Generale Della Rovere, Il Rossellini, Roberto 1959 Italy 129
2386 2346 Capturing the Friedmans Jarecki, Andrew 2003 USA 107
2387 2320 Outcast of the Islands Reed, Carol 1951 UK 102
2388 2322 Espoir, L' Malraux, André & Boris Peskine 1940 Spain 78
2389 2323 Cheyenne Autumn Ford, John 1964 USA 145
2390 2324 Leo the Last Boorman, John 1970 UK 103
2391 2326 Lola Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1981 West Germany 115
2392 2328 Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Mazursky, Paul 1969 USA 105
2393 2329 Night Train Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1959 Poland 99
2394 2371 Gaslight Cukor, George 1944 USA 114
2395 2415 Westward the Women Wellman, William A. 1951 USA 118
2396 2332 Running on Empty Lumet, Sidney 1988 USA 116
2397 2441 Vanishing Point Sarafian, Richard C. 1971 USA 99
2398 2379 Magician, The Bergman, Ingmar 1958 Sweden 102
2399 2339 Jerry Maguire Crowe, Cameron 1996 USA 139
2400 2408 Dressed to Kill De Palma, Brian 1980 USA 105
2401 2319 Cow, The Mehrjui, Dariush 1969 Iran 104
2402 2343 Statues Also Die Cloquet, Ghislain/Chris Marker/Alain Resnais 1953 France 30
2403 2407 Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer McNaughton, John 1986 USA 90
2404 2527 Moonrise Borzage, Frank 1948 USA 90
2405 2384 Dirty Dancing Ardolino, Emile 1987 USA 97
2406 2454 Man Bites Dog Belvaux, Rémy/André Bonzel/Benoît Poelvoorde 1992 Belgium 95
2407 2462 Dybbuk, The Waszynski, Michal 1937 Poland 125
2408 2350 Getaway, The Peckinpah, Sam 1972 USA 122
2409 2654 Primer Carruth, Shane 2004 USA 78
2410 2352 Whistle Down the Wind Forbes, Bryan 1961 UK 99
2411 2354 Under the Skin Adler, Carine 1997 UK 82
2412 2381 Red Line 7000 Hawks, Howard 1965 USA 110
2413 2355 End, The Maclaine, Christopher 1953 USA 35
2414 2356 Fruitvale Station Coogler, Ryan 2013 USA 85
2415 2594 Venom and Eternity Isou, Isidore 1951 France 111
2416 2383 Erin Brockovich Soderbergh, Steven 2000 USA 130
2417 2357 Ishtar May, Elaine 1987 USA 107
2418 2359 Belly Williams, Hype 1998 USA 96
2419 2762 Bend it Like Beckham Chadha, Gurinder 2002 UK 112
2420 2360 Gunga Din Stevens, George 1939 USA 117
2421 2335 Days of Eclipse Sokurov, Aleksandr 1988 USSR 133
2422 2364 Peggy and Fred in Hell: Folding Thornton, Leslie 1984-2016 USA 95
2423 2365 Foreign Correspondent Hitchcock, Alfred 1940 USA 119
2424 2367 O.J.: Made in America [TV] Edelman, Ezra 2016 USA 450
2425 2453 Suddenly, Last Summer Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1959 USA 114
2426 2369 My Dinner with Andre Malle, Louis 1981 USA 110
2427 2393 Pain and Glory Almodóvar, Pedro 2019 Spain 113
2428 2395 Iron Horse, The Ford, John 1924 USA 119
2429 2372 Modern Life Depardon, Raymond 2008 France 87
2430 2416 Lovers, The Malle, Louis 1958 France 88
2431 2396 Two Women De Sica, Vittorio 1960 Italy 99
2432 2375 Atlantic City Malle, Louis 1980 Canada 104
2433 2377 Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, The Ujica, Andrei 2010 Romania 180
2434 2378 Song of Ceylon Wright, Basil 1934 UK 38
2435 2380 Long Gray Line, The Ford, John 1955 USA 138
2436 2436 Lightning Naruse, Mikio 1952 Japan 87
2437 2465 Kill List Wheatley, Ben 2011 UK 95
2438 2492 Minority Report Spielberg, Steven 2002 USA 144
2439 2385 Irishman, The Scorsese, Martin 2019 USA 209
2440 2386 But I'm a Cheerleader Babbit, Jamie 1999 USA 85
2441 2443 Compensation Davis, Zeinabu irene 1999 USA 95
2442 2418 Tokyo Olympiad Ichikawa, Kon 1965 Japan 170
2443 2552 Time Out Cantet, Laurent 2001 France 134
2444 2388 Satya Varma, Ram Gopal 1998 India 170
2445 2389 Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf Favio, Leonardo 1975 Argentina 92
2446 2390 Sleepless in Seattle Ephron, Nora 1993 USA 104
2447 2423 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Kramer, Stanley 1963 USA 154
2448 2391 Gallivant Kötting, Andrew 1996 UK 100
2449 2685 Tokyo Drifter Suzuki, Seijun 1966 Japan 82
2450 2428 Isle of Flowers Furtado, Jorge 1989 Brazil 13
2451 2509 Eika Katappa Schroeter, Werner 1969 West Germany 144
2452 2434 Wonderland Winterbottom, Michael 1999 UK 108
2453 2394 Douce Autant-Lara, Claude 1943 France 109
2454 2439 Rocker [TV] Lemke, Klaus 1972 West Germany 85
2455 2397 Daratt Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 2006 Chad 96
2456 2399 Gently Down the Stream Friedrich, Su 1981 USA 14
2457 2511 Attack the Block Cornish, Joe 2011 UK 88
2458 2444 Heremias Diaz, Lav 2006 Philippines 540
2459 2400 Guys and Dolls Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1955 USA 150
2460 2401 Arch, The Tong Shu Shuen 1968 Hong Kong 94
2461 2485 Dumb and Dumber Farrelly, Peter 1994 USA 106
2462 2402 Conan the Barbarian Milius, John 1982 USA 129
2463 2404 Garden, The Jarman, Derek 1990 UK 92
2464 2546 She's Gotta Have It Lee, Spike 1986 USA 84
2465 2421 Kid with a Bike, The Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2011 Belgium 87
2466 2406 Picnic on the Grass Renoir, Jean 1959 France 91
2467 2410 I Even Met Happy Gypsies Petrović, Aleksandar 1967 Yugoslavia 94
2468 2541 Mysterious Skin Araki, Gregg 2004 USA 105
2469 2411 Left-Handed Woman, The Handke, Peter 1977 West Germany 119
2470 2433 Human Surge, The Williams, Eduardo 2016 Argentina 100
2471 2432 Western Grisebach, Valeska 2017 Germany 121
2472 2413 Desert Hearts Deitch, Donna 1985 USA 93
2473 2580 Heathers Lehmann, Michael 1988 USA 102
2474 2597 Fast, Cheap & Out of Control Morris, Errol 1997 USA 80
2475 2555 Manchester by the Sea Lonergan, Kenneth 2016 USA 137
2476 2477 Scaramouche Sidney, George 1952 USA 118
2477 2522 Killers, The Siodmak, Robert 1946 USA 105
2478 2458 Ordinary Fascism Romm, Mikhail 1965 USSR 138
2479 2767 Castle in the Sky Miyazaki, Hayao 1986 Japan 124
2480 2417 Moby Dick Huston, John 1956 USA 116
2481 2419 Revenant, The González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2015 USA 156
2482 2424 Over the Edge Kaplan, Jonathan 1979 USA 95
2483 2425 Hangmen Also Die! Lang, Fritz 1943 USA 131
2484 2467 Attenberg Tsangari, Athina Rachel 2010 Greece 97
2485 2449 Grandmaster, The Wong Kar-wai 2013 Hong Kong 130
2486 2427 Hat Wolff von Amerongen Konkursdelikte begangen? Friedl, Gerhard Benedikt 2004 Germany 73
2487 2774 Django Corbucci, Sergio 1966 Italy 92
2488 2430 Bugsy Malone Parker, Alan 1976 UK 93
2489 2431 Perceval Rohmer, Eric 1978 France 140
2490 2510 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Weir, Peter 2003 USA 138
2491 2482 High Life Denis, Claire 2018 UK 113
2492 2564 Tire die Birri, Fernando 1958 Argentina 33
2493 2440 Li'l Quinquin [TV] Dumont, Bruno 2014 France 206
2494 2459 Martin Romero, George A. 1977 USA 95
2495 2536 Zoolander Stiller, Ben 2001 USA 89
2496 2636 Casino Royale Campbell, Martin 2006 UK 144
2497 2517 Marseillaise, La Renoir, Jean 1938 France 130
2498 2437 Do You Remember Dolly Bell? Kusturica, Emir 1981 Yugoslavia 110
2499 2468 La La Land Chazelle, Damien 2016 USA 128
2500 2438 Organiser, The Monicelli, Mario 1963 Italy 126
2501 2516 Tokyo Twilight Ozu, Yasujiro 1957 Japan 140
2502 2491 Pauline at the Beach Rohmer, Eric 1983 France 94
2503 2537 Letters from Iwo Jima Eastwood, Clint 2006 USA 140
2504 2568 Unknown Pleasures Jia Zhangke 2002 China 112
2505 2484 24 Hour Party People Winterbottom, Michael 2002 UK 115
2506 2800 Lili Marleen Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1981 West Germany 120
2507 2498 Cops and Robbers Monicelli, Mario & Steno 1951 Italy 109
2508 2442 Marble Ass Žilnik, Želimir 1995 Yugoslavia 86
2509 2566 Ro.Go.Pa.G. Godard, Jean-Luc/Ugo Gregoretti/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Roberto Rossellini 1963 Italy 122
2510 2446 Siberiade Konchalovsky, Andrei 1979 USSR 275
2511 2464 Look of Silence, The Oppenheimer, Joshua 2014 Denmark 103
2512 2447 Chocolat Denis, Claire 1988 France 105
2513 2448 Sun, The Sokurov, Aleksandr 2005 Russia 115
2514 2450 Wild Grass Resnais, Alain 2009 France 104
2515 2540 Team America: World Police Parker, Trey 2004 USA 108
2516 2489 Cyclo Tran Anh Hung 1995 France 129
2517 2455 Journeys from Berlin/1971 Rainer, Yvonne 1980 USA 125
2518 2483 Duke of Burgundy, The Strickland, Peter 2014 UK 104
2519 2456 Billy Liar Schlesinger, John 1963 UK 98
2520 2558 First Blood Kotcheff, Ted 1982 USA 97
2521 2457 Lost in America Brooks, Albert 1985 USA 91
2522 2616 Peter Pan Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson 1953 USA 77
2523 2579 Magino Village: A Tale Ogawa, Shinsuke 1987 Japan 222
2524 2460 Memory of Justice, The Ophüls, Marcel 1976 Germany 278
2525 2461 Paloma, La Schmid, Daniel 1974 Switzerland 104
2526 2463 Jane B. for Agnès V. Varda, Agnès 1988 France 99
2527 2736 Little Miss Sunshine Dayton, Jonathan & Valerie Faris 2006 USA 102
2528 2601 Mary and Max Elliot, Adam 2008 Australia 80
2529 2469 Wise Blood Huston, John 1979 USA 108
2530 2470 Cool World, The Clarke, Shirley 1963 USA 106
2531 2471 Flicker, The Conrad, Tony 1966 USA 30
2532 2472 Eden Hansen-Løve, Mia 2014 France 131
2533 2473 Fearless Weir, Peter 1993 USA 122
2534 2520 Twentieth Century Hawks, Howard 1934 USA 91
2535 2474 Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome Anger, Kenneth 1954 USA 38
2536 2664 Stage Door La Cava, Gregory 1937 USA 92
2537 2524 Man on Fire Scott, Tony 2004 USA 145
2538 2525 Three Kings Russell, David O. 1999 USA 115
2539 2475 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Ingram, Rex 1921 USA 114
2540 2493 Threads [TV] Jackson, Mick 1984 UK 110
2541 2476 Osaka Elegy Mizoguchi, Kenji 1936 Japan 71
2542 2562 40-Year-Old Virgin, The Apatow, Judd 2005 USA 116
2543 2505 Housekeeping Forsyth, Bill 1987 USA 116
2544 2696 Great War, The Monicelli, Mario 1959 France 118
2545 2480 Turtles Can Fly Ghobadi, Bahman 2004 Iran 97
2546 2466 Planes, Trains & Automobiles Hughes, John 1987 USA 93
2547 2503 Punishment Park Watkins, Peter 1971 USA 88
2548 2481 Illusions Dash, Julie 1982 USA 34
2549 2519 Canibais, Os Oliveira, Manoel de 1988 Portugal 90
2550 2535 Pale Rider Eastwood, Clint 1985 USA 113
2551 2608 Our Daily Bread Geyrhalter, Nikolaus 2005 Austria 92
2552 2500 Notre musique Godard, Jean-Luc 2004 France 80
2553 2526 Hotel du Nord Carné, Marcel 1938 France 90
2554 2528 Picnic Logan, Joshua 1955 USA 115
2555 2607 Bad Day at Black Rock Sturges, John 1955 USA 81
2556 2515 Personal Shopper Assayas, Olivier 2016 France 105
2557 2780 Downfall Hirschbiegel, Oliver 2004 Germany 156
2558 2486 Blue Valentine Cianfrance, Derek 2010 USA 112
2559 2487 River, The Borzage, Frank 1929 USA 55
2560 2822 Mouth of the Wolf, The Marcello, Pietro 2009 Italy 68
2561 2488 Favourites of the Moon Iosseliani, Otar 1984 France 102
2562 2838 Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Gilliam, Terry 1989 USA 126
2563 2691 Spring Breakers Korine, Harmony 2012 USA 94
2564 2490 News Items Depardon, Raymond 1983 France 108
2565 2494 Spare Time Jennings, Humphrey 1939 UK 15
2566 3049 Privilege Rainer, Yvonne 1990 USA 100
2567 2496 Voyage à travers l'impossible, Le Méliès, Georges 1904 France 24
2568 2497 Decline of Western Civilization, The Spheeris, Penelope 1981 USA 100
2569 2530 BPM (Beats Per Minute) Campillo, Robin 2017 France 143
2570 2550 Not Wanted Clifton, Elmer & Ida Lupino 1949 USA 91
2571 2501 Thief Mann, Michael 1981 USA 122
2572 2502 Kameradschaft Pabst, G.W. 1931 Germany 93
2573 2648 Human Condition III, The Kobayashi, Masaki 1961 Japan 190
2574 2619 Wind Rises, The Miyazaki, Hayao 2013 Japan 126
2575 2572 Exiles, The MacKenzie, Kent 1961 USA 72
2576 2504 Toto the Hero Van Dormael, Jaco 1991 Belgium 90
2577 2624 Best in Show Guest, Christopher 2000 USA 89
2578 2506 Magnificent Obsession Sirk, Douglas 1954 USA 108
2579 2507 Castro Street Baillie, Bruce 1966 USA 10
2580 2508 Poem of the Sea Solntseva, Yuliya 1958 USSR 95
2581 2512 Do Bigha Zamin Roy, Bimal 1953 India 131
2582 2799 Christine [TV] Clarke, Alan 1987 UK 52
2583 2643 Bonnes femmes, Les Chabrol, Claude 1960 France 102
2584 2545 Front Page, The Wilder, Billy 1974 USA 105
2585 2513 Cold Water Assayas, Olivier 1994 France 95
2586 2514 Exit Through the Gift Shop Banksy 2010 UK 87
2587 2565 First Reformed Schrader, Paul 2017 USA 113
2588 2585 Creature From the Black Lagoon Arnold, Jack 1954 USA 79
2589 2518 Sylvester Pick, Lupu 1924 Germany 66
2590 2584 Bang Bang Tonacci, Andrea 1971 Brazil 85
2591 2645 Silent Running Trumbull, Douglas 1972 USA 89
2592 2717 Descent, The Marshall, Neil 2005 UK 99
2593 2521 Son of the White Mare Jankovics, Marcell 1981 Hungary 86
2594 2523 Petit à petit Rouch, Jean 1970 France 96
2595 2630 Congress Dances Charell, Erik 1931 Germany 85
2596 2529 Report Conner, Bruce 1967 USA 13
2597 3270 About Elly Farhadi, Asghar 2009 Iran 119
2598 2531 Bimbo's Initiation Fleischer, Dave 1931 USA 6
2599 2532 Oyster Princess, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1919 Germany 58
2600 2709 Our Beloved Month of August Gomes, Miguel 2008 Portugal 147
2601 2593 Innocence Hadzihalilovic, Lucile 2004 France 115
2602 2666 Sleeper Allen, Woody 1973 USA 88
2603 2534 Fruit of Paradise Chytilová, Věra 1970 Czechoslovakia 99
2604 2739 Michael Clayton Gilroy, Tony 2007 USA 119
2605 2538 Black Peter Forman, Milos 1964 Czechoslovakia 85
2606 2663 Blue Collar Schrader, Paul 1978 USA 114
2607 2539 Visite au Louvre, Une Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 2004 France 44
2608 2589 Mystery Train Jarmusch, Jim 1989 USA 113
2609 2542 Girl Can't Help It, The Tashlin, Frank 1956 USA 99
2610 2692 Climates Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2006 Turkey 102
2611 2544 Patton Schaffner, Franklin J. 1970 USA 169
2612 2595 Bus 174 Larceda, Felipe & José Padilha 2002 Brazil 119
2613 2590 Boys Don't Cry Peirce, Kimberly 1999 USA 118
2614 2577 Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind Tsui Hark 1980 Hong Kong 95
2615 2750 Hope and Glory Boorman, John 1987 UK 113
2616 2548 Fingers Toback, James 1978 USA 91
2617 2582 House of Flying Daggers Zhang Yimou 2004 China 111
2618 2695 Going Places Blier, Bertrand 1974 France 117
2619 2549 Our Nazi Kramer, Robert 1984 France 113
2620 2551 Papillon Schaffner, Franklin J. 1973 USA 151
2621 2605 Little Shop of Horrors Oz, Frank 1986 USA 88
2622 2553 Killing Fields, The Joffé, Roland 1984 UK 141
2623 2554 Funny Girl Wyler, William 1968 USA 155
2624 2598 Day of the Jackal, The Zinnemann, Fred 1973 France 141
2625 2556 Camille Cukor, George 1936 USA 108
2626 2557 Simple Men Hartley, Hal 1992 UK 105
2627 2561 From the Notebook of... Beavers, Robert 1971/98 USA 48
2628 2604 Jesus of Montreal Arcand, Denys 1989 Canada 119
2629 2843 Django Unchained Tarantino, Quentin 2012 USA 165
2630 2567 Landscape Suicide Benning, James 1986 USA 95
2631 2575 Paradise: Love Seidl, Ulrich 2012 Austria 120
2632 2569 Zero Dark Thirty Bigelow, Kathryn 2012 USA 157
2633 2729 Angel Heart Parker, Alan 1987 UK 113
2634 2659 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India Gowariker, Ashutosh 2001 India 224
2635 2571 Sisters of the Gion Mizoguchi, Kenji 1936 Japan 69
2636 2622 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Ritchie, Guy 1998 UK 106
2637 2573 Blackmail Hitchcock, Alfred 1929 UK 86
2638 2693 Slave of Love, A Mikhalkov, Nikita 1976 USSR 94
2639 3096 Edge of Tomorrow Liman, Doug 2014 USA 113
2640 3694 Calle Mayor Bardem, Juan Antonio 1956 Spain 99
2641 2576 Sign of Leo, The Rohmer, Eric 1959 France 90
2642 2578 Jaguar Rouch, Jean 1967 France 110
2643 2581 Muertos, Los Alonso, Lisandro 2004 Argentina 78
2644 2756 Dead of Night Cavalcanti, Alberto/Basil Dearden/Robert Hamer/Charles Crichton 1945 UK 103
2645 2683 Merry Widow, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1934 USA 99
2646 2583 Tres tristes tigres Ruiz, Raúl 1968 Chile 100
2647 2702 Priest of Darkness Yamanaka, Sadao 1936 Japan 82
2648 2763 King of New York Ferrara, Abel 1990 USA 103
2649 2752 Train to Busan Yeon Sang-ho 2016 South Korea 118
2650 2587 Days Tsai Ming-liang 2020 Taiwan 127
2651 2628 Seduced and Abandoned Germi, Pietro 1964 Italy 118
2652 2611 Di Cavalcanti Rocha, Glauber 1977 Brazil 18
2653 2405 Children of the Beehive Shimizu, Hiroshi 1948 Japan 86
2654 2639 Traffic Tati, Jacques 1971 France 96
2655 2715 Body Heat Kasdan, Lawrence 1981 USA 113
2656 2591 Bay of Angels Demy, Jacques 1963 France 85
2657 2758 Glengarry Glen Ross Foley, James 1992 USA 100
2658 2592 Canterbury Tales, The Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1971 France 109
2659 2790 Yesterday Girl Kluge, Alexander 1966 West Germany 88
2660 2620 Deewaar Chopra, Yash 1975 India 174
2661 2596 Lower Depths, The Renoir, Jean 1936 France 90
2662 2623 45 Years Haigh, Andrew 2015 UK 95
2663 2600 Hold Me While I'm Naked Kuchar, George 1966 USA 17
2664 2719 Burn! Pontecorvo, Gillo 1969 Italy 112
2665 2742 Oblomov Mikhalkov, Nikita 1980 USSR 140
2666 2602 Mother Küsters Goes to Heaven Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1975 West Germany 108
2667 2603 Harvest: 3,000 Years Gerima, Haile 1975 Ethiopia 150
2668 4422 Pi Aronofsky, Darren 1998 USA 83
2669 2606 Ne goryuy! Daneliya, Georgi 1968 USSR 90
2670 2701 Blue Kite, The Tian Zhuangzhuang 1993 China 140
2671 2716 Remember the Night Leisen, Mitchell 1940 USA 94
2672 2704 Bellboy, The Lewis, Jerry 1960 USA 72
2673 2970 In Cold Blood Brooks, Richard 1967 USA 134
2674 2667 Landlord, The Ashby, Hal 1970 USA 113
2675 2733 Pirosmani Shengelaia, Giorgi 1969 USSR 105
2676 2927 At Home Among Strangers, Stranger at Home Mikhalkov, Nikita 1974 USSR 97
2677 2609 Anvil!: The Story of Anvil Gervasi, Sacha 2008 USA 80
2678 2647 Question of Silence, A Gorris, Marleen 1982 Netherlands 92
2679 2644 Kiss of the Spider Woman Babenco, Hector 1985 Brazil 119
2680 2610 Heaven and Earth Magic Smith, Harry 1962 USA 66
2681 2679 Rocks Gavron, Sarah 2019 UK 93
2682 2612 Court Jester, The Panama, Norman/Melvin Frank 1956 USA 101
2683 2613 Father and Daughter Dudok de Wit, Michaël 2000 UK 8
2684 2614 Pretty in Pink Deutch, Howard 1986 USA 96
2685 2615 On the Beach Kramer, Stanley 1959 USA 134
2686 2808 Lamerica Amelio, Gianni 1994 France 111
2687 2617 JLG/JLG Godard, Jean-Luc 1994 France 62
2688 2618 American Gigolo Schrader, Paul 1980 USA 117
2689 2687 Mission, The To, Johnnie 1999 Hong Kong 84
2690 2848 Elf Favreau, Jon 2003 USA 97
2691 2621 Puissance de la parole Godard, Jean-Luc 1988 France 25
2692 2865 Candyman Rose, Bernard 1992 USA 93
2693 2735 Bamboozled Lee, Spike 2000 USA 135
2694 2661 Germany in Autumn Various Directors 1978 West Germany 123
2695 2625 Summer Interlude Bergman, Ingmar 1951 Sweden 96
2696 2626 Blood of Jesus, The Williams, Spencer 1941 USA 57
2697 2629 Gosford Park Altman, Robert 2001 UK 137
2698 2712 Sem Essa, Aranha Sganzerla, Rogério 1970 Brazil 102
2699 2665 Steel Helmet, The Fuller, Samuel 1951 USA 84
2700 2631 Outsiders, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1983 USA 91
2701 2632 Summertime Lean, David 1955 USA 99
2702 2633 Max mon amour Oshima, Nagisa 1986 France 92
2703 2635 I Am Curious (Yellow) Sjöman, Vilgot 1967 Sweden 121
2704 2745 Artist, The Hazanavicius, Michel 2011 France 100
2705 2637 Postman Always Rings Twice, The Rafelson, Bob 1981 USA 123
2706 2682 Repentance Abuladze, Tengiz 1984 Russia 155
2707 2638 Twelve O'Clock High King, Henry 1949 USA 132
2708 2640 Notebook Menken, Marie 1963 USA 10
2709 2641 Truth About Bebe Donge, The Decoin, Henri 1952 France 110
2710 2706 Stalag 17 Wilder, Billy 1953 USA 120
2711 2642 Nayakan Ratnam, Mani 1987 India 145
2712 2747 Gangs of New York Scorsese, Martin 2002 USA 166
2713 2646 Borom sarret Sembene, Ousmane 1963 Senegal 20
2714 2834 Nine Queens Bielinsky, Fabián 2000 Argentina 113
2715 2983 Trial on the Road German, Aleksei 1971 USSR 96
2716 2649 Bonjour Tristesse Preminger, Otto 1958 USA 94
2717 2884 Hedwig and the Angry Inch Mitchell, John Cameron 2001 USA 91
2718 3124 Me and My Gal Walsh, Raoul 1932 USA 79
2719 2650 Siddeshwari Kaul, Mani 1989 India 123
2720 2651 I'm Not There Haynes, Todd 2007 USA 135
2721 3126 Kung-fu Master! Varda, Agnès 1988 France 80
2722 2652 Wadjda Al-Mansour, Haifaa 2012 Saudi Arabia 98
2723 2680 Strictly Ballroom Luhrmann, Baz 1992 Australia 94
2724 2653 Set it Off Gray, F. Gary 1996 USA 120
2725 2765 Pandora and the Flying Dutchman Lewin, Albert 1951 UK 123
2726 2655 Muppet Movie, The Frawley, James 1979 USA 94
2727 2656 Garm Hava Sathyu, M.S. 1973 India 146
2728 2657 I Hired a Contract Killer Kaurismäki, Aki 1990 Finland 79
2729 2705 Mostri, I Risi, Dino 1963 Italy 87
2730 2658 Ritual in Transfigured Time Deren, Maya 1946 USA 15
2731 2770 World on a Wire [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1973 West Germany 212
2732 2660 Samurai Rebellion Kobayashi, Masaki 1967 Japan 128
2733 2777 No Path Through Fire Panfilov, Gleb 1968 USSR 95
2734 3052 Cuadecuc, vampir Portabella, Pere 1971 Spain 67
2735 2662 I Don't Want to Sleep Alone Tsai Ming-liang 2006 Taiwan 118
2736 2814 Batman Burton, Tim 1989 USA 126
2737 3263 Carmen Jones Preminger, Otto 1954 USA 105
2738 2783 Bed and Sofa Room, Abram 1927 USSR 86
2739 2694 Way Things Go, The Fischli, Peter & David Weiss 1987 USA 30
2740 3071 Hereditary Aster, Ari 2018 USA 127
2741 2860 Summer Palace Lou Ye 2006 China 140
2742 2668 Lost One, The Lorre, Peter 1951 West Germany 98
2743 2789 Only Lovers Left Alive Jarmusch, Jim 2013 UK 123
2744 2669 When Father Was Away on Business Kusturica, Emir 1985 Yugoslavia 136
2745 2686 Chinese Odyssey: Part One - Pandora's Box, A Lau, Jeffrey 1994 Hong Kong 87
2746 2918 Judex Feuillade, Louis 1916 France 300
2747 2670 Brides of Dracula, The Fisher, Terence 1960 UK 85
2748 2671 Seventeen DeMott, Joel & Jeff Kreines 1983 USA 120
2749 2734 Green Room, The Truffaut, François 1978 France 94
2750 3220 Monty Python's The Meaning of Life Jones, Terry 1983 UK 103
2751 2710 Silence Scorsese, Martin 2016 USA 161
2752 2672 Fear Rossellini, Roberto 1954 Italy 82
2753 2673 In the Street Agee, James/Helen Levitt/Janice Loeb 1948 USA 16
2754 2674 Muna Moto Dikongue-Pipa, Jean-Pierre 1975 Cameroon 100
2755 2675 Ticket of No Return Ottinger, Ulrike 1979 West Germany 108
2756 2676 Paddington King, Paul 2014 UK 95
2757 2677 Two People Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1945 Sweden 78
2758 2678 Pigsty Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1969 Italy 99
2759 2910 Du côté d'Orouët Rozier, Jacques 1971 France 150
2760 3266 Variety Dupont, E.A. 1925 Germany 104
2761 2809 You Can Count on Me Lonergan, Kenneth 2000 USA 110
2762 2746 Square, The Östlund, Ruben 2017 Sweden 142
2763 2681 Wuthering Heights Buñuel, Luis 1954 Mexico 90
2764 2901 Vanya on 42nd Street Malle, Louis 1994 USA 120
2765 2684 Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery, A Diaz, Lav 2016 Philippines 485
2766 2689 Life and Nothing But Tavernier, Bertrand 1989 France 135
2767 2899 Superbad Mottola, Greg 2007 USA 113
2768 2740 Romeo and Juliet Zeffirelli, Franco 1968 Italy 138
2769 3140 Black Christmas Clark, Bob 1974 Canada 98
2770 2827 Time Machine, The Pal, George 1960 USA 103
2771 2698 Cinderella Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson 1950 USA 74
2772 2699 Towering Inferno, The Guillermin, John 1974 USA 165
2773 2828 Tale of Cinema Hong Sang-soo 2005 South Korea 89
2774 2932 Game, The Fincher, David 1997 USA 128
2775 2700 Bells of St. Mary's, The McCarey, Leo 1945 USA 126
2776 2945 In Bruges McDonagh, Martin 2008 UK 107
2777 2784 Smoking/No Smoking Resnais, Alain 1993 France 147
2778 2703 Rust and Bone Audiard, Jacques 2012 France 120
2779 2707 History Lessons Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1972 West Germany 85
2780 2854 Ballad of Narayama, The Kinoshita, Keisuke 1958 Japan 98
2781 2775 Trash Humpers Korine, Harmony 2009 USA 78
2782 2708 Auntie Mame DaCosta, Morton 1958 USA 143
2783 2818 From Russia with Love Young, Terence 1963 UK 115
2784 2855 Honkytonk Man Eastwood, Clint 1982 USA 122
2785 2711 Sidewalk Stories Lane, Charles 1989 USA 97
2786 3234 Time Indefinite McElwee, Ross 1993 USA 117
2787 2791 Sin City Rodriguez, Robert & Frank Miller 2005 USA 124
2788 2908 Apocalypto Gibson, Mel 2006 USA 138
2789 3523 Cutter's Way Passer, Ivan 1981 USA 105
2790 2803 Dune Villeneuve, Denis 2021 Canada 155
2791 2714 Vernon, Florida Morris, Errol 1981 USA 55
2792 2898 Contact Zemeckis, Robert 1997 USA 135
2793 2882 Skin I Live In, The Almodóvar, Pedro 2011 Spain 120
2794 2720 Last Days of Disco, The Stillman, Whit 1998 USA 113
2795 2721 Bouquets 1-10 Lowder, Rose 1995 France 11
2796 2722 Chronicle of a Disappearance Suleiman, Elia 1996 Palestine 88
2797 3054 Love and Anarchy Wertmüller, Lina 1973 Italy 108
2798 2723 Demon Lover Diary DeMott, Joel 1980 USA 90
2799 2724 Shirin Kiarostami, Abbas 2008 Iran 92
2800 2725 Summer Hours Assayas, Olivier 2008 France 103
2801 2726 Joyless Street, The Pabst, G.W. 1925 Germany 125
2802 2727 Wind That Shakes the Barley, The Loach, Ken 2006 UK 127
2803 2728 Saute ma ville Akerman, Chantal 1968 Belgium 13
2804 2730 Record of a Tenement Gentleman Ozu, Yasujiro 1947 Japan 72
2805 2947 Effi Briest Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1974 West Germany 135
2806 2732 Tempestaire, Le Epstein, Jean 1947 France 22
2807 2853 Drowning by Numbers Greenaway, Peter 1988 UK 118
2808 3892 France/tour/detour/deux/enfants [TV] Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville 1977-78 France 312
2809 2737 Film About a Woman Who... Rainer, Yvonne 1974 USA 90
2810 2802 Wonder Boys Hanson, Curtis 2000 USA 112
2811 2738 Ten Minutes Older Frank, Herz 1978 USSR 10
2812 2779 Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The Elliott, Stephan 1994 Australia 102
2813 2697 Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination Zapruder, Abraham 1963 USA 1
2814 2741 Sea Horse, The Painlevé, Jean 1934 France 15
2815 2952 Numéro zéro Eustache, Jean 1971 France 107
2816 2940 10 Edwards, Blake 1979 USA 122
2817 2863 Pride & Prejudice Wright, Joe 2005 UK 127
2818 2743 And Then Morita, Yoshimitsu 1985 Japan 130
2819 2825 Richard III Olivier, Laurence 1955 UK 155
2820 2744 Paris qui dort Clair, René 1924 France 36
2821 2810 Miss Julie Sjöberg, Alf 1951 Sweden 87
2822 2748 Shout, The Skolimowski, Jerzy 1978 UK 86
2823 2787 Hot Fuzz Wright, Edgar 2007 UK 121
2824 2749 Palomita blanca Ruiz, Raúl 1973 Chile 125
2825 2849 Police, Adjective Porumboiu, Corneliu 2009 Romania 115
2826 2991 Patsy, The Lewis, Jerry 1964 USA 101
2827 2902 Long Good Friday, The Mackenzie, John 1980 UK 114
2828 2829 Commitments, The Parker, Alan 1991 Ireland 118
2829 2751 Fugitive, The Davis, Andrew 1993 USA 127
2830 2793 Bullet in the Head Woo, John 1990 Hong Kong 126
2831 3057 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Wright, Edgar 2010 USA 112
2832 2796 Bitter Rice De Santis, Giuseppe 1949 Italy 108
2833 2874 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Meyer, Nicholas 1982 USA 113
2834 2753 One Froggy Evening Jones, Chuck 1955 USA 7
2835 2866 War of the Worlds Spielberg, Steven 2005 USA 116
2836 2755 High Sierra Walsh, Raoul 1941 USA 100
2837 3461 Saint Omer Diop, Alice 2022 France 122
2838 2851 Sisters De Palma, Brian 1973 USA 93
2839 2820 Shaft Parks, Gordon 1971 USA 100
2840 2841 Heart of Glass Herzog, Werner 1976 West Germany 94
2841 2842 Blackboards Makhmalbaf, Samira 2000 Iran 85
2842 2757 Somewhere Coppola, Sofia 2010 USA 98
2843 2823 My Love Has Been Burning Mizoguchi, Kenji 1949 Japan 96
2844 2759 Sopyonje Im Kwon-taek 1993 South Korea 112
2845 2826 Angèle Pagnol, Marcel 1934 France 145
2846 2760 Sankofa Gerima, Haile 1993 USA 124
2847 2761 Sanrizuka: Heta Village Ogawa, Shinsuke 1973 Japan 146
2848 2962 Second Circle, The Sokurov, Aleksandr 1990 USSR 92
2849 3148 Seven Year Itch, The Wilder, Billy 1955 USA 105
2850 2764 Sleep Has Her House Barley, Scott 2017 UK 90
2851 2766 Serene Velocity Gehr, Ernie 1970 USA 23
2852 2768 Cleopatra Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1963 USA 251
2853 2769 Pina Wenders, Wim 2011 Germany 103
2854 2771 Triple Agent Rohmer, Eric 2004 France 115
2855 2772 Madame X: An Absolute Ruler Ottinger, Ulrike 1978 West Germany 147
2856 2773 'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen Snow, Michael 1974 Canada 255
2857 2815 What's Eating Gilbert Grape Hallström, Lasse 1993 USA 117
2858 2852 Falling Leaves Iosseliani, Otar 1966 USSR 91
2859 2776 Come Back, Africa Rogosin, Lionel 1959 USA 83
2860 2778 Double Tide Lockhart, Sharon 2009 USA 99
2861 2839 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Donen, Stanley 1954 USA 103
2862 2781 Amma Ariyan Abraham, John 1986 India 115
2863 2782 Friends of Eddie Coyle, The Yates, Peter 1973 USA 102
2864 2824 Fate of Lee Khan, The Hu, King 1973 Hong Kong 105
2865 2926 Atonement Wright, Joe 2007 UK 123
2866 2871 Demonlover Assayas, Olivier 2002 France 129
2867 2785 ¡Vivan las Antipodas! Kossakovsky, Victor 2011 Germany 108
2868 2864 Whispering Pages Sokurov, Aleksandr 1993 Germany 77
2869 2788 3 Bad Men Ford, John 1926 USA 92
2870 2847 Caravaggio Jarman, Derek 1986 UK 93
2871 2792 Carlos Assayas, Olivier 2010 France 334
2872 2794 Sabotage Hitchcock, Alfred 1936 UK 76
2873 2971 Just Before Nightfall Chabrol, Claude 1971 France 106
2874 2797 Elena and Her Men Renoir, Jean 1956 France 98
2875 2798 Big Trail, The Walsh, Raoul 1930 USA 121
2876 2831 Drunken Angel Kurosawa, Akira 1948 Japan 98
2877 2900 Altered States Russell, Ken 1980 USA 102
2878 2833 Train, The Frankenheimer, John 1964 USA 133
2879 2867 Amistad Spielberg, Steven 1997 USA 152
2880 2857 Prizzi's Honor Huston, John 1985 USA 129
2881 2801 Sylvie [TV] Lemke, Klaus 1973 West Germany 86
2882 2804 Big Chill, The Kasdan, Lawrence 1983 USA 103
2883 2805 Spirits of the Dead Fellini, Federico/Louis Malle/Roger Vadim 1968 France 121
2884 2836 Men and Women Khouri, Walter Hugo 1964 Brazil 93
2885 3137 Witch, The Eggers, Robert 2015 USA 92
2886 3445 Important c'est d'aimer, L' Żuławski, Andrzej 1975 France 109
2887 3175 Tarnation Caouette, Jonathan 2003 USA 88
2888 3236 Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, A Amirpour, Ana Lily 2014 USA 101
2889 2811 About Schmidt Payne, Alexander 2002 USA 125
2890 2812 Juan Moreira Favio, Leonardo 1973 Argentina 102
2891 2868 Raven's End Widerberg, Bo 1963 Sweden 101
2892 2817 Neighbours McLaren, Norman 1952 Canada 8
2893 2819 Departures Takita, Yojiro 2008 Japan 130
2894 2878 Visitor Q Miike, Takashi 2001 Japan 84
2895 3379 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Kramer, Stanley 1967 USA 108
2896 2821 Angelic Conversation, The Jarman, Derek 1985 UK 78
2897 2890 Another Year Leigh, Mike 2010 UK 130
2898 3116 Ginger Snaps Fawcett, John 2000 Canada 108
2899 2893 Kiss Me, Stupid Wilder, Billy 1964 USA 126
2900 3298 Kaili Blues Bi Gan 2015 China 113
2901 2862 Wind Across the Everglades Ray, Nicholas 1958 USA 93
2902 3651 History is Made at Night Borzage, Frank 1937 USA 97
2903 2903 Saga of Gösta Berling, The Stiller, Mauritz 1924 Sweden 183
2904 2881 Sweet Sixteen Loach, Ken 2002 UK 106
2905 3109 Silver Lode Dwan, Allan 1954 USA 81
2906 2832 Last Chants for a Slow Dance Jost, Jon 1977 USA 90
2907 2835 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ Niblo, Fred 1925 USA 143
2908 2837 Primary Drew, Robert 1960 USA 60
2909 2844 Born on the Fourth of July Stone, Oliver 1989 USA 144
2910 2845 Young One, The Buñuel, Luis 1960 Mexico 96
2911 2942 Testament of Dr. Cordelier, The Renoir, Jean 1959 France 95
2912 2846 Funeral, The Ferrara, Abel 1996 USA 100
2913 3321 Kuroneko Shindo, Kaneto 1968 Japan 99
2914 3395 Silence de la mer, Le Melville, Jean-Pierre 1949 France 86
2915 2877 Blade, The Tsui Hark 1995 Hong Kong 105
2916 2915 Darling Schlesinger, John 1965 UK 128
2917 2904 Boom Losey, Joseph 1968 UK 110
2918 2850 Renaldo and Clara Dylan, Bob 1978 USA 292
2919 3414 Masque of the Red Death, The Corman, Roger 1964 USA 86
2920 3136 Mommy Dolan, Xavier 2014 Canada 139
2921 2856 Straight Time Grosbard, Ulu 1978 USA 114
2922 2993 Taxi zum Klo Ripploh, Frank 1980 West Germany 94
2923 2858 Commingled Containers Brakhage, Stan 1997 USA 5
2924 2859 Loveless Zvyagintsev, Andrey 2017 Russia 127
2925 2889 Tarzan and His Mate Gibbons, Cedric 1934 USA 93
2926 3226 Last Command, The von Sternberg, Josef 1928 USA 88
2927 2998 Hospital [TV] Wiseman, Frederick 1970 USA 84
2928 3199 Arsenal Dovzhenko, Alexander 1929 USSR 70
2929 2861 Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974 Hara, Kazuo 1974 Japan 98
2930 2955 Beetlejuice Burton, Tim 1988 USA 92
2931 3585 Gueule d'amour Grémillon, Jean 1937 France 90
2932 2916 Love Letter Iwai, Shunji 1995 Japan 117
2933 2917 Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train Chéreau, Patrice 1998 France 122
2934 2935 Import Export Seidl, Ulrich 2007 Austria 141
2935 3357 Maeve Murphy, Pat & John Davies 1981 UK 110
2936 2869 White Sheik, The Fellini, Federico 1952 Italy 83
2937 2870 Origins of the 21st Century Godard, Jean-Luc 2000 France 13
2938 3092 Bank Dick, The Cline, Eddie 1940 USA 74
2939 2872 Project A Chan, Jackie 1983 Hong Kong 106
2940 2982 Way We Were, The Pollack, Sydney 1973 USA 118
2941 2938 Say Anything... Crowe, Cameron 1989 USA 100
2942 3172 Saint Jack Bogdanovich, Peter 1979 USA 112
2943 2960 Violent Cop Kitano, Takeshi 1989 Japan 103
2944 2873 No Sex Last Night Calle, Sophie & Greg Shephard 1996 USA 76
2945 2928 Zigeunerweisen Suzuki, Seijun 1980 Japan 144
2946 2988 My Hustler Warhol, Andy & Chuck Wein 1965 USA 79
2947 2876 Atomic Cafe, The Loader, Jayne/Kevin Rafferty/Pierce Rafferty 1982 USA 86
2948 2929 Big Marshall, Penny 1988 USA 102
2949 3277 Total Recall Verhoeven, Paul 1990 USA 109
2950 2879 Je t'aime moi non plus Gainsbourg, Serge 1975 France 89
2951 2883 Hôtel des Invalides Franju, Georges 1952 France 22
2952 2921 Lavender Hill Mob, The Crichton, Charles 1951 UK 82
2953 2885 Jackal of Nahueltoro Littin, Miguel 1969 Chile 95
2954 2886 Golden Eighties Akerman, Chantal 1986 France 96
2955 2887 True Stories Byrne, David 1986 USA 111
2956 2888 Wuthering Heights Arnold, Andrea 2011 UK 129
2957 3196 Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice Ozu, Yasujiro 1952 Japan 116
2958 3119 Exodus Preminger, Otto 1960 USA 213
2959 3143 eXistenZ Cronenberg, David 1999 Canada 96
2960 3384 Friday Night Denis, Claire 2002 France 89
2961 2891 Time for Drunken Horses, A Ghobadi, Bahman 2000 Iran 80
2962 3127 All About Lily Chou-Chou Iwai, Shunji 2001 Japan 146
2963 3185 Identification of a Woman Antonioni, Michelangelo 1982 Italy 128
2964 2894 El Cid Mann, Anthony 1961 USA 184
2965 2895 White Men Can't Jump Shelton, Ron 1992 USA 114
2966 2896 Spring River Flows East, The Cai Chusheng 1947 China 192
2967 2897 Black Hawk Down Scott, Ridley 2001 USA 144
2968 3157 Sophie's Choice Pakula, Alan J. 1982 UK 150
2969 2967 Fahrenheit 451 Truffaut, François 1966 UK 111
2970 2934 In the Name of the Father Sheridan, Jim 1993 Ireland 127
2971 2906 Water Lilies Sciamma, Céline 2007 France 85
2972 2907 Bleak Moments Leigh, Mike 1971 UK 106
2973 2979 Monster Jenkins, Patty 2003 USA 109
2974 2909 Love Unto Death Resnais, Alain 1984 France 92
2975 2978 Dark Star Carpenter, John 1974 USA 83
2976 2961 Nowhere Araki, Gregg 1997 USA 81
2977 2963 Victim Dearden, Basil 1961 UK 100
2978 2911 Rentrée des classes Rozier, Jacques 1955 France 24
2979 2912 Blight Smith, John 1996 UK 15
2980 2964 Official Story, The Puenzo, Luis 1985 Argentina 110
2981 2968 Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Almodóvar, Pedro 1989 Spain 101
2982 2913 Flic, Un Melville, Jean-Pierre 1972 France 98
2983 3250 Face/Off Woo, John 1997 USA 138
2984 2985 Fedora Wilder, Billy 1978 Germany 114
2985 3339 Naked Lunch Cronenberg, David 1991 UK 115
2986 2914 City of Lost Children, The Jeunet, Jean-Pierre & Marc Caro 1995 France 112
2987 2948 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Lucas, George 2005 USA 140
2988 2951 Man on the Roof Widerberg, Bo 1976 Sweden 110
2989 3785 Blast of Silence Baron, Allen 1961 USA 77
2990 2919 Robin and Marian Lester, Richard 1976 USA 106
2991 2920 Série noire Corneau, Alain 1979 France 111
2992 3231 Snatch Ritchie, Guy 2000 USA 102
2993 2999 Fragile as the World Azevedo Gomes, Rita 2001 Portugal 90
2994 3264 Letter from Siberia Marker, Chris 1957 France 62
2995 2922 Strawberry and Chocolate Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás & Juan Carlos Tabío 1993 Mexico 108
2996 2923 Utopia Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1983 West Germany 198
2997 3748 Eureka Aoyama, Shinji 2000 Japan 217
2998 3095 Utamaro and His Five Women Mizoguchi, Kenji 1946 Japan 106
2999 3151 Culloden [TV] Watkins, Peter 1964 UK 69
3000 2958 Odd Couple, The Saks, Gene 1968 USA 105
3001 3001 Adebar Kubelka, Peter 1957 Austria 2
3002 3002 Straits of Love and Hate, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1937 Japan 108
3003 3003 Last Night McKellar, Don 1998 Canada 94
3004 3004 Happiest Days of Your Life, The Launder, Frank 1950 UK 84
3005 3005 Quick Billy Baillie, Bruce 1971 USA 56
3006 3029 Biutiful González Iñárritu, Alejandro 2010 Mexico 148
3007 3006 Let's Scare Jessica to Death Hancock, John D. 1971 USA 89
3008 2351 Oki's Movie Hong Sang-soo 2010 South Korea 80
3009 3011 Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, The Richter, W.D. 1984 USA 103
3010 3008 Night and Day Akerman, Chantal 1991 Belgium 92
3011 3012 Lion in Winter, The Harvey, Anthony 1968 UK 135
3012 3009 Station Agent, The McCarthy, Tom 2003 USA 88
3013 2429 Je vous salue, Sarajevo [VIDEO] Godard, Jean-Luc 1993 France 2
3014 3010 Radio On Petit, Christopher 1979 UK 104
3015 3013 Blue Planet, The Piavoli, Franco 1982 Italy 83
3016 3014 Mutiny on the Bounty Lloyd, Frank 1935 USA 132
3017 2478 Outer and Inner Space Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 33
3018 3015 Nothing But Time Cavalcanti, Alberto 1926 France 45
3019 3016 Charge of the Light Brigade, The Richardson, Tony 1968 UK 139
3020 3017 Allures Belson, Jordan 1961 USA 8
3021 3018 Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay 1987 UK 14
3022 3019 Raising Cain De Palma, Brian 1992 USA 95
3023 3020 Mo' Better Blues Lee, Spike 1990 USA 127
3024 3022 Boat Leaving the Port Lumière, Louis 1895 France 1
3025 3031 Pharaoh Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1966 Poland 180
3026 3023 Trade Tattoo Lye, Len 1937 UK 5
3027 3024 Prowler, The Losey, Joseph 1951 USA 92
3028 3025 Hours for Jerome Dorsky, Nathaniel 1982 USA 45
3029 3027 Last of England, The Jarman, Derek 1987 UK 92
3030 3028 Shortbus Mitchell, John Cameron 2006 USA 101
3031 3038 Boston Strangler, The Fleischer, Richard 1968 USA 116
3032 3042 Man's Favorite Sport? Hawks, Howard 1964 USA 120
3033 3030 Gay Divorcee, The Sandrich, Mark 1934 USA 107
3034 3036 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Hughes, Ken 1968 USA 142
3035 3032 Mass for the Dakota Sioux Baillie, Bruce 1964 USA 24
3036 3033 Simple Event, A Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1973 Iran 80
3037 3034 Sièges de l'Alcazar, Les Moullet, Luc 1989 France 54
3038 3039 Kids Are All Right, The Cholodenko, Lisa 2010 USA 106
3039 3035 Behindert [TV] Dwoskin, Stephen 1974 West Germany 96
3040 3037 Night Tide Harrington, Curtis 1961 USA 84
3041 3041 Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Lanthimos, Yorgos 2017 UK 121
3042 3040 High Tide Armstrong, Gillian 1987 Australia 101
3043 3078 How to Be Loved Has, Wojciech 1963 Poland 97
3044 2806 Dyketactics Hammer, Barbara 1974 USA 4
3045 2807 Alexandria: Again and Forever Chahine, Youssef 1989 France 100
3046 2813 Screaming Man, A Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 2010 France 92
3047 3043 Forty-First, The Chukhrai, Grigori 1956 USSR 88
3048 3044 After Lucia Franco, Michel 2012 Mexico 103
3049 2816 Magic Mike XXL Jacobs, Gregory 2015 USA 115
3050 3045 Musketeers of Pig Alley, The Griffith, D.W. 1912 USA 17
3051 3048 Coming to America Landis, John 1988 USA 116
3052 2830 Other Men's Women Wellman, William A. 1931 USA 70
3053 2840 When the Day Breaks Forbis, Amanda & Wendy Tilby 1999 Canada 10
3054 3047 Départ, Le Skolimowski, Jerzy 1967 Belgium 93
3055 3065 Dunkirk Nolan, Christopher 2017 UK 106
3056 3050 Grissom Gang, The Aldrich, Robert 1971 USA 127
3057 3152 Breaking Point, The Curtiz, Michael 1950 USA 97
3058 2627 Beyond the Hills Mungiu, Cristian 2012 Romania 150
3059 3051 Die Hard with a Vengeance McTiernan, John 1995 USA 128
3060 3063 Quo vadis, Aida? Zbanic, Jasmila 2020 Bosnia and Herzegovina 101
3061 3053 Welcome II the Terrordome Onwurah, Ngozi 1995 UK 90
3062 3066 Spider Cronenberg, David 2002 Canada 98
3063 3055 Beshkempir Kubat, Aktan Arym 1998 Kyrgyzstan 81
3064 2880 Archipelago Hogg, Joanna 2010 UK 115
3065 3104 Barbara Petzold, Christian 2012 Germany 105
3066 3073 This is Not a Burial, it's a Resurrection Mosese, Lemohang Jeremiah 2019 Lesotho 120
3067 3088 Ex Machina Garland, Alex 2014 UK 108
3068 2924 On the Beach at Night Alone Hong Sang-soo 2017 South Korea 101
3069 3056 Chunhyang Im Kwon-taek 2000 South Korea 120
3070 3058 Pilgrimage Ford, John 1933 USA 96
3071 3059 Secret in Their Eyes, The Campanella, Juan José 2009 Spain 129
3072 3060 Memoria Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2021 Colombia 136
3073 2905 Love and Duty Bu Wancang 1931 China 152
3074 7152 12:08 East of Bucharest Porumboiu, Corneliu 2006 Romania 89
3075 3061 Public Housing Wiseman, Frederick 1997 USA 200
3076 3062 Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Talbot, Joe 2019 USA 121
3077 3064 Weather Diary 3 Kuchar, George 1988 USA 24
3078 3089 Saint Joan Preminger, Otto 1957 USA 110
3079 2957 Still Gehr, Ernie 1971 USA 55
3080 4065 Beirut My City Saab, Jocelyne 1983 France 38
3081 2925 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Minnelli, Vincente 1962 USA 153
3082 3201 Gunnar Hede's Saga Stiller, Mauritz 1923 Sweden 101
3083 2930 Miracle of Marcelino, The Vajda, Ladislao 1955 Spain 91
3084 2931 Primate Wiseman, Frederick 1974 USA 105
3085 2966 Dead Zone, The Cronenberg, David 1983 USA 103
3086 3179 Solaris Soderbergh, Steven 2002 USA 99
3087 3068 Stavisky Resnais, Alain 1974 France 120
3088 3129 Lady Vengeance Park Chan-wook 2005 South Korea 115
3089 3262 Porco Rosso Miyazaki, Hayao 1992 Japan 94
3090 2933 Sink or Swim Friedrich, Su 1990 USA 48
3091 2754 Rose King, The Schroeter, Werner 1986 West Germany 106
3092 2936 Cézanne - Conversation with Joachim Gasquet Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1990 France 52
3093 3070 Side/Walk/Shuttle Gehr, Ernie 1991 USA 41
3094 3075 Canta delle Marane, La Mangini, Cecilia 1961 Italy 10
3095 3072 Wasp Arnold, Andrea 2003 UK 26
3096 3076 Our Voice of Earth, Memory and Future Rodríguez, Marta & Jorge Silva 1982 Colombia 110
3097 3074 Crip Camp Lebrecht, James & Nicole Newnham 2020 USA 106
3098 3377 Good Men, Good Women Hou Hsiao-hsien 1995 Japan 108
3099 2939 Today We Live Hawks, Howard 1933 USA 113
3100 3077 Shame McQueen, Steve 2011 UK 101
3101 2941 Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren Sistiaga, José Antonio 1970 Spain 75
3102 3079 Bread Day Dvortsevoy, Sergei 1998 Russia 55
3103 2987 Belle équipe, La Duvivier, Julien 1936 France 101
3104 2943 Lumière d'été Grémillon, Jean 1943 France 112
3105 3153 Drunken Master Yuen Woo-Ping 1978 Hong Kong 107
3106 2944 Smiling Madame Beudet, The Dulac, Germaine 1923 France 37
3107 3620 Deprisa, deprisa Saura, Carlos 1981 Spain 99
3108 3082 Day After, The Hong Sang-soo 2017 South Korea 92
3109 3285 Human Condition II, The Kobayashi, Masaki 1959 Japan 181
3110 2946 Easter Parade Walters, Charles 1948 USA 103
3111 3582 Lenny Fosse, Bob 1974 USA 112
3112 2992 Tombstone Cosmatos, George P. 1993 USA 128
3113 3133 Midsummer Night's Dream, A Dieterle, William & Max Reinhardt 1935 USA 133
3114 3254 Married Couple, A King, Allan 1969 Canada 97
3115 2949 Ange, L' Bokanowski, Patrick 1982 France 70
3116 2950 Sun-Tribe Myth from the Bakumatsu Era, A Kawashima, Yuzo 1957 Japan 110
3117 4391 Lady Chatterley Ferran, Pascale 2006 France 168
3118 3225 Invisible Man, The Whale, James 1933 USA 71
3119 3162 Time Bandits Gilliam, Terry 1981 UK 110
3120 3125 Targets Bogdanovich, Peter 1968 USA 90
3121 2995 Tall T, The Boetticher, Budd 1957 USA 78
3122 2953 Wire, The [TV] Various Directors 2002-08 USA 3600
3123 2954 Monkey Business McLeod, Norman Z. 1931 USA 77
3124 3080 Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro Shah, Kundan 1983 India 143
3125 2956 Under the Sun of Satan Pialat, Maurice 1987 France 97
3126 2997 Lyre of Delight, The Lima Jr., Walter 1978 Brazil 105
3127 2959 Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A Kazan, Elia 1945 USA 128
3128 3120 Knack... and How to Get It, The Lester, Richard 1965 UK 84
3129 3276 Cockfighter Hellman, Monte 1974 USA 83
3130 3098 Upstream Color Carruth, Shane 2013 USA 96
3131 3081 Canoa: A Shameful Memory Cazals, Felipe 1976 Mexico 115
3132 3626 Intimacy Chéreau, Patrice 2001 France 120
3133 4461 Aftersun Wells, Charlotte 2022 UK 102
3134 3207 Four Feathers, The Korda, Zoltan 1939 UK 115
3135 3103 Danger: Diabolik Bava, Mario 1968 Italy 105
3136 2965 Father Szabó, István 1966 Hungary 89
3137 2969 Chaser, The Na Hong-jin 2008 South Korea 125
3138 3150 Moon Jones, Duncan 2009 UK 97
3139 3146 Imitation of Life Stahl, John M. 1934 USA 111
3140 2972 Powers of Ten Eames, Charles & Ray Eames 1978 USA 9
3141 2973 Our Lady of the Turks Bene, Carmelo 1968 Italy 124
3142 3256 Other, The Mulligan, Robert 1972 USA 100
3143 3083 Cousins, Les Chabrol, Claude 1959 France 112
3144 3108 Anomalisa Johnson, Duke & Charlie Kaufman 2015 USA 90
3145 3258 Streets of Fire Hill, Walter 1984 USA 93
3146 3110 Appropriate Behavior Akhavan, Desiree 2014 UK 86
3147 2974 Merrily We Go to Hell Arzner, Dorothy 1932 USA 83
3148 2975 Amour existe, L' Pialat, Maurice 1960 France 21
3149 3111 On Body and Soul Enyedi, Ildikó 2017 Hungary 116
3150 2976 Alpine Fire Murer, Fredi M. 1985 Switzerland 117
3151 3112 Devil's Envoys, The Carné, Marcel 1942 France 115
3152 3138 God's Step Children Micheaux, Oscar 1938 USA 105
3153 3084 Opera Jawa Nugroho, Garin 2006 Indonesia 120
3154 2977 Caza, La Saura, Carlos 1966 Spain 91
3155 2980 15/67: TV Kren, Kurt 1967 Austria 7
3156 3791 Bullets Over Broadway Allen, Woody 1994 USA 99
3157 2981 Un soir, un train Delvaux, André 1968 France 86
3158 3085 Ruskin Beavers, Robert 1974 USA 39
3159 2984 Who's Singing Over There? Sijan, Slobodan 1980 Yugoslavia 86
3160 3303 Principio y fin Ripstein, Arturo 1993 Mexico 188
3161 3359 Rancho Notorious Lang, Fritz 1952 USA 89
3162 2986 Lost Weekend, The Wilder, Billy 1945 USA 101
3163 3144 Happy-Go-Lucky Leigh, Mike 2008 UK 118
3164 3533 Norte, the End of History Diaz, Lav 2013 Philippines 250
3165 3245 Carnal Knowledge Nichols, Mike 1971 USA 96
3166 3086 Ivan Dovzhenko, Alexander 1932 USSR 83
3167 3183 Death of Empedocles, The Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1987 France 132
3168 2989 Report on the Party and Guests, A Nemec, Jan 1966 Czechoslovakia 71
3169 2990 Hairspray Waters, John 1988 USA 96
3170 3176 Wolf Man, The Waggner, George 1941 USA 70
3171 3161 Desperate Living Waters, John 1977 USA 90
3172 3881 Mr. Thank You Shimizu, Hiroshi 1936 Japan 78
3173 3217 Shivers Cronenberg, David 1975 Canada 87
3174 3289 Ludwig - Requiem for a Virgin King Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1972 West Germany 140
3175 2994 Death of a Bureaucrat Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás 1966 Cuba 85
3176 3130 Europa Europa Holland, Agnieszka 1990 Germany 112
3177 3134 Wild Reeds Téchiné, André 1993 France 110
3178 2996 Thérèse Cavalier, Alain 1986 France 91
3179 3090 Body Remembers When the World Broke Open, The Hepburn, Kathleen & Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers 2019 Canada 105
3180 3000 Chapayev Vasilyev, Georgi & Sergei Vasilyev 1934 USSR 101
3181 3091 Christiane F. Edel, Uli 1981 Germany 124
3182 3093 Foreign Affair, A Wilder, Billy 1948 USA 116
3183 3296 Tol'able David King, Henry 1921 USA 99
3184 3317 Looper Johnson, Rian 2012 USA 119
3185 3094 Three Songs About Lenin Vertov, Dziga 1934 USSR 61
3186 3097 Bad Seed, The LeRoy, Mervyn 1956 USA 129
3187 3173 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Capra, Frank 1936 USA 115
3188 3327 Electra Glide in Blue Guercio, James William 1973 USA 113
3189 3099 Palms Aristakisian, Artour 1994 Russia 140
3190 3149 Léon Morin, Priest Melville, Jean-Pierre 1961 France 112
3191 3178 Life is Sweet Leigh, Mike 1990 UK 102
3192 3237 Fury, The De Palma, Brian 1978 USA 118
3193 3206 Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, The Jones, Tommy Lee 2005 France 121
3194 3100 Hedgehog in the Fog Norshteyn, Yuriy 1975 USSR 11
3195 3101 Up the Junction [TV] Loach, Ken 1965 UK 72
3196 3102 Black Sun Tarn, Gary 2005 UK 75
3197 3340 Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle Rohmer, Eric 1986 France 95
3198 3300 Munich Spielberg, Steven 2005 USA 160
3199 2875 As Tears Go By Wong Kar-wai 1988 Hong Kong 102
3200 3278 Michael Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1924 Germany 86
3201 4097 Welcome, or No Trespassing Klimov, Elem 1964 USSR 74
3202 3517 Wet Hot American Summer Wain, David 2001 USA 97
3203 3105 Unforgettable Summer, An Pintilie, Lucian 1994 France 82
3204 3156 Eat Drink Man Woman Lee, Ang 1994 Taiwan 124
3205 3485 Criss Cross Siodmak, Robert 1949 USA 87
3206 3106 Rat-Trap Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1982 India 121
3207 3187 I Can't Sleep Denis, Claire 1994 France 110
3208 3189 Parade Tati, Jacques 1974 France 85
3209 3227 Entre Nous Kurys, Diane 1983 France 110
3210 3113 Antoine and Antoinette Becker, Jacques 1947 France 78
3211 3115 Cabiria Pastrone, Giovanni 1914 Italy 148
3212 3194 Vida en un hilo, La Neville, Edgar 1945 Spain 92
3213 3224 Elena Zvyagintsev, Andrey 2011 Russia 109
3214 3240 Garçu, Le Pialat, Maurice 1995 France 102
3215 3117 This Land is Mine Renoir, Jean 1943 USA 103
3216 3118 Paraguayan Hammock Encina, Paz 2006 Argentina 78
3217 3268 Severe Young Man, A Room, Abram 1935 USSR 100
3218 4022 Mississippi Burning Parker, Alan 1988 USA 128
3219 3170 Only Yesterday Takahata, Isao 1991 Japan 119
3220 3121 Others, The Amenábar, Alejandro 2001 Spain 100
3221 3122 Memories and Confessions Oliveira, Manoel de 1993 Portugal 73
3222 3123 Man Who Left His Will on Film, The Oshima, Nagisa 1970 Japan 94
3223 3363 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T., The Rowland, Roy 1953 USA 88
3224 3128 Angelo, My Love Duvall, Robert 1983 USA 115
3225 3184 Commando Lester, Mark L. 1985 USA 88
3226 3131 Carne Noé, Gaspar 1991 France 40
3227 3132 Pas de deux McLaren, Norman 1968 Canada 13
3228 3188 Human Desire Lang, Fritz 1954 USA 90
3229 3135 Pornographers, The Imamura, Shohei 1966 Japan 128
3230 3347 Pont des Arts, Le Green, Eugène 2004 France 126
3231 3230 Pretty Woman Marshall, Garry 1990 USA 119
3232 3193 Sense and Sensibility Lee, Ang 1995 UK 135
3233 3139 Multiple Maniacs Waters, John 1970 USA 91
3234 3141 Passion of the Christ, The Gibson, Mel 2004 USA 126
3235 3142 Enfants terribles, Les Melville, Jean-Pierre 1950 France 107
3236 4227 Day of the Beast, The de la Iglesia, Álex 1995 Spain 103
3237 3329 Secret of the Grain, The Kechiche, Abdellatif 2007 France 151
3238 3468 Nightmare Alley Goulding, Edmund 1947 USA 111
3239 3192 Orphanage, The Bayona, Juan Antonio 2007 Spain 100
3240 3238 Reisender Krieger [TV] Schocher, Christian 1981 Switzerland 195
3241 3292 Wrestler, The Aronofsky, Darren 2008 USA 109
3242 3328 Monterey Pop Pennebaker, D.A. 1968 USA 88
3243 3145 Mutants, The Villaverde, Teresa 1998 Portugal 113
3244 3147 If Beale Street Could Talk Jenkins, Barry 2018 USA 119
3245 3387 Fin du jour, La Duvivier, Julien 1939 France 99
3246 3302 Grand Moment, The Santos, Roberto 1958 Brazil 80
3247 3771 Bigger Splash, A Hazan, Jack 1973 UK 106
3248 3400 Train of Shadows Guerín, José Luis 1997 Spain 88
3249 3154 Dog's Life, A Chaplin, Charles 1918 USA 33
3250 3210 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Park, Nick & Steve Box 2005 UK 85
3251 3155 Shoulder Arms Chaplin, Charles 1918 USA 38
3252 3218 Before Midnight Linklater, Richard 2013 USA 109
3253 3215 Fireworks Anger, Kenneth 1947 USA 20
3254 3209 Day at the Races, A Wood, Sam 1937 USA 111
3255 3449 Cocorico Monsieur Poulet Rouch, Jean 1974 France 93
3256 3158 Meet John Doe Capra, Frank 1941 USA 132
3257 3159 Hill, The Lumet, Sidney 1965 UK 122
3258 3160 Tía Tula, La Picazo, Miguel 1964 Spain 109
3259 3212 To the Left of the Father Carvalho, Luiz Fernando 2001 Brazil 163
3260 3361 Crow, The Proyas, Alex 1994 USA 100
3261 3163 Scénario du film 'Passion' Godard, Jean-Luc 1982 France 54
3262 3164 Defending Your Life Brooks, Albert 1991 USA 112
3263 3290 Warning Shadows Robison, Arthur 1923 Germany 90
3264 3291 Enchanted Desna Solntseva, Yuliya 1964 USSR 81
3265 3165 Life on Earth Sissako, Abderrahmane 1998 Mali 61
3266 3166 Birdy Parker, Alan 1984 USA 120
3267 3575 Eastern Promises Cronenberg, David 2007 UK 101
3268 3167 Turksib Turin, Victor A. 1929 USSR 57
3269 3168 Ma vie en rose Berliner, Alain 1997 France 89
3270 3583 Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow Angelopoulos, Theo 2004 Greece 170
3271 3378 Footlight Parade Bacon, Lloyd 1933 USA 104
3272 3169 Prozess, Der [TV] Fechner, Eberhard 1984 West Germany 270
3273 3411 Quei loro incontri Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 2006 Italy 68
3274 3171 Traidores, Los Gleyzer, Raymundo 1972 Argentina 113
3275 3271 Mountain Pass Stévenin, Jean-François 1978 France 108
3276 3174 Seeking Asylum Ferreri, Marco 1979 Italy 110
3277 3177 Monkey Business Hawks, Howard 1952 USA 97
3278 3180 When the Tenth Month Comes Minh Dang Nhat 1984 Vietnam 95
3279 3181 Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas Mekas, Jonas 1992 USA 35
3280 3246 Anémic cinéma Duchamp, Marcel 1926 France 7
3281 3182 Bluebeard's Eighth Wife Lubitsch, Ernst 1938 USA 85
3282 3251 Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance Park Chan-wook 2002 South Korea 129
3283 3186 Madeline's Madeline Decker, Josephine 2018 USA 93
3284 3370 Like Someone in Love Kiarostami, Abbas 2012 France 109
3285 3283 No End Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1985 Poland 109
3286 3312 Life of Pi Lee, Ang 2012 USA 127
3287 3422 Chameleon Street Harris Jr., Wendell B. 1989 USA 95
3288 3190 Island of Love, The Rocha, Paulo 1982 Portugal 170
3289 3191 Emmanuelle Jaeckin, Just 1975 USA 105
3290 3261 Chopper Dominik, Andrew 2000 Australia 94
3291 3293 Light Sleeper Schrader, Paul 1992 USA 103
3292 3265 Gunfighter, The King, Henry 1950 USA 84
3293 3195 Of Gods and Men Beauvois, Xavier 2010 France 122
3294 3564 Runner, The Naderi, Amir 1985 Iran 94
3295 3197 Bête lumineuse, La Perrault, Pierre 1982 Canada 128
3296 4310 I Saw the Devil Kim Jee-woon 2010 South Korea 144
3297 3198 Blaise Pascal [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1972 Italy 135
3298 3200 Donovan's Reef Ford, John 1963 USA 109
3299 3436 Adam's Rib Cukor, George 1949 USA 100
3300 3326 Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 Tanner, Alain 1976 Switzerland 115
3301 3202 Kanchenjungha Ray, Satyajit 1962 India 102
3302 3203 Mahjong Yang, Edward 1996 Taiwan 121
3303 3304 Kiss Me Kate Sidney, George 1953 USA 109
3304 3472 Shanghai Blues Tsui Hark 1984 Hong Kong 103
3305 3204 Cosmic Ray Conner, Bruce 1962 USA 4
3306 3330 Darwin's Nightmare Sauper, Hubert 2004 Austria 111
3307 3205 Umut Güney, Yilmaz 1970 Turkey 100
3308 3307 Tommy Russell, Ken 1975 UK 111
3309 3390 Silence and Cry Jancsó, Miklós 1967 Hungary 77
3310 3208 Bad Boy Bubby De Heer, Rolf 1993 Australia 114
3311 3211 Quatermass 2 Guest, Val 1957 UK 84
3312 3213 Super Fly Parks Jr., Gordon 1972 USA 91
3313 3214 I Only Want You to Love Me [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1976 West Germany 101
3314 3216 Parson's Widow, The Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1920 Sweden 80
3315 3334 Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997 France 127
3316 3219 Hunt for the Wilderpeople Waititi, Taika 2016 New Zealand 101
3317 3221 Blind Beast Masumura, Yasuzo 1969 Japan 86
3318 3222 Steamboat Willie Iwerks, Ub 1928 USA 8
3319 3223 Olivier, Olivier Holland, Agnieszka 1991 France 110
3320 4130 Salvation Hunters, The von Sternberg, Josef 1925 USA 65
3321 3316 Sunday in the Country, A Tavernier, Bertrand 1984 France 90
3322 3228 Body and Soul Micheaux, Oscar 1925 USA 102
3323 3229 Robber Symphony, The Feher, Friedrich 1937 UK 136
3324 3319 Graveyard of Honor Fukasaku, Kinji 1975 Japan 94
3325 3232 13th DuVernay, Ava 2016 USA 100
3326 4099 Traffic Soderbergh, Steven 2000 USA 147
3327 3351 Rite of Spring Oliveira, Manoel de 1963 Portugal 94
3328 3294 Monsters, Inc. Docter, Pete 2001 USA 95
3329 3233 End of St. Petersburg, The Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1927 USSR 80
3330 3979 Man Who Knew Too Much, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1956 USA 120
3331 3235 Pawnbroker, The Lumet, Sidney 1965 USA 116
3332 3522 Vikings, The Fleischer, Richard 1958 USA 114
3333 3239 Romy and Michele's High School Reunion Mirkin, David 1997 USA 91
3334 3241 Egyptian Series Brakhage, Stan 1984 USA 17
3335 3243 Young and Innocent Hitchcock, Alfred 1937 UK 80
3336 3244 Mystery of Picasso, The Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1956 France 85
3337 3708 Small Back Room, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1949 UK 106
3338 3446 Selma DuVernay, Ava 2014 UK 128
3339 3247 Orphans of the Storm Griffith, D.W. 1921 USA 125
3340 3248 Last Vacation, The Leenhardt, Roger 1948 France 95
3341 4018 Time Without Pity Losey, Joseph 1957 UK 85
3342 3249 Repas de bébé Lumière, Louis 1895 France 1
3343 3337 Slaughterhouse-Five Hill, George Roy 1972 USA 104
3344 3471 Howling, The Dante, Joe 1981 USA 91
3345 3544 Dirty Ho Liu Chia-Liang 1979 Hong Kong 103
3346 3453 Promising Young Woman Fennell, Emerald 2020 USA 113
3347 3252 Berceau de cristal, Le Garrel, Philippe 1975 France 80
3348 3253 Devdas Bhansali, Sanjay Leela 2002 India 181
3349 3344 Gold of Naples, The De Sica, Vittorio 1954 Italy 107
3350 3255 Honey Pot, The Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1967 USA 131
3351 3257 Ladybird, Ladybird Loach, Ken 1994 UK 101
3352 3259 Aurora Puiu, Cristi 2010 Romania 181
3353 3260 Menace II Society Hughes, Albert & Allen Hughes 1993 USA 97
3354 3335 Bottle Rocket Anderson, Wes 1996 USA 95
3355 4032 For Sama Al-Kateab, Waad & Edward Watts 2019 UK 100
3356 3537 Marathon Man Schlesinger, John 1976 USA 125
3357 3349 Paranoid Park Van Sant, Gus 2007 France 85
3358 3320 Rabbit-Proof Fence Noyce, Phillip 2002 Australia 93
3359 3596 Story of a Love Affair Antonioni, Michelangelo 1950 Italy 98
3360 3267 Babylon Rosso, Franco 1980 UK 95
3361 3269 Salamandre, La Tanner, Alain 1971 Switzerland 125
3362 3355 Caddyshack Ramis, Harold 1980 USA 98
3363 3272 Lost Horizon Capra, Frank 1937 USA 132
3364 3273 Bunny Lake is Missing Preminger, Otto 1965 USA 107
3365 3274 Buena Vista Social Club Wenders, Wim 1999 Germany 104
3366 3607 Offside Panahi, Jafar 2006 Iran 91
3367 3392 Candidate, The Ritchie, Michael 1972 USA 109
3368 3526 Beverly Hills Cop Brest, Martin 1984 USA 105
3369 3385 Little Women Armstrong, Gillian 1994 USA 118
3370 3450 Never Rarely Sometimes Always Hittman, Eliza 2020 USA 101
3371 3279 Track of the Cat Wellman, William A. 1954 USA 102
3372 3280 Chess Players, The Ray, Satyajit 1977 India 129
3373 3281 36 Chowringhee Lane Sen, Aparna 1981 India 122
3374 3401 Naked Dawn, The Ulmer, Edgar G. 1955 USA 82
3375 3369 Oxhide Liu Jiayin 2005 China 110
3376 3341 Billy Madison Davis, Tamra 1995 USA 89
3377 3282 Time Stands Still Gothár, Péter 1982 Hungary 99
3378 3284 Eijanaika Imamura, Shohei 1981 Japan 151
3379 3611 Careful Maddin, Guy 1992 Canada 100
3380 3286 Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine Tscherkassky, Peter 2005 Austria 17
3381 3287 Theatre of Blood Hickox, Douglas 1973 UK 104
3382 3288 American Splendor Pulcini, Robert & Shari Springer Berman 2003 USA 101
3383 2937 Satin Slipper, The Oliveira, Manoel de 1985 France 410
3384 3295 Interrogation Bugajski, Ryszard 1989 Poland 118
3385 3534 Last Seduction, The Dahl, John 1994 USA 110
3386 3297 Madhumati Roy, Bimal 1958 India 110
3387 3299 Far from the Trees Esteva, Jacinto 1972 Spain 101
3388 3396 Mist, The Darabont, Frank 2007 USA 126
3389 3301 Pelle the Conqueror August, Bille 1987 Denmark 150
3390 3345 Corps à coeur Vecchiali, Paul 1979 France 121
3391 3404 Zombie Fulci, Lucio 1979 Italy 91
3392 3343 Bed You Sleep In, The Jost, Jon 1993 USA 117
3393 3305 My Son John McCarey, Leo 1952 USA 122
3394 3306 3 Rooms of Melancholia, The Honkasalo, Pirjo 2004 Finland 106
3395 3354 Sao Paulo, Sociedade Anonima Person, Luis Sergio 1965 Brazil 107
3396 3358 Embrace of the Serpent Guerra, Ciro 2015 Colombia 125
3397 3508 Lazybones Borzage, Frank 1925 USA 80
3398 3308 Mascot, The Starewicz, Ladislaw 1933 France 26
3399 3364 Frozen Buck, Chris & Jennifer Lee 2013 USA 102
3400 3309 Fugitive from the Past, A Uchida, Tomu 1965 Japan 183
3401 3310 Catch-22 Nichols, Mike 1970 USA 121
3402 3311 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse Bahr, Fax/George Hickenlooper/Eleanor Coppola 1991 USA 96
3403 3397 Chung Kuo - Cina Antonioni, Michelangelo 1972 Italy 207
3404 3380 Limey, The Soderbergh, Steven 1999 USA 88
3405 3879 Clouds of May Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 1999 Turkey 130
3406 3313 Hue and Cry Crichton, Charles 1947 UK 82
3407 3314 Blood Wedding Saura, Carlos 1981 Spain 72
3408 3315 Vida en sombras Llobet Gracia, Lorenzo 1948 Spain 90
3409 3318 Behind the Green Door Mitchell, Jim & Artie Mitchell 1972 USA 72
3410 3371 Beasts of the Southern Wild Zeitlin, Benh 2012 USA 93
3411 3666 Collateral Mann, Michael 2004 USA 120
3412 3372 John Wick Stahelski, Chad 2014 USA 101
3413 3375 Liquid Sky Tsukerman, Slava 1982 USA 112
3414 3322 Frozen River Hunt, Courtney 2008 USA 97
3415 4377 Computer Chess Bujalski, Andrew 2013 USA 92
3416 3645 Dial M for Murder Hitchcock, Alfred 1954 USA 105
3417 3641 Booksmart Wilde, Olivia 2019 USA 102
3418 3431 Bonne chance! Guitry, Sacha & Fernand Rivers 1935 France 78
3419 3440 Raid: Redemption, The Evans, Gareth 2011 Indonesia 101
3420 3323 Vie nouvelle, La Grandrieux, Philippe 2002 France 102
3421 3324 Generation, A Wajda, Andrzej 1955 Poland 88
3422 3325 Voyage to Nowhere Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1986 Spain 140
3423 3409 Return of the Jedi Marquand, Richard 1983 USA 133
3424 3382 Them! Douglas, Gordon 1954 USA 94
3425 3417 Copacabana, Mon Amour Sganzerla, Rogério 1970 Brazil 85
3426 3331 Black Stallion, The Ballard, Carroll 1979 USA 118
3427 3332 Talking Picture, A Oliveira, Manoel de 2003 Portugal 96
3428 3333 Breakdown Mostow, Jonathan 1997 USA 96
3429 3336 Dr. No Young, Terence 1962 UK 111
3430 3338 Fortini/Cani Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1976 Italy 83
3431 3399 Pom Poko Takahata, Isao 1994 Japan 119
3432 3670 Married Woman, A Godard, Jean-Luc 1964 France 95
3433 3405 Swordsman II Ching Siu-Tung 1992 Hong Kong 112
3434 3346 Ghost Writer, The Polanski, Roman 2010 France 128
3435 3592 Juno Reitman, Jason 2007 USA 96
3436 3662 DiG! Timoner, Ondi 2004 USA 115
3437 3348 Brother's Keeper Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky 1992 USA 104
3438 3350 Successive Slidings of Pleasure Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1974 France 105
3439 3542 In the Company of Men LaBute, Neil 1997 USA 97
3440 3439 Moulin Rouge Huston, John 1952 UK 119
3441 3352 Twice a Man Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1963 USA 49
3442 3353 Devi Ray, Satyajit 1960 India 93
3443 3467 Everyone Says I Love You Allen, Woody 1996 USA 101
3444 3525 Amiche, Le Antonioni, Michelangelo 1955 Italy 104
3445 3469 Joe Versus the Volcano Shanley, John Patrick 1990 USA 102
3446 3410 BlacKkKlansman Lee, Spike 2018 USA 135
3447 3356 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance Haneke, Michael 1995 Austria 96
3448 3574 Road to Nowhere Hellman, Monte 2010 USA 121
3449 3563 Twenty-Four Eyes Kinoshita, Keisuke 1954 Japan 154
3450 3360 Navire Night, Le Duras, Marguerite 1979 France 90
3451 3362 Dangerous Game Ferrara, Abel 1993 USA 108
3452 3535 Trouble with Harry, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1955 USA 99
3453 4161 Juvenile Court Wiseman, Frederick 1973 USA 144
3454 3365 Summer of '42 Mulligan, Robert 1971 USA 104
3455 3366 Easy Living Leisen, Mitchell 1937 USA 86
3456 3367 Immigrant, The Chaplin, Charles 1917 USA 25
3457 3427 Night of Knowing Nothing, A Kapadia, Payal 2021 France 99
3458 3368 America Bradley, Garrett 2019 USA 27
3459 3429 Nil by Mouth Oldman, Gary 1997 UK 128
3460 3493 Truly Madly Deeply Minghella, Anthony 1990 UK 107
3461 3511 Who Can Kill a Child? Ibáñez Serrador, Narciso 1976 Spain 107
3462 3457 Wild Boys of the Road Wellman, William A. 1933 USA 68
3463 3458 Women of the Night Mizoguchi, Kenji 1948 Japan 75
3464 4075 Invitation au Voyage, L' Dulac, Germaine 1927 France 36
3465 4060 Flammes Arrieta, Adolfo 1978 France 90
3466 5613 To Catch a Thief Hitchcock, Alfred 1955 USA 106
3467 3555 Aerograd Dovzhenko, Alexander 1935 USSR 82
3468 3637 Cheat, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1915 USA 59
3469 3373 Hapax Legomena II: Poetic Justice Frampton, Hollis 1972 USA 31
3470 3751 Tale of Two Sisters, A Kim Jee-woon 2003 South Korea 114
3471 4705 Endless Summer, The Brown, Bruce 1966 USA 95
3472 3374 From the Pole to the Equator Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 1987 Italy 96
3473 3560 Distant Thunder Ray, Satyajit 1973 India 100
3474 3376 By the Time it Gets Dark Suwichakornpong, Anocha 2016 Thailand 105
3475 3480 Phantasm Coscarelli, Don 1979 USA 89
3476 3434 Flesh for Frankenstein Morrissey, Paul 1973 USA 95
3477 3381 Gold Diggers, The Potter, Sally 1983 UK 89
3478 3757 Speed de Bont, Jan 1994 USA 116
3479 3649 Gremlins 2: The New Batch Dante, Joe 1990 USA 106
3480 3524 Lighthouse, The Eggers, Robert 2019 Canada 109
3481 3572 Little Dieter Needs to Fly Herzog, Werner 1997 Germany 80
3482 3470 Anatomy of Hell Breillat, Catherine 2004 France 77
3483 3413 Material Heise, Thomas 2009 Germany 166
3484 3383 Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind Gianvito, John 2007 USA 58
3485 3386 Ritual, The Kasaravalli, Girish 1977 India 120
3486 3388 Twilight Fehér, György 1990 Hungary 105
3487 3654 Sugarland Express, The Spielberg, Steven 1974 USA 109
3488 3475 Hibiscus Town Xie Jin 1986 China 164
3489 3389 Au bonheur des dames Duvivier, Julien 1930 France 85
3490 3391 Eyes on the Prize [TV] Hampton, Henry 1987 USA 360
3491 3477 Post Tenebras Lux Reygadas, Carlos 2012 Mexico 115
3492 3393 Society Yuzna, Brian 1989 USA 99
3493 3394 Winter's Tale, A Rohmer, Eric 1992 France 114
3494 3451 Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, The Schepisi, Fred 1978 Australia 124
3495 3398 Crazy Thunder Road Ishii, Gakuryu 1980 Japan 97
3496 3483 In This World Winterbottom, Michael 2002 UK 88
3497 3492 Edward II Jarman, Derek 1991 UK 87
3498 3737 Whirlpool Preminger, Otto 1949 USA 98
3499 3402 One Hour with You Lubitsch, Ernst 1932 USA 80
3500 3403 Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird, The Grimault, Paul 1952 France 63
3501 3739 Classe tous risques Sautet, Claude 1960 France 111
3502 3406 L. Cohen Benning, James 2018 USA 48
3503 3491 Labyrinth Henson, Jim 1986 USA 101
3504 3407 Stemple Pass Benning, James 2012 USA 121
3505 3497 Star 80 Fosse, Bob 1983 USA 103
3506 3408 Bed & Board Truffaut, François 1970 France 97
3507 3710 Chircales Rodríguez, Marta & Jorge Silva 1972 Colombia 42
3508 3519 Aladdin Musker, John/Ron Clements 1992 USA 90
3509 3466 Macbeth Welles, Orson 1948 USA 89
3510 3501 Body and Soul Rossen, Robert 1947 USA 104
3511 3795 Love Eterne, The Li Han Hsiang 1963 Hong Kong 126
3512 4194 [Rec] Balagueró, Jaume & Paco Plaza 2007 Spain 78
3513 3412 Tokyo-Ga Wenders, Wim 1985 USA 92
3514 3415 Woman King, The Prince-Bythewood, Gina 2022 USA 135
3515 3505 Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean Altman, Robert 1982 USA 110
3516 3416 Love is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon Maybury, John 1998 UK 87
3517 3418 Misère au Borinage Ivens, Joris & Henri Storck 1933 Belgium 36
3518 3419 Nightcleaners, The Karlin, Marc & James Scott 1975 UK 90
3519 3420 Working Class Goes to Heaven, The Petri, Elio 1971 Italy 125
3520 3421 Daimajin Yasuda, Kimiyoshi 1966 Japan 84
3521 3504 Favourite, The Lanthimos, Yorgos 2018 Ireland 119
3522 3423 Cave of Forgotten Dreams Herzog, Werner 2010 Canada 90
3523 3478 Muriel's Wedding Hogan, P.J. 1994 Australia 105
3524 3424 Deadlier Than the Male Duvivier, Julien 1956 France 113
3525 3482 Little Caesar LeRoy, Mervyn 1931 USA 79
3526 3425 Sombre Grandrieux, Philippe 1998 France 112
3527 3484 Chinese Ghost Story, A Ching Siu-Tung 1987 Hong Kong 98
3528 3426 Family, The Scola, Ettore 1987 Italy 127
3529 3428 My Apprenticeship Donskoi, Mark 1939 USSR 100
3530 3490 Beautiful Thing MacDonald, Hettie 1995 UK 90
3531 3488 Gasman Ramsay, Lynne 1997 UK 15
3532 3549 Escape from Alcatraz Siegel, Don 1979 USA 112
3533 3430 NYC Street Scenes and Noises Uncredited Director 1929 USA 10
3534 3432 Killer Elite, The Peckinpah, Sam 1975 USA 122
3535 3433 Land of the Pharaohs Hawks, Howard 1955 USA 106
3536 3516 Waterloo Bridge LeRoy, Mervyn 1940 USA 103
3537 3435 Woman Who Left, The Diaz, Lav 2016 Philippines 226
3538 3636 Années 80, Les Akerman, Chantal 1983 Belgium 82
3539 3437 Road to Perdition Mendes, Sam 2002 USA 117
3540 4527 Paris Belongs to Us Rivette, Jacques 1961 France 120
3541 3674 Barbarella Vadim, Roger 1968 France 98
3542 4528 Licorice Pizza Anderson, Paul Thomas 2021 USA 133
3543 3438 Geschichte der Nacht Klopfenstein, Clemens 1979 Switzerland 61
3544 3593 Like Father, Like Son Koreeda, Hirokazu 2013 Japan 121
3545 3556 Things to Come Menzies, William Cameron 1936 UK 100
3546 3788 Spellbound Hitchcock, Alfred 1945 USA 111
3547 3976 Blood and Black Lace Bava, Mario 1964 France 88
3548 3441 Yourself and Yours Hong Sang-soo 2016 South Korea 86
3549 3562 Compartment No. 6 Kuosmanen, Juho 2021 Finland 107
3550 3442 Sans lendemain Ophüls, Max 1939 France 82
3551 3443 Life of a Beijing Policeman Shi Hui 1950 China 120
3552 3686 Postman Always Rings Twice, The Garnett, Tay 1946 USA 113
3553 3527 Kikujiro Kitano, Takeshi 1999 Japan 122
3554 3502 Purple Rain Magnoli, Albert 1984 USA 111
3555 3444 Messidor Tanner, Alain 1979 France 123
3556 3690 When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts [TV] Lee, Spike 2006 USA 255
3557 3507 Shakespeare in Love Madden, John 1998 USA 122
3558 3616 Bourne Ultimatum, The Greengrass, Paul 2007 USA 115
3559 3536 Baisers de secours, Les Garrel, Philippe 1989 France 90
3560 3447 Thousand Suns, A Diop, Mati 2013 France 45
3561 3448 Yama: Attack to Attack Sato, Mitsuo & Kyoichi Yamaoka 1985 Japan 110
3562 3570 Man on the Moon Forman, Milos 1999 USA 118
3563 3659 Shrek Adamson, Andrew & Vicky Jenson 2001 USA 90
3564 3663 Moment of Truth, The Rosi, Francesco 1965 Italy 110
3565 3545 Beginning, The Panfilov, Gleb 1970 USSR 91
3566 3454 Belfast Branagh, Kenneth 2021 UK 98
3567 3699 Stolen Children, The Amelio, Gianni 1992 Italy 112
3568 3455 Guide Anand, Vijay 1965 India 120
3569 3734 Love of a Woman, The Grémillon, Jean 1953 France 104
3570 3459 Big Blue, The Besson, Luc 1988 France 119
3571 3460 Let the Bullets Fly Jiang Wen 2010 China 132
3572 3783 Let the Sunshine In Denis, Claire 2017 France 94
3573 3462 Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait Gordon, Douglas & Philippe Parreno 2006 France 90
3574 3463 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Juran, Nathan 1958 USA 87
3575 3464 Manuel on the Island of Wonders [TV] Ruiz, Raúl 1985 Portugal 130
3576 3597 Chuji's Travel Diary - Story of Bloody Shinshu Ito, Daisuke 1927 Japan 107
3577 3521 Great Train Robbery, The Porter, Edwin S. 1903 USA 12
3578 3465 Tahia ya didou! Zinet, Mohamed 1971 Algeria 76
3579 4345 Ball of Fire Hawks, Howard 1941 USA 111
3580 3652 Mind Game Yuasa, Masaaki 2004 Japan 103
3581 3720 Smoke Wang, Wayne 1995 USA 112
3582 3473 Rita, Sue and Bob Too Clarke, Alan 1986 UK 93
3583 3474 Mélomane, Le Méliès, Georges 1903 France 3
3584 3538 Maurice Ivory, James 1987 UK 140
3585 3476 Maqbool Bhardwaj, Vishal 2003 India 132
3586 3479 Om Dar-ba-Dar Swaroop, Kamal 1988 India 101
3587 3481 Grass Cooper, Merian C. & Ernest B. Schoedsack 1925 USA 70
3588 4509 For Love and Gold Monicelli, Mario 1966 Italy 120
3589 3731 Chase, The Penn, Arthur 1966 USA 135
3590 3486 Wonderful Lies of Nina Petrovna, The Schwarz, Hanns 1929 Germany 80
3591 3487 Beggars of Life Wellman, William A. 1928 USA 100
3592 3489 Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie? Costa, Pedro 2001 Portugal 104
3593 4374 I Lost My Body Clapin, Jérémy 2019 France 81
3594 3631 Everyone Else Ade, Maren 2009 Germany 119
3595 3552 Ear, The Kachyna, Karel 1970 Czechoslovakia 94
3596 3494 Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes Eustache, Jean 1966 France 50
3597 3495 When it Rains Burnett, Charles 1995 USA 13
3598 3633 Precious Daniels, Lee 2009 USA 110
3599 3496 Anantaram Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1987 India 125
3600 3594 Matador Almodóvar, Pedro 1986 Spain 102
3601 3679 Burn After Reading Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2008 USA 96
3602 3595 Cocksucker Blues Frank, Robert 1972 USA 93
3603 3559 They Call Me Trinity Barboni, Enzo 1971 Italy 109
3604 3498 Devil in Miss Jones, The Damiano, Gerard 1972 USA 68
3605 3558 My Name is Joe Loach, Ken 1998 UK 105
3606 3499 All-Around Reduced Personality: Outtakes, The Sander, Helke 1978 West Germany 98
3607 3500 Head Rafelson, Bob 1968 USA 86
3608 3650 Capitaine Fracasse, Le Gance, Abel 1943 France 108
3609 3503 French Lieutenant's Woman, The Reisz, Karel 1981 UK 123
3610 3840 One Hundred Children Waiting for a Train Agüero, Ignacio 1988 Chile 55
3611 4174 Isle, The Kim Ki-duk 2000 South Korea 90
3612 3506 Cracking Up Lewis, Jerry 1983 USA 89
3613 4205 House of Mirth, The Davies, Terence 2000 UK 140
3614 3571 Pontypool McDonald, Bruce 2008 Canada 93
3615 3612 Diamond Arm, The Gaidai, Leonid 1969 USSR 100
3616 3658 Companeros! Corbucci, Sergio 1970 Italy 115
3617 3509 United Red Army Wakamatsu, Koji 2007 Japan 190
3618 3510 Day a Pig Fell Into the Well, The Hong Sang-soo 1996 South Korea 115
3619 3512 Mer dare Peleshian, Artavazd 1983 USSR 47
3620 3513 Millions Like Us Launder, Frank/Sidney Gilliat 1943 UK 103
3621 3812 Woman on the Beach, The Renoir, Jean 1947 USA 71
3622 3514 King-Size Canary Avery, Tex 1947 USA 8
3623 3623 Victor/Victoria Edwards, Blake 1982 UK 133
3624 3700 Girl with Hyacinths Ekman, Hasse 1950 Sweden 89
3625 3515 Valley of the Dolls Robson, Mark 1967 USA 123
3626 3741 White Hunter, Black Heart Eastwood, Clint 1990 USA 112
3627 4424 Moonlighting Skolimowski, Jerzy 1982 UK 97
3628 3994 Bashu, the Little Stranger Beizai, Bahram 1989 Iran 120
3629 3518 Cooley High Schultz, Michael 1975 USA 107
3630 3680 Stevie James, Steve 2002 USA 140
3631 3952 Paradise Now Abu-Assad, Hany 2005 Netherlands 91
3632 3644 My Mother's Smile Bellocchio, Marco 2002 Italy 105
3633 3712 Long Arm of the Law Mak, Johnny 1984 Hong Kong 100
3634 3520 Pillow Talk Gordon, Michael 1959 USA 105
3635 4666 Wuthering Heights Wyler, William 1939 USA 103
3636 3242 Rapsodia satanica Oxilia, Nino 1917 Italy 45
3637 3528 Without Anesthesia Wajda, Andrzej 1978 Poland 131
3638 3529 Story of Adele H, The Truffaut, François 1975 France 96
3639 3568 Motorcycle Diaries, The Salles, Walter 2004 UK 125
3640 3530 Nelly & Monsieur Arnaud Sautet, Claude 1995 France 106
3641 3761 Sixteen Candles Hughes, John 1984 USA 93
3642 3834 Galaxy Quest Parisot, Dean 1999 USA 102
3643 3531 Pressure Ové, Horace 1976 UK 120
3644 3532 In-Laws, The Hiller, Arthur 1979 USA 103
3645 3657 Lust for Life Minnelli, Vincente 1956 USA 122
3646 3692 Children Are Watching Us, The De Sica, Vittorio 1944 Italy 85
3647 3925 Whisky Galore! Mackendrick, Alexander 1949 UK 82
3648 3539 Motion Painting No. 1 Fischinger, Oskar 1947 USA 11
3649 3540 Passage to India, A Lean, David 1984 UK 163
3650 3541 White Reindeer, The Blomberg, Erik 1952 Finland 67
3651 3728 Christmas Story, A Clark, Bob 1983 USA 94
3652 3621 Once Were Warriors Tamahori, Lee 1994 New Zealand 103
3653 3543 Way Out West Horne, James W. 1937 USA 65
3654 3546 Winter adé Misselwitz, Helke 1989 East Germany 116
3655 3547 Cabbage Fairy, The Guy-Blaché, Alice 1896 France 1
3656 3548 L.A. Plays Itself Halsted, Fred 1972 USA 55
3657 3673 Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Oshii, Mamoru 2004 Japan 99
3658 3629 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Cuarón, Alfonso 2004 UK 142
3659 3550 Camp de Thiaroye Sembene, Ousmane & Thierno Faty Sow 1988 Senegal 157
3660 3702 Mon oncle Antoine Jutra, Claude 1971 Canada 104
3661 3852 Bay of Blood, A Bava, Mario 1971 Italy 84
3662 3551 Letter from My Village Faye, Safi 1976 Senegal 90
3663 3553 Zazie dans le Metro Malle, Louis 1960 France 88
3664 3554 Ghost Zucker, Jerry 1990 USA 122
3665 3676 Polyester Waters, John 1981 USA 86
3666 3678 J'accuse! Gance, Abel 1938 France 95
3667 3557 Inconvenient Truth, An Guggenheim, Davis 2006 USA 97
3668 3561 Longest Yard, The Aldrich, Robert 1974 USA 121
3669 3565 Car Wash Schultz, Michael 1976 USA 97
3670 3566 Big Swallow, The Williamson, James 1901 UK 1
3671 3567 Flash Gordon Hodges, Mike 1980 USA 110
3672 3643 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Burton, Tim 2007 USA 116
3673 3682 Once Carney, John 2007 Ireland 87
3674 3798 Invaders From Mars Menzies, William Cameron 1953 USA 78
3675 3569 Taxing Woman, A Itami, Juzo 1987 Japan 126
3676 3639 Island, The Lungin, Pavel 2006 Russia 112
3677 3655 Fame Parker, Alan 1980 USA 134
3678 3573 Obsession De Palma, Brian 1976 USA 98
3679 3802 Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, The Liu Chia-Liang 1984 Hong Kong 98
3680 3576 Kiss of Death, The [TV] Leigh, Mike 1977 UK 75
3681 3803 House of Games Mamet, David 1987 USA 102
3682 3577 Passport to Pimlico Cornelius, Henry 1949 UK 84
3683 4066 Adolescente, sucre d'amour Saab, Jocelyne 1985 Lebanon 90
3684 3894 Lineup, The Siegel, Don 1958 USA 86
3685 4618 Amanece, que no es poco Cuerda, José Luis 1989 Spain 110
3686 4592 Day of the Outlaw de Toth, André 1959 USA 92
3687 3901 Bitter Tea of General Yen, The Capra, Frank 1933 USA 89
3688 3817 Whisky Rebella, Juan Pablo & Pablo Stoll 2004 Uruguay 98
3689 3584 Coffea Arábiga Landrián, Nicolás Guillén 1968 Cuba 18
3690 3721 Knocked Up Apatow, Judd 2007 USA 129
3691 3838 9 to 5 Higgins, Colin 1980 USA 110
3692 3776 Master of the Flying Guillotine Wang Yu, Jimmy 1976 Taiwan 93
3693 3671 Hudsucker Proxy, The Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 1994 USA 111
3694 3586 Celluloid Closet, The Epstein, Rob & Jeffrey Friedman 1995 USA 102
3695 3587 Nine Muses, The Akomfrah, John 2010 Ghana 90
3696 3824 Tess Polanski, Roman 1979 France 170
3697 3588 Parting Glances Sherwood, Bill 1986 USA 90
3698 3753 Boum, La Pinoteau, Claude 1980 France 100
3699 3589 Spook Who Sat By the Door, The Dixon, Ivan 1973 USA 102
3700 3590 South Akerman, Chantal 1999 France 71
3701 3591 Caprice Italian Style Bolognini, Mauro/Mario Monicelli/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Steno/Pino Zac/Franco Rossi 1968 Italy 95
3702 3707 Last Supper, The Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás 1976 Cuba 120
3703 3675 Tribe, The Slaboshpytskyi, Myroslav 2014 Ukraine 126
3704 4704 Little Foxes, The Wyler, William 1941 USA 116
3705 4098 Tower of the Seven Hunchbacks Neville, Edgar 1944 Spain 85
3706 3598 Two Weeks in Another Town Minnelli, Vincente 1962 USA 107
3707 4360 Mourning Forest, The Kawase, Naomi 2007 Japan 97
3708 3599 Flowers Have Fallen Ishida, Tamizo 1938 Japan 74
3709 3600 Solo Sunny Wolf, Konrad 1980 East Germany 100
3710 3601 Enemy Villeneuve, Denis 2013 Canada 91
3711 3602 Institute Benjamenta Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay 1995 UK 105
3712 3603 Three Monkeys Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2008 Turkey 109
3713 4147 Gang's All Here, The Berkeley, Busby 1943 USA 103
3714 3604 Searching for Bobby Fischer Zaillian, Steven 1993 USA 110
3715 3922 Hi, Mom! De Palma, Brian 1970 USA 87
3716 8061 Century of the Self, The [TV] Curtis, Adam 2002 UK 240
3717 3605 Raid 2, The Evans, Gareth 2014 Indonesia 150
3718 3606 Invocation of My Demon Brother Anger, Kenneth 1969 USA 12
3719 3608 Cleopatra DeMille, Cecil B. 1934 USA 100
3720 3869 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Black, Shane 2005 USA 103
3721 3609 Narita: Peasants of the Second Fortress, The Ogawa, Shinsuke 1971 Japan 143
3722 3610 Inextinguishable Fire, The Farocki, Harun 1969 West Germany 28
3723 3613 Arizona Dream Kusturica, Emir 1993 France 142
3724 3614 Comrades Douglas, Bill 1986 UK 18
3725 3615 Pumpkin Eater, The Clayton, Jack 1964 UK 110
3726 3828 Misery Reiner, Rob 1990 USA 107
3727 3617 Profit & Nothing But! Or Impolite Thoughts on the Class Struggle Peck, Raoul 2001 France 52
3728 3811 God Told Me To Cohen, Larry 1976 USA 95
3729 3618 Railway Children, The Jeffries, Lionel 1970 UK 109
3730 4304 Unrelated Hogg, Joanna 2007 UK 100
3731 4156 What We Do in the Shadows Clement, Jemaine & Taika Waititi 2014 New Zealand 86
3732 3619 Tea and Sympathy Minnelli, Vincente 1956 USA 122
3733 3914 Bourne Supremacy, The Greengrass, Paul 2004 Germany 108
3734 3622 Oliver Twist Lean, David 1948 UK 105
3735 3861 Mélo Resnais, Alain 1986 France 110
3736 3624 Blood and Roses Vadim, Roger 1960 France 74
3737 3625 Oliver! Reed, Carol 1968 UK 153
3738 3627 Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication [TV] Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville 1976 France 600
3739 3628 Season of the Devil Diaz, Lav 2018 Philippines 234
3740 3772 Open Your Eyes Amenábar, Alejandro 1997 Spain 119
3741 3630 Music Lovers, The Russell, Ken 1971 UK 123
3742 3632 Mon père avait raison Guitry, Sacha 1936 France 81
3743 3841 Ring, The Verbinski, Gore 2002 USA 115
3744 3635 Germany Year 90 Nine Zero Godard, Jean-Luc 1991 France 62
3745 3742 Phantom Murnau, F.W. 1922 Germany 125
3746 3638 Burning an Illusion Shabazz, Menelik 1981 UK 101
3747 3747 Big Combo, The Lewis, Joseph H. 1955 USA 89
3748 3640 Back Street Stahl, John M. 1932 USA 89
3749 3642 Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam Alvi, Abrar 1962 India 152
3750 3646 Story of a Three-Day Pass, The Van Peebles, Melvin 1967 France 87
3751 3647 Dirty Dozen, The Aldrich, Robert 1967 USA 150
3752 3648 I'm All Right Jack Boulting, John 1959 UK 104
3753 4608 Jesus Christ Superstar Jewison, Norman 1973 USA 106
3754 3796 Story of Floating Weeds, A Ozu, Yasujiro 1934 Japan 86
3755 3653 Cicatrice intérieure, La Garrel, Philippe 1972 France 60
3756 3764 Herd, The Ökten, Zeki 1978 Turkey 129
3757 3767 Our Daily Bread Vidor, King 1934 USA 74
3758 3656 Milk of Sorrow, The Llosa, Claudia 2009 Spain 94
3759 3759 Love Witch, The Biller, Anna 2016 USA 120
3760 4057 Consequences of Feminism, The Guy-Blaché, Alice 1906 France 7
3761 3660 Wild Party, The Arzner, Dorothy 1929 USA 77
3762 3804 United 93 Greengrass, Paul 2006 UK 110
3763 3756 Rapture, The Tolkin, Michael 1991 USA 102
3764 3661 Japón Reygadas, Carlos 2002 Mexico 122
3765 3664 Mia madre Moretti, Nanni 2015 Italy 106
3766 3665 Century of Birthing Diaz, Lav 2011 Philippines 360
3767 3667 Immigrant, The Gray, James 2013 USA 120
3768 3668 War of the Gargantuas, The Honda, Ishiro 1966 Japan 93
3769 3669 King of Hearts de Broca, Philippe 1966 France 102
3770 3934 Citizenfour Poitras, Laura 2014 USA 114
3771 4368 Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky 2004 USA 141
3772 3778 Wife Confesses, A Masumura, Yasuzo 1961 Japan 91
3773 3672 Five Graves to Cairo Wilder, Billy 1943 USA 96
3774 3904 Friday Gray, F. Gary 1995 USA 89
3775 3820 Beautiful Mind, A Howard, Ron 2001 USA 134
3776 4267 Adam & Paul Abrahamson, Lenny 2004 Ireland 83
3777 3677 Time Regained Ruiz, Raúl 1999 France 162
3778 3735 Margem, A Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1967 Brazil 96
3779 3744 Linda Linda Linda Yamashita, Nobuhiro 2005 Japan 114
3780 3909 Maskerade Forst, Willi 1934 Germany 87
3781 3826 Dreamers, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 2003 UK 115
3782 3951 Scent of a Woman Risi, Dino 1974 Italy 104
3783 3681 Red Hot Riding Hood Avery, Tex 1943 USA 7
3784 3941 Top Gun Scott, Tony 1986 USA 110
3785 3918 Whip and the Body, The Bava, Mario 1963 Italy 87
3786 3683 Clockmaker of St. Paul, The Tavernier, Bertrand 1974 France 105
3787 3684 Sea Inside, The Amenábar, Alejandro 2004 Spain 125
3788 3983 Oak, The Pintilie, Lucian 1992 France 105
3789 3830 Cabin in the Woods, The Goddard, Drew 2011 USA 95
3790 3685 Love Story Hiller, Arthur 1970 USA 99
3791 3687 Diary of a Teenage Girl, The Heller, Marielle 2015 USA 102
3792 3842 Lacemaker, The Goretta, Claude 1977 Switzerland 107
3793 3919 Two Days, One Night Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2014 Belgium 95
3794 3688 Simple histoire, Une Hanoun, Marcel 1958 France 68
3795 3752 Brother Balabanov, Aleksei 1997 Russia 99
3796 3689 Coal Face Cavalcanti, Alberto 1935 UK 11
3797 4543 Soylent Green Fleischer, Richard 1973 USA 97
3798 3805 Railroad Man, The Germi, Pietro 1956 Italy 116
3799 3691 Tall Men, The Walsh, Raoul 1955 USA 122
3800 4084 Snowpiercer Bong Joon-ho 2013 South Korea 126
3801 3693 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Oz, Frank 1988 USA 110
3802 3773 Mustang Ergüven, Deniz Gamze 2015 France 97
3803 3890 Diary of a Chambermaid Renoir, Jean 1945 USA 87
3804 3849 Once Upon a Time in China Tsui Hark 1991 Hong Kong 134
3805 3695 Museum Hours Cohen, Jem 2012 Austria 107
3806 3696 Mirror, The Panahi, Jafar 1997 Iran 95
3807 4188 Lost Boys, The Schumacher, Joel 1987 USA 97
3808 3697 Few of Us Bartas, Sharunas 1996 Portugal 105
3809 3698 Deep Throat Damiano, Gerard 1972 USA 62
3810 3781 Confessions Nakashima, Tetsuya 2010 Japan 106
3811 3701 Japanese Tragedy, A Kinoshita, Keisuke 1953 Japan 116
3812 3782 River of No Return Preminger, Otto 1954 USA 91
3813 3703 Brink of Life Bergman, Ingmar 1958 Sweden 84
3814 3704 Going My Way McCarey, Leo 1944 USA 126
3815 3931 Spring Shower Fejös, Pál 1932 France 66
3816 3705 Bagdad Café Adlon, Percy 1988 West Germany 108
3817 3706 Summer in Narita Ogawa, Shinsuke 1968 Japan 108
3818 3827 Let There Be Light Huston, John 1946 USA 58
3819 4983 Night to Remember, A Baker, Roy Ward 1958 UK 123
3820 4265 Frownland Bronstein, Ronald 2007 USA 106
3821 3709 Mother Naruse, Mikio 1952 Japan 98
3822 3711 Manon des Sources Berri, Claude 1986 France 113
3823 4283 Nope Peele, Jordan 2022 USA 130
3824 4430 Caught Ophüls, Max 1949 USA 88
3825 4273 Cronos del Toro, Guillermo 1993 Mexico 92
3826 3713 Kisapmata De Leon, Mike 1981 Philippines 90
3827 3714 Beau Geste Wellman, William A. 1939 USA 114
3828 3715 Dreams of a Life Morley, Carol 2011 UK 95
3829 4197 Gomorrah Garrone, Matteo 2008 Italy 137
3830 3797 Phantom of the Opera, The Julian, Rupert 1925 USA 79
3831 3716 Rachel, Rachel Newman, Paul 1968 USA 101
3832 3717 First Contact Anderson, Robin & Bob Connolly 1982 Australia 58
3833 3718 Lilo & Stitch DeBlois, Dean & Chris Sanders 2002 USA 85
3834 3719 Tora-san, Our Lovable Tramp Yamada, Yoji 1969 Japan 91
3835 3722 Petition Zhao Liang 2009 China 120
3836 4262 Cielo negro Mur Oti, Manuel 1951 Spain 113
3837 3765 Touching the Void Macdonald, Kevin 2003 UK 106
3838 3723 Woolworths Choir of 1979, The Price, Elizabeth 2012 USA 18
3839 4342 House of Tolerance Bonello, Bertrand 2011 France 122
3840 3724 House of Hummingbird Kim Bora 2018 South Korea 138
3841 3725 Hateful Eight, The Tarantino, Quentin 2015 USA 187
3842 3899 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Alfredson, Tomas 2011 France 127
3843 3726 Missing Picture, The Panh, Rithy 2013 Cambodia 92
3844 3727 Leaving Las Vegas Figgis, Mike 1995 USA 112
3845 3729 Cloud Atlas Tykwer, Tom/Lana Wachowski/Lilly Wachowski 2012 USA 172
3846 3730 Made in Britain [TV] Clarke, Alan 1982 UK 76
3847 3816 Way of the Dragon, The Lee, Bruce 1972 Hong Kong 90
3848 4215 Taboo Oshima, Nagisa 1999 Japan 100
3849 3856 Stuck on You Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 2003 USA 118
3850 3732 Closeness Balagov, Kantemir 2017 Russia 118
3851 3733 Yankee Doodle Dandy Curtiz, Michael 1942 USA 126
3852 3736 In the Dark Dvortsevoy, Sergei 2004 Finland 41
3853 3853 In Jackson Heights Wiseman, Frederick 2015 USA 190
3854 3819 Catch Me if You Can Spielberg, Steven 2002 USA 141
3855 4218 Runaway Train Konchalovsky, Andrei 1985 USA 111
3856 3973 Iruvar Ratnam, Mani 1997 India 140
3857 3738 Documenteur Varda, Agnès 1981 USA 65
3858 3740 Malcolm Tass, Nadia 1986 Australia 86
3859 3743 Fingered Kern, Richard 1988 USA 25
3860 3745 Sleuth Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1972 UK 138
3861 3871 One Hundred and One Dalmatians Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wolfgang Reitherman 1961 USA 79
3862 3749 Sobibór, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m. Lanzmann, Claude 2001 France 95
3863 3750 Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. Harris, Leslie 1992 USA 92
3864 3874 Komissar Askoldov, Aleksandr 1967 USSR 110
3865 3754 Mondo Cane Jacopetti, Gualtiero 1962 Italy 105
3866 3878 Bastards Denis, Claire 2013 France 83
3867 3755 Black and Tan Murphy, Dudley 1929 USA 19
3868 3758 Ceux de chez nous Guitry, Sacha & Frédéric Rossif 1915/52 France 44
3869 3760 Barnvagnen Widerberg, Bo 1963 Sweden 95
3870 4239 So This is Paris Lubitsch, Ernst 1926 USA 67
3871 3762 Fatal Glass of Beer, The Bruckman, Clyde 1933 USA 18
3872 3763 Carrie Wyler, William 1952 USA 118
3873 3766 Decameron, The Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1971 France 111
3874 3768 Winstanley Brownlow, Kevin 1975 UK 95
3875 3839 Wonder Woman Jenkins, Patty 2017 USA 141
3876 3770 Woman on the Beach Hong Sang-soo 2006 South Korea 100
3877 3995 Thundercrack! McDowell, Curt 1975 USA 160
3878 4157 It Always Rains on Sunday Hamer, Robert 1947 UK 92
3879 3900 Independencia Martin, Raya 2009 France 77
3880 3775 Jersey Boys Eastwood, Clint 2014 USA 134
3881 3777 Dark Water Nakata, Hideo 2002 Japan 101
3882 4095 Heaven Knows What Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie 2014 USA 94
3883 3779 Construcción, En Guerín, José Luis 2001 Spain 125
3884 3780 Ten Minutes to Live Micheaux, Oscar 1932 USA 58
3885 3910 Bride Wore Black, The Truffaut, François 1968 France 107
3886 3784 That's Entertainment! Haley Jr, Jack 1974 USA 132
3887 3787 Day the Earth Caught Fire, The Guest, Val 1961 UK 99
3888 4090 Given Word, The Duarte, Anselmo 1962 Brazil 98
3889 3863 In the Mouth of Madness Carpenter, John 1994 USA 95
3890 3971 Last House on the Left, The Craven, Wes 1972 USA 91
3891 3915 City of Life and Death Lu Chuan 2009 China 135
3892 3789 Erotikon Stiller, Mauritz 1920 Sweden 97
3893 3916 Mass is Ended, The Moretti, Nanni 1985 Italy 94
3894 3790 Texasville Bogdanovich, Peter 1990 USA 123
3895 3877 Place in the World, A Aristarain, Adolfo 1992 Argentina 120
3896 3870 Pink Panther, The Edwards, Blake 1963 USA 113
3897 3868 Cangaceiro, O Barreto, Lima 1953 Brazil 105
3898 3792 Loneliest Planet, The Loktev, Julia 2011 USA 113
3899 3793 Sid and Nancy Cox, Alex 1986 UK 110
3900 3982 Other Side of Hope, The Kaurismäki, Aki 2017 Finland 100
3901 3794 Stranger's Return, The Vidor, King 1933 USA 89
3902 4190 Four Bags Full Autant-Lara, Claude 1956 France 84
3903 3799 Sword of Doom, The Okamoto, Kihachi 1966 Japan 119
3904 3800 Glory Zwick, Edward 1989 USA 122
3905 3801 Human Remains Rosenblatt, Jay 1998 USA 30
3906 3883 Swingers Liman, Doug 1996 USA 95
3907 3806 Amor Beavers, Robert 1980 USA 15
3908 4257 Autumn Tale, An Rohmer, Eric 1998 France 110
3909 3958 Rio, Zona Norte Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1957 Brazil 83
3910 3807 Ecstasy Machatý, Gustav 1933 Czechoslovakia 88
3911 3808 Living on the Edge Grigsby, Michael 1987 UK 70
3912 3809 My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure (18 film cycle) Beavers, Robert 1967-2002 USA 418
3913 3897 Wild, Wild Rose, The Wang Tian-lin 1960 Hong Kong 128
3914 4189 American Tragedy, An von Sternberg, Josef 1931 USA 96
3915 3953 Poil de Carotte Duvivier, Julien 1932 France 91
3916 3898 Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe Avnet, Jon 1991 USA 130
3917 3933 Born Yesterday Cukor, George 1950 USA 103
3918 3813 Signs Shyamalan, M. Night 2002 USA 106
3919 3814 Coraline Selick, Henry 2009 USA 101
3920 4152 Quatermass and the Pit Baker, Roy Ward 1967 UK 98
3921 3887 Fahrenheit 9/11 Moore, Michael 2004 USA 122
3922 3939 Zed & Two Noughts, A Greenaway, Peter 1985 UK 115
3923 4734 Hours and Times, The Munch, Christopher 1991 USA 60
3924 4220 My Brother's Wedding Burnett, Charles 1983 USA 115
3925 4370 Letter Never Sent Kalatozov, Mikhail 1960 USSR 96
3926 4132 Matango Honda, Ishiro 1963 Japan 89
3927 3821 Bad Taste Jackson, Peter 1987 New Zealand 90
3928 3974 Bird Eastwood, Clint 1988 USA 160
3929 3822 Henry Fool Hartley, Hal 1997 USA 137
3930 3823 Naked City, The Dassin, Jules 1948 USA 96
3931 4123 Shaolin Soccer Chow, Stephen 2001 Hong Kong 113
3932 3825 Disorder Huang Weikai 2009 China 58
3933 3829 Rabbit of Seville Jones, Chuck 1950 USA 7
3934 3831 Girl with a Suitcase Zurlini, Valerio 1961 Italy 96
3935 3832 Woman Alone, A [TV] Holland, Agnieszka 1981 Poland 92
3936 4337 Jazz on a Summer's Day Stern, Bert 1959 USA 85
3937 4295 Flight of the Red Balloon Hou Hsiao-hsien 2007 France 115
3938 3837 My Best Fiend Herzog, Werner 1999 Germany 95
3939 3836 Poor Cow Loach, Ken 1967 UK 104
3940 3988 Stranded in Canton Eggleston, William J. 2005 USA 76
3941 3843 Woman of Tokyo Ozu, Yasujiro 1933 Japan 47
3942 3928 Niagara Hathaway, Henry 1953 USA 89
3943 3844 Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The De Sica, Vittorio 1970 Italy 94
3944 3845 Penda's Fen [TV] Clarke, Alan 1974 UK 90
3945 3847 Body Beautiful, The Onwurah, Ngozi 1991 UK 23
3946 3848 Diva Beineix, Jean-Jacques 1981 France 123
3947 4210 Ministry of Fear Lang, Fritz 1944 USA 85
3948 3850 Breakfast on the Grass Pärn, Priit 1987 USSR 25
3949 3851 Coup de torchon Tavernier, Bertrand 1981 France 128
3950 3968 Io Island Kim Ki-young 1977 South Korea 110
3951 3855 Gammelion Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1968 USA 55
3952 3935 Castle of Cagliostro, The Miyazaki, Hayao 1979 Japan 102
3953 4366 Szindbád Huszárik, Zoltán 1971 Hungary 90
3954 3858 They Caught the Ferry Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1948 Denmark 11
3955 3930 Madame Satã Aïnouz, Karim 2002 Brazil 105
3956 4114 Fatal Attraction Lyne, Adrian 1987 USA 119
3957 4362 American Soldier, The Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1970 West Germany 80
3958 3862 Devdas Roy, Bimal 1955 India 159
3959 3942 True Lies Cameron, James 1994 USA 141
3960 5770 Saddest Music in the World, The Maddin, Guy 2003 Canada 100
3961 3975 Reason Over Passion Wieland, Joyce 1969 Canada 80
3962 3864 King Solomon's Mines Bennett, Compton & Andrew Marton 1950 USA 102
3963 3865 Amor Natural, O Honigmann, Heddy 1996 Netherlands 76
3964 3867 Flesh Morrissey, Paul 1968 USA 105
3965 3947 Watchmen Snyder, Zack 2009 USA 162
3966 3872 Killing of Sister George, The Aldrich, Robert 1968 USA 138
3967 3873 Beat the Devil Huston, John 1953 UK 89
3968 4478 No, or the Vain Glory of Command Oliveira, Manoel de 1990 Portugal 110
3969 3876 Man Who Lies, The Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1968 France 95
3970 3981 Vicky Cristina Barcelona Allen, Woody 2008 USA 96
3971 3954 Rock, The Bay, Michael 1996 USA 129
3972 4195 Exiled To, Johnnie 2006 Hong Kong 109
3973 4341 Cosmopolis Cronenberg, David 2012 Canada 109
3974 3880 Enamorada Fernández, Emilio 1946 Mexico 99
3975 3882 Three Brothers Rosi, Francesco 1981 Italy 113
3976 3884 Sirius Remembered Brakhage, Stan 1959 USA 12
3977 3885 Bodysong Pummell, Simon 2003 UK 83
3978 3886 Croupier Hodges, Mike 1998 Ireland 94
3979 3888 Film Schneider, Alan 1965 USA 20
3980 3889 Night of the Iguana, The Huston, John 1964 USA 125
3981 3891 Land Beyond the Sunset , The Shaw, Harold M. 1912 USA 14
3982 4397 Darjeeling Limited, The Anderson, Wes 2007 USA 91
3983 3893 Dans la nuit Vanel, Charles 1930 France 75
3984 3895 Dark Crystal, The Henson, Jim 1982 UK 94
3985 3896 Stray Bullet, The Yu Hyun-mok 1961 South Korea 110
3986 3959 Spellbound Blitz, Jeffrey 2002 USA 96
3987 4403 Mutiny on the Bounty Milestone, Lewis 1962 USA 178
3988 4308 Home Alone Columbus, Chris 1990 USA 102
3989 3902 Artemis' Knee Straub, Jean-Marie 2008 Italy 26
3990 3903 Grand jeu, Le Feyder, Jacques 1934 France 120
3991 3999 Who Killed Teddy Bear? Cates, Joseph 1965 USA 94
3992 4179 Return of the Living Dead, The O'Bannon, Dan 1985 USA 90
3993 3905 Age of the Medici, The [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1972 Italy 255
3994 3907 Salt of the Earth, The Salgado, Juliano Ribeiro & Wim Wenders 2014 France 110
3995 3908 Assassination Shinoda, Masahiro 1964 Japan 104
3996 4094 Brewster McCloud Altman, Robert 1970 USA 105
3997 4133 Man with the Golden Arm, The Preminger, Otto 1955 USA 119
3998 4270 By the Law Kuleshov, Lev 1926 USSR 80
3999 3911 Smooth Talk Chopra, Joyce 1985 USA 92
4000 3912 Dark Eyes Mikhalkov, Nikita 1987 Italy 118
4001 4001 Dream Street Griffith, D.W. 1921 USA 138
4002 3007 Andaz Khan, Mehboob 1949 India 148
4003 4002 Rolling Thunder Flynn, John 1977 USA 99
4004 3021 Three Years Without God O'Hara, Mario 1976 Philippines 110
4005 3026 I, the Executioner Kato, Tai 1968 Japan 90
4006 4003 Five Fingers of Death Jeong Chang-hwa 1972 China 102
4007 3046 Before I Forget Nolot, Jacques 2007 France 108
4008 4004 Lettre, La Oliveira, Manoel de 1999 France 107
4009 4005 What Goes Up Breer, Robert 2003 USA 5
4010 4006 Coffy Hill, Jack 1973 USA 91
4011 4007 Decision Before Dawn Litvak, Anatole 1951 USA 119
4012 3067 Stars in Broad Daylight Mohammed, Ossama 1988 Syria 105
4013 3069 Byelorussia Station Smirnov, Andrey 1971 USSR 101
4014 3087 Helpmates Parrott, James 1932 USA 20
4015 4008 Aerial Tait, Margaret 1974 UK 4
4016 3107 Dying Swan, The Bauer, Yevgeni 1917 Russia 49
4017 3114 Country Doctor, The Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 14
4018 5011 Girl from Chicago, The Micheaux, Oscar 1932 USA 69
4019 5006 Geburt der Nation, Die Wyborny, Klaus 1973 West Germany 70
4020 4009 Protéa Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte 1913 France 50
4021 4010 Verifica incerta, La Grifi, Alberto & Gianfranco Baruchello 1965 Italy 35
4022 4011 Ashes and Embers Gerima, Haile 1982 USA 120
4023 4012 On Top of the Whale Ruiz, Raúl 1982 Netherlands 90
4024 3275 Shadowlands Attenborough, Richard 1993 UK 130
4025 4013 Mother Dao, the Turtlelike Monnikendam, Vincent 1995 Netherlands 90
4026 4014 Moon and the Sledgehammer, The Trevelyan, Philip 1971 UK 65
4027 5019 Beloved Infidel King, Henry 1959 USA 123
4028 4017 Operai, contadini Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 2001 France 123
4029 4015 Giants and Toys Masumura, Yasuzo 1958 Japan 95
4030 3456 Homme atlantique, L' Duras, Marguerite 1981 France 45
4031 4016 Innocence Unprotected Makavejev, Dušan 1968 Yugoslavia 75
4032 3926 Bulworth Beatty, Warren 1998 USA 108
4033 4021 Flights in Dreams and in Reality Balayan, Roman 1983 USSR 92
4034 4019 Deadly Circuit Miller, Claude 1983 France 120
4035 4045 Banishment, The Zvyagintsev, Andrey 2007 Russia 157
4036 4963 Evdokia Damianos, Alexis 1971 Greece 97
4037 4020 Becky Sharp Mamoulian, Rouben 1935 USA 84
4038 4023 Portuguese Nun, The Green, Eugène 2009 Portugal 127
4039 5034 Acts of the Apostles [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1969 Italy 342
4040 4024 '?' Motorist, The Booth, Walter R. 1906 UK 3
4041 4025 Supervixens Meyer, Russ 1975 USA 106
4042 4026 Fatima's Letter Syed, Aliya 1991 UK 19
4043 4027 Secretary Shainberg, Steven 2002 USA 104
4044 3774 Strong Island Ford, Yance 2017 USA 107
4045 4040 Hidden Life, A Malick, Terrence 2019 USA 174
4046 4048 Annihilation Garland, Alex 2018 USA 115
4047 4029 Fire Will Come Laxe, Oliver 2019 Spain 90
4048 3810 Girl at My Door, A Jung, July 2014 South Korea 119
4049 3815 Maps to the Stars Cronenberg, David 2014 Canada 111
4050 3818 I Am Not a Witch Nyoni, Rungano 2017 UK 93
4051 3835 Juice Dickerson, Ernest R. 1992 USA 92
4052 4042 Ten Canoes De Heer, Rolf 2006 Australia 92
4053 3846 So Long, My Son Wang Xiaoshuai 2019 China 185
4054 4078 This Gun for Hire Tuttle, Frank 1942 USA 80
4055 4079 Revolutionary Road Mendes, Sam 2008 USA 119
4056 3854 Sodom Price, Luther 1989 USA 17
4057 3857 Barres Moullet, Luc 1984 France 14
4058 3860 Why is Yellow the Middle of the Rainbow? Tahimik, Kidlat 1994 Philippines 170
4059 3859 Infinity Khutsiev, Marlen 1992 Russia 206
4060 4126 Berberian Sound Studio Strickland, Peter 2012 UK 92
4061 3866 We Have a Pope Moretti, Nanni 2011 Italy 102
4062 4028 Evita Parker, Alan 1996 USA 135
4063 4081 Love, Thy Name Be Sorrow Uchida, Tomu 1962 Japan 109
4064 3875 At Berkeley Wiseman, Frederick 2013 USA 244
4065 4056 All Night Long Dearden, Basil 1962 UK 91
4066 4030 Interview Sen, Mrinal 1971 India 101
4067 4031 Mrs. Fang Wang Bing 2017 China 86
4068 4033 Always for Pleasure Blank, Les 1978 USA 58
4069 4034 Possibly in Michigan Condit, Cecilia 1983 USA 12
4070 4035 Nothing Lasts Forever Schiller, Tom 1984 USA 82
4071 4151 Karate Kid, The Avildsen, John G. 1984 USA 126
4072 4036 Running on Karma To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2003 Hong Kong 93
4073 4037 Deadlock Klick, Roland 1970 West Germany 93
4074 4080 Drug War To, Johnnie 2012 China 107
4075 4091 Style Wars Chalfant, Henry & Tony Silver 1983 USA 69
4076 4038 Scent of a Woman Brest, Martin 1992 USA 137
4077 4039 War Is Hell Machin, Alfred 1914 Belgium 50
4078 4514 Too Late Blues Cassavetes, John 1961 USA 103
4079 5142 Secvente Tatos, Alexandru 1982 Romania 98
4080 3913 Creature Comforts Park, Nick 1989 UK 5
4081 4041 Baiju Bawra Bhatt, Vijay 1952 India 165
4082 4281 Hard Eight Anderson, Paul Thomas 1996 USA 101
4083 4431 Unstoppable Scott, Tony 2010 USA 98
4084 3917 Cottage on Dartmoor, A Asquith, Anthony 1929 UK 84
4085 4140 Vincere Bellocchio, Marco 2009 Italy 128
4086 3978 Mars Attacks! Burton, Tim 1996 USA 105
4087 4488 Mundo sigue, El Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1965 Spain 124
4088 3920 Maria [TV] Sokurov, Aleksandr 1989 USSR 40
4089 3921 Place Without Limits Ripstein, Arturo 1978 Mexico 110
4090 4177 Picture of Dorian Gray, The Lewin, Albert 1945 USA 110
4091 4241 Whisper of the Heart Kondo, Yoshifumi 1995 Japan 111
4092 4109 Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? Fassbinder, Rainer Werner & Michael Fengler 1970 West Germany 88
4093 3924 Travolta et moi [TV] Mazuy, Patricia 1994 France 52
4094 3927 Musicians, The Karabasz, Kazimierz 1960 Poland 9
4095 3929 Ninth Configuration, The Blatty, William Peter 1980 USA 118
4096 4112 Julien Donkey-Boy Korine, Harmony 1999 USA 99
4097 4115 Dossier 51, Le Deville, Michel 1978 France 108
4098 4116 Intruder, The Corman, Roger 1962 USA 80
4099 3932 Sinking of the Lusitania, The McCay, Winsor 1918 USA 12
4100 4043 Mondays in the Sun de Aranoa, Fernando León 2002 Spain 113
4101 4087 Charge of the Light Brigade, The Curtiz, Michael 1936 USA 116
4102 3936 Seven Up! [TV] Almond, Paul 1964 UK 39
4103 3937 Drifters Grierson, John 1929 UK 49
4104 3938 Heart of the World, The Maddin, Guy 2000 Canada 6
4105 4128 Robinson in Space Keiller, Patrick 1997 UK 78
4106 3940 Prairie Home Companion, A Altman, Robert 2006 USA 106
4107 4044 Not One Less Zhang Yimou 1998 China 106
4108 4167 King Lear Kozintsev, Grigori 1970 USSR 140
4109 4375 Macbeth Polanski, Roman 1971 UK 140
4110 3943 Grifters, The Frears, Stephen 1990 USA 113
4111 3946 Steamboat Round the Bend Ford, John 1935 USA 82
4112 4277 Benny's Video Haneke, Michael 1992 Austria 105
4113 4175 Nobody's Fool Benton, Robert 1994 USA 110
4114 4176 Reign of Terror Mann, Anthony 1949 USA 89
4115 3948 Here is Your Life Troell, Jan 1966 Sweden 169
4116 3949 Eroica Munk, Andrzej 1958 Poland 87
4117 3950 Guelwaar Sembene, Ousmane 1992 France 115
4118 4185 Shulie Subrin, Elisabeth 1998 USA 37
4119 4164 Risky Business Brickman, Paul 1983 USA 96
4120 5257 Up in Smoke Adler, Lou 1978 USA 86
4121 4046 Meditation on Violence Deren, Maya 1948 USA 12
4122 4100 Ocean's Eleven Soderbergh, Steven 2001 USA 116
4123 4047 Hell or High Water Mackenzie, David 2016 USA 102
4124 5540 Aspen Wiseman, Frederick 1991 USA 146
4125 4233 Youth Sorrentino, Paolo 2015 Italy 124
4126 4142 Tema Panfilov, Gleb 1979 USSR 99
4127 3955 Park Lanes Everson, Kevin Jerome 2015 USA 480
4128 3956 Bedazzled Donen, Stanley 1967 UK 107
4129 3957 Halfway House, The Dearden, Basil 1944 UK 95
4130 4552 Adversary, The Ray, Satyajit 1970 USA 110
4131 4171 Sanjuro Kurosawa, Akira 1962 Japan 96
4132 3960 Sand Pebbles, The Wise, Robert 1966 USA 179
4133 4105 Zardoz Boorman, John 1974 UK 105
4134 5874 Boyfriends and Girlfriends Rohmer, Eric 1987 France 103
4135 4187 Village of the Damned Rilla, Wolf 1960 UK 78
4136 4148 Suspended Step of the Stork, The Angelopoulos, Theo 1991 Greece 151
4137 3961 Finye Cissé, Souleymane 1982 Mali 100
4138 4248 Pigs and Battleships Imamura, Shohei 1961 Japan 108
4139 4111 Phase IV Bass, Saul 1974 UK 84
4140 3962 Blonds, The Carri, Albertina 2003 Argentina 89
4141 3963 Never Give a Sucker an Even Break Cline, Eddie 1941 USA 71
4142 4077 Beauty No. 2 Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 66
4143 3964 Hester Street Silver, Joan Micklin 1975 USA 92
4144 4294 Fearless Vampire Killers, The Polanski, Roman 1967 UK 98
4145 3965 Breakaway Conner, Bruce 1966 USA 5
4146 3966 Mutter Krausen's Farhrt ins Gluck Jutzi, Phil 1929 Germany 121
4147 3967 Emperor Tomato Ketchup Terayama, Shuji 1971 Japan 27
4148 9187 I Am Love Guadagnino, Luca 2009 Italy 120
4149 4122 Autumn's Tale, An Cheung, Mabel 1987 Hong Kong 98
4150 3969 Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media Achbar, Mark & Peter Wintonick 1992 Canada 167
4151 4628 10 Things I Hate About You Junger, Gil 1999 USA 97
4152 4124 Illustrious Corpses Rosi, Francesco 1976 Italy 120
4153 4353 Warrendale King, Allan 1967 Canada 100
4154 4468 Wedding in Galilee Khleifi, Michel 1987 Belgium 100
4155 3970 Bleu Shut Nelson, Robert 1971 USA 33
4156 3972 Model Shop Demy, Jacques 1969 USA 95
4157 4517 Edge of Heaven, The Akin, Fatih 2007 Germany 121
4158 4462 Tron Lisberger, Steven 1982 USA 96
4159 4172 Kagero-za Suzuki, Seijun 1981 Japan 139
4160 4266 At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul Marins, José Mojica 1964 Brazil 84
4161 4512 Damned, The Losey, Joseph 1962 UK 96
4162 3977 Kingdom of Naples, The Schroeter, Werner 1978 Italy 125
4163 4139 Teza Gerima, Haile 2008 Ethiopia 140
4164 4082 Forever Amber Preminger, Otto 1947 USA 140
4165 4083 Leto Serebrennikov, Kirill 2018 Russia 126
4166 4451 Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatjana Kaurismäki, Aki 1994 Finland 65
4167 3980 Baby of Macon, The Greenaway, Peter 1993 UK 122
4168 4235 Misérables, Les Capellani, Albert 1912 France 147
4169 3984 Lives of Performers Rainer, Yvonne 1972 USA 90
4170 3985 Cobweb, The Minnelli, Vincente 1955 USA 124
4171 4198 Duchess of Langeais, The Rivette, Jacques 2007 France 137
4172 3986 Bright Future Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2002 Japan 92
4173 4146 China Behind Tong Shu Shuen 1974 Hong Kong 110
4174 4213 Sleepy Hollow Burton, Tim 1999 USA 102
4175 4318 Highlander Mulcahy, Russell 1986 USA 111
4176 4244 World's Greatest Sinner, The Carey, Timothy 1962 USA 77
4177 4346 Himala Bernal, Ishmael 1982 Philippines 124
4178 4085 Toto Who Lived Twice Ciprì, Daniele & Franco Maresco 1998 Italy 93
4179 3989 Revolver Bergqvist, Stig/Martti Ekstrand/Jonas Odell/Lars Ohlson 1994 Sweden 8
4180 3987 Everyday Life in a Syrian Village Amiralay, Omar 1976 Syria 80
4181 3990 Ipcress File, The Furie, Sidney J. 1965 UK 108
4182 4349 Meshi Naruse, Mikio 1951 Japan 97
4183 4616 Greatest Show on Earth, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1952 USA 153
4184 3991 Facing the Judgement of History Ermler, Fridrikh 1965 USSR 99
4185 4255 God's Own Country Lee, Francis 2017 UK 104
4186 3992 Quixote Baillie, Bruce 1965 USA 45
4187 4293 Foreign Land Salles, Walter & Daniela Thomas 1995 Brazil 100
4188 3993 Amore, L' Rossellini, Roberto 1948 Italy 79
4189 3996 Kin-dza-dza! Daneliya, Georgi 1986 USSR 135
4190 3997 Gas Food Lodging Anders, Allison 1992 USA 101
4191 4086 Go Fish Troche, Rose 1994 USA 87
4192 4301 Lethal Weapon Donner, Richard 1987 USA 109
4193 3998 Ukamau Sanjinés, Jorge 1966 Bolivia 75
4194 4217 Bad Luck Munk, Andrzej 1960 Poland 92
4195 4000 Crash Haggis, Paul 2004 USA 112
4196 4088 Messiah, The Rossellini, Roberto 1975 Italy 140
4197 4089 X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes Corman, Roger 1963 USA 80
4198 4092 Naked Spaces: Living is Round Trinh T. Minh-ha 1985 USA 135
4199 4093 Faces of Women Ecaré, Désiré 1985 France 105
4200 4526 Real Young Girl, A Breillat, Catherine 1976 France 89
4201 4096 Sun's Burial, The Oshima, Nagisa 1960 Japan 87
4202 4274 Queen Margot Chéreau, Patrice 1994 France 143
4203 4169 Sanshiro Sugata Kurosawa, Akira 1943 Japan 79
4204 4228 Things to Come Hansen-Løve, Mia 2016 France 102
4205 4231 Chidambaram Aravindan, Govindan 1985 India 103
4206 4234 Deep Blue Sea, The Davies, Terence 2011 UK 98
4207 4237 Captains Courageous Fleming, Victor 1937 USA 116
4208 4101 Used Cars Zemeckis, Robert 1980 USA 111
4209 4102 Stormy Weather Stone, Andrew L. 1943 USA 77
4210 4103 Maelstrom: A Family Chronicle, The Forgács, Péter 1997 Netherlands 60
4211 4200 Animal Kingdom Michôd, David 2010 Australia 113
4212 4186 Anything Can Happen Lozinski, Marcel 1995 Poland 39
4213 4104 Wild Style Ahearn, Charlie 1982 USA 82
4214 4106 Grand Meaulnes, Le Albicocco, Jean-Gabriel 1967 France 103
4215 4245 Boy with Green Hair, The Losey, Joseph 1948 USA 82
4216 4330 Amy Kapadia, Asif 2015 UK 128
4217 3342 I, Daniel Blake Loach, Ken 2016 UK 100
4218 4395 Grosse Freiheit Nr. 7 Käutner, Helmut 1944 Germany 111
4219 4107 Loss of Sexual Innocence, The Figgis, Mike 1998 USA 105
4220 4108 Summer's Tale, A Rohmer, Eric 1996 France 113
4221 4110 3 Idiots Hirani, Rajkumar 2009 India 170
4222 4612 Senna Kapadia, Asif 2010 UK 106
4223 4392 Independence Day Emmerich, Roland 1996 USA 145
4224 4258 Routine Pleasures Gorin, Jean-Pierre 1986 UK 81
4225 4113 Fan-Fan the Tulip Christian-Jaque 1952 France 102
4226 4259 Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, The Huston, John 1972 USA 120
4227 4117 Forest of the Hanged Ciulei, Liviu 1965 Romania 154
4228 4118 In the White City Tanner, Alain 1983 Portugal 108
4229 4935 Yellow Sky Wellman, William A. 1948 USA 98
4230 4119 Barfly Schroeder, Barbet 1987 USA 97
4231 4120 Nikita Besson, Luc 1990 France 117
4232 4317 Avengers: Endgame Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2019 USA 181
4233 4214 Thief of Bagdad, The Walsh, Raoul 1924 USA 155
4234 4292 Tall Target, The Mann, Anthony 1951 USA 78
4235 4125 Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge, An Enrico, Robert 1961 France 28
4236 4127 Hitcher, The Harmon, Robert 1986 USA 97
4237 4211 Elite Squad Padilha, José 2007 Brazil 115
4238 4129 Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Prologue Thornton, Leslie 1985 USA 20
4239 4357 Assault on the Paytrain Farias, Roberto 1962 Brazil 102
4240 4131 From Today Until Tomorrow Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1997 France 62
4241 4134 Lost City of Z, The Gray, James 2016 USA 141
4242 4269 Muddy River Oguri, Kohei 1981 Japan 105
4243 7337 Life Dances On… Frank, Robert 1980 USA 30
4244 4225 Surcos Conde, Jose Antonio Nieves 1951 Spain 99
4245 4135 I Stand Alone Noé, Gaspar 1998 France 93
4246 4136 Very Curious Girl, A Kaplan, Nelly 1969 France 107
4247 4371 Little Mermaid, The Musker, John/Ron Clements 1989 USA 82
4248 4418 In a Glass Cage Villaronga, Agustí 1986 Spain 100
4249 4141 Illusion Travels by Streetcar Buñuel, Luis 1953 Mexico 90
4250 4280 Leave No Trace Granik, Debra 2018 USA 109
4251 4143 Hukkle Pálfi, György 2002 Hungary 78
4252 4289 Staying Vertical Guiraudie, Alain 2016 France 98
4253 4288 For All Mankind Reinert, Al 1989 USA 90
4254 4471 Vera Drake Leigh, Mike 2004 UK 125
4255 4144 Great Waltz, The Duvivier, Julien 1938 USA 104
4256 4242 Hand, The Trnka, Jirí 1965 Czechoslovakia 18
4257 4145 Love Letter Tanaka, Kinuyo 1953 Japan 98
4258 4491 Mad Songs of Fernanda Hussein, The Gianvito, John 2001 USA 168
4259 4247 Saint Maud Glass, Rose 2019 UK 84
4260 4149 Abschied Siodmak, Robert 1930 Germany 73
4261 4150 Evolution Hadzihalilovic, Lucile 2015 France 81
4262 4299 Decline of the American Empire, The Arcand, Denys 1986 Canada 101
4263 4251 National Velvet Brown, Clarence 1944 USA 125
4264 4500 24 City Jia Zhangke 2008 China 112
4265 4153 Murderers Are Among Us, The Staudte, Wolfgang 1946 Germany 85
4266 4455 Joker Phillips, Todd 2019 USA 122
4267 4154 Moliere Mnouchkine, Ariane 1978 Italy 260
4268 4252 Spider-Man 2 Raimi, Sam 2004 USA 127
4269 4339 That Man from Rio de Broca, Philippe 1964 France 120
4270 4155 Turning Gate Hong Sang-soo 2002 South Korea 115
4271 4263 Tale of Zatoichi, The Misumi, Kenji 1962 Japan 95
4272 4314 We Own the Night Gray, James 2007 USA 117
4273 4305 Take This Waltz Polley, Sarah 2011 Canada 116
4274 4158 Sur Solanas, Fernando E. 1988 Argentina 127
4275 4363 His Days Are Numbered Petri, Elio 1962 Italy 98
4276 4761 Esther Kahn Desplechin, Arnaud 2000 France 142
4277 4159 And God Created Woman Vadim, Roger 1956 France 92
4278 4160 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Fleischer, Richard 1954 USA 127
4279 4163 Seine Meets Paris, The Ivens, Joris 1957 France 30
4280 5862 Death Becomes Her Zemeckis, Robert 1992 USA 104
4281 4165 No Man's Land Tanovic, Danis 2001 France 97
4282 4264 Green Room Saulnier, Jeremy 2015 USA 95
4283 4166 Cobra Verde Herzog, Werner 1987 West Germany 111
4284 4168 My Friends Monicelli, Mario 1975 Italy 140
4285 4272 Farewell, The Wang, Lulu 2019 USA 100
4286 4423 Jerk, The Reiner, Carl 1979 USA 94
4287 4170 Green Years, The Rocha, Paulo 1963 Portugal 91
4288 4173 Battle of San Pietro, The Huston, John 1945 USA 32
4289 4178 Madam Satan DeMille, Cecil B. 1930 USA 115
4290 4180 Study of a River Hutton, Peter B. 1997 USA 16
4291 4279 Philadelphia Demme, Jonathan 1993 USA 119
4292 4268 Edifício Master Coutinho, Eduardo 2002 Brazil 110
4293 4335 Monsters Edwards, Gareth 2010 UK 94
4294 5051 Your Name Shinkai, Makoto 2016 Japan 106
4295 4191 Bananas Allen, Woody 1971 USA 82
4296 4192 Abraham Lincoln Griffith, D.W. 1930 USA 97
4297 4379 Wes Craven's New Nightmare Craven, Wes 1994 USA 112
4298 4193 Pilgrim, The Chaplin, Charles 1923 USA 40
4299 4196 Théâtre des matières, Le Biette, Jean-Claude 1977 France 81
4300 4199 10 Rillington Place Fleischer, Richard 1971 UK 111
4301 4343 High Fidelity Frears, Stephen 2000 USA 113
4302 5395 Self-Made Hero, A Audiard, Jacques 1996 France 105
4303 4201 School Daze Lee, Spike 1988 USA 114
4304 4202 Kung Fu Panda Stevenson, John & Mark Osborne 2008 USA 92
4305 4348 Scopone scientifico, Lo Comencini, Luigi 1972 Italy 113
4306 4203 Ruhr Benning, James 2009 Germany 121
4307 4302 Few Good Men, A Reiner, Rob 1992 USA 138
4308 4204 Fletch Ritchie, Michael 1985 USA 96
4309 4206 Killers, The Siegel, Don 1964 USA 95
4310 4207 Frida Leduc, Paul 1983 Mexico 108
4311 4493 Fantastic Voyage Fleischer, Richard 1966 USA 100
4312 4208 Steak Dupieux, Quentin 2007 France 82
4313 4678 Ariel Kaurismäki, Aki 1988 Finland 74
4314 4209 Big Mouth, The Lewis, Jerry 1967 USA 107
4315 5329 Oslo, August 31st Trier, Joachim 2011 Norway 95
4316 4561 Martha Marcy May Marlene Durkin, Sean 2011 USA 102
4317 4212 Manhatta Sheeler, Charles & Paul Strand 1921 USA 11
4318 4565 Boy Meets Girl Carax, Leos 1984 France 100
4319 4667 (500) Days of Summer Webb, Marc 2009 USA 95
4320 4216 Nathalie Granger Duras, Marguerite 1972 France 83
4321 4219 Stuff, The Cohen, Larry 1985 USA 93
4322 4369 Aviator, The Scorsese, Martin 2004 USA 170
4323 4221 Vallée close, La Rousseau, Jean-Claude 1995 France 144
4324 4222 Walking and Talking Holofcener, Nicole 1996 UK 90
4325 4751 Three Comrades Borzage, Frank 1938 USA 98
4326 4223 Ditch, The Wang Bing 2010 Hong Kong 112
4327 4316 Second Mother, The Muylaert, Anna 2015 Brazil 112
4328 4224 Kirikou and the Sorceress Ocelot, Michel 1998 France 73
4329 4226 Wiz, The Lumet, Sidney 1978 USA 133
4330 5707 Curse of the Cat People, The Wise, Robert & Gunther von Fritsch 1944 USA 70
4331 4378 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Barton, Charles 1948 USA 83
4332 4229 Dearest Executioners Martín Patino, Basilio 1977 Spain 103
4333 4380 Great Race, The Edwards, Blake 1965 USA 150
4334 4230 Bread Factory, Part One, A Wang, Patrick 2018 USA 122
4335 4333 Made in Hong Kong Chan, Fruit 1997 Hong Kong 109
4336 4232 League of Their Own, A Marshall, Penny 1992 USA 128
4337 4533 Jauja Alonso, Lisandro 2014 Argentina 109
4338 4777 Strawberry Blonde, The Walsh, Raoul 1941 USA 97
4339 4236 Shadows in Paradise Kaurismäki, Aki 1986 Finland 76
4340 4238 Devil and Daniel Webster, The Dieterle, William 1941 USA 112
4341 4240 Electrocuting an Elephant Porter, Edwin S. 1903 USA 1
4342 4606 Assunta Spina Bertini, Francesca & Gustavo Serena 1915 Italy 70
4343 4448 Kid Stays in the Picture, The Burstein, Nanette & Brett Morgen 2002 USA 93
4344 4520 Marty Mann, Delbert 1955 USA 91
4345 4246 All Around Us Hashiguchi, Ryosuke 2008 Japan 140
4346 4249 New York Portrait: Chapter II Hutton, Peter B. 1981 USA 16
4347 4250 Kiss Warhol, Andy 1963 USA 55
4348 4338 Avengers, The Whedon, Joss 2012 USA 143
4349 4253 Woman's Revenge, A Azevedo Gomes, Rita 2012 Portugal 100
4350 4254 Lady Sings the Blues Furie, Sidney J. 1972 USA 144
4351 4256 Uncertainty Principle, The Oliveira, Manoel de 2002 France 133
4352 4496 Letter, The Wyler, William 1940 USA 95
4353 4351 Secret, The Hui, Ann 1979 Hong Kong 85
4354 4260 Thirteen Assassins, The Kudo, Eiichi 1963 Japan 125
4355 4261 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Brooks, Richard 1958 USA 108
4356 4459 True Grit Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2010 USA 110
4357 4413 Me, Myself & Irene Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 2000 USA 116
4358 4568 Brick and Mirror Golestan, Ebrahim 1965 Iran 131
4359 4909 Jacquot de Nantes Varda, Agnès 1991 France 118
4360 4629 Bush Mama Gerima, Haile 1979 USA 97
4361 4356 Hour and Turn of Augusto Matraga, The Santos, Roberto 1965 Brazil 109
4362 4419 Faisons un rêve Guitry, Sacha 1937 France 86
4363 4643 Color of Money, The Scorsese, Martin 1986 USA 119
4364 4541 Cape Fear Scorsese, Martin 1991 USA 128
4365 4271 Like Water for Chocolate Arau, Alfonso 1992 Mexico 113
4366 4644 Wooden Crosses Bernard, Raymond 1932 France 110
4367 4472 Fairytale Sokurov, Aleksandr 2022 Russia 78
4368 4275 2'45" Raban, William 1972 UK 3
4369 4276 Dialogue with a Woman Departed Hurwitz, Leo 1981 USA 225
4370 4429 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk Lee, Ang 2016 USA 113
4371 4578 Creed Coogler, Ryan 2015 USA 133
4372 5317 Man Hunt Lang, Fritz 1941 USA 105
4373 4769 Choose Me Rudolph, Alan 1984 USA 106
4374 4278 We Are the Lambeth Boys Reisz, Karel 1959 UK 53
4375 4436 Aura, The Bielinsky, Fabián 2005 Argentina 134
4376 4475 Fall of the Romanov Dynasty, The Shub, Esfir 1927 USSR 90
4377 4562 Scanners Cronenberg, David 1981 Canada 102
4378 4282 Society of the Spectacle, The Debord, Guy 1973 France 88
4379 4438 Take Shelter Nichols, Jeff 2011 USA 120
4380 4284 Destiny of a Man, The Bondarchuk, Sergei 1959 USSR 98
4381 4384 Bridge, The Wicki, Bernhard 1959 West Germany 103
4382 4285 Tango Rybczynski, Zbigniew 1981 Poland 8
4383 4588 Nebraska Payne, Alexander 2013 USA 115
4384 4286 Spy Game Scott, Tony 2001 Germany 126
4385 4597 House of the Devil, The West, Ti 2009 USA 95
4386 4287 Ankur Benegal, Shyam 1974 India 131
4387 4290 J'accuse! Gance, Abel 1919 France 166
4388 4291 Robin Hood Reitherman, Wolfgang 1973 USA 83
4389 4941 Living in Oblivion DiCillo, Tom 1995 USA 91
4390 4449 Shall We Dance Sandrich, Mark 1937 USA 116
4391 4387 Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Fincher, David 2008 USA 166
4392 4296 Fit to Be Untied Agosti, Silvano/Marco Bellocchio/Sandro Petraglia/Stefano Rulli 1975 Italy 135
4393 4297 Electra, My Love Jancsó, Miklós 1974 Hungary 70
4394 4298 Heart of a Dog Anderson, Laurie 2015 USA 75
4395 5638 Olivia Audry, Jacqueline 1951 France 88
4396 6244 Confidentially Yours Truffaut, François 1983 France 111
4397 4300 Lion Hunters, The Rouch, Jean 1965 France 80
4398 4303 Lawn Dogs Duigan, John 1997 UK 100
4399 6273 Lantana Lawrence, Ray 2001 Germany 121
4400 4306 Schpountz, Le Pagnol, Marcel 1938 France 160
4401 4307 Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno Kechiche, Abdellatif 2017 France 181
4402 4309 Silverlake Life: The View from Here Friedman, Peter & Tom Joslin 1993 USA 99
4403 4311 Sympathy for the Devil Godard, Jean-Luc 1968 UK 100
4404 5080 Control Corbijn, Anton 2007 UK 122
4405 4312 My Little Chickadee Cline, Eddie 1940 USA 83
4406 4539 Brick Johnson, Rian 2005 USA 110
4407 4315 Intervista Fellini, Federico 1987 Italy 108
4408 4492 Forgetting Sarah Marshall Stoller, Nicholas 2008 USA 111
4409 4780 Prince of Darkness Carpenter, John 1987 USA 102
4410 4319 Man with the Rubber Head, The Méliès, Georges 1901 France 3
4411 4320 Last Judgement, The Frank, Herz 1987 USSR 68
4412 4414 Animal Farm Halas, John & Joy Batchelor 1954 UK 75
4413 4321 Smithereens Seidelman, Susan 1982 USA 90
4414 4322 César Pagnol, Marcel 1936 France 170
4415 4412 Shirkers Tan, Sandi 2018 USA 97
4416 4634 Lady Snowblood Fujita, Toshiya 1973 Japan 97
4417 4421 Silver Linings Playbook Russell, David O. 2012 USA 122
4418 4323 Firm, The [TV] Clarke, Alan 1988 UK 70
4419 5562 Daughter of the Nile Hou Hsiao-hsien 1987 Taiwan 91
4420 4324 August in the Water Ishii, Gakuryu 1995 Japan 117
4421 4410 Aruanda Noronha, Linduarte 1960 Brazil 20
4422 4325 Full Monty, The Cattaneo, Peter 1997 USA 91
4423 4326 Family Game, The Morita, Yoshimitsu 1983 Japan 107
4424 4327 Lonely Are the Brave Miller, David 1962 USA 107
4425 4522 I Was Nineteen Wolf, Konrad 1968 East Germany 115
4426 4328 Ash is Purest White Jia Zhangke 2018 China 136
4427 4329 Crows and Sparrows Zheng Junli 1949 China 113
4428 6999 Chilly Scenes of Winter Silver, Joan Micklin 1979 USA 92
4429 4331 Night of San Juan, The Sanjinés, Jorge 1971 Bolivia 90
4430 4521 Manhattan Murder Mystery Allen, Woody 1993 USA 108
4431 4435 Sicario Villeneuve, Denis 2015 USA 121
4432 4927 Go Go Tales Ferrara, Abel 2007 USA 96
4433 4332 One Way Passage Garnett, Tay 1932 USA 69
4434 4334 Salt for Svanetia Kalatozov, Mikhail 1930 USSR 55
4435 4660 Boat People Hui, Ann 1982 Hong Kong 109
4436 4479 Maciste in Hell Brignone, Guido 1925 Italy 95
4437 4600 Smiley Face Araki, Gregg 2007 USA 88
4438 4486 Lovers Are Wet Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1973 Japan 76
4439 8070 Fall, The Singh, Tarsem 2006 USA 117
4440 4344 One Way Boogie Woogie Benning, James 1977 USA 60
4441 4347 Funny Games Haneke, Michael 2007 France 111
4442 4658 Milk Van Sant, Gus 2008 USA 128
4443 4350 Our Little Sister Koreeda, Hirokazu 2015 Japan 128
4444 4354 Bread, Love and Dreams Comencini, Luigi 1954 Italy 90
4445 4501 To the Wonder Malick, Terrence 2012 USA 112
4446 4355 Calabuch García Berlanga, Luis 1956 Spain 93
4447 4505 Lady Without Camelias, The Antonioni, Michelangelo 1953 Italy 105
4448 6090 Lucio Flavio, o Passageiro da Agonia Babenco, Hector 1977 Brazil 118
4449 4358 Sergeant York Hawks, Howard 1941 USA 134
4450 4463 Miracle Mile De Jarnatt, Steve 1988 USA 87
4451 4359 Great Adventure, The Sucksdorff, Arne 1953 Sweden 73
4452 4361 Elusive Corporal, The Renoir, Jean 1962 France 108
4453 4365 Tattooed Life Suzuki, Seijun 1965 Japan 87
4454 4367 External World, The O'Reilly, David 2010 Germany 17
4455 5500 Park Row Fuller, Samuel 1952 USA 83
4456 4572 Walk in the Sun, A Milestone, Lewis 1945 USA 117
4457 4466 Vesnoy Kaufman, Mikhail 1929 USSR 61
4458 4464 Dinner Game, The Veber, Francis 1998 France 79
4459 4575 Faces of Children Feyder, Jacques 1925 France 111
4460 4515 Consequences of Love, The Sorrentino, Paolo 2004 Italy 100
4461 4372 Kashima Paradise Deswarte, Benie Yann Le Masson 1973 France 110
4462 4373 Tire au flanc Renoir, Jean 1928 France 87
4463 4803 Diary of a Chambermaid Buñuel, Luis 1964 France 97
4464 4693 Nothing Sacred Wellman, William A. 1937 USA 75
4465 4376 Field Niggas Allah, Khalik 2015 USA 60
4466 4914 Company of Wolves, The Jordan, Neil 1984 UK 95
4467 4583 Son frère Chéreau, Patrice 2003 France 92
4468 4525 Mirch Masala Mehta, Ketan 1987 UK 128
4469 4473 Wolf Children Hosoda, Mamoru 2012 Japan 117
4470 4381 History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess Imamura, Shohei 1970 Japan 105
4471 4382 Selena Nava, Gregory 1997 USA 128
4472 4383 Urga Mikhalkov, Nikita 1991 France 106
4473 4813 Rendez-vous Téchiné, André 1985 France 82
4474 4656 King Kong Jackson, Peter 2005 USA 187
4475 4586 Belladonna of Sadness Yamamoto, Eiichi 1973 Japan 86
4476 4385 In Which We Serve Coward, Noël & David Lean 1942 UK 115
4477 4849 Macario Gavaldón, Roberto 1960 Mexico 91
4478 4386 Castle of Purity, The Ripstein, Arturo 1973 Mexico 110
4479 4388 Dante Quartet, The Brakhage, Stan 1987 USA 6
4480 4519 Session 9 Anderson, Brad 2001 USA 97
4481 4639 Stepfather, The Ruben, Joseph 1987 USA 98
4482 4389 Ardh Satya Nihalani, Govind 1983 India 130
4483 4390 Selfish Giant, The Barnard, Clio 2013 UK 91
4484 5553 Haut bas fragile Rivette, Jacques 1995 France 169
4485 4393 Secret Formula, The Gámez, Rubén 1965 Mexico 42
4486 4394 Dragnet Girl Ozu, Yasujiro 1933 Japan 100
4487 5135 Vie d'un honnête homme, La Guitry, Sacha 1953 France 85
4488 4550 Man Who Sleeps, The Queysanne, Bernard 1974 France 77
4489 4396 Empty Quarter Depardon, Raymond 1985 France 85
4490 4866 Cemetery Man Soavi, Michele 1994 Italy 105
4491 4724 Death of a Cyclist Bardem, Juan Antonio 1955 Spain 86
4492 4398 Sentinelle, La Desplechin, Arnaud 1992 France 139
4493 4499 Jumanji Johnston, Joe 1995 USA 104
4494 4554 Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, The Fisher, Terence 1960 UK 88
4495 4399 Coherence Byrkit, James Ward 2013 USA 89
4496 4400 Loving Couples Zetterling, Mai 1964 Sweden 118
4497 4401 Last Run, The Fleischer, Richard 1971 USA 95
4498 4558 Sebastiane Jarman, Derek & Paul Humfress 1976 UK 86
4499 4402 Mahler Russell, Ken 1974 UK 115
4500 4404 Spontaneous Combustion Hooper, Tobe 1990 USA 97
4501 4405 River's Edge, The Dwan, Allan 1957 USA 87
4502 4406 Monos Landes, Alejandro 2019 Colombia 102
4503 4407 High Heels Almodóvar, Pedro 1991 Spain 115
4504 4408 Perfect Sense Mackenzie, David 2011 UK 92
4505 4409 Journey to the Center of the Earth Levin, Henry 1959 USA 132
4506 4411 Surname Viet Given Name Nam Trinh T. Minh-ha 1989 USA 108
4507 4631 Hairdresser's Husband, The Leconte, Patrice 1990 France 82
4508 4796 Farewell, Home Sweet Home Iosseliani, Otar 1999 France 118
4509 5170 Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain Tsui Hark 1983 Hong Kong 95
4510 4415 What Now? Remind Me Pinto, Joaquim 2013 Portugal 164
4511 4416 Hyuil Lee Man-hee 1968 South Korea 73
4512 4623 Dredd Travis, Pete 2012 UK 95
4513 5583 Sightseers Wheatley, Ben 2012 UK 88
4514 4417 Band's Visit, The Kolirin, Eran 2007 Israel 87
4515 4912 Once Upon a Time in China II Tsui Hark 1992 Hong Kong 113
4516 4576 Bowery, The Walsh, Raoul 1933 USA 92
4517 4420 Once More Vecchiali, Paul 1988 France 82
4518 4577 Hold Back the Dawn Leisen, Mitchell 1941 USA 115
4519 4425 Offence, The Lumet, Sidney 1972 UK 112
4520 4753 Mountains May Depart Jia Zhangke 2015 China 131
4521 4581 Hum Aapke Hain Koun...! Barjatya, Sooraj R. 1994 India 206
4522 4428 Sinister Derrickson, Scott 2012 USA 110
4523 4427 Ex Libris: The New York Public Library Wiseman, Frederick 2017 USA 197
4524 7342 All the King's Men Rossen, Robert 1949 USA 110
4525 4432 Satan's Brew Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1976 West Germany 112
4526 4433 Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story Winterbottom, Michael 2005 UK 94
4527 4434 Dead or Alive 2 Miike, Takashi 2000 Japan 97
4528 4653 Big Short, The McKay, Adam 2015 USA 130
4529 4437 Chinese Roulette Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1976 West Germany 96
4530 4591 Nun's Story, The Zinnemann, Fred 1959 USA 149
4531 4535 Mission: Impossible De Palma, Brian 1996 USA 105
4532 4439 Mighty Spirit, The Coutinho, Eduardo 1999 Brazil 80
4533 4661 Thieves Like Us Altman, Robert 1974 USA 123
4534 4440 Magic Attenborough, Richard 1978 USA 106
4535 4860 Priest and the Girl, The de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1966 Brazil 90
4536 4441 My Sweet Little Village Menzel, Jirí 1985 Czechoslovakia 98
4537 4538 Pieces Piquer Simón, Juan 1982 Spain 85
4538 4529 Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, The Grau, Jorge 1974 Spain 95
4539 12654 Take My Eyes Bollaín, Icíar 2003 Spain 106
4540 4662 Judge Priest Ford, John 1934 USA 80
4541 4442 Member of the Wedding, The Zinnemann, Fred 1952 USA 93
4542 4443 Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy Moffatt, Tracey 1989 Australia 19
4543 4444 Rudy Anspaugh, David 1993 USA 112
4544 4445 Johnny Suede DiCillo, Tom 1991 USA 95
4545 4446 À tout prendre Jutra, Claude 1963 Canada 99
4546 4447 Room Abrahamson, Lenny 2015 Ireland 118
4547 4450 Screen Tests Warhol, Andy 1964-66 USA 174
4548 4452 Secret of NIMH, The Bluth, Don 1982 USA 82
4549 4779 Wailing, The Na Hong-jin 2016 South Korea 156
4550 4453 Girls, Les Cukor, George 1957 USA 114
4551 4781 Citizen Ruth Payne, Alexander 1996 USA 106
4552 4674 Sister Act Ardolino, Emile 1992 USA 100
4553 4665 Brother from Another Planet, The Sayles, John 1984 USA 104
4554 4454 If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle Serban, Florin 2010 Romania 94
4555 4456 Small World of Sammy Lee, The Hughes, Ken 1963 UK 107
4556 4619 Robin Hood Dwan, Allan 1922 USA 143
4557 4457 High Anxiety Brooks, Mel 1977 USA 94
4558 4458 Flight of the Phoenix Aldrich, Robert 1966 USA 147
4559 4460 Ulysse Varda, Agnès 1982 France 22
4560 4686 Of Freaks and Men Balabanov, Aleksei 1998 Russia 93
4561 4465 Journey to the West Tsai Ming-liang 2014 France 56
4562 4795 Allegro non troppo Bozzetto, Bruno 1976 Italy 75
4563 4467 Entertainer, The Richardson, Tony 1960 UK 96
4564 4635 Frontier of the Dawn Garrel, Philippe 2008 France 106
4565 4567 Aniki-Bóbó Oliveira, Manoel de 1942 Portugal 71
4566 5000 Caesar Must Die Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 2012 Italy 76
4567 4469 Requiem for a Heavyweight Nelson, Ralph 1962 USA 100
4568 4470 Sleep Furiously Koppel, Gideon 2008 UK 94
4569 4867 Violent Summer Zurlini, Valerio 1959 Italy 98
4570 7022 Men in War Mann, Anthony 1957 USA 104
4571 4811 My Cousin Vinny Lynn, Jonathan 1992 USA 119
4572 6388 Suzaku Kawase, Naomi 1997 Japan 95
4573 4474 Foxcatcher Miller, Bennett 2014 USA 134
4574 4476 Wonderful Country, The Parrish, Robert 1959 USA 96
4575 4477 Horse Soldiers, The Ford, John 1959 USA 119
4576 4481 Water and Power O'Neill, Pat 1989 USA 57
4577 4482 Dom Borowczyk, Walerian & Jan Lenica 1958 Poland 12
4578 4483 Lord of the Flies Brook, Peter 1963 UK 90
4579 4484 Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears, The Cattet, Hélène & Bruno Forzani 2013 Belgium 102
4580 4485 Fast Five Lin, Justin 2011 USA 130
4581 4487 Encounters at the End of the World Herzog, Werner 2007 USA 99
4582 4816 Belle Epoque Trueba, Fernando 1992 Spain 108
4583 4489 Little Odessa Gray, James 1994 USA 98
4584 4664 Insignificance Roeg, Nicolas 1985 UK 110
4585 4490 Searching for Sugar Man Bendjelloul, Malik 2012 Sweden 86
4586 4494 Poor Little Rich Girl Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 66
4587 4893 Made in U.S.A. Godard, Jean-Luc 1966 France 90
4588 6046 Inn in Tokyo, An Ozu, Yasujiro 1935 Japan 80
4589 4495 Father de Orbe, José Maria 2010 Spain 85
4590 4497 Rocky III Stallone, Sylvester 1982 USA 99
4591 4498 Lumumba: La mort du prophète Peck, Raoul 1991 France 69
4592 5150 Little Lise Grémillon, Jean 1930 France 84
4593 6383 Cochecito, El Ferreri, Marco 1960 Spain 85
4594 4949 Workingman's Death Glawogger, Michael 2005 Austria 122
4595 4601 Slap Shot Hill, George Roy 1977 USA 123
4596 4939 Sunshine Boyle, Danny 2007 USA 107
4597 4503 Witches, The Roeg, Nicolas 1990 USA 91
4598 4504 Lucifer Rising Anger, Kenneth 1972 USA 29
4599 4679 Dark Days Singer, Marc 2000 USA 94
4600 4506 Love Unto Waste Kwan, Stanley 1986 Hong Kong 96
4601 6337 Waterer Watered, The Lumière, Louis 1895 France 1
4602 5914 Rupture, La Chabrol, Claude 1970 France 124
4603 4703 High Tension Aja, Alexandre 2003 France 90
4604 4507 Road [TV] Clarke, Alan 1987 UK 67
4605 5109 Hereafter Eastwood, Clint 2010 USA 129
4606 4510 Change of Life Rocha, Paulo 1966 Portugal 94
4607 4907 Crime Wave de Toth, André 1954 USA 74
4608 4511 Conductor, The Wajda, Andrzej 1980 Poland 101
4609 4513 Proba de microfon Daneliuc, Mircea 1980 Romania 106
4610 4951 Baile Perfumado Caldas, Paulo & Lírio Ferreira 1996 Brazil 93
4611 4632 20th Century Women Mills, Mike 2016 USA 119
4612 4746 Flanders Dumont, Bruno 2006 France 91
4613 4846 Love Exposure Sono, Sion 2008 Japan 237
4614 4747 House by the River Lang, Fritz 1950 USA 88
4615 4516 Four Lions Morris, Chris 2010 UK 101
4616 4802 Hanging Tree, The Daves, Delmer 1959 USA 106
4617 5341 Inside Bustillo, Alexandre & Julien Maury 2007 France 83
4618 4518 Maya Bazaar Reddy, Kadri Venkata 1957 India 192
4619 4970 Petit Soldat, Le Godard, Jean-Luc 1960 France 88
4620 4856 Tartuffe Murnau, F.W. 1925 Germany 74
4621 5057 Conjuring, The Wan, James 2013 USA 112
4622 4694 Gigi Minnelli, Vincente 1958 USA 116
4623 4523 River Runs Through It, A Redford, Robert 1992 USA 123
4624 4524 Pueblerina Fernández, Emilio 1949 Mexico 111
4625 4687 Wall Street Stone, Oliver 1987 USA 124
4626 4842 M/Other Suwa, Nobuhiro 1999 Japan 147
4627 5180 Red Angel Masumura, Yasuzo 1966 Japan 95
4628 4530 Down There Akerman, Chantal 2006 Belgium 78
4629 4531 Cameraman's Revenge, The Starewicz, Ladislaw 1912 Russia 12
4630 4532 Life Doesn't Scare Me Lvovsky, Noémie 1999 France 111
4631 4534 River's Edge Hunter, Tim 1986 USA 99
4632 5440 Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? Tashlin, Frank 1957 USA 94
4633 4537 Clash of the Titans Davis, Desmond 1981 UK 118
4634 4928 Long Day's Journey Into Night Lumet, Sidney 1962 USA 136
4635 4540 Man of Straw Staudte, Wolfgang 1951 East Germany 97
4636 5040 Asako I & II Hamaguchi, Ryusuke 2018 Japan 119
4637 4542 I Want the Floor Panfilov, Gleb 1976 USSR 145
4638 6165 Katatsumori Kawase, Naomi 1995 Japan 40
4639 4544 At Close Range Foley, James 1986 USA 115
4640 4889 Shall We Dance? Suo, Masayuki 1996 Japan 136
4641 4545 Weather Diary 1 Kuchar, George 1986 USA 81
4642 5363 Illusionist, The Chomet, Sylvain 2010 UK 80
4643 4546 Contagion Soderbergh, Steven 2011 USA 106
4644 4720 Regain Pagnol, Marcel 1937 France 105
4645 4551 Avalon Oshii, Mamoru 2001 Japan 106
4646 4663 Buccaneer Soul Reichenbach, Carlos 1994 Brazil 112
4647 4784 Grown-Ups [TV] Leigh, Mike 1980 UK 95
4648 4775 Night Watch Bekmambetov, Timur 2004 Russia 114
4649 4553 Panic in Needle Park, The Schatzberg, Jerry 1971 USA 110
4650 4555 Toxic Avenger, The Herz, Michael & Lloyd Kaufman 1984 USA 82
4651 4730 Tangos: The Exile of Gardel Solanas, Fernando E. 1985 Argentina 119
4652 4556 Don't Torture a Duckling Fulci, Lucio 1972 Italy 105
4653 4788 Traviata '53 Cottafavi, Vittorio 1953 Italy 95
4654 4557 Lego Movie, The Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller 2014 USA 100
4655 5108 Time of the Wolf Haneke, Michael 2003 France 113
4656 4731 Average Little Man, An Monicelli, Mario 1977 Italy 122
4657 4903 Breaker Morant Beresford, Bruce 1979 Australia 107
4658 4559 Anna and the Wolves Saura, Carlos 1973 Spain 100
4659 4560 Nekromantik Buttgereit, Jörg 1987 West Germany 75
4660 4824 Woman of Everyone, The Sganzerla, Rogério 1969 Brazil 93
4661 4956 Of Time and the City Davies, Terence 2008 UK 72
4662 4822 Last House on Dead End Street, The Watkins, Roger Michael 1973 USA 78
4663 4563 Only Yesterday Stahl, John M. 1933 USA 105
4664 4564 Bridegroom, the Comedienne and the Pimp, The Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1968 West Germany 23
4665 4739 Police Pialat, Maurice 1985 France 113
4666 4566 Manon Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1949 France 100
4667 4570 Beehive Gole, Fereydun 1975 Iran 103
4668 4745 Lover Divine Forst, Willi 1933 Austria 85
4669 4571 Student of Prague, The Galeen, Henrik 1926 Germany 91
4670 4573 No Larraín, Pablo 2012 Chile 118
4671 4574 Arabic Series Brakhage, Stan 1980-82 USA 204
4672 5598 Legend of the Mountain Hu, King 1979 Taiwan 192
4673 4692 Drôle de drame Carné, Marcel 1937 France 94
4674 4579 One Day in September Macdonald, Kevin 1999 UK 94
4675 4580 Atomic Blonde Leitch, David 2017 USA 115
4676 4582 Buddies Bressan Jr., Arthur J. 1985 USA 81
4677 4918 From the Branches Drops the Withered Blossom Meyer, Paul 1960 Belgium 85
4678 4584 Razor's Edge, The Goulding, Edmund 1946 USA 146
4679 4765 Spiral Staircase, The Siodmak, Robert 1945 USA 83
4680 4585 Mickey One Penn, Arthur 1965 USA 93
4681 4926 Blue Gardenia, The Lang, Fritz 1953 USA 90
4682 4587 Training Day Fuqua, Antoine 2001 USA 120
4683 5435 Master of the House Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1925 Denmark 92
4684 4766 Hit the Road Panahi, Panah 2021 Iran 93
4685 4706 This Island Earth Newman, Joseph M. 1955 USA 87
4686 4589 Norma Rae Ritt, Martin 1979 USA 110
4687 4590 Marseille Schanelec, Angela 2004 Germany 95
4688 4697 King's Speech, The Hooper, Tom 2010 UK 118
4689 5334 Wolf Creek McLean, Greg 2005 Australia 99
4690 4636 Back to the Future Part II Zemeckis, Robert 1989 USA 107
4691 4999 Serial Mom Waters, John 1994 USA 93
4692 4593 Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! McCarey, Leo 1958 USA 106
4693 14451 Night Function Molina, Josefina 1981 Spain 90
4694 4968 Traveller, The Kiarostami, Abbas 1974 Iran 83
4695 4595 House on Fire Fukasaku, Kinji 1986 Japan 133
4696 4596 Caça, A Oliveira, Manoel de 1964 Portugal 21
4697 4598 Lin Family Shop, The Khoua Choui 1959 China 85
4698 5261 Confession, The Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1970 USA 138
4699 4599 Inhumaine, L' L'Herbier, Marcel 1924 France 135
4700 4602 Honeyland Stefanov, Ljubomir & Tamara Kotevska 2019 North Macedonia 89
4701 4603 Rabbit's Moon Anger, Kenneth 1950 USA 7
4702 4604 Holy Smoke Campion, Jane 1999 USA 115
4703 4605 Normal Love Smith, Jack 1963 USA 105
4704 4607 Friendship's Death Wollen, Peter 1987 UK 78
4705 4820 Single Man, A Ford, Tom 2009 USA 101
4706 4713 Samsara Fricke, Ron 2011 USA 102
4707 5445 Nanami: The Inferno of First Love Hani, Susumu 1968 Japan 108
4708 4715 Wend Kuuni Kaboré, Gaston 1982 Burkina Faso 75
4709 4609 Manakamana Spray, Stephanie & Pacho Velez 2013 Nepal 118
4710 4613 Ten Commandments, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1923 USA 136
4711 4614 Som da terra a Tremer, O Azevedo Gomes, Rita 1990 Portugal 90
4712 4828 Diary for My Children Mészáros, Márta 1984 Hungary 106
4713 4615 Raw Deal Mann, Anthony 1948 USA 79
4714 4783 Filth and the Fury, The Temple, Julien 2000 UK 108
4715 4723 Tesis Amenábar, Alejandro 1996 Spain 125
4716 4621 Baby Face Green, Alfred E. 1933 USA 70
4717 6381 Face of Another, The Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1966 Japan 124
4718 4622 Hustle & Flow Brewer, Craig 2005 USA 116
4719 4624 Freak Orlando Ottinger, Ulrike 1981 West Germany 126
4720 5262 Keane Kerrigan, Lodge 2004 USA 100
4721 4955 Suzhou River Lou Ye 2000 China 83
4722 4625 Iso no Genta: Dakine no nagawakizashi Yamanaka, Sadao 1932 Japan 88
4723 4627 Young Soul Rebels Julien, Isaac 1991 UK 103
4724 3833 Silkwood Nichols, Mike 1983 USA 128
4725 4838 College Keaton, Buster & James W. Horne 1927 USA 66
4726 4840 Story of Dr. Wassell, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1944 USA 140
4727 4630 It Should Happen to You Cukor, George 1954 USA 87
4728 5845 Starman Carpenter, John 1984 USA 115
4729 4742 Omega Man, The Sagal, Boris 1971 USA 98
4730 4797 Get Out Your Handkerchiefs Blier, Bertrand 1978 Belgium 109
4731 4633 Blind Child van der Keuken, Johan 1964 Netherlands 25
4732 5175 Man Who Wasn't There, The Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2001 USA 116
4733 4744 3 Godfathers Ford, John 1948 USA 105
4734 4736 11 x 14 Benning, James 1977 USA 81
4735 4637 Ossos Costa, Pedro 1997 Portugal 94
4736 4638 Pastorali Iosseliani, Otar 1975 Georgia 95
4737 4749 Chicken Run Lord, Peter & Nick Park 2000 UK 84
4738 4642 Funny Bones Chelsom, Peter 1994 USA 126
4739 4857 Katzelmacher Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1969 West Germany 88
4740 4645 Gaslight Dickinson, Thorold 1940 UK 84
4741 4646 Man with Mirror Sherwin, Guy 1976/2009 UK 10
4742 4762 Vengeance! Chang Cheh 1970 Hong Kong 121
4743 4647 Poeta do Castelo, O de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1959 Brazil 9
4744 4764 Divo, Il Sorrentino, Paolo 2008 Italy 110
4745 4869 Furies, The Mann, Anthony 1950 USA 109
4746 4648 Back of Beyond, The Heyer, John 1954 Australia 65
4747 4649 Moving Somai, Shinji 1993 Japan 124
4748 4651 Bombay Ratnam, Mani 1995 India 141
4749 4652 Coal Miner's Daughter Apted, Michael 1980 USA 125
4750 4654 Battling Butler Keaton, Buster 1926 USA 77
4751 4655 In the Face of Demolition Li Tie 1953 Hong Kong 130
4752 4657 Major Dundee Peckinpah, Sam 1965 USA 124
4753 4659 Passionate Friends, The Lean, David 1949 UK 95
4754 5536 Christmas in July Sturges, Preston 1940 USA 67
4755 4776 Idiot, The Kurosawa, Akira 1951 Japan 166
4756 7651 Happy Gilmore Dugan, Dennis 1996 USA 92
4757 5069 Devil Wears Prada, The Frankel, David 2006 USA 109
4758 4990 Trans-Europ-Express Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1966 France 105
4759 4668 Eternal Homecoming Muratova, Kira 2012 Ukraine 114
4760 4669 Blockade Loznitsa, Sergei 2006 Russia 52
4761 4670 Five Evenings Mikhalkov, Nikita 1979 USSR 103
4762 4852 X2 Singer, Bryan 2003 USA 133
4763 5076 You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet Resnais, Alain 2012 France 115
4764 4671 Barbarian Invasions, The Arcand, Denys 2003 Canada 99
4765 4672 Hanoi, Tuesday 13th Álvarez, Santiago 1967 Cuba 38
4766 4673 Anne of the Indies Tourneur, Jacques 1951 USA 81
4767 5274 Pennies from Heaven Ross, Herbert 1981 USA 107
4768 4675 Rohfilm Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein 1968 West Germany 20
4769 5285 Story of G.I. Joe, The Wellman, William A. 1945 USA 109
4770 4676 Vérité, La Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1960 France 130
4771 4831 Nine Days of One Year Romm, Mikhail 1962 USSR 111
4772 5160 Flirting with Disaster Russell, David O. 1996 USA 92
4773 4787 Hunger, The Scott, Tony 1983 USA 97
4774 5048 Blade Runner 2049 Villeneuve, Denis 2017 USA 164
4775 8060 Lake Mungo Anderson, Joel 2008 Australia 87
4776 4677 Eaux d'artifice Anger, Kenneth 1953 USA 12
4777 4833 Ride in the Whirlwind Hellman, Monte 1966 USA 82
4778 4680 Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998 France 113
4779 4681 Futuro, El López Carrasco, Luis 2013 Spain 67
4780 4682 Indian Runner, The Penn, Sean 1991 USA 125
4781 4683 Elizabeth Kapur, Shekhar 1998 UK 121
4782 4782 They Don't Wear Black Tie Hirszman, Leon 1981 Brazil 120
4783 4684 Song of the Sea Moore, Tomm 2014 Ireland 93
4784 4685 For Whom the Bell Tolls Wood, Sam 1943 USA 130
4785 5303 Family Life Loach, Ken 1971 UK 108
4786 7683 Gone in 60 Seconds Halicki, H.B. 1974 USA 103
4787 4910 White Zombie Halperin, Victor 1932 USA 73
4788 5173 Wag the Dog Levinson, Barry 1997 USA 105
4789 7702 J.S.A.: Joint Security Area Park Chan-wook 2000 South Korea 110
4790 7916 World in His Arms, The Walsh, Raoul 1952 USA 104
4791 4741 Election To, Johnnie 2005 Hong Kong 100
4792 4688 Name of the Rose, The Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1986 France 130
4793 4689 Lion Has Seven Heads, The Rocha, Glauber 1970 Brazil 103
4794 4847 Needle, The Nugmanov, Rashid 1988 USSR 81
4795 4690 Under the Skin of the City Bani-Etemad, Rakhshan 2001 Iran 92
4796 4691 Murder of Fred Hampton, The Alk, Howard 1971 USA 88
4797 4851 Magic Flute, The [TV] Bergman, Ingmar 1975 Sweden 135
4798 4855 From Morning to Midnight Martin, Karl Heinz 1920 Germany 65
4799 4695 Planet of the Vampires Bava, Mario 1965 Spain 86
4800 4696 Lifeforce Hooper, Tobe 1985 UK 101
4801 4698 Goodbye First Love Hansen-Løve, Mia 2011 France 110
4802 4699 Day After Trinity, The Else, Jon 1980 USA 88
4803 4865 Yards, The Gray, James 2000 USA 115
4804 4700 Dallas Buyers Club Vallée, Jean-Marc 2013 USA 117
4805 4701 High Society Walters, Charles 1956 USA 111
4806 4702 Spoor Holland, Agnieszka 2017 Poland 128
4807 5043 Unchanging Sea, The Griffith, D.W. 1910 USA 14
4808 4961 Legend of Hell House, The Hough, John 1973 UK 95
4809 4812 Logan's Run Anderson, Michael 1976 USA 120
4810 4874 Elvira Madigan Widerberg, Bo 1967 Sweden 90
4811 5067 Counselor, The Scott, Ridley 2013 USA 117
4812 4815 Harvey Koster, Henry 1950 USA 104
4813 5052 Eega Rajamouli, S.S. 2012 India 145
4814 4880 Great Madcap, The Buñuel, Luis 1949 Mexico 92
4815 4707 Wanderers, The Ichikawa, Kon 1973 Japan 100
4816 4708 Red Peony Gambler 3: The Flower Cards Game Kato, Tai 1969 Japan 98
4817 4883 Lebanon Maoz, Samuel 2009 Israel 93
4818 4709 Bitterness of Youth Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1974 Japan 85
4819 4710 Histoire de Marie et Julien Rivette, Jacques 2003 France 151
4820 4711 Ray & Liz Billingham, Richard 2018 UK 108
4821 4712 Monster's Ball Forster, Marc 2001 USA 111
4822 5795 Billy the Kid Venditti, Jennifer 2007 USA 84
4823 5073 Play Östlund, Ruben 2011 Sweden
4824 4714 Story of Kindness or How to Behave, The Tran Van Thuy 1987 Vietnam 43
4825 4716 Julia Zinnemann, Fred 1977 USA 118
4826 4717 NeverEnding Story, The Petersen, Wolfgang 1984 UK 92
4827 4718 Pete's Dragon Chaffey, Don 1977 USA 134
4828 4719 Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family, The Ozu, Yasujiro 1941 Japan 105
4829 4352 Gilsoddeum Im Kwon-taek 1986 South Korea 100
4830 4721 Heron and the Crane, The Norshteyn, Yuriy 1974 USSR 10
4831 4722 Namesake, The Nair, Mira 2006 USA 122
4832 4725 Blinkity Blank McLaren, Norman 1955 Canada 5
4833 4829 Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, The Schlöndorff, Volker & Margarethe von Trotta 1975 Germany 106
4834 4899 Gate of Flesh Suzuki, Seijun 1964 Japan 90
4835 4726 Dead Souls Wang Bing 2018 Switzerland 495
4836 4900 House of Bamboo Fuller, Samuel 1955 USA 102
4837 4728 Vampire, Le Painlevé, Jean 1945 France 9
4838 4729 In the Presence of a Clown [TV] Bergman, Ingmar 1997 Sweden 119
4839 4732 Ruby in Paradise Nunez, Victor 1993 USA 114
4840 4733 Bandit Queen Kapur, Shekhar 1994 India 119
4841 8506 Unmarried Woman, An Mazursky, Paul 1978 USA 124
4842 4835 In the Loop Iannucci, Armando 2009 UK 106
4843 4735 Hidden Agenda Loach, Ken 1990 UK 108
4844 4904 Tilaï Ouedraogo, Idrissa 1990 Burkina Faso 81
4845 4737 Private Fears in Public Places Resnais, Alain 2006 France 120
4846 4738 Mr. India Kapur, Shekhar 1987 India 179
4847 4740 Chushingura Inagaki, Hiroshi 1962 Japan 207
4848 5082 Model Wiseman, Frederick 1980 USA 129
4849 5300 Scent of Green Papaya, The Tran Anh Hung 1993 France 104
4850 4743 Club, The Larraín, Pablo 2015 Chile 98
4851 5141 Palindromes Solondz, Todd 2004 USA 99
4852 4748 Policeman Uchida, Tomu 1933 Japan 121
4853 4964 Deconstructing Harry Allen, Woody 1997 USA 94
4854 4750 Two Years at Sea Rivers, Ben 2011 UK 88
4855 4752 Avenge But One of my Two Eyes Mograbi, Avi 2005 France 100
4856 4754 Lightship, The Skolimowski, Jerzy 1985 USA 89
4857 4859 Covered Wagon, The Cruze, James 1923 USA 98
4858 4920 Tender's Heat: Wild Wild Beach Barandzhiyeva, Susanna/Vitaliy Manskiy/Aleksandr Rastorguev 2006 Russia 125
4859 4979 Deep Crimson Ripstein, Arturo 1996 Mexico 114
4860 4755 Left-Handed Gun, The Penn, Arthur 1958 USA 102
4861 4756 Iron Mask, The Dwan, Allan 1929 USA 95
4862 4757 Seven Days… Seven Nights Brook, Peter 1960 Italy 91
4863 4758 Ek Din Pratidin Sen, Mrinal 1979 India 95
4864 4759 Gebo and the Shadow Oliveira, Manoel de 2012 Portugal 95
4865 4760 Possessed Bernhardt, Curtis 1947 USA 108
4866 4763 Panda and the Magic Serpent Yabushita, Taiji 1958 Japan 76
4867 5618 Forest for the Trees, The Ade, Maren 2003 Germany 81
4868 5062 Paperhouse Rose, Bernard 1988 UK 94
4869 5114 Simple Life, A Hui, Ann 2011 Hong Kong 118
4870 4768 Eden and After Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1970 France 93
4871 5047 1917 Mendes, Sam 2019 UK 119
4872 4770 Nacion clandestina, La Sanjinés, Jorge 1990 Bolivia 128
4873 4771 Carry on Up the Khyber Thomas, Gerald 1968 UK 88
4874 4772 Prospero's Books Greenaway, Peter 1991 UK 124
4875 4986 Max and the Junkmen Sautet, Claude 1971 France 112
4876 4930 Road to Life Ekk, Nikolai 1931 USSR 101
4877 4773 Still the Water Kawase, Naomi 2014 France 121
4878 4876 Sex and Lucia Medem, Julio 2001 Spain 127
4879 4774 Sekigun-P.F.L.P: Sekai sensô sengen Adachi, Masao & Koji Wakamatsu 1971 Japan 69
4880 4778 I'm Going Home Oliveira, Manoel de 2001 France 90
4881 5318 Mummy, The Freund, Karl 1932 USA 72
4882 4998 Big Clock, The Farrow, John 1948 USA 95
4883 5779 Hangover, The Phillips, Todd 2009 Germany 100
4884 5682 Sarraounia Hondo, Med 1986 Burkina Faso 120
4885 5143 Shape of the Moon Helmrich, Leonard Retel 2004 Netherlands 92
4886 4827 Story of My Death Serra, Albert 2013 Spain 148
4887 4785 Dolemite Martin, D'Urville 1975 USA 88
4888 4786 Jungle Fever Lee, Spike 1991 USA 132
4889 5287 Dead Man's Shoes Meadows, Shane 2004 UK 90
4890 4789 Anand Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1971 India 122
4891 5483 Destry Rides Again Marshall, George 1939 USA 94
4892 4790 Borderline MacPherson, Kenneth 1930 UK 71
4893 4791 Trip, The Winterbottom, Michael 2010 UK 112
4894 5272 Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The Argento, Dario 1970 Italy 98
4895 4792 Romancing in Thin Air To, Johnnie 2012 China 111
4896 4958 Echoes of Silence Goldman, Peter Emmanuel 1965 USA 76
4897 5582 Fugitive Kind, The Lumet, Sidney 1960 USA 119
4898 4793 Cat Ballou Silverstein, Elliot 1965 USA 96
4899 5149 THX 1138 Lucas, George 1971 USA 88
4900 5079 Lemonade [TV] Beyoncé/Kahlil Joseph/Melina Matsoukas/Dikayl Rimmasch/Mark Romanek/Todd Tourso/Jonas Åkerlund 2016 USA 65
4901 4794 Ordres, Les Brault, Michel 1974 Canada 109
4902 4890 Afterschool Campos, Antonio 2008 USA 120
4903 8283 Summer of Giacomo Comodin, Alessandro 2011 Italy 78
4904 5356 Spotlight McCarthy, Tom 2015 USA 128
4905 5585 Newsfront Noyce, Phillip 1978 Australia 110
4906 4798 Bhumika Benegal, Shyam 1977 India 142
4907 4799 Nordkalotte, Die [TV] Nestler, Peter 1991 Germany 90
4908 4962 Jubilee Jarman, Derek 1978 UK 106
4909 4800 Zora Neale Hurston Fieldwork Footage Hurston, Zora Neale 1928 USA 4
4910 5181 Père Noël est une ordure, Le Poiré, Jean-Marie 1982 France 88
4911 5899 Maine Ocean Rozier, Jacques 1986 France 130
4912 5506 Bat Whispers, The West, Roland 1930 USA 83
4913 5392 Greenberg Baumbach, Noah 2010 USA 107
4914 4969 You and Me Lang, Fritz 1938 USA 90
4915 7549 That Day, on the Beach Yang, Edward 1983 Taiwan 166
4916 5516 Last Train Home Lixin Fan 2009 Canada 85
4917 5050 Thief and the Cobbler, The Williams, Richard 1993 UK 99
4918 4805 D.O.A. Maté, Rudolph 1950 USA 83
4919 4806 Gold Diggers of 1935 Berkeley, Busby 1935 USA 95
4920 4807 Ponette Doillon, Jacques 1996 France 92
4921 4808 Cane Toads: An Unnatural History Lewis, Mark 1988 Australia 47
4922 4809 Pearl Button, The Guzmán, Patricio 2015 France 82
4923 4810 Looking for Mr. Goodbar Brooks, Richard 1977 USA 135
4924 5121 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Bird, Brad 2011 USA 132
4925 5122 Heartstone Guðmundsson, Guðmundur Arnar 2016 Iceland 129
4926 5089 Star Wars: The Last Jedi Johnson, Rian 2017 USA 152
4927 4925 Miracle on 34th Street Seaton, George 1947 USA 96
4928 5775 Deathdream Clark, Bob 1974 Canada 88
4929 4814 Element of Crime, The von Trier, Lars 1984 Denmark 104
4930 4916 Quatermass Xperiment, The Guest, Val 1955 UK 78
4931 4817 Jesse James King, Henry 1939 USA 105
4932 7752 Workers for the Good Lord Brisseau, Jean-Claude 2000 France 107
4933 4818 Measures of Distance Hatoum, Mona 1988 UK 15
4934 5456 Land, The Chahine, Youssef 1969 Egypt 130
4935 4821 Hamlet Branagh, Kenneth 1996 USA 238
4936 5134 Florida Project, The Baker, Sean 2017 USA 111
4937 5118 Black Dynamite Sanders, Scott 2009 USA 84
4938 5137 Shiranui Sea, The Tsuchimoto, Noriaki 1975 Japan
4939 5276 Rodrigo D: No Future Gaviria, Víctor 1990 Colombia 93
4940 5055 Time and Tide Tsui Hark 2000 Hong Kong 113
4941 4825 More the Merrier, The Stevens, George 1943 USA 104
4942 4826 Rang De Basanti Mehra, Rakeysh Omprakash 2006 India 157
4943 5091 Tender Age Solovev, Sergey 2000 Russia 130
4944 5281 Terror's Advocate Schroeder, Barbet 2007 France 137
4945 5282 Five Fingers Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1952 USA 108
4946 5381 Longest Day, The Annakin, Ken/Andrew Marton/Bernhard Wicki 1962 USA 180
4947 4830 Get Shorty Sonnenfeld, Barry 1995 USA 105
4948 5289 Buffet Froid Blier, Bertrand 1979 France 95
4949 4832 Lower Depths, The Kurosawa, Akira 1957 Japan 125
4950 4948 Ong-Bak Pinkaew, Prachya 2003 Thailand 105
4951 5157 Last Day of Summer, The Konwicki, Tadeusz 1958 Poland 66
4952 4947 Black Sabbath Bava, Mario 1963 Italy 92
4953 5293 Everybody Go Home! Comencini, Luigi 1960 Italy 120
4954 4834 Square, The Noujaim, Jehane 2013 UK 95
4955 4836 Prague: The Restless Heart of Europe Chytilová, Věra 1984 Italy 59
4956 4837 Past and Present Oliveira, Manoel de 1972 Portugal 115
4957 5428 Ravenous Bird, Antonia 1999 USA 100
4958 4960 9½ Weeks Lyne, Adrian 1986 USA 113
4959 4839 Hen in the Wind, A Ozu, Yasujiro 1948 Japan 84
4960 5597 Scene at the Sea, A Kitano, Takeshi 1991 Japan 102
4961 4841 Pleasantville Ross, Gary 1998 USA 124
4962 5382 New York Stories Scorsese, Martin/Francis Ford Coppola/Woody Allen 1989 USA 123
4963 4843 How to Train Your Dragon DeBlois, Dean & Chris Sanders 2010 USA 98
4964 5297 Cruel Intentions Kumble, Roger 1999 USA 97
4965 5084 Exhibition Hogg, Joanna 2013 UK 104
4966 4844 Frank Abrahamson, Lenny 2014 UK 95
4967 4845 Mixed Blood Morrissey, Paul 1984 France 97
4968 4966 Proof Moorhouse, Jocelyn 1991 Australia 91
4969 4848 Madadayo Kurosawa, Akira 1993 Japan 134
4970 4850 Salomé Bene, Carmelo 1972 Italy 80
4971 4853 And Now My Love Lelouch, Claude 1974 France 121
4972 6320 Bianca Moretti, Nanni 1984 Italy 96
4973 5166 Kamen Sokurov, Aleksandr 1992 Russia 83
4974 4858 Wheat Harvest Xu Tong 2008 China 98
4975 4861 Eight Hours Don't Make a Day [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1972-73 West Germany 478
4976 4862 Innocence Demirkubuz, Zeki 1997 Turkey 110
4977 4863 Opus I Ruttmann, Walter 1921 Germany 13
4978 4980 Robinson Crusoe Buñuel, Luis 1952 Mexico 89
4979 4864 Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence Comencini, Luigi 1969 Italy 123
4980 5900 Annunciation of Marie, The Cuny, Alain 1991 France 91
4981 5250 Suture McGehee, Scott & David Siegel 1993 USA 93
4982 4868 Ace Ventura, Pet Detective Shadyac, Tom 1993 USA 86
4983 4870 Easy Street Chaplin, Charles 1917 USA 27
4984 4872 Into Eternity Madsen, Michael 2010 Denmark 75
4985 4985 Romance Breillat, Catherine 1999 France 84
4986 4873 Lady in the Water Shyamalan, M. Night 2006 USA 110
4987 4875 Jofroi Pagnol, Marcel 1933 France 52
4988 5774 Scanner Darkly, A Linklater, Richard 2006 USA 100
4989 4877 Rabbia, La Pasolini, Pier Paolo & Giovanni Guareschi 1963 Italy 104
4990 4878 Other Side of the Underneath, The Arden, Jane 1972 UK 111
4991 5414 Phenomena Argento, Dario 1985 Italy 110
4992 4879 Human Capital Virzì, Paolo 2013 Italy 111
4993 4881 Alice's Restaurant Penn, Arthur 1969 USA 111
4994 4882 Forbidden Zone Elfman, Richard 1980 USA 76
4995 5345 War of the Roses, The DeVito, Danny 1989 USA 116
4996 4884 Silence in Dreamland Molina, Tito 2013 Ecuador 94
4997 5128 Swiss Family Robinson Annakin, Ken 1960 USA 128
4998 4885 Under the Flag of the Rising Sun Fukasaku, Kinji 1972 Japan 96
4999 4886 Silk Stockings Mamoulian, Rouben 1957 USA 117
5000 5546 After the Wedding Bier, Susanne 2006 Denmark 120
5001 5001 Ten Days Wonder Chabrol, Claude 1971 France 101
5002 5002 Dushi fengguang Yuan Muzhi 1935 China 93
5003 5003 Young at Heart Douglas, Gordon 1954 USA 117
5004 5004 How a Mosquito Operates McCay, Winsor 1912 USA 6
5005 5005 Banana Paradise Wang Tung 1989 Taiwan 116
5006 5007 Daddy Nostalgia Tavernier, Bertrand 1990 France 105
5007 5008 Balle traversant une bulle de savon Bull, Lucien 1904 France 1
5008 5009 On the Tiger's Back Comencini, Luigi 1961 Italy 120
5009 5010 Ostia Citti, Sergio 1970 Italy 103
5010 5012 Samba Traoré Ouedraogo, Idrissa 1992 Burkina Faso 85
5011 5013 Segno di Venere, Il Risi, Dino 1955 Italy 101
5012 3452 Passing the Meridian Arzuaga, José María 1967 Colombia 100
5013 5014 Renaissance Borowczyk, Walerian 1963 France 10
5014 5015 Demon, The Nomura, Yoshitaro 1978 Japan 110
5015 5016 Stealing Home Kampmann, Steven 1988 USA 98
5016 3581 Moon Has Risen, The Tanaka, Kinuyo 1955 Japan 102
5017 3579 Great Freedom Meise, Sebastian 2021 Austria 116
5018 3578 3 Faces Panahi, Jafar 2018 Iran 100
5019 3580 Faya Dayi Beshir, Jessica 2021 Ethiopia 120
5020 5017 Maciste all'inferno Freda, Riccardo 1962 Italy 79
5021 5018 Pass The Gravy Guiol, Fred 1928 USA 23
5022 3634 Au secours! Gance, Abel 1924 France 18
5023 5020 Dentist, The Pearce, Leslie 1932 USA 21
5024 5021 Macaroni Scola, Ettore 1985 Italy 104
5025 5022 And Still I Believe… Romm, Mikhail 1974 USSR 120
5026 3746 How Czar Peter the Great Married Off His Moor Mitta, Aleksandr 1976 USSR 100
5027 3769 Chikemuri Takadanobaba Inagaki, Hiroshi & Masahiro Makino 1937 Japan 57
5028 5023 Exodus McQueen, Steve 1997 UK 1
5029 5024 Mothering Heart, The Griffith, D.W. 1913 USA 23
5030 5025 Ferocious Saint Lord of the Gobi Nyamgavaa, I. 1998 China 106
5031 3786 Lemon Frampton, Hollis 1969 USA 5
5032 5026 David Golder Duvivier, Julien 1931 France 86
5033 5027 Tunneling the Channel Méliès, Georges 1907 France 14
5034 5028 Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, The Kuleshov, Lev 1924 USSR 94
5035 3923 White Mane Lamorisse, Albert 1953 France 40
5036 5029 Pitcher of Colored Light Beavers, Robert 2007 USA 24
5037 3945 Spend it All Blank, Les 1972 USA 42
5038 3944 Passage Through: A Ritual Brakhage, Stan 1990 USA 50
5039 5030 Lady of the Dugout, The Van Dyke, W.S. 1918 USA 60
5040 4055 Girl, The Mészáros, Márta 1968 Hungary 90
5041 4054 Youth Without Youth Coppola, Francis Ford 2007 USA 124
5042 4069 Johnny Flash Nekes, Werner 1986 West Germany 77
5043 4058 Makwayela d'Arthuys, Jacques & Jean Rouch 1977 Canada 20
5044 4072 Chekist, The Rogozhkin, Aleksandr 1992 Russia 93
5045 4049 Cow Arnold, Andrea 2021 UK 94
5046 4062 Letter of Introduction Stahl, John M. 1938 USA 104
5047 4074 Léon G. Damas Maldoror, Sarah 1995 France 24
5048 4073 Light Music Rhodes, Lis 1975 UK 31
5049 4064 Poem of Hayachine Valley, The Haneda, Sumiko 1982 Japan 186
5050 4053 Local Legends Farley, Matt 2013 USA 74
5051 4051 Still/Here Harris, Christopher 2001 USA 60
5052 4052 Oh Willy… De Swaef, Emma & Marc James Roels 2012 Belgium 17
5053 4063 Revolver Sollima, Sergio 1973 Italy 111
5054 4071 Razor Blades Sharits, Paul 1968 USA 25
5055 4076 Howlings in Favour of De Sade Debord, Guy 1952 France 64
5056 4070 Just Don't Fuck Roussopoulos, Carole 1971 France 17
5057 4061 Falling Lessons Halpern, Amy C. 1993 USA 64
5058 4067 Spacy Ito, Takashi 1981 Japan 10
5059 4068 Ballad of Sexual Dependency, The Goldin, Nan 1986 USA 43
5060 4050 Inheritance, The Asili, Ephraim 2020 USA 100
5061 4059 Manuela García Pelayo, Gonzalo 1976 Spain 105
5062 5031 T.G.: Psychic Rally in Heaven Jarman, Derek 1981 UK 8
5063 5037 From the Other Side Akerman, Chantal 2002 France 99
5064 4121 First Case, Second Case Kiarostami, Abbas 1979 Iran 53
5065 4138 Blue Black Permanent Tait, Margaret 1992 UK 86
5066 4137 Tonsler Park Everson, Kevin Jerome 2017 USA 80
5067 4162 Barravento Rocha, Glauber 1962 Brazil 78
5068 4181 Iguana Hellman, Monte 1988 Italy 88
5069 4184 Reel Time Nicolson, Annabel 1973 UK 8
5070 4182 Light Reading Rhodes, Lis 1978 UK 20
5071 4183 Long Film for Ambient Light [INSTALLATION] McCall, Anthony 1975 USA 1440
5072 4243 Passione d'Amore Scola, Ettore 1981 France 118
5073 5032 Caged Heat Demme, Jonathan 1974 USA 80
5074 5033 Opção, A Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1981 Brazil 87
5075 4313 31/75: Asylum Kren, Kurt 1975 Austria 8
5076 4336 Chronicles of a Lying Spirit (by Kelly Gabron) Smith, Cauleen 1992 USA 6
5077 5035 Madamigella di Maupin Bolognini, Mauro 1966 Italy 95
5078 4340 Fortune, The Nichols, Mike 1974 USA 88
5079 5036 Perfect Day Parrott, James 1929 USA 25
5080 4364 Love-Mad Tutoress, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1926 Japan 53
5081 4426 Esther Gitai, Amos 1986 Israel 93
5082 4480 Amy! Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen 1979 UK 34
5083 4502 Family Nest Tarr, Béla 1979 Hungary 108
5084 4508 Passeio com Johnny Guitar Monteiro, João César 1996 Portugal 3
5085 5038 Famiglia Passaguai, La Fabrizi, Aldo 1951 Italy 75
5086 4536 Game of Thrones [TV] Various Directors 2011-19 USA 4189
5087 4547 Beyond the Forest Vidor, King 1949 USA 96
5088 4549 Voci nel tempo Piavoli, Franco 1996 Italy 86
5089 4548 Elysium Blomkamp, Neill 2013 USA 109
5090 4569 Negative Hands, The Duras, Marguerite 1978 France 14
5091 5039 El Paso Foster, Lewis R. 1949 USA 103
5092 4594 Branca de Neve Monteiro, João César 2000 Portugal 75
5093 4610 Uncle Yanco Varda, Agnès 1967 USA 22
5094 4611 Count, The von Bagh, Peter 1971 Finland 92
5095 8113 Désiré Guitry, Sacha 1937 France 92
5096 4617 322 Hanák, Dusan 1969 Czechoslovakia 95
5097 4620 Absences répétées Gilles, Guy 1972 France 78
5098 4626 Muppet Treasure Island Henson, Brian 1996 USA 99
5099 4641 Manhã Cinzenta São Paulo, Olney 1969 Brazil 40
5100 4640 Evening Rain Wu Yigong 1980 China 86
5101 4650 It's All True Wilson, Richard/Myron Meisel/Bill Krohn 1993 USA 87
5102 5049 Adventures in Babysitting Columbus, Chris 1987 USA 99
5103 5041 Tell Me Lies Brook, Peter 1968 UK 118
5104 5042 Grass Labyrinth Terayama, Shuji 1979 Japan 50
5105 7354 48 de Sousa Dias, Susana 2009 Portugal
5106 5044 Baahubali: The Beginning Rajamouli, S.S. 2015 India 159
5107 5045 Hitch-Hike Campanile, Pasquale Festa 1977 Italy 104
5108 5046 Legend of Purple Hairpin, The Li Tie 1959 Hong Kong 135
5109 4727 Hotel eléctrico, El de Chomón, Segundo 1908 Spain 8
5110 4767 Bloody Beans Mari, Narimane 2013 Algeria 80
5111 4801 Behold a Pale Horse Zinnemann, Fred 1964 USA 118
5112 4804 Black Film Žilnik, Želimir 1971 Yugoslavia 17
5113 5187 Crazy Rich Asians Chu, Jon M. 2018 USA 120
5114 5119 Souvenir: Part II, The Hogg, Joanna 2021 UK 107
5115 Chimera, La Rohrwacher, Alice 2023 Italy 131
5116 5256 Red Turtle, The Dudok de Wit, Michaël 2016 France 80
5117 5068 Classical Period Fendt, Ted 2018 USA 62
5118 5100 Love Noé, Gaspar 2015 France 135
5119 5053 Dumplings Chan, Fruit 2004 Hong Kong 91
5120 4819 Without You I'm Nothing Boskovich, John 1990 USA 94
5121 5054 Bacurau Dornelles, Juliano & Kleber Mendonça Filho 2019 Brazil 131
5122 5560 Domestic Violence Wiseman, Frederick 2001 USA 196
5123 5253 Sybil [TV] Petrie, Daniel 1976 USA 198
5124 4823 Think of Me First as a Person Ingmire, George 1960-75 USA 11
5125 5056 Narmada: A Valley Rises Kazimi, Ali 1994 Canada
5126 5144 Old Oak, The Loach, Ken 2023 UK 113
5127 5364 Boy and the World Abreu, Alê 2013 Brazil 80
5128 5058 Terror Nullius Soda Jerk 2018 Australia 54
5129 5059 Almayer's Folly Akerman, Chantal 2011 Belgium 127
5130 5060 Iacob Daneliuc, Mircea 1988 Romania 117
5131 5061 Czech Dream Klusák, Vít & Filip Remunda 2004 Czech Republic 90
5132 6967 Quiet Passion, A Davies, Terence 2016 UK 125
5133 5063 Nose, The Alexeieff, Alexandre & Claire Parker 1963 France 11
5134 5064 Farewell Klimov, Elem 1983 USSR 121
5135 5065 Hero, The Ray, Satyajit 1966 India 120
5136 4854 Shogun's Samurai, The Fukasaku, Kinji 1978 Japan 130
5137 5603 Salón México Fernández, Emilio 1949 Mexico 95
5138 5190 Showing Up Reichardt, Kelly 2022 USA 107
5139 5415 Martin Eden Marcello, Pietro 2019 Italy 129
5140 5113 Logan Mangold, James 2017 USA 137
5141 5404 I Was a Male War Bride Hawks, Howard 1949 USA 105
5142 5418 Redline Koike, Takeshi 2009 Japan 102
5143 4871 Buud Yam Kaboré, Gaston 1997 Burkina Faso 97
5144 5066 As Bodas de Deus Monteiro, João César 1999 France 150
5145 5333 Holiday, The Meyers, Nancy 2006 USA 135
5146 20057 Miami Connection Park Woo-sang 1987 USA 83
5147 5123 Imposter, The Layton, Bart 2012 UK 99
5148 5071 Chekhov's Motifs Muratova, Kira 2002 Ukraine 120
5149 5070 News from Ideological Antiquity - Marx/Eisenstein/The Capital Kluge, Alexander 2008 Germany 570
5150 7373 PTU To, Johnnie 2003 Hong Kong 87
5151 5072 Araya Benacerraf, Margot 1959 Venezuela 90
5152 5550 One-Armed Swordsman Chang Cheh 1967 Hong Kong 115
5153 4887 House I Live In, The Jarecki, Eugene 2012 Netherlands 108
5154 4888 Irma la Douce Wilder, Billy 1963 USA 142
5155 5268 Singing Lovebirds Makino, Masahiro 1939 Japan 69
5156 5074 Et la lumière fut Iosseliani, Otar 1989 France 105
5157 5132 Mambo Girl Yi Wen 1957 Hong Kong 91
5158 5075 Man Who Stole The Sun, The Hasegawa, Kazuhiko 1979 Japan 147
5159 5819 Losses to Be Expected Seidl, Ulrich 1992 Austria 118
5160 4891 Threshold of Spring Xie Tieli 1963 China 109
5161 4892 Marius Korda, Alexander 1931 France 125
5162 5549 Bridget Jones's Diary Maguire, Sharon 2001 USA 97
5163 5958 Mr. and Mrs. Iyer Sen, Aparna 2002 India 120
5164 4894 Loveless, The Bigelow, Kathryn & Monty Montgomery 1981 USA 82
5165 4895 Dinner at Eight Cukor, George 1933 USA 113
5166 5077 Reap the Wild Wind DeMille, Cecil B. 1942 USA 123
5167 7497 Orochi Futagawa, Buntaro 1925 Japan 74
5168 4896 Introduction to Arnold Schoenberg's Accompaniment to a Cinematic Scene Straub, Jean-Marie 1973 West Germany 17
5169 8116 Moonage Daydream Morgen, Brett 2022 USA 135
5170 5078 Alyonka Barnet, Boris 1962 USSR 86
5171 4897 O Bobo Morais, Jose Alvaro 1987 Portugal 120
5172 4898 Last Exit to Brooklyn Edel, Uli 1989 West Germany 102
5173 5290 Anatomy of a Relationship Moullet, Luc 1976 France 82
5174 5344 Exorcist III, The Blatty, William Peter 1990 USA 110
5175 4901 Thoroughly Modern Millie Hill, George Roy 1967 USA 138
5176 4902 Black Snow Xie Fei 1990 China 107
5177 5529 Iron Man Favreau, Jon 2008 USA 126
5178 5295 Black Book Verhoeven, Paul 2006 Netherlands 145
5179 5081 Sunday in August Emmer, Luciano 1950 Italy 88
5180 5391 Home and the World, The Ray, Satyajit 1984 India 130
5181 5545 Underworld, U.S.A. Fuller, Samuel 1961 USA 99
5182 5083 Party Girl von Scherler Mayer, Daisy 1995 USA 98
5183 4905 Viver a Vida Amaral, Tata 1991 Brazil 10
5184 4906 Drôlesse, La Doillon, Jacques 1979 France 90
5185 5302 I'm No Angel Ruggles, Wesley 1933 USA 87
5186 4952 Dirty Pretty Things Frears, Stephen 2002 UK 97
5187 5495 Professionals, The Brooks, Richard 1966 USA 117
5188 4908 Los Benning, James 2001 USA 90
5189 5416 Nenette et Boni Denis, Claire 1996 France 103
5190 5085 Patsy, The Vidor, King 1928 USA 78
5191 5167 Fail-Safe Lumet, Sidney 1964 USA 112
5192 4911 Gai Savoir, Le Godard, Jean-Luc 1969 France 95
5193 4913 Iron Crown, The Blasetti, Alessandro 1941 Italy 97
5194 5308 Round Midnight Tavernier, Bertrand 1986 France 133
5195 5504 Snowtown Kurzel, Justin 2011 Australia 119
5196 6141 Quiet Girl, The Bairéad, Colm 2022 Ireland 94
5197 4915 Jo Girault, Jean 1971 France 85
5198 5311 Japanese Village, A Ogawa, Shinsuke 1984 Japan 210
5199 4917 They Shall Not Grow Old Jackson, Peter 2018 UK 99
5200 4919 Rocky IV Stallone, Sylvester 1985 USA 91
5201 5319 36 fillette Breillat, Catherine 1988 France 88
5202 4921 Phenix City Story, The Karlson, Phil 1955 USA 100
5203 5086 Underground Asquith, Anthony 1928 UK 84
5204 4922 Koumiko Mystery, The Marker, Chris 1965 France 54
5205 4923 Textism Hirabayashi, Isamu 2003 Japan 11
5206 5612 Jackass: The Movie Tremaine, Jeff 2002 USA 87
5207 5783 Locke Knight, Steven 2013 UK 85
5208 5087 Great Buddha +, The Huang Hsin-yao 2017 Taiwan 102
5209 5426 Coco Unkrich, Lee 2017 USA 105
5210 5088 Summer Holiday Yates, Peter 1963 UK 107
5211 5429 Aquarius Mendonça Filho, Kleber 2016 Brazil 146
5212 4924 Cruel Story of Youth Oshima, Nagisa 1960 Japan 96
5213 5526 Lifeboat Hitchcock, Alfred 1944 USA 96
5214 8145 If You Meet Sartana, Pray for Your Death Parolini, Gianfranco 1968 Italy 95
5215 4984 Chinese Odyssey: Part Two - Cinderella, A Lau, Jeffrey 1995 Hong Kong 95
5216 5090 Chromaticite I Kirchhofer, Patrice 1977 France 11
5217 7341 New Centurions, The Fleischer, Richard 1972 USA 103
5218 4929 United States of America, The Benning, James & Bette Gordon 1975 USA 27
5219 4931 Kuca na pijesku Martinac, Ivan 1985 Yugoslavia 85
5220 5092 Queen of Diamonds Menkes, Nina 1991 USA 77
5221 5093 Mr. & Mrs. '55 Dutt, Guru 1955 India 157
5222 5534 Flags of Our Fathers Eastwood, Clint 2006 USA 132
5223 4932 Prick Up Your Ears Frears, Stephen 1987 UK 108
5224 4933 Assommoir, L' Capellani, Albert 1908 France 36
5225 5094 Four Corners Benning, James 1998 USA 80
5226 5095 Final Solution Sharma, Rakesh 2004 India 218
5227 4934 Song at Midnight Ma-Xu Weibang 1937 China 113
5228 4936 A.K.A. Serial Killer Adachi, Masao 1975 Japan 86
5229 5096 Dope Famuyiwa, Rick 2015 USA 103
5230 Zone of Interest, The Glazer, Jonathan 2023 USA 105
5231 4937 Revenge of the Dead/Night of the Ghouls Wood Jr., Edward D. 1960 USA 69
5232 5097 Help Gone Mad Khlebnikov, Boris 2009 Russia 119
5233 5098 Attica Firestone, Cinda 1974 USA 80
5234 5099 Hands Across the Table Leisen, Mitchell 1935 USA 80
5235 5101 Didi mtsvane veli Kokochashvili, Merab 1967 USSR 85
5236 5347 Adventuress, The Gout, Alberto 1950 Mexico 101
5237 5102 Bronco Bullfrog Platts-Mills, Barney 1970 UK 86
5238 5644 All is Forgiven Hansen-Løve, Mia 2007 France 105
5239 4938 Eva Losey, Joseph 1962 France 107
5240 7298 Remember My Name Rudolph, Alan 1978 USA 96
5241 4940 Destiny Demirkubuz, Zeki 2006 Turkey 103
5242 5271 Never Let Me Go Romanek, Mark 2010 UK 103
5243 4942 Danton Wajda, Andrzej 1983 France 136
5244 5945 Elmer Gantry Brooks, Richard 1960 USA 146
5245 5103 Korczak Wajda, Andrzej 1990 Poland 115
5246 5104 Like Grains of Sand Hashiguchi, Ryosuke 1995 Japan 129
5247 5822 Slightly Scarlet Dwan, Allan 1956 USA 99
5248 4943 Boxing Gym Wiseman, Frederick 2010 USA 91
5249 5105 Capernaum Labaki, Nadine 2018 Lebanon 121
5250 5275 Wedding Banquet, The Lee, Ang 1993 Taiwan 111
5251 5106 Seven Psychopaths McDonagh, Martin 2012 UK 110
5252 5288 Wife, The Noonan, Tom 1995 USA 101
5253 5380 Salomé Bryant, Charles 1922 USA 72
5254 4944 I Heard it Through the Grapevine Fontaine, Dick & Pat Hartley 1982 USA 95
5255 5821 Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The Hosoda, Mamoru 2006 Japan 98
5256 6110 Full Contact Lam, Ringo 1992 Hong Kong 96
5257 4945 Nana Renoir, Jean 1926 France 150
5258 5833 *Corpus Callosum Snow, Michael 2002 Canada 92
5259 4946 Joseph Kilian Jurácek, Pavel & Jan Schmidt 1963 Czechoslovakia 38
5260 5477 Susana Buñuel, Luis 1951 Mexico 82
5261 6122 Tennessee's Partner Dwan, Allan 1955 USA 87
5262 4950 Mary Ferrara, Abel 2005 Italy 83
5263 5107 Something Like It Morita, Yoshimitsu 1981 Japan 103
5264 7933 Aferim! Jude, Radu 2015 Romania 108
5265 4953 Chandralekha Vasan, S.S. 1948 India 193
5266 5110 Ziegfeld Follies Minnelli, Vincente 1945 USA 110
5267 4954 Last of Sheila, The Ross, Herbert 1973 USA 120
5268 5489 Lady & the Duke, The Rohmer, Eric 2001 France 128
5269 4957 Cartesius [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1974 Italy 152
5270 5111 Wellness Mahaffy, Jake 2008 USA 90
5271 4959 Mangrove McQueen, Steve 2020 UK 127
5272 5299 Brooklyn Crowley, John 2015 Ireland 111
5273 5488 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Verbinski, Gore 2003 USA 143
5274 5394 High Hopes Leigh, Mike 1988 UK 112
5275 8081 Two Comrades Were Serving Karelov, Yevgeni 1968 USSR 99
5276 5112 Young Adult Reitman, Jason 2011 USA 94
5277 8701 Apologies Robertson, Anne Charlotte 1986/1990 17
5278 5398 Combat d'amour en songe Ruiz, Raúl 2000 France 123
5279 5379 UHF Levey, Jay 1989 USA 97
5280 4965 Panique Duvivier, Julien 1946 France 99
5281 5503 In the Bedroom Field, Todd 2001 USA 130
5282 4967 Wind and the Lion, The Milius, John 1975 USA 119
5283 5596 Wolfwalkers Moore, Tomm & Ross Stewart 2020 Ireland 103
5284 5507 Notebook, The Cassavetes, Nick 2004 USA 123
5285 5508 Mother, The Cattin, Antoine & Pavel Kostomarov 2007 Switzerland 80
5286 5115 Gods Must Be Crazy, The Uys, Jamie 1980 Botswana 108
5287 4971 Taxi Tehran Panahi, Jafar 2015 Iran 82
5288 5116 Prefab People, The Tarr, Béla 1982 Hungary 102
5289 5772 Hovering Over the Water Monteiro, João César 1986 Portugal 143
5290 4972 Bobby Kapoor, Raj 1974 India 168
5291 4973 Last American Virgin, The Davidson, Boaz 1982 USA 90
5292 5117 Friendly Persuasion Wyler, William 1956 USA 140
5293 4974 Inherit the Wind Kramer, Stanley 1960 USA 127
5294 4975 Legend of the Holy Drinker, The Olmi, Ermanno 1988 Italy 128
5295 4976 Wie baue ich einen Molotow-Cocktail? Meins, Holger 1968 West Germany 3
5296 4977 Ghosts Before Breakfast Richter, Hans 1928 Germany 9
5297 4978 Barking Dogs Never Bite Bong Joon-ho 2000 South Korea 110
5298 5120 Aelita Protazanov, Yakov 1924 USSR 67
5299 7050 Invitation, The Kusama, Karyn 2015 USA 100
5300 4981 Kill, Baby... Kill! Bava, Mario 1966 Italy 83
5301 4982 Crime, La Labro, Philippe 1983 France 103
5302 7652 High Wind in Jamaica, A Mackendrick, Alexander 1965 UK 104
5303 6103 Raphael, or the Debauched One Deville, Michel 1971 France 100
5304 5432 Interrupters, The James, Steve 2011 USA 125
5305 5312 Filme Demencia Reichenbach, Carlos 1986 Brazil 92
5306 5124 Three Windows and a Hanging Qosja, Isa 2014 Kosovo 94
5307 5125 Pacific Rim del Toro, Guillermo 2013 USA 132
5308 4987 Love Parade, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1929 USA 110
5309 5437 Hollywood or Bust Tashlin, Frank 1956 USA 95
5310 5911 Queen Christina Mamoulian, Rouben 1933 USA 97
5311 5532 Beyond Oblivion del Carril, Hugo 1956 Argentina 93
5312 4988 Human Factor, The Preminger, Otto 1979 USA 115
5313 5439 Zulu Endfield, Cy 1964 UK 138
5314 4989 Police Story III: Supercop Tong, Stanley 1992 Hong Kong 96
5315 5126 Chuchelo Bykov, Rolan 1984 USSR 127
5316 5127 Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy, The Liechti, Peter 2009 Switzerland 87
5317 4991 Fall, The Whitehead, Peter 1969 UK 116
5318 4992 Man by the Shore/L'Homme sur les quais Peck, Raoul 1993 France 106
5319 5542 Adventures of Goopy and Bagha, The Ray, Satyajit 1969 India 132
5320 5446 Butterfly and Flowers Mukdasanit, Euthana 1986 Thailand 120
5321 5450 Browning Version, The Asquith, Anthony 1951 UK 90
5322 5129 First Love [TV] Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1974 Poland 52
5323 5787 Guardians of the Galaxy Gunn, James 2014 USA 121
5324 6247 Green Snake Tsui Hark 1993 Hong Kong 99
5325 5980 Strangers, The Bertino, Bryan 2008 USA 86
5326 5130 Blood of My Blood Bellocchio, Marco 2015 Italy 106
5327 4993 Unholy Three, The Browning, Tod 1925 USA 86
5328 5940 It Happened in Broad Daylight Vajda, Ladislao 1958 Switzerland 97
5329 4994 Time to Leave Ozon, François 2005 France 81
5330 7030 Gang of Four, The Rivette, Jacques 1989 France 160
5331 4995 Trikal (Past, Present, Future) Benegal, Shyam 1985 India 137
5332 4996 Golem, The Boese, Carl & Paul Wegener 1920 Germany 85
5333 5814 Mangue Bangue de Almeida, Neville 1971 Brazil 80
5334 4997 Schmeerguntz Nelson, Gunvor 1965 USA 15
5335 5131 Valley Girl Coolidge, Martha 1983 USA 99
5336 5459 Eel, The Imamura, Shohei 1997 Japan 117
5337 5133 Histoires d'Amérique: Food, Family and Philosophy Akerman, Chantal 1989 Belgium 92
5338 5336 SuperOutro Navarro, Edgard 1989 Brazil 46
5339 5136 Babes in Toyland Meins, Gus & Charley Rogers 1934 USA 77
5340 5138 Pumping Iron Butler, George & Fiore, Robert 1977 USA 85
5341 5139 Day of the Locust, The Schlesinger, John 1975 USA 144
5342 5465 Human Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 2015 France 190
5343 5140 Diary of a Pregnant Woman Varda, Agnès 1958 France 16
5344 5563 WarGames Badham, John 1983 USA 110
5345 5147 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Branagh, Kenneth 1994 USA 128
5346 5148 Second Game, The Porumboiu, Corneliu 2014 Romania 97
5347 5151 Rich and Famous Cukor, George 1981 USA 117
5348 5152 Stuart Hall Project, The Akomfrah, John 2013 UK 103
5349 5153 Last Flight, The Dieterle, William 1931 USA 76
5350 5154 Gloria Lelio, Sebastián 2013 Chile 110
5351 5155 Cochon, Le Eustache, Jean & Jean-Michel Barjol 1970 France 50
5352 5156 Simple Plan, A Raimi, Sam 1998 USA 121
5353 5482 Hale County This Morning, This Evening Ross, RaMell 2018 USA 76
5354 5158 Blithe Spirit Lean, David 1945 UK 96
5355 5159 Peppermint Frappé Saura, Carlos 1967 Spain 94
5356 5683 High Plains Drifter Eastwood, Clint 1973 USA 105
5357 5161 Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman, The Okamoto, Kihachi 1963 Japan 103
5358 5162 Quest for Fire Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1981 Canada 97
5359 6287 All the Vermeers in New York Jost, Jon 1990 USA 87
5360 6128 Iraq in Fragments Longley, James 2006 USA 94
5361 6282 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Fincher, David 2011 USA 158
5362 5163 Hands of Orlac, The Wiene, Robert 1924 Austria 92
5363 5164 Last Mistress, The Breillat, Catherine 2007 France 115
5364 5704 Hautes solitudes, Les Garrel, Philippe 1974 France 80
5365 5492 Daughter-in-Law Narliyev, Khodzha Kuli 1972 USSR 81
5366 5854 Pit and the Pendulum, The Corman, Roger 1961 USA 80
5367 5165 Jazz Dance Tilton, Roger 1954 USA 22
5368 5578 Westworld Crichton, Michael 1973 USA 88
5369 5168 Britannia Hospital Anderson, Lindsay 1982 UK 111
5370 5169 American Astronaut, The McAbee, Cory 2001 USA 91
5371 6029 Demons Bava, Lamberto 1985 Italy 89
5372 5171 Odds Against Tomorrow Wise, Robert 1959 USA 95
5373 5172 Big Trouble in Little China Carpenter, John 1986 USA 99
5374 5497 Divorce Iranian Style Longinotto, Kim & Ziba Mir-Hosseini 1998 Iran 76
5375 5174 Sugar Curtain, The Guzmán Urzúa, Camila 2005 France 82
5376 5176 Confucian Confusion, A Yang, Edward 1994 Taiwan 125
5377 5177 Before Night Falls Schnabel, Julian 2000 USA 133
5378 5178 Condition of Illusion Gidal, Peter 1975 30
5379 5871 Brighton Rock Boulting, John 1947 UK 86
5380 5179 Western Approaches Jackson, Pat 1944 Netherlands 83
5381 6430 Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets Ayouch, Nabil 2000 Morocco 90
5382 5589 RRR Rajamouli, S.S. 2022 India 187
5383 5182 Ball at the Anjo House, The Yoshimura, Kozaburo 1947 Japan 89
5384 5183 Eccentricities of a Blonde-haired Girl Oliveira, Manoel de 2009 Portugal 64
5385 5512 Sting of Death, The Oguri, Kohei 1990 Japan 115
5386 5513 Inside Man Lee, Spike 2006 USA 129
5387 5882 Uptight Dassin, Jules 1968 USA 104
5388 5184 Kadosh Gitai, Amos 1999 Israel 116
5389 6988 Poison, La Guitry, Sacha 1951 France 85
5390 5185 Bergman Island Hansen-Løve, Mia 2021 France 112
5391 5186 Purab Aur Pacchim Kumar, Manoj 1970 India 175
5392 5188 Divines Benyamina, Houda 2016 France 105
5393 5243 Blind Owl, The Ruiz, Raúl 1987 Switzerland 97
5394 5244 Little Otik Švankmajer, Jan 2000 Czech Republic 132
5395 5245 Louis Lumière [TV] Rohmer, Eric 1968 France 66
5396 5246 Casa del ángel, La Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo 1957 Argentina 76
5397 5247 Driller Killer, The Ferrara, Abel 1979 USA 94
5398 5248 Brother Kitano, Takeshi 2000 Japan 113
5399 7212 Come Drink with Me Hu, King 1966 Hong Kong 95
5400 7360 Lady for a Day Capra, Frank 1933 USA 96
5401 5523 Man with Three Coffins, The Lee Jang-ho 1987 South Korea 117
5402 5249 Maria Candelaria Fernández, Emilio 1944 Mexico 76
5403 5686 Darkman Raimi, Sam 1990 USA 95
5404 5423 Meet Joe Black Brest, Martin 1998 USA 180
5405 5251 Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts Surya, Mouly 2017 Indonesia 93
5406 5252 Glace à trois faces, La Epstein, Jean 1927 France 45
5407 5525 Besieged Bertolucci, Bernardo 1998 Italy 93
5408 5628 Farewell to Arms, A Borzage, Frank 1932 USA 78
5409 5254 66 Seasons Kerekes, Péter 2003 Slovakia 86
5410 5255 Fire Mehta, Deepa 1996 Canada 107
5411 5530 Casting a Glance Benning, James 2007 USA 80
5412 5611 Tigers Are Not Afraid López, Issa 2017 Mexico
5413 5258 Rafiki Kahiu, Wanuri 2018 South Africa 82
5414 5259 Savage Eye, The Maddow, Ben/Sidney Meyers/Joseph Strick 1960 USA 68
5415 5260 Cyclist, The Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1987 Iran 82
5416 5263 Ten Skies Benning, James 2004 USA 101
5417 5453 Skyfall Mendes, Sam 2012 UK 143
5418 5264 That Hamilton Woman Korda, Alexander 1941 UK 128
5419 8493 Crack, El Garci, José Luis 1981 Spain 131
5420 5265 Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! Questi, Giulio 1967 Italy 100
5421 5266 Good News Walters, Charles 1947 USA 95
5422 5267 Sword in the Stone, The Reitherman, Wolfgang 1963 USA 75
5423 5269 Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession Cassavetes, Xan 2004 USA 120
5424 5270 Shepherds of Calamity, The Papatakis, Nikos 1967 Greece 96
5425 5661 Burning Snow Tam, Patrick 1988 Hong Kong 84
5426 5273 Last Woman, The Ferreri, Marco 1976 France 112
5427 5631 Prisonnière, La Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1968 France 106
5428 Poor Things Lanthimos, Yorgos 2023 Ireland 141
5429 5951 Hill of Freedom Hong Sang-soo 2014 South Korea 66
5430 8513 Butterfly Cuerda, José Luis 1999 Spain 96
5431 5277 Geethanjali Ratnam, Mani 1989 India 150
5432 5278 Ghost That Never Returns, The Room, Abram 1929 USSR 67
5433 5279 Boomerang Hudlin, Reginald 1992 USA 118
5434 5681 Blood Feast Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1963 USA 67
5435 5473 Dark Passage Daves, Delmer 1947 USA 106
5436 5283 Contactos Viota, Paulino 1970 Spain 70
5437 6112 Henry V Branagh, Kenneth 1989 UK 137
5438 7150 Bread and Chocolate Brusati, Franco 1974 Italy 100
5439 5687 About Endlessness Andersson, Roy 2019 Sweden 78
5440 5475 Shootist, The Siegel, Don 1976 USA 99
5441 5284 Remains to Be Seen Solomon, Philip S. 1989 USA 17
5442 5571 Young Werther Doillon, Jacques 1993 France 94
5443 7598 Blackhat Mann, Michael 2015 USA 133
5444 5286 Old Jockey, The Barnet, Boris 1941 USSR 96
5445 5291 Quiet One, The Meyers, Sidney 1948 USA 65
5446 5292 Winter Wind Jancsó, Miklós 1969 Hungary 80
5447 5794 Serenity Whedon, Joss 2005 USA 119
5448 8182 Fantasmas Novais Oliveira, André 2010 Brazil 11
5449 5694 Broken Flowers Jarmusch, Jim 2005 USA 106
5450 5294 Volcano Rúnarsson, Rúnar 2011 Iceland 99
5451 5470 Islands of Fire De Seta, Vittorio 1955 Italy 9
5452 5469 Parabola d'oro De Seta, Vittorio 1955 Italy 9
5453 5485 Space is the Place Coney, John 1974 USA 85
5454 5296 March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step Jacquet, Luc 2017 France 85
5455 5298 Love and Death on Long Island Kwietniowski, Richard 1996 UK 93
5456 6872 Ofrenda Caldini, Claudio 1978 Argentina 4
5457 6927 Miss Universo en el Perú Grupo Chaski 1982 Peru 45
5458 5301 Hermanos Del Hierro, Los Rodríguez, Ismael 1961 Mexico 95
5459 6127 Scrooge Hurst, Brian Desmond 1951 UK 86
5460 7043 Gambler, The Reisz, Karel 1974 USA 111
5461 5962 Uninvited, The Allen, Lewis 1944 USA 98
5462 6304 Nomad Tam, Patrick 1982 Hong Kong 96
5463 5715 Jesus' Son Maclean, Alison 1999 USA 107
5464 5791 Devil's Rejects, The Zombie, Rob 2005 USA 107
5465 5304 I Walk the Line Frankenheimer, John 1970 USA 97
5466 10573 Gavaznha Kimiai, Masud 1974 Iran 120
5467 5752 Rake's Progress, The Gilliat, Sidney 1945 UK 123
5468 5305 Healthy People for Fun Ačimović-Godina, Karpo 1971 Yugoslavia 10
5469 5306 Antonia's Line Gorris, Marleen 1995 Netherlands 105
5470 5592 Blind Wiseman, Frederick 1987 USA 132
5471 5307 Erotikon Machatý, Gustav 1929 Czechoslovakia 85
5472 5309 Wanderers, The Kaufman, Philip 1979 USA 113
5473 5310 Bronco Billy Eastwood, Clint 1980 USA 119
5474 5313 Umbracle Portabella, Pere 1972 Spain 85
5475 5997 Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet, La Wiseman, Frederick 2009 France 159
5476 5604 Daybreak Sun Yu 1933 China 116
5477 5320 Midori Harada, Hiroshi 1992 Japan 56
5478 6052 Entire Days Among the Trees Duras, Marguerite 1976 France 95
5479 5321 Jimmy Hollywood Levinson, Barry 1994 USA 109
5480 5322 Deep Cover Duke, Bill 1992 USA 112
5481 5323 Marital Relations Toyoda, Shiro 1955 Japan 121
5482 5324 Three on a Match LeRoy, Mervyn 1932 USA 64
5483 5325 White Sun of the Desert, The Motyl, Vladimir 1970 USSR 85
5484 5326 Wild One, The Benedek, Laszlo 1953 USA 79
5485 5327 Unforgiven Lee Sang-il 2013 Japan 135
5486 8257 Project Nim Marsh, James 2011 UK 99
5487 5785 Ava and Gabriel, A Love Story de Rooy, Felix 1990 Netherlands 100
5488 8185 Zombie and the Ghost Train Kaurismäki, Mika 1991 Finland 88
5489 5328 See Here My Love Santiago, Hugo 1978 France 124
5490 5330 Naked Prey, The Wilde, Cornel 1966 USA 94
5491 5331 Wildwood, NJ Leitman, Ruth & Carol Weaks Cassidy 1994 USA 60
5492 5332 Víctimas del pecado Fernández, Emilio 1951 Mexico 90
5493 7528 Devil-Doll, The Browning, Tod 1936 USA 79
5494 5335 Ghosts... of the Civil Dead Hillcoat, John 1988 Australia 93
5495 7853 Real Life Brooks, Albert 1979 USA 99
5496 5337 Crimson Kimono, The Fuller, Samuel 1959 USA 82
5497 5799 Malina Schroeter, Werner 1991 Germany 125
5498 5339 Frente a frente com os Xavantes Vasconcelos, Genil 1948 Brazil 33
5499 5338 Yellow Caesar Cavalcanti, Alberto 1941 UK 24
5500 7106 Rendez-vous à Bray Delvaux, André 1971 France 90
5501 5340 Nana Massadian, Valérie 2011 France 68
5502 5342 Qiu Haitang Ma-Xu Weibang 1943 China 202
5503 5343 Mysterians, The Honda, Ishiro 1957 Japan 85
5504 5538 Goon Dowse, Michael 2011 Canada 92
5505 5801 Love of Jeanne Ney, The Pabst, G.W. 1927 Germany 100
5506 5346 Liberty McCarey, Leo 1929 USA 20
5507 7559 Cabin in the Sky Minnelli, Vincente 1943 USA 100
5508 5348 Another State of Mind Small, Adam & Peter Stuart 1984 USA 78
5509 8038 Beanpole Balagov, Kantemir 2019 Russia 130
5510 5803 They Made Me a Fugitive Cavalcanti, Alberto 1947 UK 103
5511 5643 Laughing Man, The Heynowski, Walter & Gerhard Scheumann 1966 East Germany 66
5512 5349 Blind Shaft Li Yang 2003 China 92
5513 5350 Photos d'Alix, Les Eustache, Jean 1980 France 19
5514 5812 Sangue mineiro Mauro, Humberto 1929 Brazil 82
5515 5351 Testament Littman, Lynne 1983 USA 89
5516 5352 Éruption volcanique à la Martinique Méliès, Georges 1902 France 1
5517 5353 This Our Still Life Kötting, Andrew 2011 UK 58
5518 5354 ¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa! de Fuentes, Fernando 1936 Mexico 92
5519 5355 Let Your Light Shine Mack, Jodie 2013 UK 3
5520 5943 Ad Astra Gray, James 2019 USA 123
5521 5357 Confucius Fei Mu 1940 China 96
5522 5358 Voleurs, Les Téchiné, André 1996 France 117
5523 5359 Super Cops, The Parks, Gordon 1974 USA 94
5524 5360 Goupi mains rouges Becker, Jacques 1943 France 96
5525 5361 Into the Wild Penn, Sean 2007 USA 148
5526 5667 Faust Švankmajer, Jan 1994 Czech Republic 97
5527 5362 Lolita Lyne, Adrian 1997 France 137
5528 5365 Last Hunt, The Brooks, Richard 1956 USA 108
5529 5378 Chasing Butterflies Iosseliani, Otar 1992 France 115
5530 6260 1984 Radford, Michael 1984 UK 115
5531 8727 Vacas Medem, Julio 1992 Spain 96
5532 5539 Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands Barreto, Bruno 1976 Brazil 106
5533 6111 Monkey King, The Laiming Wan & Tang Cheng 1961 China 114
5534 5685 Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Dieterle, William 1939 USA 115
5535 5383 Royal Road, The Olson, Jenni 2015 USA 65
5536 5384 Mechanic, The Winner, Michael 1972 USA 100
5537 5385 One Way Boogie Woogie/27 Years Later Benning, James 2005 USA 121
5538 6120 Che Soderbergh, Steven 2008 France 257
5539 6778 Fandry Manjule, Nagraj 2013 India 101
5540 5386 Elvis Luhrmann, Baz 2022 USA 159
5541 5387 Woman in the Moon Lang, Fritz 1929 Germany 156
5542 5388 Margot at the Wedding Baumbach, Noah 2007 USA 92
5543 6123 Messiah of Evil Huyck, Willard 1974 USA 90
5544 5696 Episode 3: 'Enjoy Poverty' Martens, Renzo 2009 Netherlands 90
5545 5389 Let's Get Lost Weber, Bruce 1988 USA 119
5546 5390 Unseen, The Janek, Miroslav 1996 Czech Republic 53
5547 5393 Back and Forth Snow, Michael 1969 Canada 52
5548 6413 Worst Person in the World, The Trier, Joachim 2021 Norway 127
5549 5396 Holubice Vlácil, Frantisek 1960 Czechoslovakia 76
5550 5883 I Killed My Mother Dolan, Xavier 2009 Canada 96
5551 5709 El Valley Centro Benning, James 2000 USA 90
5552 5397 Amore [TV] Lemke, Klaus 1978 West Germany 73
5553 5864 100 Horsemen Cottafavi, Vittorio 1965 Italy 115
5554 5399 Moment of Romance, A Chan, Benny 1990 Hong Kong 87
5555 5400 Suzanne, Suzanne Billops, Camille & James Hatch 1982 USA 30
5556 5721 Bride of Glomdal, The Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1926 Norway 115
5557 5401 Woman of the Port, The Boytler, Arcady & Raphael J. Sevilla 1934 Mexico 76
5558 5402 Local Color Rappaport, Mark 1977 USA 116
5559 5403 Nobody's Business Berliner, Alan 1996 USA 60
5560 6444 Sometimes a Great Notion Newman, Paul 1971 USA 114
5561 5405 Ballet Wiseman, Frederick 1995 USA 170
5562 5406 Block-Heads Blystone, John G. 1938 USA 55
5563 5407 Plague of the Zombies, The Gilling, John 1966 UK 91
5564 6316 Dying at Grace King, Allan 2003 Canada 148
5565 5408 Widower, The Risi, Dino 1959 Italy 87
5566 5409 Hunters, The Gardner, Robert & John Marshall 1957 USA 72
5567 5413 Ear for Eye Green, Debbie Tucker 2021 UK 88
5568 5691 Troll 2 Fragasso, Claudio 1990 Italy 95
5569 5614 Summer of Sam Lee, Spike 1999 USA 141
5570 5417 Norte, El Nava, Gregory 1983 USA 139
5571 Anatomy of a Fall Triet, Justine 2023 France 151
5572 5419 My Country, My Country Poitras, Laura 2006 USA 90
5573 6206 Peter Pan Brenon, Herbert 1924 USA 105
5574 5420 Julius Caesar Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1953 USA 120
5575 5422 Perfect Film Jacobs, Ken 1986 USA 22
5576 5421 County Hospital Parrott, James 1932 USA 19
5577 5424 Sadie McKee Brown, Clarence 1934 USA 92
5578 5425 Oss Oss Wee Oss Lomax, Alan 1953 UK 12
5579 5778 Quiz Show Redford, Robert 1994 USA 103
5580 5427 I Love You to Death Kasdan, Lawrence 1990 USA 96
5581 5430 Line of Destiny, The Peries, Lester James 1956 Sri Lanka 89
5582 5431 Coupable, Le Antoine, André 1917 France 81
5583 5433 Antigone Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1992 Germany 100
5584 5434 Viva Riva! Munga, Djo Tunda Wa 2010 France 98
5585 6148 Corporation, The Abbott, Jennifer & Mark Achbar 2003 Canada 145
5586 6072 Private Eyes, The Hui, Michael 1976 Hong Kong 94
5587 5793 How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1971 Brazil 84
5588 5436 Frantz Ozon, François 2016 France 113
5589 5438 Time for Revenge Aristarain, Adolfo 1981 Argentina 112
5590 6339 Exile, The Ophüls, Max 1947 USA 95
5591 5441 How Yukong Moved the Mountains Ivens, Joris & Marceline Loridan Ivens 1976 France 763
5592 5442 Practical Magic Dunne, Griffin 1998 USA 104
5593 5443 20 Feet from Stardom Neville, Morgan 2013 USA 91
5594 5444 Let Me Die a Woman Wishman, Doris 1977 USA 79
5595 5447 Sweet Country Thornton, Warwick 2017 Australia 110
5596 5448 Whistle and I'll Come to You [TV] Miller, Jonathan 1968 UK 42
5597 5449 One A.M. Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 26
5598 5641 Mahal Amrohi, Kamal 1949 India 165
5599 6251 A Short Film About the Indio Nacional Martin, Raya 2005 Philippines 96
5600 5451 Filibusterismo, El de Leon, Gerardo 1962 Philippines
5601 5452 Life/Expectancy Fleming, Shellie 1999
5602 5454 Small Time Crooks Allen, Woody 2000 USA 94
5603 5455 Quadrille Guitry, Sacha 1938 France 109
5604 5816 Faubourg St. Martin Guiguet, Jean-Claude 1986 France 90
5605 5651 Domino Scott, Tony 2005 USA 127
5606 5457 Bliss Lawrence, Ray 1985 Australia 111
5607 5458 Red Shift Nelson, Gunvor 1984
5608 5922 Lincoln Spielberg, Steven 2012 USA 150
5609 5930 Nighthawks Peck, Ron 1978 UK 113
5610 5460 Stud Farm, The Kovacs, Andras 1978 Hungary 102
5611 5461 Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy Hamaguchi, Ryusuke 2021 Japan 121
5612 5468 Devil Never Sleeps, The Portillo, Lourdes 1994 Mexico 87
5613 5471 Big Time Gambling Boss Yamashita, Kosaku 1968 Japan 95
5614 5670 Lunchbox, The Batra, Ritesh 2013 India 105
5615 8942 Road Home, The Zhang Yimou 1999 China 89
5616 5472 Dracula A.D. 1972 Gibson, Alan 1972 UK 96
5617 5679 Cell, The Singh, Tarsem 2000 USA 109
5618 5680 Ship of Theseus Gandhi, Anand 2012 India 140
5619 5829 Celia Turner, Ann 1989 Australia 103
5620 5474 Enfants, Les Duras, Marguerite 1985 France 84
5621 5476 Bread and Alley, The Kiarostami, Abbas 1970 Iran 10
5622 5834 Amateur Hartley, Hal 1994 France 105
5623 5942 Queen, The Frears, Stephen 2006 UK 103
5624 5478 Jezebel Wyler, William 1938 USA 103
5625 5479 Mr. Nobody Van Dormael, Jaco 2009 Canada 141
5626 8404 Noi Albinoi Kári, Dagur 2002 Iceland 92
5627 5480 Estrategia del caracol, La Cabrera, Sergio 1993 Italy 116
5628 5481 Solo Mocky, Jean-Pierre 1970 France 83
5629 5484 Bible, The Huston, John 1966 Italy 174
5630 5486 Girl's Own Story, A Campion, Jane 1983 Australia 27
5631 5698 Kingdom and the Beauty, The Li Han Hsiang 1959 Hong Kong 100
5632 5487 Outlaw, The Hughes, Howard 1943 USA 115
5633 6249 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles Jordan, Neil 1994 USA 122
5634 5849 Alice in Wonderland Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson 1951 USA 75
5635 5490 Cruise, The Miller, Bennett 1998 USA 76
5636 5491 Every Which Way But Loose Fargo, James 1978 USA 114
5637 5493 Bel Âge, Le Kast, Pierre 1959 France 90
5638 5494 Hotel America Téchiné, André 1981 France 95
5639 7708 Déjà Vu Scott, Tony 2006 USA 126
5640 6964 Head Against the Wall Franju, Georges 1959 France 95
5641 5952 300 Snyder, Zack 2006 USA 117
5642 5496 Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man Bertolucci, Bernardo 1981 Italy 116
5643 5860 To New Shores Sirk, Douglas 1937 Germany 106
5644 5712 Ballad of Little Jo, The Greenwald, Maggie 1993 USA 120
5645 5863 Underworld von Sternberg, Josef 1927 USA 80
5646 5498 Avec le sourire Tourneur, Maurice 1936 France 98
5647 6272 Cloverfield Reeves, Matt 2008 USA 85
5648 5825 I Heart Huckabees Russell, David O. 2004 Germany 106
5649 5499 Can't Stop the Music Walker, Nancy 1980 USA 118
5650 6274 Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998 USA 100
5651 5501 Dead Man Walking Robbins, Tim 1995 USA 122
5652 5502 Lingua Franca Sandoval, Isabel 2019 USA 89
5653 5876 Wild Tales Szifrón, Damián 2014 Argentina 122
5654 5505 Goin' Down the Road Shebib, Donald 1970 Canada 90
5655 7072 Nixon Stone, Oliver 1995 USA 190
5656 5514 Popeye Altman, Robert 1980 USA 114
5657 5515 American Dream Kopple, Barbara 1990 USA 100
5658 5517 Bolero Lelouch, Claude 1981 France 173
5659 5518 Montenegro Makavejev, Dušan 1981 Sweden 96
5660 5519 Symphonie diagonale Eggeling, Viking 1924 Germany 5
5661 6091 Army of Darkness Raimi, Sam 1992 USA 80
5662 5520 Champ, The Vidor, King 1931 USA 87
5663 5521 Kathapurushan Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1996 India 107
5664 5522 Mr. Muhsin Turgul, Yavuz 1987 Turkey 119
5665 5892 Goodbye Girl, The Ross, Herbert 1977 USA 110
5666 5524 Breezy Eastwood, Clint 1973 USA 108
5667 5706 Raid, The Fregonese, Hugo 1954 USA 83
5668 5789 Court Tamhane, Chaitanya 2014 India 116
5669 5782 Beautiful Girls Demme, Ted 1996 USA 107
5670 5527 Shooting Stars Asquith, Anthony & A.V. Bramble 1928 UK 100
5671 5908 Vida por delante, La Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1958 Spain 90
5672 5528 American Madness Capra, Frank 1932 USA 81
5673 5792 White of the Eye Cammell, Donald 1987 UK 110
5674 5531 Tune, The Plympton, Bill 1992 USA 72
5675 5533 Tricheurs, Les Carné, Marcel 1958 France 120
5676 5535 Untitled Glawogger, Michael & Monika Willi 2017 Austria 105
5677 7365 Crossroads Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1928 Japan 74
5678 5719 Goodbye Solo Bahrani, Ramin 2008 USA 91
5679 5537 Constant Gardener, The Meirelles, Fernando 2005 USA 129
5680 6000 Sounder Ritt, Martin 1972 USA 105
5681 5541 Tiniest Place, The Huezo, Tatiana 2011 Mexico 100
5682 7133 Run of the Arrow Fuller, Samuel 1957 USA 86
5683 6095 If I Should Die Before I Wake Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1952 Argentina 66
5684 5543 Night on Bald Mountain Alexeieff, Alexandre & Claire Parker 1933 France 8
5685 6241 Report, The Kiarostami, Abbas 1977 Iran 112
5686 5544 Madame Freedom Han Hyeong-mo 1956 South Korea 125
5687 7135 Narrow Margin, The Fleischer, Richard 1952 USA 70
5688 5547 Chasing Amy Smith, Kevin 1996 USA 105
5689 5937 Tregua, La Renan, Sergio 1974 Argentina 108
5690 5548 Chile, the Obstinate Memory Guzmán, Patricio 1997 Canada 59
5691 5939 Cathy Come Home [TV] Loach, Ken 1966 UK 75
5692 5551 Dick Tracy Beatty, Warren 1990 USA 104
5693 5552 Nidhanaya Peries, Lester James 1972 Sri Lanka 110
5694 7870 Night and Day Hong Sang-soo 2008 South Korea 145
5695 5818 Mask, The Russell, Chuck 1994 USA 101
5696 5559 Loin du Vietnam Ivens, Joris/William Klein/Claude Lelouch/Agnès Varda/Jean-Luc Godard/Chris Marker/Alain Resnais 1967 France 115
5697 5561 Lore Shortland, Cate 2012 Germany 109
5698 5947 Son of the Northeast Kounavudhi, Vichit 1983 Thailand 120
5699 5820 In a Better World Bier, Susanne 2010 Denmark 119
5700 5564 Ice Kramer, Robert 1970 USA 132
5701 5828 Black Wind Gonzalez, Servando 1965 Mexico 127
5702 5565 River, The Lorentz, Pare 1938 USA 31
5703 5566 Water Mehta, Deepa 2005 Canada 117
5704 5567 Hajji Washington Hatami, Ali 1982 Iran 100
5705 5568 American Gangster Scott, Ridley 2007 USA 157
5706 5569 Lethal Weapon 2 Donner, Richard 1989 USA 114
5707 5570 Unconcealed Poetry Nugroho, Garin 2000 Indonesia 90
5708 5957 Nights and Weekends Gerwig, Greta & Joe Swanberg 2008 USA 80
5709 6292 Friday the 13th Cunningham, Sean S. 1980 USA 95
5710 5575 Nikt nie wola Kutz, Kazimierz 1960 Poland 86
5711 7001 Transit Petzold, Christian 2018 Germany 101
5712 5576 Spy Who Loved Me, The Gilbert, Lewis 1977 UK 125
5713 5577 Dogs in Space Lowenstein, Richard 1986 Australia 105
5714 6124 Camouflage Zanussi, Krzysztof 1977 Poland 106
5715 6033 Revanche Spielmann, Götz 2008 Austria 121
5716 5579 Stranger on Horseback Tourneur, Jacques 1955 USA 66
5717 5580 Bad Girls Go to Hell Wishman, Doris 1965 USA 71
5718 6097 Pleasure Party Chabrol, Claude 1975 France 96
5719 9208 Cage aux Folles, La Molinaro, Édouard 1978 France 91
5720 5976 Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The Miller, Robert Ellis 1968 USA 125
5721 5581 Bartered Bride, The Ophüls, Max 1932 Germany 77
5722 10103 Deseret Benning, James 1995 USA 82
5723 5982 Megacities Glawogger, Michael 1998 Austria 90
5724 5584 Jazz Singer, The Crosland, Alan 1927 USA 89
5725 6149 Madame Bovary Renoir, Jean 1934 France 102
5726 5586 Vinyl Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 67
5727 7087 Suspicion Hitchcock, Alfred 1941 USA 99
5728 5587 Leningrad Cowboys Go America Kaurismäki, Aki 1989 Finland 80
5729 5588 On Belfast Beach Imbert, Henri-François 2000 France 39
5730 6175 Fanny Allégret, Marc 1932 France 120
5731 5590 She Returned at Dawn Decoin, Henri 1938 France 94
5732 5591 Tower of Nesle Gance, Abel 1955 France 120
5733 5593 Quo Vadis? Guazzoni, Enrico 1913 Italy 120
5734 5594 Nyamanton Sissoko, Cheick Oumar 1986 Mali 90
5735 5991 Birds, Orphans and Fools Jakubisko, Juraj 1969 Czechoslovakia 78
5736 5595 Love is a Many-Splendored Thing King, Henry 1955 USA 102
5737 8033 Man I Love, The Walsh, Raoul 1946 USA 96
5738 6037 Golden Era, The Hui, Ann 2014 China 177
5739 5599 Forgotten Silver [TV] Jackson, Peter & Costa Botes 1995 New Zealand 53
5740 5600 For Luck Bauer, Yevgeni 1917 Russia 40
5741 6178 Spring Night, Summer Night Anderson, Joseph L. 1967 USA 82
5742 5601 New York Portrait: Chapter I Hutton, Peter B. 1979 USA 16
5743 5602 Painted Lady, The Griffith, D.W. 1912 USA 12
5744 5890 Mid-August Lunch Di Gregorio, Gianni 2008 Italy 75
5745 6048 Animal Crackers Heerman, Victor 1930 USA 98
5746 5855 Basket Case Henenlotter, Frank 1982 USA 91
5747 7114 Piccadilly Dupont, E.A. 1929 UK 110
5748 5605 Chapman Report, The Cukor, George 1962 USA 125
5749 5606 First Man Chazelle, Damien 2018 USA 141
5750 5608 Aniara Kagerman, Pella & Hugo Lilja 2018 Sweden 106
5751 5607 Cordillera of Dreams, The Guzmán, Patricio 2019 France 84
5752 5609 Face of Fu Manchu, The Sharp, Don 1965 UK 96
5753 5610 Juexiang Zhang Zeming 1986 China 103
5754 5897 Unconquered DeMille, Cecil B. 1947 USA 146
5755 6995 Open Range Costner, Kevin 2003 USA 138
5756 5880 Chambermaid, The Avilés, Lila 2018 Mexico 102
5757 6286 Pootie Tang C.K., Louis 2001 USA 70
5758 5616 Balikbayan #1 Memories of Overdevelopment Redux III Tahimik, Kidlat 2015 Philippines 140
5759 5615 In the Last Days of the City El Said, Tamer 2016 Egypt 118
5760 5617 Swimming to Cambodia Demme, Jonathan 1987 USA 85
5761 5619 Hound of the Baskervilles, The Lanfield, Sidney 1939 USA 80
5762 5620 Life for a Life , A Bauer, Yevgeni 1916 Russia 66
5763 7000 Story of the Fox, The Starewicz, Ladislaw & Irene Starewicz 1937 France 63
5764 5623 Mother of George Dosunmu, Andrew 2013 USA 107
5765 5621 Mercuriales Vernier, Virgil 2014 France 108
5766 5622 Aaaaaaaah! Oram, Steve 2015 UK 79
5767 10742 From What is Before Diaz, Lav 2014 Philippines 338
5768 5624 Lage Raho Munna Bhai Hirani, Rajkumar 2006 India 144
5769 6070 Separation Bond, Jack 1968 UK 93
5770 6227 Wake of the Red Witch Ludwig, Edward 1948 USA 106
5771 5625 Pension Mimosas Feyder, Jacques 1935 France 109
5772 5626 Black Coal, Thin Ice Diao Yi'nan 2014 China 110
5773 5627 Tempestad Huezo, Tatiana 2016 Mexico 105
5774 5907 Desperate Remedies Main, Stewart & Peter Wells 1993 New Zealand 93
5775 5629 Whales of August, The Anderson, Lindsay 1987 USA 90
5776 5630 Jackass 3D Tremaine, Jeff 2010 USA 94
5777 6075 Live Flesh Almodóvar, Pedro 1997 Spain 100
5778 5632 Marge, La Borowczyk, Walerian 1976 France 88
5779 5633 Hungerjahre - in einem reichen Land Brückner, Jutta 1980 West Germany 113
5780 6335 Yentl Streisand, Barbra 1983 USA 134
5781 5634 Acidente Guimarães, Cao & Pablo Lobato 2007 Brazil 72
5782 5635 Blind Fly, The Scavolini, Romano 1966 Italy 66
5783 5636 One False Move Franklin, Carl 1992 USA 105
5784 5637 Blackout, The Ferrara, Abel 1997 USA 98
5785 7333 Beau mariage, Le Rohmer, Eric 1982 France 97
5786 5639 She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum Kinoshita, Keisuke 1955 Japan 100
5787 5640 Kenny Jacobson, Clayton 2006 Australia 104
5788 5642 Lorna's Silence Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2008 Belgium 105
5789 5645 I Married a Witch Clair, René 1942 USA 76
5790 5646 Bride of Chucky Yu, Ronny 1998 USA 88
5791 5898 Breakin' Silberg, Joel 1984 USA 90
5792 6333 Another Earth Cahill, Mike 2011 USA 92
5793 5647 State of Siege Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1972 France 120
5794 5649 She Had Her Gun All Ready Dick, Vivienne 1978 USA 27
5795 5650 Fascination Rollin, Jean 1979 France 80
5796 5910 Dark Knight Rises, The Nolan, Christopher 2012 USA 165
5797 7140 Emperor's New Groove, The Dindal, Mark 2000 USA 78
5798 5652 Great Citizen Ermler, Fridrikh 1938 USSR 252
5799 5653 Darkness/Light/Darkness Švankmajer, Jan 1989 Czechoslovakia 8
5800 5664 Rango Verbinski, Gore 2011 USA 107
5801 5665 I Shot Jesse James Fuller, Samuel 1949 USA 81
5802 6104 Three, Two, One Brocka, Lino 1974 Philippines
5803 5666 Ties That Bind, The Friedrich, Su 1985 USA 55
5804 5668 Pink Panther Strikes Again, The Edwards, Blake 1976 UK 103
5805 5669 Karakter van Diem, Mike 1997 Netherlands 120
5806 5671 Out of Phoenix Bridge Li Hong 1997 China 110
5807 5672 Beg Alov, Aleksandr & Vladimir Naumov 1971 USSR 196
5808 5673 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [VIDEO GAME] Kojima, Hideo 2001 Japan
5809 5674 Cisco Pike Norton, Bill L. 1972 USA 94
5810 5675 Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann Koepp, Volker 1999 Germany 126
5811 5677 Train, Le Granier-Deferre, Pierre 1973 France 95
5812 5676 Unfinished Diary Mallet, Marilu 1983 Canada 55
5813 5678 Virgin of Pessac, The [TV] Eustache, Jean 1968 France 55
5814 5684 Pocketful of Miracles Capra, Frank 1961 USA 136
5815 5688 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment Drew, Robert 1963 USA 52
5816 5689 Doors, The Stone, Oliver 1991 USA 135
5817 5690 Arme Leute Kristi, Vlado 1963 West Germany 12
5818 6115 Frantic Polanski, Roman 1988 USA 120
5819 5692 Wife, Be Like a Rose Naruse, Mikio 1935 Japan 74
5820 5693 Smallest Show on Earth, The Dearden, Basil 1957 UK 80
5821 6119 Death of Stalin, The Iannucci, Armando 2017 UK 107
5822 7283 Help! Lester, Richard 1965 UK 92
5823 5695 Melody Hussein, Waris 1971 UK 103
5824 7802 Central Park Wiseman, Frederick 1990 USA 176
5825 6278 Gatica, el mono Favio, Leonardo 1993 Argentina 136
5826 6125 Fine Day, A Arslan, Thomas 2001 Germany 74
5827 5697 Confessions of a Police Captain Damiani, Damiano 1971 Italy 102
5828 5699 Far Shore, The Wieland, Joyce 1976 Canada 105
5829 5700 Last Days of Chez Nous, The Armstrong, Gillian 1990 Australia 96
5830 8205 Mafioso Lattuada, Alberto 1962 Italy 105
5831 5701 Trees Lounge Buscemi, Steve 1996 USA 96
5832 5702 Room Film 1973 Gidal, Peter 1973 UK 55
5833 5703 Girl in Every Port, A Hawks, Howard 1928 USA 62
5834 6135 Marriage Story Baumbach, Noah 2019 USA 136
5835 5705 Belly Up Brant, Beto 1997 Brazil 90
5836 6137 Diary of a Shinjuku Thief Oshima, Nagisa 1969 Japan 96
5837 5708 Fortune Cookie, The Wilder, Billy 1966 USA 125
5838 5710 Confidential: Secret Market Tanaka, Noboru 1974 Japan 83
5839 5711 Woman of Mystery, The Guy-Blaché, Alice 1914 USA
5840 5713 I Are You, You Am Me Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1982 Japan 113
5841 5714 Parasakthi Panju, S. & R. Krishnan 1952 India 188
5842 6267 Cube Natali, Vincenzo 1997 Canada 90
5843 7092 Oh... Rosalinda!! Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1955 UK 101
5844 5716 Vie en rose, La Dahan, Olivier 2007 France 140
5845 5972 Meu Nome é Tonho Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1969 95
5846 5717 Shree 420 Kapoor, Raj 1955 India 168
5847 6294 Men in Black Sonnenfeld, Barry 1997 USA 98
5848 6310 Archangel Maddin, Guy 1990 Canada 90
5849 5762 Spider Forest Song Il-gon 2004 South Korea 112
5850 6177 Prison Bergman, Ingmar 1949 Sweden 79
5851 5763 Sir Henry at Rawlinson End Roberts, Steve 1980 UK 72
5852 5764 Stravinsky Portrait, A Leacock, Richard & Rolf Liebermann 1966 USA 55
5853 5765 Clay Bird, The Masud, Tareque 2002 France 98
5854 6035 Custody Legrand, Xavier 2017 France 93
5855 5766 2 Days in Paris Delpy, Julie 2007 France 96
5856 5767 S.V.D. - Soyuz velikogo dela Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg 1927 USSR
5857 5975 Entity, The Furie, Sidney J. 1982 USA 125
5858 5768 Earthlings Monson, Shaun 2005 USA 95
5859 5769 Two Cents Worth of Hope Castellani, Renato 1952 Italy 98
5860 5771 Carriage Trade Sonbert, Warren 1971 USA 61
5861 6121 Manos: The Hands of Fate Warren, Harold P. 1966 USA 74
5862 5931 Bourne Identity, The Liman, Doug 2002 USA 118
5863 6201 Chess Player, The Bernard, Raymond 1927 France 135
5864 6203 First Teacher, The Konchalovsky, Andrei 1965 USSR 102
5865 5994 24 Hour Psycho Gordon, Douglas 1993 UK 1440
5866 5773 Our Time Reygadas, Carlos 2018 Mexico 177
5867 5776 Happy End Haneke, Michael 2017 France 107
5868 5780 Lac, Un Grandrieux, Philippe 2008 France 90
5869 5777 Love is a Dog from Hell/Crazy Love Deruddere, Dominique 1987 Belgium 90
5870 5781 Man with Two Brains, The Reiner, Carl 1983 USA 93
5871 8409 Lovers of the Arctic Circle, The Medem, Julio 1998 Spain 108
5872 6213 Hana and Alice Iwai, Shunji 2004 Japan 135
5873 5786 Langsamer Sommer Pilz, Michael 1976 Austria 84
5874 5784 Fengming: A Chinese Memoir Wang Bing 2007 Hong Kong 186
5875 5788 Esthappan Aravindan, Govindan 1980 India 94
5876 6228 Cape Fear Thompson, J. Lee 1962 USA 105
5877 6076 Read My Lips Audiard, Jacques 2001 France 118
5878 5790 Psycho Van Sant, Gus 1998 USA 103
5879 6063 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Okiura, Hiroyuki 1999 Japan 102
5880 5796 Rich and Strange Hitchcock, Alfred 1931 UK 92
5881 5797 Be with Me Khoo, Eric 2005 Singapore 93
5882 5798 Criminal, The Losey, Joseph 1960 UK 86
5883 7666 Opening of Misty Beethoven, The Metzger, Radley 1976 USA 86
5884 5800 Princess Raccoon Suzuki, Seijun 2005 Japan 111
5885 5802 Detention Kahn, Joseph 2011 USA 93
5886 6356 Guns of Navarone, The Thompson, J. Lee 1961 UK 158
5887 6099 Captain Blood Curtiz, Michael 1935 USA 119
5888 5807 Sentimental Bloke, The Longford, Raymond 1919 Australia
5889 5808 Beekeeper, The Angelopoulos, Theo 1986 France 122
5890 6362 David Copperfield Cukor, George 1935 USA 130
5891 5817 Privarzaniyat balon Zhelyazkova, Binka 1967 Bulgaria 98
5892 7141 Lourdes Hausner, Jessica 2009 Austria 99
5893 6176 Liverpool Alonso, Lisandro 2008 Argentina 84
5894 5823 Soñar, soñar Favio, Leonardo 1976 Argentina 85
5895 5824 Merci pour le chocolat Chabrol, Claude 2000 France 100
5896 6366 Birdcage, The Nichols, Mike 1996 USA 119
5897 5826 Away from Her Polley, Sarah 2006 Canada 109
5898 5827 All Over Me Sichel, Alex 1997 USA 86
5899 6374 Boomerang! Kazan, Elia 1947 USA 88
5900 8071 Event Horizon Anderson, Paul W.S. 1997 USA 95
5901 5831 Bang! Breer, Robert 1986 USA 8
5902 5832 Frank Film Mouris, Frank & Caroline Mouris 1973 USA 9
5903 5830 Diabel Żuławski, Andrzej 1972 Poland 125
5904 6268 What Happened Was... Noonan, Tom 1994 USA 91
5905 6269 Fall, The Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo 1959 Argentina 84
5906 5835 Safe in Hell Wellman, William A. 1931 USA 73
5907 5836 Bachelor Mother Kanin, Garson 1939 USA 81
5908 5837 Three Musketeers, The Lester, Richard 1973 USA 106
5909 5838 T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G Sharits, Paul 1969 USA 12
5910 6116 Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping Schaffer, Akiva & Jorma Taccone 2016 USA 87
5911 5839 Turning Point, The Ross, Herbert 1977 USA 119
5912 5840 Six Degrees of Separation Schepisi, Fred 1994 USA 111
5913 5841 Pretty Village, Pretty Flame Dragojevic, Srdjan 1996 Serbia 128
5914 5842 Cofralandes, Chilean Rhapsody Ruiz, Raúl 2002 Chile 311
5915 5843 Mosquito Coast, The Weir, Peter 1986 USA 117
5916 5844 Prison sans barreaux Moguy, Léonide 1938 France 98
5917 6279 Toto a colori Steno 1952 Italy 104
5918 5846 Zanjeer Mehra, Prakash 1973 India 145
5919 5847 Larks on a String Menzel, Jirí 1969 Czechoslovakia 90
5920 5848 Inside Job Ferguson, Charles 2010 USA 109
5921 6394 Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, A Brakhage, Stan 1991 USA 80
5922 5850 Kabhi Kabhie Chopra, Yash 1976 India 177
5923 5851 Green Mile, The Darabont, Frank 1999 USA 188
5924 6288 Big Boss, The Lo Wei 1971 Hong Kong 99
5925 6246 American History X Kaye, Tony 1998 USA 117
5926 5852 Labyrint Lenica, Jan 1963 Poland 15
5927 7254 Creepshow Romero, George A. 1982 USA 120
5928 5853 Adventures of Mark Twain, The Vinton, Will 1985 USA 90
5929 6420 Triangle of Sadness Östlund, Ruben 2022 UK 147
5930 6418 Vortex Noé, Gaspar 2021 France 142
5931 5856 Racetrack Wiseman, Frederick 1985 USA 114
5932 6960 Hard, Fast and Beautiful Lupino, Ida 1951 USA 78
5933 6140 After Yang Kogonada 2021 USA 96
5934 5857 Summer of 85 Ozon, François 2020 France 101
5935 5858 Like You Know it All Hong Sang-soo 2009 South Korea 126
5936 6814 About Some Meaningless Events Derkaoui, Mostafa 1974 Morocco 76
5937 5859 Talking About Trees Gasmelbari, Suhaib 2019 France 93
5938 6565 Blind Spot von Alemann, Claudia 1981 West Germany 112
5939 8252 Tree of Knowledge Malmros, Nils 1981 Denmark 110
5940 6126 Batman Begins Nolan, Christopher 2005 UK 141
5941 9327 Nun, The Rivette, Jacques 1966 France 140
5942 6157 Fright Night Holland, Tom 1985 USA 105
5943 5861 Minari Chung, Lee Isaac 2020 USA 115
5944 7319 Songs for After a War Martín Patino, Basilio 1976 Spain 115
5945 6386 Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A Russell, Chuck 1987 USA 96
5946 5865 Some Kind of Wonderful Deutch, Howard 1987 USA 93
5947 5866 Golden Voyage of Sinbad, The Hessler, Gordon 1974 UK 104
5948 5872 When Tomorrow Comes Stahl, John M. 1939 USA 92
5949 5873 Soldier's Story, A Jewison, Norman 1984 USA 101
5950 5875 Anne Devlin Murphy, Pat 1984 Ireland 121
5951 7563 In Which Annie Gives it Those Ones [TV] Krishen, Pradip 1989 India 112
5952 5877 Woman Who Ran, The Hong Sang-soo 2020 South Korea 76
5953 6315 Tri Petrović, Aleksandar 1965 Yugoslavia 80
5954 6184 Most Dangerous Game, The Schoedsack, Ernest B. & Irving Pichel 1932 USA 63
5955 5878 Frozen II Buck, Chris & Jennifer Lee 2019 USA 103
5956 5879 Impressions Perconte, Jacques 2012 France 48
5957 5881 Merry-Go-Round Fábri, Zoltán 1956 Hungary 90
5958 5884 Hound of the Baskervilles, The Fisher, Terence 1959 UK 84
5959 5885 People Will Talk Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1951 USA 110
5960 7112 Dawn Patrol, The Hawks, Howard 1930 USA 82
5961 5886 Malombra Soldati, Mario 1942 Italy 135
5962 6197 Patu! Mita, Merata 1983 New Zealand 112
5963 5888 Prison in Twelve Landscapes, The Story, Brett 2016 Canada 90
5964 5887 Shoah: Four Sisters [TV] Lanzmann, Claude 2018 France 273
5965 5889 Tiovivo c. 1950 Garci, José Luis 2004 Spain 150
5966 5891 Kiru Misumi, Kenji 1962 Japan 71
5967 6986 Kingdom of Heaven Scott, Ridley 2005 USA 144
5968 5893 17th Parallel: Vietnam in War Ivens, Joris 1968 France 113
5969 5894 Good News: Newspaper Salesmen, Dead Dogs and Other People from Vienna Seidl, Ulrich 1990 Austria 130
5970 5895 Year of the Horse Jarmusch, Jim 1997 USA 106
5971 5896 Marley Macdonald, Kevin 2012 USA 145
5972 5903 Sherpa Peedom, Jennifer 2015 Australia 96
5973 5902 Rambo Stallone, Sylvester 2008 USA 92
5974 5901 Original Kings of Comedy, The Lee, Spike 2000 USA 115
5975 5904 Knight of Cups Malick, Terrence 2015 USA 118
5976 7178 Vampire's Kiss Bierman, Robert 1988 USA 96
5977 6223 Serbian Film, A Spasojevic, Srdan 2010 Serbia 99
5978 5905 Totally F***ed Up Araki, Gregg 1993 USA 85
5979 5906 Silence Has No Wings Kuroki, Kazuo 1966 Japan 100
5980 7010 Level Five Marker, Chris 1997 France 106
5981 7013 Secret Ceremony Losey, Joseph 1968 UK 109
5982 6334 My Love Matarazzo, Raffaello 1964 Italy
5983 6211 Midnight in Paris Allen, Woody 2011 Spain 94
5984 7328 Invention for Destruction Zeman, Karel 1958 Czechoslovakia 83
5985 7016 Porto of My Childhood Oliveira, Manoel de 2001 Portugal 61
5986 5909 Coach Carter Carter, Thomas 2004 Germany 136
5987 6336 Redacted De Palma, Brian 2007 USA 91
5988 5912 Grosse Pointe Blank Armitage, George 1997 USA 107
5989 6188 Experiment, Das Hirschbiegel, Oliver 2000 Germany 118
5990 5913 Porky in Wackyland Clampett, Robert 1938 USA 7
5991 5915 Father and Son Sokurov, Aleksandr 2003 Russia 97
5992 6340 Fate Kelemen, Fred 1994 Germany 79
5993 5916 Fake Fruit Factory Strand, Chick 1986 USA 22
5994 5919 Water, Wind, Dust Naderi, Amir 1989 Iran 75
5995 5918 For Memory Karlin, Marc 1986 UK
5996 5917 Sanctus Hammer, Barbara 1990 USA 20
5997 5920 Magic Myxies Smith, F. Percy & Mary Field 1931 UK
5998 5921 Viva Zapata! Kazan, Elia 1952 USA 113
5999 5923 Wechma Benani, Hamid 1971 Morocco 87
6000 6238 Nightcrawler Gilroy, Dan 2014 USA 117
6001 3906 Cry When it Happens Lertxundi, Laida 2010 USA 14
6002 6001 Flying Ghost Ship, The Ikeda, Hiroshi 1969 Japan 60
6003 6002 Land of the Fathers Ajmanov, Shaken 1966 USSR 91
6004 6003 Little Richard Story, The Klein, William 1980 West Germany 90
6005 6004 Ask a Policeman Varnel, Marcel 1938 UK 83
6006 6005 Death in the Land of Encantos Diaz, Lav 2007 Philippines 540
6007 6016 Violanta Schmid, Daniel 1978 Switzerland 95
6008 6006 Shine, Shine, My Star Mitta, Aleksandr 1970 USSR 94
6009 6007 Anthem, The Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2006 Thailand 5
6010 6010 Shetland Experience, The Williams, Derek 1977 UK
6011 6015 Bintang Kejora Umam, Chaerul 1986 Indonesia 88
6012 6009 Faszinierendes Puppenhaus Versum, Uli 1987 West Germany 9
6013 6012 Mapantsula Schmitz, Oliver 1988 South Africa 104
6014 6014 Great Day Comfort, Lance 1945 UK 94
6015 6008 Mademoiselle Chambon Brizé, Stéphane 2009 France 101
6016 6011 Golfball - Ode to IBM Mattuschka, Mara 1985 Austria 6
6017 6013 Mining Review 36th Year No. 5 Uncredited Director 1983
6018 6017 Bitter Coffee Karya, Teguh 1985 Indonesia 100
6019 6018 Camelot Logan, Joshua 1967 USA 178
6020 6019 Matter of Time, A Minnelli, Vincente 1976 Italy 97
6021 8001 Godzilla vs. Hedorah Banno, Yoshimitsu 1971 Japan 85
6022 6020 In the Stone House Hiler, Jerome 2012 USA 35
6023 6021 Killing of America, The Renan, Sheldon 1982 USA 90
6024 6022 Riese, Der Klier, Michael 1983 West Germany 82
6025 8002 Be Kind Rewind Gondry, Michel 2008 UK 102
6026 6023 Passacaglia y Fuga Honik, Jorge 1975 Argentina 18
6027 8004 Gods of the Plague Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1969 West Germany 91
6028 8003 Family Relations Mikhalkov, Nikita 1982 USSR 98
6029 6024 Prince and the Showgirl, The Olivier, Laurence 1957 UK 115
6030 6025 Eau de la Seine, L' Hernandez, Téo 1983 France 11
6031 9714 Karkalou Tornes, Stavros 1984 Greece 85
6032 6026 Centuries of June Brakhage, Stan & Joseph Cornell 1955 USA 11
6033 6027 Wait Gehr, Ernie 1968 USA 7
6034 8010 Takaya pozdnyaya, takaya tyoplaya osen Mikolaychuk, Ivan 1981 USSR 88
6035 8005 Insignificant Details of a Random Episode Mestetskiy, Mikhail 2011 Russia 29
6036 8006 Torero Velo, Carlos 1956 Mexico 75
6037 8007 Stolen Death Tapiovaara, Nyrki 1938 Finland 101
6038 6028 Visions in Meditation #1 Brakhage, Stan 1989 USA 20
6039 8008 Heat and Sunlight Nilsson, Rob 1988 USA 98
6040 8009 Cat That Hated People, The Avery, Tex 1948 USA 7
6041 8013 Anjos do Arrabalde Reichenbach, Carlos 1987 Brazil 90
6042 8011 Lilies Greyson, John 1996 Canada 92
6043 6030 Veuves de 15 ans, Les Rouch, Jean 1965 France 25
6044 9003 Little Women Gerwig, Greta 2019 USA 135
6045 8012 Africa's Light Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1975 Japan 95
6046 8025 City on Fire Lam, Ringo 1987 Hong Kong 101
6047 6031 History of the Seattle Mariners, The [TV] Bois, Jon 2020 USA 220
6048 6032 Pray the Devil Back to Hell Reticker, Gini 2008 USA 72
6049 8026 Melvin and Howard Demme, Jonathan 1980 USA 95
6050 8034 Too Many Ways to Be No. 1 Wai Ka-Fai 1997 Hong Kong 90
6051 5924 Garage Abrahamson, Lenny 2007 Ireland 85
6052 5925 Love Movie, A Bressane, Júlio 2003 Brazil 116
6053 5926 Tales of Ordinary Madness Ferreri, Marco 1981 Italy 101
6054 5927 Cruel Romance, A Ryazanov, Eldar 1984 USSR 142
6055 5928 Shower Zhang Yang 1999 China 94
6056 5929 Too Beautiful for You/Trop belle pour toi! Blier, Bertrand 1989 France 91
6057 6236 Bait Jenkin, Mark 2019 UK 89
6058 7246 Blind Husbands von Stroheim, Erich 1919 USA 98
6059 6360 Blue Light, The Riefenstahl, Leni 1932 Germany 77
6060 7678 Wheels on Meals Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1984 Hong Kong 108
6061 5932 I for India Suri, Sandhya 2005 Italy
6062 5933 Prends la route Boyer, Jean 1936 France 87
6063 5934 For My Crushed Right Eye Matsumoto, Toshio 1968 Japan 13
6064 5935 Ecstasy of the Angels Wakamatsu, Koji 1972 Japan 89
6065 5936 Goddess, The Cromwell, John 1958 USA 104
6066 9709 Sneakers Robinson, Phil Alden 1992 USA 126
6067 5941 Fandango Reynolds, Kevin 1985 USA 91
6068 5944 Germinal Capellani, Albert 1913 France 150
6069 5946 Aaltra Delépine, Benoît & Gustave Kervern 2004 Belgium 92
6070 7032 Muppet Christmas Carol, The Henson, Brian 1992 USA 85
6071 5948 Unknown Soldier's Patent Leather Shoes, The Vulchanov, Rangel 1979 Bulgaria 85
6072 5949 American Me Olmos, Edward James 1992 USA 126
6073 5950 Libera me Cavalier, Alain 1993 France 75
6074 7775 Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan/Ai nu Chor Yuen 1972 Hong Kong 90
6075 8014 Gymkata Clouse, Robert 1985 USA 90
6076 6231 Grudge, The Shimizu, Takashi 2002 Japan 91
6077 5953 Mala Noche Van Sant, Gus 1986 USA 78
6078 5956 Thampu Aravindan, Govindan 1978 India 129
6079 5954 Liberté, la nuit Garrel, Philippe 1984 France 82
6080 5955 Wind is Driving Him Toward the Open Sea, The Brooks, David 1968 USA 52
6081 5959 Romancing the Stone Zemeckis, Robert 1984 USA 105
6082 5960 Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural/Lady Dracula Blackburn, Richard 1973 USA 80
6083 6378 Little Toys Sun Yu 1933 China 114
6084 5961 Claudine Berry, John 1974 USA 92
6085 5963 In the Soup Rockwell, Alexandre 1992 USA 90
6086 7499 None Shall Escape de Toth, André 1944 USA 85
6087 8015 Yes Man Reed, Peyton 2008 USA 104
6088 6382 Benilde or the Virgin Mother Oliveira, Manoel de 1975 Portugal 112
6089 6965 Reflecting Skin, The Ridley, Philip 1990 UK 106
6090 5964 Mississippi Masala Nair, Mira 1991 USA 118
6091 6385 Rock 'n' Roll High School Arkush, Allan 1979 USA 93
6092 5965 Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart at the River Styx Misumi, Kenji 1972 Japan 95
6093 5966 Pride and Prejudice Leonard, Robert Z. 1940 USA 118
6094 5967 Property is No Longer a Theft Petri, Elio 1973 Italy 125
6095 5968 Capitalism: Slavery Jacobs, Ken 2007 USA 3
6096 5969 Eye Above the Well, The van der Keuken, Johan 1988 Netherlands 94
6097 7293 Kairat Omirbayev, Darezhan 1992 Kazakhstan 72
6098 5970 March of the Penguins Jacquet, Luc 2005 France 80
6099 7131 Ballast Hammer, Lance 2008 USA 96
6100 5971 East of Paradise Kowalski, Lech 2005 USA
6101 6281 Mission: Impossible - Fallout McQuarrie, Christopher 2018 USA 147
6102 7297 Year of the Dragon Cimino, Michael 1985 USA 136
6103 5973 Disorderly Orderly, The Tashlin, Frank 1964 USA 90
6104 7156 Last Circus, The de la Iglesia, Álex 2010 Spain 107
6105 5974 Critique of Separation Debord, Guy 1961 France 20
6106 5977 Street, The Leaf, Caroline 1976 Canada 10
6107 6265 Killed the Family and Went to the Movies Bressane, Júlio 1969 Brazil 78
6108 5978 Latino Bar Leduc, Paul 1991 Spain 84
6109 5979 Vie commence demain, La Védrès, Nicole 1949 France 86
6110 6521 Trial of the Chicago 7, The Sorkin, Aaron 2020 USA 129
6111 6882 Final Flesh Sanders, Ike 2009 USA 71
6112 6959 Hunters, The Angelopoulos, Theo 1977 Greece 168
6113 5981 Pochta Tsekhanovskiy, Mikhail 1929 USSR
6114 8031 Bully Clark, Larry 2001 France 112
6115 7086 Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc Dumont, Bruno 2017 France 105
6116 6795 Mumblecore Boyle, Megan & Tao Lin 2011 USA 85
6117 6296 Long Kiss Goodnight, The Harlin, Renny 1996 USA 120
6118 7317 Bad Guy Kim Ki-duk 2001 South Korea 100
6119 5983 Sparrow, The Chahine, Youssef 1972 Egypt 105
6120 5987 Utu Murphy, Geoff 1983 New Zealand 104
6121 6034 Bo Burnham: Inside [TV] Burnham, Bo 2021 USA 87
6122 6971 Struggle, The Griffith, D.W. 1931 USA 87
6123 5988 Testament Akomfrah, John 1988 Ghana 88
6124 6308 Into Great Silence Gröning, Philip 2005 Germany 164
6125 5989 Last of the Unjust, The Lanzmann, Claude 2013 France 220
6126 5990 K. Parker, Jayne 1989 UK 13
6127 7327 Birdsong Serra, Albert 2008 Spain 98
6128 7199 Walking the Streets of Moscow Daneliya, Georgi 1964 USSR 78
6129 7162 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The Hooper, Tobe 1986 USA 101
6130 8216 Hunt for Red October, The McTiernan, John 1990 USA 135
6131 6275 Star Trek Abrams, J.J. 2009 USA 127
6132 5992 When I Am Dead and Gone Pavlovic, Zivojin 1967 Yugoslavia 79
6133 6036 Woman with Flowers Strand, Chick 1995/2011 16
6134 5993 Darkness in Tallinn Jarvi-Laturi, Ilkka 1993 Finland 99
6135 6038 Rosa Luxemburg von Trotta, Margarethe 1986 Germany 122
6136 6039 Portuguese Woman, The Azevedo Gomes, Rita 2018 Portugal 136
6137 6041 Watching the Detectives Kennedy, Chris 2017 Canada 36
6138 6044 Socialism von Bagh, Peter 2014 Finland 86
6139 6045 Letter from Beirut, A Saab, Jocelyne 1978 France 50
6140 6042 Vida perra de Juanita Narboni, La Benlyazid, Farida 2005 Morocco 10
6141 6040 Dreams of the Centenarians, The Verba, Robertas 1969 Lithuania 17
6142 6043 Dreamed Ones, The Beckermann, Ruth 2016 Austria
6143 6982 Grand Maneuver, The Clair, René 1955 France 104
6144 5995 Adjuster, The Egoyan, Atom 1991 Canada 102
6145 5996 New York Ripper, The Fulci, Lucio 1982 Italy 91
6146 7210 Song of Bernadette, The King, Henry 1943 USA 156
6147 5998 Double Suicide of Sonezaki Masumura, Yasuzo 1978 Japan 112
6148 6047 Jovana Lukina Nikolic, Zivko 1979 Yugoslavia 99
6149 8310 Who'll Stop the Rain? Reisz, Karel 1978 USA 126
6150 5999 Nadja Almereyda, Michael 1995 USA 92
6151 6309 Grand Bizarre, The Mack, Jodie 2018 USA 60
6152 6321 Eternal Love, The Zhu Shilin 1960
6153 6049 Brother 2 Balabanov, Aleksei 2000 Russia 122
6154 6050 Va savoir Rivette, Jacques 2001 France 154
6155 6051 Red Persimmon Wang Tung 1996 Taiwan 168
6156 Earth Mama Leaf, Savanah 2023 UK 101
6157 6053 Cardinal, The Preminger, Otto 1963 USA 175
6158 7343 Carmen Comes Home Kinoshita, Keisuke 1951 Japan 86
6159 6056 Place in the World, A Aristakisian, Artour 2001 Russia 126
6160 6057 Bent Time Hammer, Barbara 1983 USA 22
6161 6054 Miss Muerte Franco, Jesús 1966 France 86
6162 6055 Tey Gomis, Alain 2012 France 86
6163 6058 Battement de coeur Decoin, Henri 1940 France 97
6164 7118 He Ran All the Way Berry, John 1951 USA 77
6165 6060 She, a Chinese Guo Xiaolu 2009 UK
6166 6061 Solidarity Wieland, Joyce 1973 Canada 11
6167 6059 Skies of Our Childhood, The Okeev, Tolomush 1966 USSR 78
6168 6062 Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The Ritt, Martin 1965 UK 112
6169 6329 Prisoners Villeneuve, Denis 2013 USA 153
6170 6064 Lapis Whitney, James 1966 USA 10
6171 7122 Marat/Sade Brook, Peter 1966 UK 115
6172 6067 Lost Book Found Cohen, Jem 1996 USA 35
6173 6065 World Not Ours, A Fleifel, Mahdi 2012 UK 93
6174 6066 Hurt [MUSIC VIDEO] Romanek, Mark 2003 USA 4
6175 6069 Africa Addio Jacopetti, Gualtiero 1966 Italy 122
6176 6068 Harmony Lessons Baigazin, Eric 2013 Kazakhstan 120
6177 7108 Escape from L.A. Carpenter, John 1996 USA 101
6178 6071 People of No Importance Verneuil, Henri 1956 France 101
6179 7014 Khang lang phap Songsri, Cherd 2001 Thailand 110
6180 6073 Crossroads Shen Xiling 1937 China 110
6181 6074 One Day a Man Bought a House Sapegin, Pjotr 1998 Norway 7
6182 6077 Daïnah la métisse Grémillon, Jean 1932 France 51
6183 6078 Diary of a Mad Housewife Perry, Frank 1970 USA 103
6184 6080 Night Games Zetterling, Mai 1966 Sweden 90
6185 6079 Alaya Dorsky, Nathaniel 1987 USA 28
6186 6081 Woman of the Year Stevens, George 1942 USA 112
6187 6082 Brothers Karamazov, The Brooks, Richard 1958 USA 145
6188 6083 Bleu Hurtado, Marc & Éric Hurtado 1994 France 34
6189 6084 Swing Shift Demme, Jonathan 1984 USA 100
6190 6087 Trobriand Cricket Kildea, Gary & Jerry Leach 1975 UK 53
6191 6085 Smog Rossi, Franco 1962 Italy 104
6192 6086 Windy Day Hubley, Faith & John Hubley 1968 USA 8
6193 6088 Black Tower, The Smith, John 1987 UK 23
6194 7021 Farewell to Dream Kinoshita, Keisuke 1956 Japan 78
6195 6089 Calamity Jane Butler, David 1953 USA 101
6196 7109 Body Snatcher, The Wise, Robert 1945 USA 77
6197 6092 Downtown 81 Bertoglio, Edo 2000 USA 73
6198 6093 Trouble in Mind Rudolph, Alan 1985 USA 111
6199 6094 Turumba Tahimik, Kidlat 1981 Philippines 95
6200 6096 Magdalene Sisters, The Mullan, Peter 2002 UK 119
6201 6098 Citizen Dog Sasanatieng, Wisit 2004 Thailand 100
6202 6240 Cremaster 1 Barney, Matthew 1995 USA 40
6203 6100 Man of Iron Wajda, Andrzej 1981 Poland 140
6204 6101 Murders in the Zoo Sutherland, A. Edward 1933 USA 62
6205 6102 Teesri Kasam Bhattacharya, Basu 1967 India 159
6206 6105 42 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 1998 UK 139
6207 7776 Sparrow To, Johnnie 2008 Hong Kong 87
6208 6106 Bhavni Bhavai Mehta, Ketan 1980 India 135
6209 7142 Bernie Linklater, Richard 2011 USA 104
6210 7555 Bad Santa Zwigoff, Terry 2003 USA 91
6211 6369 Blood for Dracula Morrissey, Paul 1974 Italy 106
6212 6107 Oculus Flanagan, Mike 2013 USA 104
6213 5648 Until the End of the World Wenders, Wim 1991 Germany 158
6214 6368 Donnie Brasco Newell, Mike 1997 USA 121
6215 6371 Time After Time Meyer, Nicholas 1979 USA 112
6216 6108 Big Snit, The Condie, Richard 1985 Canada 10
6217 6109 Lisa and the Devil Bava, Mario 1972 Italy 92
6218 7038 Nargess Bani-Etemad, Rakhshan 1992 Iran 100
6219 7359 Paranormal Activity Peli, Oren 2007 USA 86
6220 6355 Memories of Prison Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1984 Brazil 185
6221 7149 Pitfall Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1962 Japan 97
6222 6359 Pais de Sao Sarue, O Carvalho, Vladimir 1971 Brazil 80
6223 8331 Asya's Happiness Konchalovsky, Andrei 1966 USSR 99
6224 6113 Tarang Shahani, Kumar 1984 India 171
6225 7045 You Have Been Weighed and Found Wanting Brocka, Lino 1974 Philippines 126
6226 6117 It Muschietti, Andy 2017 USA 135
6227 6118 Lost World, The Hoyt, Harry O. 1925 USA 65
6228 7052 Allonsanfan Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1973 Italy 115
6229 7056 Ombra, L' Bianchi, Giorgio 1954 France 96
6230 10004 Cabina, La [TV] Mercero, Antonio 1972 Spain 35
6231 7060 Big Knife, The Aldrich, Robert 1955 USA 111
6232 7172 Sky Turns, The Álvarez, Mercedes 2004 Spain 115
6233 7255 Bucket of Blood, A Corman, Roger 1959 USA 66
6234 7065 Applause Mamoulian, Rouben 1929 USA 80
6235 6395 48 Hrs. Hill, Walter 1982 USA 97
6236 6129 Cinderella Reiniger, Lotte 1922 Germany 13
6237 6130 Marginal Ones, The Sen, Mrinal 1977 India 116
6238 7716 Correspondencia Jonas Mekas - J.L. Guerin Mekas, Jonas & José Luis Guerín 2011 Spain 90
6239 6131 Money Money Money Lelouch, Claude 1972 France 113
6240 6133 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Barron, Steve 1990 USA 93
6241 6134 Last Dragon, The Schultz, Michael 1985 USA 109
6242 6136 Monkey in Winter, A Verneuil, Henri 1962 France 104
6243 8790 Thirst Park Chan-wook 2009 South Korea 133
6244 6439 Living Daylights, The Glen, John 1987 UK 130
6245 6453 Tempest, The Jarman, Derek 1979 UK 95
6246 6910 Tumbbad Barve, Rahi Anil 2018 India 104
6247 6908 There is No Evil Rasoulof, Mohammad 2020 Germany 151
6248 6749 Open All Night Pearson, George 1934 UK 62
6249 7071 Show Boat Whale, James 1936 USA 113
6250 7707 Journey to the Beginning of the World Oliveira, Manoel de 1997 Portugal 91
6251 6138 In Front of Your Face Hong Sang-soo 2021 South Korea 85
6252 6139 Pig Sarnoski, Michael 2021 USA 92
6253 6631 Beginning Kulumbegashvili, Dea 2020 Georgia 130
6254 6146 Equalizer, The Fuqua, Antoine 2014 USA 132
6255 6144 Girls of the Night Tanaka, Kinuyo 1961 Japan 93
6256 6421 Corsage Kreutzer, Marie 2022 Austria 113
6257 6143 Tlamess Slim, Alaeddine 2019 Tunisia 120
6258 6145 Demons Matsumoto, Toshio 1971 Japan 134
6259 6142 I'm Your Man Schrader, Maria 2021 Germany 108
6260 6147 Asylum [TV] Petit, Christopher & Iain Sinclair 2000 UK 56
6261 6150 Cassandra Crossing, The Cosmatos, George P. 1977 UK 127
6262 6151 Mysterious Mr. Moto Foster, Norman 1938 USA 62
6263 6152 Parallel Street, The Khittl, Ferdinand 1962 West Germany 86
6264 6155 Notes on Blindness Middleton, Peter & James Spinney 2016 UK 90
6265 6154 Crush and Blush Lee Kyoung-mi 2008 South Korea 101
6266 6153 Double Messieurs Stévenin, Jean-François 1986 France 90
6267 6156 Petal, A Jang Sun-Woo 1996 South Korea 89
6268 7536 Involuntary Östlund, Ruben 2008 Sweden 102
6269 6427 Asylum Baker, Roy Ward 1972 UK 92
6270 6159 Passing Hall, Rebecca 2021 USA 99
6271 6163 Dead Pigs Yan, Cathy 2018 China
6272 6162 Utøya: July 22 Poppe, Erik 2018 Norway 93
6273 6161 Hottest August, The Story, Brett 2019 Canada 94
6274 6158 Collective Nanau, Alexander 2019 Romania 109
6275 6160 Walking from Munich to Berlin Fischinger, Oskar 1927 Germany 3
6276 7539 Komal Gandhar Ghatak, Ritwik 1961 India 134
6277 8032 Maidan Loznitsa, Sergei 2014 Ukraine 130
6278 6166 Bangkok Nites Tomita, Katsuya 2016 Thailand 183
6279 6164 Wallay Goldblat, Berni 2017 France 84
6280 6167 Beast, The/The Beast of War Reynolds, Kevin 1988 USA 109
6281 7102 Presents Snow, Michael 1981 Canada 99
6282 6974 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Jennings, Garth 2005 USA 110
6283 6168 Afterimage Wajda, Andrzej 2016 Poland 98
6284 6169 Place Beyond the Pines, The Cianfrance, Derek 2012 USA 140
6285 6170 24 Frames Kiarostami, Abbas 2017 Iran 114
6286 6173 Ixcanul Bustamante, Jayro 2015 Guatemala 93
6287 6174 Angels Wear White Qu, Vivian 2017 China 107
6288 6171 Private Life of a Cat, The Hammid, Alexander 1944 USA 22
6289 6172 Gonin Ishii, Takashi 1995 Japan 109
6290 7204 Injury to One, An Wilkerson, Travis 2002 USA 53
6291 6179 Stud Life Campbell X 2012 UK 91
6292 6183 Launch Martin, Murray & Peter Roberts 1974 UK
6293 6181 Babymother Henriques, Julian 1998 UK 82
6294 6180 Men of Consett Stobart, Thomas 1959 UK 28
6295 6182 Building of the New Tyne Bridge, The Dorman, Long & Co 1928 UK 47
6296 10222 Mask of Dimitrios, The Negulesco, Jean 1944 USA 95
6297 6185 Passing Through Clark, Larry (A) 1977 USA 105
6298 6186 Father's Garden: The Love of My Parents Liechti, Peter 2013 Switzerland 93
6299 7107 Portrait of Madame Yuki Mizoguchi, Kenji 1950 Japan 88
6300 6187 Death of a President Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1978 Poland 144
6301 6412 Marcides Nasrallah, Yousry 1993 Egypt 108
6302 6189 Visage Tsai Ming-liang 2009 France 138
6303 6190 Gunfight at the O.K. Corral Sturges, John 1957 USA 122
6304 6987 Mona Lisa Jordan, Neil 1986 UK 104
6305 6193 Outrageous! Benner, Richard 1977 Canada 100
6306 6199 Ngati Barclay, Barry 1987 New Zealand 92
6307 6195 Ebola Syndrome Yau, Herman 1996 Hong Kong 98
6308 6194 Taxidermia Pálfi, György 2006 Hungary
6309 6196 Two Cars, One Night Waititi, Taika 2003 New Zealand 12
6310 6198 Crazy Honigmann, Heddy 1999 Netherlands 97
6311 6200 Something Like a War Dhanraj, Deepa 1991 India 63
6312 6202 Sweet Dreams Moretti, Nanni 1981 Italy 105
6313 6204 Age of Possibilities, The Ferran, Pascale 1995 France 102
6314 6205 Uthiri Pookkal Mahendran, J. 1979 India 143
6315 8442 Ride the Pink Horse Montgomery, Robert 1947 USA 101
6316 6991 White Christmas Curtiz, Michael 1954 USA 120
6317 6990 Pearl, The Fernández, Emilio 1948 Mexico 77
6318 6207 Working Girls Arzner, Dorothy 1931 USA 77
6319 6208 West of Zanzibar Browning, Tod 1928 USA 65
6320 6209 Finally Got the News… Bird, Stewart/Peter Gessner/René Lichtman/John Louis Jr. 1970 USA 56
6321 6210 Red Hollywood Andersen, Thom & Noël Burch 1996 USA 118
6322 6212 Company of Strangers, The Scott, Cynthia 1990 Canada 100
6323 6215 Contact High Glawogger, Michael 2009 Austria 98
6324 6214 One Deadly Summer Becker, Jean 1983 France 133
6325 7119 Power of Kangwon Province, The Hong Sang-soo 1998 South Korea 110
6326 8105 Chan is Missing Wang, Wayne 1982 USA 80
6327 6216 L-Shaped Room, The Forbes, Bryan 1963 UK 125
6328 6217 Reci, reci, reci... Pavlátová, Michaela 1991 Czechoslovakia 10
6329 6220 She Puppet Ahwesh, Peggy 2001 USA
6330 6219 Two Sisters Leaf, Caroline 1991 Canada 10
6331 6218 Great Art of Knowing, The Gatten, David 2004 USA 37
6332 6221 Witches of Eastwick, The Miller, George 1987 USA 118
6333 6222 Sukiyaki Western Django Miike, Takashi 2007 Japan 121
6334 6226 Love Hotel Somai, Shinji 1985 Japan 88
6335 6225 Sawwaq el-Utubis El-Tayeb, Atef 1982 Egypt 107
6336 6224 Times and Winds Erdem, Reha 2006 Turkey 111
6337 7003 Amityville Horror, The Rosenberg, Stuart 1979 USA 117
6338 6229 Sanggyedong Olympic Kim Dong-won 1988 South Korea 27
6339 6230 Private Life of Henry VIII, The Korda, Alexander 1933 UK 97
6340 6232 Things Behind the Sun Anders, Allison 2001 USA 120
6341 6233 Tin Cup Shelton, Ron 1996 USA 130
6342 6234 Friday Night Lights Berg, Peter 2004 USA 118
6343 6235 Hoffa DeVito, Danny 1992 USA 140
6344 7200 Grande Vadrouille, La Oury, Gérard 1966 France 132
6345 7128 Birth of the Seanema Ariyavicha, Sasithorn 2004 Thailand
6346 7017 Sea Hawk, The Curtiz, Michael 1940 USA 127
6347 6237 Gabbla Teguia, Tariq 2008 Algeria 140
6348 7171 Saw Wan, James 2004 USA 102
6349 7192 Beast of the City, The Brabin, Charles 1932 USA 87
6350 7023 House of 72 Tenants, The Chor Yuen 1973 Hong Kong 98
6351 6239 Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon, The Serikawa, Yugo 1963 Japan 86
6352 6242 Girlfight Kusama, Karyn 2000 USA 110
6353 6243 I Spit on Your Grave Zarchi, Meir 1978 USA 100
6354 7245 Enchanted Lima, Kevin 2007 USA 107
6355 6245 Opposite of Sex, The Roos, Don 1998 USA 105
6356 6248 Weekend at Bernie's Kotcheff, Ted 1989 USA 97
6357 6250 Leopard Man, The Tourneur, Jacques 1943 USA 66
6358 6252 Ritam zlocina Tadic, Zoran 1981 Yugoslavia 89
6359 9548 Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the 1960s in Brussels [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1994 France 59
6360 6253 Girl and Her Trust, The Griffith, D.W. 1912 USA 15
6361 6254 Nueve cartas a Berta Martín Patino, Basilio 1966 Spain 90
6362 6255 Patrick Franklin, Richard 1978 Australia 96
6363 7257 Sophie's Place Jordan, Larry 1986 90
6364 6256 Wetherby Hare, David 1985 UK 97
6365 7031 Stone Cross, The Osyka, Leonid 1968 USSR 76
6366 7281 Proposition, The Hillcoat, John 2005 UK 104
6367 6257 As Good as it Gets Brooks, James L. 1997 USA 138
6368 7686 Hell in the Pacific Boorman, John 1968 USA 103
6369 7144 Milagro de P. Tinto, El Fesser, Javier 1998 Spain 106
6370 7145 Hard to Handle LeRoy, Mervyn 1933 USA 78
6371 6259 In der Fremde Wildenhahn, Klaus 1968 West Germany 77
6372 6258 Gedächtnis: Ein Film für Curt Bois und Bernhard Minetti Ganz, Bruno & Otto Sander 1982 West Germany 90
6373 7146 Brig, The Mekas, Jonas 1964 USA 68
6374 6261 Bread and Tulips Soldini, Silvio 2000 Italy 116
6375 6262 Ground, The Beavers, Robert 2001 USA 20
6376 6263 Egyptian, The Curtiz, Michael 1954 USA 139
6377 6264 Matinee Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto 1977 Mexico 96
6378 6266 Container Moodysson, Lukas 2006 Sweden
6379 6984 Gods and Monsters Condon, Bill 1998 USA 105
6380 7287 Good-Bad Man, The Dwan, Allan 1916 USA 50
6381 6270 One Wonderful Sunday Kurosawa, Akira 1947 Japan 108
6382 6271 Dil To Pagal Hai Chopra, Yash 1997 India 179
6383 7990 Double Suicide Shinoda, Masahiro 1969 Japan 142
6384 7159 Lunacy Švankmajer, Jan 2005 Czech Republic 118
6385 6276 Party Girl Amachoukeli-Barsacq, Marie/Claire Burger/Samuel Theis 2014 France 96
6386 6277 Japanese Girls at the Harbor Shimizu, Hiroshi 1933 Japan 72
6387 7160 Time Stood Still Olmi, Ermanno 1959 Italy 83
6388 7163 Colour of Paradise, The Majidi, Majid 1999 Iran 90
6389 6280 That Thing You Do! Hanks, Tom 1996 USA 110
6390 6283 Tokyo Chorus Ozu, Yasujiro 1931 Japan 90
6391 6284 Look Back in Anger Richardson, Tony 1959 UK 98
6392 7165 Black Moon Malle, Louis 1975 France 100
6393 6285 Shinjuku Boys Longinotto, Kim & Jano Williams 1995 UK 53
6394 7046 Thor: Ragnarok Waititi, Taika 2017 USA 130
6395 6289 Last Stage, The Jakubowska, Wanda 1948 Poland 81
6396 6290 Goodbye Charlie Minnelli, Vincente 1964 USA 116
6397 6291 Tales of Manhattan Duvivier, Julien 1942 USA 118
6398 7066 American Tail, An Bluth, Don 1986 USA 80
6399 7527 Kaala Patthar Chopra, Yash 1979 India 176
6400 6293 Bread and Roses Loach, Ken 2000 UK 110
6401 6295 Jeremy Barron, Arthur 1973 USA 90
6402 7085 Sing Street Carney, John 2016 Ireland 106
6403 6299 Song of Summer [TV] Russell, Ken 1968 UK 73
6404 6300 Cavalcade Lloyd, Frank 1933 USA 110
6405 6301 Not on the Lips Resnais, Alain 2003 France 116
6406 6302 Razor's Edge, The Byrum, John 1984 USA 128
6407 6303 Tokyo Godfathers Kon, Satoshi 2003 Japan 92
6408 11162 Mrs. Doubtfire Columbus, Chris 1993 USA 125
6409 12351 Dark of the Sun Cardiff, Jack 1968 UK 101
6410 6305 Pretty Maids All in a Row Vadim, Roger 1971 USA 91
6411 6306 Nun's Night, The Kachyna, Karel 1967 Czechoslovakia 90
6412 6307 Lamentations a Monument for the Dead World Elder, R. Bruce 1985 Canada 437
6413 7636 Night Nurse Wellman, William A. 1931 USA 72
6414 6311 Puffy Chair, The Duplass, Jay 2005 USA 85
6415 6312 Casualties of War De Palma, Brian 1989 USA 113
6416 6313 Fertile Memory Khleifi, Michel 1980 West Germany 99
6417 6314 Alien³ Fincher, David 1992 USA 115
6418 7104 Room for Romeo Brass, A Meadows, Shane 1999 UK 90
6419 7208 Well-Digger's Daughter, The Pagnol, Marcel 1940 France 142
6420 7209 Crossing Delancey Silver, Joan Micklin 1988 USA 97
6421 10441 Dark Habits Almodóvar, Pedro 1983 Spain 114
6422 7207 Barrier Skolimowski, Jerzy 1966 Poland 77
6423 6317 Sapphires, The Blair, Wayne 2012 Australia 103
6424 6318 Great Expectations Cuarón, Alfonso 1997 USA 111
6425 7733 Humoresque Negulesco, Jean 1946 USA 125
6426 6319 Cuba: An African Odyssey [TV] El-Tahri, Jihan 2007 France 118
6427 7848 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Columbus, Chris 2001 USA 152
6428 6322 Maggie, The Mackendrick, Alexander 1954 UK 93
6429 6323 Everything for Sale Wajda, Andrzej 1969 Poland 105
6430 7728 It is Not the Homosexual Who is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives von Praunheim, Rosa 1971 West Germany 67
6431 8232 In Fabric Strickland, Peter 2018 UK 118
6432 7742 Monday Morning Iosseliani, Otar 2002 France 127
6433 6324 Kean Volkoff, Alexandre 1924 France 136
6434 6325 Song and Solitude Dorsky, Nathaniel 2006 USA 21
6435 6326 American Romance, An Vidor, King 1944 USA 122
6436 6327 Cabeza de Vaca Echevarria, Nicolas 1991 Mexico 112
6437 6328 Rendez-vous du diable, Les Tazieff, Haroun 1959 France 80
6438 7089 Church, The Soavi, Michele 1989 Italy 102
6439 7349 Key Largo Huston, John 1948 USA 101
6440 6330 Bad Boys Hani, Susumu 1961 Japan 89
6441 6331 Cloak and Dagger Lang, Fritz 1946 USA 106
6442 6332 Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director Shindo, Kaneto 1975 Japan 150
6443 6338 Sex is Comedy Breillat, Catherine 2002 France 92
6444 6341 Pete Kelly's Blues Webb, Jack 1955 USA 95
6445 6342 Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy Munro, David 1994 UK 60
6446 6343 Chupke Chupke Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1975 India 127
6447 8016 Public Eye, The Reed, Carol 1972 UK 95
6448 8018 Muthu Ravikumar, K.S. 1995 India 132
6449 8017 Rum Runners Enrico, Robert 1971 France 135
6450 7367 Blot, The Weber, Lois 1921 USA 90
6451 6357 Girl on the Bridge, The Leconte, Patrice 1998 France 92
6452 6358 Penthesilea: Queen of the Amazons Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen 1974 UK 99
6453 8618 Serpent and the Rainbow, The Craven, Wes 1988 USA 98
6454 7300 Raising Victor Vargas Sollett, Peter 2002 France 88
6455 7136 My Name is Nobody Valerii, Tonino 1973 France 115
6456 7249 Silvia Prieto Rejtman, Martín 1999 Argentina 92
6457 6361 Mountains of the Moon Rafelson, Bob 1990 USA 136
6458 6363 Ecce bombo Moretti, Nanni 1978 Italy 103
6459 6364 Very Same Munchhausen, The [TV] Zakharov, Mark 1979 USSR 142
6460 7253 Ruling Class, The Medak, Peter 1972 UK 154
6461 6365 Sunderin, Die Forst, Willi 1951 West Germany 100
6462 6367 Hercules and the Captive Women Cottafavi, Vittorio 1961 Italy 87
6463 7379 Long Pants Capra, Frank 1927 USA 60
6464 7397 Wedding Suit, A Kiarostami, Abbas 1976 Iran 54
6465 7278 Maids of Wilko, The Wajda, Andrzej 1979 Poland 118
6466 7279 Desert of the Tartars, The Zurlini, Valerio 1976 Italy 140
6467 6370 Hamsun Troell, Jan 1996 Germany 157
6468 6372 Weather Diary 5 Kuchar, George 1989
6469 6373 Festival Moon Zhu Shilin 1953 Hong Kong
6470 8020 Uncut Gems Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie 2019 USA 135
6471 6376 Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse, The Noren, Andrew 1968 349
6472 6375 Book of All the Dead Elder, R. Bruce 1974 2400
6473 6377 Deuses E Os Mortos, Os Guerra, Ruy 1970 Brazil 97
6474 7984 Bringing Out the Dead Scorsese, Martin 1999 USA 120
6475 6379 Underground Orchestra, The Honigmann, Heddy 1998 Netherlands 108
6476 6380 Heroes for Sale Wellman, William A. 1933 USA 76
6477 6384 Devil's Brother, The Roach, Hal & Charley Rogers 1933 USA 90
6478 6387 Ref, The/Hostile Hostages Demme, Ted 1994 USA 93
6479 7148 Frankenstein Unbound Corman, Roger 1990 USA 85
6480 6389 Sky Socialist, The Jacobs, Ken 1968 USA 96
6481 8131 Spring on Zarechnaya Street Khutsiev, Marlen & Feliks Mironer 1956 USSR 96
6482 6390 Mrs. Miniver Wyler, William 1942 USA 134
6483 6391 Merlusse Pagnol, Marcel 1935 France 72
6484 6392 Private Affairs of Bel Ami, The Lewin, Albert 1947 USA 112
6485 7624 Cruel Sea Al Siddiq, Khalid 1971 Kuwait 106
6486 6393 Minding the Gap Bing Liu 2018 USA 93
6487 7301 Blue Express, The Trauberg, Ilya 1929 USSR 62
6488 6396 Toutes les nuits Green, Eugène 2001 France 112
6489 6397 Twilight of a Woman's Soul Bauer, Yevgeni 1913 Russia 48
6490 6404 Dead, The Brakhage, Stan 1960 France 11
6491 6414 Good Sam McCarey, Leo 1948 USA 114
6492 6415 Beneath the Valley of the Ultra Vixens Meyer, Russ 1979 USA 93
6493 6467 Eleventh Year, The Vertov, Dziga 1928 USSR 52
6494 6428 Topaz Tatsuno, Dave 1945 USA 48
6495 6431 Multiple Sidosis Laverents, Sid 1970 USA 10
6496 6424 Lady of the Night Bell, Monta 1925 USA 61
6497 6534 What's Wrong with this Picture? Land, Owen 1971 USA 12
6498 6426 Republic Steel Strike Riot Newsreel Footage Lippert, Orlando 1937 USA 20
6499 6870 The Games of Countess Dolingen Binet, Catherine 1981 France 114
6500 6425 That'll Be the Day Whatham, Claude 1974 UK 90
6501 6429 Psychomania Sharp, Don 1973 UK 95
6502 6483 Fan, The Schmidt, Eckhart 1982 West Germany 92
6503 6423 Laughing Woman, The Schivazappa, Piero 1969 Italy 108
6504 7187 Brute Force Dassin, Jules 1947 USA 98
6505 6958 Sabrina Wilder, Billy 1954 USA 113
6506 8214 Casa de Lava Costa, Pedro 1994 Portugal 110
6507 6961 Rite, The [TV] Bergman, Ingmar 1969 Sweden 76
6508 6962 Roundhay Garden Scene Le Prince, Louis Aime Augustin 1888 UK
6509 6963 Interior New York Subway 14th Street to 42nd Street Bitzer, G.W. 1905 USA 6
6510 7173 Mandy Cosmatos, Panos 2018 USA 121
6511 6966 Change Nothing Costa, Pedro 2009 Portugal 100
6512 7534 Jivaro Ludwig, Edward 1954 USA 91
6513 6968 Amours de la pieuvre, Les Hamon, Geneviève & Jean Painlevé 1967 France 13
6514 6969 Pope of Greenwich Village, The Rosenberg, Stuart 1984 USA 120
6515 6970 Chic Point Waked, Sharif 2003 Palestine 7
6516 6972 Conspirators of Pleasure Švankmajer, Jan 1996 Czech Republic 85
6517 6973 Trinity Is Still My Name! Barboni, Enzo 1972 Italy 117
6518 9001 In This Life's Body Cantrill, Corinne & Arthur Cantrill 1984 Australia 147
6519 6975 California Dreamin' (Endless) Nemescu, Cristian 2007 Romania
6520 6976 That is the Dawn Buñuel, Luis 1956 France 102
6521 6977 Appunti su un fatto di cronaca Visconti, Luchino 1951 Italy 5
6522 6979 Color of Love, The Ahwesh, Peggy 1994 USA 10
6523 6978 Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Ito, Sueo 1946 Japan 160
6524 7842 Cousin Angelica Saura, Carlos 1974 Spain 107
6525 6980 Mais im Bundeshuus: le génie helvétique Bron, Jean-Stéphane 2003 Switzerland 90
6526 6981 My Golden Days Desplechin, Arnaud 2015 France 123
6527 6983 Themes and Variations Dulac, Germaine 1928 France 10
6528 7917 Angel's Egg Oshii, Mamoru 1985 Japan 71
6529 6985 Little Buddha Bertolucci, Bernardo 1993 France 123
6530 6989 Man with No Name Wang Bing 2010 China 92
6531 6992 Parents terribles, Les Cocteau, Jean 1948 France 98
6532 17881 Barbie Gerwig, Greta 2023 USA 114
6533 6993 Wild Rovers Edwards, Blake 1971 USA 109
6534 6994 Zathura: A Space Adventure Favreau, Jon 2005 USA 101
6535 6996 Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades Misumi, Kenji 1972 Japan 83
6536 14117 Benediction Davies, Terence 2021 UK 137
6537 6997 Quiet Place, A Krasinski, John 2018 USA 90
6538 6998 Saaransh Bhatt, Mahesh 1984 India 137
6539 7002 Adventures of Milo and Otis, The Hata, Masanori 1986 Japan 76
6540 7351 Serpent's Egg, The Bergman, Ingmar 1977 West Germany 120
6541 7570 Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky 1996 USA 150
6542 8077 My Joy Loznitsa, Sergei 2010 Germany 127
6543 7007 Hoosiers Anspaugh, David 1986 USA 114
6544 7008 Taste of Tea, The Ishii, Katsuhito 2004 Japan 143
6545 7009 Play Misty for Me Eastwood, Clint 1971 USA 102
6546 7012 Me at the Zoo Lapitsky, Yakov 2005 USA 1
6547 7011 Sakura No Daimon Misumi, Kenji 1973 Japan
6548 7357 Autobiography of a Princess Ivory, James 1975 UK 58
6549 7314 Quick Change Franklin, Howard & Bill Murray 1990 USA 88
6550 7015 Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man Mekas, Jonas 2012 USA 68
6551 7018 Boys in the Band, The Friedkin, William 1970 USA 119
6552 7240 Shallow Grave Boyle, Danny 1994 UK 94
6553 7241 Judgment at Nuremberg Kramer, Stanley 1961 USA 178
6554 7024 World's End, The Wright, Edgar 2013 UK 109
6555 7025 Long Live the Mistress Sang Hu 1947 China 90
6556 7026 Bounty, The Donaldson, Roger 1984 USA 130
6557 7027 Au clair de la lune Forcier, André 1983 Canada 92
6558 7028 Bad Boys Bay, Michael 1995 USA 126
6559 8673 Blancanieves Berger, Pablo 2011 Spain 104
6560 7029 Ghost of Yotsuya, The Nakagawa, Nobuo 1959 Japan 76
6561 7888 C.R.A.Z.Y. Vallée, Jean-Marc 2005 Canada 127
6562 7364 Education, An Scherfig, Lone 2008 UK 100
6563 7974 Maniac Lustig, William 1980 USA 87
6564 7033 Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short, The Delvaux, André 1966 Belgium 94
6565 7256 Funny People Apatow, Judd 2009 USA 146
6566 7382 Time for Dying, A Boetticher, Budd 1969 USA 87
6567 7386 David and Lisa Perry, Frank 1962 USA 95
6568 7388 Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison Huston, John 1957 USA 107
6569 7404 Trishna Winterbottom, Michael 2011 UK 117
6570 7444 We the Living Alessandrini, Goffredo 1942 Italy 174
6571 7455 Louisa Vaala, Valentin 1946 Finland 85
6572 7465 Kalpana Shankar, Uday 1948 India 160
6573 7475 Father of a Soldier Chkheidze, Rezo 1964 USSR 83
6574 7420 Niki and Flo Pintilie, Lucian 2003 France 99
6575 7427 Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw Wakamatsu, Koji 2004 Japan 89
6576 7431 Rabochiy posyolok Vengerov, Vladimir 1966 USSR 138
6577 7415 Torre Bela Harlan, Thomas 1975 France 105
6578 7433 Fiamma che non si spegne Cottafavi, Vittorio 1949 Italy 95
6579 7438 Sentinel Under the Neon Lights Wang Ping 1964 China 115
6580 7488 Dreams of Hind and Camilia Khan, Mohamed 1988 Egypt 109
6581 7034 Ils étaient neuf célibataires Guitry, Sacha 1939 France 85
6582 7035 Goodbye, Mr. Chips Wood, Sam 1939 UK 114
6583 7036 Gaebyeok Im Kwon-taek 1991 South Korea 146
6584 8028 Proxima Winocour, Alice 2019 France 107
6585 7037 Vesna Aleksandrov, Grigori 1947 USSR 104
6586 8030 Stealing Beauty Bertolucci, Bernardo 1996 Italy 119
6587 7044 Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Worsley, Wallace 1923 USA 93
6588 7502 Best Intentions, The August, Bille 1992 Sweden 182
6589 7048 Fritz the Cat Bakshi, Ralph 1972 USA 78
6590 7049 Bound for Glory Ashby, Hal 1976 USA 147
6591 8133 Cane River Jenkins, Horace 1982 USA 104
6592 7051 Vengeance To, Johnnie 2009 Hong Kong 108
6593 7053 Shchors Dovzhenko, Alexander 1939 USSR 92
6594 7897 Dog Days Seidl, Ulrich 2001 Austria 121
6595 7280 Captain America: The Winter Soldier Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2014 USA 136
6596 7054 Dernier Combat, Le Besson, Luc 1983 France 90
6597 7055 Freshman, The Newmeyer, Fred C. & Sam Taylor 1925 USA 70
6598 7057 Kelly's Heroes Hutton, Brian G. 1970 USA 145
6599 7058 Living on Velvet Borzage, Frank 1935 USA 80
6600 7059 Revenge of Frankenstein Fisher, Terence 1958 UK 91
6601 11107 Stripes Reitman, Ivan 1981 USA 105
6602 7061 Town Called Panic, A Aubier, Stephane & Vincent Patar 2009 Belgium 77
6603 7520 My Summer of Love Pawlikowski, Pawel 2004 UK 86
6604 7062 One Day Pina Asked... [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1983 France 57
6605 7063 Beginners Mills, Mike 2011 USA 104
6606 7064 Town is Quiet, The Guédiguian, Robert 2000 France 132
6607 7791 Secret Honor Altman, Robert 1984 USA 90
6608 7069 Imitation of Christ Warhol, Andy 1967 USA 105
6609 7070 Last Samurai, The Zwick, Edward 2003 USA 154
6610 8019 Two Drifters/Odete Rodrigues, João Pedro 2005 Portugal 98
6611 7073 Kino-pravda 1-23 Vertov, Dziga 1922-25 USSR 315
6612 7084 Muhammad Ali, the Greatest Klein, William 1974 France
6613 7083 Edge of Dreaming, The Hardie, Amy 2009 UK 73
6614 7079 Gates, The Ferrera, Antonio/Albert Maysles/David Maysles/Matthew Prinzing 2007 USA 98
6615 7074 Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Dai Sijie 2002 France 110
6616 7076 Argentinian Lesson, The Staron, Wojciech 2011 Poland 56
6617 7078 Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child Davis, Tamra 2010 USA 88
6618 7082 Memory of the Camps [TV] Bernstein, Sidney 1984 UK 56
6619 7081 Fela Kuti: Music Is the Weapon Flori, Jean-Jacques & Stéphane Tchalgadjieff 1982 France 54
6620 7077 I Think They Call Him John Krish, John 1964 UK 28
6621 7075 Bahia of All the Saints [TV] Bokova, Jana 1994 UK 107
6622 7080 Bovines Gras, Emmanuel 2011 France 62
6623 7634 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Roach, Jay 1997 USA 88
6624 7088 Sound Barrier, The Lean, David 1952 UK 118
6625 7535 Point of Order de Antonio, Emile 1964 USA 93
6626 7090 Kids Return Kitano, Takeshi 1996 Japan 107
6627 7091 Ornithologist, The Rodrigues, João Pedro 2016 Portugal 117
6628 7100 Eva Wants to Sleep Chmielewski, Tadeusz 1958 Poland 95
6629 7541 Bittersweet Life, A Kim Jee-woon 2005 South Korea 119
6630 7542 Topaz Hitchcock, Alfred 1969 USA 127
6631 7101 Torneranno i prati Olmi, Ermanno 2014 Italy 80
6632 7103 Made in Germany and USA Thome, Rudolf 1974 West Germany 141
6633 7838 Prince of the City Lumet, Sidney 1981 USA 167
6634 7105 Summer Stock Walters, Charles 1950 USA 108
6635 7546 Christmas in August Hur Jin-ho 1998 South Korea 97
6636 7296 Wedding Crashers Dobkin, David 2005 USA 119
6637 7110 Dots McLaren, Norman 1940 Canada 3
6638 7111 Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame Makhmalbaf, Hana 2007 Iran 81
6639 7557 Pisito, El Ferreri, Marco 1958 Spain 87
6640 7113 King Creole Curtiz, Michael 1958 USA 116
6641 7560 Honor de cavalleria Serra, Albert 2006 Spain 95
6642 7931 Charles, Dead or Alive Tanner, Alain 1969 Switzerland 93
6643 7115 Brand New Testament, The Van Dormael, Jaco 2015 Belgium 115
6644 8103 One Cut of the Dead Ueda, Shin'ichiro 2017 Japan 96
6645 7565 Fantastic Woman, A Lelio, Sebastián 2017 Chile 100
6646 7116 Freud Huston, John 1962 USA 120
6647 7117 Transfer of Modulation Bargellini, Piero 1969 Italy 8
6648 7935 Secret Beyond the Door… Lang, Fritz 1948 USA 98
6649 7833 What Lies Beneath Zemeckis, Robert 2000 USA 129
6650 7120 Novgorodtsy Barnet, Boris 1943 USSR 67
6651 7121 33 Goifman, Kiko 2002 Brazil 75
6652 7350 Kid Auto Races at Venice Lehrman, Henry 1914 USA 11
6653 7124 Brother Ichikawa, Kon 1960 Japan 98
6654 7672 Distant Drums Walsh, Raoul 1951 USA 101
6655 11251 Austin Powers in Goldmember Roach, Jay 2002 USA 94
6656 7125 Snow Queen, The Atamanov, Lev 1957 USSR 74
6657 7126 Sweet Charity Fosse, Bob 1969 USA 149
6658 7127 Tandem Leconte, Patrice 1987 France 86
6659 7130 Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of Jasmine Farmanara, Bahman 2000 Iran 93
6660 7576 Beau Serge, Le Chabrol, Claude 1958 France 97
6661 7845 Iris and the Lieutenant Sjöberg, Alf 1946 Sweden 86
6662 8267 Wild 90 Mailer, Norman 1968 USA 90
6663 8266 Beyond the Law Mailer, Norman 1968 USA 110
6664 7132 Merrill's Marauders Fuller, Samuel 1962 USA 98
6665 7746 Sea of Roses Carolina, Ana 1978 Brazil 99
6666 7579 Yakuza, The Pollack, Sydney 1974 USA 112
6667 7134 Travels with My Aunt Cukor, George 1972 USA 109
6668 8289 Ride with the Devil Lee, Ang 1999 USA 138
6669 7697 May McKee, Lucky 2002 USA 93
6670 7585 Golden Swallow Chang Cheh 1968 Hong Kong 109
6671 7137 Andarilho/Drifter Guimarães, Cao 2007 80
6672 7138 Kissed Stopkewich, Lynne 1996 Canada 78
6673 8041 13 Assassins Miike, Takashi 2010 Japan 141
6674 7588 Don Giovanni Losey, Joseph 1979 France 179
6675 7394 Rainmaker, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1997 Germany 135
6676 7143 Foxes Lyne, Adrian 1980 USA 106
6677 12822 Lilies of the Field Nelson, Ralph 1963 USA 93
6678 9143 Gold, Silver, Death Gallaga, Peque 1982 Philippines 194
6679 7760 Cat People Schrader, Paul 1982 USA 118
6680 7147 Woman of Rumour, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1954 Japan 83
6681 8189 Dave Chappelle's Block Party Gondry, Michel 2005 USA 103
6682 7151 When the Cat's Away Klapisch, Cédric 1996 France 95
6683 13766 Plague Dogs, The Rosen, Martin 1982 USA 86
6684 7599 Bête, La Borowczyk, Walerian 1975 France 93
6685 7153 Mariachi, El Rodriguez, Robert 1992 USA 81
6686 7154 London to Brighton Williams, Paul Andrew 2006 UK
6687 8048 Enchanting Shadow, The Li Han Hsiang 1960 Hong Kong 83
6688 7506 Salem's Lot [TV] Hooper, Tobe 1979 USA 200
6689 7375 Hannah Arendt von Trotta, Margarethe 2012 Germany 113
6690 7514 Summer Snow Hui, Ann 1995 Hong Kong 101
6691 7161 China Syndrome, The Bridges, James 1979 USA 123
6692 7602 Rhapsody in August Kurosawa, Akira 1991 Japan 98
6693 7603 Charmed Particles Noren, Andrew 1978 USA 78
6694 7164 Love on the Run Truffaut, François 1978 France 90
6695 7623 Umrao Jaan Ali, Muzaffar 1981 India 145
6696 7169 Snow Jones, Geoffrey 1963 UK 9
6697 7166 Tse Rosen, Roee 2010 Israel 35
6698 7168 Kotch Lemmon, Jack 1971 USA 113
6699 7167 Shunters Böttcher, Jürgen 1984 East Germany 21
6700 7170 I've Heard the Mermaids Singing Rozema, Patricia 1987 Canada 81
6701 7174 Carlota Joaquina - Princesa do Brazil Camurati, Carla 1995 Brazil 100
6702 7175 Single Girl, A Jacquot, Benoît 1995 France 90
6703 7522 92 Legendary La Rose Noire Lau, Jeffrey 1992 Hong Kong 100
6704 7179 Guest from the Future [TV] Arsyonov, Pavel & Olga Gusakova 1984 USSR
6705 7180 Northwest Passage (Book I-Rogers' Rangers) Vidor, King 1940 USA 125
6706 8654 Funny Ha Ha Bujalski, Andrew 2002 USA 90
6707 7181 Three Musketeers, The Sidney, George 1948 USA 125
6708 7183 Errand Boy, The Lewis, Jerry 1961 USA 92
6709 7182 Tiger Bay Thompson, J. Lee 1959 UK 105
6710 7185 Tuning the Instruments Kucia, Jerzy 2000 Poland 15
6711 7184 His Wife is a Hen Kovalyov, Igor 1990 USSR
6712 7186 Puce Moment Anger, Kenneth 1949 USA 6
6713 7507 Driving Miss Daisy Beresford, Bruce 1989 USA 99
6714 7496 Prisoner of the Mountains Bodrov, Sergei 1996 Russia 98
6715 7188 Mad Monkey, The Trueba, Fernando 1989 Spain 103
6716 7189 Bride with White Hair, The Yu, Ronny 1993 Hong Kong 89
6717 7823 Liz and the Blue Bird Yamada, Naoko 2018 Japan 90
6718 7547 Go Liman, Doug 1999 USA 103
6719 7190 Thomas Crown Affair, The Jewison, Norman 1968 USA 102
6720 7191 Life Classes MacGillivray, William D. 1987 Canada 117
6721 7193 Postman/Youchai Jianjun He 1995 China 102
6722 7194 37/78: Tree Again Kren, Kurt 1978 Austria 3
6723 7195 Succubus Franco, Jesús 1968 West Germany 95
6724 7196 Münchhausen von Báky, Josef 1943 Germany 110
6725 7538 David and Bathsheba King, Henry 1951 USA 116
6726 7197 Lonedale Operator, The Griffith, D.W. 1911 USA 17
6727 7198 Walter Defends Sarajevo Krvavac, Hajrudin 1972 Yugoslavia 133
6728 7635 Following Nolan, Christopher 1998 UK 69
6729 7201 Hush! Kossakovsky, Victor 2003 Russia 82
6730 8052 Girl from Nowhere, The Brisseau, Jean-Claude 2012 France 91
6731 7202 Lady and the Tramp Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson 1955 USA 75
6732 8069 Knives Out Johnson, Rian 2019 USA 130
6733 7637 We Are the Best! Moodysson, Lukas 2013 Sweden 102
6734 7203 Ley de Herodes, La Estrada, Luis 1999 Mexico 120
6735 7505 Hills Have Eyes, The Craven, Wes 1977 USA 89
6736 7639 Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The Boetticher, Budd 1960 USA 101
6737 8120 Drag Me to Hell Raimi, Sam 2009 USA 99
6738 7205 Antoine et Colette Truffaut, François 1962 France 32
6739 7206 Sreda Kossakovsky, Victor 1997 Germany 93
6740 8293 Miami Blues Armitage, George 1990 USA 97
6741 7645 Try and Get Me! Endfield, Cy 1950 USA 91
6742 7922 At Long Last Love Bogdanovich, Peter 1975 USA 118
6743 7647 Tora! Tora! Tora! Fleischer, Richard 1970 Japan 143
6744 8413 I've Always Loved You Borzage, Frank 1946 USA 117
6745 7211 Fool There Was, A Powell, Frank 1915 USA 67
6746 8611 Intouchables, The Nakache, Olivier & Éric Toledano 2011 France 112
6747 7730 How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Swift, David 1967 USA 121
6748 7213 At Dawn It's Quiet Here Rostotskiy, Stanislav 1972 USSR 188
6749 7214 Jolly Fellows Aleksandrov, Grigori 1934 USSR 96
6750 7215 Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear, The [TV] Curtis, Adam 2004 UK 180
6751 7216 Jagte Raho Mitra, Amit & Sombhu Mitra 1956 India 153
6752 7537 Boy and His Dog, A Jones, L.Q. 1975 USA 87
6753 7700 Dawn of the Dead Snyder, Zack 2004 USA 99
6754 7218 I Live in Fear Kurosawa, Akira 1955 Japan 113
6755 7219 World of Tomorrow Hertzfeldt, Don 2015 USA 17
6756 7220 Stranger on the Third Floor, The Ingster, Boris 1940 USA 64
6757 7221 Genevieve Cornelius, Henry 1953 UK 86
6758 7562 House of Wax de Toth, André 1953 USA 88
6759 7222 Devil in a Blue Dress Franklin, Carl 1995 USA 102
6760 7223 How I Won the War Lester, Richard 1967 UK 109
6761 7224 My Favorite Year Benjamin, Richard 1982 USA 92
6762 7225 Go! Go! Go! Menken, Marie 1964 USA 11
6763 7226 Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time, The Kluge, Alexander 1985 Germany 113
6764 7227 Poet's Veil, The Herwitz, Peter 1988 USA 15
6765 7568 Hairspray Shankman, Adam 2007 USA 116
6766 7943 Strange Victory Hurwitz, Leo 1948 USA 64
6767 7228 Now You Tell One Bowers, Charles R. & Harold L. Muller 1926 USA 20
6768 7230 To Parsifal Baillie, Bruce 1963 USA 16
6769 7229 Song Lantern, The Naruse, Mikio 1943 Japan 93
6770 7231 Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte Aldrich, Robert 1965 USA 133
6771 7232 Capitalism: Child Labor Jacobs, Ken 2006 USA 14
6772 7233 Rink, The Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 30
6773 7669 Duo Sang Wu Nien-Jen 1994 Taiwan 167
6774 7574 Chronicle of the Years of Fire Lakhdar-Hamina, Mohammed 1975 Algeria 177
6775 7234 Nachrede auf Klara Heydebreck [TV] Fechner, Eberhard 1969 West Germany 60
6776 7673 Thriller: A Cruel Picture Vibenius, Bo Arne 1974 Sweden 104
6777 7235 Sweet Hunters Guerra, Ruy 1973 France 115
6778 7675 Chaudhvin Ka Chand Sadiq, M. 1961 India 169
6779 7242 Pet Sematary Lambert, Mary 1989 USA 102
6780 7243 Fighting Soldiers Kamei, Fumio 1939 Japan 65
6781 7756 Bride Wore Red, The Arzner, Dorothy 1937 USA 103
6782 8168 Nocturama Bonello, Bertrand 2016 France 130
6783 8083 Jennifer's Body Kusama, Karyn 2009 USA 102
6784 7244 Okja Bong Joon-ho 2017 South Korea 120
6785 7247 Around the World in 80 Days Anderson, Michael 1956 USA 167
6786 7250 Roma ore 11 De Santis, Giuseppe 1952 France 107
6787 8773 Boxer's Omen, The Kuei Chih-Hung 1983 Hong Kong 99
6788 7251 San Michele aveva un gallo Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1972 Italy 90
6789 7252 City of Women Fellini, Federico 1980 Italy 139
6790 7682 Store, The Wiseman, Frederick 1983 USA 118
6791 7582 Apartment Zero Donovan, Martin 1988 UK 124
6792 7277 Old Place, The Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville 2000 France 49
6793 7282 Kingdom II, The [TV] von Trier, Lars & Morten Arnfred 1997 Denmark 286
6794 7968 Tremors Underwood, Ron 1989 USA 96
6795 7780 Gumshoe Frears, Stephen 1972 UK 88
6796 7284 Mein Leben Teil 2 [TV] Levi, Angelika 2003 Germany
6797 8044 On Golden Pond Rydell, Mark 1981 USA 109
6798 7285 Unknown Chaplin [TV] Brownlow, Kevin & David Gill 1983 UK 156
6799 8021 Scream 3 Craven, Wes 2000 USA 116
6800 8023 Nem Tudo é Verdade Sganzerla, Rogério 1986 Brazil 95
6801 8024 Eros, O Deus do Amor Khouri, Walter Hugo 1981 Brazil 107
6802 8022 Paucity of Flying Dreams Sugawa, Eizo 1990 Japan 90
6803 7290 Garden of Allah, The Boleslawski, Richard 1936 USA 80
6804 7291 Assa Solovev, Sergey 1987 USSR 153
6805 7292 Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi Mishra, Sudhir 2003 India 120
6806 7294 Travellers Beizai, Bahram 1992 Iran 90
6807 8043 Rubber Dupieux, Quentin 2010 France 82
6808 7801 Misérables, Les Bernard, Raymond 1934 France 281
6809 7295 Copie conforme Dréville, Jean 1947 France 105
6810 7299 Kippur Gitai, Amos 2000 France 123
6811 12277 Café de Flore Vallée, Jean-Marc 2011 Canada 120
6812 7302 Drakos, O Koundouros, Nikos 1956 Greece 85
6813 8753 Blood, The Costa, Pedro 1989 Portugal 95
6814 7308 Tom at the Farm Dolan, Xavier 2013 France
6815 8067 Sister Meier, Ursula 2012 France
6816 7309 Facts of Murder, The Germi, Pietro 1959 Italy 115
6817 7310 Last Hurrah, The Ford, John 1958 USA 121
6818 7311 Career Girls Leigh, Mike 1997 UK 87
6819 7312 Five Broken Cameras Burnat, Emad & Guy Davidi 2011 Palestine 94
6820 8065 Good Time Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie 2017 USA 101
6821 7313 Taiga Ottinger, Ulrike 1992 Germany 501
6822 8789 Company, The Altman, Robert 2003 Germany 112
6823 7315 Which Way to the Front? Lewis, Jerry 1970 USA 96
6824 7316 Differently, Molussia Rey, Nicolas 2012 France 81
6825 7318 Hellbound: Hellraiser II Randel, Tony 1988 UK 97
6826 7320 Equipage, L' Litvak, Anatole 1935 France 111
6827 7321 So That You Can Live Cinema Action 1982 UK 83
6828 7322 Inquietude Oliveira, Manoel de 1998 Portugal 110
6829 7323 Wedding, A Altman, Robert 1978 USA 125
6830 7324 Italianamerican Scorsese, Martin 1974 USA 49
6831 7325 Persuasion Michell, Roger 1995 France 102
6832 7326 Piravi Karun, Shaji N. 1988 India 110
6833 7719 Black Friday Kashyap, Anurag 2004 India 143
6834 7329 Sicilian Clan, The Verneuil, Henri 1969 France 122
6835 7644 Thunderball Young, Terence 1965 UK 129
6836 7330 Man About Town Clair, René 1947 France 89
6837 7331 Lie chang zha sha Tian Zhuangzhuang 1984 China
6838 7332 Singapore Sling Nikolaidis, Nikos 1990 Greece 115
6839 7334 Voyages Finkiel, Emmanuel 1999 Poland 111
6840 7725 Adam's Apples Jensen, Anders Thomas 2005 Denmark 94
6841 7217 I Wish Koreeda, Hirokazu 2011 Japan 128
6842 7335 Guerre des boutons, La Robert, Yves 1962 France 90
6843 7336 Dottie Gets Spanked Haynes, Todd 1993 USA 30
6844 7726 Killer's Kiss Kubrick, Stanley 1955 USA 67
6845 9042 Legends of the Fall Zwick, Edward 1994 USA 134
6846 7338 Suzaki Paradise: Red Light District Kawashima, Yuzo 1956 Japan 81
6847 7339 Elisa, My Life Saura, Carlos 1977 Spain 125
6848 9030 8 Mile Hanson, Curtis 2002 USA 110
6849 7340 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Verbinski, Gore 2007 USA 168
6850 9431 Great McGinty, The Sturges, Preston 1940 USA 81
6851 9097 Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Parajanov, Sergei 1985 USSR 88
6852 7737 Why Don't You Play in Hell? Sono, Sion 2013 Japan 129
6853 7852 Westerner, The Wyler, William 1940 USA 100
6854 7346 Quintet Altman, Robert 1979 USA 118
6855 7739 Blind Detective To, Johnnie 2013 Hong Kong 130
6856 8639 L for Leisure Kalman, Lev & Whitney Horn 2014 USA 74
6857 8839 Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer Andersen, Thom 1975 USA 59
6858 7347 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Abrams, J.J. 2015 USA 135
6859 7348 Crac! Back, Frédéric 1980 Canada 15
6860 8157 Hit, The Frears, Stephen 1984 UK 98
6861 7352 Diamantino Abrantes, Gabriel & Daniel Schmidt 2018 Portugal 92
6862 7353 Boy Friend, The Russell, Ken 1971 UK 135
6863 7355 Bullfighter and the Lady Boetticher, Budd 1951 USA 87
6864 8027 Red-Headed Woman Conway, Jack 1932 USA 79
6865 7871 Harry, He's Here to Help Moll, Dominik 2000 France 116
6866 7361 Love at Twenty Ishihara, Shintaro/Marcel Ophüls/Renzo Rossellini/François Truffaut/Andrzej Wajda 1962 France 113
6867 7362 Manji Masumura, Yasuzo 1964 Japan 91
6868 7363 Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, The Wenders, Wim 1971 West Germany 101
6869 7366 Bear, The Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1989 France 93
6870 7368 On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed? Land, Owen 1977 USA 18
6871 7369 Freedom Bartas, Sharunas 2000 France 96
6872 7370 Wild Innocence Garrel, Philippe 2001 France 123
6873 8118 My Girl Zieff, Howard 1991 USA 102
6874 7371 Designing Woman Minnelli, Vincente 1957 USA 118
6875 7372 Just Like Weather Fong, Allen 1986 Hong Kong 93
6876 7374 Robot Monster Tucker, Phil 1953 USA 63
6877 7970 Good Night, and Good Luck Clooney, George 2005 USA 93
6878 7376 Southerner, The Renoir, Jean 1945 USA 91
6879 8058 Under the Shadow Anvari, Babak 2016 Iran 84
6880 7377 Alone: Life Wastes Andy Hardy Arnold, Martin 1998 Austria 15
6881 7772 Family Plot Hitchcock, Alfred 1976 USA 120
6882 8057 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Reeves, Matt 2014 USA 130
6883 7378 Murderer Dimitri Karamazov, The Otsep, Fyodor 1931 Germany 93
6884 7381 Horse Boy, The Scott, Michael Orion 2009 USA 93
6885 7383 Sandow Dickson, W.K.L. 1896 USA 1
6886 7385 Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle, The Temple, Julien 1980 UK 103
6887 7469 Number 11: Mirror Animations Smith, Harry 1956 USA
6888 7384 Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, The/Jeanne d'Arc Besson, Luc 1999 France 160
6889 12146 Nakhoda Khorshid Taghvai, Nasser 1987 Iran 118
6890 7494 Warm Water Under a Red Bridge Imamura, Shohei 2001 Japan 119
6891 10071 Angels in America [TV] Nichols, Mike 2003 USA 352
6892 9009 Clue Lynn, Jonathan 1985 USA 87
6893 7866 Petits arrangements avec les morts Ferran, Pascale 1994 France 104
6894 8029 Italian Job, The Collinson, Peter 1969 UK 101
6895 7495 Home Meier, Ursula 2008 Switzerland 95
6896 8129 Silent Movie Brooks, Mel 1976 USA 87
6897 8188 Matinee Dante, Joe 1993 USA 98
6898 9154 Pasolini Ferrara, Abel 2014 France 84
6899 7498 Silver Wind Krska, Václav 1954 Czechoslovakia 98
6900 7500 Daughter Rite Citron, Michelle 1978 USA 53
6901 7789 Marjoe Smith, Howard & Sarah Kernochan 1972 USA 88
6902 7501 Rabid Cronenberg, David 1977 Canada 90
6903 8741 Durian Durian Chan, Fruit 2000 Hong Kong 116
6904 7792 Timecode Figgis, Mike 2000 USA 97
6905 7503 Slam Levin, Marc 1998 USA 103
6906 7504 Muqaddar Ka Sikandar Mehra, Prakash 1978 India 189
6907 8304 Shapito-shou: Lyubov I Druzhba Loban, Sergey 2011 Russia 107
6908 7508 Cotillion Cornell, Joseph 1938 USA 8
6909 7509 Midnight Party Cornell, Joseph 1938 USA 4
6910 7510 Children's Party, The Cornell, Joseph 1938 USA 8
6911 7511 Petit lieutenant, Le Beauvois, Xavier 2005 France 110
6912 7512 Thérèse Raquin Carné, Marcel 1953 France 102
6913 7513 Carry on Camping Thomas, Gerald 1969 UK 88
6914 8346 God of Killers Hui, Ann 1981 Hong Kong 90
6915 7515 Rose, The Rydell, Mark 1979 USA 125
6916 9201 Puppe, Die Lubitsch, Ernst 1919 Germany 66
6917 8349 State and Main Mamet, David 2000 France 105
6918 7898 Yes Potter, Sally 2004 USA 100
6919 7516 Photograph, The Papatakis, Nikos 1986 France 102
6920 7517 Sahara Korda, Zoltan 1943 USA 97
6921 7901 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Lumet, Sidney 2007 USA 117
6922 7804 Authentique proces de Carl-Emmanuel Jung, L' Hanoun, Marcel 1966 France 62
6923 7806 Last Life in the Universe Ratanaruang, Pen-Ek 2003 Thailand 112
6924 9004 In the Family Wang, Patrick 2011 USA 169
6925 7521 Alexander the Great Angelopoulos, Theo 1980 Greece 235
6926 7809 Crazed Fruit Nakahira, Ko 1956 Japan 86
6927 7523 Janela da Alma Jardim, João & Walter Carvalho 2001 Brazil 73
6928 8132 Blade II del Toro, Guillermo 2002 USA 116
6929 7524 Pride Warchus, Matthew 2014 UK 120
6930 9626 American Playhouse: The Killing Floor [TV] Duke, Bill 1984 USA 118
6931 7525 Yes, Madam Poggioli, Ferdinando Maria 1942 Italy 94
6932 7703 Cool Runnings Turteltaub, Jon 1993 USA 97
6933 7526 Big Easy, The McBride, Jim 1986 USA 108
6934 8295 King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, The Gordon, Seth 2007 USA 78
6935 7529 Empire of Desire, The Reichenbach, Carlos 1981 Brazil 110
6936 8382 Town Bloody Hall Hegedus, Chris & D.A. Pennebaker 1979 USA 88
6937 7530 Crank Neveldine, Mark & Brian Taylor 2006 USA 88
6938 9002 Swimming Pool, The Deray, Jacques 1969 Italy 120
6939 7706 Blob, The Yeaworth Jr., Irvin S. 1958 USA 86
6940 7701 House Party Hudlin, Reginald 1990 USA 100
6941 8517 Neon Bible, The Davies, Terence 1995 UK 91
6942 7533 High Art Cholodenko, Lisa 1998 USA 101
6943 8062 Dog Soldiers Marshall, Neil 2002 UK 104
6944 7826 Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story, The Lee, Danny & Herman Yau 1993 Hong Kong 96
6945 17595 Will Your Heart Beat Faster? De Leon, Mike 1980 Philippines 104
6946 8844 Passion of Berenice, The Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto 1976 Mexico 107
6947 7540 Reprise Trier, Joachim 2006 Norway 107
6948 8068 Shutter Island Scorsese, Martin 2010 USA 138
6949 7543 Uncle Vanya Konchalovsky, Andrei 1970 USSR 104
6950 7544 Singles Crowe, Cameron 1992 USA 99
6951 7545 Lord of the Rings, The Bakshi, Ralph 1978 USA 133
6952 7717 Flesh and the Fiends, The Gilling, John 1960 UK 94
6953 7548 XXY Puenzo, Lucía 2007 Argentina 91
6954 8202 Curse of Frankenstein, The Fisher, Terence 1957 UK 83
6955 7550 Without Witnesses Mikhalkov, Nikita 1983 USSR 95
6956 8035 Breathe Laurent, Mélanie 2014 France 91
6957 7551 Khal Nayak Ghai, Subhash 1993 India 190
6958 8412 Graceful Brute, The Kawashima, Yuzo 1962 Japan 96
6959 9773 Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 Ito, Shun'ya 1972 Japan 90
6960 7552 Rush Howard, Ron 2013 UK 123
6961 7553 Janie's Janie Ashur, Geri/Peter Barton/Marilyn Mulford/Stephanie Palewski 1971 USA 25
6962 7554 Wet Sand in August Fujita, Toshiya 1971 Japan
6963 7556 Husband Witnessed, The Masumura, Yasuzo 1964 Japan 92
6964 7849 Affliction Schrader, Paul 1997 USA 114
6965 7558 Arraial do Cabo Carneiro, Mário & Paulo César Saraceni 1960 Brazil 17
6966 8139 Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle Leiner, Danny 2004 USA 87
6967 8151 Eighth Grade Burnham, Bo 2018 USA 93
6968 7927 Ashik Kerib Parajanov, Sergei 1988 USSR 73
6969 8036 Dry White Season, A Palcy, Euzhan 1989 USA 107
6970 7561 Singing Detective, The [TV] Amiel, Jon 1986 UK 415
6971 7564 Hum Dono Amarjeet 1962 India 164
6972 8641 Spanglish Brooks, James L. 2004 USA 130
6973 7859 Everything Goes Wrong Suzuki, Seijun 1960 Japan 71
6974 7566 Mystical Rose, The Lee, Michael 1976 Australia 65
6975 7567 Kids Are Alright, The Stein, Jeff 1979 USA 108
6976 8037 Tiny Furniture Dunham, Lena 2010 USA 98
6977 7569 He Walked by Night Werker, Alfred L. 1948 USA 79
6978 8106 Crane World Trapero, Pablo 1999 Argentina 90
6979 7865 Our Mother's House Clayton, Jack 1967 UK 104
6980 8158 Angi Vera Gábor, Pál 1979 Hungary 96
6981 7718 Viajante, O Saraceni, Paulo César 1999 Brazil 100
6982 7571 Circostanza, La [TV] Olmi, Ermanno 1973 Italy 90
6983 8075 Captain America: Civil War Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2016 USA 147
6984 8460 I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians Jude, Radu 2018 Romania 140
6985 16399 Ready Player One Spielberg, Steven 2018 USA 140
6986 7575 Circus of Horrors Hayers, Sidney 1960 UK 92
6987 8110 Julieta Almodóvar, Pedro 2016 Spain 99
6988 8111 One Man Up Sorrentino, Paolo 2001 Italy 100
6989 7953 Thieves' Highway Dassin, Jules 1949 USA 94
6990 7836 Babe: Pig in the City Miller, George 1998 Australia 97
6991 9916 Malena Tornatore, Giuseppe 2000 Italy 108
6992 7758 Hell's Angels Hughes, Howard 1930 USA 127
6993 7741 Case of the Naves Brothers Person, Luis Sergio 1967 Brazil 92
6994 7577 Food, Inc. Kenner, Robert 2008 USA 84
6995 7578 Good Morning, Babylon Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1987 France 117
6996 13615 Abuse of Weakness Breillat, Catherine 2013 France 105
6997 7580 Blank Generation Kral, Ivan & Amos Poe 1976 USA 55
6998 7581 Long Weekend Eggleston, Colin 1978 Australia 92
6999 7583 Hard Times Hill, Walter 1975 USA 97
7000 7584 Ocean's Eleven Milestone, Lewis 1960 USA 127
7001 8039 People in White, The Bae Yong-Kyun 1996 South Korea
7002 8040 Truffle Hunters, The Dweck, Michael & Gregory Kershaw 2020 Italy 84
7003 7586 All or Nothing Leigh, Mike 2002 UK 128
7004 8178 Last Conversations Coutinho, Eduardo 2015 Brazil 87
7005 8169 Single White Female Schroeder, Barbet 1992 USA 107
7006 7886 Mommie Dearest Perry, Frank 1981 USA 129
7007 7924 Grand Hotel Goulding, Edmund 1932 USA 113
7008 7587 Girl with the Red Scarf, The Yilmaz, Atif 1978 Turkey 90
7009 7589 Confidence Szabó, István 1980 Hungary 117
7010 7590 Final Accord Sirk, Douglas 1936 Germany 100
7011 8085 Hellboy II: The Golden Army del Toro, Guillermo 2008 USA 120
7012 7591 Chicago Marshall, Rob 2002 USA 113
7013 7592 Rebel, The Day, Robert 1960 UK 105
7014 7891 State Fair King, Henry 1933 USA 99
7015 7593 World's Fastest Indian, The Donaldson, Roger 2005 New Zealand 127
7016 8042 Lover for a Day Garrel, Philippe 2017 France 76
7017 8311 Our Sister Hedy Doe Ching 1957 Hong Kong 113
7018 7594 Little Colonel, The Butler, David 1935 USA 80
7019 8086 Neon Demon, The Refn, Nicolas Winding 2016 Denmark 118
7020 7597 Pull My Daisy Frank, Robert & Alfred Leslie 1959 USA 30
7021 8045 Furious 7 Wan, James 2015 USA 137
7022 7600 Big Business Horne, James W. & Leo McCarey 1929 USA 19
7023 8740 Warsaw Bridge Portabella, Pere 1990 Spain 85
7024 8046 Depeche Mode: 101 Dawkins, David/Chris Hegedus/D.A. Pennebaker 1989 UK 117
7025 7601 Cover Girl Vidor, Charles 1944 USA 107
7026 8047 Time Masters Laloux, René 1982 France 78
7027 7896 Beer Chase Achternbusch, Herbert 1977 West Germany 85
7028 7604 Cyrano de Bergerac Gordon, Michael 1950 USA 112
7029 7613 Re-Entry Belson, Jordan 1964 USA 7
7030 7611 Kodak Ghost Poems (Part 1: The Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse) Noren, Andrew 1968 50
7031 7605 Traffic in Souls Tucker, George Loane 1913 74
7032 7621 Angry Harvest Holland, Agnieszka 1985 West Germany 102
7033 8515 You're Next Wingard, Adam 2011 USA 95
7034 8297 Moloch Sokurov, Aleksandr 1999 Russia 108
7035 7625 Begotten Merhige, E. Elias 1990 USA 78
7036 7626 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Wise, Robert 1979 USA 132
7037 8049 Bamba, La Valdez, Luis 1987 USA 108
7038 7627 Silly Symphony [Cartoon Series] Various Directors 1929-39 USA
7039 7628 Young Cassidy Cardiff, Jack 1965 UK 110
7040 8050 Rocky Balboa Stallone, Sylvester 2006 USA 102
7041 8092 My Best Friend's Wedding Hogan, P.J. 1997 USA 105
7042 7629 New York Portrait: Chapter III Hutton, Peter B. 1990 USA 15
7043 8786 Man Who Knew Too Much, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1934 UK 75
7044 8557 Prisoner of Shark Island, The Ford, John 1936 USA 95
7045 7630 Buried Wang Libo 2009 China
7046 7631 Zatoichi Kitano, Takeshi 2003 Japan 115
7047 8140 Sapienza, La Green, Eugène 2014 France 101
7048 7632 What Time is It? Scola, Ettore 1989 Italy 97
7049 7633 He Who Must Die Dassin, Jules 1957 Italy 122
7050 8160 Murderball Shapiro, Dana Adam/Jeffrey Mandel/Henry Alex Rubin 2005 USA 88
7051 7827 City Slickers Underwood, Ron 1991 USA 112
7052 8051 Steel Magnolias Ross, Herbert 1989 USA 118
7053 13947 It Wasn't Love Benning, Sadie 1992 USA 20
7054 7915 Ermo Zhou Xiaowen 1994 China 98
7055 7640 Caged Cromwell, John 1950 USA 96
7056 7641 Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer Oshii, Mamoru 1984 Japan 98
7057 7642 To Begin Again Garci, José Luis 1982 Spain 93
7058 7643 Story of the Kelly Gang, The Tait, Charles 1906 Australia 70
7059 8229 Maldone Grémillon, Jean 1928 France 102
7060 7808 A Marvada Carne Klotzel, Andre 1985 Brazil 77
7061 8053 Berlin Horse le Grice, Malcolm 1970 UK 7
7062 13988 Kolya Sverák, Jan 1996 Czech Republic 110
7063 9057 Soldier Blue Nelson, Ralph 1970 USA 112
7064 7646 My First Film [INSTALLATION] Anger, Zia 2019 USA 75
7065 8231 Nice Guys, The Black, Shane 2016 USA 116
7066 7648 Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years, The Spheeris, Penelope 1988 USA 90
7067 7649 Isadora Reisz, Karel 1968 UK 131
7068 9264 Passe ton bac d'abord… Pialat, Maurice 1978 France 86
7069 7650 Champ, The Zeffirelli, Franco 1979 USA 121
7070 9056 Metropolis Rintaro 2001 Japan 107
7071 8764 Happy End Lipský, Oldrich 1967 Czechoslovakia 71
7072 8054 Boys on the Side Ross, Herbert 1995 USA 117
7073 9103 Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob, The Oury, Gérard 1973 France 95
7074 7720 Human Resources Cantet, Laurent 1999 France 100
7075 7653 Wounded Man, The Chéreau, Patrice 1983 France 109
7076 8055 Richard III Loncraine, Richard 1995 UK 104
7077 8056 Heartworn Highways Szalapski, James 1976 USA 92
7078 7654 Waking Ned Jones, Kirk 1998 UK 91
7079 8647 Leap Into the Void Bellocchio, Marco 1980 Italy 120
7080 7655 Cadena perpetua Ripstein, Arturo 1979 Mexico 95
7081 7662 Jane Eyre Stevenson, Robert 1944 USA 96
7082 7663 American Job Smith, Chris 1995 USA 90
7083 8452 Bullet for the General, A Damiani, Damiano 1967 Italy 115
7084 7664 At Dawn Li Han Hsiang & Sung Tsun-Shou 1968 Taiwan 106
7085 7665 Breaking Bad [TV] Various Directors 2008-13 USA 2930
7086 7667 Doom Generation, The Araki, Gregg 1995 USA 85
7087 7668 Ich bei Tag und du bei Nacht Berger, Ludwig 1932 Germany 98
7088 9167 Perfect Love Breillat, Catherine 1996 France 110
7089 7670 Days of Thunder Scott, Tony 1990 USA 107
7090 7671 Vieux pays ou Rimbaud est mort, Le Lefebvre, Jean Pierre 1977 France 113
7091 7674 Buffy the Vampire Slayer [TV] Various Directors 1997-2003 USA
7092 8161 Man Facing Southeast Subiela, Eliseo 1986 Argentina 108
7093 8162 Little Princess, A Cuarón, Alfonso 1995 USA 97
7094 8114 Romance of Astrea and Celadon, The Rohmer, Eric 2007 France 109
7095 7960 48 Hours de Leon, Gerardo 1950 Philippines
7096 8115 Laurence Anyways Dolan, Xavier 2012 Canada 168
7097 7966 Melody for a Street Organ Muratova, Kira 2009 Ukraine 153
7098 7880 Thalapathi Ratnam, Mani 1991 India 157
7099 7677 LBJ Álvarez, Santiago 1968 Cuba 18
7100 7679 Private Function, A Mowbray, Malcolm 1985 UK 93
7101 7681 Road to Morocco Butler, David 1942 USA 83
7102 8059 Flee Rasmussen, Jonas Poher 2021 Denmark 90
7103 7767 Nymphomaniac: Vol. I von Trier, Lars 2013 Denmark 117
7104 7768 Nymphomaniac: Vol. II von Trier, Lars 2013 Denmark 123
7105 8694 Crimson Pirate, The Siodmak, Robert 1952 USA 104
7106 8107 On the Bowery Rogosin, Lionel 1956 USA 65
7107 14265 Land Imagined, A Yeo Siew Hua 2018 Singapore 95
7108 7684 Life of an American Fireman Porter, Edwin S. & George S. Fleming 1903 USA 6
7109 7685 Black Ermine Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1953 Argentina 104
7110 7977 Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Minnelli, Vincente 1963 USA 118
7111 8892 4th Man, The Verhoeven, Paul 1983 Netherlands 104
7112 8940 Okhota na lis Abdrashitov, Vadim 1980 USSR 97
7113 7982 Ruthless Ulmer, Edgar G. 1948 USA 104
7114 7687 Floating Life Law, Clara 1996 Australia 95
7115 9176 Hell Drivers Endfield, Cy 1957 UK 91
7116 8700 Goodnight Mommy Fiala, Severin & Veronika Franz 2014 Austria 99
7117 7688 Four Musketeers, The Lester, Richard 1974 Spain 108
7118 7689 Lady in the Dark Leisen, Mitchell 1944 USA 100
7119 8179 Pusher Refn, Nicolas Winding 1996 Denmark 109
7120 7690 Vertical Ray of the Sun, The Tran Anh Hung 2000 France 112
7121 15261 Runaways, The Sigismondi, Floria 2010 USA 106
7122 8063 Whores' Glory Glawogger, Michael 2011 Germany 110
7123 8064 Other Side of Everything, The Turajlic, Mila 2017 Serbia
7124 7691 Voyage Surprise Prévert, Pierre 1946 France 108
7125 9308 Yoyo Étaix, Pierre 1965 France 92
7126 8305 Shapito-shou: Uvazhenie i sotrudnichestvo Loban, Sergey 2011 Russia 111
7127 8119 Okraina Lutsik, Pyotr 1998 Russia 95
7128 7692 Talking to Strangers Tregenza, Rob 1988 USA 90
7129 7696 Grand Day Out, A Park, Nick 1989 UK 23
7130 7899 Reyes, Los Osnovikoff, Iván & Bettina Perut 2018 Chile 78
7131 8201 Gambling, Gods and LSD Mettler, Peter 2002 Canada 180
7132 7900 Quiet Earth, The Murphy, Geoff 1985 New Zealand 100
7133 7698 Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie King, Henry 1952 USA 108
7134 9207 Avalon Levinson, Barry 1990 USA 126
7135 8066 Tangled Greno, Nathan & Byron Howard 2010 USA
7136 8959 Reflections in a Golden Eye Huston, John 1967 USA 108
7137 8136 Torso Martino, Sergio 1973 Italy 92
7138 8203 Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors Hong Sang-soo 2000 South Korea 126
7139 7699 Savages, The Jenkins, Tamara 2007 USA 114
7140 7907 Sergeant Rutledge Ford, John 1960 USA 111
7141 7704 Taste the Blood of Dracula Sasdy, Peter 1970 UK 91
7142 7705 Herman Slobbe van der Keuken, Johan 1966 Netherlands
7143 8211 Marriage Italian Style De Sica, Vittorio 1964 Italy 102
7144 9199 Stepford Wives, The Forbes, Bryan 1975 USA 115
7145 7709 East is Red, The Wang Ping 1965 China 117
7146 7710 Girl from Rio, The Franco, Jesús 1969 West Germany 94
7147 8494 Rules of Attraction, The Avary, Roger 2002 USA 110
7148 8610 Queen of Spades, The Dickinson, Thorold 1949 UK 95
7149 7711 Fifth Seal, The Fábri, Zoltán 1976 Hungary 116
7150 7712 Jigoku Nakagawa, Nobuo 1960 Japan 98
7151 7713 Madame DuBarry Lubitsch, Ernst 1919 Germany 114
7152 7714 Vampire Lovers, The Baker, Roy Ward 1970 UK 88
7153 8365 Rollerball Jewison, Norman 1975 USA 125
7154 8221 Meshok bez dna Khamdamov, Rustam 2017 Russia 104
7155 7715 Nine Lives Garcia, Rodrigo 2005 USA 115
7156 7918 Dil Chahta Hai Akhtar, Farhan 2001 India 183
7157 8072 Oath, The Poitras, Laura 2010 USA 90
7158 8386 Let Me In Reeves, Matt 2010 USA 116
7159 7721 Lords of Flatbush, The Verona, Stephen F./Martin Davidson 1974 USA 88
7160 8450 Récréations Simon, Claire 1998 France 54
7161 8235 Future, The July, Miranda 2011 Germany 91
7162 8073 Face to Face Bergman, Ingmar 1976 Sweden 114
7163 8541 Ichi the Killer Miike, Takashi 2001 Japan 129
7164 7910 V for Vendetta McTeigue, James 2005 USA 132
7165 7727 Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey, The Ward, Vincent 1988 New Zealand 92
7166 7729 Metaphor, The Vidor, King 1980 USA 36
7167 7732 American Torso Bódy, Gábor 1975 Hungary 91
7168 7734 Thoughts That Once We Had, The Andersen, Thom 2015 108
7169 8074 Satiemania Gasparovic, Zdenko 1978 Yugoslavia 14
7170 7905 Tropic Thunder Stiller, Ben 2008 Germany 107
7171 7735 Canto da Saudade Mauro, Humberto 1952 Brazil 100
7172 8076 You've Got Mail Ephron, Nora 1998 USA 119
7173 7736 Bons Debarras, Les Mankiewicz, Francis 1980 Canada 120
7174 8246 Wall, The Güney, Yilmaz 1983 Turkey 117
7175 8832 Prisoner of Zenda, The Cromwell, John 1937 USA 101
7176 9098 Forbidden Room, The Maddin, Guy 2015 Canada 130
7177 8078 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Tykwer, Tom 2006 Germany 147
7178 8637 Safety Not Guaranteed Trevorrow, Colin 2012 USA 86
7179 8079 Big Sick, The Showalter, Michael 2017 USA 120
7180 8751 Kiss of Death Hathaway, Henry 1947 USA 98
7181 8449 Dark Victory Goulding, Edmund 1939 USA 106
7182 7743 Viva Italia! Monicelli, Mario/Dino Risi/Ettore Scola 1977 Italy 115
7183 7744 Guy Named Joe, A Fleming, Victor 1943 USA 120
7184 8080 Great Muppet Caper, The Henson, Jim 1981 UK 95
7185 7747 Sorry, Wrong Number Litvak, Anatole 1948 USA 89
7186 9293 Resident Evil: Retribution Anderson, Paul W.S. 2012 Canada 95
7187 8251 Traitor, The Bellocchio, Marco 2019 Italy 153
7188 7748 Agony and the Ecstasy of Phil Spector, The Jayanti, Vikram 2009 USA 102
7189 8396 Mandingo Fleischer, Richard 1975 USA 127
7190 9263 Passionless Moments Campion, Jane 1983 Australia 13
7191 7749 She Must Be Seeing Things McLaughlin, Sheila 1987 USA 95
7192 7750 Carry on Cleo Thomas, Gerald 1965 UK 92
7193 16392 20,000 Days on Earth Forsyth, Iain & Jane Pollard 2014 UK 97
7194 8643 Who's Minding the Store? Tashlin, Frank 1963 USA 90
7195 7751 Girl with a Pearl Earring Webber, Peter 2003 UK 95
7196 8082 Miserables, Les Hooper, Tom 2012 UK 157
7197 8153 Spider-Man Raimi, Sam 2002 USA 131
7198 7753 Wrong Again McCarey, Leo 1929 USA 20
7199 8623 Abominable Dr. Phibes, The Fuest, Robert 1971 UK 94
7200 8163 I Know What You Did Last Summer Gillespie, Jim 1997 USA 101
7201 8893 Never Fear Lupino, Ida 1950 USA 82
7202 7754 Chaplin Attenborough, Richard 1992 UK 144
7203 7755 Open Hearts Bier, Susanne 2002 Denmark 113
7204 8147 Homem do Sputnik, O Manga, Carlos 1959 Brazil 98
7205 8084 Lonely Boy Koenig, Wolf & Roman Kroitor 1962 Canada 27
7206 9421 Wild Things McNaughton, John 1998 USA 107
7207 8265 Her Man Garnett, Tay 1930 USA 85
7208 7757 Tour, La Clair, René 1928 France 14
7209 7844 Back to the Future Part III Zemeckis, Robert 1990 USA 118
7210 7759 In Public Jia Zhangke 2001 China 30
7211 8171 Blade Norrington, Stephen 1998 USA 120
7212 8455 Timecrimes Vigalondo, Nacho 2007 Spain 92
7213 7761 Tracker, The De Heer, Rolf 2002 Australia 90
7214 7762 Secret Garden, The Holland, Agnieszka 1993 USA 101
7215 7763 Apollo 13 Howard, Ron 1995 USA 135
7216 7764 Birdman of Alcatraz Frankenheimer, John 1962 USA 143
7217 7967 Seven Days in May Frankenheimer, John 1964 USA 118
7218 9141 Comanche Station Boetticher, Budd 1960 USA 74
7219 8490 Sun of the Sleepless, The Babluani, Temur 1992 Georgia 123
7220 8491 Heart of a Dog [TV] Bortko, Vladimir 1988 USSR 136
7221 7765 Stone Wedding Pita, Dan & Mircea Veroiu 1973 Romania 90
7222 8495 Nowhere to Hide Lee Myung-se 1999 South Korea 100
7223 8486 Trick 'r Treat Dougherty, Michael 2007 USA 82
7224 8294 Norwegian Wood Tran Anh Hung 2010 Japan 134
7225 7769 Story of One Crime Khitruk, Fyodor 1962 USSR 20
7226 7770 Rencontre, La Cavalier, Alain 1996 France 75
7227 7771 After Death Bauer, Yevgeni 1915 Russia 46
7228 17038 Haunted House, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1921 USA 21
7229 8505 Something's Gotta Give Meyers, Nancy 2003 USA 128
7230 8087 Oh, Mr. Porter Varnel, Marcel 1937 UK 85
7231 8451 Child's Play Holland, Tom 1988 USA 87
7232 8088 Rock Hudson's Home Movies Rappaport, Mark 1992 USA 63
7233 8307 Secret of Kells, The Moore, Tomm 2009 France 75
7234 7777 Passage à l'acte Arnold, Martin 1993 Austria 12
7235 7778 Sunflower De Sica, Vittorio 1970 Italy 107
7236 8187 Ordinary Heroes Hui, Ann 1999 Hong Kong 128
7237 8172 Hellboy del Toro, Guillermo 2004 USA 122
7238 8943 Hanagatami Obayashi, Nobuhiko 2017 Japan 169
7239 7779 Shot in the Dark, A Edwards, Blake 1964 UK 102
7240 8089 Tony Takitani Ichikawa, Jun 2004 Japan 75
7241 7983 Bring it On Reed, Peyton 2000 USA 98
7242 8090 In the Shadow of Women Garrel, Philippe 2015 France 73
7243 8330 1941 Spielberg, Steven 1979 USA 118
7244 8190 Emberek a havason Szöts, István 1942 Hungary 88
7245 8539 Power of Emotion, The Kluge, Alexander 1983 Germany 115
7246 8091 Last Dive, The Monteiro, João César 1992 Portugal 88
7247 7790 Go, Go Second Time Virgin Wakamatsu, Koji 1969 Japan 65
7248 8093 Deathtrap Lumet, Sidney 1982 USA 116
7249 7793 Love Finds Andy Hardy Seitz, George B. 1938 USA 90
7250 7800 Primera carga al machete, La Gomez, Manuel Octavio 1969 Cuba 84
7251 8343 Barkleys of Broadway, The Walters, Charles 1949 USA 109
7252 8547 Story of Women Chabrol, Claude 1988 France 108
7253 10034 Wild Pear Tree, The Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2018 Turkey 188
7254 8348 Big Dig, The Kishon, Ephraim 1969 Israel 95
7255 8194 Nostalgia for Countryland Minh Dang Nhat 1995 Vietnam 116
7256 8351 Garibaldi Rossellini, Roberto 1961 Italy 129
7257 7803 Assassinat du duc de Guise, L' Calmettes, Andres & Charles Le Bargy 1908 France 15
7258 7805 Film ou Visa de censure numero X Clémenti, Pierre 1967 France 55
7259 7807 Fimpen Widerberg, Bo 1974 Sweden 89
7260 8094 Way We Are, The Hui, Ann 2008 Hong Kong 90
7261 7810 Enchanted Cottage, The Cromwell, John 1945 USA 92
7262 7811 Almanac of Fall Tarr, Béla 1984 Hungary 119
7263 7812 Thing with Two Heads, The Frost, Lee 1972 USA 93
7264 7822 Soapdish Hoffman, Michael 1991 USA 95
7265 8095 Welcome to New York Ferrara, Abel 2014 USA 125
7266 8096 Dangerous Method, A Cronenberg, David 2011 UK 99
7267 7824 Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America Baldwin, Craig 1991 USA 48
7268 12614 Gespenster Petzold, Christian 2005 Germany 85
7269 8193 Batman Martinson, Leslie H. 1966 USA 105
7270 7825 Monsieur Hire Leconte, Patrice 1989 France 88
7271 8200 Lion Davis, Garth 2016 Australia 118
7272 7828 Alice Adams Stevens, George 1935 USA 99
7273 8097 House by the Cemetery, The Fulci, Lucio 1981 Italy 86
7274 7829 Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey Martin, Steven M. 1993 USA 104
7275 8098 Coma Fattahi, Sara 2015 Syria 97
7276 7830 Cyrano et d'Artagnan Gance, Abel 1964 France 145
7277 7831 Viramundo Sarno, Geraldo 1965 Brazil 37
7278 7832 Longtime Companion Rene, Norman 1990 USA 96
7279 8217 Retour à la raison, Le Ray, Man 1923 France 2
7280 7834 Mark of Zorro, The Niblo, Fred 1920 USA 90
7281 7835 Pitch Black Twohy, David 2000 USA 110
7282 8608 Parent Trap, The Swift, David 1961 USA 124
7283 7837 Another Way Makk, Károly 1982 Hungary 102
7284 8395 Embalmer, The Garrone, Matteo 2002 Italy 101
7285 9013 Shin Godzilla Anno, Hideaki 2016 Japan 120
7286 8099 Oversimplication of Her Beauty, An Nance, Terence 2012 USA 84
7287 8401 Exorcist II: The Heretic Boorman, John 1977 USA 117
7288 7839 Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl Hughes, Terry & Ian MacNaughton 1982 UK 77
7289 8807 Blind Venus Gance, Abel 1941 France 140
7290 7840 Hired Hand, The Fonda, Peter 1971 USA 90
7291 8100 Garden, The Sulik, Martin 1995 Slovakia 100
7292 7841 Bel Ami Forst, Willi 1939 Germany 102
7293 7843 Lord Love a Duck Axelrod, George 1966 USA 104
7294 8233 Tanner '88 [TV] Altman, Robert 1988 USA 353
7295 8101 July Rhapsody Hui, Ann 2002 Hong Kong 103
7296 8102 Mood Indigo Gondry, Michel 2013 France 94
7297 8410 Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie, The Jones, Chuck & Phil Monroe 1979 USA 98
7298 8813 Legend of Tianyun Mountain Xie Jin 1980 China
7299 7847 Malandro Guerra, Ruy 1985 Brazil 105
7300 7846 Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning Hyams, John 2012 USA 114
7301 8416 Spanish Apartment, The Klapisch, Cédric 2002 France 121
7302 9090 Great White Silence, The Ponting, Herbert G. 1922 UK 80
7303 8429 Movimento das Coisas, O Serra, Manuela 1985 Portugal 85
7304 9028 People Under the Stairs, The Craven, Wes 1991 USA 102
7305 8826 Victoria Schipper, Sebastian 2015 Germany 138
7306 9271 Drums Along the Mohawk Ford, John 1939 USA 103
7307 7850 Hero Frears, Stephen 1992 USA 112
7308 8104 Nest of Tens July, Miranda 2000 USA 27
7309 7851 Five Days One Summer Zinnemann, Fred 1982 USA 108
7310 17866 TÁR Field, Todd 2022 USA 158
7311 18089 Lucky Star Franco, Ricardo 1997 Spain 110
7312 Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Hata, Masanori/Masami Hata/William T. Hurtz 1989 Japan 85
7313 8446 Long Holiday, The van der Keuken, Johan 2000 France 145
7314 7854 Dead End Wyler, William 1937 USA 93
7315 7857 Front, The Ritt, Martin 1976 USA 94
7316 8223 Year My Parents Went on Vacation, The Hamburger, Cao 2006 Brazil 110
7317 18381 Speak No Evil Tafdrup, Christian 2022 Denmark 97
7318 8239 Superman II Lester, Richard 1980 USA 127
7319 8226 First on the Moon Fedorchenko, Aleksey 2005 Russia 75
7320 8227 Gorko! Kryzhovnikov, Zhora 2013 Russia 100
7321 8247 Calvary McDonagh, John Michael 2014 Ireland 102
7322 8662 Jackie Larraín, Pablo 2016 Chile 100
7323 8108 Friday the 13th, Part 3 Miner, Steve 1982 USA 96
7324 7867 Across the Wide Missouri Wellman, William A. 1951 USA 78
7325 7868 Word is Out Adair, Nancy/Andrew Brown/Rob Epstein 1977 USA 124
7326 7869 Bug's Life, A Lasseter, John 1998 USA 96
7327 8109 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) Allen, Woody 1972 USA 87
7328 9649 Family Life Doillon, Jacques 1985 France 95
7329 8672 Capote Miller, Bennett 2005 USA 98
7330 7872 Talk Radio Stone, Oliver 1988 USA 110
7331 7873 Bowfinger Oz, Frank 1999 USA 97
7332 9020 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story Kasdan, Jake 2007 USA 96
7333 8112 Station Six Sahara Holt, Seth 1963 UK 99
7334 8465 Fire at Sea Rosi, Gianfranco 2016 Italy 114
7335 9813 In Harm's Way Preminger, Otto 1965 USA 165
7336 8683 Auberge rouge, L' Epstein, Jean 1923 France 80
7337 7874 Pygmalion Asquith, Anthony & Leslie Howard 1938 UK 95
7338 7875 Last Holiday Cass, Henry 1950 UK 89
7339 12541 Moral Diaz-Abaya, Marilou 1982 Philippines 140
7340 10125 Sign o' the Times Prince 1987 USA 85
7341 9138 Little Man, What Now? Borzage, Frank 1934 USA 98
7342 7876 Noroît Rivette, Jacques 1976 France 145
7343 7877 Shaolin Temple Chang Hsin-Yen 1982 Hong Kong 95
7344 7878 Jouet, Le Veber, Francis 1976 France 92
7345 7879 My Mother's Castle Robert, Yves 1990 France 98
7346 8117 Looking for Eric Loach, Ken 2009 France 116
7347 8489 Monsieur Lazhar Falardeau, Philippe 2011 Canada
7348 7881 By Hook or By Crook Dodge, Harry & Silas Howard 2001 USA 98
7349 7882 Colonel Redl Szabó, István 1985 Austria 149
7350 7883 Bread Factory, Part Two, A Wang, Patrick 2018 USA 120
7351 7884 Broken Arrow Daves, Delmer 1950 USA 93
7352 9528 Panic in the Streets Kazan, Elia 1950 USA 93
7353 8121 Attack! Aldrich, Robert 1956 USA 107
7354 7885 Tontons flingueurs, Les Lautner, Georges 1963 France 105
7355 8122 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robertson, John S. 1920 USA 96
7356 8500 Mr. Turner Leigh, Mike 2014 UK 150
7357 8123 Burglar, The Wendkos, Paul 1957 USA 90
7358 8502 Pride and Prejudice [TV] Langton, Simon 1995 UK 300
7359 8124 All the Cities of the North Komljen, Dane 2016 Serbia 97
7360 8125 Heartburn Nichols, Mike 1986 USA 108
7361 21240 Encino Man Mayfield, Les 1992 USA 89
7362 7887 Fim e o Princípio, O Coutinho, Eduardo 2006 Brazil 110
7363 8126 Last Resort Pawlikowski, Pawel 2000 UK 73
7364 21332 Bell' Antonio Bolognini, Mauro 1960 France 101
7365 8869 Tempting Heart Chang, Sylvia 1999 Hong Kong 115
7366 7889 Woman Always Pays, The Gad, Urban 1910 Denmark 38
7367 7890 Rescued by Rover Fitzhamon, Lewin & Cecil Hepworth 1905 UK 7
7368 8512 Microcosmos Nuridsany, Claude 1996 France 75
7369 8260 Taken Morel, Pierre 2008 France 94
7370 8127 Road Movie, The Kalashnikov, Dmitrii 2016 Belarus 67
7371 8128 Watcher in the Woods, The Hough, John 1980 USA 84
7372 7892 Red Detachment of Women, The Xie Jin 1961 China 105
7373 7893 Tasio Armendáriz, Montxo 1984 Spain 95
7374 8520 Mexican Bus Ride Buñuel, Luis 1952 Mexico 74
7375 8522 Small Town Ecstasy [TV] Blumenfield, Jay 2002 USA 85
7376 8130 Summer School Reiner, Carl 1987 USA 98
7377 7894 Milagro Beanfield War, The Redford, Robert 1988 USA 117
7378 8945 Rachel Getting Married Demme, Jonathan 2008 USA 113
7379 8730 Down with Love Reed, Peyton 2003 USA 101
7380 8737 Immortelle, L' Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1963 Turkey 101
7381 9182 To All the Boys I've Loved Before Johnson, Susan 2018 USA 99
7382 8134 Horse, The Burnett, Charles 1973 USA 14
7383 8296 Big Hero 6 Hall, Don & Chris Williams 2014 USA 102
7384 9189 Song to Song Malick, Terrence 2017 USA 129
7385 8744 T-Men Mann, Anthony 1947 USA 92
7386 7895 Boat, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1921 USA 26
7387 9191 Flame and the Arrow, The Tourneur, Jacques 1950 USA 88
7388 8135 Seeta Aur Geeta Sippy, Ramesh 1972 India 162
7389 12733 Tucker: The Man and His Dream Coppola, Francis Ford 1988 USA 111
7390 8551 Execution in Autumn Lee Hsing 1972 Taiwan 99
7391 8702 Arrangement, The Kazan, Elia 1969 USA 125
7392 9029 Sleepaway Camp Hiltzik, Robert 1983 USA 88
7393 7902 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby McKay, Adam 2006 USA 108
7394 7903 Homecoming Yim Ho 1984 Hong Kong 96
7395 8803 Birth/Mother Kawase, Naomi 2006 France 32
7396 7904 Desafio, O Saraceni, Paulo César 1965 Brazil 81
7397 8756 Whatever Works Allen, Woody 2009 USA 92
7398 8137 Manpower Walsh, Raoul 1941 USA 105
7399 9618 Sign of the Cross, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1932 USA 108
7400 8138 Rambo: First Blood Part II Cosmatos, George P. 1985 USA 95
7401 7906 Wesele Wajda, Andrzej 1972 Poland 102
7402 8559 Mr. & Mrs. Bridge Ivory, James 1990 USA 126
7403 8374 9 Songs Winterbottom, Michael 2004 UK 71
7404 8141 Spring Gathering, The Avdeliodis, Dimos 1999 Greece 178
7405 8313 28 Weeks Later Fresnadillo, Juan Carlos 2007 UK
7406 7908 Living Zwartjes, Frans 1971 Netherlands 15
7407 7909 Flesh and the Devil Brown, Clarence 1926 USA 112
7408 8387 Love, Simon Berlanti, Greg 2018 USA 110
7409 7911 Big Night, The Losey, Joseph 1951 USA 75
7410 7912 Big Hit, The Wong, Kirk 1998 USA 91
7411 7913 Black Panthers Varda, Agnès 1968 France 31
7412 8389 Hunger Games, The Ross, Gary 2012 USA 142
7413 8339 Cuckoo, The Rogozhkin, Aleksandr 2002 Russia 99
7414 9273 Wedding Singer, The Coraci, Frank 1998 USA 95
7415 7914 Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach, The [TV] Schlöndorff, Volker 1971 West Germany 94
7416 8142 Remember Egoyan, Atom 2015 Canada 94
7417 8143 Belluscone. Una storia siciliana Maresco, Franco 2014 Italy 95
7418 8621 Woman Demon Human Huang Shuqin 1987 China 108
7419 8144 Touch Me Not Pintilie, Adina 2018 Romania
7420 7919 Stendhal Syndrome, The Argento, Dario 1996 Italy 120
7421 8622 Tokyo Sonata Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2008 Japan 120
7422 9014 13 Going on 30 Winick, Gary 2004 USA 97
7423 7920 Pawnshop, The Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 25
7424 7921 Star is Born, A Cooper, Bradley 2018 USA 136
7425 8625 Some Call it Loving Harris, James B. 1973 USA 103
7426 8626 Dolls Kitano, Takeshi 2002 Japan 114
7427 7923 Specialist, The Sivan, Eyal 1999 Austria 128
7428 9250 Murder on the Orient Express Lumet, Sidney 1974 UK 127
7429 8146 It Was in May [TV] Khutsiev, Marlen 1970 USSR 115
7430 9007 Save the Green Planet! Jang Joon-Hwan 2003 South Korea 116
7431 7925 All the Real Girls Green, David Gordon 2002 USA 107
7432 9094 God of Gamblers Wong Jing 1989 Hong Kong 126
7433 7926 Yaadon Ki Baaraat Hussain, Nasir 1973 India 164
7434 8827 Swallow and the Titmouse, The Antoine, André 1924 France 80
7435 8148 Sorrowful Lute, The Tso Kea 1957 Hong Kong
7436 8149 I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You Aïnouz, Karim & Marcelo Gomes 2009 Brazil 75
7437 8150 Francofonia Sokurov, Aleksandr 2015 France 88
7438 8152 Four Shades of Brown Alfredson, Tomas 2004 Sweden 192
7439 9275 Illumination, The Zanussi, Krzysztof 1973 Poland 91
7440 7928 Anna Karenina Brown, Clarence 1935 USA 95
7441 7929 Funeral Rites Sirový, Zdenek 1969 Czechoslovakia 70
7442 7930 Dracula: Prince of Darkness Fisher, Terence 1966 UK 90
7443 8390 Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures Gomes, Marcelo 2005 Brazil 99
7444 8154 On Board Akar, Serdar 1998 Turkey 102
7445 7932 Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii Maben, Adrian 1972 Belgium 92
7446 8830 In My Skin de Van, Marina 2002 France 93
7447 8838 Cat in the Bag, The Groulx, Gilles 1964 Canada 74
7448 8420 Prayer for Hetman Mazepa, A Ilyenko, Yuri 2002 Ukraine 152
7449 8155 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Lung Kong 1970 Hong Kong
7450 8156 Good Morning, Vietnam Levinson, Barry 1987 USA 120
7451 7934 Three Amigos! Landis, John 1986 USA 105
7452 7944 Craft, The Fleming, Andrew 1996 USA 100
7453 8159 Tango Lesson, The Potter, Sally 1997 UK 101
7454 8419 Guest, The Wingard, Adam 2014 USA 100
7455 8392 Fly, The Neumann, Kurt 1958 USA 94
7456 7945 Phantom of the Opera Lubin, Arthur 1943 USA 92
7457 8846 Scandal in Paris, A Sirk, Douglas 1946 USA 100
7458 7946 Party Nihalani, Govind 1984 India 110
7459 7949 Blue Steel Bigelow, Kathryn 1990 USA 102
7460 7950 Greatest Man in the World, The Itami, Mansaku 1932 Japan
7461 7951 Heavy Traffic Bakshi, Ralph 1973 USA 76
7462 7952 Terence Davies Trilogy, The Davies, Terence 1984 UK 101
7463 8671 About a Boy Weitz, Paul & Chris Weitz 2002 Germany 101
7464 8674 Red Dawn Milius, John 1984 USA 114
7465 8164 Carry on Screaming! Thomas, Gerald 1966 UK 97
7466 8165 Mule, The Eastwood, Clint 2018 USA 116
7467 9021 Evil Dead Alvarez, Fede 2013 USA 91
7468 8448 Deadpool Miller, Tim 2016 USA 108
7469 7954 Vampiro, El Méndez, Fernando 1957 Mexico 95
7470 7955 Feed the Kitty Jones, Chuck 1952 USA 7
7471 7956 Dream of a Rarebit Fiend Porter, Edwin S. & Wallace McCutcheon 1906 USA 8
7472 8485 Chase, The Ripley, Arthur 1946 USA 86
7473 8166 Home Movie Smith, Chris 2001 USA 66
7474 7957 Princess and the Warrior, The Tykwer, Tom 2000 Germany 135
7475 7958 Anna Christie Brown, Clarence 1930 USA 74
7476 8167 Raw Meat Sherman, Gary 1972 UK 87
7477 7959 White-Haired Girl, The Khoua Choui & Wang Bin 1950 China 111
7478 8433 Another Sky Mamuliya, Dmitry 2010 Russia 86
7479 8434 Vsyo budet khorosho Astrakhan, Dmitriy 1995 Russia 100
7480 8921 Kika Almodóvar, Pedro 1993 Spain 115
7481 10064 Dolce... Sokurov, Aleksandr 2000 Russia 61
7482 9132 Innkeepers, The West, Ti 2011 USA
7483 8170 Carnaval Atlântida Burle, José Carlos & Carlos Manga 1952 Brazil 95
7484 7961 Tarzan the Ape Man Van Dyke, W.S. 1932 USA 100
7485 9690 Supermarkt Klick, Roland 1974 West Germany 84
7486 7962 Flamingo Road Curtiz, Michael 1949 USA 94
7487 7963 Our Town Wood, Sam 1940 USA 90
7488 7964 That Sinking Feeling Forsyth, Bill 1979 UK 92
7489 8173 Zootopia Howard, Byron & Rich Moore 2016 USA 108
7490 9987 Femme de nulle part, La Delluc, Louis 1922 France 61
7491 7965 Thief or Reality Angelidi, Antouanetta 2001 Greece 83
7492 8174 Informe general sobre unas cuestiones de interés para una proyección pública Portabella, Pere 1977 Spain 240
7493 10065 Kandahar Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 2001 Iran 81
7494 7969 Nastroyshchik Muratova, Kira 2004 Russia 154
7495 8906 Chuji's Travel Diary: Story of Bloody Shinshu Ito, Daisuke 1927 Japan
7496 8907 Chuji's Travel Diary: The Official Story Ito, Daisuke 1927 Japan 107
7497 8454 Awakening of the Beast Marins, José Mojica 1969 Brazil 93
7498 8175 Illustrated Auschwitz, The Farkas, Jackie 1992 Australia 13
7499 8176 Mid90s Hill, Jonah 2018 USA 85
7500 8911 Music Man, The DaCosta, Morton 1962 USA 151
7501 8699 March of Fools Ha Kil-jong 1975 South Korea
7502 7971 Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro Mirza, Saeed Akhtar 1989 India 111
7503 7972 War Lord, The Schaffner, Franklin J. 1965 USA 123
7504 8177 Junun Anderson, Paul Thomas 2015 USA 54
7505 7973 Reader, The Daldry, Stephen 2008 USA 124
7506 8492 Una familia de tantas Galindo, Alejandro 1949 Mexico 130
7507 8180 Our Song McKay, Jim 2000 USA 95
7508 8181 Kick-Ass Vaughn, Matthew 2010 USA 117
7509 8183 Cloud-Paradise Dostal, Nikolay 1990 USSR 79
7510 9696 Mado Sautet, Claude 1976 France 130
7511 8638 Way of the Gun, The McQuarrie, Christopher 2000 USA 119
7512 7975 Rain People, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1969 USA 102
7513 7976 Farewell, My Lovely Richards, Dick 1975 USA 97
7514 8184 Maravillas Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1981 Spain 95
7515 8186 Gentlemen of Fortune Seryj, Aleksandr 1971 USSR 88
7516 7978 Beyond the Darkness D'Amato, Joe 1979 Italy 94
7517 7979 Dreamchild Millar, Gavin 1985 UK 94
7518 7980 Summer Holiday Mamoulian, Rouben 1948 USA 93
7519 8715 Living End, The Araki, Gregg 1992 USA 92
7520 7981 Friendly Witness Sonbert, Warren 1989 USA 22
7521 8526 Woman in the Window Emmer, Luciano 1961 Italy 90
7522 9025 Magical Girl Vermut, Carlos 2014 Spain 127
7523 11055 Treno popolare Matarazzo, Raffaello 1933 Italy 59
7524 8474 Twilight Portrait Nikonova, Angelina 2011 Russia 105
7525 7985 Face Behind the Mask, The Florey, Robert 1941 USA 69
7526 7986 Day of the Fight Kubrick, Stanley 1951 USA 16
7527 7987 This Happy Breed Lean, David 1944 UK 114
7528 7988 Dans le noir du temps Godard, Jean-Luc 2002 France 10
7529 7989 Man Push Cart Bahrani, Ramin 2005 USA 87
7530 8191 Inside Daisy Clover Mulligan, Robert 1965 USA 128
7531 7994 Screen Test #2 Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 4
7532 7991 Screen Test #4 Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 33
7533 7992 Screen Test #1 Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 5
7534 7993 Screen Test #3 Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 33
7535 7995 Maicol Brenta, Mario 1988 Italy 90
7536 7996 Fun Zielinski, Rafal 1994 Canada 105
7537 8192 Deuce, The [TV] Various Directors 2017-19 USA
7538 9027 Tree, the Mayor and the Mediatheque, The Rohmer, Eric 1993 France 105
7539 8954 White Angel, The Matarazzo, Raffaello 1955 Italy 100
7540 7997 Wait Until Dark Young, Terence 1967 USA 108
7541 7998 People in Sheffield Nestler, Peter 1965 West Germany 41
7542 8195 Ali Mann, Michael 2001 USA 156
7543 8196 American Sniper Eastwood, Clint 2014 USA 133
7544 7999 Long Riders, The Hill, Walter 1980 USA 100
7545 8197 Two Men and a Wardrobe Polanski, Roman 1958 Poland 15
7546 8198 Good Shepherd, The De Niro, Robert 2006 USA 167
7547 8199 Dheepan Audiard, Jacques 2015 France 115
7548 8542 Summer Wars Hosoda, Mamoru 2009 Japan 114
7549 10010 Climax Noé, Gaspar 2018 France 97
7550 9740 Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? Klein, William 1966 France 101
7551 8204 Limbo Sayles, John 1999 USA 126
7552 8759 Man from London, The Tarr, Béla 2007 Hungary 139
7553 9619 Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom?, The [TV] Curtis, Adam 2007 UK 180
7554 8206 From Beijing with Love Chow, Stephen & Lee Lik-Chi 1994 Hong Kong 94
7555 8207 Body Snatchers Ferrara, Abel 1993 USA 87
7556 8784 System Crasher Fingscheidt, Nora 2019 Germany
7557 8208 My Grandmother Mikaberidze, Kote 1929 USSR 72
7558 8000 Bells Are Ringing Minnelli, Vincente 1960 USA 127
7559 9223 Time to Love Erksan, Metin 1965 Turkey 86
7560 8209 Crazy Stone Ning Hao 2006 China 106
7561 8606 Footloose Ross, Herbert 1984 USA 107
7562 8210 It Felt Like Love Hittman, Eliza 2013 USA 82
7563 8213 Golden Vision, The [TV] Loach, Ken 1968 UK 75
7564 9438 Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. Morris, Errol 1999 UK 91
7565 8215 Bugsy Levinson, Barry 1991 USA 135
7566 10041 I Was at Home, But… Schanelec, Angela 2019 Germany 105
7567 8579 Adventures of Captain Vrungel Cherkasskiy, David 1976-79 USSR
7568 9087 Effrontée, L' Miller, Claude 1985 France 96
7569 8218 Close Shave, A Park, Nick 1995 UK 30
7570 10407 Themroc Faraldo, Claude 1973 France 110
7571 8219 Search, The Zinnemann, Fred 1948 USA 104
7572 8614 James and the Giant Peach Selick, Henry 1996 USA 80
7573 8220 Crossing Guard, The Penn, Sean 1995 USA 114
7574 8222 Last Family, The Matuszynski, Jan P. 2016 Poland 122
7575 8224 Pledge, The Penn, Sean 2000 USA 124
7576 8225 King of Masks, The Wu Tian-Ming 1996 China 91
7577 8228 Magic Box, The Boulting, John 1951 UK 103
7578 8230 My Architect Kahn, Nathaniel 2003 USA 116
7579 10012 Mother! Aronofsky, Darren 2017 USA 121
7580 8234 Ociel del Toa Landrián, Nicolás Guillén 1965 Cuba 17
7581 9455 Where the Wild Things Are Jonze, Spike 2009 Germany 101
7582 8236 Boiling Point Kitano, Takeshi 1990 Japan 96
7583 9459 Masseurs and a Woman, The Shimizu, Hiroshi 1938 Japan 66
7584 8609 Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Radomski, Eric & Bruce W. Timm 1993 USA 76
7585 8237 View to a Kill, A Glen, John 1985 UK 131
7586 8238 That Uncertain Feeling Lubitsch, Ernst 1941 USA 84
7587 8240 Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS Edmonds, Don 1975 USA 96
7588 10450 Winter Soldier Winterfilm Collective 1972 USA 96
7589 8241 Oskar Langenfeld. 12 Mal Meins, Holger 1966 West Germany 13
7590 9198 Winged Migration Perrin, Jacques 2001 France 89
7591 8820 Morgan! Reisz, Karel 1966 UK 97
7592 8242 Yellow Sea, The Na Hong-jin 2010 South Korea 140
7593 8823 Roxanne Schepisi, Fred 1987 USA 107
7594 8243 We're the Millers Thurber, Rawson Marshall 2013 USA 110
7595 8244 King of Kings Ray, Nicholas 1961 USA 168
7596 11075 Asphalt May, Joe 1929 Germany 94
7597 8245 Mayerling Litvak, Anatole 1936 France 89
7598 23005 Gauntlet, The Eastwood, Clint 1977 USA 109
7599 23820 Ginger & Fred Fellini, Federico 1986 Italy 127
7600 15208 Prisoners of War Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 1995 Italy 64
7601 8248 Red Peony Gambler Yamashita, Kosaku 1968 98
7602 8249 Muro Tião 2008 Brazil 18
7603 8250 Respectable Life, A Jarl, Stefan 1979 Sweden 102
7604 8841 Dolgaya schastlivaya zhizn Shpalikov, Gennadi 1966 USSR 70
7605 9099 Opera Argento, Dario 1987 Italy 107
7606 8253 Magnum Force Post, Ted 1973 USA 124
7607 8254 Lyubit… Kalik, Mikhail & Inna Tumanyan 1969 USSR 73
7608 9435 Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans Herzog, Werner 2009 USA 122
7609 9019 Love & Friendship Stillman, Whit 2016 Ireland 92
7610 8255 Taare Zameen Par Khan, Aamir 2007 India 165
7611 8256 Dakan Camara, Muhammad 1997 Guinea 87
7612 8845 Images Altman, Robert 1972 UK 104
7613 8258 Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One Gomes, Miguel 2015 Portugal 125
7614 8663 Little Shop of Horrors, The Corman, Roger 1960 USA 70
7615 8259 Lassie Come Home Wilcox, Fred M. 1943 USA 88
7616 8849 One Hundred Days After Childhood Solovev, Sergey 1975 USSR 94
7617 9485 It Felt Like a Kiss Curtis, Adam 2009 UK 54
7618 9048 Home from Home: Chronicle of a Vision Reitz, Edgar 2013 Germany 231
7619 8890 Bergkatze, Die Lubitsch, Ernst 1921 Germany 79
7620 8261 Lord Jim Brooks, Richard 1965 UK 154
7621 8262 Ordre, L' Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1973 France 44
7622 8263 Godfather Mendoza Bustillo Oro, Juan & Fernando de Fuentes 1934 Mexico 85
7623 10070 Intruder in the Dust Brown, Clarence 1949 USA 87
7624 8264 This is the End Rogen, Seth & Evan Goldberg 2013 USA 107
7625 8268 Flower Drum Song Koster, Henry 1961 USA 133
7626 8282 Coeurs verts, Les Luntz, Édouard 1966 France 90
7627 8284 Man from Acapulco, The de Broca, Philippe 1973 France 95
7628 8285 Marrying Kind, The Cukor, George 1952 USA 93
7629 8286 Two Thousand Maniacs! Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1964 USA 87
7630 8287 House on Haunted Hill Castle, William 1959 USA 75
7631 8288 Horror Castle Margheriti, Antonio 1963 Italy 83
7632 8695 Martian, The Scott, Ridley 2015 USA 144
7633 8290 How to Steal a Million Wyler, William 1966 USA 123
7634 10510 Blind Date Losey, Joseph 1959 UK 95
7635 9146 Nuit de Varennes, La Scola, Ettore 1982 France 133
7636 8291 Border Incident Mann, Anthony 1949 USA 92
7637 8292 Fall of the House of Usher, The Corman, Roger 1960 USA 85
7638 8298 Sissi Marischka, Ernst 1955 Austria 102
7639 8710 New Jack City Van Peebles, Mario 1991 USA 97
7640 8918 Face Sakamoto, Junji 2000 Japan 123
7641 8299 Song of the South Foster, Harve & Wilfred Jackson 1946 USA 94
7642 8300 Cry Danger Parrish, Robert 1951 USA 79
7643 8301 Bird People Ferran, Pascale 2014 France 127
7644 8302 Zhenitba Balzaminova Voinov, Konstantin 1964 USSR 90
7645 8303 Uirá, Um Índio em Busca de Deus Dahl, Gustavo 1973 Brazil 90
7646 9150 Whip It Barrymore, Drew 2009 USA 111
7647 8306 Devil Strikes at Night, The Siodmak, Robert 1957 Germany 97
7648 8308 Anna Boleyn Lubitsch, Ernst 1920 Germany 100
7649 10320 Berlin Chamissoplatz Thome, Rudolf 1980 West Germany 112
7650 8309 Constant Factor, The Zanussi, Krzysztof 1980 Poland 96
7651 8312 Bullet Train, The Satô, Jun'ya 1975 Japan 115
7652 8314 Lost Patrol, The Ford, John 1934 USA 73
7653 12010 Catch, The Somai, Shinji 1983 Japan 140
7654 9177 Silence Before Bach, The Portabella, Pere 2007 Spain 102
7655 8315 Breakfast (Table Top Dolly) Snow, Michael 1976 Canada 15
7656 8319 Nickel Ride, The Mulligan, Robert 1974 USA 99
7657 8320 Out-of-Towners, The Hiller, Arthur 1970 USA 101
7658 8332 Devil and Daniel Johnston, The Feuerzeig, Jeff 2005 USA 110
7659 8333 Walk with Love and Death, A Huston, John 1969 USA 90
7660 8334 Adventures of Tintin, The Spielberg, Steven 2011 USA 107
7661 8335 Legend of 1900, The Tornatore, Giuseppe 1998 Italy 169
7662 8336 Collector, The Wyler, William 1965 USA 119
7663 8736 Submarine Ayoade, Richard 2010 UK 97
7664 8337 Trishul Chopra, Yash 1978 India 167
7665 Au pan coupé Gilles, Guy 1967 France 80
7666 8338 Scarlet Letter, The Sjöström, Victor 1926 USA 115
7667 8696 Conspirators, The de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1972 Brazil 100
7668 8340 Black Harvest Anderson, Robin & Bob Connolly 1992 Australia 90
7669 8341 Where the Sidewalk Ends Preminger, Otto 1950 USA 95
7670 8742 Pineapple Express Green, David Gordon 2008 USA 111
7671 8342 Peggy Sue Got Married Coppola, Francis Ford 1986 USA 104
7672 10321 Election 2 To, Johnnie 2006 Hong Kong 93
7673 8344 Mr. Canton and Lady Rose Chan, Jackie 1989 Hong Kong 105
7674 8345 Strong Man, The Capra, Frank 1926 USA 75
7675 8347 Moneyball Miller, Bennett 2011 USA 133
7676 8350 Ice Cold in Alex Thompson, J. Lee 1958 UK 124
7677 8956 Red Cliff Woo, John 2008 China 148
7678 8352 Breathless McBride, Jim 1983 USA 100
7679 9190 Girls Trip Lee, Malcolm D. 2017 USA 122
7680 8353 Dresser, The Yates, Peter 1983 UK 118
7681 8354 Tempest Mazursky, Paul 1982 USA 140
7682 8361 Tito and Me Markovic, Goran 1992 France 104
7683 8362 Spirit of St. Louis, The Wilder, Billy 1957 USA 138
7684 8363 Copacabana Fools Me da Fontoura, Antonio Carlos 1968 Brazil 96
7685 8706 Insidious Wan, James 2010 UK 102
7686 8364 Ryoma Assassination Kuroki, Kazuo 1974 Japan 118
7687 8750 Bronx Tale, A De Niro, Robert 1993 USA 122
7688 8366 Gates of Paris, The Clair, René 1957 France 96
7689 8367 Akanishi Kakita Itami, Mansaku 1936 Japan 77
7690 8990 Snake of June, A Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 2002 Japan 76
7691 8368 Han Wu di meng hui Wei fu ren Li Tie 1954 Hong Kong
7692 8369 River of Fireflies Sugawa, Eizo 1987 Japan 115
7693 8370 Silverado Kasdan, Lawrence 1985 USA 132
7694 8371 I Want to Live! Wise, Robert 1958 USA 120
7695 9217 Early Spring Ozu, Yasujiro 1956 Japan 144
7696 8372 Tora-san's Tropical Fever Yamada, Yoji 1980 Japan 104
7697 8729 Cabaret Mineiro Correia, Carlos Alberto Prates 1980 Brazil 75
7698 8373 Miracle Woman, The Capra, Frank 1931 USA 90
7699 8375 Medicine for Melancholy Jenkins, Barry 2008 USA 88
7700 8376 Zigzag udachi Ryazanov, Eldar 1968 USSR 88
7701 8377 Love Will Tear Us Apart Yu Lik-wai, Nelson 1999 Hong Kong 114
7702 8379 Hail the New Puritan Atlas, Charles 1986 UK 85
7703 8385 Agony Klimov, Elem 1981 USSR 151
7704 8766 Sentimental Policeman, The Muratova, Kira 1992 Ukraine 115
7705 8388 Ronin Frankenheimer, John 1998 USA 121
7706 9035 Lady Macbeth Oldroyd, William 2016 UK 89
7707 11011 Pedicab Driver Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1989 Hong Kong 95
7708 9232 Student of Prague, The Wegener, Paul 1913 Germany 85
7709 8391 Ears, Nose and Throat Everson, Kevin Jerome 2016 USA 10
7710 9041 Edge of the World, The Powell, Michael 1937 UK 74
7711 9235 German Chainsaw Massacre, The Schlingensief, Christoph 1990 Germany 63
7712 8393 Dry Summer Erksan, Metin 1964 Turkey 90
7713 8394 Spring Forward Gilroy, Tom 1999 USA 110
7714 9230 My Big Fat Greek Wedding Zwick, Joel 2002 USA 96
7715 8397 Junoon Benegal, Shyam 1979 India 141
7716 8398 Visitors, The Kazan, Elia 1972 USA 88
7717 8745 Lair of the White Worm, The Russell, Ken 1988 UK 94
7718 8399 Glenn Miller Story, The Mann, Anthony 1954 USA 116
7719 9236 Kubo and the Two Strings Knight, Travis 2016 USA 101
7720 8400 Jaime Reis, António 1974 Portugal 35
7721 9047 Insomnia Skjoldbjærg, Erik 1997 Norway 96
7722 8402 Mare's Tail Larcher, David 1969 143
7723 8403 Long Hot Summer, The Ritt, Martin 1958 USA 115
7724 8405 Potted Psalm, The Broughton, James & Sidney Peterson 1946 USA 18
7725 8407 Mr. Frenhofer and the Minotaur Peterson, Sidney 1949 USA 8
7726 8406 I... Brakhage, Stan 1995 USA 35
7727 8408 Mix-Up ou Meli-melo Romand, Françoise 1985 France 60
7728 9060 Autumn Has Already Started Naruse, Mikio 1960 Japan 79
7729 9080 Hijos de Fierro, Los Solanas, Fernando E. 1972 Argentina 134
7730 8411 Sons of Katie Elder, The Hathaway, Henry 1965 USA 122
7731 8414 Marooned Sturges, John 1969 USA 134
7732 8415 Chorus, The Barratier, Christophe 2004 France 96
7733 8417 127 Hours Boyle, Danny 2010 USA 94
7734 8781 Gongofer Kilibayev, Bakhyt 1992 Russia 98
7735 8763 8 ½ $ Konstantinopolskiy, Grigoriy 1999 Russia 95
7736 9092 Bye Bye Monkey Ferreri, Marco 1978 Italy 113
7737 8418 National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Chechik, Jeremiah 1989 USA 97
7738 8440 Kiss, The Heise, William 1896 USA 1
7739 8795 Anjo Nasceu, O Bressane, Júlio 1969 Brazil 90
7740 8441 Absolute Beginners Temple, Julien 1986 UK 107
7741 9096 I, the Worst of All Bemberg, Maria Luisa 1990 Argentina 105
7742 Killers of the Flower Moon Scorsese, Martin 2023 USA 206
7743 Perfect Days Wenders, Wim 2023 Japan 124
7744 8443 Spoiling the Wedding Day Zhu Shilin 1951 Hong Kong
7745 8444 Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go Longinotto, Kim 2007 UK 100
7746 8833 Dam Busters, The Anderson, Michael 1954 UK 102
7747 8445 Intimate Stories Sorín, Carlos 2002 Argentina 91
7748 8835 He Got Game Lee, Spike 1998 USA 136
7749 8447 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger Allen, Woody 2010 Spain 98
7750 9105 Red Squirrel, The Medem, Julio 1993 Spain 104
7751 9290 Romanze in Moll Käutner, Helmut 1943 Germany 98
7752 9291 Enemies, A Love Story Mazursky, Paul 1989 USA 119
7753 9107 Night Falls Gavaldón, Roberto 1952 Mexico 85
7754 8453 Screamplay Seder, Rufus Butler 1985 USA 90
7755 9016 X-Men Singer, Bryan 2000 USA 104
7756 10140 Hindle Wakes Elvey, Maurice 1927 UK 120
7757 9109 Al-lail Malas, Mohamed 1992 Syria 116
7758 9110 River of Grass Reichardt, Kelly 1994 USA 76
7759 8456 Roman de Werther, Le Ophüls, Max 1938 France 85
7760 8457 Backbeat Softley, Iain 1993 UK 100
7761 8458 Nippon musekinin jidai Furusawa, Kengo 1962 Japan 86
7762 8459 Black and White in Color Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1976 France 90
7763 8847 Good, the Bad, the Weird, The Kim Jee-woon 2008 South Korea 130
7764 12525 Banshees of Inisherin, The McDonagh, Martin 2022 Ireland 114
7765 8461 Scene of the Crime Téchiné, André 1986 France 90
7766 8853 Pursuit of Happyness, The Muccino, Gabriele 2006 USA 117
7767 8462 Year My Voice Broke, The Duigan, John 1987 Australia 103
7768 9022 Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Chbosky, Stephen 2012 USA 102
7769 8848 Stir of Echoes Koepp, David 1999 USA 99
7770 10148 Soldier of Orange Verhoeven, Paul 1977 Netherlands 165
7771 8466 Peter Pan Hogan, P.J. 2003 USA 113
7772 8467 Lime Kiln Club Field Day Hunter, T. Hayes & Edwin Middleton 1913 USA 65
7773 9320 Shadow of the Vampire Merhige, E. Elias 2000 UK 93
7774 9023 21 Jump Street Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller 2012 USA 109
7775 8487 Goliath and the Barbarians Campogalliani, Carlo 1960 Italy 86
7776 10234 Kansas City Altman, Robert 1996 USA 116
7777 9297 Unfaithful Lyne, Adrian 2002 USA 124
7778 8488 Fantasmagorie Cohl, Émile 1908 France 2
7779 10077 Twilight Hardwicke, Catherine 2008 USA 122
7780 9310 Dick Fleming, Andrew 1999 France 94
7781 9005 Man in the Moon, The Mulligan, Robert 1991 USA 99
7782 8496 Zhang Ga the Soldier Boy Cui Wei & Ouyang Hongying 1963 China 101
7783 8497 Adelheid Vlácil, Frantisek 1970 Czechoslovakia 99
7784 8498 Sling Blade Thornton, Billy Bob 1995 USA 135
7785 9151 Beware of the Car Ryazanov, Eldar 1966 USSR 94
7786 8499 Cat Concerto, The Hanna, William & Joseph Barbera 1946 USA 8
7787 8501 Pat and Mike Cukor, George 1952 USA 95
7788 8503 Foolish Love, A Panousopoulos, Giorgos 1981 Greece 121
7789 10031 Censor Bailey-Bond, Prano 2021 UK 84
7790 8504 Genuine Wiene, Robert 1920 Germany 88
7791 9006 Parinda Chopra, Vidhu Vinod 1989 India 154
7792 8507 Strawman Wang Tung 1987 Taiwan 94
7793 8508 10th Victim, The Petri, Elio 1965 Italy 92
7794 8509 35 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 1991 UK 128
7795 9170 Serfs Li Jun 1963 China 93
7796 8510 Swimming Pool Ozon, François 2003 France 102
7797 8511 Step Across the Border Humbert, Nicholas & Werner Penzel 1990 Germany 90
7798 8514 Enough Said Holofcener, Nicole 2013 USA 93
7799 8516 Linda Davenport, Dorothy 1929 USA 75
7800 9174 Fight for Us Brocka, Lino 1989 Philippines 94
7801 8518 Bog of Beasts Assis, Cláudio 2006 Brazil 82
7802 8806 Kundun Scorsese, Martin 1997 USA 134
7803 8533 Blood and Bones Sai, Yoichi 2004 Japan 140
7804 8534 Actress Greene, Robert 2014 USA 86
7805 8535 Little Theatre of Jean Renoir, The [TV] Renoir, Jean 1969 France 100
7806 8536 Red Badge of Courage, The Huston, John 1951 USA 69
7807 8537 Masoom Kapur, Shekhar 1983 India 165
7808 8538 Night Train to Munich Reed, Carol 1940 UK 93
7809 8540 Hallelujah, I'm a Bum! Milestone, Lewis 1933 USA 82
7810 10009 Sandlot, The Evans, David M. 1993 USA 101
7811 9321 Blob, The Russell, Chuck 1988 USA 95
7812 8543 Barcelona Stillman, Whit 1994 USA 100
7813 8544 Looking for Richard Pacino, Al 1996 USA 118
7814 8545 Girl Next Door, The Greenfield, Luke 2004 USA 109
7815 8546 What's New, Pussycat? Donner, Clive 1965 USA 108
7816 8895 Sita Sings the Blues Paley, Nina 2008 USA 82
7817 8548 Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, The Newman, Paul 1972 USA 100
7818 8549 Dream Work Tscherkassky, Peter 2002 Austria 10
7819 8550 Falling Leaves Guy-Blaché, Alice 1912 USA 12
7820 9573 Falsa Loura Reichenbach, Carlos 2007 Brazil 105
7821 8552 Prisoner of the Iron Bars Sacramento, Paulo 2003 Brazil 123
7822 8553 Bezhin Meadow Eisenstein, Sergei 1937 USSR 31
7823 8936 Blablablá Tonacci, Andrea 1968 Brazil 26
7824 8978 Great Waldo Pepper, The Hill, George Roy 1975 USA 107
7825 9210 Myra Breckinridge Sarne, Michael 1970 USA 94
7826 8554 Rey del barrio, El Martínez Solares, Gilberto 1950 Mexico 100
7827 8555 Bloody Sunday Greengrass, Paul 2001 UK 110
7828 9708 Only a Mother Sjöberg, Alf 1949 Sweden
7829 10190 Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? Wilkerson, Travis 2017 USA 90
7830 17681 Temptation Island Gosiengfiao, Joey 1980 Philippines 113
7831 8556 Enforcer, The Windust, Bretaigne 1951 USA 87
7832 9220 Classic, The Kwak Jae-young 2003 South Korea 127
7833 8558 'Burbs, The Dante, Joe 1989 USA 103
7834 8568 City of Fear Lerner, Irving 1959 USA 81
7835 8569 Pacific Pedroso, Marcelo 2009 Brazil 73
7836 8570 Julie & Julia Ephron, Nora 2009 USA 123
7837 8602 Murder! Hitchcock, Alfred 1930 UK 108
7838 8603 Find Me Guilty Lumet, Sidney 2006 Germany 125
7839 8604 Garden of Women, The Kinoshita, Keisuke 1954 Japan
7840 19538 Grbavica Zbanic, Jasmila 2006 Austria 95
7841 8605 Vibrator Hiroki, Ryuichi 2003 Japan 95
7842 8607 Witches, The Bolognini, Mauro/Vittorio De Sica/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Franco Rossi/Luchino Visconti 1967 Italy 105
7843 9442 Tell Them Willie Boy is Here Polonsky, Abraham 1969 USA 96
7844 10369 Sleeping Beauty Leigh, Julia 2011 Australia 104
7845 8612 Blindspotting Estrada, Carlos López 2018 USA 95
7846 8613 Tokyo Fist Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 1995 Japan 87
7847 9039 People vs. Larry Flynt, The Forman, Milos 1996 USA 127
7848 8615 Pejesapo, El Sepúlveda, José Luis 2007 Chile 90
7849 8616 One Foot in Heaven Rapper, Irving 1941 USA 108
7850 8617 Ixe Soukaz, Lionel 1980 France 48
7851 9451 Birds, the Bees and the Italians, The Germi, Pietro 1966 France 115
7852 10978 Hamoun Mehrjui, Dariush 1990 Iran 120
7853 9179 Lightning Over Water Ray, Nicholas & Wim Wenders 1980 West Germany 91
7854 9241 Priest Bird, Antonia 1994 UK 97
7855 9246 War is Menstrual Envy Zedd, Nick 1992 USA
7856 10051 Post, The Spielberg, Steven 2017 USA 116
7857 8619 Fox and the Hare, The Norshteyn, Yuriy 1973 USSR 12
7858 8620 Oh! What a Lovely War Attenborough, Richard 1969 UK 139
7859 9456 Amantes Aranda, Vicente 1991 Spain 103
7860 10438 France, La Bozon, Serge 2007 France 102
7861 9253 Hôtel Monterey Akerman, Chantal 1972 Belgium 63
7862 8624 Aldea maldita, La Rey, Florián 1930 Spain 88
7863 8628 I, a Man Morrissey, Paul & Andy Warhol 1967 USA 99
7864 10002 Blood on the Moon Wise, Robert 1948 USA 88
7865 8636 Cocoanuts, The Santley, Joseph & Robert Florey 1929 USA 96
7866 9269 Foxtrot Maoz, Samuel 2017 Israel 108
7867 Oppenheimer Nolan, Christopher 2023 USA 180
7868 10237 Nail in the Boot Kalatozov, Mikhail 1931 USSR 53
7869 Fallen Leaves Kaurismäki, Aki 2023 Finland 81
7870 8640 Matter of Resistance, A Rappeneau, Jean-Paul 1966 France 92
7871 8642 Retaliation Hasebe, Yasuharu 1968 Japan 94
7872 8644 Air de famille, Un Klapisch, Cédric 1996 France 109
7873 8645 Flame in My Heart, A Tanner, Alain 1987 France 106
7874 8646 Awful Dr. Orlof, The Franco, Jesús 1962 Spain 90
7875 8648 Headhunters Tyldum, Morten 2011 Norway 100
7876 8649 True Confessions Grosbard, Ulu 1981 USA 108
7877 8650 Ma'loul Celebrates its Destruction Khleifi, Michel 1984 Israel 31
7878 8652 O Beautiful Istanbul Yilmaz, Atif 1966 Turkey 97
7879 8651 Chaos Class, The Egilmez, Ertem 1975 Turkey 87
7880 8653 Deep Water Osmond, Louise & Jerry Rothwell 2006 UK 92
7881 8655 Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma soeur et mon frère… Allio, René 1976 France 130
7882 8656 White Shadows in the South Seas Van Dyke, W.S. 1928 USA 88
7883 8657 Games of Love and Chance Kechiche, Abdellatif 2003 France 123
7884 8658 Brassed Off Herman, Mark 1996 UK 107
7885 8659 Father of the Bride Minnelli, Vincente 1950 USA 93
7886 8660 To Die in Madrid Rossif, Frederic 1963 France 87
7887 8661 Jack and the Witch Yabushita, Taiji 1967 Japan 80
7888 8664 Ponyo Miyazaki, Hayao 2008 Japan 103
7889 14016 His Motorbike, Her Island Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1986 Japan 90
7890 8665 Examined Life Taylor, Astra 2008 Canada 87
7891 8666 But Where is Daniel Wax? Heffner, Avraham 1972 Israel 94
7892 8667 House That Jack Built, The von Trier, Lars 2018 Denmark 152
7893 10023 Tuesday, After Christmas Muntean, Radu 2010 Romania 99
7894 8668 How the West Was Won Ford, John/Henry Hathaway/George Marshall 1962 USA 155
7895 8669 Quo Vadis? D'Annunzio, Gabriellino & Georg Jacoby 1925 Italy 90
7896 10006 Big Night Scott, Campbell & Stanley Tucci 1995 USA 108
7897 8670 Land of the Dead Romero, George A. 2005 USA 93
7898 14314 Letter to Brezhnev Bernard, Chris 1985 UK 94
7899 8681 It Happened Tomorrow Clair, René 1944 USA 84
7900 8682 Bad Son, A Sautet, Claude 1980 France 110
7901 8684 Seisaku's Wife Masumura, Yasuzo 1965 Japan 93
7902 8685 Super 8 Abrams, J.J. 2011 USA 112
7903 8687 British Sounds Godard, Jean-Luc 1970 UK 52
7904 9318 Segredo da Múmia, O Cardoso, Ivan 1982 Brazil 85
7905 9319 Kansas City Confidential Karlson, Phil 1952 USA 98
7906 9510 American Hot Wax Mutrux, Floyd 1978 USA 91
7907 8688 Go West Keaton, Buster 1925 USA 82
7908 8689 Con Air West, Simon 1997 USA 115
7909 8690 San Clemente Depardon, Raymond & Sophie Ristelhueber 1982 France 90
7910 8693 Lorenzo's Oil Miller, George 1992 USA 129
7911 10027 Life of Riley Resnais, Alain 2014 France 108
7912 9008 Topkapi Dassin, Jules 1964 USA 120
7913 9142 Eld ombord! Sjöström, Victor 1923 Sweden 99
7914 8697 Sea Devils Walsh, Raoul 1953 USA 91
7915 8698 Sun in a Net, The Uher, Stefan 1962 Czechoslovakia 90
7916 10078 Big Gundown, The Sollima, Sergio 1966 Italy 110
7917 8824 Paradise: Hope Seidl, Ulrich 2012 Austria
7918 8703 Lady from Musashino, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1951 Japan 88
7919 8704 Education of Sonny Carson, The Campus, Michael 1974 USA 105
7920 9145 Obvious Child Robespierre, Gillian 2014 USA 84
7921 19818 Sunchaser, The Cimino, Michael 1996 USA 122
7922 8705 No Intenso Agora Salles, João Moreira 2017 Brazil 127
7923 9331 Akaler Sandhane Sen, Mrinal 1980 India 115
7924 8707 Far from the Madding Crowd Schlesinger, John 1967 UK 168
7925 8708 From the Life of the Marionettes Bergman, Ingmar 1980 Germany 104
7926 9337 Mare, Il Griffi, Giuseppe Patroni 1962 Italy 110
7927 9341 Stahltier, Das Zielke, Willy 1935 Germany 44
7928 8709 Mimino Daneliya, Georgi 1977 USSR 97
7929 9376 Pointsman, The Stelling, Jos 1986 Netherlands 97
7930 8711 Sure Thing, The Reiner, Rob 1985 USA 94
7931 10520 To Die For Van Sant, Gus 1995 USA 106
7932 8712 Rush It Youngman, Gary 1976 USA 78
7933 10032 Compulsion Fleischer, Richard 1959 USA 103
7934 8713 Q: The Winged Serpent Cohen, Larry 1982 USA 93
7935 9555 Talk of the Town, The Stevens, George 1942 USA 118
7936 9381 Born to Kill Wise, Robert 1947 USA 92
7937 8714 Traviata, La Zeffirelli, Franco 1982 Italy 112
7938 9383 My Universities Donskoi, Mark 1940 USSR 100
7939 9156 Hollywood Shuffle Townsend, Robert 1987 USA 82
7940 8716 Untitled Part 3b: (As if) Beauty Never Ends... Salloum, Jayce 2002 Canada 12
7941 9848 Something Wild Garfein, Jack 1961 USA 112
7942 9385 Smile Ritchie, Michael 1975 USA 113
7943 9163 Only Old Men are Going to Battle Bykov, Leonid 1973 USSR 92
7944 8725 Waxworks Leni, Paul 1924 Germany 65
7945 8726 Espions, Les Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1957 France 125
7946 8728 Or des mers, L' Epstein, Jean 1932 France 73
7947 9168 Short Term 12 Cretton, Destin Daniel 2013 USA 96
7948 8738 High Sign, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1921 USA 21
7949 8739 Apostle, The Duvall, Robert 1997 USA 133
7950 12057 Skeleton of Mrs. Morales, The González, Rogelio A. 1960 Mexico 92
7951 9394 ivansxtc. Rose, Bernard 1999 USA 92
7952 8743 Desperate Hours, The Wyler, William 1955 USA 112
7953 10028 Old School Phillips, Todd 2003 USA 90
7954 9400 Gatekeepers, The Moreh, Dror 2012 Israel 95
7955 9876 Women in Revolt Morrissey, Paul 1972 USA 97
7956 9200 Buck and the Preacher Poitier, Sidney 1972 USA 102
7957 8746 Beach Bum, The Korine, Harmony 2019 USA 95
7958 9883 Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim Brocka, Lino 1984 Philippines 108
7959 9196 Mans, Le Katzin, Lee H. 1971 USA 106
7960 8747 Soufrière, La Herzog, Werner 1977 West Germany 30
7961 9611 Yuri's Day Serebrennikov, Kirill 2008 Russia 137
7962 8748 Two Men in Town Giovanni, José 1973 France 100
7963 8749 Coming Apart Ginsberg, Milton Moses 1969 USA 110
7964 10036 Stardust Vaughn, Matthew 2007 USA 127
7965 8752 Alamo, The Wayne, John 1960 USA 161
7966 9425 Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable Ito, Shun'ya 1973 Japan 87
7967 10367 Law and Order Cahn, Edward L. 1932 USA 70
7968 10371 White Nights on the Pier Vecchiali, Paul 2014 France 94
7969 9212 Mark of Zorro, The Mamoulian, Rouben 1940 USA 93
7970 8754 Ship of Fools Kramer, Stanley 1965 USA 149
7971 8755 Voice of the Turtle, The Rapper, Irving 1947 USA 103
7972 9433 War Room, The Hegedus, Chris & D.A. Pennebaker 1993 USA 95
7973 8782 Spur der Steine Beyer, Frank 1966 East Germany 139
7974 8783 Living Sigarev, Vasili 2012 Russia 119
7975 10683 Péril jeune, Le Klapisch, Cédric 1994 France 101
7976 8787 Imagens do Inconsciente Hirszman, Leon 1987 Brazil 205
7977 13702 Irezumi Masumura, Yasuzo 1966 Japan 86
7978 10381 Singing Behind Screens Olmi, Ermanno 2003 Italy 98
7979 9328 Schizopolis Soderbergh, Steven 1996 USA 96
7980 8788 My Homeland Vas, Robert 1976
7981 9010 Columbus Kogonada 2017 USA 100
7982 8791 Blue Jasmine Allen, Woody 2013 USA 98
7983 8792 Wanderers of the Desert Khemir, Nacer 1984 Tunisia 95
7984 9756 Hero Never Dies, A To, Johnnie 1998 Hong Kong 86
7985 8793 Autumn Leaves Aldrich, Robert 1956 USA 108
7986 9330 Real Genius Coolidge, Martha 1985 USA 104
7987 8794 Burden, The von Bahr, Niki Lindroth 2017 Sweden 15
7988 9439 Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings [TV] Reitz, Edgar 2004 Germany 689
7989 8796 Secret of Roan Inish, The Sayles, John 1994 USA 103
7990 9229 Sorrows of the Forbidden City Zhu Shilin 1948 Hong Kong 120
7991 9011 Avengers: Infinity War Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2018 USA 149
7992 10601 Endless, The Benson, Justin & Aaron Moorhead 2017 USA 112
7993 10014 Penalty, The Worsley, Wallace 1920 USA 90
7994 8801 Amer Cattet, Hélène & Bruno Forzani 2009 France 90
7995 9012 Ballad of Buster Scruggs, The Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2018 USA 133
7996 10523 Spider Baby Hill, Jack 1967 USA 81
7997 8802 Don Quixote Pabst, G.W. 1933 France 81
7998 8804 Family Viewing Egoyan, Atom 1987 Canada 86
7999 8805 O Dreamland Anderson, Lindsay 1953 UK 13
8000 8808 We're Going to Eat You Tsui Hark 1980 Hong Kong 90
8001 9453 Guilty of Romance Sono, Sion 2011 Japan 113
8002 8809 Since You Went Away Cromwell, John 1944 USA 177
8003 8810 Rain Jeffs, Christine 2001 New Zealand 92
8004 9608 Michael Jackson's This is It Ortega, Kenny 2009 USA 110
8005 8811 Before Stonewall Schiller, Greta 1984 USA 87
8006 8812 Officer and a Gentleman, An Hackford, Taylor 1982 USA 125
8007 10436 Petites fugues, Les Yersin, Yves 1979 Switzerland 140
8008 10018 Nobody's Daughter Haewon Hong Sang-soo 2013 South Korea 90
8009 9659 Thérèse Desqueyroux Franju, Georges 1962 France 109
8010 8814 Paradise Dvortsevoy, Sergei 1995 Kazakhstan 25
8011 9015 Baby Driver Wright, Edgar 2017 UK 112
8012 8957 Paradise: Faith Seidl, Ulrich 2012 Austria
8013 9462 Tiresia Bonello, Bertrand 2003 France
8014 9463 Happy Feet Miller, George 2006 USA 108
8015 9017 Cobb Shelton, Ron 1994 USA 128
8016 8821 Rock-a-Bye Baby Tashlin, Frank 1958 USA 103
8017 8822 Super 8½ LaBruce, Bruce 1993 Canada 94
8018 11269 Great Day in the Morning Tourneur, Jacques 1956 USA 92
8019 8825 Meilleure facon de marcher, La Miller, Claude 1976 France 82
8020 9467 Scenic Route, The Rappaport, Mark 1978 USA 76
8021 9606 Night of the Comet Eberhardt, Thom 1984 USA 94
8022 8828 Fighting Elegy Suzuki, Seijun 1966 Japan 86
8023 8829 In Search of a Midnight Kiss Holdridge, Alex 2008 USA 90
8024 9018 Brigands - Chapter VII Iosseliani, Otar 1996 France 129
8025 8831 L.A. Story Jackson, Mick 1991 USA 95
8026 10338 Hard Labour [TV] Leigh, Mike 1973 UK 70
8027 8834 Free Solo Vasarhelyi, Elizabeth Chai & Jimmy Chin 2018 USA 100
8028 8836 Mongoloid Conner, Bruce 1978 USA 4
8029 9278 They Came Together Wain, David 2014 USA 83
8030 8837 September Allen, Woody 1987 USA 82
8031 10111 Lords of Salem, The Zombie, Rob 2012 UK 96
8032 8840 Thieving Magpie, The Gianini, Giulio & Emanuele Luzzati 1964 Italy 11
8033 8842 Fighter, The Russell, David O. 2010 USA 116
8034 9557 Half Nelson Fleck, Ryan 2006 USA 107
8035 9284 Halloween III: Season of the Witch Wallace, Tommy Lee 1982 USA 96
8036 8843 Three Sisters Wang Bing 2012 France 153
8037 9258 Bone Tomahawk Zahler, S. Craig 2015 USA 132
8038 9309 Barabbas Fleischer, Richard 1962 USA 134
8039 9687 Grand Canyon Kasdan, Lawrence 1991 USA 134
8040 8850 Spanish Earth, The Ivens, Joris 1937 USA 52
8041 8888 Outsider, The Mann, Delbert 1961 USA 108
8042 8889 Hotte im Paradies Graf, Dominik 2003 Germany 118
8043 8891 Yella Petzold, Christian 2007 Germany 89
8044 10236 Tell No One Canet, Guillaume 2006 France 131
8045 8894 That Old Dream That Moves Guiraudie, Alain 2001 France 51
8046 9313 Comfort and Joy Forsyth, Bill 1984 UK 105
8047 8896 To Sleep So as to Dream Hayashi, Kaizo 1986 Japan 81
8048 8897 Sisters in Law Ayisi, Florence & Kim Longinotto 2005 Cameroon 104
8049 10442 Donna scimmia, La Ferreri, Marco 1964 Italy 92
8050 13564 Batang West Side Diaz, Lav 2001 Philippines 315
8051 14221 Silence Collins, Pat 2012 Ireland 87
8052 10524 Touch, The Bergman, Ingmar 1971 Sweden 115
8053 8898 Union Pacific DeMille, Cecil B. 1939 USA 135
8054 8899 Bloodsport Arnold, Newt 1988 USA 92
8055 8900 Mutum Kogut, Sandra 2007 Brazil 95
8056 9024 Viola Piñeiro, Matías 2012 Argentina 65
8057 8901 Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The Hathaway, Henry 1935 USA 109
8058 8902 Laurel Canyon Cholodenko, Lisa 2002 USA 103
8059 8903 Menage Blier, Bertrand 1986 France 84
8060 9521 Fango Campusano, José Celestino 2012 Argentina 105
8061 8904 Little Murders Arkin, Alan 1971 USA 108
8062 8905 Chance or Coincidence Lelouch, Claude 1998 France 120
8063 9525 Thelonious Monk: Straight No Chaser Zwerin, Charlotte 1988 USA 90
8064 9526 Walker Cox, Alex 1987 USA 94
8065 8908 Wild Angels, The Corman, Roger 1966 USA 93
8066 8909 Mifune Kragh-Jacobsen, Søren 1999 Denmark 101
8067 9532 Day Night Day Night Loktev, Julia 2006 USA 94
8068 8910 Dementia Parker, John 1955 USA 56
8069 10332 Cast Away Zemeckis, Robert 2000 USA 143
8070 9963 Toda Nudez Será Castigada Jabor, Arnaldo 1973 Brazil 102
8071 9333 Blacula Crain, William 1972 USA 92
8072 8912 Till We Meet Again Imai, Tadashi 1950 Japan
8073 8919 49 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 2005 UK 180
8074 9380 Summer at Grandpa's, A Hou Hsiao-hsien 1984 Taiwan 93
8075 8922 Perfect Couple, A Suwa, Nobuhiro 2005 Japan 104
8076 8924 Private Hell 36 Siegel, Don 1954 USA 81
8077 8939 Sylvie et le fantôme Autant-Lara, Claude 1946 France 90
8078 9026 ParaNorman Fell, Sam & Chris Butler 2012 USA 92
8079 8941 Indiscretion of an American Wife De Sica, Vittorio 1953 Italy 90
8080 8944 Landscape Loznitsa, Sergei 2003 Russia 60
8081 10033 Rescue Dawn Herzog, Werner 2006 USA 126
8082 8946 Foxy Brown Hill, Jack 1974 USA 94
8083 8947 In Search of the Castaways Stevenson, Robert 1962 USA 100
8084 8948 Dust Devil Stanley, Richard 1992 UK 87
8085 10331 Passing Fancy Ozu, Yasujiro 1933 Japan 100
8086 9722 Hahaha Hong Sang-soo 2010 South Korea 115
8087 8949 Torn Curtain Hitchcock, Alfred 1966 USA 128
8088 8950 Bullhead Roskam, Michaël R. 2011 Belgium 129
8089 Kutya éji dala Bódy, Gábor 1983 Hungary 150
8090 8951 4:44 Last Day on Earth Ferrara, Abel 2011 USA 82
8091 9735 Pitfall de Toth, André 1948 USA 86
8092 8952 Dialogues of Exiles Ruiz, Raúl 1975 Chile 100
8093 8953 Silver Bullet Attias, Daniel 1985 USA 95
8094 9324 Suicide Club Sono, Sion 2002 Japan 99
8095 8958 Birch Wood, The Wajda, Andrzej 1970 Poland 99
8096 9422 Andromeda Strain, The Wise, Robert 1971 USA 131
8097 8960 Hated: GG Alin & the Murder Junkies Phillips, Todd 1993 USA 90
8098 8961 Labor on the Douro River Oliveira, Manoel de 1931 Portugal 20
8099 8989 Jesus of Nazareth [TV] Zeffirelli, Franco 1977 Italy 382
8100 9031 Armageddon Bay, Michael 1998 USA 150
8101 8991 Blood on Satan's Claw, The Haggard, Piers 1971 UK 97
8102 9628 Ararat Egoyan, Atom 2002 Canada 115
8103 9032 Madonna: Truth or Dare Keshishian, Alek 1991 USA 118
8104 9420 Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale Helander, Jalmari 2010 Finland 83
8105 9631 Be My Star Grisebach, Valeska 2001 Germany 65
8106 10107 Red Dust Fleming, Victor 1932 USA 83
8107 8992 Apprentis, Les Salvadori, Pierre 1995 France 98
8108 10001 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss Osbourne, The Borowczyk, Walerian 1981 France 92
8109 8993 23rd Psalm Branch: Part I Brakhage, Stan 1967 USA 48
8110 10098 Rocketeer, The Johnston, Joe 1991 USA 108
8111 8994 Zoo Wiseman, Frederick 1993 USA 130
8112 8998 Chuck & Buck Arteta, Miguel 2000 USA 95
8113 9634 Bubu Bolognini, Mauro 1971 Italy 105
8114 8999 Chihwaseon Im Kwon-taek 2002 South Korea 116
8115 9000 Journey to the Sun Ustaoğlu, Yeşim 1999 Turkey 104
8116 9637 Aandhi Gulzar 1975 India 133
8117 9033 Regeneration Walsh, Raoul 1915 USA 72
8118 9034 Spy Feig, Paul 2015 USA 119
8119 11734 Water Magician, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1933 Japan 110
8120 9036 7 Plus Seven [TV] Apted, Michael 1970 UK 52
8121 9037 21 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 1977 UK 100
8122 9038 Annie Huston, John 1982 USA 127
8123 9767 Voitures d'eau, Les Perrault, Pierre 1968 Canada 110
8124 9391 Grindhouse Tarantino, Quentin & Robert Rodriguez 2007 USA 191
8125 9040 Pattes blanches Grémillon, Jean 1949 France 92
8126 10048 King and I, The Lang, Walter 1956 USA 133
8127 10390 Young Törless Schlöndorff, Volker 1966 West Germany 87
8128 10113 Pistol Opera Suzuki, Seijun 2001 Japan 112
8129 9402 Inadequate People Karimov, Roman 2010 Russia 106
8130 9043 Piranha Dante, Joe 1978 USA 94
8131 9044 Apache Aldrich, Robert 1954 USA 91
8132 9045 Bandit, The Turgul, Yavuz 1996 Turkey 128
8133 9774 Tin Men Levinson, Barry 1987 USA 112
8134 9046 Allegretto Fischinger, Oskar 1936 USA 3
8135 9452 From Dusk Till Dawn Rodriguez, Robert 1995 USA 108
8136 9052 Recreation Breer, Robert 1956 USA 2
8137 9653 Laughter d'Arrast, Harry 1930 USA 81
8138 9053 Hegedus, Chris & Jehane Noujaim 2001 USA 107
8139 9054 Back to Back, Face to Face Huang Jianxin 1994 China 138
8140 9055 Very Eye of Night, The Deren, Maya 1958 USA 15
8141 10700 Chronicle Trank, Josh 2012 USA 83
8142 9083 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears Menshov, Vladimir 1980 USSR 150
8143 9084 Poulette grise, La McLaren, Norman 1947 Canada 6
8144 9085 Murder, My Sweet Dmytryk, Edward 1944 USA 95
8145 9088 Good and Evil Leth, Jørgen 1975 Denmark 78
8146 9089 Bob's Birthday Fine, David & Alison Snowden 1993 Canada 12
8147 9091 How Do You Know Brooks, James L. 2010 USA 121
8148 9746 When a Stranger Calls Walton, Fred 1979 USA 97
8149 10453 Akitsu Springs Yoshida, Yoshishige 1962 Japan 113
8150 9661 Confessions of an Opium Eater Zugsmith, Albert 1962 USA 85
8151 9093 Fabulous Baker Boys, The Kloves, Steve 1989 USA 113
8152 11193 Crabe-tambour, Le Schoendoerffer, Pierre 1977 France 120
8153 9095 Love Everlasting Caserini, Mario 1914 Italy 90
8154 10460 Himatsuri Yanagimachi, Mitsuo 1985 Japan 120
8155 10061 Sorrow and Joy Malmros, Nils 2013 Denmark 107
8156 All of Us Strangers Haigh, Andrew 2023 UK 105
8157 10131 Rejeanne Padovani Arcand, Denys 1973 Canada 96
8158 10135 Best Man, The Schaffner, Franklin J. 1964 USA 102
8159 10134 Monkeys Like Becky Jordà, Joaquim & Núria Villazán 1999 Spain 97
8160 10013 Mad Love Freund, Karl 1935 USA 70
8161 9101 Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion Ito, Shun'ya 1972 Japan 87
8162 9102 Adventures of Barry McKenzie, The Beresford, Bruce 1972 Australia 114
8163 10003 Love Serenade Barrett, Shirley 1996 Australia 101
8164 9104 Dragonslayer Robbins, Matthew 1981 USA 108
8165 9106 After Dark, My Sweet Foley, James 1990 USA 114
8166 9108 Two Careful Fellows Rodríguez, Ismael 1953 Mexico 111
8167 9111 Rocky II Stallone, Sylvester 1979 USA 119
8168 9112 Alexandra Sokurov, Aleksandr 2007 Russia 95
8169 9113 Killer is Loose, The Boetticher, Budd 1956 USA 73
8170 9114 Cosmos Żuławski, Andrzej 2015 France 103
8171 9685 Skin Deep Edwards, Blake 1989 USA 97
8172 9118 Beauty Knows No Pain Erwitt, Elliott 1972 USA 26
8173 9126 Yukoku Masaki, Domoto & Yukio Mishima 1966 Japan 30
8174 9686 Voyage en ballon, Le Lamorisse, Albert 1960 France 85
8175 9127 Surveyors, The Soutter, Michel 1972 Switzerland 85
8176 9128 Naya Daur Chopra, B.R. 1957 India 173
8177 9129 Butterfly Kiss Winterbottom, Michael 1995 UK 88
8178 9130 Great Mouse Detective, The Clements, Ron/Burny Mattinson/David Michener/John Musker 1986 USA 80
8179 10025 Loved Ones, The Byrne, Sean 2009 Australia 84
8180 9457 Koktebel Khlebnikov, Boris & Aleksei Popogrebsky 2003 Russia 100
8181 11335 Green Knight, The Lowery, David 2021 Ireland 130
8182 9131 Beauty and the Devil Clair, René 1950 France 80
8183 9133 Vacuum Zone Yamamoto, Satsuo 1952 Japan 129
8184 10026 Ever After Tennant, Andy 1998 USA 120
8185 9134 Cure, The Chaplin, Charles 1917 USA 24
8186 9697 Green for Danger Gilliat, Sidney 1946 UK 93
8187 9135 Matrix Reloaded, The Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 2003 USA 138
8188 9136 Anguish Luna, Bigas 1987 Spain 89
8189 10221 Taxi to the Dark Side Gibney, Alex 2007 USA 106
8190 10075 Halloween II Zombie, Rob 2009 USA 105
8191 9139 Tony Manero Larraín, Pablo 2008 Chile 97
8192 9140 Wizards Bakshi, Ralph 1977 USA 80
8193 10029 Palm Springs Barbakow, Max 2020 USA 90
8194 9703 Quiet American, The Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1958 USA 120
8195 9704 House, The Bartas, Sharunas 1997 Lithuania 120
8196 9144 Baby Face Nelson Siegel, Don 1957 USA 85
8197 9147 No Way Out Donaldson, Roger 1987 USA 116
8198 9148 Glas Haanstra, Bert 1958 Netherlands 11
8199 9149 Brief History of Time, A Morris, Errol 1992 UK 80
8200 11342 Habanera, La Sirk, Douglas 1937 Germany 100
8201 11458 Madness of King George, The Hytner, Nicholas 1995 UK 107
8202 9152 Days, The Wang Xiaoshuai 1993 China 75
8203 9153 Lars and the Real Girl Gillespie, Craig 2007 USA 106
8204 10081 Footnote Cedar, Joseph 2011 Israel 107
8205 9993 Cry-Baby Waters, John 1990 USA 85
8206 9155 Street of Shadows Vernon, Richard 1953 UK 76
8207 10083 Heartbeats Dolan, Xavier 2010 Canada 101
8208 11478 Cobain: Montage of Heck Morgen, Brett 2015 USA 145
8209 9160 Alambrista! Young, Robert M. 1977 USA 110
8210 9158 Rose Tattoo, The Mann, Daniel 1955 USA 117
8211 9157 Making "The Shining" [TV] Kubrick, Vivian 1980 USA 35
8212 9164 School for Scoundrels Hamer, Robert 1960 UK 94
8213 9165 Suburbia Spheeris, Penelope 1983 USA 96
8214 9166 Brainstorm Trumbull, Douglas 1983 USA 106
8215 9345 Western Deep McQueen, Steve 2002 UK 24
8216 9344 Carib's Leap McQueen, Steve 2002 UK 41
8217 9169 Pride of the Yankees, The Wood, Sam 1942 USA 127
8218 10302 Funhouse, The Hooper, Tobe 1981 USA 96
8219 9171 Longing Grisebach, Valeska 2006 Germany 88
8220 10584 Jaguar Brocka, Lino 1979 Philippines 100
8221 9172 Bolivia Caetano, Adrián 2001 Argentina 75
8222 11503 Masked and Anonymous Charles, Larry 2003 USA 112
8223 9854 Nainsukh Dutta, Amit 2010 Switzerland 90
8224 10169 Duck Season Eimbcke, Fernando 2004 Mexico 86
8225 9173 You're Missing the Point Bustillo Oro, Juan 1940 Mexico 112
8226 9175 Bridges at Toko-Ri, The Robson, Mark 1954 USA 102
8227 9178 Paris vu par... Chabrol, Claude/Jean Douchet/Jean-Luc Godard/Jean-Daniel Pollet/Eric Rohmer/Jean Rouch 1965 France 95
8228 10094 Profession of Arms, The Olmi, Ermanno 2001 Italy 105
8229 9515 Dois Córregos - Verdades Submersas no Tempo Reichenbach, Carlos 1999 Brazil 112
8230 9180 Corridor, The Bartas, Sharunas 1995 Germany 85
8231 9181 Samskara Reddy, Pattabhi Rama 1970 India 113
8232 9183 Semiotics of the Kitchen Rosler, Martha 1975 USA 6
8233 9184 Baise-moi Despentes, Virginie & Coralie Trinh Thi 2000 France 77
8234 9185 Daibosatsu tôge: dai-ippen - Kôgen itto-ryû no maki Inagaki, Hiroshi 1935 Japan
8235 9186 Blood and Sand Mamoulian, Rouben 1941 USA 125
8236 9188 Two Tars Parrott, James 1928 USA 21
8237 9562 American Pie Weitz, Paul 1999 USA 95
8238 9192 Dogtown and Z-Boys Peralta, Stacy 2001 USA 91
8239 9193 Age of Consent Powell, Michael 1969 Australia 103
8240 9574 Color Adjustment Riggs, Marlon 1992 USA 86
8241 9194 Torment Sjöberg, Alf 1944 Sweden 100
8242 9195 Crossfire Dmytryk, Edward 1947 USA 86
8243 10637 Wild Boys, The Mandico, Bertrand 2017 France 110
8244 11096 Bishop's Wife, The Koster, Henry 1947 USA 108
8245 9202 Grey Fox, The Borsos, Phillip 1982 Canada 92
8246 10181 Emil and the Detectives Lamprecht, Gerhard 1931 Germany 75
8247 9203 Don't Make Waves Mackendrick, Alexander 1967 USA 97
8248 9204 Urgences Depardon, Raymond 1988 France 105
8249 9205 Night in the Show, A Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 24
8250 9741 Son of Paleface Tashlin, Frank 1952 USA 95
8251 9558 Forgotten, The De Seta, Vittorio 1959 Italy 20
8252 10100 My Life as a Zucchini Barras, Claude 2016 Switzerland 70
8253 11113 Street Angel Borzage, Frank 1928 USA 102
8254 9209 Drifting Naruse, Mikio 1962 Japan 124
8255 9211 Taurus Sokurov, Aleksandr 2001 Russia 104
8256 10038 Edge of Seventeen, The Craig, Kelly Fremon 2016 USA 104
8257 9213 American Hustle Russell, David O. 2013 USA 138
8258 9214 Parvarish Desai, Manmohan 1977 India
8259 9215 Hill Farm, The Baker, Mark 1989 UK 18
8260 9216 Arabian Nights: Volume 2 - The Desolate One Gomes, Miguel 2015 Portugal 131
8261 10106 Wings of Honneamise, The Yamaga, Hiroyuki 1987 Japan 120
8262 10108 Neruda Larraín, Pablo 2016 Chile 107
8263 9224 Making Love Hiller, Arthur 1982 USA 113
8264 9633 Housing Problems Anstey, Edgar & Arthur Elton 1935 UK 16
8265 10204 October Sky Johnston, Joe 1999 USA 107
8266 10037 Summer 1993 Simón, Carla 2017 Spain 97
8267 9226 Cry of the City Siodmak, Robert 1948 USA 95
8268 9227 Beat Street Lathan, Stan 1984 USA 106
8269 9559 Vie des morts, La Desplechin, Arnaud 1991 France 54
8270 9228 From the Journals of Jean Seberg Rappaport, Mark 1995 USA 97
8271 10203 Belle Asante, Amma 2013 USA 104
8272 9231 Street Trash Muro, James 1987 USA 91
8273 11079 Eternity Catacora, Óscar 2017 Peru 86
8274 9233 Finding Christa Billops, Camille & James Hatch 1991 USA 55
8275 10046 That Night's Wife Ozu, Yasujiro 1930 Japan 65
8276 9234 Otro día, El Agüero, Ignacio 2012 Chile 120
8277 10116 Wings of the Dove, The Softley, Iain 1997 USA 101
8278 10214 One Night Belvaux, Lucas 2012 France 104
8279 9237 Quills Kaufman, Philip 2000 USA 123
8280 10415 Will it Snow for Christmas? Veysset, Sandrine 1996 France 90
8281 9629 Lovely & Amazing Holofcener, Nicole 2001 USA 91
8282 9238 Oscar, The Rouse, Russell 1966 USA 119
8283 13282 Tiburoneros Alcoriza, Luis 1963 Mexico 100
8284 9239 Diary of the Dead Romero, George A. 2007 USA 95
8285 10049 Homesman, The Jones, Tommy Lee 2014 France 122
8286 10045 Five Deadly Venoms Chang Cheh 1978 Hong Kong 101
8287 9240 Love is Strange Sachs, Ira 2014 USA 94
8288 9242 Flat Jungle, The van der Keuken, Johan 1979 Netherlands 90
8289 9251 Keep the Lights On Sachs, Ira 2012 USA 101
8290 9252 Behind the Candelabra Soderbergh, Steven 2013 USA 118
8291 10123 Falcon and the Snowman, The Schlesinger, John 1985 UK 131
8292 9254 Cabaret Balkan Paskaljevic, Goran 1998 Yugoslavia 102
8293 9255 Mission to Mars De Palma, Brian 2000 USA 114
8294 9256 Life of Wu Xun Sun Yu 1950 China 208
8295 9257 How to Survive a Plague France, David 2012 USA 120
8296 10054 Tekkonkinkreet Arias, Michael 2006 Japan 103
8297 9259 Twixt Coppola, Francis Ford 2011 USA 88
8298 9260 Fantômas Hunebelle, André 1964 France 100
8299 9262 True Grit Hathaway, Henry 1969 USA 128
8300 9266 Navrang Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1959 India
8301 10058 Spooky Bunch, The Hui, Ann 1980 Hong Kong 97
8302 9267 Stranger, The Welles, Orson 1946 USA 95
8303 9268 Vereda de Salvacao Duarte, Anselmo 1964 Brazil 100
8304 9270 Night Wind Garrel, Philippe 1999 France 95
8305 23620 Our Lady of the Assassins Schroeder, Barbet 2000 Spain 98
8306 9272 Lady in the Lake Montgomery, Robert 1947 USA 105
8307 10128 Flight of the Eagle, The Troell, Jan 1982 Sweden 139
8308 9274 Death Watch Tavernier, Bertrand 1980 France 117
8309 10133 Christine Carpenter, John 1983 USA 110
8310 9276 Narita: The Sky of May Ogawa, Shinsuke 1977 Japan 81
8311 9277 Beatrice Tavernier, Bertrand 1987 France 130
8312 9279 Straight Outta Compton Gray, F. Gary 2015 USA 147
8313 11004 Cowards Bend the Knee Maddin, Guy 2003 Canada 60
8314 9280 M. Butterfly Cronenberg, David 1993 USA 110
8315 9281 Animal Love Seidl, Ulrich 1996 Austria 120
8316 9282 Royal Affairs in Versailles Guitry, Sacha 1954 France 152
8317 9954 These Thousand Hills Fleischer, Richard 1959 USA 96
8318 9283 Hotel Rwanda George, Terry 2004 UK 121
8319 9285 From Noon Till Three Gilroy, Frank D. 1976 USA 99
8320 9286 Alfie Gilbert, Lewis 1966 UK 114
8321 9287 Treasure, The Porumboiu, Corneliu 2015 Romania 89
8322 9288 Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 1991 Japan 83
8323 9289 ...And the Moon Dances Nugroho, Garin 1995 Indonesia 125
8324 10138 Pechki-lavochki Shukshin, Vasiliy 1972 USSR 90
8325 9292 Speedy Wilde, Ted 1928 USA 85
8326 10481 Legend, The Yuen, Corey 1993 Hong Kong 100
8327 10005 Arth Bhatt, Mahesh 1982 India 138
8328 9294 Last Action Hero McTiernan, John 1993 USA 122
8329 9295 Gelin Akad, Lütfi 1973 Turkey 92
8330 9296 Millions Boyle, Danny 2004 UK 98
8331 9302 Thigh Line Lyre Triangular Brakhage, Stan 1961 USA 5
8332 9299 Young Guns Cain, Christopher 1988 USA 107
8333 9306 Blessed Kokkinos, Ana 2009 Australia 113
8334 9307 Family Submerged, A Alche, María 2018 Argentina 91
8335 9639 Junebug Morrison, Phil 2005 USA 107
8336 10916 Wild Blue Yonder, The Herzog, Werner 2005 Germany 80
8337 10915 Red House, The Daves, Delmer 1947 USA 100
8338 10256 Hell's Hinges Swickard, Charles 1916 USA 64
8339 9311 Midnight Special Nichols, Jeff 2016 USA 112
8340 9312 Waitress Shelly, Adrienne 2007 USA 107
8341 10007 Bandini Roy, Bimal 1963 India 157
8342 9314 Scream 2 Craven, Wes 1997 USA 122
8343 9315 Curse of the Werewolf, The Fisher, Terence 1961 UK 93
8344 9316 Touched in the Head Doillon, Jacques 1974 France 104
8345 9317 Filmeur, Le Cavalier, Alain 2005 France 101
8346 10151 Marathon Family, The Sijan, Slobodan 1982 Yugoslavia 92
8347 9817 Southern Comfort Hill, Walter 1981 USA 106
8348 9322 Any Number Can Win Verneuil, Henri 1963 France 121
8349 9821 Hand in the Trap, The Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo 1961 Spain 91
8350 9323 Alleluia du Welz, Fabrice 2014 Belgium 93
8351 10156 Room 237 Ascher, Rodney 2012 USA 102
8352 10008 Lucky Luciano Rosi, Francesco 1973 Italy 105
8353 9989 Lawless, The Losey, Joseph 1950 USA 83
8354 9325 Acarino galaico (De barro) Val del Omar, José 1961 Spain 23
8355 9326 Final Destination Wong, James 2000 USA 98
8356 9329 To Die Like a Man Rodrigues, João Pedro 2009 France 133
8357 10060 Staircase, The [TV] de Lestrade, Jean-Xavier 2004 France 360
8358 9332 Missile Wiseman, Frederick 1988 USA 115
8359 9940 Gardens of Stone Coppola, Francis Ford 1987 USA 111
8360 9334 Love Meetings Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1964 Italy 90
8361 9335 Perfect Human, The Leth, Jørgen 1968 Denmark 13
8362 9351 Songs 15-22 Brakhage, Stan 1965-66
8363 9358 Songs 1-14 Brakhage, Stan 1964-65
8364 9362 Merry Christmas Bender, Lucho 2000 Argentina 99
8365 9363 Looker Crichton, Michael 1981 USA 94
8366 9377 8 Women Ozon, François 2001 France 103
8367 9378 Instrument Cohen, Jem 2003 Italy 115
8368 9379 Sweetgrass Castaing-Taylor, Lucien 2009 USA 101
8369 9934 So Dear to My Heart Schuster, Harold D. 1948 USA 84
8370 11471 Johan Stiller, Mauritz 1921 Sweden 84
8371 10293 And Then There Were None Clair, René 1945 USA 98
8372 10991 One Day Before the Rainy Season Kaul, Mani 1971 India 114
8373 9701 Spring Benson, Justin & Aaron Moorhead 2014 USA 109
8374 12776 Lavra Dor Rufino, Paulo 1968 Brazil 11
8375 9842 Cornerstone Damianos, Alexis 1967 Greece 93
8376 9382 Suddenly Allen, Lewis 1954 USA 77
8377 9384 Polar Express, The Zemeckis, Robert 2004 USA 99
8378 9977 On the Twelfth Day… Toye, Wendy 1955 UK 23
8379 10304 Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The Hathaway, Henry 1936 USA 102
8380 10308 State Secret Gilliat, Sidney 1950 UK 97
8381 9853 California Dreams Ott, Mike 2017 USA 83
8382 9859 Some Kind of Heaven Oppenheim, Lance 2020 USA 81
8383 9855 Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary Bindler, S.R. 1997 USA 98
8384 9861 Maya Darpan Shahani, Kumar 1972 India 107
8385 9386 Frenchman's Creek Leisen, Mitchell 1944 USA 113
8386 9387 Italian for Beginners Scherfig, Lone 2000 Denmark 112
8387 9388 While You Were Sleeping Turteltaub, Jon 1995 USA 103
8388 11545 Aragane Oda, Kaori 2015 Bosnia and Herzegovina 68
8389 10603 Winning of Barbara Worth, The King, Henry 1926 USA 89
8390 9389 Children's Hour, The Wyler, William 1961 USA 108
8391 10172 Warlock Dmytryk, Edward 1959 USA 121
8392 11058 Passion De Palma, Brian 2012 Germany 102
8393 12317 66 Scenes from America Leth, Jørgen 1982 Denmark 42
8394 9390 Mogambo Ford, John 1953 USA 116
8395 9392 General Idi Amin Dada Schroeder, Barbet 1974 France 90
8396 9393 Teen Wolf Daniel, Rod 1985 USA 91
8397 10099 Isle of Dogs Anderson, Wes 2018 USA 101
8398 9396 Brother Sun, Sister Moon Zeffirelli, Franco 1972 Italy 121
8399 9397 China is Near Bellocchio, Marco 1967 Italy 107
8400 11081 Last Frontier, The Mann, Anthony 1955 USA 98
8401 9398 Town, The Affleck, Ben 2010 USA 125
8402 9399 Charlie Brown Christmas, A [TV] Melendez, Bill 1965 USA 25
8403 10628 Crimson Peak del Toro, Guillermo 2015 USA 119
8404 9403 Northerners, The van Warmerdam, Alex 1992 Netherlands 107
8405 9404 At All Costs Simon, Claire 1995 France 95
8406 9405 Tête d'un homme, La Duvivier, Julien 1933 France 90
8407 9419 Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains Adler, Lou 1982 USA 87
8408 10186 Work, The McLeary, Jairus 2017 USA 89
8409 10185 Border Abbasi, Ali 2018 Sweden 110
8410 9424 Little Women Cukor, George 1933 USA 115
8411 9426 Other Half, The Ying Liang 2006 China 111
8412 9427 Ford Transit Abu-Assad, Hany 2003 Palestine 80
8413 10189 Gate of Hell Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1953 Japan 89
8414 9428 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller 2009 USA 90
8415 10101 Prodigal Son, The Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1981 Hong Kong 104
8416 10011 Logan Lucky Soderbergh, Steven 2017 USA 118
8417 10336 Night is Short, Walk on Girl Yuasa, Masaaki 2017 Japan 93
8418 9429 Marie for Memory Garrel, Philippe 1968 France 74
8419 9430 End Peleshian, Artavazd 1992 Armenia 10
8420 9432 In the Battlefields Arbid, Danielle 2004 Belgium 88
8421 9434 Some Interviews on Personal Matters Gogoberidze, Lana 1978 USSR 95
8422 9725 Saltimbancos Trapalhões, Os Tanko, J.B. 1981 Brazil 95
8423 11148 Department Store Camerini, Mario 1939 Italy 85
8424 13169 Ahlam el-madina Malas, Mohamed 1985 Syria 120
8425 11516 Beloved Demme, Jonathan 1998 USA 172
8426 9436 See How They Fall Audiard, Jacques 1994 France 90
8427 9437 Syriana Gaghan, Stephen 2005 USA 128
8428 11485 Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist Dick, Kirby 1997 USA 90
8429 9440 Green Card Weir, Peter 1990 USA 108
8430 9441 Bed Sitting Room, The Lester, Richard 1969 UK 90
8431 10918 Chuzhie pisma Averbakh, Ilya 1976 USSR
8432 9443 Perfume of the Lady in Black, The Barilli, Francesco 1974 Italy 101
8433 10104 Marshland Rodríguez, Alberto 2014 Spain 105
8434 10015 Synonyms Lapid, Nadav 2019 France 123
8435 9444 Secret Agent Barnet, Boris 1947 USSR 88
8436 9445 Délits flagrants Depardon, Raymond 1994 France 109
8437 9446 Declaration of Fools Lee Jang-ho 1983 South Korea 97
8438 10016 Most Violent Year, A Chandor, J.C. 2014 USA 125
8439 10215 Terror in a Texas Town Lewis, Joseph H. 1958 USA 80
8440 10422 Dead Girl, The Moncrieff, Karen 2006 USA 85
8441 11174 Silent Partner, The Duke, Daryl 1978 Canada 106
8442 10017 Congress, The Folman, Ari 2013 Israel 122
8443 9454 Roxie Hart Wellman, William A. 1942 USA 75
8444 10019 Easy A Gluck, Will 2010 USA 92
8445 10202 Private Life Jenkins, Tamara 2018 USA 123
8446 9930 Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn Jude, Radu 2021 Romania 106
8447 9458 I Don't Want to Be a Man Lubitsch, Ernst 1918 Germany 45
8448 11870 New Women Cai Chusheng 1935 China 106
8449 9460 Lonesome Dove [TV] Wincer, Simon 1989 USA 384
8450 9461 Fall of the Roman Empire, The Mann, Anthony 1964 USA 153
8451 10446 Safe Conduct Tavernier, Bertrand 2002 France 170
8452 9464 Terrorist, The Sivan, Santosh 1998 India 99
8453 9465 Position Among the Stars Helmrich, Leonard Retel 2010 Netherlands 114
8454 10020 We Are What We Are Grau, Jorge Michel 2010 Mexico 89
8455 9466 Missouri Breaks, The Penn, Arthur 1976 USA 126
8456 11117 Drive a Crooked Road Quine, Richard 1954 USA 83
8457 9469 House with Laughing Windows, The Avati, Pupi 1976 Italy 110
8458 9470 Grey Zone, The Nelson, Tim Blake 2001 USA 108
8459 10470 Secrets of a Soul Pabst, G.W. 1926 Germany 97
8460 9784 Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father Kuenne, Kurt 2008 USA 95
8461 9471 Gertie the Dinosaur McCay, Winsor 1914 USA 18
8462 9472 Bhaji on the Beach Chadha, Gurinder 1993 UK 102
8463 10822 Well for the Thirsty, A Ilyenko, Yuri 1965 USSR 70
8464 11290 Diario di un maestro [TV] De Seta, Vittorio 1973 Italy 290
8465 10243 Luna Papa Khudojnazarov, Bakhtyar 1999 Germany 107
8466 10247 Mr. Bug Goes to Town Fleischer, Dave 1941 USA 77
8467 10249 Closed Curtain Panahi, Jafar & Kambuzia Partovi 2013 Iran 106
8468 9474 Life in a Day Macdonald, Kevin 2011 UK 95
8469 10248 Strange Little Cat, The Zürcher, Ramon 2013 Germany 72
8470 10021 Macross: Do You Remember Love? Ishiguro, Noboru & Shouji Kawamori 1984 Japan 114
8471 9475 Manufactured Landscapes Baichwal, Jennifer 2006 Canada 87
8472 9477 Man on the Flying Trapeze Bruckman, Clyde 1935 USA 65
8473 11317 Jai Bhim Comrade Patwardhan, Anand 2011 India 199
8474 10022 Trip, The Corman, Roger 1967 USA 85
8475 10141 Haywire Soderbergh, Steven 2011 USA 93
8476 10477 Last Starfighter, The Castle, Nick 1984 USA 100
8477 10024 Last Boy Scout, The Scott, Tony 1991 USA 105
8478 9481 Verbena de la Paloma, La Perojo, Benito 1935 Spain 78
8479 9482 No Direction Home: Bob Dylan [TV] Scorsese, Martin 2005 UK 208
8480 9483 Son of Rambow Jennings, Garth 2007 UK 95
8481 20637 Calamari Union Kaurismäki, Aki 1985 Finland 84
8482 10482 Identification Marks: None Skolimowski, Jerzy 1965 Poland 73
8483 9484 Beginning Peleshian, Artavazd 1967 USSR 10
8484 9486 Merry-Go-Round Julian, Rupert 1923 USA 110
8485 9487 Jeux sont faits, Les Delannoy, Jean 1947 France 105
8486 9499 Plainsman, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1936 USA 113
8487 10261 Counterfeit Coin, The Tzavellas, Yorgos 1955 Greece 127
8488 12028 Triangle Smith, Christopher 2009 UK 99
8489 9500 Tonari no Yae-chan Shimazu, Yasujiro 1934 Japan 76
8490 9501 Coup de tête Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1979 France 89
8491 9502 Règne du jour, Le Perrault, Pierre 1967 Canada 118
8492 9503 Future Boy Conan [TV] Miyazaki, Hayao/Keiji Hayakawa/Isao Takahata 1978 Japan 624
8493 10150 Father of My Children Hansen-Løve, Mia 2009 France 110
8494 9509 Justin de Marseille Tourneur, Maurice 1935 France 95
8495 9818 Wichita Tourneur, Jacques 1955 USA 81
8496 9511 Escape to Victory Huston, John 1981 USA 110
8497 9512 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones Lucas, George 2002 USA 142
8498 10540 Sunday Too Far Away Hannam, Ken 1975 Australia 95
8499 10539 Mitchells vs the Machines, The Rianda, Michael & Jeff Rowe 2021 USA 113
8500 14426 Not a Pretty Picture Coolidge, Martha 1976 USA 83
8501 9513 Martin (Hache) Aristarain, Adolfo 1997 Spain 123
8502 12520 Bridesmaid, The Chabrol, Claude 2004 France 110
8503 9514 Brazil Symphony Latini, Anelio 1951 Brazil 75
8504 9523 Act of Violence Zinnemann, Fred 1949 USA 82
8505 9524 Empire Records Moyle, Allan 1995 USA 91
8506 11402 Man from Majorca, The Widerberg, Bo 1984 Sweden 106
8507 10546 Play Dirty de Toth, André 1969 UK 117
8508 10154 Grand Prix Frankenheimer, John 1966 USA 176
8509 9527 Porky's Clark, Bob 1981 Canada 94
8510 9529 Spring Fever Lou Ye 2009 China 116
8511 9530 Abashiri Prison Ishii, Teruo 1965 Japan 92
8512 9531 Bang the Drum Slowly Hancock, John D. 1973 USA 97
8513 9533 North Dallas Forty Kotcheff, Ted 1979 USA 119
8514 9534 Alice in Wonderland Hepworth, Cecil & Percy Stow 1903 UK 8
8515 9535 She's One of Us Alnoy, Siegrid 2003 France 100
8516 9547 I Walk Alone Haskin, Byron 1948 USA 98
8517 10153 Voenno-polevoy roman Todorovsky, Pyotr 1983 USSR 92
8518 14193 Creep Brice, Patrick 2014 USA 77
8519 10030 3:10 to Yuma Mangold, James 2007 USA 122
8520 11454 Unbelievable Truth, The Hartley, Hal 1989 USA 90
8521 10289 Evil Eye, The Bava, Mario 1963 Italy 86
8522 9549 If I Had a Million Cruze, James/H. Bruce Humberstone/Ernst Lubitsch/Norman Z. McLeod/Stephen Roberts/William A. Seiter/Norman Taurog 1932 USA 88
8523 10575 Homme du large, L' L'Herbier, Marcel 1920 France 84
8524 9550 Cherry Blossoms Dörrie, Doris 2007 Germany
8525 9553 Chevre, La Veber, Francis 1981 France 91
8526 10923 This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse Marins, José Mojica 1967 Brazil 108
8527 9554 East Side Story Ranga, Dana 1997 Germany 80
8528 9556 Heller in Pink Tights Cukor, George 1960 USA 100
8529 10582 In the Land of the Deaf Philibert, Nicolas 1992 Italy 99
8530 9851 Jallikattu Pellissery, Lijo Jose 2019 India 95
8531 13008 Rocking Horsemen, The Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1992 Japan 135
8532 11520 Karl May Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1974 West Germany 187
8533 17715 Lovefilm Szabó, István 1970 Hungary 123
8534 12812 Structure of Crystal, The Zanussi, Krzysztof 1969 Poland 74
8535 14747 Edge, The Kramer, Robert 1968 USA 100
8536 15093 M Losey, Joseph 1951 USA 88
8537 12173 Ana and the Others Murga, Celina 2003 Argentina 80
8538 9563 Death and the Maiden Polanski, Roman 1994 UK 103
8539 11532 Wrestler and the Clown, The Barnet, Boris & Konstantin Yudin 1957 USSR 95
8540 9564 I Confess Hitchcock, Alfred 1953 USA 95
8541 9565 Amuleto de Ogum, O Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1974 Brazil 112
8542 11539 Jealousy Garrel, Philippe 2013 France 77
8543 9566 Monsieur Coccinelle Bernard-Deschamps 1938 France
8544 9567 Murderer Lives at Number 21, The Clouzot, Henri-Georges 1942 France 83
8545 9568 Bubba Ho-Tep Coscarelli, Don 2002 USA 91
8546 10597 Pitch Perfect Moore, Jason 2012 USA 112
8547 10035 Mank Fincher, David 2020 USA 131
8548 10339 Tonight or Never Schmid, Daniel 1972 Switzerland 78
8549 9569 Arbor Vitae Dorsky, Nathaniel 2000 USA 28
8550 9570 Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War Kang Je-kyu 2004 South Korea 140
8551 9571 Night it Rained, The Shirdel, Kamran 1967 Iran 35
8552 9572 Machuca Wood, Andrés 2004 France 121
8553 9575 Psych-Out Rush, Richard 1968 USA 82
8554 9607 InterMission Crowley, John 2003 Ireland 105
8555 9609 Xanadu Greenwald, Robert 1980 USA 88
8556 10634 Death Race 2000 Bartel, Paul 1975 USA 78
8557 10352 Days of Glory Bouchareb, Rachid 2006 France 124
8558 11572 Legally Blonde Luketic, Robert 2001 USA 96
8559 10182 Under the Silver Lake Mitchell, David Robert 2018 USA 139
8560 10183 MacGruber Taccone, Jorma 2010 USA 99
8561 11007 Comedy of Work, The Moullet, Luc 1988 France 90
8562 10355 Waves Shults, Trey Edward 2019 USA 135
8563 10356 Field in England, A Wheatley, Ben 2013 UK 90
8564 9610 My Sassy Girl Kwak Jae-young 2001 South Korea 123
8565 10359 Medium, The Menotti, Gian Carlo 1951 USA 84
8566 9612 France contre les robots, La Straub, Jean-Marie 2020 Switzerland 10
8567 10610 Suspiria Guadagnino, Luca 2018 Italy 152
8568 9613 Saboteur Hitchcock, Alfred 1942 USA 108
8569 9890 All is Lost Chandor, J.C. 2013 USA 106
8570 9614 Damage Malle, Louis 1992 UK 111
8571 9615 Double Strength Hammer, Barbara 1978 USA 20
8572 9616 Listen to the Roar of the Ocean Sekigawa, Hideo 1950
8573 10187 Maniac Khalfoun, Franck 2012 France 89
8574 10670 317th Platoon, The Schoendoerffer, Pierre 1965 France 100
8575 10671 Casanova Volkoff, Alexandre 1927 France 132
8576 10370 Dance of Reality, The Jodorowsky, Alejandro 2013 Chile 133
8577 10636 About Time Curtis, Richard 2013 UK 123
8578 10198 Proposal, The Fletcher, Anne 2009 USA 108
8579 10039 City That Never Sleeps Auer, John H. 1953 USA 90
8580 9620 Anayurt Oteli Kavur, Ömer 1987 Turkey 101
8581 10377 Barefoot Gen Masaki, Mori 1983 Japan 83
8582 9621 Détruire dit-elle Duras, Marguerite 1969 France 100
8583 9625 Trip Down Market Street Before the Fire, A Miles, Harry 1906 USA 12
8584 9622 Revenge of Pancho Villa, The Padilla, Edmundo & Félix Padilla 1936 USA 49
8585 11713 Jewel Robbery Dieterle, William 1932 USA 68
8586 10194 Fire in the Sky Lieberman, Robert 1993 USA 107
8587 10200 Support the Girls Bujalski, Andrew 2018 USA 93
8588 10040 Hacksaw Ridge Gibson, Mel 2016 Australia 139
8589 9630 Hidden, The Sholder, Jack 1987 USA 96
8590 9632 Places in Cities Schanelec, Angela 1998 Germany 117
8591 10212 Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl, The Muller, Ray 1993 Belgium 182
8592 10701 Savage Messiah Russell, Ken 1972 UK 97
8593 9897 Twilight Zone: The Movie Dante, Joe/John Landis/George Miller/Steven Spielberg 1983 USA 101
8594 10389 Kasaba Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 1997 Turkey 85
8595 9635 Ismael's Ghosts Desplechin, Arnaud 2017 France 114
8596 9636 Tears of the Black Tiger Sasanatieng, Wisit 2000 Thailand 110
8597 10711 Night Across the Street Ruiz, Raúl 2012 Chile 110
8598 10042 Infinite Football Porumboiu, Corneliu 2018 Romania 70
8599 10480 Surviving Desire Hartley, Hal 1992 USA 53
8600 9638 Dead and Buried Sherman, Gary 1981 USA 92
8601 10043 Horse's Mouth, The Neame, Ronald 1958 UK 93
8602 11782 Layer Cake Vaughn, Matthew 2004 USA 105
8603 10044 Amour fou Hausner, Jessica 2014 Austria 96
8604 10047 Dreamgirls Condon, Bill 2006 USA 130
8605 10725 Experiment in Terror Edwards, Blake 1962 USA 123
8606 9640 Ring, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1927 UK 106
8607 10408 Lions Love Varda, Agnès 1969 France 110
8608 11198 Fährmann Maria Wisbar, Frank 1936 Germany 85
8609 10213 Tucker & Dale vs. Evil Craig, Eli 2010 Canada 89
8610 10050 Moana Musker, John/Ron Clements 2016 USA 113
8611 9647 Horrible Dr. Hichcock, The Freda, Riccardo 1962 Italy 76
8612 9648 State of Grace Joanou, Phil 1990 USA 134
8613 13279 Great Flamarion, The Mann, Anthony 1945 USA 78
8614 10424 Man with the Balloons, The Ferreri, Marco 1968 Italy 85
8615 10052 Harder They Fall, The Robson, Mark 1956 USA 109
8616 9650 Sing a Song of Sex Oshima, Nagisa 1967 Japan 103
8617 10053 Tramp, The Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 26
8618 9651 Gol Maal Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1979 India 144
8619 9652 San Francisco Van Dyke, W.S. 1936 USA 115
8620 10758 49th Parallel Powell, Michael 1941 UK 107
8621 10762 Patriots, The Rochant, Eric 1994 France 138
8622 9654 Burning Secret, The Siodmak, Robert 1933 Germany 92
8623 9655 Kleine Godard an das Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, Der Costard, Hellmuth 1978 West Germany 84
8624 9656 Erbschaft, Die Geis, Jacob 1936 Germany 20
8625 9657 King of Kings, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1927 USA 112
8626 10055 Three Outlaw Samurai Gosha, Hideo 1964 Japan 95
8627 9658 Trouble Man Dixon, Ivan 1972 USA 99
8628 10433 Wreck-it-Ralph Moore, Rich 2012 USA 108
8629 10777 Chains Matarazzo, Raffaello 1949 Italy 90
8630 10056 Ain't Them Bodies Saints Lowery, David 2013 USA 96
8631 10440 Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars Pennebaker, D.A. 1979 UK 90
8632 11018 Wild Rose Sun Yu 1932 China 70
8633 10860 Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal [TV] des Pallières, Arnaud 2002 France 46
8634 10057 Original Cast Album: Company Pennebaker, D.A. 1970 USA 58
8635 13246 Keep Your Right Up Godard, Jean-Luc 1987 France 82
8636 10677 Annees lycee: Petites, Les [TV] Lvovsky, Noémie 1997 France 90
8637 9662 Vanilla Sky Crowe, Cameron 2001 USA 135
8638 9663 Hors Satan Dumont, Bruno 2011 France 110
8639 9664 Unforgiven, The Huston, John 1959 USA 125
8640 10783 Christmas Holiday Siodmak, Robert 1944 USA 92
8641 10059 Little Big Horn Warren, Charles Marquis 1951 USA 86
8642 9665 Ramblers Yamashita, Nobuhiro 2003 Japan 83
8643 10459 Razorback Mulcahy, Russell 1984 Australia 95
8644 10230 Shaun the Sheep Movie Burton, Mark & Richard Starzak 2015 UK 85
8645 10062 Meeting People is Easy Gee, Grant 1998 UK 95
8646 9667 Man of Ashes Bouzid, Nouri 1986 Tunisia 109
8647 9668 Rojo Naishtat, Benjamín 2018 Argentina 109
8648 9669 Amant, L' Annaud, Jean-Jacques 1992 France 110
8649 10464 Three on a Couch Lewis, Jerry 1966 USA 109
8650 9670 Stella Cacoyannis, Michael 1955 Greece 94
8651 9671 Or (My Treasure) Yedaya, Keren 2004 France 100
8652 9672 Etrange Monsieur Victor, L' Grémillon, Jean 1938
8653 9673 Flashdance Lyne, Adrian 1983 USA 96
8654 9949 Unforgettable, The Solntseva, Yuliya 1967 USSR 118
8655 9674 Monolog Averbakh, Ilya 1973 USSR 115
8656 10239 Slumber Party Massacre, The Jones, Amy Holden 1982 USA 77
8657 10240 Zombieland Fleischer, Ruben 2009 USA 88
8658 9675 Razzle Dazzle Jacobs, Ken 2007 USA 92
8659 10848 Owners, The Yerzhanov, Adilkhan 2014 Kazakhstan 100
8660 18139 I'm Thinking of Ending Things Kaufman, Charlie 2020 USA 134
8661 9676 Visions in Meditation #2: Mesa Verde Brakhage, Stan 1989 USA 17
8662 9677 Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, The Kotcheff, Ted 1974 Canada 121
8663 10475 Green Pastures, The Connelly, Marc & William Keighley 1936 USA 92
8664 11275 Dorogoy tsenoy Donskoi, Mark 1957 USSR 98
8665 9679 Partner Bertolucci, Bernardo 1968 Italy 110
8666 9680 Enemy at the Gates Annaud, Jean-Jacques 2000 Germany 131
8667 10063 Matilda DeVito, Danny 1996 USA 100
8668 9957 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kuzui, Fran Rubel 1992 USA 86
8669 9683 Bow, The Kim Ki-duk 2005 South Korea 90
8670 10490 Zur Sache, Schatzchen Spils, May 1968 West Germany 80
8671 10884 Eyes Closed, The Santoni, Joël 1972 France 125
8672 11898 Christmas Evil Jackson, Lewis 1980 USA 100
8673 9684 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Johar, Karan 1998 India 177
8674 10252 Super Troopers Chandrasekhar, Jay 2001 USA 100
8675 10889 Winter Kept Us Warm Secter, David 1965 Canada 81
8676 10501 Valhalla Rising Refn, Nicolas Winding 2009 Denmark
8677 11963 Iron Monkey Yuen Woo-ping 1993 Hong Kong 90
8678 9970 Mercenary, The Corbucci, Sergio 1968 Italy 105
8679 9688 Film comme les autres, Un Godard, Jean-Luc 1968 France 120
8680 12031 Winter Kills Richert, William 1979 USA 97
8681 9689 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man Neill, Roy William 1943 USA 74
8682 10066 Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Nishio, Daisuke & Hirotoshi Rissen 2003 Japan 68
8683 10067 Life Marks Urbizu, Enrique 2003 Spain 127
8684 14431 Breaking News To, Johnnie 2004 Hong Kong 90
8685 10519 Story of Temple Drake, The Roberts, Stephen 1933 USA 70
8686 9694 Silver River Walsh, Raoul 1948 USA 110
8687 10933 Symbol Matsumoto, Hitoshi 2009 Japan 93
8688 9695 Tomb of Ligeia, The Corman, Roger 1965 UK 81
8689 10068 Sun Also Rises, The Jiang Wen 2007 China 116
8690 10069 Smell of Us, The Clark, Larry 2014 France 92
8691 10534 Four Sons Ford, John 1928 USA 100
8692 10073 Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That! Hornblower, Nathaniel 2006 USA 85
8693 10888 Tank Girl Talalay, Rachel 1995 USA 104
8694 10072 As Canções Coutinho, Eduardo 2011 Brazil 90
8695 9698 Keep, The Mann, Michael 1983 USA 96
8696 9699 City of Hope Sayles, John 1991 USA 129
8697 9700 Historias de la Radio Sáenz de Heredia, José Luis 1955 Spain 95
8698 10074 Hanna Wright, Joe 2011 USA 111
8699 10076 Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Neame, Ronald 1969 USA 116
8700 12663 Shadow Box, The [TV] Newman, Paul 1980 USA 96
8701 9702 Belly of an Architect, The Greenaway, Peter 1987 UK 119
8702 16507 Vem älskar Yngve Frej [TV] Forsberg, Lars Lennart 1973 Sweden 104
8703 10962 Bilbao Luna, Bigas 1978 Spain 93
8704 9705 Give Us This Day Dmytryk, Edward 1949 UK 116
8705 10967 Valiant Ones, The Hu, King 1975 Taiwan 102
8706 9707 Day of Despair, The Oliveira, Manoel de 1992 Portugal 75
8707 10270 Night on the Galactic Railroad Sugii, Gisaburo 1985 Japan 113
8708 10079 Quiet Flows the Don Gerasimov, Sergey 1957 USSR 330
8709 10274 Lost Letter, The Ivchenko, Boris 1972 USSR
8710 10272 Vavilon XX Mikolaychuk, Ivan 1979 USSR 100
8711 12098 Bad Company Benton, Robert 1972 USA 93
8712 10554 Women of Ryazan Pravov, Ivan & Olga Preobrazhenskaya 1927 USSR 67
8713 10080 Blue Gate Crossing Yee Chih-yen 2002 Taiwan 85
8714 11316 Phantom India [TV] Malle, Louis 1969 France 378
8715 9710 Mummy, The Fisher, Terence 1959 UK 88
8716 9711 Cappotto, Il Lattuada, Alberto 1952 Italy 95
8717 10569 Funeral, The Itami, Juzo 1984 Japan 124
8718 9712 Arthur Gordon, Steve 1981 USA 97
8719 9972 Day in Barbagia, A De Seta, Vittorio 1958 Italy 11
8720 10571 Boys' School Christian-Jaque 1938 France 98
8721 10574 Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros Solito, Auraeus 2005 Philippines 100
8722 10082 Horus: Prince of the Sun Takahata, Isao 1968 Japan 82
8723 12120 Amanda Hers, Mikhaël 2018 France 107
8724 9713 Bhuvan Shome Sen, Mrinal 1969 India 96
8725 10084 One and Eight Zhang Junzhao 1984 China 86
8726 10085 Willow Howard, Ron 1988 USA 126
8727 10295 Sunset Song Davies, Terence 2015 UK 135
8728 11481 Knife + Heart Gonzalez, Yann 2018 France 102
8729 9715 Pushover Quine, Richard 1954 USA 88
8730 9716 It Badger, Clarence G. 1927 USA 72
8731 10086 Innisfree Guerín, José Luis 1990 Spain 110
8732 9717 Murder Psalm Brakhage, Stan 1980 USA 16
8733 10578 Never Cry Wolf Ballard, Carroll 1983 USA 105
8734 10087 Viy Yershov, Konstantin 1967 USSR 77
8735 10088 Take Care of My Cat Jeong Jae-eun 2001 South Korea 112
8736 10089 Champion Robson, Mark 1949 USA 99
8737 10090 Swoon Kalin, Tom 1991 USA 92
8738 10586 Powaqqatsi Reggio, Godfrey 1988 USA 97
8739 9718 High and the Mighty, The Wellman, William A. 1954 USA 147
8740 9719 Deserter and the Nomads, The Jakubisko, Juraj 1968 Italy 120
8741 9720 Bourse et la vie, La Mocky, Jean-Pierre 1966 Italy 90
8742 13731 Love Without Pity Rochant, Eric 1989 France 88
8743 10091 Heavy Metal Potterton, Gerald 1981 Canada 90
8744 9721 Robinson in Ruins Keiller, Patrick 2010 UK 101
8745 10264 Return of the Secaucus Seven Sayles, John 1980 USA 100
8746 9723 Dancing Bernard, Patrick-Mario/Xavier Brillat/Pierre Trividic 2003 France 94
8747 10092 Springtime in a Small Town Tian Zhuangzhuang 2002 China 116
8748 11492 Everybody Wants Some!! Linklater, Richard 2016 USA 117
8749 17298 Welcome in Vienna Corti, Axel 1986 Austria 126
8750 10093 Sisters Brothers, The Audiard, Jacques 2018 France 122
8751 9724 Morte-saison des amours, La Kast, Pierre 1961 France 100
8752 10600 She and He Hani, Susumu 1963 Japan 110
8753 9726 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid Reiner, Carl 1982 USA 89
8754 12883 Apache Drums Fregonese, Hugo 1951 USA 76
8755 10095 Gone Baby Gone Affleck, Ben 2007 USA 114
8756 10327 Day of Anger Valerii, Tonino 1967 Italy 111
8757 9727 Arabian Nights: Volume 3 - The Enchanted One Gomes, Miguel 2015 Portugal 125
8758 10096 Look Both Ways Watt, Sarah 2005 Australia 101
8759 10613 Araby Dumans, João & Affonso Uchoa 2017 Brazil 97
8760 9728 Jollies Benning, Sadie 1990 USA 11
8761 9729 Our Man Flint Mann, Daniel 1966 USA 107
8762 10097 Vabank Machulski, Juliusz 1981 Poland 108
8763 10286 Constantine Lawrence, Francis 2005 Germany 120
8764 11063 Akeelah and the Bee Atchison, Doug 2005 USA 110
8765 9730 Inserts Byrum, John 1975 UK 99
8766 9731 Razor in the Flesh Chediak, Braz 1969 Brazil 90
8767 9732 Paradis perdus Gance, Abel 1940 France 82
8768 9733 Erschiessung des Landesverräters Ernst S., Die Dindo, Richard 1979 Switzerland 99
8769 9734 Dojoji Temple Kawamoto, Kihachiro 1976
8770 11076 Graduation Mungiu, Cristian 2016 Romania 128
8771 9736 Flower Thief, The Rice, Ron 1960 USA 70
8772 9737 Wide Angle Saxon Land, Owen 1975 22
8773 10340 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri McDonagh, Martin 2017 USA 115
8774 11022 Dark Song, A Gavin, Liam 2016 Ireland 100
8775 9739 Home for the Holidays Foster, Jodie 1995 USA 103
8776 10638 Ultimo caballo, El Neville, Edgar 1950 Spain 85
8777 10642 I Wanna Hold Your Hand Zemeckis, Robert 1978 USA 104
8778 10645 Dogfight Savoca, Nancy 1991 USA 92
8779 15483 Permanent Vacation Jarmusch, Jim 1980 USA 75
8780 10658 Mera Naam Joker Kapoor, Raj 1972 India 224
8781 12284 Poto and Cabengo Gorin, Jean-Pierre 1980 USA 77
8782 9742 Last Summer Perry, Frank 1969 USA 97
8783 13749 Journey to the Beginning of Time Zeman, Karel 1955 Czechoslovakia 93
8784 11070 Visit, The Shyamalan, M. Night 2015 USA 94
8785 13854 Eastern Condors Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1987 Hong Kong 93
8786 10668 Quinceañera Glatzer, Richard & Wash Westmoreland 2006 USA 90
8787 11050 Blackcoat’s Daughter, The Perkins, Osgood 2015 USA 93
8788 9743 Chungyo Kim Ki-young 1972 South Korea 110
8789 10102 Old Well, The Wu Tian-Ming 1986 China 130
8790 9744 Sangam Kapoor, Raj 1964 India 238
8791 9745 Tina Goes Shopping [TV] Woolcock, Penny 1999 UK 60
8792 9747 Heat Morrissey, Paul 1972 USA 100
8793 10681 Reed, Mexico insurgente Leduc, Paul 1972 Mexico 124
8794 10375 Empress Wu Li Han Hsiang 1963 Hong Kong 120
8795 10105 After the Fox De Sica, Vittorio 1966 Italy 103
8796 9748 Midaq Alley Fons, Jorge 1995 Mexico 140
8797 10688 Lost World: Jurassic Park, The Spielberg, Steven 1997 USA 134
8798 9749 Frida Taymor, Julie 2002 USA 118
8799 10698 Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon, A Tsui Hark 1989 Hong Kong 105
8800 11153 Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern Fleischmann, Peter 1969 West Germany 88
8801 9750 Orphan of Anyang Wang Chao 2001 China 84
8802 9751 Pravda Godard, Jean-Luc/Paul Burron/Jean-Henri Roger 1970 West Germany 58
8803 10345 Mystery Men Usher, Kinka 1999 USA 120
8804 22343 Many Wars Ago Rosi, Francesco 1970 Italy 100
8805 9752 Destiny Chahine, Youssef 1997 France 135
8806 10706 Farinet ou l'or dans la montagne Haufler, Max 1939 Switzerland 90
8807 9753 Dragon Inn Lee, Raymond & Ching Siu-Tung 1992 Hong Kong 103
8808 11157 Informer, The Robison, Arthur 1929 UK 83
8809 10109 Prevenge Lowe, Alice 2016 UK 87
8810 12178 Talk to Me Lemmons, Kasi 2007 USA 118
8811 9761 Bridge Too Far, A Attenborough, Richard 1977 UK 175
8812 10398 West Beirut Doueiri, Ziad 1998 France 105
8813 10110 Swamp Thing Craven, Wes 1982 USA 91
8814 11779 Peppermint Soda Kurys, Diane 1977 France 101
8815 10404 Abouna Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 2002 France 84
8816 11591 Meteorango Kid: Herói Intergalático Oliveira, André Luiz 1969 Brazil 85
8817 10717 Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem Elkabetz, Ronit & Shlomi Elkabetz 2014 Israel 115
8818 9762 Hapax Legomena III: Critical Mass Frampton, Hollis 1971 USA 26
8819 9763 New Land, The Troell, Jan 1972 Sweden 161
8820 9764 Ménilmontant Guissart, René 1936 France
8821 9765 Rickshaw Man, The Inagaki, Hiroshi 1958 Japan 103
8822 9771 Bullet Ballet Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 1998 Japan 87
8823 10112 Look at the Face Kogan, Pavel 1966 USSR 11
8824 13245 Holy Matrimony Stahl, John M. 1943 USA 87
8825 12385 Education McQueen, Steve 2020 UK 60
8826 9772 Man.Road.River Marcellvs L. 2004 Brazil 10
8827 10114 Major League Ward, David S. 1989 USA 107
8828 10115 Kindergarten Teacher, The Lapid, Nadav 2014 Israel 119
8829 11216 End of the Affair, The Jordan, Neil 1999 USA 101
8830 10732 Bell, Book and Candle Quine, Richard 1958 USA 106
8831 10376 Vampires Carpenter, John 1998 USA 108
8832 9775 Peeping Toms Zohar, Uri 1972 Israel 90
8833 10413 Desperado Rodriguez, Robert 1995 USA 106
8834 10117 Miracle O'Connor, Gavin 2004 USA 135
8835 10423 Stakeout Nomura, Yoshitaro 1958 Japan 116
8836 10427 Alice, Sweet Alice Sole, Alfred 1976 USA 107
8837 10118 Life Without Principle To, Johnnie 2011 Hong Kong 107
8838 9776 Eau chaude, l'eau frette, L' Forcier, André 1976 Canada 94
8839 10119 It Came From Outer Space Arnold, Jack 1953 USA 81
8840 10759 Across 110th Street Shear, Barry 1972 USA 102
8841 11708 Contadini del mare De Seta, Vittorio 1955 Italy 9
8842 10425 Insomnia Nolan, Christopher 2002 USA 118
8843 12421 Ragbar Beizai, Bahram 1972 Iran 128
8844 10765 Waterloo Bondarchuk, Sergei 1971 Italy 123
8845 9777 Man and His Dog Out for Air, A Breer, Robert 1957 USA 3
8846 10120 Brian's Song [TV] Kulik, Buzz 1971 USA 73
8847 9778 Wild and Woolly Emerson, John 1917 USA 47
8848 10770 Angel Guts: Red Classroom Sone, Chusei 1979 Japan 79
8849 10766 Devil's Playground, The Schepisi, Fred 1976 Australia 107
8850 11237 Last Sunset, The Aldrich, Robert 1961 USA 112
8851 11238 My Mother and Her Guest Shin Sang-ok 1961 South Korea 103
8852 10121 Good Earth, The Franklin, Sidney 1937 USA 138
8853 9785 Arriere pays, L' Nolot, Jacques 1998 France 90
8854 10122 Brain Damage Henenlotter, Frank 1988 USA 94
8855 10773 Useful Life, A Veiroj, Federico 2010 Uruguay 70
8856 10124 Shiri Kang Je-kyu 1999 South Korea 125
8857 9786 Mournful Unconcern Sokurov, Aleksandr 1987 USSR 110
8858 12447 Crazies, The Romero, George A. 1973 USA 103
8859 12448 Woman of Breakwater O'Hara, Mario 2003 Philippines 124
8860 9787 Tsotsi Hood, Gavin 2005 South Africa 94
8861 9788 Return of the Prodigal Son Schorm, Evald 1967 Czechoslovakia 103
8862 11258 Zoo in Budapest Lee, Rowland V. 1933 USA 85
8863 9790 Last Witness Lee Doo-yong 1980 South Korea 158
8864 10454 Dead Calm Noyce, Phillip 1989 Australia 96
8865 9791 Comedien, Le Guitry, Sacha 1948 France 95
8866 9792 Once Upon a Time, Cinema Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1992 Iran 90
8867 10788 Company Varma, Ram Gopal 2002 India 155
8868 10799 Recta Provincia, La [TV] Ruiz, Raúl 2007 Chile 180
8869 10807 Kaigenrei Yoshida, Yoshishige 1973 Japan 110
8870 12903 Faculty, The Rodriguez, Robert 1998 USA 104
8871 10126 Very Nice, Very Nice Lipsett, Arthur 1961 Canada 7
8872 15012 Magic Gloves, The Rejtman, Martín 2003 Argentina 90
8873 9793 Household Saints Savoca, Nancy 1993 USA 124
8874 10127 Patch of Blue, A Green, Guy 1965 USA 105
8875 10129 Yasha Furuhata, Yasuo 1985 Japan 127
8876 10130 Faceless Things Kim Kyung-mook 2005 South Korea 65
8877 10132 Life of Fish, The Bize, Matías 2010 Chile 84
8878 Close Your Eyes Erice, Víctor 2023 Spain 169
8879 Pacifiction Serra, Albert 2022 France 165
8880 Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1986 Japan 135
8881 10935 Frailty Paxton, Bill 2001 USA 99
8882 11001 Stranded: I've Come from a Plane that Crashed on the Mountains Arijon, Gonzalo 2007 France 113
8883 12001 Orderly or Disorderly Kiarostami, Abbas 1981 Iran 15
8884 9794 Safari Seidl, Ulrich 2016 Austria 91
8885 10136 Josie and the Pussycats Elfont, Harry & Deborah Kaplan 2001 USA 98
8886 10846 Man Without a Star Vidor, King 1955 USA 89
8887 10411 Todas as Mulheres do Mundo Oliveira, Domingos de 1967 Brazil 86
8888 10137 Moscou Coutinho, Eduardo 2009 Brazil
8889 10851 Kapò Pontecorvo, Gillo 1960 Italy 116
8890 10139 Walk the Line Mangold, James 2005 Germany 136
8891 9801 Call Northside 777 Hathaway, Henry 1948 USA 111
8892 18433 Downhill Hitchcock, Alfred 1927 UK 110
8893 9802 Frankenstein Created Woman Fisher, Terence 1967 UK 92
8894 9803 Philips-Radio Ivens, Joris 1931 Netherlands 36
8895 11319 Top Gun: Maverick Kosinski, Joseph 2022 USA 130
8896 14095 All Quiet on the Western Front Berger, Edward 2022 Germany 148
8897 10879 Decoder Muscha 1984 West Germany 87
8898 9804 Daddy Long Legs Negulesco, Jean 1955 USA 126
8899 10881 São Jerônimo Bressane, Júlio 1999 Brazil 78
8900 9805 Return of Martin Guerre, The Vigne, Daniel 1982 France 111
8901 11325 Mermaids Benjamin, Richard 1990 USA 111
8902 10142 National Lampoon's Vacation Ramis, Harold 1983 USA 98
8903 10886 Twilight Samurai, The Yamada, Yoji 2002 Japan 129
8904 9806 Streetfighter, The Ozawa, Shigehiro 1974 Japan 91
8905 12542 Viagem aos Seois de Duilia Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1964 Brazil 105
8906 12020 Blue Bird, The Tourneur, Maurice 1918 USA 75
8907 9807 Scarecrow, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1920 USA 19
8908 9808 Del rosa al amarillo Summers, Manuel 1963 Spain 87
8909 11309 Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed Fisher, Terence 1969 UK 101
8910 10143 Hard Core Logo McDonald, Bruce 1996 Canada 92
8911 9810 Head On Kokkinos, Ana 1997 Australia 104
8912 Trout, The Losey, Joseph 1982 France 103
8913 10912 Ragtime Forman, Milos 1981 USA 155
8914 10144 Royal Wedding Donen, Stanley 1951 USA 93
8915 10145 Three Days and a Child Zohar, Uri 1967 Israel 90
8916 10146 White Diamond, The Herzog, Werner 2004 Germany 90
8917 18272 Waiting for the Hearse Doria, Alejandro 1985 Argentina 94
8918 11328 Boulangere de Monceau, La Rohmer, Eric 1963 France 23
8919 10506 Ladyhawke Donner, Richard 1985 USA 121
8920 10922 Consuming Spirits Sullivan, Chris 2012 USA 136
8921 9811 Goat Horn, The Andonov, Metodi 1972 Bulgaria 100
8922 9812 Viktor und Viktoria Schünzel, Reinhold 1933 Germany 100
8923 14292 Enfant de Paris, L' Perret, Léonce 1913 France 100
8924 10147 Earth Mehta, Deepa 1998 Canada 105
8925 9814 Mad Mission Tsang, Eric 1982 Hong Kong 93
8926 10931 Storytelling Solondz, Todd 2001 USA 86
8927 10149 Eight Men Out Sayles, John 1988 USA 119
8928 10492 Escopeta nacional, La García Berlanga, Luis 1978 Spain 95
8929 10513 Invisible Man, The Whannell, Leigh 2020 USA 124
8930 11351 Host Savage, Rob 2020 UK
8931 10521 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Petrie, Donald 2003 USA 115
8932 16559 Me Too Balabanov, Aleksei 2012 Russia 83
8933 9815 Iwashigumo Naruse, Mikio 1958 Japan 128
8934 11256 Hostel Roth, Eli 2005 USA 93
8935 9816 Sea Wolf, The Curtiz, Michael 1941 USA 90
8936 9819 Straße, Die Grune, Karl 1923 Germany 74
8937 10943 Getting of Wisdom, The Beresford, Bruce 1977 Australia 100
8938 9820 Best Boy Wohl, Ira 1979 USA 111
8939 10945 Sven Klang's Combo Olsson, Stellan 1976 Sweden 114
8940 10152 Three Lives and Only One Death Ruiz, Raúl 1996 France 123
8941 10946 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Rudolph, Alan 1994 USA 125
8942 13581 Love Under the Crucifix Tanaka, Kinuyo 1962 Japan 102
8943 9822 Days of Wine and Roses Edwards, Blake 1962 USA 117
8944 9823 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Roach, Jay 1999 USA 95
8945 12059 Cars That Ate Paris, The Weir, Peter 1974 Australia 91
8946 11375 In the Heights Chu, Jon M. 2021 USA 143
8947 10155 Bright Leaves McElwee, Ross 2003 USA 107
8948 10518 Ninja Scroll Kawajiri, Yoshiaki & Kevin Seymour 1993 Japan 94
8949 9824 I Was a Teenage Serial Killer Jacobson, Sarah 1993 USA 27
8950 10157 War for the Planet of the Apes Reeves, Matt 2017 USA 140
8951 10158 Summer of Soul (...Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised) Questlove 2021 USA 118
8952 9825 Wild Night in El Reno Kuchar, George 1977 USA 6
8953 11386 Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy Mastrocinque, Camillo 1956 Italy 106
8954 9826 Grudge, The Shimizu, Takashi 2004 USA 91
8955 10159 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Thurber, Rawson Marshall 2004 USA 92
8956 10160 McLibel Armstrong, Franny 2005 UK 85
8957 12487 4 Khrzhanovskiy, Ilya 2004 Russia 126
8958 10515 Film [INSTALLATION] Dean, Tacita 2011 UK
8959 12681 Batch '81 De Leon, Mike 1982 Philippines 100
8960 10556 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Nimoy, Leonard 1986 USA 119
8961 10161 Maudie Walsh, Aisling 2016 Canada 116
8962 12677 Ghostwatch [TV] Manning, Lesley 1992 UK 91
8963 12002 Wolf House, The Cociña, Joaquín & Cristóbal León 2018 Chile 75
8964 9832 Face Value van der Keuken, Johan 1991 France 120
8965 9833 Addams Family, The Sonnenfeld, Barry 1991 USA 101
8966 10162 One Man's War Cozarinsky, Edgardo 1982 France
8967 10514 Happiness of the Katakuris, The Miike, Takashi 2001 Japan 112
8968 9834 Untamed, The Escalante, Amat 2016 Mexico 100
8969 10979 President's Last Bang, The Im Sang-soo 2005 South Korea 102
8970 12752 Ocean's Twelve Soderbergh, Steven 2004 USA 120
8971 12766 White God Mundruczó, Kornél 2014 Hungary 121
8972 9839 Garden State Braff, Zach 2003 USA 109
8973 9840 Alucarda Moctezuma, Juan López 1977 Mexico 75
8974 10983 Ihre Majestat die Liebe May, Joe 1931 Germany 94
8975 9841 Baron fantôme, Le de Poligny, Serge 1943 France 100
8976 10163 Camila Bemberg, Maria Luisa 1984 Argentina 105
8977 10164 Pretty Poison Black, Noel 1968 USA 89
8978 10165 Marwencol Malmberg, Jeff 2010 USA 83
8979 12786 Kill Zone 2 Soi Cheang 2015 China 120
8980 10988 Mon cas Oliveira, Manoel de 1986 France 92
8981 10551 Memories Morimoto, Koji/Katsuhiro Otomo/Tensai Okamura 1995 Japan 113
8982 9843 Chess Fever Pudovkin, Vsevolod & Nicolai Shpikovsky 1925 USSR 28
8983 10166 Old Yeller Stevenson, Robert 1957 USA 83
8984 10167 Kingpin Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 1996 USA 113
8985 10168 Teesri Manzil Anand, Vijay 1966 India 172
8986 9844 Endless Poetry Jodorowsky, Alejandro 2016 Chile 128
8987 10585 Mr. Vampire Lau, Ricky 1985 Hong Kong 96
8988 15001 Maria's Lovers Konchalovsky, Andrei 1984 USA 100
8989 9845 Adventures of Pinocchio, The [TV] Comencini, Luigi 1972 Italy 303
8990 9847 No Lies... Block, Mitchell 1974 USA 16
8991 9846 Betty Tells Her Story Brandon, Liane 1972 USA 20
8992 12709 Mend, The Magary, John 2014 USA 111
8993 12717 Old Dog Tseden, Pema 2011 China 88
8994 12713 Month in Thailand, A Negoescu, Paul 2012 Romania 84
8995 9862 Reprise Le Roux, Hervé 1996 France 98
8996 9863 Two Portraits Thompson, Peter 1982 USA 23
8997 9866 I... For Icarus Verneuil, Henri 1979 France 120
8998 9867 Eye, The Pang, Oxide & Danny Pang 2002 Hong Kong 99
8999 9868 Paleface, The McLeod, Norman Z. 1948 USA 91
9000 10170 Levelling, The Leach, Hope Dickson 2016 UK 83
9001 11053 Nightingale, The Kent, Jennifer 2018 Australia 136
9002 9869 56 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 2012 UK 144
9003 10171 Reefer Madness Gasnier, Louis J. 1936 USA 66
9004 12013 Children in the Wind Shimizu, Hiroshi 1937 Japan 88
9005 11540 Krisha Shults, Trey Edward 2015 USA 83
9006 9870 Sentinel, The Winner, Michael 1977 USA 93
9007 16124 Cremaster 3 Barney, Matthew 2002 USA 179
9008 10595 Atlantis: The Lost Empire Trousdale, Gary 2001 USA 95
9009 11377 Anna and the Apocalypse McPhail, John 2017 UK 97
9010 11065 Liberté Serra, Albert 2019 France 132
9011 10173 On the Beat Ning Ying 1995 China 102
9012 9871 Troubles We've Seen, The: A History of Journalism in Wartime Ophüls, Marcel 1994 France 224
9013 9872 Ray Hackford, Taylor 2004 USA 152
9014 9873 One Exciting Night Griffith, D.W. 1922 USA 128
9015 9875 Tron: Legacy Kosinski, Joseph 2010 USA 125
9016 9874 Movie Crazy Bruckman, Clyde 1932 USA 84
9017 21449 River Fuefuki, The Kinoshita, Keisuke 1960 Japan 117
9018 10589 Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y Grimonprez, Johan 1997 Belgium 68
9019 10910 Human Centipede (First Sequence), The Six, Tom 2009 Netherlands 92
9020 10174 Asylum Robinson, Peter 1972 USA 95
9021 12940 Grandmother Mendoza, Brillante 2009 France 110
9022 10175 Zero Patience Greyson, John 1993 Canada 100
9023 10176 Money Movers Beresford, Bruce 1979 Australia 92
9024 9877 Happy New Year/La Bonne Annee Lelouch, Claude 1973 France 112
9025 9878 Awakenings Marshall, Penny 1990 USA 121
9026 9879 Not of This Earth Corman, Roger 1957 USA 67
9027 10177 Game Night Daley, John Francis & Jonathan Goldstein 2018 USA 100
9028 11615 Marius et Jeannette Guédiguian, Robert 1997 France 102
9029 10178 Story of Film: An Odyssey, The [TV] Cousins, Mark 2011 UK 900
9030 10179 Battle of Midway, The Ford, John 1942 USA 18
9031 9880 Biches, Les Chabrol, Claude 1968 France 104
9032 15046 This Special Friendship Delannoy, Jean 1964 France 100
9033 9881 Godzilla, King of the Monsters Honda, Ishiro & Terry Morse 1956 USA 80
9034 9882 Snapper, The Frears, Stephen 1993 UK 90
9035 10180 Flirting Duigan, John 1989 Australia 100
9036 10652 Mudbound Rees, Dee 2017 USA 134
9037 11101 Other Side, The Minervini, Roberto 2015 France 92
9038 10657 Driver's Seat, The Griffi, Giuseppe Patroni 1974 Italy 102
9039 11104 À double tour Chabrol, Claude 1959 France 98
9040 10643 Prince of Egypt, The Chapman, Brenda/Steve Hickner/Simon Wells 1998 USA 98
9041 10184 King of Comedy Chow, Stephen & Lee Lik-Chi 1999 Hong Kong 85
9042 17710 Memórias de um Estrangulador de Loiras Bressane, Júlio 1971 Brazil 71
9043 9888 Vertical Features Remake Greenaway, Peter 1978 UK 44
9044 11653 Miss Lulu Bett de Mille, William C. 1921 USA 71
9045 9889 Carnival Scenes Pintilie, Lucian 1982 Romania 119
9046 10596 Lego Batman Movie, The McKay, Chris 2017 USA 104
9047 10188 Heavy Metal Parking Lot Heyn, John & Jeff Krulik 1986 USA 17
9048 16001 Violence at Noon Oshima, Nagisa 1966 Japan 99
9049 9891 Volpone Tourneur, Maurice 1941 France 94
9050 9892 Yes Men, The Smith, Chris/Dan Ollman/Sarah Price 2004 USA 81
9051 9893 Leather Boys, The Furie, Sidney J. 1963 UK 105
9052 9894 Bucherons de la Manouane Lamothe, Arthur 1962 Canada 28
9053 10669 Boy Waititi, Taika 2010 New Zealand 87
9054 13076 Case of the Grinning Cat, The [TV] Marker, Chris 2004 France 59
9055 9895 Carey Treatment, The Edwards, Blake 1972 USA 101
9056 9896 Lisztomania Russell, Ken 1975 UK 103
9057 10673 Green Wall, The Robles Godoy, Armando 1969 Peru 110
9058 10612 Secret Things Brisseau, Jean-Claude 2002 France
9059 11118 Icarus XB 1 Polák, Jindrich 1963 Czechoslovakia 81
9060 10195 Revenge Fargeat, Coralie 2017 France 108
9061 10191 Essential Killing Skolimowski, Jerzy 2010 Poland 83
9062 10193 Being 17 Téchiné, André 2016 France 116
9063 10192 Gentlemen Broncos Hess, Jared 2009 USA 90
9064 11681 Is This Fate? Reidemeister, Helga 1979 West Germany 117
9065 11700 Iphigenia Cacoyannis, Michael 1977 Greece 127
9066 10196 Lost in La Mancha Fulton, Keith 2001 UK 93
9067 10197 Sleeping with Other People Headland, Leslye 2015 USA 101
9068 9902 My Favorite Season Téchiné, André 1993 France 120
9069 11124 Princess of France, The Piñeiro, Matías 2014 Argentina 67
9070 11129 Mortu Nega Gomes, Flora 1988 Guinea Bissau 85
9071 11136 Woman with the Knife, The Bassori, Timité 1969 Côte d'Ivoire 80
9072 9903 Todesking, Der Buttgereit, Jörg 1990 West Germany 80
9073 9904 Paris 1900 Védrès, Nicole 1947 France 74
9074 10199 Mud Nichols, Jeff 2012 USA 130
9075 10201 X-Men: Days of Future Past Singer, Bryan 2014 USA 131
9076 13167 Oublie-moi Lvovsky, Noémie 1994 France 95
9077 11149 Little Girl Covi, Tizza & Rainer Frimmel 2009 Italy 100
9078 11150 Clockers Lee, Spike 1995 USA 129
9079 10696 Hero Ghai, Subhash 1983 India 173
9080 9905 Trip Down Memory Lane, A Lipsett, Arthur 1965 Canada 13
9081 13184 Longest Summer, The Chan, Fruit 1998 Hong Kong 128
9082 11156 Five Corners Bill, Tony 1987 USA 90
9083 11735 Apart from You Naruse, Mikio 1933 Japan 61
9084 10205 King of the Hill Soderbergh, Steven 1993 USA 109
9085 10206 There is Such a Lad Shukshin, Vasiliy 1964 USSR 101
9086 10208 Girl with All the Gifts, The McCarthy, Colm 2016 UK 111
9087 10207 Kissing Jessica Stein Herman-Wurmfeld, Charles 2001 USA 96
9088 11746 Treasure Planet Musker, John/Ron Clements 2002 USA 95
9089 11160 Heroic Trio, The To, Johnnie 1993 Hong Kong 88
9090 9914 Poem is a Naked Person, A Blank, Les 1974 USA 90
9091 10209 Breadwinner, The Twomey, Nora 2017 Ireland 94
9092 11163 Story of the Flaming Years, The Solntseva, Yuliya 1961 USSR 91
9093 9915 Dillinger Milius, John 1973 USA 96
9094 11168 Burlesk Queen Castillo, Celso Ad. 1977 Philippines 129
9095 10210 Mirror for a Hero Khotinenko, Vladimir 1988 USSR 139
9096 9920 Battleground Wellman, William A. 1949 USA 118
9097 10985 Pump Up the Volume Moyle, Allan 1990 USA 100
9098 10211 National Gallery Wiseman, Frederick 2014 France 180
9099 9921 Ring 2 Nakata, Hideo 1999 Japan 95
9100 9922 Fantozzi Salce, Luciano 1975 Italy 108
9101 11182 Amok Otsep, Fyodor 1934 France 92
9102 13263 Song of the Scarlet Flower Stiller, Mauritz 1919 Sweden 145
9103 10216 Middle of Nowhere DuVernay, Ava 2012 97
9104 11588 Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Glosserman, Scott 2006 USA 92
9105 10217 Damsels in Distress Stillman, Whit 2011 USA 99
9106 13975 Miracle of the Wolves Bernard, Raymond 1924 France 73
9107 10218 Sweet Emma, Dear Bobe Szabó, István 1992 Hungary 81
9108 11835 Three Caballeros, The Ferguson, Norman 1945 USA 69
9109 9923 Blue Jeans Collins, John H. 1917 USA
9110 9924 Man Who Could Work Miracles, The Mendes, Lothar 1936 UK 82
9111 11785 Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer Broomfield, Nick 2003 UK 92
9112 10219 Jailhouse Rock Thorpe, Richard 1957 USA 96
9113 10723 Blue Ruin Saulnier, Jeremy 2013 USA 90
9114 10220 Descendants, The Payne, Alexander 2011 USA 115
9115 10761 Byzantium Jordan, Neil 2012 Ireland 118
9116 13278 Hobson's Choice Lean, David 1954 UK 107
9117 11235 New Blood Soi Cheang 2002 Hong Kong 89
9118 13309 Freddy Got Fingered Green, Tom 2001 USA 87
9119 10705 Captain America: The First Avenger Johnston, Joe 2011 USA 124
9120 10223 Julia Zonca, Erick 2008 France 144
9121 11002 Bombshell Fleming, Victor 1933 USA 95
9122 9929 Inspector Maigret Delannoy, Jean 1958 France 119
9123 10768 Nightbreed Barker, Clive 1990 USA 99
9124 10224 Journey, The Solanas, Fernando E. 1992 Argentina 150
9125 10225 Our Man in Havana Reed, Carol 1960 UK 107
9126 10226 Making a Murderer [TV] Demos, Moira & Laura Ricciardi 2015-18 USA
9127 10228 Wattstax Stuart, Mel 1973 USA 98
9128 10227 Monster Squad, The Dekker, Fred 1987 USA 81
9129 10778 Ip Man Yip, Wilson 2008 Hong Kong 106
9130 11003 Kind of Loving, A Schlesinger, John 1962 UK 112
9131 9931 White Out, Black In Queirós, Adirley 2014 Brazil 90
9132 11253 Curlew's Cry, The Barakat, Henry 1959 Egypt 109
9133 11252 Noose, The Has, Wojciech 1958 Poland 96
9134 9932 De son appartement Rousseau, Jean-Claude 2007 France 70
9135 9933 Casting Blossoms to the Sky Obayashi, Nobuhiko 2012 Japan 160
9136 11260 Cour de lilas Litvak, Anatole 1932 France 90
9137 10229 Charlie's Country De Heer, Rolf 2013 Australia 108
9138 13375 Blowing Wild Fregonese, Hugo 1953 USA 90
9139 10231 Figuras de guerra George, Sylvain 2010 France 150
9140 9935 Jealousy, Italian Style Scola, Ettore 1970 Italy 99
9141 10232 Winter Vacation Li Hongqi 2010 China 91
9142 9936 Map of the Human Heart Ward, Vincent 1992 UK 126
9143 9937 Borsalino Deray, Jacques 1970 France 125
9144 9938 Yellow Handkerchief, The Yamada, Yoji 1977 Japan 109
9145 10233 Lilting Hong Khaou 2013 UK 86
9146 10235 Time of a Dancer Abdrashitov, Vadim 1998 Russia 158
9147 9939 Dani, Michi, Renato & Max Dindo, Richard 1988 Switzerland 138
9148 11279 Kisses Masumura, Yasuzo 1957 Japan 74
9149 9941 Mest Shinarbayev, Yermek 1989 USSR 100
9150 9945 Shagay, sovet! Vertov, Dziga 1926 USSR 65
9151 9942 Bluebeard Ulmer, Edgar G. 1944 USA 73
9152 9950 Blonde Cobra Jacobs, Ken 1963 USA 33
9153 11284 Fly Away Home Ballard, Carroll 1996 USA 107
9154 14068 Harbour Drift Mittler, Leo 1929 Germany 54
9155 10238 Ugly Story, The Alov, Aleksandr & Vladimir Naumov 1966 USSR 102
9156 10242 Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage Dunn, Sam & Scott McFadyen 2010 Canada 107
9157 10754 Iron Man 3 Black, Shane 2013 USA 130
9158 10241 Miss Bala Naranjo, Gerardo 2011 Mexico 113
9159 11285 For One More Hour with You Marazzi, Alina 2002 Italy 55
9160 16062 Battle at Elderbush Gulch, The Griffith, D.W. 1913 USA 29
9161 9951 Annie Get Your Gun Sidney, George 1950 USA 107
9162 16252 All the Beauty and the Bloodshed Poitras, Laura 2022 USA 122
9163 9952 Claire Dolan Kerrigan, Lodge 1998 USA 95
9164 9953 Président, Le Verneuil, Henri 1961 France 110
9165 11288 84 Charing Cross Road Jones, David 1987 USA 97
9166 11934 Adventures of Hajji Baba, The Weis, Don 1954 USA 94
9167 10244 Mountain Patrol Lu Chuan 2004 China 85
9168 10245 Punk Singer, The Anderson, Sini 2013 USA 81
9169 10246 Night of the Lepus Claxton, William F. 1972 USA 88
9170 10837 Love at Sea Gilles, Guy 1964 France 73
9171 10849 Demolition Man Brambilla, Marco 1993 USA 115
9172 11292 Tape Li Ning 2011 China 162
9173 11301 Midsummer Madness de Mille, William C. 1920 USA 60
9174 13458 Late Marriage Kosashvili, Dover 2001 Israel 102
9175 18546 Corpo celeste Rohrwacher, Alice 2011 Italy 99
9176 18246 Close Dhont, Lukas 2022 Belgium 105
9177 16306 Hallelujah the Hills Mekas, Adolfas 1963 USA 88
9178 9955 Last of the Mohicans, The Tourneur, Maurice & Clarence Brown 1920 USA 73
9179 9956 Come and Get It Hawks, Howard/William Wyler 1936 USA 99
9180 11308 American Factory Bognar, Steven & Julia Reichert 2019 USA 115
9181 11312 This Transient Life Jissoji, Akio 1970 Japan 143
9182 10250 Cat in the Brain, A Fulci, Lucio 1990 Italy 93
9183 9958 Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven Loteanu, Emil 1976 USSR 101
9184 10852 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Yates, David 2011 USA 130
9185 9959 S:TREAM:S:S:ECTION:S:ECTION:S:S:ECTIONED Sharits, Paul 1971 USA 42
9186 10251 Dark Corner, The Hathaway, Henry 1946 USA 99
9187 10882 Great Devotion, The Chor Yuen 1960 Hong Kong 98
9188 16826 Embracing Kawase, Naomi 1992 Japan 40
9189 10885 Gheisar Kimiai, Masud 1969 Iran
9190 12427 Crocodile Dundee Faiman, Peter 1986 Australia 98
9191 10780 Age of Swordfish, The De Seta, Vittorio 1954 Italy 11
9192 12539 Blessings of the Land Silos, Manuel 1959 Philippines 111
9193 9964 Born Free Hill, James 1966 UK 96
9194 10253 I Am Trying to Break Your Heart Jones, Sam 2002 USA 92
9195 10254 Memento Mori Kim Tae-Yong & Min Kyu-dong 1999 South Korea 98
9196 10255 Jiro: Dreams of Sushi Gelb, David 2011
9197 22948 Second Civil War, The [TV] Dante, Joe 1997 USA 97
9198 Woman of the Lake Yoshida, Yoshishige 1966 Japan 102
9199 9965 We Are All Murderers Cayatte, André 1952 France 115
9200 14270 Seven Journeys Käutner, Helmut 1947 Germany 111
9201 11887 Open Water Kentis, Chris 2003 USA 79
9202 10919 Half Baked Davis, Tamra 1998 USA 82
9203 9969 Filmmaker's Holiday [TV] van der Keuken, Johan 1974 Netherlands 37
9204 9971 Return of the Prodigal Son Chahine, Youssef 1976 Egypt 120
9205 10257 Graveyard of Honour Miike, Takashi 2002 Japan 131
9206 10258 Robbery Yates, Peter 1967 UK 114
9207 9973 Nelson Cavaquinho Hirszman, Leon 1969 Brazil 17
9208 9974 Idle Class, The Chaplin, Charles 1921 USA 32
9209 10925 Outland Hyams, Peter 1981 USA 109
9210 9975 Naseeb Desai, Manmohan 1981 India 197
9211 10259 Tommy Boy Segal, Peter 1995 USA 96
9212 10260 Reconstruction Angelopoulos, Theo 1970 Greece 100
9213 10262 Pasifik 231 Tsekhanovskiy, Mikhail 1931 USSR 10
9214 10263 Berlin Express Tourneur, Jacques 1948 USA 86
9215 9976 Correspondências Azevedo Gomes, Rita 2016 Portugal 145
9216 10265 Wolfen Wadleigh, Michael 1981 USA 115
9217 10830 Cafajestes, Os Guerra, Ruy 1962 Brazil 100
9218 10266 Great Gatsby, The Clayton, Jack 1974 USA 144
9219 10267 Down in the Coal Mines Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1905 France 14
9220 10268 Brotherhood of the Wolf Gans, Christophe 2001 France 142
9221 10269 First Cousin Once Removed Berliner, Alan 2012 USA 78
9222 11905 After This Our Exile Tam, Patrick 2006 Hong Kong 121
9223 10947 My Intimate Partner Chun Kim 1960 Hong Kong 101
9224 10271 Hudson Hawk Lehmann, Michael 1991 USA 95
9225 10273 Pokemon: The First Movie Mewtwo Strikes Back Yuyama, Kunihiko 1999 Japan 74
9226 10953 Death Rides a Horse Petroni, Giulio 1966 Italy 114
9227 10275 Delinquents, The Saura, Carlos 1960 Spain 80
9228 12067 Prem Sanyas Osten, Franz & Himansu Rai 1925 India 97
9229 10276 Blood Brothers, The Chang Cheh 1973 Hong Kong 118
9230 9986 SubUrbia Linklater, Richard 1996 USA 120
9231 9988 Cien Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1956 Poland 98
9232 11406 Plants from the Dunes Nakahira, Ko 1964 Japan 95
9233 11404 Rabbit in the Pit Fritz, Roger 1969 West Germany 90
9234 10277 Dodge City Curtiz, Michael 1939 USA 105
9235 10278 Dead Mountaineer's Hotel Kromanov, Grigori 1979 USSR 80
9236 10951 Scrooged Donner, Richard 1988 USA 101
9237 12658 My Life Without Me Coixet, Isabel 2002 Spain 105
9238 12073 Manon des sources Pagnol, Marcel 1953 France 200
9239 12319 Grace of My Heart Anders, Allison 1996 USA 120
9240 10279 Cruel Sea, The Frend, Charles 1953 UK 121
9241 10280 Return to Oz Murch, Walter 1985 USA 110
9242 9990 Seventh Juror, The Lautner, Georges 1962 France 90
9243 10963 Bloody Spear on Mount Fuji, A Uchida, Tomu 1955 Japan 94
9244 9991 Jolson Story, The Green, Alfred E. 1946 USA 128
9245 10281 Curse of the Golden Flower Zhang Yimou 2006 Hong Kong 114
9246 10282 Killer Klowns From Outer Space Chiodo, Stephen 1988 USA 88
9247 11429 Willow and Wind Talebi, Mohammad-Ali 1999 Iran 81
9248 11005 Importance of Being Earnest, The Asquith, Anthony 1952 UK 95
9249 9992 Road to Yesterday, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1925 USA 107
9250 9994 Little Man Tate Foster, Jodie 1991 USA 99
9251 10283 Emperor's Nightingale, The Trnka, Jirí & Milos Makovec 1949 Czechoslovakia 72
9252 10284 Cell 211 Monzón, Daniel 2009 Spain 113
9253 10285 Cold Summer of 1953 Proshkin, Aleksandr 1987 USSR 101
9254 9995 Smugglers, The Moullet, Luc 1968 France 81
9255 9996 Tension Berry, John 1950 USA 95
9256 11437 Without Pity Lattuada, Alberto 1948 Italy 94
9257 11444 Castle of Sand, The Nomura, Yoshitaro 1974 Japan 143
9258 12102 Target Zeldovich, Aleksandr 2011 Russia 158
9259 9997 Here Comes Mr. Jordan Hall, Alexander 1941 USA 93
9260 9998 Substitute, The Vukotic, Dusan 1961 Yugoslavia 10
9261 9999 Harry and Tonto Mazursky, Paul 1974 USA 115
9262 12087 Symbol of the Unconquered, The Micheaux, Oscar 1920 USA 54
9263 10000 Petrified Forest, The Mayo, Archie 1936 USA 83
9264 10287 Wedding in Blood Chabrol, Claude 1973 France 98
9265 17127 Winifred Wagner und die Geschichte des Hauses Wahnfried von 1914-1975 Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1976 West Germany 302
9266 11457 Sands of Iwo Jima Dwan, Allan 1949 USA 110
9267 10977 Somersault Shortland, Cate 2004 Australia 106
9268 10288 East Palace, West Palace Zhang Yuan 1996 China 90
9269 14812 Lighthouse Keepers, The Grémillon, Jean 1929 France 82
9270 10290 Suspect, The Siodmak, Robert 1944 USA 85
9271 11461 Regeneration MacKinnon, Gillies 1997 UK 113
9272 10291 American President, The Reiner, Rob 1995 USA 115
9273 10292 Foul King, The Kim Jee-woon 2000 South Korea 116
9274 11472 Mister Max Camerini, Mario 1937 Italy 86
9275 10981 Holiday Inn Sandrich, Mark 1942 USA 101
9276 10987 Colossus: The Forbin Project Sargent, Joseph 1970 USA 100
9277 10294 Addams Family Values Sonnenfeld, Barry 1993 USA 93
9278 11487 Three Poplars on Plyuschikha Street Lioznova, Tatyana 1968 USSR 79
9279 10296 Junior Bonner Peckinpah, Sam 1972 USA 103
9280 10297 House of Sand and Fog Perelman, Vadim 2003 USA 126
9281 13680 Nostos: The Return Piavoli, Franco 1989 Italy 85
9282 10298 Melody of the World Ruttmann, Walter 1929 Germany 40
9283 10299 Invitation to the Dance Kelly, Gene 1956 USA 93
9284 10300 Rio Lobo Hawks, Howard 1970 USA 114
9285 10301 Exiles Gatlif, Tony 2004 France
9286 10998 Dawn Must Come Cai Chusheng & Wang Weiyi 1950 Hong Kong 110
9287 10920 Stalingrad Vilsmaier, Joseph 1992 Germany 138
9288 11006 Tomorrow is Another Day Feist, Felix E. 1951 USA 90
9289 10303 Never Say Never Again Kershner, Irvin 1983 USA 137
9290 10317 Magnet of Doom Melville, Jean-Pierre 1963 France 102
9291 10318 Winter Sleepers/Winterschlafer Tykwer, Tom 1997 Germany 122
9292 10319 Invincibles, The Graf, Dominik 1994 Germany 130
9293 12156 Dinner Rush Giraldi, Bob 2000 USA 97
9294 11031 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum Stahelski, Chad 2019 USA 131
9295 12077 Autopsy of Jane Doe, The Øvredal, André 2016 UK 86
9296 10322 Chant du Styrène, Le Resnais, Alain 1958 France 19
9297 17348 Ray of Sunshine Fejös, Pál 1933 Germany 87
9298 12662 Bloody Kids [TV] Frears, Stephen 1980 UK 91
9299 13034 World Mirror Cinema Deutsch, Gustav 2005 Austria 93
9300 10323 Robe, The Koster, Henry 1953 USA 135
9301 10324 Return of the Pink Panther, The Edwards, Blake 1975 UK 113
9302 13748 Caliber 9 Di Leo, Fernando 1972 Italy 100
9303 12290 'R Xmas Ferrara, Abel 2001 USA 85
9304 10326 Love Me or Leave Me Vidor, Charles 1955 USA 122
9305 12185 Actress, The Cukor, George 1953 USA 91
9306 10328 Remember the Titans Yakin, Boaz 2000 USA 113
9307 10329 Soledad, La Rosales, Jaime 2007 Spain 135
9308 11546 Lost and Beautiful Marcello, Pietro 2015 Italy 87
9309 11548 I Called Him Morgan Collin, Kasper 2016 Sweden
9310 10330 Shoot the Moon Parker, Alan 1982 USA 124
9311 11567 King and Country Losey, Joseph 1964 UK 89
9312 10333 Places in the Heart Benton, Robert 1984 USA 102
9313 10334 Jumping Tezuka, Osamu 1984 Canada 7
9314 11066 Story of A Discharged Prisoner, The Lung Kong 1967 Hong Kong
9315 10335 Kid for Two Farthings, A Reed, Carol 1955 UK 96
9316 10337 Resan Watkins, Peter 1987 Australia 873
9317 12212 Happy Christmas Swanberg, Joe 2014 USA 82
9318 17535 Monsieur Ripois Clément, René 1954 UK 103
9319 10984 Frost/Nixon Howard, Ron 2008 USA 122
9320 15343 Man on the Tracks Munk, Andrzej 1957 Poland 89
9321 10341 Heist Mamet, David 2001 Canada 109
9322 10342 Train Rolls On, The Marker, Chris 1973 France 32
9323 10343 Beach Rats Hittman, Eliza 2017 USA 98
9324 10344 Renoir, the Boss [TV] Rivette, Jacques 1967 France 266
9325 10346 Air Force Hawks, Howard 1943 USA 124
9326 11056 Seabiscuit Ross, Gary 2003 USA 140
9327 10614 Seen and Unseen, The Andini, Kamila 2017 Indonesia 83
9328 11620 Équation à un inconnu de Velsa, Dietrich 1980 France 94
9329 11627 Tsuchi Uchida, Tomu 1939 Japan 142
9330 10347 I, Tonya Gillespie, Craig 2017 USA 120
9331 11634 Autres, Les Santiago, Hugo 1974 France 127
9332 11637 Hombre de la esquina rosada Múgica, René 1962 Argentina 70
9333 10348 American Pop Bakshi, Ralph 1981 USA 97
9334 10349 Savage Seven, The Rush, Richard 1968 USA 96
9335 11641 Vase de noces Zeno, Thierry 1974 Belgium 80
9336 10350 Every Day Except Christmas Anderson, Lindsay 1957 UK 37
9337 10351 Two Family House De Felitta, Raymond 2000 USA 104
9338 10353 Jude Winterbottom, Michael 1996 UK 123
9339 10354 Happy Mother's Day Chopra, Joyce & Richard Leacock 1963 USA 26
9340 11646 Babel - A Letter to My Friends Left Behind in Belgium Lehman, Boris 1991 Belgium 380
9341 10361 Cocoon Howard, Ron 1985 USA 117
9342 10362 After the Rain Koizumi, Takashi 1999 Japan 91
9343 10363 Extravagant Shadows, The Gatten, David 2012 USA 175
9344 10364 Liaisons dangereuses, Les Vadim, Roger 1959 France 106
9345 10365 Makioka Sisters, The Ichikawa, Kon 1983 Japan 140
9346 10366 Perfect Day Leccia, Ange 2008 France 62
9347 11896 House of Ghosts, The de Chomón, Segundo 1906 France 6
9348 10368 Brubaker Rosenberg, Stuart 1980 USA 132
9349 10372 Fences Washington, Denzel 2016 USA 138
9350 10373 Lone Ranger, The [serial] English, John & William Witney 1938 USA 264
9351 11675 Alice Allen, Woody 1990 USA 106
9352 11680 Silvestre Monteiro, João César 1981 Portugal 120
9353 11704 Kisses Daly, Lance 2008 Ireland 75
9354 10374 Kate Plays Christine Greene, Robert 2016 USA 112
9355 13021 Anna Lattuada, Alberto 1951 Italy 95
9356 11120 Death is a Caress Carlmar, Edith 1949 Norway 88
9357 12648 Slither Gunn, James 2006 USA 96
9358 10378 Desire Borzage, Frank 1936 USA 96
9359 10379 Blood of Heroes, The Peoples, David 1989 Australia 90
9360 11142 State of the Union Capra, Frank 1948 USA 124
9361 10380 Overnighters, The Moss, Jesse 2014 USA
9362 11008 Song of Air, A Bennett, Marilee 1988 Australia 26
9363 11099 Meet the Parents Roach, Jay 2000 USA 107
9364 10382 Counterfeiters, The Ruzowitzky, Stefan 2006 Germany 99
9365 10383 Monkey Grip Cameron, Ken 1982 Australia 101
9366 10384 Men in Black 3 Sonnenfeld, Barry 2012 USA 106
9367 11727 Beyond the Lights Prince-Bythewood, Gina 2014 USA 116
9368 15680 Hills Have Eyes, The Aja, Alexandre 2006 USA
9369 15830 Reflections of Evil Packard, Damon 2002 USA 138
9370 17557 Girl Shy Newmeyer, Fred C. & Sam Taylor 1924 USA 81
9371 10385 Academy of Muses, The Guerín, José Luis 2015 Spain 92
9372 13197 Duel to the Death Ching Siu-Tung 1983 Hong Kong 86
9373 12345 Pear Tree, The Mehrjui, Dariush 1998 Iran 95
9374 10387 Killing Them Softly Dominik, Andrew 2012 USA 97
9375 10388 United Trash Schlingensief, Christoph 1996 Germany 75
9376 10391 Out of the Present Ujica, Andrei 1995 Germany
9377 10392 Revenge of the Nerds Kanew, Jeff 1984 USA 90
9378 10393 Landscape After Battle Wajda, Andrzej 1970 Poland 101
9379 10394 Arsenal Stadium Mystery, The Dickinson, Thorold 1939 UK 85
9380 10395 Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi Bose, Satyen 1958 India 173
9381 11752 Immoral Tales Borowczyk, Walerian 1973 France 103
9382 11009 Brothers Rico, The Karlson, Phil 1957 USA 92
9383 10396 Miss and the Doctors Ropert, Axelle 2013 France 102
9384 10397 Paleface, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1922 USA 20
9385 11010 Mammals of Victoria, The Brakhage, Stan 1994 USA 34
9386 10401 Palermo oder Wolfsburg Schroeter, Werner 1980 Switzerland 173
9387 10402 Last Man on Earth, The Salkow, Sidney 1964 Italy 86
9388 11758 Rosa de Areia Cordeiro, Margarida & António Reis 1989 Portugal 87
9389 10403 Sugar Boden, Anna & Ryan Fleck 2008 USA 114
9390 11164 Requiescant Lizzani, Carlo 1967 Italy 92
9391 11771 Love & Mercy Pohlad, Bill 2014 USA 121
9392 13935 Story of the Weeping Camel, The Davaa, Byambasuren 2003 Germany 93
9393 11762 Land of the Wandering Souls, The Panh, Rithy 2000 France 100
9394 12372 Lili Walters, Charles 1953 USA 81
9395 10405 American Ninja Firstenberg, Sam 1986 USA 95
9396 10406 Itinéraire de Jean Bricard Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 2008 France 40
9397 11151 Black Bread Villaronga, Agustí 2010 Spain 108
9398 11795 This is Cinerama Cooper, Merian C. 1952 USA 115
9399 10409 Armour of God Chan, Jackie 1986 Hong Kong 88
9400 10410 This Boy's Life Caton-Jones, Michael 1993 USA 115
9401 10412 Flesh + Blood Verhoeven, Paul 1985 USA 126
9402 10414 Baader Roth, Christopher 2002 Germany 115
9403 10416 Fiend Who Walked the West, The Douglas, Gordon 1958 USA 101
9404 10419 Early Abstractions Smith, Harry 1946-52 USA 23
9405 10420 Roadgames Franklin, Richard 1981 Australia 100
9406 10421 One Fine Spring Day Hur Jin-ho 2001 South Korea 106
9407 11815 Romance on the High Seas Curtiz, Michael 1948 USA 99
9408 11817 Hotel Hausner, Jessica 2004 Austria 76
9409 10426 Sunshine on Leith Fletcher, Dexter 2013 UK 100
9410 10428 S.S. Tenacity Duvivier, Julien 1934 France 85
9411 10429 This Sweet Sickness Miller, Claude 1977 France 107
9412 11841 Castaways of Turtle Island, The Rozier, Jacques 1976 France 140
9413 10430 Berkeley Square Lloyd, Frank 1933 USA 84
9414 11845 Nothing But the Best Donner, Clive 1964 UK 99
9415 12349 Glen and Randa McBride, Jim 1971 USA 94
9416 10431 Any Given Sunday Stone, Oliver 1999 USA 162
9417 10432 Rabbit Seasoning Jones, Chuck 1952 USA 7
9418 11852 She Done Him Wrong Sherman, Lowell 1933 USA 66
9419 10434 Dead or Alive Miike, Takashi 1999 Japan 105
9420 11853 Follow the Fleet Sandrich, Mark 1936 USA 110
9421 10435 Airport Seaton, George 1970 USA 137
9422 11857 Simple-Minded Murderer, The Alfredson, Hans 1982 Sweden 108
9423 10437 Colpire al cuore Amelio, Gianni 1982 Italy 105
9424 11125 Inocencia Lima Jr., Walter 1983 Brazil 118
9425 10439 Last Time I Saw Macao, The Rodrigues, João Pedro & João Rui Guerra da Mata 2012 Portugal 82
9426 11867 Anchoress Newby, Chris 1993 UK 108
9427 10737 Cremaster 5 Barney, Matthew 1997 USA 54
9428 10443 Boxer, The Sheridan, Jim 1997 Ireland 113
9429 10444 Libeled Lady Conway, Jack 1936 USA 98
9430 10445 Under Fire Spottiswoode, Roger 1983 USA 128
9431 10447 Peacock Gu Changwei 2005 China 144
9432 10449 Padosan Swaroop, Jyoti 1968 India 157
9433 10448 Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont Ireland, Dan 2005 UK 108
9434 13386 Krays, The Medak, Peter 1990 UK 119
9435 11876 Little Dorrit Edzard, Christine 1988 UK 360
9436 11012 Don Barot, Chandra 1978 India 175
9437 10451 Maria Zef Cottafavi, Vittorio 1981 Italy 123
9438 11158 Signo do Caos, O Sganzerla, Rogério 2005 Brazil 80
9439 10452 Girl is a Gun, A Moullet, Luc 1971 France 100
9440 11888 Third Lover, The Chabrol, Claude 1962 France 80
9441 10455 Baadasssss! Van Peebles, Mario 2003 USA 108
9442 10456 Chansons d'amour, Les Honoré, Christophe 2007 France 96
9443 11902 Contract, The Hui, Michael 1978 Hong Kong 96
9444 10457 1974, une partie de campagne Depardon, Raymond 1974 France 90
9445 10458 Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946 USA 85
9446 10461 In America Sheridan, Jim 2002 USA 105
9447 10462 Embrujo de Osma, Carlos Serrano 1948 Spain 80
9448 10463 Oh, Woe is Me Godard, Jean-Luc 1993 France 84
9449 10465 Margin Call Chandor, J.C. 2011 USA 107
9450 10466 Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell Fisher, Terence 1974 UK 93
9451 10467 I'm Still Here Affleck, Casey 2010 USA 107
9452 10468 Ernest & Celestine Aubier, Stephane/Vincent Patar/Benjamin Renner 2012 France 80
9453 11917 Salto Konwicki, Tadeusz 1965 Poland 104
9454 23012 What Do We See When We Look at the Sky? Koberidze, Aleksandre 2021 Georgia 150
9455 11921 Lou n'a pas dit non Miéville, Anne-Marie 1994 France 78
9456 10469 Helen Molloy, Christine & Joe Lawlor 2008 UK 79
9457 11928 Teenage Hooker Becomes a Killing Machine Nam Gee-woong 2000 South Korea 60
9458 18140 Killer Inside Me, The Winterbottom, Michael 2010 USA 109
9459 10471 Corona Negra, La Saslavsky, Luis 1951 Spain 105
9460 10472 Wishing Tree, The Abuladze, Tengiz 1977 USSR 107
9461 10474 Born Into Brothels Kauffman, Ross & Zana Briski 2004 USA 85
9462 10473 Hard Word, The Roberts, Scott 2002 Australia 103
9463 12494 Four's a Crowd Curtiz, Michael 1938 USA 92
9464 11703 Life Itself James, Steve 2014 USA 120
9465 Holdovers, The Payne, Alexander 2023 USA 133
9466 12493 Tríptico elemental de España Val del Omar, José 1996 Spain 64
9467 18416 Wolfpack, The Moselle, Crystal 2015 USA 90
9468 10476 Busting Hyams, Peter 1974 USA 92
9469 11304 Spy Kids Rodriguez, Robert 2001 USA 87
9470 10478 Nens, De Jordà, Joaquim 2003 Spain 180
9471 10483 Andaz Apna Apna Santoshi, Rajkumar 1994 India 160
9472 10484 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Yates, David 2007 UK 138
9473 10485 Serendipity Chelsom, Peter 2001 USA 90
9474 10486 Thunderbolt von Sternberg, Josef 1929 USA 85
9475 10487 Anchors Aweigh Sidney, George 1945 USA 140
9476 11204 Dva kapitana II Debizhev, Sergey 1993 USSR 70
9477 10488 Chop Shop Bahrani, Ramin 2007 USA 84
9478 10489 Winnie the Pooh Anderson, Stephen & Don Hall 2011 USA 73
9479 13473 Lost Squadron, The Archainbaud, George 1932 USA 79
9480 14200 Father, The Zeller, Florian 2020 UK 97
9481 11013 Kidnapping, Caucasian Style Gaidai, Leonid 1967 USSR 82
9482 10491 Somebody Up There Likes Me Wise, Robert 1956 USA 113
9483 11323 Cotton Comes to Harlem Davis, Ossie 1970 USA 97
9484 10493 Beyond the Clouds Antonioni, Michelangelo 1995 France 109
9485 11960 Limits of Control, The Jarmusch, Jim 2009 USA 116
9486 10494 Thousand & One Nights, A Yamamoto, Eiichi 1969 Japan 128
9487 12544 Psychic, The Fulci, Lucio 1977 Italy 89
9488 10495 Five Man Army, The Taylor, Don 1969 USA 107
9489 10496 Battle du rail, La Clément, René 1946 France 85
9490 W. Stone, Oliver 2008 USA 129
9491 10498 Once Upon a Time in High School Yoo Ha 2004 South Korea 116
9492 10497 Blood In, Blood Out Hackford, Taylor 1992 USA 180
9493 10499 Will Penny Gries, Tom 1967 USA 108
9494 10500 Smokey and the Bandit Needham, Hal 1977 USA 96
9495 10502 S.O.B. Edwards, Blake 1981 USA 122
9496 10503 Before Flying Back to the Earth Matelis, Arunas 2005 Germany 52
9497 11962 Helsinki, Forever von Bagh, Peter 2008 Finland 75
9498 10504 Freedom is Paradise/SER Bodrov, Sergei 1989 USSR 75
9499 10505 Broadway Melody, The Beaumont, Harry 1929 USA 104
9500 12536 We're All Going to the World’s Fair Schoenbrun, Jane 2021 USA 86
9501 11983 Double Take Grimonprez, Johan 2009 Belgium
9502 16505 Crows Kedzierzawska, Dorota 1994 Poland 66
9503 10507 Short Night of Glass Dolls Lado, Aldo 1971 Italy 97
9504 10508 Hangover Square Brahm, John 1945 USA 77
9505 10509 H-8... Tanhofer, Nikola 1958 Yugoslavia 105
9506 10511 Mid-Afternoon Barks Zhang Yuedong 2007 China 77
9507 10512 Kill-Off, The Greenwald, Maggie 1989 USA 91
9508 10516 Visitors, The Poiré, Jean-Marie 1993 France 106
9509 10517 Aramesh dar Hozur Deegaran Taghvai, Nasser 1973 Iran 86
9510 12051 Lunch Break Lockhart, Sharon 2008 USA 83
9511 12602 Swamp Water Renoir, Jean 1941 USA 90
9512 10866 Crimen de la pirindola, El Arrieta, Adolfo 1965 Spain 20
9513 10522 Beach Red Wilde, Cornel 1967 USA 105
9514 10525 Time Out of War, A Sanders, Denis 1954 USA 20
9515 10533 Three Little Pigs Gillett, Burt 1933 USA 8
9516 10537 Tales from the Crypt Francis, Freddie 1972 UK 92
9517 11812 Road House Herrington, Rowdy 1989 USA 114
9518 10541 Red Inn, The Autant-Lara, Claude 1951 France 100
9519 10542 Paris Blues Ritt, Martin 1961 USA 98
9520 10543 Last Wagon, The Daves, Delmer 1956 USA 98
9521 10544 Taris Vigo, Jean 1931 France 10
9522 14587 Princess Diaries, The Marshall, Garry 2001 USA 115
9523 11380 Bob Roberts Robbins, Tim 1992 USA 101
9524 Benda Bilili! Barret, Renaud & Florent de la Tullaye 2010 France 86
9525 10545 Broken Landlord, The Çölgeçen, Nesli 1985 Turkey 101
9526 10547 Personal Best Towne, Robert 1982 USA 124
9527 11409 Before I Fall Russo-Young, Ry 2017 USA 98
9528 12076 Sun, A Chung Mong-Hong 2019 Taiwan 156
9529 12668 99 River Street Karlson, Phil 1953 USA 83
9530 10548 Sure Fire Jost, Jon 1990 USA 86
9531 11306 Love for Sale Aïnouz, Karim 2006 Brazil 90
9532 10550 Sól ziemi czarnej Kutz, Kazimierz 1970 Poland 99
9533 12081 Everlasting Moments Troell, Jan 2008 Sweden 131
9534 12086 Party, The Potter, Sally 2017 UK 71
9535 12486 Padre nuestro Regueiro, Francisco 1985 Spain 105
9536 12586 Krampus Dougherty, Michael 2015 USA 98
9537 19367 Entertaining Mr. Sloane Hickox, Douglas 1970 UK 94
9538 10552 Shine Hicks, Scott 1996 Australia 105
9539 10553 Widows McQueen, Steve 2018 UK 129
9540 Crime and Punishment Zhao Liang 2007 China 122
9541 10555 You Only Live Twice Gilbert, Lewis 1967 UK 116
9542 10558 Udaan Motwane, Vikramaditya 2010 India 134
9543 10557 Fourteen Days in May Hamann, Paul 1988 UK 87
9544 12724 Moderns, The Rudolph, Alan 1988 USA 128
9545 10559 True Nature of Bernadette, The Carle, Gilles 1972 Canada 115
9546 10560 Resurrecting the Champ Lurie, Rod 2007 USA 112
9547 12690 Christmas in Connecticut Godfrey, Peter 1945 USA 101
9548 12761 Romance & Cigarettes Turturro, John 2005 USA 106
9549 10568 History and Memory Tajiri, Rea 1992
9550 10570 Maid, The Silva, Sebastián 2009 Chile 95
9551 12729 Troll Hunter Øvredal, André 2010 Norway 103
9552 12115 Adventures of Picasso, The Danielsson, Tage 1978 Sweden 92
9553 12116 Baccara Mirande, Yves 1935 France 91
9554 12118 Teen Kanya Ray, Satyajit 1961 India 114
9555 10572 Scream from Silence, A Poirier, Anne Claire 1979 Canada 96
9556 11441 Blockers Cannon, Kay 2018 USA 102
9557 11014 Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, The Kaufman, Philip 1972 USA 91
9558 12784 Come Have Coffee with Us Lattuada, Alberto 1970 Italy 98
9559 10576 Pied Piper, The Demy, Jacques 1972 UK 90
9560 12140 Incident, The Peerce, Larry 1967 USA 107
9561 10577 Yolanda and the Thief Minnelli, Vincente 1945 USA 108
9562 11491 Planet Terror Rodriguez, Robert 2007 USA 106
9563 10579 Can You Ever Forgive Me? Heller, Marielle 2018 USA 106
9564 21159 Science of Sleep, The Gondry, Michel 2006 France 105
9565 10580 Amazing Grace Elliott, Alan & Sydney Pollack 2018 USA 120
9566 10581 Rio Conchos Douglas, Gordon 1964 USA 107
9567 13033 Juha Kaurismäki, Aki 1999 Finland 77
9568 10583 Mystery of the Wax Museum Curtiz, Michael 1933 USA 77
9569 10587 Gorgon, The Fisher, Terence 1964 UK 83
9570 10588 This Ancient Law Dupont, E.A. 1923 Germany 128
9571 10590 Crazy, Stupid, Love Ficarra, Glenn & John Requa 2011 USA 118
9572 10591 Harpya Servais, Raoul 1979 Belgium 9
9573 12824 Behold Homolka Papousek, Jaroslav 1970 Czechoslovakia 83
9574 11122 Miyamoto Musashi/Samurai I Inagaki, Hiroshi 1954 Japan 93
9575 10592 Ten Seconds to Hell Aldrich, Robert 1959 UK 93
9576 10593 Khandhar Sen, Mrinal 1984 India 106
9577 10594 Kubi no za Makino, Masahiro 1929 Japan
9578 12181 Pride of the Marines Daves, Delmer 1945 USA 120
9579 17247 Strange Cargo Borzage, Frank 1940 USA 113
9580 14614 Suffragette Gavron, Sarah 2015 UK 106
9581 10598 Swing Shift Cinderella Avery, Tex 1945 USA 8
9582 10599 Armored Car Robbery Fleischer, Richard 1950 USA 68
9583 12869 7 Faces of Dr. Lao Pal, George 1964 USA 100
9584 11940 Room, The Wiseau, Tommy 2003 USA 99
9585 11322 Shotgun Stories Nichols, Jeff 2007 USA 92
9586 10602 Hidden Figures Melfi, Theodore 2016 USA 127
9587 10611 Jeux des Anges, Les Borowczyk, Walerian 1964 France 13
9588 12881 G-Men Keighley, William 1935 USA 85
9589 15122 Into the Abyss Herzog, Werner 2011 USA 107
9590 15146 Keoma Castellari, Enzo G. 1976 Italy 105
9591 12210 Starting Place/Point de depart Kramer, Robert 1994 France 80
9592 10617 Searching Chaganty, Aneesh 2018 Cyprus 102
9593 10615 Villainess, The Jung Byung-gil 2017 South Korea 124
9594 15263 Last Chance, The Lindtberg, Leopold 1945 Switzerland 104
9595 15266 Tosca's Kiss Schmid, Daniel 1984 Switzerland 87
9596 10616 Clan, The Trapero, Pablo 2014 Argentina
9597 10618 Subway Besson, Luc 1985 France 104
9598 10619 Legend Scott, Ridley 1985 UK 89
9599 10620 Gunga Jumna Bose, Nitin 1961 India 178
9600 12223 Petit Prince a dit, Le Pascal, Christine 1992 France 105
9601 11459 Spider-Man: Homecoming Watts, Jon 2017 USA 133
9602 11015 Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The McLeod, Norman Z. 1947 USA 110
9603 10621 I'm Gonna Git You Sucka Wayans, Keenen Ivory 1988 USA 87
9604 17555 Shepherd of the Hills Hathaway, Henry 1941 USA 98
9605 10622 3/60: Bäume im Herbst Kren, Kurt 1960 Austria 5
9606 10623 Liliom Lang, Fritz 1934 France 118
9607 10625 Bling Ring, The Coppola, Sofia 2013 USA 90
9608 10627 Rover, The Michôd, David 2014 Australia 103
9609 12841 Sacrament, The West, Ti 2013 USA 95
9610 10624 Fits, The Holmer, Anna Rose 2015 USA 72
9611 10626 Wandering Soap Opera, The Ruiz, Raúl & Valeria Sarmiento 2017 Chile 80
9612 12003 Rust Never Sleeps Young, Neil 1979 USA 103
9613 12787 Destination Moon Pichel, Irving 1950 USA 91
9614 11590 Shogun Assassin Houston, Robert & Kenji Misumi 1980 Japan 85
9615 12245 'Til Madness Do Us Part Wang Bing 2013 Japan 227
9616 11366 Flash Gordon [Serial] Stephani, Frederick 1936 USA 245
9617 11596 Sleepers Levinson, Barry 1996 USA 149
9618 11270 Lonely Voice of Man, The Sokurov, Aleksandr 1987 USSR 87
9619 10635 Frankenweenie Burton, Tim 2012 USA 87
9620 15416 Mare Nostrum Ingram, Rex 1926 USA 102
9621 10639 Werewolf of London Walker, Stuart 1935 USA 75
9622 10640 Colossal Vigalondo, Nacho 2016 USA 109
9623 10641 Ghost, The Freda, Riccardo 1963 Italy 96
9624 10653 We Are Still Here Geoghegan, Ted 2015 USA 84
9625 10654 Golden Dream, The Quemada-Diez, Diego 2013 Mexico
9626 10651 Wormwood [TV] Morris, Errol 2017 USA 241
9627 10655 X Files, The Bowman, Rob 1998 USA 121
9628 10656 Death Laid an Egg Questi, Giulio 1968 Italy 101
9629 10659 Night of the Hunted, The Rollin, Jean 1980 France 87
9630 10660 Beaubourg Rossellini, Roberto 1977 France 56
9631 10661 Beyond the Walls Barbash, Uri 1984 Israel 103
9632 10662 Lawless Heart Hunter, Neil & Tom Hunsinger 2001 UK 99
9633 10663 Avanti popolo Bukai, Rafi 1986 Israel 84
9634 13067 Below Sea Level Rosi, Gianfranco 2008 USA 110
9635 10664 Afrance, L' Gomis, Alain 2001 France 90
9636 12289 Unspeakable Act, The Sallitt, Dan 2012 USA 91
9637 11665 Man on the Brink Cheung Gwok-Ming 1981 Hong Kong 100
9638 10665 Sleeping Car Murders, The Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1965 France 95
9639 10666 Best Offer, The Tornatore, Giuseppe 2013 Italy 131
9640 10667 Parents Balaban, Bob 1989 USA 82
9641 12293 Moises Padilla Story de Leon, Gerardo 1961 Philippines
9642 12820 Don't Breathe Alvarez, Fede 2016 USA 88
9643 10672 Machete Rodriguez, Robert & Ethan Maniquis 2010 USA 105
9644 10674 Tudo É Brasil Sganzerla, Rogério 1997 Brazil 82
9645 10675 Story of Ricky Lam Ngai Choi 1991 Hong Kong 91
9646 11673 To Live in Peace Zampa, Luigi 1947 Italy 90
9647 10676 Fright Night Gillespie, Craig 2011 USA 106
9648 10678 Though I am Gone Hu Jie 2008 China
9649 10679 Flaklypa Grand Prix Caprino, Ivo 1975 Norway 88
9650 10680 Simao o Caolho Cavalcanti, Alberto 1952 Brazil 101
9651 10682 She's Funny That Way Bogdanovich, Peter 2014 USA 93
9652 10684 Shut Up and Play the Hits Southern, Dylan & Will Lovelace 2012 UK 108
9653 10685 Black Caesar Cohen, Larry 1973 USA 96
9654 11718 Thirteen Hardwicke, Catherine 2003 USA 100
9655 10686 Life of Her Own, A Cukor, George 1950 USA 108
9656 10687 Where is Mother? Wei Te 1960 China
9657 10689 Mock Up on Mu Baldwin, Craig 2008 USA 114
9658 10690 Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait Bedirxan, Wiam & Ossama Mohammed 2014 France 92
9659 10697 Whity Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1971 West Germany 95
9660 10699 Barocco Téchiné, André 1976 France 110
9661 10702 Two-Faced Woman Cukor, George 1941 USA 94
9662 10703 Stars Look Down, The Reed, Carol 1939 UK 110
9663 10704 Hobo with a Shotgun Eisener, Jason 2011 Canada
9664 13176 Of Great Events and Ordinary People Ruiz, Raúl 1979 France 65
9665 13186 Electroma Bangalter, Thomas & Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo 2006 France 74
9666 11731 Ship of Condemned Women, The Matarazzo, Raffaello 1953 Italy 101
9667 12338 Stay Hungry Rafelson, Bob 1976 USA 103
9668 10707 Muppets, The Bobin, James 2011 USA 103
9669 11733 Henry & June Kaufman, Philip 1990 USA 134
9670 10708 Piranha 3D Aja, Alexandre 2010 USA 88
9671 12962 Crying Woman, The Doillon, Jacques 1979 France 90
9672 12355 Conflagration Ichikawa, Kon 1958 Japan 99
9673 10709 Midnight Clear, A Gordon, Keith 1991 USA 107
9674 10710 Skagafjördur Hutton, Peter B. 2004 USA 35
9675 15926 Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, The [TV] Ryazanov, Eldar 1975 USSR 192
9676 13210 Moon Over the Alley, The Despins, Joseph 1976 UK 107
9677 12025 Cowboys, The Rydell, Mark 1972 USA 128
9678 10712 Last Night at the Alamo Pennell, Eagle 1983 USA 80
9679 12366 Something in the Air Assayas, Olivier 2012 France 122
9680 11773 50 First Dates Segal, Peter 2004 USA 98
9681 11669 We Are What We Are Mickle, Jim 2013 USA
9682 12004 Gadjo dilo Gatlif, Tony 1997 France 101
9683 13220 Way of a Gaucho Tourneur, Jacques 1952 USA 91
9684 10714 Kahaani Ghosh, Sujoy 2012 India 122
9685 10713 Sopar, El Portabella, Pere 1974 Spain 50
9686 13026 That Day Ruiz, Raúl 2003 France 105
9687 13232 Innocence Cox, Paul 2000 Australia 94
9688 10716 Village, The Baker, Mark 1993 UK 14
9689 11780 Butterfly Murders, The Tsui Hark 1979 Hong Kong 88
9690 13239 Spring Silkworms Cheng Bugao 1933 China 96
9691 10718 Grandmother, The Lynch, David 1970 USA 34
9692 10719 Past, The Farhadi, Asghar 2013 France 130
9693 10721 Noce I dnie Antczak, Jerzy 1975 Poland 632
9694 10720 Jak daleko stad, jak blisko Konwicki, Tadeusz 1972 Poland 95
9695 10722 Son of Frankenstein Lee, Rowland V. 1939 USA 99
9696 12376 Nobody's Children Matarazzo, Raffaello 1951 Italy 105
9697 11654 Road, The Hillcoat, John 2009 USA 112
9698 10724 It Might Get Loud Guggenheim, Davis 2008 USA 98
9699 11748 Only God Forgives Refn, Nicolas Winding 2012 Denmark 90
9700 11789 Magic Mike Soderbergh, Steven 2012 USA 110
9701 10726 Clean, Shaven Kerrigan, Lodge 1993 USA 79
9702 10727 Be Pretty and Shut Up Seyrig, Delphine 1981 France 115
9703 10728 Dead Presidents Hughes, Albert & Allen Hughes 1995 USA 119
9704 10729 Army of Crime Guédiguian, Robert 2009 France 139
9705 10730 Hondo Farrow, John 1953 USA 84
9706 10731 Scream and Scream Again Hessler, Gordon 1969 UK 95
9707 10733 Girl Walk//All Day Krupnick, Jacob 2011 USA 75
9708 13265 Back to God's Country Hartford, David 1919 Canada 73
9709 12391 Unknown Soldier, The Laine, Edvin 1955 Finland 181
9710 11016 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever Minnelli, Vincente 1970 USA 129
9711 10734 9 Variations on a Dance Theme Harris, Hilary 1966 USA 13
9712 10735 Variations Dorsky, Nathaniel 1998 USA 24
9713 10736 Capitano, Il Troell, Jan 1991 Sweden 110
9714 10738 Beauties of the Night Clair, René 1952 France 84
9715 10739 Ryan Landreth, Chris 2004 Canada 14
9716 10740 Pelo malo Rondón, Mariana 2013 Venezuela
9717 12393 Pajarito Gómez Kuhn, Rodolfo 1965 Argentina 83
9718 10748 Dreamwood Broughton, James 1972 USA 45
9719 10749 Bill of Divorcement, A Cukor, George 1932 USA 70
9720 10752 Fury Ayer, David 2014 USA 134
9721 10753 Brave Andrews, Mark & Brenda Chapman 2012 USA 100
9722 12405 Diaries (1971-1976) Pincus, Ed 1981 USA
9723 12005 Garment Jungle, The Sherman, Vincent 1957 USA 88
9724 12006 Sweet Dreams Bellocchio, Marco 2016 Italy 131
9725 10755 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Yates, David 2010 USA 146
9726 10756 Shuo huang shi jie Li Pingqian 1950 Hong Kong
9727 10757 Adventurer, The Chaplin, Charles 1917 USA 24
9728 10760 Seventh Veil, The Bennett, Compton 1945 UK 95
9729 11709 Pasqua in Sicilia De Seta, Vittorio 1955 Italy 8
9730 11706 Fishing Boats De Seta, Vittorio 1958 Italy 11
9731 11707 Orgosolo's Shepherds De Seta, Vittorio 1958 Italy 11
9732 11710 Surfarara De Seta, Vittorio 1955 Italy 9
9733 10763 Rescued from an Eagle's Nest Dawley, J. Searle 1908 USA 6
9734 10764 Blonde Crazy Del Ruth, Roy 1931 USA 79
9735 10767 CB4 Davis, Tamra 1993 USA 88
9736 12426 Little Girl of Hanoi, The Hai Ninh 1974 North Vietnam 72
9737 10769 Bridge to Terabithia Csupo, Gabor 2006 USA 95
9738 12429 Reifezeit [TV] Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1976 West Germany 105
9739 13992 Changes in the Village Peries, Lester James 1963 Sri Lanka 105
9740 10771 Butter on the Latch Decker, Josephine 2013 USA 72
9741 13322 Glass Key, The Heisler, Stuart 1942 USA 85
9742 10772 Viva Maria! Malle, Louis 1965 France 119
9743 11859 Young Adam Mackenzie, David 2002 UK 97
9744 11766 Valley of Gwangi, The O'Connolly, Jim 1969 USA 96
9745 10775 Silver Chalice, The Saville, Victor 1954 USA 144
9746 10776 Cancion de cuna Garci, José Luis 1994 Spain 101
9747 13344 To an Unknown God Chávarri, Jaime 1977 Spain 104
9748 13348 Thomas Graal's Best Film Stiller, Mauritz 1917 Sweden 59
9749 10779 Godzilla Edwards, Gareth 2014 USA 123
9750 13357 Hannah Takes the Stairs Swanberg, Joe 2007 USA 83
9751 11017 Downhill Racer Ritchie, Michael 1969 USA 102
9752 10781 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [TV Series] Irvin, John 1979 UK 290
9753 10782 Pushpaka Vimana Rao, Singeetham Srinivasa 1987 India 125
9754 11866 Mulan Cook, Barry & Tony Bancroft 1998 USA 88
9755 13382 Faithless Ullmann, Liv 2000 Sweden 153
9756 10791 Lodger, The Brahm, John 1944 USA 84
9757 10792 French Connection II Frankenheimer, John 1975 USA 119
9758 10793 To Kill a Man Fernández Almendras, Alejandro 2014 Chile 82
9759 10794 Two Solutions for One Problem Kiarostami, Abbas 1975 Iran 5
9760 10796 New Gulliver Ptushko, Aleksandr 1935 USSR 75
9761 10795 Baader Meinhof Complex, The Edel, Uli 2008 Germany
9762 11873 Pumpkinhead Winston, Stan 1988 USA 86
9763 10826 Weird Science Hughes, John 1985 USA 94
9764 11901 Mamma Mia! Lloyd, Phyllida 2008 USA 109
9765 10827 Bathing Beauty Sidney, George 1944 USA 101
9766 12459 Eternal Return, The Delannoy, Jean 1943 France 100
9767 10828 Cowboy's Flute, The Qian Jiajun & Te Wei 1963 China 20
9768 10829 One Day in the Life of Andrei Arsenevich [TV] Marker, Chris 2000 France 55
9769 10831 Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb, The Borthwick, Dave 1993 UK 60
9770 10832 Horse, La Granier-Deferre, Pierre 1970 Italy 90
9771 10834 Joke, The Jireš, Jaromil 1969 Czechoslovakia 80
9772 10833 Romance for Bugle Vávra, Otakar 1967 Czechoslovakia 86
9773 10835 Journey Into Fear Foster, Norman 1943 USA 68
9774 10836 Grain in Ear Zhang Lu 2005 China 109
9775 11863 Raduga Donskoi, Mark 1944 USSR 93
9776 12472 Handle with Care Demme, Jonathan 1977 USA 98
9777 Afire Petzold, Christian 2023 Germany 102
9778 Skinamarink Ball, Kyle Edward 2022 Canada 100
9779 Athena Gavras, Romain 2022 France 99
9780 Trenque Lauquen Citarella, Laura 2022 Argentina 262
9781 10838 Darling Kling, Johan 2007 Sweden 94
9782 10839 Pay Day Chaplin, Charles 1922 USA 21
9783 10840 My Kid Could Paint That Bar-Lev, Amir 2007 USA 83
9784 17877 Card Counter, The Schrader, Paul 2021 USA 111
9785 17884 She Dies Tomorrow Seimetz, Amy 2020 USA 86
9786 10841 Walkover Skolimowski, Jerzy 1965 Poland 77
9787 12485 Life of Matsu the Untamed, The Inagaki, Hiroshi 1943 Japan 100
9788 10842 From Beyond Gordon, Stuart 1986 USA 85
9789 10843 Hercules Musker, John/Ron Clements 1997 USA 93
9790 13427 Race with the Devil Starrett, Jack 1975 USA 88
9791 10844 Filmistaan Kakkar, Nitin 2012 India 117
9792 10845 Lust of the Vampire Freda, Riccardo 1957 Italy 90
9793 11796 Go Ahead, Brazil! Farias, Roberto 1982 Brazil 105
9794 10847 Legende von Paul and Paula, Die Carow, Heiner 1973 East Germany 105
9795 13446 Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde Baker, Roy Ward 1972 UK 94
9796 13449 Harmful Insect Shiota, Akihiko 2001 Japan 92
9797 18174 All Hands on Deck Brac, Guillaume 2020 France 95
9798 10850 Capricorn One Hyams, Peter 1978 USA 124
9799 12503 Requiem Schmid, Hans-Christian 2005 Germany 92
9800 10853 Bestiaire Côté, Denis 2012 Canada 72
9801 10854 Overboard Marshall, Garry 1987 USA 112
9802 10855 Jamon Jamon Luna, Bigas 1992 Spain 93
9803 16301 No Regrets for Our Youth Kurosawa, Akira 1946 Japan 110
9804 10856 Undisputed Hill, Walter 2002 USA 94
9805 13455 Twilight's Last Gleaming Aldrich, Robert 1977 Germany 146
9806 14003 Mémoire des apparences Ruiz, Raúl 1986 France 103
9807 14006 Mur murs Varda, Agnès 1981 France 80
9808 10857 Wise Guys Chabrol, Claude 1961 France 99
9809 10858 Kalyug Benegal, Shyam 1981 India 152
9810 13470 Amphibian Man Chebotaryov, Vladimir & Gennadiy Kazanskiy 1961 USSR 96
9811 10863 Cement Garden, The Birkin, Andrew 1992 UK 105
9812 10883 Police Academy Wilson, Hugh 1984 USA 95
9813 12007 Idoles, Les Marc'o 1968 France 105
9814 10887 Sauvage, Le Rappeneau, Jean-Paul 1975 France 103
9815 13491 Patriotic Woman, The Kluge, Alexander 1979 West Germany 121
9816 12540 Broken Marriage Bernal, Ishmael 1983 Philippines
9817 10906 Galpa Holeo Satyi Sinha, Tapan 1966 India 104
9818 10907 Manthan Benegal, Shyam 1976 India 134
9819 10908 Night of the Creeps Dekker, Fred 1986 USA 88
9820 12552 Last Night in Soho Wright, Edgar 2021 UK 116
9821 14017 Midnight After, The Chan, Fruit 2014 Hong Kong 124
9822 14019 Beijing Watermelon Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1989 Japan 135
9823 12562 Devious Path, The Pabst, G.W. 1928 Germany 107
9824 10909 Velvet Vampire, The Rothman, Stephanie 1971 USA 80
9825 10911 God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him, The Brakhage, Stan 2000 USA 50
9826 10914 Wake: Subic Gianvito, John 2015 USA 277
9827 10913 Vapor Trail (Clark) Gianvito, John 2010 USA 264
9828 10917 Night Watch Hutton, Brian G. 1973 UK 105
9829 11966 Shattered Glass Ray, Billy 2003 USA 95
9830 11972 High School Musical Ortega, Kenny 2006 USA 98
9831 11019 Maniac Cop 2 Lustig, William 1990 USA 88
9832 10921 Kontroll Antal, Nimród 2003 Hungary 110
9833 12037 Wife of a Spy Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2020 Japan 115
9834 10924 There Was a Crooked Man... Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1970 USA 126
9835 12579 Blizzard, The Basov, Vladimir 1965 USSR 78
9836 10926 Thomas Crown Affair, The McTiernan, John 1999 USA 113
9837 10927 Drunktown's Finest Freeland, Sydney 2014 USA 95
9838 10928 Plow That Broke the Plains, The Lorentz, Pare 1936 USA 25
9839 14372 Now and Then Glatter, Lesli Linka 1995 USA 96
9840 12008 Another Day in Paradise Clark, Larry 1998 USA 101
9841 10929 Prisioneros de la tierra Soffici, Mario 1939 Argentina 85
9842 10930 East is East O'Donnell, Damien 1999 UK 96
9843 10934 Red Rock West Dahl, John 1993 USA 98
9844 10936 Stir Crazy Poitier, Sidney 1980 USA 111
9845 10937 Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Adamson, Andrew 2005 USA 140
9846 12605 Badou Boy Diop Mambéty, Djibril 1970 Senegal 56
9847 10938 Violent Saturday Fleischer, Richard 1955 USA 91
9848 10939 Bronzés font du ski, Les Leconte, Patrice 1979 France 90
9849 10940 Street Mobster Fukasaku, Kinji 1972 Japan 88
9850 14119 Deep Blue Sea Harlin, Renny 1999 USA 104
9851 10942 Kremlin Letter, The Huston, John 1970 USA 120
9852 10944 Daytrippers, The Mottola, Greg 1996 USA 87
9853 20101 Medea [TV] von Trier, Lars 1988 Denmark 77
9854 12643 Illinois Parables, The Stratman, Deborah 2016 USA 60
9855 10949 Miserable at Middle Age Sang Hu 1949 China
9856 10948 Ramrod de Toth, André 1947 USA 94
9857 12644 Bubble Soderbergh, Steven 2005 USA 73
9858 10950 Murmuring, The Byun Young-joo 1995 South Korea 98
9859 10952 I Shot Andy Warhol Harron, Mary 1996 USA 103
9860 14422 Journey to the Shore Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2015 Japan 127
9861 11020 Lullaby of the Earth Masumura, Yasuzo 1976 Japan 111
9862 12009 Is Paris Burning? Clément, René 1966 France 173
9863 12060 Quick and the Dead, The Raimi, Sam 1995 USA 105
9864 12659 It's a Free World... Loach, Ken 2007 UK 96
9865 10954 Daleka cesta Radok, Alfred 1950 Czechoslovakia 108
9866 10957 Crusades, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1935 USA 125
9867 10958 Judge and the Assassin, The Tavernier, Bertrand 1975 France 128
9868 12671 Destroyer Kusama, Karyn 2018 USA 120
9869 10959 Hulk Lee, Ang 2003 USA 137
9870 10960 Joyeux Noël Carion, Christian 2005 France 116
9871 12679 Queen, The Simon, Frank 1968 USA 68
9872 10961 Thérèse Raquin [PROBABLE LOST FILM] Feyder, Jacques 1928 France 90
9873 13608 Scarred Hearts Jude, Radu 2016 Romania 141
9874 10964 Dead Ringer Henreid, Paul 1964 USA 115
9875 12704 Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Watanabe, Shin'ichiro 2001 Japan 114
9876 10965 Nasha mama: geroy Obukhovich, Nikolai 1979 USSR 45
9877 14364 Piercing Pesce, Nicolas 2018 USA 81
9878 12699 Man of Steel Snyder, Zack 2013 USA 143
9879 12700 Jane Morgen, Brett 2017 USA 90
9880 10966 Frighteners, The Jackson, Peter 1996 New Zealand 109
9881 10968 I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK Park Chan-wook 2006 South Korea 105
9882 12708 15:17 to Paris, The Eastwood, Clint 2018 USA 94
9883 13627 What Price Glory? Walsh, Raoul 1926 USA 120
9884 10969 Together Mazzetti, Lorenza & Denis Horne 1956 UK 52
9885 13628 Winslow Boy, The Mamet, David 1999 UK 104
9886 11021 Sandakan No.8 Kumai, Kei 1974 Japan 120
9887 10970 Northern Lights Nilsson, Rob & John Hanson 1978 USA 90
9888 10972 Lucas Seltzer, David 1986 USA 100
9889 14269 Spanking the Monkey Russell, David O. 1994 USA 106
9890 10973 Girlfriend Experience, The Soderbergh, Steven 2009 USA 77
9891 10974 Cow, The Petrov, Aleksandr 1989 USSR 10
9892 10975 Noa at 17 Yeshurun, Isaac Zepel 1982 Israel 86
9893 10976 Two Men in Manhattan Melville, Jean-Pierre 1959 France 84
9894 10980 Stone Harbutt, Sandy 1974 Australia 103
9895 12768 Chappie Blomkamp, Neill 2015 USA 120
9896 11023 Granton Trawler Grierson, John 1934 UK 11
9897 10982 Rejected Hertzfeldt, Don 2000 USA 9
9898 13372 White Hell of Pitz Palu, The Pabst, G.W. & Arnold Fanck 1929 Germany 75
9899 10986 Them Moreau, David & Xavier Palud 2005 France 77
9900 13633 Where the Boys Are Levin, Henry 1960 USA 99
9901 12788 Thelma Trier, Joachim 2017 Norway 116
9902 12104 Pain & Gain Bay, Michael 2013 USA 129
9903 12011 Agatha Apted, Michael 1979 USA 98
9904 13511 See No Evil Fleischer, Richard 1971 UK 89
9905 10995 Gates of the Night Carné, Marcel 1946 France 100
9906 10996 Divided We Fall Hrebejk, Jan 2000 Czech Republic 122
9907 17151 God of Cookery, The Chow, Stephen & Lee Lik-Chi 1996 Hong Kong 95
9908 17195 School on Fire Lam, Ringo 1988 Hong Kong 101
9909 17160 Adrift on the Nile Kamal, Hussein 1971 Egypt 115
9910 10997 Sodom and Gomorrah Aldrich, Robert 1962 Italy 154
9911 10999 Alexandria... Why? Chahine, Youssef 1979 Egypt 133
9912 11024 Cinderella Branagh, Kenneth 2015 USA
9913 12012 20,000 Years in Sing Sing Curtiz, Michael 1933 USA 81
9914 13689 Scherben Pick, Lupu 1921 Germany 50
9915 12144 Castle, The Sitch, Rob 1997 Australia 85
9916 11000 Karamay Xu Xin 2010 China 356
9917 11025 Elegy of a Voyage Sokurov, Aleksandr 2001 France 48
9918 12154 Unfriended Gabriadze, Leo 2014 USA 83
9919 11026 Marilyn Times Five Conner, Bruce 1973 USA 14
9920 11027 Butcher Boy, The Jordan, Neil 1997 USA 110
9921 12845 Reality Dupieux, Quentin 2014 France 95
9922 11028 Lock-Out Padrós, Antoni 1973 Spain 130
9923 11029 Lights of Ten Thousand Homes, The Shen Fu 1948 China 124
9924 11030 To Sir with Love Clavell, James 1967 UK 105
9925 12844 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Kawajiri, Yoshiaki 2000 Japan 103
9926 12834 Happening, The Shyamalan, M. Night 2008 USA 91
9927 11032 Greetings De Palma, Brian 1968 USA 88
9928 11049 Control Room Noujaim, Jehane 2004 USA 84
9929 12864 Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons Chow, Stephen & Kwok Chi-Kin 2013 China 110
9930 11051 Winter, The Li Han Hsiang 1969 Taiwan 96
9931 11052 Our Children Lafosse, Joachim 2012 Belgium 111
9932 11054 Madame's Cravings Guy-Blaché, Alice 1907 France 4
9933 14856 Murder by Death Moore, Robert 1976 USA 94
9934 12147 In this Corner of the World Katabuchi, Sunao 2016 Japan 129
9935 11057 Foundry Town Urayama, Kirio 1962 Japan 99
9936 13040 Fall of Otrar, The Amirkulov, Ardak 1991 USSR 176
9937 11059 Eating Raoul Bartel, Paul 1982 USA 83
9938 11060 Invictus Eastwood, Clint 2009 USA 134
9939 12906 Don't Go Breaking My Heart To, Johnnie 2011 Hong Kong 115
9940 11061 Slow Action Rivers, Ben 2011 UK 45
9941 11062 Episode of the Sea de Haan, Siebren & Lonnie van Brummelen 2014 Netherlands 63
9942 11064 She's All That Iscove, Robert 1999 USA 95
9943 12911 René Trestíková, Helena 2008 Czech Republic 83
9944 11067 Appartement, L' Mimouni, Gilles 1996 France 116
9945 11068 Good Manners Dutra, Marco & Juliana Rojas 2017 Brazil 135
9946 11069 Child is Waiting, A Cassavetes, John 1963 USA 102
9947 11071 Road to the Racetrack, The Jang Sun-Woo 1991 South Korea 138
9948 11072 Hot Rock, The Yates, Peter 1972 USA 105
9949 11073 Alexandra's Project De Heer, Rolf 2003 Australia 103
9950 12922 Overlord Cooper, Stuart 1975 UK 83
9951 13043 Perfect Bridges, James 1985 USA 120
9952 11074 Less Than Zero Kanievska, Marek 1987 USA 96
9953 12545 Hackers Softley, Iain 1995 USA 105
9954 21877 Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Reitherman, Wolfgang & John Lounsbery 1977 USA 74
9955 12014 Joan of Arc Fleming, Victor 1948 USA 100
9956 12229 V/H/S Various Directors 2012 USA 116
9957 12750 Weiner Kriegman, Josh & Elyse Steinberg 2016 USA 96
9958 11077 Bridge of Spies Spielberg, Steven 2015 USA 142
9959 11078 Detroit Bigelow, Kathryn 2017 USA 143
9960 17576 Grandeur et décadence d'un petit commerce de cinéma [TV] Godard, Jean-Luc 1986 France 52
9961 17586 Relasyon Bernal, Ishmael 1982 Philippines 114
9962 11080 Romance of Happy Valley, A Griffith, D.W. 1919 USA 60
9963 11082 Mill of the Stone Women Ferroni, Giorgio 1960 Italy 96
9964 13791 Hell's Highway Brown, Rowland 1932 USA 62
9965 11083 Something New Hamri, Sanaa 2006 USA 100
9966 11084 Ah, Liberty! Rivers, Ben 2008 UK
9967 12954 Carter, The [VIDEO] Lough, Adam Bhala 2009 USA
9968 12949 Lights in the Dusk Kaurismäki, Aki 2006 Finland 78
9969 11085 Black Dog, The De Vere, Alison 1987 UK 18
9970 12093 My Life as McDull Toe Yuen 2001 Hong Kong 75
9971 11086 More Schroeder, Barbet 1969 West Germany 112
9972 11087 Zombie Holocaust Girolami, Marino 1980 Italy 84
9973 11095 What's Love Got to Do With It Gibson, Brian 1993 USA 119
9974 12221 Twister de Bont, Jan 1996 USA 117
9975 12983 Good Love, The Regueiro, Francisco 1963 Spain 90
9976 11097 Exquisite Corpus, The Tscherkassky, Peter 2015 Austria 18
9977 11098 Blue Skies Heisler, Stuart 1946 USA 104
9978 11100 General, The Boorman, John 1998 Ireland 123
9979 12015 Silent Village, The Jennings, Humphrey 1943 UK 36
9980 11102 Only the Young Mims, Elizabeth & Jason Tippet 2012 USA 72
9981 12261 Antz Darnell, Eric & Tim Johnson 1998 USA 82
9982 11103 Kharij Sen, Mrinal 1982 India 99
9983 12998 Punishment, The Rouch, Jean 1962 France 58
9984 11105 Blue Lamp, The Dearden, Basil 1950 UK 84
9985 11106 Three Landscapes Hutton, Peter B. 2013 USA 47
9986 11108 Ripley's Game Cavani, Liliana 2002 USA 110
9987 12234 Hidalgo Johnston, Joe 2003 USA 136
9988 12283 Stand and Deliver Menéndez, Ramón 1988 USA 103
9989 13771 Silver Streak Hiller, Arthur 1976 USA 113
9990 11109 Thumbsucker Mills, Mike 2004 USA 96
9991 11111 Case for a Rookie Hangman Jurácek, Pavel 1970 Czechoslovakia 102
9992 11110 Boxing Helena Lynch, Jennifer Chambers 1993 USA 107
9993 11112 Tyrannosaur Considine, Paddy 2011 UK 92
9994 11114 Demon Seed Cammell, Donald 1977 USA 94
9995 13079 City of the Living Dead Fulci, Lucio 1980 Italy 93
9996 12242 Cincinnati Kid, The Jewison, Norman 1965 USA 102
9997 11115 Empire of Passion Oshima, Nagisa 1978 Japan 105
9998 11116 Tangna Naderi, Amir 1973 Iran 88
9999 11119 Fantasma Alonso, Lisandro 2006 Argentina 63
10000 11123 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Eastwood, Clint 1997 USA 155
10001 Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom, The [TV] Ritchie, Michael 1993 USA 99
10002 5145 Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project Brewster, Joe & Michèle Stephenson 2023 USA 102
10003 8279 Robert Kennedy Remembered Guggenheim, Charles 1968 USA 30
10004 5146 ...And the Fifth Horseman is Fear Brynych, Zbynek 1965 Czechoslovakia 100
10005 5191 Betty Chabrol, Claude 1992 France 103
10006 5189 Novelist's Film, The Hong Sang-soo 2022 South Korea 92
10007 5192 War You Don't See, The Pilger, John & Alan Lowery 2010 UK 97
10008 5193 Hotel New Hampshire, The Richardson, Tony 1984 USA 109
10009 5197 He Stands in the Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life Mekas, Jonas 1986 USA 124
10010 5198 Hand, The Wong Kar-wai 2004 56
10011 5217 Smog en tu corazon Seles, Lucía 2022 Argentina 112
10012 5196 Underground Railroad, The [TV] Jenkins, Barry 2021 USA 593
10013 6458 Fatboy Slim: Praise You [MUSIC VIDEO] Jonze, Spike 1999 5
10014 5205 Weak Rangers Seles, Lucía 2022 Argentina 126
10015 5199 J'ai faim, j'ai froid Akerman, Chantal 1984 France 12
10016 5200 Desire Me Cukor, George & Mervyn LeRoy 1947 USA 91
10017 5195 Hedonists, The Jia Zhangke 2016 China 25
10018 5194 Two Moons Benning, James 2018 USA 42
10019 5201 Allensworth Benning, James 2022 USA 61
10020 5225 Ignoti alla Città Mangini, Cecilia 1958 Italy 12
10021 5227 Ash 01 Benning, James 2016 USA 20
10022 5230 Great Society Oe, Masanori 1967 Japan 17
10023 5216 Women Under the Influence [TV] Knight, Lindsay & Nancy Platt 1986 UK
10024 5221 Bitter Taste of Freedom, A Goldovskaya, Marina 2011 USA 85
10025 5220 Europe 16 Seles, Lucía 2022 Argentina 40
10026 5226 Singing in Oblivion Heller, Eve 2022 Austria 13
10027 5234 Bontoc Eulogy Fuentes, Marlon 1995 Philippines 56
10028 5241 Between the Waves Shah, Tejal 2012 India 27
10029 5231 Trying to Kiss the Moon Dwoskin, Stephen 1994 UK 95
10030 6920 Purple Akomfrah, John 2017 UK
10031 5223 Vietnam War, The [TV] Burns, Ken & Lynn Novick 2017 USA 990
10032 5237 Unter Schnee Ottinger, Ulrike 2011 Germany 108
10033 5233 Ghode Ko Jalebi Khilane Le Ja Riya Hoon Haksar, Anamika 2019 India 121
10034 5203 Passagen Ponger, Lisl 1996 Austria 12
10035 6695 Hi Stranger Lepore, Kirsten 2016 3
10036 5204 On Tour Amalric, Mathieu 2010 France
10037 5207 Tangerines Urushadze, Zaza 2013 Estonia
10038 5228 Living on the River Agano Sato, Makoto 1992 Japan 115
10039 5240 Film ist. (1-12) Deutsch, Gustav 2002
10040 5215 Chat qui joue, Le Lumière, August & Louis Lumière 1899 France 1
10041 5202 Chúng Tôi Muôn Sông Vinh Noan 1956 Vietnam 100
10042 5235 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains Gu Xiaogang 2019 China 150
10043 5232 Ai yo jinrui to tomo ni are Shimazu, Yasujiro 1931 Japan
10044 5219 Way Home, The Rekhviashvili, Aleksandre 1981 USSR 78
10045 5236 Little Family Conversation, A Lapiower, Hélène 2000 Belgium 67
10046 5224 Peola Tsuladze, Baadur 1970 USSR 35
10047 5210 Expedition Content Karel, Ernst & Veronika Kusumaryati 2020 USA 78
10048 5239 Kaal Abhirati Chakraborty, Amitabh 1989 India 120
10049 5213 Journey Into the Twilight Contento, Augusto 2021 Italy 142
10050 5211 Plastic Jesus Stojanovic, Lazar 1971 Yugoslavia 73
10051 5206 365 Day Project [EXHIBITION] Mekas, Jonas 2007 2273
10052 5222 Windfall in Athens Cacoyannis, Michael 1954 Greece 95
10053 5209 Love at First Sight Esadze, Rezo 1975 USSR 90
10054 5214 Tushi metskhvare [TV] Chkhaidze, Soso 1978 USSR 240
10055 5242 Runs Good O'Neill, Pat 1971 USA 15
10056 5212 American Dreamer, The Carson, L.M. Kit & Lawrence Schiller 1971 USA 81
10057 5229 Sarah and Son Arzner, Dorothy 1930 USA 86
10058 6577 Glory at Sea Zeitlin, Benh 2008 USA 25
10059 5238 After the Curfew Ismail, Usmar 1954 Indonesia 101
10060 5218 Much Ado About Dying Chambers, Simon 2022 UK 84
10061 5208 Behemoth Zhao Liang 2015 France
10062 5280 Life of Juanita Castro, The Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 66
10063 5314 Devs [TV] Garland, Alex 2020 UK 409
10064 5316 Beauty Raised from the Dead Lee Sun-Fung 1956 Hong Kong
10065 5315 Diary of an African Nun Dash, Julie 1977 USA 13
10066 5366 Muhomatsu Returns Home [TV] Imamura, Shohei 1973 Japan 48
10067 5374 Arcana Vicente, Cristóbal 2007 Chile 83
10068 5372 Illusionist, The Cavalier, Alain 1990 France 13
10069 5371 Aakaash Viswanandhan, Velu 2003 India 102
10070 5370 Arvo Pärt 24 prelüüdi ühele fuugale Supin, Dorian 2002 Estonia 90
10071 5377 We're Still Here Miéville, Anne-Marie 1997 Switzerland 80
10072 5368 Vivre à Tazmamart Zilberfajn, Davy 2005 France 72
10073 5376 Respite Farocki, Harun 1997 Germany 40
10074 5375 Afterthought Keidan, Elad 2015 Israel 105
10075 5369 Y in Vyborg Andell, Pia 2006 Finland 51
10076 5367 Voyage in G Major Lazarevski, Georgi 2006 France 54
10077 5373 Izkor: Slaves of Memory Sivan, Eyal 1991 France 98
10078 5410 Handmaid's Tale (Season 1), The [TV] Barker, Mike/Reed Morano/Kate Dennis/Floria Sigismondi/Kari Skogland 2017 USA 525
10079 5411 Citizen Havel Janek, Miroslav & Pavel Koutecký 2008 Czech Republic 119
10080 5412 Born in the USSR [TV] Miroshnichenko, Sergei 1991-2012 UK
10081 5463 Restless City Dosunmu, Andrew 2011 USA 80
10082 5464 Baxter! Jeffries, Lionel 1973 USA 100
10083 5467 Casa, La Fontán, Gustavo 2012 Argentina 62
10084 5466 Tora-san Goes North Yamada, Yoji 1987 Japan 107
10085 5462 Boys of Paul Street, The Fábri, Zoltán 1969 Hungary 108
10086 5510 Siti Cahyono, Eddie 2014 Indonesia 95
10087 5509 Object of Beauty, The Lindsay-Hogg, Michael 1991 USA 97
10088 5511 Man of Violence Walker, Pete 1971 UK 107
10089 5558 Way of All Flesh, The King, Louis 1940 USA 86
10090 5556 ABCD (Any Body Can Dance) D'Souza, Remo 2013 India 160
10091 5555 Deaths in Tokimeki Morita, Yoshimitsu 1984 Japan 105
10092 5554 Rad Needham, Hal 1986 USA 91
10093 5557 Wait and See Somai, Shinji 1998 Japan 100
10094 5572 Women Talking Polley, Sarah 2022 USA 104
10095 5573 It All Starts Today Tavernier, Bertrand 1999 France 117
10096 5574 Alive Inside Rossato-Bennett, Michael 2014 USA
10097 5654 Last Time I Saw Paris, The Brooks, Richard 1954 USA 116
10098 8775 Vnimanie, cherepakha! Bykov, Rolan 1970 USSR 86
10099 8772 Year of the Devil Zelenka, Petr 2002 Czech Republic 88
10100 5655 Stones in the Park, The Woodhead, Leslie 1969 UK 53
10101 5660 Pam & Tommy Lee: Stolen Honeymoon [Video] Lee, Tommy 1995 USA 76
10102 5656 Diario de Uma Busca Castro, Flavia 2010 France 108
10103 5658 Terra Deu, Terra Come Siqueira, Rodrigo 2010 Brazil 89
10104 5663 Girl with the Whip Dréville, Jean 1952 France 82
10105 5657 Liebe, Jazz und Übermut Ode, Erik 1957 West Germany 102
10106 5662 Village at the End of the World Gavron, Sarah 2012 UK 81
10107 5659 Yakuza gurentai Nakajima, Sadao 1966 Japan 89
10108 5718 Onegin Fiennes, Martha 1998 UK 106
10109 5720 Three Rooms in Manhattan Carné, Marcel 1965 France 110
10110 5722 Love One Another Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1922 Germany 105
10111 5741 Promeny pritelkyne evy Vihanová, Drahomíra 1990
10112 5736 Gamera vs. Gyaos Yuasa, Noriaki 1967 Japan 87
10113 5744 Boys Be Ambitious Izutsu, Kazuyuki 1996 Japan 107
10114 5754 Respice finem Spáta, Jan 1967 Czechoslovakia 15
10115 5743 Lie Lie Lie Nakahara, Shun 1997 Japan
10116 5742 Invasion of the Neptune Men Ohta, Koji 1961 Japan 74
10117 5732 In the Name of the Pope King Magni, Luigi 1977 Italy 105
10118 5733 Warlords of Atlantis Connor, Kevin 1978 UK 96
10119 5728 Elective Affinities Vachek, Karel 1968 Czechoslovakia 85
10120 5731 Battle in Outer Space Honda, Ishiro 1959 Japan 90
10121 5725 Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation, An Eriksson, Patrik 2008 Sweden 83
10122 5723 Dinosaurus! Yeaworth Jr., Irvin S. 1960 USA 85
10123 5724 Baby and the Battleship, The Lewis, Jay 1956 UK 96
10124 5737 Reach for the Sky Gilbert, Lewis 1956 UK 123
10125 5751 Watari, Ninja Boy Funatoko, Sadao 1966 Japan 83
10126 5738 Magic Serpent, The Yamanouchi, Tetsuya 1966 Japan 86
10127 5730 Hostinec U kamenného stolu Gruss, Josef 1949 Czechoslovakia 94
10128 5748 Nacht von Lissabon, Die [TV] Brynych, Zbynek 1971 West Germany 110
10129 5760 In Camera Palit, Ranjan 2009 India 78
10130 5735 Two-Legged Horse Makhmalbaf, Samira 2008 Iran 101
10131 5740 Roman Summer Garrone, Matteo 2000 Italy 90
10132 5745 Beautiful Adventure Hoffmann, Kurt 1959 West Germany 102
10133 5753 Gruningers Fall Dindo, Richard 1997 Switzerland 100
10134 5746 Penetration Angst Büld, Wolfgang 2003 Germany 102
10135 5757 Paris at Midnight Hopper, E. Mason 1926 USA 70
10136 5755 Cheese Rottenberg, Mika 2008 USA 12
10137 5726 Johnny Gaddaar Raghavan, Sriram 2007 India 135
10138 5739 Line Describing a Cone 2.0 McCall, Anthony 2010 USA 50
10139 5727 Pink Floyd London '66-'67 Whitehead, Peter 1967 UK 30
10140 5749 Kommissar, Der [TV] Various Directors 1969-76 West Germany
10141 5758 Leaving Jerusalem by Railway Lumière, Louis 1897 France 1
10142 5756 Easy Out O'Neill, Pat 1972 USA 9
10143 5761 Milk of Human Kindness, The Cabrera, Dominique 2001 France 94
10144 5759 Minne, l'ingenue libertine Audry, Jacqueline 1950 France 90
10145 5729 Dry Rot Elvey, Maurice 1956 UK 87
10146 5734 Back Against the Wall Fotopoulos, James 2002 USA 94
10147 5750 Clear Skies Chukhrai, Grigori 1961 USSR 110
10148 5747 Retour d'un aventurier, Le Alassane, Moustapha 1966 Niger 34
10149 5804 Sshtoorrty Snow, Michael 2005 Canada 20
10150 5805 Home Improvements Frank, Robert 1985 USA 29
10151 5806 Magdalena Viraga Menkes, Nina 1986 USA 90
10152 5809 Arirang Kim Ki-duk 2011 South Korea 100
10153 5810 Life is a Miracle Kusturica, Emir 2004 Serbia 155
10154 5813 There's a Strong Wind in Beijing Ju An Qi 2000 China 50
10155 5815 Take Me to Vietnam Zhang Jianchi 2009 China 87
10156 5811 Vida de Carlos Gardel, La Zavalía, Alberto de 1939 Argentina 107
10157 5867 Face of Marble Beaudine, William 1946 USA 70
10158 5869 Zombies of the Stratosphere Brannon, Fred C. 1952 USA 167
10159 5870 Este Mundo É um Pandeiro Macedo, Watson 1947 Brazil
10160 5868 Ragged Football Ríos, Leopoldo Torres 1948 Argentina 120
10161 5938 Nelson Freire Salles, João Moreira 2003 Brazil 102
10162 5984 Gravy Train, The Starrett, Jack 1974 USA 96
10163 5986 Zvezda Ivanov, Aleksandr 1953 USSR 88
10164 5985 Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset Yamada, Yoji 1976 Japan 109
10165 6114 Tower of London Lee, Rowland V. 1939 USA 92
10166 6132 Today Shub, Esfir 1929 USSR
10167 6191 Don Juan in Hell Suárez, Gonzalo 1991 Spain
10168 6192 Más allá del espejo Jordà, Joaquim 2006 Spain
10169 6297 Katzi Bauer, Otmar 1970 Czechoslovakia 7
10170 6298 Balloon, The Kawashima, Yuzo 1956 Japan 110
10171 Treasure Island Ruiz, Raúl 1986 UK 115
10172 Notturno Rosi, Gianfranco 2020 Italy 100
10173 Take Me Somewhere Nice Sendijarevic, Ena 2019 Netherlands 91
10174 Safe Place Lerotic, Juraj 2022 Croatia 105
10175 6347 Chinese Feast, The Tsui Hark 1995 Hong Kong 100
10176 6346 Youngblood Hawke Daves, Delmer 1964 USA 137
10177 6344 Hold That Ghost Lubin, Arthur 1941 USA 86
10178 6345 Hemo the Magnificent [TV] Capra, Frank 1957 USA 60
10179 6353 Code Name: Ruby Nemec, Jan 1997 Czech Republic 80
10180 6349 White Heart Barnett, Daniel 1975 USA 53
10181 6348 Notes of an Early Fall Levine, Saul 1976 USA 33
10182 6354 Mondo Elvis Corboy, Tom 1984 USA 28
10183 6352 Elasticity Strand, Chick 1976 USA 25
10184 6351 Ernie Kovacs Show, The [TV Series] Various Directors 1952 USA 360
10185 6350 Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family Roemer, Michael & Susan Tood 1993 USA 85
10186 6398 Sin of Nora Moran, The Goldstone, Phil 1933 USA 65
10187 6399 Cattle Queen of Montana Dwan, Allan 1954 USA 88
10188 6400 Short Circuit Badham, John 1986 USA 98
10189 6403 God's Puzzle Miike, Takashi 2008 Japan 134
10190 6402 Uncut Greyson, John 1997 Canada 92
10191 6401 Old Actor, The Griffith, D.W. 1912 USA 17
10192 6408 Good Morning, Boys! Varnel, Marcel 1937 79
10193 6409 Jaws 3-D Alves, Joe 1983 USA 97
10194 6410 Mannequin Two: On the Move Raffill, Stewart 1991 USA 95
10195 6406 Sea Monkey Hasumi, Eiichiro 2004 Japan 120
10196 6411 Surprise, Surprise Uncredited Director 1991 UK
10197 6407 Transporter 3 Megaton, Olivier 2008 France 104
10198 6405 Pathfinder, The Salkow, Sidney 1952 USA 78
10199 6432 Broken Embraces Almodóvar, Pedro 2009 Spain 128
10200 6422 Decoy Bernhard, Jack 1946 USA 76
10201 6433 Beguiled, The Coppola, Sofia 2017 USA 93
10202 6434 Babyteeth Murphy, Shannon 2019 Australia 118
10203 6524 Official Competition Cohn, Mariano & Gastón Duprat 2021 Spain 115
10204 6435 Introduction Hong Sang-soo 2021 South Korea 66
10205 6416 Another Round Vinterberg, Thomas 2020 Denmark 117
10206 6417 Shirley Decker, Josephine 2020 USA 107
10207 6436 Black Ice Brakhage, Stan 1994 USA 2
10208 6513 Playground Wandel, Laura 2021 Belgium 72
10209 6437 Bridges-Go-Round Clarke, Shirley 1958 USA 4
10210 6438 Song is Born, A Hawks, Howard 1948 USA 113
10211 6440 Despair Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1978 West Germany 119
10212 6441 Chambre, La Akerman, Chantal 1972 Belgium 11
10213 6442 Tears of the Sun Fuqua, Antoine 2003 USA 120
10214 6443 Cry Macho Eastwood, Clint 2021 USA 104
10215 6464 In the Shadow of the Sun Jarman, Derek 1981 UK 51
10216 6465 Journey to Avebury, A Jarman, Derek 1971 UK 10
10217 6449 Vendémiaire Feuillade, Louis 1918 France 148
10218 6456 Downfall of Osen, The Mizoguchi, Kenji 1934 Japan 87
10219 6455 Alice in Russialand [TV] Russell, Ken 1995 UK
10220 6447 Tragedy of Macbeth, The Coen, Joel 2021 USA 105
10221 6462 New Order: The Perfect Kiss [MUSIC VIDEO] Demme, Jonathan 1985 UK 11
10222 6725 Beauty Dosunmu, Andrew 2022 USA 95
10223 6466 Deadpan McQueen, Steve 1997 UK 5
10224 6468 Florentina Hubaldo, CTE Diaz, Lav 2012 Philippines 360
10225 6461 Club Havana Ulmer, Edgar G. 1945 USA 62
10226 6459 Shadow Zhang Yimou 2018 China 116
10227 Sono ato no hachi no su no kodomotachi Shimizu, Hiroshi 1951 Japan 95
10228 6419 City Hall Wiseman, Frederick 2020 USA 272
10229 6445 Haircut Warhol, Andy 1963 USA 24
10230 6457 Tell Me [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1980 France 45
10231 6502 Everything Will Be OK Panh, Rithy 2022 Cambodia 98
10232 6451 Premonitions Following an Evil Deed Lynch, David 1995 USA 1
10233 6454 German Concentration Camps Factual Survey Bernstein, Sidney & Alfred Hitchcock 1945/2014 UK 88
10234 6448 Vampires: The Terrible Wedding, The Feuillade, Louis 1916 France 60
10235 6446 Passion Amour/Travail Godard, Jean-Luc 1982 France 39
10236 6460 Street Without End Naruse, Mikio 1934 Japan 89
10237 6470 When the Waves Are Gone Diaz, Lav 2022 Philippines 187
10238 6450 Si j'avais quatre dromadaires Marker, Chris 1966 France 49
10239 6469 Convoy Peckinpah, Sam 1978 USA 110
10240 6463 City of Contrasts Diop Mambéty, Djibril 1969 Senegal 22
10241 6452 Queen is Dead, The Jarman, Derek 1986 UK 13
10242 6541 Incredible But True Dupieux, Quentin 2022 France 74
10243 6480 What About China? Trinh T. Minh-ha 2022 China 135
10244 6586 Astrologer, The Denney, Craig 1976 USA 96
10245 6559 Tiro de gracia Becher, Ricardo 1969 Argentina 101
10246 6652 Man is Not a Bird Makavejev, Dušan 1965 Yugoslavia 81
10247 6584 After Cease to Exist COUM Transmissions 1977 20
10248 6904 Dear Prudence Zlotowski, Rebecca 2010 France 80
10249 6820 Down Hear Henderson, Mike 1972 USA 12
10250 6555 Passionate Stranger, The Box, Muriel 1957 UK 97
10251 6800 Diary for My Lovers Mészáros, Márta 1987 Hungary 141
10252 6821 Sister Stella L. De Leon, Mike 1984 Philippines 103
10253 6560 Uns et les autres, Les [TV] Lelouch, Claude 1983 France
10254 6592 V.I.P.s, The Asquith, Anthony 1963 UK 119
10255 6646 Not Even Nothing Can Be Free Of Ghosts Kohlberger, Rainer 2016 Austria 11
10256 6822 Lumikko Tervo, Miia 2009 Finland 19
10257 6808 Mother (Revised) Price, Luther 2002 USA 17
10258 6942 Occidente Vaz, Ana 2015 France 15
10259 6823 With Faith in God Popović, Mihajlo Al. 1932 41
10260 6568 Darkness Swallowed, A Bromberg, Betzy 2006 USA 78
10261 6620 Liu Pi-Chia Chen Yao-chi 1967 Taiwan 27
10262 6540 Freedom Song [TV] Robinson, Phil Alden 2000 USA 112
10263 6484 Farewell Amor Msangi, Ekwa 2020 USA
10264 6526 Burning Days Alper, Emin 2022 Turkey 129
10265 6827 Blonde Death Baker, James Robert 1984 USA 93
10266 6852 París, La Guerra, Jaime 2018
10267 6912 Mimbre Bravo, Sergio 1958 Chile 10
10268 6914 Little Indi Recha, Marc 2009 Spain 92
10269 6680 Fruit of thy Womb Silva, Fábio 2021 Portugal 20
10270 6520 Gidget Goes Hawaiian Wendkos, Paul 1961 USA 102
10271 6905 In Darkness Holland, Agnieszka 2011 Germany 144
10272 6643 Nice Coloured Girls Moffatt, Tracey 1987 Australia 16
10273 6754 Materialfilme Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein 1976 West Germany 35
10274 6588 Babobilicons Krumins, Daina 1982 USA 15
10275 6532 Egaro Mile Joshi, Ruchir 1991 India 180
10276 6599 Line, The Laganaro, Ricardo 2019 Brazil 16
10277 6500 Rito y geografía del cante [TV] Gómez, Mario 1971-73 Spain
10278 6630 Night of the Kings Lacôte, Philippe 2020 France 93
10279 6619 Sea in the Blood Fung, Richard 2000 Canada 24
10280 6590 Itinerary of a Spoiled Child Lelouch, Claude 1988 France 125
10281 6758 Social Life of Small Urban Spaces Whyte, William H. 1980 USA 58
10282 6485 Luz Obscura de Sousa Dias, Susana 2017 Portugal 76
10283 6589 Maid and the Yarn, The Cines 1913 Italy 5
10284 6530 Sirley Amoruso, Elisa 2020 Italy 94
10285 6575 Glimpse Cleary, Benjamin & Michael O'Connor 2021 UK 20
10286 6527 One Day of Life Fernández, Emilio 1950 Mexico 95
10287 6603 Dead Nation, The Jude, Radu 2017 Romania 83
10288 6804 Sister Galvan Evans, Marian 2003 New Zealand 89
10289 6684 John C. Depp, II v. Amber Laura Heard Uncredited Director 2022
10290 6542 Citadel Smith, John 2021 UK 16
10291 6601 Strella Koutras, Panos H. 2009 Greece 111
10292 6634 Kattradhu Thamizh Ram 2007 India 147
10293 6720 Golova Baskova, Svetlana 2004 Russia 90
10294 6719 Stella Verheyde, Sylvie 2008 France 103
10295 6803 Ephemerality Wallace, Marian 1979 4
10296 6685 Comtessa, La Lodge, David 1998 UK 14
10297 6686 Fly Mikkelborg, Charlotte 2019 UK 11
10298 6718 Andhaa Kaanoon Tatineni, Rama Rao 1983 India 155
10299 6474 Glas, Le Vautier, René 1964 France 6
10300 6486 Theo and Hugo Ducastel, Olivier & Jacques Martineau 2016 France 97
10301 6860 How the Sausage Dog Work Antonisz, Julian Józef 1972 Poland 8
10302 6863 Adrift Kadár, Ján & Elmar Klos 1971 Czechoslovakia 108
10303 6477 Bakita Byaktigato Bhattacharyya, Pradipta 2013 India 145
10304 6506 Of Stars and Men Hubley, John 1962 USA 53
10305 6475 Mining Review 7/12: Balletomines Reid, John 1954 UK 3
10306 6476 King's Wake, The McCloskey, John 2000 Ireland 30
10307 6488 Making of Monsters, The Greyson, John 1991 Canada 35
10308 6617 Farming Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adewale 2018 UK 102
10309 6824 Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway Llansó, Miguel 2019 Spain 83
10310 6600 Sock Ads: Judith Williamson Consumes Passionately in Southern California Williamson, Judith 1988 28
10311 6865 Every Picture Tells a Story Scott, James 1984 UK 82
10312 6573 Record 957 Dulac, Germaine 1928 France 6
10313 6839 Piège Baratier, Jacques 1970 France 58
10314 6537 Rain (Supa Dupa Fly), The [MUSIC VIDEO] Williams, Hype 1997 USA 4
10315 6522 Coded Bias Kantayya, Shalini 2020 USA 90
10316 6558 Nervous Translation Seno, Shireen 2017 Philippines 90
10317 6785 Path Davis, Martha 1987 104
10318 6784 Shanghai Women Peng Xiaolian 2002 China 94
10319 6787 Noël de guerre Lordier, Georges 1916 France 19
10320 6812 Dragon is the Frame, The Clark, Mary Helena 2014 USA 15
10321 6482 Acuérdate de vivir Gavaldón, Roberto 1953 Mexico 111
10322 6651 Échecs Bernhard, Edmond 1972 Belgium 32
10323 6538 Blues Under the Skin Manthoulis, Roviros 1973 France 88
10324 6572 Ein Jahr Sami, Renate 2011 12
10325 6647 Something Better to Come Polak, Hanna 2014 Denmark 98
10326 6607 Traveling While Black Williams, Roger Ross 2019 Canada 20
10327 6561 Twilight City Auguiste, Reece 1989 UK 52
10328 6528 Marvo Movie Keen, Jeff 1967 UK 5
10329 6556 Metamorphosis of Birds, The Vasconcelos, Catarina 2020 Portugal 101
10330 6721 Name of the Game: The Perfect Image, The [TV] Roley, Sutton 1969 USA 73
10331 6580 Rebirth is Necessary Nkiru, Jenn 2017 UK 10
10332 6841 Angkar, Die Heynowski, Walter & Gerhard Scheumann 1981 East Germany 91
10333 6786 [Enema Medley] Uncredited Director 1960-62
10334 6799 Alma no Olho Bulbul, Zózimo 1973 Brazil 11
10335 6859 Im Lohmgrund Böttcher, Jürgen 1977 East Germany 26
10336 6531 Anaïs in Love Bourgeois-Tacquet, Charline 2021 France 98
10337 6569 Inspector Calls, An Wong, Raymond Pak-Ming & Herman Yau 2015 Hong Kong 86
10338 6610 You Won't Be Alone Stolevski, Goran 2022 Australia 108
10339 6517 Jatun auka Sanjinés, Jorge 1974 Bolivia 100
10340 6549 Man with the Beautiful Eyes, The Hodgson, Jonathan 2000 UK 5
10341 6689 Being Women Mangini, Cecilia 1965 Italy 29
10342 6666 Escena circular, La Caldini, Claudio 1982 Argentina 9
10343 6495 Tiger Who Came to Tea, The [TV] Shaw, Robin 2019 UK 23
10344 6614 All-American Boy, The Eastman, Charles 1973 USA 118
10345 6498 City of Lost Souls von Praunheim, Rosa 1983 West Germany 94
10346 6608 Painted Bird, The Marhoul, Václav 2019 Czech Republic 169
10347 6582 Tunde's Film Ikoli, Tunde & Maggie Pinhorn 1973 UK 43
10348 6615 Dachimawa lee Ryu Seung-wan 1998 South Korea 35
10349 6644 Bruxelles-transit Szlingerbaum, Samy 1981 Belgium 80
10350 6473 No Place Like Home Henzell, Perry 2006 Jamaica 90
10351 6861 Raymond Tallis: On Tickling Grimonprez, Johan 2017 Belgium 8
10352 6591 Something Nice to Eat Erulkar, Sarah 1967 UK 21
10353 6593 Monangambé Maldoror, Sarah 1968 Angola 16
10354 6596 Fort Tilden Bliss, Sarah-Violet & Charles Rogers 2014 USA 98
10355 6759 Vreme leoparda Velimirovic, Zravko 1985 Mozambique 95
10356 6648 Lady Lazarus Lahire, Sandra 1991 UK 24
10357 6533 Martina's Playhouse Ahwesh, Peggy 1993 USA 20
10358 6943 ¡Que vivan los crotos! Poliak, Ana 1995 Argentina 75
10359 6546 Warm December, A Poitier, Sidney 1973 USA 100
10360 6566 Sixth Happiness Hussein, Waris 1997 UK 98
10361 6510 Horse is Not a Metaphor, A Hammer, Barbara 2009 USA 30
10362 6494 Bouquets Lowder, Rose 1994-2009 France
10363 6760 Stop Genocide Raihan, Zahir 1971 Bangladesh 20
10364 6635 What Do Men Want? Weber, Lois 1921 USA 70
10365 6636 Virgin Machine Treut, Monika 1988 West Germany 84
10366 6809 Lumière! Frémaux, Thierry 2016 France 90
10367 6779 Two Meetings and a Funeral Mohaiemen, Naeem 2017 89
10368 6508 Eyes of Fire Crounse, Avery 1983 USA 90
10369 6515 Closes Nunes, Pedro 1982 29
10370 6632 Agonia Bressane, Júlio 1978 Brazil 100
10371 6806 Colour Poems Tait, Margaret 1974 UK 12
10372 6722 Assemblages Melitopoulos, Angela & Maurizio Lazzarato 2010 France 60
10373 6613 BioShock [VIDEO GAME] Levine, Ken 2007 USA
10374 6579 Family Finds Entertainment, A Trecartin, Ryan 2005 USA 42
10375 6574 Roar Marshall, Noel 1981 USA 102
10376 6570 Chez jolie coiffure Mbakam, Rosine Mfetgo 2018 Belgium 71
10377 6557 Dancers, Buildings and People in the Street Burckhardt, Rudy 1986 15
10378 6645 Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another Rinland, Jessica Sarah 2019 UK 67
10379 6602 Cocktail Donaldson, Roger 1988 USA 100
10380 6789 Nikita Lavretski Lavretski, Nikita 2019 Belarus 97
10381 6562 Crystal Gazing Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen 1982 UK 92
10382 6629 SLEEPCINEMAHOTEL [INSTALLATION] Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2018 Netherlands
10383 6788 Komisary Mashchenko, Nikolay 1971 USSR 77
10384 6633 Cerro Pelado Álvarez, Santiago 1966 Cuba 34
10385 6576 Backlash Bennett, Bill 1986 Australia 88
10386 6616 Morphine Balabanov, Aleksei 2008 Russia 110
10387 6564 Hungry for Love Pietrangeli, Antonio 1960 Italy 106
10388 6563 Voluptuous Sleep Bromberg, Betzy 2011 USA 95
10389 6849 Labour Party General Election Social Media Launch Video Uncredited Director 2019
10390 6518 Portret Lenartowicz, Stanislaw 1977 Poland 8
10391 6850 There Are Many Things One Can Talk About… Amiralay, Omar 1997 France 52
10392 6489 Guided by Voices Sogo, Stom 2000 USA 12
10393 6499 Sagara Jalaya Madi Handuwa Oba Handa Peries, Sumitra 1988 Sri Lanka 114
10394 6622 Aido: Slave of Love Hani, Susumu 1969 Japan 105
10395 6621 Children Who Draw Hani, Susumu 1956 Japan 38
10396 6598 Shoot for the Contents Trinh T. Minh-ha 1991 USA 101
10397 6587 Document Rojo Tsuchimoto, Noriaki 1964 Japan 54
10398 6623 Wind. A Minute and 40 Seconds Shinozuka, Tsutomu 1985 Japan
10399 6639 Mountaineer Spinning Jacobs, Ken 2004 USA 26
10400 6535 Nacht singt ihre Lieder, Die Karmakar, Romuald 2004 Germany 95
10401 6618 Captain Volkonogov Escaped Merkulova, Natasha & Aleksey Chupov 2021 Russia 120
10402 6701 Film ist. (1-2) Deutsch, Gustav 1996-2002
10403 6492 Te Rua Barclay, Barry 1991 New Zealand 96
10404 6487 Venus in Furs Franco, Jesús 1969 UK 86
10405 6628 Divinity Gratis Bromberg, Betzy 1995 USA 58
10406 6638 Names Have Changed, Including My Own and Truths Have Been Altered, The Igwe, Onyeka 2019 UK 26
10407 6771 Monkeyshines, No. 1 Dickson, W.K.L. & William Heise 1890 USA 1
10408 6547 Play for Today: United Kingdom [TV] Joffé, Roland 1981 UK 145
10409 6609 I See the Sun Gogoberidze, Lana 1965 USSR 82
10410 6626 Cut-Off Movie Okuyama, Junichi 1969 Japan 15
10411 6807 Spectrum Reverse Spectrum Honda, Margaret 2014 USA 20
10412 6578 Chronicle of a Boy Alone Favio, Leonardo 1965 Argentina 79
10413 6612 Down and Out in America [TV] Grant, Lee 1986 USA 57
10414 6497 Voiliers et coquelicots Lowder, Rose 2002 France 2
10415 6504 Camera: Je or La Camera: I, The Mangolte, Babette 1977 USA 88
10416 6478 Calamity Jane & Delphine Seyrig - A Story Mangolte, Babette 2020 France 87
10417 6545 Betty's Boat Bosetti, Romeo 1911 France 5
10418 6805 Garden Pieces Tait, Margaret 1998 UK 12
10419 6713 Mit csinálnak a cigánygyerekek? Schiffer, Pál 1974 Hungary
10420 6801 No Regret Riggs, Marlon 1993 USA 38
10421 6516 Li per li Léon, Pierre 1994 France 61
10422 6887 Antena, La Sapir, Esteban 2007 Argentina 99
10423 6825 Saturday Fiction Lou Ye 2019 China 126
10424 6604 Cascabel Araiza, Raúl 1977
10425 6624 Papicha Meddour, Mounia 2018 France 108
10426 6869 Forever Honigmann, Heddy 2006 Netherlands 97
10427 6640 Evil.27: Selma Cokes, Tony 2011 9
10428 6551 Hitlerpinochet Forch, Juan & Jörg Herrmann 1975 East Germany 3
10429 6514 Glass Tower, The Braun, Harald 1957 Germany 92
10430 6780 Elevator Girls in Bondage Kalmen, Michael 1972 USA 56
10431 6769 Somewhere, Someone Bellon, Yannick 1972 France 100
10432 6471 Cosas de mujeres Fernandez, Rosa Martha 1978 Mexico 45
10433 6472 Risky Roadz Volume 1: Tha Roadz are Real Keefe, Roony 2004
10434 6553 Man Who Could Not See Far Enough, The Rose, Peter 1981 USA 322
10435 6539 Film est deja commence?, Le Lemaître, Maurice 1951 France 62
10436 6507 Survival in New York von Praunheim, Rosa 1989 West Germany 90
10437 6550 Mémoires d'un juif tropical Morder, Joseph 1986 France 80
10438 6509 Letter to a Friend Jacir, Emily 2019 Palestine 43
10439 6886 Cunégonde reçoit sa famille Uncredited Director 1912 France 6
10440 6491 Soundtrack Spinello, Barry J. 1969 USA
10441 6543 Anges exterminés, Les Bergamín, José & Michel Mitrani 1968
10442 6519 Lizards, The Wertmüller, Lina 1963 Italy 85
10443 6611 Shakedown Weinraub, Leilah 2018 USA 72
10444 6493 Sync Touch Hammer, Barbara 1981 USA 10
10445 6625 Day on the Grand Canal with the Emperor of China or: Surface Is Illusion But So Is Depth, A Haas, Philip 1988 USA 46
10446 6802 Seitsemän laulua tundralta Lapsui, Anastasia & Markku Lehmuskallio 2000 Finland 90
10447 6481 Sun and the Moon, The Dwoskin, Stephen 2008 UK 60
10448 6501 Tournesols, Les Lowder, Rose 1982 France 3
10449 6597 Illumination Breton, Pascale 2004 France 135
10450 6479 It's a Big Country Brown, Clarence/Don Hartman/John Sturges/Richard Thorpe/Charles Vidor/Don Weis/William A. Wellman 1951 USA 89
10451 6683 De Lo Mio Peralta, Diana 2019 USA 74
10452 6505 Automat, The Hurwitz, Lisa 2021 USA 79
10453 6503 Cold Draft, A Rhodes, Lis 1988 UK 28
10454 6490 Burial of Kojo, The Bazawule, Blitz 2018 Ghana 80
10455 6496 Friday Night Bites [WEB SERIES] Liang, Roseanne & Calvin Sang 2016 New Zealand
10456 6926 Heroic Purgatory Yoshida, Yoshishige 1970 Japan 118
10457 6924 Depp, Der Achternbusch, Herbert 1982 West Germany 86
10458 6868 Posleslovie Khutsiev, Marlen 1984 USSR 98
10459 6883 Language Lessons Morales, Natalie 2021 USA 91
10460 6662 Ctrl Townsend, Nigel 2016 UK 20
10461 6649 Common Ground Emerson, Darren 2019 30
10462 6670 Zapping Zone (Proposals for an Imaginary Television) [INSTALLATION] Marker, Chris 1990 France 406
10463 6954 Cut Ups, The Balch, Antony 1966 UK 19
10464 6889 Radiograph of a Family Khosrovani, Firouzeh 2020 Norway 82
10465 6738 Maman(s) Doucouré, Maïmouna 2015 France 20
10466 6739 Llacquiy Huata Nina, Magdaleno 1983 Bolivia
10467 6955 Ana Cordeiro, Margarida & António Reis 1982 Portugal 115
10468 6768 Rabun Ahmad, Yasmin 2003 Malaysia 90
10469 6956 Topos Angelidi, Antouanetta 1985 Greece 91
10470 6928 Black de Clercq, Anouk 2015 Belgium 5
10471 6925 Sound in the Mist Shimizu, Hiroshi 1956 Japan 84
10472 6932 Swordsman III: The East is Red Lee, Raymond & Ching Siu-Tung 1993
10473 6797 Macka Bourek, Zlatko 1971 Yugoslavia 10
10474 6700 Shirley: Visions of Reality Deutsch, Gustav 2013 Austria 93
10475 6744 Épouvante, L' Capellani, Albert 1911 France 11
10476 6742 Andalucia Gomis, Alain 2007 France 90
10477 6650 Min Ye Cissé, Souleymane 2009 Mali 135
10478 6941 Atheis Djaya, Sjuman 1974 Indonesia 145
10479 6733 Two Towns of Jasper Dow, Whitney & Marco Williams 2002 USA 90
10480 6729 Terror and the Time, The Roonaraine, Rupert 1979 Guyana 70
10481 6690 Leila and the Wolves Srour, Heiny 1984 UK 90
10482 6931 Chee$e Marcano, Damian 2022 Trinidad and Tobago 105
10483 6885 Reality's Invisible Fulton, Robert E. 1971 USA 53
10484 6740 Color Series Brookshire, Madison 2010 74
10485 6947 Five Year Diary, Reel 22: A Short Affair (and) Going Crazy (August 23–September 1, 1982) Robertson, Anne Charlotte 1982 USA
10486 6949 Balcon en Afrique, Un Fernández, Anita 1980 Guinea Bissau
10487 6688 Tomorrow's Promise Owens, Edward 1967 USA 45
10488 6730 Dandy Dust Scheirl, A. Hans 1998 UK 94
10489 6888 Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes Yamaguchi, Junta 2021 Japan 70
10490 6687 Them Thar Hills Rogers, Charley 1934 USA 20
10491 6879 Vers la mer Leroy, Annik 1999 Belgium 87
10492 6765 Ivan & Abraham Zauberman, Yolande 1993 France 105
10493 6798 Dreaming Rivers Attille, Martina 1989 UK 33
10494 6873 Abolition Bulbul, Zózimo 1988 Brazil 153
10495 6529 Earth II Anti-Banality Union 2021 97
10496 6892 Inside the Red Brick Wall Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers 2020 Hong Kong 88
10497 6752 Cell Phone Feng Xiaogang 2003 China 107
10498 6867 Temenos Danino, Nina 1998 UK 77
10499 6819 People's Account, The Bryan, Milton 1986 UK 52
10500 6745 Give Us a Smile Leeds Animation Workshop 1983 UK 13
10501 6746 Hand Grenade Eatherley, Gill 1971 UK 8
10502 6946 Travailleurs de la mer, Les Antoine, André 1918 France
10503 6851 Towards the Sun Ouayda, Nour 2018 Lebanon 17
10504 6884 Mr. Bachmann and His Class Speth, Maria 2021 Germany 217
10505 6764 Tobacco Embers Yugantar 1978 India 26
10506 6737 Dark Trees le Grice, Malcolm 2020 9
10507 6669 Rudy Wurlitzer [TV] Petit, Christopher 1994 UK 15
10508 6818 Muteki Murata, Minoru 1934 Japan 93
10509 6536 Moindre geste, Le Daniel, Jean-Pierre/Fernand Deligny/Josée Manenti 1971 France 105
10510 6767 Amor Omnia Yamakado, Yohei 2020 France 111
10511 6605 33 Yo-Yo Tricks White, P. 1976 USA 8
10512 6694 Europa: Based on a True Story Ruhorahoza, Kivu 2019 UK 93
10513 6876 Black Widow Shortland, Cate 2021 USA 134
10514 6817 Tango of Yearning Soueid, Mohamed 1998 Lebanon
10515 6702 Stendalì: Suonano ancora Mangini, Cecilia 1960 Italy 13
10516 6766 Marks Sai, Yoichi 1995 Japan 138
10517 6893 My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days Żuławski, Andrzej 1989 France 110
10518 6878 Last Angel of History, The Akomfrah, John 1996 UK 45
10519 6890 Nūhū Yãg Mū Yõg Hãm: This Land Is Our Land! Canguçu, Carolina/Isael Maxakali/Sueli Maxakali/Roberto Romero 2020 Brazil 70
10520 6726 Mare Staka, Andrea 2020 Switzerland 84
10521 6919 Five Year Diary, Reel 80: Emily Died Robertson, Anne Charlotte 1994 USA 27
10522 6667 Cut Girardet, Christoph & Matthias Müller 2013 Germany 13
10523 6698 Ali au pays des merveilles Abouda, Djouhra & Alain Bonnamy 1975 France 59
10524 6845 Girl and a Tree, A Skafar, Vlado 2012 Slovenia 83
10525 6665 Rock My Religion Graham, Dan 1984 USA 55
10526 6929 D.E.B.S. Robinson, Angela 2004 USA 91
10527 6704 Assarab Bouanini, Ahmed 1979 Morocco 100
10528 6921 Khon liang chang Yukol, Chatrichalerm 1987 Thailand 136
10529 6696 Short Film Series Sherwin, Guy 1970-80
10530 6853 Inland Sea Soda, Kazuhiro 2018 Japan 122
10531 6710 Domenica sera Piavoli, Franco 1962 Italy 12
10532 6902 Pickle Surprise Rubnitz, Tom 1989 USA 2
10533 6714 (At) The Lock-In (WIP) Henningsen, Therese 2022
10534 6838 Mouth to Mouth Hak Kyung Cha, Theresa 1975 8
10535 6716 Mermaids, or Aiden in Wonderland, The Karrabing Film Collective 2018 26
10536 6735 Girón Herrera, Manuel 1972 Cuba 120
10537 6656 Plumb Line Schneemann, Carolee 1971 USA 15
10538 6728 Spartacus [TV] Various Directors 2010-13 USA
10539 6937 Man, Woman and Beast Cavallone, Alberto 1977 Italy 104
10540 6945 Harder They Fall, The Samuel, Jeymes 2021 USA 139
10541 6781 Vikings [TV] Various Directors 2013-20 Ireland
10542 6782 Frankreich, wir kommen Glawogger, Michael 2000 Austria 80
10543 6676 My Survival as an Aboriginal Coffey, Essie 1979 Australia 49
10544 6691 Nothing Schmidt Jr., Ernst 1968 Austria 3
10545 6957 Pervorossiyanye Ivanov, Aleksandr & Yevgeni Shiffers 1967 USSR 77
10546 6844 Nay-dalgata nosht Radev, Vulo 1967 Bulgaria 96
10547 6757 Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik Farocki, Harun 1995 Germany 36
10548 6843 Photographing a Female Crook McCutcheon, Wallace 1904 USA 1
10549 6936 Sweet Deceptions Lattuada, Alberto 1960 Italy 91
10550 6581 Green Planet, The Serreau, Coline 1996 France 99
10551 6846 Mann & Frau & Animal Export, Valie 1973 Austria 10
10552 6862 Eagle Path, The Van Damme, Jean-Claude 2010 Thailand 108
10553 6847 Léontine s'envole Uncredited Director 1911 France 6
10554 6661 Laughing Gas Porter, Edwin S. 1907 USA 9
10555 6736 Horror Film 1 le Grice, Malcolm 1971 14
10556 6699 Bolívar, a Tropical Symphony Rísquez, Diego 1980 Venezuela 75
10557 6935 Mill on the Po, The Lattuada, Alberto 1949 Italy 96
10558 6951 Krov Rudnitskaya, Alina 2013 Russia 62
10559 6923 Belphégor Desfontaines, Henri 1927 France 212
10560 6930 Warm Broth Price, Luther 1988 USA 34
10561 6950 Guest of Life: Alexander Csoma De Körös, A Szemzö, Tibor 2006 Hungary 79
10562 6829 Foyer Bahri, Ismaïl 2016 France 32
10563 6693 Grey Matter Ruhorahoza, Kivu 2011 Rwanda 119
10564 6741 Blackberry Season Aydemir, Hasim 2021 Iraq 96
10565 6692 Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen, The Ushihara, Kiyohiko 1938 Japan 74
10566 6674 Konfiguration schwarz und weiss Fanderl, Helga 2017 Germany 9
10567 6938 Don't Look Up McKay, Adam 2021 USA 138
10568 6856 Gratinated Brains of Pupilija Ferkeverk, The Ačimović-Godina, Karpo 1970 Yugoslavia 12
10569 6857 Nový Hyperion aneb Volnost, rovnost, bratrství Vachek, Karel 1992 Czechoslovakia 207
10570 6934 All Three, He Said Erfan, Gholamali 1979 Iran
10571 6933 Höchste Gut einer Frau ist ihr Schweigen, Das Pinkus, Gertrud 1980 Switzerland 85
10572 6813 Heir to an Execution Meeropol, Ivy 2004 USA 99
10573 6712 Basta Ulive, Ugo 1969 Venezuela 22
10574 6952 Kiss Me Keining, Alexandra-Therese 2011 Sweden 105
10575 6664 July Omirbayev, Darezhan 1988 USSR 25
10576 6671 Forensickness Galibert-Laîné, Chloé 2020 France 40
10577 6672 Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm Schneider, Helge 2004 Germany 84
10578 6681 Siméon Palcy, Euzhan 1992 France 115
10579 6750 Revolution der Augen Pezold, Friederike 2022 Austria 75
10580 6940 Fabian: Going to the Dogs Graf, Dominik 2021 Germany 176
10581 6756 Serious Undertakings Grace, Helen 1983 Australia 28
10582 6682 Ser de luz Toucedo, Diana 2009 Spain 6
10583 6653 Coffee Wiley, Dorothy 1977
10584 6796 Song of Rio Jim, The Lemaître, Maurice 1978 France 6
10585 6654 Solar Flare Arkestral Marching Band Smith, Cauleen 2011 USA 10
10586 6734 Ladies Lake Allégret, Marc 1934 France 106
10587 6668 Dad's Dead Shepherd, Chris 2002 UK 7
10588 6697 Death for Sale Bensaïdi, Faouzi 2011 Belgium 117
10589 6715 Meio-Dia Solberg, Helena 1969 Brazil 10
10590 6747 Gerdy, the Wicked Witch Simunic, Ljubomir 1976 Yugoslavia 9
10591 6776 Kalendar Uman, Naomi 2008 USA 12
10592 6762 Tongpan Mukdasanit, Euthana 1977 Thailand 60
10593 6753 Baby, I Will Make You Sweat Hein, Birgit 1995 Germany 63
10594 6835 Child of Resistance Gerima, Haile 1973 USA 36
10595 6901 Host, The Pennell, Miranda 2015 UK 60
10596 6748 Good Weather, But Stormy Late This Afternoon Frot-Coutaz, Gérard 1986 France 85
10597 6585 Top of the Lake [TV] Campion, Jane & Garth Davis 2013 UK 348
10598 6834 I Am the One Who Brings Flowers to Her Grave Abdallah, Hala & Ammar Al Beik 2006 France 110
10599 6854 Lamentations Series: The Ninth Night and Day, The Toufic, Jalal 2005 Lebanon 59
10600 6708 Falconet, The Ghafari, Farokh 1975 Iran 93
10601 6703 Heidi in the Mountains Takahata, Isao 1975 Japan 93
10602 6657 Sem Título #1: Dance of Leitfossil Adriano, Carlos 2014 Brazil 6
10603 6939 On Company Business Francovich, Allan 1980 USA 174
10604 6833 Coming Forth by Day Lotfy, Hala 2012 Egypt 96
10605 6743 Rembrandt Steinhoff, Hans 1942 Germany 99
10606 6552 Gulaal Kashyap, Anurag 2009 India 140
10607 6903 Tomorrow Tripoli Marcie, Florent 2014 France
10608 6595 What Makes This Song Stink, Episodes 1-7 Finnerty, Pat 2021
10609 6544 Twin Peaks Wong, Al 1977 USA 50
10610 6894 Alpha Balogun, Ola 1973 Nigeria
10611 6675 Three Girls Named Anna Bauer, Branko 1959 Yugoslavia 97
10612 6828 Zavestanje Jovic, Ivan 2016 Serbia 88
10613 6953 Panorama du grand Canal pris d'un bateau Promio, Alexandre 1896 UK 1
10614 6763 Is This Just a Story? Yugantar 1983 India 25
10615 6583 Righting Wrongs Yuen, Corey 1986 Hong Kong 85
10616 6948 Writing in the Sand, The Amber Production Team 1991 UK 43
10617 6907 Unrest Brea, Jennifer 2017 USA
10618 6793 Pneuma Dorsky, Nathaniel 1983 USA 27
10619 6567 Hanno cambiato faccia Farina, Corrado 1971 Italy 90
10620 6864 Blood of Hussain, The Dehlavi, Jamil 1980 UK 112
10621 6836 Moon's Pool Nelson, Gunvor 1973 USA 15
10622 6774 Workshop Hirsch, Narcisa 1975 Argentina 11
10623 6837 Before Need Redressed Nelson, Gunvor & Dorothy Wiley 1994 USA 42
10624 6627 Gloomy Eyes Maldonado, Fernando & Jorge Tereso 2019 France 28
10625 6858 Unusual Summer, An Aljafari, Kamal 2020 Germany 80
10626 6727 Cativeiro Gil Mata, André 2012 Portugal 64
10627 6711 Shehu Umar Halilu, Adamu 1976 Nigeria 142
10628 6717 Tins for India Roy, Bimal 1941 India 8
10629 6755 Poslednata duma Zhelyazkova, Binka 1973 Bulgaria 118
10630 6895 Stations of the Elevated Kirchheimer, Manfred 1981 USA 46
10631 6677 Rocío y José García Pelayo, Gonzalo 1983 Spain 85
10632 6826 Naked Civil Servant, The [TV] Gold, Jack 1975 UK 77
10633 6606 Whoopee! Freeland, Thornton 1930 USA 93
10634 6678 Huono filmi Forsman, Felix 1950 Finland 8
10635 6880 Mafrouza Demoris, Emmanuelle 2010 France 159
10636 6815 Poosteh Aleahmad, Mostafa 2009 Iran 80
10637 6641 Sun Stop! Radax, Ferry 1962 Austria 24
10638 6897 All My Friends Part 2 Monicelli, Mario 1982 Italy 130
10639 6637 Uma Abelha na Chuva Lopes, Fernando 1972 Portugal 75
10640 6794 Party on the CAPS Bennani, Meriem 2018 Morocco 26
10641 6816 Hedi Attia, Mohamed Ben 2016 Tunisia 88
10642 6775 Pioneros, Los Hirsch, Narcisa 1979
10643 6709 Vidheyan Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1994 India 112
10644 6773 Five Men in the Circus Naruse, Mikio 1935 Japan 65
10645 6922 Lagareh - The Last Born Whittle, Alberta 2022
10646 6900 Ted 2 MacFarlane, Seth 2015 USA
10647 6944 Wadi Grand Canyon 2001 Gitai, Amos 2001 Israel 90
10648 6896 Lady Jane Guédiguian, Robert 2008 France 104
10649 6658 Buffalo Bill in 27 Forms Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik 1957 Sweden 5
10650 6705 6 et 12 Bouanini, Ahmed/Mohamed Abderrahman Tazi/Abdelmajid Rechiche 1968 18
10651 6707 Es werde Stadt! Farkas, Martin & Dominik Graf 2014 Germany
10652 6899 Return to Homs, The Derki, Talal 2013 Syria 94
10653 6642 Box Theory, The Land, Owen 1984 USA 16
10654 6761 Hand Film Rainer, Yvonne 1966 USA 7
10655 6898 Lighthouse, The Saakyan, Mariya 2006 Russia 80
10656 6706 Kaldalon Dore O. 1971 West Germany 45
10657 6548 Second Journey (To Uluru), The Cantrill, Corinne & Arthur Cantrill 1981 Australia 74
10658 6659 Burnham Beeches Quiribet, Gaston 1909 UK
10659 6874 What Happened to This City? Dhanraj, Deepa 1986 India 90
10660 6512 Don't Cry, Pretty Girls! Mészáros, Márta 1970 Hungary 84
10661 6554 Binding Sentiments Mészáros, Márta 1969 Hungary 98
10662 6673 Gletscher Fanderl, Helga 2006 3
10663 6881 Peanut Butter Falcon, The Nilson, Tyler & Michael Schwartz 2019 USA 97
10664 6790 Most Dangerous Man in the World, The Mustafa, Neyazi 1967 Egypt 100
10665 6731 Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland [TV] Straschek, Günther Peter 1975 West Germany 287
10666 6811 Wochenende Ruttmann, Walter 1930 Germany 10
10667 6840 Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn Ottarsdóttir, Katrin 1990 Denmark 80
10668 6918 Vice McKay, Adam 2018 USA 132
10669 6511 While We Were Here Fradelic, Suncica 2021 Croatia 15
10670 6906 Phantom Ride Broomer, Stephen 2019 Canada 69
10671 6770 Pitons Pakalnina, Laila 2003 Latvia 88
10672 6791 Letters from Panduranga Nguyen Thi Trinh 2016 Vietnam 35
10673 6917 Empty Metal Khalil, Adam & Bayley Sweitzer 2018 USA 85
10674 6732 Metal and Melancholy Honigmann, Heddy 1994 Netherlands 80
10675 6751 Daisy Doodad's Dial Turner, Florence 1914 UK 9
10676 6723 Torture Dungeon Milligan, Andy 1970 USA 80
10677 6891 Belle Hosoda, Mamoru 2021 Japan 121
10678 6875 It Has to Be Lived Once and Dreamed Twice Kohlberger, Rainer 2019 Austria 28
10679 6724 Klipperty Klöpp Kötting, Andrew 1986 UK 12
10680 6842 Peyton Place (Season 1, Episode 32) [TV] Doniger, Walter 1965 USA 30
10681 6660 Waru Gardiner, Ainsley/Casey Kaa/Renae Maihi/Awanui Simich-Pene/Briar Grace Smith/Paula Whetu Jones/Chelsea Winstanley/Katie Wolfe 2017 New Zealand 86
10682 6655 Crystallization Ballard, Carroll 1974 USA 11
10683 6871 Salomé Hernandez, Téo 1976 France 65
10684 6848 Pile électrique de Léontine, La Uncredited Director 1910 France 5
10685 6877 Paper Bridge, The Beckermann, Ruth 1987 Austria 95
10686 6525 Queen of Glory Mensah, Nana 2021 USA 78
10687 6855 Home - A VR Spacewalk [VIDEO GAME] Bartlett, Kate 2016 UK 25
10688 6831 Human Being Shaddad, Ibrahim 1994 Sudan 27
10689 6909 Wajib Jacir, Annemarie 2017 Palestine 96
10690 6777 Genpin Kawase, Naomi 2010 Japan 92
10691 6594 Abendland Kelemen, Fred 1999 Germany 141
10692 6571 Cousins Gardiner, Ainsley & Briar Grace Smith 2020 New Zealand
10693 6866 República Passô, Grace 2020 Brazil 16
10694 6830 Jamal Shaddad, Ibrahim 1981 Sudan 14
10695 6915 Mouton Deroo, Gilles & Marianne Pistone 2013 France 96
10696 6913 Speak Up Gay, Amandine 2017 France 122
10697 6911 Dogman Garrone, Matteo 2018 Italy 103
10698 6916 Sunset Nemes, László 2018 Hungary 142
10699 6792 John Travolto... da un insolito destino Parenti, Neri 1979 Italy 89
10700 6523 Bulbbul Dutt, Anvita 2020 India 94
10701 6832 Vanessa Frank, Hubert 1977 West Germany 91
10702 6783 Meeting Point, The Markovic, Goran 1989 Yugoslavia 98
10703 6663 Film ist. (1-6) Deutsch, Gustav 1998
10704 6679 Wolves in the Walls Billington, Pete 2018 USA
10705 6810 Imagens do Silêncio Rosemberg Filho, Luiz 1972 Brazil 70
10706 6772 Diferente Delgado, Luis María 1962 Spain 91
10707 7004 Demon's Waltz, The Callaway, Ryan 2021 USA 116
10708 7005 Trilogy of Lust Lee, Julie & Mou Tun-Fei 1995 Hong Kong 91
10709 7006 King Kong vs. Godzilla Honda, Ishiro & Tom Montgomery 1963 Japan 91
10710 7019 Buddha's Palm (4 Parts) Ling Yun 1964 Hong Kong 393
10711 7020 Akunin shigan Tamura, Tsutomu 1960 Japan 83
10712 7041 Rag Union Mestetskiy, Mikhail 2015 Russia 97
10713 7042 14+ Zaytsev, Andrey 2015 Russia 102
10714 7039 Suleiman Mountain Stishova, Elizaveta 2017 Russia 101
10715 7040 Big Business Abrahams, Jim 1988 USA 97
10716 7047 Giselle di Mello, Victor 1980 Brazil 90
10717 7068 Politics of Perception, The Tougas, Kirk 1973 Canada 33
10718 7067 FSC no 1 Martedi, Giovanni 1974 France 11
10719 7093 3 Hearts Jacquot, Benoît 2014 France 108
10720 7094 Random Hearts Pollack, Sydney 1999 USA 133
10721 7099 Rehearsals for Retirement Solomon, Philip S. 2007 USA 11
10722 7095 Apple Trees Sanders-Brahms, Helma 1992 Germany 112
10723 7098 Married by the Stork Koster, Henry 1932 Germany 89
10724 7097 Juan: Como si nada hubiera sucedido Echeverría, Carlos 1987 Argentina 285
10725 7096 Black Goddess Balogun, Ola 1979 Nigeria 95
10726 7123 How to Invent Reality Carlsen, Jon Bang 1996 Denmark 31
10727 7129 Family Feud Uncredited Director 1943 USA 6
10728 7139 Success is the Best Revenge Skolimowski, Jerzy 1984 France 91
10729 7155 Marilena de la P7 Nemescu, Cristian 2006 Romania 48
10730 7158 Little Malcolm Cooper, Stuart 1974 UK 112
10731 7157 Lyumi Bragin, Vladimir 1991 USSR 100
10732 7177 Amazing Spider-Man, The [TV] Swackhamer, E.W. 1977 USA 92
10733 7176 Eat Your Soup Amalric, Mathieu 1997 France 75
10734 7236 Fox, The Rydell, Mark 1968 USA 110
10735 7239 Sorority Sex Kittens 3 Holliday, Jim 1997 USA 138
10736 7237 Norman... Is That You? Schlatter, George 1976 USA 91
10737 7238 Execution: A Story of Mary Mikesch, Elfi 1979 West Germany 28
10738 7248 Law & Order [TV] Various Directors 1990-2010 USA
10739 7258 Domino De Palma, Brian 2019 Denmark 89
10740 7273 8903 Empire Everson, Kevin Jerome & Kahlil Pedizisai 2019 USA 480
10741 7272 Sea and Poison, The Kumai, Kei 1986 Japan 123
10742 7259 My Heart is That Eternal Rose Tam, Patrick 1989 Hong Kong 90
10743 7261 Island of St. Matthews, The Everson, Kevin Jerome 2013 USA 70
10744 7260 Qabyo 2 Ibrahim Adbulkadir Ibrahim & Abuldrahman Issa Kahin 2003 Somalia
10745 7263 Quality Control Everson, Kevin Jerome 2011 USA 71
10746 7265 Lago Gatún Everson, Kevin Jerome 2021 USA 59
10747 7264 Libahunt Laius, Leida 1968 USSR 71
10748 7274 Cinnamon Everson, Kevin Jerome 2006 USA 71
10749 7275 Erie Everson, Kevin Jerome 2010 USA 81
10750 7271 Any Old Port! Horne, James W. 1932 USA 20
10751 7268 Golden Age of Fish, The Everson, Kevin Jerome 2008 USA 60
10752 7276 Beychella Beyoncé & Garry Odom 2018
10753 7269 Põrgupõhja uus Vanapagan Kromanov, Grigori & Jüri Müür 1964 USSR 94
10754 7270 Incoming [INSTALLATION] Mosse, Richard 2014-17
10755 7266 Hors Chant Abou Naddara Collective 2016
10756 7267 Spicebush Everson, Kevin Jerome 2005 USA 68
10757 7262 June Everson, Kevin Jerome 2021
10758 7286 For Heaven's Sake Taylor, Sam 1926 USA 58
10759 7288 Goose Woman, The Brown, Clarence 1925 USA 80
10760 7289 Redskin Schertzinger, Victor 1929 USA 82
10761 7303 Quiet Duel, The Kurosawa, Akira 1949 Japan 95
10762 7304 Forgotten Army, The [TV] Oshima, Nagisa 1963 Japan 25
10763 7305 Closet, The Veber, Francis 2001 France 84
10764 7306 Mori no Ishimatsu Yamanaka, Sadao 1937 Japan
10765 7307 Confrontation, The Jancsó, Miklós 1969 Hungary 80
10766 7344 Days of '36 Angelopoulos, Theo 1972 Greece 105
10767 7345 6 Easy Pieces Jost, Jon 2000 USA 68
10768 7356 Separate Tables Mann, Delbert 1958 USA 99
10769 7358 Rock All Night Corman, Roger 1957 USA 62
10770 7380 Winter's Child Assayas, Olivier 1989 France 84
10771 7387 Wife Naruse, Mikio 1953 Japan 96
10772 7389 Night Falls on Manhattan Lumet, Sidney 1996 USA 114
10773 7390 Food Švankmajer, Jan 1992 UK 17
10774 7391 Rise of the Planet of the Apes Wyatt, Rupert 2011 USA 105
10775 7393 All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace [TV] Curtis, Adam 2011 UK 180
10776 7392 Gloria! Frampton, Hollis 1979 USA 10
10777 7399 Surviving Life Švankmajer, Jan 2010 Czech Republic 109
10778 7403 Ducksters, The Jones, Chuck 1950 USA 7
10779 7406 Blind Man of Jerusalem, The Feuillade, Louis 1909 France 8
10780 7412 Black Rose is an Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose is an Emblem of Love Solovev, Sergey 1989 USSR 139
10781 7402 Four Seasons of Children Shimizu, Hiroshi 1939 Japan 141
10782 7400 Guns of the Trees Mekas, Jonas 1961 USA 85
10783 7405 Arcana Questi, Giulio 1972 Italy 102
10784 7407 Beep, Beep Jones, Chuck 1952 USA 7
10785 7398 Bliss Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1967 USA
10786 7401 Last Words Herzog, Werner 1968 West Germany 13
10787 7410 Finances of the Grand Duke, The Murnau, F.W. 1924 Germany 80
10788 7411 Vagabond, The Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 34
10789 7408 Epidemic von Trier, Lars 1987 Denmark 106
10790 7396 Manderlay von Trier, Lars 2005 Denmark 139
10791 7409 Essene Wiseman, Frederick 1972 USA 86
10792 7395 Paradise Not Yet Lost, or Oona's Third Year Mekas, Jonas 1980 USA 96
10793 7429 Black TV Tambellini, Aldo 1968 USA 10
10794 7419 Tokyo Marigold Ichikawa, Jun 2001 Japan 97
10795 7484 Dakota Verstappen, Wim 1974 Netherlands 100
10796 7450 Kitch's Last Meal Schneemann, Carolee 1976
10797 7421 Thorn Birds, The [TV] Duke, Daryl 1983 USA 460
10798 7428 Water Carrier Has Died, The Abouseif, Salah 1981 Egypt
10799 7436 Arabesque Dulac, Germaine 1929 France
10800 7443 Rikyu Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1989 Japan 135
10801 7449 Dresden Dynamo Rhodes, Lis 1971 USA 10
10802 7479 Work Done Beavers, Robert 1984 USA 22
10803 7423 Ramchand Pakistani Jabbar, Mehreen 2008 Pakistan 103
10804 7485 Superdyke Meets Madame X Hammer, Barbara 1978 USA
10805 7439 Eat the Document Dylan, Bob 1972 USA 54
10806 7440 Scorpion Thunderbolt Ho, Godfrey 1988 Hong Kong 85
10807 7441 Child in the Crowd, A Blain, Gérard 1976 France 85
10808 7448 Aaja Nachle Mehta, Anil 2007 India
10809 7453 Malerei heute [TV] Hayn, Stefan & Anja-Christin Remmert 2005 Germany 61
10810 7451 Journey on the Hour Hand Kavur, Ömer 1997 Turkey 118
10811 7462 Jom Samb-Makharam, Ababcar 1982 Senegal 80
10812 7467 Hardwood Process Gatten, David 1996 USA 14
10813 7493 Karnival Kid, The Disney, Walt & Ub Iwerks 1929 USA 8
10814 7491 Way of the Body Jo Keung-ha 1959 South Korea
10815 7492 Wind Vane Welsby, Chris 1972 UK 8
10816 7489 Please Say Something O'Reilly, David 2008 Germany 10
10817 7459 Chanson d'Armor Epstein, Jean 1934 France 42
10818 7425 Assumption Gidal, Peter 1997 1
10819 7477 Short Film Series Sherwin, Guy 1975-98
10820 7487 It Will Never Happen Again Gross, Natan 1951 Poland 80
10821 7482 Gebet für die Linke Marti, Walter & Reni Mertens 1974 Switzerland
10822 7457 This Night Schroeter, Werner 2008 Portugal 110
10823 7417 Heiligabend auf St. Pauli [TV] Wildenhahn, Klaus 1968 West Germany 51
10824 7424 Eureka Gehr, Ernie 1974 USA 38
10825 7473 Cousin Elliot, Adam 1999 Australia 4
10826 7460 Rome Rather Than You Teguia, Tariq 2006 Algeria 111
10827 7474 Petites guerres, Les Bagdadi, Maroun 1982 France 108
10828 7414 Bratan Khudojnazarov, Bakhtyar 1991 USSR 90
10829 7481 I Am Kedzierzawska, Dorota 2005 Poland 93
10830 7432 Animals Are Beautiful People Uys, Jamie 1974 South Africa 92
10831 7456 Puika Freimanis, Aivars 1977 USSR 97
10832 7476 2 Into 1 Wearing, Gillian 1997 UK 10
10833 Present, The [INSTALLATION] Ahtila, Eija-Liisa 2001
10834 7447 In Our Courtyard Chkheidze, Rezo 1956 USSR 90
10835 7463 Vida loca, La Poveda, Christian 2008 Spain 90
10836 7490 Wildfire Greenfield, Amy 2002
10837 7434 Himmler Project, The Karmakar, Romuald 2000 Germany 182
10838 7413 Bang! Godfrey, Bob 1967 UK
10839 7454 Stadt in Flammen Schmelzdahin 1984 West Germany 5
10840 7437 Csontvary Huszárik, Zoltán 1980 Hungary 112
10841 7452 Saint Dnyaneshwar Fattelal, Sheikh & Vishnupant Govind Damle 1940 India 139
10842 7445 Stealing Beauty Ben-Ner, Guy 2007
10843 7435 Boardinghouse Wintergate, John 1982 USA 98
10844 7430 Wundkanal Harlan, Thomas 1984 France
10845 7426 Shirley Thompson Versus the Aliens Sharman, Jim 1972 Australia 80
10846 7461 Consolation Service Ahtila, Eija-Liisa 2000 Finland 25
10847 7416 Hero: The Official Film of the 1986 FIFA World Cup Maylam, Tony 1987 UK 86
10848 7446 Six soeurs Dainef, Les Uncredited Director 1903 France 3
10849 7442 Funeral Fest, Burial Lunch Klopcic, Matjaz 1969 Yugoslavia 91
10850 7458 Caretaker, The Donner, Clive 1963 UK 105
10851 7478 Auf dem Weg Schreiner, Peter 1989 Austria
10852 7483 Rebellion from Below Uchida, Tomu 1956 Japan 94
10853 7464 Year Long Road, The De Santis, Giuseppe 1958 Italy 162
10854 7468 Communion Mora, Philippe 1989 USA 107
10855 7480 Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, The Argento, Asia 2004 USA 98
10856 7486 1126 Dewey Avenue, Apt. 207 Hecker, John C. 1939
10857 7418 Hitman Gens, Xavier 2007 USA 93
10858 7422 Frontier Blues Jalali, Babak 2009 Iran 95
10859 7471 Dogra Magra Matsumoto, Toshio 1988 Japan 109
10860 7470 Sea Point Days Verster, François 2008 South Africa 94
10861 7472 Ukuaru Laius, Leida 1973 USSR 85
10862 7466 Grito del sur: Casas Viejas, El Martín Patino, Basilio 1996 61
10863 7518 Sorrow of the Beautiful Woman, The [LOST FILM] Ozu, Yasujiro 1931 Japan 158
10864 7519 Rônin-gai - Dai-ichi-wa: Utsukushiki emono Makino, Masahiro 1928 Japan
10865 7532 Princess Cheung Ping Lung To & Tso Kea 1959 Hong Kong 102
10866 7531 Battle of the Bulge Annakin, Ken 1965 USA 163
10867 7572 Brüno Charles, Larry 2009 USA 81
10868 7573 Bag of Rice Talebi, Mohammad-Ali 1996 Iran 80
10869 7595 Boyfriend in Sight García Berlanga, Luis 1954 Spain 83
10870 7596 Tarzan's Magic Fountain Sholem, Lee 1949 USA 73
10871 7606 It Conquered the World Corman, Roger 1956 USA 68
10872 7607 Hi Diddle Diddle Stone, Andrew L. 1943 USA 72
10873 7608 Imagining October Jarman, Derek 1984 UK 27
10874 7609 Singing Lesson, The Anderson, Lindsay & Piotr Szulkin 1967 Poland 18
10875 7615 Céline Brisseau, Jean-Claude 1992 France 88
10876 7612 Odette Wilcox, Herbert 1950 UK 100
10877 7617 Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino Bianchi, Giorgio 1962 Italy 103
10878 7610 Table Gehr, Ernie 1976 USA 16
10879 7616 Fuera De Aquí! Sanjinés, Jorge 1977 Ecuador 102
10880 7619 New Morning of Billy the Kid Yamakawa, Naoto 1986 Japan 109
10881 7620 Heart, Beating in the Dark/Yamiutsu Shinzo Nagasaki, Shunichi 1982 Japan 75
10882 7618 Okay Bill Avildsen, John G. 1971 USA 91
10883 7614 Poetic Justice of Omar Khan LeSaint, Edward 1915 USA
10884 7622 Lost Daughter, The Gyllenhaal, Maggie 2021 USA 121
10885 7638 Hangyakuji Ito, Daisuke 1961 Japan 110
10886 7656 Terceira Margem do Rio, A Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1994 Brazil 98
10887 7657 East of River Sumida/Bokuto Kidan Toyoda, Shiro 1960 Japan 150
10888 7658 Dollar Mambo Leduc, Paul 1993 Mexico 77
10889 7661 Bakaruhában Fehér, Imre 1957 Hungary 91
10890 7659 Baddegama Peries, Lester James 1980 Sri Lanka 130
10891 7660 Yasujiro Ozu and the Taste of Sake [TV] Uncredited Director 1978 France
10892 7676 Rota ABC Filho, Francisco Cesar 1991 Brazil
10893 7680 Casinha Pequenina Laurelli, Glauco Mirko 1963 Brazil 95
10894 7693 Darling Lili Edwards, Blake 1970 USA 136
10895 7694 Draw the Line of Flight Manda, Kunitoshi 1984
10896 7695 Northern Song Onishi, Koichi 1997
10897 7724 Boy in the Plastic Bubble [TV] Kleiser, Randal 1976 USA 96
10898 7722 Death of Richie, The [TV] Wendkos, Paul 1977 USA 97
10899 7723 Across the Bridge Annakin, Ken 1957 UK 103
10900 7731 Orson Welles' The Dreamers Welles, Orson 1982 23
10901 7738 Carmen DeMille, Cecil B. 1915 USA 59
10902 7740 Soldier’s Courtship, The Moul, Alfred 1896 UK 1
10903 7745 Record of Blood: Sunagawa Kamei, Fumio 1957
10904 7766 Sinners, The Duvivier, Julien 1949 France 108
10905 7773 Beggar's Opera, The Brook, Peter 1953 UK 94
10906 7774 Faust Gorski, Peter 1960 West Germany 128
10907 7781 Last Ten Days, The Pabst, G.W. 1955 West Germany 113
10908 7786 Nous ne sommes plus des enfants Genina, Augusto 1934 France 80
10909 7788 Light Year Kristersson, Mikael 2008 Sweden 101
10910 7787 Henry Geldzahler Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 97
10911 7785 Celosía, La Valcárcel Medina, Isidoro 1972 Spain 112
10912 7783 Messina Disaster, The Comerio, Luca 1909 Italy
10913 7784 Objetivo cuarenta grados Aguirre, Javier 1969 Spain 11
10914 7782 Max Turnheim vom Gröller, Friedl 2021 47
10915 7794 To Each His Own Leisen, Mitchell 1946 USA 122
10916 7795 Saps At Sea Douglas, Gordon 1940 USA 57
10917 7796 Island of Terror Fisher, Terence 1966 UK 89
10918 7798 Harry and the Hendersons Dear, William 1987 USA 110
10919 7797 Two Drops of Water Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad 1971 India 141
10920 7799 On the Fringe of Society/Prachachon Nork Udomej, Manop 1981 Thailand 106
10921 7813 Hot Blood Ray, Nicholas 1956 USA 85
10922 7814 Walls of Malapaga, The Clément, René 1949 France 91
10923 7815 It Happens Every Spring Bacon, Lloyd 1949 USA 87
10924 7816 Class Trip/La Classe de neige Miller, Claude 1998 France 96
10925 7818 Relativity Emshwiller, Ed 1966 USA 38
10926 7819 Eugene [TV] Kovacs, Ernie 1961 USA
10927 7817 Hey Ram! Hassan, Kamal 2000 India 186
10928 7820 Ashes to Ashes [Music Video] Mallet, David 1980 UK 4
10929 7821 Stunt Woman, The Hui, Ann 1996 Hong Kong 95
10930 7856 My Little Seamstress Guimarães, Manuel 1959 Portugal 103
10931 7855 Tournage à la campagne, Un Fleischer, Alain 1994 France 80
10932 7858 Brainstorm Conrad, William 1965 USA 114
10933 7861 Several Friends Burnett, Charles 1969 USA 21
10934 7860 Night of the Hunter [TV] Greene, David 1991 UK 100
10935 7864 A Idade Maior Villaverde, Teresa 1991 Germany 125
10936 7863 Long Day's Dying, The Collinson, Peter 1968 UK 93
10937 7862 Dust Hänsel, Marion 1985 Belgium 88
10938 7941 Egyptian Story, An Chahine, Youssef 1982 Egypt 115
10939 7938 Kurzer Besuch bei Hermann Glöckner Böttcher, Jürgen 1985 East Germany 32
10940 7940 Lobby, The Emigholz, Heinz 2020 Germany 76
10941 7937 Att vara zigenare [TV] Nestler, Peter 1970 Sweden 47
10942 7936 Combat Shock Giovinazzo, Buddy 1984 USA 91
10943 7939 Ödenwaldstetten Nestler, Peter 1964 West Germany 36
10944 7942 Familiengruft – Ein Liebesgedicht an meine Mutter Lang, Maria 1982 West Germany 11
10945 7947 China Gate Fuller, Samuel 1957 USA 97
10946 7948 Poor Little Rich Girl Cummings, Irving 1936 USA 72
10947 8212 Racing Dreams Curry, Marshall 2009 USA 93
10948 International Velvet Forbes, Bryan 1978 UK 127
10949 Wolf's Hole Chytilová, Věra 1987 Czechoslovakia 92
10950 Family Business Cohen, Tom 1978 USA 86
10951 Criatura, La de la Iglesia, Eloy 1977 Spain 100
10952 Muscle Sato, Hisayasu 1989 Japan 60
10953 Mustang, The de Clermont-Tonnerre, Laure 2019 France 96
10954 Vida alrededor, La Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1959 Spain 102
10955 Jac Mac & Rad Boy Go! Archer, Wesley 1985 USA 4
10956 Eclipse, The McPherson, Conor 2009 Ireland 88
10957 Phenom, The Buschel, Noah 2016 USA 88
10958 Footprints on the Moon Bazzoni, Luigi 1975 Italy 90
10959 Overnight Montana, Tony & Mark Brian Smith 2003 USA 82
10960 8281 Janes, The Lessin, Tia & Emma Pildes 2022 USA 101
10961 8269 Deserted: VR, The Tsai Ming-liang 2017 Taiwan 55
10962 Tequila Gámez, Rubén 1992 Mexico 85
10963 8272 Roots [TV] Chomsky, Marvin J./John Erman/David Greene/Gilbert Moses 1977 USA 573
10964 8271 Slipper and the Rose, The Forbes, Bryan 1976 UK 128
10965 8275 Dear Wendy Vinterberg, Thomas 2004 Denmark 105
10966 8276 Enter Laughing Reiner, Carl 1967 USA 112
10967 8280 Who's the Caboose? Seder, Sam 1997 USA 94
10968 8277 Still Small Voice, A Lorentzen, Luke 2023 USA 93
10969 8273 Wildcat Frost, Trevor & Melissa Lesh 2022 USA 106
10970 8278 Territory, The Pritz, Alex 2022 Brazil 85
10971 8316 Don Juan Švankmajer, Jan 1971 Czechoslovakia 30
10972 8317 Chinese Checkers Dwoskin, Stephen 1964 UK 13
10973 8318 Vizsgálat Martinovics Ignác szászvári apát és társainak ügyében [TV] Elek, Judit 1980 Hungary 131
10974 8321 Soul Docter, Pete 2020 USA 100
10975 8329 Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, A Montiel, Dito 2006 USA 100
10976 8326 I Think This Is the Closest to How the Footage Looked Hameiri, Yuval 2012 Israel 10
10977 8323 Interview with the Earth Pereda, Nicolás 2008 Mexico 18
10978 8322 All Water Has a Perfect Memory Almada, Natalia 2001 USA 19
10979 8327 House of the Spirits, The August, Bille 1993 Germany 138
10980 8328 Fat Choi Spirit To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2002 Hong Kong 96
10981 8324 Hotaru Laboury, William 2016 France 21
10982 8325 Chuquiago Eguino, Antonio 1977 Bolivia 86
10983 8355 Rosalie Borowczyk, Walerian 1966 France 15
10984 8356 Month in the Country, A O'Connor, Pat 1987 UK 96
10985 8359 Quiet Week in the House, A Švankmajer, Jan 1969 Czechoslovakia 20
10986 8357 Doctor, The Haines, Randa 1991 USA 125
10987 8358 Life Story [TV] Jackson, Mick 1987 UK 97
10988 8360 Young Guard, The Gerasimov, Sergey 1948 USSR 189
10989 8378 Distance Koreeda, Hirokazu 2001 Japan 132
10990 8381 Tombola, La Cuevas, Ximena 2001
10991 8380 Yang Yang Cheng Yu-Chieh 2009 Taiwan 112
10992 8384 Offenders, The Beth B & Scott B 1980 USA 100
10993 8383 Los Sures Echeverria, Diego 1984 USA 57
10994 8421 Hollywood Ending Allen, Woody 2002 USA 112
10995 8422 While We're Young Baumbach, Noah 2014 USA 97
10996 8423 October Sissako, Abderrahmane 1993 France 36
10997 8439 Priklyucheniya Petrova i Vasechkina, obyknovennye i neveroyatnye [TV] Alenikov, Vladimir 1984 USSR 134
10998 8432 Obvodny Canal Uchitel, Aleksey 1990
10999 8435 I Don't Believe in Anarchy Chumakova, Natalya & Anna Tsyrlina 2014 Russia 78
11000 8437 Dag och natt Staho, Simon 2004 Sweden 95
11001 8425 Practice of Love, The Export, Valie 1985 West Germany 86
11002 8427 Maternal Delpero, Maura 2019 Italy 91
11003 8424 Nastya and Egor Balabanov, Aleksei 1989 USSR 32
11004 8431 Elegy Coixet, Isabel 2007 USA 112
11005 8430 Fighter's Blues, A Lee, Daniel 2000 Hong Kong 105
11006 8436 For Queen and Country Stellman, Martin 1988 UK 105
11007 8438 Storm of the Century [TV] Baxley, Craig R. 1999 Canada 257
11008 8426 Rams Hakonarson, Grimur 2015 Iceland
11009 8428 Dot 2 Dot Why, Amos 2014 Hong Kong 90
11010 8463 Bang! Troell, Jan 1977 Sweden 105
11011 8464 Phantom of the Moulin-Rouge, The Clair, René 1925 France 90
11012 8468 Young Girls Turn 25, The Varda, Agnès 1993 France 67
11013 8469 Hitchcock/Truffaut Jones, Kent 2015 France 79
11014 8470 Friends with Money Holofcener, Nicole 2006 USA 88
11015 8471 Before Love Kovalyov, Igor 2016 Russia 19
11016 8476 Mosaic McLaren, Norman & Evelyn Lambart 1966 Canada 5
11017 8477 Tears Were Falling Daneliya, Georgi 1983 USSR 84
11018 8478 Weapons of the Spirit Sauvage, Pierre 1987 France 93
11019 8484 Moondram Pirai Mahendra, Balu 1982 India 143
11020 8473 Unicorn in the Garden, A Hurtz, William T. 1953 USA 7
11021 8482 Thy Father's Chair Lora, Àlex & Antonio Tibaldi 2015 USA 74
11022 8483 Room Without a View Sesic, Rada 1997 United Arab Emirates 12
11023 8475 Rondino Szórády, Csaba 1977 Hungary 2
11024 8481 Breath Murakami, Jimmy T. 1967 UK 4
11025 8479 Médecin des lumières, Un [TV] Allio, René 1988 France
11026 8480 Che gioia vivere Clément, René 1961 Italy 132
11027 8472 Devil by the Tail, The de Broca, Philippe 1969 France 90
11028 8521 Man Who Killed Don Quixote, The Gilliam, Terry 2018 Spain 132
11029 8519 American Boy: A Profile of Steven Prince Scorsese, Martin 1978 USA 55
11030 8524 Petak vecher Kirkov, Lyudmil 1987 Bulgaria 117
11031 8532 In a Dream Zagar, Jeremiah 2008 USA 80
11032 8525 Weekend, Italian Style Risi, Dino 1965 Italy 90
11033 8527 Why? Loy, Nanni 1971 Italy 102
11034 8528 Inventing David Geffen [TV] Lacy, Susan 2012 USA 115
11035 8530 October Country Palmieri, Michael & Donal Mosher 2009 USA 80
11036 8531 House of Cards [TV] Various Directors 2013-18 USA
11037 8523 Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, A [TV] Scorsese, Martin & Michael Henry Wilson 1995 UK 225
11038 8529 Miseria e nobiltà Mattoli, Mario 1954 Italy 60
11039 8561 Prince of Tides, The Streisand, Barbra 1991 USA 132
11040 8560 Long Live the Lady! Olmi, Ermanno 1987 Italy 115
11041 8565 Annelie von Báky, Josef 1941 Germany 92
11042 8563 Rukopisi A. Pushkina Vladimirskii, Sergei 1937
11043 8564 Friedemann Bach Müller, Traugott 1941 Germany 102
11044 8567 13 Isobe, Shinya 2021 Japan 11
11045 8562 Hong Kong 1941 Leong Po-Chih 1984 Hong Kong 100
11046 8566 Kusatori Zoshi/A Grasscutter's Tale Katsuhiko, Fukuda 1985 Japan
11047 8571 Rapture Guillermin, John 1965 USA 104
11048 8572 Arbitrage Jarecki, Nicholas 2012 USA 107
11049 8584 Passions Muratova, Kira 1994 Russia 111
11050 8600 Two in One Muratova, Kira 2007 Ukraine 124
11051 8578 Shopping Tour Brashinskiy, Mikhail 2012 Russia 70
11052 8585 Art of Living, The Diamante, Julio 1965 Spain 85
11053 8599 Over the Garden Wall [TV] Cash, Nate 2014 USA
11054 8576 Journaux de Lipsett, Le Ushev, Theodore 2010 Canada 14
11055 8586 Angelique and the King Borderie, Bernard 1966 France 100
11056 8601 Mamluqi Rondeli, Davit 1958 USSR 97
11057 8581 977 Khomeriki, Nikolay 2006 Russia 86
11058 8594 Fanfan Jardin, Alexandre 1993 France 85
11059 8583 Strange Particles Klebleev, Denis 2015 Russia 51
11060 8590 Alone Stonys, Audrius 2001 Lithuania 16
11061 8597 Lost and Delirious Pool, Léa 2001 Canada 103
11062 8593 Flashpoint Tannen, William 1984 USA 94
11063 8592 Last Inch, The Kurikhin, Nikita & Teodor Vulfovich 1959 USSR 88
11064 8596 Lover's Romance, A Konchalovsky, Andrei 1974 USSR 135
11065 8595 Moya lyubov Petrov, Aleksandr 2006 Russia 26
11066 8589 Guantanamo Massip, José 1967 Cuba
11067 8573 Karate Inferno Ishii, Teruo 1974 Japan 86
11068 8588 Sonny Cage, Nicolas 2002 USA 110
11069 8575 Bich bozhiy Fialko, Oleg 1989 USSR 88
11070 8574 Kranky Klaus Jamie, Cameron 2003 26
11071 8591 Lost Room, The [TV] Baxley, Craig R. & Michael W. Watkins 2006 USA 270
11072 8577 Gamer Sentsov, Oleg 2011 Ukraine 92
11073 8598 Even the Rain Bollaín, Icíar 2010 Spain
11074 8582 Jirocho sangokushi: nagurikomi kojinyama Makino, Masahiro 1952 Japan 82
11075 8587 Martynko Nazarov, Eduard 1987 USSR 10
11076 8580 Delicacy Foenkinos, David & Stéphane Foenkinos 2011 France 109
11077 8627 So Big! Wellman, William A. 1932 USA 81
11078 8633 Loft Story (Season 1) [TV] Uncredited Director 2003 Canada
11079 8631 Mysterious Cities of Gold, The [TV] Davis, Edouard/Bernard Deyriès/Kenichi Maruyama/Kenichi Murakami 1982-83 France
11080 8635 Mister Lonely Korine, Harmony 2006 UK 113
11081 8634 Luxurious Bone Yukisada, Isao 2001 Japan 107
11082 8630 Fresh Acconci McCarthy, Paul & Mike Kelley 1995
11083 8632 Paris, mon petit corps est bien las de ce grand monde Prenant, Françoise 2000 France 108
11084 8629 Système Zsygmondy, Le Moullet, Luc 2000 France 18
11085 10861 ABC da Greve Hirszman, Leon 1990 Brazil 75
11086 8675 Regarding Henry Nichols, Mike 1991 USA 107
11087 8676 Protocol Ross, Herbert 1984 USA 96
11088 8679 Lawless Hillcoat, John 2011 USA
11089 8678 Waiting for Sancho Peranson, Mark 2008 Canada 105
11090 8680 Cyborg Pyun, Albert 1989 USA 86
11091 8677 Red Hot Chili Peppers: Funky Monks Bowden, Gavin 1991 USA 60
11092 8686 Reshma and Shera Dutt, Sunil 1971 India 158
11093 8691 We Feed People Howard, Ron 2022 USA 89
11094 8692 André Gregory: Before and After Dinner Kleine, Cindy 2013 USA 108
11095 8717 Red Sonja Fleischer, Richard 1985 USA 89
11096 8721 Galiléia, Wilsinho [TV] de Andrade, João Batista 1978 Brazil 60
11097 8720 Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work Stern, Ricki & Anne Sundberg 2010 USA 84
11098 8718 Story of the Voyages, The Mitta, Aleksandr 1983 USSR 101
11099 8719 Empire of the Ants Gordon, Bert I. 1977 USA 90
11100 8723 Rabbit Test Rivers, Joan 1978 USA 86
11101 8724 Memories of Helen Neves, David 1969 Brazil 80
11102 8722 Wifemistress/Mogliamante Vicario, Marco 1977 Italy 110
11103 8732 Public Affairs Bresson, Robert 1934 France 25
11104 8731 Return to Lisca Bianca Island [TV] Antonioni, Michelangelo 1983 Italy 8
11105 8735 On the Passage of a Few Persons Through a Rather Brief Unity of Time Debord, Guy 1959 France 20
11106 8733 Gelosi e tranquilli Ghezzi, Enrico 1988 Italy 18
11107 8734 Revenge of the Crusader, The Monter, José Luis 1964 Italy 89
11108 8757 Pure Formality, A Tornatore, Giuseppe 1994 Italy 108
11109 8760 Memoirs of an Invisible Man Carpenter, John 1992 USA 99
11110 8761 Peaceful Air of the West, The Soldini, Silvio 1990 Italy 110
11111 8758 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow De Sica, Vittorio 1963 Italy 118
11112 8774 This Answering Service Takes No Messages Cavalier, Alain 1979 France 77
11113 8776 White Fang Fulci, Lucio 1973 Italy 102
11114 8778 They Came to Rob Las Vegas Isasi-Isasmendi, Antonio 1968 Spain 124
11115 8779 Declarative Mode Sharits, Paul 1977 USA 40
11116 8771 Mirage, Le Guiguet, Jean-Claude 1992 France 100
11117 8765 Saint-Ex Tucker, Anand 1996 UK 82
11118 8767 Gunsmoke Juran, Nathan 1953 USA 79
11119 8768 Blackout [TV] Hickox, Douglas 1985 USA 100
11120 8769 Amor Estranho Amor Khouri, Walter Hugo 1982 Brazil 97
11121 8777 Lesorub Yufit, Evgeniy 1985 USSR 8
11122 8762 Wenn es Nacht wird auf der Reeperbahn Olsen, Rolf 1967 West Germany 98
11123 8770 Ghost and Mr. Chicken, The Rafkin, Alan 1966 USA 90
11124 8780 Chico Antônio, o Herói com Caráter Escorel, Eduardo 1983 40
11125 8785 What Have They Done to Your Daughters? Dallamano, Massimo 1974 Italy 96
11126 8798 Film oder Macht Kristl, Vlado 1970 West Germany 110
11127 8800 Kelek Nekes, Werner 1968 West Germany 58
11128 8799 Runaway Bride Marshall, Garry 1999 USA 116
11129 8797 Neuer Engel Westwärts Theuring, Gerhard 1990 West Germany 231
11130 8815 Shinano fudoki yori: Kobayashi Issa Kamei, Fumio 1941 Japan 27
11131 8816 Aleluia, Gretchen Back, Sylvio 1976 Brazil 118
11132 8817 Sacrifiés, Les Touita, Okacha 1983 France
11133 8819 Nuda v Brne Morávek, Vladimír 2003 Czech Republic 103
11134 8818 Celluloid Man Dungarpur, Shivendra Singh 2012 India 164
11135 8851 Light Years Away Tanner, Alain 1981 France 105
11136 8852 Husband of His Wife Bareja, Stanislaw 1961 Poland 94
11137 8854 Tomorrow Never Dies Spottiswoode, Roger 1997 UK 118
11138 8865 Kokoro Ichikawa, Kon 1955 Japan 120
11139 8875 Disorient Express Jacobs, Ken 1996 USA 30
11140 8855 Sixth Side of the Pentagon, The Marker, Chris & François Reichenbach 1968 France 28
11141 8882 Homem e o Cinema, Um Cavalcanti, Alberto 1977 Brazil 160
11142 8866 Pedra da Riqueza, A Carvalho, Vladimir 1975 Brazil 16
11143 8883 Amor Bandido Barreto, Bruno 1979 Brazil 95
11144 8886 Bete Balanço Rodrigues, Lael 1984 Brazil 74
11145 8867 Forbidden City Cop Chow, Stephen & Vincent Kok 1996 Hong Kong 89
11146 8878 War of the Buttons, The Roberts, John 1993 UK 90
11147 8862 Senior Year Zhou Hao 2005
11148 8887 Sex and Zen II Chin Man Kei 1996 Hong Kong 87
11149 8860 Police Python 357 Corneau, Alain 1976 France 125
11150 8876 Her Fatal Ways Cheung, Alfred 1990 Hong Kong 100
11151 8870 He Ain't Heavy… He's My Father Chan, Peter 1994 Hong Kong 97
11152 8879 Total Eclipse Holland, Agnieszka 1995 France 110
11153 8858 Night in Hong Kong, A Chiba, Yasuki 1961 Hong Kong 119
11154 8884 All's Well, Ends Well Ko, Clifton 1992 Hong Kong 100
11155 8874 Minha Namorada Costa, Armando & Zelito Viana 1970 Brazil 82
11156 8877 Tsumiki no ie Kato, Kunio 2008 Japan 12
11157 8861 Meu Pé de Laranja-Lima Teixeira, Aurélio 1970 Brazil 95
11158 8864 To the Last Drop Rezende, Sergio 1980 Brazil 70
11159 8868 Menino do Rio Calmon, Antônio 1982 Brazil 85
11160 8872 Old Men Yang Tian-yi 1999 China 94
11161 8873 My Beloved Chen Chu Huang 1988 Taiwan
11162 8863 17th Karmapa Legend [TV] Chen Yuting 2009
11163 8856 Conterrâneos Velhos de Guerra Carvalho, Vladimir 1991 Brazil 153
11164 8857 Deu Pra Ti Anos 70 Brasil, Giba Assis & Nelson Nadotti 1981 Brazil
11165 8880 Rhythm of a City Sucksdorff, Arne 1947 Sweden 20
11166 8859 Ci Hen Mian Mian Wu Jue Qi Lu Dun 1948
11167 8881 Get Him to the Greek Stoller, Nicholas 2010 USA 109
11168 8885 Illusionist, De Stelling, Jos 1983 Netherlands 90
11169 8871 Hiroshima 28 Lung Kong 1974 Hong Kong 110
11170 8916 Unwritten Letter, An Sivokon, Evgeniy 1985
11171 8915 Switchcraft Bronzit, Konstantin 1994 Russia 9
11172 8913 Boniface's Vacation Khitruk, Fyodor 1965 USSR 21
11173 8914 Man and Word Sivokon, Evgeniy 1973 USSR 8
11174 8917 Lion with the White Beard, The Khrzhanovskiy, Andrey 1995 Russia 30
11175 8920 Machorka-Muff Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1963 West Germany 18
11176 8923 Sniper, The Dmytryk, Edward 1952 USA 87
11177 8925 Postcards from the Edge Nichols, Mike 1990 USA 101
11178 8926 Little Nothings Klapisch, Cédric 1992 France 95
11179 8929 Bicicletas son para el verano, Las Chávarri, Jaime 1984 Spain 103
11180 8933 Journey That Wasn't, A Huyghe, Pierre 2006 USA 23
11181 8932 Vete de mi García León, Víctor 2006 Spain 95
11182 8938 Cartola - Música Para os Olhos Ferreira, Lírio & Hilton Lacerda 2007 Brazil 88
11183 8930 Ana Viany, Alex 1955 Brazil 20
11184 8927 Man, Woman & the Wall Yamamoto, Masashi 2006 Japan 84
11185 8934 Money Talks Ratner, Brett 1997 USA 95
11186 8931 Pim, Pam, Pum... Fire! Olea, Pedro 1975 Spain 99
11187 8937 Maioria Absoluta Hirszman, Leon 1964 Brazil 20
11188 8928 Ana Cristina Cesar Salles, João Moreira 1990
11189 8935 Gimba, Presidente dos Valentes Rangel, Flavio 1963 Brazil 85
11190 Sleepless Nights Stories Mekas, Jonas 2011 USA 114
11191 Kinder der Schlafviertel Krauss, Korinna & Janna Ji Wonders 2005 Germany 35
11192 To Be a Woman Craigie, Jill 1951 UK 18
11193 What a Way to Go! Thompson, J. Lee 1964 USA 111
11194 Prowl Balteanu, Alexandra 2016 Germany 75
11195 Alerta Saucan, Mircea 1967 Romania
11196 When I Will Be Dictator André, Yaël 2013 Belgium 90
11197 8955 Ekipazh Mitta, Aleksandr 1980 USSR 144
11198 8967 Ill Met by Moonlight Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1957 UK 104
11199 8962 Little Women LeRoy, Mervyn 1949 USA 121
11200 8965 Nous irons a Paris Boyer, Jean 1950 France 93
11201 8966 Bucket List, The Reiner, Rob 2007 USA 97
11202 8968 Felice Nanteuil Allégret, Marc 1945 France 99
11203 8963 Katia Tourneur, Maurice 1938 France 89
11204 8964 Vagabond bien-aime, Le Bernhardt, Curtis 1936 UK 105
11205 8974 Gradiva esquisse I Carasco, Raymonde 1978
11206 8975 Claudine à l'école de Poligny, Serge 1937 France 82
11207 8972 Three Waltzes Berger, Ludwig 1938 France 90
11208 8971 Il est charmant Mercanton, Louis 1932 France 87
11209 8973 Derriere la facade Lacombe, Georges & Yves Mirande 1939 France 85
11210 8969 J'etais une aventuriere Bernard, Raymond 1938 France
11211 8977 Blood of the Vampire Cass, Henry 1958 UK 87
11212 8970 Lizard/Marmoulak Tabrizi, Kamal 2004 Iran 115
11213 8976 President Haudecoeur, Le Dréville, Jean 1940 France 110
11214 8979 Conjugal Bed, The Ferreri, Marco 1963 Italy 85
11215 8980 Long Live the Bride and Groom García Berlanga, Luis 1970 Spain 83
11216 8987 Traviata, La [TV] Large, Brian 2005 Germany 150
11217 8983 Truhanes Hermoso, Miguel 1983 Spain 100
11218 8985 Tramposos, Los Lazaga, Pedro 1959 Spain 88
11219 8981 Esperpentos [TV] García Sánchez, José Luis 2008 Spain
11220 8986 Weekend Kjærulff-Schmidt, Palle 1962 Denmark 84
11221 8984 Tere Naam Kaushik, Satish 2003 India 132
11222 8988 MGM: When the Lion Roars [TV] Martin, Frank 1992 USA 366
11223 8982 Aunt from Chicago Sakellarios, Alekos 1957 Greece 72
11224 8996 Under the Wire Martin, Chris 2018 UK 95
11225 8995 Bedevil Moffatt, Tracey 1993 Australia 90
11226 8997 Inheritors, The Polgovsky, Eugenio 2008 Mexico 90
11227 9049 Antarctica Kurahara, Koreyoshi 1983 Japan 112
11228 9051 Carmen [TV] Large, Brian 1987 USA 172
11229 9050 Flame of Devotion, The Kurahara, Koreyoshi 1964 Japan 121
11230 9059 Bandwagon Schultz, John 1996 USA 103
11231 9063 My Dear Brother Egilmez, Ertem 1973 Turkey 92
11232 9071 Inferno of Torture Ishii, Teruo 1969 Japan 90
11233 9069 Rouge Nasu, Hiroyuki 1984 Japan 95
11234 9075 Kirik Bir Ask Hikayesi Kavur, Ömer 1981 Turkey 95
11235 9077 Kureji ogon sakusen Tsuboshima, Takashi & Yoshinori Wada 1967 Japan 157
11236 9070 Kuyu Erksan, Metin 1968 Turkey 84
11237 9062 Boachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight Ishii, Teruo 1973 Japan 81
11238 9072 Valentin Agresti, Alejandro 2002 Argentina 86
11239 9073 Bloody Sword of the 99th Virgin, The Magatani, Morihei 1959 Japan 82
11240 9078 Strawberry Statement, The Hagmann, Stuart 1970 USA 103
11241 9065 Postal Boll, Uwe 2007 USA 100
11242 9068 Tora-san's Cherished Mother Yamada, Yoji 1969 Japan 93
11243 9074 Torakku yaro: Bokyo Ichibanboshi Suzuki, Norifumi 1976 Japan 100
11244 9064 Red Handkerchief Masuda, Toshio 1964 Japan 99
11245 9066 Daisogen no wataridori Saito, Buichi 1960 Japan 83
11246 9076 Attack of the Normans Vari, Giuseppe 1962 Italy 79
11247 9061 Koto yushu: Ane imoto Misumi, Kenji 1967 Japan
11248 9079 And Hope to Die Clément, René 1972 France 99
11249 9067 Brave and the Evil, The Wang Yu, Jimmy 1971 Taiwan 106
11250 9058 Cry Tough Stanley, Paul 1959 USA 83
11251 9081 Calamity of Snakes Chang Chi 1982 Taiwan
11252 9082 Buddha's Palm Wong, Taylor 1982 Hong Kong 93
11253 9086 Riders of Justice Jensen, Anders Thomas 2020 Denmark 116
11254 9100 Turkey Shoot Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1981 Australia 92
11255 9115 Truth on the Salvota Affair, The Drove, Antonio 1980 France 120
11256 9116 Lonesome Jim Buscemi, Steve 2005 USA 92
11257 9117 Cinemania Christlieb, Angela & Stephen Kijak 2002 Germany 83
11258 9125 Toy, The Donner, Richard 1982 USA 102
11259 9121 Camila Jam Salles, Murilo 2007 Brazil 120
11260 9122 Civil War, The [TV] Burns, Ken 1990 USA 680
11261 9120 Tribe That Hides from Man, The [TV] Cowell, Adrian 1970 UK 75
11262 9124 19 Watanabe, Kazuchi 2000 Japan 83
11263 9119 Vale dos Martírios, O de Almeida Fleming, Francisco 1927 Brazil
11264 9123 Calle Santa Fe Castillo, Carmen 2007 Chile 163
11265 9137 Madame Bovary Minnelli, Vincente 1949 USA 115
11266 9159 Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love Nair, Mira 1996 India 114
11267 9161 Quilombo Diegues, Carlos 1984 Brazil 119
11268 9162 Golge oyunu Turgul, Yavuz 1992 Turkey 103
11269 9197 New Order Franco, Michel 2020 Mexico 88
11270 9206 Glitterbug Jarman, Derek 1994 UK 60
11271 9221 Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia Prosperi, Franco & Eldar Ryazanov 1974 USSR 104
11272 9222 Werther [TV] Jacquot, Benoît 2010 France 145
11273 9219 Wonder Boy Song Chong & Weng Luming 1988 China 90
11274 9218 Wuthering Heights Yoshida, Yoshishige 1988 Japan 143
11275 9225 A tanítványok Bereményi, Géza 1985 Hungary 103
11276 9243 Lord's Lantern in Budapest, The Jancsó, Miklós 1999 Hungary 103
11277 9247 Amandia!: A Revolution in Four Part Harmony Hirsch, Lee 2002 USA 102
11278 9244 Engel mit der Posaune, Der/The Angel with the Trumpet Hartl, Karl 1948 Austria 138
11279 9245 Okie Noodling Beesley, Bradley 2001 USA 57
11280 9249 Junk Movie Szomjas, Gyorgy 1992 Hungary 89
11281 9248 Way Through the Bleak Woods, The Vojnar, Ivan 1997 Czech Republic 87
11282 9261 Big Bird Cage, The Hill, Jack 1972 USA 88
11283 9265 Ikiteru uchiga hana nanoyo shin-dara sore madeyo to sengen Morisaki, Azuma 1985 Japan 105
11284 9300 Big One, The Moore, Michael 1997 USA 90
11285 9298 So Evil My Love Allen, Lewis 1948 USA 112
11286 9301 Satan Bug, The Sturges, John 1965 USA 114
11287 9304 Bride of Frank, The Ballot, Steve 1996 USA 89
11288 9303 Cutting Moments Buck, Douglas 1997 USA 29
11289 9305 Horror of Party Beach, The Tenney, Del 1964 USA 72
11290 9338 No Greater Glory Borzage, Frank 1934 USA 74
11291 9336 Dance of Life, The Cromwell, John & A. Edward Sutherland 1929 USA 115
11292 9340 Neurasia Schroeter, Werner 1969 West Germany 41
11293 9339 Birds in Peru Gary, Romain 1968 France 95
11294 9343 Choirboys, The Aldrich, Robert 1977 USA 119
11295 9346 Day Out, A [TV] Frears, Stephen 1972 UK 49
11296 9347 Rest is Silence, The Käutner, Helmut 1959 Germany 106
11297 9342 Annette Carax, Leos 2021 France 141
11298 9349 Terminus Schlesinger, John 1961 UK 33
11299 9348 25 Fireman's Street Szabó, István 1973 Hungary 97
11300 9357 ¡Ay amor... cómo me has puesto! Martínez Solares, Gilberto 1951 Mexico 85
11301 9355 Nahla Beloufa, Farouk 1979 Algeria 140
11302 9359 Looking for Mushrooms Conner, Bruce 1967 USA 3
11303 9361 Man Who Disappeared Yesterday, The Makino, Masahiro 1941 Japan 89
11304 9350 Ghawre Bairey Aaj Sen, Aparna 2019 India 146
11305 9356 Konfrontation Lyssy, Rolf 1974 Switzerland 110
11306 9352 Abou Leila Sidi-Boumédiène, Amin 2019 Algeria 135
11307 9354 Looking for Mushrooms Conner, Bruce 1996 USA 15
11308 9353 Recreation II Breer, Robert 1956 USA 2
11309 9360 Nemirni Rakonjac, Vojislav 'Kokan' 1967 Yugoslavia 75
11310 9364 This Must Be the Place Sorrentino, Paolo 2011 Italy 118
11311 9365 Killing Zoe Avary, Roger 1994 USA 98
11312 9366 Black Cat, The Fulci, Lucio 1981 Italy 92
11313 9367 Tsahal Lanzmann, Claude 1994 France 316
11314 9373 Arrivederci amore, ciao Soavi, Michele 2006 Italy 107
11315 9369 What is It? Glover, Crispin 2005 USA 82
11316 9370 Revenant, The Prior, Kerry 2009 USA 117
11317 9375 Abwärts Schenkel, Carl 1984 West Germany 90
11318 9368 It's Alive [TV] Buchanan, Larry 1969 USA 80
11319 9371 Cabaret Brochero, Eduardo Manzanos 1953 Spain 83
11320 9374 Alison's Birthday Coughlan, Ian 1981 Australia 97
11321 9372 Sex and Zen Mak, Michael 1992 Hong Kong 94
11322 9395 Equí y n'otru tiempu Bande, Ramón Lluís 2014 Spain 70
11323 9401 Journalist, The Gerasimov, Sergey 1967 USSR 226
11324 9406 Once a Thief Nelson, Ralph 1965 France 107
11325 9411 For Your Height Only Jury, Raymond 1979 Philippines 88
11326 9412 Five Senses, The Podeswa, Jeremy 1999 Canada 104
11327 9416 I Don't Hate Las Vegas Anymore Zahedi, Caveh 1994 USA 70
11328 9418 What Farocki Taught Godmilow, Jill 1998 USA 30
11329 9417 One Man's Fate Tapiovaara, Nyrki 1940 Finland 93
11330 9414 Thirteen Williams, David D. 1997 USA 87
11331 9410 I, Claudius [TV] Wise, Herbert 1976 UK 650
11332 9409 Thanatopsis Emshwiller, Ed 1962 USA 5
11333 9415 One Summer of Happiness Mattsson, Arne 1951 Sweden 103
11334 9407 Submit to Me Now Kern, Richard 1987 USA 17
11335 9413 That Night in Rio Cummings, Irving 1941 USA 90
11336 9408 Bôkô Kirisaki Jakku Hasebe, Yasuharu 1976 Japan 72
11337 9423 Tokyo Decadence Murakami, Ryu 1992 Japan 112
11338 9447 Vanina Vanini Rossellini, Roberto 1961 Italy 127
11339 9450 SXXX80 Cazazza, Monte & Tana Emmolo Smith 1980 USA 13
11340 9449 Being at Home With Claude Beaudin, Jean 1992 Canada 85
11341 9448 Film Aktions Muehl, Otto 1970
11342 9468 Scotch Hop Maclaine, Christopher 1959 USA 6
11343 9473 Mathilukal Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1990 India 120
11344 9476 Detective Story Wyler, William 1951 USA 103
11345 9478 Trog Francis, Freddie 1970 UK 91
11346 9479 El Paso Wrecking Corp. Gage, Joe 1978 USA 94
11347 9480 Love at the Top Deville, Michel 1974 France 105
11348 9489 One Second in Montreal Snow, Michael 1969 Canada 17
11349 9488 Something Evil [TV] Spielberg, Steven 1972 USA 73
11350 9496 Broadway Melody of 1938 Del Ruth, Roy 1937 USA 110
11351 9491 Birds Anonymous Freleng, Friz 1957 USA 7
11352 9490 Dream Walking, A Fleischer, Dave 1934 USA 7
11353 9494 Fifi Martingale Rozier, Jacques 2001 France 127
11354 9495 Film Print Gidal, Peter 1973-74
11355 9493 Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars Beebe, Ford & Robert F. Hill 1938 USA 299
11356 9498 We're Not the Jet Set Duvall, Robert 1976 USA 85
11357 9492 London to Brighton in Four Minutes [TV] Uncredited Director 1952 UK 4
11358 9497 Structural Studies Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein 1974 West Germany 40
11359 9506 Letter to a Refusing Pilot Zaatari, Akram 2013 Lebanon 34
11360 9505 Pixelated Revolution, The Mroue, Rabih 2012 Lebanon 22
11361 9504 Kenedi Goes Back Home Žilnik, Želimir 2003 Serbia and Montenegro 78
11362 9507 On Three Posters Mroue, Rabih 2004 Lebanon 18
11363 9508 Stories of Destroyed Cities Hindê, Sero 2016 Syria 78
11364 9522 Rumi Hirsch, Narcisa 1999 Argentina 27
11365 9518 Prelude Dorsky, Nathaniel 2015
11366 9519 Last Christeros, The Meyer, Matias 2011 Mexico 89
11367 9517 Sanrizuka: Iwayama ni tetto ga dekita Ogawa, Shinsuke 1972 Japan 85
11368 9516 Orgia ou O Homem Que Deu Cria Trevisan, João Silvério 1970 Brazil 90
11369 9520 Aspiraciones Caldini, Claudio 1976 6
11370 9536 711 Ocean Drive Newman, Joseph M. 1950 USA 102
11371 9537 Plunder Road Cornfield, Hubert 1957 USA 72
11372 9538 All These Women Bergman, Ingmar 1964 Sweden 80
11373 9539 French Dressing Russell, Ken 1964 UK 86
11374 9540 O. Henry's Full House Negulesco, Jean/Henry Koster/Henry Hathaway/Henry King/Howard Hawks 1952 USA 117
11375 9541 On Land, at Sea and in the Air Driessen, Paul 1980 Netherlands 10
11376 9546 Danger Pays Nakahira, Ko 1962 Japan 82
11377 9544 Why Me? Lamb, Derek & Janet Perlman 1978 Canada 10
11378 9545 Rugrats Movie, The Kovalyov, Igor & Norton Virgien 1998 USA 79
11379 9543 Simpsons, The [TV series] Various Directors 1989 USA
11380 9542 Travels of Hibari and Chiemi: The Tumultuous Journey Sawashima, Tadashi 1963 Japan 85
11381 9551 Condemned of Altona, The De Sica, Vittorio 1962 Italy 114
11382 9552 Big Bang, The Toback, James 1990 USA 81
11383 9561 Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! Banerjee, Dibakar 2008 India 125
11384 9560 Mem-Didi Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1961 India 137
11385 9576 Prix de beauté Genina, Augusto 1930 France 93
11386 9577 Death Takes a Holiday Leisen, Mitchell 1934 USA 78
11387 9578 Falling in Love Grosbard, Ulu 1984 USA 106
11388 9584 Berlin Affair, The Cavani, Liliana 1985 Italy 96
11389 9583 God's Country [TV] Malle, Louis 1985 USA 88
11390 9582 Wheel of Life, The Hu, King/Lee Hsing/Pai Ching-Jui 1983 Taiwan 104
11391 9579 Flower in the Rainy Night, A Wang Tung 1983 Taiwan 95
11392 9580 Black Lizard Fukasaku, Kinji 1968 Japan 86
11393 9581 Rocky V Avildsen, John G. 1990 USA 104
11394 9602 Paradise Dörrie, Doris 1986 West Germany 106
11395 9598 Fearless: The Hunterwali Story Wadia, Riyad Vinci 1993 India 62
11396 9585 Very Natural Thing, A Larkin, Christopher 1974 USA 80
11397 9595 Hunting Party, The Medford, Don 1971 USA 108
11398 9591 Alive and Kicking/Indian Summer Meckler, Nancy 1996 UK 99
11399 9596 Flaming Ears Scheirl, A. Hans/Ursula Puerrer, Ursula/Dietmar Schipek 1992 Austria 84
11400 9601 Woman's Film, The Alaimo, Louise/Judy Smith/Ellen Sorren 1971 USA 40
11401 9594 Secret Rapture, The Davies, Howard 1993 UK 96
11402 9597 How to Kill Her Simo, Ana Maria 1989 USA 15
11403 9590 Megaforce Needham, Hal 1982 USA 99
11404 9586 It's the Old Army Game Sutherland, A. Edward 1926 USA 70
11405 9588 I Was a Jewish Sex Worker Roth, Phillip B. 1996 USA 72
11406 9604 Two Lies Tom, Pamela 1990 USA 25
11407 9605 Deutschland Spiegel Couzin, Sharon 1980 12
11408 9593 Anne Trister Pool, Léa 1986 Canada 115
11409 9599 Four More Years [TV] Uncredited Director 1972 USA 62
11410 9603 YoYo Gang, The Jones, G.B. 1997 Canada 30
11411 9600 Sex Garage Halsted, Fred 1972 USA
11412 9587 Little Wolf Vrombaut, An 1992 UK 6
11413 9589 Manipulation Greaves, Daniel 1991 UK 7
11414 9592 Together Alone Castellaneta, P.J. 1991 USA 87
11415 9617 Conversa Acabada Botelho, João 1981 Portugal 100
11416 9623 Jaune le soleil Duras, Marguerite 1971 France 95
11417 9624 Flying Train, The Deutsche Mutoskop und Biograph 1902 Germany 2
11418 9627 Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures [TV] Ivory, James 1978 India 85
11419 9641 Fever Mounts at El Pao Buñuel, Luis 1959 France 97
11420 9646 Sombra da Outra, A Macedo, Watson 1950 Brazil 113
11421 9642 Futebol em Familia Costa, Ruy 1939 Brazil 76
11422 9643 Tudo Azul Fenelon, Moacyr 1952 Brazil 80
11423 9645 Estrada, A Sampaio, Oswaldo 1956 Brazil
11424 9644 Alo, Alo, Brasil de Baro, Joao/Wallace Downey/Alberto Ribeiro 1935 Brazil 78
11425 9660 Salty O'Rourke Walsh, Raoul 1945 USA 100
11426 9666 Mother and the Law, The Griffith, D.W. 1919 USA 93
11427 9682 Saviour of the Soul Lai, David & Corey Yuen 1991 Hong Kong 92
11428 9681 Li Lianying, the Imperial Eunuch Tian Zhuangzhuang 1991 China 110
11429 9691 23rd Psalm Branch: Part II Brakhage, Stan 1978 USA 30
11430 9692 Tailpiece Tait, Margaret 1976 UK 10
11431 9693 Place of Work Tait, Margaret 1976 UK 32
11432 9706 Last Gunfight, The Okamoto, Kihachi 1960 Japan 95
11433 9738 After Lumière - L'arroseur arrosé le Grice, Malcolm 1974 UK 12
11434 9754 Child of Divorce Fleischer, Richard 1946 USA 62
11435 9755 Kentucky Pride Ford, John 1925 USA 70
11436 9760 Heart of a Dragon Sammo Hung Kam-Bo & Fruit Chan 1985 Hong Kong 91
11437 9757 Wild Search Lam, Ringo 1989 Hong Kong 98
11438 9759 Chocolate Inspector Chan, Philip 1986 Hong Kong 101
11439 9758 Call Me Dragon Ng See-Yuen 1974 Hong Kong 91
11440 9766 Concentration, La Garrel, Philippe 1968 France 90
11441 9769 Paruchizan Zenshi Tsuchimoto, Noriaki 1969 Japan 122
11442 9768 Daibosatsu tôge: Suzuka-yama no maki - Mibu Shimabara no maki Inagaki, Hiroshi 1936 Japan 110
11443 9770 Chinese Firedrill Hindle, Will 1968 USA 25
11444 9779 Bully for Bugs Jones, Chuck 1953 USA 7
11445 9783 Present, The Frank, Robert 1996 USA 10
11446 9782 Todesmuhlen, Die Burger, Hans 1945 USA
11447 9781 Rontgenstrahlen Rikli, Martin 1937 Germany 18
11448 9780 Jewish Luck Granowsky, Alexis 1925 USSR 100
11449 9789 Jisoe Martin, Eddie 2005 Australia
11450 9795 Shining Hour, The Borzage, Frank 1938 USA 80
11451 9796 Daigoro vs. Goliath Iijima, Toshihiro 1972 Japan 85
11452 9797 Bush Christmas Smart, Ralph 1947 Australia 76
11453 9798 Amagi Pass Mimura, Haruhiko 1983 Japan 99
11454 9800 Fusils, Les Herman, Jean 1962 France
11455 9799 Penize nebo zivot/Your Money or Your Life Honzl, Jindrich 1932 Czechoslovakia
11456 9809 Jack Coppola, Francis Ford 1996 USA 113
11457 9828 Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos Hui, Raman 2012 USA 13
11458 9831 Solo un cargador Ramírez, Juan Alejandro 2004
11459 9827 TRUE Tykwer, Tom 2004 France 10
11460 9830 Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation Rydstrom, Gary 2011 USA 6
11461 9829 Far from Home Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1975 West Germany 91
11462 9835 Time of Love Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1990 Iran 75
11463 9837 Vieux Docker, Le/The Old Docker Guerra, Armand 1914 Spain
11464 9838 Pasolini e... la forma della citta Brunatto, Paolo 1974 Italy 20
11465 9836 Ali Au Pays des Merveilles Mercier, Cedric 1999 France 1
11466 9860 Brouillard: Passage #14 Larose, Alexandre 2014 Canada 10
11467 9858 Woh Kaun Thi? Khosla, Raj 1964 India 140
11468 9856 Elégia Huszárik, Zoltán 1966 Hungary 19
11469 9849 Remembrance: A Portrait Study Owens, Edward 1967 USA 6
11470 9850 Inventing the Future Medina, Isiah 2020 Canada
11471 9852 Sorrows Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1969 Switzerland 6
11472 9857 Drift Wittmann, Helena 2017 Germany 98
11473 9864 Casing Shelved, A Snow, Michael 1970 Canada 45
11474 9865 Legend of Rockabye Point, The Avery, Tex 1955 USA 6
11475 9885 Nippon dorobô monogatari Yamamoto, Satsuo 1965 Japan 117
11476 9884 Agent Shiranui Mori, Kazuo 1960 Japan 91
11477 9886 Panelstory or Birth of a Community Chytilová, Věra 1980 Czechoslovakia 96
11478 9887 Confidence Foley, James 2003 USA 97
11479 9898 Porviroscope Adriano, Carlos 2006 Brazil 9
11480 9899 500 Almas Pizzini, Joel 2004 Brazil 105
11481 9900 Passeport Hongrois, Un Kogut, Sandra 2001 Belgium 74
11482 9901 Soul of the Bone, The Guimarães, Cao 2004 Brazil 74
11483 9907 Raghs-e-khak Jalili, Abolfazl 1998 Iran 73
11484 9908 U-Carmen eKhayelitsha Dornford-May, Mark 2004 South Africa 127
11485 9911 Paheli Palekar, Amol 2005 India 140
11486 9906 All This Can Happen Davies, Siobhan & David Hinton 2013 UK 50
11487 9910 Ghost Town Anthology Côté, Denis 2019 Canada 97
11488 9909 Play for Today: The Spongers [TV] Joffé, Roland 1978 UK 104
11489 9912 Further Beyond Molloy, Christine & Joe Lawlor 2016 UK
11490 9913 Patience (After Sebald) Gee, Grant 2011 UK
11491 9918 Lethal Force Ecarma, Alvin 2001 USA 70
11492 9917 Panorama do Cinema Brasileiro Noronha, Jurandyr Passos 1968 Brazil 134
11493 9919 Freaked Stern, Tom & Alex Winter 1993 USA 80
11494 9925 Belmonte Veiroj, Federico 2018 Uruguay 74
11495 9927 Panke Franzetti, Alejo 2016 Argentina 46
11496 9926 Verano Leiva, José Luis Torres 2011 Chile 95
11497 9928 Sin título (Carta para Serra) Alonso, Lisandro 2011 Argentina 23
11498 9943 Sex and the Single Girl Quine, Richard 1964 USA 110
11499 9944 Czech Year, The Trnka, Jirí 1947 Czechoslovakia 75
11500 9947 Lotte in Italia Godard, Jean-Luc & Jean-Pierre Gorin 1971 Italy 76
11501 9946 His Butler's Sister Borzage, Frank 1943 USA 94
11502 9948 Chappaqua Rooks, Conrad 1966 USA 92
11503 9960 Private Life of Don Juan, The Korda, Alexander 1934 UK 80
11504 9961 White Savage Lubin, Arthur 1943 USA 75
11505 9962 Cry of the Bewitched Crevenna, Alfredo B. 1957 Mexico 85
11506 9966 Description d'un combat Marker, Chris 1960 Israel 60
11507 9967 10+4 Akbari, Mania 2007 Iran 77
11508 9968 Toomelah Sen, Ivan 2011 Australia 106
11509 9978 Honor System, The [LOST FILM] Walsh, Raoul 1917 USA 100
11510 9979 Angela Davis: Portrait of a Revolutionary DuLuart, Yolande 1972 USA 80
11511 9981 San Francisco Stern, Anthony 1968 UK 15
11512 9983 Good People of Portugal, The Simoes, Rui 1981 Portugal 135
11513 9982 Genet parle d'Angela Davis Roussopoulos, Carole 1970 France 10
11514 9980 Douglas Bravo, Venezuela Mattei, Georges-Henri & Jean-Michel Humeau 1970 Venezuela
11515 9984 Cannery Row Ward, David S. 1982 USA 120
11516 9985 Petite cuillère, La Vilardebó, Carlos 1960 France 11
11517 10305 Ransom Howard, Ron 1996 USA 120
11518 10306 Return to Paradise Ruben, Joseph 1998 USA 111
11519 10309 Anzukko Naruse, Mikio 1958 Japan 110
11520 10310 Mot de Cambronne, Le Guitry, Sacha 1937 France 36
11521 10311 Tiara Tahiti Kotcheff, Ted 1962 UK 100
11522 10307 Everybody's Fine Tornatore, Giuseppe 1990 Italy 118
11523 10314 Freundschaft in Deutschland, Eine Karmakar, Romuald 1985 West Germany 70
11524 10312 Last Hole, The Achternbusch, Herbert 1981 West Germany 92
11525 10315 Jet Generation Schmidt, Eckhart 1968 West Germany 98
11526 10316 Paul [TV] Lemke, Klaus 1974 West Germany 75
11527 10313 Normalsatz Emigholz, Heinz 1982 West Germany 105
11528 10325 Shock Doctrine, The Winterbottom, Michael & Mat Whitecross 2009 UK 79
11529 10357 Duel at Diablo Nelson, Ralph 1966 USA 103
11530 10358 Walking Down Broadway Foster, Norman 1938 USA 75
11531 10360 Queen of the Amazons Finney, Edward 1947 USA 61
11532 10386 Deutschlandbilder Bitomsky, Hartmut 1984 West Germany 60
11533 10400 Paris, roman d'une ville Neumann, Stan 1991 France 52
11534 10399 Mauvaises frequentations Ameris, Jean-Pierre 1999 France 98
11535 10417 Grass is Greener, The Donen, Stanley 1960 UK 104
11536 10418 Student Prince, The Thorpe, Richard 1954 USA 107
11537 10479 Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam Cherry III, John R. 1986 USA 97
11538 10526 Charlotte et Son Jules Godard, Jean-Luc 1959 France 13
11539 10527 Astronautes, Les Borowczyk, Walerian & Chris Marker 1959 France 14
11540 10528 Whale, The Aronofsky, Darren 2022 USA 117
11541 10529 Lyrisch nitraat Delpeut, Peter 1991 Netherlands 50
11542 10531 First Comes Love Friedrich, Su 1991 USA 22
11543 10530 Pair of Tights, A Yates, Hal 1929 USA 20
11544 10532 I Don't Know Spheeris, Penelope 1971 USA 20
11545 10535 Alone Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg 1931 USSR 90
11546 10536 Monsieur Tête Gruel, Henri & Jan Lenica 1959 France 13
11547 10549 Rocky VI Kaurismäki, Aki 1987 Finland 9
11548 10562 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale I Wei Te-Sheng 2011 Taiwan 144
11549 10561 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale II Wei Te-Sheng 2011 Taiwan 132
11550 10604 Six of a Kind McCarey, Leo 1934 USA 62
11551 10606 Prozeß, Der Pabst, G.W. 1948 Austria 108
11552 10605 Blackbeard, the Pirate Walsh, Raoul 1952 USA 99
11553 10608 Captain Blood Smith, David 1924 USA 110
11554 10607 Pharos of Chaos Blank, Manfred & Wolf-Eckart Bühler 1983 West Germany 119
11555 10609 Measuring Change Benning, James 2016 USA 61
11556 10629 Rei da Noite, O/King of the Night Babenco, Hector 1975 Brazil 97
11557 10631 Noite, A/The Night Pessoa, Regina 1999 Portugal 7
11558 10632 Four Days in September Barreto, Bruno 1997 Brazil 110
11559 10633 Quatrilho, O Barreto, Fabio 1995 Brazil 92
11560 10630 Acosado Velazco, Arturo 1991 Mexico 1991
11561 10644 Love etc. Vernoux, Marion 1996 France 104
11562 10691 Sommersby Amiel, Jon 1993 USA 117
11563 10692 Bemisal Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1982 India 142
11564 10695 Arjun Rawail, Rahul 1985 India 154
11565 10693 All Quiet on the Western Front [TV] Mann, Delbert 1979 UK 150
11566 10694 Ghulami Dutta, J.P. 1985 India 199
11567 10715 Dreams Bergman, Ingmar 1955 Sweden 87
11568 10741 Yıkılmışı Tedarik Ince, Oktay 2006 Turkey 113
11569 10743 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Oedekerk, Steve 1995 USA 105
11570 10745 B-Happy Justiniano, Gonzalo 2003 Chile 90
11571 10744 Cão Sem Dono Brant, Beto & Renato Ciasca 2007 Brazil 83
11572 10746 Menino Japonês, O Gotardo, Caetano 2009 Brazil
11573 10747 Homem Comum Nader, Carlos 2015 Brazil 103
11574 10774 Quand la mer monte... Moreau, Yolande & Gilles Porte 2004 Belgium 90
11575 10786 Aar-Paar Dutt, Guru 1954 India 146
11576 10784 Mekong Hotel Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2012 Thailand 61
11577 10785 Hamse Geethe Iyer, G.V. 1975 India 150
11578 10787 Tere Ghar Ke Samne Anand, Vijay 1963 India 149
11579 10789 Michael Madana Kamarajan Rao, Singeetham Srinivasa 1990 India 162
11580 10790 Story of a Junkie Kowalski, Lech 1985 USA 95
11581 10859 Sue Kollek, Amos 1997 USA 91
11582 10862 Christies, The Mulloy, Phil 2006 UK 78
11583 10890 Kindred of the Dust Walsh, Raoul 1922 USA 80
11584 10891 Jogan Sharma, Kidar Nath 1950 India 116
11585 10899 Ronnie McDowell, Curt 1972 USA 7
11586 10893 Seven Times a Day We Bemoan Our Lot and at Night We Get Up to Avoid Our Dreams Hempel, Susann-Maria 2013 Germany 18
11587 10901 Mary Koszmary Bartana, Yael 2008 Israel 11
11588 10892 White to Be Angry, The Davis, Vaginal 1999 USA 18
11589 10894 Super-8 Girl Games Scheirl, A. Hans & Ursula Puerrer 1984 2
11590 10895 Fast Trip, Long Drop Bordowitz, Gregg 1994 USA 54
11591 10905 Inventory Žilnik, Želimir 1975 West Germany 9
11592 10897 Cairography Hassan, Kinda & Dalia Naous 2013
11593 10900 Supermen of Malegaon Khan, Faiza Ahmad 2008 Singapore 66
11594 10898 Ecstatic Experience, An Gary, Ja'Tovia 2016 USA 6
11595 10903 My Levitating Butt Clouin, Pierre Yves 1997 France 3
11596 10896 Forever Bottom! Nguyen Tan Hoang 1999 USA 4
11597 10904 L is for the Way You Look Carlomusto, Jean 1991 USA 24
11598 10902 Home Stories Müller, Matthias 1990 West Germany 6
11599 10932 My Life is for the Rest of My Life Dufour, Lorraine & Robert Morin 1980 Canada 28
11600 10941 Sweet Escape, The Podalydès, Bruno 2015 France 105
11601 10955 Camera Cronenberg, David 2000 Canada 6
11602 10956 Garden of Earthly Delights, The Brakhage, Stan 1981 USA 3
11603 10989 At the Altar Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 11
11604 10992 Esas cuatro notas Filippelli, Rafael 2004 Argentina 90
11605 10993 Schijnsel van de Staak, Frans 1996 Netherlands 80
11606 10990 Madre, La Fontán, Gustavo 2009 Argentina 65
11607 10994 Eine Andere Welt Wyborny, Klaus 2004 Germany 106
11608 11035 Burning Star, A Onishi, Koichi 1995 Japan 95
11609 11034 Yes Sir! Madame… Morin, Robert 1994 Canada 75
11610 11033 Maid's Kid, The Tasaka, Tomotaka 1955 Japan 143
11611 11088 Marianne of My Youth Duvivier, Julien 1955 France 105
11612 11091 Bulldozer Harel, Pierre 1974 Canada 93
11613 11089 Did I Kill Them? Bianchi, Sergio 1982 Brazil 34
11614 11090 Comme les six doigts de la main Melançon, André 1978 Canada 74
11615 11121 Smell of Burning Ants, The Rosenblatt, Jay 1994 USA 21
11616 11137 Tumult Demissie, Yemane I. 1996 USA 117
11617 11138 When the Stars Meet the Sea Rajaonarivelo, Raymond 1996 France 86
11618 11130 Love Brewed in the African Pot Ansah, Kwaw 1981 Ghana 118
11619 11132 Enfant endormi, L' Kassari, Yasmine 2004 Belgium 95
11620 11131 John Henry Clarke: A Great and Might Walk Bourne, St. Clair 1996 USA 90
11621 11134 Dancing in the Dust Duparc, Henri 1989 Côte d'Ivoire 91
11622 11133 Hijack Stories Schmitz, Oliver 2000 Germany
11623 11140 Essaïda Zran, Mohamed 1996 Tunisia 100
11624 11135 Afrique en morceaux, L' El-Tahri, Jihan 2000 France 104
11625 11139 Sarafina! Roodt, Darrell 1992 South Africa 115
11626 11126 Maya Mehta, Ketan 1993 France 130
11627 11127 Black Mic Mac Gilou, Thomas 1986 France 93
11628 11128 Damier, Le Bakupa-Kanyinda, Balufu 1996 France 40
11629 11141 CJ7 Chow, Stephen 2008 Hong Kong 88
11630 11144 Crime Without Passion Hecht, Ben/Charles MacArthur 1934 USA 72
11631 11146 Partido Alto Hirszman, Leon 1976 Brazil 22
11632 11145 Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem Huettner, Ralf & Helge Schneider 1993 Germany 86
11633 11147 On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Owen Land in the the Film on the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud… Titz, Florina 2009 USA 18
11634 13165 Tatort: Frau Bulacht [TV] Graf, Dominik 1995 Germany 90
11635 13150 Little Vampire Klick, Roland 1968 West Germany 86
11636 13155 Rosen bluhen auf dem Heidegrab Konig, Hans H. 1952 West Germany 90
11637 11169 Madigan Siegel, Don 1968 USA 101
11638 11172 Deadline U.S.A. Brooks, Richard 1952 USA 87
11639 11173 Lonely Hearts Cox, Paul 1981 Australia 95
11640 11175 Postmeister, Der Ucicky, Gustav 1940 Germany 95
11641 11176 Murder is My Beat Ulmer, Edgar G. 1955 USA 77
11642 11177 Human Bullet, The Okamoto, Kihachi 1968 Japan 116
11643 11178 St. Elmo's Fire Schumacher, Joel 1985 USA 108
11644 11179 Stranger, The Visconti, Luchino 1967 Italy 104
11645 11180 Straight to Hell Cox, Alex 1987 USA 86
11646 11183 Mazurka Forst, Willi 1935 Germany 91
11647 11186 Su tutte le vette è pace Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 1999
11648 11188 Demolition d'un mur Lumière, Louis 1896 France 1
11649 11184 Mysterious Island Endfield, Cy 1961 UK 101
11650 11181 Firefox Eastwood, Clint 1982 USA 136
11651 11187 Gervaise Clément, René 1956 France 116
11652 11185 Circonstances attenuantes Boyer, Jean 1939 France 85
11653 11200 Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary Song Hae-sung 2004 Japan 139
11654 11191 Keiko Gagnon, Claude 1979 Japan 119
11655 11201 Hafez Jalili, Abolfazl 2007 Iran 98
11656 11199 Tropical Fish Chen Yu-Hsun 1995 Taiwan 107
11657 11194 Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff Chomsky, Marvin J. 1979 USA 105
11658 11192 Welcome to Dongmakgol Park Kwang-hyun 2005 South Korea 133
11659 11196 My Mother, the Mermaid Park Heung-sik 2004 South Korea 110
11660 11197 Messieurs les ronds de cuir Mirande, Yves 1936 France 95
11661 11189 Crimen de Oribe, El Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo & Leopoldo Torres Rios 1950 Argentina 85
11662 11195 Fantasma del convento, El de Fuentes, Fernando 1934 Mexico 85
11663 11190 Jericho Calef, Henri 1946 France 139
11664 11202 Maundy Thursday Song Hae-sung 2006 South Korea 120
11665 11203 Great Sinner, The Siodmak, Robert 1949 USA 110
11666 Pearls of the Deep Chytilová, Věra/Jaromil Jires/Jirí Menzel/Jan Nemec/Evald Schorm 1965 Czechoslovakia 107
11667 Things Rivers, Ben 2014 UK 21
11668 Love in the Time of Malaria Shah, Sanjiv 1992 India 140
11669 Várostérkép Szabó, István 1979 Hungary 16
11670 Love Conquers All Tan Chui Mui 2006 Netherlands 90
11671 Vidhyarthigale Ithile Ithile Abraham, John 1971 India 174
11672 Yatrik Kaul, Mani 1966 India 20
11673 11219 Children Must Laugh Ford, Aleksander 1938 Poland 61
11674 11220 Damini - Lightning Santoshi, Rajkumar 1993 India 175
11675 11221 Raskolnikow Wiene, Robert 1923 Germany 135
11676 11227 Corps et biens Jacquot, Benoît 1986 France 100
11677 11230 Lolos de Lola, Les Dubois, Bernard 1976 France 80
11678 11228 Day of the Idiots Schroeter, Werner 1981 West Germany 110
11679 11229 Continental Circus Laperrousaz, Jérôme 1972 France 102
11680 13310 Vedreba Abuladze, Tengiz 1967 USSR 72
11681 11231 Savage Innocents, The Ray, Nicholas 1960 France 110
11682 11232 Santa Fe Trail Curtiz, Michael 1940 USA 110
11683 11236 Séance [TV] Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2000 Japan 118
11684 11257 Boxer from Shantung, The Chang Cheh & Pao Hsueh-Li 1972 Hong Kong 134
11685 11259 Betrayal Mihaileanu, Radu 1993 France 103
11686 11266 Wonder Wheel Allen, Woody 2017 USA 101
11687 11267 Life of Emile Zola, The Dieterle, William 1937 USA 116
11688 11273 Road to Zanzibar Schertzinger, Victor 1941 USA 91
11689 14837 Jeanne la Pucelle I Rivette, Jacques 1994 France 160
11690 14838 Jeanne la Pucelle II Rivette, Jacques 1994 France 176
11691 Northern Pursuit Walsh, Raoul 1943 USA 93
11692 Riding in Cars with Boys Marshall, Penny 2001 USA 132
11693 Flaca Alejandra, La Castillo, Carmen & Guy Girard 1994 France 57
11694 Every Other Weekend Garcia, Nicole 1990 France 104
11695 Thin Line, A Bat-Adam, Michael 1980 Israel 90
11696 Bushman Schickele, David 1971 USA 73
11697 Final Cut, The Naim, Omar 2004 USA 95
11698 11280 Rainy Day in New York, A Allen, Woody 2019 USA 92
11699 11281 House on 92nd Street, The Hathaway, Henry 1945 USA 88
11700 11286 Honneurs de la guerre, Les Dewever, Jean 1960 France 85
11701 11291 Target for Tonight Watt, Harry 1941 UK 50
11702 11293 Martha… Martha Veysset, Sandrine 2001 France 97
11703 11294 Love is Colder Than Death Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1969 West Germany 88
11704 11295 Mr. Jealousy Baumbach, Noah 1997 USA 103
11705 11296 Captain's Paradise, The Kimmins, Anthony 1953 UK 77
11706 11297 Hullygully in Kaseburg von Lutzelburg, Helmer 1984 West Germany 82
11707 11299 92 in the Shade McGuane, Thomas 1975 USA 93
11708 11300 Egged On Sears, Ted 1926 USA 24
11709 11298 00 Schneider Schneider, Helge 1994 Germany 90
11710 11305 Star Maker, The Tornatore, Giuseppe 1995 Italy 113
11711 11307 Bed, The Broughton, James 1968 USA 20
11712 11310 Betrayal - Nerakhoon, The Kuras, Ellen & Thavisouk Phrasavath 2008 USA 95
11713 11314 Friend Güney, Yilmaz 1974 Turkey 105
11714 11311 North Sea is Dead Sea Bohm, Hark 1976 West Germany 87
11715 11315 Embryo Hunts in Secret, The Wakamatsu, Koji 1966 Japan 72
11716 11313 Girl and the Echo, The Zebriunas, Arunas 1964 USSR 59
11717 13475 Call of the Wild, The Lamothe, Ron 2007
11718 11321 Embodiment of Evil Marins, José Mojica 2008 Brazil 94
11719 13490 Red Sun Thome, Rudolf 1970 West Germany 89
11720 12432 Brainstorm Bodanzky, Laís 2000 Brazil 74
11721 13512 Craig's Wife Arzner, Dorothy 1936 USA 75
11722 11330 Herdeiros, Os/The Heirs Diegues, Carlos 1970 Brazil 110
11723 11331 Alfred the Great Donner, Clive 1969 UK 122
11724 Warm Current Masumura, Yasuzo 1957 Japan 94
11725 Serpent's Path Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 1998 Japan 85
11726 Rue de l'Estrapade Becker, Jacques 1953 France 100
11727 Domestic Violence 2 Wiseman, Frederick 2002 USA 160
11728 Kazuo Ohno Schmid, Daniel 1995 Japan 14
11729 Sozenji Baba Makino, Masahiro 1928 Japan 31
11730 Last Screaming Achard, Laurent 2011 France 81
11731 11338 Heavenly Play, The Sjöberg, Alf 1942 Sweden 106
11732 11339 My Name is Julia Ross Lewis, Joseph H. 1945 USA 65
11733 11340 Ilha de Moraes, A Rocha, Paulo 1984 Portugal 100
11734 11341 Adeus Português, Um Botelho, João 1986 Portugal 85
11735 12575 Mediterraneo Salvatores, Gabriele 1991 Italy 92
11736 12462 Deceased, The Hirszman, Leon 1965 Brazil 90
11737 11344 Little Match Girl, The Renoir, Jean 1928 France 33
11738 11345 Señor Droopy Avery, Tex 1949 USA 8
11739 11347 Brats Parrott, James 1930 USA 20
11740 11346 Secha pri Kerzhentse Norshteyn, Yuriy 1971 USSR 10
11741 11350 Habit vert, L' Richebé, Roger 1937 France 109
11742 11348 U Elissalde, Serge 2006 France 75
11743 11349 Gueule de l'autre, La Tchernia, Pierre 1979 France 100
11744 11358 Take Me Out to the Ball Game Berkeley, Busby 1949 USA 93
11745 11359 You Can't Cheat an Honest Man Marshall, George 1939 USA 76
11746 11364 Twilight Zone: The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, The [TV] Winston, Ron 1960 USA 25
11747 11365 Lady of the Camelias Bolognini, Mauro 1981 Italy 115
11748 11362 'Way Out: 20/20 [TV] Bosner, Paul 1961 USA 30
11749 11361 Twilight Zone: Twenty Two, The [TV] Smight, Jack 1961 USA 25
11750 11363 Outer Limits: The Zanti Misfits, The [TV] Horn, Leonard J. 1963 USA 51
11751 11360 It's All True [unfinished film] Welles, Orson 1943 USA
11752 11382 Mister Tao Bozzetto, Bruno 1988 Italy 3
11753 11384 Little Devil, The Benigni, Roberto 1988 Italy 101
11754 11390 Epileptic Seizure Comparison Sharits, Paul 1976 USA 30
11755 11393 Diana's Mirror Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 1996 Italy 27
11756 11387 Snowball Fight Lumière, Louis 1897 France 1
11757 11391 Round-trip Danieluc, Mircea 1971 Romania 18
11758 11385 Oh Dem Watermelons Nelson, Robert 1965 USA 12
11759 11388 Brutality in Stone Kluge, Alexander & Peter Schamoni 1961 West Germany 12
11760 11389 Diary of a Yunbogi Boy Oshima, Nagisa 1965 Japan 25
11761 11392 Drittes Reich, Ein Kaiser, Alfred 1975 Austria 29
11762 12635 Stranger Than Fiction Forster, Marc 2006 USA 113
11763 11394 Torch Singer Hall, Alexander & George Somnes 1933 USA 71
11764 11395 Love Letter Suzuki, Seijun 1959 Japan 40
11765 11396 Carmen from Kawachi Suzuki, Seijun 1966 Japan 89
11766 11411 Mädchen mit dem Mini, Das Milan, Paul 1965 Austria 66
11767 11401 Road to Salina Lautner, Georges 1971 France 96
11768 11400 Staying Alive Stallone, Sylvester 1983 USA 96
11769 11407 Taste of Violence, The Hossein, Robert 1961 Italy 85
11770 11397 Vulkan der höllischen Triebe Häuser, Peter 1968 West Germany
11771 11398 Alpha City Schmidt, Eckhart 1985 West Germany 101
11772 11412 Zweite Gesicht, Das Graf, Dominik 1982 West Germany 101
11773 11410 Travelling Ruffian, The Makino, Masahiro 1958 Japan 98
11774 11408 Condottieri Trenker, Luis 1937 Italy 88
11775 11403 Top Model D'Amato, Joe 1988 Italy 85
11776 11405 Glass Shyamalan, M. Night 2019 USA 129
11777 11399 Red Spectacles, The Oshii, Mamoru 1987 Japan 116
11778 11413 Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The Curtiz, Michael 1939 USA 106
11779 11419 Meat Love Švankmajer, Jan 1989 UK 1
11780 11422 Bicentennial Man Columbus, Chris 1999 USA 131
11781 11423 Hearts in Atlantis Hicks, Scott 2001 USA 101
11782 11424 Heaven Help Us Dinner, Michael 1985 USA 104
11783 11435 Neige Berto, Juliet & Jean-Henri Roger 1981 France 90
11784 11436 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Newell, Mike 2005 UK 157
11785 11438 Gerald McBoing-Boing Cannon, Robert 1950 USA 8
11786 12719 Storm Boy Safran, Henri 1977 Australia 88
11787 11439 Love is My Profession Autant-Lara, Claude 1958 Italy 105
11788 11447 Laatste woorden van der Keuken, Johan 1998 Netherlands
11789 11452 Dos au mur, Le Thorn, Jean-Pierre 1980 France 105
11790 11446 And the Dogs Were Quiet Maldoror, Sarah 1978 France 13
11791 11450 Mimi Simon, Claire 2003 France 105
11792 11453 Irène Cavalier, Alain 2009 France 83
11793 11451 Wesh, Wesh, What's Happening? Ameur-Zaïmeche, Rabah 2001 France 83
11794 11449 Et la vie Gheerbrant, Denis 1991 France 95
11795 11445 Dernier maquis Ameur-Zaïmeche, Rabah 2008 France 93
11796 11448 Suburban Memories Cabrera, Dominique 1992 France 55
11797 11455 Our Relations Lachman, Harry 1936 USA 74
11798 11456 André Masson et les quatre éléments Grémillon, Jean 1958 France 20
11799 11460 Saignaintes, Les Bekolo, Jean-Pierre 2005 Cameroon 97
11800 11463 Snails' Senator, The Daneliuc, Mircea 1995 Romania 100
11801 11464 É na Terra não é na Lua Tocha, Gonçalo 2011 Portugal 180
11802 11466 Padamati Sandhya Ragam Jandhyala 1987 India 142
11803 11469 Missamma Prasad, L.V. 1955 India 181
11804 11470 Aditya 369 Rao, Singeetham Srinivasa 1991 India 140
11805 11465 April 1 Vidudala Vamsy 1991 India 144
11806 11468 Aapathbandavudu Viswanath, K. 1992 India 173
11807 11467 Mahanadi Bharathi, Santhana 1994 India 162
11808 11484 One Hundred Nails Olmi, Ermanno 2007 Italy 92
11809 11486 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Spielberg, Steven 2008 USA 122
11810 11488 Grapes of Death, The Rollin, Jean 1978 France 85
11811 11494 Carmen 1945 Gosha, Hideo 1988 Japan 119
11812 11495 Acri Ishii, Tatsuya 1996 Japan 108
11813 13719 Devil Queen, The da Fontoura, Antonio Carlos 1974 Brazil 100
11814 11500 Treasure Island Fleming, Victor 1934 USA 110
11815 11522 Who is Bozo Texino? Daniel, Bill 2005 USA 55
11816 11531 Rani radovi Žilnik, Želimir 1969 Yugoslavia 87
11817 11533 Pardon Mon Affaire Robert, Yves 1976 France 105
11818 11534 Struggle Mader, Ruth 2003 Austria 74
11819 11536 Nordrand Albert, Barbara 1999 Austria 103
11820 11535 Portrait of a Married Couple Stever, Isabelle 2002 Germany 92
11821 11537 Eastern Wind Wachsmann, Daniel 1982 Israel 88
11822 11558 Cosa, La Moretti, Nanni 1990 Italy 59
11823 11563 Wall Bitton, Simone 2004 France 99
11824 11554 Sobyan wa banat Nasrallah, Yousry 1995 Egypt 72
11825 11552 Eux et moi [TV] Breton, Stéphane 2001 France 63
11826 11553 Nos traces silencieuses Aziza, Myriam & Sophie Bredier 1998 France 60
11827 11560 Language Does Not Lie Neumann, Stan 2004 France 79
11828 11561 Odessa di Costanzo, Leonardo & Bruno Oliviero 2006 Italy 65
11829 11559 Life is Boundless and Full of Dangers Gheerbrant, Denis 1995 France 80
11830 11555 Ma première brasse Moullet, Luc 1981 France 43
11831 11556 Terrorists in Retirement Boucault, Mosco 1985 France 84
11832 11562 Numéros zéros Depardon, Raymond 1981 France 90
11833 11557 August: A Moment Before the Eruption Mograbi, Avi 2002 Israel 72
11834 11569 Rat Life and Diet in North America Wieland, Joyce 1968 Canada 14
11835 12566 Road to Guantanamo, The Winterbottom, Michael & Mat Whitecross 2006 UK 93
11836 11570 Dilemme au féminin Yacoub, Zara Mahamat 1995 Chad 24
11837 11585 Fall of Berlin, The/Padeniye Berlina Chiaureli, Mikheil 1949 USSR 152
11838 11608 I, an Actress Kuchar, George 1977 USA 10
11839 11614 37-73 Myers, Richard 1974
11840 11609 Khayal Gatha Shahani, Kumar 1989 India 103
11841 11610 Riyo Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique 1999
11842 11613 Wheel, The Islam, Morshedul 1993 Bangladesh 65
11843 11611 Atami Blues Richie, Donald 1962 Japan 21
11844 11612 Orange Johnson, Karen 1971 USA 3
11845 11621 Love Stories Stuhr, Jerzy 1997 Poland 87
11846 11619 Subversives, The Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1967 Italy 93
11847 11616 Amour braque, L' Żuławski, Andrzej 1985 France 101
11848 11618 Prince Ehtejab Farmanara, Bahman 1974 Iran 93
11849 11623 Loads McDowell, Curt 1985 USA 19
11850 11622 Zoo zéro Fleischer, Alain 1979 France 101
11851 11625 Wavelength Gray, Mike 1983 USA 87
11852 11626 Light Belson, Jordan 1974 USA 8
11853 11624 In the Shadow of the Blue Rascal Clémenti, Pierre 1986 France 82
11854 11617 Man to Be Burned, A Orsini, Valentino/Paolo Taviani/Vittorio Taviani 1962 Italy 90
11855 15388 Fire! Baldi, Gian Vittorio 1968 Italy 87
11856 11630 Tiny Tim and the Adventures of His Elephant Feuillade, Louis 1913 France 9
11857 11632 Nobleza gaucha Cairo, Humberto/Ernesto Gunche/Eduardo Martinez de la Pera 1915 Argentina 60
11858 11635 Reñidero, El Múgica, René 1965 Argentina 73
11859 11636 Max's Hat Linder, Max 1913 France 5
11860 11631 Wolf of the West Coast, The Santiago, Hugo 2002 France 132
11861 11633 Terrace, The Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo 1963 Argentina 90
11862 11639 Party is Over, The Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo 1960 Argentina 104
11863 11638 Maria Bethânia do Brasil Santiago, Hugo 2001 90
11864 11644 Rowing Across the Atlantic Laguionie, Jean-François 1978 France 24
11865 11649 Sky Above, the Mud Below, The Gaisseau, Pierre-Dominique 1961 France 90
11866 11647 Atlantide, L' Pabst, G.W. 1932 Germany 89
11867 11648 Strangers of the Earth Ruspoli, Mario 1961 France 36
11868 11652 Wilson King, Henry 1944 USA 154
11869 11651 Unsuspected, The Curtiz, Michael 1947 USA 103
11870 11659 Stationmaster's Wife, The [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1977 West Germany 112
11871 11660 Alone on the Pacific Ichikawa, Kon 1963 Japan 104
11872 11662 Rachel Bitton, Simone 2009 France 100
11873 11663 Aristotle's Plot Bekolo, Jean-Pierre 1996 France 72
11874 11661 Privé Honigmann, Heddy 2000 Netherlands 50
11875 11664 Lizard in a Woman's Skin, A Fulci, Lucio 1971 Italy 95
11876 11666 Halfmoon Files, The Scheffner, Philip 2007 Germany 87
11877 13863 Deux fois Raynal, Jackie 1968 France 75
11878 11672 Looks and Smiles Loach, Ken 1981 UK 104
11879 11674 Blue Movie Warhol, Andy 1969 USA 105
11880 11677 Na komete Zeman, Karel 1970 Czechoslovakia 74
11881 14740 Comperes, Les Veber, Francis 1984 France 92
11882 11676 Cage of Nightingales, A Dréville, Jean 1945 France 89
11883 11678 New Ice Age, The van der Keuken, Johan 1974 Netherlands 76
11884 11679 Don't Forget You're Going to Die Beauvois, Xavier 1995 France 121
11885 11682 Mr. Orchid Clément, René 1946 France 95
11886 11683 Exercise in Discipline: Peel, An Campion, Jane 1982 Australia 9
11887 11686 R.I.P. Pellissery, Lijo Jose 2018 India 120
11888 11684 Biwi Aur Makan Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1966 India 126
11889 11685 Mr. Sampat Vasan, S.S. 1952 India 165
11890 11687 Blue Lagoon, The Launder, Frank 1949 UK 101
11891 11688 Shallow Hal Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 2001 USA 113
11892 11711 24 portraits d'Alain Cavalier Pt. 2 Cavalier, Alain 1991 France 140
11893 11712 24 portraits d'Alain Cavalier Cavalier, Alain 1987 France 152
11894 11719 Suitor, The Étaix, Pierre 1962 France 83
11895 11720 Kustom Kar Kommandos Anger, Kenneth 1965 USA 3
11896 11721 Petite fille et son chat, La Lumière, Louis 1899 France 1
11897 11730 U Turn Stone, Oliver 1997 USA 125
11898 11732 Charcoal Maker, The Bouamari, Mohamed 1973 Algeria 97
11899 11736 Kare to kanojo to shonentachi Shimizu, Hiroshi 1935 Japan 67
11900 11738 Ronin-gai Kuroki, Kazuo & Masahiro Makino 1990 Japan 117
11901 11741 Byakuya no Kyoen Makino, Masahiro 1932 Japan
11902 11737 Hanabi Itami, Mansaku 1931 Japan
11903 11739 Mukashi no uta Ishida, Tamizo 1939 Japan 77
11904 11740 Zoku ôoka seidan mazohe daiichi Ito, Daisuke 1930 Japan
11905 11743 Machi no irezumi mono Yamanaka, Sadao 1935 Japan 74
11906 11742 Elegant Swordsman, The Yamanaka, Sadao 1934 Japan 75
11907 11750 Rabid Dogs Bava, Mario 1974 Italy 96
11908 11751 Eyes, the Mouth, The Bellocchio, Marco 1982 Italy 93
11909 11757 Rutles: All You Need is Cash, The [TV] Idle, Eric & Gary Weis 1978 UK 76
11910 11759 Groove Tube, The Shapiro, Ken 1974 USA 75
11911 11760 Colloque de chiens Ruiz, Raúl 1977 France 22
11912 11761 5th Ave. Girl La Cava, Gregory 1939 USA 83
11913 11763 Jour des rois, Le Treilhou, Marie-Claude 1991 France 93
11914 11764 Cousin, Cousine Tacchella, Jean-Charles 1975 France 95
11915 11765 War Zone, The Roth, Tim 1998 UK 98
11916 11767 Broadway Melody of 1940 Taurog, Norman 1940 USA 102
11917 11793 Circuit Carole Cuau, Emmanuelle 1995 France 75
11918 11790 Baptême Féret, René 1989 France 127
11919 11792 Voyage à la mer, Le Gheerbrant, Denis 2002 France 87
11920 11791 $2 Haircut, The Condroyer, Philippe 1974 France 106
11921 King of Escape, The Guiraudie, Alain 2009 France 93
11922 French Kissers, The Sattouf, Riad 2009 France 90
11923 11814 Quiet Place in the Country, A Petri, Elio 1968 Italy 106
11924 11821 7:35 de la mañana Vigalondo, Nacho 2003 Spain 8
11925 11819 Disco Inferno Waddington, Alice 2015 Spain 12
11926 11816 Trouble with Being Born, The Wollner, Sandra 2020 Austria 94
11927 11820 Broken Highway McInnes, Laurie 1993 Australia 98
11928 11822 Virgin Among the Living Dead, A Franco, Jesús 1973 Belgium 105
11929 11818 Ladyworld Kramer, Amanda 2018 USA 93
11930 11823 Chase a Crooked Shadow Anderson, Michael 1958 UK 87
11931 11832 Sparsh Paranjpye, Sai 1980 India 145
11932 11827 Saptapadi Kar, Ajoy 1961 India 163
11933 11833 Ekhoni Sinha, Tapan 1970 India 96
11934 11828 Ravening Hazarika, Bhaskar 2019 India 107
11935 11829 Baidurya Rahasya Sinha, Tapan 1985 India
11936 11824 Bariwali Ghosh, Rituparno 2000 India 150
11937 11831 Basanta Bilap Gupta, Dinen 1973 India 117
11938 11830 Main Azaad Hoon Anand, Tinnu 1989 India 160
11939 11825 Jomalaye Jibanta Manush Chakravorty, Prafulla 1958 India 127
11940 11834 Let's Talk Madhvani, Ram 2002 India 98
11941 11826 Kaun? Varma, Ram Gopal 1999 India 90
11942 11838 Freethinker, The Watkins, Peter 1994 Sweden 276
11943 11842 Children Hand in Hand Hani, Susumu 1964 Japan 100
11944 11839 Peking Duck Soup Deron, Francis & René Viénet 1977 France
11945 11843 Inferno, L' Bertolini, Francesco & Adolfo Padovan 1911 Italy 71
11946 11844 White Lies Salvadori, Pierre 1998 France 106
11947 11840 Désenchantée, La Jacquot, Benoît 1990 France 78
11948 11858 Very Private Affair, A Malle, Louis 1962 France 95
11949 13326 Largo viaje Kaulen, Patricio 1967 Chile 83
11950 14032 Red, La Fernández, Emilio 1953 Mexico 83
11951 11860 Book of Mary, The Miéville, Anne-Marie 1985 France 28
11952 11862 Fight, Zatoichi, Fight Misumi, Kenji 1964 Japan 87
11953 11861 Jirocho sangokushi: nagurikomi koshuji Makino, Masahiro 1953 Japan 78
11954 11864 Michurin Dovzhenko, Alexander 1948 USSR 81
11955 11865 Highway Patrolman Cox, Alex 1991 USA 105
11956 11869 Hollywood Boulevard Arkush, Allan & Joe Dante 1976 USA 83
11957 11871 My Sister, My Love Sjöman, Vilgot 1966 Sweden 97
11958 11878 Trois places pour le 26 Demy, Jacques 1988 France 106
11959 11879 She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps Garrel, Philippe 1985 France 130
11960 11881 Complaint of an Empress, The Bausch, Pina 1990 West Germany 106
11961 11882 Modesty and Shame Guibert, Hervé 1992 France 62
11962 11880 Memoirs of a French Whore Duval, Daniel 1979 France 100
11963 11883 Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave Brakhage, Stan 1990 USA 8
11964 11884 Visions in Meditation #4: D.H. Lawrence Brakhage, Stan 1989 USA 19
11965 11886 Ce gamin, La Victor, Renaud 1976 France 95
11966 11889 We Don't Live Here Anymore Curran, John 2004 USA 98
11967 11903 Dark Glow of the Mountains, The [TV] Herzog, Werner 1985 West Germany 45
11968 11904 Tin Star, The Mann, Anthony 1957 USA 93
11969 11906 Major and the Minor, The Wilder, Billy 1942 USA 100
11970 11910 What? Polanski, Roman 1972 Italy 112
11971 11911 Zézero Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1974 Brazil 30
11972 11912 Jour comme de nuit, De Victor, Renaud 1992 France 109
11973 11925 I-Be Area Trecartin, Ryan 2007 USA 108
11974 11926 Deux Schroeter, Werner 2002 France 121
11975 11924 Dichtweefsel van de Staak, Frans 1998 Netherlands 20
11976 11922 Envy Wynn, Natalie 2021 USA 108
11977 11923 Pohod Kadijevic, Djordje 1968 Yugoslavia 83
11978 11929 Me, Natalie Coe, Fred 1969 USA 111
11979 11932 Victors, The Foreman, Carl 1963 USA 156
11980 11930 Royal Warriors Chung, David 1986 Hong Kong 96
11981 11931 Boum 2, La Pinoteau, Claude 1982 France 109
11982 11933 Howard the Duck Huyck, Willard 1986 USA 111
11983 11935 Telephone Book, The Lyon, Nelson 1971 USA 80
11984 11939 Zone, La Lacombe, Georges 1928 France 28
11985 11938 Sea of Ravens, The Epstein, Jean 1931 France 26
11986 11941 Niemandsland Trivas, Victor 1931 Germany 93
11987 11949 Seance on a Wet Afternoon Forbes, Bryan 1964 UK 115
11988 11950 Bye Bye Birdie Sidney, George 1963 USA 112
11989 11954 Mon-rak Transistor Ratanaruang, Pen-Ek 2002 Thailand 120
11990 11956 Trottoirs de Saturne, Les Santiago, Hugo 1986 France 145
11991 11969 Au nom de la loi Tourneur, Maurice 1931 France 95
11992 11970 What the Bleep Do We Know? Arntz, William 2004 USA 109
11993 11971 Mr. Freedom Klein, William 1968 France 95
11994 11973 Mystery of Oberwald, The Antonioni, Michelangelo 1980 Italy 129
11995 11974 1 P.M. Godard, Jean-Luc/Richard Leacock/D.A. Pennebaker 1971 USA 90
11996 11975 Moments choisis des histoire(s) du cinéma Godard, Jean-Luc 2004 France 84
11997 11993 Airport Hammam-Lif Chiekh, Slim Ben 2007 Tunisia
11998 11985 Revolution Hafez, Khaled 2006 Egypt
11999 11978 On Hitler's Highway Kowalski, Lech 2002 France 84
12000 11976 Primitive [INSTALLATION] Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2009 87
12001 To the Moon O'Sullivan, Tadgh 2020 Ireland 80
12002 Body Szumowska, Malgorzata 2015 Poland 90
12003 8270 Postmen in the Mountains Huo Jianqi 1999 China 93
12004 Farewell to the Summer Light Yoshida, Yoshishige 1968 Japan 96
12005 Orbit 50: Letters to My 3 Sons Tahimik, Kidlat 1992 Philippines 17
12006 8274 Yellow Cat Yerzhanov, Adilkhan 2020 Kazakhstan 90
12007 So This is Christmas Wardrop, Ken 2023 Ireland 90
12008 Wolfram, a Saliva do Lobo Pimenta, Rodolfo & Joana Targal 2010 Portugal 55
12009 Bit of Fear Kamal, Hussein 1969 Egypt 112
12010 Tsuru-Henry Takamine, Go 1998 Japan 85
12011 10538 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Duke, Bill 1993 USA 106
12012 10563 Bothersome Man, The Lien, Jens 2006 Norway 95
12013 10565 Great Beginning, The Kheifits, Iosif & Aleksandr Zarkhi 1940 USSR 76
12014 10567 Torpedo Bombers Aranovich, Semyon 1983 USSR 96
12015 10566 Otpusk v sentyabre [TV] Melnikov, Vitaliy 1979 USSR 141
12016 10564 Source of Snakes, The Lebedev, Nikolay 1997 Russia 87
12017 A.K. Marker, Chris 1985 France 71
12018 Radd-e-pay-e-gorg Kimiai, Masud 1993 Iran 96
12019 Truth and Justice Toom, Tanel 2019 Estonia 165
12020 10647 Russkoe Veledinskiy, Aleksandr 2004 Russia 112
12021 10650 Best Days of Our Lives, The Galanter, Boris 1968 USSR
12022 10646 Minnesota Proshkin, Andrey 2009 Russia 86
12023 10649 Nothing Personal Sadilova, Larisa 2007 Russia 97
12024 10648 They Fought for Their Country Bondarchuk, Sergei 1975 USSR 137
12025 10750 Hombre aparte, Un Osnovikoff, Iván & Bettina Perut 2001 Chile 57
12026 10751 Gatos Viejos Peirano, Pedro & Sebastián Silva 2010 Chile 89
12027 10797 End of the Tour, The Ponsoldt, James 2015 USA 106
12028 10798 Men of Honor Tillman Jr., George 2000 USA 128
12029 10801 Wrong Move Wenders, Wim 1975 West Germany 103
12030 10800 Arabesques on the Pirosmani Theme Parajanov, Sergei 1985 USSR 25
12031 10811 Harem Joffe, Arthur 1985 France 113
12032 10820 Janissary Chabanyuk, Vladislav 1998
12033 10806 Vremya, vperyod! Milkina, Sofiya & Mikhail Shvejtser 1965 USSR 158
12034 10823 Chastnye kroniki. Monolog Manskiy, Vitaliy 1999 Russia 91
12035 10818 Indian Yogis - Who Are They? Serebrenikov, Almar 1970 USSR 50
12036 10810 Aztlan Adriazola, Carolina 2009 25
12037 10809 Red Land Bukovsky, Sergey 2001 30
12038 10814 Spirale, La Mattelart, Armand/Valérie Mayoux/Jacqueline Meppiel 1976 France 138
12039 10802 Sanshiro Sugata Uchikawa, Seiichiro 1965 Japan 159
12040 10813 Jane Eyre [TV/1983] Amyes, Julian 1983 UK 239
12041 10825 Este año no hay cosecha Lavanderos Montero, Fernando & Gonzalo Vergara 2000 Chile 88
12042 10804 Buryan Bukovskiy, Anatoliy 1967 USSR 94
12043 10824 Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds Kurata, Junji 1977 Japan 92
12044 10803 Ostrov sokrovishch Fridman, Yevgeni 1972 USSR 82
12045 10821 Oxygen Starvation Donchyk, Andriy 1992 Ukraine 92
12046 10805 Dostoyanie respubliki Bychkov, Vladimir 1972 USSR 138
12047 10817 Lassie [TV] Various Directors 1954-74 USA
12048 10816 Little Tragedies [TV] Shvejtser, Mikhail 1980 USSR 240
12049 10815 Robin Hood [TV] Young, Robert/Ian Sharp/Gerry Mill/James Allen/Sid Roberson/Alex Kirby/Dennis Abey/Ben Bolt/Christopher King 1984-86 UK
12050 10819 Pirates of the 20th Century Durov, Boris 1980 USSR 86
12051 10812 Grachi Ershov, Konstantin 1983 USSR 90
12052 10808 Doc's Kingdom Kramer, Robert 1988 France 90
12053 Santísimos hermanos, Los Puche, Rebecca/Hernando Sabogal/Gabriela Samper 1969 Colombia 12
12054 Terapia del pelo, La Saïd, Andrea 2000 Colombia 23
12055 Rap, O Canto da Ceilândia Queirós, Adirley 2005 Brazil 15
12056 10864 Actress and the Poet, The Naruse, Mikio 1935 Japan 73
12057 10878 Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence Schnaas, Andreas 1991 Germany 75
12058 10870 Who's the Man, Who's the Woman Chan, Peter 1997 Hong Kong 107
12059 10872 Rudolfio Asanova, Dinara 1969 USSR 24
12060 10865 Vecino, El Bustamante, Juan Carlos 2000 Chile 93
12061 10867 Kultpokhod v teatr Rubinchik, Valeri 1984 USSR 93
12062 10877 Green Van, The Gabay, Genrikh 1959 USSR 78
12063 10876 Guard Me, My Talisman Balayan, Roman 1986 USSR 74
12064 10875 Sady skorpiona Kovalov, Oleg 1991 Russia 96
12065 10868 I am the One to Decide Your One Second Miyakawa, Shin'ichi 2001
12066 10869 Tomorrow Everything Will Be Alright Zaatari, Akram 2010 Lebanon 7
12067 10871 Kukolka Fridbergas, Isaakas 1988 USSR 135
12068 10873 Smugglers' Songs Ameur-Zaïmeche, Rabah 2011 France 97
12069 10880 Valley of Flowers Nalin, Pan 2006 India 155
12070 10874 Slepoy dozhd Gres, Viktor 1968 USSR 29
12071 10971 Cab for Three, A Lübbert, Orlando 2001 Chile 90
12072 11036 Steamroller and the Violin, The Tarkovsky, Andrei 1960 USSR 46
12073 11045 Animals Film, The Alaux, Myriam & Victor Schonfeld 1981 UK 136
12074 11037 Exquisite Hour, The Solomon, Philip S. 1994 USA 14
12075 11043 Never Die Alone Dickerson, Ernest R. 2004 USA 88
12076 11048 Along the Road Pathiraja, Darmasena 1980 Sri Lanka
12077 11046 Shajiabang Wu Zhaodi 1971
12078 11042 Zabil jsem Einsteina, panove Lipský, Oldrich 1970 Czechoslovakia 95
12079 11038 Survive Style 5+ Sekiguchi, Gen 2004 Japan 120
12080 11040 Battle on Shangganling Mountain Lin Shan & Sha Meng 1956 China
12081 11041 Quiet Life, A Itami, Juzo 1995 Japan 121
12082 11039 Ru yi Huang Jian-zhong 1982 China
12083 11047 Affiche rouge, L' Cassenti, Frank 1976 France 90
12084 11044 Invitation au Voyage Del Monte, Peter 1982 France 93
12085 11092 For 80 Days Garaño, Jon & Jose Mari Goenaga 2010 Spain 104
12086 11094 Guerra, La Berdejo, Luiso & Jorge Dorado 2005 Spain 8
12087 11093 Ke arteko egunak Eceiza, Antonio 1989 Spain 105
12088 12288 Spaceballs Brooks, Mel 1987 USA 96
12089 11143 Mystery Road Sen, Ivan 2013 Australia 121
12090 13170 No Fear, No Die Denis, Claire 1990 France 90
12091 11152 Lonesome Cowboys Warhol, Andy 1968 USA 109
12092 11154 Lookout, The Frank, Scott 2006 USA 99
12093 22316 Jet Pilot von Sternberg, Josef 1957 USA 112
12094 11155 Savage Nights Collard, Cyril 1992 France 126
12095 13178 Basic Training Wiseman, Frederick 1971 USA 80
12096 11159 Vamps Heckerling, Amy 2012 USA 92
12097 11161 Mirrormask McKean, Dave 2004 USA 101
12098 13208 Vampyros Lesbos Franco, Jesús 1971 West Germany 89
12099 13209 Face Bird, Antonia 1997 UK 105
12100 11167 Can't Hardly Wait Elfont, Harry & Deborah Kaplan 1998 USA 100
12101 11165 Welcome to Sarajevo Winterbottom, Michael 1997 UK 101
12102 13631 Good Companions, The Saville, Victor 1933 UK 113
12103 11166 Revolt of Job, The Gyongyossy, Imre & Barna Kabay 1983 Germany 97
12104 15699 Shin Chan: The Adult Empire Strikes Back Hara, Keiichi 2001 Japan 90
12105 13221 Dead Again Branagh, Kenneth 1991 USA 107
12106 12373 Freaky Friday Waters, Mark 2003 USA 96
12107 11170 Madeleine Lean, David 1950 UK 101
12108 11171 Pulp Hodges, Mike 1972 USA 95
12109 13253 Chain Cohen, Jem 2004 USA 99
12110 11208 Electra Cacoyannis, Michael 1962 Greece 110
12111 11212 Mama vyshla zamuzh Melnikov, Vitaliy 1970 USSR 85
12112 11214 Maskarad Gerasimov, Sergey 1941 USSR 104
12113 11205 Soul Kicking Economides, Yannis 2006 Greece 117
12114 11211 Black Monk, The Dykhovichnyy, Ivan 1988 USSR 88
12115 11213 Metropoles Sfikas, Kostas 1975 Greece 90
12116 11210 Megalos erotikos, O Voulgaris, Pantelis 1973 Greece 70
12117 11206 Second Wind, The Corneau, Alain 2007 France 155
12118 11209 Mister Designer Teptsov, Oleg 1987 USSR 109
12119 11207 Bogdan Khmelnitskiy Savchenko, Igor 1941 USSR 114
12120 13860 Cry in the Dark, A Schepisi, Fred 1988 Australia 121
12121 12390 What Scoundrels Men Are! Camerini, Mario 1932 Italy 67
12122 11215 Black Hole, The Nelson, Gary 1979 USA 97
12123 11217 Tyson Toback, James 2008 USA 88
12124 11218 Visitors Questi, Giulio 2006 21
12125 11223 Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam Bhansali, Sanjay Leela 1999 India 188
12126 11222 Delamu Tian Zhuangzhuang 2004 China 110
12127 11224 Momma Don't Allow Reisz, Karel & Tony Richardson 1956 UK 22
12128 11225 Stage Struck Dwan, Allan 1925 USA 70
12129 11226 Hurricane, The Jewison, Norman 1999 USA 146
12130 11233 Dude, Where's My Car? Leiner, Danny 2000 USA 82
12131 11234 Heshang - The River Elegy Jun Xia 1988 China 186
12132 13312 Outfit, The Flynn, John 1973 USA 103
12133 13303 Kicking and Screaming Baumbach, Noah 1995 USA 96
12134 11239 Thank You for Smoking Reitman, Jason 2006 USA 92
12135 11240 Raquetteurs, Les Brault, Michel & Gilles Groulx 1958 Canada 15
12136 11241 Innocent Blood Landis, John 1992 USA 112
12137 13993 Carosello napoletano Giannini, Ettore 1954 Italy 129
12138 11242 Splash Howard, Ron 1984 USA 111
12139 11243 Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. Hirani, Rajkumar 2003 India
12140 11244 Snowman, The Jackson, Dianne & Jimmy T. Murakami 1982 UK 26
12141 11245 Steppe Bondarchuk, Sergei 1978 USSR 134
12142 13334 Woman on a Tin Roof O'Hara, Mario 1998 Philippines 103
12143 13333 Sisa O'Hara, Mario 1999 Philippines
12144 13335 Unsung Heroine Aguiluz, Tikoy 1995 Philippines 86
12145 11247 Few Stories About a Man, A Dziworski, Bogdan 1983 Poland 20
12146 11246 Wicked City, The Mak Tai Kit 1992 Hong Kong 96
12147 11248 Cinderella Man Howard, Ron 2005 USA 144
12148 11249 Bloody Morning Li Shaohong 1992 China 103
12149 11250 Matchstick Men Scott, Ridley 2003 USA 116
12150 12017 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Werker, Alfred L. 1939 USA 85
12151 11254 Another Girl Another Planet Almereyda, Michael 1992 USA 62
12152 11255 Mejores temas, Los Pereda, Nicolás 2012 Mexico 103
12153 11261 Buddy Holly Story, The Rash, Steve 1978 USA 113
12154 15476 Lake of Fire Kaye, Tony 2006 USA 152
12155 11262 Box of Life, The Mohammed, Ossama 2002 Syria 112
12156 11263 Devil's Eye, The Bergman, Ingmar 1960 Sweden 87
12157 11265 Herostratus Levy, Don 1967 UK 142
12158 11264 Catfish Joost, Henry & Ariel Schulman 2010 USA 87
12159 11268 Let's Make Love Cukor, George 1960 USA 118
12160 11271 Word Wars Chaikin, Eric & Julian Petrillo 2004 USA 80
12161 11272 Yossi & Jagger Fox, Eytan 2002 Israel 65
12162 11274 Doctor Mack Lee Chi-Ngai 1995 Hong Kong 98
12163 12474 Father and Son Fong, Allen 1981 Hong Kong 97
12164 11276 Luxo Jr. Lasseter, John 1986 USA 2
12165 12475 Stableman, The Kang Dae-jin 1961 South Korea 120
12166 11277 Mi querida senorita de Armiñán, Jaime 1972 Spain 80
12167 11278 Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest Rapaport, Michael 2011 USA 97
12168 Past Lives Song, Celine 2023 USA 105
12169 Marx Can Wait Bellocchio, Marco 2021 Italy 95
12170 Leila Mehrjui, Dariush 1997 Iran 102
12171 13424 Era notte a Roma Rossellini, Roberto 1960 Italy 82
12172 12019 Perils of Pauline, The Gasnier, Louis J. & Donald MacKenzie 1914 USA
12173 12353 Bumer Buslov, Pyotr 2003 Russia 110
12174 11282 Fièvre Delluc, Louis 1921 France 43
12175 11283 Roja Ratnam, Mani 1992 India 137
12176 17865 Decision to Leave Park Chan-wook 2022 South Korea 139
12177 11287 SPL: Kill Zone Yip, Wilson 2005 Hong Kong 93
12178 12492 Magic Blade, The Chor Yuen 1976 Hong Kong 86
12179 11289 Dish, The Sitch, Rob 2000 Australia 101
12180 13447 Spartan Mamet, David 2004 Germany 106
12181 18278 Thick Skinned Mazuy, Patricia 1989 France 90
12182 14102 Cinema Verite [TV] Pulcini, Robert & Shari Springer Berman 2011 USA 86
12183 11302 Book of Days Monk, Meredith 1988 USA 75
12184 14067 Tarzan's New York Adventure Thorpe, Richard 1942 USA 71
12185 13457 Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, The Field, Connie 1980 USA 60
12186 11303 Waste Land Walker, Lucy 2010 UK 99
12187 14125 Happy Death Day Landon, Christopher 2017 USA 96
12188 14127 Babylon Chazelle, Damien 2022 USA 189
12189 13472 Broken Sky Hernández, Julián 2006 Mexico 140
12190 11318 London Can Take It! Jennings, Humphrey & Harry Watt 1940 UK 9
12191 18598 Sleepwalk Driver, Sara 1986 USA 78
12192 18712 Colette Westmoreland, Wash 2018 UK 111
12193 11320 Aoi sanmyaku Imai, Tadashi 1949 Japan 92
12194 18593 Maternelle, La Benoît-Lévy, Jean & Marie Epstein 1933 France 86
12195 11324 Nowhere Boy Taylor-Johnson, Sam 2009 UK 86
12196 13498 Greendale Young, Neil 2003 USA 87
12197 13501 Limbo Sharrock, Ben 2020 UK 104
12198 13492 Kiss Before Dying, A Oswald, Gerd 1956 USA 94
12199 11326 Do Ankhen Barah Haath Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1957 India 143
12200 12535 Werewolves Within Ruben, Josh 2021 USA 97
12201 11327 Woman with the 5 Elephants, The Jendreyko, Vadim 2009 Switzerland 93
12202 11329 Putney Swope Downey Sr., Robert 1969 USA 85
12203 11332 Clear and Present Danger Noyce, Phillip 1994 USA 141
12204 13519 Icicle Thief, The Nichetti, Maurizio 1989 Italy 85
12205 12537 Malignant Wan, James 2021 USA 111
12206 14195 Forty-Year-Old Version, The Blank, Radha 2020 USA 129
12207 19295 Baara Cissé, Souleymane 1978 Mali 90
12208 11333 Sexmission Machulski, Juliusz 1984 Poland 120
12209 11334 World of Henry Orient, The Hill, George Roy 1964 USA 106
12210 13526 Hesus, rebolusyunaryo Diaz, Lav 2002 Philippines 112
12211 13524 Bitter Lake Curtis, Adam 2015 UK 136
12212 16475 Kradetzat na praskovi Radev, Vulo 1964 Bulgaria 84
12213 11336 Stranger Inside [TV] Dunye, Cheryl 2001 USA 97
12214 11337 Emerald Forest, The Boorman, John 1985 USA 113
12215 16660 Milla Massadian, Valérie 2017 France 128
12216 14291 Wishing Ring, The Tourneur, Maurice 1914 USA 54
12217 14320 My Journey Through French Cinema Tavernier, Bertrand 2016 France 201
12218 11343 Hunger Carlsen, Henning 1966 Denmark 115
12219 12580 Rapt Kirsanoff, Dimitri 1934 France 83
12220 12589 Faccia a faccia Sollima, Sergio 1967 Spain 108
12221 13248 Observe and Report Hill, Jody 2009 USA
12222 12572 Riding Giants Peralta, Stacy 2004 France 100
12223 11353 Appointment, The Vickers, Lindsey C. 1982 UK 90
12224 11352 New World Park Hoon-jung 2013 South Korea 135
12225 11354 Battle of Britain Hamilton, Guy 1969 UK 132
12226 11355 Mi tío Jacinto Vajda, Ladislao 1956 Spain 90
12227 11356 Where the Heart Is Boorman, John 1990 USA 94
12228 11357 Signal, The Bruckner, David/Dan Bush/Jacob Gentry 2007 USA 103
12229 15910 Rounders Dahl, John 1998 USA 121
12230 13566 Demons O'Hara, Mario 2000 Philippines 100
12231 13567 Init sa magdamag Guillen, Laurice 1983 Philippines
12232 11367 Doctor Sleep Flanagan, Mike 2019 USA 152
12233 11368 Spy in Black, The Powell, Michael 1939 UK 77
12234 11369 Ma 6-T va crack-er Richet, Jean-Francois 1997 France 105
12235 11370 Bambi Meets Godzilla Newland, Marv 1969 Canada 2
12236 13111 Parapalos Poliak, Ana 2004 Argentina 90
12237 13565 Eiger Sanction, The Eastwood, Clint 1975 USA 123
12238 11371 N or NW Lye, Len 1937 UK 10
12239 11372 Beijing Bastards Zhang Yuan 1993 China 88
12240 20100 Boom, Il De Sica, Vittorio 1963 Italy 88
12241 14508 Dark Skull Russo, Kiro 2016 Bolivia 80
12242 13578 Song of Granite Collins, Pat 2017 Ireland 104
12243 16535 Young Ahmed Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2019 Belgium 90
12244 16671 Sleeping Beauty, The [TV] Breillat, Catherine 2010 France 82
12245 Paraiso Gálvez, Héctor 2009 Peru 87
12246 16673 John From Nicolau, João 2015 Portugal 95
12247 11373 Black Cannon Incident, The Huang Jianxin 1986 China 95
12248 11374 Angoor Gulzar 1982 India
12249 13583 Spanish Prisoner, The Mamet, David 1997 USA 110
12250 12649 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Edwards, Gareth 2016 USA 133
12251 11376 Hate U Give, The Tillman Jr., George 2018 USA 133
12252 12657 Only the Brave Kosinski, Joseph 2017 USA 133
12253 11378 His House Weekes, Remi 2020 USA
12254 12585 Silent Voice, A Yamada, Naoko 2016 Japan 129
12255 18484 Possum Holness, Matthew 2017 UK 85
12256 11379 Best Man, The Lee, Malcolm D. 1999 USA 120
12257 11381 Swimming with Sharks Huang, George 1994 USA 101
12258 11383 Assassins et voleurs Guitry, Sacha 1956 France 85
12259 20569 Private Property Stevens, Leslie 1960 USA 79
12260 11415 And Then We Danced Akin, Levan 2019 Sweden 113
12261 12597 When Marnie Was There Yonebayashi, Hiromasa 2014 Japan 103
12262 11414 Payroll Hayers, Sidney 1961 UK 94
12263 14650 Music on the Run Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico 1943 Italy 66
12264 11416 Evergreen Saville, Victor 1934 UK 94
12265 11417 Billy Jack Laughlin, Tom 1971 USA 114
12266 13605 Man Who Came to Dinner, The Keighley, William 1941 USA 112
12267 11418 Tombs of the Blind Dead de Ossorio, Amando 1972 Spain 86
12268 16537 HyperNormalisation Curtis, Adam 2016 UK 166
12269 12647 Perfect Storm, The Petersen, Wolfgang 2000 USA 129
12270 12650 Day After Tomorrow, The Emmerich, Roland 2004 USA 123
12271 11420 Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Ritchie, Guy 2015 USA 116
12272 11421 Wave, The Uthaug, Roar 2015 Norway 105
12273 11425 Wrong Box, The Forbes, Bryan 1966 UK 105
12274 11426 Delicacies of Molten Horror Synapse Brakhage, Stan 1990 USA 8
12275 11428 'Tis Pity She's a Whore Griffi, Giuseppe Patroni 1971 Italy 105
12276 11427 Note bleue, La Żuławski, Andrzej 1991 France 135
12277 11431 American Family, An [TV Series] Raymond, Alan & Susan Raymond 1973 USA 720
12278 11430 Iconoclasm van der Keuken, Johan 1982 Netherlands 90
12279 11432 Confessionnal, Le/The Confessional Lepage, Robert 1995 Canada 101
12280 11433 Perdida Correia, Carlos Alberto Prates 1976 Brazil 80
12281 11434 End of the Century Castro, Lucio 2019 Argentina 84
12282 20995 Hush! Hashiguchi, Ryosuke 2001 Japan 135
12283 12720 Black Swan, The King, Henry 1942 USA 85
12284 19535 Primary Colors Nichols, Mike 1998 USA 140
12285 11440 Argo Affleck, Ben 2012 USA 120
12286 11442 John Tucker Must Die Thomas, Betty 2006 USA 90
12287 12731 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter Zito, Joseph 1984 USA 91
12288 23708 Cry of Jazz, The Bland, Edward 1959 USA 34
12289 11443 Maya Miriga Mahapatra, Nirad N. 1984 India 120
12290 12670 Hocus Pocus Ortega, Kenny 1993 USA 95
12291 13640 Seven Years Bad Luck Linder, Max 1921 USA 62
12292 12638 Ruby Sparks Dayton, Jonathan & Valerie Faris 2012 USA 104
12293 12754 Hitch Tennant, Andy 2005 USA 115
12294 12771 Swiss Army Man Kwan, Dan & Daniel Scheinert 2016 USA 97
12295 12587 Ant-Man Reed, Peyton 2015 USA 117
12296 13644 We Believed Martone, Mario 2010 Italy 170
12297 11462 To the Starry Island Park Kwang-su 1993 South Korea 102
12298 11473 Night of the Eagle Hayers, Sidney 1961 UK 90
12299 11475 Mount Head Yamamura, Koji 2002 Japan 10
12300 11474 Beijing Bicycle Wang Xiaoshuai 2001 Taiwan 113
12301 11476 Johnny Mad Dog Sauvaire, Jean-Stéphane 2008 France 98
12302 11479 10 Cloverfield Lane Trachtenberg, Dan 2016 USA 103
12303 12692 Mirai Hosoda, Mamoru 2018 Japan 98
12304 12763 Teeth Lichtenstein, Mitchell 2007 USA 93
12305 11483 Between Two Waters Lacuesta, Isaki 2018 Spain 136
12306 11477 Her Sister's Secret Ulmer, Edgar G. 1946 USA 86
12307 11480 Venus in Fur Polanski, Roman 2013 France 96
12308 14876 45365 Ross IV, Bill & Turner Ross 2009 USA 90
12309 14942 Hunter, The Pitts, Rafi 2010 Germany 92
12310 11482 Unseeable, The Sasanatieng, Wisit 2006 Thailand 94
12311 13666 Beauty Hermanus, Oliver 2011 South Africa 105
12312 11489 One I Love, The McDowell, Charlie 2014 USA 91
12313 11490 Secret Life of Words, The Coixet, Isabel 2005 Spain 115
12314 12814 Black Dahlia, The De Palma, Brian 2006 USA 121
12315 11493 Overlord Avery, Julius 2018 USA 110
12316 13699 P3nd3jo5 Perrone, Raúl 2013 Argentina 150
12317 11496 Hill of No Return Wang Tung 1992 Taiwan 165
12318 11497 Jewel Thief Anand, Vijay 1967 India 186
12319 11499 Central Park Five, The Burns, Ken/Sarah Burns/David McMahon 2012 USA 119
12320 11498 President's Analyst, The Flicker, Theodore J. 1967 USA 104
12321 11501 Celebrity Allen, Woody 1998 USA 113
12322 11502 Life is Cheap... but Toilet Paper Is Expensive Wang, Wayne 1990 USA 89
12323 11504 Song of Scheherazade Reisch, Walter 1947 USA 106
12324 11507 Nobody Loves Me Dörrie, Doris 1994 Germany 104
12325 11508 Whatever Skoog, Susan 1998 France 112
12326 11506 Home McKinnon, Morag 1998 UK 11
12327 11509 Devil at Your Heels, The Fortier, Robert 1981 Canada 102
12328 11505 Death Game Traynor, Peter S. 1977 USA 89
12329 11514 Saving Face Wu, Alice 2004 USA 91
12330 12831 How Stella Got Her Groove Back Sullivan, Kevin Rodney 1998 USA 124
12331 21701 River of Gold Rocha, Paulo 1998 Portugal 95
12332 11511 Restless Van Sant, Gus 2011 USA 91
12333 11510 Halt, The Diaz, Lav 2019 Philippines 279
12334 12130 Another Year Zhu Shengze 2016 China 181
12335 12714 Love Battles Doillon, Jacques 2013 France 99
12336 11512 Another Life Mouret, Emmanuel 2013 France 95
12337 12718 Radio Mary Walkow, Gary 2017 USA 77
12338 12712 Whispering Star, The Sono, Sion 2015 Japan 100
12339 11515 Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye, The Losier, Marie 2011 USA 72
12340 12711 Of Women and Horses Mazuy, Patricia 2011 France 101
12341 12716 Scaffold Radwanski, Kazik 2017 Canada 15
12342 11513 You Are All Captains Laxe, Oliver 2010 Spain 78
12343 11517 Clinic, The Stevens, David 1982 Australia 92
12344 11518 Sicko Moore, Michael 2007 USA 123
12345 12414 See the Sea Ozon, François 1997 France 52
12346 Whispering Chorus, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1918 USA 86
12347 11519 Office To, Johnnie 2015 China 119
12348 11521 Muito Prazer Neves, David 1979 Brazil 94
12349 11523 Bombon El perro Sorín, Carlos 2004 Argentina 98
12350 11524 Butterfly and Red Pear Li Tie 1959 Hong Kong 135
12351 15095 Enemy of the State Scott, Tony 1998 USA 132
12352 11529 Into the Woods Marshall, Rob 2014 USA 125
12353 11530 Brown Sugar Famuyiwa, Rick 2002 USA 109
12354 11528 Last Five Years, The LaGravenese, Richard 2014 USA 94
12355 11525 Sapphire Dearden, Basil 1959 UK 92
12356 21772 Bread and Milk Cvitkovic, Jan 2001 Slovenia 68
12357 11527 Nothing Factory, The Pinho, Pedro 2017 Portugal 177
12358 11526 Despite the Night Grandrieux, Philippe 2015 France 156
12359 11538 Devdas Barua, P.C. 1935 India 141
12360 11541 Bisbee '17 Greene, Robert 2018 USA 112
12361 11542 Hail, Caesar! Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2016 UK 106
12362 11544 BFG, The Spielberg, Steven 2016 USA 117
12363 12693 Doctor Strange Derrickson, Scott 2016 USA 115
12364 11549 Greatest Showman, The Gracey, Michael 2017 USA 105
12365 11547 Birds of Passage Gallego, Cristina & Ciro Guerra 2018 Colombia 125
12366 14695 They Look Like People Blackshear, Perry 2015 USA 80
12367 11550 Equilibrium Wimmer, Kurt 2002 USA 106
12368 13756 Eastern Boys Campillo, Robin 2012 France 129
12369 11543 Queen & Country Boorman, John 2014 Ireland 114
12370 15241 Animals and More Animals Philibert, Nicolas 1996 France 59
12371 14550 Rosa Chumbe Relayze, Jonatan 2015 Peru 75
12372 11551 Song of the Fisherman Cai Chusheng 1934 China
12373 13757 Charisma Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 1999 Japan 104
12374 13760 Mossane Faye, Safi 1997 Germany 105
12375 11564 Frankenstein Dawley, J. Searle 1910 USA 16
12376 11565 Other Guys, The McKay, Adam 2010 USA 107
12377 11566 We Are the Flesh Minter, Emiliano Rocha 2016 Mexico 79
12378 12914 Hooper Needham, Hal 1978 USA 100
12379 11568 love jones Witcher, Theodore 1997 USA 109
12380 11571 Survival Song Yu Guangyi 2008 China 94
12381 11573 Spectacular Now, The Ponsoldt, James 2013 USA 95
12382 11574 Tale of Tales Garrone, Matteo 2015 Italy 134
12383 11575 Mukhamukham Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1986 India 107
12384 11576 Uniform Diao Yi'nan 2003 China 94
12385 11577 Poison Ivy Shea, Katt 1992 USA 89
12386 11578 Loving Nichols, Jeff 2016 UK 123
12387 11580 Friday Foster Marks, Arthur 1975 USA 90
12388 11581 Monster House Kenan, Gil 2006 USA 91
12389 12890 Think Like a Man Story, Tim 2012 USA 122
12390 12926 Whispering Corridors Park Ki-hyeong 1998 South Korea 105
12391 11582 Starry Eyes Kölsch, Kevin & Dennis Widmyer 2014 USA 98
12392 11579 Salesman, The Farhadi, Asghar 2016 Iran 124
12393 12022 Men, The Zinnemann, Fred 1950 USA 85
12394 15354 Red Dawn Fons, Jorge 1990 Mexico 96
12395 15352 Death Ray, The Kuleshov, Lev 1925 USSR 125
12396 15351 Laila Schnéevoigt, George 1929 Norway 165
12397 12934 Emak-Bakia Ray, Man 1926 France 16
12398 11583 Rembrandt Korda, Alexander 1936 UK 84
12399 11584 Soul Power Kusama-Hinte, Jeffrey 2008 USA 92
12400 11586 Labourer's Love Zhang Shichuan 1922 China 30
12401 13788 Ihmiset suviyössä Vaala, Valentin 1948 Finland 66
12402 13790 Crimes of Passion Russell, Ken 1984 USA 101
12403 11589 Drinking Buddies Swanberg, Joe 2013 USA 90
12404 11587 Mistress America Baumbach, Noah 2015 USA 84
12405 11592 Space Cowboys Eastwood, Clint 2000 USA 130
12406 11593 Third Sister Liu Li Su 1960 China 117
12407 11594 Shortcuts Menzel, Jirí 1981 Czechoslovakia 93
12408 11595 Beautiful People Dizdar, Jasmin 1999 UK
12409 11597 And Now for Something Completely Different MacNaughton, Ian 1972 UK 89
12410 11598 Wit [TV] Nichols, Mike 2001 USA 99
12411 11599 Imagine Rybczynski, Zbigniew 1987 USA 4
12412 11600 Orchestra, The Rybczynski, Zbigniew 1990 USA 52
12413 11603 Hospital of the Transfiguration Zebrowski, Edward 1979 Poland 90
12414 11602 Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying Myself Jakubisko, Juraj 1989 Czechoslovakia 110
12415 11604 Zelary Trojan, Ondrej 2003 Czech Republic 150
12416 11607 Chantrapas Iosseliani, Otar 2010 France 122
12417 11606 Railway Station for Two, A Ryazanov, Eldar 1983 USSR 141
12418 11601 To Take a Wife Elkabetz, Ronit & Shlomi Elkabetz 2004 Israel 97
12419 11605 Quiet Happiness Hanák, Dusan 1986 Czechoslovakia 89
12420 12687 And Soon the Darkness Fuest, Robert 1970 UK 98
12421 11628 Ted MacFarlane, Seth 2012 USA 106
12422 15430 Woman They Almost Lynched, The Dwan, Allan 1953 USA 90
12423 11629 Mullet Caesar, David 2001 Australia 97
12424 15437 Boia di Lilla - La vita avventurosa di Milady, Il Cottafavi, Vittorio 1952 Italy 86
12425 15458 Sangaree Ludwig, Edward 1953 USA 94
12426 13811 Bona Brocka, Lino 1980 Philippines 85
12427 11640 Midsummer Night's Dream, A Trnka, Jirí 1959 Czechoslovakia 76
12428 13812 Once Upon a Time in Beirut Saab, Jocelyne 1995 Lebanon 104
12429 11642 Hook Spielberg, Steven 1991 USA 144
12430 11643 Leyenda del tiempo, La Lacuesta, Isaki 2006 Spain 109
12431 13835 Land of Dreams Troell, Jan 1988 Sweden 185
12432 13828 Queen of Versailles, The Greenfield, Lauren 2012 USA 100
12433 11645 Lemonade Joe Lipský, Oldrich 1964 Czechoslovakia 84
12434 11650 1991: The Year Punk Broke Markey, David 1992 USA 99
12435 23115 Mob, The Parrish, Robert 1951 USA 87
12436 11655 I, Dalio Rappaport, Mark 2015 USA 33
12437 11656 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Clooney, George 2002 USA 113
12438 15525 Twilight Saloon Uchida, Tomu 1955 Japan 94
12439 11657 Days in the Country Ruiz, Raúl 2004 Chile 89
12440 11658 Mesrine: Killer Instinct Richet, Jean-Francois 2008 France 113
12441 13852 Neighbor's Wife and Mine, The Gosho, Heinosuke 1931 Japan 64
12442 13074 Day of the Triffids, The Sekely, Steve 1963 UK 95
12443 11667 Above the Rim Pollack, Jeff 1994 USA 93
12444 11668 Hardcore Schrader, Paul 1979 USA 108
12445 13077 Source Code Jones, Duncan 2011 USA 93
12446 11670 No End in Sight Ferguson, Charles 2007 USA 102
12447 13867 When it Was Blue Reeves, Jennifer Todd 2005 USA 68
12448 11671 Under the Cherry Moon Prince 1986 USA 98
12449 15595 Queen of Spades Protazanov, Yakov 1916 Russia 63
12450 11689 Shadows and Fog Allen, Woody 1991 USA 86
12451 11690 Silencers, The Karlson, Phil 1966 USA 102
12452 11691 Arlington Road Pellington, Mark 1998 USA 117
12453 11693 Sandpiper, The Minnelli, Vincente 1965 USA 116
12454 11692 Evil Under the Sun Hamilton, Guy 1982 UK 102
12455 11698 Gingerbread Man, The Altman, Robert 1998 USA 114
12456 11695 In Like Flint Douglas, Gordon 1967 USA 114
12457 11697 Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies Annakin, Ken 1969 UK 93
12458 11694 Ambushers, The Levin, Henry 1967 USA 102
12459 11696 Murderers' Row Levin, Henry 1966 USA 108
12460 11699 Futuro Beach Aïnouz, Karim 2013 Brazil
12461 13099 Mysterious X, The Christensen, Benjamin 1914 Denmark 90
12462 13869 Blood Money Brown, Rowland 1933 USA 65
12463 11701 T.A.M.I. Show, The Binder, Steve 1964 USA 100
12464 11705 Ned Kelly Jordan, Gregor 2003 Australia 109
12465 11702 Children Were Watching, The [TV] Drew, Robert & Richard Leacock 1961 USA 25
12466 11714 Niekas nenorejo mirti Zalakevicius, Vytautas 1966 USSR 100
12467 13883 Village in the Mist Im Kwon-taek 1983 South Korea 91
12468 13121 First Wives Club, The Wilson, Hugh 1996 USA 96
12469 11715 Muppets Take Manhattan, The Oz, Frank 1984 USA 94
12470 12897 Elite Squad 2: The Enemy Within Padilha, José 2010 Brazil 115
12471 12837 Peculiarities of the National Hunt Rogozhkin, Aleksandr 1995 Russia 93
12472 11717 Out of the Blue Sarkies, Robert 2006 New Zealand 103
12473 11716 Vampyres Larraz, José Ramón 1974 UK 92
12474 13117 Song of the Sea Cavalcanti, Alberto 1953 Brazil 124
12475 13123 Mr. & Mrs. Smith Liman, Doug 2005 USA 119
12476 13890 Free Woman, A Cottafavi, Vittorio 1954 Italy 93
12477 13891 Nezha Conquers the Dragon King Yan Ding Xian/Wang Shuchen/Jingda Xu 1979 China 105
12478 11722 Westfront 1918 Pabst, G.W. 1930 Germany 75
12479 11723 Informant!, The Soderbergh, Steven 2009 USA 108
12480 13177 Puberty Blues Beresford, Bruce 1981 Australia 86
12481 11724 Kyoto, My Mother's Place [TV] Oshima, Nagisa 1991 UK 50
12482 11728 Elvis: That's the Way it Is Sanders, Denis 1970 USA 97
12483 15757 Red Riding: 1980 Marsh, James 2009 UK 93
12484 17572 Spider and the Fly, The Hamer, Robert 1949 UK 87
12485 11725 Tsuruhachi Tsurujirô Naruse, Mikio 1938 Japan 88
12486 11729 Viktoria Vitkova, Maya 2014 Bulgaria 155
12487 15812 Imagi ningthem Sharma, Aribam Syam 1982 India 110
12488 11726 Blood of My Blood Canijo, João 2011 Portugal 131
12489 17584 Venus Trap, The van Ackeren, Robert 1988 West Germany 107
12490 15905 Jackass: Number Two Tremaine, Jeff 2006 USA 92
12491 15829 Hathyar Dutta, J.P. 1989 India 186
12492 11745 Gabriel Over the White House La Cava, Gregory 1933 USA 87
12493 11749 Predestination Spierig, Michael & Peter Spierig 2014 Australia 98
12494 15084 Raisin in the Sun, A Petrie, Daniel 1961 USA 128
12495 11747 Calcutta Malle, Louis 1969 USA 83
12496 11744 Pink String and Sealing Wax Hamer, Robert 1945 UK 89
12497 13910 Fugitive, The Ford, John 1947 USA 104
12498 11753 Warrior O'Connor, Gavin 2011 USA 140
12499 11754 Sleepless Night Jardin, Frederic 2011 France 98
12500 11756 American Hardcore Rachman, Paul 2006 USA 100
12501 11755 Samurai Assassin Okamoto, Kihachi 1965 Japan 122
12502 15930 17 Moments of Spring [TV] Lioznova, Tatyana 1973 USSR 840
12503 13923 How is Your Fish Today? Guo Xiaolu 2006 China
12504 11768 We'll Live Till Monday Rostotskiy, Stansilav 1968 USSR 106
12505 11769 Dream Romm, Mikhail 1943 USSR 100
12506 11772 Lucy Besson, Luc 2014 France 89
12507 11774 Eagle Has Landed, The Sturges, John 1976 UK 123
12508 11775 Santa Clause, The Pasquin, John 1994 USA 97
12509 11777 Grey, The Carnahan, Joe 2011 USA 117
12510 11778 Shutter Pisanthanakun, Banjong & Parkpoom Wongpoom 2004 Thailand
12511 11770 Great Day in Harlem, A Bach, Jean 1994 USA 60
12512 11776 No No: A Dockumentary Radice, Jeff 2014 USA 100
12513 11781 Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The Emerson, John 1916 USA 20
12514 11786 Damned United, The Hooper, Tom 2009 UK 97
12515 11787 Heat, The Feig, Paul 2013 USA 117
12516 11784 Coriolanus Fiennes, Ralph 2011 UK 123
12517 15979 Parad planet Abdrashitov, Vadim 1984 USSR 97
12518 11783 Versus Kitamura, Ryûhei 2000 Japan 115
12519 11788 Feast of a Rich Family Law Chi-Hung/Lee Sun-Fung/Lee Tit/Ng Wui 1959 Hong Kong
12520 13233 Ice Harvest, The Ramis, Harold 2005 USA 88
12521 11794 Don't Touch the White Woman! Ferreri, Marco 1974 France 108
12522 12935 It's Alive! Cohen, Larry 1974 USA 91
12523 11798 Laughing Policeman, The Rosenberg, Stuart 1974 USA 111
12524 13268 Hostel Part II Roth, Eli 2007 USA 94
12525 11797 Skidoo Preminger, Otto 1968 USA 98
12526 13266 Looking for Alibrandi Woods, Kate 2000 Australia 103
12527 11804 Varsity Blues Robbins, Brian 1998 USA 104
12528 11802 Space Jam Pytka, Joe 1996 USA 87
12529 11800 Mods Bozon, Serge 2002 France 59
12530 11801 Enemy Mine Petersen, Wolfgang 1985 USA 108
12531 11803 Revolution Will Not Be Televised, The [TV] Bartley, KIm & Donnacha O'Briain 2003 Ireland 74
12532 11799 Tales of the Grim Sleeper Broomfield, Nick 2014 USA 110
12533 11805 Cabin Fever Roth, Eli 2002 USA 92
12534 11806 Dreyfus Affair, The Méliès, Georges 1899 France 13
12535 13967 Four Steps in the Clouds Blasetti, Alessandro 1942 Italy 95
12536 11807 Missing, The Howard, Ron 2003 USA 137
12537 13969 Blind Mountain Li Yang 2007 China 95
12538 11808 Knights of the Teutonic Order Ford, Aleksander 1960 Poland 166
12539 11809 Eye of the Needle Marquand, Richard 1981 USA 112
12540 11810 Armadillo Metz, Janus 2010 Denmark 105
12541 11813 Bedknobs and Broomsticks Stevenson, Robert 1971 USA 117
12542 11811 Etoile de mer, L' Ray, Man 1928 France 15
12543 13285 Youth of the Beast Suzuki, Seijun 1963 Japan 92
12544 11836 Chump at Oxford, A Goulding, Alfred J. 1940 USA 63
12545 11837 District 13/District B13 Morel, Pierre 2004 France 85
12546 11846 Paysagiste, La Drouin, Jacques 1976 Canada 8
12547 13982 Who Killed Vincent Chin? Choy, Christine & Renee Tajima-Pena 1987 USA 87
12548 11850 Urgh! A Music War Burbidge, Derek 1981 UK 96
12549 11848 Sunday in Hell, A Leth, Jørgen 1977 Denmark 111
12550 12996 Villain Tuchner, Michael 1971 UK 98
12551 11847 Mute Witness Waller, Anthony 1995 UK 98
12552 11849 Ne me quitte pas Bakker, Sabine Lubbe & Niels van Koevorden 2013 Netherlands 107
12553 13986 Orphans Mullan, Peter 1997 UK 101
12554 16065 Five Came Back Farrow, John 1939 USA 75
12555 11851 Employees' Entrance Del Ruth, Roy 1933 USA 75
12556 11856 How the Grinch Stole Christmas! [TV] Jones, Chuck 1966 USA 26
12557 13323 Isle of the Dead Robson, Mark 1945 USA 72
12558 11854 House That Screamed, The Ibáñez Serrador, Narciso 1969 Spain 99
12559 11855 Innocent Sorcerers Wajda, Andrzej 1960 Poland 87
12560 13071 How I Ended This Summer Popogrebsky, Aleksei 2010 Russia 130
12561 13998 First Gas Human, The Honda, Ishiro 1960 Japan 92
12562 11868 True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia, The Baichwal, Jennifer 2002 Canada 75
12563 11874 Farewells Has, Wojciech 1958 Poland 97
12564 13374 Beat Girl Gréville, Edmond T. 1960 UK 83
12565 11872 From Hell Hughes, Albert & Allen Hughes 2001 USA 121
12566 13363 Women Without Men Neshat, Shirin 2009 Germany 100
12567 11875 Sliding Doors Howitt, Peter 1997 USA 98
12568 11877 Made in Dagenham Cole, Nigel 2010 UK 113
12569 11885 Let Each One Go Where He May Russell, Ben 2009 USA 135
12570 13373 Arachnophobia Marshall, Frank 1990 USA 109
12571 14045 Black Cat Mansion Nakagawa, Nobuo 1958 Japan 69
12572 11891 Young Sherlock Holmes Levinson, Barry 1985 USA 109
12573 11897 World at War, The [TV] Various Directors 1973 UK 1352
12574 11900 Charlotte's Web Nichols, Charles A. & Iwao Takamoto 1973 USA 85
12575 11892 Spirit of '45, The Loach, Ken 2013 UK 94
12576 11893 Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail, The Kurosawa, Akira 1945 Japan 59
12577 11899 Leader, His Driver, and the Driver's Wife Broomfield, Nick 1991 UK 85
12578 11890 Street Scene Vidor, King 1931 USA 80
12579 11895 Miss Mend Barnet, Boris & Fyodor Otsep 1926 USSR 250
12580 11894 From a Night Porter's Point of View Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1979 Poland 17
12581 11908 Blue Chips Friedkin, William 1994 USA 101
12582 11907 Bug Friedkin, William 2006 USA 102
12583 11909 Son of the Bride Campanella, Juan José 2001 Argentina 125
12584 22833 Post Mortem Larraín, Pablo 2010 Chile 98
12585 22970 Homicide Mamet, David 1991 USA 102
12586 Pictures of Ghosts Mendonça Filho, Kleber 2023 Brazil 93
12587 Parallel Mothers Almodóvar, Pedro 2021 Spain 123
12588 Plumber, The [TV] Weir, Peter 1979 Australia 76
12589 Contact [TV] Clarke, Alan 1985 UK 67
12590 House of Mystery, The Volkoff, Alexandre 1923 France 382
12591 Substance, The Fargeat, Coralie 2024 UK 141
12592 Maestro Cooper, Bradley 2023 USA 129
12593 Wechselbalg [TV] Saless, Sohrab Shahid 1987 West Germany 134
12594 Human Surge 3, The Williams, Eduardo 2023 Argentina 121
12595 Cairo Conspiracy Saleh, Tarik 2022 Sweden 126
12596 Paradise Konchalovsky, Andrei 2016 Russia 130
12597 Dau Khrzhanovskiy, Ilya 2019 Russia 330
12598 13218 From the Queen to the Chief Executive Yau, Herman 2001 Hong Kong
12599 11913 Poor Jenny Gad, Urban 1912 Germany 34
12600 11914 Wicked Lady, The Arliss, Leslie 1945 UK 104
12601 13362 Robbery at 3 O'clock Forque, Jose Maria 1962 Spain 92
12602 11916 Woman Basketball Player No. 5 Xie Jin 1957 China
12603 11915 So Long at the Fair Fisher, Terence & Antony Darnborough 1950 UK 86
12604 11920 Burnt Money Piñeyro, Marcelo 2000 Spain 125
12605 11919 Austeria Kawalerowicz, Jerzy 1982 Poland 109
12606 11918 November Days Ophüls, Marcel 1991 Germany 129
12607 17864 Fabelmans, The Spielberg, Steven 2022 USA 151
12608 18024 Noroi Shiraishi, Koji 2005 Japan 115
12609 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio del Toro, Guillermo & Mark Gustafson 2022 USA 117
12610 11927 State of Dogs Brosens, Peter & Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh 1998 Belgium 91
12611 14090 Inside Story, The Dwan, Allan 1948 USA 87
12612 14106 Bye Bye Africa Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 1999 France 86
12613 14092 Chained for Life Schimberg, Aaron 2018 USA 91
12614 11937 System, The Yung Wai-Chuen 1979 Hong Kong
12615 11936 Be My Love Chor Yuen 1968 Hong Kong 109
12616 11942 Juvenile Liaison Broomfield, Nick & Joan Churchill 1976 UK 101
12617 11943 Blackboard Jungle Brooks, Richard 1955 USA 101
12618 14116 Shakespeare Wallah Ivory, James 1965 USA 120
12619 13251 Paper Soldier German Jr., Aleksei 2008 Russia 118
12620 11944 Casino Royale Huston, John/Ken Hughes/Val Guest/Robert Parrish/Joseph McGrath 1967 UK 130
12621 11945 Hamilton Porterfield, Matthew 2006 USA 65
12622 11946 Tram Runs Through the City, A Stanukinas, Ludmila 1973 USSR
12623 14134 3rd World Hero De Leon, Mike 2000 Philippines 93
12624 11947 Fall Guy Fukasaku, Kinji 1982 Japan 109
12625 11948 Sacrifice of Youth Zhang Nuanxing 1985 China 92
12626 18150 Shiva Baby Seligman, Emma 2020 USA 77
12627 11951 Counterfeit Traitor, The Seaton, George 1962 USA 140
12628 11952 When Worlds Collide Maté, Rudolph 1951 USA 81
12629 13468 City Streets Mamoulian, Rouben 1931 USA 82
12630 11953 Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl Chen, Joan 1998 Hong Kong 99
12631 13411 They Came Back Campillo, Robin 2004 France 102
12632 14172 Angels' Share, The Loach, Ken 2012 UK 101
12633 14192 Frost Kelemen, Fred 1997 Germany 270
12634 14161 Dragonwyck Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1946 USA 103
12635 11955 Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance Misumi, Kenji 1972 Japan 83
12636 11957 Eyes of the Mummy, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1918 Germany 63
12637 11958 Nice Time Goretta, Claude & Alain Tanner 1957 UK 17
12638 11959 Close My Eyes Poliakoff, Stephen 1991 UK 105
12639 11961 Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep Jancsó, Miklós 2002 Hungary 85
12640 15664 Wide Blue Road, The Pontecorvo, Gillo 1957 Italy 99
12641 11964 Poetic Justice Singleton, John 1993 USA 110
12642 11965 Red Violin, The Girard, Francois 1998 Canada 130
12643 11967 City of the Dead, The Moxey, John Llewellyn 1960 UK 76
12644 12977 Habit Fessenden, Larry 1997 USA 112
12645 13972 Red Spectre, The de Chomón, Segundo 1907 France 9
12646 14242 Gunda Kossakovsky, Victor 2020 Norway 93
12647 11968 Talking Heads Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1980 Poland 16
12648 12027 Patlabor: The Movie Oshii, Mamoru 1989 Japan 100
12649 11989 New York Zero Zero Schlomoff, Jerome 2006 France 21
12650 11999 Wild Strike (Genesis) Mahmoud, Chaab 2009 France
12651 11986 Barbie Gets Sad Too Carri, Albertina 2002 Argentina 24
12652 11995 Screening, The Michel, Ariane 2007 France
12653 11979 Kids + Money Greenfield, Lauren 2008 USA 32
12654 11996 Ivan's Beard Léon, Pierre 2009 France
12655 11987 Silencio Ossang, F.J. 2006 France
12656 11991 Scissors, The Fatmi, Mounir 2003 Morocco
12657 11984 Meditations on Revolution, Part IV: Greenville, MS Fenz, Robert 2001 USA
12658 11982 Amer & Nasser: Iraqi Brothers Fadhil, Al 2003 Iraq
12659 11980 Boyzone Hahn, Clarisse 1998-2009 France
12660 11997 Camera War Kowalski, Lech 2008 USA
12661 11990 Whiter Shade, A Negro, Marylène 2009 France
12662 11998 Deep Play [INSTALLATION] Farocki, Harun 2007 Germany
12663 11994 White She-Camel, The Christiaens, Xavier 2006 Belgium 52
12664 11981 Natpwe, Feast of the Spirits Champassak, Tiane Doan Na & Jean Dubrel 2002 France
12665 11977 Border Waddington, Laura 2004 France 27
12666 12000 Killed Jones, William E. 2009 USA
12667 11992 Algerie Tours/Detours Brun-Moschetti, Oriane & Leila Morouche 2007 France
12668 11988 Arriere-saison, L' Grandrieux, Philippe 2006 France
12669 12030 Kumokiri Nizaemon Gosha, Hideo 1978 Japan 163
12670 12033 Explorers Dante, Joe 1985 USA 109
12671 12032 Up in the Air Reitman, Jason 2009 USA 109
12672 12035 Flame & Citron Madsen, Ole Christian 2008 Denmark 136
12673 12034 Alexei and the Spring Motohashi, Seiichi 2002 Japan 104
12674 12036 Ali & Ava Barnard, Clio 2021 UK 95
12675 18740 Promare Imaishi, Hiroyuki 2019 Japan 111
12676 12038 Sex Check, The Masumura, Yasuzo 1968 Japan 89
12677 12039 Lies/Kojitmal Jang Sun-Woo 1999 South Korea 111
12678 12040 Hwanyeo '82 Kim Ki-young 1982 South Korea 115
12679 12041 Snow-White/Betty Boop's Snow White Fleischer, Dave 1933 USA 7
12680 12042 Yellow Cruise, The Poirier, Léon & André Sauvage 1934 France 90
12681 12043 Cat and the Canary, The Leni, Paul 1927 USA 74
12682 12044 Donkey in a Brahmin Village Abraham, John 1977 India 90
12683 14303 Mandy Mackendrick, Alexander 1952 UK 93
12684 14326 Vox Lux Corbet, Brady 2018 USA 114
12685 16418 Present.Perfect. Zhu Shengze 2019 China 124
12686 14380 Sipo'hi - El lugar del manduré Lingiardi, Sebastián 2011 Argentina 70
12687 14389 White Chicks Wayans, Keenen Ivory 2004 USA 108
12688 16469 Just Don’t Think I’ll Scream Beauvais, Frank 2019 France 75
12689 12045 Message, The Akkad, Moustapha 1977 Lebanon 180
12690 12046 25 Watts Rebella, Juan Pablo & Pablo Stoll 2001 Uruguay 94
12691 12047 Robot Carnival Fukushima, Atsuko/Hiroyuki Kitakubo/Hiroyuki Kitazume/Mao Lamdao/Koji Morimoto/Takashi Nakamura/Hidetoshi Omori/Yasuomi Umetsu/Katsuhiro Otomo 1987 Japan 91
12692 12048 Roberta Seiter, William A. 1935 USA 85
12693 12496 Neil Young: Heart of Gold Demme, Jonathan 2005 USA 104
12694 13412 Confession [TV] Sokurov, Aleksandr 1998 Russia 260
12695 12053 Checkpoint Shamir, Yoav 2003 Israel 80
12696 12049 Murders in the Rue Morgue Florey, Robert 1932 USA 61
12697 12050 Red Sun Young, Terence 1971 France 112
12698 12052 Fatherless Shigeno, Yoshihisa 2002 Japan
12699 19593 Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie Heidecker, Tim & Eric Wareheim 2012 USA 93
12700 12054 Beats Welsh, Brian 2018 UK 101
12701 13554 Earth vs. the Flying Saucers Sears, Fred F. 1956 USA 82
12702 12055 Titan A.E. Bluth, Don & Gary Goldman 2000 USA 94
12703 12056 Rhythmus 21 Richter, Hans 1921 Germany 3
12704 13552 Small Faces MacKinnon, Gillies 1995 UK 108
12705 16731 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Burton, Tim 2005 UK 115
12706 14471 Me Without You Goldbacher, Sandra 2001 UK 107
12707 14474 Son of Joseph, The Green, Eugène 2016 France 113
12708 14473 It Must Be Heaven Suleiman, Elia 2019 France 102
12709 14486 House by the Sea, The Guédiguian, Robert 2017 France 107
12710 14513 Uno de los dos no puede estar equivocado Llorca, Pablo 2007 Spain
12711 14529 Postman's White Nights, The Konchalovsky, Andrei 2014 Russia 90
12712 13574 Back to School Metter, Alan 1986 USA 96
12713 13561 Jungle Book, The Favreau, Jon 2016 USA 106
12714 14790 Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo Oreck, Jessica 2009 USA
12715 12058 In the Name of the Italian People Risi, Dino 1971 Italy 103
12716 12061 Film in Which There Appear Edge Lettering, Sprocket Holes, Dirt Particles, Etc. Land, Owen 1966 USA 4
12717 12062 Fallen Angel Preminger, Otto 1945 USA 97
12718 12063 Last Tycoon, The Kazan, Elia 1976 USA 125
12719 12068 Last Message, The Hui, Michael 1975 Hong Kong 98
12720 12064 Let it Be Lindsay-Hogg, Michael 1970 UK 80
12721 12066 Hellbenders, The Corbucci, Sergio 1967 USA 92
12722 12065 Navajo Joe Corbucci, Sergio 1966 Italy 89
12723 12069 Fellini: A Director's Notebook [TV] Fellini, Federico 1969 Italy 60
12724 13331 Mutual Appreciation Bujalski, Andrew 2005 USA 108
12725 14482 Comedy, The Alverson, Rick 2012 USA 90
12726 14593 Madame Bovary Chabrol, Claude 1991 France 143
12727 12070 Tawny Pipit Miles, Bernard 1944 UK 85
12728 12071 Latcho Drom Gatlif, Tony 1993 France 103
12729 12072 Kamouraska Jutra, Claude 1973 Canada 124
12730 20551 Kid Brother, The Wilde, Ted 1927 USA 82
12731 12074 Late Show, The Benton, Robert 1977 USA 93
12732 13520 Cannibal! The Musical Parker, Trey 1993 USA 95
12733 12075 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... Johar, Karan 2001 India 209
12734 14682 Padatik Sen, Mrinal 1973 India 98
12735 14596 Devil in the Flesh Bellocchio, Marco 1986 Italy 104
12736 14698 Bandit, The Lattuada, Alberto 1946 Italy 78
12737 14624 Taking Sides Szabó, István 2001 Germany 110
12738 12078 Belle toujours Oliveira, Manoel de 2006 Portugal 68
12739 12080 Blue Dahlia, The Marshall, George 1946 USA 99
12740 12083 Goddess of 1967, The Law, Clara 2000 Australia 119
12741 13415 Lectrice, La Deville, Michel 1988 France 98
12742 12079 Field Diary Gitai, Amos 1982 France 83
12743 12082 Songcatcher Greenwald, Maggie 2000 USA 109
12744 12084 Guns Don't Argue Karn, Bill & Richard C. Kahn 1957 USA 92
12745 12085 Brawl in Cell Block 99 Zahler, S. Craig 2017 USA 132
12746 12088 One More Time with Feeling Dominik, Andrew 2016 UK 113
12747 14714 My Neighbours the Yamadas Takahata, Isao 1999 Japan 104
12748 14715 Hour of Liberation Has Arrived, The Srour, Heiny 1974 UK 62
12749 12089 Remainder Fast, Omer 2015 UK 103
12750 14731 Zero Motivation Lavie, Talya 2014 Israel 97
12751 12090 Death Wish Winner, Michael 1974 USA 93
12752 12091 Secret Garden, The Wilcox, Fred M. 1949 USA 92
12753 12092 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead Fleder, Gary 1995 USA 115
12754 13560 Monster Calls, A Bayona, Juan Antonio 2016 UK 108
12755 12094 Prizefighter and the Lady, The Van Dyke, W.S. 1933 USA 102
12756 12095 Martírio Carelli, Vincent 2016 Brazil 162
12757 12096 Madeinusa Llosa, Claudia 2006 Peru 100
12758 12097 Baron of Arizona, The Fuller, Samuel 1950 USA 90
12759 12099 iVampiros en la Habana! Padrón, Juan 1985 Cuba 69
12760 14755 Bigger Splash, A Guadagnino, Luca 2015 Italy 125
12761 14756 Listen Up Philip Perry, Alex Ross 2014 USA 108
12762 14765 Walk, The Zemeckis, Robert 2015 USA 123
12763 14766 Air Doll Koreeda, Hirokazu 2009 Japan 125
12764 14757 Hadewijch Dumont, Bruno 2009 France 105
12765 14758 Thou Wast Mild and Lovely Decker, Josephine 2014 USA 78
12766 12100 Officer and a Spy, An Polanski, Roman 2019 France 132
12767 12101 Félicité Gomis, Alain 2017 France 129
12768 12103 Assault, The Leclercq, Julien 2010 France 91
12769 16997 Otra, La Gavaldón, Roberto 1946 Mexico 98
12770 12105 Front Page, The Milestone, Lewis 1931 USA 101
12771 12106 V/H/S/2 Various Directors 2013 USA 92
12772 12108 Night Train Diao Yi'nan 2007 China 94
12773 12107 Timber Gang Yu Guangyi 2006 China 90
12774 14808 Cobra Woman Siodmak, Robert 1944 USA 70
12775 14809 Sing As We Go Dean, Basil 1934 UK 80
12776 12109 Better Off Dead Holland, Savage Steve 1985 USA 98
12777 12110 Mack, The Campus, Michael 1973 USA 110
12778 12111 Al Capone Wilson, Richard 1959 USA 105
12779 14819 Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary Maddin, Guy 2002 Canada 73
12780 12112 Paris Education, A Civeyrac, Jean-Paul 2018 France 137
12781 17043 Solitude du chanteur de fond, La Marker, Chris 1974 France 60
12782 12113 Up! Meyer, Russ 1976 USA 80
12783 12114 Year 01, The Doillon, Jacques/Alain Resnais/Jean Rouch 1973 France 90
12784 12117 Leaves From Satan's Book Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1920 Denmark 121
12785 12119 In the Name of the Father Bellocchio, Marco 1971 Italy 155
12786 14373 Loving Vincent Kobiela, Dorota & Hugh Welchman 2017 UK 94
12787 12122 Declaration of War Donzelli, Valérie 2011 France 100
12788 12121 Memories of Matsuko Nakashima, Tetsuya 2006 Japan 130
12789 12123 Policeman Lapid, Nadav 2011 Israel 105
12790 12124 13 Ghosts Castle, William 1960 USA 88
12791 12126 Tezaab Chandra, N. 1988 India 173
12792 12125 Silsila Chopra, Yash 1981 India 182
12793 12127 Real Women Have Curves Cardoso, Patricia 2002 USA 86
12794 12131 Wild Side Cammell, Donald 1995 UK 96
12795 14870 Night Moves Reichardt, Kelly 2013 USA 112
12796 14963 Starred Up Mackenzie, David 2013 UK 106
12797 12132 Red Fish Conde, Jose Antonio Nieves 1955 Spain 100
12798 12128 Sully Eastwood, Clint 2016 USA 96
12799 12129 Barbara Amalric, Mathieu 2017 France 98
12800 14947 Caniche Luna, Bigas 1979 Spain 90
12801 14961 Morir… dormir… tal vez soñar Mur Oti, Manuel 1976 Spain 97
12802 14903 Sleepless Nights Raheb, Eliane 2012 Lebanon 128
12803 14906 Love 65 Widerberg, Bo 1965 Sweden 96
12804 12133 Good Girls, The Márquez Abella, Alejandra 2018 Mexico 93
12805 14919 After the Reconciliation Miéville, Anne-Marie 2000
12806 12134 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Columbus, Chris 2002 USA 160
12807 12135 Caramel Labaki, Nadine 2007 France 96
12808 22875 Devil's Advocate, The Hackford, Taylor 1997 USA 143
12809 12136 Aurélia Steiner (Melbourne) Duras, Marguerite 1979 France 27
12810 12137 Aurélia Steiner (Vancouver) Duras, Marguerite 1980 France 48
12811 12138 Lovers and Other Strangers Howard, Cy 1970 USA 106
12812 12139 Addio, giovinezza! Poggioli, Ferdinando Maria 1940 Italy 94
12813 12141 Soul of a Man, The Wenders, Wim 2003 Germany 103
12814 12142 Five Star Final LeRoy, Mervyn 1931 USA 89
12815 12143 Deadly Affair, The Lumet, Sidney 1967 USA 107
12816 12145 Anything Else Allen, Woody 2003 USA 108
12817 16164 Macomber Affair, The Korda, Zoltan 1947 USA 89
12818 12148 Homicidal Castle, William 1961 USA 87
12819 12149 Puss in Boots Yabuki, Kimio 1969 Japan 80
12820 12666 Pusher II: With Blood on My Hands Refn, Nicolas Winding 2004 Denmark 100
12821 12150 South Pacific Logan, Joshua 1958 USA 151
12822 12153 Saint Laurent Bonello, Bertrand 2014 France 150
12823 12151 You Are Not I Driver, Sara 1981 USA 50
12824 12152 Hotel by the River Hong Sang-soo 2018 South Korea 96
12825 12155 Frames of Reference Leacock, Richard 1960
12826 12157 Demons of the Mind Sykes, Peter 1971 UK 89
12827 12158 Rough Aunties Longinotto, Kim 2008 UK
12828 12159 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation McQuarrie, Christopher 2015 USA 131
12829 12160 Black Bhansali, Sanjay Leela 2005 India 122
12830 12161 Big Picture, The Guest, Christopher 1988 USA 100
12831 12164 No. 3 Song Neung-han 1997 South Korea 108
12832 12162 Rangeela Varma, Ram Gopal 1995 India 142
12833 12163 Beyond the Mat Blaustein, Barry W. 1999 USA 103
12834 15009 Girls, The Zetterling, Mai 1968 Sweden 100
12835 15055 Blue Scar Craigie, Jill 1949 UK 90
12836 15008 Scar, The Songsri, Cherd 1979 Thailand
12837 Hot Saturday Seiter, William A. 1932 USA 73
12838 15075 Nezhnost Ishmukhamedov, Elyer 1967 USSR 83
12839 15058 White Ship, The Shamshiyev, Bolotbek 1976 USSR 100
12840 15036 Menya zovut kozha Karsakbayev, Abdulla 1964 USSR 86
12841 15054 Vystrel na perevale Karash Shamshiyev, Bolotbek 1968 USSR
12842 15037 Black Silk Pestonji, Ratana & Ratanavadi Ratanabhand 1961 Thailand 119
12843 17222 No Man of Her Own Leisen, Mitchell 1950 USA 98
12844 12165 Güeros Ruizpalacios, Alonso 2014 Mexico 106
12845 12166 Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property Burnett, Charles 2003 USA 58
12846 12167 Rocking Horse Winner, The Pelissier, Anthony 1949 UK 91
12847 13996 Bonaerense, El Trapero, Pablo 2002 Argentina 101
12848 12168 Rebus Guglielmi, Massimo 1989 Italy 110
12849 12169 Catch Us if You Can Boorman, John 1965 UK 91
12850 12172 Last King of Scotland, The Macdonald, Kevin 2006 UK 121
12851 12171 Legend of Lylah Clare, The Aldrich, Robert 1968 USA 130
12852 12170 Witnesses, The Téchiné, André 2006 France 114
12853 12176 Two Wrenching Departures Jacobs, Ken 2006 USA 90
12854 12175 Arizona Colt Lupo, Michele 1966 Italy 118
12855 12174 Tepepa Petroni, Giulio 1968 Italy 136
12856 15083 Caligula Brass, Tinto 1979 Italy 156
12857 12177 Superman Returns Singer, Bryan 2006 USA 154
12858 12179 Chasers, The Løchen, Erik 1959 Norway 94
12859 12180 Such Good Friends Preminger, Otto 1971 USA 101
12860 12182 Men Behind the Sun Mou Tun-Fei 1988 Hong Kong 105
12861 17363 Blind Justice Christensen, Benjamin 1916 Denmark 100
12862 12183 John Wick: Chapter 2 Stahelski, Chad 2017 USA 122
12863 13736 Scrooge Neame, Ronald 1970 UK 118
12864 12184 American Falls [INSTALLATION] Solomon, Philip S. 2012
12865 12186 Across the Pacific Huston, John 1942 USA 97
12866 12187 Maelstrom Villeneuve, Denis 2000 Canada 87
12867 15120 King of Jazz, The Anderson, John Murray 1930 USA 93
12868 12189 Penance [TV] Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2012 Japan 270
12869 15198 Dead Man's Letters Lopushanskiy, Konstantin 1986 USSR 87
12870 12188 King of Pigs, The Yeon Sang-ho 2011 South Korea 97
12871 15123 In Another Country Hong Sang-soo 2012 South Korea 89
12872 15127 Canal Zone Wiseman, Frederick 1977 USA 174
12873 15203 Intimate Stranger Berliner, Alan 1991 USA 62
12874 15226 Battle of Orgreave, The Figgis, Mike 2001 UK 60
12875 12190 Aubade Dorsky, Nathaniel 2010 USA 12
12876 12191 Primrose Path La Cava, Gregory 1940 USA 93
12877 12192 Flight Zemeckis, Robert 2012 USA 138
12878 12193 Bachelor Flat Tashlin, Frank 1962 USA 91
12879 12194 Sagara Sangamam Viswanath, K. 1983 India 160
12880 12195 Late Autumn Lee Man-hee 1966 South Korea 95
12881 12201 Support Your Local Sheriff! Kennedy, Burt 1969 USA 93
12882 12196 On Approval Brook, Clive 1943 UK 80
12883 12198 Coffee and Cigarettes Jarmusch, Jim 2003 USA 95
12884 17445 Hell is for Heroes Siegel, Don 1962 USA 90
12885 12197 Maltese Falcon, The Del Ruth, Roy 1931 USA 80
12886 12199 15 Minutes Herzfeld, John 2001 USA 120
12887 12200 Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, The Anderson, Jane 2005 USA 99
12888 12203 Brothers Bier, Susanne 2004 Denmark 117
12889 12202 Casanova Hallström, Lasse 2005 USA 112
12890 12204 Island in the Sky Wellman, William A. 1953 USA 109
12891 12209 Monsieur Vincent Cloche, Maurice 1947 France 73
12892 12207 Aurora Borealis Burke, James C.E. 2005 USA 110
12893 12205 Criminal Jacobs, Gregory 2004 USA 87
12894 12206 Levity Solomon, Ed 2002 USA 100
12895 12208 Greatest Game Ever Played, The Paxton, Bill 2005 USA 120
12896 15249 Public Enemies Mann, Michael 2009 USA 140
12897 15265 Indians Are Still Far Away, The Moraz, Patricia 1977 Switzerland 95
12898 12211 Solas Zambrano, Benito 1999 Spain
12899 15311 E nachtlang Füürland Klopfenstein, Clemens & Remo Legnazzi 1981 Switzerland 90
12900 15312 Zones Murer, Fredi M. 1979 Switzerland 99
12901 15285 Fraulein Staka, Andrea 2006 Switzerland 81
12902 15258 Ejareh-Nesheenha Mehrjui, Dariush 1986 Iran 109
12903 15303 Signers Koffer - Unterwegs mit Roman Signer Liechti, Peter 1995 Switzerland 84
12904 13710 Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore Leckey, Mark 1999 UK 15
12905 12214 Desk Set Lang, Walter 1957 USA 103
12906 12215 Kid Galahad Curtiz, Michael 1937 USA 102
12907 12216 American Mary Soska, Jen & Sylvia Soska 2012 Canada 103
12908 12213 Man in Grey, The Arliss, Leslie 1943 UK 116
12909 12218 Cookies Séria, Joël 1975 France 105
12910 12217 Boxer and Death, The Solan, Peter 1963 Czechoslovakia 120
12911 12219 Defiant Ones, The Kramer, Stanley 1958 USA 97
12912 12220 Voice of the Moon, The Fellini, Federico 1990 Italy 120
12913 9678 Beginning of an Unknown Era Shepitko, Larisa & Andrey Smirnov 1967 USSR 73
12914 12222 Shrek 2 Adamson, Andrew/Kelly Asbury/Conrad Vernon 2004 USA 92
12915 12224 Of Men and War Bécue-Renard, Laurent 2014 France 142
12916 12225 Leo Borau, José Luis 2000 Spain 86
12917 12226 Queen of Atlantis Pabst, G.W. 1932 Germany 87
12918 12227 Weeds Hancock, John D. 1987 USA 115
12919 12228 Bank Holiday Reed, Carol 1938 UK 86
12920 17558 Love Among the Ruins [TV] Cukor, George 1975 UK 100
12921 16776 Don't Play Us Cheap Van Peebles, Melvin 1973 USA 99
12922 12238 Way Home, The Lee Man-hee 1967 South Korea 90
12923 12239 Film That Rises to the Surface of Clarified Butter, The Land, Owen 1968 USA 9
12924 12230 Gilles' Wife Fonteyne, Frédéric 2004 Belgium 103
12925 12231 Weather Man, The Verbinski, Gore 2004 Germany 101
12926 12233 Petite Lili, La Miller, Claude 2003 France 104
12927 12232 Everything Put Together Forster, Marc 2000 USA 87
12928 12236 Crush McKay, John 2001 UK 112
12929 12240 Teacher's Pet Bjorklund, Timothy 2004 USA 74
12930 12241 My First Mister Lahti, Christine 2001 Germany 109
12931 12235 Off the Map Scott, Campbell 2003 USA 108
12932 12237 Connie and Carla Lembeck, Michael 2004 USA 97
12933 12243 Let's Spend the Night Together Ashby, Hal 1982 USA 95
12934 12244 Dracula's Daughter Hillyer, Lambert 1936 USA 70
12935 12246 Through and Through Królikiewicz, Grzegorz 1973 Poland 70
12936 12255 Swathi Muthyam Viswanath, K. 1986 India 160
12937 12247 Aathma Bandhuvu Rao, P.S. Ramakrishna 1962 India
12938 12248 Lajja Santoshi, Rajkumar 2001 India 202
12939 12258 Anukokunda Oka Roju Yeleti, Chandra Sekhar 2005 India 145
12940 12252 Tholi Prema Karunakaran, A. 1998 India 146
12941 12256 Idi Kathakaadu Balachander, K. 1979 India 158
12942 12253 Chitram Bhalare Vichitram Ramachandra Rao P.N. 1992 India 144
12943 12254 Koshish Gulzar 1972 India 125
12944 12251 Bol Mansoor, Shoaib 2011 Pakistan 165
12945 12250 Pasanga Pandiraj 2009 India 178
12946 12249 Chennai 600028 Prabhu, Venkat 2007 India 141
12947 12257 Indian Shankar, S. 1996 India 185
12948 12260 Stars Heavenly Home, The Lee Jang-ho 1974 South Korea 105
12949 12259 Chilsu wa Mansu Park Kwang-su 1988 South Korea 109
12950 15400 Gardens in Autumn Iosseliani, Otar 2006 France 121
12951 15414 Dynamite DeMille, Cecil B. 1929 USA 129
12952 15419 Gypsy Moths, The Frankenheimer, John 1969 USA 107
12953 12262 Princess Iron Fan Guchan Wan & Laiming Wan 1941 China 65
12954 12263 Different from the Others Oswald, Richard 1919 Germany 50
12955 19524 Hot Rod Schaffer, Akiva 2007 USA 88
12956 13626 Everybody Dies But Me Germanika, Valeriya Gay 2008 Russia 80
12957 12265 Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun, The Grønkjær, Pernille Rose 2006 Denmark 84
12958 12266 Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project Mack, Jodie 2013 UK 41
12959 12264 Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe, The Robert, Yves 1972 France 90
12960 15494 Flying Down to Rio Freeland, Thornton 1933 USA 89
12961 12267 Central Bazaar Dwoskin, Stephen 1976 UK 156
12962 12268 Say Amen, Somebody Nierenberg, George T. 1982 USA 100
12963 12270 Manny & Lo Krueger, Lisa 1996 USA 90
12964 12269 Lap rouge Crijns, Lodewijk 1997 Netherlands 43
12965 12271 Upkar Kumar, Manoj 1967 India 175
12966 12274 Red White & Blue Rumley, Simon 2010 UK 115
12967 12272 Suburban Mayhem Goldman, Paul 2006 Australia 89
12968 12273 Amazing Mr. Blunden, The Jeffries, Lionel 1972 UK 99
12969 12275 Tunes of Glory Neame, Ronald 1960 UK 106
12970 22072 Handcuffs Papic, Krsto 1970 Yugoslavia 80
12971 12278 Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson Burns, Ken 2004 USA 214
12972 12276 Mother, The Michell, Roger 2003 UK 112
12973 17725 Ilya Muromets Ptushko, Aleksandr 1956 USSR 87
12974 15497 Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House Potter, H.C. 1948 USA 94
12975 12280 Single Spark, A Park Kwang-su 1995 South Korea 92
12976 12279 Waking the Dead Gordon, Keith 2000 USA 105
12977 12281 Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak Khan, Mansoor 1988 India 162
12978 20603 Next Voice You Hear…, The Wellman, William A. 1950 USA 83
12979 12282 Kunku Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1937 India 162
12980 17727 Overlanders, The Watt, Harry 1946 Australia 91
12981 15509 Please Give Holofcener, Nicole 2010 USA 90
12982 15545 Fourth Portrait, The Chung Mong-Hong 2010 Taiwan 105
12983 12908 Wall, The Pölsler, Julian 2012 Austria 108
12984 15561 Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson Kopple, Barbara 1993 USA 93
12985 12285 Depression in the Bay of Bengal, A Lapore, Mark 1996 USA 28
12986 12286 All I Desire Sirk, Douglas 1953 USA 79
12987 12287 Unfinished Business La Cava, Gregory 1941 USA 96
12988 13722 Sargento Getúlio Penna, Hermanno 1983 Brazil 85
12989 13709 Estômago Jorge, Marcos 2007 Brazil 113
12990 13714 Tattoo Lacerda, Hilton 2013 Brazil 110
12991 12291 Amazing Grace Guttman, Amos 1992 Israel 95
12992 12294 Flor silvestre Fernández, Emilio 1943 Mexico 94
12993 12295 North to Alaska Hathaway, Henry 1960 USA 122
12994 12296 Festival Im Kwon-taek 1996 South Korea 93
12995 15576 They Won't Forget LeRoy, Mervyn 1937 USA 95
12996 12306 Titus Taymor, Julie 1999 USA 162
12997 12297 Marvin's Room Zaks, Jerry 1996 USA 98
12998 12298 Still Crazy Gibson, Brian 1998 USA 95
12999 12299 Going in Style Brest, Martin 1979 USA 96
13000 12300 Silence… on tourne Chahine, Youssef 2001 France 102
13001 12016 Home of the Brave Robson, Mark 1949 USA 88
13002 12018 Story of a Certain Street Corner Sakamoto, Yusaku & Eiichi Yamamoto 1962 Japan 38
13003 14004 EO Skolimowski, Jerzy 2022 Poland 88
13004 14021 Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time Anno, Hideaki 2021 Japan 154
13005 13001 Fear of Fear [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1975 West Germany 88
13006 13002 Paper Doll's Whisper of Spring, A Mizoguchi, Kenji 1926 Japan 100
13007 13006 Ohan Ichikawa, Kon 1984 Japan 112
13008 13007 Diary of Early Winter Shower Sawai, Shin'ichiro 1998 Japan 116
13009 13005 Koto Nakamura, Noboru 1963 Japan 107
13010 13004 Sharaku Shinoda, Masahiro 1995 Japan 115
13011 13003 Umi wo wataru sairei Inagaki, Hiroshi 1941 Japan 92
13012 12021 Glass Shield, The Burnett, Charles 1994 USA 109
13013 13009 Time We Killed, The Reeves, Jennifer Todd 2004 USA 95
13014 13010 Three Penny Opera Staudte, Wolfgang 1963 France 90
13015 13044 Haruka naru yama no yobigoe Yamada, Yoji 1980 Japan 95
13016 13048 Intruder Spiegel, Scott 1989 USA 83
13017 12023 Trip to Bountiful, The Masterson, Peter 1985 USA 106
13018 13011 Mama Muschietti, Andy 2013 Canada 100
13019 12024 Blanche Borowczyk, Walerian 1971 France 92
13020 13017 Rains Came, The Brown, Clarence 1939 USA 103
13021 13012 Dark City Dieterle, William 1950 USA 98
13022 13013 Lightning Strikes Twice Vidor, King 1951 USA 91
13023 13014 Johnny Eager LeRoy, Mervyn 1941 USA 107
13024 13015 Bribe, The Leonard, Robert Z. 1949 USA 98
13025 13016 Angels Over Broadway Hecht, Ben/Lee Garmes 1940 USA 80
13026 13018 Crisis Brooks, Richard 1950 USA 95
13027 13019 Knight Without Armour Feyder, Jacques 1937 UK 107
13028 13020 Liliom Borzage, Frank 1930 USA 94
13029 13022 Rains of Ranchipur, The Negulesco, Jean 1955 USA 104
13030 13023 Moment of Truth, The Delannoy, Jean 1952 France 90
13031 13025 Old Gun, The Enrico, Robert 1975 France 103
13032 13024 Revenge of the Snakes Erksan, Metin 1961 Turkey 108
13033 15029 Salon Kitty Brass, Tinto 1976 Italy 129
13034 13027 Divorce, Le Ivory, James 2003 USA 117
13035 13029 À L'Aventure Brisseau, Jean-Claude 2008 France 104
13036 13028 Center Stage Hytner, Nicholas 2000 USA 115
13037 12026 All This, and Heaven Too Litvak, Anatole 1940 USA 143
13038 13030 Amar Prem Samanta, Shakti 1972 India
13039 12029 Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy Lamont, Charles 1955 USA 79
13040 13031 Oya Shimizu, Hiroshi & Tadamoto Okubo 1929 Japan 41
13041 13032 Long and Happy Life, A Khlebnikov, Boris 2013 Russia 77
13042 13035 Souls for Sale Hughes, Rupert 1923 USA 90
13043 13751 Five Elements Ninjas Chang Cheh 1982 Hong Kong 107
13044 13036 Game of Death Clouse, Robert 1978 USA 102
13045 12302 Brief Ecstasy Gréville, Edmond T. 1937 UK 60
13046 12301 Tuvalu Helmer, Veit 1999 Germany 101
13047 12308 Prisoner of Paradise Clarke, Malcolm & Stuart Sender 2002 USA 96
13048 12309 Stone Reader Moskowitz, Mark 2002 USA 127
13049 12304 Went to Coney Island on a Mission From God...Be Back by Five Schenkman, Richard 1998 USA 94
13050 12305 Comedian Harmonists/The Harmonists Vilsmaier, Joseph 1997 Germany 126
13051 12303 Go Tigers! Carlson, Kenneth A. 2001 USA 103
13052 12307 Better Than Sex Teplitzky, Jonathan 2000 Australia 95
13053 12311 Palookaville Taylor, Alan 1995 USA 92
13054 12310 Ciguri 99 - Le dernier Chaman Carasco, Raymonde 1999 France 65
13055 12312 Ile de beaute Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique & Ange Leccia 1996 France 70
13056 12313 Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet Chen Kaige/Victor Erice/Werner Herzog/Jim Jarmusch/Aki Kaurismäki/Spike Lee/Wim Wenders 2002 Spain 92
13057 12314 Study in Choreography for Camera, A Deren, Maya 1945 USA 2
13058 12315 It Happened in Europe von Radványi, Géza 1947 Hungary 100
13059 12316 Burst City Ishii, Gakuryu 1982 Japan 115
13060 12318 Yield to the Night Thompson, J. Lee 1956 UK 99
13061 13870 Fixed Bayonets! Fuller, Samuel 1951 USA 92
13062 13850 Of Unknown Origin Cosmatos, George P. 1983 Canada 88
13063 12321 Torch Song Trilogy Bogart, Paul 1988 USA 117
13064 12320 Blood Work Eastwood, Clint 2002 USA 108
13065 12322 Garden of Delights, The Saura, Carlos 1970 Spain 95
13066 12323 Impresiones en la alta atmósfera Sistiaga, José Antonio 1989 Spain 7
13067 12324 Chef d'oeuvre? Moullet, Luc 2010 France 13
13068 12325 Joanna Sarne, Michael 1968 UK 108
13069 12328 Youth Killer, The Hasegawa, Kazuhiko 1976 Japan 132
13070 12329 Madam Yu Ching Chang Yi 1984 Taiwan 105
13071 12326 Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, A Ivory, James 1998 UK 127
13072 12327 Laws of Gravity Gomez, Nick 1992 USA 100
13073 12330 Villa Santo Sospir, La Cocteau, Jean 1952 France 36
13074 12331 Brasier, Le Barbier, Eric 1991 France 122
13075 12332 Flame Sinclair, Ingrid 1996 Zimbabwe 88
13076 12981 Imitation of the Angel Arrieta, Adolfo 1966 Spain 20
13077 12333 Molly Maguires, The Ritt, Martin 1970 USA 123
13078 12334 Rambling Rose Coolidge, Martha 1991 USA 112
13079 12335 Knowing Proyas, Alex 2009 Australia 121
13080 15752 Living World, The Green, Eugène 2003 France 70
13081 15753 GoodTimesKid, The Jacobs, Azazel 2005 USA 77
13082 15797 Garden, The Wiseman, Frederick 2005 USA 196
13083 15796 Breakfast on Pluto Jordan, Neil 2005 UK 129
13084 15811 Swallowtail Butterfly Iwai, Shunji 1996 Japan 148
13085 15851 Dor Kukunoor, Nagesh 2006 India
13086 15907 Sakuran Ninagawa, Mika 2006 Japan 111
13087 15838 Passagers, Les Guiguet, Jean-Claude 1999 France 93
13088 12336 Dogma Smith, Kevin 1999 USA 130
13089 12337 Hamburger Lektionen Karmakar, Romuald 2006 Germany 133
13090 12342 Yateem Dutta, J.P. 1988 India 173
13091 12340 Great Gambler, The Samanta, Shakti 1979 India 105
13092 12343 Sachaa Jhutha Desai, Manmohan 1970 India 143
13093 12339 Anupama Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1966 India 148
13094 12341 Kala Bazar Anand, Vijay 1960 India 163
13095 12344 Amor, Palavra Prostituta Reichenbach, Carlos 1982 Brazil
13096 12346 Crimson Tide Scott, Tony 1995 USA 115
13097 12347 Hallam Foe Mackenzie, David 2006 UK 96
13098 12348 69 Breer, Robert 1968 USA 5
13099 12350 Quiet American, The Noyce, Phillip 2002 USA 100
13100 13914 Days of Glory Tourneur, Jacques 1944 USA 86
13101 12352 Petit monastère en Toscane, Un Iosseliani, Otar 1988 France 53
13102 12354 Forgotten Space, The Burch, Noël 2010 Netherlands 112
13103 12356 By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him Kato, Tai 1966 Japan 89
13104 12357 Adventureland Mottola, Greg 2009 USA 107
13105 15931 Kol Ho Naa Ho Advani, Nikhil 2003 India 186
13106 12362 Escale Valray, Louis 1935 France
13107 12358 Faubourg Montmartre Bernard, Raymond 1931 France 115
13108 12363 More Than Yesterday Achard, Laurent 1998 France 86
13109 12361 Goodbye Darling Bernard, Raymond 1946 France 115
13110 12359 Puritan, The Musso, Jeff 1938 France 85
13111 12360 Ordannance, L' Tourjansky, Viktor 1921 France
13112 12364 It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve: Masao Adachi Grandrieux, Philippe 2011 France 73
13113 12365 Low Life Klotz, Nicolas 2011 France
13114 12367 Rece do góry Skolimowski, Jerzy 1981 Poland 80
13115 12368 Drei von der Tankstelle, Die Thiele, Wilhelm 1930 Germany 99
13116 13930 Black Pirate, The Parker, Albert 1926 USA 85
13117 12369 Terminal Island Rothman, Stephanie 1973 USA 88
13118 12370 Lianna Sayles, John 1983 USA 110
13119 12371 Bombay Beach Har'el, Alma 2011 USA
13120 16264 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island Inagaki, Hiroshi 1956 Japan 105
13121 12374 Cotton Club, The Coppola, Francis Ford 1984 USA 127
13122 12379 Outlaw Killers: Three Mad Dog Brothers Fukasaku, Kinji 1972 Japan 86
13123 12375 Maitresse Schroeder, Barbet 1976 France 112
13124 12377 Hangman's Knot Huggins, Roy 1952 USA 81
13125 12378 Path to War [TV] Frankenheimer, John 2002 USA 165
13126 12381 Thirst Wael, Tawfik Abu 2003 Israel 110
13127 12380 Hiver nomade von Stürler, Manuel 2012 Switzerland 90
13128 12382 Nowhere in Africa Link, Caroline 2001 Germany 141
13129 12383 Revolt of Mamie Stover, The Walsh, Raoul 1956 USA 92
13130 12384 Ninth Gate, The Polanski, Roman 1999 USA 133
13131 12386 Alex Wheatle McQueen, Steve 2020 UK 66
13132 12387 Red, White and Blue McQueen, Steve 2020 UK 80
13133 12388 Quo Vadis LeRoy, Mervyn 1951 USA 171
13134 12389 Secret Agent Hitchcock, Alfred 1936 UK 86
13135 16014 Flower in Hell, The Shin Sang-ok 1958 South Korea 87
13136 15999 Faat Kiné Sembene, Ousmane 2000 Senegal 120
13137 13796 Strait-Jacket Castle, William 1964 USA 93
13138 13962 Smiley's People [TV] Langton, Simon 1982 UK 360
13139 12392 Dina e Django Nordlund, Solveig 1981 Portugal 90
13140 12394 Brothers McMullen, The Burns, Edward 1995 USA 97
13141 12395 Snows of Kilimanjaro, The King, Henry 1952 USA 114
13142 17786 Alias Nick Beal Farrow, John 1949 USA 93
13143 12396 Thai Saheba Kasaravalli, Girish 1997 India
13144 12398 Mr. Zhao Lu Yue 1998 Hong Kong 89
13145 12404 Cause (1861), The [TV] Burns, Ken 1990 USA
13146 12402 Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country Ostergaard, Anders 2008 Denmark
13147 16050 Um Céu de Estrelas Amaral, Tata 1996 Brazil 70
13148 12403 Rainclouds Over Wushan Zhang Ming 1996 China 96
13149 12397 Oriental Elegy Sokurov, Aleksandr 1996 Russia 43
13150 12401 Meet Marlon Brando Maysles, Albert & David Maysles 1966 USA 28
13151 13825 ABC Africa Kiarostami, Abbas 2001 Iran 83
13152 12400 Horendi Rouch, Jean 1972 France 72
13153 12399 Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti Deren, Maya/Cherel Ito/Teiji Ito 1985 USA 52
13154 12406 Ohara Shôsuke-san Shimizu, Hiroshi 1949 Japan 97
13155 12407 Charleston Parade Renoir, Jean 1927 France 17
13156 16054 Sacco & Vanzetti Montaldo, Giuliano 1971 France 120
13157 13959 FernGully: The Last Rainforest Kroyer, Bill 1992 Australia 76
13158 12410 Our Folks Checinski, Sylwester 1967 Poland 81
13159 12409 Escape from the Liberty Cinema Marczewski, Wojciech 1990 Poland 92
13160 12411 Debt, The Krauze, Krzysztof 1999 Poland 106
13161 12408 Trip Down the River, A Piwowski, Marek 1970 Poland 65
13162 12412 Stormy Monday Figgis, Mike 1988 UK 93
13163 12413 Shankarabharanam Viswanath, K. 1979 India 143
13164 16057 Cry, the Beloved Country Korda, Zoltan 1951 UK 111
13165 16073 Red Garters Marshall, George 1954 USA 91
13166 16074 Good Fairy, The Wyler, William 1935 USA 97
13167 16076 Red Detachment of Women, The Fu Jie & Pan Wenzhan 1970 China 105
13168 12415 Visual Training Zwartjes, Frans 1969 Netherlands 8
13169 12416 Daisy Miller Bogdanovich, Peter 1974 USA 91
13170 12417 Act of the Heart Almond, Paul 1970 Canada 103
13171 12418 TwentyFourSeven Meadows, Shane 1997 UK 96
13172 12419 Hardware Stanley, Richard 1990 UK 92
13173 12420 Code 46 Winterbottom, Michael 2003 UK 93
13174 12422 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Yates, David 2009 USA 153
13175 12423 Four Days in July [TV] Leigh, Mike 1984 UK 96
13176 12425 Nantes Triptych Viola, Bill 1992 USA 30
13177 12424 BloodSisters Handelman, Michelle 1995 USA 77
13178 12428 Bus Stop Logan, Joshua 1956 USA 96
13179 12430 Ardiente Paciencia Skarmeta, Antonio 1984 Chile 80
13180 12431 Dummy Partner Kristensen, Hans 1976
13181 12434 Velho do Restelo, O Oliveira, Manoel de 2014 Portugal 19
13182 12433 Mangler, The Hooper, Tobe 1995 USA 106
13183 12438 Veneno Pons, Gianni 1952 Brazil 80
13184 12437 Nós Que Aqui Estamos por Vós Esperamos Masagão, Marcelo 1999 Brazil 73
13185 12440 Futz O'Horgan, Tom 1969 USA 92
13186 12441 Evariste Galois Astruc, Alexandre 1965 France 30
13187 12439 Persiani, I [TV] Cottafavi, Vittorio 1975 Italy 82
13188 12435 Spike of Bensonhurst Morrissey, Paul 1988 USA 91
13189 12436 Convite ao Prazer, O Khouri, Walter Hugo 1980 Brazil 113
13190 12442 Grande Cidade, A Diegues, Carlos 1966 Brazil 85
13191 13876 Tudo Bem Jabor, Arnaldo 1978 Brazil 111
13192 16129 They Drive by Night Woods, Arthur B. 1938 UK 84
13193 12443 Rosaura a las 10 Soffici, Mario 1958 Argentina 100
13194 12444 No Pais das Amazonas de Araujo, Joaquim Goncalves & Silvino Santos 1922 Brazil 72
13195 12445 Strange Love of Martha Ivers, The Milestone, Lewis 1946 USA 117
13196 12446 Candy Mountain Frank, Robert & Rudy Wurlitzer 1987 Canada 91
13197 14040 Orphan, The Lee Sun-Fung 1960 Hong Kong 104
13198 12449 Pikoor Diary [TV] Ray, Satyajit 1981 India 26
13199 12451 Gaea Girls Longinotto, Kim & Jano Williams 2000 UK 104
13200 12450 Bab el shams Nasrallah, Yousry 2004 France 278
13201 12452 Pop Goes the Easel [TV] Russell, Ken 1962 UK 44
13202 12453 Group, The Lumet, Sidney 1966 USA 150
13203 12454 Innerspace Dante, Joe 1987 USA 120
13204 17846 Weber, Die Zelnik, Frederic 1927 Germany 93
13205 12455 Cleópatra Bressane, Júlio 2007 Brazil 116
13206 12456 Jesus Camp Ewing, Heidi E. & Rachel Grady 2006 USA 87
13207 12457 Invitation, L' Goretta, Claude 1973 Switzerland 100
13208 12458 Thunder Road Ripley, Arthur 1958 USA 92
13209 12461 White Bim Black Ear Rostotskiy, Stanislav 1977 USSR 182
13210 12460 Tarzan and the Amazons Neumann, Kurt 1945 USA 76
13211 12464 Porto das Caixas Saraceni, Paulo César 1962 Brazil 80
13212 12463 Mulher Gabus Mendes, Octavio 1931 Brazil 70
13213 12465 What Price Hollywood? Cukor, George 1932 USA 88
13214 13926 Invasor, O Brant, Beto 2001 Brazil 96
13215 12466 Ruthless People Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker 1986 USA 93
13216 12467 Way to Sampo, A Lee Man-hee 1975 South Korea 95
13217 12468 Night Before the Strike, The Chang Youn-hyun/Jae-Gyu Lee/Jang Dong-hong/Lee Eun 1990 South Korea 105
13218 12470 Windy, But Pleasant Day, A Lee Jang-ho 1980 South Korea 113
13219 12469 Deep Blue Night, The Bae Chang-ho 1985 South Korea 93
13220 12471 Moonbird Hubley, John 1959 USA 10
13221 12476 Lovers in Woomuk-Baemi Jang Sun-Woo 1990 South Korea 114
13222 12473 Always Leave Them Laughing Del Ruth, Roy 1949 USA 116
13223 12477 Calcutta 71 Sen, Mrinal 1971 India 132
13224 16197 Geteilte Himmel, Der Wolf, Konrad 1964 East Germany 116
13225 12478 Masters of Horror: Homecoming [TV] Dante, Joe 2005 USA 58
13226 16201 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson Altman, Robert 1976 USA 123
13227 I Saw the TV Glow Schoenbrun, Jane 2024 USA 100
13228 Goodbye CP Hara, Kazuo 1972 Japan 82
13229 Hermia & Helena Piñeiro, Matías 2016 Argentina 87
13230 Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World Jude, Radu 2023 Romania 163
13231 Fourteen Sallitt, Dan 2019 USA 94
13232 Master Gardener Schrader, Paul 2022 USA 111
13233 My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done Herzog, Werner 2009 USA 91
13234 Kidnapped Bellocchio, Marco 2023 Italy 134
13235 Evil Does Not Exist Hamaguchi, Ryusuke 2023 Japan 106
13236 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 2 To, Johnnie 2014 Hong Kong 113
13237 Anima nera Rossellini, Roberto 1962 Italy 97
13238 Tharlo Tseden, Pema 2015 China 123
13239 Hardly a Criminal Fregonese, Hugo 1949 Argentina 88
13240 Honeymoon Sallitt, Dan 1998 USA 90
13241 Never Look Away von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel 2018 Germany 188
13242 Cenote Oda, Kaori 2019 Japan 75
13243 Holy Spider Abbasi, Ali 2022 Denmark 116
13244 Unrest Schäublin, Cyril 2022 Switzerland 93
13245 Bijou Poole, Wakefield 1972 USA 77
13246 De humani corporis fabrica Castaing-Taylor, Lucien & Verena Paravel 2022 France 115
13247 Innere Sicherheit, Die Petzold, Christian 2000 Germany 106
13248 R.M.N. Mungiu, Cristian 2022 Romania 125
13249 Federale, Il Salce, Luciano 1961 Italy 102
13250 My Left Eye Sees Ghosts To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2002 Hong Kong 98
13251 Mind of Clay, The Kaul, Mani 1985 India 92
13252 Story Written with Water, A Yoshida, Yoshishige 1965 Japan 120
13253 Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975, The Olsson, Göran 2011 Sweden
13254 Green Border Holland, Agnieszka 2023 Poland 147
13255 Nicht fummeln, Liebling! Spils, May 1970 West Germany 87
13256 Sky on Location, The Mangolte, Babette 1983 USA 78
13257 Transes, Reiter auf dem toten Pferd Klopfenstein, Clemens 1982 Switzerland 87
13258 Io Capitano Garrone, Matteo 2023 Italy 121
13259 Casual Relations Rappaport, Mark 1974 USA 80
13260 Sinong lumikha ng yoyo? Sinong lumikha ng moon buggy? Tahimik, Kidlat 1979 Philippines 91
13261 Roulette d'amour Fronz, Fritz 1969 Austria 73
13262 Koenigsmark Perret, Léonce 1923 France 180
13263 Papa, umer Ded Moroz Yufit, Evgeniy 1991 USSR 73
13264 Amore molesto, L' Martone, Mario 1995 Italy 103
13265 Herbstromanze Enz, Jürgen 1981 West Germany 85
13266 12479 Inhabitants Peleshian, Artavazd 1970 USSR 9
13267 12480 Every Little Thing Philibert, Nicolas 1997 France 105
13268 12481 Machinist, The Anderson, Brad 2003 Spain 102
13269 12482 Animal Factory Buscemi, Steve 2000 USA 90
13270 12483 Where's Poppa? Reiner, Carl 1970 USA 82
13271 12484 Road to Glory, The Hawks, Howard 1936 USA 95
13272 18044 John Wick: Chapter 4 Stahelski, Chad 2023 Germany 169
13273 12489 French, The Klein, William 1982 France 130
13274 12488 Drinnen, das ist wie draußen, nur anders [TV] Mrakitsch, Michael 1977 West Germany 105
13275 12490 Révélateur, Le Garrel, Philippe 1968 France 65
13276 12491 Useless Jia Zhangke 2007 China 80
13277 16254 Twenty Cigarettes Benning, James 2011 USA 99
13278 Stara skola kapitalizma Žilnik, Želimir 2009 Serbia 122
13279 Felsen, Der Graf, Dominik 2002 Germany 122
13280 12495 Out on the Big Ranch de Fuentes, Fernando 1936 Mexico 95
13281 12497 Martial Club, The Liu Chia-Liang 1981 Hong Kong 110
13282 12498 Spider and the Tulip, The Masaoka, Kenzo 1943 Japan 16
13283 17870 Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, The Lourie, Eugene 1953 USA 80
13284 18157 Vast of Night, The Patterson, Andrew 2019 USA 89
13285 18164 Parent Trap, The Meyers, Nancy 1998 USA 127
13286 Dear Comrades! Konchalovsky, Andrei 2020 Russia
13287 12499 Liberty and Homeland Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville 2002 Switzerland 21
13288 12500 Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Khan, Mansoor 1992 India 174
13289 12502 Life According to Agfa Dayan, Assi 1992 Israel 100
13290 12501 Colour of Lies, The Chabrol, Claude 1998 France 113
13291 12504 Flora Švankmajer, Jan 1989 USA 1
13292 12505 Sueños de hielo Agüero, Ignacio 1994 Chile 58
13293 12506 Hanussen Szabó, István 1988 Hungary 120
13294 12507 Heartland Pearce, Richard 1979 USA 96
13295 16283 Seong Chunhyang Shin Sang-ok 1961 South Korea 120
13296 14118 Disobedience Lelio, Sebastián 2017 Ireland 114
13297 12508 Mi Vida Loca/My Crazy Life Anders, Allison 1993 USA 92
13298 14132 X West, Ti 2022 USA 105
13299 16285 Hero, A Farhadi, Asghar 2021 Iran 127
13300 12509 Waiting for Fidel Rubbo, Michael 1974 Canada 58
13301 16305 Lin Zexu Zheng Junli 1959 China 103
13302 18431 Jojo Rabbit Waititi, Taika 2019 USA 108
13303 18517 Sam's Boy Haynes, H. Manning 1922 UK
13304 12510 Night of the Sunflowers, The Sanchez-Cabezudo, Jorge 2006 Spain
13305 12512 Route 181: Fragments of a Journey in Palestine-Israel Khleifi, Michel & Eyal Sivan 2004 Belgium 270
13306 12511 Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip Layton, Joe 1982 USA 82
13307 12513 Black Republic, The Park Kwang-su 1990 South Korea 100
13308 12514 Cielo sulla palude Genina, Augusto 1949 Italy 111
13309 13911 Creation of the Humanoids, The Barry, Wesley 1962 USA 75
13310 12515 Hole in the Moon Zohar, Uri 1964 Israel 90
13311 12518 Sender, The Christian, Roger 1982 UK 91
13312 12519 Boca del lobo, La Lombardi, Francisco J. 1988 Peru 128
13313 12516 Bad Boys Rosenthal, Rick 1983 USA 123
13314 12517 Last Journey, The Vorhaus, Bernard 1936 UK 66
13315 12522 Taking Father Home Ying Liang 2006 China 100
13316 12524 Jalainur Zhao Ye 2008 China 92
13317 12523 Tanjuska and the Seven Devils Honkasalo, Pirjo 1993 Finland
13318 12521 Looney Tunes: Back in Action Dante, Joe 2003 USA 90
13319 12526 Zola Bravo, Janicza 2020 USA 86
13320 14174 Emma. de Wilde, Autumn 2020 UK 124
13321 12527 Suicide Squad, The Gunn, James 2021 USA 132
13322 12528 Alcarràs Simón, Carla 2022 Spain 120
13323 18607 Red Riding: 1974 Jarrold, Julian 2009 UK 102
13324 18651 What Made Her Do It? Suzuki, Shigeyoshi 1930 Japan 85
13325 12529 What the Water Said, Nos. 4-6 Gatten, David 2007 USA
13326 12530 Big Steal, The Siegel, Don 1949 USA 71
13327 12531 Great Ziegfeld, The Leonard, Robert Z. 1936 USA 176
13328 12532 Sara Akash Chatterjee, Basu 1969 India 100
13329 12533 Harvest of Shame [TV] Lowe, David 1960 USA 55
13330 16372 Lábios Sem beijos Mauro, Humberto 1930 Brazil 53
13331 14169 Spencer Larraín, Pablo 2021 USA 117
13332 12534 Deepwater Horizon Berg, Peter 2016 USA 108
13333 14216 Long Shot Levine, Jonathan 2019 USA 125
13334 14222 Animatrix, The Chung, Peter/Andrew R. Jones/Yoshiaki Kawajiri/Takeshi Koike/Mahiro Maeda/Koji Morimoto/Shin'ichiro Watanabe 2003 USA 100
13335 14227 Queen & Slim Matsoukas, Melina 2019 Canada 132
13336 19013 Bleak Street Ripstein, Arturo 2015 Mexico 99
13337 12538 Desistfilm Brakhage, Stan 1954 USA 7
13338 12543 Rendez-vous in Paris Rohmer, Eric 1995 France 100
13339 12546 Garde à vue Miller, Claude 1981 France 87
13340 12547 It's Easier for a Camel... Tedeschi, Valeria Bruni 2003 France 110
13341 12548 Burning Soil, The Murnau, F.W. 1922 Germany 98
13342 12549 That's Entertainment! III Friedgen, Bud/Michael J. Sheridan 1994 USA 108
13343 12550 Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Hough, John 1974 USA 93
13344 12551 Story Ranga, Dana 2003 Germany 87
13345 12555 Boy and the Beast, The Hosoda, Mamoru 2015 Japan 119
13346 12553 Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé Beyoncé & Ed Burke 2019 USA 137
13347 12554 Hustlers Scafaria, Lorene 2019 USA 110
13348 12556 Wedding Planner, The Shankman, Adam 2001 Germany
13349 12557 Mistons, Les Truffaut, François 1957 France 26
13350 12559 Frente Al Mar García Pelayo, Gonzalo 1978 Spain 85
13351 12560 Encargo del cazador, El Jordà, Joaquim 1990 Spain 90
13352 12558 Found Memories Murat, Júlia 2011 Brazil 98
13353 12561 Five Pennies, The Shavelson, Melville 1959 USA 117
13354 12564 Waterdance, The Jimenez, Neal & Michael Steinberg 1991 USA 106
13355 12563 Ulee's Gold Nunez, Victor 1997 USA 111
13356 16389 Paar Ghose, Goutam 1984 India 141
13357 12565 Manly Games Švankmajer, Jan 1988 Czechoslovakia 14
13358 16393 Downsizing Payne, Alexander 2017 USA 135
13359 16400 Austerlitz Loznitsa, Sergei 2016 Germany 94
13360 16407 Corn Island Ovashvili, George 2014 Georgia 100
13361 16446 For Love's Sake Miike, Takashi 2012 Japan 133
13362 12569 Mad Men [TV] Various Directors 2007-15 USA
13363 12568 Tamas Nihalani, Govind 1988 India 298
13364 12567 Bombai Ka Babu Khosla, Raj 1960 India 154
13365 12570 Tere Mere Sapne Anand, Vijay 1971 India 175
13366 12571 Dark Side of the Heart, The Subiela, Eliseo 1992 Argentina 127
13367 14271 Learning Tree, The Parks, Gordon 1969 USA 107
13368 18472 Molly's Game Sorkin, Aaron 2017 USA 140
13369 12573 Tierra Medem, Julio 1995 Spain 125
13370 16524 Långt borta och nära Ahrne, Marianne 1976 Sweden 105
13371 19493 Fault in Our Stars, The Boone, Josh 2014 USA 121
13372 19462 Christmas, Again Poekel, Charles 2014 USA 80
13373 12574 Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Wise, Kirk/Gary Trousdale 1996 USA 85
13374 16575 On the Edge of the World Drexel, Claus 2013 France 98
13375 16642 Miss Kiet's Children Lataster, Peter & Petra Lataster-Czisch 2016 Netherlands 115
13376 16626 Toponimia Perel, Jonathan 2015 Argentina 82
13377 16566 Home Troch, Fien 2016 Belgium 103
13378 16556 Innocent Saturday Mindadze, Aleksandr 2011 Russia 99
13379 16654 Love & Peace Sono, Sion 2015 Japan 117
13380 16569 Invoking Justice Dhanraj, Deepa 2011 India 95
13381 12577 Cheng nan jiu shi Wu Yigong 1983 China 96
13382 12576 Angel Jordan, Neil 1982 Ireland 92
13383 12578 Dr. Phibes Rises Again! Fuest, Robert 1972 UK 89
13384 12582 Mill, The Machin, Alfred 1909 France 6
13385 12581 Hen That Laid the Golden Eggs, The Velle, Gaston 1905 France 14
13386 12584 Blinded by the Light Chadha, Gurinder 2019 UK 117
13387 14203 Better Watch Out Peckover, Chris 2016 Australia 89
13388 12583 Accused, The Kaplan, Jonathan 1988 USA 110
13389 14390 Phone Ahn Byeong-ki 2002 South Korea 104
13390 19753 When Night is Falling Rozema, Patricia 1995 Canada 96
13391 12588 Oklahoma! Zinnemann, Fred 1955 USA 145
13392 12590 Verboten! Fuller, Samuel 1959 USA 93
13393 12591 Living Dead Man, The L'Herbier, Marcel 1926 France 170
13394 12592 Tell-Tale Heart, The Parmelee, Ted 1953 USA 8
13395 12593 Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese Scorsese, Martin 2019 USA 142
13396 12594 Relic James, Natalie Erika 2020 Australia 89
13397 12595 Sliver Noyce, Phillip 1993 USA 109
13398 12596 Crawl Aja, Alexandre 2019 USA 87
13399 14371 Despicable Me Renaud, Chris & Pierre Coffin 2010 USA 95
13400 12599 Ready or Not Bettinelli-Olpin, Matt & Tyler Gillett 2019 USA 95
13401 16681 Kiss Before the Mirror, The Whale, James 1933 USA 69
13402 12598 '71 Demange, Yann 2014 UK 99
13403 16712 Last Night El Sheikh, Kamal 1963 Egypt 120
13404 12601 Kingsman: The Secret Service Vaughn, Matthew 2015 USA 129
13405 19995 Girl in Tails Swanström, Karin 1926 Sweden
13406 16698 Bitter Stems, The Ayala, Fernando 1956 Argentina 90
13407 12600 Ju-On: The Curse Shimizu, Takashi 2000 Japan 70
13408 16725 Dark River del Carril, Hugo 1952 Argentina 82
13409 12603 Commare secca, La Bertolucci, Bernardo 1962 Italy 88
13410 12604 Cactus Flower Saks, Gene 1969 USA 103
13411 12606 Lesson in Love, A Bergman, Ingmar 1954 Sweden 96
13412 12630 School Trip Winckler, Henner 2002 Germany 86
13413 12622 Katjira's Two Funerals Matthew, Craig 2010
13414 12611 Toussaint Glover, Danny 2015 USA
13415 12629 Praxis Dr. Hasenbein Schneider, Helge 1997 Germany 94
13416 12618 Manila Karmakar, Romuald 2000 Germany 113
13417 12607 My Black Little Heart Angelique, Claire 2008 Denmark 90
13418 12609 Aci Güney, Yilmaz 1971 Turkey
13419 12623 Western 4.33 Kaganof, Aryan 2002
13420 12631 Kamchatka Piñeyro, Marcelo 2002 Argentina 106
13421 12613 Loose Cannons Özpetek, Ferzan 2010 Italy
13422 12632 Certain matin, Un Nacro, Fanta Régina 1991 Burkina Faso
13423 12628 I Love Dollars van der Keuken, Johan 1986 Netherlands
13424 12610 Homecoming Chuchu, Jim 2013 Kenya 11
13425 12621 Crazy English Zhang Yuan 1999 China 52
13426 12616 Water Power Costello, Shaun 1977
13427 12626 What Are Pina Bausch and Her Dancers Doing in Wuppertal? Wildenhahn, Klaus 1983 West Germany 115
13428 12624 Me Myself and the Universe Schomerus, Hajo 2003 Germany 14
13429 12627 Asientos Woukoache, François 1995 Belgium 52
13430 12625 Desiree de Rooy, Felix 1984 Netherlands 96
13431 12612 Otto LaBruce, Bruce 2008 Germany 94
13432 12620 Handtinting Wieland, Joyce 1967 Canada 6
13433 12619 Ningen Shindo, Kaneto 1962 Japan 117
13434 12617 Breaking Out of the Box Kheswa, Busi & Zethu Metebeni 2011 South Africa 40
13435 12608 Hölle Hamburg Gaier, Ted & Peter Ott 2007 Germany 88
13436 12615 Wu qiong dong Ning Ying 2005 China 90
13437 12633 Small Soldiers Dante, Joe 1998 USA 110
13438 13978 Why We Fight Jarecki, Eugene 2005 USA 98
13439 12634 Viva Las Vegas Sidney, George 1964 USA 86
13440 12636 Shanghai Panic Cheng, Andrew Y-S 2002 China 87
13441 12637 Baby, The Post, Ted 1973 USA 102
13442 12639 Deep Impact Leder, Mimi 1998 USA 120
13443 14251 Impossible, The Bayona, Juan Antonio 2012 Spain 114
13444 12641 Uzumaki Higuchinsky 2000 Japan 90
13445 12642 When Animals Dream Arnby, Jonas Alexander 2014 Denmark
13446 14128 Shallows, The Collet-Serra, Jaume 2016 USA 86
13447 12640 Juniper Tree, The Keene, Nietzchka 1990 Iceland 78
13448 19594 As Above, So Below Clark, Larry (A) 1973 USA 52
13449 14472 Dougal and the Blue Cat Danot, Serge 1970 France 82
13450 20082 Nasty Girl, The Verhoeven, Michael 1990 West Germany 92
13451 14497 Queen of Katwe Nair, Mira 2016 USA 124
13452 20285 Chamade, La Cavalier, Alain 1968 France 103
13453 20192 Funky Forest: The First Contact Ishii, Katsuhito/Hajime Ishimine/Shunichiro Miki 2005 Japan 150
13454 13037 Swing High, Swing Low Leisen, Mitchell 1937 USA 95
13455 13038 iCuba Sí! Marker, Chris 1961 France 50
13456 16748 Rendezvous with Annie Dwan, Allan 1946 USA 89
13457 16747 Capone Cries a Lot Suzuki, Seijun 1985 Japan 130
13458 16774 Traveling Light Telaroli, Gina 2011 USA 59
13459 16754 Agony of Love, The Wahab, Fatin Abdel 1961 Egypt 120
13460 16770 Ard el-nefak Wahab, Fatin Abdel 1968 Egypt 125
13461 16819 Fierce One, The Okeev, Tolomush 1973 USSR 97
13462 12646 Black Widow Rafelson, Bob 1987 USA 103
13463 12653 2012 Emmerich, Roland 2009 USA 158
13464 12652 Halloween Green, David Gordon 2018 USA 106
13465 12651 Prometheus Scott, Ridley 2012 USA 124
13466 12655 Nanny McPhee Jones, Kirk 2005 UK
13467 14551 Arthur Christmas Smith, Sarah 2011 USA 97
13468 14577 She's the Man Fickman, Andy 2006 USA 105
13469 12656 Momotaro, Sacred Sailors Seo, Mitsuyo 1945 Japan 74
13470 12645 Dick Johnson is Dead Johnson, Kirsten 2020 USA 89
13471 14579 Walk to Remember, A Shankman, Adam 2002 USA 102
13472 20416 Heaven Tykwer, Tom 2001 Germany 96
13473 13371 Sisters, Or the Balance of Happiness von Trotta, Margarethe 1979 Germany 95
13474 12660 Juarez Dieterle, William 1939 USA 125
13475 12661 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Gibney, Alex 2005 USA 110
13476 12664 Burrowing Hellström, Henrik & Fredrik Wenzel 2009 Sweden 76
13477 12665 Scandal Caton-Jones, Michael 1989 USA 106
13478 14465 Mighty Quinn, The Schenkel, Carl 1989 USA 98
13479 12667 You and the Night Gonzalez, Yann 2013 France
13480 20575 We Were Strangers Huston, John 1949 USA 106
13481 12669 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Johnston, Joe 1989 USA 93
13482 12672 Blood Feud Wertmüller, Lina 1978 Italy 112
13483 12675 Pompeii Anderson, Paul W.S. 2014 Germany 104
13484 14675 Saw II Bousman, Darren Lynn 2005 USA 93
13485 12674 Flame in the Streets Baker, Roy Ward 1961 UK 93
13486 20641 Secret Defense Rivette, Jacques 1998 France 170
13487 16855 Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy Thamrongrattanarit, Nawapol 2013 Thailand
13488 12673 Wounded Franco, Fernando 2013 Spain 95
13489 12678 Microhabitat Jeon Go-Woon 2017 South Korea 106
13490 14397 Flowers Garaño, Jon & Jose Mari Goenaga 2014 Spain 99
13491 16865 Score Metzger, Radley 1972
13492 12676 Listening to the Space in My Room Beavers, Robert 2013 USA 19
13493 12680 Days of Santiago Méndez, Josué 2004 Peru 83
13494 12682 May Fools Malle, Louis 1989 France 107
13495 12683 Dernieres fiancailles, Les Lefebvre, Jean Pierre 1973 Canada 92
13496 12685 Dimanche Bernhard, Edmond 1963 Belgium 22
13497 12686 Foster Child Mendoza, Brillante 2007 Philippines 98
13498 12684 Rolling Family Trapero, Pablo 2004 Argentina 103
13499 14706 Down Terrace Wheatley, Ben 2009 UK 89
13500 12688 Dear White People Simien, Justin 2014 USA 108
13501 12689 Wolf Nichols, Mike 1994 USA 122
13502 14724 My Bloody Valentine Mihalka, George 1981 Canada 91
13503 12695 Colin Price, Marc 2008 UK 97
13504 12703 Pete's Dragon Lowery, David 2016 USA
13505 12702 Catch Me Daddy Wolfe, Daniel & Matthew Wolfe 2013 UK 112
13506 12694 Town That Dreaded Sundown, The Gomez-Rejon, Alfonso 2014 USA 86
13507 12691 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Snyder, Zack 2016 USA 151
13508 12701 Zanj Revolution Teguia, Tariq 2013 Algeria 137
13509 12697 Paradise Cavalier, Alain 2014 France 68
13510 18876 Taking of Deborah Logan, The Robitel, Adam 2014 USA 90
13511 12698 Rat Film Anthony, Theo 2016 USA 82
13512 18875 Cargo Howling, Ben & Yolanda Ramke 2017 Australia 105
13513 12696 Day After, The [TV] Meyer, Nicholas 1983 USA 127
13514 12705 Keep an Eye on Amelia Autant-Lara, Claude 1949 France 92
13515 12706 Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 Richet, Jean-Francois 2008 France 133
13516 12707 Frankenhooker Henenlotter, Frank 1990 USA 90
13517 16918 From This Day Forward Berry, John 1946 USA 95
13518 12710 Realist, The Stark, Scott 2013 USA 40
13519 16985 Al-yazerli Al-Zubaidi, Qais 1974 Syria 95
13520 12715 Prototype Williams, Blake 2017 Canada 63
13521 16941 Fame is the Spur Boulting, Roy 1946 UK 116
13522 12721 Take Care of My Little Girl Negulesco, Jean 1951 USA 93
13523 12722 Charlie Bubbles Finney, Albert 1968 UK 89
13524 12723 League of Gentlemen, The Dearden, Basil 1960 UK 116
13525 12726 Steve Jobs Boyle, Danny 2015 USA 122
13526 12730 Things of Love, The Chávarri, Jaime 1989 Spain 98
13527 14526 Truman Gay, Cesc 2015 Spain 108
13528 12725 Goldstone Sen, Ivan 2016 Australia 110
13529 12727 Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected), The Baumbach, Noah 2017 USA 112
13530 12728 Green Fog, The Maddin, Guy/Evan Johnson/Galen Johnson 2017 USA 63
13531 12732 Cave of the Yellow Dog, The Davaa, Byambasuren 2005 Germany 93
13532 14744 Knock Off Tsui Hark 1998 Aruba 91
13533 12734 Circus Boys Hayashi, Kaizo 1989 Japan 106
13534 16996 Distinto amanecer Bracho, Julio 1943 Mexico 108
13535 12735 Combat dans l'île, Le Cavalier, Alain 1962 France 104
13536 12737 Brumes d'automne Kirsanoff, Dimitri 1929 France 15
13537 12736 Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, L' [TV] Boutang, Pierre-André & Michel Pamart 1996 France 450
13538 12738 Fateless Koltai, Lajos 2005 Hungary
13539 12739 Sons Zhang Yuan 1996 China 95
13540 12740 Way of All Flesh, The [LOST FILM] Fleming, Victor 1927 USA 94
13541 12741 Patriot, The [LOST FILM] Lubitsch, Ernst 1928 USA 113
13542 12742 Wiener Blut Forst, Willi 1942 Germany 106
13543 12743 Herz der Konigin, Das Froelich, Carl 1940 Germany 103
13544 12744 Ghost Goes West, The Clair, René 1935 UK 82
13545 12745 Lame Devil, The Guitry, Sacha 1948 France 125
13546 12747 Alo Alo Carnaval Gonzaga, Adhemar 1936 Brazil 75
13547 12746 Dona Herlinda and Her Son Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto 1985 Mexico 90
13548 17013 Farm of Seven Sins, The Devaivre, Jean 1949 France 90
13549 12748 Vampire Hunter D Ashida, Toyoo 1985 Japan 80
13550 14307 Sea of Love Becker, Harold 1989 USA 112
13551 12751 Good Vibrations D'Sa, Lisa Barros & Glenn Leyburn 2012 UK 103
13552 12755 Body of Evidence Edel, Uli 1992 USA 99
13553 12759 Teen Titans Go! to the Movies Horvath, Aaron & Peter Rida Michail 2018 USA 84
13554 12764 Child's Pose Netzer, Calin Peter 2013 Romania 112
13555 12772 How to Train Your Dragon 2 DeBlois, Dean 2014 USA 102
13556 12767 Rocky Road to Dublin Lennon, Peter 1968 Ireland
13557 17028 Plot Against Harry, The Roemer, Michael 1969 USA 80
13558 17140 Ornette: Made in America Clarke, Shirley 1985 USA 85
13559 12749 Varda by Agnès Varda, Agnès 2019 France 115
13560 12753 Sitting Target Hickox, Douglas 1972 UK 93
13561 12757 Obscuro Barroco Kranioti, Evangelia 2018 France 59
13562 12756 Yossi Fox, Eytan 2012 Israel
13563 12765 Joker is Wild, The Vidor, Charles 1957 USA 126
13564 12758 Notebook, The Szász, János 2013 Hungary 112
13565 12769 Rio Corgo Da Costa, Sérgio & Maya Kosa 2015 Switzerland 95
13566 17093 Operation Filmmaker Davenport, Nina 2007 USA 95
13567 12762 Neon Bull Mascaro, Gabriel 2015 Brazil 101
13568 12770 Ingrid Goes West Spicer, Matt 2017 USA 98
13569 21273 Trip to Mars, A Holger-Madsen 1918 Denmark 97
13570 17092 San Demetrio London Frend, Charles 1943 UK 104
13571 12760 Rails Camerini, Mario 1929 Italy 91
13572 14833 Knight's Tale, A Helgeland, Brian 2001 USA 132
13573 14834 Non-Stop Collet-Serra, Jaume 2014 France 106
13574 12773 Origins of a Meal Moullet, Luc 1979 France 115
13575 12774 Shooting Party, The Bridges, Alan 1984 UK 108
13576 12775 Black Robe Beresford, Bruce 1991 Canada 101
13577 21045 Primal Fear Hoblit, Gregory 1996 USA 129
13578 12777 Roda e outras estorias Muniz, Sérgio 1965 Brazil
13579 12783 Chomana Dudi Karanth, B.V. 1975 India 141
13580 12779 Just Pals Ford, John 1920 USA 50
13581 12781 Cowboy Daves, Delmer 1958 USA 92
13582 12780 Manhandled Dwan, Allan 1924 USA 75
13583 12778 Mother Night Gordon, Keith 1996 USA 110
13584 12782 A Price, Luther 1995 60
13585 12785 River Without Buoys Wu Tian-Ming 1984 China 86
13586 14862 Ilo Ilo Chen, Anthony 2013 Singapore 99
13587 12791 Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead Kaufman, Lloyd 2006 USA 103
13588 12789 Thor Branagh, Kenneth 2011 USA 114
13589 14716 Cat Soup Sato, Tatsuo 2001 Japan 34
13590 21317 Udienza, L' Ferreri, Marco 1971 Italy 112
13591 12790 Starlet Baker, Sean 2012 USA 103
13592 18634 Next Day Air Boom, Benny 2009 USA 84
13593 12792 Agora Amenábar, Alejandro 2009 Spain 127
13594 16198 Zero Effect Kasdan, Jake 1998 USA 115
13595 12793 Moby Dick Fernández, David & Jordi Vera 2002 Spain 60
13596 12794 Funeral in Berlin Hamilton, Guy 1966 USA 102
13597 12796 Letter from a Filmmaker: Chantal Akerman [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1984 France 18
13598 12795 Chotard and Company Renoir, Jean 1933 France 83
13599 12810 Hexenschuss Kalbe, Riki 1979
13600 12807 What I'm Looking For Silver, Shelly 2005 USA 15
13601 12801 Passing Drama Melitopoulos, Angela 1999
13602 12799 Before Vanishing Gorani, Joude 2005
13603 12809 Déjeuner chez Gertrude Stein Prim, Isabelle 2013
13604 12803 2006 - 1892 = 114 ans Kuster, Brigitte & Moise Merlin Mabouna 2006
13605 12798 Quam Tristis, O Abella, Maite 2009
13606 12805 Hop Standaert, Dominique 2002
13607 12802 Flying Deuces, The Sutherland, A. Edward 1939 USA 65
13608 12800 Petite Bande, La/The Little Gang Deville, Michel 1983 France 91
13609 12806 Green Dolphin Husain, Oliver 2008 Canada 15
13610 12808 C'mon Babe Sandusky, Sharon 1988
13611 12797 Fly Ono, Yoko 1970 USA 25
13612 12804 Grammaire de ma grand-mère, La Bekolo, Jean-Pierre 1996
13613 12811 Spanish Fiesta Dulac, Germaine 1920 France
13614 12813 Battle Cry Walsh, Raoul 1955 USA 149
13615 14980 Gozu Miike, Takashi 2003 Japan 129
13616 12816 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Howard, Ron 2000 USA 104
13617 12821 Tokyo Tribe Sono, Sion 2014 Japan 116
13618 14986 Bad Boys II Bay, Michael 2003 USA 146
13619 12818 Children of the Corn Kiersch, Fritz 1984 USA 93
13620 14580 Lure, The Smoczynska, Agnieszka 2015 Poland 92
13621 12819 All These Sleepless Nights Marczak, Michal 2016 Poland 100
13622 12815 Symptoms Larraz, José Ramón 1974 UK 92
13623 21432 Anniversary Party, The Cumming, Alan & Jennifer Jason Leigh 2001 USA 115
13624 12817 Allied Zemeckis, Robert 2016 USA 124
13625 21512 Seducing Doctor Lewis Pouliot, Jean-Francois 2003 Canada 109
13626 12823 Didier Chabat, Alain 1997 France 105
13627 12825 Riot in Cell Block 11 Siegel, Don 1954 USA 80
13628 12826 Dieu sait quoi Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1994 France 90
13629 12827 Demon Wrona, Marcin 2015 Poland 94
13630 12828 Christmas Carol, A Marin, Edwin L. 1938 USA 69
13631 12847 Heli Escalante, Amat 2013 Mexico 105
13632 12850 X-Men: First Class Vaughn, Matthew 2011 USA 132
13633 12836 End of Watch Ayer, David 2012 USA 109
13634 12843 Drácula Melford, George 1931 USA 104
13635 12849 Beasts of No Nation Fukunaga, Cary Joji 2015 USA 137
13636 12840 Cuenca Crime, The Miró, Pilar 1980 Spain 88
13637 12835 It Happened Here Brownlow, Kevin & Andrew Mollo 1965 UK 93
13638 14754 Liar Liar Shadyac, Tom 1996 USA 86
13639 12830 Ghosts of Mars Carpenter, John 2001 USA 98
13640 12829 Crazy Horse Wiseman, Frederick 2011 USA 134
13641 21373 What About Me Amodeo, Rachel 1993 USA 87
13642 12838 Blind Massage Lou Ye 2014 China 114
13643 12833 Jingle All the Way Levant, Brian 1996 USA 88
13644 12839 Foreign Parts Paravel, Verena & J.P. Sniadecki 2010 USA 82
13645 12848 Here’s to the Future! Telaroli, Gina 2014 USA 73
13646 12832 Belarmino Lopes, Fernando 1964 Portugal 80
13647 12842 Censor Must Die Ing K. 2013 Thailand 150
13648 12846 Names of Love, The Leclerc, Michel 2010 France 100
13649 12851 Journey to the End of Night Tammer, Bill 1983 Australia 74
13650 12852 Kommunisten Straub, Jean-Marie 2014 France 70
13651 12853 Silent Souls Fedorchenko, Aleksey 2010 Russia 78
13652 17241 Pine Flat Lockhart, Sharon 2006 USA
13653 17232 Out of an Old Man's Head Danielsson, Tage & Per Åhlin 1968 Sweden 77
13654 13039 Juve contre Fantômas Feuillade, Louis 1913 France 61
13655 12854 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues Van Sant, Gus 1993 USA 97
13656 12857 Contacts Depardon, Raymond 1990 France 13
13657 12855 Seguir órdenes Lingiardi, Sebastián 2007 Argentina 17
13658 12856 Pistas - Lanhoyij - Nmitaxanaxac, Las Lingiardi, Sebastián 2010 Argentina 50
13659 12858 Between Friends Shebib, Donald 1973 Canada 91
13660 12859 Hannibal Scott, Ridley 2001 UK 131
13661 17250 Hatchet for the Honeymoon Bava, Mario 1970 Italy 88
13662 17267 Kino Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924 USSR 78
13663 17279 Eugenia Grandet Soldati, Mario 1946 Italy 100
13664 17357 Ghost, The Achternbusch, Herbert 1982 West Germany 88
13665 21750 Yackety Yack Jones, Dave 1974 Australia 86
13666 17319 Goliath and the Vampires Corbucci, Sergio & Giacomo Gentilomo 1961 Italy 91
13667 17315 Mario do Mar Leitão de Barros, José 1930 Portugal 94
13668 12860 Slow West Maclean, John 2015 UK 84
13669 12863 Where Do We Go Now? Labaki, Nadine 2011 France 102
13670 12866 World War Z Forster, Marc 2013 USA 116
13671 12868 Purge: Anarchy, The DeMonaco, James 2014 USA 103
13672 12865 Help, The Taylor, Tate 2011 USA 146
13673 12861 Chi-Raq Lee, Spike 2015 USA 127
13674 12862 Rigor Mortis Mak, Juno 2013 Hong Kong
13675 12867 Catching Hell Gibney, Alex 2011 USA 102
13676 14916 Conscience Denisenko, Vladimir 1968 USSR 75
13677 15094 Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe Blank, Les 1980 USA 20
13678 12870 Hasta la victoria siempre Álvarez, Santiago 1967 Cuba 19
13679 12871 Ice Age Wedge, Chris 2002 USA 81
13680 17406 Dyn Amo Dwoskin, Stephen 1972 UK 120
13681 12872 Let the Fire Burn Osder, Jason 2013 USA 88
13682 17378 Two Timid Souls Clair, René 1928 France 87
13683 17372 Sky Crawlers, The Oshii, Mamoru 2008 Japan 121
13684 12876 Night Without Distance Patiño, Lois 2015 Portugal 23
13685 12875 Forget Me Not Horie, Kei 2015 Japan
13686 12874 Hooligan Sparrow Wang Nanfu 2016 China 84
13687 12873 Something Necessary Kibinge, Judy 2013 Germany 85
13688 17435 Lilian M.: Relatório Confidencial Reichenbach, Carlos 1975 Brazil 120
13689 12877 Happy Anniversary Étaix, Pierre & Jean-Claude Carrière 1962 France 15
13690 17436 Blue Mountains, or Unbelievable Story Shengelaya, Eldar 1983 Georgia 97
13691 12878 Late George Apley, The Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1947 USA 98
13692 12879 I Married a Monster from Outer Space Fowler Jr., Gene 1958 USA 78
13693 12880 One Night at McCool's Zwart, Harald 2001 USA
13694 12882 Little Stiff, A Zahedi, Caveh & Greg Watkins 1991 USA 86
13695 12884 Knick Knack Lasseter, John 1989 USA 4
13696 12885 Man from Nowhere, The Lee Jeong-beom 2010 South Korea 119
13697 12886 Cruel Gun Story Furukawa, Takumi 1964 Japan 91
13698 12889 Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Hewitt, Peter 1991 USA 98
13699 14444 Eyes of Laura Mars Kershner, Irvin 1978 USA 104
13700 15013 Gidget Wendkos, Paul 1959 USA 95
13701 12891 Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, The Besson, Luc 2010 France 107
13702 12894 Great Gatsby, The Luhrmann, Baz 2013 Australia 143
13703 12895 Crazies, The Eisner, Breck 2010 USA 101
13704 12893 Stake Land Mickle, Jim 2010 USA 98
13705 12887 City, The Steiner, Ralph & Willard Van Dyke 1939 USA 43
13706 12888 Ginger & Rosa Potter, Sally 2012 UK 90
13707 12896 Beautiful Kate Ward, Rachel 2009 Australia 101
13708 12899 Pawno Ireland, Paul 2015 Australia 89
13709 12892 Autoluminescent: Rowland S. Howard Lowenstein, Richard & Lynn-Maree Milburn 2011 Australia 110
13710 12898 I Will Follow DuVernay, Ava 2010 USA 80
13711 12900 Once Upon a Time there Lived a Dog Nazarov, Eduard 1982 USSR 10
13712 12901 True Crime Eastwood, Clint 1999 USA 127
13713 12902 Life Story of David Lloyd George, The Elvey, Maurice 1918 UK 150
13714 17470 Sarajevo Ophüls, Max 1940 France 89
13715 14854 Stargate Emmerich, Roland 1994 USA 119
13716 12913 Notorious Tillman Jr., George 2009 USA
13717 15152 Cars Lasseter, John 2006 USA 117
13718 15269 Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), The Six, Tom 2011 Netherlands 84
13719 12917 Message to Love: The Isle of Wight Festival Lerner, Murray 1997 USA 127
13720 12918 Playing Away Ové, Horace 1987 UK 100
13721 12904 Bad Influence Hanson, Curtis 1990 USA 99
13722 12905 Mrs. Soffel Armstrong, Gillian 1984 USA 110
13723 12907 Red Hook Summer Lee, Spike 2012 USA 121
13724 12916 Night of the Devils, The Ferroni, Giorgio 1972 Italy 91
13725 12915 Bullet Boy Dibb, Saul 2004 UK 89
13726 12909 Virunga von Ensiedel, Orlando 2014 UK 100
13727 12910 Hotel Fear Barilli, Francesco 1978 Italy 92
13728 13735 Alms for a Blind Horse Singh, Gurvinder 2011 India 112
13729 17523 Lan Yu Kwan, Stanley 2001 Hong Kong 86
13730 12912 Ali Baba bujang lapok Ramlee, P. 1960 Singapore 122
13731 12919 Tale of Springtime, A Rohmer, Eric 1989 France 112
13732 12920 Reptile, The Gilling, John 1966 UK 90
13733 12921 Holiday for Henrietta Duvivier, Julien 1952 France 118
13734 12924 Australia Luhrmann, Baz 2008 Australia 165
13735 12932 Paid in Full Stone III, Charles 2002 USA 97
13736 12930 Blackfish Cowperthwaite, Gabriela 2013 USA
13737 15069 Children, The Shankland, Tom 2008 UK 84
13738 12927 Advantageous Phang, Jennifer 2015 USA 90
13739 12925 Next of Kin Williams, Tony 1982 Australia 89
13740 12923 In the Electric Mist Tavernier, Bertrand 2009 USA 117
13741 12929 How I Live Now Macdonald, Kevin 2013 UK 101
13742 12928 Search, The Tseden, Pema 2009 China 117
13743 12931 Forty Minutes: Heart of the Angel [TV] Dineen, Molly 1989 UK 40
13744 13041 Proud Ones, The Webb, Robert D. 1956 USA 94
13745 13042 Back Street Miller, David 1961 USA 107
13746 13047 Willard Mann, Daniel 1971 USA 95
13747 13046 Young Lions, The Dmytryk, Edward 1958 USA 167
13748 13045 Night Call Nurses Kaplan, Jonathan 1972 USA 85
13749 13052 A un Furuhata, Yasuo 1989 Japan 114
13750 13050 Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West, The Fox, Wallace 1947 USA 285
13751 13051 Zatoichi kenka-tabi Yasuda, Kimiyoshi 1963 Japan 85
13752 13049 Frogs McCowan, George 1972 USA 91
13753 13053 Tsuzurikata kyoshitsu Yamamoto, Kajiro 1938 Japan 87
13754 12933 Ichiro Sayuri: Nureta yokujo Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1972 Japan 69
13755 17551 Face of Fire Band, Albert 1959 USA 83
13756 17554 Sadist, The Landis, James 1963 USA 81
13757 17563 Life During Wartime Solondz, Todd 2009 USA 98
13758 12938 Phantom Limb Rosenblatt, Jay 2005 USA 28
13759 17577 Serafin Geronimo: Ang kriminal ng Baryo Concepcion Diaz, Lav 1998 Philippines 132
13760 17567 Merry-Go-Round Rivette, Jacques 1981 France 160
13761 17570 Angel in Exile Dwan, Allan & Philip Ford 1948 USA 90
13762 12939 Black Jesus Zurlini, Valerio 1968 Italy 89
13763 17677 Hinugot sa langit Bernal, Ishmael 1985 Philippines 121
13764 17637 Todo todo teros Torres, John 2006 Philippines 110
13765 17596 Ina ka ng anak mo Brocka, Lino 1979 Philippines 90
13766 17674 Sisa de Leon, Gerardo 1951 Philippines
13767 12937 Unmistaken Child Baratz, Nati 2008 Israel 102
13768 17611 Magnifico de los Reyes, Maryo J. 2003 Philippines 120
13769 17676 Flag Wars Bryant, Linda Goode 2003 USA 86
13770 17605 Salawahan Bernal, Ishmael 1979 Philippines 116
13771 17672 Scorpio Nights Gallaga, Peque 1985 Philippines 126
13772 17603 Moments in a Stolen Dream De Leon, Mike 1977 Philippines 112
13773 17679 Manoro Mendoza, Brillante 2006 Philippines 75
13774 17601 At the Top Bernal, Ishmael 1971 Philippines 117
13775 17617 Legend of Julian Makabayan, The Castillo, Celso Ad. 1979 Philippines 92
13776 17622 Lilet de Leon, Gerardo 1971 Philippines 93
13777 17632 Madonna and Child Diaz-Abaya, Marilou 1996 Philippines 121
13778 17680 Takaw tukso Pascual, William 1986 Philippines
13779 17591 Whisper to the Wind de Leon, Gerardo 1966 Philippines 90
13780 17598 Fetch a Pail of Water Jeturian, Jeffrey 1999 Philippines 98
13781 17624 My Father, My Mother Brocka, Lino 1978 Philippines 116
13782 17644 Genghis Khan Conde, Manuel 1950 Philippines 88
13783 17634 Mortal O'Hara, Mario 1976 Philippines
13784 12936 Kelionė ūkų lankomis Šablevičius, Henrikus 1973 Lithuania
13785 17612 Heaven is Not Divided De Leon, Mike 1985 Philippines 127
13786 17613 Bayani Red, Raymond 1992 Philippines 98
13787 17609 Boatman Aguiluz, Tikoy 1985 Philippines 115
13788 17615 Joyful Mystery Dela Cruz, Abbo 1984 Philippines 122
13789 17608 Marriage, The Guillen, Laurice 1980 Philippines
13790 17631 Salome Guillen, Laurice 1981 Philippines 105
13791 17599 Fe, Esperanza, Caridad Avellana, Lamberto V./Gerardo de Leon/Cirio H. Santiago 1974 Philippines
13792 17633 Sanda Wong de Leon, Gerardo 1955 Philippines 96
13793 17619 Noli me tángere de Leon, Gerardo 1961 Philippines 180
13794 17588 Terror is a Man de Leon, Gerardo 1959 Philippines 90
13795 17649 Rites of May, The De Leon, Mike 1976 Philippines 105
13796 17656 Flowers of the City Jail O'Hara, Mario 1984 Philippines 110
13797 17627 Laman de los Reyes, Maryo J. 2002 Philippines 115
13798 17652 Condemned O'Hara, Mario 1984 Philippines
13799 17643 Fuga in Francia Soldati, Mario 1948 Italy 95
13800 17646 Eskapo Roño, Chito S. 1995 Philippines 114
13801 17642 Python at the Old Dome de Leon, Gerardo 1952 Philippines 76
13802 17671 Kundiman ng lahi Avellana, Lamberto V. 1959 Philippines
13803 17585 Aguila Romero, Eddie 1980 Philippines 210
13804 17583 When the Crow Turns White, When the Heron Turns Black Castillo, Celso Ad. 1978 Philippines 150
13805 17623 Prisoner of the Dark De Leon, Mike 1986 Philippines 85
13806 17651 Segurista Aguiluz, Tikoy 1996 Philippines 111
13807 17614 Sa North Diversion Road Marasigan, Dennis 2005 Philippines 97
13808 17587 Asedillo Castillo, Celso Ad. 1971 Philippines 120
13809 17600 Working Girls Bernal, Ishmael 1984 Philippines 118
13810 17597 You Are Mine Bernal, Ishmael 1978 Philippines 124
13811 17621 Nena Jarlego Jr., Ike 1995 Philippines
13812 17625 Uhaw sa pag-ibig O'Hara, Mario 1984 Philippines
13813 17602 Child of Sorrow Avellana, Lamberto V. 1956 Philippines 119
13814 17593 'Merika Portes, Gil 1984 Philippines 102
13815 17639 Aliw Bernal, Ishmael 1979 Philippines 115
13816 17620 New King, The O'Hara, Mario 1986 Philippines
13817 17675 Kastilyong buhangin O'Hara, Mario 1980 Philippines
13818 17678 Secrets of Madonna Castillo, Celso Ad. 1997
13819 17647 Dipped in Gold Brocka, Lino 1970 Philippines 150
13820 17663 Why is the Sky Blue? O'Hara, Mario 1981 Philippines
13821 12941 Cutting Heads Rocha, Glauber 1970 Spain 94
13822 12942 Runaway Jury Fleder, Gary 2003 USA 137
13823 12943 Mask of Zorro, The Campbell, Martin 1998 USA 137
13824 12944 Last Orders Schepisi, Fred 2001 UK 109
13825 12945 Whole Wide World, The Ireland, Dan 1996 USA 105
13826 12947 Richard Pryor: Live in Concert Margolis, Jeff 1979 USA 78
13827 15360 Emma McGrath, Douglas 1996 UK 111
13828 12950 Guard, The McDonagh, John Michael 2011 Ireland 96
13829 12952 Veer-Zaara Chopra, Yash 2004 India 192
13830 12956 Black Death Smith, Christopher 2010 Germany 102
13831 12959 R: Hit First, Hit Hardest Lindholm, Tobias & Michael Noer 2010 Denmark 99
13832 12953 Hanging Garden Toyoda, Toshiaki 2005 Japan 114
13833 12957 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [TV] Nagashima, Kizo & Larry Roemer 1964 USA 47
13834 12958 Cold Fish Sono, Sion 2010 Japan
13835 14626 Admiral Kravchuk, Andrei 2008 Russia 124
13836 12951 Hype! Pray, Doug 1996 USA 84
13837 12946 Macross Plus: The Movie Kawamori, Shouji & Shin'ichiro Watanabe 1995 Japan 115
13838 12948 Raja Harishchandra Phalke, Dhundiraj Govind 1913 India 40
13839 12955 In the Land of Blood and Honey Jolie, Angelina 2011 USA 127
13840 12960 White Rose, The Griffith, D.W. 1923 USA 100
13841 12961 Road to Utopia Walker, Hal 1945 USA 90
13842 12964 Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam Couturie, Bill 1987 USA 87
13843 12963 Winslow Boy, The Asquith, Anthony 1948 UK 117
13844 12965 Making Mr. Right Seidelman, Susan 1987 USA 95
13845 12966 J.A. Martin photographe Beaudin, Jean 1977 Canada 100
13846 12967 Meet the Feebles Jackson, Peter 1989 New Zealand 97
13847 12968 Claim, The Winterbottom, Michael 2000 UK 120
13848 12969 Stoker Park Chan-wook 2013 UK 99
13849 12979 Defiance Zwick, Edward 2008 USA 137
13850 12973 Jarhead Mendes, Sam 2005 Germany 123
13851 12982 Dead Snow Wirkola, Tommy 2009 Norway 90
13852 12970 Wedding March, The Ferreri, Marco 1966 Italy 83
13853 12974 Dead and the Deadly, The Ma Wu 1982 Hong Kong 97
13854 12976 Ritorno di cagliostro, Il Ciprì, Daniele & Franco Maresco 2003 Italy 100
13855 12978 Fedra Mur Oti, Manuel 1956 Spain 100
13856 12972 Dress Rehearsal for Utopia Duque, Andrés 2012 Spain 75
13857 12971 Duffer Despins, Joseph & William Dumaresq 1971 UK 75
13858 12980 Hustler White LaBruce, Bruce & Rick Castro 1996 USA 79
13859 12984 Legge della tromba, La Tretti, Augusto 1962 Italy 85
13860 12985 Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer, The Billington, Kevin 1970 UK 100
13861 12986 Imp, The Yu, Dennis 1981 Hong Kong 95
13862 12975 Love Massacre Tam, Patrick 1981 Hong Kong 91
13863 12987 Film Unfinished, A Hersonki, Yael 2010 Germany 88
13864 12988 Triste Dorsky, Nathaniel 1996 USA 19
13865 12989 New Earth Ivens, Joris 1933 Netherlands 36
13866 17702 Down and Out in Beverly Hills Mazursky, Paul 1986 USA 103
13867 12990 Pengar - en tragikomisk saga Poppe, Nils 1946 Sweden 97
13868 12991 End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones Fields, Jim & Michael Gramaglia 2004 USA 110
13869 12992 Obsession Dmytryk, Edward 1949 UK 98
13870 12995 Sheik, The Melford, George 1921 USA 80
13871 12993 First Men in the Moon Juran, Nathan 1964 UK 103
13872 12994 Shanghai Triad Zhang Yimou 1995 France 109
13873 12997 JCVD El Mechri, Mabrouk 2008 France 96
13874 14773 Hands of the Ripper Sasdy, Peter 1971 UK 85
13875 12999 Race d'Ep Soukaz, Lionel & Guy Hocquenghem 1979 France 95
13876 13056 Marie baie des anges Pradal, Manuel 1997 France 93
13877 13000 Student, The Pinoteau, Claude 1988 France 104
13878 13054 Martin et Léa Cavalier, Alain 1979 France 90
13879 13055 Key, The Brass, Tinto 1983 Italy 116
13880 13057 Backdraft Howard, Ron 1991 USA 137
13881 13058 My Heart Beats Only for Her Soueid, Mohamed 2009
13882 13059 Cop Land Mangold, James 1997 USA 104
13883 13060 Dirty Little Billy Dragoti, Stan 1972 USA 100
13884 13061 Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor Fleischer, Dave 1936 USA 16
13885 13063 Band Concert, The Jackson, Wilfred 1935 USA 9
13886 13062 Kohlhiesel's Daughters Lubitsch, Ernst 1920 Germany 40
13887 13065 Bank Job, The Donaldson, Roger 2008 USA 111
13888 13066 Unleashed/Danny the Dog Leterrier, Louis 2004 France 101
13889 13070 Soul Food Tillman Jr., George 1997 USA 114
13890 13069 Paratroop Command Witney, William 1959 USA 71
13891 14832 Stalingrad Bondarchuk, Fedor 2013 Russia 131
13892 13064 Very Long Engagement, A Jeunet, Jean-Pierre 2004 France 133
13893 13072 Croaziera Daneliuc, Mircea 1981 Romania 122
13894 13068 Brick Lane Gavron, Sarah 2007 UK 102
13895 13073 È piccerella Notari, Elvira 1922 Italy 44
13896 17730 Alfa Tau! De Robertis, Francesco 1942 Italy 90
13897 13093 Kiss of the Damned Cassavetes, Xan 2012 USA 97
13898 15590 Vigil Ward, Vincent 1984 New Zealand 90
13899 13080 Ghosts of Cite Soleil Leth, Asger 2005 Denmark
13900 13075 Man Who Envied Women, The Rainer, Yvonne 1985 USA 125
13901 13078 Needing You… To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2000 Hong Kong 101
13902 13084 Ocaña, an Intermittent Portrait Pons, Ventura 1978 Spain 85
13903 13096 Correspondances Green, Eugène 2009 France 39
13904 13095 World Without Sun Cousteau, Jacques-Yves 1964 France 93
13905 13092 St. Ignatius Church Exposure: Lenten Light Conversions Kirby, Lynn Marie 2004 2
13906 13088 Mars et Avril Villeneuve, Martin 2012 Canada 90
13907 13081 Dabangg Kashyap, Abhinav 2010 India 126
13908 13089 Baseball [TV] Burns, Ken 1994 USA
13909 13087 Day the Clown Cried, The [UNRELEASED FILM] Lewis, Jerry 1972 USA 90
13910 13091 Jaffa, the Orange's Clockwork Sivan, Eyal 2010 Belgium 89
13911 13085 Acacias, Las Giorgelli, Pablo 2011 Argentina 86
13912 13082 He's a Woman, She's a Man Chan, Peter 1994 Hong Kong 107
13913 13090 Nurtull Gang, The Lindberg, Per 1923 Sweden 76
13914 13086 Millionaires Express Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1986 Hong Kong 98
13915 13083 Fumeria d'oppio, La Matarazzo, Raffaello 1947 Italy
13916 13094 Idiot, L' Léon, Pierre 2008 France 61
13917 13097 Troy Petersen, Wolfgang 2004 UK 162
13918 13098 Drive, He Said Nicholson, Jack 1972 USA 95
13919 13101 Appaloosa Harris, Ed 2008 USA 115
13920 13102 Fresh Yakin, Boaz 1994 USA 112
13921 13100 Jeepers Creepers Salva, Victor 2001 Germany
13922 13103 Standing in the Shadows of Motown Justman, Paul 2002 USA 108
13923 13105 Trouble with Angels, The Lupino, Ida 1966 USA 112
13924 15584 Osmosis Jones Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 2001 USA 95
13925 13109 Black Devil Doll from Hell Turner, Chester Novell 1984 USA 70
13926 13108 C.H.U.D. Cheek, Douglas 1984 USA 90
13927 13107 We Jam Econo: The Story of the Minutemen Irwin, Tim 2005 USA
13928 13104 Corpse Bride Burton, Tim & Mike Johnson 2005 UK 76
13929 13106 Assassins(s) Kassovitz, Mathieu 1997 France 128
13930 15550 Young Master, The Chan, Jackie 1980 Hong Kong 101
13931 13110 What Have You Done to Solange? Dallamano, Massimo 1972 Italy 107
13932 13112 Fatherland Prividera, Nicolás 2011 Argentina 100
13933 13113 Glória Viegas, Manuela 1999 Portugal 100
13934 13114 Whispers and Moans Yau, Herman 2007 Hong Kong 96
13935 13115 Gandahar Laloux, René 1988 France 71
13936 13116 Americanization of Emily, The Hiller, Arthur 1964 USA 117
13937 15688 Seduction of Mimi, The Wertmüller, Lina 1972 Italy 89
13938 15690 Holes Davis, Andrew 2003 USA 117
13939 13120 Fourth Protocol, The Mackenzie, John 1987 UK 119
13940 13122 Hopscotch Neame, Ronald 1980 USA 104
13941 13125 Chak De India! Amin, Shimit 2007 India 153
13942 13124 Can't Buy Me Love Rash, Steve 1987 USA 94
13943 13118 Asphyx, The Newbrook, Peter 1972 UK 99
13944 13119 Like Crazy Doremus, Drake 2011 USA 90
13945 22208 Idiot, The Pyryev, Ivan 1958 USSR 122
13946 13126 Priceless Salvadori, Pierre 2006 France 106
13947 13128 California Suite Ross, Herbert 1978 USA 103
13948 13127 Enforcer, The Fargo, James 1976 USA 96
13949 13143 Mammals Polanski, Roman 1962 Poland 10
13950 13129 Pretty Peaches de Renzy, Alex 1978 USA 91
13951 13130 Feuerzangenbowle, Die Weiss, Helmut 1944 Germany 97
13952 13152 Firmling, Der Valentin, Karl 1934 Germany 23
13953 13131 What About Bob? Oz, Frank 1991 USA 99
13954 13132 Steelyard Blues Myerson, Alan 1972 USA 93
13955 13133 Heart and Souls Underwood, Ron 1993 USA 104
13956 13138 Outside Man, The Deray, Jacques 1972 Italy 104
13957 13140 Destination Death Staudte, Wolfgang 1964 Yugoslavia 92
13958 13134 Story of Little Mook, The Staudte, Wolfgang 1953 East Germany 100
13959 13142 13th Warrior, The McTiernan, John 1999 USA 102
13960 13136 Rainbow Jacket, The Dearden, Basil 1954 UK 99
13961 13141 Kokyo Mizoguchi, Kenji 1923 Japan
13962 13137 Rote Kakadu, Der Graf, Dominik 2006 Germany 128
13963 13135 Good Thief, The Jordan, Neil 2002 UK 108
13964 13139 Prince Valiant Hathaway, Henry 1954 USA 100
13965 13144 Fremde Stadt Thome, Rudolf 1972 West Germany 106
13966 13160 Kleine Haie Wortmann, Sonke 1992 Germany 87
13967 13157 Clubbed to Death Zauberman, Yolande 1997 France 88
13968 13162 As it is in Heaven Pollak, Kay 2004 Sweden 132
13969 13146 Kora Terry Jacoby, Georg 1940 Germany 110
13970 13154 Dernier domicile connu Giovanni, José 1970 Italy 95
13971 13159 Chef Donald King, Jack 1941 USA 7
13972 13148 Dear Pyongyang Yang Yong-hi 2006 Japan 107
13973 13168 Hello, Hemingway Pérez, Fernando 1990 Cuba 88
13974 13161 Ronja Rovardotter Danielsson, Tage 1984 Sweden 126
13975 13164 Karniggels Buck, Detlev 1991 Germany 94
13976 13163 Homme fragile, L' Clouzot, Claire 1981 France 83
13977 13149 Dark I Must Not Name, The Khattau, Shaan 2000 India 66
13978 13151 Menschen ohne Vaterland Maisch, Herbert 1937 Germany
13979 13145 Naughty Boys De Kuyper, Eric 1984 Belgium 105
13980 13147 Blonder Traum, Ein Martin, Paul 1932 Germany 87
13981 13153 Rhythm is It! Grube, Thomas & Enrique Sanchez Lansch 2004 Germany 100
13982 13158 Winnetou Bollok, Csaba 1995 Hungary 75
13983 13166 Drei Unteroffiziere Hochbaum, Werner 1939 Germany 94
13984 13156 Garage Olimpo Bechis, Marco 1999 Italy 98
13985 13171 Season in Hakkari, A Kiral, Erden 1983 Turkey 110
13986 13172 Beastmaster, The Coscarelli, Don 1982 USA 118
13987 13174 Charlie Wilson's War Nichols, Mike 2007 USA 102
13988 13189 Fill 'er Up with Super Cavalier, Alain 1976 France 97
13989 13185 Vesikali Yarim Akad, Lütfi 1968 Turkey 89
13990 13187 O Nelson, Tim Blake 2001 USA 94
13991 13173 Window, The Tetzlaff, Ted 1949 USA 73
13992 15777 God's Angry Man [TV] Herzog, Werner 1981 West Germany 46
13993 13188 Greaser's Palace Downey Sr., Robert 1972 USA 91
13994 13175 Doc Perry, Frank 1971 USA 96
13995 15761 Ruthless Four, The Capitani, Giorgio 1968 Germany 96
13996 13179 Voyage in Time [TV] Guerra, Tonino & Andrei Tarkovsky 1983 Italy 62
13997 22347 When the Clouds Roll By Fleming, Victor 1919 USA 85
13998 22349 Abandoned, The Fernández, Emilio 1945 Mexico 103
13999 13191 Life Series [TV] Attenborough, David 1979-2005
14000 13180 Lie of the Land, The [TV] Dineen, Molly 2007 UK 90
14001 14001 See You Later Snow, Michael 1990 Canada 18
14002 14002 Talent Show [INSTALLATION] Parnes, Laura 1996 4
14003 14008 Colours, The Kiarostami, Abbas 1976 Iran 16
14004 14007 Munekata Sisters, The Ozu, Yasujiro 1950 Japan 112
14005 14010 Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth? Ozu, Yasujiro 1932 Japan 92
14006 14005 Goat, The Keaton, Buster & Malcolm St. Clair 1921 USA 23
14007 14009 Tokai no yokogao Shimizu, Hiroshi 1953 Japan 75
14008 14013 Take the 5.10 to Dreamland Conner, Bruce 1976 USA 6
14009 14012 Music with Roots in the Aether: Opera for Television by Robert Ashley [TV] Ashley, Robert 1974 USA 840
14010 14015 Three Screen Ray Conner, Bruce 2006 USA 5
14011 14014 Perfect Lives [TV] Sanborn, John 1984 UK 175
14012 14011 Atalanta Strategy Brickman, Lawrence 1984 27
14013 14020 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [TV] Melendez, Bill 1966 USA 25
14014 14018 Bob Emergency, The Bois, Jon 2019 USA 94
14015 13181 Fourth Watch, The Geiser, Janie 2000 USA 9
14016 17118 Bridge, The Steel, Eric 2005 USA 95
14017 15864 Lot in Sodom Watson, James Sibley 1933 USA 24
14018 15840 McDull, Prince de la Bun Yuen Toe 2004 Hong Kong 73
14019 13182 Psalm III: Night of the Meek Solomon, Philip S. 2002 USA 24
14020 13192 Walk In Yau, Herman 1997 Hong Kong 101
14021 22450 Automóvil gris, El Rosas, Enrique 1919 Mexico 111
14022 13183 Return Home Argall, Ray 1990 Australia 87
14023 13190 Lost and Found Lee Chi-Ngai 1996 Hong Kong 109
14024 15886 Grand Duel, The Santi, Giancarlo 1972 Italy 92
14025 13195 Expect the Unexpected Yau Tat-Chi 1998 Hong Kong 87
14026 13194 Wisconsin Death Trip Marsh, James 1999 UK 76
14027 13196 Ways of Seeing: Part 1 [TV] Dibb, Mike 1972 UK 30
14028 13198 Steam of Life Berghäll, Joonas & Mika Hotakainen 2010 Finland 81
14029 13193 Four Hours in My Lai Sim, Kevin 1989 UK
14030 13199 Hexed Spencer, Alan 1993 USA 90
14031 13200 Hitokiri Gosha, Hideo 1969 Japan 140
14032 13201 Mothman Prophecies, The Pellington, Mark 2001 USA 118
14033 13202 Boys, The Woods, Rowan 1998 Australia 85
14034 13204 Neem Annapurna Dasgupta, Buddhadev 1979 India 95
14035 13203 27 Down Kaul, Awtar Krishna 1974 India 115
14036 13215 Fortress, The Melgar, Fernand 2008 Switzerland 104
14037 15932 April Fool's Day Walton, Fred 1986 USA 88
14038 13214 Jodhaa Akbar Gowariker, Ashutosh 2007 India 213
14039 13212 Darby O'Gill and the Little People Stevenson, Robert 1959 USA 90
14040 13211 War Photographer Frei, Christian 2001 Switzerland 96
14041 13205 Four Flies on Grey Velvet Argento, Dario 1971 Italy 104
14042 14864 Momma's Man Jacobs, Azazel 2008 USA 94
14043 13207 Man on the Train Leconte, Patrice 2002 France 90
14044 13206 Payback Helgeland, Brian 1999 USA 110
14045 13213 Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. Flemyng, Gordon 1966 UK 84
14046 13216 Queer China, 'Comrade' China Cui Zi'en 2009 China 118
14047 13217 Way Ahead, The Reed, Carol 1944 UK 91
14048 13219 Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? Harrington, Curtis 1971 USA 89
14049 13223 Losin' It Hanson, Curtis 1983 USA 104
14050 13229 Ghost Rider Johnson, Mark Steven 2007 USA 110
14051 13224 Southern Comfort Davis, Kate 2001 USA 90
14052 13226 Pin Stern, Sandor 1988 Canada 103
14053 13227 Zapped! Rosenthal, Robert J. 1982 USA 96
14054 13225 Transporter, The Yuen, Corey 2002 France 92
14055 13228 Hot Dog: The Movie Markle, Peter 1984 USA 96
14056 13222 Cradle Will Rock Robbins, Tim 1999 USA 134
14057 15963 Dead Time: Kala Anwar, Joko 2007 Indonesia
14058 15871 Hammer of God, The Wang Yu, Jimmy 1970 Hong Kong 90
14059 13230 Such is Life Junghans, Carl 1930 Czechoslovakia 71
14060 13231 Jagged Edge Marquand, Richard 1985 USA 108
14061 15972 Firm, The Pollack, Sydney 1993 USA 154
14062 15116 Black Sheep King, Jonathan 2006 New Zealand 87
14063 13235 SLC Punk! Merendino, James 1998 USA 97
14064 15974 C'est la vie, mon cheri Yee Tung-Shing 1994 Hong Kong 105
14065 13236 Wildcats Ritchie, Michael 1986 USA 107
14066 13234 Wedding Camels, The MacDougall, David & Judith MacDougall 1980 Kenya
14067 13237 Of Mice and Men Milestone, Lewis 1939 USA 106
14068 13238 When Strangers Marry Castle, William 1944 USA 67
14069 13240 Capricci Bene, Carmelo 1969 Italy 89
14070 13241 Socrates [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1971 Spain 120
14071 13242 6 juin a l'aube, Le Grémillon, Jean 1946 France 39
14072 13243 Barefoot in the Park Saks, Gene 1967 USA 105
14073 13244 Fist of Legend Chan, Gordon 1994 Hong Kong 103
14074 15980 Mashenka Raizman, Yuli 1942 USSR 77
14075 15252 Sin nombre Fukunaga, Cary Joji 2008 USA 96
14076 13249 Scott Walker: 30th Century Man Kijak, Stephen 2006 UK 96
14077 13252 Just One of the Guys Gottlieb, Lisa 1985 USA 100
14078 13247 Bespoke Overcoat, The Clayton, Jack 1955 USA 37
14079 13256 Damon the Mower Dunning, George 1972 UK 3
14080 13250 Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician Martone, Mario 1992 Italy 108
14081 13255 Prancer Hancock, John D. 1989 USA 102
14082 13254 H Story Suwa, Nobuhiro 2001 Japan 111
14083 13257 Run for Cover Ray, Nicholas 1955 USA 93
14084 13258 Spetters Verhoeven, Paul 1980 Netherlands 120
14085 13259 My Sister Eileen Quine, Richard 1955 USA 108
14086 13260 Wild in the Streets Shear, Barry 1968 USA 97
14087 13262 Justice is Done Cayatte, André 1950 France 105
14088 13261 Between Eleven and Midnight Decoin, Henri 1949 France 92
14089 13264 Throw Momma from the Train DeVito, Danny 1987 USA 88
14090 13267 Jackie Robinson Story, The Green, Alfred E. 1950 USA 76
14091 13271 Rembetiko Ferris, Costas 1983 Greece 110
14092 13269 Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters Maiellaro, Matt & Dave Willis 2007 USA 86
14093 13270 Cherry Orchard, The Nakahara, Shun 1990 Japan 96
14094 13272 South Hurley, Frank 1919 Australia 81
14095 13273 Azur & Asmar Ocelot, Michel 2006 France
14096 13274 Messages Sherwin, Guy 1981-84 UK 34
14097 13276 Script Baldessari, John 1974
14098 13275 Secret History of the Dividing Line Gatten, David 1999-2004
14099 13277 Camille Claudel Nuytten, Bruno 1988 France 149
14100 16010 Peace on Earth Harman, Hugh 1939 USA 9
14101 13280 Jellyfish Geffen, Shira & Etgar Keret 2007 France 78
14102 15383 Wolfy Sigarev, Vasili 2009 Russia 88
14103 13281 Pure Shit Deling, Bert 1975 Australia 85
14104 13283 Fast and the Furious, The Cohen, Rob 2001 Germany 107
14105 13284 Cujo Teague, Lewis 1983 USA 91
14106 13286 Be Here to Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandt Brown, Margaret 2004 USA 99
14107 13289 Motel Hell Connor, Kevin 1980 USA 92
14108 13290 Calvaire du Welz, Fabrice 2004 France 92
14109 13287 Adrift in Tokyo Miki, Satoshi 2007 Japan 101
14110 13288 Brutal Tales of Chivalry Saeki, Kiyoshi 1965 Japan 90
14111 13291 Fog Line Gottheim, Larry 1970 Canada 11
14112 13292 Vertical Hall, David 1969
14113 13294 Film ist. (7-12) Deutsch, Gustav 2002 Austria 90
14114 13297 Footnotes to a House of Love Lertxundi, Laida 2007
14115 13296 Still in Cosmos Makino, Takashi 2009 Japan
14116 13295 War Games Richie, Donald 1962 Japan 22
14117 13293 WOLS Jonouchi, Motoharu 1965 Japan 18
14118 13298 Mouth to Mouth Gómez Pereira, Manuel 1978 Australia 95
14119 13300 Arirang Na Woon-gyu 1926 South Korea
14120 13299 Battle of the River Plate, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1956 UK 119
14121 13301 Night Stalker, The [TV] Moxey, John Llewellyn 1972 USA 74
14122 13302 Baby, It's You Sayles, John 1982 USA 105
14123 13307 Black and White Milk Cow, The Yang Jin 2004 China 93
14124 16111 Ghayal Santoshi, Rajkumar 1990 India 163
14125 13304 Death of Yazdgerd Beizai, Bahram 1982 Iran 120
14126 13306 Ânes Promio, Alexandre 1896 France
14127 16110 Johny Mera Naam Anand, Vijay 1970 India 159
14128 13308 Tartans of Scottish Clans Smith, George Albert 1906 UK
14129 13305 Return of Ringo, The Tessari, Duccio 1965 Italy 95
14130 13311 Power and the Glory, The Howard, William K. 1933 USA 76
14131 13313 Att angöra en brygga Danielsson, Tage 1965 Sweden 101
14132 13314 Joe Leahy's Neighbours Connolly, Bob 1989 Australia 90
14133 13315 Operation Petticoat Edwards, Blake 1959 USA 124
14134 13317 Totenschiff, Das Tressler, Georg 1959 West Germany 97
14135 13318 Rose Bernd Staudte, Wolfgang 1957 West Germany 85
14136 13316 Mon pere, ce heros Lauzier, Gerard 1991 France 104
14137 13319 Broken Wings Bergman, Nir 2002 Israel 83
14138 13320 Ken Park Clark, Larry & Ed Lachman 2002 USA 96
14139 13324 Die Hard 2 Harlin, Renny 1990 USA 124
14140 13325 Straight out of Brooklyn Rich, Matty 1991 USA 91
14141 13321 Jammin' the Blues Mili, Gjon 1944 USA 10
14142 13328 Avellaneda's Moon Campanella, Juan José 2004 Argentina 143
14143 13329 Common Ground Aristarain, Adolfo 2002 Spain 108
14144 13327 Escalier C Tacchella, Jean-Charles 1985 France 102
14145 13330 Daybreak Express Pennebaker, D.A. 1953 USA 5
14146 13332 North on Evers Benning, James 1992 USA 87
14147 13336 Arrivée, L' Tscherkassky, Peter 1999 Austria 2
14148 13337 Three Ages Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1923 USA 63
14149 13339 Domani e troppo tardi Moguy, Léonide 1950 Italy 101
14150 13340 That Happy Couple Bardem, Juan Antonio & Luis García Berlanga 1953 Spain 83
14151 13338 Reckless Fleming, Victor 1935 USA 97
14152 13342 Volver a vivir Camus, Mario 1968 Spain
14153 13341 Carmen, la de Triana Rey, Florián 1938 Spain 110
14154 13343 Escándalo, El Sáenz de Heredia, José Luis 1943 Spain 120
14155 13346 Ojos dejan huellas, Los Sáenz de Heredia, José Luis 1952 Spain 100
14156 13345 Finishing Touch, The Bruckman, Clyde 1928 USA 19
14157 13352 Ulysses Camerini, Mario 1954 Italy 104
14158 13347 Sorcerers, The Reeves, Michael 1967 UK 86
14159 13349 Thief of Paris, The Malle, Louis 1967 France 119
14160 13350 Sodom and Gomorrah Curtiz, Michael 1922 Germany 150
14161 13353 Daydreams Bauer, Yevgeni 1915 Russia 37
14162 13351 Boule de Suif Romm, Mikhail 1934 USSR 70
14163 13354 Love is Gay, Love is Sad Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1971 France 95
14164 13355 Strange Bird, The Gad, Urban 1911 Germany 45
14165 13359 Baseketball Zucker, David 1998 USA 102
14166 13366 Crime of Padre Amaro, The Carrera, Carlos 2002 Mexico 118
14167 15589 Blood Spattered Bride, The Aranda, Vicente 1972 Spain 82
14168 13369 Picture of Light Mettler, Peter 1994 Canada 83
14169 13368 You Are on Indian Land Ransen, Mort 1969 Canada 37
14170 13361 Four of the Apocalypse Fulci, Lucio 1975 Italy 104
14171 13356 Matador, The Shepard, Richard 2005 Germany 96
14172 13358 About Last Night... Zwick, Edward 1986 USA 113
14173 13360 Avoir 16 ans Lefebvre, Jean Pierre 1980 Canada 125
14174 13367 Boys of St. Vincent, The Smith, John N. 1993 Canada 210
14175 13364 Mighty, The Chelsom, Peter 1998 USA 100
14176 13365 Holly and the Ivy, The O'Ferrall, George More 1952 UK 80
14177 16156 Orphan Island Paradise Cai Chusheng 1939 Hong Kong 100
14178 13370 Seven Percent Solution, The Ross, Herbert 1976 USA 113
14179 13377 Figures in a Landscape Losey, Joseph 1970 UK 95
14180 13376 Coonskin/Streetfight Bakshi, Ralph 1975 USA 83
14181 13380 Whale Hunter Bae Chang-ho 1984 South Korea 112
14182 17808 Day the Sun Turned Cold, The Yim Ho 1994 Hong Kong 100
14183 13381 Tarahumaras 2003, La Fêlure du temps Carasco, Raymonde 2003 France 238
14184 13383 Nick Carter, le roi des détectives - Épisode 1: Guêt-apens Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte 1908 France
14185 13378 Red Lights Kahn, Cédric 2003 France 106
14186 13379 Owning Mahowny Kwietniowski, Richard 2003 Canada 104
14187 13384 Christopher Strong Arzner, Dorothy 1933 USA 78
14188 13388 Zouzou Allégret, Marc 1934 France 92
14189 15696 Longest Nite, The Yau Tat-Chi 1998 Hong Kong 81
14190 13385 Venus Michell, Roger 2006 UK 95
14191 13387 H.E.A.L.T.H. Altman, Robert 1980 USA 105
14192 13390 Island of Prohibited Pleasures, The Reichenbach, Carlos 1979 Brazil 96
14193 13389 Darkness and Light Chang Tso-chi 1999 Taiwan 104
14194 13391 Pornógrafo, O Callegaro, João 1970 Brazil 88
14195 14022 Gusarskaya ballada Ryazanov, Eldar 1962 USSR 94
14196 13392 **** Warhol, Andy 1967 USA 1500
14197 13395 Castle Two le Grice, Malcolm 1968 36
14198 13397 Clouds Gidal, Peter 1969 UK 10
14199 13394 Spot the Microdot le Grice, Malcolm 1969 10
14200 13396 Film No. 1 Crosswaite, David 1971
14201 13393 Yes No Maybe Maybenot le Grice, Malcolm 1967 3
14202 13398 Joie de vivre, La Gross, Anthony & Hector Hoppin 1934 France 9
14203 13399 Wonder Ring, The Brakhage, Stan 1955 USA 6
14204 13400 Camel(s) Park Ki-Yong 2002 South Korea 91
14205 13401 Wee Willie Winkie Ford, John 1937 USA 99
14206 13402 Keys of the Kingdom, The Stahl, John M. 1944 USA 137
14207 13403 City Stands Trial, The Zampa, Luigi 1952 Italy 98
14208 16126 Phar Lap Wincer, Simon 1983 Australia 108
14209 16169 Autumn Moon Law, Clara 1992 Hong Kong 108
14210 13410 Repatriation Kim Dong-won 2003 North Korea 149
14211 13406 Nightmare City Lenzi, Umberto 1980 Italy 92
14212 13404 Romeo is Bleeding Medak, Peter 1993 USA 108
14213 13405 Safe Men Hamburg, John 1998 USA 87
14214 13408 Burnt Theatre, The Panh, Rithy 2005 Cambodia 82
14215 16175 Eagle and the Hawk, The Walker, Stuart 1933 USA 68
14216 13407 Beaver Trilogy, The Harris, Trent 2001 USA 83
14217 13409 Haze Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 2005 Japan 49
14218 13413 Miracle of Bern, The Wortmann, Sonke 2003 Germany 118
14219 13414 Comedians, The Glenville, Peter 1967 USA 148
14220 13416 Thunder Bay Mann, Anthony 1953 USA 102
14221 13417 Seventh Day, the Eighth Night, The Schorm, Evald 1969 Czechoslovakia 103
14222 16195 Romper Stomper Wright, Geoffrey 1992 Australia 92
14223 13418 Mad Monster Party? Bass, Jules 1967 USA 94
14224 13419 Mary of Scotland Ford, John 1936 USA 123
14225 13421 Hare Raama Hare Krishna Anand, Dev 1971 India 149
14226 13422 Margaret's Museum Ransen, Mort 1995 Canada 118
14227 13420 Keeping Mum Johnson, Niall 2005 UK 103
14228 22829 Northern Elegy Gosho, Heinosuke 1957 Japan 116
14229 Comedy of Innocence Ruiz, Raúl 2000 France 102
14230 May December Haynes, Todd 2023 USA 117
14231 Tenet Nolan, Christopher 2020 USA 150
14232 Boy and the Heron, The Miyazaki, Hayao 2023 Japan 124
14233 Anora Baker, Sean 2024 USA 139
14234 In Transit Maysles, Albert/Lynn True/David Usui/Nelson Walker III/Ben Wu 2015 USA 76
14235 Happy Prince, The Everett, Rupert 2018 Germany
14236 '49-'17 Baldwin, Ruth Ann 1917 USA 70
14237 Yoru no kawa Yoshimura, Kozaburo 1956 Japan 104
14238 Who Killed Captain Alex? Nabwana I.G.G. 2010 Uganda 64
14239 Ritual Anno, Hideaki 2000 Japan 128
14240 Fanfare Haanstra, Bert 1958 Netherlands 86
14241 13423 Higher Principle Krejcik, Jirí 1960 Czechoslovakia 104
14242 22633 Seven Seas: Virginity Chapter Shimizu, Hiroshi 1931 Japan 74
14243 17860 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Verbinski, Gore 2006 USA 150
14244 13425 Fire Woman Kim Ki-young 1970 South Korea
14245 15678 Red Planet Mars Horner, Harry 1952 USA 87
14246 13426 St. Valentine's Day Massacre, The Corman, Roger 1967 USA 100
14247 13428 Knute Rockne, All American Bacon, Lloyd 1940 USA 96
14248 16040 Patriot Games Noyce, Phillip 1992 USA 116
14249 13439 Sooteh-Delan Hatami, Ali 1978 Iran 120
14250 13430 Zolushka Kosheverova, Nadezhda & Mikhail Shapiro 1947 USSR 80
14251 13433 Brave Little Toaster, The Rees, Jerry 1987 USA 90
14252 13429 Little Children Field, Todd 2006 USA 137
14253 13437 Postmodern Life of My Aunt, The Hui, Ann 2006 Hong Kong 111
14254 13435 That Fatal Sneeze Fitzhamon, Lewin 1907 UK 6
14255 13438 San Francisco: Aftermath of Earthquake Bonine, Robert K. 1906 USA 1
14256 13432 Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna Johar, Karan 2006 India 192
14257 13431 Decline of Western Civilization Part III, The Spheeris, Penelope 1998 USA 86
14258 13434 Trilogy of Terror [TV] Curtis, Dan 1975 USA 72
14259 13436 Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, The Clayton, Jack 1987 UK 116
14260 17875 Beatles: Get Back, The [TV] Jackson, Peter 2021 UK 468
14261 17880 Benedetta Verhoeven, Paul 2021 France 131
14262 Corpus Christi Komasa, Jan 2019 Poland 115
14263 17950 47 Metres Down Roberts, Johannes 2016 UK 89
14264 18059 Joyland Sadiq, Saim 2022 Pakistan 126
14265 14023 Mantrap Fleming, Victor 1926 USA 86
14266 13440 Switch Edwards, Blake 1991 USA 103
14267 13441 Star is Born, A Wellman, William A. 1937 USA 111
14268 13442 Jogo da Vida, O Capovila, Maurice 1977 Brazil 90
14269 13444 Super Size Me Spurlock, Morgan 2004 USA 96
14270 13443 Nightfall Tourneur, Jacques 1956 USA 78
14271 13445 Let Him Have It Medak, Peter 1991 UK 115
14272 13448 Man Who Never Was, The Neame, Ronald 1956 UK 103
14273 13450 House of Sand Waddington, Andrucha 2005 Brazil 115
14274 18141 Panic Room Fincher, David 2002 USA 112
14275 18147 Love on the Dole Baxter, John 1941 UK 100
14276 18148 Little Darlings Maxwell, Ronald F. 1980 USA 95
14277 High-Rise Wheatley, Ben 2015 UK 119
14278 18179 Malmkrog Puiu, Cristi 2020 Romania 201
14279 18304 Leviathan Cosmatos, George P. 1989 USA 98
14280 18318 To Hell and Back Hibbs, Jesse 1955 USA 106
14281 18377 Three Wishes for Cinderella Vorlícek, Václav 1973 Czechoslovakia 75
14282 18366 Mayor Osit, David 2020 USA 89
14283 18384 August Virgin, The Trueba, Jonás 2019 Spain 125
14284 18350 Deerskin Dupieux, Quentin 2019 France 77
14285 18271 Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore Jacobson, Sarah 1996 USA 98
14286 18382 Camino Fesser, Javier 2008 Spain 138
14287 13451 Dancing in the Rain Hladnik, Bostjan 1961 Yugoslavia 100
14288 13452 Wild Bill Hill, Walter 1995 USA 98
14289 13453 Uneasy Riders/Nationale 7 Sinapi, Jean-Pierre 1999 France 95
14290 13454 Marie Antoinette Van Dyke, W.S. 1938 USA 149
14291 16299 Smash Palace Donaldson, Roger 1981 New Zealand 100
14292 13460 Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten Temple, Julien 2006 UK 125
14293 13466 Lickerish Quartet, The Metzger, Radley 1970 Italy 90
14294 13456 Pom Pom Girls, The Ruben, Joseph 1976 USA 89
14295 13459 Sweet and Lowdown Allen, Woody 1999 USA 95
14296 13461 Gabrielle Chéreau, Patrice 2005 Germany 90
14297 13462 Truth About Cats and Dogs, The Lehmann, Michael 1996 USA 97
14298 13463 False Aging Klahr, Lewis 2008 14
14299 13465 Decay of Fiction, The O'Neill, Pat 2002 USA 73
14300 13464 Girl from Starship Venus, The Ford, Derek 1975 UK 82
14301 13467 Truth and Poetry Kubelka, Peter 2003
14302 18404 Penny Serenade Stevens, George 1941 USA 125
14303 Vechir na Ivana Kupala Ilyenko, Yuri 1968 USSR 71
14304 18419 Velvet Underground, The Haynes, Todd 2021 USA 121
14305 18405 Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets Ross IV, Bill & Turner Ross 2020 USA 98
14306 18443 Nico, 1988 Nicchiarelli, Susanna 2017 Italy 93
14307 18423 In a World... Bell, Lake 2013 USA 93
14308 First Love Miike, Takashi 2019 Japan 108
14309 18490 Ciambra, The Carpignano, Jonas 2017 Italy 118
14310 18492 Legend of the Stardust Brothers, The Tezuka, Macoto 1985 Japan 100
14311 18497 Kaala Ranjith, Pa. 2018 India 162
14312 18529 Identifying Features Valadez, Fernanda 2020 Mexico 95
14313 18544 Honeysuckle Rose Schatzberg, Jerry 1980 USA 119
14314 Let It Ride Pytka, Joe 1989 USA 86
14315 18452 Festival Lerner, Murray 1967 USA 95
14316 13469 Laser Man, The [TV] Marcimain, Mikael 2005 Sweden 270
14317 13471 New Country, The [TV] Jorgensen, Geir Hansteen 2000 Sweden 232
14318 13474 Revolutionist Bauer, Yevgeni 1917 Russia 35
14319 13476 Outward Bound Milton, Robert 1930 USA 84
14320 13477 Alexander the Great Rossen, Robert 1956 USA 141
14321 13478 Seven-Ups, The D'Antoni, Philip 1973 USA 103
14322 13479 Sect, The Soavi, Michele 1991 Italy 116
14323 13481 Chandni Chopra, Yash 1989 India 186
14324 13480 Velha a Fiar, A Mauro, Humberto 1964 Brazil 6
14325 18592 I Am Curious (Blue) Sjöman, Vilgot 1968 Sweden 107
14326 13482 Maine Pyar Kiya Barjatya, Sooraj R. 1989 India 192
14327 18620 Japanese Summer: Double Suicide Oshima, Nagisa 1967 Japan 98
14328 18695 I, Olga Hepnarova Weinreb, Tomás & Petr Kazda 2016 Czech Republic 105
14329 18714 LA 92 Lindsay, Dan & TJ Martin 2017 USA
14330 18720 Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie Ikuhara, Kunihiko 1999 Japan 100
14331 18745 Split Shyamalan, M. Night 2016 USA 117
14332 13483 Willow Springs Schroeter, Werner 1973 West Germany 78
14333 13484 Mine Own Executioner Kimmins, Anthony 1947 UK 108
14334 13485 El Dorado L'Herbier, Marcel 1921 Finland 100
14335 13488 Last Moment, The [LOST FILM] Fejös, Pál 1928 USA 54
14336 13487 Turco napoletano, Un Mattoli, Mario 1953 Italy 92
14337 13486 On Borrowed Time Bucquet, Harold S. 1939 USA 99
14338 13489 Finale [TV] Lemke, Klaus 2007 Germany 75
14339 13493 Stage Fright Hitchcock, Alfred 1950 UK 110
14340 13495 In the Line of Fire Petersen, Wolfgang 1993 USA 128
14341 13496 Best of Everything, The Negulesco, Jean 1959 USA 121
14342 13499 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America Judge, Mike 1996 USA 80
14343 16276 Hometown in Heart, A Yoon Yong-Kyu 1949 Korea 77
14344 13494 Well, The Popkin, Leo & Russell Rouse 1951 USA 85
14345 13497 Mike's Murder Bridges, James 1984 USA 109
14346 13500 Citrillo's Turn Cazals, Felipe 2006 Mexico
14347 18794 Invisible Life Aïnouz, Karim 2019 Brazil 139
14348 18811 White Bird in a Blizzard Araki, Gregg 2014 USA 91
14349 18816 Heartless Ridley, Philip 2009 UK 114
14350 18851 Miss Zombie Sabu 2013 Japan 85
14351 19058 D-Day the Sixth of June Koster, Henry 1956 USA 106
14352 19030 Student, The Mitre, Santiago 2011 Argentina 110
14353 13502 Private Enterprise, A Smith, Peter 1974 UK 78
14354 19098 Trial, The Ramos, Maria 2018 Brazil 140
14355 19019 Two Shots Fired Rejtman, Martín 2014 Argentina 104
14356 13503 That's Life! Edwards, Blake 1986 USA 102
14357 13504 Now and Forever Hathaway, Henry 1934 USA 81
14358 13505 Light of Day Schrader, Paul 1987 USA 107
14359 13507 Chow Hound Jones, Chuck 1951 USA 7
14360 13506 Soft and Hard Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville 1985 France 52
14361 13510 Legend of Billie Jean, The Robbins, Matthew 1985 USA 96
14362 13508 Closet Children Jacquot, Benoît 1977 France 105
14363 13509 Moment Dwoskin, Stephen 1968 UK 13
14364 16257 Whose Utopia Cao Fei 2006 China 20
14365 13513 Arcadia of My Youth Katsumata, Tomoharu 1982 Japan 130
14366 13514 New York Doll Whiteley, Greg 2005 USA 78
14367 13515 Cypher Natali, Vincenzo 2002 USA 97
14368 13516 Gaz Bar Blues Bélanger, Louis 2003 Canada 115
14369 13517 Go Tell the Spartans Post, Ted 1978 USA 114
14370 13521 Penitentiary Fanaka, Jamaa 1979 USA 99
14371 13518 Deep End, The McGehee, Scott & David Siegel 2001 USA 100
14372 13523 Ek Duuje Ke Liye Balachander, K. 1981 India 167
14373 13522 Aimee & Jaguar Farberbock, Max 1998 Germany 126
14374 19147 Eagle, The Brown, Clarence 1925 USA 80
14375 19211 Pulp: A Film About Life, Death and Supermarkets Habicht, Florian 2014 UK
14376 19207 Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell Sato, Hajime 1968 Japan 84
14377 16468 Sweet Bean Kawase, Naomi 2015 Japan 113
14378 13525 His Kind of Woman Farrow, John 1951 USA 120
14379 13527 Our Ladies Caton-Jones, Michael 2019 UK 105
14380 13528 Alien Resurrection Jeunet, Jean-Pierre 1997 USA 109
14381 13532 All My Compatriots Jasny, Vojtech 1968 Czechoslovakia 114
14382 13530 My Heart is in the Highlands Khamdamov, Rustam 1967 USSR 40
14383 13531 Gadar: Ek Prem Katha Sharma, Anil 2001 India 170
14384 13529 Border Dutta, J.P. 1997 India 176
14385 13533 We Are from Kronstadt Dzigan, Efim 1936 USSR 88
14386 19346 15: The Movie Tan, Royston 2003 Singapore 96
14387 19410 No Crossover: The Trial of Allen Iverson [TV] James, Steve 2010 USA 80
14388 19501 Filth Baird, Jon S. 2013 UK 97
14389 19390 Black Belly of the Tarantula Cavara, Paolo 1971 Italy 89
14390 19515 High School II Wiseman, Frederick 1994 USA 220
14391 16594 Kid Bressane, Júlio 2015 Brazil 76
14392 13534 Little Vera Pichul, Vasily 1988 Russia 133
14393 13537 Romance Papa Shin Sang-ok 1960 South Korea 131
14394 13539 Oni Kawamoto, Kihachiro 1972 Japan 8
14395 13535 Joy of Madness Makhmalbaf, Hana 2003 Iran 73
14396 13538 For Freedom/For Liberty Torabi, Hussein 1980 Iran 110
14397 13536 Magic Fox, The Okamoto, Tadanari 1982 Japan 26
14398 13541 Second Coming Green, Debbie Tucker 2014 UK
14399 13540 Too Late to Die Young Castillo, Dominga Sotomayor 2018 Chile 110
14400 13542 Gorillas in the Mist Apted, Michael 1988 USA 129
14401 13543 Johnny Apollo Hathaway, Henry 1940 USA 94
14402 13544 Generalprobe, Die Schroeter, Werner 1980 West Germany 90
14403 13546 Genghis Blues Belic, Roko 1999 USA 88
14404 16162 Magnum Begynasium Bruxellense Lehman, Boris 1978 Belgium 145
14405 13545 Chosen One, The Sharma, Aribam Syam 1991 India 94
14406 19520 Girl on a Motorcycle Cardiff, Jack 1968 UK 91
14407 19532 Three Musketeers, The Niblo, Fred 1921 USA 119
14408 19770 Bus, The Okan, Tunç 1975 Switzerland 87
14409 19574 James ou pas Soutter, Michel 1970 Switzerland 80
14410 19759 Birds of Exile Refig, Halit 1964 Turkey 102
14411 13547 Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key Martino, Sergio 1972 Italy 97
14412 13548 Satin Rouge Amari, Raja 2002 France 100
14413 13549 Princess Cyd Cone, Stephen 2017 USA 96
14414 13550 Reckoning, The Gold, Jack 1970 UK 111
14415 13551 Abandoned Field: Free Fire Zone, The Hong Sen Nguyen 1979 Vietnam 90
14416 13553 Crimewave Raimi, Sam 1985 USA 83
14417 13556 Heatwave Noyce, Phillip 1983 Australia 99
14418 16678 Daens Coninx, Stijn 1992 Belgium 138
14419 13555 Rivers and Tides Riedelsheimer, Thomas 2000 Germany
14420 13557 Impressionen vom alten Marseiller Hafen (Vieux Port) Moholy-Nagy, László 1929 Germany 11
14421 19879 Crippled Avengers Chang Cheh 1978 Hong Kong 104
14422 19860 Hong Kong Nocturne Inoue, Umetsugu 1967 Hong Kong 128
14423 20013 Rocks in My Pockets Baumane, Signe 2014 USA 88
14424 20012 Camino, El Mariscal, Ana 1963 Spain 95
14425 13558 Threatening Sky, The Ivens, Joris 1966 France 28
14426 19861 Vivre ensemble Karina, Anna 1973 France 92
14427 13559 Splice Natali, Vincenzo 2010 Canada 104
14428 13562 Infernal Affairs II Lau, Andrew & Alan Mak 2003 Hong Kong 119
14429 13563 Perfect Couple, A Altman, Robert 1979 USA 110
14430 13570 Two Laws Cavadini, Alessandro & Carolyn Strachan 1981 Australia 130
14431 13568 C.I.D. Khosla, Raj 1956 India 146
14432 13569 Victory Tourneur, Maurice 1919 USA 62
14433 13573 Agni Natchathiram Ratnam, Mani 1988 India 146
14434 13572 Uttara Dasgupta, Buddhadev 2000 India 99
14435 13571 Shiva Varma, Ram Gopal 1989 India 145
14436 20070 Summer Storm Sirk, Douglas 1944 USA 106
14437 13575 Hamburger Hill Irvin, John 1987 USA 110
14438 13577 Tomorrow - ashita Kuroki, Kazuo 1988 Japan 105
14439 13576 Crimson Comet Masuda, Toshio 1967 Japan 97
14440 20179 Visible Secret Hui, Ann 2001 Hong Kong 101
14441 Chinese Odyssey 2002 Lau, Jeffrey 2002 Hong Kong 97
14442 20401 Shabe ghuzi Ghafari, Farokh 1965 Iran 120
14443 20193 Up the Yangtze Chang Yung 2007 Canada 93
14444 20260 Loin de Manhattan Biette, Jean-Claude 1981 France 80
14445 13579 Growing Up Chen Kun-Hou 1983 Taiwan 100
14446 13580 Tarahumara Alcoriza, Luis 1965 Mexico 105
14447 13582 Story of Three Loves, The Reinhardt, Gottfried/Vincente Minnelli 1953 USA 122
14448 13584 Educating Rita Gilbert, Lewis 1983 UK 110
14449 13585 Deranged Gillen, Jeff/Alan Ormsby 1974 USA 82
14450 13586 Incredibles 2 Bird, Brad 2018 USA 125
14451 13588 Next Stop Wonderland Anderson, Brad 1998 USA 104
14452 13587 Wittstock, Wittstock Koepp, Volker 1997 Germany 117
14453 13590 Monrovia, Indiana Wiseman, Frederick 2018 USA 143
14454 13589 Philomena Frears, Stephen 2013 UK 98
14455 20430 Clean Assayas, Olivier 2004 France 90
14456 13593 Perros, Los Said, Marcela 2017 Chile 94
14457 13595 Skate Kitchen Moselle, Crystal 2017 USA
14458 13591 It All Started at the End Ospina, Luis 2015 Colombia 208
14459 13594 Deadpool 2 Leitch, David 2018 USA 119
14460 Moskva Zeldovich, Aleksandr 2000 Russia 139
14461 13592 Mosquita y Mari Guerrero, Aurora 2012 USA 85
14462 20540 Tatie Danielle Chatiliez, Etienne 1990 France 110
14463 20541 Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy Makin, Kelly 1996 USA 89
14464 13596 Mrs. Brown Madden, John 1997 UK 103
14465 13597 Bronson Refn, Nicolas Winding 2008 UK 92
14466 13598 Terminal Man, The Hodges, Mike 1974 USA 107
14467 20582 Klondike Annie Walsh, Raoul 1936 USA 80
14468 20605 Once Upon a Honeymoon McCarey, Leo 1942 USA 117
14469 13601 Waydowntown Burns, Gary 2000 Canada 87
14470 13599 Dillinger Nosseck, Max 1945 USA 70
14471 13600 Inlet of Muddy Water, An Imai, Tadashi 1953 Japan 104
14472 13602 Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey Malick, Terrence 2016 France 90
14473 20645 Battle of Russia, The Capra, Frank & Anatole Litvak 1943 USA 83
14474 20648 Eliso Shengelaya, Nikoloz 1928 USSR 90
14475 20650 Crime Delicado Brant, Beto 2005 Brazil 87
14476 20713 Prix du danger, Le Boisset, Yves 1983 France 100
14477 20689 Da Li, Xiao Li he Lao Li Xie Jin 1962 China
14478 20647 Mohabbatein Chopra, Aditya 2000 India 216
14479 20702 Dust Bitomsky, Hartmut 2007 Germany 90
14480 16893 Ankhon Dekhi Kapoor, Rajat 2013 India 107
14481 13603 All Fall Down Frankenheimer, John 1962 USA 111
14482 13604 Nightwatching Greenaway, Peter 2007 UK 134
14483 13606 American, The Corbijn, Anton 2010 USA 105
14484 13607 Creepy Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2016 Japan 130
14485 13610 Iron Man Browning, Tod 1931 USA 73
14486 13609 Oh Mercy! Desplechin, Arnaud 2019 France 119
14487 13611 Beduino Bressane, Júlio 2016 Brazil 75
14488 13612 Mimosas Laxe, Oliver 2016 Spain 96
14489 18950 Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter Zellner, David 2014 USA 105
14490 13613 Pure Langseth, Lisa 2010 Sweden 101
14491 13614 Eat Sleep Die Pichler, Gabriela 2012 Sweden 104
14492 13616 Star Trek: First Contact Frakes, Jonathan 1996 USA 112
14493 13617 Lone Ranger, The Verbinski, Gore 2013 USA 149
14494 13618 Hatsu yume Viola, Bill 1981 USA 56
14495 13619 Chuka Douglas, Gordon 1967 USA 105
14496 13620 Monte Walsh Fraker, William A. 1970 USA 106
14497 13622 Petróleo é Nosso, O Macedo, Watson 1954 Brazil
14498 13621 Killer Butterfly Kim Ki-young 1978 South Korea 110
14499 13623 Stopped on Track Dresen, Andreas 2011 Germany 110
14500 20968 Autumn Ball Õunpuu, Veiko 2007 Estonia 123
14501 16902 Role Models Wain, David 2008 USA 99
14502 20920 A2 Mori, Tatsuya 2001 Japan 131
14503 20863 Well, Come on, Smile Iho, Arvo & Leida Laius 1985 USSR 85
14504 13624 People in Places Cavestany, Juan 2013 Spain 79
14505 13625 Crazy Family, The Ishii, Gakuryu 1984 Japan 106
14506 16938 Fast and Furry-ous Jones, Chuck 1949 USA 7
14507 13630 Mission: Impossible III Abrams, J.J. 2006 USA 126
14508 13629 Pollock Harris, Ed 2000 USA 123
14509 21041 Knightriders Romero, George A. 1981 USA 146
14510 21064 Fast Company Cronenberg, David 1978 Canada 91
14511 13632 Live and Let Die Hamilton, Guy 1973 UK 121
14512 13636 License to Live Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 1998 Japan 109
14513 13634 Ennui, L' Kahn, Cédric 1998 France 122
14514 13635 Sermoes - A Historia de Antonio Vieira Bressane, Júlio 1989 Brazil 78
14515 13637 Experimenter Almereyda, Michael 2015 USA 98
14516 13638 London: The Modern Babylon Temple, Julien 2012 UK 125
14517 13639 Seeking the Monkey King Jacobs, Ken 2011 USA 40
14518 19316 Christine Campos, Antonio 2016 UK 119
14519 13641 Lake House, The Agresti, Alejandro 2006 USA 98
14520 13642 Kuichisan Endo, Maiko 2012
14521 22655 Crank: High Voltage Neveldine, Mark & Brian Taylor 2009 USA 96
14522 13643 My Father, My Lord Volach, David 2007 Israel 72
14523 13645 This Property is Condemned Pollack, Sydney 1966 USA 110
14524 16208 Panic in Year Zero! Milland, Ray 1962 USA 95
14525 13646 Man of Flowers, A Cox, Paul 1984 Australia 91
14526 13647 Native Land Hurwitz, Leo & Paul Strand 1941 USA 80
14527 13648 Goodbye Paradise Schultz, Carl 1983 Australia 119
14528 13649 Semi-Tough Ritchie, Michael 1977 USA 108
14529 13651 Pollen of Flowers, The Ha Kil-jong 1972 South Korea 85
14530 13650 Delta, The Sachs, Ira 1996 USA 85
14531 21199 Pepi, Luci, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom Almodóvar, Pedro 1980 Spain 82
14532 17128 We Dive at Dawn Asquith, Anthony 1943 UK 98
14533 Pool, The Smith, Chris 2007 USA 98
14534 13654 Komisario Palmun erehdys Kassila, Matti 1960 Finland 103
14535 13653 Earth is a Sinful Song, The Mollberg, Rauni 1973 Finland 108
14536 13652 In My Father's House Ouazzani, Fatima Jebli 1997 Netherlands 68
14537 16825 Torrente, the Dumb Arm of the Law Segura, Santiago 1998 Spain 97
14538 13658 Hapax Legomena VII: Special Effects Frampton, Hollis 1972 USA 11
14539 13657 Hapax Legomena IV: Travelling Matte Frampton, Hollis 1971 USA 33
14540 13656 Hapax Legomena V: Ordinary Matter Frampton, Hollis 1972 USA 36
14541 13655 Hapax Legomena VI: Remote Control Frampton, Hollis 1972 USA 29
14542 13659 Stir Wallace, Stephen 1980 Australia 100
14543 13660 Lover Come Back Mann, Delbert 1961 USA 107
14544 13661 Hilary and Jackie Tucker, Anand 1998 UK 122
14545 13663 Intacto Fresnadillo, Juan Carlos 2001 Spain 108
14546 13662 Panama Deception, The Trent, Barbara 1992 USA 91
14547 13664 Moontide Mayo, Archie 1942 USA 94
14548 21348 Second Class Citizens Muratova, Kira 2001 Ukraine 105
14549 21313 Riviera Lattuada, Alberto 1954 Italy 107
14550 21354 Lunga notte del '43, La Vancini, Florestano 1960 Italy 110
14551 13665 Horrors of Malformed Men Ishii, Teruo 1969 Japan 99
14552 14024 Mr. Skeffington Sherman, Vincent 1944 USA 127
14553 16877 Coast of Death Patiño, Lois 2013 Spain 81
14554 13669 Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Pet McCay, Winsor 1921 USA 11
14555 13668 Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Flying House McCay, Winsor 1921 USA 11
14556 13667 Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: Bug Vaudeville McCay, Winsor 1921 USA 12
14557 13671 Bettwurst, Die von Praunheim, Rosa 1971 West Germany 81
14558 13670 Ex Drummer Mortier, Koen 2007 Belgium
14559 13672 Compliance Zobel, Craig 2012 USA 90
14560 13673 Burning Hot Summer, A Garrel, Philippe 2011 France 95
14561 13678 Ninja III: The Domination Firstenberg, Sam 1984 USA 95
14562 13676 Carmen Miranda: Bananas Is My Business Solberg, Helena 1994 Brazil 92
14563 13677 Streetwalker Landeta, Matilde 1951 Mexico 101
14564 13679 Siege Tofano, Gilberto 1969 Israel 100
14565 13681 Knuckle Palmer, Ian 2011 UK
14566 13674 Ad Sof Halaylah Green, Eitan 1985 Israel 97
14567 13675 Sealed Soil, The Nabili, Marva 1977 Iran 90
14568 17192 To Live Chan, Evans 1992 Hong Kong 102
14569 17163 Beast Cops Chan, Gordon & Dante Lam 1998 Hong Kong 110
14570 13682 Great Consoler, The Kuleshov, Lev 1933 USSR 95
14571 13683 Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, The Young, Robert M. 1982 USA 99
14572 13684 House of the Devil, The Méliès, Georges 1896 France 3
14573 13686 Garbo: The Spy Roch, Edmon 2009 Spain 88
14574 13685 In Bloom Ekvtimishvili, Nana & Simon Groß 2013 Georgia 102
14575 13688 Haunted Castle, The Murnau, F.W. 1921 Germany 69
14576 13687 Treasure, The Pabst, G.W. 1923 Germany 80
14577 13690 Children of No Importance Lamprecht, Gerhard 1926 Germany 95
14578 13692 Vanina von Gerlach, Arthur 1922 Germany 68
14579 13691 Old Guard Blasetti, Alessandro 1934 Italy 85
14580 13693 Basquiat Schnabel, Julian 1996 USA 108
14581 16674 Chuvas de Verao Diegues, Carlos 1978 Brazil 93
14582 13697 Raft of the Medusa, Th Ačimović-Godina, Karpo 1980 Yugoslavia 101
14583 13695 Keep Cool Zhang Yimou 1997 Hong Kong 90
14584 13694 Live a Little, Love a Little Taurog, Norman 1968 USA 90
14585 13696 Handmaid's Tale, The Schlöndorff, Volker 1990 USA 109
14586 21413 My Voyage to Italy Scorsese, Martin 1999 USA 246
14587 13698 Listen to Me Marlon Riley, Stevan 2015 UK 103
14588 21602 Working Girls, The Rothman, Stephanie 1973 USA 81
14589 21588 Cannibal Man, The de la Iglesia, Eloy 1973 Spain 98
14590 21488 West and Soda Bozzetto, Bruno 1965 Italy 86
14591 21610 Day Shall Dawn, The Kardar, A.J. 1959 Bangladesh 87
14592 13700 And Justice for All Jewison, Norman 1979 USA 119
14593 13701 You're a Big Boy Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1966 USA 96
14594 13718 Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky 2011 USA 121
14595 13705 No Place to Go Roehler, Oskar 2000 Germany 110
14596 13712 Paraíso Proibido, O Reichenbach, Carlos 1971 Brazil 95
14597 13707 Recife Frio Mendonça Filho, Kleber 2009 Brazil 24
14598 13715 Nova Dubai Vinagre, Gustavo 2014 Brazil 55
14599 13720 Durval Discos Muylaert, Anna 2002 Brazil 96
14600 13704 Angels of the Night Barros, Wilson 1987 Brazil 98
14601 13713 Still Orangutans Spolidoro, Gustavo 2007 Brazil 81
14602 13716 Engenhos e Usinas Mauro, Humberto 1955 Brazil 7
14603 13708 Alice Martins, Marco 2005 Portugal 102
14604 13706 Murdered House, The Saraceni, Paulo César 1971 Brazil 103
14605 13717 At 5 in the Afternoon/Panj e asr Makhmalbaf, Samira 2003 Iran 105
14606 13703 Herança, A Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1970 Brazil 90
14607 13711 Palace of Angels, The Khouri, Walter Hugo 1970 Brazil 96
14608 13721 New Wave Garcia, José Antonio & Ícaro Martins 1983 Brazil 102
14609 13723 You Are Not Alone Johansen, Ernst & Lasse Nielsen 1978 Denmark 90
14610 13724 Dark Horse Kári, Dagur 2005 Denmark 106
14611 13725 Reconstruction Boe, Christoffer 2003 Denmark 91
14612 13726 Family Ambo, Phie & Sami Saif 2001 Denmark 90
14613 13727 Life is a Bed of Roses Resnais, Alain 1983 France 111
14614 13728 Light Spill: Black-White-Gray Moholy-Nagy, László 1930 Germany 6
14615 21636 Matter of Dignity, A Cacoyannis, Michael 1958 Greece 112
14616 13729 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Columbus, Chris 1992 USA 120
14617 13730 Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry Brittain, Donald & John Kramer 1976 Canada 100
14618 13732 Plaff! or Too Afraid of Life Tabío, Juan Carlos 1988 Cuba 92
14619 18161 Hard Target Woo, John 1993 USA 94
14620 13733 Wish You Were Here Leland, David 1987 UK 92
14621 13734 Premium Rush Koepp, David 2012 USA 91
14622 13739 People of the Slum Bae Chang-ho 1982 South Korea 108
14623 13737 Seashore Village Kim Soo-yong 1965 South Korea 91
14624 13738 Yeong-ja in Her Prime Kim Ho-sun 1975 South Korea 103
14625 13740 Gagman Lee Myung-se 1989 South Korea 127
14626 13741 Marked Woman Bacon, Lloyd 1937 USA 96
14627 13742 Death on the Nile Guillermin, John 1978 UK 140
14628 17049 5,000 Feet is the Best Fast, Omer 2011 Israel 30
14629 13743 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Fleming, Victor 1941 USA 114
14630 21765 Love on the Ground Rivette, Jacques 1984 France 169
14631 13744 Heaven's Story Zeze, Takahisa 2010 Japan 278
14632 13745 Ram Lakhan Ghai, Subhash 1989 India 174
14633 13746 Electric Dreams Barron, Steve 1984 USA 95
14634 17393 KJ: Music and Life Cheung King-wai 2009 Hong Kong 90
14635 17389 One Day Scherfig, Lone 2011 USA 108
14636 13747 Great White Hype, The Hudlin, Reginald 1996 USA 91
14637 16813 Guerra Conjugal de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1975 Brazil 93
14638 13750 Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea Polák, Jindrich 1977 Czechoslovakia 93
14639 16699 Otryv Mindadze, Aleksandr 2007 Russia 83
14640 16697 Tale in the Darkness Khomeriki, Nikolay 2009 Russia 72
14641 21848 Bolse vita Fekete, Ibolya 1996 Hungary 97
14642 16691 Mama ne goryuy Pezhemsky, Maksim 1998 Russia 83
14643 13752 Silent World, The Cousteau, Jacques-Yves & Louis Malle 1956 France 86
14644 13753 I Saw What You Did Castle, William 1965 USA 82
14645 13755 Burnt Offerings Curtis, Dan 1976 USA 115
14646 13754 Margarita y el lobo Bartolomé, Cecilia 1969 Spain 45
14647 13758 Muse, The Brooks, Albert 1999 USA 97
14648 13761 Hell Hotel Pestonji, Ratana 1957 Thailand 138
14649 18766 Cabin Boy Resnick, Adam 1994 USA 80
14650 13759 Conquest Fulci, Lucio 1983 Italy 88
14651 13762 Hole in My Heart, A Moodysson, Lukas 2004 Sweden 97
14652 13763 Buffalo Bill Wellman, William A. 1944 USA 90
14653 13764 Fury at Showdown Oswald, Gerd 1957 USA 75
14654 13765 Stone Tape, The [TV] Sasdy, Peter 1972 UK 90
14655 13767 Young in Heart, The Wallace, Richard 1938 USA 90
14656 17452 Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Gomez-Rejon, Alfonso 2015 USA 105
14657 17481 Esther and the King Walsh, Raoul 1960 Italy 109
14658 21922 Playing Soldiers Cengic, Bahrudin 'Bato' 1967 Yugoslavia 92
14659 17522 Warlords, The Chan, Peter 2008 China 113
14660 21907 Most Krvavac, Hajrudin 1969 Yugoslavia 105
14661 13768 Ten Minutes Older: The Cello Bertolucci, Bernardo/Claire Denis/Mike Figgis/Jean-Luc Godard/Jirí Menzel/Michael Radford/Volker Schlöndorff/István Szabó 2002 Germany 95
14662 13769 Ping Pong Leong Po-Chih 1987 UK 100
14663 13772 Composition in Blue Fischinger, Oskar 1935 Germany 4
14664 13770 Born to Dance Del Ruth, Roy 1936 USA 105
14665 13773 Pushing Hands Lee, Ang 1992 Taiwan 105
14666 13775 Ghost Story Irvin, John 1981 USA 110
14667 13774 Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent/The Secret Agent Hampton, Christopher 1996 USA 95
14668 13776 Run Silent, Run Deep Wise, Robert 1958 USA 93
14669 21961 Nunal sa tubig Bernal, Ishmael 1976 Philippines 118
14670 13777 Niskavuoren Heta Laine, Edvin 1952 Finland 95
14671 13778 Summer Dress, A Ozon, François 1996 France 15
14672 13779 Smoking Fish, The Chalbaud, Román 1977 Venezuela 120
14673 17648 Uomini e cieli De Robertis, Francesco 1947 Italy
14674 13780 Blessed Event Del Ruth, Roy 1932 USA 83
14675 13781 Osama Barmak, Siddiq 2003 Afghanistan 83
14676 13782 Morning Glory Sherman, Lowell 1933 USA 74
14677 19167 Boondock Saints, The Duffy, Troy 1999 USA 108
14678 13785 Lure of Crooning Water, The Rooke, Arthur 1920 UK
14679 13783 Saviour Square Kos-Krauze, Joanna & Krzysztof Krauze 2006 Poland 105
14680 13784 Bogowie Palkowski, Lukasz 2014 Poland 120
14681 13787 Main Hoon Na Khan, Farah 2004 India 179
14682 13786 Stranger Left No Card, The Toye, Wendy 1952 UK 23
14683 13789 Looping the Loop Robison, Arthur 1928 Germany 123
14684 13793 Hearts of the West Zieff, Howard 1975 USA 102
14685 13792 Enemy Below, The Powell, Dick 1957 USA 98
14686 13795 Chemmeen Kariat, Ramu 1967 India 140
14687 13794 Out of the Inkwell Fleischer, Dave 1938 USA 6
14688 13797 Blanche Fury Allégret, Marc 1948 UK 95
14689 13798 O.C. and Stiggs Altman, Robert 1985 USA 109
14690 13799 Rouli-roulant Jutra, Claude 1966 Canada 16
14691 22774 To Rome with Love Allen, Woody 2012 USA 112
14692 13800 Escape from the Planet of the Apes Taylor, Don 1971 USA 98
14693 13801 Better Tomorrow II, A Woo, John 1987 Hong Kong 105
14694 13803 Strange Invaders Laughlin, Michael 1983 USA 94
14695 13802 Nightwatch Bornedal, Ole 1994 Denmark 107
14696 13806 Scratch Pray, Doug 2001 USA 91
14697 13807 Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme Fitzgerald, Kevin 2000 USA 60
14698 13805 Slingshot Hip Hop Salloum, Jacqueline Reem 2008 USA 80
14699 13804 Restless Natives Hoffman, Michael 1985 UK 90
14700 13808 Dickson Experimental Sound Film Dickson, W.K.L. 1894 USA 1
14701 13809 Ghost Ship, The Robson, Mark 1943 USA 69
14702 13810 Kung Fu Panda 2 Nelson, Jennifer Yuh 2011 USA 90
14703 13813 Strange Brew Thomas, Dave & Rick Moranis 1983 USA 90
14704 13816 Play Me Something Neat, Timothy 1989 UK 72
14705 13814 Birth of a Flower, The Smith, F. Percy 1910 UK 6
14706 13815 Where I Am is Here Tait, Margaret 1964 UK 33
14707 13817 Jagko Im Kwon-taek 1980 South Korea 110
14708 13818 Mist Kim Soo-yong 1967 South Korea 95
14709 13819 Shooting of Dan McGoo, The Avery, Tex 1945 USA 8
14710 13820 Aux deux colombes Guitry, Sacha 1949 France 95
14711 13821 Who Cares: Anatomy of a Delivery Boy Faraldo, Claude 1971 France 110
14712 13823 Fuehrer's Face, Der Kinney, Jack 1942 USA 8
14713 13822 Dharti Ke Lal Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad 1946 India 125
14714 13824 Aakrosh Nihalani, Govind 1980 India 144
14715 13836 Powwow Highway Wacks, Jonathan 1988 UK 90
14716 13831 Katka Trestíková, Helena 2010 Czech Republic 90
14717 13833 Family, The [TV] Roddam, Franc & Paul Watson 1974 UK
14718 13832 Zero Thousand Li Under the Clouds and Moon Cheng Yusu 2013
14719 13834 English Surgeon, The Smith, Geoffrey 2007 UK 94
14720 13826 Good Woman of Bangkok, The O'Rourke, Dennis 1991 Australia 82
14721 13830 Enemies of the People Lemkin, Rob & Thet Sambath 2009 UK
14722 13827 Purple Butterfly/Zi hudie Lou Ye 2003 China 127
14723 13829 Baba Wang Shuo 2000 China 96
14724 13837 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Lucas, George 1999 USA 131
14725 13838 Nosotros, los pobres Rodríguez, Ismael 1948 Mexico 128
14726 13839 She Killed in Ecstasy Franco, Jesús 1971 West Germany 73
14727 22084 San mao liu lang ji Zhao Ming & Yan Gong 1949 China 74
14728 22064 Vuelta al nido, La Ríos, Leopoldo Torres 1938 Argentina 77
14729 22063 Don't Look Back, My Son Bauer, Branko 1956 Yugoslavia 111
14730 13841 Executioners from Shaolin Liu Chia-Liang 1977 Hong Kong 98
14731 13840 Al-irhab wal kabab Arafa, Sherif 1993 Egypt 105
14732 13844 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A Lester, Richard 1966 USA 99
14733 13848 Sonatine Lanctot, Micheline 1984 Canada 91
14734 13842 Becket Glenville, Peter 1964 USA 148
14735 13843 Sudden Fear Miller, David 1952 USA 110
14736 13847 Miracle, The Jordan, Neil 1990 UK 100
14737 13846 Anne of the Thousand Days Jarrott, Charles 1969 USA 145
14738 13845 X The Unknown Norman, Leslie 1956 UK 80
14739 13849 Evil of Dracula Yamamoto, Michio 1974 Japan 87
14740 22087 Sparrows Beaudine, William 1926 USA 84
14741 22117 Cycle, The Mehrjui, Dariush 1977 Iran 101
14742 13851 Carmen Lubitsch, Ernst 1918 Germany 80
14743 13853 Flight of the Navigator Kleiser, Randal 1986 USA 90
14744 13855 Festival Griffin, Annie 2005 UK 107
14745 13856 Invasion U.S.A. Green, Alfred E. 1952 USA 74
14746 13857 My Name is Oona Nelson, Gunvor 1969 USA 10
14747 13858 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo LeRoy, Mervyn 1944 USA 138
14748 13859 Manxman, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1929 UK 110
14749 13861 Mißbrauchten Liebesbriefe, Die Lindtberg, Leopold 1940 Switzerland 95
14750 22126 Woman of the Port Ripstein, Arturo 1991 Mexico 110
14751 22125 Black is... Black Ain't Riggs, Marlon 1994 USA 87
14752 13862 Man, When He is a Man, A Sarmiento, Valeria 1982 France 66
14753 13864 Blume in Love Mazursky, Paul 1973 USA 117
14754 13865 Nuit ordinaire, Une Guiguet, Jean-Claude 1996 France 4
14755 13868 Tigre de papel, Un Ospina, Luis 2008 Colombia 112
14756 13866 () Fisher, Morgan 2003 USA 21
14757 20542 Anaconda Llosa, Luis 1997 USA 89
14758 22716 Sea Hawk, The Lloyd, Frank 1924 USA 123
14759 13871 Trojan Women, The Cacoyannis, Michael 1972 Greece 105
14760 13873 In Our Time Chang Yi/Ko I-Chen/Tao Te-chen/Edward Yang 1982 Taiwan 106
14761 13877 City of Gold Koenig, Wolf & Colin Low 1958 Canada 22
14762 13875 Combat de boxe Dekeukeleire, Charles 1927 Belgium
14763 13872 Kolberg Harlan, Veit 1945 Germany 111
14764 13874 Nem Sansao Nem Dalila Manga, Carlos 1955 Brazil 90
14765 13878 Way South, The van der Keuken, Johan 1981 Netherlands
14766 13879 Thé au harem d'Archimède, Le Charef, Mehdi 1985 France 110
14767 13880 Mummy, The Sommers, Stephen 1999 USA 124
14768 13881 Lion's Den Trapero, Pablo 2008 Argentina 113
14769 13882 Ticket Im Kwon-taek 1986 South Korea 100
14770 13884 Spinning Wheel Lee Doo-yong 1984 South Korea 100
14771 13885 Visitation, The Dorsky, Nathaniel 2002 USA 18
14772 13886 In Comparison Farocki, Harun 2009 Austria 61
14773 13887 Big Shots Goldwasser, Jacob 1982 Israel 95
14774 13888 Payday Duke, Daryl 1973 USA 103
14775 22184 Save and Protect Sokurov, Aleksandr 1989 USSR 167
14776 22198 Outside In Dwoskin, Stephen 1981 UK 115
14777 22238 Courage for Every Day Schorm, Evald 1964 Czechoslovakia 85
14778 13889 Peasants Ermler, Fridrikh 1935 USSR 114
14779 13892 Godless Girl, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1929 USA 113
14780 22324 Grandma's Boy Newmeyer, Fred C. 1922 USA 81
14781 13894 Mujer de Benjamin, La Carrera, Carlos 1991 Mexico 90
14782 13893 Ice Station Zebra Sturges, John 1968 USA 148
14783 22332 Black Tuesday Fregonese, Hugo 1954 USA 80
14784 13895 Prelude to War Capra, Frank & Anatole Litvak 1942 USA 52
14785 22400 Campeón sin corona Galindo, Alejandro 1946 Mexico 111
14786 22470 Dos monjes Bustillo Oro, Juan 1934 Mexico 85
14787 22335 In the Palm of Your Hand Gavaldón, Roberto 1951 Mexico 113
14788 22370 Vilarinho das Furnas Campos, António 1970 Portugal 65
14789 22412 Sombra del Caudillo, La Bracho, Julio 1960 Mexico 129
14790 13896 Hustle Aldrich, Robert 1975 USA 120
14791 13897 Rain or Shine Capra, Frank 1930 USA 92
14792 17223 Bedlam Robson, Mark 1946 USA 79
14793 13898 Vigilante, O Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro 1992 Brazil 85
14794 21055 Death Wish 3 Winner, Michael 1985 USA 90
14795 13899 Film Johnnie, A Nichols, George 1914 USA 15
14796 13900 Entre la mer et l'eau douce Brault, Michel 1967 Canada 85
14797 13901 Forbidden Fruit DeMille, Cecil B. 1921 USA 87
14798 13902 Saturday Night DeMille, Cecil B. 1922 USA 90
14799 13904 Scaramouche Ingram, Rex 1923 USA 124
14800 13903 Isle of Lost Ships, The Tourneur, Maurice 1923 USA 80
14801 13906 Sentimental Tommy Robertson, John S. 1921 UK 80
14802 13905 Enchanted Cottage, The Robertson, John S. 1924 USA 70
14803 13907 Sunnyside Chaplin, Charles 1919 USA 30
14804 13908 Locket, The Brahm, John 1946 USA 85
14805 13909 Road House Negulesco, Jean 1948 USA 95
14806 13912 Hole, The Hubley, John 1962 USA 15
14807 13919 Viva la muerte Arrabal, Fernando 1971 France 90
14808 13913 After the Rehearsal Bergman, Ingmar 1984 Sweden 72
14809 13915 Boy of the Plantation Lima Jr., Walter 1970 Brazil 110
14810 13920 Jai Santoshi Maa Sharma, Vijay 1975 India 145
14811 13917 Kismet Mukherjee, Gyan 1943 India 143
14812 13922 Achhut Kanya Osten, Franz 1936 India 142
14813 13921 Diamond Queen Wadia, Homi 1940 India 155
14814 13918 Tesouro Perdido Mauro, Humberto 1927 Brazil 86
14815 13916 Adi Vasfiye Yilmaz, Atif 1985 Turkey 90
14816 17740 Scary Movie Wayans, Keenen Ivory 2000 USA 88
14817 22477 New One-Armed Swordsman, The Chang Cheh 1971 Hong Kong 98
14818 13924 Underworld Beauty Suzuki, Seijun 1958 Japan 87
14819 13925 Diary of Anne Frank, The Stevens, George 1959 USA 156
14820 13927 Houve uma Vez Dois Verões Furtado, Jorge 2002 Brazil 75
14821 13928 Magic in the Moonlight Allen, Woody 2014 USA 97
14822 13929 Rendez-vous de Juillet Becker, Jacques 1949 France 110
14823 13933 Get Crazy Arkush, Allan 1983 USA 92
14824 13932 Ryuji Kawashima, Toru 1983 Japan 92
14825 13931 Equinox Rudolph, Alan 1992 USA 107
14826 22499 All of Me Reiner, Carl 1984 USA 93
14827 13934 Cold Fever Friðriksson, Friðrik Þór 1994 Iceland 85
14828 13936 My Flesh and Blood Karsh, Jonathan 2003 USA 83
14829 13937 Hospital, The Hiller, Arthur 1971 USA 103
14830 21315 Stuck Gordon, Stuart 2007 Germany 85
14831 13938 No Stars in the Jungle Robles Godoy, Armando 1967 Argentina 90
14832 13939 No Love for Johnnie Thomas, Ralph 1961 UK 110
14833 13940 Trouble the Water Deal, Carl & Tia Lessin 2008 USA 90
14834 13943 Cape No. 7 Wei Te-Sheng 2008 Taiwan 129
14835 13941 Goodbye Darling Pai Ching-Jui 1970 Taiwan 92
14836 13942 Story of a Mother Sung Tsun-Shou 1973
14837 13944 Winds of Fogo, The Low, Colin 1970 Canada
14838 16263 Zoko Miyamoto Musashi/Samurai II Inagaki, Hiroshi 1955 Japan 104
14839 13945 Steps Rybczynski, Zbigniew 1987 USA 25
14840 13946 Karmen Gei Ramaka, Joseph Gai 2001 Senegal 86
14841 17699 Bar Esperanza Carvana, Hugo 1983 Brazil 127
14842 13948 Flat is Beautiful Benning, Sadie 1998 USA 50
14843 13949 F/X Mandel, Robert 1986 USA 106
14844 13950 Only Two Can Play Gilliat, Sidney 1962 UK 106
14845 13951 Free Fall Lipsett, Arthur 1964 Canada 10
14846 13952 Cornered Dmytryk, Edward 1945 USA 102
14847 13953 Englishman Abroad, An [TV] Schlesinger, John 1983 UK 61
14848 13955 Trancers Band, Charles 1985 USA 85
14849 13956 Hearts and Guts Carolina, Ana 1982 Brazil 100
14850 13957 House of Dark Shadows Curtis, Dan 1970 USA 96
14851 13954 Ao Redor do Brasil Reis, Luiz Thomas 1932 Brazil 71
14852 13958 Forever Yours Yi Wen 1960 Hong Kong 98
14853 Liberté-Oléron Podalydès, Bruno 2001 France 107
14854 13961 Frozen Land Louhimies, Aku 2005 Finland 132
14855 13960 Angel City Jost, Jon 1977 USA 75
14856 21672 Series 7: The Contenders Minahan, Daniel 2001 USA 86
14857 13963 Daddy De Saint Phalle, Niki & Peter Whitehead 1973 UK 90
14858 13965 Trapalhões e o Mágico de Oróz, Os Lustosa, Victor & Dedé Santana 1984 Brazil 93
14859 13964 Super Xuxa Contra o Baixo Astral Penido, Anna & David Sonnenschein 1988 Brazil 86
14860 22533 Rainy Dog Miike, Takashi 1997 Japan 95
14861 22532 Ley Lines Miike, Takashi 1999 Japan 105
14862 13966 Western Union Lang, Fritz 1941 USA 94
14863 13971 Along the Railway Du Haibin 2000 China 125
14864 13968 1428 Du Haibin 2009 China
14865 13970 Little Moth Peng Tao 2007 China 99
14866 13974 Seafood Zhu Wen 2001 China 86
14867 13973 Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest Yang Fudong 2008 China
14868 22537 Last Train from Gun Hill Sturges, John 1959 USA 94
14869 13976 Cannonball Run, The Needham, Hal 1981 USA 95
14870 13977 City and the Dogs, The Lombardi, Francisco J. 1985 Peru 135
14871 22578 Middleman, The Ray, Satyajit 1976 India 131
14872 22579 Company Limited Ray, Satyajit 1971 India 110
14873 13979 Dong Xiaowan Tang Disheng 1950 Hong Kong
14874 13980 Electric House, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1922 USA 23
14875 13981 Jungle Book Korda, Zoltan 1942 USA 106
14876 13983 Indian Fighter, The de Toth, André 1955 USA 88
14877 13984 Iron Curtain, The Wellman, William A. 1948 USA 87
14878 13987 Old Man and the Sea, The Petrov, Aleksandr 1999 Russia 20
14879 13985 American Cousins Coutts, Don 2002 UK 93
14880 13989 Candy Marquand, Christian 1968 France 115
14881 13990 Winter of Our Dreams, The Duigan, John 1981 Australia 90
14882 13994 Nobody Waved Good-bye Owen, Don 1964 Canada 80
14883 13991 Virginian, The Fleming, Victor 1929 USA 91
14884 13995 Mezon do Himiko Inudo, Isshin 2005 Japan 130
14885 21268 Anger Carri, Albertina 2008 Argentina 85
14886 13997 Zoo Devor, Robinson 2007 USA 80
14887 13999 Horse Whisperer, The Redford, Robert 1998 USA 169
14888 14000 Broadway Bill Capra, Frank 1934 USA 102
14889 14025 Mioche, Le Moguy, Léonide 1936 France 98
14890 14026 Don Quixote [unfinished film] Welles, Orson 1992 Spain 116
14891 14027 Next of Kin Egoyan, Atom 1984 Canada 70
14892 14028 Sylvia Jeffs, Christine 2003 UK 114
14893 14029 Angel-A Besson, Luc 2005 France 91
14894 14031 Only Human/Seres Queridos De Pelegri, Teresa & Dominic Harari 2004 Spain 89
14895 14030 Vent des amoureux, Le Lamorisse, Albert 1978 France 71
14896 14033 Beneath the Planet of the Apes Post, Ted 1970 USA 95
14897 14036 Sand Castle, The/Le Chateau de sable Hoedeman, Co 1977 Canada 13
14898 14034 Iron Mistress, The Douglas, Gordon 1952 USA 110
14899 14035 1860 Blasetti, Alessandro 1933 Italy 75
14900 14037 On Paper Wings Klopcic, Matjaz 1967 Yugoslavia 80
14901 14038 Castle of Blood Margheriti, Antonio 1964 France 85
14902 14039 Carousel King, Henry 1956 USA 128
14903 14041 Boodan yaa naboodan Ayari, Kianoush 1998 Iran 94
14904 14042 Eleven O'Clock Woman, The Devaivre, Jean 1948 France 97
14905 14043 Grand Voyage, Le Ferroukhi, Ismael 2004 France 107
14906 14044 Bajaja Trnka, Jirí 1950 Czechoslovakia 87
14907 14046 Celebration in the Botanical Garden Havetta, Elo 1969 Czechoslovakia 83
14908 14047 Vassa Panfilov, Gleb 1983 USSR 140
14909 14048 Rain Milestone, Lewis 1932 USA 94
14910 14058 Haut pays des neiges Palacios, Bernard 1990 France 10
14911 14050 Greek Tragedy, A Van Goethem, Nicole 1985 Belgium 7
14912 14057 Pulcinella Gianini, Giulio & Emanuele Luzzati 1973 Italy 11
14913 14056 Grasshoppers Bozzetto, Bruno 1990 Italy 9
14914 14053 At the Ends of the Earth Bronzit, Konstantin 1999 France 8
14915 14055 Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood Bardin, Garri 1991 USSR 27
14916 14049 Little Soldier, The Grimault, Paul 1948 France 11
14917 14051 Bombe par hasard…, Une Laguionie, Jean-François 1969 France 8
14918 14052 Anna & Bella Ring, Børge 1984 Netherlands 8
14919 14059 Elbowing Driessen, Paul 1979 Canada 7
14920 14054 Poodle, The Shorina, Nina 1985 USSR 11
14921 14060 Rescuers, The Reitherman, Wolfgang/John Lounsbery/Art Stevens 1977 USA 76
14922 14061 Paris Awakens Assayas, Olivier 1991 France 95
14923 14062 Humpbacked Horse, The Ivanov-Vano, Ivan 1975 USSR 73
14924 14063 Eye of God Nelson, Tim Blake 1997 USA 84
14925 Salome [TV] Schroeter, Werner 1971 West Germany 81
14926 14064 Remando al viento/Rowing in the Wind Suárez, Gonzalo 1988 Spain 126
14927 14065 Demons in the Garden Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1982 Spain 97
14928 Cinderella Story, A Rosman, Mark 2004 USA 95
14929 Pelican Brief, The Pakula, Alan J. 1993 USA 141
14930 Rye Lane Allen-Miller, Raine 2023 UK 82
14931 Empty Man, The Prior, David 2020 USA 137
14932 Lady Chatterley's Lover de Clermont-Tonnerre, Laure 2022 UK 126
14933 Turning Red Shi, Domee 2022 USA 100
14934 Admirable Crichton, The Gilbert, Lewis 1957 UK 94
14935 23593 Italian, The Barker, Reginald 1915 USA 78
14936 Law and Order [TV] Wiseman, Frederick 1969 USA 81
14937 23487 Angel and the Badman Grant, James Edward 1947 USA 100
14938 23063 Woman on the Run Foster, Norman 1950 USA 77
14939 Great Moment, The Sturges, Preston 1944 USA 83
14940 23074 Scandal Sheet Karlson, Phil 1952 USA 82
14941 About Dry Grasses Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 2023 Turkey 197
14942 23092 Too Late for Tears Haskin, Byron 1949 USA 99
14943 Lemming Moll, Dominik 2005 France 130
14944 Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World Brooks, Albert 2005 USA 98
14945 Heading South Cantet, Laurent 2005 France 108
14946 Raja Doillon, Jacques 2003 France 112
14947 Wiener-Dog Solondz, Todd 2016 USA 88
14948 Life on a String Chen Kaige 1991 China 120
14949 Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench Chazelle, Damien 2009 USA 82
14950 Juggernaut Lester, Richard 1974 UK 109
14951 Red Riding: 1983 Tucker, Anand 2009 UK 100
14952 Tamarind Seed, The Edwards, Blake 1974 USA 123
14953 Night of the Big Heat Fisher, Terence 1967 UK 94
14954 Until They Get Me Borzage, Frank 1917 USA 58
14955 Smouldering Fires Brown, Clarence 1925 USA 80
14956 Thomas l'imposteur Franju, Georges 1965 France 94
14957 Mann, der seinen Mörder sucht, Der Siodmak, Robert 1931 Germany 97
14958 Historias de la revolución Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás 1960 Cuba 87
14959 Klostret i Sendomir Sjöström, Victor 1920 Sweden 54
14960 Dixième symphonie, La Gance, Abel 1918 France 80
14961 Last Summer Breillat, Catherine 2023 France 104
14962 Counsellor-at-Law Wyler, William 1933 USA 82
14963 Ingmarssönerna Sjöström, Victor 1919 Sweden 207
14964 Straight Shooting Ford, John 1917 USA 62
14965 Three Floors Moretti, Nanni 2021 Italy 119
14966 Furcht Wiene, Robert 1917 Germany 72
14967 Gang in die Nacht, Der Murnau, F.W. 1921 Germany 81
14968 Way Back, The Weir, Peter 2010 USA 133
14969 Taking Woodstock Lee, Ang 2009 USA 120
14970 Polytechnique Villeneuve, Denis 2009 Canada 77
14971 Pleasure Garden, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1925 UK 75
14972 Djamilah Chahine, Youssef 1958 Egypt 123
14973 Mindhunter [TV] Fincher, David/Andrew Douglas/Asif Kapadia/Tobias Lindholm 2017-19 USA
14974 Sitcom Ozon, François 1998 France 85
14975 Silences, The Nash, Margot 2014 Australia 73
14976 Giovedì, Il Risi, Dino 1964 Italy 105
14977 Stranger at My Door Witney, William 1956 USA 85
14978 Amoureuse Doillon, Jacques 1992 France 99
14979 Jerry & Me Saeed-Vafa, Mehmaz 2012 USA 38
14980 Douze mille Trebal, Nadège 2019 France 111
14981 Silencio es un cuerpo que cae, El Comedi, Agustina 2017 Argentina 72
14982 No Rest for the Brave Guiraudie, Alain 2003 France 104
14983 Nadie quiere la noche Coixet, Isabel 2015 Spain 104
14984 Au coeur de la vie Enrico, Robert 1963 France 95
14985 Zero Day Coccio, Ben 2003 USA 92
14986 Stink Bomb Okamura, Tensai 1995 Japan 40
14987 Return of the Black Eagle Freda, Riccardo 1946 Italy 97
14988 Chûshingura Makino, Shozo 1911 Japan 47
14989 Straight Up Sweeney, James 2019 USA 95
14990 Girl's Folly, A Tourneur, Maurice 1917 USA 65
14991 Vampiro negro, El Barreto, Román Viñoly 1953 Argentina 90
14992 Zigomar, roi des voleurs Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte 1911 France 40
14993 Midnight Mass [TV] Flanagan, Mike 2021 USA
14994 Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed, The Arnow, Joanna 2023 USA 87
14995 Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You. Mosese, Lemohang Jeremiah 2019 Germany 76
14996 Infinity Pool Cronenberg, Brandon 2023 Canada 117
14997 Consequence, The Petersen, Wolfgang 1977 West Germany 100
14998 Peter Brook's the Mahabharata [TV] Brook, Peter 1989-90 Belgium 318
14999 Fallen Albert, Barbara 2006 Germany 88
15000 On the Seventh Day McKay, Jim 2017 USA 97
15001 Fûun jôshi Yamazaki, Fujie 1928 Japan
15002 Flic Story Deray, Jacques 1975 France 107
15003 Doux amour des hommes, Le Civeyrac, Jean-Paul 2002 France 80
15004 Let's Rock Again! Rude, Dick 2004 USA 67
15005 Decade Under the Influence, A Demme, Ted & Richard LaGravenese 2003 USA 138
15006 How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer Garcia Riedel, Georgina 2005 USA 128
15007 Vieja memoria, La Camino, Jaime 1978 Spain
15008 Fabian Gremm, Wolf 1980 West Germany 110
15009 Tötet nicht mehr Pick, Lupu 1919 Germany
15010 Doubt Shanley, John Patrick 2008 USA 104
15011 Rat, The Cutts, Graham 1925 UK 70
15012 Érase una vez Cirici Pellicer, Alexandre & José Escobar 1950 Spain 90
15013 Scars Herbert, James 1997 USA 73
15014 Koi no hana saku: Izu no odoriko Gosho, Heinosuke 1933 Japan 94
15015 Lille Dorrit Sandberg, A.W. 1924 Denmark 131
15016 Just Around the Corner Marion, Frances 1921 USA 70
15017 Carmel Gitai, Amos 2009 Israel 93
15018 The Blaze: Territory The Blaze 2017 France 5
15019 Adamant Girl, The Vinothraj, P.S. 2024 India 100
15020 Devil to Pay, The Fitzmaurice, George 1930 USA 73
15021 Trade Winds Trade Winds 1938 USA 90
15022 Bonheur, Le L'Herbier, Marcel 1934 France 98
15023 Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The Johnson, Nunnally 1956 USA 153
15024 Return to Ithaca Cantet, Laurent 2014 France 92
15025 Hercules in the Haunted World Bava, Mario 1961 Italy 84
15026 Rififi in Tokyo Deray, Jacques 1963 France 98
15027 Happiest Girl in the World, The Jude, Radu 2009 Romania 99
15028 Dadetown Hexter, Russ 1996 USA 95
15029 Ugly Swans, The Lopushanskiy, Konstantin 2006 Russia 105
15030 Atlantis Blom, August 1913 Denmark 121
15031 Disciple, The Tamhane, Chaitanya 2020 India 127
15032 Cathedral, The D'Ambrose, Ricky 2021 USA 87
15033 Christmas Eve in Miller’s Point Taormina, Tyler 2024 USA 106
15034 Dreaming Film Pauwels, Eric 2010 Belgium 180
15035 Drama/Mex Naranjo, Gerardo 2006 Mexico 93
15036 Planeta, El Ulman, Amalia 2021 USA 79
15037 Return of the Killer Tomatoes! De Bello, John 1988 USA 98
15038 To Live is Better Than to Die Chen Weijun 2003 China 88
15039 Magnitnye buri Abdrashitov, Vadim 2003 Russia 93
15040 Nothing's All Bad Munch-Fals, Mikkel 2010 Denmark 93
15041 Flying Lotus: Until the Quiet Comes Joseph, Kahlil 2013 USA 4
15042 Noche de los lápices, La Olivera, Héctor 1986 Argentina 105
15043 Belle Américaine, La Dhéry, Robert 1961 France 104
15044 Mon enfance à Montréal Chabot, Jean 1971 Canada 64
15045 Mondomanila, or: How I Fixed My Hair After a Rather Long Journey Khavn 2012 Philippines 75
15046 Último malón, El Greca, Alcides 1917 Argentina 97
15047 Malombra Gallone, Carmine 1917 Italy 75
15048 Pustynya Kats, Mikhail 1991 USSR 124
15049 Reichsautobahn Bitomsky, Hartmut 1986 West Germany 90
15050 Antidote, L' De Brus, Vincent 2005 France 107
15051 Sara Mehrjui, Dariush 1993 Iran 102
15052 Himmel auf Erden, Der Schirokauer, Alfred & Reinhold Schünzel 1927 Germany 113
15053 Congorama Falardeau, Philippe 2006 Canada 105
15054 Work Reichman, Rachel 1996 USA 90
15055 Our Brand is Crisis Boynton, Rachel 2005 USA 87
15056 Rechercher Victor Pellerin Deraspe, Sophie 2006 Canada 102
15057 Cri de la soie, Le Marciano, Yvon 1996 France 110
15058 Last Days of Immanuel Kant, The Collin, Philippe 1993 France 70
15059 Il était une fois dans l'est Brassard, André 1974 Canada 101
15060 Ohm Krüger Steinhoff, Hans 1941 Germany 124
15061 Cossack Whip, The Collins, John H. 1916 USA 61
15062 Frau, nach der man sich sehnt, Die Bernhardt, Curtis 1929 Germany 76
15063 Fall Gleiwitz, Der Klein, Gerhard 1961 East Germany 70
15064 Red Carle, Gilles 1970 Canada 103
15065 Sweetest Sound, The Berliner, Alan 2001 UK 60
15066 Anni difficili Zampa, Luigi 1948 Italy 90
15067 Pirotecnia Atehortúa Arteaga, Federico 2019 Colombia 83
15068 Fuoco (la favilla - la vampa - la cenere), Il Pastrone, Giovanni 1916 Italy 45
15069 Memories and Dreams Milburn, Lynn-Maree 1993 Australia 58
15070 Shima no musume Nomura, Hotei 1933 Japan 62
15071 Tracey Fragments, The McDonald, Bruce 2007 Canada 77
15072 Women Are Born Twice Kawashima, Yuzo 1961 Japan 99
15073 Golem, Der Wegener, Paul 1914 Germany 60
15074 14066 Major Barbara Pascal, Gabriel 1941 UK 135
15075 22635 Week's Holiday, A Tavernier, Bertrand 1980 France 102
15076 17869 Disclosure Levinson, Barry 1994 USA 127
15077 23406 Crowd Roars, The Hawks, Howard 1932 USA 85
15078 17876 Species Donaldson, Roger 1995 USA 111
15079 17899 Yesterday Boyle, Danny 2019 UK 116
15080 17895 Double Lover Ozon, François 2017 France 107
15081 17919 Quiet Family, The Kim Jee-woon 1998 South Korea 101
15082 18088 Suddenly in the Dark Ko Young Nam 1981 South Korea 95
15083 18072 Onward Scanlon, Dan 2020 USA 102
15084 14070 Profiles of Farmers Chapter 2: Daily Life Depardon, Raymond 2005 France 83
15085 14069 Profils paysans: l'approche Depardon, Raymond 2001 France 88
15086 14071 Something Good - Negro Kiss Selig, William Nicholas 1898 USA 1
15087 14072 Amazing Mr. X, The Vorhaus, Bernard 1948 USA 78
15088 14073 Casamento, O Jabor, Arnaldo 1976 Brazil
15089 14074 Main du diable, La Tourneur, Maurice 1943 France 78
15090 14594 To Each His Own Cinema Various Directors 2007 France 100
15091 14077 Wassup Rockers Clark, Larry 2005 USA 111
15092 14076 Haut les coeurs! Anspach, Sólveig 1999 France 110
15093 14075 Adversary, The Garcia, Nicole 2002 France 129
15094 14078 Topper McLeod, Norman Z. 1937 USA 97
15095 14079 Porgy and Bess Preminger, Otto 1959 USA 138
15096 18153 Imitation Game, The Tyldum, Morten 2014 UK 114
15097 14083 Nobody Naishuller, Ilya 2021 USA 92
15098 14081 American Animals Layton, Bart 2018 USA 116
15099 14085 Comfort of Strangers, The Schrader, Paul 1991 Italy 105
15100 18182 Zack Synder’s Justice League Snyder, Zack 2021 USA 242
15101 18168 Yes Day Arteta, Miguel 2021 USA 86
15102 14108 Birds of Prey Yan, Cathy 2020 USA 109
15103 17912 It Happened on 5th Avenue Del Ruth, Roy 1947 USA 115
15104 14096 Fire Island Ahn, Andrew 2022 USA 105
15105 Thumbelina Bluth, Don & Gary Goldman 1994 USA 86
15106 18191 Ella Enchanted O'Haver, Tommy 2004 USA 106
15107 17935 Misérables, Les Ly, Ladj 2019 France 102
15108 She Said Schrader, Maria 2022 USA 129
15109 18214 National Treasure Turteltaub, Jon 2004 USA 130
15110 14109 Duke, The Michell, Roger 2020 96
15111 18368 Underwater Eubank, William 2020 USA 95
15112 18364 Chef Favreau, Jon 2014 USA 114
15113 14080 Little Nemo McCay, Winsor 1911 USA 7
15114 23733 Werewolf of Washington, The Ginsberg, Milton Moses 1973 USA 90
15115 14084 Dominick and Eugene Young, Robert M. 1988 USA 111
15116 14082 Taps Becker, Harold 1981 USA 118
15117 14086 See No Evil, Hear No Evil Hiller, Arthur 1989 USA 103
15118 14087 Mask Bogdanovich, Peter 1985 USA 120
15119 14098 Wicked Games: Rimini Sparta Seidl, Ulrich 2023 Austria 205
15120 14089 Up in Mabel's Room Dwan, Allan 1944 USA 76
15121 14088 Masquerader, The Chaplin, Charles 1914 USA 9
15122 14097 Wendell & Wild Selick, Henry 2022 USA 105
15123 14091 Getting Gertie's Garter Dwan, Allan 1945 USA 72
15124 14103 Last of the Line, The Hunt, Jay & Thomas H. Ince 1914 USA 20
15125 One Night in Miami… King, Regina 2020 USA
15126 Mister E Conneely, Margaret 1959 USA 12
15127 14111 Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1985 Hong Kong 105
15128 14112 After the Dream Comes True [TV] Leake, Craig 1982 USA
15129 14105 Book of Life, The Gutiérrez, Jorge R. 2014 Mexico 95
15130 14101 Competition, The Simon, Claire 2016 France 121
15131 14110 B.R.A.T. Patrol, The [TV] Miller, Mollie 1986 USA
15132 Whole Shootin' Match, The Pennell, Eagle 1978 USA 101
15133 14107 Silver Bullets Swanberg, Joe 2011 USA
15134 Stranded Compton, Juleen 1965 USA 90
15135 14104 Splendor Scola, Ettore 1989 Italy 115
15136 Dérive, La Delsol, Paula 1964 France 81
15137 14094 Hamburger: The Motion Picture Marvin, Mike 1986 USA 90
15138 14100 Racing with the Moon Benjamin, Richard 1984 USA 108
15139 Judy Berlin Mendelsohn, Eric 1998 USA 93
15140 14093 Max's First Job Gasnier, Louis J. & Max Linder 1910 France 7
15141 14099 Flash of Green, A Nunez, Victor 1984 USA 131
15142 14113 Darkness at Noon Imai, Tadashi 1956 Japan 122
15143 14114 Take Me to Town Sirk, Douglas 1953 USA 81
15144 14115 Castle of the Banned Lovers Freda, Riccardo 1956 Italy 93
15145 18160 Possessor Cronenberg, Brandon 2020 Canada 103
15146 14121 Bros Stoller, Nicholas 2022 USA 115
15147 14120 Weathering with You Shinkai, Makoto 2019 Japan 114
15148 14122 Vaquilla, La García Berlanga, Luis 1985 Spain 122
15149 17909 Prey Trachtenberg, Dan 2022 USA 100
15150 14126 Good Boss, The de Aranoa, Fernando León 2021 Spain 116
15151 17954 Malice Becker, Harold 1993 USA 107
15152 18001 Kings of Summer, The Vogt-Roberts, Jordan 2013 USA 95
15153 14123 Sweet Home Alabama Tennant, Andy 2002 USA 108
15154 14130 Judas and the Black Messiah King, Shaka 2021 USA 126
15155 14129 Half of It, The Wu, Alice 2020 USA 104
15156 14131 Encanto Bush, Jared & Byron Howard 2021 USA 102
15157 14124 Little Forest Yim Soon-rye 2018 South Korea 103
15158 18223 Swan Princess, The Rich, Richard 1994 USA 90
15159 Free Guy Levy, Shawn 2021 USA 115
15160 14133 Fire Over England Howard, William K. 1937 UK 89
15161 22653 Nationalité immigré Sokhona, Sidney 1975 Mauritania 85
15162 18424 Running Man, The Glaser, Paul Michael 1987 USA 100
15163 18538 Burlesque Antin, Steven 2010 USA 119
15164 18498 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Parker, Ol 2018 USA 114
15165 14135 Dividing Wall, The Bai Chen & Zhu Shilin 1952 Hong Kong 93
15166 14136 Crise, La Serreau, Coline 1992 France 95
15167 14137 Don't Drink the Water [TV] Allen, Woody 1994 USA 100
15168 14141 Rat Race Leterrier, François 1980 France 105
15169 14139 Tout ça... pour ça! Lelouch, Claude 1993 France 120
15170 14144 Tchao pantin Berri, Claude 1983 France 100
15171 14143 Mes meilleurs copains Poras, Marlo 1989 France 110
15172 14138 Robert et Robert Lelouch, Claude 1978 France 105
15173 14140 Pain in the Ass, A Molinaro, Édouard 1973 France 85
15174 14142 Garçon! Sautet, Claude 1983 France 102
15175 14145 Tierra prometida, La Littin, Miguel 1973 Cuba 80
15176 14146 Happiness is in the Field Chatiliez, Etienne 1995 France 106
15177 14147 Woman is the Future of Man Hong Sang-soo 2004 South Korea 88
15178 14148 Shanghai Noon Dey, Tom 2000 USA 110
15179 14158 Carambolages Bluwal, Marcel 1963 France 88
15180 14154 Acteurs, Les Blier, Bertrand 2000 France 103
15181 14156 Maigret and the St. Fiacre Case Delannoy, Jean 1959 France 101
15182 14155 Let's Rob the Bank Girault, Jean 1964 France 88
15183 14152 Possessors, The de La Patellière, Denys 1958 France 94
15184 14149 Taxi For Tobruk de La Patellière, Denys 1961 France 95
15185 14151 Delusions of Grandeur Oury, Gérard 1971 France 85
15186 14150 Old Guard, The Grangier, Gilles 1960 France 90
15187 14157 Cloportes Granier-Deferre, Pierre 1965 France 95
15188 14153 Counterfeiters of Paris, The Grangier, Gilles 1961 France 98
15189 14159 Cat Came Back, The Barker, Cordell 1988 Canada 7
15190 14170 I Like it Like That Martin, Darnell 1994 USA 105
15191 18420 Holiday Affair Hartman, Don 1949 USA 87
15192 18614 Higher Learning Singleton, John 1995 USA 127
15193 14178 Virus: The End Fukasaku, Kinji 1980 Japan 108
15194 14187 Batman, The Reeves, Matt 2022 USA 176
15195 14175 West Side Story Spielberg, Steven 2021 USA 156
15196 14208 Night House, The Bruckner, David 2020 UK 107
15197 14207 27 Dresses Fletcher, Anne 2008 USA 111
15198 14196 Long Strange Trip Bar-Lev, Amir 2017 USA 238
15199 18761 Junky's Christmas, The Donkin, Nick & Melodie McDaniel 1994 USA 21
15200 18644 Gangster No. 1 McGuigan, Paul 2000 UK 102
15201 14189 San Andreas Peyton, Brad 2015 USA 114
15202 14206 Thirteen Ghosts Beck, Steve 2001 USA 90
15203 18684 Snow Trail Taniguchi, Senkichi 1947 Japan 89
15204 14188 Greenland Waugh, Ric Roman 2020 USA 119
15205 18315 Black Rainbow Hodges, Mike 1989 UK 100
15206 14190 Steamboy Otomo, Katsuhiro 2004 Japan 104
15207 14210 Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa Mizushima, Seiji 2005 Japan 105
15208 14202 Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! Banerjee, Dibakar 2015 India 139
15209 14194 Gretel & Hansel Perkins, Osgood 2020 USA 87
15210 14163 Slums of Beverly Hills Jenkins, Tamara 1998 USA 91
15211 14167 Where Are My Children? Weber, Lois & Phillips Smalley 1916 USA 65
15212 14165 Long, Long Trailer, The Minnelli, Vincente 1954 USA 103
15213 14166 Cliffhanger Harlin, Renny 1993 France 118
15214 14168 Interlude Sirk, Douglas 1957 USA 90
15215 14160 No Way Out Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1950 USA 106
15216 14162 Strange Woman, The Ulmer, Edgar G. 1946 USA 100
15217 14171 War of the Colossal Beast Gordon, Bert I. 1958 USA 69
15218 14164 Narrow Margin Hyams, Peter 1990 USA 97
15219 14173 Amazing Colossal Man, The Gordon, Bert I. 1957 USA 80
15220 14180 Big Brown Eyes Walsh, Raoul 1936 USA 77
15221 14182 Weekend with Father Sirk, Douglas 1951 USA 83
15222 14184 Alphabet Murders, The Tashlin, Frank 1965 UK 90
15223 14181 Driftwood Dwan, Allan 1947 USA 88
15224 14176 St. Benny the Dip Ulmer, Edgar G. 1951 USA 80
15225 14186 Whistle at Eaton Falls, The Siodmak, Robert 1951 USA 96
15226 14185 Lion is in the Streets, A Walsh, Raoul 1953 USA 88
15227 14177 Sally of the Sawdust Griffith, D.W. 1925 USA 104
15228 14179 Black Sheep Dwan, Allan 1935 USA 76
15229 14183 Child of the Ghetto, A Griffith, D.W. 1910 USA 16
15230 Tezz Priyadarshan 2012 UK 121
15231 14198 Rubin and Ed Harris, Trent 1992 USA 92
15232 14197 Pin Cushion Haywood, Deborah 2017 UK 82
15233 14205 Indecent Proposal Lyne, Adrian 1993 USA 118
15234 14204 Dumb Girl of Portici, The Weber, Lois & Phillips Smalley 1916 USA 112
15235 Station to Station Aitken, Doug 2015 USA
15236 16292 Quiet City Katz, Aaron 2007 USA 78
15237 14209 Earth vs. the Spider Gordon, Bert I. 1958 USA 73
15238 14201 Chaser, The Langdon, Harry 1928 USA 60
15239 14199 Birthright Micheaux, Oscar 1939 USA 74
15240 16291 Dance Party, USA Katz, Aaron 2006 USA 67
15241 14191 Hypocrites Weber, Lois 1915 USA 51
15242 14212 From Soup to Nuts Kennedy, Edgar & Leo McCarey 1928 USA 20
15243 14213 Khartoum Dearden, Basil 1966 UK 128
15244 18418 Apollo 11 Miller, Todd Douglas 2019 USA 93
15245 14214 God Help the Girl Murdoch, Stuart 2014 UK 111
15246 14215 December Bride O'Sullivan, Thaddeus 1990 UK 88
15247 14228 His & Hers Wardrop, Ken 2009 Ireland 83
15248 18090 Beautiful Youth Rosales, Jaime 2014 Spain 102
15249 18697 [Rec] 2 Balagueró, Jaume & Paco Plaza 2009 Spain 84
15250 14220 Freaky Landon, Christopher 2020 USA 102
15251 18027 Kiki, Love to Love León, Paco 2016 Spain 102
15252 14225 Girls, The Palomero, Pilar 2020 Spain 97
15253 14217 Matangi/Maya/M.I.A. Loveridge, Steve 2018 USA 96
15254 18067 Klaus Pablos, Sergio 2019 Spain 97
15255 14224 Bliss Begos, Joe 2019 USA 80
15256 14219 Wild Berries Nishikawa, Miwa 2003 Japan 108
15257 14230 Hush-a-Bye Baby Harkin, Margo 1990 Ireland 72
15258 14229 Farthest, The Reynolds, Emer 2017 Ireland 121
15259 14218 Season of the Sun Furukawa, Takumi 1956 Japan 89
15260 14226 Happiest Season DuVall, Clea 2020 USA 102
15261 14223 Roujin Z Kitakubo, Hiroyuki 1991 Japan 80
15262 18848 Gemini Man Lee, Ang 2019 China 117
15263 18852 House on Sorority Row, The Rosman, Mark 1982 USA 91
15264 18923 Halloween II Rosenthal, Rick 1981 USA 92
15265 14231 Death in the Garden Buñuel, Luis 1956 France 104
15266 14232 Beau Pere Blier, Bertrand 1981 France 120
15267 14234 Femme publique, La Żuławski, Andrzej 1984 France 113
15268 14235 Madame Rosa Mizrahi, Moshé 1977 France 105
15269 14233 Bag of Marbles, A Doillon, Jacques 1975 France 105
15270 22661 Storm Warning Heisler, Stuart 1951 USA 93
15271 18608 Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, A Heller, Marielle 2019 USA 109
15272 14237 Very Murray Christmas, A [TV] Coppola, Sofia 2015 USA 56
15273 19159 Babysitter, The McG 2017 USA 85
15274 18279 Stockholm Sorogoyen, Rodrigo 2013 Spain 90
15275 18334 Christmas Horror Story, A Harvey, Grant/Steven Hoban/Brett Sullivan 2015 Canada 99
15276 18534 Wicked City Kawajiri, Yoshiaki 1987 Japan 82
15277 18330 Sint Maas, Dick 2010 Netherlands 85
15278 18856 Tusk Smith, Kevin 2014 Canada 102
15279 14262 Creep 2 Brice, Patrick 2017 USA 78
15280 18275 Candidate, The Sorogoyen, Rodrigo 2018 Spain 132
15281 18351 Carmina or Blow Up León, Paco 2012 Spain 70
15282 14253 Conjuring 2, The Wan, James 2016 USA 134
15283 18632 Idle Hands Flender, Rodman 1999 USA 92
15284 14266 Knockout Sakamoto, Junji 1989 Japan 110
15285 14252 House Miner, Steve 1985 USA 93
15286 18344 Champions Fesser, Javier 2018 Spain 124
15287 19246 Sabata Parolini, Gianfranco 1970 Italy 107
15288 18367 Bride, The Ortiz, Paula 2015 Spain 96
15289 18537 To the Forest of Firefly Lights Omori, Takahiro 2011 Japan 45
15290 18528 Earth is Blue as an Orange, The Tsilyk, Irina 2020 Ukraine 74
15291 14268 Waiting to Exhale Whitaker, Forest 1995 USA 121
15292 18379 Verónica Plaza, Paco 2017 Spain 105
15293 18482 Neo-Tokyo Kawajiri, Yoshiaki/Rintaro/Katsuhiro Otomo 1987 Japan 50
15294 14254 Night Comes for Us, The Tjahjanto, Timo 2018 Indonesia 121
15295 18383 May God Save Us Sorogoyen, Rodrigo 2016 Spain 127
15296 18378 No Rest for the Wicked Urbizu, Enrique 2011 Spain 114
15297 19220 Willow Creek Goldthwait, Bobcat 2013 USA 80
15298 Better Angels, The Edwards, A.J. 2014 USA 95
15299 18521 Dead Leaves Imaishi, Hiroyuki 2004 Japan 55
15300 18347 Fury of a Patient Man, The Arévalo, Raúl 2016 Spain 92
15301 14250 Murder Case of Hana & Alice, The Iwai, Shunji 2015 Japan 100
15302 14236 Social Dilemma, The Orlowski, Jeff 2020 USA 94
15303 14240 Memories of My Body Nugroho, Garin 2018 Indonesia 105
15304 14238 South Park: Imaginationland Parker, Trey 2008 USA 67
15305 14239 Long Excuse, The Nishikawa, Miwa 2016 Japan 124
15306 14241 Living in Your Sky Aoyama, Shinji 2020 Japan 118
15307 14260 Vito and the Others Capuano, Antonio 1991 83
15308 14244 Manuscripts Don't Burn Rasoulof, Mohammad 2013 Iran 127
15309 14255 Vie del Signore sono finite, Le Troisi, Massimo 1987 Italy 84
15310 14256 Road to Mandalay, The Midi Z 2016 Taiwan 108
15311 14248 Suburra Sollima, Stefano 2015 Italy
15312 14264 Women with Gunpowder Earrings Farahmand, Reza 2018 Iran 77
15313 14245 Moving On Yoon Dan-bi 2019 South Korea 105
15314 14267 And Your Bird Can Sing Miyake, Sho 2018 Japan 106
15315 14257 I'm Starting from Three Troisi, Massimo 1981 Italy 110
15316 14246 Non-Fiction Diary Jung Yoon-suk 2013 South Korea 90
15317 14261 Battlestar Galactica [TV] Various Directors 2004-09 USA
15318 14249 Solo, Solitude Noen, Yosep Anggi 2016 Indonesia 97
15319 14247 Apprentice Boo Junfeng 2016 Singapore 115
15320 14259 Men Who Save the World Seng Tat Liew 2014 Malaysia 94
15321 14258 Memphis Sutton, Tim 2013 USA 75
15322 14243 Taste of Cement Kalthoum, Zaid 2017 Lebanon 85
15323 14263 Mad Love Ramos, Philippe 2015 France 107
15324 14272 Michael Collins Jordan, Neil 1996 USA 132
15325 14273 Tully Reitman, Jason 2018 USA 95
15326 14274 Won't You Be My Neighbor? Neville, Morgan 2018 USA 94
15327 14275 Three Identical Strangers Wardle, Tim 2018 UK 96
15328 14276 Easy Girl, An Zlotowski, Rebecca 2019 France 92
15329 14277 Rocketman Fletcher, Dexter 2019 USA 121
15330 18744 Antiporno Sono, Sion 2016 Japan
15331 14283 November Sarnet, Rainer 2017 Estonia 115
15332 18563 Buried Cortés, Rodrigo 2009 Spain 95
15333 14280 Voices of a Distant Star Shinkai, Makoto 2002 Japan 25
15334 14285 Megamind McGrath, Tom 2010 USA 96
15335 14286 Set it Up Scanlon, Claire 2018 USA 105
15336 14279 Jeffrey Ashley, Christopher 1995 USA 92
15337 14284 Satanic Rites of Dracula, The Gibson, Alan 1973 UK 84
15338 14278 On-Gaku: Our Sound Iwaisawa, Kenji 2019 Japan 71
15339 18915 From Up on Poppy Hill Miyazaki, Goro 2011 Japan 92
15340 14281 Giovanni's Island Nishikubo, Mizuho 2014 Japan 102
15341 14282 Cure for Wellness, A Verbinski, Gore 2017 USA 146
15342 14287 Woman with Red Hair, The Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1979 Japan 73
15343 19322 Three To, Johnnie 2016 Hong Kong 88
15344 19324 Girl on the Train, The Taylor, Tate 2016 USA 112
15345 19459 Night at the Roxbury, A Fortenberry, John 1998 USA 82
15346 19381 Friday the 13th Part 2 Miner, Steve 1981 USA 87
15347 19389 Burning, The Maylam, Tony 1981 USA 90
15348 19341 Flying Scotsman, The Knight, Castleton 1929 UK 50
15349 14288 Rickshaw Boy Ling Zifeng 1982 China 123
15350 14289 One Night Stand Figgis, Mike 1997 USA 102
15351 14290 Bobby Deerfield Pollack, Sydney 1977 USA 124
15352 14296 Hearts and Armour Battiato, Giacomo 1983 Italy 101
15353 14293 Mysteries of the Chateau de De, The Ray, Man 1929 France 20
15354 14295 Greatest Story Ever Told, The Stevens, George 1965 USA 199
15355 14294 Great Piggy Bank Robbery, The Clampett, Robert 1946 USA 8
15356 14299 Brancaleone at the Crusades Monicelli, Mario 1970 Italy 116
15357 14301 Viaccia, La Bolognini, Mauro 1961 Italy 103
15358 14297 It's in the Bag Prévert, Pierre 1932 France 45
15359 14298 Passionnelle Gréville, Edmond T. 1947 France 86
15360 14300 Brave Little Tailor Gillett, Burt 1938 USA 9
15361 14302 Safar be Chazabeh Poor, Rasool Mollagholi 1995 Iran
15362 19517 Count of Monte Cristo, The Lee, Rowland V. 1934 USA 119
15363 18604 Something Wicked This Way Comes Clayton, Jack 1983 USA 94
15364 19152 My Blueberry Nights Wong Kar-wai 2007 Hong Kong 95
15365 14329 Houseboat Shavelson, Melville 1958 USA 110
15366 14346 Alita: Battle Angel Rodriguez, Robert 2019 USA 122
15367 19553 Dirigible Capra, Frank 1931 USA 100
15368 14332 Death and Life of Martha P. Johnson, The France, David 2017 Greece 105
15369 14330 Frieda Dearden, Basil 1947 UK 98
15370 14384 Red Hill Hughes, Patrick 2010 Australia 95
15371 14354 Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The Hanson, Curtis 1992 USA 110
15372 14358 Blackenstein Levey, William A. 1973 USA 78
15373 19660 Candy Armfield, Neil 2006 Australia 108
15374 14377 Breathless Yang Ik-Joon 2008 South Korea
15375 14382 Normal Heart, The [TV] Murphy, Ryan 2014 USA 132
15376 19700 52 Tuesdays Hyde, Sophie 2013 Australia 114
15377 14401 Bad Moon Red, Eric 1996 USA 80
15378 17994 Super Gunn, James 2011 USA
15379 14361 Body Melt Brophy, Philip 1993 Australia 81
15380 14394 My Friend Dahmer Meyers, Marc 2017 USA 107
15381 14353 How High Dylan, Jesse 2001 USA 93
15382 19714 Betty Boop for President Fleischer, Dave 1932 USA 7
15383 14305 Nanny, The Holt, Seth 1965 UK 93
15384 14312 Growing Up Female Klein, James & Julia Reichert 1971 USA 50
15385 14316 Forgotten Frontier, The Breckinridge, Marvin 1931 USA 59
15386 14313 Time for Burning, A Connell, Barbara & Bill Jersey 1967 USA 58
15387 14304 Taste of Fear Holt, Seth 1961 UK 81
15388 14311 Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee Meadows, Shane 2009 UK 72
15389 14310 Windy City Heat Goldthwait, Bobcat 2003 USA 120
15390 14315 Lenny Bruce Performance Film, The Magnuson, John 1967 USA 72
15391 14317 Slack Bay Dumont, Bruno 2016 France 122
15392 Come Next Spring Springsteen, R.G. 1956 USA 92
15393 14318 Uncle Silas Frank, Charles 1947 UK 98
15394 14306 Nowhere to Go Holt, Seth 1958 UK 97
15395 14319 One Child Nation Wang Nanfu & Zhang Jialing 2019 USA 88
15396 14331 Mind Benders, The Dearden, Basil 1963 UK 99
15397 14321 Madonna of the Seven Moons Crabtree, Arthur 1945 UK 88
15398 14322 Snorkel, The Green, Guy 1958 UK 74
15399 14323 Captain Phillips Greengrass, Paul 2013 USA 134
15400 14324 Dragged Across Concrete Zahler, S. Craig 2018 USA 159
15401 14325 Four Sided Triangle Fisher, Terence 1953 UK 81
15402 14308 Good Die Young, The Gilbert, Lewis 1954 UK 100
15403 14376 Enfield Haunting, The [TV] Nyholm, Kristoffer 2015 UK 138
15404 14309 Stolen Face Fisher, Terence 1952 UK 72
15405 14327 Adults in the Room Costa-Gavras, Constantin 2019 France 124
15406 14328 Mother and Child García, Rodrigo 2009 USA 125
15407 14344 We and the I, The Gondry, Michel 2012 UK 103
15408 14345 Me and You Bertolucci, Bernardo 2012 Italy 103
15409 14339 To the Public Danger Fisher, Terence 1948 UK 43
15410 14336 Every Thing Will Be Fine Wenders, Wim 2015 Germany 118
15411 14335 Beautiful Days of Aranjuez, The Wenders, Wim 2016 France 97
15412 14341 Student, The Serebrennikov, Kirill 2016 Russia
15413 14350 Dying of the Light Schrader, Paul 2014 USA 94
15414 14337 Walker Tsai Ming-liang 2012 Hong Kong 27
15415 14348 Wild Frontier, The Klotz, Nicolas & Elisabeth Perceval 2017 France 219
15416 14365 Joan of Arc Dumont, Bruno 2019 France 137
15417 14342 Trouble with You, The Salvadori, Pierre 2018 France 108
15418 14340 After the Storm Koreeda, Hirokazu 2016 Japan 118
15419 14347 President, The Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 2014 Georgia 119
15420 14338 Remerciements de Jean-Luc Godard à son Prix d'honneur du cinéma suisse Godard, Jean-Luc 2015 Switzerland 5
15421 14349 Gloria Mundi Guédiguian, Robert 2019 France 106
15422 14333 By the Grace of God Ozon, François 2018 France 137
15423 14351 Before We Vanish Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2017 Japan 129
15424 14334 Dormant Beauty Bellocchio, Marco 2012 Italy 115
15425 14343 Gens du lac Straub, Jean-Marie 2018 Switzerland 19
15426 14405 Mom and Dad Taylor, Brian 2017 USA
15427 14386 Uprising, The Snowdon, Peter 2013 UK 78
15428 14360 Young and Alive Bareyre, Matthieu 2018 France 94
15429 Gilded Lily, The Ruggles, Wesley 1935 USA 83
15430 14362 Nuit bleue Leccia, Ange 2010 France 86
15431 14387 Body Electric Caetano, Marcelo 2017 Brazil 94
15432 14415 Conrack Ritt, Martin 1974 USA 107
15433 14368 Suspension of Disbelief Figgis, Mike 2012 UK 112
15434 14370 Sou Hami, la crainte de la nuit de Franssu, Anne-Laure & Mory Coulibaly 2011
15435 14383 Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen Pálfi, György 2012 Hungary 84
15436 14428 Battlecreek Eastwood, Alison 2017 USA 97
15437 14421 Lightning Over Braddock: A Rustbowl Fantasy Buba, Tony 1988 USA 80
15438 14410 Integration Report I Anderson, Madeline 1960 USA 24
15439 14416 I Had Nowhere to Go Gordon, Douglas 2016 Germany 100
15440 14413 Sleeping Sickness Köhler, Ulrich 2011 Germany 91
15441 14425 Joyce at 34 Chopra, Joyce 1972 USA 28
15442 14406 Fast Convoy Schoendoerffer, Frédéric 2016 France 102
15443 14409 Vodka Lemon Saleem, Hiner 2003 France 89
15444 14356 Police Tapes, The [TV] Raymond, Alan & Susan Raymond 1977 USA 88
15445 14419 With Babies and Banners Gray, Lorraine 1979 USA 45
15446 14366 Jiseul O Meul 2012 South Korea 108
15447 14420 Fannie's Film Woods, Fronza 1981 USA 15
15448 14369 End of the World Begins with One Lie, The Kowalski, Lech 2010 France 60
15449 14379 Über Barbarossaplatz Bonny, Jan 2016 Germany 89
15450 14355 Newsreel 63: The Train of Shadows Autor, Nika 2017 38
15451 Penthouse Van Dyke, W.S. 1933 USA 90
15452 14424 Take This Hammer [TV] Moore, Richard O. 1964 USA 45
15453 14411 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Schultz, Michael 1978 USA 111
15454 14407 Crew, The Leclercq, Julien 2015 France 81
15455 16440 Brat Deyan Bakuradze, Bakur 2015 Russia 113
15456 14402 Film catastrophe Grivas, Paul 2018 France 55
15457 14398 Facultades, Las Solaas, Eloísa 2019 Argentina 77
15458 Blind Adventure Schoedsack, Ernest B. 1933 USA 65
15459 14352 Plate of Sardines, A [TV] Amiralay, Omar 1997 France
15460 Harpoon Grant, Rob 2019 Canada 83
15461 14385 Casa Flora Fernández, Ramón 1973 Spain 88
15462 14392 Travel Plans Fendt, Ted 2013 USA 7
15463 14418 Guns at Batasi Guillermin, John 1964 UK 103
15464 14363 Cropsey Brancaccio, Barbara & Joshua Zeman 2009 USA 84
15465 14412 Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet, The Jeunet, Jean-Pierre 2013 France 105
15466 14393 É o Amor Canijo, João 2013 Portugal 135
15467 14357 Color García Millán, Lydia 1955 Uruguay
15468 14427 Mea Culpa Cavayé, Fred 2012 France
15469 14359 Thank You and Good Night! Oxenberg, Jan 1991 USA 82
15470 16437 Good Bye Mandima Lacombe, Robert-Jan 2010 Switzerland 10
15471 14378 Once I Entered a Garden Mograbi, Avi 2012 Israel 97
15472 14391 Silent Majority Speaks, The Khoshnoudi, Bani 2010 Iran 94
15473 14429 Voyez comme ils dansent Miller, Claude 2011 France 99
15474 14403 Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman, The Mbakam, Rosine Mfetgo 2018 Cameroon 76
15475 14404 Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III, A Coppola, Roman 2012 USA 86
15476 14417 In the Crosswind Helde, Martti 2014 Estonia 90
15477 14396 Armed Hands Jolivet, Pierre 2012 France 105
15478 14388 Rubber Coated Steel Hamdan, Lawrence Abu 2017
15479 Freaks Lipovsky, Zach & Adam B. Stein 2018 USA 104
15480 14414 Houston Günther, Bastian 2013 Germany 107
15481 14375 Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I'm Sick! Schroeder, Joachim & Tobias Streck 2018 Germany 126
15482 14374 Cielo del centauro, El Santiago, Hugo 2015 Argentina 93
15483 14423 Jimmy P. Desplechin, Arnaud 2013 USA 117
15484 14400 4 Moons Velarde, Sergio Tovar 2014 Mexico 110
15485 14381 Photographic Memory McElwee, Ross 2011 USA 87
15486 14367 Flores Jácome, Jorge 2017 Portugal 26
15487 14408 Phyllis and Harold Kleine, Cindy 2008 USA 85
15488 14399 Don’t Tell Me the Boy Was Mad Guédiguian, Robert 2015 France 134
15489 14395 Story of Children and Film, A Cousins, Mark 2013 UK 106
15490 16442 Offenbare Geheimnis, Das Könnemann, Eva 2015 Germany 29
15491 14436 Qortsili Kobakhidze, Mikheil 1964 USSR 23
15492 14437 Azumi Kitamura, Ryûhei 2003 Japan 128
15493 14438 Sky, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth Kawase, Naomi 2001 Japan 50
15494 14439 It Comes at Night Shults, Trey Edward 2017 USA 91
15495 19308 Meatballs Reitman, Ivan 1979 Canada 92
15496 14440 Miseducation of Cameron Post, The Akhavan, Desiree 2018 USA 91
15497 14441 Still Alice Glatzer, Richard & Wash Westmoreland 2014 USA 101
15498 14442 Mary Poppins Returns Marshall, Rob 2018 USA 130
15499 14443 Rabbit Hole Mitchell, John Cameron 2010 USA 91
15500 18612 Nocturnal Animals Ford, Tom 2016 USA 116
15501 14445 Volcano Jackson, Mick 1997 USA 105
15502 14446 Earthquake Robson, Mark 1974 USA 129
15503 14448 Founder, The Hancock, John Lee 2016 USA 115
15504 14447 Da Sweet Blood of Jesus Lee, Spike 2014 USA 123
15505 18823 Scream 4 Craven, Wes 2011 USA 111
15506 14457 Antiviral Cronenberg, Brandon 2012 Canada
15507 14453 Nunca pasa nada Bardem, Juan Antonio 1963 Spain 95
15508 19116 Perfect Day, A de Aranoa, Fernando León 2015 Spain 106
15509 18933 Lord of Illusions Barker, Clive 1995 USA 108
15510 18999 On Football Oksman, Sergio 2015 Spain 70
15511 19286 Tales From the Hood Cundieff, Rusty 1995 USA 98
15512 18975 Madre Sorogoyen, Rodrigo 2019 Spain 128
15513 14455 Thirst Hardy, Rod 1979 Australia 98
15514 14449 Letter to Momo, A Okiura, Hiroyuki 2011 Japan 120
15515 14450 Dante's Peak Donaldson, Roger 1997 USA 113
15516 14458 Truth Beneath, The Lee Kyoung-mi 2016 South Korea 102
15517 14454 Sibyl Triet, Justine 2019 France 100
15518 14452 Honeymoon Janiak, Leigh 2014 USA 87
15519 14456 By Our Selves Kötting, Andrew 2015 UK 83
15520 14459 Bad Luck Blackie Avery, Tex 1949 USA 7
15521 14460 Distant Thunder Negishi, Kichitaro 1981 Japan 135
15522 19926 Mumbai Diaries Rao, Kiran 2010 India 100
15523 14462 Dress, The van Warmerdam, Alex 1996 Netherlands 103
15524 14463 Quarry, The Hänsel, Marion 1998 Belgium 112
15525 14461 Death in Vignole Smolders, Olivier 1998 Belarus 25
15526 14464 Muppets Most Wanted Bobin, James 2014 USA 107
15527 22703 Down to the Sea in Ships Clifton, Elmer 1922 USA 83
15528 22707 Stella Dallas King, Henry 1925 USA 110
15529 22714 Stella Maris Neilan, Marshall 1918 USA 84
15530 14466 Sign of the Pagan Sirk, Douglas 1954 USA 92
15531 14467 Vincent & Theo Altman, Robert 1990 Netherlands 138
15532 14468 Russia House, The Schepisi, Fred 1990 USA 123
15533 14470 Dr. Terror's House of Horrors Francis, Freddie 1965 UK 98
15534 14475 Unsane Soderbergh, Steven 2018 USA 98
15535 14477 Night Catches Us Hamilton, Tanya 2010 USA 90
15536 14479 Family Stone, The Bezucha, Thomas 2005 USA 103
15537 20087 Kill Your Darlings Krokidas, John 2013 USA 104
15538 14481 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Oplev, Niels Arden 2009 Sweden 153
15539 14491 Message from Space Fukasaku, Kinji 1978 Japan 105
15540 14494 Their Finest Scherfig, Lone 2016 UK 117
15541 14493 Her Smell Perry, Alex Ross 2018 USA 134
15542 14489 Mouthpiece Rozema, Patricia 2018 Canada 91
15543 14499 Star Trek Beyond Lin, Justin 2016 USA 122
15544 14531 Sleepwalker Logan, Saxon 1984 UK 52
15545 14511 Riders of Destiny Bradbury, Robert N. 1933 USA 53
15546 Gallants Cheng, Clement Sze-Kit & Kwok Chi-Kin 2010 Hong Kong 98
15547 14552 Tracks Curran, John 2013 Australia
15548 14525 Hagazussa Feigelfeld, Lukas 2017 Austria 102
15549 14533 My Bloody Valentine Lussier, Patrick 2009 USA 101
15550 14547 Jack Frost Cooney, Michael 1997 USA 89
15551 14541 Punisher: War Zone Alexander, Lexi 2008 Germany 103
15552 14559 Dream Home Pang Ho-Cheung 2010 Hong Kong 96
15553 14524 Eagle vs Shark Waititi, Taika 2007 New Zealand 87
15554 14558 Deathgasm Howden, Jason Lei 2015 New Zealand 86
15555 14560 Sentimental Education Bressane, Júlio 2013 Brazil 84
15556 20203 Party's Over, The Hamilton, Guy 1965 UK 94
15557 14503 Sky High Mitchell, Mike 2005 USA 100
15558 14543 Upgrade Whannell, Leigh 2018 USA 100
15559 14555 Never Been Kissed Gosnell, Raja 1999 USA 107
15560 14553 Hounds of Love Young, Ben 2016 Australia 108
15561 14562 Devil's Candy, The Byrne, Sean 2015 USA 90
15562 20061 Mickey's Christmas Carol Mattinson, Burny 1983 USA 26
15563 14548 Cartel Land Heineman, Matthew 2015 USA
15564 14512 Wolf Warrior II Wu Jing 2017 China 123
15565 14469 Loved One, The Richardson, Tony 1965 USA 122
15566 16533 Michael Schleinzer, Markus 2011 Austria 96
15567 16534 All the Light in the Sky Swanberg, Joe 2012 USA 79
15568 14476 Diane Jones, Kent 2018 USA 95
15569 14478 Send Me No Flowers Jewison, Norman 1964 USA 100
15570 14480 Wrestling Ernest Hemingway Haines, Randa 1994 USA 122
15571 14483 Butterfield 8 Mann, Daniel 1960 USA 109
15572 14492 Treasure Island Brac, Guillaume 2018 France 97
15573 14496 11.25: The Day He Chose His Own Fate Wakamatsu, Koji 2012 Japan 119
15574 14484 Pure as Snow Fontaine, Anne 2019 France 112
15575 14490 Noah Aronofsky, Darren 2014 USA 138
15576 18843 Girlfriend Experience, The [TV] Kerrigan, Lodge & Amy Seimetz 2016-17 USA
15577 14498 Living and Knowing You're Alive Cavalier, Alain 2019 France 98
15578 14485 Welcome to Marwen Zemeckis, Robert 2018 USA 116
15579 16549 Easy: Package Thief [TV] Swanberg, Joe 2017 USA 30
15580 14487 Shooting the Mafia Longinotto, Kim 2019 Ireland
15581 18840 Knick, The [TV] Soderbergh, Steven 2014-15 USA 1071
15582 14495 Guardians, The Beauvois, Xavier 2017 France 138
15583 14488 Frost Bartas, Sharunas 2017 Lithuania 132
15584 14506 Saint George Martins, Marco 2016 Portugal 112
15585 14561 Fucking Perfect (Body Double 36) Dellsperger, Brice 2019
15586 14545 Jessica Forever Vinel, Jonathan & Caroline Poggi 2018 France 97
15587 14546 Buddha Mountain Li Yu 2010 China 105
15588 14540 Ode to Nothing Baltazar, Dwein 2018 Philippines 92
15589 14504 Clink of Ice, The Blier, Bertrand 2010 France 87
15590 14517 Impossibility of Knowing, The Tan Pin Pin 2010 Singapore 11
15591 14505 Dumb and Dumber To Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly 2014 USA
15592 14549 NN Gálvez, Héctor 2014 Peru 89
15593 14510 Angry Inuk Arnaquq-Baril, Alethea 2016 Canada 85
15594 14544 Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Ptushko, Aleksandr 1967 USSR 87
15595 14518 Reconstruction Calotescu, Virgil 1959 Romania 58
15596 14500 Few Hours of Spring, A Brizé, Stéphane 2012 France 108
15597 14516 Francine Cassidy, Brian M. & Melanie Shatzky 2012 USA 74
15598 14507 Corral and the Wind, The Hilari, Miguel 2014 Bolivia 54
15599 16609 Something, Anything Harrill, Paul 2014 USA 88
15600 14554 Othello Burge, Stuart 1965 UK 166
15601 14528 Murder Most Foul Pollock, George 1964 UK 90
15602 14536 Bad Batch, The Amirpour, Ana Lily 2016 USA 118
15603 14542 Terminal Trust, The Suo, Masayuki 2012 Japan 144
15604 14556 Theo Who Lived Schisgall, David 2016 USA 86
15605 14535 Haider Bhardwaj, Vishal 2014 India 160
15606 16639 Be My Baby Walkow, Gary 2017
15607 14520 Luminous Intimacy [FESTIVAL RETROSPECTIVE] Dorsky, Nathaniel 2015
15608 16655 About 12 Shanly, Martín 2014 Argentina 75
15609 16664 Uncle Kent Swanberg, Joe 2011 USA 72
15610 16634 I Wasn't There Hirschkron, Sky 2014 8
15611 14539 Grounded Feig, Paul 2006 USA 90
15612 14523 Russian Youth, A Zolotukhin, Alexander 2019 Russia 72
15613 14521 Trace of Breath Komori, Haruka 2017 93
15614 16624 Bad at Dancing Arnow, Joanna 2015 USA 11
15615 14538 Mademoiselle Else Prim, Isabelle 2010 France 43
15616 16620 Ben Zaken Corem, Efrat 2014 Israel 85
15617 14515 Cravan vs. Cravan Lacuesta, Isaki 2002 Spain 100
15618 14563 Combattants, Les Cailley, Thomas 2014 France 98
15619 14519 Labyrinth, The Millán, Laura Huertas 2018 France 21
15620 19124 Girls [TV] Dunham, Lena/Jesse Peretz/Richard Shepard/Jamie Babbit/Jody Lee Lipes/Tricia Brock/Jenni Konner/Claudia Weill/Alex Karpovsky/Nisha Ganatra 2012-17 USA
15621 14502 Japanese Wife, The Sen, Aparna 2010 India 105
15622 14532 Camille Rewinds Lvovsky, Noémie 2012 France 115
15623 14514 Apocalypse After Mandico, Bertrand 2018 France 37
15624 14534 Morometii Gulea, Stere 1987 Romania 142
15625 14522 Stop-Over Bakhtiari, Kaveh 2013 Switzerland 100
15626 14530 J'enrage de son absence Bonnaire, Sandrine 2012 France 98
15627 14509 Hottamaru Days Yoshigai, Nao 2016 Japan 38
15628 14501 Bota Elezi, Iris & Thomas Logoreci 2014 Albania 104
15629 14527 Insult, The Doueiri, Ziad 2017 France 112
15630 16672 Fail to Appear Bourges, Antoine 2017 Canada 70
15631 14537 Diamond Flash Vermut, Carlos 2011 Spain 128
15632 14557 Mommy Dead and Dearest Carr, Erin Lee 2017 USA 82
15633 16629 On the Edge Kilani, Leila 2011 Germany 110
15634 Mudo, El Vega Vidal, Daniel & Diego Vega Vidal 2013 Peru 86
15635 Raccaya Umasi Cueto, Vicente 2011 Peru 9
15636 Mecanismo velador Vizcarra, Diego 2014 Peru 21
15637 Vacío/a Rojas Gamarra, Carmen 2016 Peru 5
15638 Leche para Dos Bedoya Abad, Diego 2019 Peru 20
15639 Rosa Quintana, Dalmer 2010 Peru 77
15640 14564 World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People's Thoughts Hertzfeldt, Don 2017 USA 23
15641 14565 Guernica Resnais, Alain & Robert Hessens 1950 France 13
15642 14567 Life and Loves of Beethoven, The Gance, Abel 1936 France 116
15643 14566 Metello Bolognini, Mauro 1970 Italy 107
15644 14568 Big Parade, The Chen Kaige 1986 China 94
15645 19783 Transformers Bay, Michael 2007 USA 143
15646 14569 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II, The Condon, Bill 2012 USA 115
15647 14571 5 Centimeters per Second Shinkai, Makoto 2007 Japan 63
15648 14572 Vamp Wenk, Richard 1986 USA 94
15649 19537 Humpday Shelton, Lynn 2009 USA 94
15650 14570 Zero Focus Nomura, Yoshitaro 1961 Japan 95
15651 14573 Return of the Living Dead III Yuzna, Brian 1993 USA 97
15652 14574 2010 Hyams, Peter 1984 USA 114
15653 19838 Victim, The Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1980 Hong Kong 100
15654 19887 Heroes of the East Liu Chia-Liang 1978 Hong Kong 105
15655 20006 Mystery of Chess Boxing, The Kuo, Joseph 1979 Taiwan 90
15656 19244 Eyes of My Mother, The Pesce, Nicolas 2016 USA 76
15657 20043 Sister Street Fighter Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko 1974 Japan 86
15658 14576 Paranormal Activity 3 Joost, Henry & Ariel Schulman 2011 USA 84
15659 14581 Goyokin Gosha, Hideo 1969 Japan 124
15660 14578 Silent Night, Deadly Night Sellier Jr., Charles E. 1984 USA 79
15661 14575 Blackthorn Gil, Mateo 2011 Spain 102
15662 19907 Snake in the Eagle's Shadow Yuen Woo-Ping 1978 Hong Kong 98
15663 14583 Underworld Wiseman, Len 2003 UK 121
15664 14582 Something Must Break Bergsmark, Ester Martin 2014 Sweden
15665 14585 I Am Divine Schwarz, Jeffrey 2013 USA
15666 14586 Wild Vallée, Jean-Marc 2014 USA 115
15667 14584 Cool World Bakshi, Ralph 1992 USA 101
15668 20432 Flipped Reiner, Rob 2010 USA 90
15669 20435 Time Traveler's Wife, The Schwentke, Robert 2008 Germany 107
15670 14588 Heart to Heart Thomas, Pascal 1978 France 110
15671 14589 Noce Blanche Brisseau, Jean-Claude 1989 France 92
15672 14590 Liberators Take Liberties Sander, Helke 1992 Germany 192
15673 14591 Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger Wanamaker, Sam 1977 UK 113
15674 14592 Go West Buzzell, Edward 1940 USA 80
15675 14598 Song Remains the Same, The Clifton, Peter & Joe Massot 1976 USA 136
15676 14600 Ae Fond Kiss... Loach, Ken 2004 UK 104
15677 14601 Bill Cunningham New York Press, Richard 2010 USA 84
15678 14603 George Harrison: Living in the Material World Scorsese, Martin 2011 USA 208
15679 14605 Pieces of April Hedges, Peter 2003 USA 81
15680 18803 Batman Forever Schumacher, Joel 1995 USA 121
15681 14610 Violent Men, The Maté, Rudolph 1955 USA 96
15682 18846 Justice League Snyder, Zack 2017 USA 120
15683 18820 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Gunn, James 2017 USA 136
15684 14620 Ouija: Origin of Evil Flanagan, Mike 2016 USA 99
15685 14687 Leonard Cohen: Bird on a Wire Palmer, Tony 2010 UK 106
15686 14688 Jack Reacher McQuarrie, Christopher 2012 USA 130
15687 14667 U2: Rattle and Hum Joanou, Phil 1988 USA 99
15688 14670 From Afar Vigas, Lorenzo 2015 Venezuela
15689 14635 Big Store, The Reisner, Charles 1941 USA 80
15690 20776 On the Road Salles, Walter 2012 France
15691 14701 Rhyme & Reason Spirer, Peter 1997 USA
15692 14673 Ghostbusters II Reitman, Ivan 1989 USA 102
15693 14684 What If Dowse, Michael 2013 Canada 102
15694 14680 Chhoti Si Baat Chatterjee, Basu 1975 India 123
15695 14676 Bastard Out of Carolina Huston, Anjelica 1996 USA 97
15696 20686 Game Change [TV] Roach, Jay 2012 USA 118
15697 18894 Incredible Hulk, The Leterrier, Louis 2008 USA 112
15698 14681 Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus, The Lindsay-Hogg, Michael 1996 UK 65
15699 14636 Black Panther, The Merrick, Ian 1977 UK 102
15700 19569 Dead End Andrea, Jean-Baptiste & Fabrice Canepa 2003 France 85
15701 14685 Silent House Kentis, Chris & Laura Lau 2011 USA 85
15702 14694 Neighbors Stoller, Nicholas 2014 USA 97
15703 14634 Wanted Bekmambetov, Timur 2008 USA 110
15704 14699 What's Happening! The Beatles in the USA Maysles, Albert & David Maysles 1964 USA 74
15705 18968 Batman: Under the Red Hood Vietti, Brandon 2010 USA 75
15706 14597 Daniel Lumet, Sidney 1983 USA 130
15707 14595 Beyond Rangoon Boorman, John 1995 USA 99
15708 14647 Don Giovanni Bene, Carmelo 1970 Italy 90
15709 14599 Tower Maitland, Keith 2016 USA 96
15710 14602 Tabloid Morris, Errol 2010 USA 87
15711 14604 Moonlight Mile Silberling, Brad 2002 USA 117
15712 14606 In the Bleak Midwinter Branagh, Kenneth 1995 UK 98
15713 14607 Meet Me at the Fair Sirk, Douglas 1952 USA 87
15714 14608 Frontier Marshal Dwan, Allan 1939 USA 71
15715 14609 Love at Large Rudolph, Alan 1990 USA 97
15716 14611 Sessions, The Lewin, Ben 2012 USA 95
15717 14612 Family Business Lumet, Sidney 1989 USA 115
15718 14613 Favour, the Watch, and the Very Big Fish, The Lewin, Ben 1991 France 89
15719 14622 Author: The JT LeRoy Story Feuerzeig, Jeff 2016 USA 111
15720 14621 Goya's Ghosts Forman, Milos 2006 USA 113
15721 14623 Vinti, I Antonioni, Michelangelo 1953 Italy 113
15722 14616 Valmont Forman, Milos 1989 France 137
15723 14619 Power Lumet, Sidney 1986 USA 111
15724 14615 Diary of a Maniac Ferreri, Marco 1993 Italy 94
15725 14618 Wrong is Right Brooks, Richard 1982 USA 117
15726 14638 Finders Keepers Lester, Richard 1984 USA 96
15727 14617 Girls, Tricky McQueen, Steve 2001 UK 15
15728 14644 Grace is Gone Strouse, James C. 2007 USA 85
15729 14671 Daughter from Danang Dolgin, Gail & Vicente Franco 2002 USA 83
15730 14642 Bad Blood Newell, Mike 1981 New Zealand 104
15731 14649 Reunion Schatzberg, Jerry 1989 France 110
15732 14674 Den of Thieves Gudegast, Christian 2017 USA 140
15733 14625 Buffalo Soldiers Jordan, Gregor 2001 UK 98
15734 14633 Pays barbare Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 2013 France 65
15735 Little Man Wayans, Keenen Ivory 2006 USA 98
15736 14659 Everybody Wins Reisz, Karel 1990 UK 98
15737 14630 Antonio and Catarina Hanes, Cristina 2017 Portugal 40
15738 14632 Mar la mar, El Bonnetta, Joshua & J.P. Sniadecki 2017 USA 94
15739 14656 Wrong Side of the Road Lander, Ned 1981 Australia 79
15740 14691 Last Days in Vietnam Kennedy, Rory 2014 USA 98
15741 14692 Broken Norris, Rufus 2012 UK
15742 14639 Beyond the Sea Spacey, Kevin 2004 Germany
15743 14689 Approaching the Elephant Wilder, Amanda 2014 USA 89
15744 14651 Bobby Estevez, Emilio 2006 USA 120
15745 14700 Truth Vanderbilt, James 2015 Australia 125
15746 14629 Burke and Wills Clifford, Graeme 1986 Australia 140
15747 14677 Phat Free Hammons, David 1995-99
15748 14657 Bullseye Prister, Alex 2014 USA 85
15749 14654 Beach House Citti, Sergio 1977 Italy 106
15750 Original Gangstas Cohen, Larry 1996 USA 98
15751 14690 Force of Destiny Cox, Paul 2015 Australia 92
15752 14628 Rendition Hood, Gavin 2007 USA 122
15753 14631 Journey, The Hamm, Nick 2016 USA
15754 14653 Birth of a Nation, The Parker, Nate 2016 USA 120
15755 14668 Awfully Big Adventure, An Newell, Mike 1994 UK 101
15756 Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice [TV] Greaves, William 1989 USA
15757 14686 Mississippi Grind Boden, Anna & Ryan Fleck 2014 USA 109
15758 14672 Road to Nhill Brooks, Sue 1997 Australia 95
15759 14665 Old Man Who Read Love Stories, The De Heer, Rolf 2001 Netherlands 115
15760 14697 Cold Weather Katz, Aaron 2010 USA 96
15761 Skinny, The Polk, Patrik-Ian 2012 USA 103
15762 14652 Warm Nights on a Slow Moving Train Ellis, Bob 1988 Australia 91
15763 14641 Molokai: The Story of Father Damien Cox, Paul 1999 Belgium 113
15764 14660 Chicago 10 Morgen, Brett 2007 USA 110
15765 Gone Are the Days Webster, Nicholas 1963 USA 97
15766 14646 Love's Labour's Lost Branagh, Kenneth 1999 UK 93
15767 14661 More Things Change…, The Nevin, Robyn 1986 Australia 94
15768 14640 Police Beat Devor, Robinson 2005 USA 80
15769 14637 Well, The Lang, Samantha 1997 Australia 101
15770 14666 Walk the Talk Barrett, Shirley 2000 Australia 111
15771 14648 Little Flames Del Monte, Peter 1985 Italy 95
15772 14693 Nostos I Kuntzel, Thierry 1975 France 45
15773 14645 Pursuit of Loneliness Thrush, Laurence 2012 USA 96
15774 14643 Mad City Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1997 USA 114
15775 14696 Garage Days Proyas, Alex 2002 Australia 105
15776 14627 Hollywood [TV] Brownlow, Kevin & David Gill 1980 UK 676
15777 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Segal, Peter 2000 USA 106
15778 14664 Impulse Locke, Sondra 1990 USA 108
15779 14683 Custodian, The Dingwall, John 1993 Australia 109
15780 14658 Grazia, La De Benedetti, Aldo 1929 Italy 90
15781 14663 Creme 21 Heller, Eve 2013 10
15782 14655 Waiting McKimmie, Jackie 1990 Australia 94
15783 Lost Boundaries Werker, Alfred L. 1949 USA 99
15784 14669 S1m0ne Niccol, Andrew 2002 USA 117
15785 14678 She Had to Say Yes Amy, George & Busby Berkeley 1933 USA 65
15786 14662 In the Basement Seidl, Ulrich 2014 Austria 81
15787 14679 Turning, The Various Directors 2013 Australia 107
15788 14703 Dusty and Sweets McGee Mutrux, Floyd 1971 USA 95
15789 14704 Colt is My Passport, A Nomura, Takashi 1967 Japan 84
15790 14705 I Am Waiting Kurahara, Koreyoshi 1957 Japan 91
15791 14707 Killer Joe Friedkin, William 2011 USA 102
15792 19323 Thirteen Days Donaldson, Roger 2000 USA 145
15793 14708 Days of Hope [TV] Loach, Ken 1975 UK 395
15794 14726 Fear of a Black Hat Cundieff, Rusty 1992 USA 86
15795 14729 Hot Tub Time Machine Pink, Steve 2010 USA 99
15796 20536 Good Son, The Ruben, Joseph 1993 USA 87
15797 14730 Purge: Election Year, The DeMonaco, James 2016 France 105
15798 14723 Three the Hard Way Parks Jr., Gordon 1974 USA 93
15799 14711 Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair Ronay, Esther/Susan Shapiro/Francine Winham 1978 UK 78
15800 14718 Slumber Party Massacre II Brock, Deborah 1987 USA 75
15801 20539 Dolores Claiborne Hackford, Taylor 1995 USA 131
15802 14712 Soap, A Christensen, Pernille Fischer 2006 Denmark 104
15803 14728 Secret World of Arrietty, The Yonebayashi, Hiromasa 2010 Japan 94
15804 14710 Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, A Sholder, Jack 1985 USA 84
15805 14722 Rammbock Kren, Marvin 2010 Germany 63
15806 14721 Final Destination 2 Ellis, David R. 2003 USA 90
15807 19358 Southside with You Tanne, Richard 2016 USA 84
15808 14713 Time is Illmatic One9 2014 USA 74
15809 14725 Reign of Fire Bowman, Rob 2002 UK 101
15810 14732 Classe americaine, La [TV] Hazanavicius, Michel & Dominique Mezerette 1993 France 70
15811 14727 Get Rich or Die Tryin' Sheridan, Jim 2005 USA 117
15812 14720 Restrepo Hetherington, Tim & Sebastian Junger 2010 USA 93
15813 14717 Best Man Holiday, The Lee, Malcolm D. 2013 USA 123
15814 19225 Punisher, The Goldblatt, Mark 1989 Australia 92
15815 14709 Masters of the Universe Goddard, Gary 1987 USA 106
15816 14719 Dead-End Drive In Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1986 Australia 92
15817 20943 Father Takes a Bride Wang Tian-lin 1963 Hong Kong 96
15818 21015 Laugh, Clown, Laugh Li Pingqian 1960 Hong Kong
15819 20955 Prowler, The Zito, Joseph 1981 USA 88
15820 21001 Kid, The Fung Fung 1950
15821 21022 Reign Behind the Curtain Li Han Hsiang 1983 China 102
15822 20992 War of the Worlds: Next Century, The Szulkin, Piotr 1981 Poland 96
15823 14733 Johnny Belinda Negulesco, Jean 1948 USA 103
15824 14734 Guardsman, The Franklin, Sidney 1931 USA 89
15825 14735 Constant Nymph, The Goulding, Edmund 1943 USA 112
15826 14736 Treasured Earth Ban, Frigyes 1948 Hungary 97
15827 14737 Civilization Barker, Reginald/Thomas H. Ince/Raymond B. West 1916 USA 78
15828 14739 Hello, Sister! von Stroheim, Erich & Alan Crosland 1933 USA 62
15829 14738 Eskimo Van Dyke, W.S. 1933 USA 117
15830 14741 Man with the Golden Gun, The Hamilton, Guy 1974 UK 125
15831 14742 Convoyeurs attendent/The Carriers Are Waiting Mariage, Benoit 1999 France 94
15832 14743 Love Bug, The Stevenson, Robert 1968 USA 107
15833 14746 Cowboy Bebop [TV] Watanabe, Shin'ichiro 1998-99 Japan
15834 14745 Lone Ranger, The Heisler, Stuart 1956 USA 86
15835 14748 Strange Affair Granier-Deferre, Pierre 1981 France 105
15836 19706 Get on Up Taylor, Tate 2014 USA
15837 22727 Bab'Aziz Khemir, Nacer 2005 Tunisia 96
15838 21039 Anderson Tapes, The Lumet, Sidney 1971 USA 98
15839 14759 Trainwreck Apatow, Judd 2015 USA 125
15840 14760 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks Gibney, Alex 2013 USA 130
15841 14762 Dressmaker, The Moorhouse, Jocelyn 2015 Australia 119
15842 14763 Four Heads Are Better Than One Méliès, Georges 1898 France 1
15843 14764 Boss of it All, The von Trier, Lars 2006 Denmark 99
15844 14795 Klown Nørgaard, Mikkel 2010 Denmark
15845 14797 Undefeated Lindsay, Dan & TJ Martin 2011 USA
15846 14783 Final Test, The Asquith, Anthony 1953 UK 84
15847 14786 Two Escobars, The Zimbalist, Jeff & Michael Zimbalist 2010 Colombia 104
15848 14770 Avengers: Age of Ultron Whedon, Joss 2015 USA 141
15849 14774 Cash on Demand Lawrence, Quentin 1961 UK 66
15850 14793 [Rec]3 Genesis Plaza, Paco 2011 Spain 80
15851 14775 Mothra Honda, Ishiro 1961 Japan 100
15852 14791 Wizard of Gore, The Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1970 USA 95
15853 14789 Man of Tai Chi Reeves, Keanu 2013 USA 105
15854 20708 Surfwise Pray, Doug 2007 USA 93
15855 14772 Hail Courtin-Wilson, Amiel 2011 Australia 104
15856 14788 Watcher in the Attic Tanaka, Noboru 1976 Japan 76
15857 14787 12 O'Clock Boys Nathan, Lofty 2013 USA 76
15858 14800 Noise Saville, Matthew 2007 Australia 108
15859 14798 Gendernauts Treut, Monika 1999 Germany
15860 14792 Warning to the Curious, A [TV] Clark, Lawrence Gordon 1972 UK 50
15861 14801 Amazing Truth of Queen Raquela, The de Fleur Johanneson, Olaf 2008 Iceland 80
15862 14781 Freedom's Fury Gray, Colin K. 2006 USA 90
15863 14785 Place Promised in Our Early Days, The Shinkai, Makoto 2004 Japan 91
15864 14750 Battle of the Century, The Bruckman, Clyde 1927 USA 19
15865 14749 Vallee, La Schroeder, Barbet 1972 France 106
15866 14752 Ruins, The Smith, Carter 2008 USA 90
15867 14751 Countess Dracula Sasdy, Peter 1972 UK 94
15868 14753 Ridicule Leconte, Patrice 1996 France 103
15869 14761 Little Sister Clark, Zach 2016 USA 91
15870 14769 Watching for the Queen Rimmer, David 1973 Canada 11
15871 14771 Bancharamer Bagan Sinha, Tapan 1980 India 133
15872 14782 This Filthy Earth Kötting, Andrew 2001 UK 110
15873 14799 Johnny English Howitt, Peter 2003 USA 87
15874 14796 Ten From Your Show of Shows Liebman, Max 1973 USA 92
15875 14784 Interior. Leather Bar. Franco, James & Travis Mathews 2013 USA 60
15876 14768 80 te Asio Na Jayadratha, Sree 1967 India 110
15877 14767 Daddy's Home Anders, Sean 2015 USA 96
15878 14777 Pack Up Your Troubles Marshall, George 1932 USA 68
15879 14794 Norbit Robbins, Brian 2007 USA 102
15880 14779 Last Laugh Zhang Tao 2017 France 82
15881 14778 Final Master, The Xu Haofeng 2015 China 109
15882 14776 Breakup Buddies Ning Hao 2014 China 116
15883 14780 You Are the Apple of My Eye Ko, Giddens 2011 Taiwan 109
15884 14802 Spiders - Episode 1: The Golden Sea, The Lang, Fritz 1919 Germany 130
15885 14803 Air Force One Petersen, Wolfgang 1997 USA 118
15886 14804 Death Note Kaneko, Shusuke 2006 Japan 126
15887 14805 Spiders - Episode 2: The Diamond Ship, The Lang, Fritz 1920 Germany 104
15888 14806 Babes in Arms Berkeley, Busby 1939 USA 91
15889 14807 Return of Frank James, The Lang, Fritz 1940 USA 92
15890 14810 55 Days at Peking Ray, Nicholas 1963 USA 154
15891 14811 Show Boat Sidney, George 1951 USA 107
15892 14813 Max Linder as a Toreador Linder, Max 1913 France 12
15893 14814 Punisher, The Hensleigh, Jonathan 2004 Germany 123
15894 21163 Osterman Weekend, The Peckinpah, Sam 1983 USA 102
15895 20685 White Bird Marked with Black, The Ilyenko, Yuri 1971 USSR 99
15896 14816 Maniac Cop Lustig, William 1988 USA 85
15897 14815 Hollywoodland Coulter, Allen 2006 USA 126
15898 14817 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Silberling, Brad 2004 Germany 107
15899 14818 Jodorowsky's Dune Pavich, Frank 2013 USA 88
15900 14828 Final Destination 3 Wong, James 2006 Germany 93
15901 21212 Drumline Stone III, Charles 2002 USA 118
15902 14822 Princess and the Frog, The Musker, John/Ron Clements 2009 USA 97
15903 14826 From the Sea to the Land Beyond [TV] Woolcock, Penny 2012 UK 74
15904 14824 Daredevil Johnson, Mark Steven 2003 USA 103
15905 14829 West of Memphis Berg, Amy 2012 New Zealand 147
15906 21232 Here's to the Girls Kinoshita, Keisuke 1949 Japan 90
15907 14821 Gate, The Takacs, Tibor 1987 USA 92
15908 14825 Hit So Hard Ebersole, P. David 2011 USA
15909 21275 P.S. I Love You LaGravenese, Richard 2007 USA 126
15910 19694 Macbeth Kurzel, Justin 2015 France
15911 14831 30 Days of Night Slade, David 2007 USA 113
15912 14823 Housemaid, The Im Sang-soo 2010 South Korea 106
15913 14830 Hard Day, A Kim Seong-hun 2014 South Korea 111
15914 19600 Clone Returns Home, The Nakajima, Kanji 2008 Japan 110
15915 14827 Shoot 'Em Up Davis, Michael 2007 USA 86
15916 14820 Christmas Under Fire Watt, Harry & Charles Hasse 1941 UK 10
15917 20760 Za dvoma zaytsiamy Ivanov, Viktor 1961 USSR 77
15918 14835 Africa, How Are You with Pain? Depardon, Raymond 1996 France 165
15919 14836 Bitter End of a Sweet Night Yoshida, Yoshishige 1961 Japan 85
15920 14839 Story of Father and Son Ng Wui 1954 Hong Kong
15921 14840 Daddy Longlegs Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie 2009 USA 100
15922 14841 Doctor Dolittle Fleischer, Richard 1967 USA 144
15923 14848 Ernie Game, The Owen, Don 1967 Canada 89
15924 14845 Dear Mr. Wonderful Lilienthal, Peter 1982 Germany 115
15925 14849 Fantomas Against Scotland Yard Hunebelle, André 1966 France 104
15926 14851 Oscar Molinaro, Édouard 1967 France 85
15927 14842 Some Too Quiet Gentlemen Lautner, Georges 1973 France 92
15928 14844 Hit! Furie, Sidney J. 1973 USA 134
15929 14843 Gizmo Smith, Howard 1977 USA 77
15930 14846 Nanook Taxi Folger, Edward 1977 USA 90
15931 14847 Montreal Main Vitale, Frank 1974 Canada 88
15932 14852 Everyboody He is Nice, Everybody He is Beautiful Yanne, Jean 1972 Italy 105
15933 14850 Crush Kuang-Chi Tu & René Viénet 1973
15934 14853 Cold Comfort Farm [TV] Schlesinger, John 1995 UK 105
15935 14855 Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, An Tanovic, Danis 2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina 75
15936 14857 20 Million Miles to Earth Juran, Nathan 1957 USA 82
15937 14860 Freebie and the Bean Rush, Richard 1974 USA 113
15938 14861 Battle Beyond the Stars Murakami, Jimmy T. 1980 USA 104
15939 14858 Beyond the Black Rainbow Cosmatos, Panos 2010 Canada 110
15940 14859 Next Stop, Greenwich Village Mazursky, Paul 1976 USA 109
15941 14863 Contender, The Lurie, Rod 2000 Germany 126
15942 14867 What Happened, Miss Simone? Garbus, Liz 2015 USA 101
15943 14866 Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! Hartley, Mark 2008 Australia 103
15944 14871 Lake Placid Miner, Steve 1999 USA 82
15945 14874 Beaches Marshall, Garry 1988 USA 123
15946 21324 Posse Van Peebles, Mario 1993 USA 109
15947 14879 Inglorious Bastards, The Castellari, Enzo G. 1978 Italy 100
15948 14951 Until the Light Takes Us Aites, Aaron & Audrey Ewell 2008 USA 93
15949 14949 Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Scafaria, Lorene 2011 USA 101
15950 14896 Death of Klinghoffer, The Woolcock, Penny 2003 UK 120
15951 14902 Hellstrom Chronicle, The Green, Walon 1971 USA 90
15952 14890 Excision Bates Jr., Richard 2012 USA 81
15953 14889 Goodbye Gemini Gibson, Alan 1970 UK 89
15954 14966 Elves Mandel, Jeffrey 1989 USA 89
15955 14908 Top Five Rock, Chris 2014 USA 102
15956 14922 Romulus, My Father Roxburgh, Richard 2007 Australia 104
15957 14954 Tom White Tsilimidos, Alkinos 2004 Australia 106
15958 14898 Molly & Mobarak Zubrycki, Tom 2003 Australia 85
15959 14891 Narco, El Estrada, Luis 2010 Mexico 145
15960 14885 Dirty Deeds Caesar, David 2002 Australia 97
15961 21370 Sole negli occhi, Il Pietrangeli, Antonio 1953 Italy 98
15962 14895 Ned Forsythe, Abe 2003 Australia 81
15963 20746 Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman Birnbaum, Dara 1978-79 Canada 6
15964 14935 You Are Here Cockburn, Daniel 2010 Canada 79
15965 14923 Black Balloon, The Down, Elissa 2008 Australia 97
15966 14932 Walking on Water Ayres, Tony 2002 Australia 90
15967 14904 Making Venus Doust, Gary 2002 Australia 70
15968 14899 Tower Radwanski, Kazik 2012 Canada 78
15969 14945 Balibo Connolly, Robert 2009 Australia 111
15970 14925 Boxing Day Stenders, Kriv 2007 Australia 81
15971 14865 Terri Jacobs, Azazel 2011 USA 105
15972 14868 Too Much Johnson Welles, Orson 1938 USA 67
15973 14869 Just Anybody Doillon, Jacques 2008 France 121
15974 14872 Words and Pictures Schepisi, Fred 2013 USA 111
15975 14873 Hawaii Hill, George Roy 1966 USA 189
15976 14880 Nightfall Benning, James 2012 USA 98
15977 14881 Conte de Michel de Montaigne, Un Straub, Jean-Marie 2013 France 33
15978 14877 Lullaby Vertov, Dziga 1937 USSR 58
15979 14959 Seventh Code Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2013 Japan 60
15980 14878 Guerre d'Algérie!, La Straub, Jean-Marie 2014 France 2
15981 14875 I Don't Know Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1977 Poland 47
15982 14964 Bullet in the Head Rosales, Jaime 2008 Spain 85
15983 14914 Tomorrow's Another Day Carlsson, Johan 2011 Sweden 90
15984 14882 Man Made Place Su Yu-Shen 2012 Germany 53
15985 14939 Somnambulists Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1978 Spain 96
15986 14936 Orgullo Mur Oti, Manuel 1955 Spain 106
15987 14941 Tangos Are for Two Chávarri, Jaime 1997 Argentina 93
15988 14927 Boys Keep Swinging [Music Video] Mallet, David 1979 UK 3
15989 14965 Man Called Autumn Flower, A Olea, Pedro 1978 Spain 100
15990 14918 Campo para el hombre, El Lumbreras, Helena & Lisa Mariano 1975 Spain 50
15991 14884 42nd Street Hood Mizer, Bob 1957
15992 14958 Fierrot le pou Kassovitz, Mathieu 1990 France 8
15993 14909 These Birds Walk Mullick, Omar & Bassam Tariq 2013 Pakistan 71
15994 14955 Cincuenta y dos domingos Soler, Llorenç 1965 Spain 40
15995 14944 52 Films Benning, James 2015
15996 14905 Pascual Duarte Franco, Ricardo 1976 Spain 94
15997 14937 13 Days. Industrial Party Process Poselsky, Yakov 1930 USSR
15998 14956 France images d'une révolution Costandinos, Alec 1989 France 40
15999 14917 Borgen [TV] Friedberg, Louise/Jesper W. Nielsen/Mikkel Nørgaard/Annette K. Olesen/Rumle Hammerich/Søren Kragh-Jacobsen/Jannik Johansen/Henrik Ruben Genz/Charlotte Sieling 2010-13 Denmark
16000 14938 Coquillettes, Les Letourneur, Sophie 2012 France 75
16001 14211 Save the Tiger Avildsen, John G. 1973 USA 101
16002 14430 Elegy from Russia, The Sokurov, Aleksandr 1993 Russia 68
16003 14432 Shamrock Handicap, The Ford, John 1926 USA 66
16004 14433 Enoch Arden Griffith, D.W. 1911 USA 33
16005 14434 Coney Island Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty' 1917 USA 25
16006 14435 Number, Please? Roach, Hal 1920 USA 25
16007 Romeo, Juliet and Darkness Weiss, Jirí 1960 Czechoslovakia 92
16008 14702 Dangerous Minds Smith, John N. 1995 USA 99
16009 Impossible Picture, The Wollner, Sandra 2016 Austria 71
16010 14892 Coming to Terms Jost, Jon 2013 USA 85
16011 14883 Commuter's Life (What a Life!), A Gehr, Ernie 2014
16012 14943 Blood Delbono, Pippo 2013 Italy 92
16013 14948 Don Quixote, Knight Errant Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 2002 Spain 122
16014 14920 Madrid Martín Patino, Basilio 1987 Spain
16015 14950 Transparent [TV] Various Directors 2014-19 USA
16016 14901 Mano destra Uebelmann, Cleo 1986 Switzerland 53
16017 14934 Windows on Monday Köhler, Ulrich 2006 Germany 88
16018 14960 Daylight Moon Klahr, Lewis 2002 USA 13
16019 14921 Toujours moins Moullet, Luc 2010 France 14
16020 14913 Villa Amalia Jacquot, Benoît 2009 France 94
16021 14933 At the First Breath of Wind Piavoli, Franco 2002 Italy 85
16022 14928 Storia di una donna amata e di un assassino gentile Faccini, Luigi 2009 218
16023 14886 Koma Adomenaite, Nijole & Boris Gorlov 1990 USSR 62
16024 14957 Yuki & Nina Girardot, Hippolyte & Nobuhiro Suwa 2009 France 92
16025 14930 Gostanza da Libbiano Benvenuti, Paolo 2000 Italy 93
16026 14911 Lowlands Thompson, Peter 2009 USA 52
16027 14893 Today Mirkarimi, Reza 2014 Iran 88
16028 14900 Fille du 14 juillet, La Peretjatko, Antonin 2013 France 88
16029 14953 Dear Nanny Borau, José Luis 1986 Spain 100
16030 14897 Get Out of the Car Andersen, Thom 2010 USA 34
16031 14962 Rafea: Solar Mama Eldaief, Mona & Jehane Noujaim 2012 USA 75
16032 14915 Chouga Omirbayev, Darezhan 2007 France 91
16033 14887 Mosaik mécanique Pfaffenbichler, Norbert 2008
16034 14894 Postcards from America McLean, Steve 1994 UK 93
16035 14952 Colour of the Clouds, The Camus, Mario 1997 Spain 110
16036 14888 Unforgivable Téchiné, André 2011 France 111
16037 14912 In memoriam Brasó, Enrique 1977 Spain 100
16038 14946 Robert Ryland's Last Journey Querejeta, Gracia 1996 Spain 102
16039 14926 Pau and His Brother Recha, Marc 2001 Spain 112
16040 14924 If I Were a Thief… I'd Steal Rocha, Paulo 2013 Portugal 87
16041 14929 Earth De Angelis, Marco & Antonio Di Trapani 2015 Italy 64
16042 14940 Cielo sube, El Recha, Marc 1991 Spain 70
16043 14907 Kemonozume [TV] Yuasa, Masaaki/Masakazu Hashimoto/Osamu Kobayashi/Kenji Nakamura/Hiroshi Shimizu (2)/Atsushi Takahashi/Hiroyuki Tanaka/Yûichi Tanaka/Kanji Wakabayashi 2006 Japan
16044 14910 Different for Girls Spence, Richard 1996 UK 96
16045 14931 Guardian Angel, The Osten, Suzanne 1990 Sweden 108
16046 14967 Associations Smith, John 1975 UK 7
16047 21308 Mona Lisa Smile Newell, Mike 2003 USA 119
16048 14968 Geronimo: An American Legend Hill, Walter 1993 USA 115
16049 21250 Wizard, The Holland, Todd 1989 USA 99
16050 14969 Werewolves on Wheels Levesque, Michel 1971 USA 85
16051 21126 Treasure Island Cherkasskiy, David 1988 USSR 76
16052 14970 Love Letters from Teralba Road, The Wallace, Stephen 1977 Australia 50
16053 14971 Monte Carlo Lubitsch, Ernst 1930 USA 90
16054 14972 Harvey Girls, The Sidney, George 1946 USA 102
16055 14976 Carpetbaggers, The Dmytryk, Edward 1964 USA 150
16056 14977 Your Sister's Sister Shelton, Lynn 2011 USA 90
16057 14978 Color Wheel, The Perry, Alex Ross 2011 USA 83
16058 14979 Witches, The Frankel, Cyril 1966 UK 90
16059 14973 Last Page, The Fisher, Terence 1952 UK 78
16060 14974 Murder by Proxy Fisher, Terence 1954 UK 87
16061 14975 Flanagan Boy, The Le Borg, Reginald 1953 UK 81
16062 14988 Paris When it Sizzles Quine, Richard 1964 USA 110
16063 14984 Killer Condom Walz, Martin 1996 Germany 107
16064 19362 Edukators, The Weingartner, Hans 2004 Germany 129
16065 14987 Frosty the Snowman [TV] Bass, Jules & Arthur Rankin Jr. 1969 USA 25
16066 14991 Much Ado About Nothing Whedon, Joss 2012 USA 109
16067 14989 Hotel Transylvania Tartakovsky, Genndy 2012 USA 91
16068 14992 Wackness, The Levine, Jonathan 2008 USA
16069 14982 Koko, a Talking Gorilla Schroeder, Barbet 1978 France 85
16070 19253 Free Floating Khlebnikov, Boris 2006 Russia 101
16071 20267 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Neveldine, Mark & Brian Taylor 2012 USA 95
16072 21577 Sleeping Dogs Donaldson, Roger 1977 New Zealand 107
16073 14981 Villain Lee Sang-il 2010 Japan 139
16074 14993 Blue Spring Toyoda, Toshiaki 2001 Japan 83
16075 14985 No Skin Off My Ass LaBruce, Bruce 1991 Canada 73
16076 14990 Dum Laga Ke Haisha Katariya, Sharat 2015 India 110
16077 18905 Woman, The McKee, Lucky 2011 USA
16078 14983 Queen Bahl, Vikas 2014 India 146
16079 14994 Tough Guys Don't Dance Mailer, Norman 1987 USA 110
16080 14995 Two of Us, The Berri, Claude 1968 France 86
16081 14996 Exhibition Davy, Jean-Francois 1975 France 85
16082 15002 Strange Place for an Encounter Dupeyron, François 1988 France 100
16083 15004 Pandora's Mirror Costello, Shaun 1981 USA 87
16084 14997 Suspicious River Stopkewich, Lynne 2000 Canada 92
16085 14998 Étrange voyage, Un Cavalier, Alain 1981 France 95
16086 14999 Femme enfant, La Billetdoux, Raphaële 1980 France 96
16087 15003 Who Killed Santa Claus? Christian-Jaque 1941 France 105
16088 15000 Zig-Zag Szabó, László 1975 France 89
16089 15005 11'09"11 - September 11 Chahine, Youssef/Amos Gitai/Alejandro González Iñárritu/Shohei Imamura/Claude Lelouch/Ken Loach/Samira Makhmalbaf/Mira Nair/Idrissa Ouedraogo/Sean Penn/Danis Tanovic 2002 UK 134
16090 15010 Basketball Diaries, The Kalvert, Scott 1995 USA 100
16091 15011 For Your Consideration Guest, Christopher 2006 USA 86
16092 15014 Bodyguard, The Jackson, Mick 1992 USA 129
16093 15015 Core, The Amiel, Jon 2003 USA 135
16094 15019 Edge of Darkness Milestone, Lewis 1943 USA 119
16095 15007 Pool of London Dearden, Basil 1951 UK 85
16096 15020 Vie du Christ, La Guy-Blaché, Alice 1906 France 33
16097 15032 Undertow Fuentes-León, Javier 2009 Peru 100
16098 15027 Daybreakers Spierig, Michael & Peter Spierig 2009 USA 98
16099 15033 Happy Family, The Box, Muriel 1952 UK 86
16100 15068 Fish that Saved Pittsburgh, The Moses, Gilbert 1979 USA 102
16101 15049 Mrs. Carey's Concert Connolly, Bob & Sophie Raymond 2011 Australia 95
16102 15042 Muscle Shoals Camalier, Greg 'Freddy' 2013 USA 111
16103 15035 Color of Night Rush, Richard 1994 USA 125
16104 15026 Street Fight Curry, Marshall 2005 USA 83
16105 15053 Lootera Motwane, Vikramaditya 2013 India 136
16106 15038 Sixth Man, The Miller, Randall 1997 USA 107
16107 15034 Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Dunham, Duwayne 1993 USA 84
16108 15030 Glory Road Gartner, James 2006 USA 118
16109 15045 My Brother the Devil El Hosaini, Sally 2012 UK 112
16110 15040 Stander Hughes, Bronwen 2003 Canada 112
16111 15024 Zywot Mateusza Leszczynski, Witold 1968 Poland 80
16112 15051 Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Akhtar, Zoya 2011 India 155
16113 15050 Will Maple, Jessie 1981 USA 80
16114 15048 Jab We Met Ali, Imtiaz 2007 India 138
16115 15006 Famine Within, The Gilday, Katherine 1990 Canada
16116 Vanishing Virginian, The Borzage, Frank 1942 USA 97
16117 Bardelys the Magnificent Vidor, King 1926 USA 90
16118 15016 Chronicle of Amorous Accidents Wajda, Andrzej 1986 Poland 90
16119 15018 Behind the Screen Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 15
16120 15017 Personel [TV] Kieslowski, Krzysztof 1975 Poland 72
16121 15021 Murder on a Sunday Morning de Lestrade, Jean-Xavier 2001 France 111
16122 15060 Service of the Goods Kelly, Jean-Paul 2013
16123 15062 Giuseppe Makes a Movie Rifkin, Adam 2014 USA 82
16124 15073 Memorial Gate for Virtuous Women, The Shin Sang-ok 1962 South Korea 101
16125 15072 Billie Weis, Don 1965 USA 87
16126 15052 Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari Fedorchenko, Aleksey 2012 Russia 106
16127 15066 Humayun Khan, Mehboob 1945 India 118
16128 15057 Lesson of a Dead Language Majewski, Janusz 1979 Poland 96
16129 15067 Swing Kubat, Aktan Arym 1993 Kyrgyzstan 48
16130 15064 Watermark Baichwal, Jennifer & Edward Burtynsky 2013 Canada 91
16131 His Picture in the Papers Emerson, John 1916 USA 62
16132 15061 Siddharth Mehta, Richie 2013 Canada 96
16133 15047 Minister, The Schoeller, Pierre 2011 France 115
16134 15074 Rock-afire Explosion, The Whitcomb, Brett 2008 USA 72
16135 15071 Strongman Levy, Zachary 2009 USA 113
16136 It Happened in Hollywood Lachman, Harry 1937 USA 67
16137 15059 Tora-san's Dear Old Home Yamada, Yoji 1972 Japan 107
16138 15070 Summer Storm Kreuzpaintner, Marco 2002 Hungary
16139 Silent Enemy, The Carver, H.P. 1930 USA 84
16140 15044 Shit Year Archer, Cam 2010 USA 95
16141 15056 Carcasses Côté, Denis 2009 Canada 72
16142 Going Places Enright, Ray 1938 USA 84
16143 15043 Winter of Discontent El Batout, Ibrahim 2012 Egypt 96
16144 Three-Cornered Moon Nugent, Elliott 1933 USA 77
16145 15039 Grand Seduction, The McKellar, Don 2013 Canada 113
16146 15022 Ora Baylaucq, Philippe 2011
16147 Three Godfathers Boleslawski, Richard 1936 USA 82
16148 15041 Paul Tomkowicz: Street-Railway Switchman Kroitor, Roman 1954 Canada 9
16149 15023 With Fire and Sword Hoffman, Jerzy 1999 Poland 175
16150 Reluctant Dragon, The Werker, Alfred L. 1941 USA 72
16151 15065 Krasnoe yabloko Okeev, Tolomush 1975 USSR 83
16152 Working Man, The Adolfi, John G. 1933 USA 74
16153 15028 Bay of Love and Sorrows, The Southam, Tim 2002 Canada 94
16154 15031 Angel and the Woman, The Carle, Gilles 1977 Canada 88
16155 Exit Smiling Taylor, Sam 1926 USA 77
16156 15076 Tokyo gonin otoko Saito, Torajiro 1945 Japan 84
16157 15025 Final Offer [TV] Collison, Robert & Sturla Gunnarsson 1985 Canada 79
16158 15063 Sweater, The Cohen, Sheldon 1980 Canada 10
16159 22758 Sogobi Benning, James 2002 USA 90
16160 15077 Notes on the Circus Mekas, Jonas 1966 USA 12
16161 15082 Rien sur Robert Bonitzer, Pascal 1998 France 106
16162 15080 We Peleshian, Artavazd 1969 USSR 27
16163 15081 Three Brothers, The Bourdon, Didier & Bernard Campan 1995 France 105
16164 15079 House in Jerusalem, A Gitai, Amos 1998 Israel 90
16165 15078 Golem: The Petrified Garden Gitai, Amos 1993 France 87
16166 15089 P.P. Rider Somai, Shinji 1983 Japan 118
16167 15085 Human Traffic Kerrigan, Justin 1999 UK 99
16168 15086 City Hall Becker, Harold 1996 USA 111
16169 15087 Mousehunt Verbinski, Gore 1997 USA 97
16170 15091 Fantastic Four Story, Tim 2005 Germany 105
16171 18043 Mimangin Park Nam-ok 1955 South Korea 90
16172 15092 Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future Gaidai, Leonid 1973 USSR 93
16173 15088 Truck Turner Kaplan, Jonathan 1974 USA 91
16174 21545 Valley of the Bees Vlácil, Frantisek 1968 Czechoslovakia 97
16175 15090 Witchhammer Vávra, Otakar 1970 Czechoslovakia 103
16176 19525 Shock Waves Wiederhorn, Ken 1977 USA 90
16177 15096 1408 Håfström, Mikael 2007 USA 105
16178 15097 Dragnet Mankiewicz, Tom 1987 USA 106
16179 15098 Last Hurrah for Chivalry Woo, John 1979 Hong Kong 106
16180 15102 Flash Point Yip, Wilson 2007 Hong Kong 88
16181 15103 Mirror Mirror Sargenti, Marina 1990 USA 104
16182 15099 Cornbread, Earl and Me Manduke, Joseph 1975 USA 95
16183 15108 Transamerica Tucker, Duncan 2005 USA 103
16184 15106 Infidel, The Appignanesi, Josh 2010 UK 105
16185 15107 Song of the Shirt Clayton, Susan & Jonathan Curling 1979 UK 135
16186 15100 Female Misbehavior Treut, Monika 1992 Germany 80
16187 21803 Vesna Cap, Frantisek 1953 Yugoslavia 96
16188 15104 Mad Monkey Kung Fu Liu Chia-Liang 1979 Hong Kong 116
16189 15101 Baadasssss Cinema [TV] Julien, Isaac 2002 USA 58
16190 15105 Parade, The Dragojevic, Srdjan 2011 Serbia 115
16191 15109 Tune in Tomorrow… Amiel, Jon 1990 USA 102
16192 15110 Fric-Frac Lehmann, Maurice 1939 France 92
16193 15111 Blood to the Head Grangier, Gilles 1956 France 83
16194 15112 Hamlet Almereyda, Michael 2000 USA 111
16195 15114 Side Street Mann, Anthony 1950 USA 83
16196 15115 Italian Job, The Gray, F. Gary 2003 USA 110
16197 15119 Soldier Girls Broomfield, Nick & Joan Churchill 1981 USA 87
16198 15149 Cosmos [TV] Various Directors 1980 USA 780
16199 15117 Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings, The Badham, John 1976 USA 110
16200 15121 Mighty Aphrodite Allen, Woody 1995 USA 93
16201 15128 Malpertuis Kümel, Harry 1971 France 125
16202 21200 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Meyer, Nicholas 1991 USA 109
16203 15126 Sweet Dreams Reisz, Karel 1985 USA 115
16204 15132 Incredible Journey, The Markle, Fletcher 1963 USA 80
16205 15161 Kill the Irishman Hensleigh, Jonathan 2011 USA 106
16206 15232 Women's Olamal: The Organisation of a Maasai Fertility Ceremony, The [TV] Llelewyn-Davies, Melissa 1984 UK 114
16207 15151 Legend of Sealed Book, The Wang Shuchen 1983 China
16208 15162 Band Called Death, A Covino, Mark Christopher & Jeff Howlett 2012 USA 96
16209 15163 Black Snake Moan Brewer, Craig 2006 USA 116
16210 15170 Itty Bitty Titty Committee Babbit, Jamie 2007 USA 87
16211 15141 Gimme the Loot Leon, Adam 2012 USA
16212 15212 Hell and Back Again Dennis, Danfung 2010 USA
16213 15138 Joy Division Gee, Grant 2007 UK 93
16214 15209 Sabah Nadda, Ruba 2005 Canada 90
16215 19581 It [TV] Wallace, Tommy Lee 1990 USA 192
16216 15204 Oedipus the King Saville, Philip 1968 UK 97
16217 15223 Duplicity Gilroy, Tony 2009 USA 125
16218 15176 Gone in Sixty Seconds Sena, Dominic 2000 USA
16219 15197 Kitchen Stories Hamer, Bent 2003 Norway
16220 15220 Bohemia Docta or the Labyrinth of the World and the Lust-house of the Heart (A Divine Comedy) Vachek, Karel 2000 Czech Republic 254
16221 15202 Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise Mugge, Robert 1981 USA 60
16222 19880 Hipsters Todorovsky, Valery 2008 Russia 130
16223 15235 Celso and Cora Kildea, Gary 1983 Australia 109
16224 15190 Clash: Westway to the World, The [VIDEO] Letts, Don 2000 UK 60
16225 15228 Great War, The [TV] Various Directors 1964 UK
16226 15184 Death of Yugoslavia, The [TV] MacQueen, Angus & Paul Mitchell 1995 UK
16227 15233 Concerning Violence Olsson, Göran 2014 Sweden 78
16228 15239 Georgi and the Butterflies Paounov, Andrey 2004 Bulgaria 60
16229 15222 Some Kind of Sadness Ramírez, Juan Alejandro 2006 Peru 41
16230 15174 Curse of the Hedgehog, The Budrala, Dumitru 2005 Romania 93
16231 15113 Blush Li Shaohong 1995 China 115
16232 15118 In the Land of the Head Hunters Curtis, Edward S. 1914 USA 65
16233 15230 Shakedown Glickenhaus, James 1988 USA 90
16234 15124 Simpsons Movie, The Silverman, David 2007 USA 87
16235 15125 Seduced and Abandoned Toback, James 2013 USA 98
16236 15130 En une poignée de mains amies Oliveira, Manoel de & Jean Rouch 1997 France 35
16237 15135 Valse brillante de Chopin Ophüls, Max 1936 France 6
16238 15136 I Wish I Knew Jia Zhangke 2010 China 125
16239 17039 Stereo Cronenberg, David 1969 Canada 65
16240 15131 Jim Brown: All American [TV] Lee, Spike 2002 USA 140
16241 15134 Questions of Leadership [TV] Loach, Ken 1983 UK 50
16242 15129 Huie's Sermon [TV] Herzog, Werner 1981 West Germany 43
16243 15133 Via del petrolio, La [TV] Bertolucci, Bernardo 1967 Italy 135
16244 15137 Milano '83 [TV] Olmi, Ermanno 1984 Italy 65
16245 15238 Spring, The [TV] Ovanessian, Arby 1972 Iran
16246 15206 Manifesto Drew, Jesse 1998
16247 15181 Gaman Ali, Muzaffar 1978 India 119
16248 15196 VRfilm Rekveld, Joost 1994
16249 15205 Retrospectoscope Laitala, Kerry 1997
16250 15183 Reading Lesson, The van der Keuken, Johan 1973 Netherlands 9
16251 15214 Envers, L' Kirchhofer, Patrice 1998-2000
16252 15188 Mariage blanc Deutsch, Gustav 1996 Austria 5
16253 15186 Beach, The Bokanowski, Patrick 1992 France 14
16254 15199 Meni Doing, Karel 1994 Netherlands 3
16255 15242 50 Feet of String Pierce, Leighton 1995 USA 53
16256 15160 All Apologies Tang Xiaobai 2012 China 88
16257 15142 Dark Side of the Moon [TV] Karel, William 2002 France 52
16258 15187 Muertes chiquitas, Las Sallarés, Mireia 2013 Mexico
16259 15178 Cousin Jules Benicheti, Dominique 1972 France 91
16260 15180 Echigo Okumiomote Himeda, Tadayoshi 1984 Japan
16261 15236 Nejvetsí prání Spáta, Jan 1964 Czechoslovakia 29
16262 15144 Man from the Sun, A [TV] Elliot, John 1956 UK
16263 15157 Don't Get High on Your Own Supply [TV] Regan, Leo 1998 UK
16264 15179 Life May Be Akbari, Mania & Mark Cousins 2014 UK 80
16265 15172 Searching for Hassan Beau, Édouard 2009 France
16266 15148 Half Life O'Rourke, Dennis 1986 Australia 87
16267 15154 Betrayed, The Gordon, Clive 1995 UK 79
16268 15168 What Do Those Old Films Mean? Burch, Noël 1985 UK 156
16269 15158 Yi ge mo sheng nu ren de lai xin Xu Jinglei 2004 China 90
16270 15150 Collateral Murder Assange, Julian 2010 Sweden 39
16271 15166 Fish and Elephant Li Yu 2001 China 106
16272 15165 Number One Cannon, Dyan 1976 USA 42
16273 15194 Crash Reel, The Walker, Lucy 2013 USA 108
16274 15156 Heroic Suns and Daughters Wu Zhaodi 1964 China 109
16275 15159 Three Monks A Da 1982
16276 15153 To Kill This Love Morgenstern, Janusz 1972 Poland 92
16277 15171 Book of the Dead, The Kawamoto, Kihachiro 2005 Japan 70
16278 15175 Dong Cunrui Wei Guo 1955 China 100
16279 15182 Love of Mr. An, The Yang Lina 2007
16280 15147 Ambassador, The Brügger, Mads 2011 Denmark 97
16281 15234 Mondovino Nossiter, Jonathan 2004 France 136
16282 15177 Magic Roundabout, The Borthwick, Dave/Jean Duval/Frank Passingham 2004 UK 81
16283 15155 Secret Glory, The Stanley, Richard 2001 UK 90
16284 15231 Hiver Gard, Michèle 1998 France 68
16285 15213 Tribology Berthier, Yves & Jean-François Dalle 1996
16286 15210 Doctor Chance Ossang, F.J. 1997 France 97
16287 15193 Vertical Air Fenz, Robert 1996
16288 15200 Painting, The Laguionie, Jean-François 2011 France 76
16289 15201 Max Takes a Picture Nonguet, Lucien 1913 France 13
16290 15207 Voyage to the Sky Painlevé, Jean 1937 France 11
16291 15211 Frankenstein 90 Jessua, Alain 1984 France 100
16292 15195 World in Action [TV] Various Directors 1963-98 UK
16293 15189 Injustice Fero, Ken & Tariq Mehmood 2002 UK 100
16294 15237 Acid Ocean [TV] Ingleton, Sally 2014 Australia
16295 15225 Muktir Gaan Masud, Tareque & Catherine Masud 1995 Bangladesh 80
16296 15167 Regret to Inform Sonneborn, Barbara 1998 USA 72
16297 15240 King, Murray Gordon, Jonathan & David Hoffman 1969 USA 88
16298 15143 Page 3 Bhandarkar, Madhur 2005 India 139
16299 15191 Crisis Kline, Herbert 1939 USA 95
16300 15192 Story of the Jews, The [TV] Bahaire, Ella & Tim Kirby 2013 UK 300
16301 15219 Life Apart: Anxieties in a Trawling Community, A Grigsby, Michael 1973 UK
16302 15216 Video Diary of Ricardo Lopez, The Saif, Sami 2000 Denmark 70
16303 15221 One Day in People's Poland Drygas, Maciej J. 2006 France 58
16304 15229 Toscanini Hammid, Alexander 1944 USA
16305 15227 Goldberg Variations, The Monsaingeon, Bruno 1983
16306 15217 Grosvenor Square Demonstration Sheppard, John & Leslie Woodhead 1968 UK
16307 15224 Salata baladi Kamel, Nadia 2007 Egypt 105
16308 15218 Kabuki-yakushya: Kataoka Nizaemon Haneda, Sumiko 1991 USA
16309 15185 Psychodrama Piwowski, Marek 1972 Poland
16310 15140 Dark Circle Beaver, Chris & Judy Irving 1982 USA 82
16311 15215 Algérie en flammes Vautier, René 1958 Algeria 20
16312 15139 Living Camera: Mooney vs. Fowle, The [TV] Fournier, Claude/Richard Leacock/James Lipscomb/Abbot Mills/D.A. Pennebaker/William Ray 1962 USA 53
16313 15169 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla Fukuda, Jun 1974 Japan 80
16314 15164 Haji Agha, the Cinema Actor Ohanian, Ovanes 1933 Iran 100
16315 15145 Models Seidl, Ulrich 1999 Austria 118
16316 15243 Hallaq darb al-fouqara Reggab, Mohamed 1982 Morocco 105
16317 15245 Mother and Daughter [TV] Gagliardo, Giovanna 1978 Italy 90
16318 15244 Schlaf der Vernunft, Der Stöckl, Ula 1984 West Germany 82
16319 15247 Es herrscht Ruhe im Land Lilienthal, Peter 1976 West Germany 103
16320 15246 Zero Hour Reitz, Edgar 1977 West Germany 108
16321 15248 Brahmin and the Butterfly, The Méliès, Georges 1901 France 2
16322 15250 Girl, Interrupted Mangold, James 1999 USA 127
16323 21638 Champions Irvin, John 1984 UK 115
16324 15251 King and the Clown, The Lee Joon-ik 2005 South Korea 119
16325 15253 Waikiki Brothers Yim Soon-rye 2001 South Korea 109
16326 15256 Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos Crowder, Paul & John Dower 2006 USA
16327 15257 Die Bad Ryu Seung-wan 2000 South Korea 95
16328 15259 Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Derrickson, Scott 2005 USA 119
16329 15255 Mabel's Busy Day Sennett, Mack 1914 USA 10
16330 15254 Two Cops Kang Woo-Suk 1993 South Korea 110
16331 15260 Warm Current Yoshimura, Kozaburo 1939 Japan 177
16332 21855 Alone in the Dark Sholder, Jack 1982 USA 92
16333 21856 Mallrats Smith, Kevin 1995 USA 108
16334 15262 Vive le tour Malle, Louis 1962 France 18
16335 15299 Chris Gassmann, Jan & Christian Ziörjen 2007 Switzerland 87
16336 15280 Bunty Aur Babli Ali, Shaad 2005 India 170
16337 15308 Frozen Heart, The Koller, Xavier 1980 Austria 108
16338 15275 Grounding - The Last Days of Swissair Steiner, Michael 2006 Switzerland 131
16339 15304 Another Man Baier, Lionel 2008 Switzerland 89
16340 15305 Menschen, die vorüberziehen Haufler, Max 1943 Switzerland
16341 15309 Rascals on the Road Steiner, Michael 2005 Switzerland 100
16342 15297 Echoes of Home Schwiertet, Stefan 2007 Switzerland 82
16343 15306 Journeys Into the Interior von Gunten, Matthias 1988 Switzerland 94
16344 15313 Julia's Disappearance Schaub, Christoph 2009 Switzerland 87
16345 15272 North Country Caro, Niki 2005 Germany 126
16346 15282 Garçon stupide Baier, Lionel 2004 France 94
16347 15300 Babylon 2 Samir 1993 Switzerland 91
16348 15301 Our Garden of Eden Khalil, Mano 2010 Switzerland 97
16349 15310 Strähl Hendry, Manuel Flurin 2004 Switzerland 83
16350 15283 Wir Bergler in den Bergen sind eigentlich nicht schuld, daß wir da sind Murer, Fredi M. 1974 Switzerland 108
16351 20756 Amarelo Manga Assis, Cláudio 2002 Brazil 103
16352 15295 Swades: We, the People Gowariker, Ashutosh 2004 India 210
16353 15294 Little Bedroom, The Chuat, Stéphanie & Véronique Reymond 2010 Switzerland 87
16354 15281 Romans d'ados: 2002-2008 1. La fin de l'innocence Bakhti, Béatrice 2010 Switzerland 98
16355 15270 Hinter den sieben Gleisen Früh, Kurt 1959 Switzerland 103
16356 15284 Fögi is a Bastard Gisler, Marcel 1998 France 91
16357 15288 Going Private Werenfels, Stina 2006 Switzerland 96
16358 15279 Escapade Soutter, Michel 1974 France 95
16359 15289 In the Garden of Sounds Bellucci, Nicola 2010 Switzerland 84
16360 15291 Bäckerei Zürrer Früh, Kurt 1957 Switzerland 105
16361 15287 Frightmare Walker, Pete 1974 UK 88
16362 15307 Arthur Rimbaud - Une Biographie Dindo, Richard 1991 France 141
16363 15293 Uli, der Knecht Schnyder, Franz 1954 Switzerland 115
16364 15286 Cleveland vs. Wall Street Bron, Jean-Stéphane 2010 France 98
16365 15267 Tout un hiver sans feu Zglinski, Greg 2004 Switzerland 88
16366 15268 Méridienne, La Amiguet, Jean-François 1988 France 80
16367 15264 Hécate Schmid, Daniel 1982 Switzerland 105
16368 15271 Madness Rules Lindtberg, Leopold 1947 Switzerland 113
16369 15302 Siamo italiani Seiler, Alexander J. 1964 Switzerland 75
16370 15276 Dällebach Kari Früh, Kurt 1970 Switzerland 113
16371 15277 Well Done Imbach, Thomas 1994 Switzerland 73
16372 21928 Hell Night DeSimone, Tom 1981 USA 101
16373 15296 Wonderful Crook, The Goretta, Claude 1975 Switzerland 112
16374 15274 Journey of Hope Koller, Xavier 1990 Switzerland 110
16375 15292 Animal Heart Cornamusaz, Séverine 2009 Switzerland 91
16376 15290 Boot ist voll, Das Imhoof, Markus 1981 Switzerland 101
16377 15278 Swissmakers, The Lyssy, Rolf 1978 Switzerland 107
16378 15298 Mani Matter - Warum syt dir so truurig? Kappeler, Friedrich 2002 Switzerland 92
16379 15273 Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe Schmidely, Valerien & Hans Trommer 1941 Sweden 102
16380 15314 Intrigues de Sylvia Couski, Les Arrieta, Adolfo 1975 France 90
16381 15315 Such a Pretty Little Beach Allégret, Yves 1949 France 91
16382 15316 Mirage Dmytryk, Edward 1965 USA 109
16383 15317 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Nispel, Marcus 2003 USA 98
16384 15318 Alice in Wonderland Burton, Tim 2010 USA 108
16385 15322 Rob Roy Caton-Jones, Michael 1995 USA 139
16386 15321 I Wake Up Screaming Humberstone, H. Bruce 1941 USA 82
16387 15323 Cat Returns, The Morita, Hiroyuki 2002 Japan 75
16388 15326 11 Flowers Wang Xiaoshuai 2011 China 110
16389 21872 Land Before Time, The Bluth, Don 1988 USA 69
16390 15340 Shivers Marczewski, Wojciech 1981 Poland 106
16391 15331 Suddenly Lerman, Diego 2002 Argentina 92
16392 15330 Day of the Wacko Koterski, Marek 2002 Poland 93
16393 15329 Top Dog Falk, Feliks 1978 Poland 104
16394 15355 House of America Evans, Marc 1996 UK 96
16395 15336 Fish Child, The Puenzo, Lucía 2009 Argentina 96
16396 20683 Cold War Leung Lok Man & Luk Kim-ching 2012 Hong Kong 102
16397 15342 Teddy Bear Bareja, Stanislaw 1981 Poland 111
16398 15341 Dark House, The Smarzowski, Wojciech 2009 Poland 105
16399 15347 Knights of the Round Table Thorpe, Richard 1953 USA 115
16400 15335 Jinsei gekijo: hisha kaku Sawashima, Tadashi 1963 Japan 95
16401 15349 Night at the Museum Levy, Shawn 2006 USA 108
16402 15333 Wedding, The Smarzowski, Wojciech 2004 Poland 105
16403 15337 Fearless Yu, Ronny 2005 China 104
16404 15338 Hedd Wyn Turner, Paul 1992 UK 110
16405 15344 Blue Sunshine Lieberman, Jeff 1976 USA 97
16406 15353 Fort Apache, The Bronx Petrie, Daniel 1981 USA 125
16407 15350 Romanzo criminale Placido, Michele 2005 Italy 153
16408 15319 Miserables, Les Boleslawski, Richard 1935 USA 108
16409 15320 Homecoming, The Hall, Peter 1973 USA 111
16410 15327 Alone Wang Bing 2013 France 89
16411 15324 13 Most Beautiful... Songs for Andy Warhol's Screen Tests Warhol, Andy 1964-66 USA 75
16412 15325 Iceman Cometh, The Frankenheimer, John 1973 USA 239
16413 15328 Staircase Donen, Stanley 1969 France 96
16414 15346 East of Sudan Juran, Nathan 1964 UK 85
16415 15339 Histoire de ballon, Une Ivens, Joris & Marceline Loridan Ivens 1976 France 21
16416 15332 Dirty Wars Rowley, Richard 2013 USA 86
16417 15334 Diva Dolorosa Delpeut, Peter 1999 Canada 75
16418 15348 Arcane Sorcerer Avati, Pupi 1996 Italy 96
16419 15345 Ballroom of Romance, The O'Connor, Pat 1982 Ireland 65
16420 15356 Papa the Little Boats Kaplan, Nelly 1973 France 100
16421 15357 Mighty Wind, A Guest, Christopher 2003 USA 91
16422 15358 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! De Bello, John 1980 USA 87
16423 15359 Cable Guy, The Stiller, Ben 1996 USA 91
16424 15363 Anastasia Bluth, Don & Gary Goldman 1997 USA 94
16425 15361 Car, The Silverstein, Elliot 1977 USA 95
16426 15364 Deep Rising Sommers, Stephen 1998 USA 106
16427 15362 Without Limits Towne, Robert 1998 USA 118
16428 15366 Dog Who Stopped the War, The Mélançon, André 1984 Canada 92
16429 15365 Man from Earth Schenkman, Richard 2007 USA 87
16430 15367 Gina Arcand, Denys 1975 Canada 95
16431 15368 File on Thelma Jordon, The Siodmak, Robert 1950 USA 100
16432 15369 Perfect Getaway, A Twohy, David 2009 USA 97
16433 15370 Devil's Castle, The Méliès, Georges 1897 France 3
16434 15371 Boy and Bicycle Scott, Ridley 1965 UK 27
16435 15372 Soul Vengeance Fanaka, Jamaa 1975 USA 91
16436 15373 World Without Thieves, A Feng Xiaogang 2004 China 113
16437 20751 Barber of Siberia, The Mikhalkov, Nikita 1998 Russia 180
16438 15401 No Mercy, No Future Sanders-Brahms, Helma 1981 West Germany 110
16439 15374 Man in the Iron Mask, The Whale, James 1939 USA 113
16440 15375 Afternoon Schanelec, Angela 2007 Germany 97
16441 15376 Stars Are Beautiful, The Brakhage, Stan 1974 USA 19
16442 15379 Zahrada Švankmajer, Jan 1968 Czechoslovakia 17
16443 15378 Miyamoto Musashi Mizoguchi, Kenji 1944 Japan 53
16444 15386 Barren Illusions Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 1999 Japan 95
16445 15377 Chantal Akerman par Chantal Akerman [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1997 France 64
16446 15382 Fate/Yazgi Demirkubuz, Zeki 2001 Turkey 119
16447 15384 Amazing Mr. Bickford, The Zappa, Frank 1987 USA 52
16448 15394 Miraculous Virgin Uher, Stefan 1967 Czechoslovakia 100
16449 15380 Imburnal Sanchez, Sherad Anthony 2008 Philippines 212
16450 15406 Mia zoi tin ehoume Tzavellas, Yorgos 1958 Greece 111
16451 15392 Flamenco Neville, Edgar 1952 Spain 75
16452 15403 Right Side of My Brain, The Kern, Richard 1985 USA 23
16453 15404 Number One Pierce, Leighton 2007 10
16454 15397 Manopsychotisches Ballett Muehl, Otto & Jörg Siegert 1970 Austria
16455 15412 Brigette et Brigette Moullet, Luc 1966 France 75
16456 15391 Aimless Walk Hammid, Alexander 1930 Czechoslovakia 9
16457 15389 Name of a River, The Singh, Anup 2002 Bangladesh 90
16458 15381 Handle Me with Care Jaturanrasamee, Kongdej 2008 Thailand 119
16459 15411 Burden of the Beast Panpreugsachart, Paisit 2004 Thailand
16460 15385 Prisoner/Terrorist Adachi, Masao 2007 Japan 113
16461 15395 Dream of a Ridiculous Man, The Petrov, Aleksandr 1992 Russia 20
16462 15398 Fourth Dimension, The Trinh T. Minh-ha 2001 USA 87
16463 15393 Anamnesis Zwartjes, Frans 1969 Netherlands 16
16464 15402 City of Photographers, The Moreno, Sebastian 2006 Chile 80
16465 15390 Film, film, film Khitruk, Fyodor 1970 USSR 20
16466 15413 Pentimento Zwartjes, Frans 1979 Netherlands 78
16467 15396 Horror Hospital Balch, Antony 1973 UK 85
16468 15399 Through the Forest Civeyrac, Jean-Paul 2005 France 65
16469 15387 Bomb Was Stolen, A Popescu-Gopo, Ion 1961 Romania 65
16470 15407 Broadway. Black Sea Manskiy, Vitaliy 2002 Czech Republic 84
16471 15405 Apartado de correos 1001 Salvador, Julio 1950 Spain 90
16472 15409 Cruelty of Soy Sauce Man Panpreugsachart, Paisit 2000 Thailand
16473 15408 Art Deco Detective Mora, Philippe 1994 USA 101
16474 15410 7/64: Leda and the Swan Kren, Kurt 1964 Austria 3
16475 15415 Hands Up! Badger, Clarence G. 1926 USA 60
16476 15418 Baby the Rain Must Fall Mulligan, Robert 1965 USA 100
16477 15417 Wonder Bar Bacon, Lloyd 1934 USA 84
16478 15421 Slaves Biberman, Herbert J. 1969 USA 110
16479 15420 Hero's Island Stevens, Leslie 1962 USA 94
16480 15422 Desperate Characters Gilroy, Frank D. 1971 USA 88
16481 15423 Trouble with Money, The Ophüls, Max 1936 Netherlands 89
16482 15427 Joy Luck Club, The Wang, Wayne 1993 USA 135
16483 15424 Hang 'em High Post, Ted 1968 USA 114
16484 15426 Horror Express Martín, Eugenio 1972 UK 88
16485 15428 Good German, The Soderbergh, Steven 2006 USA 108
16486 15429 Mata Hari Fitzmaurice, George 1932 USA 89
16487 15432 Quiller Memorandum, The Anderson, Michael 1966 UK 104
16488 15431 Alvin Purple Burstall, Tim 1974 Australia 97
16489 15436 Mackintosh Man, The Huston, John 1973 USA 105
16490 15439 Kiss or Kill Bennett, Bill 1997 Australia 96
16491 15438 Supergirl Szwarc, Jeannot 1984 UK 114
16492 15435 13 Rue Madeleine Hathaway, Henry 1946 USA 95
16493 15457 Who Saw Her Die? Lado, Aldo 1972 Italy 90
16494 15466 Creep Smith, Christopher 2004 UK 85
16495 15475 Violin, The Vargas, Francisco 2005 Mexico 98
16496 15461 Two Hands Jordan, Gregor 1999 Australia 103
16497 15459 Panda! Go Panda! Takahata, Isao 1972 Japan 35
16498 15447 Man from Hong Kong, The Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1975 Australia 103
16499 15444 Raging Sun, Raging Sky Hernández, Julián 2009 Mexico 141
16500 15473 Private Resort Bowers, George 1985 USA 85
16501 15443 Dr. Ma's Country Clinic Cong Feng 2008
16502 15455 Patlabor 2: The Movie Oshii, Mamoru 1993 Japan 113
16503 15468 Dead Girl's Feast, The Nachtergaele, Matheus 2008 Brazil 115
16504 21290 Carandiru Babenco, Hector 2003 Brazil 145
16505 15465 Hard to Kill Malmuth, Bruce 1990 USA 95
16506 15425 Ghost Breakers, The Marshall, George 1940 USA 85
16507 15478 Day Dream Takechi, Tetsuji 1981 Japan 110
16508 17226 Girl in the Rumour, The Naruse, Mikio 1935 Japan 54
16509 15433 Cake-walk infernal, Le Méliès, Georges 1903 France 5
16510 15434 Christmas Carol, A Zemeckis, Robert 2009 USA 96
16511 15456 Schnitzel Paradise Koolhoven, Martin 2005 Netherlands 82
16512 15454 Christmas in the Clouds Montgomery, Kate 2001 USA 96
16513 15452 Possession LaBute, Neil 2002 USA 102
16514 15453 Beijing 2008 Olympics Games Opening Ceremony [TV] Zhang Yimou 2008 China 245
16515 15470 Blackwater Fever Frisch, Cyrus 2008 Netherlands 70
16516 15442 What's Cooking? Chadha, Gurinder 2000 USA 109
16517 15446 Mindshadows Honigmann, Heddy 1988 Netherlands 115
16518 15462 Zelfbeklag Frisch, Cyrus 1995 Netherlands 70
16519 15467 Tears of Maria Machita Ruven, Paul 1991 Netherlands 40
16520 15445 Hush Hush Baby Heerdt, Albert Ter 2004 Netherlands 89
16521 15450 Forgive Me Frisch, Cyrus 2001 Netherlands 83
16522 15449 Keita! Voice of the Griot Kouyaté, Dani 1996 France 94
16523 15474 Caribbean Ludwig, Edward 1952 USA 97
16524 15464 LOL Swanberg, Joe 2006 USA 81
16525 15460 Nude Vampire, The Rollin, Jean 1970 France 88
16526 15479 Lorna... the Exorcist Franco, Jesús 1974 France 81
16527 15471 Dazzle Frisch, Cyrus 2009 Netherlands 85
16528 15441 My Father's Glory Robert, Yves 1990 France 110
16529 15477 Dawn of an Evil Millennium Packard, Damon 1988 USA 20
16530 15448 Secrets of the Soul Denizot, Vincenzo 1912 Italy
16531 15469 Between Darkness and Light [INSTALLATION] Gordon, Douglas 1997/2006
16532 15463 Ill Manors Drew, Ben 2012 UK 121
16533 15472 Nothing Like the Holidays De Villa, Alfredo 2008 USA 98
16534 15451 This Christmas Whitmore II, Preston A. 2007 USA 119
16535 15440 May Lady, The Bani-Etemad, Rakhshan 1999 Iran 88
16536 15480 Executive Suite Wise, Robert 1954 USA 104
16537 15482 Rude Boy Hazan, Jack & David Mingay 1980 UK 133
16538 15481 Prime Cut Ritchie, Michael 1972 USA 86
16539 15484 Mean Creek Estes, Jacob Aaron 2004 USA 89
16540 15485 I Am Legend Lawrence, Francis 2007 USA 100
16541 15488 Elvis [TV] Carpenter, John 1979 USA 163
16542 15489 Beowulf Zemeckis, Robert 2007 USA 115
16543 15486 Expresso Bongo Guest, Val 1959 UK 108
16544 15487 Zeder Avati, Pupi 1983 Italy 98
16545 15490 Private School Black, Noel 1983 USA 97
16546 15493 Untold Scandal Lee, Je-yong 2003 South Korea 124
16547 15492 Alamar González-Rubio, Pedro 2009 Mexico 73
16548 15491 Cintaku di rumah susun Akup, Nya Abbas 1987 Indonesia 105
16549 22015 Técnicas de duelo: Una cuestión de honor Cabrera, Sergio 1988 Colombia 97
16550 22022 Gran fiesta, La Zurinaga, Marcos 1986 Puerto Rico 101
16551 15495 Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Jackson, Peter 2013 USA 161
16552 15496 Tideland Gilliam, Terry 2005 UK 120
16553 15498 His New Job Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 31
16554 15499 Aristocats, The Reitherman, Wolfgang 1970 USA 78
16555 21859 Screamers Duguay, Christian 1995 Canada 107
16556 15506 Breach Ray, Billy 2006 USA 110
16557 15507 Under the Sand Ozon, François 2000 France 96
16558 15508 Look at Me Jaoui, Agnès 2004 France 110
16559 15510 Easy Riders, Raging Bulls Bowser, Kenneth 2003 Canada 119
16560 15511 Japanese Story Brooks, Sue 2003 Australia 110
16561 15513 Don's Party Beresford, Bruce 1976 Australia 90
16562 15515 Flying Man, The Dunning, George 1962 UK 2
16563 15516 Little Fish Woods, Rowan 2005 Australia 114
16564 15517 Joy Ride Dahl, John 2001 USA 96
16565 15518 Turner & Hooch Spottiswoode, Roger 1989 USA 97
16566 15520 Death to Smoochy DeVito, Danny 2002 USA 109
16567 15524 Outrage Kitano, Takeshi 2010 Japan 109
16568 15521 Castle Freak Gordon, Stuart 1995 USA 90
16569 15522 Dolls Gordon, Stuart 1987 USA 77
16570 15519 Maverick Donner, Richard 1994 USA 127
16571 15523 Redbelt Mamet, David 2008 USA 99
16572 15556 Sweet Bunch Nikolaidis, Nikos 1983 Greece 154
16573 15538 Cunnamulla O'Rourke, Dennis 2000 Australia 82
16574 15533 Powerpuff Girls, The McCracken, Craig 2002 USA 73
16575 15559 Rana's Wedding Abu-Assad, Hany 2002 Palestine 90
16576 15554 Jimi Hendrix Boyd, Joe 1973 USA 102
16577 15567 Public Voice, The Marcussen, Lejf 1988 Denmark 10
16578 15560 Beneath Clouds Sen, Ivan 2002 Australia 90
16579 15543 Get Real Shore, Simon 1998 UK 110
16580 15558 Rage, The: Carrie 2 Shea, Katt 1999 USA 104
16581 15552 Old Boyfriends Tewkesbury, Joan 1979 USA 103
16582 15544 Aftermath Cerda, Nacho 1994 Spain 30
16583 15553 Baby Blood Robak, Alain 1990 France 88
16584 15541 Repete Pavlátová, Michaela 1995 Czech Republic 8
16585 15548 Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood Hino, Hideshi 1985 Japan 42
16586 15565 Sun, Moon and Star Yi Wen 1961 Hong Kong 99
16587 15501 Male and Female DeMille, Cecil B. 1919 USA 116
16588 15500 Golub Blumenthal, Jerry & Gordon Quinn 1989 USA 56
16589 15504 Four Moods Hu, King/Lee Hsing/Pai Ching-Jui/Li Han Hsiang 1970 Taiwan 140
16590 15505 Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky Curtis, Simon 2005 UK 150
16591 15503 Octopussy Glen, John 1983 UK 130
16592 15502 Upturned Glass, The Huntington, Lawrence 1947 UK 90
16593 15512 Green Man, The Day, Robert 1957 UK 80
16594 15514 Win Win McCarthy, Tom 2011 USA 106
16595 15527 They Came to a City Dearden, Basil 1944 UK 78
16596 15526 Princess of Montpensier, The Tavernier, Bertrand 2010 France 139
16597 15555 Trapalhão no Planalto dos Macacos, O Tanko, J.B. 1976 Brazil 86
16598 15542 Ghost Goes Gear, The Gladwish, Hugh 1966 UK 79
16599 15546 Thirteen Princess Trees Lu Yue 2006 China 100
16600 15536 Somewhere Over the Dreamland Cheng Wen-Tang 2002 Taiwan 93
16601 15534 Legend of Rita, The Schlöndorff, Volker 2000 Germany 103
16602 15549 Som, ou Tratado de Harmonia, O Omar, Arthur 1984 Brazil 17
16603 15540 Beast Stalker Lam, Dante 2008 Hong Kong 109
16604 15551 Pecado na Sacristia Borges, Miguel 1975 Brazil 88
16605 15547 Tillman Story, The Bar-Lev, Amir 2010 USA 94
16606 15568 Bodyguards and Assassins Chan, Teddy 2009 China 139
16607 15537 Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! Hayward, Jimmy & Steve Martino 2008 USA 86
16608 15532 Drop Me a Cat Wu Mi-sen 2003 Taiwan 94
16609 15529 Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker He Ping 1993 Hong Kong 115
16610 15562 Otley Clement, Dick 1969 UK 90
16611 15569 Better Things Hopkins, Duane 2007 UK 93
16612 15530 Dawn Chorus Coates, Marcus 2007
16613 15564 Ato de Violência Escorel, Eduardo 1980 Brazil 112
16614 15528 Jango Tendler, Silvio 1984 Brazil 115
16615 15566 Tunnel, The Richter, Roland Suso 2001 Germany 150
16616 15535 Drifting Life, A Lin Cheng-sheng 1996 Taiwan 123
16617 15539 Monga Niu Doze 2010 Taiwan 140
16618 15557 Man in a Cocked Hat Boulting, Roy & Jeffrey Dell 1959 UK 88
16619 15531 Swinging the Lambeth Walk Lye, Len 1940 UK 4
16620 15571 Tricheurs Schroeder, Barbet 1984 France 94
16621 15570 Friends, The Blain, Gérard 1971 France 93
16622 15572 Berlin - Alexanderplatz Jutzi, Phil 1931 Germany 90
16623 15573 Bullets or Ballots Keighley, William 1936 USA 81
16624 15575 Passage to Marseille Curtiz, Michael 1944 USA 110
16625 15574 Opus IV Ruttmann, Walter 1925 Germany 4
16626 15578 Dead Birds Gardner, Robert 1964 USA 85
16627 15577 Never on Sunday Dassin, Jules 1960 Greece 97
16628 15579 Kamikaze Girls Nakashima, Tetsuya 2004 Japan 103
16629 21169 Cocaine Cowboys Corben, Billy 2005 USA 118
16630 15580 I've Loved You So Long Claudel, Philippe 2008 France 115
16631 15581 In My Father's Den McGann, Brad 2004 New Zealand 126
16632 15583 Variety Lights Fellini, Federico & Alberto Lattuada 1950 Italy 93
16633 21394 Three Stories Muratova, Kira 1997 Russia 105
16634 15582 Mighty Ducks, The Herek, Stephen 1992 USA 100
16635 15592 MC5: A True Testimonial Thomas, David C. 2002 USA 120
16636 18674 Prophecy, The Widen, Gregory 1995 USA 98
16637 15593 Black Hair Lee Man-hee 1964 South Korea
16638 15591 Woman's Face, A Molander, Gustaf 1938 Sweden 104
16639 15586 God Bless You Amadori, Luis César 1948 Argentina 120
16640 15585 Video Fool for Love Gibson, Robert 1995 Australia 85
16641 15588 Kon-Tiki Heyerdahl, Thor 1951 USA 73
16642 21236 Grandma's Boy Goossen, Nicholaus 2006 USA 94
16643 15594 Save the Last Dance Carter, Thomas 2000 USA 112
16644 15587 Lady Terminator Djalil, H. Tjut 1988 Indonesia 82
16645 22150 Naked Killer Fok, Clarence 1992 Hong Kong 100
16646 15596 Kiss the Other Sheik De Filippo, Eduardo/Marco Ferreri/Luciano Salce 1965 Italy 85
16647 15597 Kings Row Wood, Sam 1942 USA 127
16648 15618 Lonely Villa, The Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 8
16649 15630 How it Feels to Be Run Over Hepworth, Cecil 1900 UK 1
16650 15598 Twelve Chairs, The Brooks, Mel 1970 USA 94
16651 15599 Mother Brooks, Albert 1996 USA 104
16652 15603 Star Theatre Armitage, Frederick 1901 USA 2
16653 15601 Door in the Floor, The Williams, Tod 2004 USA 111
16654 15621 Tokyo! Bong Joon-ho/Leos Carax/Michel Gondry 2008 France 112
16655 15602 Bye Bye Braverman Lumet, Sidney 1968 USA 109
16656 15604 Resurrection Petrie, Daniel 1980 USA 103
16657 15605 Painted Veil, The Curran, John 2006 USA 125
16658 15606 Woman's Tale, A Cox, Paul 1991 Australia 93
16659 15607 Brothers Sheridan, Jim 2009 USA 104
16660 15600 No Orchids for Miss Blandish Clowes, St. John Legh 1948 UK 102
16661 15608 Blood & Wine Rafelson, Bob 1996 USA 100
16662 15609 Peter's Friends Branagh, Kenneth 1992 UK 100
16663 15610 Up the Junction Collinson, Peter 1968 UK 119
16664 15611 One Fine Day Hoffman, Michael 1996 USA 108
16665 15612 Man from Elysian Fields, The Hickenlooper, George 2001 USA 106
16666 15613 Isadora Duncan, the Biggest Dancer in the World [TV] Russell, Ken 1966 UK 65
16667 15619 Terminal, The Spielberg, Steven 2004 USA 128
16668 15614 Year of the Quiet Sun, A Zanussi, Krzysztof 1984 Germany 106
16669 15617 Four Nights with Anna Skolimowski, Jerzy 2008 Poland 87
16670 15620 Investigating Sex Rudolph, Alan 2001 Germany 108
16671 15615 Very Fine Lady, A Bosetti, Romeo & Louis Feuillade 1908 France 4
16672 15616 Alex in Wonderland Mazursky, Paul 1970 USA 109
16673 17508 Abigail's Party [TV] Leigh, Mike 1977 UK 102
16674 15622 Girl in the Red Velvet Swing, The Fleischer, Richard 1955 USA 109
16675 15623 Janitor's Tea Party, The Feuillade, Louis 1907 France
16676 15675 Saint-Jacques... La Mecque Serreau, Coline 2005 France 110
16677 15665 Lad from Old Ireland, A Olcott, Sidney 1910 USA 12
16678 15656 Brand New Life, A Lecomte, Ounie 2009 France 92
16679 15648 Nihon mukashi-banashi: Sarukani Okamoto, Tadanari 1972 Japan 19
16680 15650 Day in the Life of Chameko, A Nishikura, Kiyoji 1931 Japan 7
16681 15654 Tumbleweeds O'Connor, Gavin 1999 USA 102
16682 15649 Great Buck Howard, The McGinly, Sean 2008 USA 90
16683 15658 Phoebe in Wonderland Barnz, Daniel 2008 USA 96
16684 15661 Firelight Nicholson, William 1997 USA 103
16685 15651 Baober in Love Li Shaohong 2004 China 95
16686 15663 Tao of Steve, The Goodman, Jenniphr 2000 USA 86
16687 15676 Nothing But the Truth Lurie, Rod 2008 USA 108
16688 15669 Merry Gentleman, The Keaton, Michael 2009 USA
16689 15671 Cerceau magique, Le Cohl, Émile 1908 France 5
16690 15645 Danse Japonaise: Gueichas en Jinrikcha Veyre, Gabriel 1899 France 1
16691 15655 American Dreamz Weitz, Paul 2006 USA 107
16692 15677 TV Set, The Kasdan, Jake 2006 USA 88
16693 15626 Shadowboxer Daniels, Lee 2005 USA 93
16694 15673 In the Shadow of the Moon Sington, David 2006 UK 100
16695 15660 Tell Me What You Saw Luostarinen, Kiti 1993 Finland 53
16696 15642 Queen of Hearts Amiel, Jon 1989 UK 112
16697 15668 Driving Lessons Brock, Jeremy 2005 UK 98
16698 15629 Third Miracle, The Holland, Agnieszka 1999 USA 119
16699 15640 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People Weide, Robert B. 2008 UK 110
16700 15639 400 Tricks of the Devil, The Méliès, Georges 1906 France 17
16701 15633 Kill Me Later Lustig, Dana 2001 USA 89
16702 15628 Home at the End of the World, A Mayer, Michael 2004 USA 96
16703 15666 Cult of the Cobra Lyon, Francis D. 1955 USA 82
16704 15631 Perfect Life Tang Xiaobai 2008 Hong Kong 97
16705 15641 Westinghouse Works [Series 1] Bitzer, G.W. 1904 USA
16706 15674 Diamond Men Cohen, Dan 2000 USA 100
16707 15636 Metroland Saville, Philip 1997 UK 101
16708 15632 I Served the King of England Menzel, Jirí 2006 Czech Republic 120
16709 15657 Sweet Land Selim, Ali 2005 USA 111
16710 15644 Starting Out in the Evening Wagner, Andrew 2007 USA 111
16711 15667 Maybe Baby Elton, Ben 1999 UK 104
16712 15643 Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison Porter, Edwin S. 1901 USA 4
16713 15672 Mad Money Khouri, Callie 2008 USA 104
16714 15662 Last Shot, The Nathanson, Jeff 2004 USA 93
16715 15653 Winter Solstice Sternfeld, Josh 2004 USA 89
16716 15647 Gloomy Sunday Schübel, Rolf 1999 Germany 112
16717 15635 Life and Passion of Christ Zecca, Ferdinand 1907 France 45
16718 15652 City, The/La Ciudad Riker, David 1998 USA 88
16719 15659 Bewogen koper van der Keuken, Johan 1993 Netherlands 106
16720 15627 What Doesn't Kill You Goodman, Brian 2008 USA 100
16721 15646 Gay Shoe Clerk, The Porter, Edwin S. 1903 USA 1
16722 15638 Grandma's Reading Glass Smith, George Albert 1900 UK 2
16723 15624 Palace of Arabian Nights, The Méliès, Georges 1905 France 14
16724 15637 Martyrs of the Inquisition Nonguet, Lucien 1905 France
16725 15625 Black Viper, The Griffith, D.W. & Wallace McCutcheon Jr. 1908 USA 10
16726 15670 King of California Cahill, Mike 2007 USA 93
16727 15679 Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire Clarke, Alan 1987 UK 121
16728 15682 Noriko's Dinner Table Sono, Sion 2005 Japan 159
16729 15681 Border Line Dubroux, Danièle 1992 France 90
16730 15683 City for Conquest Litvak, Anatole 1940 USA 101
16731 15684 Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo Kechiche, Abdellatif 2019 France 212
16732 15686 Man in the Wilderness Sarafian, Richard C. 1971 USA 105
16733 15685 Campagne de Cicéron, La Davila, Jacques 1990 France 110
16734 15687 First Comes Courage Arzner, Dorothy 1943 USA 88
16735 15689 Children of a Lesser God Haines, Randa 1986 USA 110
16736 15691 Robinson Crusoe on Mars Haskin, Byron 1964 USA 109
16737 15692 Volga-Volga Aleksandrov, Grigori 1938 USSR 104
16738 15697 Ruddigore Batchelor, Joy 1966 UK 54
16739 15698 Set Me Free Pool, Léa 1999 Switzerland 95
16740 22201 Huo shao hong lian si Zhang Shichuan 1928 China
16741 15695 Orfeu Diegues, Carlos 1999 Brazil 110
16742 15693 Fantasia 2000 Algar, James/Gaetan Brizzi/Paul Brizzi/Hendel Butoy/Francis Glebas/Eric Goldberg/Don Hahn/Pixote Hunt 1999 USA 74
16743 15694 Summer Days with Coo Hara, Keiichi 2007 Japan 138
16744 15700 Café Society Allen, Woody 2016 USA 96
16745 15702 Fall of the House of Usher, The Watson, James Sibley & Melville Webber 1928 USA 12
16746 15703 Our Lady of the Sphere Jordan, Larry 1969 USA 10
16747 15701 LMNO Breer, Robert 1978 USA 10
16748 15735 Petrified Dog, The Peterson, Sidney 1948 USA 18
16749 15732 Gulls and Buoys Breer, Robert 1972 USA 6
16750 15704 Katyn Wajda, Andrzej 2007 Poland 118
16751 15713 C'était un rendez-vous Lelouch, Claude 1976 France 9
16752 15705 Lovesong Brakhage, Stan 2001 USA 11
16753 15706 Fast Food Nation Linklater, Richard 2006 USA 113
16754 15710 Augustine of Hippo [TV] Rossellini, Roberto 1972 Italy 121
16755 15711 Rifleman, The: Duel of Honor [TV] Lewis, Joseph H. 1958 USA 30
16756 15715 Swiss Army Knife With Rats and Pigeons Breer, Robert 1981 USA 6
16757 15718 How Wang-Fo Was Saved Laloux, René 1987 France 15
16758 15714 Vincent Cox, Paul 1987 Australia 99
16759 15707 Rosa Parks Story, The [TV] Dash, Julie 2002 USA 97
16760 15716 Loom, The Brakhage, Stan 1986 USA 50
16761 15717 Survivors, The Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás 1979 Cuba 130
16762 15712 Ambition Hartley, Hal 1991 USA 9
16763 15709 Lion and the Zebra Make God's Raw Jewels, The Brakhage, Stan 1999 USA 6
16764 15720 Veredas Monteiro, João César 1978 Portugal 120
16765 15719 ...Reel Three Brakhage, Stan 1998 USA 15
16766 15708 Three Sisters with Maiden Hearts Naruse, Mikio 1935 Japan 75
16767 15733 Nine Lives of Tomas Katz, The Hopkins, Ben 1999 Germany
16768 15739 Big Monday Rehfield, Michael T. 1998
16769 15730 Rudaali Lazmi, Kalpana 1993 India 28
16770 15721 So I Married an Axe Murderer Schlamme, Thomas 1993 USA 93
16771 15737 Secrets Behind the Wall Wakamatsu, Koji 1965 Japan 90
16772 15744 Harvie Krumpet Elliot, Adam 2003 Australia 23
16773 15742 West Point Sedgwick, Edward 1928 USA 92
16774 15745 Copy Shop Widrich, Virgil 2001 Austria 12
16775 15729 Fallen Art Baginski, Tomek 2004 Poland 6
16776 15734 Block Neumann, Hieronim 1982
16777 15738 Grease 2 Birch, Patricia 1982 USA 114
16778 15731 Don't Tell Her It's Me Mowbray, Malcolm 1990 USA 101
16779 15724 Country Doctor, A Yamamura, Koji 2007 Japan 21
16780 15741 Diary for My Parents Mészáros, Márta 1990 Hungary 119
16781 15743 Promises Bolado, Carlos/B.Z. Goldberg/Justine Shapiro 2001 USA 106
16782 15725 Soft Ellis, Simon 2007 UK 14
16783 15727 History of the Main Complaint Kentridge, William 1996
16784 15736 Split Wide Open Benegal, Dev 1999 India 107
16785 15726 Red Shadow, The Mack, Roy 1932 USA 20
16786 15728 Flickers [TV] Coke, Cyril 1980 UK 360
16787 15722 All Over the Guy Davis, Julie 2001 USA 95
16788 15723 Tribal Eye, The Attenborough, David 1975
16789 15746 Sexual Life of the Belgians 1950-1978, The Bucquoy, Jan 1994 Belgium 85
16790 15740 Ishi: The Last of His Tribe [TV] Miller, Robert Ellis 1978 USA 100
16791 15760 Enigma Apted, Michael 2001 Netherlands 119
16792 15804 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider West, Simon 2001 USA 100
16793 15896 Private Costanzo, Saverio 2004 Italy 93
16794 15817 Garage, The Ryazanov, Eldar 1980 USSR 101
16795 15747 Pearls of the Crown, The Guitry, Sacha 1937 France 105
16796 15748 Finding Neverland Forster, Marc 2004 USA 101
16797 15751 Lady in Red, The Teague, Lewis 1979 USA 93
16798 15749 Somewhere in the Night Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1946 USA 108
16799 15754 Brewster's Millions Dwan, Allan 1945 USA 79
16800 15755 No Highway in the Sky Koster, Henry 1951 UK 98
16801 15756 For His Son Griffith, D.W. 1912 USA 15
16802 15750 Union Station Maté, Rudolph 1950 USA 81
16803 15758 Singer, The Giannoli, Xavier 2006 France 113
16804 15906 Django, Prepare a Coffin Baldi, Ferdinando 1968 Italy 92
16805 15759 Year of the Dog White, Mike 2007 USA 97
16806 15762 How to Murder Your Wife Quine, Richard 1965 USA 118
16807 15763 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle McG 2003 USA 105
16808 15764 Woman's World Negulesco, Jean 1954 USA 94
16809 15765 Bottom of the Bottle, The Hathaway, Henry 1956 USA 88
16810 15776 Fort Yuma Gold Ferroni, Giorgio 1966 Italy 105
16811 15799 10th District Court Depardon, Raymond 2004 France 105
16812 15802 In Her Shoes Hanson, Curtis 2005 Germany 130
16813 15773 Elvis Mekas, Jonas 2001 USA 1
16814 15789 Michelangelo Eye to Eye Antonioni, Michelangelo 2004 Italy 15
16815 15792 Dejeuner du chat, Le Lumière, Louis 1895 France
16816 15769 Who's Who [TV] Leigh, Mike 1979 UK 80
16817 15781 South Park: Fantastic Easter Special [TV] Parker, Trey 2007 USA 23
16818 15778 Wanted Ferroni, Giorgio 1967 Italy 107
16819 15800 Magnificat Avati, Pupi 1993 Italy 110
16820 15805 Ringo and His Golden Pistol Corbucci, Sergio 1966 Italy 87
16821 15784 Remembrance of Things to Come Bellon, Yannick & Chris Marker 2001 France 42
16822 15809 Great Yokai War, The Miike, Takashi 2005 Japan 124
16823 15771 Big Bang Love, Juvenile A Miike, Takashi 2006 Japan 85
16824 15788 Hot Tomorrows Brest, Martin 1977 USA 73
16825 15772 Cassandra's Dream Allen, Woody 2007 USA 108
16826 15782 Pony Glass Klahr, Lewis 1998 USA 15
16827 15803 Worldly Desires Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2005 South Korea 40
16828 15768 State of Play [TV] Yates, David 2003 UK 342
16829 15774 One Silver Dollar Ferroni, Giorgio 1965 France 99
16830 15783 Roads of Kiarostami Kiarostami, Abbas 2006 Iran 32
16831 15790 Chino Sturges, John & Duilio Coletti 1973 Italy 97
16832 15767 Inside Moves Donner, Richard 1980 USA 113
16833 15801 Margie King, Henry 1946 USA 94
16834 15798 Restoration Hoffman, Michael 1996 USA 122
16835 15770 Spencer's Mountain Daves, Delmer 1963 USA 118
16836 15779 Deserter, The Kennedy, Burt 1971 Italy 99
16837 15807 Plough and the Stars, The Ford, John 1936 USA 72
16838 15775 Action in Arabia Moguy, Léonide 1944 USA 72
16839 15795 Artists & Models Walsh, Raoul 1937 USA 97
16840 15808 Edmond Gordon, Stuart 2005 USA 82
16841 15780 Godspell Greene, David 1973 USA 103
16842 15794 Second-Hand Hearts Ashby, Hal 1981 USA 102
16843 15793 Starting Over Pakula, Alan J. 1979 USA 105
16844 15766 Minnesota Clay Corbucci, Sergio 1965 France 95
16845 15786 God Forgives, I Don't Colizzi, Giuseppe 1967 Italy 101
16846 15806 Tonight We Raid Calais Brahm, John 1943 USA 70
16847 15785 Boot Hill Colizzi, Giuseppe 1969 Italy 87
16848 15787 Kismet Minnelli, Vincente 1955 USA 113
16849 15791 Ace High Colizzi, Giuseppe 1968 Italy 123
16850 15894 This Man Can't Die Baldanello, Gianfranco 1967 Italy 90
16851 15847 My Magic Khoo, Eric 2008 Singapore 75
16852 15881 Back to Normandy Philibert, Nicolas 2006 France 113
16853 15815 Motion Report Patrnogic, Verica 2004 Serbia and Montenegro 17
16854 15861 Blessure, La Klotz, Nicolas 2004 Belgium 162
16855 15813 Kenju burai-cho: Nukiuchi no Ryu Noguchi, Hiroshi 1960 Japan 86
16856 15866 Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die! Cervi, Tonino 1968 Italy 95
16857 15897 Ma mere Honoré, Christophe 2004 France
16858 15867 Black Jack Baldanello, Gianfranco 1968 Italy 89
16859 15844 Honeymoons Paskaljevic, Goran 2009 Serbia 95
16860 15839 California Lupo, Michele 1977 Italy 98
16861 15841 Loach is Fish Too Yang Yazhou 2005 China 98
16862 15843 $1,000 on the Black Cardone, Alberto 1966 Italy 102
16863 15868 Flux Hinton, Christopher 2002 Canada 7
16864 15869 Baboussia Bobrova, Lidiya 2003 Russia 97
16865 15859 Garapa Padilha, José 2009 Brazil 110
16866 15846 Cemetery Without Crosses Hossein, Robert 1969 France 90
16867 15819 Second Search Naderi, Amir 1981 Iran
16868 15850 Captain Ahab Ramos, Philippe 2007 Sweden
16869 15833 Paranoia Agent [TV] Kon, Satoshi/Takuji Endo/Hiroshi Hamazaki/Takayuki Hirao/Nanako Shimazaki/Kojiro Tsuruoka 2004 Japan 325
16870 15895 Diary of a Mad Black Woman Grant, Darren 2005 USA 116
16871 15887 Charly Le Besco, Isild 2007 France 95
16872 15901 Womem from the Lake of Scented Souls, The Xie Fei 1993 China 105
16873 15904 Deep Breath Odoul, Damien 2001 France 77
16874 15872 My Beautiful Rambutan Tree in Tanjung Rambutan U-Wei Haji Saari 2006 Malaysia 27
16875 15884 Order of Myths, The Brown, Margaret 2008 USA 97
16876 15873 Hotel Diaries Smith, John 2007 UK
16877 15892 Real Man, A Larrieu, Arnaud & Jean-Marie Larrieu 2003 France 120
16878 15885 Dirty Outlaws, The Rossetti, Franco 1967 Italy 103
16879 15891 Machine Gun Killers Bianchini, Paolo 1968 Italy 90
16880 15875 Mansion by the Lake Peries, Lester James 2003 Sri Lanka 110
16881 15842 Testimonies Sela, Ido 1993 Israel 52
16882 15822 Last Train, The German Jr., Aleksei 2003 Germany 82
16883 15876 Alumbramiento Chapero-Jackson, Eduardo 2007 Spain 17
16884 15908 Pistol for Ringo, A Tessari, Duccio 1965 Italy 97
16885 15900 Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn [TV] Erman, John 1977 USA 96
16886 15837 Betelnut Yang Heng 2006 China 112
16887 15898 Waterfront Follies Gehr, Ernie 2008 USA 39
16888 15883 Ugly Ones, The Martín, Eugenio 1966 Spain 95
16889 15865 Gulabi Talkies Kasaravalli, Girish 2008 India 122
16890 15880 Adios Gringo Stegani, Giorgio 1965 Italy 100
16891 15849 Windmill Movie, The Olch, Alexander 2008 USA 82
16892 15890 Cadillac Records Martin, Darnell 2008 USA 108
16893 15899 Mist in the Palm Trees, the Molinero, Carlos & Lola Salvador 2006 Spain 87
16894 15878 Shoot the Living, Pray for the Dead Vari, Giuseppe 1971 Italy 90
16895 15882 Friday or Another Day Le Moine, Yvan 2005 Belgium 120
16896 15848 Hitler, connais pas Blier, Bertrand 1963 France 95
16897 15874 Electric Princess Picture House, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 2007 France 4
16898 15825 Dark Swan, The Webb, Millard 1924 USA 70
16899 15856 We Want Roses Too Marazzi, Alina 2007 Italy 85
16900 15831 Katei kyoshi Watanabe, Fumiki 1987 Japan
16901 15877 Gospel Road, The Elfstrom, Robert 1973 USA 83
16902 15854 Whisky Romeo Zulu Pineyro, Enrique 2004 Argentina 105
16903 15816 Tomb & the Divorce, The Iwamatsu, Ryo 1993 Japan 107
16904 15852 Phoenix Tapes Girardet, Christoph & Matthias Müller 2000 UK 45
16905 15828 Tomuraishi tachi Misumi, Kenji 1968 Japan 89
16906 15810 Aadmi Shantaram, V. 1939 India 164
16907 15862 Hohokam Ross, Frank V. 2007 USA 73
16908 15821 Street of Joy Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1974 Japan 78
16909 15889 Chosen, The Kagan, Jeremy Paul 1981 USA 108
16910 15870 Mai's America Poras, Marlo 2002 Vietnam 71
16911 15826 Nagara Haavu Kanagal, S.R. Puttana 1972 India 184
16912 15818 Tange Sazen Monkey Pot Moss Misumi, Kenji 1954 Japan
16913 15827 Zatoichi Katsu, Shintaro 1989 Japan 116
16914 15836 Electric Dragon 80.000 V Ishii, Gakuryu 2001 Japan 55
16915 15893 Revolutionary, The Williams, Paul 1970 USA 100
16916 15863 Junjo nijuso Sasaki, Yasushi 1939 Japan
16917 15879 Boss, The Di Leo, Fernando 1973 Italy 100
16918 15858 Shakespeare and Victor Hugo's Intimacies Olaizola, Yulene 2008 Mexico 83
16919 15857 Good Bastard, The Tamayo San Román, Augusto 2001 Peru 130
16920 15823 And God Said to Cain Margheriti, Antonio 1970 Italy 93
16921 15834 Unloved Manda, Kunitoshi 2001 Japan 117
16922 15860 Heroes and Time Ripstein, Arturo 2005 Mexico 110
16923 15832 Sumidagawa Amaya, Zen 1931 Japan 20
16924 15853 Perfect Day Özpetek, Ferzan 2008 Italy 105
16925 15903 Forsaken Land Jayasundara, Vimukthi 2005 France 108
16926 15855 Ogon benten Fukuda, Seiichi 1954 Japan
16927 15845 Like Twenty Impossibles Jacir, Annemarie 2003 Palestine 17
16928 15902 Inheritance Kristensen, Kris 2004 Denmark 115
16929 15814 Utau Tanuki goten Kimura, Keigo 1942 Japan 86
16930 15820 Qiu tian li de chuntian Bai Chen 1986
16931 15824 Bandidos Dallamano, Massimo 1967 Italy 90
16932 15888 Johnny Hamlet Castellari, Enzo G. 1968 Italy 91
16933 15835 Berceaux, Les Kirsanoff, Dimitri 1935 France 5
16934 15909 Paper Chase, The Bridges, James 1973 USA 111
16935 15911 Heaven Can Wait Beatty, Warren/Buck Henry 1978 USA 100
16936 15915 Drinking for England Hill, Brian 1998 UK 50
16937 15919 Fox and the Hound, The Berman, Ted/Richard Rich/Art Stevens 1981 USA 83
16938 15917 Def by Temptation Bond III, James 1990 USA 95
16939 15916 Pinjra Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1972 India 175
16940 15920 Forty Minutes: Home from the Hill [TV] Dineen, Molly 1987
16941 22381 Tonka Sibenice Anton, Karl 1930 Czechoslovakia 85
16942 15912 Prem Rog Kapoor, Raj 1982 India
16943 15913 Monkeybone Selick, Henry 2001 USA 92
16944 15918 Bloody Pit of Horror Pupillo, Massimo 1965 Italy 87
16945 15921 All Under the Moon Sai, Yoichi 1993 Japan 109
16946 15914 In the Wild Mountains Yan Xueshu 1985 China 100
16947 15922 Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The Adamson, Andrew 2008 USA 144
16948 15923 Isolle nella laguana Emmer, Luciano 1948 Italy
16949 15924 Abysses, Les Papatakis, Nikos 1963 France 92
16950 15925 Gulliver's Travels Fleischer, Dave 1939 USA 74
16951 15928 Scooby-Doo Gosnell, Raja 2002 USA
16952 15927 Night Flier, The Pavia, Mark 1997 USA 93
16953 15929 Humanoids from the Deep Peeters, Barbara 1980 USA 80
16954 15933 Turnaround Lee, Michael 1983 Australia 60
16955 15935 Alone Dwoskin, Stephen 1964 USA 13
16956 15934 Squareworld Oonishi, Kenji 1995 Japan 73
16957 15965 Balance Lauenstein, Christoph & Wolfgang Laurenstein 1989 West Germany 7
16958 15938 Divorcee, The Leonard, Robert Z. 1930 USA 83
16959 15948 Lean on Me Avildsen, John G. 1989 USA 109
16960 15956 Na voyne, kak na voyne Tregubovich, Viktor 1968 USSR 90
16961 22407 Night of the Demons Tenney, Kevin 1987 USA 89
16962 15961 Factotum Hamer, Bent 2005 Norway 93
16963 15968 Ghazal al-banat Wagdi, Anwar 1949 Egypt 120
16964 15959 Hard Candy Slade, David 2005 USA 104
16965 15962 Good Lawyer's Wife, A Im Sang-soo 2003 South Korea 104
16966 15966 Private Parts Thomas, Betty 1997 USA 109
16967 15937 Nuit fantastique, La L'Herbier, Marcel 1942 France 103
16968 15936 Where Danger Lives Farrow, John 1950 USA 84
16969 15939 At Gunpoint Werker, Alfred L. 1955 USA 81
16970 15947 Middle of the Night Mann, Delbert 1959 USA 118
16971 15940 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Smith, Kevin 2000 USA 104
16972 15941 Tension at Table Rock Warren, Charles Marquis 1956 USA 93
16973 15943 Man Behind the Gun, The Feist, Felix E. 1953 USA 82
16974 15942 Posse from Hell Coleman, Herbert 1961 USA 88
16975 15951 Horse Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 105
16976 15949 Till the End of Time Dmytryk, Edward 1946 USA 105
16977 15946 Ex, The Lester, Mark L. 1996 Canada 87
16978 15944 Kiyevskiye freski Parajanov, Sergei 1966 USSR 13
16979 15950 Red Pony, The Milestone, Lewis 1949 USA 89
16980 15945 Citadel Egoyan, Atom 2006 Canada 93
16981 15960 Soup, One Morning, The Takahashi, Izumi 2005 Japan 90
16982 15967 Lady Jane Nunn, Trevor 1985 UK 142
16983 15953 Adventures of a Dentist Klimov, Elem 1965 USSR 82
16984 15970 Big Hand for the Little Lady, A Cook, Fielder 1966 USA 95
16985 15955 Crown Jewels of Iran, The Golestan, Ebrahim 1965 Iran 15
16986 15958 Anti-Dialectic Kim Gok & Kim Sun 2001 South Korea
16987 15957 Inventaire Balkanique Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi 2000 Italy 63
16988 15969 Horror on Snape Island/Tower of Evil O'Connolly, Jim 1972 UK 85
16989 15954 Curse of the Undead Dein, Edward 1959 USA 79
16990 15964 Kalte Heimat Koepp, Volker 1995 Germany 157
16991 15952 Kramasha Dutta, Amit 2007 India 22
16992 15971 Decision at Sundown Boetticher, Budd 1957 USA 77
16993 22501 Tumbleweeds Baggot, King 1925 USA 81
16994 15973 Cool and Crazy Jensen, Knut Erik 2000 Norway 104
16995 21979 Homem que Virou Suco, O de Andrade, João Batista 1981 Brazil 97
16996 15975 Sterne Wolf, Konrad 1959 East Germany 92
16997 15976 Charlie's Angels McG 2000 USA 98
16998 15977 Army Kinoshita, Keisuke 1944 Japan 87
16999 15981 Superstar McCulloch, Bruce 1999 USA 81
17000 15978 Not Another Teen Movie Gallen, Joel 2001 USA 88
17001 15984 Kentucky Fried Movie, The Landis, John 1977 USA 78
17002 15988 I Was a Teenage Werewolf Fowler Jr., Gene 1957 USA 70
17003 15985 Street with No Name, The Keighley, William 1948 USA 91
17004 15993 Bachelor Party Israel, Neal 1984 USA 106
17005 15995 Man from Snowy River, The Miller, George (2) 1982 Australia 115
17006 22373 Vertical Roll Jonas, Joan 1972 USA 20
17007 16023 Way Home, The Lee Jeong-hyang 2002 South Korea 80
17008 16012 Naui sarang naui shinbu Lee Myung-se 1990 South Korea 108
17009 16008 Marriage Story Kim Ui-seok 1992 South Korea 101
17010 16011 Sweet Dream Yang Ju-nam 1936 Korea
17011 16021 Carnival Night Ryazanov, Eldar 1956 USSR 78
17012 16009 Evil Stairs, The Lee Man-hee 1964 South Korea 108
17013 15982 Red Dragon Ratner, Brett 2002 USA 124
17014 15983 Newton Boys, The Linklater, Richard 1998 USA 113
17015 15989 Waterloo Bridge Whale, James 1931 USA 81
17016 15990 Night Into Morning Markle, Fletcher 1951 USA 86
17017 15991 Premature Burial, The Corman, Roger 1962 USA 81
17018 15986 Lonelyhearts Donehue, Vincent J. 1958 USA 100
17019 15987 Money Trap, The Kennedy, Burt 1965 USA 91
17020 15992 Blue Sky Richardson, Tony 1994 USA 101
17021 15994 Quality Street Stevens, George 1937 USA 84
17022 15996 From the Terrace Robson, Mark 1960 USA 144
17023 15997 Third Man on the Mountain Annakin, Ken 1959 USA 105
17024 16002 Carry on Abroad Thomas, Gerald 1972 UK 88
17025 16000 Devil's Disciple, The Hamilton, Guy 1959 UK 82
17026 16004 Pigskin Parade Butler, David 1936 USA 93
17027 15998 Tap Castle, Nick 1989 USA 110
17028 16017 Alexandria… New York Chahine, Youssef 2004 Egypt 128
17029 16003 Small Town Girl Wellman, William A. 1936 USA 106
17030 16019 Therese and Isabelle Metzger, Radley 1968
17031 16013 Resurrected Monster, The Urueta, Chano 1953 Mexico 85
17032 16024 BBC News Ethiopia Report Vacek, Jack 1984 UK
17033 16018 Towers Open Fire Balch, Antony 1963 UK 10
17034 16015 Locura de terror Soler, Julián 1961 Mexico 90
17035 16016 Phörpa Norbu, Khyentse 1999 Bhutan 93
17036 16020 Trouble-Solving Broker, The Ho, Godfrey & Lee Doo-yong 1982 Hong Kong 108
17037 16007 Johnny Cool Asher, William 1963 USA 101
17038 16005 Explosive Generation, The Kulik, Buzz 1961 USA 89
17039 16025 Strongman Ferdinand Kluge, Alexander 1976 West Germany 97
17040 16022 United States of Leland, The Hoge, Matthew Ryan 2003 USA 104
17041 16006 Loggerheads Kirkman, Tim 2005 USA 95
17042 16027 Faces of Death Schwartz, John Alan 1978 USA 85
17043 16028 Fire and Ice Bakshi, Ralph 1983 USA 81
17044 16029 Rookie, The Hancock, John Lee 2002 USA 127
17045 16030 Wisdom of Crocodiles, The/Immortality Leong Po-Chih 1998 UK 98
17046 16031 Strange Affair of Uncle Harry, The Siodmak, Robert 1945 USA 80
17047 16032 Small Deaths Ramsay, Lynne 1996 UK 11
17048 16033 Seven Women, Seven Sins Akerman, Chantal/Maxi Cohen/Valie Export/Laurence Gavron/Bette Gordon/Ulrike Ottinger/Helke Sander 1986 France 109
17049 16034 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Miller, George & George Ogilvie 1985 Australia 107
17050 16035 Pinochet Case, The Guzmán, Patricio 2001 France 110
17051 22514 Last American Hero, The Johnson, Lamont 1973 USA 100
17052 16037 They're a Weird Mob Powell, Michael 1966 Australia 112
17053 16039 Moon is Blue, The Preminger, Otto 1953 USA 99
17054 16038 Jedda Chauvel, Charles 1955 Australia 101
17055 16036 Shack Out on 101 Dein, Edward 1955 USA 80
17056 16041 Death in Brunswick Ruane, John 1990 Australia 109
17057 16043 Praise Curran, John 1998 Australia 98
17058 16042 Travelling North Schultz, Carl 1987 Australia 98
17059 16044 Angel Baby Rymer, Michael 1995 Australia 105
17060 16051 For Fun Ning Ying 1993 China 97
17061 16046 Chronically Unfeasible Bianchi, Sergio 2000 Brazil 101
17062 16049 Sujata Roy, Bimal 1960 India 161
17063 16052 Interview, The Monahan, Craig 1998 Australia 103
17064 16045 Swordsman in Double Flag Town, The He Ping 1992 China 91
17065 16048 Amélia Carolina, Ana 2001 Brazil 130
17066 16047 On est au coton Arcand, Denys 1976 Canada 173
17067 16053 Blindfolded Eyes Saura, Carlos 1978 Spain 110
17068 16055 Centro Histórico Costa, Pedro/Manoel de Oliveira/Víctor Erice/Aki Kaurismäki 2012 Portugal 80
17069 16087 Walk on the Moon, A Goldwyn, Tony 1998 USA 107
17070 16099 Pigs/Psy Pasikowski, Wladyslaw 1992 Poland 104
17071 16082 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Sakaguchi, Hironobu & Moto Sakakibara 2001 USA 105
17072 16100 Full Circle Loncraine, Richard 1977 Canada 98
17073 16103 Transformers, The Shin, Nelson 1986 USA 86
17074 16056 Privilege Watkins, Peter 1967 UK 101
17075 16058 Law and Jake Wade, The Sturges, John 1958 USA 86
17076 16059 Man from Colorado, The Levin, Henry 1948 USA 99
17077 16060 Washington Square Holland, Agnieszka 1997 USA 115
17078 16071 Thank Your Lucky Stars Butler, David 1943 USA 127
17079 16069 Casbah Berry, John 1948 USA 94
17080 16067 Air Mail Ford, John 1932 USA 83
17081 16072 Leading Man, The Duigan, John 1996 UK 99
17082 16068 Plain Talk & Common Sense Jost, Jon 1987 USA 110
17083 16063 Fighting Mad Demme, Jonathan 1976 USA 90
17084 16064 Notebook on Cities and Clothes Wenders, Wim 1989 West Germany 80
17085 16061 Princess Comes Across, The Howard, William K. 1936 USA 76
17086 16066 Four American Composers: Philip Glass [TV] Greenaway, Peter 1983 UK 55
17087 16075 Holy Lola Tavernier, Bertrand 2004 France 128
17088 16070 Great K & A Train Robbery, The Seiler, Lewis 1926 USA 53
17089 16088 Shakti Sippy, Ramesh 1982 India 166
17090 16090 Qurbani Khan, Feroz 1980 India 157
17091 16084 Abhimaan Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1973 India 122
17092 16078 Doctor Sleep Willing, Nick 2002 UK 108
17093 16113 Basic Instinct 2 Caton-Jones, Michael 2006 Germany 114
17094 16114 Oh, Susanna! Kane, Joseph 1936 USA 54
17095 16079 Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai Roshan, Rakesh 2000 India 172
17096 16094 Jab Jab Phool Khile Prakash, Suraj 1965 India 141
17097 16089 Waqt Chopra, Yash 1965 India 178
17098 16107 Karz Ghai, Subhash 1980 India 159
17099 16106 Disco Dancer Subhash, Babbar 1982 India 135
17100 16104 Nikaah Chopra, B.R. 1982 India
17101 16112 Trackdown Heffron, Richard T. 1976 USA 98
17102 16109 Steel Carver, Steve 1979 USA 99
17103 16092 Khazanchi Gidwani, Moti B. 1941 India 171
17104 16097 Aradhana Samanta, Shakti 1969 India 169
17105 16086 Women's Story Peng Xiaolian 1989 China 96
17106 16093 Road Movie In Kim In-Sik 2002 South Korea 114
17107 16080 Sikandar Modi, Sohrab 1941 India 146
17108 16077 Roti Kapada Aur Makaan Kumar, Manoj 1974 India 159
17109 16098 Mera Goan Mera Desh Khosla, Raj 1971 India
17110 16083 Ram Aur Shyam Chanakya, Tapi 1967 India 171
17111 16101 Life and Debt Black, Stephanie 2001 USA 85
17112 16095 Red Heroine Wen Yimin 1929 China 94
17113 16085 Aankhen Dhawan, David 1993 India 170
17114 16105 Anmol Ghadi Khan, Mehboob 1946 India 122
17115 16081 Haqeeqat Anand, Chetan 1964 India 184
17116 16096 Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki Khosla, Raj 1978 India 151
17117 16102 Phool Asif, K. 1945 India 122
17118 16108 Junglee Mukherji, Subodh 1961 India 150
17119 16091 Mulan Joins the Army Bu Wancang 1939 China
17120 16115 Zero Kelvin Moland, Hans Petter 1995 Norway 118
17121 16116 Junk Mail Sletaune, Pal 1997 Norway 80
17122 16117 X Einarson, Oddvar 1986 Norway 94
17123 16122 De dodes tjern Bergstrom, Kare 1958 Norway 76
17124 16121 Eggs Hamer, Bent 1995 Norway 86
17125 16123 Nine Lives Skouen, Arne 1957 Norway 96
17126 16119 Pathfinder Gaup, Nils 1988 Norway 88
17127 16120 Fant Ibsen, Tancred 1937 Norway 95
17128 16118 Boys from the Streets Greber, Ulf & Arne Skouen 1949 Norway 77
17129 16125 Careful, He Might Hear You Schultz, Carl 1983 Australia 116
17130 16127 F.J. Holden, The Thornhill, Michael 1977 Australia 101
17131 16128 We of the Never Never Auzins, Igor 1983 Australia 132
17132 16130 Box of Moonlight DiCillo, Tom 1996 USA 111
17133 16132 Sarrasine, La Tana, Paul 1992 Canada 109
17134 16131 Very Bad Things Berg, Peter 1998 USA 100
17135 16134 Thirteen Conversations About One Thing Sprecher, Jill 2001 USA 104
17136 16133 Night Zoo Lauzon, Jean-Claude 1987 Canada 115
17137 16135 Yearling, The Brown, Clarence 1946 USA 128
17138 16136 Crimes of the Future Cronenberg, David 1970 Canada 63
17139 16137 Apt Pupil Singer, Bryan 1997 USA 111
17140 16150 Dead Waters/Dark Waters Baino, Mariano 1993 Russia 94
17141 16149 Nighthawks Malmuth, Bruce 1981 USA 99
17142 16141 Hurrah! For Freedom Ch'oe In-kyu 1946 South Korea 51
17143 16142 Born Losers Laughlin, Tom 1967 USA 112
17144 16148 Jumping Ash Leong Po-Chih & Josephine Siao 1975 Hong Kong 100
17145 16145 Prison on Fire Lam, Ringo 1987 Hong Kong 98
17146 16144 Dingjunshan Jingfeng Ren 1905 China
17147 16146 Springtime in Greenland Paizs, John 1981 Canada 24
17148 16138 Uc arkadas Ün, Memduh 1971 Turkey
17149 16147 Bride and I, The Pai Ching-Jui 1969 Taiwan
17150 16153 Taal Ghai, Subhash 1999 India 179
17151 16151 Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche Ramsay, Tulsi 1972 India
17152 16152 Dosti Bose, Satyen 1964 India 163
17153 16139 Rajnighanda Chatterjee, Basu 1974 India 110
17154 16140 Mere Apne Gulzar 1971 India 164
17155 16143 Blue McKellar, Don 1992 Canada 22
17156 16154 Prisoner of Zenda, The Thorpe, Richard 1952 USA 101
17157 16155 Sandwich Man, The Hou Hsiao-hsien/Jen Wan/Zeng Zhuang Xiang 1983 Taiwan 105
17158 16157 Beautiful Duckling Lee Hsing 1964 Taiwan 111
17159 16159 Brug, De Ivens, Joris 1928 Netherlands 11
17160 16161 Never Let Go Guillermin, John 1960 UK 90
17161 16158 Dédée d'Anvers Allégret, Yves 1948 France 95
17162 16160 Outsiders, The Ibáñez, Juan 1967 Mexico 95
17163 16165 Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter Clemens, Brian 1974 UK 91
17164 16166 Stuart Little Minkoff, Rob 1999 USA 84
17165 16167 Last Note, A Shindo, Kaneto 1995 Japan 110
17166 16168 Japan's Longest Day Okamoto, Kihachi 1967 Japan 157
17167 16177 Brain Dead Simon, Adam 1989 USA 81
17168 16189 W's Tragedy Sawai, Shin'ichiro 1984 Japan 108
17169 16163 Million Dollar Legs Cline, Eddie 1932 USA 64
17170 16172 Vatel Joffé, Roland 2000 France 103
17171 16171 Wind in the Willows, The Jones, Terry 1996 UK 87
17172 16170 Rhythm on the River Schertzinger, Victor 1940 USA 92
17173 16173 Licensed to Kill Dong, Arthur 1997 USA 80
17174 16186 Dry Cleaning Fontaine, Anne 1997 France 97
17175 16191 Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary Heller, André & Othmar Schmiderer 2002 Austria 90
17176 16192 Pipe Dream Walsh, John 2002 USA 91
17177 16174 Freedom on My Mind Field, Connie & Marilyn Mulford 1994 USA 105
17178 16180 Saltmen of Tibet, The Koch, Ulrike 1997 Germany 108
17179 16176 Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times Junkerman, John 2002 USA 74
17180 16181 Eden Goldberg, Howard 1996 USA 106
17181 16183 Trials of Henry Kissinger, The Jarecki, Eugene 2002 USA 80
17182 16187 Speaking in Strings di Florio, Paola 1999 USA 73
17183 16185 Cockettes, The Weber, Bill & David Weissman 2002 USA 100
17184 16179 Birthday Girl Butterworth, Jez 2001 UK 93
17185 16190 Time of Favor Cedar, Joseph 2000 Israel 102
17186 16184 Unstrung Heroes Keaton, Diane 1995 USA 94
17187 16178 How I Killed My Father Fontaine, Anne 2001 France 98
17188 16193 My Son the Fanatic Prasad, Udayan 1997 UK 86
17189 16188 Ex-Mrs. Bradford, The Roberts, Stephen 1936 USA 80
17190 16182 Bad Manners Kaufer, Jonathan 1997 USA 88
17191 16194 Millhouse: A White Comedy de Antonio, Emile 1971 USA 92
17192 16196 Why We Fight [Series] Capra, Frank & Anatole Litvak 1942-45 USA
17193 16199 Blitz Wolf Avery, Tex 1942 USA 10
17194 16202 Love in the Time of Hysteria Cuarón, Alfonso 1991 Mexico 94
17195 16200 Mauvaise graine Esway, Alexander & Billy Wilder 1934 France 86
17196 16203 Lebensläufe Junge, Winfried 1981 East Germany 257
17197 22842 Boat That Rocked, The Curtis, Richard 2009 USA 135
17198 22945 6ixtynin9 Ratanaruang, Pen-Ek 1999 Thailand 118
17199 23709 Karin Ingmarsdotter Sjöström, Victor 1920 Sweden 115
17200 23047 Directed by John Ford Bogdanovich, Peter 1971 USA 99
17201 Illiac Passion, The Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1967 USA 90
17202 Hiver, L' Hanoun, Marcel 1969 France 78
17203 23588 Black Legion Steiner, Ralph & Willard Van Dyke 1937
17204 23021 Rebirth of a Nation DJ Spooky 2007 USA
17205 23327 China 9, Liberty 37 Hellman, Monte 1978 USA 102
17206 Family Jewels, The Lewis, Jerry 1965 USA 100
17207 Inside/Out Tregenza, Rob 1997 USA 115
17208 23379 Moon and Sixpence, The Lewin, Albert 1942 USA 89
17209 Eaten Alive Hooper, Tobe 1976 USA 91
17210 Witte waan, De Ditvoorst, Adriaan 1984 Netherlands 96
17211 Magnificent Obsession Stahl, John M. 1935 USA 112
17212 After Tomorrow Borzage, Frank 1932 USA 79
17213 Alice et Martin Téchiné, André 1998 France 124
17214 Can't Get You Out of My Head [TV] Curtis, Adam 2021 UK 478
17215 Weddings and Babies Engel, Morris 1958 USA 81
17216 23043 No Bears Panahi, Jafar 2022 Iran 106
17217 Spite Marriage Keaton, Buster & Edward Sedgwick 1929 USA 89
17218 Coward, The Ray, Satyajit 1965 India 70
17219 Sorry We Missed You Loach, Ken 2019 UK 101
17220 They Were Sisters Crabtree, Arthur 1945 UK 110
17221 Friends and Strangers Vaughan, James 2021 Australia 82
17222 Claire's Camera Hong Sang-soo 2017 South Korea 69
17223 Aristocrats, The Jillette, Penn & Paul Provenza 2005 USA 89
17224 Dark Waters Haynes, Todd 2019 USA 126
17225 Frisco Jenny Wellman, William A. 1932 USA 73
17226 23139 5 Against the House Karlson, Phil 1955 USA 84
17227 Ladykillers, The Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2004 USA 103
17228 Bad Girl Borzage, Frank 1931 USA 90
17229 Two Faces of January, The Amini, Hossein 2014 UK 96
17230 Grass Hong Sang-soo 2018 South Korea 66
17231 Ax, The Costa-Gavras, Constantin 2005 Belgium 122
17232 Vier um die Frau Lang, Fritz 1921 Germany 83
17233 Two Years Before the Mast Farrow, John 1946 USA 98
17234 Possessed, The Bazzoni, Luigi & Franco Rossellini 1965 Italy 85
17235 Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror Janisse, Kier-La 2021 USA 194
17236 Rose Plays Julie Molloy, Christine & Joe Lawlor 2019 Ireland 100
17237 Falling, The Morley, Carol 2014 UK 102
17238 French Dispatch, The Anderson, Wes 2021 USA 107
17239 Monster Koreeda, Hirokazu 2023 Japan 127
17240 Wonderstruck Haynes, Todd 2017 USA 116
17241 All the Colors of the Dark Martino, Sergio 1972 Italy 87
17242 Open Doors Amelio, Gianni 1990 Italy 108
17243 Alps Lanthimos, Yorgos 2011 Greece 93
17244 Fear and Desire Kubrick, Stanley 1953 USA 62
17245 Rebecca Wheatley, Ben 2020 UK 121
17246 Testimony Palmer, Tony 1987 UK 157
17247 Windtalkers Woo, John 2002 USA 133
17248 Slaves of New York Ivory, James 1989 USA 124
17249 Pollyanna Swift, David 1960 USA 134
17250 Heidi Dwan, Allan 1937 USA 88
17251 Europeans, The Ivory, James 1979 UK 90
17252 Sunshine Cleaning Jeffs, Christine 2008 USA 91
17253 Mr. Majestyk Fleischer, Richard 1974 USA 103
17254 Durante l'estate Olmi, Ermanno 1971 Italy 105
17255 Divine Ophüls, Max 1935 France 82
17256 Thunderhoof Karlson, Phil 1948 USA 77
17257 Pigeon Tunnel, The Morris, Errol 2023 USA 92
17258 Love in the Time of Twilight Tsui Hark 1995 Hong Kong 103
17259 Letters Home [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1986 France 104
17260 One Second Zhang Yimou 2020 China 104
17261 No Blood Relation Naruse, Mikio 1932 Japan 79
17262 Camille Claudel 1915 Dumont, Bruno 2013 France 95
17263 Ophélia Chabrol, Claude 1963 France 105
17264 To the Ends of the Earth Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2019 Japan 120
17265 Fireworks Woman, The Craven, Wes 1975 USA 78
17266 Green, Green Grass of Home, The Hou Hsiao-hsien 1982 Taiwan 91
17267 Principe di Homburg, Il Bellocchio, Marco 1997 Italy 89
17268 Ennio Tornatore, Giuseppe 2021 Italy 156
17269 Allegro barbaro Jancsó, Miklós 1979 Hungary 73
17270 Oldás és kötés Jancsó, Miklós 1963 Hungary 94
17271 Anselm Wenders, Wim 2023 Germany 93
17272 Return of the Texan Daves, Delmer 1952 USA 88
17273 Tales from the Gimli Hospital Maddin, Guy 1988 Canada 72
17274 War Comes to America Capra, Frank & Anatole Litvak 1945 USA 70
17275 Je l'ai été 3 fois! Guitry, Sacha 1952 France 81
17276 We Live Again Mamoulian, Rouben 1934 USA 85
17277 11 Minutes Skolimowski, Jerzy 2015 Poland 81
17278 Heroic Ones, The Chang Cheh 1970 Hong Kong 117
17279 Wittgenstein Jarman, Derek 1993 UK 72
17280 Truth About Charlie, The Demme, Jonathan 2002 USA 104
17281 Black Rose, The Hathaway, Henry 1950 UK 120
17282 Smilin' Through Borzage, Frank 1941 USA 100
17283 No Room for the Groom Sirk, Douglas 1952 USA 82
17284 TV Dante, A [TV] Ruiz, Raúl/Peter Greenaway/Tom Phillips 1989-91 Netherlands
17285 Santiago, Italia Moretti, Nanni 2018 Italy 80
17286 Walk Up Hong Sang-soo 2022 South Korea 97
17287 Qing cheng zhi lian Hui, Ann 1984 Hong Kong 93
17288 Bérénice Ruiz, Raúl 1983 France 105
17289 Distant Trumpet, A Walsh, Raoul 1964 USA 117
17290 Laughter in the Dark Richardson, Tony 1969 UK 104
17291 I'd Climb the Highest Mountain King, Henry 1951 USA 88
17292 Sleepless Argento, Dario 2001 Italy 117
17293 Deaf Wiseman, Frederick 1986 USA 164
17294 Condanna, La Bellocchio, Marco 1991 Italy 92
17295 Segreto del bosco vecchio, Il Olmi, Ermanno 1993 Italy 134
17296 Bandera, La Duvivier, Julien 1935 France 88
17297 Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Izvolov, Nikolai & Dziga Vertov 2021 USSR 94
17298 Faro Document [TV] Bergman, Ingmar 1970 Sweden 57
17299 Wedding Director, The Bellocchio, Marco 2006 Italy 97
17300 Maman Colibri Duvivier, Julien 1929 France 75
17301 Masques Chabrol, Claude 1987 France 100
17302 Na ri xia wu Tsai Ming-liang 2015 Taiwan 137
17303 Battle of China, The Capra, Frank & Anatole Litvak 1944 USA 65
17304 It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books Linklater, Richard 1988 USA 85
17305 10 on Ten Kiarostami, Abbas 2004 Iran 88
17306 Remember the Day King, Henry 1941 USA 86
17307 Over the Hill King, Henry 1931 USA 89
17308 Road Back, The Whale, James 1937 USA 100
17309 Esterno notte [TV] Bellocchio, Marco 2022 Italy 330
17310 Seventh Heaven King, Henry 1937 USA 102
17311 Standard Operating Procedure Morris, Errol 2008 USA 116
17312 Hiroshima Death Match Fukasaku, Kinji 1973 Japan 99
17313 France Dumont, Bruno 2021 France 133
17314 Signal Tower, The Brown, Clarence 1924 USA 72
17315 Memory Lane Stahl, John M. 1926 USA 78
17316 Spring Awakens Naruse, Mikio 1947 Japan 89
17317 Sons of Good Earth Hu, King 1965 Hong Kong 107
17318 Magokoro Naruse, Mikio 1939 Japan 67
17319 Fado majeur et mineur Ruiz, Raúl 1994 France 110
17320 Mästerman Sjöström, Victor 1920 Sweden 116
17321 Tori and Lokita Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2022 Belgium 89
17322 Seed Stahl, John M. 1931 USA 96
17323 Lady, The Borzage, Frank 1925 USA 96
17324 Chime Kurosawa, Kiyoshi 2024 Japan 45
17325 Movie Orgy, The Dante, Joe 1968 USA 420
17326 Sonar Kella Ray, Satyajit 1974 India 136
17327 Older Brother, Younger Sister Naruse, Mikio 1953 Japan 86
17328 By the Stream Hong Sang-soo 2024 South Korea 111
17329 Kazakhstan - frontu! Vertov, Dziga 1942 USSR
17330 Al-ikhtiyar Chahine, Youssef 1971 Egypt 103
17331 Adam 2 Lenica, Jan 1968 West Germany 79
17332 Akran Myers, Richard 1969 USA 110
17333 Okayo's Preparedness Shimazu, Yasujiro 1939 Japan 70
17334 Cha Cha Real Smooth Raiff, Cooper 2022 USA 107
17335 Ulybka Popov, Sergei 1992 Russia 97
17336 Generation Wealth Greenfield, Lauren 2018 USA 106
17337 Everlasting Regret Kwan, Stanley 2005 Hong Kong 115
17338 Black Moon Neill, Roy William 1934 USA 68
17339 Paris en cinq jours Colombier, Pierre & Nicolas Rimsky 1926 France 75
17340 Suds Dillon, John Francis 1920 USA 67
17341 Gao shan xia de hua huan Xie Jin 1984 China 139
17342 Ni hao, Li Huanying Jia Ling 2021 China 128
17343 Dovlatov German Jr., Aleksei 2018 Russia 126
17344 Winterset Santell, Alfred 1936 USA 78
17345 Chinese Box Wang, Wayne 1997 France 99
17346 Angelochek sdelay radost Saparov, Uzmaan 1993 Turkmenistan 88
17347 Typist Artist Pirate King Morley, Carol 2022 UK 108
17348 Vanishing Waves Buozyte, Kristina 2012 Lithuania 124
17349 Ruf der Sibylla, Der Klopfenstein, Clemens 1984 Switzerland 120
17350 Odds of Recovery, The Friedrich, Su 2002 USA 65
17351 Journey for Margaret Van Dyke, W.S. 1942 USA 81
17352 Princess Arete Katabuchi, Sunao 2001 Japan 105
17353 My Sister Eileen Hall, Alexander 1942 USA 96
17354 Caesar and Cleopatra Pascal, Gabriel 1946 UK 134
17355 Hombre va por el camino, Un Mur Oti, Manuel 1949 Spain 92
17356 Blagoslovennaya Bukhara Sadykov, Bako 1991 USSR 132
17357 Dog Barking at the Moon, A Xiang Zi, Lisa 2019 China 107
17358 Sullivans, The Bacon, Lloyd 1944 USA 111
17359 Kyss henne! Hildebrand, Weyler 1940 Sweden 91
17360 Campus Queen, The Kelani, Tunde 2004 Nigeria 100
17361 Sugatang puso Reyes, Jose Javier 2000 Philippines 120
17362 Ferien Arslan, Thomas 2007 Germany 91
17363 Untama giru Takamine, Go 1989 Japan 120
17364 Self-Portrait: Window in 47KM Zhang Mengqi 2019 China 110
17365 'A Santanotte Notari, Elvira 1922 Italy 60
17366 Belye, belye aisty Khamraev, Ali 1966 USSR 88
17367 Bocage - O Triunfo do Amor Limongi Batista, Djalma 1997 Brazil 85
17368 Gui hua xiang Chen Kun-Hou 1987 Taiwan 112
17369 Suitcase of Love and Shame Gillooly, Jane 2013 USA 70
17370 Tux and Fanny Birney, Albert 2019 USA 82
17371 Deti Pamira Motyl, Vladimir 1963 USSR 76
17372 Final Member, The Bekhor, Jonah & Zach Math 2012 Canada 75
17373 Confusion Na Wa Gyang, Kenneth 2013 Nigeria 105
17374 Samsara Patiño, Lois 2023 Spain 113
17375 Masahista Mendoza, Brillante 2005 Philippines 76
17376 She, or Nobody Froelich, Carl 1932 Germany 91
17377 Latitude Zero Venturi, Toni 2001 Brazil 85
17378 Europe Scheffner, Philip 2022 Germany 105
17379 Kalagh Beizai, Bahram 1977 Iran 120
17380 Fireworks Wednesday Farhadi, Asghar 2006 Iran 102
17381 Kristove roky Jakubisko, Juraj 1967 Czechoslovakia 95
17382 Behind the Mask Dillon, John Francis 1932 USA 70
17383 Brasier ardent, Le Mozzhukhin, Ivan 1923 France 120
17384 Stille dage i Clichy Thorsen, Jens Jørgen 1970 Denmark 100
17385 Sérail de Gregorio, Eduardo 1976 France 83
17386 Historia de una noche Saslavsky, Luis 1941 Argentina 92
17387 Árido Movie Ferreira, Lírio 2005 Brazil 100
17388 Wheel of Ashes Goldman, Peter Emmanuel 1968 France 110
17389 Parizod Shahobiddinov, Ayub 2012 Uzbekistan 81
17390 Lao bing xin zhuan Shen Fu 1959 China 107
17391 Sixty Glorious Years Wilcox, Herbert 1938 UK 95
17392 Make Mine Music Cormack, Bob/Clyde Geronimi/Jack Kinney/Hamilton Luske/Joshua Meador 1946 USA 74
17393 Gen zong zhui ji Lu Jue 1963 China 98
17394 On the Prowl Gillis, Jamie 1989 USA 65
17395 Tag mit dem Wind, Ein Senft, Haro 1979 West Germany 94
17396 Lied der Wildbahn (Belauschtes Leben im Wald, Moor und Heide) Sielmann, Heinz 1950 West Germany 86
17397 Resurrectio Blasetti, Alessandro 1931 Italy 65
17398 Ying xiong tan ke shou Li Ang 1962 China 74
17399 Ne khoronite menya bez Ivana Borisova, Lyubov 2022 Russia 125
17400 Caravan Charell, Erik 1934 USA 101
17401 Moritz macht sein Glück Speyer, Jaap 1931 Germany 85
17402 Quick Millions Brown, Rowland 1931 USA 72
17403 Clip Milos, Maja 2012 Serbia 102
17404 Four Springs Lu Qingyi 2017 China 105
17405 Cut Naderi, Amir 2011 Japan 133
17406 Paprika Boese, Carl 1932 Germany 93
17407 Father's Will, A Mukul, Bakyt & Dastan Zhapar Uulu 2016 Kyrgyzstan 112
17408 Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder Palitzsch, Peter & Manfred Wekwerth 1961 East Germany 151
17409 Yes & Yes Germanika, Valeriya Gay 2014 Russia 115
17410 2000 Songs of Farida Tuychiev, Yalkin 2020 Uzbekistan 110
17411 Campbell's Kingdom Thomas, Ralph 1957 UK 102
17412 Corazón del bosque, El Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1979 Spain 100
17413 Amore tossico Caligari, Claudio 1983 Italy 90
17414 Leila's Brothers Roustayi, Saeed 2022 Iran 165
17415 Princ a Vecernice Vorlícek, Václav 1979 Czechoslovakia 86
17416 Turn the Key Softly Lee, Jack 1953 UK 83
17417 Lionheart Nnaji, Genevieve 2018 Nigeria 95
17418 Subway in the Sky Box, Muriel 1959 UK 85
17419 Torsk på Tallinn - En liten film om ensamhet [TV] Alfredson, Tomas 1999 Sweden 59
17420 Passionate Thief, The Monicelli, Mario 1960 Italy 106
17421 Svenska bilder Danielsson, Tage 1964 Sweden 106
17422 Flickan från tredje raden Ekman, Hasse 1949 Sweden 88
17423 Fram för lilla Märta eller På livets ödesvägar Ekman, Hasse 1945 Sweden 86
17424 Amour avec des si, L' Lelouch, Claude 1964 France 85
17425 Demoner Brandt, Carsten 1986 Sweden 127
17426 Mannen som slutade röka Danielsson, Tage 1972 Sweden 104
17427 Image, The Metzger, Radley 1975 USA 89
17428 Srecan Put (aka Fragments of a Memory of Another Film) Proctor, Maximilien Luc 2021 Germany 95
17429 Midst Sternberg, Barbara 1997 Canada 73
17430 Nadie es inocente Minter, Sarah 1986 Mexico 57
17431 Campement 13 Constant, Jacques 1940 France
17432 Kuai le de dan shen han Song Chong 1983 China 115
17433 Lupa, La Lattuada, Alberto 1953 Italy 93
17434 Fornaretto di Venezia, Il Tessari, Duccio 1963 Italy 110
17435 Traktoristy Pyrev, Ivan 1939 USSR 84
17436 Non son degno di te Fizzarotti, Ettore Maria 1965 Italy 116
17437 Scippo, Lo Cicero, Nando 1965 Italy 94
17438 Treasure of San Gennaro, The Risi, Dino 1966 Italy 104
17439 Crazy Desire Salce, Luciano 1962 Italy 110
17440 Al-boustaguy Kamal, Hussein 1968 Egypt 114
17441 Oni no sumu yakata Misumi, Kenji 1969 Japan 76
17442 Tercer Mundo, Tercera Guerra Mundial García Espinosa, Julio/Roberto Fernández Retamar/Miguel Torres 1970 Cuba 90
17443 Premier de cordée Daquin, Louis 1944 France 106
17444 Mothra vs. Godzilla Honda, Ishiro 1964 Japan 89
17445 Saworoide Kelani, Tunde 1999 Nigeria 105
17446 Samichay Tosso, Mauricio Franco 2020 Peru 87
17447 Dene wos guet geit Schäublin, Cyril 2017 Switzerland 71
17448 We Don't Live Here Anymore Oshin, Tope 2018 Nigeria 110
17449 Way of Youth, The Boisrond, Michel 1959 France 85
17450 Inside Out 2 Mann, Kelsey 2024 USA 96
17451 Odd Obsession Ichikawa, Kon 1959 Japan 96
17452 Rebel El Arbi, Adil & Bilall Fallah 2022 Belgium 135
17453 Ponniyin Selvan: Part I Ratnam, Mani 2022 India 167
17454 What a Woman! Cummings, Irving 1943 USA 94
17455 Earthquake Bird Westmoreland, Wash 2019 USA 107
17456 Time of Their Lives, The Barton, Charles 1946 USA 82
17457 Kun lun shan shang yi ke cao Dong Kena 1962 China 62
17458 My Young Auntie Liu Chia-Liang 1981 Hong Kong 121
17459 Bing shan shang de lai ke Zhao Xinshui 1963 China 101
17460 Air Conditioner Fradique 2020 Angola 72
17461 Songs of Rice, The Raksasad, Uruphong 2014 Thailand 75
17462 Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla Beaudine, William 1952 USA 74
17463 Rosa la rose, fille publique Vecchiali, Paul 1986 France 92
17464 23458 Daybreak Bennett, Compton 1948 UK 75
17465 Piaffe Oren, Ann 2022 Germany 86
17466 Kaninmannen Larsson, Stig 1990 Sweden 97
17467 Alye parusa Ptushko, Aleksandr 1961 USSR 88
17468 Ken Misumi, Kenji 1964 Japan 94
17469 Charles Bukowski Tapes, The [TV] Schroeder, Barbet 1985 France 240
17470 Zastihla me noc Herz, Juraj 1986 Czechoslovakia 135
17471 Kid Icarus McLaughlin, Carl Bird & Mike Ott 2008 USA 78
17472 Wolfen Queen Chang Ling 1982 Taiwan 85
17473 Kosh ba kosh Khudojnazarov, Bakhtyar 1993 Tajikistan 90
17474 Mourning Becomes Electra Nichols, Dudley 1947 USA 173
17475 How to ting ting yang rai mai hai leua ter Thamrongrattanarit, Nawapol 2019
17476 Killer Constable Kuei Chih-Hung 1980 Hong Kong 98
17477 White Star Klick, Roland 1983 West Germany 92
17478 Uomini sul fondo De Robertis, Francesco 1941 Italy 71
17479 Nur Du Feiner, Hermann & Willi Wolff 1930 Germany 85
17480 Kawanakajima kassen Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1941 Japan 120
17481 Yoso Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1963 Japan 98
17482 Still Tomorrow Fan Jian 2016 China 88
17483 Street Corner Box, Muriel 1954 UK 94
17484 Chang kong xiong ying Wang Feng & Wang Yabiao 1976 China
17485 River Runs, Turns, Erases, Replaces, A Zhu Shengze 2021 USA 87
17486 Plains, The Easteal, David 2022 Australia 180
17487 Lin hai xue yuan Liu Peiran 1960 China 116
17488 Deep Blue Sea, The Litvak, Anatole 1955 UK 99
17489 Riotsville, U.S.A. Pettengill, Sierra 2022 USA 91
17490 Riders Mencej, Dominik 2022 Slovenia 110
17491 Under the Open Sky Nishikawa, Miwa 2020 Japan 126
17492 Young Wives' Tale Cass, Henry 1951 UK 78
17493 Fabiola Blasetti, Alessandro 1949 France 96
17494 Nü da xue sheng su she Shi Shujun 1983 China 85
17495 Baibai rabu Fujisawa, Isao 1974 Japan 85
17496 0.5 Mm Momoko, Ando 2014 Japan 198
17497 Ji jing de shan lin Zhu Wenshun 1957 China 94
17498 White Tiger, The Bahrani, Ramin 2020 USA 125
17499 Arak el-balah El-Kashef, Radwan 1998 Egypt 110
17500 Godland Pálmason, Hlynur 2022 Denmark 143
17501 Small Body Samani, Laura 2021 Italy 89
17502 Filmmaker's House, The Isaacs, Marc 2020 UK
17503 Kabinett des Dr. Larifari, Das Wohlmuth, Robert 1930 Germany 78
17504 Unholy Intruders, The Reinl, Harald 1952 West Germany 99
17505 Gahanu Lamai Peries, Sumitra 1978 Sri Lanka 100
17506 Black Cobra D'Amato, Joe 1976 Italy 98
17507 Strecke, Die Neufeld, Max 1927 Austria
17508 Ripples of Life Wei Shujun 2021 China 123
17509 Char... The No-Man's Island Sarangi, Sourav 2012 India 88
17510 Lied ist aus, Das von Bolváry, Géza 1930 Germany 102
17511 Procession Greene, Robert 2021 USA 118
17512 Argentina, 1985 Mitre, Santiago 2022 Argentina 140
17513 Dry Ground Burning Pimenta, Joana & Adirley Queirós 2022 Brazil 153
17514 Gunnar Goes Comfortable Jensen, Gunnar Hall 2003 Norway 75
17515 Geomen tangyi sonyeo oi Jeon Soo-il 2007 France 90
17516 First Slam Dunk, The Inoue, Takehiko 2022 Japan 124
17517 Poussières d'amour - Abfallprodukte der Liebe Schroeter, Werner 1996 Germany 130
17518 Jak se budí princezny Vorlícek, Václav 1978 Czechoslovakia 83
17519 Village Detective: A Song Cycle, The Morrison, Bill 2021 USA 81
17520 Roads Not Taken, The Potter, Sally 2020 UK
17521 Private Practices: The Story of a Sex Surrogate Dick, Kirby 1985 USA 75
17522 Josep Aurel 2020 France 71
17523 Nationtime Greaves, William 1972 USA 80
17524 Daddy-Long-Legs Neilan, Marshall 1919 USA 85
17525 Brutal Game, A Brisseau, Jean-Claude 1983 France 90
17526 Fantasma d'amore Risi, Dino 1981 Italy 96
17527 Geschichten vom Kübelkind Reitz, Edgar & Ula Stöckl 1971 West Germany 205
17528 Man Who Sold His Skin, The Hania, Kaouther Ben 2020 Tunisia 104
17529 Second Spring, A Lommel, Ulli 1975 West Germany 84
17530 Habfürdö Kovásznai, György 1980 Hungary 79
17531 Hikayet el omr kulluh Halim, Hilmi 1965 Egypt
17532 Hayat ou maut El-Shaikh, Kamal 1954 Egypt 75
17533 Next Sohee Jung, July 2022 South Korea 134
17534 Nacht, Die Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 1985 West Germany 367
17535 Nightmares Come at Night Franco, Jesús 1970 Liechtenstein 85
17536 Jolanda la figlia del corsaro nero Soldati, Mario 1953 Italy 95
17537 Last Cannibal World Deodato, Ruggero 1977 Italy 88
17538 Choo Poster, Pieak 1972 Thailand 139
17539 Zavallilar Güney, Yilmaz & Atif Yilmaz 1975 Turkey 80
17540 Lel Regal Fakat Zulfikar, Mahmoud 1964 Egypt 90
17541 Devil's Honey, The Fulci, Lucio 1986 Italy 83
17542 Isola, L' Quatriglio, Costanza 2003 Italy 103
17543 In Georgien Böttcher, Jürgen 1988 East Germany 100
17544 Talentime Ahmad, Yasmin 2009 Malaysia 120
17545 Détruisez-vous Bard, Serge 1968 France 75
17546 Kým sa skoncí táto noc Solan, Peter 1966 Czechoslovakia 89
17547 Tamás és Juli Enyedi, Ildikó 1997 Hungary 60
17548 ¡Mátalo! Canevari, Cesare 1970 Italy 94
17549 Ratataplan Nichetti, Maurizio 1979 Italy 95
17550 Delhoreh Khachikian, Samuel 1962 Iran 95
17551 El Conde Larraín, Pablo 2023 Chile 110
17552 Brennende Langeweile - Bored Teenagers [TV] Büld, Wolfgang 1979 West Germany 85
17553 Bella grinta, Una Montaldo, Giuliano 1965 Italy 96
17554 Resto di niente, Il De Lillo, Antonietta 2004 Italy 103
17555 There's Still Tomorrow Cortellesi, Paola 2023 Italy 118
17556 Abot kamay ang pangarap Siguion-Reyna, Carlos 1996 Philippines 100
17557 Da qiao xia mian Bai Chen 1983 China 110
17558 Chastnaya zhizn Raizman, Yuli 1982 USSR 102
17559 À la recherche du lieu de ma naissance Lehman, Boris 1990 Belgium 75
17560 68 Kill Haaga, Trent 2017 USA 93
17561 5B Haggis, Paul & Dan Krauss 2018 USA 94
17562 Sandu Follows the Sun Kalik, Mikhail 1962 USSR 66
17563 Miss Marx Nicchiarelli, Susanna 2022 Italy 107
17564 Night Cruising Sasaki, Makoto 2019 Japan 144
17565 Memories Within Miss Aggie Damiano, Gerard 1974 USA 75
17566 Great Escaper, The Parker, Oliver 2023 UK 96
17567 Disco Boy Abbruzzese, Giacomo 2023 France 92
17568 Forbidden Images Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein 1986 89
17569 Doll Face Graver, Gary 1987 USA 82
17570 In Spe Sarulu, Marat 1994 Kazakhstan
17571 Esimde Kubat, Aktan Arym 2022 Kyrgyzstan 105
17572 Dilhiroj Razykov, Yusup 2002 Uzbekistan 77
17573 Wunder, Das Schmidt, Eckhart 1985 West Germany 102
17574 Rustling of Leaves: Inside the Philippine Revolution, A Wild, Nettie 1988 Canada 110
17575 Des portes et des déserts Bianconi, Loredana 2021 Belgium 83
17576 Always a Bridesmaid Davenport, Nina 2000 USA 98
17577 Khasani-arobakash Kimyagarov, Boris 1965 USSR 92
17578 5000 Space Aliens Bateman, Scott 2021 USA 86
17579 Serce milosci Ronduda, Lukasz 2017 Poland 78
17580 Sudoeste Nunes, Eduardo 2011 Brazil 128
17581 Stranezza, La Andò, Roberto 2022 Italy 103
17582 March Comes in Like a Lion Yazaki, Hitoshi 1991 Japan 118
17583 Samouni Road Savona, Stefano 2018 France 128
17584 Children of the Mist Ha Le Diem 2021 Vietnam 92
17585 Ich liebe dich, ich töte dich Brandner, Uwe 1971 West Germany 94
17586 Zyklus von Kleinigkeiten Torfs, Ana 1998 Austria 86
17587 Malchiki v nebe Musakov, Zulfikar 2003 Uzbekistan 86
17588 Man spricht über Jacqueline Hochbaum, Werner 1937 Germany 83
17589 Imelda Diaz, Ramona S. 2003 USA 103
17590 Fidel [TV] Landau, Saul & Nina Serrano 1971 USA 95
17591 Music Schanelec, Angela 2023 Germany 108
17592 Seyyit Han: Topragin Gelini Güney, Yilmaz 1968 Turkey 81
17593 Appassionate De Bernardi, Tonino 1999 Italy 95
17594 Bloodsuckers - A Marxist Vampire Comedy Radlmaier, Julian 2021 Germany 125
17595 Occidente Salani, Carlos 2000 Italy 93
17596 Femme nue, La Perret, Léonce 1926 France 140
17597 Documentarian Klava, Inese & Ivars Zviedris 2012 Latvia 82
17598 Valigia dei sogni, La Comencini, Luigi 1953 Italy 84
17599 Surcos de sangre del Carril, Hugo 1950 Argentina 90
17600 Materinskoe pole Bazarov, Gennadiy 1968 USSR 81
17601 Amleto di meno, Un Bene, Carmelo 1973 Italy 70
17602 Terminus paradis Pintilie, Lucian 1998 France 99
17603 Prata Palomares Faria, André 1972 Brazil 125
17604 Été, L Hanoun, Marcel 1968 France 82
17605 Red Kimona, The Lang, Walter 1925 USA 77
17606 You Are My Sunshine Park Jin-Pyo 2005 South Korea 121
17607 Nang Nak Nimibutr, Nonzee 1999 Thailand 100
17608 Umoregi Oguri, Kohei 2005 Japan 93
17609 Belle captive, La Robbe-Grillet, Alain 1983 France 88
17610 Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle Ishii, Gakuryu 2000 Japan 138
17611 Arcadia Wright, Paul 2017 UK 79
17612 My Love, Don't Cross That River Jin Mo-young 2014 South Korea 86
17613 Gift to Stalin, The Abdrashev, Rustem 2008 Kazakhstan 97
17614 Drishyam Joseph, Jeethu 2013 India 60
17615 Tot ziens Honigmann, Heddy 1995 Netherlands 114
17616 Return to Dust Li Ruijun 2022 China 131
17617 My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot Gröning, Philip 2018 Germany 174
17618 Lodge 49 [TV] Schreier, Jake/Michael Trim/Randall Einhorn/Tricia Brock/Alethea Jones/Maurice Marable/Minkie Spiro 2018-19 USA
17619 In the Belly of the Whale Dörrie, Doris 1985 West Germany 97
17620 Sudsakorn Ngaokrachang, Payut 1979 Thailand 82
17621 Azyllo Muito Louco Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1970 Brazil 100
17622 Keep on Keepin' On Hicks, Alan 2014 USA 84
17623 Buraikan Shinoda, Masahiro 1970 Japan 104
17624 Soldadera, La Bolaños, José 1966 Mexico 88
17625 Días de otoño Gavaldón, Roberto 1963 Mexico 95
17626 Segundo López, aventurero urbano Mariscal, Ana 1953 Spain 80
17627 Levoton veri Tulio, Teuvo 1946 Finland 91
17628 Nuit d'été en ville Deville, Michel 1990 France 85
17629 Everything is Terrible: The Movie Maier, Nic & Dimitri Simakis 2009 USA 71
17630 Great Flood, The Morrison, Bill 2012 USA 80
17631 White Riot Shah, Rubika 2019 UK 80
17632 Year of the Cannibals, The Cavani, Liliana 1969 Italy 88
17633 Wohin und zurück - Teil 2: Santa Fé [TV] Corti, Axel 1986 Austria 110
17634 Wien, du Stadt der Lieder Oswald, Richard 1930 Germany 101
17635 Haruka, nosutarujii Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1993 Japan 165
17636 Fight for the Matterhorn Bonnard, Mario & Nunzio Malasomma 1928 Germany 117
17637 Wer einmal in das Posthorn stößt Hartig, Gerhard 1974 West Germany 88
17638 Comisar acuzã, Un Nicolaescu, Sergiu 1974 Romania 114
17639 Cloud in Her Room, The Lu Xinyuan Zheng 2020 China 101
17640 Gunman Yukol, Chatrichalerm 1983 Thailand 140
17641 Two of Them, The Mészáros, Márta 1977 Hungary 100
17642 Charlie Says Harron, Mary 2018 USA 110
17643 Morgiana Herz, Juraj 1972 Czechoslovakia 106
17644 Uppercase Print Jude, Radu 2020 Romania 128
17645 Siesta, La Grau, Jorge 1976 Spain 97
17646 Painters Painting de Antonio, Emile 1972 USA 116
17647 Fad'jal Faye, Safi 1979 Senegal 108
17648 Misérables, Les Fescourt, Henri 1925 France 359
17649 Kaisa's Enchanted Forest Gauriloff, Katja 2016 Finland 82
17650 Don't Lean Out the Window Zizic, Bogdan 1977 Yugoslavia 103
17651 Monarch Flütsch, Johannes & Manfred Stelzer 1979 West Germany 84
17652 Point de chute Hossein, Robert 1970 France 85
17653 Marcia su Roma, La Risi, Dino 1962 Italy 94
17654 Kyz-Zhibek Khodzhikov, Sultan 1972 USSR 143
17655 Passerby #3 Shin Su-won 2010 South Korea
17656 Everybody Knows Farhadi, Asghar 2018 Spain 133
17657 The Hours: A Square Film Angelidi, Antouanetta 1995 Greece 85
17658 I Not Stupid Neo, Jack 2002 Singapore 105
17659 Homme à la valise, L [TV] Akerman, Chantal 1984 France 60
17660 Patriot Game, The MacCaig, Arthur 1979 France 93
17661 Combat Obscura Lagoze, Miles 2018 USA 70
17662 Labyrinth of Cinema Obayashi, Nobuhiko 2019 Japan 179
17663 Wohin und zurück - Teil 1: An uns glaubt Gott nicht mehr - Ferry oder Wie es war [TV] Corti, Axel 1982 Austria 109
17664 Giordano Bruno Montaldo, Giuliano 1973 Italy 123
17665 Mueda, Memoria e Massacre Guerra, Ruy 1979 Mozambique 80
17666 After Last Season Region, Mark 2009 USA 93
17667 Gavagai Tregenza, Rob 2016 Germany 90
17668 My Dear Wife Kounavudhi, Vichit 1977 Thailand 138
17669 Bone Cohen, Larry 1972 USA 95
17670 Addio Kira! Alessandrini, Goffredo 1942 Italy 96
17671 Strannye lyudi Shukshin, Vasiliy 1970 USSR 83
17672 Crime and Punishment Kulidzhanov, Lev 1970 USSR 221
17673 Personal History of David Copperfield, The Iannucci, Armando 2019 UK 119
17674 King of the White Elephant, The Vasudhara, Sunh 1940 Thailand 100
17675 Postcards from the Zoo Edwin 2012 Indonesia 95
17676 After Midnight Gardner, Jeremy & Christian Stella 2019 USA 83
17677 Novice, The Hadaway, Lauren 2021 USA 97
17678 Aventuras Amorosas de Um Padeiro, As Onofre, Waldir 1975 Brazil 100
17679 Tokyo.sora Ishikawa, Hiroshi 2002 Japan 127
17680 O-Bi, O-Ba - The End of Civilization Szulkin, Piotr 1985 Poland 88
17681 Ghost Dance McMullen, Ken 1983 West Germany 100
17682 Dragonfly Eyes Xu Bing 2017 China 81
17683 Twentieth Century, The Rankin, Matthew 2019 Canada 90
17684 Knives and Skin Reeder, Jennifer 2019 USA 111
17685 Swallow Mirabella-Davis, Carlo 2019 USA 94
17686 1985 Tan Yen 2018 USA
17687 Legend of Rustam Kimyagarov, Boris 1971 USSR 147
17688 Prípad Barnabás Kos Solan, Peter 1965 Czechoslovakia 88
17689 End of the Track, The Mou Tun-Fei 1970 Taiwan 91
17690 Social Genocide Solanas, Fernando E. 2004 Switzerland 120
17691 5 poveri in automobile Mattoli, Mario 1952 Italy 85
17692 Corsaires du Bois de Boulogne, Les Carbonnaux, Norbert 1954 France 77
17693 End of the Road, The Rilla, Wolf 1954 UK 76
17694 Dina Sickles, Dan & Antonio Santini 2017 USA 103
17695 Valley of Hell Tourneur, Maurice 1943 France 88
17696 Taxi Driver, A Jang Hun 2017 South Korea 137
17697 Escalier de service Rim, Carlo 1954 France 94
17698 12 Days Depardon, Raymond 2017 France 87
17699 Lacrima Christi Hernandez, Téo 1980 France 127
17700 À mort l'arbitre! Mocky, Jean-Pierre 1984 France 82
17701 Abhijaan Ray, Satyajit 1962 India 150
17702 City Below, The Hochhäusler, Christoph 2010 Germany 105
17703 Uomini e lupi De Santis, Giuseppe 1957 Italy 94
17704 Revoir Paris Winocour, Alice 2022 France 105
17705 Hold Me Tight Amalric, Mathieu 2021 France 97
17706 Why Be Good? Seiter, William A. 1929 USA 84
17707 Buco, Il Frammartino, Michelangelo 2021 Italy 93
17708 Psycho Goreman Kostanski, Steven 2020 Canada 95
17709 Minamata Mandala Hara, Kazuo 2020 Japan 372
17710 Café Noir Jung Sung-il 2009 South Korea 197
17711 Annunciation, The Jeles, András 1984 Hungary 100
17712 Melody Time Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson/Jack Kinney 1948 USA 75
17713 Taebaek sanmaek Im Kwon-taek 1994 South Korea 168
17714 Banquet, A Paxton, Ruth 2021 UK 97
17715 Kulba na barna Shehu, Brendan 1992 Nigeria 104
17716 Discarnates, The Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1988 Japan 108
17717 Nitram Kurzel, Justin 2021 Australia 112
17718 Free Range Õunpuu, Veiko 2013 Estonia 104
17719 Earth Light Gilles, Guy 1970 France 98
17720 No Man of God Sealey, Amber 2021 USA 100
17721 Visitor of a Museum Lopushanskiy, Konstantin 1989 USSR 136
17722 Dirty Work Saget, Bob 1998 Canada 82
17723 Mermaid Legend Ikeda, Toshiharu 1984 Japan 110
17724 Three Days Bartas, Sharunas 1991 USSR 75
17725 Brimstone & Glory Jakovleski, Viktor 2017 Mexico 67
17726 Simon, the Magician Enyedi, Ildikó 1999 Hungary 100
17727 Rosewater Stewart, Jon 2014 USA 103
17728 School Life Ni Chianáin, Neasa 2016 Ireland 99
17729 Mongolian Tale, A Xie Fei 1995 Hong Kong 103
17730 Fires on the Plain Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 2014 Japan 87
17731 Accident Soi Cheang 2009 Hong Kong 89
17732 Altar Ilarde, Rico Maria 2007 Philippines 90
17733 Jue lie Li Wenhua 1976 China 122
17734 Zhan di zhi xing Wei Long 1983 China
17735 Pioneers, The Yu Yanfu 1974 148
17736 Cat, The Graf, Dominik 1988 West Germany 118
17737 Sacro GRA Rosi, Gianfranco 2013 Italy 95
17738 Theeb Nowar, Naji Abu 2013 Jordan 100
17739 Zimbern, Die Schreiner, Peter 1991 Austria 125
17740 Beijing ni zao Zhang Nuanxing 1990 China 104
17741 Initiation: Silent Night, Deadly Night 4 Yuzna, Brian 1990 USA 87
17742 Madone des sleepings, La de Gastyne, Marco & Maurice Gleize 1928 France
17743 Angels of Revolution Fedorchenko, Aleksey 2014 Russia 113
17744 I Am Suzanne! Lee, Rowland V. 1933 USA 98
17745 Noches sin lunas ni soles Martínez Suárez, José A. 1984 Argentina 95
17746 Death of a Killer Hossein, Robert 1964 France 80
17747 Venerables todos, Los Antin, Manuel 1963 Argentina 85
17748 Szenvedély Fehér, György 1998 Hungary 155
17749 Todas hieren Llorca, Pablo 1998 Spain 82
17750 Druga generacija Žilnik, Želimir 1983 Yugoslavia 88
17751 Silenzio, si gira! Campogalliani, Carlo 1943 Italy 83
17752 Blue Angel Café D'Amato, Joe 1989 Italy 89
17753 Baiqiuen dai fu Gao Zheng & Li Shutian 1993 China
17754 Gubben i stugan [TV] Hedenius, Nina 1995 Sweden 89
17755 Wedding Plan, The Burshtein, Rama 2016 Israel 110
17756 Load, The Glavonic, Ognjen 2018 Serbia 98
17757 Feuerwerk Hoffmann, Kurt 1954 West Germany 97
17758 Heal the Living Quillevere, Katell 2016 France 103
17759 Love Stinks Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein 1982 77
17760 Behind the Door Willat, Irwin 1919 USA 70
17761 Mburucuyá, cuadros de la naturaleza Acha, Jorge 1991 Argentina 95
17762 Garotas do ABC Reichenbach, Carlos 2003 Brazil 130
17763 Autohystoria Martin, Raya 2007 Philippines 95
17764 Woman’s Life, A Brizé, Stéphane 2016 France 119
17765 Raymundo Ardito, Ernesto & Virna Molina 2003 Argentina 129
17766 Dad Skafar, Vlado 2010 Slovenia 71
17767 Xin ling shen chu Chang Yan 1982 China
17768 Rubia del camino, La Romero, Manuel 1938 Argentina 80
17769 Arroz con leche Schlieper, Carlos 1950 Argentina 79
17770 Caso de la mujer asesinadita, El Davison, Tito 1955 Mexico
17771 Mente y el crimen, La Galindo, Alejandro 1964 Mexico 105
17772 (T)ERROR Cabral, Lyric R. & David Felix Sutcliffe 2015 USA 84
17773 Killing Mad Dogs Beizai, Bahram 2001 Iran 135
17774 En la ardiente oscuridad Tinayre, Daniel 1959 Argentina 90
17775 Mu ma ren Xie Jin 1982 China 103
17776 Ethnic Notions Riggs, Marlon 1986 USA 57
17777 May God Forgive Me Davison, Tito 1948 Mexico 97
17778 De l'Argentine Schroeter, Werner 1986 France
17779 Last Stop in Yuma County, The Galluppi, Francis 2023 USA 90
17780 Danse de mort, La Cravenne, Marcel 1948 Italy 88
17781 Cutting Horse Clark, Larry (A) 2002 USA 124
17782 Shin Nihon bôkô ankokushi: Fukushûki Wakamatsu, Koji 1969 Japan 73
17783 Onna Kinoshita, Keisuke 1948 Japan 84
17784 Ich denke oft an Hawaii Mikesch, Elfi 1978 West Germany 84
17785 One Summer Yang Yishu 2015 China 93
17786 Elvira Fernández, vendedora de tiendas Romero, Manuel 1942 Argentina 91
17787 Verdes paraísos, Los Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1947 Argentina 84
17788 Wu yi Chor Yuen 1974 Hong Kong 89
17789 Short Grass Selander, Lesley 1950 USA 82
17790 Tinimbang ang langit Zialcita, Danny L. 1982 Philippines
17791 Torn Hearts Grant, Brea 2022 USA 97
17792 Land der Vernichtung Karmakar, Romuald 2004 Germany 140
17793 Stolen Harkin, Margo 2023 Ireland 107
17794 Sorido eopsi Hong Eui-jeong 2020 South Korea 99
17795 Uzavreli grad Bulajic, Veljko 1961 Yugoslavia 114
17796 Otoko wa tsurai yo: Tonderu Torajirô Yamada, Yoji 1979 Japan 107
17797 My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? Aoyama, Shinji 2005 Japan 107
17798 Ich bin meine eigene Frau von Praunheim, Rosa 1992 Germany 91
17799 Dressed in Blue Giménez Rico, Antonio 1983 Spain 96
17800 Crede-Mi Lessa, Bia & Dany Roland 1996 Brazil 75
17801 Glide of Transparency Bromberg, Betzy 2016 USA 89
17802 Dieu a besoin des hommes Delannoy, Jean 1950 France 100
17803 Limbo Soi Cheang 2021 Hong Kong 118
17804 Premières armes Wheeler, René 1950 France 84
17805 Ty ne sirota [TV] Abbasov, Shukhrat 1963 USSR 81
17806 El Ar Abdel-Khalek, Ali 1982 Egypt 123
17807 Fratelli Dinamite, I Pagot, Nino 1949 Italy 85
17808 Now and Forever Zampi, Mario 1956 UK 90
17809 Totò all'inferno Mastrocinque, Camillo 1955 Italy 90
17810 Nuan Huo Jianqi 2003 China 109
17811 Johan Ulfstjerna Brunius, John W. 1923 Sweden 65
17812 Fall, Der Früh, Kurt 1972 Switzerland 102
17813 Ryojin nikki Nakahira, Ko 1964 Japan 123
17814 Monde tremblera, Le Pottier, Richard 1939 France 108
17815 Radius Labrèche, Caroline & Steeve Léonard 2017 Canada 93
17816 Ai yori ai e Shimazu, Yasujiro 1938 Japan 57
17817 Vlyublyonnaya rybka [TV] Karpykov, Abai 1989 USSR 84
17818 Uomo ritorna, Un Neufeld, Max 1946 Italy 90
17819 Triptikh Khamraev, Ali 1980 USSR 74
17820 Worrisome Morning Karsakbayev, Abdulla 1968 82
17821 Kami no tsuki Yoshida, Daihachi 2014 Japan 126
17822 Glasshouse Egan, Kelsey 2021 South Africa 97
17823 Fellwechselzeit Mertens, Sabrina 2020 Germany 80
17824 Far from the Apple Tree McPhee, Grant 2019 UK 89
17825 All of Our Heartbeats Are Connected Through Exploding Stars Rainsford, Jennifer 2022 Sweden 77
17826 Agnosia Mira, Eugenio 2010 Spain 105
17827 Ark, The [TV] Dineen, Molly 1993 UK 65
17828 When the Persimmons Grew Baydarov, Hilal 2019 Azerbaijan 118
17829 Bled Number One Ameur-Zaïmeche, Rabah 2006 Algeria 100
17830 Crazy Samurai Musashi Shimomura, Yuji 2020 Japan 91
17831 Impiegato, L' Puccini, Gianni 1960 Italy 95
17832 Cielo è rosso, Il Gora, Claudio 1950 Italy 99
17833 Cada ver es… García del Val, Ángel 1981 Spain 73
17834 Ku mu feng chun Zheng Junli 1961 China 96
17835 Lei Chang Xiang Si Shu Wei Lian 1986 China
17836 Yao yuan de ai Chen Liting 1948 China
17837 Yoru no henrin Nakamura, Noboru 1964 Japan 109
17838 Clando Téno, Jean-Marie 1996 96
17839 Vincent Must Die Castang, Stéphan 2023 France 115
17840 Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You! Roxburgh, Charles 2012 USA 99
17841 Magic Spot Roxburgh, Charles 2022 USA 87
17842 Kertes házak utcája Fejér, Tamás 1963 Hungary 80
17843 Baccanti, Le Ferroni, Giorgio 1961 Italy 102
17844 BUÉK! Szörény, Rezsö 1978 Hungary 85
17845 Loups chassent la nuit, Les Borderie, Bernard 1952 France 98
17846 Enter the Fat Dragon Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1979 Hong Kong 100
17847 Merlo maschio, Il Campanile, Pasquale Festa 1971 Italy 110
17848 Long ya jian Ma Wu 1971 Hong Kong 84
17849 Our Father, the Devil Foumbi, Ellie 2021 USA 107
17850 Corridors of Power, The Moreh, Dror 2022 USA 135
17851 Life of Ivanna Borrayo Serrano, Renato 2021 Russia 79
17852 Holy Flame of the Martial World Lu Chun-Ku 1983 Hong Kong 85
17853 Erótica Fernández, Emilio 1979 Mexico 82
17854 Sensations Braun, Lasse 1975 France 86
17855 Sledy ukhodyat za gorizont Begalin, Mazhit 1965 USSR 85
17856 É Noite na América Vaz, Ana 2022 Italy 66
17857 Big Boy Seno, Shireen 2011 Philippines 89
17858 Ne gledaj mi u pijat Jusic, Hana 2016 Croatia 105
17859 Olive Trees of Justice, The Blue, James 1962 France 81
17860 Aïe Fillières, Sophie 2000 France 103
17861 Amants de Bras-Mort, Les Pagliero, Marcello 1951 France 95
17862 Appel du silence, La Poirier, Léon 1936 France 109
17863 Civilisées Sabag, Randa Chahal 1999 France 97
17864 Cain at Abel Brocka, Lino 1982 Philippines 112
17865 Al karnak Khan, Ali Badr 1975 Egypt 143
17866 Voiz Razykov, Yusup 1998 Uzbekistan 83
17867 Dong seung Joo Kyung-jung 2002 South Korea 102
17868 Katonazene Marton, Endre & György Hintsch 1961 Hungary 121
17869 It's Boring Here, Pick Me Up Hiroki, Ryuichi 2018 Japan 98
17870 Tender Fictions Hammer, Barbara 1996 USA 58
17871 Eyyvah Eyvah Algül, Hakan 2010 Turkey 104
17872 Sunset Motel Schmidt, Eckhart 2003 Germany 97
17873 Boy Meets Boy Sánchez López, Daniel 2021 Germany 75
17874 Idle Rich, The de Mille, William C. 1929 USA 88
17875 Kid Boots Tuttle, Frank 1926 USA 77
17876 Tutto è musica Modugno, Domenico 1963 Italy
17877 Isabelita Romero, Manuel 1940 Argentina 79
17878 Bajo un mismo rostro Tinayre, Daniel 1962 Argentina 113
17879 De la mesa 10, Los Feldman, Simón 1960 Argentina
17880 Some of My Best Friends Are… Nelson, Mervyn 1971 USA 110
17881 Viol du vampire, La Rollin, Jean 1968 France 95
17882 Frozen Wang Xiaoshuai 1996 China 99
17883 Immaculate Conception Dehlavi, Jamil 1991 UK 120
17884 Kiosque, Le Pianelli, Alexandra 2020 France 76
17885 Sluchaynyy vals Proskurina, Svetlana 1990 USSR 91
17886 Men of the City Isaacs, Marc 2009 UK 58
17887 Open Fire [TV] Greengrass, Paul 1994 UK 105
17888 Paper Will Be Blue, The Muntean, Radu 2006 Romania 95
17889 Blue Remembered Hills [TV] Gibson, Brian 1979 UK 72
17890 Gangsters [TV] Saville, Philip 1975 UK 110
17891 Salut Cousin! Allouache, Merzak 1996 France 102
17892 Cut the Evil's Claw Shen Fu 1954 China 87
17893 Long xu gou Xian Qun 1953 China 108
17894 Sayakbay Abdyjaparov, Ernest 2017 122
17895 Mi ren de yue dui Wang Haowei 1985 China
17896 Officer's Ward, The Dupeyron, François 2001 France 131
17897 Blonde Fist Clarke, Frank 1991 UK 102
17898 Itsuwareru seisô Yoshimura, Kozaburo 1951 Japan 103
17899 Acción mutante de la Iglesia, Álex 1993 Spain 94
17900 Postchi Mehrjui, Dariush 1972 Iran 107
17901 Hot Summer Hasler, Joachim 1968 East Germany 91
17902 Karla Zschoche, Herrmann 1965 East Germany 128
17903 Mort du cygne, La Benoît-Lévy, Jean & Marie Epstein 1937 France 85
17904 Toys Levinson, Barry 1992 USA 121
17905 Summer Vacation 1999 Kaneko, Shusuke 1988 Japan 90
17906 Eikan namida ari Suzuki, Shigeyoshi 1931 Japan 100
17907 Jupiter's Moon Mundruczó, Kornél 2017 Hungary 129
17908 Última tierra, La Lamar, Pablo 2016 Paraguay 77
17909 Haixia Xie Tieli 1975 China 111
17910 Below Dreams Bradley, Garrett 2014 USA 82
17911 Verse of Us, The Qin Xiaoyu & Wu Feiyue 2015 China 96
17912 Shi san ling shui ku chang xiang qu Jin Shan 1958 China
17913 Umm el-Arusah Salem, Atef 1963 Egypt 102
17914 Merci Docteur Rey Litvack, Andrew 2002 UK
17915 Patti Cake$ Jasper, Geremy 2017 USA 109
17916 Angel on the Right Usmonov, Jamshed 2002 Tajikistan 89
17917 Soukromý vesmír Trestíková, Helena 2012 Czech Republic 83
17918 Fluffer, The Glatzer, Richard & Wash Westmoreland 2000 USA 93
17919 Bata-ville: We Are Not Afraid of the Future Guthrie, Karen & Nina Pope 2005 UK 93
17920 Lincoln Cycle, The Stahl, John M. 1917 USA
17921 1987: When the Day Comes Jang Joon-Hwan & Ho Jung Sung 2017 South Korea 129
17922 Himalaya Valli, Eric 1999 France 108
17923 Quality Time Bakker, Daan 2017 Netherlands 85
17924 Trening lichnostnogo rosta Sharipov, Farkhat 2018 Kazakhstan 114
17925 Bedrooms and Hallways Troche, Rose 1998 UK 96
17926 Hors-saison Brizé, Stéphane 2023 France 115
17927 Written Face, The Schmid, Daniel 1995 Japan 89
17928 Kinatay Mendoza, Brillante 2009 France 105
17929 Komst van Joachim Stiller, De Kümel, Harry 1976 Netherlands 120
17930 Swan Lake: The Zone Ilyenko, Yuri 1990 USSR 96
17931 Irezumi Takabayashi, Yoichi 1982 Japan 109
17932 Manhattan By Numbers Naderi, Amir 1993 USA 88
17933 Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin), The Edström, Anders & C.W. Winter 2020 USA 480
17934 Xiao zi bei Luo Tai & Wang Jiayi 1980 China 80
17935 Angels & Insects Haas, Philip 1995 UK 117
17936 Mouse and His Child, The Swenson, Charles & Fred Wolf 1977 USA 83
17937 Middle of the World, The Tanner, Alain 1974 Switzerland 115
17938 Andesu no hanayome Hani, Susumu 1966 Japan 103
17939 Pulpos, Los Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1948 Argentina 80
17940 Goldflocken Schroeter, Werner 1976 France 163
17941 Pourquoi Israël Lanzmann, Claude 1973 France 185
17942 Calesita, La del Carril, Hugo 1963 Argentina 100
17943 Master Touch, The Lupo, Michele 1972 Italy 112
17944 Posse Douglas, Kirk 1975 USA 94
17945 Machine, La Vecchiali, Paul 1977 France 100
17946 Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover, The Cohen, Larry 1977 USA 112
17947 Je t'ai dans la peau Thorn, Jean-Pierre 1990 France 120
17948 Islands in the Stream Schaffner, Franklin J. 1977 USA 105
17949 Last Valley, The Clavell, James 1970 UK 128
17950 It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine. David Brothers & Crispin Glover 2007 USA 74
17951 Chun man ren jian Sang Hu 1959 China 96
17952 Ai no onimotsu Kawashima, Yuzo 1955 Japan 111
17953 Mustaa valkoisella Donner, Johan 1968 Finland 95
17954 Kuroi jûnin no onna Ichikawa, Kon 1961 Japan 103
17955 Bildnis einer Unbekannten Käutner, Helmut 1954 West Germany 86
17956 Daibutsu kaigen Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1952 Japan 129
17957 Little Friend Viertel, Berthold 1934 UK 85
17958 Kiiroi karasu Gosho, Heinosuke 1957 Japan 104
17959 Quintrala, La del Carril, Hugo 1954 Argentina 105
17960 Eight Taels of Gold Cheung, Mabel 1989 Hong Kong 100
17961 Last Moose of Ao Lu Gu Ya, The Gu Tao 2013 China 99
17962 Kamikaze Hearts Bashore, Juliet 1986 USA 77
17963 Taube auf dem Dach, Die Gusner, Iris 1990 East Germany 90
17964 Heng kong chu shi Chen Guoxing 1999 China 111
17965 Frameup Jost, Jon 1993 USA 91
17966 Li Shizhen Shen Fu 1956 China 114
17967 Knutschen, kuscheln, jubilieren Kern, Peter 1998 Germany 87
17968 Fruit Machine, The Saville, Philip 1988 UK 103
17969 Anna Karamazoff Khamdamov, Rustam 1991 USSR 125
17970 Dark, Dark Man, A Yerzhanov, Adilkhan 2019 Kazakhstan 130
17971 Yo quiero ser bataclana Romero, Manuel 1941 Argentina 80
17972 Feroce Saladino, Il Bonnard, Mario 1937 Italy 90
17973 Drop Zone Badham, John 1994 USA 102
17974 Pazza di gioia Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico 1940 Italy 78
17975 Kei moon duen gap Yuen Woo-ping 1982 Hong Kong 100
17976 Sogno di Butterfly, Il Gallone, Carmine 1939 Italy 100
17977 Processo e morte di Socrate D'Errico, Corrado 1939 Italy 103
17978 Lady on the Bus de Almeida, Neville 1978 Brazil 102
17979 Distant Place, A Park Kun-Young 2020 South Korea 117
17980 Rhythm Serenade Wellesley, Gordon 1943 UK 87
17981 Farm, The: Angola, USA Garbus, Liz/Wilbert Rideau/Jonathan Stack 1998 USA 88
17982 Circe Antin, Manuel 1964 Argentina 80
17983 Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart Wang, Wayne 1984 USA 89
17984 Mujeres que trabajan Romero, Manuel 1938 Argentina 90
17985 Squadrone bianco, Lo Genina, Augusto 1936 Italy 100
17986 After the Apocalypse Butts, Antony 2010 UK 64
17987 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Johar, Karan 2023 India 168
17988 Samsara Huang Jianxin 1988 China 125
17989 Sha Ma Te, Wo Ai Ni (We Were Smart) Li Yifan 2019 China 125
17990 Cha guan Xie Tian 1982 China 125
17991 Chinese Mayor, The Zhou Hao 2015 China 89
17992 Giants, The Lanners, Bouli 2011 Belgium 84
17993 Blacks, The Devic, Goran & Zvonimir Juric 2009 Croatia 75
17994 Yoake no kuni Tokieda, Toshie 1967 Japan 110
17995 Huai Shu zhuang Wang Ping 1962 China 96
17996 City of Your Final Destination, The Ivory, James 2009 USA 117
17997 Sehnsucht 202 Neufeld, Max 1932 Germany 79
17998 Osvobozhdyonnyy Kitay Gerasimov, Sergey & Eduard Volk 1951 USSR 105
17999 Monk, The Moll, Dominik 2011 France 100
18000 Savages Ivory, James 1972 USA 106
18001 16026 Being Julia Szabó, István 2004 Canada 103
18002 Stand Up, Nigel Barton [TV] Davies, Gareth 1965 UK 75
18003 Panna a netvor Herz, Juraj 1978 Czechoslovakia 91
18004 Broken Dreams Vignola, Robert G. 1933 USA 68
18005 36 Thamrongrattanarit, Nawapol & Ter Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit 2012 Thailand 68
18006 Brian and Charles Archer, Jim 2022 UK 90
18007 Joy of Life, The Olson, Jenni 2005 USA 65
18008 Cracks Scott, Jordan 2009 Ireland 104
18009 Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, The Irving, Judy 2004 USA 83
18010 Running Stumbled Maringouin, John 2006 USA 83
18011 Brothers of the Head Fulton, Keith & Louis Pepe 2005 UK 93
18012 Carta a un padre Cozarinsky, Edgardo 2013
18013 Wizard of Oz, The Semon, Larry 1925 USA 95
18014 Final Programme, The Fuest, Robert 1973 UK 78
18015 Together 99 Moodysson, Lukas 2023 Sweden 115
18016 VHYes Robbins, Jack Henry 2019 USA 72
18017 Change pas de main Vecchiali, Paul 1975 France 86
18018 29 Acacia Avenue Cass, Henry 1945 UK 83
18019 Hamburg Cell, The [TV] Bird, Antonia 2004 UK 106
18020 Fascinación Schlieper, Carlos 1949 Argentina 83
18021 Roma Aristarain, Adolfo 2004 Argentina 155
18022 Novia errante, Una Katz, Ana 2007 Argentina 85
18023 R... Rajkumar Deva, Prabhu 2013 India 146
18024 Let it Rain Jaoui, Agnès 2008 France 110
18025 Subterfuge Limosin, Jean-Pierre & Alain Bergala 1983 France 100
18026 Deep, The Kormákur, Baltasar 2012 Iceland 93
18027 Mister John Molloy, Christine & Joe Lawlor 2013 Ireland 95
18028 Broken Circle Breakdown, The van Groeningen, Felix 2012 Belgium 112
18029 Skorpion, Der [TV] Graf, Dominik 1997 Germany 100
18030 Tilva Rosh Lezaic, Nikola 2010 Serbia 99
18031 Robinson no niwa Yamamoto, Masashi 1987 Japan 119
18032 Ab Tak Chhappan Amin, Shimit 2004 India
18033 Madregilda Regueiro, Francisco 1993 Spain 113
18034 Dishonor Tinayre, Daniel 1952 Argentina 101
18035 Throw of Dice, A Osten, Franz 1929 UK 74
18036 Neds Mullan, Peter 2010 UK 124
18037 13 Tzameti Babluani, Géla 2005 France 93
18038 Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1955 India 143
18039 Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa Shah, Kundan 1994 India 158
18040 Kung Fu Cult Master Wong Jing 1993 Hong Kong 107
18041 Baby Assassins Sakamoto, Yugo 2021 Japan 95
18042 Magician, The Ingram, Rex 1926 USA 83
18043 Elegy Güney, Yilmaz 1972 Turkey 82
18044 Je veux voir Hadjithomas, Joana & Khalil Joreige 2008 France 75
18045 Odd Number Antin, Manuel 1962 Argentina 85
18046 Tulpan Dvortsevoy, Sergei 2008 Germany 103
18047 Leap Year Rowe, Michael 2010 Mexico
18048 Toyon kyyl Novikov, Eduard 2018 Russia 80
18049 Malchik i devochka Fayt, Yuliy 1966 USSR 69
18050 Kazabana Kinoshita, Keisuke 1959 Japan 78
18051 Gripsholm Koller, Xavier 2000
18052 Mandrin Fescourt, Henri 1924 France
18053 I Am Wanda Raganelli, Katja 1980 West Germany 63
18054 Demonio, Il Rondi, Brunello 1963 Italy 98
18055 Terminal USA Moritsugu, Jon 1993 USA 54
18056 Murder Obsession Freda, Riccardo 1981 Italy 92
18057 Ausgerechnet Bananen Lommel, Ulli 1978 West Germany 75
18058 Deep Inside Sarno, Joseph W. 1968 USA 89
18059 Sunless Shadows Oskouei, Mehrdad 2019 Iran 74
18060 Barbara - Wild wie das Meer Wisbar, Frank 1961
18061 Ellos eatnu - La elva leve Giæver, Ole 2023 Norway 118
18062 Tashkent - gorod khlebny Abbasov, Shukhrat 1968 USSR 97
18063 Sokout Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1998 Iran 76
18064 Painted Boats Crichton, Charles 1945 UK 48
18065 Loups entre eux, Les Mathot, Léon 1936 France 103
18066 Mi mi tu zhi Hao Guang 1965 China 77
18067 Trois disparitions de Soad Hosni, Les Stephan, Rania 2011 Lebanon 70
18068 Fée... pas comme les autres, Une Tourane, Jean 1956 France 63
18069 Rags & Tatters Abdalla, Ahmad 2013 Egypt 87
18070 Chaudes adolescentes Kikoïne, Gérard 1981 France 85
18071 Ekskursante Juzenas, Audrius 2013 Lithuania 110
18072 Albatross Jordan, Chris 2017 USA 97
18073 Passaporto rosso Brignone, Guido 1935 Italy 90
18074 Río y la muerte, El Buñuel, Luis 1954 Mexico 91
18075 Scarpe al sole, Le Elter, Marco 1935 Italy
18076 Valurile Dunarii Ciulei, Liviu 1960 Romania 80
18077 Rufián, El Tinayre, Daniel 1961 Argentina 120
18078 Devushka bez adresa Ryazanov, Eldar 1958 USSR 90
18079 Katharina, die Letzte Koster, Henry 1936 Austria 89
18080 Brown on Resolution Forde, Walter 1935 UK 69
18081 Passing of the Third Floor Back, The Viertel, Berthold 1935 UK 90
18082 Diane[TV] Clarke, Alan 1975 UK 97
18083 Ahlaam Al-Daradji, Mohamed 2005 Iraq 110
18084 Cinq et la peau Rissient, Pierre 1982 France 95
18085 Big Show, The Wright, Mack V. 1935 USA 71
18086 Sunt o babã comunistã Gulea, Stere 2013 Romania 98
18087 Toi ippon no michi Hidari, Sachiko 1978 Japan 114
18088 Down Home Willat, Irwin 1920 USA 70
18089 Fotográfia Zolnay, Pál 1973 Hungary 82
18090 Marthas Garten Liechti, Peter 1997 Switzerland 89
18091 16204 Land, The Flaherty, Robert J. 1942 USA 43
18092 16205 Green Fish Lee Chang-dong 1997 South Korea 111
18093 16206 Captain Lightfoot Sirk, Douglas 1955 USA 91
18094 16207 Forbidden Paradise Lubitsch, Ernst 1924 USA 76
18095 16209 People's Park Cohn, Libbie Dina & J.P. Sniadecki 2012 USA 78
18096 16211 Private Benjamin Zieff, Howard 1980 USA 100
18097 16213 Ticket to Heaven Thomas, Ralph L. 1981 Canada 107
18098 16214 Ulysses Strick, Joseph 1967 USA 140
18099 16219 Carmen Rosi, Francesco 1984 France 152
18100 16240 Don't Let Them Shoot the Kite Basaran, Tunç 1989 Turkey 100
18101 16224 Funny Dirty Little War Olivera, Héctor 1983 Argentina 80
18102 16210 They Won't Believe Me Pichel, Irving 1947 USA 79
18103 16215 Man from the Alamo, The Boetticher, Budd 1953 USA 79
18104 16216 Drum Beat Daves, Delmer 1954 USA 111
18105 16217 Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Lamont, Charles 1953 USA 77
18106 16218 Donne-mois tes yeux Guitry, Sacha 1943 France 85
18107 16212 Voice in the Wind Ripley, Arthur 1944 USA 85
18108 16220 From Hell to Texas Hathaway, Henry 1958 USA 100
18109 16223 Four Faces West Green, Alfred E. 1948 USA 90
18110 16221 American March Fischinger, Oskar 1941 USA 3
18111 16222 Virgin of Pessac, The Eustache, Jean 1979 France 67
18112 16233 Twister Almereyda, Michael 1990 USA 93
18113 16235 Wax, or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees Blair, David 1991 USA 85
18114 16243 Funnyman Korty, John 1967 USA 102
18115 16236 Bell Diamond Jost, Jon 1986 USA 96
18116 16232 Lady and the Cellist, The Laguionie, Jean-François 1965 France 9
18117 16228 Little Noises Spencer, Jane 1991 USA 110
18118 16226 Woman of Evil Gréville, Edmond T. 1947 France 87
18119 16234 Another Time, Another Place Radford, Michael 1983 UK 101
18120 16227 Crazy Quilt, The Korty, John 1966 USA 75
18121 16230 White Rose, The Conner, Bruce 1967 USA 7
18122 16231 Island Khitruk, Fyodor 1973 USSR
18123 16237 Morgan's Cake Schmidt, Rick 1989 USA 87
18124 16229 Kitchen Toto, The Hook, Harry 1987 USA 96
18125 16246 Rocking Horse Winner, The Almereyda, Michael 1997 USA 23
18126 16239 Rules of the Road Friedrich, Su 1993 USA 31
18127 16242 Aufzeichnungen aus dem Tiefparterre Frimmel, Rainer 2002 Austria 90
18128 16244 Bad Behavior Blair, Les 1992 UK 103
18129 16225 Riverrun Korty, John 1970 USA 87
18130 16238 De fakto Donev, Donyo 1973 Bulgaria 8
18131 16248 Place in the Sun, A Vystrcil, Frantisek 1960 Czechoslovakia 6
18132 16247 Ali Baba Gianini, Giulio & Emanuele Luzzati 1970 Italy 10
18133 16245 Fin de siglo Watelet, Marilyn & Szymon Zaleski 1995 Belgium 54
18134 16241 At Sundance Almereyda, Michael & Amy Hobby 1995 USA 71
18135 16249 You're Darn Tootin' Kennedy, Edgar 1928 USA 20
18136 16250 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women Robinson, Angela 2017 USA 108
18137 16251 Assistant, The Green, Kitty 2019 USA 87
18138 Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché Green, Pamela B. 2018 USA 103
18139 16253 National Lampoon's European Vacation Heckerling, Amy 1985 USA 94
18140 16255 Grenfell McQueen, Steve 2023 UK 25
18141 Tora-san, Welcome Back! Yamada, Yoji 2019 Japan 115
18142 16258 Once Again… (Statues Never Die) Julien, Isaac 2022
18143 Dark [TV] bo Odar, Baran 2017-20 Germany 1455
18144 Home Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 2009 France 118
18145 16262 History of the Occult Ponce, Christian 2020 Argentina 82
18146 16261 Space Adventure Cobra Dezaki, Osamu 1982 Japan 99
18147 Gorbachev. Heaven Manskiy, Vitaliy 2020 Latvia 100
18148 2-Assa-2 Solovev, Sergey 2008 Russia 118
18149 16256 Summer Time Machine Blues Motohiro, Katsuyuki 2005 Japan 107
18150 16259 Shape of Things, The [INSTALLATION] Weems, Carrie Mae 2021
18151 16260 Project A-ko Nishijima, Katsuhiko 1986 Japan 86
18152 16265 Hanging Garden, The Fitzgerald, Thom 1997 Canada 91
18153 16266 Son of Dracula Siodmak, Robert 1943 USA 78
18154 16267 Filming 'Othello' Welles, Orson 1978 West Germany 84
18155 16268 She-Devils on Wheels Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1968 USA 82
18156 16269 At Full Gallop/Cwal Zanussi, Krzysztof 1996 Poland 104
18157 16277 Piagol Lee Kang-cheon 1955 South Korea 110
18158 16280 Sibaji Im Kwon-taek 1987 South Korea 100
18159 16279 Wedding Day, The Lee Byeong-il 1956 South Korea 77
18160 16274 White Badge Jeong Ji-yeong 1992 South Korea 124
18161 16272 Nambugun Jeong Ji-yeong 1990 South Korea 157
18162 16275 Our Twisted Hero Park Chong-won 1992 South Korea 119
18163 16282 Pimak Lee Doo-yong 1981 South Korea 93
18164 16281 Samurai Vendetta Mori, Kazuo 1959 Japan 109
18165 16271 Toraoji annun haebyong Lee Man-hee 1963 South Korea 110
18166 16270 Rainy Season Yu Hyun-mok 1979 South Korea 114
18167 16273 Kaoyaku Katsu, Shintaro 1971 Japan 98
18168 16284 Demilitarized Zone, The Park Sang-ho 1965 South Korea
18169 16278 Mr. Park Kang Dae-jin 1961 South Korea 107
18170 16288 Erik the Viking Jones, Terry 1989 USA 104
18171 16286 Benjamin Amstell, Simon 2018 UK 85
18172 16294 Intruder, The Meta, Natalia 2020 Argentina 90
18173 16290 Gorgo Lourie, Eugene 1961 UK 78
18174 16293 14, The Hemmings, David 1973 UK 105
18175 16289 Kaboom Araki, Gregg 2010 USA 86
18176 16287 Black Joy Simmons, Anthony 1977 UK 97
18177 16295 Piano Tuner of EarthQuakes, The Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay 2005 UK 99
18178 16297 200000 fantômes Périot, Jean-Gabriel 2007 France 10
18179 16296 Wild Bill Fletcher, Dexter 2011 UK 98
18180 16300 Ziegfeld Girl Leonard, Robert Z. 1941 USA 131
18181 16308 Little Gangster, The Doillon, Jacques 1990 France 100
18182 16304 Mary, Queen of Scots Jarrott, Charles 1971 USA 128
18183 16311 Big Eyes Zohar, Uri 1974 Israel 75
18184 16298 Mister Roberts LeRoy, Mervyn & John Ford 1955 USA 123
18185 16302 Hurlevent Rivette, Jacques 1985 France 130
18186 16303 Word and Utopia Oliveira, Manoel de 2000 Spain 130
18187 16313 Rollercoaster Smith, Scott 1999 Canada 88
18188 16310 Kitchen Party Burns, Gary 1997 Canada 92
18189 16309 Get Over It O'Haver, Tommy 2001 USA 86
18190 16312 Flower Girl, The Zhu Shilin 1951 Hong Kong 96
18191 16307 Alias Gardelito Murua, Lautaro 1961 Argentina 90
18192 16314 Whatever it Takes Raynr, David 2000 USA 94
18193 16315 Worthless, The Kaurismäki, Mika 1982 Finland 119
18194 16342 Onnen maa Pölönen, Markku 1993 Finland 60
18195 16332 Napurilahio [TV Series] Tapola, Jussi 1969 Finland
18196 16337 Soap [TV series] Sandrich, Jay & J.D. Lobue 1977 USA 2790
18197 16320 Raid [TV Series] Piirainen, Tapio 2000 Finland 504
18198 16363 Salatut elamat [TV Series] Various Directors 1999 Finland
18199 16340 Unser Sandmannchen [TV Series] Various Directors 1958 East Germany
18200 16319 Peyton Place [TV] Various Directors 1964-69 USA
18201 16316 Here, Beneath the North Star Laine, Edvin 1968 Finland 182
18202 16328 Siunattu hulluus [TV Mini-Series] Mollberg, Rauni 1975 Finland 153
18203 16343 Pekka ja Patka lumimiehen jaljilla Lohikoski, Armand 1954 Finland
18204 16329 Simpauttaja [TV] Kerttula, Veikko 1975 Finland 151
18205 16333 Batman [TV series] Various Directors 1966 USA 3600
18206 16334 Juha Tapiovaara, Nyrki 1937 Finland 101
18207 16339 Kun taivas putoaa... Jarva, Risto 1972 Finland
18208 16335 Elokuu Kassila, Matti 1956 Finland 94
18209 16324 Jääkärin morsian Orko, Risto 1938 Finland 97
18210 16357 Velipuolikuu [TV Series] Kyronseppa, Kari 1983 Finland 373
18211 16325 Finlandia Karu, Erkki & Eero Levaluoma 1922 Finland 121
18212 16350 Käpy selän alla Niskanen, Mikko 1966 Finland 89
18213 16346 Härmästä poikia kymmenen Unho, Ilmari 1950 Finland 86
18214 16359 Bomfunk MC's: Freestyler [Music Video] Lommi, Miikka 1999
18215 16353 Juurakon Hulda Vaala, Valentin 1937 Finland 82
18216 16362 Lotat Makela, Taru 1995 Finland 50
18217 16336 Benny Hill Show, The [TV series] Kirkland, Dennis/John Robins/Mark Stuart/Keith Beckett/Ronald Fouracre/David Bell/Benny Hill 1969 UK 3480
18218 16349 Dallas [TV series] Various Directors 1978 USA
18219 16327 Kummeli [TV series] Gronberg, Matti 1991 Finland
18220 16326 Katariina ja Munkkiniemen kreivi Elstela, Ossi 1943 Finland 110
18221 16322 Lottomainos Oy, Valotorni & Filmikonttori Oy 1978
18222 16321 Vagabond's Valse, The Särkkä, T.J. 1941 Finland 104
18223 16317 Levottomat Louhimies, Aku 2000 Finland 111
18224 16331 Kotikatu [TV series] Various Directors 1995 Finland
18225 16318 Reinikainen [TV Series] Hardwick, Neil/Jouni Tuokkola/Jukka Santikko 1982 Finland
18226 16338 Katsastus [TV] Ijäs, Matti 1988 Finland 56
18227 16354 Winter War, The Parikka, Pekka 1989 Finland 195
18228 16344 Taalta tullaan, elama! Suominen, Tapio 1980 Finland 118
18229 16352 Language of Love Wickman, Torgny 1969 Sweden 98
18230 16348 Pessi and Illusia Partanen, Heikki 1984 Finland 77
18231 16360 Seitseman veljesta [TV Mini-Series] Turkka, Jouko 1989 Finland
18232 16356 Images of Finland Donner, Jörn 1971 Finland 96
18233 16341 Uuno Turhapuro Kokkonen, Ere 1973 Finland 87
18234 16347 Manillakoysi [TV] Saikkonen, Veli-Matti 1976 Finland 70
18235 16355 Pippi in the South Seas Hellbom, Olle 1970 Sweden 86
18236 16361 Taksikuski [TV] Kerttula, Veikko 1969 Finland 90
18237 16323 Suomisen perhe Särkkä, T.J. 1941 Finland 110
18238 16345 Rovaniemen markkinoilla Nortimo, Jorma 1951 Finland 79
18239 16351 Ylen Tietoiskut Various Directors 1970
18240 16330 Moomin [TV Series] Saito, Hiroshi 1990 Japan 920
18241 16358 All in the Family [TV Series] Various Directors 1968 USA
18242 16364 Each Dawn I Die Keighley, William 1939 USA 92
18243 16365 Besos brujos Ferreyra, Jose A. 1937 Argentina 78
18244 16366 Dracula Badham, John 1979 USA 109
18245 16367 Infernal Affairs III Lau, Andrew & Alan Mak 2003 Hong Kong 118
18246 16368 Fresh Bait Tavernier, Bertrand 1995 France 115
18247 16369 Poor But Beautiful Risi, Dino 1957 Italy 101
18248 16370 Something New Shipman, Neil & Bert Van Tuyle 1920 USA 57
18249 22902 Love in a Puff Pang Ho-Cheung 2010 Hong Kong 104
18250 16375 Hunger for Love Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1968 Brazil 73
18251 16371 Seven Days to Noon Boulting, John & Roy Boulting 1950 UK 94
18252 16380 Romeo and Juliet Castellani, Renato 1954 UK 140
18253 16376 Uma Pulga na Balança Salce, Luciano 1953 Brazil 90
18254 16377 Crônica de um Industrial Rosemberg Filho, Luiz 1978 Brazil 87
18255 16373 Breath Death Vanderbeek, Stan 1964 USA 15
18256 16379 Wonder Man Humberstone, H. Bruce 1945 USA 98
18257 16378 Water Birds Sharpsteen, Ben 1952 USA 30
18258 16374 Public Opinion, A Jabor, Arnaldo 1967 Brazil 65
18259 16381 Little Rural Riding Hood Avery, Tex 1949 USA 6
18260 16382 Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, The Mitchell, Mike 2019 Denmark 107
18261 16387 Petrijin venac Karanovic, Srdjan 1980 Yugoslavia 99
18262 16384 Kshudhita Pashan Sinha, Tapan 1960 India 109
18263 16385 Patala Bhairavi Reddy, Kadri Venkata 1951 India 195
18264 16390 Forteresse, La Otsep, Fyodor 1947 Canada 99
18265 16386 Volere, Volare Nichetti, Maurizio 1991 Italy 92
18266 16388 Old Czech Legends Trnka, Jirí 1953 Czechoslovakia 91
18267 16383 Umbartha Patel, Jabbar 1982 India 151
18268 16391 High Flying Bird Soderbergh, Steven 2019 USA 90
18269 16412 Waiting for the Barbarians Green, Eugène 2017 France 76
18270 16394 Let the Corpses Tan Cattet, Hélène & Bruno Forzani 2017 France 90
18271 16395 Downton Abbey Engler, Michael 2019 UK 122
18272 16401 Padmaavat Bhansali, Sanjay Leela 2018 India 164
18273 16397 Contemporary Color Ross IV, Bill & Turner Ross 2016 USA 107
18274 16403 Young Karl Marx, The Peck, Raoul 2017 France 118
18275 16396 Richard Jewell Eastwood, Clint 2019 USA 131
18276 16402 Finding Dory Stanton, Andrew 2016 USA 103
18277 16398 Corniche Kennedy Cabrera, Dominique 2016 France 94
18278 16459 Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado Costantini, Cristina & Kareem Tabsch 2020 USA 96
18279 16413 Big Fish & Begonia Liang Xuan & Zhang Chun 2016 China 100
18280 16445 Duma Ballard, Carroll 2005 USA 100
18281 16433 Snap Jaturanrasamee, Kongdej 2015 Thailand 97
18282 16450 Police Officer's Wife, The Gröning, Philip 2013 Germany
18283 16409 Engram of Returning Saito, Daichi 2016 Canada 19
18284 16438 Tortilla Soup Ripoll, Maria 2001 USA 103
18285 16444 Attack on Democracy: An Intervention Karmakar, Romuald 2012 Germany 102
18286 16423 War of Lies Bittner, Matthias 2014 Germany 89
18287 16420 Beloved Sisters Graf, Dominik 2014 Germany 138
18288 16430 Communism and the Net or the End of Representative Democracy Vachek, Karel 2019 Czech Republic 335
18289 16454 Holy Beasts Cárdenas, Israel & Laura Amelia Guzmán 2019 Dominican Republic 90
18290 16463 Envíos Muñoz, Jeannette 2005
18291 16436 My Big Night de la Iglesia, Álex 2015 Spain 100
18292 16460 To Be Here Aurand, Ute 2013 Germany 38
18293 16434 April Dorsky, Nathaniel 2012 26
18294 16449 Días color naranja Llorca, Pablo 2016 Spain 76
18295 16417 Chrysanthemum and the Guillotine, The Zeze, Takahisa 2018 Japan 189
18296 16405 Infiltrators, The Ibarra, Cristina & Alex Rivera 2019 USA 95
18297 16451 Police Call 110: The Lie That We Xall the Future [TV] Graf, Dominik 2019 Germany 90
18298 16435 Studien zum Untergang des Abendlands Wyborny, Klaus 2010 Germany 80
18299 16421 We the Animals Zagar, Jeremiah 2018 USA 94
18300 16432 Over the Years Geyrhalter, Nikolaus 2015 Austria 188
18301 16453 Three Minute Hells Halpern, Amy C. 2012 14
18302 16443 Nagasaki: Memories of My Son Yamada, Yoji 2015 Japan 130
18303 16462 Gun Hill Road Green, Rashaad Ernesto 2011 USA 86
18304 16425 After Love Lafosse, Joachim 2016 France
18305 16408 Belle Epoque Bedos, Nicolas 2019 France 115
18306 16414 Apostate, The Veiroj, Federico 2015 Spain 80
18307 16428 Midnight Traveler Fazili, Hassan 2019 Qatar 88
18308 16426 Class Enemy Bicek, Rok 2013 Slovenia 112
18309 16465 Dolores Bratt, Peter 2017 USA 95
18310 16441 Under the Sun Manskiy, Vitaliy 2015 Czech Republic 106
18311 16416 Southwest of Salem: The Story of the San Antonio Four Esquenazi, Deborah S. 2016 USA 91
18312 16415 Memories of a Penitent Heart Aldarondo, Cecilia 2016 USA 69
18313 16427 Garten Schreiner, Peter 2019 Austria 136
18314 16404 Counting Cohen, Jem 2015 USA 111
18315 16410 C'est ça l'amour Burger, Claire 2018 France 98
18316 16431 Women of Malolos Dalena, Kiri & Sari Raissa Lluch Dalena 2014 Philippines 85
18317 16458 Disintegration, The Faucon, Philippe 2011 France 78
18318 16411 We Come as Friends Sauper, Hubert 2014 France 110
18319 16467 Tartarughe D'Acqua Lowder, Rose 2016 25
18320 16452 Shock Wave Yau, Herman 2017 China 119
18321 16461 Don't Let Me Drown Angeles, Cruz 2009 USA 105
18322 16422 Resonances Fanderl, Helga 2017
18323 16464 Mission, La Bratt, Peter 2009 USA 117
18324 16466 Cesar's Last Fast Perez, Richard Ray & Lorena Parlee 2014 USA 100
18325 16455 Walkout [TV] Olmos, Edward James 2006 USA 110
18326 16439 Brownian Movement Leopold, Nanouk 2010 Netherlands 97
18327 16457 Pál Adrienn Kocsis, Ágnes 2010 Hungary 136
18328 16448 Ghosts of the Road Campusano, José Celestino 2013 Argentina 210
18329 16406 Black Venus Kechiche, Abdellatif 2010 France 159
18330 16447 F.M. Banier filmé par A. Arrietta Arrieta, Adolfo 2015 Spain 91
18331 16424 Sentence, The Valdez, Rudy 2018 USA 85
18332 16419 Wild Ones, The Ferreira, Patricia 2012 Spain 100
18333 16429 Freedom Fields Arebi, Naziha 2018 Libya
18334 16456 Our Struggles Senez, Guillaume 2018 Belgium 98
18335 16470 Heart Like a Wheel Kaplan, Jonathan 1983 USA 113
18336 16471 Cry Freedom Attenborough, Richard 1987 UK 157
18337 16472 Best of Times, The Spottiswoode, Roger 1986 USA 104
18338 16473 Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs Clampett, Robert 1943 USA 7
18339 16474 Skeleton Dance, The Disney, Walt 1929 USA 6
18340 16476 Mera spored mera Djulgerov, Georgi 1981 Bulgaria 288
18341 16481 Cafe Flesh Sayadian, Stephen 1982
18342 16486 Man Called Horse, A Silverstein, Elliot 1970 USA 114
18343 16477 Aux Yeux du Monde Rochant, Eric 1991 France 98
18344 16479 They Came to Cordura Rossen, Robert 1959 USA 123
18345 16480 Flaming Star Siegel, Don 1960 USA 101
18346 16482 Saddle the Wind Parrish, Robert 1958 USA 84
18347 16483 Aprile Moretti, Nanni 1998 Italy 78
18348 16478 Liebestraum Figgis, Mike 1991 USA 109
18349 16484 Flirt Hartley, Hal 1995 USA 83
18350 16485 Gun Fury Walsh, Raoul 1953 USA 83
18351 16489 Stuart Saves His Family Ramis, Harold 1995 USA 95
18352 16487 Georgia Grosbard, Ulu 1995 USA 117
18353 16493 Taza, Son of Cochise Sirk, Douglas 1954 USA 79
18354 16491 Giliap Andersson, Roy 1975 Sweden 140
18355 16490 Capitaine Conan Tavernier, Bertrand 1996 France 129
18356 16492 Spikes Gang, The Fleischer, Richard 1974 USA 96
18357 16494 Five Guns West Corman, Roger 1955 USA 78
18358 16488 Dr. Akagi Imamura, Shohei 1998 Japan 129
18359 16526 Baxter Boivin, Jerome 1989 France 82
18360 16503 Äppelkriget Danielsson, Tage 1971 Sweden 103
18361 16498 Dollar Molander, Gustaf 1938 Sweden 78
18362 16510 Fan's Notes, A Till, Eric 1972 Canada 100
18363 16531 Ett brott Henrikson, Anders 1940 Sweden 92
18364 16522 Mail Order Bride Kennedy, Burt 1964 USA 83
18365 16506 Harry Munter Grede, Kjell 1969 Sweden 101
18366 16517 Men Don't Leave Brickman, Paul 1990 USA 115
18367 16515 Mistress Primus, Barry 1992 USA 109
18368 16496 Shenandoah McLaglen, Andrew V. 1965 USA 105
18369 16529 New Mexico Reis, Irving 1951 USA 76
18370 16508 Midvinterduell [TV] Molin, Lars 1983 Sweden 52
18371 16514 Miracle in Valby, The Sandgren, Åke 1989 Denmark 80
18372 16519 Flute and the Arrow, The Sucksdorff, Arne 1957 Sweden 75
18373 16513 Potatishandlaren [TV] Molin, Lars 1996 Sweden 48
18374 16516 Like Night and Day Cornell, Jonas 1969 Sweden 102
18375 16527 One Worden, Fred 1998 USA 23
18376 16530 Söderkåkar Hildebrand, Weyler 1932 Sweden 87
18377 16504 Pharoah's Belt, The Klahr, Lewis 1993 USA 43
18378 16495 Spring of Joy Hobert, Richard 1993 Sweden 89
18379 16499 Footsteps/Expose Edwards, Daphna 1998 Sweden 92
18380 16500 Farewell to the Ark Terayama, Shuji 1984 Japan 127
18381 16502 Den allvarsamma leken Carlsten, Rune 1945 Sweden 106
18382 16509 Amorosa Zetterling, Mai 1986 Sweden 117
18383 16501 Gedo/The Outer Way Mochizuki, Rokuro 1998 Japan 99
18384 16511 Drums in the Deep South Menzies, William Cameron 1951 USA 87
18385 16512 Last Adventure, The Halldoff, Jan 1974 Sweden 115
18386 16518 Mamma Osten, Suzanne 1982 Sweden 91
18387 16520 Rågens rike Johansson, Ivar 1929 Sweden 81
18388 16521 Karl Fredrik Reigns Edgren, Gustaf 1934 Sweden
18389 16523 Last Command, The Lloyd, Frank 1955 USA 110
18390 16525 South of St. Louis Enright, Ray 1949 USA 88
18391 16497 Career Bauman, Schamyl 1938 Sweden 106
18392 16528 Children's Island Pollak, Kay 1980 Sweden 109
18393 16532 Grave of the Vampire Hayes, John 1972 USA 95
18394 16536 Unknown Girl, The Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne 2016 Belgium 113
18395 16538 Keyhole Maddin, Guy 2011 Canada 94
18396 16539 In the House Ozon, François 2012 France 105
18397 16548 Hissein Habre, a Chadian Tragedy Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 2016 Chad 82
18398 16546 Cat o' Nine Tails, The Argento, Dario 1971 Italy 112
18399 16543 I Like it a Lot Rosenblatt, Jay 2017 USA 4
18400 16545 Woyzeck Herzog, Werner 1979 West Germany 82
18401 16553 Easy Rider Benning, James 2012 USA 95
18402 16555 Artist of Fasting Adachi, Masao 2016 Japan 104
18403 16551 Tomorrow We Move Akerman, Chantal 2004 France 110
18404 16542 Mrs. Hyde Bozon, Serge 2017 France 95
18405 16554 Territory, The Ruiz, Raúl 1981 Portugal 100
18406 16550 Dialogue of Shadows Straub, Jean-Marie 2013 France 28
18407 16540 Ballet aquatique Ruiz, Raúl 2011 France 50
18408 16544 Bride for Rip Van Winkle, A Iwai, Shunji 2016 Japan 179
18409 16541 Cardboard Village, The Olmi, Ermanno 2011 Italy 87
18410 16552 I Cannot Tell You How I Feel Friedrich, Su 2017 USA 41
18411 16547 Goltzius and the Pelican Company Greenaway, Peter 2012 UK 128
18412 16560 Lanthanide Series, The Espelie, Erin 2014 USA 70
18413 16648 Her Vengeance Lam Ngai Choi 1988 Hong Kong 92
18414 16595 Violated Angels Wakamatsu, Koji 1967 Japan 56
18415 16644 Diamond Hill Soi Cheang 2000 Hong Kong 86
18416 16653 Anthropocene: The Human Epoch Baichwal, Jennifer/Edward Burtynsky/Nicholas de Pencier 2018 Canada 87
18417 16614 Fenêtre ouverte, Une Sylla, Khady 2005 Senegal 52
18418 16652 Week Of, The Smigel, Robert 2018 USA 116
18419 16643 Blood Rage Grissmer, John 1987 USA 82
18420 16650 Faceless Franco, Jesús 1988 France 98
18421 16662 Where the Chocolate Mountains O'Neill, Pat 2015 USA 55
18422 16597 Stations of the Cross Bruggemann, Dietrich 2014 Germany
18423 16640 Planet of Snail Yi Seung-jun 2011 South Korea 88
18424 16649 Step Up 3D Chu, Jon M. 2010 USA 107
18425 16593 Science Without Substance Barnett, Daniel 2019 USA 94
18426 16601 Ouroboros Alsharif, Basma 2017 Palestine 75
18427 16603 Area, The Schalliol, David 2018 USA 92
18428 16666 You Have No Idea How Much I Love You Lozinski, Pawel 2016 Poland 76
18429 16663 Face Deal Jimenez, Mary 2014 Belgium 29
18430 16658 Giverny Document (Single Channel), The Gary, Ja'Tovia 2019 USA 40
18431 16611 Tondal’s Vision Broomer, Stephen 2018 Canada 64
18432 16627 American Colour Bonnetta, Joshua 2011 Canada 25
18433 16628 Breakfast with Curtis Colella, Laura 2012 USA 84
18434 16645 United States of Love Wasilewski, Tomasz 2016 Poland 106
18435 16574 Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique... Asanova, Dinara 1985 USSR 70
18436 16570 Emblazaned Apparition, The Solomon, Philip S. 2013 USA 6
18437 16669 Mosquito Problem and Other Stories, The Paounov, Andrey 2007 Bulgaria 100
18438 16647 INAATE/SE Khalil, Adam & Zack Khalil 2016 Canada 75
18439 16557 Manjadikuru Menon, Anjali 2008 India 120
18440 16633 Printed Rainbow Rao, Gitanjali 2006 India 15
18441 16619 My Calendar Girl Ignez, Helena 2018 Brazil 86
18442 16604 Invention Lewis, Mark (Canada) 2015 Canada 87
18443 16581 Mountains to Climb Stonyte, Marija 2016 Lithuania 31
18444 16585 Under Gottsunda Johansson, Viktor 2014 Sweden 73
18445 16607 Belleville Baby Engberg, Mia 2013 Sweden 76
18446 16583 Manhattan Baby Fulci, Lucio 1982 Italy 89
18447 16590 Dream No Evil Hayes, John 1970 USA 84
18448 16606 Giant, The Nyholm, Johannes 2016 Sweden 86
18449 16605 Sebbe Najafi, Babak 2010 Sweden 79
18450 16600 Bones Dickerson, Ernest R. 2001 USA 96
18451 16623 Circle in the Sand Robinson, Michael 2012 47
18452 16576 In the Middle of the World Amirhanian, Viacheslav 1990 63
18453 16589 Exorcismo Negro Marins, José Mojica 1974 Brazil 100
18454 16586 I Used to Be a Filmmaker Rosenblatt, Jay 2003 USA 10
18455 16591 Fantasy Sentences Komljen, Dane 2017 Germany 17
18456 16615 Living Still Life Mandico, Bertrand 2012
18457 16579 Sleep Curse, The Yau, Herman 2017 Hong Kong 102
18458 16582 1st Seventh Night, The Yau, Herman 2009 Hong Kong 100
18459 16592 Doctor Schizo and Mister Phrenic Questi, Giulio 2002 Italy 14
18460 16584 Big Head Monster Soi Cheang 2001 Hong Kong 89
18461 16580 Flashback Frank, Herz 2003 Latvia 105
18462 16608 Scream for Help Winner, Michael 1984 UK 89
18463 16621 Daredevils Barber, Stephanie 2013 USA 86
18464 16641 6 Quispe, Eduardo 2016 Peru 104
18465 16568 Eugenie Franco, Jesús 1970 Spain 87
18466 16637 Waldheim Waltz, The Beckermann, Ruth 2018 Austria 93
18467 16598 Green Book Farrelly, Peter 2018 USA 130
18468 16573 When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Black Man Mistry, Jyoti 2017
18469 16577 Here After, The von Horn, Magnus 2015 Poland 102
18470 In My Room Köhler, Ulrich 2018 Germany 119
18471 16565 As I Open My Eyes Bouzid, Leyla 2015 Tunisia 102
18472 16562 Little Jerusalem Albou, Karin 2005 France 96
18473 16561 Once There Was Brazilia Queirós, Adirley 2017 Brazil 100
18474 16578 Serial Rapist Wakamatsu, Koji 1978 Japan 60
18475 16558 Nocturno 29 Portabella, Pere 1968 Spain 86
18476 16571 S dnyom rozhdeniya! Sadilova, Larisa 1998 Russia 68
18477 16596 Waiting for the Clouds Ustaoğlu, Yeşim 2003 Turkey 87
18478 16587 Apaches Mackenzie, John 1977 UK 27
18479 16588 Lisa, Lisa Friedel, Frederick R. 1977 USA 65
18480 16563 Young Girls in Black Civeyrac, Jean-Paul 2010 France 85
18481 16564 Fragments of Dissolution Wilkerson, Travis 2012 USA 25
18482 16657 Silent Waters Sumar, Sabiha 2003 Pakistan 99
18483 16618 Town That Dreaded Sundown, The Pierce, Charles B. 1977 USA 90
18484 16599 Pororoca Popescu, Constantin 2017 Romania 152
18485 16630 Pas son genre Belvaux, Lucas 2014 France 111
18486 16668 MURDER and Murder Rainer, Yvonne 1996 USA 113
18487 16665 Sisters Lozinski, Pawel 1999 Poland 12
18488 16667 Passion Chang, Sylvia 1986 Hong Kong 95
18489 16631 People I Could Have Been and Maybe Am Gerrets, Boris 2010 Netherlands 55
18490 16661 Dazzling Light of Sunset, The Jashi, Salomé 2016 Germany 74
18491 16638 Streetscapes Emigholz, Heinz 2017 Germany 132
18492 16602 João Bénard da Costa: Outros Amarão as Coisas que eu Amei Mozos, Manuel 2014 Portugal 75
18493 16616 Rehearsal, The Maclean, Alison 2016 New Zealand 102
18494 16610 88:88 Medina, Isiah 2015 Canada 65
18495 16656 Twilight of a Life Biegeleisen, Sylvan 2015 Belgium 70
18496 16646 Firaaq Das, Nandita 2008 India 101
18497 16625 Hear My Cry Drygas, Maciej J. 1991 Poland 46
18498 16572 Intern, The Meyers, Nancy 2015 USA 121
18499 16635 Losev Kossakovsky, Victor 1989 56
18500 16613 Stan niewazkosci Drygas, Maciej J. 1994 Poland 57
18501 16636 Special Effects Cohen, Larry 1984 USA 93
18502 16612 Sixty Six Klahr, Lewis 2015 USA 90
18503 16659 Commuter, The Collet-Serra, Jaume 2018 France 104
18504 16651 Nagima Issabayeva, Zhanna 2013 Kazakhstan 120
18505 16617 It's Alive III: Island of the Alive Cohen, Larry 1987 USA 91
18506 16567 Nightwalk Barley, Scott 2013 UK 6
18507 16622 Boy Who Was a King, The Paounov, Andrey 2011 Bulgaria 90
18508 16632 Augsta dziesma Frank, Herz 1989 USSR 10
18509 16670 Father and Son Lozinski, Pawel 2013 Poland 54
18510 16676 Gaijin - Os Caminhos da Liberdade Yamasaki, Tizuka 1980 Brazil 112
18511 16675 Kingdom of the Spiders Cardos, John 'Bud' 1977 USA 94
18512 16677 Mexican Fantasy Kovalov, Oleg 1998 Russia 100
18513 16679 Tillie's Punctured Romance Sennett, Mack 1914 USA 73
18514 16680 Brother Orchid Bacon, Lloyd 1940 USA 91
18515 16682 How to Make an American Quilt Moorhouse, Jocelyn 1995 USA 116
18516 16683 Breath Baker, Simon 2017 Australia 115
18517 16685 Heat Lightning LeRoy, Mervyn 1934 USA 63
18518 16684 Alien: Covenant Scott, Ridley 2017 USA 122
18519 16686 Gentle Creature, A Loznitsa, Sergei 2017 France 143
18520 16710 His Day of Glory Bruno, Edoardo 1969 Italy 82
18521 16690 Avoda Lerski, Helmar 1935 Palestine 50
18522 16708 Shlager Dayan, Assi 1979 Israel 90
18523 16696 Flooding with Love for the Kid Oberzan, Zachary 2007 USA 107
18524 16706 Bed of Roses La Cava, Gregory 1933 USA 67
18525 16703 Excelsior Comerio, Luca 1913 Italy
18526 Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, The Mami, Sunada 2013 Japan 118
18527 16688 Indoors Green, Eitan 2016 Israel 109
18528 16700 Sisters Bodrov, Sergei 2001 Russia 83
18529 16707 Sole! Blasetti, Alessandro 1929 Italy 76
18530 16692 Acciaio Ruttmann, Walter 1933 Italy 67
18531 16713 Iron Age, The [TV] Rossellini, Renzo 1965 Italy
18532 16702 Sperduti nel buio Martoglio, Nino 1914 Italy 66
18533 16704 Anton’s Right Here Arkus, Lyubov 2012 Russia 110
18534 16709 Alex is Lovesick Davidson, Boaz 1986 Israel 88
18535 16695 Buben, baraban Mizgiryov, Aleksey 2009 Russia 105
18536 16714 Three Forbidden Stories Genina, Augusto 1952 Italy 105
18537 16705 Slippery Jim Zecca, Ferdinand 1910 France 9
18538 16701 Last Russian Limousine, The [TV] Khlestkina, Daria 2014 Russia 53
18539 16687 My Good Hans Mindadze, Aleksandr 2015 Germany 110
18540 16689 Last Adventure, The Camerini, Mario 1932 Italy 74
18541 16693 Thaw, The Todorovsky, Valery 2013 Russia 127
18542 16694 My Year Without Sex Watt, Sarah 2009 Australia 96
18543 16711 Young Girl, The Cissé, Souleymane 1975 Mali 88
18544 16715 Last Love of Laura Adler, The Heffner, Avraham 1990 Israel 99
18545 16726 Papeles secundarios Rojas, Orlando 1989 Cuba 117
18546 16729 Flooded Out Birri, Fernando 1962 Argentina 87
18547 16720 Last Images of the Shipwreck Subiela, Eliseo 1989 Argentina 129
18548 16728 Guerra gaucha, La Demare, Lucas 1942 Argentina 90
18549 16716 Tale of Sorrow and Sadness, A Suzuki, Seijun 1977 Japan 93
18550 16718 Glass Johnny: Looks Like a Beast Kurahara, Koreyoshi 1962 Japan 108
18551 16721 Play it, Boogie-Woogie Fujita, Toshiya 1981 Japan 130
18552 16727 Jirokichi the Rat Ito, Daisuke 1931 Japan 80
18553 16724 Watashi no sex-hakusho Sone, Chusei 1976 Japan 71
18554 16723 Frantz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask Julien, Isaac 1996 UK 71
18555 16722 Ke no haeta kenju Yamatoya, Atsushi 1968 Japan
18556 16717 Female Perversions Streitfeld, Susan 1996 USA 119
18557 16719 Like a Rolling Stone Kumashiro, Tatsumi 1994 Japan 120
18558 16730 Chronicles of Riddick, The Twohy, David 2004 USA 119
18559 16732 Old Mill, The Jackson, Wilfred & Graham Heid 1937 USA 9
18560 16733 Superman Fleischer, Dave 1941 USA 10
18561 16734 Virginia City Curtiz, Michael 1940 USA 121
18562 16735 Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom Kimball, Ward & Charles A. Nichols 1953 USA 10
18563 16736 Cat's Meow, The Bogdanovich, Peter 2001 Germany 110
18564 16737 Son of Gascogne, The Aubier, Pascal 1995 France 104
18565 16738 Golden Boy Mamoulian, Rouben 1939 USA 99
18566 16740 Shall We Kiss? Mouret, Emmanuel 2007 France 96
18567 16741 Love Crazy Conway, Jack 1941 USA 99
18568 16744 Hunted, The Friedkin, William 2003 USA 94
18569 16746 She Hate Me Lee, Spike 2004 USA 138
18570 16745 So is This Snow, Michael 1982 Canada 48
18571 16742 State Legislature Wiseman, Frederick 2007 USA 217
18572 16743 Bleed for This Younger, Ben 2016 USA 117
18573 16783 Notorious Elinor Lee, The Micheaux, Oscar 1940 USA 107
18574 16771 Manpower Kaplan, Noam 2014 Israel 85
18575 16800 I Am a Sex Addict Zahedi, Caveh 2005 USA 98
18576 16803 Silver Bears Passer, Ivan 1977 USA 113
18577 16792 Greatest, The Gries, Tom 1977 USA 101
18578 16794 Brigham City Dutcher, Richard 2001 USA 119
18579 16784 Joe Louis Story, The Gordon, Robert 1953 USA 88
18580 16762 Tag Sono, Sion 2015 Japan 85
18581 16753 Glass Chin Buschel, Noah 2014 USA 87
18582 16779 Gore Gore Girls, The Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1972 USA 81
18583 16790 High Rollers Corbucci, Sergio 1976 Italy 87
18584 16802 Sh'Chur Hasfari, Shmuel 1994 Israel 100
18585 16765 Cudo nevidjeno Nikolic, Zivko 1984 Yugoslavia 92
18586 16752 Palmas, Las Nyholm, Johannes 2011 Sweden 14
18587 16769 Sharqiya Livne, Ami 2012 Israel 85
18588 16766 Justicero, El Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1967 Brazil 90
18589 16759 Autopsy Crispino, Armando 1975 Italy 100
18590 16760 Iron Rose, The Rollin, Jean 1973 France 86
18591 16788 Last Run Hickox, Anthony 2001 UK 98
18592 16768 Witch Who Came from the Sea, The Cimber, Matt 1976 USA 83
18593 16755 Gordon Sisters Boxing, The Uncredited Director 1901 USA 2
18594 16791 In the Bathtub of the World Zahedi, Caveh 2001 USA 73
18595 16750 Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story Berger, Ron & Dan Klores 2005 USA 87
18596 16798 Appointed, The Wachsmann, Daniel 1990 Israel 94
18597 16796 Bridgend Rønde, Jeppe 2015 Denmark 95
18598 16787 Para Julia García Canga, Pablo 2004 Spain
18599 16793 They Were Ten Dienar, Baruch 1961 Israel 105
18600 16797 Fictitious Marriage Bouzaglo, Haim 1988 Israel 90
18601 16789 Kid from Brooklyn, The McLeod, Norman Z. 1946 USA 113
18602 16739 Night and the City Winkler, Irwin 1992 USA 105
18603 16767 Three Musketeers, The Anderson, Paul W.S. 2011 Germany 110
18604 16777 Don King: Only in America Herzfeld, John 1997 USA 121
18605 16799 Boys Are Easy Wong Jing 1993 Hong Kong 97
18606 16780 Golden Girl Edwards, Susanna 2016 Sweden 83
18607 16804 Manslaughter/Drabet Fly, Per 2005 Denmark 100
18608 16782 My Little Eye Evans, Marc 2001 UK 95
18609 16773 Chuck Falardeau, Philippe 2016 USA 98
18610 16756 Man Who Knew Too Little, The Amiel, Jon 1997 USA 93
18611 16781 Muhammad and Larry Maysles, Albert & David Maysles 1980 USA 26
18612 16751 Sons of Cuba Lang, Andrew 2009 UK
18613 16775 Year Zero Pitchhadze, Joseph 2004 Israel 131
18614 16761 Al-Maganeen fi Naaeem Al-Saify, Hassan 1962
18615 16785 InterKosmos Finn, Jim 2006 USA 71
18616 16778 How to Get Ahead in Advertising Robinson, Bruce 1989 UK 95
18617 16772 Du soleil pour les gueux Guiraudie, Alain 2001 France 55
18618 16786 Happy Here and Now Almereyda, Michael 2002 USA 89
18619 16757 Boxeadora Smaker, Meg 2015 USA 15
18620 16763 Dictator, The Charles, Larry 2012 USA 83
18621 16758 When Will I Be Loved Toback, James 2003 UK 80
18622 16749 Who Killed Cock Robin? Wilkerson, Travis 2005 USA 88
18623 16795 Paratroopers Ne'eman, Judd 1977 Israel 90
18624 16801 Light Out of Nowhere Dayan, Nissim 1973 Israel 94
18625 16764 Fight Back to School Chan, Gordon 1991 Hong Kong 100
18626 16805 Avenging Conscience, The Griffith, D.W. 1914 USA 78
18627 16808 True Love Savoca, Nancy 1989 USA 104
18628 16806 Great Garrick, The Whale, James 1937 USA 89
18629 16807 Dezertir Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1933 USSR 105
18630 16809 My Dream is Yours Curtiz, Michael 1949 USA 101
18631 16810 Mariage de Chiffon, Le Autant-Lara, Claude 1942 France 103
18632 16812 Abbott and Costello Go to Mars Lamont, Charles 1953 USA 77
18633 16811 Inconnus dans la Maison, Les Decoin, Henri 1942 France 95
18634 16814 Poil de carotte Duvivier, Julien 1925 France 108
18635 16815 Lost in a Harem Reisner, Charles 1944 USA 89
18636 16820 Nemuru otoko Oguri, Kohei 1996 Japan 103
18637 16817 Gluckskinder Martin, Paul 1936 Germany 93
18638 16818 Mirage Above the Gobi Desert Dorjpalam, R. 1980 Mongolia
18639 16816 Revenant, Un Christian-Jaque 1946 France 100
18640 16822 Big Racket, The Castellari, Enzo G. 1976 Italy 104
18641 16821 Fudoh: The Next Generation Miike, Takashi 1996 Japan 98
18642 16823 Pearl of the South Pacific Dwan, Allan 1955 USA 86
18643 16824 High School Confidential! Arnold, Jack 1958 USA 85
18644 16827 Red Rose White Rose Kwan, Stanley 1994 Hong Kong 110
18645 16829 Sonny Boy Carroll, Robert Martin 1989 USA 98
18646 16828 Song of Lisbon, A Telmo, Jose Cottinelli 1933 Portugal 85
18647 16830 Sextette Hughes, Ken 1978 USA 91
18648 16831 Water Drops on Burning Rocks Ozon, François 2000 France 82
18649 16832 Inspector Bellamy Chabrol, Claude 2009 France 110
18650 16833 Sembene! Gadjigo, Samba & Jason Silverman 2015 Senegal 89
18651 16834 Around a Small Mountain Rivette, Jacques 2009 France 84
18652 16835 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Lowney, Declan 2013 UK 90
18653 16840 Moebius Kim Ki-duk 2013 South Korea 89
18654 16838 5x2 Ozon, François 2004 France 90
18655 16836 Miracles of Thursday García Berlanga, Luis 1957 Spain 84
18656 16839 Sissy-Boy Slap-Party Maddin, Guy 1995 Canada 2
18657 16837 Chicos, Los Ferreri, Marco 1959 Spain 90
18658 16841 Trip to Italy, The Winterbottom, Michael 2014 UK 108
18659 16873 Days When I Do Not Exist, The Fitoussi, Jean-Charles 2002 France 114
18660 16892 Para que no me olvides Ferreira, Patricia 2005 Spain 100
18661 16883 All Divided Selves Fowler, Luke 2011 UK 93
18662 16853 A tiro limpio Pérez-Dolz, Francisco 1963 Spain 86
18663 16886 Falling Star Miñarro, Lluis 2014 Spain 105
18664 16862 Visions of Clair Strong, Zachary 1978 USA 72
18665 16856 Days of the Past, The Camus, Mario 1978 Spain 109
18666 16889 Secrets of the Heart Armendáriz, Montxo 1997 Spain
18667 16884 7 Letters Boo Junfeng/Eric Khoo/Jack Neo/K. Rajagopal/Tan Pin Pin/Royston Tan/Kelvin Tong 2015 Singapore
18668 16863 El Balcón vacío, En Ascot, Jomí García 1961 Mexico 48
18669 16870 Después de… Bartolomé, Cecilia & José Juan Bartolomé 1983 Spain 189
18670 16876 Variaciones sobre una Granada Val del Omar, José 1975 Spain 3
18671 16880 Gravediggers from Guadix, The Menken, Marie 1960 USA 45
18672 16895 Malaventura Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1988 Spain
18673 16896 Little Red Riding Hood Aoyama, Shinji 2008 France 35
18674 16854 Baile, El Neville, Edgar 1959 Spain 89
18675 16882 Veinte años no es nada Jordà, Joaquim 2004 Spain 117
18676 16868 Settlement, The Loznitsa, Sergei 2002 Russia 77
18677 16860 Night Will Fall Singer, André 2014 UK 75
18678 16899 Camera Falls from Airplane and Lands in Pig Pen Munselle, Mia 2014 USA 1
18679 16900 Men at Work Haghighi, Mani 2006 Iran 75
18680 16890 Singer Not the Song, The Baker, Roy Ward 1961 UK 129
18681 16861 Celia [TV] Borau, José Luis 1993 Spain 360
18682 16867 Vacanza permanente Arrieta, Adolfo 2006 Spain 40
18683 16864 Holmes & Watson: Madrid Days Garci, José Luis 2012 Spain 129
18684 16851 If Every Girl Had a Diary Benning, Sadie 1990 USA 6
18685 16859 Even if She Had Been a Criminal… Périot, Jean-Gabriel 2006 France 9
18686 16848 Community Action Center Burns, A.K. & A.L. Steiner 2010 USA 69
18687 16845 Michael's Death Uribe, Imanol 1984 Spain 90
18688 16844 Room in Rome Medem, Julio 2010 Spain 109
18689 16843 Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love, The Maggenti, Maria 1995 USA 94
18690 16858 Khush Parmar, Pratibha 1991 UK 26
18691 16849 Frank's Cock Hoolboom, Mike 1994 Canada 8
18692 16847 Iron Ministry, The Sniadecki, J.P. 2014 USA 82
18693 16846 Nefandus Trilogy Motta, Carlos 2013 USA 33
18694 16866 Festival Rousseau, Jean-Claude 2010
18695 16842 Uncle David Hoyle, David/Mike Nicholls/Gary Reich 2010 UK 95
18696 16857 Pedagogue Marshall, Stuart 1988 UK 10
18697 16850 Life Span of the Object in Frame Balagura, Aleksandr 2012 Ukraine 111
18698 16852 RPG OKC Carmichael, Emily 2013 USA 10
18699 16875 Maria Aurèlia Capmany parla d'Un lloc entre els morts Jordà, Joaquim 1969 Spain
18700 16903 Orilla que se abisma, La Fontán, Gustavo 2008 Argentina 64
18701 16869 Nelson Mandela: The Myth and Me Matabane, Khalo 2013 South Africa 85
18702 16901 Galerie des monstres, La Catelain, Jaque 1924 Spain 75
18703 16891 Louie [TV] C.K., Louis & Liz Plonka 2010-15 USA
18704 16898 Dev.D Kashyap, Anurag 2009 India 144
18705 16885 Ruta de Don Quijote, La Biadiú, Ramón 1934 Spain 32
18706 16888 Mitad del cielo, La Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel 1986 Spain 127
18707 16905 Captain Pantoja and the Special Services Lombardi, Francisco J. 2000 Peru 137
18708 16906 Heartbeat Detector Klotz, Nicolas 2007 France
18709 16887 Correo de Indias Neville, Edgar 1942 Spain 110
18710 16904 Paan Singh Tomar Dhulia, Tigmanshu 2012 India 135
18711 16879 Untitled Gehr, Ernie 1977 4
18712 16897 Berlin 10/90 Kramer, Robert 1991 France 64
18713 16881 Montes, Los Sarmiento, José María Martín 1982 Canada
18714 16872 Road, The Omirbayev, Darezhan 2001 Kazakhstan 85
18715 16878 Ironía del dinero, La Neville, Edgar & Guy Lefranc 1957 Spain 85
18716 16871 Película Familiar Val del Omar, José 1938 Spain 8
18717 16894 LSD: Love, Sex Aur Dhokha Banerjee, Dibakar 2010 India 155
18718 16911 In Old Chicago King, Henry 1937 USA 95
18719 16910 Let Joy Reign Supreme Tavernier, Bertrand 1975 France 114
18720 16912 One Man of the Gambler's Code Kato, Tai 1966 Japan 90
18721 16913 Zi mei hua Zheng Zhengqiu 1934 China 82
18722 16907 Tequila Sunrise Towne, Robert 1988 USA 116
18723 16908 Powder Salva, Victor 1995 USA 111
18724 16909 Finian's Rainbow Coppola, Francis Ford 1968 USA 141
18725 16915 Half-Naked Truth, The La Cava, Gregory 1932 USA 77
18726 16914 Horn Blows at Midnight, The Walsh, Raoul 1945 USA 78
18727 16916 Caine Mutiny, The Dmytryk, Edward 1954 USA 125
18728 Blue and the Black (Part 2), The Doe Ching 1966 Hong Kong 116
18729 15563 Blue and the Black (Part 1), The Doe Ching 1966 Hong Kong 118
18730 16917 Kick-Ass 2 Wadlow, Jeff 2013 USA 103
18731 16920 Dance with a Stranger Newell, Mike 1985 UK 101
18732 16919 Argyle Secrets, The Endfield, Cy 1948 USA 64
18733 16921 Shockproof Sirk, Douglas 1949 USA 79
18734 16922 Behind Locked Doors Boetticher, Budd 1948 USA 62
18735 16923 So Dark the Night Lewis, Joseph H. 1946 USA 71
18736 16924 Snake Eyes De Palma, Brian 1998 USA 99
18737 16925 Beach Blanket Bingo Asher, William 1965 USA 98
18738 16932 Young Mr. Pitt, The Reed, Carol 1942 UK 118
18739 16930 Gay Desperado, The Mamoulian, Rouben 1936 USA 86
18740 16937 Future is Woman, The Ferreri, Marco 1984 Italy 99
18741 16926 A and B in Ontario Frampton, Hollis & Joyce Wieland 1984 Canada 15
18742 16931 Waltzes from Vienna Hitchcock, Alfred 1934 UK 80
18743 16928 Forever Mine Schrader, Paul 1999 UK 115
18744 16934 Party Oliveira, Manoel de 1996 Portugal 95
18745 16927 Next Floor Villeneuve, Denis 2008 Canada 11
18746 16953 Other, The Chahine, Youssef 1999 France 105
18747 16933 Little Tich and His Funny Feet Guy-Blaché, Alice 1900 USA 2
18748 16935 Tide of Empire Dwan, Allan 1929 USA 73
18749 16929 Ritorno del figlio prodigo, Il Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 2003 Italy 29
18750 16936 Hare Remover Tashlin, Frank 1946 USA 7
18751 16958 Between Two Women Woodcock, Steven 2004 UK 92
18752 16940 Room and a Half Khrzhanovskiy, Andrey 2009 Russia
18753 16977 Quiet is the Night Chmielewski, Tadeusz 1978 Poland 128
18754 16979 Também Somos Irmãos Burle, José Carlos 1949 Brazil 85
18755 16984 Grow Your Own Laxton, Richard 2007 UK
18756 16965 Corsair West, Roland 1931 USA 75
18757 16948 Left, Right and Centre Gilliat, Sidney 1959 UK 95
18758 16980 Journals of Knud Rasmussen, The Kunuk, Zacharias & Norman Cohn 2006 Canada 112
18759 16971 Howl, The Brass, Tinto 1970 Italy 93
18760 16966 Turned Out Nice Again Varnel, Marcel 1941 UK 81
18761 16957 Doctor Glas Zetterling, Mai 1968 Sweden 83
18762 16978 Panorama of Ealing from a Moving Train Dickson, W.K.L. 1901 UK
18763 16956 Moment of Impact Loktev, Julia 1998 USA 117
18764 16986 Zimowy zmierzch Lenartowicz, Stanislaw 1957 Poland 94
18765 16976 Zima Picchi, Cristina 2013 Russia 13
18766 16960 Foreign Moon Zhang Zeming 1996 Hong Kong 90
18767 16989 Loyalties Wheeler, Anne 1986 Canada 98
18768 16974 Almost a Man De Seta, Vittorio 1966 Italy 93
18769 16964 Mysterium Noctis Questi, Giulio 2004 Italy 34
18770 16992 Look Up and Laugh Dean, Basil 1935 UK 80
18771 16982 Soursweet Newell, Mike 1988 UK 110
18772 16942 Ogniomistrz Kalen Petelska, Ewa & Czeslaw Petelski 1961 Poland 108
18773 16945 Fractions of Temporary Periods Bargellini, Piero 1965 Italy 48
18774 16968 Naked as Nature Intended Marks, George Harrison 1961 UK 60
18775 16981 Faustyna Lukaszewicz, Jerzy 1994 Poland 73
18776 16939 Variations on a Cellophane Wrapper Rimmer, David 1972 Canada 9
18777 16952 Ocean Martin, Catherine 2002 Canada 50
18778 16970 Necropolis Brocani, Franco 1970 Italy 124
18779 16944 Ghosts Broomfield, Nick 2006 UK 100
18780 16983 Vacanza, La Brass, Tinto 1971 Italy 101
18781 16990 Eskimo Nell Campbell, Martin 1975 UK 85
18782 16955 Trojan Horse, The Ferroni, Giorgio 1962 Italy 105
18783 16959 Band Waggon Varnel, Marcel 1940 UK 85
18784 16988 Flood in Baath Country, A Amiralay, Omar 2005 Syria 46
18785 16950 Greenland Unrealised Reymond, Dania 2012 France
18786 16954 Org Birri, Fernando 1979 Italy 177
18787 16973 Everything is Rhythm Goulding, Alfred J. 1936 UK 73
18788 16943 Violent City Sollima, Sergio 1970 Italy 100
18789 16972 Birthplace Lozinski, Pawel 1992 Poland 47
18790 16961 Bitter Ash, The Kent, Larry 1963 Canada 80
18791 16969 Old Mother Riley Mitchell, Oswald 1937 UK 75
18792 16946 Dirty Sweeney, Bruce 1998 Canada 94
18793 16991 I Was Crying Out at Life. Or for It Keaton, Vergine 2009 France 9
18794 16987 brilliantlove Horner, Ashley 2010 UK 97
18795 16995 Colterrain Frank, Tina 2013 10
18796 16967 Behind the Wall [TV] Zanussi, Krzysztof 1971 Poland 56
18797 16993 Fever Holland, Agnieszka 1981 Poland 122
18798 16947 West 11 Winner, Michael 1963 UK 93
18799 16975 Son of Babylon Al-Daradji, Mohamed 2010 UK
18800 16994 My Life Rubin, Bruce Joel 1993 USA 112
18801 16962 Memoria, A Ciprì, Daniele & Franco Maresco 1996 Italy 38
18802 16949 Hotel Cartograph Stark, Scott 1983 12
18803 16951 Italian Connection, The Di Leo, Fernando 1973 Italy 92
18804 16963 Victorian Lady in Her Boudoir, A Collings, Esme 1896 UK
18805 16998 Danzón Novaro, María 1991 Mexico 120
18806 16999 National Mechanics Alcoriza, Luis 1972 Mexico 105
18807 17000 It's Complicated Meyers, Nancy 2009 USA 120
18808 17001 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Thompson, J. Lee 1972 USA 87
18809 17008 Red Danube, The Sidney, George 1949 USA 119
18810 17027 Old Mao's 2nd Spring Lee You-Ning 1984 Taiwan
18811 17018 Nobody Will Speak of Us When We're Dead Díaz Yanes, Agustín 1995 Spain 104
18812 17002 Men with Steel Faces Brower, Otto & B. Reeves Eason 1935 USA 70
18813 17003 Sorority Girl Corman, Roger 1957 USA 61
18814 17004 Blue Hawaii Taurog, Norman 1961 USA 101
18815 17007 L.627 Tavernier, Bertrand 1992 France 145
18816 17009 Viking Women and the Sea Serpent Corman, Roger 1957 USA 66
18817 17005 Attack of the Crab Monsters Corman, Roger 1957 USA 62
18818 17006 Marie-Octobre Duvivier, Julien 1959 France 90
18819 17019 Monte-charge, Le Bluwal, Marcel 1962 Italy 90
18820 17015 Giant Claw, The Sears, Fred F. 1957 USA 76
18821 17020 Eaux profondes Deville, Michel 1981 France 94
18822 17026 Mystery of the Yellow Room, The L'Herbier, Marcel 1930 France 108
18823 17011 Conqueror, The Powell, Dick 1956 USA 111
18824 17022 Green Berets, The Wayne, John 1968 USA 141
18825 17017 Rumors Daroy, Jacques 1947 France 90
18826 17023 From Hell it Came Milner, Dan 1957 USA 71
18827 17024 Anciens de Saint-Loup, Le Lampin, Georges 1950 France 90
18828 17025 Café de Paris Lacombe, Georges & Yves Mirande 1938 France 91
18829 17016 War at Home, The Brown, Barry & Glenn Silber 1979 USA 100
18830 17010 Motorcycle Gang Cahn, Edward L. 1957 USA 78
18831 17012 Mademoiselle de la Ferté Dallier, Roger 1949 France 98
18832 17014 Invisible Invaders Cahn, Edward L. 1959 USA 67
18833 17021 Foreigner, The Poe, Amos 1978 USA 77
18834 17030 4 Little Girls Lee, Spike 1997 USA 102
18835 17029 Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography Glassman, Arnold/Todd McCarthy/Stuart Samuels 1992 USA 90
18836 17031 Pervert's Guide to Cinema, The Fiennes, Sophie 2006 UK 150
18837 17032 Paper Mask Morahan, Christopher 1990 UK 105
18838 17033 Infernal Cauldron, The Méliès, Georges 1903 France 2
18839 17034 Down the Hudson Armitage, Frederick & A.E. Weed 1903 USA 3
18840 17037 Jacques Rivette - Le veilleur [TV] Denis, Claire & Serge Daney 1990 France 125
18841 17042 White Stripes: Fell in Love with a Girl, The [VIDEO] Gondry, Michel 2002 USA 2
18842 17041 Storytime Gilliam, Terry 1968 UK 9
18843 17040 Rembrandt's J'Accuse Greenaway, Peter 2008 Germany 86
18844 17035 Question of Leadership, A [TV] Loach, Ken 1981 UK 50
18845 17036 Roof, The De Sica, Vittorio 1956 Italy 91
18846 17084 Unmade Beds Barker, Nicholas 1997 France 95
18847 17080 Dangerous Supplement Yoo Soon-mi 2007 USA
18848 17138 Kiss of the Vampire Sharp, Don 1963 UK 88
18849 17083 Dangerous Acts Starring the Unstable Elements of Belarus Sackler, Madeleine 2013 USA
18850 17055 Situation Leading to a Story Buckingham, Matthew 1999 USA
18851 17132 Plastic Planet Boote, Werner 2009 Austria 95
18852 17069 Frauenleben - Frauenlos Boschek, Anna & Wilhelmine Moik 1931 Austria 32
18853 Ossuary, The Švankmajer, Jan 1970 Czechoslovakia 10
18854 17103 I Was a Soldier Grigsby, Michael 1970 UK 49
18855 17144 In Memory of the Day Passed By Bartas, Sharunas 1990 Lithuania 40
18856 Griefwalker Wilson, Tim 2008 Canada 70
18857 17048 Calais: The Last Border [TV] Isaacs, Marc 2003 UK 59
18858 17090 Time Flies Forde, Walter 1944 UK 88
18859 17119 Five on a Treasure Island Landau, Gerald 1957 UK 122
18860 17141 José e Pilar Mendes, Miguel Gonçalves 2010 Portugal 117
18861 17110 Que Farei eu com Esta Espada? Monteiro, João César 1975 Portugal 65
18862 17102 With Orson Welles: Stories of a Life in Film [TV] Megahey, Leslie 1990 UK 150
18863 17060 Mr. and Mrs. Kabal's Theater Borowczyk, Walerian 1967 France 80
18864 17139 Mining Review Orrom, Michael 1948 UK
18865 17073 Arna's Children Danniel, Danniel & Juliano Mer-Khamis 2004 Israel 85
18866 17145 Journey Into Spring Keene, Ralph 1958 UK 28
18867 17051 New Blacksmith Shop Dickson, W.K.L. 1895 USA
18868 17094 Dry Wood Blank, Les 1973 USA 37
18869 17100 Civilisation Compilation Montagnon, Peter & Michael Gill 1972 UK
18870 17061 St Kilda: Britain's Loneliest Isle Mann, Bobbie & Paul Robello 1928 UK 18
18871 17120 Cunard Mail Steamer Lucania Leaving for America Kenyon, James & Sagar Mitchell 1901 UK 16
18872 17071 They Do Not Exist Ali, Mustafa Abu 1974 Palestine 25
18873 17056 Auge/Maschine I-III [TV] Farocki, Harun 2001-03 Germany 56
18874 17135 Circle of the Sun Low, Colin 1961 Canada 28
18875 17054 November Steyerl, Hito 2004 Germany
18876 17079 Spring in Park Lane Wilcox, Herbert 1948 UK 100
18877 17131 Valentino: The Last Emperor Tyrnauer, Matt 2008 USA 96
18878 So Much So Fast Ascher, Steven & Jeanne Jordan 2006 USA 87
18879 17143 Boxeador, El Gazcón, Gilberto 1958 Mexico 90
18880 17086 Man with No Shadow, The Schwizgebel, Georges 2004 Canada 9
18881 17096 Blindsight Walker, Lucy 2006 UK 104
18882 17066 Revenez plaisirs exilés! (Alceste) [TV] Rozier, Jacques 1992 France
18883 17046 Old Lady and the Pigeons, The Chomet, Sylvain 1997 Canada 25
18884 17081 Home on the Rails Driessen, Paul 1981 Netherlands 10
18885 17050 Lineman Cavandoli, Osvaldo 1971 Italy 3
18886 17078 Arthur Penn: The Director Erwitt, Elliott 1970 USA 25
18887 17148 Wolberg Family, The Ropert, Axelle 2009 France 95
18888 17099 Meaning of Life, The Hertzfeldt, Don 2005 USA 12
18889 17076 Black Gold Francis, Mark & Nick Francis 2006 UK
18890 17130 My Neighbor, My Killer Aghion, Anne 2009 USA 80
18891 17044 Our Vinyl Weighs a Ton: This is Stones Throw Records Broadway, Jeff 2013 USA 94
18892 17121 Steel Riley, Ronald H. 1945 UK
18893 17052 Inflation Richter, Hans 1928 Germany 8
18894 17146 Epic of Everest, The Noel, J.B.L. 1924 UK 87
18895 17101 Man in the Shadows [TV] von Bagh, Peter/Elina Kaitanen/Iikka Vehkalahti 1994 165
18896 17147 Suicidal Variations Kim Gok & Kim Sun 2007 South Korea 15
18897 17124 Hostage, The Pakalnina, Laila 2006 Estonia 74
18898 17053 Liberté, égalité, fraternité, et puis après... Rouch, Jean 1990 France 95
18899 17123 Revolution of Pigs Kilmi, Jaak & René Reinumägi 2004 Estonia 98
18900 17115 Light Thief, The Kubat, Aktan Arym 2010 Germany
18901 17126 Tito po drugi put medju srbima Žilnik, Želimir 1993 Yugoslavia 45
18902 17108 Aftershock Feng Xiaogang 2010 China 135
18903 Transcendent Man Ptolemy, Robert Barry 2009 USA 83
18904 17077 Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower White, James H. 1900 USA
18905 17047 Watani, un monde sans mal Hondo, Med 1998 France 78
18906 How to Die in Oregon Richardson, Peter 2011 USA 107
18907 17097 X Files: I Want to Believe, The Carter, Chris 2008 USA 104
18908 17107 Cove, The Psihoyos, Louie 2009 USA 91
18909 17129 Interview with Dennis Potter, An [TV] Poole, Tom 1994 UK 70
18910 17075 Ventre de l'Amérique, Le [TV] Moullet, Luc 1996 France 25
18911 17088 Jeremy Hardy versus the Israeli Army Sansour, Leila 2003 UK 74
18912 17070 Show, The Robbins, Brian 1995 USA 90
18913 17133 Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap Ice-T & Andy Baybutt 2012 UK 106
18914 17136 Near the Big Chakra Severson, Anne 1971 USA 17
18915 17098 Bird of Prey Nicolau, João 2006 Portugal 25
18916 Suicide Tourist, The [TV] Zaritsky, John 2007 Canada 56
18917 17134 Family, The Quinn, Bob 1993 Ireland
18918 17082 Mike and Stefani Williams, R. Maslyn 1952 Australia 63
18919 17059 Ernesto Che Guevara, le journal de Bolivie Dindo, Richard 1994 France 92
18920 17105 Cracked Actor [TV] Yentob, Alan 1975 UK 53
18921 17068 Just Another Saturday [TV] Mackenzie, John 1975 UK 77
18922 17067 Foxx and Little Vic, The [VIDEO] Cohen, Jem 2002 USA 6
18923 Last Campaign of Governor Booth Gardner, The Junge, Daniel 2009 USA 37
18924 17058 Suicide Room Komasa, Jan 2011 Poland 110
18925 Death by Design [TV] Uncredited Director 1996 UK 50
18926 17063 In Bed with Chris Needham [TV] Uncredited Director 1992 UK 50
18927 17091 Naim and Wadee'a Najjar, Najwa 2000 Palestine 20
18928 17112 In the Wake of a Deadad Kötting, Andrew 2006 UK 61
18929 17125 Pain and the Pity, The Mulloy, Phil 2012 UK 80
18930 17113 Soviets Plus Electricity Rey, Nicolas 2002 France 175
18931 17095 Calling the Ghosts Jacobson, Mandy & Karmen Jelincic 1996 USA 63
18932 17072 Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour Palmer, Tony 1974 UK
18933 17062 Qallunaat! Why White People Are Funny [TV] Sandiford, Mark 2007 Canada 52
18934 17106 Houses Are Full of Smoke, The Francovich, Allan 1987 USA 183
18935 17085 Apa ca un bivol negru Various Directors 1970 Romania
18936 17117 Oncle Vania Léon, Pierre 1997
18937 17122 Declic Years, The Depardon, Raymond 1984 France 65
18938 17064 Chicken Real Blank, Les 1970 USA 23
18939 17074 Camera Natura Gibson, Ross 1985 Australia 32
18940 17057 Obedience Milgram, Stanley 1962 USA 45
18941 17087 Freshest Kids, The [VIDEO] Israel 2002 USA 94
18942 17111 One Half of August Yang Fudong 2011
18943 17114 Primitive London Miller, Arnold L. 1965 UK
18944 17065 Henry Moore [TV] Read, John 1951 UK 26
18945 17109 102 Minutes That Changed America [TV] Rittenmeyer, Nicole & Seth Skundrick 2008 USA 102
18946 17116 What the Water Said, Nos. 1-3 Gatten, David 1997 USA
18947 17089 By the Lake Strand, Chick 1986 USA
18948 17137 Man Who Changed His Mind, The Stevenson, Robert 1936 UK 61
18949 17045 Big Fun in the Big Town [TV] van Splunteren, Bram 1986 Netherlands 40
18950 17104 Anna, Child of the Daffodils van Nie, René 1975 Netherlands 90
18951 17142 One Way Street Hughes, John (2) 1993 Australia
18952 17149 Me and My Pal Rogers, Charley 1933 USA 20
18953 17150 World Apart, A Menges, Chris 1988 USA 112
18954 22913 Married to the Mob Demme, Jonathan 1988 USA 103
18955 17152 Iceman Cometh, The Fok, Clarence 1989 Hong Kong 114
18956 17158 Club, The Wong, Kirk 1981 Hong Kong 86
18957 17154 Colditz Story, The Hamilton, Guy 1955 UK 94
18958 Diggstown Ritchie, Michael 1992 USA 97
18959 17155 Man in the Net, The Curtiz, Michael 1959 USA 98
18960 17153 Screaming Mimi Oswald, Gerd 1958 USA 79
18961 17156 Lupe Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 72
18962 Double Team Tsui Hark 1997 USA 93
18963 17164 Have Sword, Will Travel Chang Cheh 1969 Hong Kong 102
18964 17157 China Doll Borzage, Frank 1958 USA 88
18965 17174 Moonplay Menken, Marie 1962 USA 5
18966 17165 Blue Mountain Patton, Rick 1967-69
18967 17201 Jiang Hu: The Triad Zone Lam, Dante 2000 Hong Kong 111
18968 Mr. Brooks Evans, Bruce A. 2007 USA 120
18969 17194 Fishy Story, A Chan, Anthony 1989 Hong Kong 99
18970 17187 Ye che Yim Ho 1980 Hong Kong
18971 17178 Security Unlimited Hui, Michael 1981 Hong Kong 90
18972 Vanishing, The Sluizer, George 1993 USA 110
18973 17185 Group I - VIII Gerson, Barry 1969-80
18974 17179 Storm at Sea, A White, James H. 1900 USA 1
18975 17182 Bocal aux poissons-rouges Lumière, Louis 1895 France
18976 17176 Beasts, The Yu, Dennis 1980 Hong Kong 90
18977 Birdemic: Shock and Terror Nguyen, James 2010 USA 105
18978 17166 Wadley Meyer, Matias 2008 Mexico 60
18979 17183 Six Black Horses Keller, Harry 1962 USA 80
18980 17180 Hauling Toto Big Nelson, Robert 1998 USA 43
18981 17162 Cops and Robbers Cheung Gwok-Ming 1979 Hong Kong
18982 17199 Bullets Over Summer Yip, Wilson 1999 Hong Kong 92
18983 17175 Four Toronto Films Hamilyn, Nicky 2007
18984 17177 Interieur Interiors (To A.K.) Grenier, Vincent 1978 USA 15
18985 17191 Novena Collar, Enrique 2010 Paraguay 96
18986 17198 I Am Sorry Au, Tony 1989 Hong Kong 96
18987 17168 Autumn Fire Weinberg, Herman G. 1930-33 USA 19
18988 17159 Cloud 9 Dresen, Andreas 2008 Germany
18989 17173 Portrait of a Young Man in Three Movements Rodakiewicz, Henwar 1931 USA 54
18990 17186 Misconception Keller, Marjorie 1977
18991 17200 Shogun & Little Kitchen Yu, Ronny 1992 Hong Kong 93
18992 17193 Love on Delivery Lee Lik-Chi 1994 Hong Kong 100
18993 17184 Treasure of Pancho Villa, The Sherman, George 1955 USA 96
18994 17167 Watch Out for ZouZou Imam, Hassan Al 1972 Egypt 132
18995 17196 Teppanyaki Hui, Michael 1984 Hong Kong 89
18996 17188 Wind, The Mastorakis, Nico 1987 USA 92
18997 17172 Fable for Fountains Cornell, Joseph 1957 USA 6
18998 17170 Last Affair Au, Tony 1983 Hong Kong 89
18999 17189 Final Victory Tam, Patrick 1987 Hong Kong 93
19000 17181 12 Angry Lebanese Daccache, Zeina 2009 Lebanon 78
19001 17171 Ort der Handlung, Der [TV] Wyborny, Klaus 1977 West Germany 130
19002 17190 Filmblok (0/1/2) Adrian, Marc 1957-68
19003 17169 Wall Street Jennings, Jim 1980
19004 17197 Cherie Tam, Patrick 1984 Hong Kong 92
19005 17202 Raven, The Corman, Roger 1963 USA 86
19006 17203 Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon, The Lumière, Louis 1895 France 1
19007 17204 Bar Salon Forcier, André 1974 Canada 84
19008 17212 Tree of Love, The Nomura, Hiromasa 1938 Japan 89
19009 17205 Hongling's Blood Tang Disheng 1951 Hong Kong
19010 17209 Ronin-gai Makino, Masahiro 1957 Japan 110
19011 17213 Hadaka no machi Uchida, Tomu 1937 Japan 121
19012 17211 Yataro Gasa Inagaki, Hiroshi 1932 Japan
19013 17207 Woman Who Touched the Legs, The Abe, Yutaka 1926 Japan
19014 17210 Violet Girl Chor Yuen 1966 Hong Kong 104
19015 17208 Sunset on the River Cho Kei 1962 Hong Kong
19016 17206 Greene Murder Case, The Tuttle, Frank 1929 USA 69
19017 17214 Soviet Elegy Sokurov, Aleksandr 1990 USSR 35
19018 17215 Quarto mandamiento, El Aguilar, Rolando 1948 Mexico 90
19019 17216 Hearts of the World Griffith, D.W. 1918 USA 122
19020 17217 Pretty Baby Malle, Louis 1978 USA 110
19021 17218 Malibran, La Guitry, Sacha 1944 France 95
19022 17220 Art d'exposer, L' Fleischer, Alain 1982 France
19023 17219 Idee, L' Bartosch, Berthold 1932 France 30
19024 17221 Devil's Doorway Mann, Anthony 1950 USA 84
19025 17224 Nightmare Francis, Freddie 1964 UK 83
19026 17227 Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out! Hellman, Monte 1989 USA 90
19027 17225 Heroes Shed No Tears Woo, John 1984 Hong Kong 93
19028 17238 Pensionat Paradiset Hildebrand, Weyler 1937 Sweden 79
19029 17234 Canon McLaren, Norman & Grant Munro 1964 Canada 10
19030 17236 När Kapten Grogg skulle porträtteras Bergdahl, Victor 1917 Sweden 7
19031 17233 Don't Deliver Us from Evil Séria, Joël 1971 France 102
19032 17230 Diwan Nekes, Werner 1974 West Germany 85
19033 17228 Mannequin in Red Mattsson, Arne 1958 Sweden 108
19034 17229 Mistress, The Sjöman, Vilgot 1962 Sweden 77
19035 17243 Tsatsiki, Mum and the Policeman Lemhagen, Ella 1999 Sweden 91
19036 17237 Två killar och en tjej Hallström, Lasse 1983 Sweden 111
19037 17239 Miss April Gentele, Göran 1958 Sweden 98
19038 17242 Bröderna Mozart Osten, Suzanne 1986 Sweden 109
19039 17231 Automania 2000 Halas, John 1964 UK 9
19040 17240 Fairy Story, A Cattaneo, Tony 1967
19041 17235 Great Godfrey, Bob 1975 UK 30
19042 17265 Helen of Troy Wise, Robert 1955 USA 118
19043 17275 Acrobate, L' Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1976 France 101
19044 17270 Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century Jones, Chuck 1953 USA 7
19045 17314 Tico-Tico no Fuba Celi, Adolfo 1952 Brazil 109
19046 17244 Thirst Bergman, Ingmar 1949 Sweden 83
19047 17245 Screwball Squirrel Avery, Tex 1944 USA 7
19048 17251 Prisoner, The Glenville, Peter 1955 UK 91
19049 17253 Union Maids Klein, Jim/Miles Mogulescu/Julia Reichert 1976 USA 50
19050 17255 Improper Conduct Almendros, Nestor & Orlando Jimenez Leal 1984 France 112
19051 17256 Abuse Bressan Jr., Arthur J. 1983 USA 94
19052 17252 Way to the Stars, The Asquith, Anthony 1945 UK 109
19053 17246 Sleep, My Love Sirk, Douglas 1948 USA 97
19054 17257 Falling Down Schumacher, Joel 1992 USA 115
19055 17287 Whirlpool Gréville, Edmond T. 1935 France 75
19056 17258 Hamlet Goes Business Kaurismäki, Aki 1987 Finland 86
19057 17248 Underworld Story, The Endfield, Cy 1950 USA 91
19058 17259 Tormento Matarazzo, Raffaello 1950 Italy 87
19059 17249 Two Jakes, The Nicholson, Jack 1990 USA 137
19060 17260 Damned, The Clément, René 1947 France 105
19061 17261 Sammy and Rosie Get Laid Frears, Stephen 1987 UK 100
19062 17262 White Sister, The Fleming, Victor 1933 USA 105
19063 17269 Marie du Port, La Carné, Marcel 1951 France 100
19064 17274 Ratten, Die Siodmak, Robert 1955 West Germany 91
19065 17263 Knives of the Avenger Bava, Mario 1966 Italy 85
19066 17277 Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match, The Méliès, Georges 1901 France 2
19067 17268 Modigliani of Montparnasse Becker, Jacques 1958 France 120
19068 17276 Girl from Stormy Croft Sjöström, Victor 1917 Sweden 87
19069 17266 Company's in Love, The Ophüls, Max 1932 Germany 73
19070 17272 Gypsy and the Gentleman, The Losey, Joseph 1958 UK 103
19071 17271 End of the World Gance, Abel 1931 France 54
19072 17264 Apple Game, The Chytilová, Věra 1977 Czechoslovakia 100
19073 17273 Mollenard Siodmak, Robert 1938 France 106
19074 17334 Three Bewildered People in the Night Araki, Gregg 1987 USA 92
19075 17341 Tin Pan Alley Cats Clampett, Robert 1943 USA 7
19076 17338 Temporale Rosy Monicelli, Mario 1980 Italy 118
19077 17359 Podrugi Arnshtam, Lev 1936 USSR 95
19078 17339 Book Revue Clampett, Robert 1946 USA 7
19079 17354 Screamers Martino, Sergio 1979 Italy 81
19080 17343 Sins of Rome Freda, Riccardo 1953 Italy 75
19081 17349 Fair Wind to Java Kane, Joseph 1953 USA 92
19082 17356 Misérables, Les Freda, Riccardo 1948 Italy 86
19083 17360 Beau fixe Vincent, Christian 1992 France 92
19084 17335 King of the Zombies Yarbrough, Jean 1941 USA 67
19085 17355 Im Kampf mit dem Berge - 1. Teil: In Sturm und Eis - Eine Alpensymphonie in Bildern Fanck, Arnold 1921 Germany 54
19086 17327 Inheritance, The Bolognini, Mauro 1976 Italy 105
19087 17331 Paranoia Ditvoorst, Adriaan 1967 Netherlands 102
19088 17320 Shameless Old Lady, The Allio, René 1965 France 94
19089 17332 Victory of Love af Klercker, Georg 1916 Sweden 62
19090 17345 True Story of Lili Marlene, The Jennings, Humphrey 1944 UK 21
19091 17326 Knife in the Head Hauff, Reinhard 1978 Germany 113
19092 17342 White Voices Campanile, Pasquale Festa & Massimo Franciosa 1965 Italy 93
19093 17352 Women of the World Cavara, Paolo/Gualtiero Jacopetti/Franco Prosperi 1963 Italy 110
19094 17340 Wicked Duchess de Baroncelli, Jacques 1942 France 99
19095 17346 Story of Vernon & Irene Castle, The Potter, H.C. 1939 USA 93
19096 17364 Born in '45 Böttcher, Jürgen 1966 East Germany 100
19097 17337 Black at Yale Hudlin, Warrington 1974 USA 50
19098 17362 Nocturnal Uproar Breillat, Catherine 1979 France 97
19099 17304 Christo in Paris Dickson, Deborah/Susan Froemke/Albert Maysles/David Maysles 1990 USA 58
19100 17295 Shoes of the Fisherman, The Anderson, Michael 1968 USA 157
19101 17330 Men of Bronze Miles, William 1977 USA 60
19102 17347 Rash One, The Grau, Jorge 1964 Spain 96
19103 17361 Berlin Around the Corner Klein, Gerhard 1965 East Germany 85
19104 17333 Shock Treatment Jessua, Alain 1973 France 91
19105 17350 Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street King, George 1936 UK 68
19106 17351 Outer Limits: The Forms of Things Unknown, The [TV] Oswald, Gerd 1964 USA 51
19107 17358 Glorious Avenger, The Cottafavi, Vittorio 1954 Italy 105
19108 17302 Oeufs à la coque, Les [TV] Lalonde, Valérie & Richard Leacock 1991 France 84
19109 17344 Vosstaniye rybakov Piscator, Erwin 1934 USSR 97
19110 17303 Echo Park Dornhelm, Robert 1986 Austria 93
19111 17329 Roma città libera Pagliero, Marcello 1946 Italy 81
19112 17318 Wally of the Vultures Steinhoff, Hans 1940 Germany 104
19113 17328 Terrazza, La Scola, Ettore 1980 Italy 150
19114 17294 Quatre-vingt-treize Antoine, André/Léonard Antoine/Albert Capellani 1921 France
19115 17301 Mouse Cleaning Hanna, William & Joseph Barbera 1948 USA 8
19116 17297 Born in East L.A. Marin, Cheech 1987 USA 87
19117 17278 Pirate, La Doillon, Jacques 1984 France 88
19118 17296 Pepo Bek-Nazaryan, Amo 1935 USSR 75
19119 17321 Amour à la chaîne, L' de Givray, Claude 1965 France 84
19120 17317 What's the Matter with Helen? Harrington, Curtis 1971 USA 101
19121 17322 Bath House, The Karanovich, Anatoliy & Sergei Yutkevich 1962 USSR 53
19122 17311 Murderers Are Coming, The Pudovkin, Vsevolod & Yuri Tarich 1942 USSR 60
19123 17284 Ill-Fated Love Lopes Ribeiro, António & Max Nosseck 1943 Portugal 128
19124 17292 Life on the Hortobagy Hoellering, George 1937 Hungary 79
19125 17280 Queen and the Cardinal, The Gance, Abel 1935 France 115
19126 17281 Green Years Gaál, István 1965 Hungary 111
19127 17316 Fanfare of Love Pottier, Richard 1935 France 115
19128 17300 Privates on Parade Blakemore, Michael 1982 UK 100
19129 17306 Tempesta su Parigi Freda, Riccardo 1948 Italy 92
19130 17305 White Roses, The Gad, Urban 1916 Germany
19131 17254 Bonnie Parker Story, The Witney, William 1958 USA 79
19132 17313 Death at Work [TV] Amelio, Gianni 1978 Italy 83
19133 17299 Samson Wajda, Andrzej 1961 Poland 117
19134 17325 Wabbit Twouble Clampett, Robert 1941 USA 8
19135 17285 Stone Flower, The Ptushko, Aleksandr 1946 USSR 89
19136 17353 Wyeths: A Father and His Family, The [TV] Grubin, David 1986 58
19137 17309 Schloß in Flandern, Das von Bolváry, Géza 1936 Germany 93
19138 17336 Fremd bin ich eingezogen Leber, Titus 1979 West Germany 64
19139 17308 Garçon sauvage, Le Delannoy, Jean 1951 France 112
19140 17290 Cómicos Bardem, Juan Antonio 1954 Spain 92
19141 17307 Cecilia, La Comolli, Jean-Louis 1975 France 113
19142 17312 Going to Bed Under Difficulties Méliès, Georges 1900 France 2
19143 17323 Science Friction Vanderbeek, Stan 1958-65 USA 9
19144 17310 New Adventures of Schweik, The Yutkevich, Sergei 1943 USSR
19145 17324 Home: A Documentary About Four Families Gustafson, Julie & John Reilly 1979 USA 62
19146 17291 Don Kikhot Kozintsev, Grigori 1957 USSR 110
19147 17286 Compagnons de la marguerite, Les Mocky, Jean-Pierre 1967 France 90
19148 17288 Merlín Arrieta, Adolfo 1991 Spain 58
19149 17293 Samson und Delila Korda, Alexander 1922 Austria 88
19150 17282 Moscow Strikes Back Kopalin, Ilya & Leonid Varlamov 1942 USSR 55
19151 17289 Mondo Cane 2 Jacopetti, Gualtiero & Franco Prosperi 1963 Italy 102
19152 17283 Max Takes Tonics Linder, Max 1911 France 17
19153 17365 Wong Fei-Hung's Whip That Smacks the Candle Hu Peng 1949 Hong Kong 72
19154 17366 World's Greatest Dad Goldthwait, Bobcat 2009 USA 99
19155 17367 Son of the Sheik, The Fitzmaurice, George 1926 USA 72
19156 17368 Poor Little Rich Girl, The Tourneur, Maurice 1917 USA 78
19157 17370 Ploughman's Lunch, The Eyre, Richard 1983 UK 100
19158 17369 Day in the Death of Joe Egg, A Medak, Peter 1972 UK 106
19159 17371 Notes on a Scandal Eyre, Richard 2006 UK 92
19160 17379 Sammy Going South Mackendrick, Alexander 1963 UK 118
19161 17373 Kino-pravda no. 21 - Leninskaia Kino-pravda. Kinopoema o Lenine Vertov, Dziga 1925 USSR 29
19162 17381 Walk Through H: The Reincarnation of an Ornithologist, A Greenaway, Peter 1979 UK 41
19163 17380 Sex in Chains Dieterle, William 1928 Germany 107
19164 17374 Gamekeeper, The Loach, Ken 1980 UK 84
19165 17377 Burke & Hare Landis, John 2010 UK 91
19166 17376 Adventures of Dollie, The Griffith, D.W. 1908 USA 12
19167 17375 War Requiem Jarman, Derek 1989 UK 92
19168 17396 Talisman or Sheep's Foot, The Capellani, Albert 1907 France 15
19169 17416 Dante's Inferno Berardi, Giuseppe & Arturo Busnengo 1911 Italy 15
19170 17430 Apostol, El Cristiani, Quirino 1917 Argentina 70
19171 17400 Li Shuangshuang Lu Ren 1962 China
19172 17431 Three Must-Get-Theres, The Linder, Max 1922 USA 58
19173 17385 Last Night, The Sandberg, A.W. 1928 Germany 100
19174 17409 Viagem ao Fim do Mundo Campos, Fernando 1968 Brazil 90
19175 17415 Hai tan Teng Wenji 1984 China 90
19176 17423 Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker [Video] Geda, Curt 2000 USA 74
19177 17405 First Success Freres, Pathe 1907 France 3
19178 17429 Santa Claus Szwarc, Jeannot 1985 USA 112
19179 17413 Glimpses of Bird Life Pike, Oliver G. 1910 France
19180 17408 Our Friends in the North [TV] Jones, Siomon Cellar/Pedr James/Stuart Urban 1996 UK 623
19181 17410 Robbie Dunkley, Ronald 1979 UK 13
19182 17428 Idiots and Angels Plympton, Bill 2008 USA 78
19183 17426 Rock & Rule Smith, Clive A. 1983 USA 85
19184 17402 Spirit of His Forefathers, The Uncredited Director 1900 UK
19185 17384 Best of Times, The Chang Tso-chi 2001 Taiwan 109
19186 17397 Garotas e Samba Manga, Carlos 1957 Brazil 105
19187 17432 Battles of Coronel and Falkland Islands, The Summers, Walter 1927 UK 107
19188 17391 Pega Ladrão Pieralisi, Alberto 1957 Brazil
19189 17425 Tocaia no Asfalto Pires, Roberto 1962 Brazil 101
19190 17412 Parkgate Iron and Steel Co., Rotherham Kenyon, James & Sagar Mitchell 1901 UK 3
19191 17403 Quem Roubou Meu Samba? Burle, José Carlos 1959 Brazil 82
19192 17388 Monte Cristo Fescourt, Henri 1929 France 223
19193 17382 Casa das Tentações, A Biafora, Rubem 1975 Brazil 96
19194 17433 Miramar Bressane, Júlio 1997 Brazil 82
19195 17414 Japonaiseries Velle, Gaston 1904 France 3
19196 17411 Documentário Sganzerla, Rogério 1966 Brazil 11
19197 17398 Corpo Devasso Sternheim, Alfredo 1980 Brazil 84
19198 17421 Gift of Life [VIDEO] Wu Yii-feng 2003 Taiwan 148
19199 17418 Above Us the Waves Thomas, Ralph 1956 UK 92
19200 17399 Missing Bride, The Capellani, Albert 1911 France
19201 17422 En dirigeable sur les champs de bataille Le Sainte, Lucien 1918
19202 17427 Square Peg, The Carstairs, John Paddy 1958 UK 85
19203 17386 Let the Wind Carry Me Chiang Hsiu-Chiung & Kwan Pung-Leung 2009 Taiwan 90
19204 17392 Blue Summer, The Sergeant, John 1998 UK 140
19205 17401 Refuge England Vas, Robert 1959 UK 27
19206 17417 White Dust Keen, Jeff 1972 UK 33
19207 17424 Four in the Morning Simmons, Anthony 1965 UK 94
19208 17390 London Nobody Knows, The Cohen, Norman 1967 UK 53
19209 17419 Carry on at Your Convenience Thomas, Gerald 1971 UK 90
19210 17387 Term of Trial Glenville, Peter 1962 UK 113
19211 17394 Panorama du Grand Canal vu d'un bateau Lumière, August & Louis Lumière 1896
19212 17404 White Slave Trade, The Blom, August 1910 Denmark 45
19213 17395 Our Neighbour Lee Hsing 1963 Taiwan 90
19214 17407 Vampiro da Cinemateca, O Ferreira, Jairo 1977 Brazil 64
19215 17383 Proud to Be British Broomfield, Nick 1973 UK 28
19216 17420 Topical Budget 93-1 The Derby 1913 Topical Film Company 1913
19217 17434 Alfred Butterworth and Sons, Glebe Mills, Hollinwood Kenyon, James & Sagar Mitchell 1901 UK 2
19218 17447 Manhattan Melodrama Van Dyke, W.S. 1934 USA 93
19219 17437 Gentleman's Agreement Kazan, Elia 1947 USA 118
19220 17438 Alexander's Ragtime Band King, Henry 1938 USA 106
19221 17440 Moon in the Gutter, The Beineix, Jean-Jacques 1983 France 126
19222 17441 Paint Your Wagon Logan, Joshua 1969 USA 166
19223 17502 Fist Fight Breer, Robert 1964 USA 11
19224 17496 Samadhi Belson, Jordan 1967 USA 6
19225 17439 Naked Jungle, The Haskin, Byron 1954 USA 95
19226 17448 One of Our Aircraft Is Missing Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1942 UK 106
19227 17464 Beyond Therapy Altman, Robert 1987 USA 93
19228 17442 Viva Villa! Conway, Jack 1934 USA 115
19229 17443 Stanley and Livingstone King, Henry 1939 USA 101
19230 17444 Alamo Bay Malle, Louis 1985 USA 98
19231 17446 Johnny Stecchino Benigni, Roberto 1991 Italy 100
19232 17449 Retreat, Hell! Lewis, Joseph H. 1952 USA 95
19233 17450 Son of Fury Cromwell, John 1942 USA 98
19234 17451 Battle Hymn Sirk, Douglas 1957 USA 108
19235 17453 Night and Day Curtiz, Michael 1946 USA 128
19236 17482 Bataan Garnett, Tay 1943 USA 114
19237 17471 Immortal Sergeant, The Stahl, John M. 1943 USA 91
19238 17467 Sweet Bird of Youth Brooks, Richard 1962 USA 120
19239 17466 Dolly Sisters, The Cummings, Irving 1945 USA 114
19240 17476 There's No Business Like Show Business Lang, Walter 1954 USA 117
19241 17461 Task Force Daves, Delmer 1949 USA 116
19242 17460 Young Bess Sidney, George 1953 USA 112
19243 17478 Austerlitz Gance, Abel 1960 France 122
19244 17455 Destination Tokyo Daves, Delmer 1943 USA 135
19245 17484 Between Heaven and Hell Fleischer, Richard 1956 USA 94
19246 17457 North West Mounted Police DeMille, Cecil B. 1940 USA 126
19247 17491 Sleep Warhol, Andy 1963 USA 321
19248 17465 One Minute to Zero Garnett, Tay 1952 USA 105
19249 17477 Story of Louis Pasteur, The Dieterle, William 1936 USA 86
19250 17456 Patty Hearst Schrader, Paul 1988 USA 108
19251 17458 His Majesty O'Keefe Haskin, Byron 1953 USA 92
19252 17485 Music Box Costa-Gavras, Constantin 1989 USA 123
19253 17472 Pork Chop Hill Milestone, Lewis 1959 USA 97
19254 17462 Kiss Them for Me Donen, Stanley 1957 USA 105
19255 17483 All the Brothers Were Valiant Thorpe, Richard 1953 USA 101
19256 17454 Guadalcanal Diary Seiler, Lewis 1943 USA 93
19257 17468 Mother Wore Tights Lang, Walter 1947 USA 107
19258 17463 Amityville 3-D Fleischer, Richard 1983 USA 105
19259 17479 Stage Door Canteen Borzage, Frank 1943 USA 132
19260 17475 Uncommon Valor Kotcheff, Ted 1983 USA 105
19261 17469 Storia, La [TV] Comencini, Luigi 1986 Italy 240
19262 17474 Confessions of a Nazi Spy Litvak, Anatole 1939 USA 102
19263 17473 Processo di Verona, Il Lizzani, Carlo 1963 Italy 120
19264 17459 Real Glory, The Hathaway, Henry 1939 USA 96
19265 17487 Dragon Seed Conway, Jack & Harold S. Bucquet 1944 USA 145
19266 17480 Napoléon Guitry, Sacha 1955 France 190
19267 17490 If I Were King Lloyd, Frank 1938 USA 101
19268 17489 Captain Horatio Hornblower Walsh, Raoul 1951 UK 117
19269 17486 Wake Island Farrow, John 1942 USA 88
19270 17488 So Proudly We Hail! Sandrich, Mark 1943 USA 126
19271 17494 Curse of the Dog God Ito, Shun'ya 1977 Japan 103
19272 17495 Yotsuya Ghost Story Misumi, Kenji 1959 Japan 84
19273 17492 Sasayaku shibijin Murayama, Mitsuo 1963 Japan
19274 17498 Sole Survivor Eberhardt, Thom 1984 USA 85
19275 17501 Split of the Spirit Tan, Fred 1987 Taiwan 89
19276 17500 Oiwa Phantom, The Mori, Kazuo 1969 Japan 94
19277 17503 Georg Kaye, Stanton 1964 USA 55
19278 17499 Wannsee Conference, The Schirk, Heinz 1984 Austria 87
19279 17493 Luciano Serra pilota Alessandrini, Goffredo 1938 Italy 102
19280 17497 Peony Lantern Yamamoto, Satsuo 1968 Japan 89
19281 17504 Project A Part II Chan, Jackie 1987 USA 108
19282 17505 Zoot Suit Valdez, Luis 1981 USA 103
19283 17507 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Méliès, Georges 1907 France 10
19284 17506 Madonna and Child Davies, Terence 1980 UK 30
19285 17521 Boogie Muntean, Radu 2007 Romania
19286 17514 Go Master, The Tian Zhuangzhuang 2006 China
19287 17525 Mysterious Murder Tso Kea 1964 Hong Kong
19288 17530 Personals, The Chen Kuo-Fu 1998 Taiwan 104
19289 17515 Felling of Hibson Road Brick Works' Chimney in Nelson Kenyon, James & Sagar Mitchell 1906
19290 17526 Modern Couple, The Zhu Shilin 1944 China
19291 17512 Nymph of the Waves, A Armitage, Frederick 1900 USA
19292 17510 Case of Hysterical Hemiplegia Cured Through Hypnotic Suggestion, A Marinescu, Gheorghe 1899 Romania
19293 17527 Sortie du bain, La Guy-Blaché, Alice 1899
19294 17524 Neuropatologia, La Negro, Camillo & Roberto Omegna 1908 Italy
19295 17518 Mortelle idylle Capellani, Albert 1906 France 6
19296 17531 Fairylogue and Radio-Plays, The Boggs, Francis 1908 USA 120
19297 17513 Monsieur qui a mangé du taureau, Le Bosetti, Romeo 1909 France 6
19298 17529 Golden Beetle, The de Chomón, Segundo & Ferdinand Zecca 1907 France 3
19299 17519 Operaciones del doctor Posadas, Las Posadas, Alejandro 1897
19300 17528 Luban De Chuanshuo Sun Yu 1958 China 95
19301 17511 Condolences Ying Liang 2009 China 19
19302 17517 Welcome to Destination Shanghai Cheng, Andrew Y-S 2003 China 86
19303 17520 Extras Zhu Chuanming 2001 China
19304 17509 Pangyau Muhammad, Amir 2002 Malaysia 12
19305 17516 Red Flag Flies, The Zhou Hongxiang 2002
19306 17532 Naqoyqatsi Reggio, Godfrey 2002 USA 89
19307 17533 Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Lawrence, Francis 2013 USA 146
19308 17534 Cigarette, The Dulac, Germaine 1919 France 51
19309 17544 Life with Father Curtiz, Michael 1947 USA 118
19310 17541 Fiend Without a Face Crabtree, Arthur 1958 UK 74
19311 17536 Sleeping Tiger, The Losey, Joseph 1954 UK 89
19312 17545 Harriet Craig Sherman, Vincent 1950 USA 94
19313 17546 Young Man with a Horn Curtiz, Michael 1950 USA 112
19314 17547 Mating Season, The Leisen, Mitchell 1951 USA 101
19315 17537 Hollow Triumph Sekely, Steve 1948 USA 83
19316 17548 Walls of Jericho, The Stahl, John M. 1948 USA 106
19317 17549 H.M. Pulham, Esq. Vidor, King 1941 USA 120
19318 17538 Devil Thumbs a Ride, The Feist, Felix E. 1947 USA 62
19319 17550 Lawless Street, A Lewis, Joseph H. 1955 USA 78
19320 17540 Railroaded! Mann, Anthony 1947 USA 71
19321 17539 Strange Illusion Ulmer, Edgar G. 1945 USA 80
19322 17542 Specter of the Rose Hecht, Ben 1946 USA 90
19323 17552 Has Anybody Seen My Gal? Sirk, Douglas 1952 USA 89
19324 17553 Film No.3: Interwoven Smith, Harry 1947 USA 3
19325 17543 Rope of Sand Dieterle, William 1949 USA 104
19326 17556 Dark at Noon Ruiz, Raúl 1992 France 100
19327 17559 Woodsman, The Kassell, Nicole 2004 USA 87
19328 17560 Purchase Price, The Wellman, William A. 1932 USA 68
19329 17562 Big Shot, The Seiler, Lewis 1942 USA 82
19330 17561 Other Love, The de Toth, André 1947 USA 95
19331 17579 Sudden Rain Naruse, Mikio 1956 Japan 91
19332 17580 Two Friends Campion, Jane 1986 Australia 76
19333 17568 Face on the Barroom Floor, The Chaplin, Charles 1914 USA 14
19334 17571 Good-bye, My Lady Wellman, William A. 1956 USA 94
19335 17566 Story of a Prostitute Suzuki, Seijun 1965 Japan 96
19336 17578 Mother's Love, A Shimizu, Hiroshi 1950 Japan 86
19337 17564 My Kingdom For… Boetticher, Budd 1985 USA 85
19338 17574 Bike Boy Warhol, Andy 1967 USA 96
19339 17573 Amazing Transparent Man, The Ulmer, Edgar G. 1960 USA 58
19340 17569 American Guerrilla in the Philippines Lang, Fritz 1950 USA 105
19341 17565 Bollywood/Hollywood Mehta, Deepa 2002 Canada 105
19342 17575 Japanese War Bride Vidor, King 1952 USA 91
19343 17581 N.U. Antonioni, Michelangelo 1948 Italy 9
19344 17582 Nora Helmer [TV] Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 1974 West Germany 101
19345 17592 Tiempo que se queda, El Leiva, José Luis Torres 2007 Chile 86
19346 M Prividera, Nicolás 2007 Argentina 140
19347 17641 Enchantment Reis, Irving 1948 USA 102
19348 Red Bear Caetano, Adrián 2002 Argentina 95
19349 17661 Ware maboroshi no sakana o mitari Ito, Daisuke 1950 Japan 106
19350 17668 Jalla! Jalla! Fares, Josef 2000 Sweden 88
19351 17636 Braddock Chronicles, The Buba, Tony 1974-85
19352 17673 Santiago! Brocka, Lino 1970 Philippines
19353 17635 Greetings from Africa Dunye, Cheryl 1996 USA 8
19354 17638 Slaughter Rule, The Smith, Alex & Andrew J. Smith 2002 USA 112
19355 17665 Girl, The Edfeldt, Fredrik 2009 Sweden 100
19356 17626 Last Victory, The Appel, John 2003 Netherlands 89
19357 17667 Maggie in Wonderland Bergsmark, Ester Martin & Mark Hammarberg 2008 Sweden 72
19358 17657 Plötsligt i Vinslöv [TV] Bergman, Jenny & Malin Skjöld 2001 Sweden 49
19359 17630 Marooned in Iraq Ghobadi, Bahman 2002 Iran 108
19360 17655 Strange Culture Hershman-Leeson, Lynn 2007 USA 75
19361 17618 Oliver Deocampo, Nick 1983 Philippines 45
19362 17658 --- ------- Andersen, Thom 1966-67
19363 17653 Children Only Once Buxani, Sadhana & Ditsi Carolino 1996 Philippines 60
19364 17628 Sogni nel cassetto, I Castellani, Renato 1957 Italy 105
19365 17645 True to Life Nelson, Gunvor 2006 Sweden 38
19366 17606 Brief Life of Fire, Act 2, Scene 2: Suring and the Kuk-ok Solito, Auraeus 1995 Philippines 9
19367 17594 American Casino Cockburn, Leslie 2009 USA 89
19368 17590 Words for Battle Jennings, Humphrey 1941 UK 8
19369 17650 Looking at the Sea Hutton, Peter B. 2001 USA 35
19370 17607 Collapse Smith, Chris 2009 USA 82
19371 17629 Essex Street Market Gehr, Ernie 2004
19372 17640 Blotto Parrott, James 1930 USA 26
19373 17589 Eternity Red, Raymond 1982 Philippines 25
19374 17662 Paradis pour tous Jessua, Alain 1982 France 110
19375 17604 Captive Virgins, The O'Hara, Mario & Romy Suzara 1977 Philippines 125
19376 17664 Camilla Emmer, Luciano 1954 Italy 90
19377 17670 Last War, The Matsubayashi, Shue 1961 Japan 110
19378 17669 Owls' Castle Shinoda, Masahiro 1999 Japan 138
19379 17659 'Nendo no omen' yori: kaachan Nakagawa, Nobuo 1961 Japan 88
19380 17660 Shafu yukyoden - kenka tatsu Kato, Tai 1964 Japan 100
19381 17654 Rizal in Dapitan Aguiluz, Tikoy 1997 Philippines 100
19382 17610 Downstairs Bell, Monta 1932 USA 77
19383 17666 My Crasy Life Gorin, Jean-Pierre 1992 UK 95
19384 17616 Petites Vacances, Les Peyon, Olivier 2006 France
19385 17682 Lonesome Lenny Avery, Tex 1946 USA 8
19386 17683 C'est l'aviron McLaren, Norman 1944 Canada 4
19387 17684 Song from Earth, The do Canto, Jorge Brum 1938 Portugal 115
19388 17685 Tonnelier, Le Rouquier, Georges 1942 France 23
19389 17687 Nezumikozô Jirokichi: Edo no maki Yamanaka, Sadao 1933 Japan 67
19390 17688 Nezumikozô Jirokichi: Futatabi edo no maki Yamanaka, Sadao 1933 Japan 81
19391 17686 Nezumikozô Jirokichi: Dôchû no maki Yamanaka, Sadao 1933 Japan 60
19392 17689 Wonderful Town Assarat, Aditya 2007 Thailand 92
19393 17690 Kalifornia Sena, Dominic 1993 USA 117
19394 17691 Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles Zhang Yimou 2005 Hong Kong 107
19395 17692 Get on the Bus Lee, Spike 1996 USA 120
19396 17700 Roadside Prophets Wool, Abbe 1992 USA 96
19397 17698 Soft Top, Hard Shoulder Schwartz, Stefan 1992 UK 95
19398 17694 Guantanamera Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás & Juan Carlos Tabío 1995 Spain 102
19399 17701 Tesouro da Juventude Omar, Arthur 1977 Brazil 14
19400 17696 Sae sang bakuro Yeo Kyun-dong 1994 South Korea 100
19401 17695 Spring in My Hometown Le Kwang-Mo 1998 South Korea 120
19402 17697 Merci la vie Blier, Bertrand 1991 France 118
19403 17693 Ride, The Sverák, Jan 1994 Czech Republic 90
19404 17703 Ye ban ge sheng xu ji Ma-Xu Weibang 1941 China 107
19405 17704 Preparation for the Festival Kuroki, Kazuo 1975 Japan 117
19406 21952 Cremaster 2 Barney, Matthew 1999 USA 79
19407 21951 Cremaster 4 Barney, Matthew 1994 USA 42
19408 17705 Edge of the City Ritt, Martin 1957 USA 85
19409 17706 Old Maid, The Goulding, Edmund 1939 USA 95
19410 17707 High, Wide, and Handsome Mamoulian, Rouben 1937 USA 110
19411 17721 Border Post, The Grlic, Rajko 2006 UK 94
19412 17714 Kristian Fric, Martin 1939 Czechoslovakia
19413 17720 Rothschild's Violin Cozarinsky, Edgardo 1996 France 101
19414 17717 Brasil Sganzerla, Rogério 1981 Brazil 20
19415 17719 Loose Change Avery, Dylan 2005 USA 61
19416 17718 Loners Ondrícek, David 2000 Czech Republic 103
19417 17723 Wounds, The Dragojevic, Srdjan 1998 Yugoslavia 103
19418 17724 Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease Zanussi, Krzysztof 2000 Poland 99
19419 17711 Third Part of the Night, The Żuławski, Andrzej 1971 Poland 107
19420 17716 Pied Piper, The Barta, Jirí 1986 Czechoslovakia 53
19421 17722 Whispering Waters Roy, Ron 1992 USA 44
19422 17708 Glass Harmonica, The Khrzhanovskiy, Andrey 1968 USSR 19
19423 17709 Corporal and the Others, The Keleti, Marton 1965 Hungary 111
19424 17712 Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire Raymont, Peter 2004 Canada 91
19425 17713 Witness, The Bacso, Peter 1969 Hungary 105
19426 17726 Barbarosa Schepisi, Fred 1982 USA 90
19427 17728 Toy Story 4 Cooley, Josh 2019 USA 100
19428 17737 Kunisada Chûji: Shinshû komoriuta Makino, Masahiro 1936 Japan 79
19429 17736 Bright Day of My Life, The Yoshimura, Kozaburo 1948 Japan 101
19430 17739 Terrible Couple, The Somai, Shinji 1980 Japan 106
19431 17733 Cappello da prete, Il Poggioli, Ferdinando Maria 1944 Italy 90
19432 17735 Sanbiki no koguma san Iwasaki, Akira 1931 Japan
19433 17732 Totò al giro d'Italia Mattoli, Mario 1948 Italy 88
19434 17738 Diva in the Netherworld Nagamine, Takafumi 1980 Japan
19435 17731 House of Ricordi Gallone, Carmine 1954 Italy 110
19436 17729 Tigre reale Pastrone, Giovanni 1916 Italy 80
19437 17734 Umano non umano Schifano, Mario 1972 Italy 95
19438 17741 Star, The Heisler, Stuart 1952 USA 89
19439 17742 Seven Sweethearts Borzage, Frank 1942 USA 98
19440 17743 Three Came Home Negulesco, Jean 1950 USA 106
19441 17746 Opening Night of Close-Up Moretti, Nanni 1996 Italy 7
19442 17747 Relax… It's Just Sex Castellaneta, P.J. 1998 USA 110
19443 17744 Aphex Twin: Come to Daddy Cunningham, Chris 1997 UK 6
19444 17745 Boundin' Luckey, Bud 2003 USA 5
19445 17748 President, The Dreyer, Carl Theodor 1919 Denmark 75
19446 17749 Once Upon a War Kjærulff-Schmidt, Palle 1966 Denmark 95
19447 17751 Johnny Larsen Arnfred, Morton 1979 Denmark 100
19448 17755 Harem suare Özpetek, Ferzan 1999 Italy 125
19449 17754 Sommerglæder Methling, Svend 1940 Denmark 89
19450 17752 Snow White Dawley, J. Searle 1916 USA 63
19451 17750 Life in Denmark Leth, Jørgen 1972 Denmark
19452 17757 Third Page, The Demirkubuz, Zeki 1999 Turkey 92
19453 17753 Ang.: Lone Ernst, Franz 1970 Denmark 97
19454 17756 Soldaten og Jenny Jacobsen, Johan 1947 Denmark 92
19455 17758 Whose Choice? London Women's Film Group 1976 UK
19456 17759 Point is to Change It, The von Alemann, Claudia 1973 West Germany 54
19457 17760 Ice Pirates, The Raffill, Stewart 1984 USA 91
19458 17761 Souls on the Road Murata, Minoru 1921 Japan 91
19459 17762 Kitchen Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 70
19460 17763 Billion Dollar Brain Russell, Ken 1967 UK 111
19461 17764 Cha cha cha [TV] Ferrero, Marcelo/Sebastián Borensztein/Jorge Katz/Nicolás Repetto/Sebastian Palatnik 1993-97 Argentina
19462 17765 Peter Capusotto y sus videos [TV] Egdechman, Maximilian/Diego Capusotto/Pedro Saborido 2006-13 Argentina
19463 17766 Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The [TV] Sherman-Palladino, Amy/Daniel Palladino/Scott Ellis/Jamie Babbit/Daniel Attias 2017-19 USA
19464 17767 Jurassic World Trevorrow, Colin 2015 USA 124
19465 17769 Nightdreams Delia, Francis 1981 USA 78
19466 17768 Secret Cinema, The Bartel, Paul 1968 USA 30
19467 17770 Romance of the West Chamber Li Minwei & Yao Hou 1927 China 49
19468 17777 Ming Ghost Chiu Kang Chien & Ye Lu-Chuen 1993 Taiwan 96
19469 17773 Jue dai jia ren Li Pingqian 1953 Hong Kong 110
19470 17771 Zarbat Khachikian, Samuel 1964 Iran 103
19471 17778 My Uncle Napoleon [TV] Taghvai, Nasser 1976 Iran 770
19472 17774 Escape from the Trap Moghadam, Jalal 1971 Iran 102
19473 17775 Chubby Mirlohi, Reza 1972 Iran 117
19474 17772 Goodbye Friend Naderi, Amir 1971 Iran 102
19475 17776 Maybe Some Other Time Beizai, Bahram 1988 Iran 159
19476 17779 Tickets Kiarostami, Abbas/Ken Loach/Ermanno Olmi 2005 Italy 110
19477 17780 Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell Kuroda, Yoshiyuki 1974 Japan 83
19478 17782 Romance Bianchi, Sergio 1988 Brazil 90
19479 17783 Argila Mauro, Humberto 1940 Brazil 103
19480 17781 Bahia de Todos os Santos Neto, José Hipolito Trigueirinho 1960 Brazil 100
19481 17784 Um Anjo Mau Santos, Roberto 1971 Brazil 109
19482 17787 Dawn Patrol, The Goulding, Edmund 1938 USA 103
19483 17788 Thunder Rock Boulting, Roy 1942 UK 112
19484 17785 Mask of Fu Manchu, The Brabin, Charles 1932 USA 68
19485 17789 Great Lie, The Goulding, Edmund 1941 USA 107
19486 17790 My Favorite Blonde Lanfield, Sidney 1942 USA 78
19487 17791 My Learned Friend Dearden, Basil & Will Hay 1943 UK 74
19488 17793 Private's Progress Boulting, John 1956 UK 99
19489 17792 Lady Killer Del Ruth, Roy 1933 USA 74
19490 17794 It's in the Bag Mason, Herbert 1945 USA 87
19491 17795 Idiot's Delight Brown, Clarence 1939 USA 105
19492 17796 Escape LeRoy, Mervyn 1940 USA 98
19493 17799 Show Business Marin, Edwin L. 1944 USA 92
19494 17798 Mr. Moto's Last Warning Foster, Norman 1939 USA 71
19495 17800 Keep Fit Kimmins, Anthony 1937 UK 82
19496 17797 Night My Number Came Up, The Norman, Leslie 1955 UK 94
19497 17801 Dad's Army Cohen, Norman 1971 UK 95
19498 17802 Bulldog Drummond Comes Back King, Louis 1937 USA 64
19499 17803 Face at the Window, The King, George 1939 UK 65
19500 17804 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Yates, David 2016 USA 133
19501 New Age, The Tolkin, Michael 1994 USA 110
19502 17806 Higuchi Ichiyo Namiki, Kyotaro 1939 Japan 83
19503 17805 Jirocho sangokushi: kaito-ichi no abarenbo Makino, Masahiro 1954 Japan 103
19504 17807 Zuiderzee Ivens, Joris 1930 Netherlands
19505 17810 Ariane Czinner, Paul 1931 Germany 85
19506 17809 Heimkehr May, Joe 1928 Germany 120
19507 17811 Überfall Metzner, Ernö 1928 Germany 21
19508 17812 Voruntersuchung Siodmak, Robert 1931 Germany 95
19509 17815 Sumurun Lubitsch, Ernst 1920 Germany 85
19510 17834 I.N.R.I. Wiene, Robert 1923 Germany 102
19511 17813 Stürme der Leidenschaft Siodmak, Robert 1932 Germany 101
19512 17814 Loves of Pharoah, The Lubitsch, Ernst 1922 Germany 100
19513 17839 Lucrezia Borgia Oswald, Richard 1922 Germany 75
19514 17829 Captain from Koepenick, The Dessauer, Siegfried 1926 Germany 82
19515 17831 Eifersucht Grune, Karl 1925 Germany 58
19516 17840 Hintertreppe Jessner, Leopold & Paul Leni 1921 Germany 50
19517 17825 Erdgeist Jessner, Leopold 1923 Germany 50
19518 17819 Opus III Ruttmann, Walter 1924 Germany 3
19519 17818 Mysteries of India, Part I: Truth May, Joe 1921 Germany 120
19520 17821 Dirnentragödie Rahn, Bruno 1927 Germany 85
19521 17828 Manon Lescaut Robison, Arthur 1926 Germany 99
19522 17824 Danton Buchowetzki, Dimitri 1921 Germany 60
19523 17842 Veritas vincit May, Joe 1919 Germany 127
19524 17823 Holy Mountain, The Fanck, Arnold 1926 Germany 100
19525 17817 Opus II Ruttmann, Walter 1921 Germany 4
19526 17820 Chronicles of the Gray House, The von Gerlach, Arthur 1925 Germany 110
19527 17826 Mysteries of India, Part II: Above All Law May, Joe 1921 Germany 100
19528 17838 Peter the Great Buchowetzki, Dimitri 1922 Germany 60
19529 17850 Mr. Suzuki Comes to Australia Fletcher, Paul 1981 Australia
19530 17843 Tragedy of Love, The May, Joe 1923 Germany
19531 17844 Queen Louise Grune, Karl 1927 Germany
19532 17848 Dreams Come True Stevenson, Jane 1982 Australia
19533 17827 Husbands or Lovers Czinner, Paul 1924 Germany 56
19534 17833 Ein Glas Wasser Berger, Ludwig 1923 Germany
19535 17852 Watermelon Babies Vandermeide, Alan 1983 Australia
19536 17851 Hoddle Street Suite Dunkley-Smith, John 1977 Australia 20
19537 17853 Manless Kozic, Maria 1981 Australia
19538 17822 Othello Buchowetzki, Dimitri 1922 Germany 79
19539 17845 Dreyfus Oswald, Richard 1930 Germany 115
19540 17816 Alraune Oswald, Richard 1930 Germany 103
19541 17849 Ocean at Point Lookout Cantrill, Corinne & Arthur Cantrill 1977 Australia 46
19542 17847 Palm Beach Thoms, Albie 1980 Australia 88
19543 17830 Walzerkrieg Berger, Ludwig 1933 Germany 93
19544 17835 Rose Bernd Halm, Alfred 1919 Germany 70
19545 17837 Living Corpse, The Otsep, Fyodor 1929 Germany 82
19546 17841 Daughter of Destiny, A Galeen, Henrik 1928 Germany 108
19547 17836 Master of Nuremberg, The Berger, Ludwig 1927 Germany 80
19548 17832 Diary of a Lost Woman, The Oswald, Richard 1918 Germany 60
19549 17854 Matrix Revolutions, The Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 2003 USA 129
19550 17857 Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 3: From Sark to the Finish, The Greenaway, Peter 2004 UK 124
19551 17856 Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea, The Greenaway, Peter 2004 UK 108
19552 17858 Tulse Luper Suitcases: Antwerp, The Greenaway, Peter 2003 Italy 120
19553 17855 Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1: The Moab Story, The Greenaway, Peter 2003 UK 127
19554 22576 Pusher 3 Refn, Nicolas Winding 2005 Denmark 90
19555 17859 Amei um Bicheiro Ileli, Jorge & Paulo Wanderley 1952 Brazil 90
19556 23665 Daughter of Dawn, The Myles, Norbert A. 1920 USA 80
19557 23328 Two Mules for Sister Sara Siegel, Don 1970 USA 116
19558 23353 Blue Lagoon, The Kleiser, Randal 1980 USA 104
19559 23842 Conspiracy Theory Donner, Richard 1997 USA 135
19560 23894 Heart Beat Byrum, John 1980 USA 105
19561 White Mountains Ubukeyev, Melis 1964 USSR 63
19562 23714 Verlorene Sohn, Der Trenker, Luis 1934 USA 102
19563 Prikosnoveniye Aituarov, Amanzhol 1989 USSR 75
19564 Ceiling Zero Hawks, Howard 1935 USA 95
19565 Absolute Power Eastwood, Clint 1996 USA 122
19566 Her Socialist Smile Gianvito, John 2020 USA 93
19567 23101 High Wall Bernhardt, Curtis 1947 USA 99
19568 Limbo Sen, Ivan 2023 Australia 108
19569 Guilty, The Möller, Gustav 2018 Denmark 85
19570 Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Craig, Kelly Fremon 2023 USA 106
19571 Manchurian Candidate, The Demme, Jonathan 2004 USA 129
19572 Ides of March, The Clooney, George 2011 USA 101
19573 Mad Detective To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2007 Hong Kong 86
19574 Captain Fantastic Ross, Matt 2016 USA 118
19575 Circle of Danger Tourneur, Jacques 1951 UK 86
19576 Hurricane, The Ford, John 1937 USA 102
19577 Client, The Schumacher, Joel 1994 USA 122
19578 23266 Cause for Alarm! Garnett, Tay 1951 USA 74
19579 Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend, The Sturges, Preston 1949 USA 77
19580 French Kiss Kasdan, Lawrence 1995 USA 111
19581 Eight Hours of Terror Suzuki, Seijun 1957 Japan 77
19582 Sex and Fury Suzuki, Norifumi 1973 Japan 88
19583 Father of the Bride Shyer, Charles 1991 USA 105
19584 Double Jeopardy Beresford, Bruce 1999 USA 105
19585 Six Days, Seven Nights Reitman, Ivan 1998 USA 101
19586 Mr. Holland's Opus Herek, Stephen 1995 USA 142
19587 He Died with a Felafel in His Hand Lowenstein, Richard 2001 Australia 107
19588 Mountain, The Dmytryk, Edward 1956 USA 105
19589 Good Luck to You, Leo Grande Hyde, Sophie 2022 UK 97
19590 Safe Haven Hallström, Lasse 2013 USA 115
19591 Hell's Heroes Wyler, William 1929 USA 68
19592 Robin Hood Scott, Ridley 2010 USA 140
19593 Thugs with Dirty Mugs Avery, Tex 1939 USA 8
19594 Siraa Fil-Wadi Chahine, Youssef 1954 Egypt 105
19595 Kimi Soderbergh, Steven 2022 USA 89
19596 T.V. of Tomorrow Avery, Tex 1953 USA 7
19597 Rabbia di Pasolini, La Pasolini, Pier Paolo & Giuseppe Bertolucci 2008 Italy 83
19598 Marathon Saura, Carlos 1993 Spain 130
19599 Hotel Splendide Powell, Michael 1932 UK 53
19600 Spawn of the North Hathaway, Henry 1938 USA 110
19601 Sanshiro Sugata II Kurosawa, Akira 1945 Japan 83
19602 Solomon and Sheba Vidor, King 1959 USA 141
19603 Beischlafdiebin, Die [TV] Petzold, Christian 1998 Germany 85
19604 Toter Mann [TV] Petzold, Christian 2001 Germany 90
19605 Desperate Journey Walsh, Raoul 1942 USA 107
19606 Beach, The Boyle, Danny 2000 USA 119
19607 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Miller, George 2024 Australia 148
19608 Athlete A Cohen, Bonni & Jon Shenk 2020 USA 103
19609 Godzilla Minus One Yamazaki, Takashi 2023 Japan 124
19610 Castaway on the Moon Lee Hae-jun 2009 South Korea 116
19611 Anita Leung Lok Man 2021 Hong Kong 137
19612 What Happened Then? Summers, Walter 1934 UK 58
19613 Sweetheart Dillard, J.D. 2019 USA 82
19614 Extortion Volken, Phil 2017 USA 108
19615 Doss House Baxter, John 1933 UK 53
19616 Twilight's Kiss Yeung, Ray 2019 Hong Kong 92
19617 Bulldog Drummond Jones, F. Richard 1929 USA 89
19618 Christmas Every Day [TV] Peerce, Larry 1996 USA 95
19619 Baahubali 2: The Conclusion Rajamouli, S.S. 2017 India 167
19620 Retreat Tibbetts, Carl 2011 UK 90
19621 Rodeo Ballard, Carroll 1969 USA 20
19622 Map of Tiny Perfect Things, The Samuels, Ian 2021 USA 98
19623 Boss Level Carnahan, Joe 2020 USA 100
19624 Little Woods DaCosta, Nia 2018 USA 105
19625 Still Human Chan, Oliver Siu Kuen 2018 Hong Kong 115
19626 CODA Heder, Sian 2021 USA 111
19627 Horrors of Spider Island Böttger, Fritz 1960 West Germany 89
19628 Mad God Tippett, Phil 2021 USA 83
19629 Two Distant Strangers Free, Travon & Martin Desmond Roe 2020 USA 32
19630 Calming, The Song Fang 2020 China
19631 Pathaan Anand, Siddharth 2023 India 146
19632 Something in the Dirt Benson, Justin & Aaron Moorhead 2022 USA 116
19633 Repeaters Bessai, Carl 2010 Canada 89
19634 13 jours en France Lelouch, Claude & François Reichenbach 1968 France 112
19635 Late Night with the Devil Cairnes, Cameron & Colin Cairnes 2023 Australia 86
19636 Light in the Tropics Gaitán, Paula 2020 Brazil 259
19637 Ulica Graniczna Ford, Aleksander 1948 Poland 110
19638 Goldene Stadt, Die Harlan, Veit 1942 Germany 110
19639 Who Do I Belong To Joobeur, Meryam 2024 Tunisia 120
19640 Dachra Bouchnak, Abdelhamid 2018 Tunisia 114
19641 Koko-di Koko-da Nyholm, Johannes 2019 Sweden 86
19642 Kindil El Bahr Ounouri, Damien 2016 Algeria 41
19643 Pegasus Mouftakir, Mohamed 2010 Morocco 104
19644 Fourth Direction, The Singh, Gurvinder 2015 India 115
19645 Really Love Williams, Angel Kristi 2020 USA 95
19646 Osânda Nicolaescu, Sergiu 1976 Romania 112
19647 Fangs Shebl, Mohammed 1981 Egypt 100
19648 Widows [TV] Toynton, Ian & Paul Annett 1983-85 301
19649 Stunt Rock Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1978 Netherlands 91
19650 Nuits électriques, Les Deslaw, Eugene 1928 France 13
19651 Tall Shadows of the Wind Farmanara, Bahman 1979 Iran 111
19652 Ballad of Tara Beizai, Bahram 1979 Iran 110
19653 Sayedat al akmar al sawdaa Khouri, Samir A. 1971 Lebanon 106
19654 Red Lanterns, The Georgiadis, Vasilis 1963 Greece 132
19655 Slogans Xhuvani, Gjergj 2001 France 90
19656 Elisa & Marcela Coixet, Isabel 2019 Spain 118
19657 Kissing Booth, The Marcello, Vince 2018 UK 105
19658 Very British Coup, A [TV] Jackson, Mick 1988 UK 148
19659 Maria Marten, or the Murder in the Red Barn Rosmer, Milton 1935 UK 70
19660 Dam, The Cherri, Ali 2022 Serbia 80
19661 Witches of the Orient, The Faraut, Julien 2021 France 100
19662 Rebel Ridge Saulnier, Jeremy 2024 USA 131
19663 Edge of Darkness [TV] Campbell, Martin 1985 UK
19664 Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum Jung Bum-shik 2018 South Korea 95
19665 Innocents, The Vogt, Eskil 2021 Norway 117
19666 Eye in the Sky Yau Nai-Hoi 2007 Hong Kong 90
19667 Wakare-gumo Gosho, Heinosuke 1951 Japan 95
19668 Jennifer Hale Mainwaring, Bernard 1937 UK 66
19669 Where the Crawdads Sing Newman, Olivia 2022 USA 125
19670 Home Song Stories, The Ayres, Tony 2007 Australia 103
19671 Été à La Goulette, Un Boughedir, Férid 1996 Tunisia 89
19672 Hating Game, The Hutchings, Peter 2021 USA 102
19673 White Vertigo Ferroni, Giorgio 1956 Italy 96
19674 Olympic Games Held at Chamonix in 1924, The de Rovera, Jean 1925 France 37
19675 #Alive Cho Il-hyung 2020 South Korea 98
19676 Bride of the Nile Wahab, Fatin Abdel 1963 Egypt 105
19677 Malcolm & Marie Levinson, Sam 2021 USA 106
19678 Macu, la mujer del policía Hoogesteijn, Solveig 1987 Venezuela 90
19679 Third Clue, The Parker, Albert 1934 UK 72
19680 Uninhabited Bennett, Bill 2010 Australia 88
19681 Be My Cat: A Film for Anne Tofei, Adrian 2015 Romania 87
19682 Phantom Empire, The Brower, Otto & B. Reeves Eason 1935 USA 245
19683 Mouse Trouble Hanna, William & Joseph Barbera 1944 USA 7
19684 Cam Goldhaber, Daniel 2018 USA 94
19685 Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty, An Fong, Eddie Ling-Ching 1984 Hong Kong 102
19686 McPherson Tape, The Alioto, Dean 1989 USA 66
19687 Incantation Ko, Kevin 2022 Taiwan 110
19688 Otro Francisco, El Giral, Sergio 1974 Cuba 97
19689 Ashakara Louvin, Gérard 1991 Burkina Faso 100
19690 Terra Sonâmbula Prata, Teresa 2007 Mozambique 97
19691 12:01 pm Heap, Jonathan 1990 USA 25
19692 Secret of the Loch, The Rosmer, Milton 1934 UK 72
19693 Naked Tiddes, Michael 2017 USA 96
19694 River Yamaguchi, Junta 2023 Japan 86
19695 Veleno Olivares, Diego 2017 Italy 103
19696 Talk to Me Philippou, Danny & Michael Philippou 2022 Australia 94
19697 Viva Erotica Yee Tung-Shing & Law Chi-Leung 1996 Hong Kong 99
19698 Blackening, The Story, Tim 2022 USA 97
19699 Incredible Shrinking Wknd, The Caballero, Jon Mikel 2019 Spain 93
19700 Death on the Nile Branagh, Kenneth 2022 USA 127
19701 End of Man, The Marins, José Mojica 1971 Brazil 79
19702 Ani to sono imoto Shimazu, Yasujiro 1939 Japan 101
19703 Deadly Illusions James, Anna Elizabeth 2021 USA 114
19704 Ten Years Au, Jevons/Kiwi Chow/Zune Kwok/Ng Ka-Leung/Wong Fei-Pang 2015 Hong Kong 104
19705 Ophelia McCarthy, Claire 2018 USA 106
19706 Tredowata Gardan, Juliusz 1936 Poland 90
19707 Terra madre Blasetti, Alessandro 1931 Italy 90
19708 Night Drum Imai, Tadashi 1958 Japan 95
19709 Light from Light Harrill, Paul 2019 USA 83
19710 Unicorn Wars Vázquez, Alberto 2022 Spain 92
19711 Burroughs: The Movie Brookner, Howard 1983 USA 90
19712 365 Days: This Day Bialowas, Barbara & Tomasz Mandes 2022 Poland 111
19713 Hell House LLC Cognetti, Stephen 2015 USA 93
19714 Missing Johnson, Nicholas D. & Will Merrick 2023 USA 111
19715 Where the Devil Roams Adams, John/Zelda Adams/Toby Poser 2023 USA 93
19716 Song hua jiang shang Jin Shan 1947 China 130
19717 Dragon's Return Grecner, Eduard 1968 Czechoslovakia 85
19718 Zugvögel - ... einmal nach Inari Lichtefeld, Peter 1998 Germany 87
19719 Taxi Driver (Citizen I) Yukol, Chatrichalerm 1977 Thailand 140
19720 Good Heart, The Kári, Dagur 2009 Iceland 99
19721 When Evil Lurks Rugna, Demián 2023 Argentina 99
19722 Adore Fontaine, Anne 2013 Australia 112
19723 Meet Cute Lehmann, Alex 2022 USA 89
19724 When We First Met Sandel, Ari 2018 USA 97
19725 Ala-Arriba! Leitão de Barros, José 1942 Portugal 94
19726 StageFright Soavi, Michele 1987 Italy 90
19727 17 Again Steers, Burr 2009 USA 102
19728 We Bought a Zoo Crowe, Cameron 2011 USA 124
19729 Boys State McBaine, Amanda & Jesse Moss 2020 USA 109
19730 Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams Chong, Tommy 1981 USA 89
19731 Great Debaters, The Washington, Denzel 2007 USA 123
19732 Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Kwapis, Ken 2005 USA
19733 Ghost Camera, The Vorhaus, Bernard 1933 UK 66
19734 Stick It Bendinger, Jessica 2006 Germany 103
19735 Death Ship Rakoff, Alvin 1980 Canada 91
19736 Me Before You Sharrock, Thea 2016 USA 110
19737 King Arthur Fuqua, Antoine 2004 USA 125
19738 Enthiran Shankar, S. 2010 India 155
19739 Dad Goldberg, Gary David 1989 USA 117
19740 Dear John Hallström, Lasse 2010 USA 108
19741 Pacemakers: Glenda Jackson, The [TV] Central Office of Information 1971 UK 14
19742 Suspect Yates, Peter 1987 USA 121
19743 Elles Szumowska, Malgorzata 2011 France 99
19744 Merlin [TV] Barron, Steve 1998 USA
19745 Opus Levy, Don 1967 UK 29
19746 Jean Gentil Cárdenas, Israel & Laura Amelia Guzmán 2010 Dominican Republic 84
19747 Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives McLoughlin, Tom 1986 USA 87
19748 Tiger Bay Wills, J. Elder 1934 UK 70
19749 Queen is Crowned, A Waldman, Michael 1953 UK 82
19750 Black Horse Canyon Hibbs, Jesse 1954 USA 81
19751 Terror Train Spottiswoode, Roger 1980 Canada 97
19752 Executive Action Miller, David 1973 USA 91
19753 Visions of Eight Forman, Milos/Kon Ichikawa/Claude Lelouch/Yuri Ozerov/Arthur Penn/Michael Pfleghar/John Schlesinger/Mai Zetterling 1973 USA 110
19754 Baby-Sitter's Club, The Mayron, Melanie 1995 USA 85
19755 Kindergarten Cop Reitman, Ivan 1990 USA 111
19756 Black Rodeo Kanew, Jeff 1972 USA 87
19757 Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In Soi Cheang 2024 Hong Kong 126
19758 23848 One Way Street Fregonese, Hugo 1950 USA 79
19759 Time To Kill, A Schumacher, Joel 1996 USA 145
19760 Last Broadcast, The Weiler, Lance 1998 USA
19761 Tristan + Isolde Reynolds, Kevin 2006 Germany 125
19762 Urban Legend Blanks, Jamie 1998 Canada 99
19763 Charley Says: Strangers Taylor, Richard 1973 UK 1
19764 First Knight Zucker, Jerry 1995 USA 132
19765 Much Loved Ayouch, Nabil 2015 France 104
19766 Cheaper by the Dozen Levy, Shawn 2003 USA 97
19767 Final Girls, The Strauss-Schulson, Todd 2015 USA 91
19768 Kaante Gupta, Sanjay 2002 India 151
19769 Hey Babu Riba Acin, Jovan 1986 Yugoslavia 112
19770 Madagascar Darnell, Eric & Tom McGrath 2005 USA 86
19771 R-Point Kong Su-Chang 2004 South Korea 107
19772 Silent Night, Deadly Night Part II Harry, Lee 1987 USA 88
19773 My Blue Heaven Ross, Herbert 1990 USA 95
19774 Prom Night Lynch, Paul 1980 Canada 91
19775 Ice Princess Fywell, Tim 2005 Canada 98
19776 Cinderella [TV] Iscove, Robert 1997 USA 88
19777 Orion and the Dark Charmatz, Sean 2024 France
19778 Jester's Tale, A Zeman, Karel 1964 Czechoslovakia 82
19779 Harlem on the Prairie Newfield, Sam 1937 USA 57
19780 Lord of the Flies Hook, Harry 1990 USA 90
19781 Phantom Boy Felicioli, Jean-Loup & Alain Gagnol 2015 France 85
19782 Nasir Karthick, Arun 2020 India 85
19783 Devil Between the Legs Ripstein, Arturo 2019 Mexico 147
19784 Challenge, The Ancarani, Yuri 2016 Switzerland 69
19785 Bull Williams, Paul Andrew 2021 UK 88
19786 Monsters University Scanlon, Dan 2013 USA 110
19787 Paper Towns Schreier, Jake 2015 USA
19788 Settlers, The Gálvez Haberle, Felipe 2023 Chile 97
19789 Love Lies Bleeding Glass, Rose 2024 UK 104
19790 Scream Bettinelli-Olpin, Matt & Tyler Gillett 2022 USA 114
19791 Desert Victory Boulting, Roy & David MacDonald 1943 UK 60
19792 Beautiful Boy van Groeningen, Felix 2018 USA 120
19793 Mr. English at Home Hales, Gordon 1940 UK 27
19794 Five Feet Apart Baldoni, Justin 2019 USA 116
19795 Abruptio Marlowe, Evan 2023 USA 94
19796 Little Giant, The Del Ruth, Roy 1933 USA 74
19797 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Little, Dwight H. 1988 USA 88
19798 Black Gravel Käutner, Helmut 1961 West Germany 113
19799 Doorway to Hell, The Mayo, Archie 1930 USA 78
19800 Sylvie's Love Ashe, Eugene 2020 USA 114
19801 Judge, The Dobkin, David 2014 USA 141
19802 Velvet Buzzsaw Gilroy, Dan 2019 USA 113
19803 17861 My Last Film Anger, Zia 2015 USA 9
19804 Clemency Chukwu, Chinonye 2019 USA 113
19805 Till Chukwu, Chinonye 2022 USA 130
19806 17862 Much Ado About Nothing Branagh, Kenneth 1993 UK 111
19807 17863 How to Marry a Millionaire Negulesco, Jean 1953 USA 95
19808 17874 Smoke Signals Eyre, Chris 1998 Canada 89
19809 17867 Presumed Innocent Pakula, Alan J. 1990 USA 127
19810 17872 Moonraker Gilbert, Lewis 1979 USA 126
19811 17873 Rodan Honda, Ishiro 1956 Japan 74
19812 23044 Eternal Daughter, The Hogg, Joanna 2022 UK 96
19813 17868 Someone to Watch Over Me Scott, Ridley 1987 USA 106
19814 Lemon Drop Kid, The Lanfield, Sidney 1951 USA 91
19815 17878 Mole Agent, The Alberdi, Maite 2020 Chile 84
19816 17879 Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell, The Preminger, Otto 1955 USA 100
19817 18093 Fair Play Domont, Chloe 2023 USA 113
19818 17882 Perfect Murder, A Davis, Andrew 1998 USA 107
19819 17883 Junior Reitman, Ivan 1994 USA 110
19820 17885 Entertainment Alverson, Rick 2015 USA 103
19821 17886 Wild Geese, The McLaglen, Andrew V. 1978 UK 134
19822 17871 Shattered Petersen, Wolfgang 1991 USA 98
19823 17887 Eleven P.M. Maurice, Richard 1928 USA 67
19824 White Reindeer Clark, Zach 2013 USA 82
19825 17888 Escape to Athena Cosmatos, George P. 1979 UK 101
19826 17889 Old Acquaintance Sherman, Vincent 1943 USA 110
19827 Rookie of the Year Stern, Daniel 1993 USA 103
19828 17890 Fear Foley, James 1996 USA 95
19829 17981 Beasts, The Sorogoyen, Rodrigo 2022 Spain 137
19830 Christmas Dream, The Méliès, Georges 1901 France 4
19831 17900 Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, The Friedkin, William 2023 USA 108
19832 17898 Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps Stevens, George 1945 USA 59
19833 18031 Bullet Train Leitch, David 2022 USA 127
19834 17891 Jupiter Ascending Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski 2015 USA 127
19835 17893 Prophecy Frankenheimer, John 1979 USA 102
19836 23041 Crimes of the Future Cronenberg, David 2022 Canada 107
19837 17897 Saturn 3 Donen, Stanley 1980 UK 88
19838 17896 Hole of My Own Making, A Uchida, Tomu 1955 Japan 125
19839 17944 Northman, The Eggers, Robert 2022 USA 137
19840 17984 Suzume Shinkai, Makoto 2022 Japan 122
19841 17892 Violent Panic: The Big Crash Fukasaku, Kinji 1976 Japan 85
19842 17894 Two Evil Eyes Argento, Dario & George A. Romero 1990 Italy 120
19843 18006 Slaughter High Dugdale, George/Mark Ezra/Peter Mackenzie Litten 1986 UK 90
19844 17960 I Know Who Killed Me Sivertson, Chris 2007 USA 105
19845 18036 When I Knew [TV] Bailey, Fenton & Randy Barbato 2008 USA 45
19846 17988 My Brother… Nikhil Onir 2005 India 120
19847 17987 Kuso Lotus, Flying 2017 USA 94
19848 17978 Drifting Home Ishida, Hiroyasu 2022 Japan 119
19849 18008 Defiant Ones, The [TV] Hughes, Allen 2017 USA
19850 17962 Gray Man, The Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2022 USA 122
19851 17989 Sharknado [TV] Ferrante, Anthony C. 2013 USA 86
19852 18060 Operation Mekong Lam, Dante 2016 China 123
19853 17979 Badnam Basti Kapoor, Prem 1971 India 100
19854 17969 Dhoom 2 Gadhvi, Sanjay 2006 India 152
19855 18057 Ghosts of Rwanda [TV] Barker, Greg 2004 USA 120
19856 17971 Intervention, The DuVall, Clea 2017 USA 90
19857 17966 I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Ushijima, Shin'ichiro 2018 Japan 109
19858 17990 Peter and the Farm Stone, Tony 2016 USA 91
19859 17965 One Piece: Stampede Otsuka, Takashi 2019 Japan 101
19860 17961 Tell-Tale Heart, The Eggers, Robert 2008 USA 21
19861 18047 Save Yourselves! Fischer, Alex Huston & Eleanor Wilson 2020 USA 93
19862 17995 Vampire and the Ballerina, The Polselli, Renato 1960 Italy 85
19863 17998 Memories in March Nag, Sanjoy 2010 India 104
19864 17964 Buddha: The Great Departure Morishita, Kozo 2011 Japan 111
19865 18055 Soldier Anderson, Paul W.S. 1998 USA 99
19866 Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Lau, William 2004 USA 85
19867 18039 Sputnik Abramenko, Egor 2020 Russia 113
19868 Arrhythmia Khlebnikov, Boris 2017 Russia 116
19869 17985 Iratta jeevitham Narayanan, Suresh 2018 India 102
19870 18010 Slash/Back Innuksuk, Nyla 2022 Canada 86
19871 17972 Someone Great Robinson, Jennifer Kaytin 2019 USA 92
19872 18012 Reservation Dogs [TV] Harjo, Sterlin/Blackhorse Lowe/Tazbah Chavez/Danis Goulet/Sydney Freeland/Erica Tremblay/Devery Jacobs 2021-23 USA
19873 18030 Coach Zoran and His African Tigers Benstead, Sam 2014 UK 75
19874 17991 Amongst White Clouds Burger, Edward A. 2005 China 86
19875 18045 John Mayer: Someday I'll Fly Allen, Eastwood 2014 UK 66
19876 18033 Pico, El de la Iglesia, Eloy 1983 Spain 110
19877 18046 Fourth Kind, The Osunsanmi, Olatunde 2009 USA 98
19878 Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor Stoten, David 2017 UK 73
19879 17999 Crime of Bordadores Street, The Neville, Edgar 1946 Spain 92
19880 18029 India Cabaret [TV] Nair, Mira 1985 India 60
19881 17963 Cask of Amontillado, The Wilets, Bernard 1979 USA 18
19882 17975 Boy Meets Girl Schaeffer, Eric 2014 USA 95
19883 18064 Blue Jay Lehmann, Alex 2016 USA 80
19884 18052 Nappily Ever After Al-Mansour, Haifaa 2018 USA 98
19885 18035 Operation Ganymed [TV] Erler, Rainer 1977 West Germany 118
19886 17992 Year Without a Santa Claus, The [TV] Bass, Jules & Arthur Rankin Jr. 1974 USA 51
19887 18076 Bloodhound, The Picard, Patrick 2020 USA 72
19888 Cheviot, the Stag and the Black Black Oil, The [TV] Mackenzie, John 1974 UK 90
19889 Rob Roy Kellino, W.P. 1922 UK 86
19890 Weekend of a Champion Simon, Frank 1972 UK 80
19891 17973 Bottoms Seligman, Emma 2023 USA 91
19892 18056 Ruben Brandt, Collector Krstic, Milorad 2018 Hungary 96
19893 18042 Morena Clara Rey, Florián 1936 Spain 105
19894 17996 Playing with Sharks: The Valerie Taylor Story Aitken, Sally 2021 USA
19895 18040 Boys in the Band, The Mantello, Joe 2020 USA 121
19896 18048 Dramarama Wysocki, Jonathan 2020 USA 91
19897 18038 Circus of Books Mason, Rachel 2019 USA 92
19898 17967 My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising Nagasaki, Kenji 2019 Japan 104
19899 18000 Sweeney! Wickes, David 1977 UK 98
19900 18041 2001: A Space Travesty Goldstein, Allan A. 2001 Canada 99
19901 17986 Margarita with a Straw Bose, Shonali 2014 India 100
19902 17993 Santa Claus is Comin' to Town [TV] Bass, Jules & Arthur Rankin Jr. 1970 USA 48
19903 18063 6 Years Fidell, Hannah 2015 USA 79
19904 17974 Jawbreaker Stein, Darren 1999 USA 86
19905 17997 Psychonauts, the Forgotten Children Rivero, Pedro & Alberto Vázquez 2015 Spain 76
19906 Pokémon Detective Pikachu Letterman, Rob 2019 USA 104
19907 18007 Expendables 2, The West, Simon 2012 USA 103
19908 Borderlands, The Goldner, Elliot 2013 UK 89
19909 18011 Oblivion Kosinski, Joseph 2013 USA 125
19910 18013 Patema Inverted Yasuhiro, Yoshiura 2013 Japan 98
19911 18002 To Do List, The Carey, Maggie 2013 USA 104
19912 18054 Palo Alto Coppola, Gia 2013 USA
19913 18026 Fast & Furious 6 Lin, Justin 2013 USA 130
19914 17970 22 Jump Street Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller 2014 USA 112
19915 17977 Five-Year Engagement, The Stoller, Nicholas 2012 USA 124
19916 17976 Aligarh Mehta, Hansal 2015 India 114
19917 18037 It's Only the End of the World Dolan, Xavier 2016 Canada 97
19918 18062 Bad Genius Poonpiriya, Nattawut 2017 Thailand 130
19919 Outlaw King Mackenzie, David 2018 UK 121
19920 Mary Queen of Scots Rourke, Josie 2018 UK 124
19921 18058 This is Congo McCabe, Daniel 2017 Canada
19922 18050 Creative Control Dickinson, Benjamin 2015 USA 97
19923 17914 Ladybug Ladybug Perry, Frank 1963 USA 84
19924 18049 Wrinkles Ferreras, Ignacio 2011 Spain 89
19925 Over the Hedge Johnson, Tim & Karey Kirkpatrick 2006 USA 83
19926 There's Only One Jimmy Grimble Hay, John 2000 UK
19927 17927 Along Came Polly Hamburg, John 2004 USA 90
19928 17928 Common Wealth de la Iglesia, Álex 2000 Spain 110
19929 17929 Under the Tuscan Sun Wells, Audrey 2003 USA 112
19930 17930 Muppets from Space Hill, Tim 1999 UK 88
19931 17931 Pornographer, The Bonello, Bertrand 2001 France 108
19932 17933 Shark Tale Bergeron, Bibo/Vicky Jenson/Rob Letterman 2004 USA 89
19933 18016 Celeste and Jesse Forever Krieger, Lee Toland 2012 USA 92
19934 17941 Jason X Isaac, James 2001 USA 91
19935 18034 Blood Quantum Barnaby, Jeff 2019 Canada 98
19936 Around the World in 80 Days Coraci, Frank 2004 USA 120
19937 17968 Tell Me Something Chang Yoon-hyun 1999 South Korea 118
19938 All My Friends Hate Me Gaynord, Andrew 2021 UK 93
19939 17917 Chico & Rita Trueba, Fernando/Javier Mariscal/Tono Errando 2010 Spain 93
19940 17911 Friends with Benefits Gluck, Will 2011 USA 109
19941 18095 Myth of the American Sleepover, The Mitchell, David Robert 2010 USA 93
19942 Eagle, The Macdonald, Kevin 2010 USA 114
19943 17980 Phantom Love Menkes, Nina 2007 USA 87
19944 Brother Bear Blaise, Aaron & Robert Walker 2003 USA 85
19945 18099 Shori-sha Inoue, Umetsugu 1957 Japan 97
19946 18025 Genesis Lesage, Philippe 2018 Canada 129
19947 18073 Fatma 75 Baccar, Selma 1975 Tunisia 60
19948 18092 100 Yen Love Take, Masaharu 2014 Japan 113
19949 18082 Drylongso Smith, Cauleen 1998 USA 86
19950 18065 Mokhtar Aïcha, Sadok Ben 1968 Tunisia 87
19951 18071 Challat de Tunis, Le Hania, Kaouther Ben 2013 Tunisia 90
19952 18081 Eunuch and the Flute Player, The Ganguly, Kaushik 2017 India 115
19953 18070 Kodiyettam Gopalakrishnan, Adoor 1977 India 137
19954 18094 Enchanted Forest, The Cuerda, José Luis 1987 Spain 107
19955 18077 Colonel Wolodyjowski Hoffman, Jerzy 1969 Poland 160
19956 18098 Boxer, The Terayama, Shuji 1977 Japan 94
19957 18079 Milczenie Kutz, Kazimierz 1963 Poland 100
19958 18078 Westerplatte Rózewicz, Stanislaw 1967 Poland 96
19959 18083 Small, Slow But Steady Miyake, Sho 2022 Japan 99
19960 18068 Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan Mirza, Saeed Akhtar 1978 India 118
19961 18066 Babushkas of Chernobyl, The Bogart, Anne & Holly Morris 2015 USA 70
19962 18074 Doll, The Mattsson, Arne 1962 Sweden 96
19963 18053 Blind Woman's Curse Ishii, Teruo 1970 Japan 85
19964 18080 Elder One, The Mohandas, Geethu 2019 India 125
19965 Ninjababy Flikke, Yngvild Sve 2021 Norway 103
19966 18014 Isadora’s Children Manivel, Damien 2019 France 84
19967 18051 Only You Wootliff, Harry 2018 UK 118
19968 18032 Spider-Man: No Way Home Watts, Jon 2021 USA 148
19969 18005 What's Up Connection Yamamoto, Masashi 1990 Japan 120
19970 18003 Midnight Sky, The Clooney, George 2020 USA 118
19971 18022 Grandfather, The Garci, José Luis 1998 Spain 151
19972 18004 Perfection, The Shepard, Richard 2018 USA 90
19973 18086 Sejnane Ammar, Abdetallif Ben 1974 Tunisia 110
19974 18021 Your Name Engraved Herein Liu Kuang-Hui 2020 Taiwan 118
19975 17949 Dream Lover Kazan, Nicholas 1993 USA 103
19976 18091 Scarlet Marcello, Pietro 2022 France 100
19977 18017 Alone in the Wilderness [TV] Proenneke, Dick 2004 USA 57
19978 18020 Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Sotozaki, Haruo 2020 Japan 117
19979 18069 Nanny Jusu, Nikyatu 2022 USA 97
19980 18075 In the Land of Tararanni Boughedir, Férid/Hamouda Ben Halima/Hédi Ben Khalifa 1973 Tunisia 80
19981 18084 Escape from Mogadishu Ryu Seung-wan 2021 South Korea 121
19982 18097 Unchain Toyoda, Toshiaki 2000 Japan 98
19983 18096 Tomorrow's Joe Sori, Fumihiko 2011 Japan 131
19984 18023 Year of the Discovery, The López Carrasco, Luis 2020 Spain 200
19985 17940 Clovehitch Killer, The Skiles, Duncan 2018 USA 109
19986 Help! I'm a Fish Fjeldmark, Stefan & Michael Hegner 2000 Denmark 80
19987 Pupille, Le Rohrwacher, Alice 2022 Italy 39
19988 17934 Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms Okada, Mari 2018 Japan 115
19989 17903 Meg, The Turteltaub, Jon 2018 USA 113
19990 17946 Transeúntes Aller, Luis 2015 Spain 101
19991 17953 Bessie [TV] Rees, Dee 2015 USA 132
19992 17925 Hardcore Henry Naishuller, Ilya 2015 Russia 96
19993 17921 Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy 2019 USA 120
19994 17942 Their Eyes Were Watching God [TV] Martin, Darnell 2005 USA 113
19995 17937 Moffie Hermanus, Oliver 2019 South Africa 99
19996 17939 Boy Behind the Door, The Charbonier, David & Justin Powell 2020 USA 88
19997 17938 Mikado, The Schertzinger, Victor 1939 USA 90
19998 Warriors of Virtue Yu, Ronny 1996 USA 103
19999 17957 Pink Wall Cullen, Tom 2019 UK 82
20000 17947 Deer King, The Ando, Masashi & Masayuki Miyaji 2021 Japan 113
20001 17906 Aces High Gold, Jack 1976 UK 104
20002 17922 When Eight Bells Toll Périer, Etienne 1971 UK 94
20003 Dragonheart Cohen, Rob 1996 USA 108
20004 American Tail: Fievel Goes West, An Nibbelink, Phil & Simon Wells 1991 USA 75
20005 Kings and Desperate Men Kanner, Alexis 1981 Canada 118
20006 17943 Nest, The de Armiñán, Jaime 1980 Spain 109
20007 17959 Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, The Han Kwang Il 2021 South Korea 83
20008 Greased Lightning Schultz, Michael 1977 USA 94
20009 Amazing Panda Adventure, The Cain, Christopher 1995 China 85
20010 17901 Scream, Blacula, Scream! Kelljan, Bob 1973 USA 95
20011 17905 Jaws 2 Szwarc, Jeannot 1978 USA 117
20012 17902 Any Which Way You Can Van Horn, Buddy 1980 USA 116
20013 17916 Gold Hunt, Peter R. 1974 UK 120
20014 17904 Son of Dracula Francis, Freddie 1974 UK 90
20015 17926 Swimfan Polson, John 2002 USA 85
20016 17958 Conduct Unbecoming Anderson, Michael 1975 UK 107
20017 Troll in Central Park, A Bluth, Don & Gary Goldman 1994 USA 76
20018 Tigger Movie, The Falkenstein, Jun 2000 USA 77
20019 Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, The Halvorson, Gary 1999 USA 73
20020 Madeline von Scherler Mayer, Daisy 1998 France 88
20021 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Gilmore, Patrick & Tim Johnson 2003 USA 88
20022 Mortal Kombat Anderson, Paul W.S. 1995 USA 101
20023 17932 All Dogs Go to Heaven Bluth, Don 1989 Ireland 85
20024 Once Upon a Forest Grosvenor, Charles 1992 USA 80
20025 Pit Stop Hill, Jack 1969 USA 92
20026 17956 Lost in Space Hopkins, Stephen 1998 USA 129
20027 3 Ninjas Turteltaub, Jon 1992 USA 87
20028 17955 Wound, The Trengove, John 2017 South Africa 88
20029 Pebble and the Penguin, The Bluth, Don & Gary Goldman 1995 USA 74
20030 Princess and the Goblin, The Gémes, József 1992 UK 82
20031 17952 I Am Not a Serial Killer O'Brien, Billy 2016 Ireland 103
20032 17951 Journey's End Dibb, Saul 2017 UK 108
20033 Ordinary Love D'Sa, Lisa Barros & Glenn Leyburn 2019 UK 92
20034 17923 Shout at the Devil Hunt, Peter R. 1976 UK 119
20035 17936 Silenced Hwang Dong-hyuk 2011 South Korea 125
20036 18018 Fresh Cave, Mimi 2022 USA 114
20037 18015 Dying Swan, The Fokine, Mikhail 1925 USA
20038 Christmas Chronicles, The Kaytis, Clay 2018 USA 104
20039 17983 No Time to Die Fukunaga, Cary Joji 2021 UK 163
20040 18087 Ballet Shoes [TV] Goldbacher, Sandra 2007 UK 85
20041 17910 Wings of the Morning Schuster, Harold D. 1937 UK 89
20042 18019 Point, The Wolf, Fred 1971 USA 74
20043 Sonic the Hedgehog Fowler, Jeff 2020 USA 99
20044 18085 Yes, God, Yes Maine, Karen 2019 USA 78
20045 Rampage Peyton, Brad 2018 USA 107
20046 Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Sugii, Gisaburo 1994 Japan 102
20047 Mortal Kombat McQuoid, Simon 2021 USA 110
20048 Insects' Christmas, The Starewicz, Ladislaw 1913 Russia 7
20049 17918 Gangster, the Cop, the Devil, The Lee Won-Tae 2019 South Korea 109
20050 17907 From the Earth to the Moon Haskin, Byron 1958 USA 100
20051 17913 Rack, The Laven, Arnold 1956 USA 100
20052 17908 Carrington V.C. Asquith, Anthony 1955 UK 105
20053 18061 Guns Akimbo Howden, Jason Lei 2019 Germany 98
20054 Great Rupert, The Pichel, Irving 1950 USA 86
20055 Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City Roberts, Johannes 2021 Canada 107
20056 17915 Ford v Ferrari Mangold, James 2019 USA 152
20057 Rock-a-Doodle Bluth, Don 1991 UK 74
20058 17920 Midnight Kwon Oh-Seung 2021 South Korea 103
20059 17945 Swan Song Stephens, Todd 2021 USA 105
20060 17982 Alma's Rainbow Chenzira, Ayoka 1994 USA 85
20061 Blonde Dominik, Andrew 2022 USA 167
20062 18028 Ages of Lulu, The Luna, Bigas 1990 Spain 95
20063 18009 Emily the Criminal Ford, John Patton 2022 USA 97
20064 17924 Black is King Adjei, Emmanuel/Ibra Ake/Blitz Bazawule/Beyoncé 2020 USA 85
20065 17948 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Daley, John Francis & Jonathan Goldstein 2023 USA 134
20066 18100 Exploits of Elaine, The Gasnier, Louis J./George B. Setiz/Leopold Wharton 1914 USA
20067 18101 Last Billionaire, The Clair, René 1934 France 90
20068 18108 Lafarge Case, The Chenal, Pierre 1938 France 110
20069 18106 Aryan, The Barker, Reginald/William S. Hart/Clifford Smith 1916 USA 50
20070 18105 As Ruínas no Interior de Sá Caetano, José 1977 Portugal 107
20071 18107 Revoltosa, La Rey, Florián 1924
20072 18109 Chronicle of Poor Lovers Lizzani, Carlo 1954 Italy 107
20073 18103 Gado Bravo Lopes Ribeiro, António & Max Nosseck 1934 Portugal 115
20074 18104 Crimson Curtain, The Astruc, Alexandre 1953 France 44
20075 18102 Fighting O'Flynn, The Pierson, Arthur 1949 USA 94
20076 22638 Ralph Breaks the Internet Moore, Rich & Phil Johnston 2018 USA 112
20077 18110 Scarlet Pimpernel, The Young, Harold 1934 UK 95
20078 18111 Arise, My Love Leisen, Mitchell 1940 USA 110
20079 18112 Father Brown Hamer, Robert 1954 UK 91
20080 18114 Titfield Thunderbolt, The Crichton, Charles 1953 UK 84
20081 18113 Cat and the Canary, The Nugent, Elliott 1939 USA 74
20082 18115 Man in the Shadow Arnold, Jack 1957 USA 80
20083 18116 Big Daddy Dugan, Dennis 1999 USA 93
20084 18120 Topper Returns Del Ruth, Roy 1941 USA 88
20085 18117 Demise of Father Mouret, The Franju, Georges 1970 France 90
20086 18118 Quartet Annakin, Ken/Arthur Crabtree/Harold French/Ralph Smart 1949 UK 120
20087 18121 House of Dracula Kenton, Erle C. 1945 USA 67
20088 18119 Star Spangled Rhythm Marshall, George 1942 USA 99
20089 18122 Three Musketeers, The Dwan, Allan 1939 USA 73
20090 18128 Desert People Dunlop, Ian 1967 Australia 51
20091 18132 Letters from Marusia Littin, Miguel 1976 Mexico 110
20092 18129 Domino Principle, The Kramer, Stanley 1977 USA 97
20093 18127 Coup de Grace Schlöndorff, Volker 1976 France 96
20094 18136 Vincent mit l'âne dans un pré (et s'en vint dans l'autre) Zucca, Pierre 1975 France 107
20095 18133 Killing Game, The Jessua, Alain 1967 France 94
20096 18137 Fabulous Bastard from Chicago, The Corarito, Greg 1969 USA 95
20097 18130 Careless Bolognini, Mauro 1962 Italy 111
20098 18131 Face to Face Manthoulis, Roviros 1966 Greece 84
20099 18124 Jailbirds Cottafavi, Vittorio 1954 Italy 94
20100 18125 Thou Shalt Not Kill Autant-Lara, Claude 1961 France 129
20101 18123 Give 'Em Hell Berry, John 1955 France 90
20102 18134 I See Naked Risi, Dino 1969 Italy 114
20103 18135 Mummy's Hand, The Cabanne, Christy 1940 USA 67
20104 18126 Bebo's Girl Comencini, Luigi 1964 Italy 106
20105 18138 Desert Fox, The Hathaway, Henry 1951 USA 88
20106 18142 Crucible, The Hytner, Nicholas 1996 USA 123
20107 23226 Nutty Professor, The Shadyac, Tom 1996 USA 95
20108 18143 Infra-Man Hua Shan 1975 Hong Kong 92
20109 18146 Once Upon a Time in Mexico Rodriguez, Robert 2003 USA 101
20110 18145 Renaissance Volckman, Christian 2005 France 105
20111 18149 Filmworker Zierra, Tony 2017 USA 94
20112 18151 Disaster Artist, The Franco, James 2017 USA 104
20113 18152 I Was Monty's Double Guillermin, John 1958 UK 100
20114 18154 Outbreak Petersen, Wolfgang 1995 USA 127
20115 18155 Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The Gilliam, Terry 2009 UK 123
20116 18169 Three Thousand Years of Longing Miller, George 2022 Australia 108
20117 18156 Hard Rain Salomon, Mikael 1998 USA 96
20118 18158 Wind River Sheridan, Taylor 2017 Canada 107
20119 18159 Out of the Furnace Cooper, Scott 2013 USA 116
20120 18215 Men Garland, Alex 2022 UK 100
20121 Kiss the Girls Fleder, Gary 1997 USA 115
20122 Bone Collector, The Noyce, Phillip 1999 USA 118
20123 Hollow Man Verhoeven, Paul 2000 USA 112
20124 18162 Micki + Maude Edwards, Blake 1984 USA 118
20125 18163 Begin Again Carney, John 2013 USA 104
20126 18165 Yanks Schlesinger, John 1979 UK 138
20127 18166 Two Weeks Notice Lawrence, Marc 2002 USA 100
20128 18172 War Horse Spielberg, Steven 2011 USA 146
20129 Dead of Winter Penn, Arthur 1987 USA 100
20130 18144 Calcutta Farrow, John 1947 USA 83
20131 18184 Oxygen Aja, Alexandre 2021 France 100
20132 18177 Line of Demarcation Chabrol, Claude 1966 France 92
20133 18181 Avatar: The Way of Water Cameron, James 2022 USA 192
20134 18178 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Burton, Tim 2016 USA 127
20135 18185 Frankenweenie Burton, Tim 1984 USA 29
20136 18175 Bottle Rocket Anderson, Wes 1994 USA 13
20137 18183 Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Jackson, Peter 2012 New Zealand 169
20138 18173 Ma Taylor, Tate 2019 USA 99
20139 18186 Noises Off Bogdanovich, Peter 1992 USA 101
20140 18171 Patrimonio nacional García Berlanga, Luis 1981 Spain 112
20141 18167 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Raimi, Sam 2022 USA 126
20142 18170 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Cretton, Destin Daniel 2021 USA 132
20143 18180 Old Guard, The Prince-Bythewood, Gina 2020 USA 125
20144 18324 Bones and All Guadagnino, Luca 2022 Italy 131
20145 18357 Coven Agüero, Pablo 2020 Spain 92
20146 Terrifier 2 Leone, Damian 2022 USA 138
20147 18310 Scattered Night Kim Sol & Lee Jihyoung 2019 South Korea 81
20148 18216 K-19: The Widowmaker Bigelow, Kathryn 2002 USA 138
20149 18213 Bola, El Mañas, Achero 2000 Spain 87
20150 18308 My Name is Kim Bok Dong Song Won-Geun 2019 South Korea 107
20151 18204 House on Haunted Hill Malone, William 1999 USA 92
20152 18289 Dave Made a Maze Watterson, Bill 2017 USA 80
20153 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Kasdan, Jake 2017 USA 119
20154 18307 Graeae: A Stationed Idea Jeong Yeoreum 2020 South Korea 34
20155 18199 Transgressor, The Suzuki, Norifumi 1974 Japan 91
20156 18233 Sudden Death Hyams, Peter 1995 USA 110
20157 18228 Spiderwick Chronicles, The Waters, Mark 2007 USA 96
20158 Surf's Up Brannon, Ash & Chris Buck 2007 USA 85
20159 Born Invincible Kuo, Joseph 1978 Taiwan 83
20160 Shaolin vs. Lama Lee Tso Nam 1983 Taiwan 88
20161 18196 Music and Lyrics Lawrence, Marc 2007 USA 104
20162 18194 Across the Universe Taymor, Julie 2007 USA 133
20163 18193 Black Christmas Morgan, Glen 2006 USA 84
20164 18296 Brass Target Hough, John 1978 USA 111
20165 18231 Forbidden Kingdom, The Minkoff, Rob 2008 USA 104
20166 18248 Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things Casey, Thomas 1971 USA 95
20167 18243 ¡Bruja, más que bruja! Fernán Gómez, Fernando 1977 Spain 88
20168 18201 House of Wax Collet-Serra, Jaume 2005 USA 112
20169 18280 Canary Murder Case St. Clair, Malcolm & Frank Tuttle 1929 USA 81
20170 18227 Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist Sollett, Peter 2008 USA 89
20171 18239 One in a Thousand Navas, Clarisa 2020 Argentina 120
20172 18238 Daughters of Fire, The Carri, Albertina 2018 Argentina 115
20173 18221 Sorority Row Hendler, Stewart 2009 USA 101
20174 18211 Crazy Heart Cooper, Scott 2009 USA 111
20175 18209 Solomon Kane Bassett, Michael J. 2009 UK 104
20176 18282 U47 - Kapitänleutnant Prien Reinl, Harald 1958 West Germany 91
20177 18206 Wandering Earth, The Gwo, Frant 2019 China 125
20178 18235 Historias Breves Various Directors 1995 Argentina
20179 Don't Worry Darling Wilde, Olivia 2022 USA 123
20180 Blue Crush Stockwell, John 2002 USA 104
20181 18225 Dagon Gordon, Stuart 2001 Spain 98
20182 18244 Nine Days Oda, Edson 2020 USA 124
20183 18241 St. Agatha Bousman, Darren Lynn 2018 USA 103
20184 18205 Maid in Manhattan Wang, Wayne 2002 USA 105
20185 18217 Stepping Razor - Red X Campbell, Nicholas 1992 Cameroon 104
20186 Wild Wild West Sonnenfeld, Barry 1999 USA 105
20187 One-Armed Boxer Wang Yu, Jimmy 1972 Taiwan 93
20188 18323 Willoughbys, The Pearn, Kris 2020 Canada 90
20189 18202 Touch the Sound Riedelsheimer, Thomas 2004 Germany 99
20190 Foodfight! Kasanoff, Lawrence 2012 USA 91
20191 Are We There Yet? Levant, Brian 2005 USA 94
20192 18331 Advent Calendar, The Ridremont, Patrick 2021 France 104
20193 18247 Perseguidor, El Wilenski, Osias 1965 Argentina 75
20194 18329 Gingerdead Man, The Band, Charles 2005 USA 70
20195 18219 Bewitched Ephron, Nora 2005 USA 101
20196 18230 Elizabethtown Crowe, Cameron 2005 Germany 124
20197 18229 Willard Morgan, Glen 2003 USA 100
20198 18274 Rebellion in Patagonia Olivera, Héctor 1974 Argentina 110
20199 18198 Sound and Fury Aronson, Josh 2000 UK 80
20200 18326 White Teeth [TV] Jarrold, Julian 2002 UK 240
20201 House of 1000 Corpses Zombie, Rob 2003 USA 88
20202 18293 Karaoke Crazies Kim Sang-chan 2016 South Korea 106
20203 18332 Santa Claws Russo, John A. 1996 USA 83
20204 18256 Women of the Resistance [TV] Cavani, Liliana 1965 Italy 48
20205 18396 Blaze Starr Goes Nudist Wishman, Doris 1962 USA 75
20206 18317 Manohar & I Chaterji, Amitabha 2018 India 69
20207 18335 Red Snow Lynch, Sean Nichols 2021 USA 80
20208 18339 Murder by Decree Clark, Bob 1979 Canada 121
20209 18386 Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka Rou, Aleksandr 1961 USSR 68
20210 18254 Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened Price, Lonny 2016 USA 95
20211 18255 Ikebana Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1957 Japan 32
20212 18342 Aloners Hong Seong-eun 2021 South Korea 91
20213 18232 To You, from Me Jang Sun-Woo 1994 South Korea 107
20214 18257 Lights Out Sandberg, David F. 2013 Sweden 3
20215 18356 Sacred Spirit, The Ibarra, Chema García 2021 Spain 97
20216 18283 Fido Currie, Andrew 2006 Canada 93
20217 18226 Killer Nun, The Berruti, Giulio 1979 Italy 88
20218 All Aboard! The Canal Trip [TV] Martin, Luke Korzun 2015 UK 120
20219 18299 Five on the Black Hand Side Williams, Oscar 1973 USA 96
20220 18301 Grandmother, The Plaza, Paco 2021 Spain 100
20221 Sleeping with the Enemy Ruben, Joseph 1991 USA 98
20222 18338 Krakatoa, East of Java Kowalski, Bernard L. 1969 USA 101
20223 Houses October Built, The Roe, Bobby 2014 USA 91
20224 18316 Curtain Up Smart, Ralph 1952 UK 81
20225 18210 Behind Convent Walls Borowczyk, Walerian 1978 Italy 95
20226 Living Dead: The Attic, The [TV] Curtis, Adam 1995 UK
20227 Blue Planet II [TV] Honeyborne, James 2017 UK
20228 18288 Eternals Zhao, Chloé 2021 USA 156
20229 18251 Slime City Lamberson, Gregory 1988 USA 81
20230 18222 Black Phone, The Derrickson, Scott 2021 USA 103
20231 18208 Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun Franco, Jesús 1977 West Germany 80
20232 18337 Beauty and the Beast Condon, Bill 2017 USA 128
20233 18306 Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Stenstrum, Jim 1998 USA 77
20234 18245 Blindfold Dunne, Philip 1966 USA 102
20235 18258 El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie Gilligan, Vince 2019 USA 122
20236 18376 Guest is Coming, A Mattsson, Arne 1947 Sweden 71
20237 18314 Murder, She Said Pollock, George 1961 UK 87
20238 18224 Raya and the Last Dragon Hall, Don & Carlos López Estrada 2021 USA 107
20239 18325 Demon Wind Moore, Charles Philip 1990 USA 96
20240 18340 Dorm That Dripped Blood, The Carpenter, Stephen & Jeffrey Obrow 1982 USA 88
20241 18327 Santa's Slay Steiman, David 2005 USA 78
20242 18333 Wild Seed Hutton, Brian G. 1965 USA 99
20243 18392 Missing Link Butler, Chris 2019 Canada 93
20244 18320 Dancehall Queen Elgood, Rick & Don Letts 1997 Jamaica 98
20245 Flatliners Schumacher, Joel 1990 USA 105
20246 18309 Mac and Me Raffill, Stewart 1988 USA 93
20247 18298 Journals of Musan, The Park Jung-bum 2010 South Korea 127
20248 18249 Spanish Affair Martínez Lázaro, Emilio 2014 Spain 98
20249 18389 Death and Transfiguration Davies, Terence 1983 UK 26
20250 18312 In the Absence Yi Seung-jun 2018
20251 18311 Garbage Pail Kids Movie, The Amateau, Rodney 1987 USA 100
20252 Livid Bustillo, Alexandre & Julien Maury 2011 France 92
20253 18192 Sorum Yun Jong-chan 2001 South Korea 109
20254 18285 Wormwood Star, The Harrington, Curtis 1956 USA 10
20255 18187 Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Burr, Jeff 1990 USA 81
20256 18303 Without a Clue Eberhardt, Thom 1988 UK 106
20257 18346 City of Gold Gabbert, Laura 2015 USA 96
20258 18343 Blues Accordin' to Lightnin' Hopkins, The Blank, Les 1970 USA 31
20259 18190 Cutting Edge, The Glaser, Paul Michael 1992 USA 101
20260 18259 Deluge Feist, Felix E. 1933 USA 70
20261 18203 Unhook the Stars Cassavetes, Nick 1996 France 105
20262 18200 Rainbow Trout Park Jong-won 1999 South Korea 100
20263 18295 Man on High Heels Jang Jin 2014 South Korea 125
20264 18220 Timecop Hyams, Peter 1994 USA 99
20265 Hideaway Leonard, Brett 1995 USA 112
20266 18287 Link Franklin, Richard 1986 UK 103
20267 18302 Long Live the Republic Kachyna, Karel 1965 Czechoslovakia 134
20268 18291 MacArthur Sargent, Joseph 1977 USA 130
20269 18250 Three Many Weddings Ruiz Caldera, Javier 2013 Spain 94
20270 18290 Roller Boogie Lester, Mark L. 1979 USA 103
20271 18328 Pyramid, The Kent, Gary 1976 USA 94
20272 18292 Thank God, It's Friday Klane, Robert 1978 USA 90
20273 18388 Black Mirror: San Junipero [TV] Harris, Owen 2016 UK 61
20274 18294 Rockers Bafaloukos, Theodorus 1978 Jamaica 100
20275 18305 Psycho III Perkins, Anthony 1986 USA 96
20276 18195 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, A [TV] Melendez, Bill & Phil Roman 1973 USA 25
20277 18234 Maixabel Bollaín, Icíar 2021 Spain 115
20278 18188 Into the Dark: Pilgrim [TV] Dunstan, Marcus 2019 USA 80
20279 18313 Night Warning Asher, William 1982 USA 94
20280 18300 In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro Patel, Raju 1986 Kenya 97
20281 18189 Jim Henson's Turkey Hollow [TV] Thatcher, Kirk R. 2015 Canada 88
20282 18218 Girl on a Bulldozer, The Park Ri-Woong 2022 South Korea 112
20283 North Shore Phelps, William 1987 USA 96
20284 18212 Whispering Corridors: The Humming Lee Mi Young 2020 South Korea 108
20285 18297 Attorney, The Yang WooSuk 2013 South Korea 127
20286 18319 Bob Marley: The Making of a Legend Anderson, Ester & Gian Godoy 2011 UK 90
20287 18207 Smile Finn, Parker 2022 USA 115
20288 18370 Riddick Twohy, David 2013 Canada 118
20289 18365 Free Men Ferroukhi, Ismael 2011 France 99
20290 18321 Reggae Ové, Horace 1971 USA 60
20291 Black Belt Nagasaki, Shunichi 2007 Japan 95
20292 18354 Gleason Tweel, Clay 2016 USA 110
20293 18372 Pact, The McCarthy, Nicholas 2012 USA 89
20294 18269 31 Zombie, Rob 2016 UK 102
20295 18353 Three Amateurs, The Alton, John/César José Guerrico/Ladislao Kish/Luis Romero Carranza/Enrique Susini 1933 Argentina 65
20296 North of the Sun Ranum, Jørn Nyseth & Inge Wegge 2012 Norway 46
20297 18253 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee [TV] Simoneau, Yves 2007 USA 133
20298 18349 Furias, Las Lah, Vlasta 1960 Argentina 98
20299 18267 Mogul Mowgli Tariq, Bassam 2020 UK
20300 Morning of the Earth Falzon, Albert 1972 Australia 79
20301 18393 Geostorm Devlin, Dean 2017 USA 109
20302 18277 On the Count of Three Carmichael, Jerrod 2021 USA 86
20303 18345 Son of Ingagi Kahn, Richard C. 1940 USA 70
20304 18281 Taming the Garden Jashi, Salomé 2021 Switzerland
20305 18361 Life, Animated Williams, Roger Ross 2016 USA 92
20306 18391 Shiraz Osten, Franz 1928 India 97
20307 Jack Johnson: The September Sessions Johnson, Jack 2002 USA
20308 Step Into Liquid Brown, Dana 2003 USA 88
20309 18352 On Tuesdays, Orchids Múgica, Francisco 1941 Argentina 84
20310 18276 Niño, El Monzón, Daniel 2014 Spain 136
20311 Tales of Halloween Various Directors 2015 USA 97
20312 Second Skin Pineiro Escoriaza, Juan Carlos 2008 USA 94
20313 18260 Chalk Line, The Tatay, Ignacio 2022 Spain 106
20314 Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Slade, David 2018 UK 90
20315 18273 Wind, The Tammi, Emma 2018 USA 88
20316 18286 Thanatomorphose Falardeau, Éric 2012 Canada 100
20317 BKO: Bangkok Knockout Rittikrai, Panna 2010 Thailand 106
20318 18270 Pandora Park Jeong-woo 2016 South Korea 136
20319 7 Grandmasters, The Kuo, Joseph 1977 Taiwan 89
20320 18362 Radiator Browne, Tom 2014 UK
20321 18385 Nun, The Hardy, Corin 2018 USA 96
20322 18395 Pañuelo de Clarita, El Saleny, Emilia 1919 Argentina 46
20323 Tournament, The Huang Feng 1974 Hong Kong 94
20324 18252 Rudeboy: The Story of Trojan Records Davies, Nicolas Jack 2018 UK 85
20325 18261 Earwig and the Witch Miyazaki, Goro 2020 Japan 82
20326 18242 Widowed Witch, The Cai Chengjie 2017 China 120
20327 18360 Grace of Monaco Dahan, Olivier 2014 France 103
20328 18371 United Kingdom, A Asante, Amma 2016 UK 111
20329 18240 Gigantic (A Tale of Two Johns) Schnack, A.J. 2002 USA 102
20330 18363 Lenny Cooke Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie 2013 USA 88
20331 18359 Testament of Youth Kent, James 2014 UK 130
20332 18369 Pieces of a Woman Mundruczó, Kornél 2020 Canada 126
20333 18394 Blossom Again Jung Ji-woo 2005 South Korea 115
20334 Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, The Martino, Sergio 1971 Italy 81
20335 18348 Princess Switch, The Rohl, Mike 2018 USA 101
20336 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Øvredal, André 2019 USA 107
20337 18264 Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, The Marshall, Frank 2020 USA 111
20338 18263 Terrified Rugna, Demián 2017 Argentina 87
20339 18265 Supernova Macqueen, Harry 2020 UK
20340 Indie Game: The Movie Pajot, Lisanne & James Swirsky 2012 Canada 103
20341 18387 Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang White, Susanna 2010 USA 109
20342 18262 Mandibles Dupieux, Quentin 2020 France 77
20343 Cats Hooper, Tom 2019 USA 110
20344 18266 Ocean Waves [TV] Mochizuki, Tomomi 1993 Japan 76
20345 18322 Uncharted Fleischer, Ruben 2022 USA 116
20346 Airbag Bajo Ulloa, Juanma 1997 Spain 124
20347 18374 Agnes Reece, Mickey 2021 USA 93
20348 18336 Haunting in Connecticut Cornwell, Peter 2009 USA 102
20349 18373 Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It Pérez Riera, Mariem 2021 USA 90
20350 18197 Friday the 13th Nispel, Marcus 2009 USA 97
20351 18358 My Octopus Teacher Ehrlich, Pippa & James Reed 2020 South Africa 85
20352 18236 Emma Mae Fanaka, Jamaa 1976 USA 100
20353 Five Summer Stories MacGillivray, Greg 1972 USA 94
20354 Soul Surfer McNamara, Sean 2011 USA 106
20355 18237 Fleshpot on 42nd Street Milligan, Andy 1972 USA 87
20356 18284 Satanis: The Devil's Mass Laurent, Ray 1970 USA 86
20357 18390 Nude Nuns with Big Guns Guzman, Joseph 2010 USA 90
20358 18355 Remember Me Coulter, Allen 2010 USA 112
20359 18397 Scary Mother Urushadze, Ana 2017 Georgia 107
20360 18341 Sleep Tight Balagueró, Jaume 2011 Spain 101
20361 18375 Darkest Hour Wright, Joe 2017 UK 125
20362 18268 Photograph, The Meghie, Stella 2020 USA 106
20363 18380 Tragedy Girls MacIntyre, Tyler 2017 USA 98
20364 18401 Qiong hua xian zi Chan Wan 1970 Hong Kong
20365 18399 Green-Eyed Demoness, The Chan Lit-Ban 1967 Hong Kong 95
20366 18398 Xuehua shenjian Chen Lipin 1964 Hong Kong
20367 18400 Bao lian deng Ng Wui 1956 Hong Kong 123
20368 18402 Young Aphrodites Koundouros, Nikos 1963 Greece 88
20369 18403 Reversal of Fortune Schroeder, Barbet 1990 USA 120
20370 18408 H2O Steiner, Ralph 1929 USA 13
20371 18412 Mighty Like a Moose McCarey, Leo 1926 USA 22
20372 18417 There it Is Bowers, Charles R. & Harold L. Muller 1928 USA 19
20373 18409 Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno Bromberg, Serge & Ruxandra Medrea Annonier 2009 France 100
20374 18410 Gift, The Edgerton, Joel 2015 USA 108
20375 18415 Bride, The Roddam, Franc 1985 USA 118
20376 18414 Concert for Bangladesh Swimmer, Saul 1972 USA 99
20377 18413 Cop Car Watts, Jon 2015 USA 88
20378 18407 Twilight Benton, Robert 1998 USA 104
20379 18428 I'll Be Seeing You Dieterle, William 1944 USA 84
20380 18421 Changeling Eastwood, Clint 2008 USA 142
20381 18411 Nightmare Shane, Maxwell 1956 USA 89
20382 18422 Endless Night Gilliat, Sidney 1972 UK 95
20383 18425 Kitty Foyle Wood, Sam 1940 USA 107
20384 18426 Inbetweeners Movie, The Palmer, Ben 2011 UK 97
20385 18432 Electric Horseman, The Pollack, Sydney 1979 USA 121
20386 18440 Play House, The Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1921 USA 24
20387 18437 Cold Hell Ruzowitzky, Stefan 2017 Austria 92
20388 18441 Boy Who Turned Yellow, The Powell, Michael 1972 UK 55
20389 18435 Simple Favor, A Feig, Paul 2018 USA 117
20390 18406 David Byrne's American Utopia Lee, Spike 2020 USA 105
20391 18439 Shine a Light Scorsese, Martin 2008 USA 122
20392 18442 Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Berlinger, Joe 2019 USA 110
20393 18438 Unbelievable [TV] Cholodenko, Lisa/Michael Dinner/Susannah Grant 2019 USA 385
20394 Body Bags [TV] Carpenter, John & Tobe Hooper 1993 USA 94
20395 18436 News of the World Greengrass, Paul 2020 USA 118
20396 18430 Lost Girls Garbus, Liz 2020 USA 95
20397 18427 Without Memory [TV] Koreeda, Hirokazu 1996 Japan 84
20398 18434 Hard Luck Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1921 USA 22
20399 18429 Man Who Haunted Himself, The Dearden, Basil 1970 UK 94
20400 18559 11 Harrowhouse Avakian, Aram 1974 UK 98
20401 18467 Fragment of Fear Sarafian, Richard C. 1971 UK 96
20402 18533 Kali Salwaar Mehta, Fareeda 2002 India 112
20403 18466 Luca Casarosa, Enrico 2021 USA 95
20404 18488 Edna, the Inebriate Woman [TV] Kotcheff, Ted 1971 UK 90
20405 18525 No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon Biren, Joan E. 2003 USA 57
20406 18471 Unman, Wittering and Zigo Mackenzie, John 1971 UK 102
20407 18469 Night Digger, The Reid, Alastair 1971 UK 100
20408 18481 Gay USA Bressan Jr., Arthur J. 1977 USA 78
20409 18560 Incantato Avati, Pupi 2003 Italy 107
20410 18536 Igor Leondis, Tony 2008 France 87
20411 18448 Wild Rose Harper, Tom 2018 UK 101
20412 18449 Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria Silverman, Victor & Susan Stryker 2005 USA 57
20413 18461 Kid Who Would Be King, The Cornish, Joe 2019 USA 120
20414 18455 Fist of the North Star Ashida, Toyoo 1986 Japan 110
20415 Tales From the Darkside: The Movie Harrison, John 1990 USA 93
20416 Prysmerk Vasyanovych, Valentyn 2014 Ukraine 61
20417 18454 Colorful Hara, Keiichi 2010 Japan 126
20418 18476 Red Nights Carbon, Julien & Laurent Courtiaud 2010 Hong Kong 98
20419 Volcano Bondarchuk, Roman 2018 Ukraine 104
20420 18453 Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack Hirao, Takayuki 2012 Japan 70
20421 18470 Beast Must Die, The Annett, Paul 1974 UK 93
20422 Yshov tramvay N° 9 Koval, Stepan 2002 Ukraine 10
20423 18446 Island of the Hungry Ghosts Brady, Gabrielle 2018 Germany 98
20424 Secretariat Wallace, Randall 2010 USA 123
20425 18447 Queerama Asquith, Daisy 2017 UK 70
20426 18474 Genius Party Various Directors 2007 Japan 85
20427 Order na arest Tasin, Georgi 1926 USSR 84
20428 Donbass Loznitsa, Sergei 2018 Germany 110
20429 18485 Sweat Punch Ohara, Hidekazu/Osamu Kobayashi/Kazuto Nakazawa/Yasushi Muraki/Nobutaka Ito 2007 Japan 52
20430 18468 Venus Wars Yasuhiko, Yoshikazu 1989 Japan 103
20431 18508 Fright Collinson, Peter 1971 UK 87
20432 18548 History of the Eagles [TV] Ellwood, Alison 2013 USA 187
20433 18462 Phoenix 2772 Sugiyama, Taku 1980 Japan 122
20434 Unter dem Pflaster ist der Strand Sanders-Brahms, Helma 1975 West Germany 103
20435 18532 Wolf Guy Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko 1975 Japan 86
20436 Vkhodyashchaya v more Osyka, Leonid 1965 USSR 15
20437 18496 Wer Bell, William Brent 2013 South Africa 93
20438 18458 Cherry Tree with Gray Blossoms, The Haneda, Sumiko 1977 Japan 42
20439 18457 A Mori, Tatsuya 1998 Japan 136
20440 Sem shagov za gorizont Sobolev, Feliks 1968 USSR 69
20441 Ukrainian Sheriffs Bondarchuk, Roman 2015 Ukraine 85
20442 18477 Battle Angel [TV] Fukutomi, Hiroshi 1993 Japan
20443 18494 Souad Amin, Ayten 2021 Egypt 96
20444 18475 Wind Named Amnesia, A Yamazaki, Kazuo 1990 Japan 80
20445 18445 Blood: The Last Vampire Kitakubo, Hiroyuki 2000 Japan 48
20446 Night I Swam, The Igrashi, Kohei & Damien Manivel 2017 Japan 78
20447 18473 Gundam Wing: The Movie - Endless Waltz Aoki, Yasunao 1998 Japan 180
20448 18505 Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone Masayuki/Kazuya Tsurumaki/Hideaki Anno 2007 Japan 98
20449 18491 Eloquent Peasant, The Salam, Shadi Abdel 1970 Egypt 21
20450 18483 Ah! My Goddess: The Movie Goda, Hiroaki 2000 Japan 106
20451 18460 Words and Music Taurog, Norman 1948 USA 119
20452 18500 Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Tomino, Yoshiyuki 1988 Japan 124
20453 18464 Short Peace Ando, Hiroaki/Hajime Katoki/Shuhei Morita/Katsuhiro Otomo 2013 Japan 68
20454 Atlantis Vasyanovych, Valentyn 2019 Ukraine 106
20455 18487 Demon of Mount Oe, The Tanaka, Tokuzo 1960 Japan 114
20456 Varta1, Lviv, Ukraine Hrytsyna, Yuriy 2015 Ukraine 64
20457 Eneida Dakhno, Vladimir 1991 USSR 69
20458 18535 Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Herman, Mark 2008 UK 94
20459 18465 Anti-Clock Arden, Jane & Jack Bond 1979 UK 107
20460 18480 Frankenstein Conquers the World Honda, Ishiro 1966 Japan 87
20461 18562 Girl by the Lake, The Molaioli, Andrea 2007 Italy 95
20462 18561 Black Souls Munzi, Francesco 2014 Italy 109
20463 18526 Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Ishihara, Tatsuya & Yasuhiro Takemoto 2010 Japan 162
20464 18516 Well-Ordered Restaurant, A Okamoto, Tadanari 1992 Japan 19
20465 Garden of Words, The Shinkai, Makoto 2013 Japan 46
20466 18456 Scary of Sixty-First, The Nekrasova, Dasha 2021 USA 81
20467 Khlib Shpykovskyi, Mykola 1929 USSR 45
20468 Prometey Kavaleridze, Ivan 1936 USSR 83
20469 18531 Werewolf Zarindast, Tony 1995 USA 99
20470 18478 And Breathe Normally Uggadottir, Isold 2018 Iceland 95
20471 18527 High School Musical 2 [TV] Ortega, Kenny 2007 USA 104
20472 18558 Wolfman, The Johnston, Joe 2010 USA 102
20473 Homeward Aliev, Nariman 2019 Ukraine 96
20474 18513 On an Island With You Thorpe, Richard 1948 USA 107
20475 18450 Battle Beyond the Sun Kozyr, Alexander/Mikhail Karyukov/Francis Ford Coppola 1962 USA 77
20476 18547 Appleseed Aramaki, Shinji 2004 Japan 105
20477 18523 Frankenstein's Army Raaphorst, Richard 2013 Netherlands 84
20478 18510 Depraved Fessenden, Larry 2019 USA 114
20479 18519 Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Yamauchi, Shigeyashu 1993 Japan 72
20480 18451 Spriggan Kawasaki, Hirotsugu 1998 Japan 90
20481 Spell Your Name Bukovsky, Sergey 2006 Ukraine 89
20482 Bumbarash [TV] Naroditsky, Abram & Nikolai Rasheyev 1972 USSR 135
20483 Chernobyl. Khronika trudnykh nedel Shevchenko, Vladimir 1987 USSR 54
20484 18509 Theatre of War Arias, Lola 2018 Argentina
20485 Koliyivshchyna Kavaleridze, Ivan 1933 USSR 80
20486 Ya lyublyu Lukov, Leonid 1936 USSR 74
20487 Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story Gatins, John 2005 USA 106
20488 18502 All Good Things Jarecki, Andrew 2010 USA 101
20489 18553 Black Mass Cooper, Scott 2015 USA 123
20490 18540 Catchfire Hopper, Dennis 1989 USA 116
20491 18501 Third Shadow Warrior, The Inoue, Umetsugu 1963 Japan 104
20492 18524 Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyon Ata Hau Mirza, Saeed Akhtar 1980 India 110
20493 18530 Once upon a time in Euskadi Gómez, Manu 2021 Spain 100
20494 18444 Make Up Oakley, Claire 2019 UK
20495 18554 Witching & Bitching de la Iglesia, Álex 2013 Spain 112
20496 Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City Shibayama, Tsutomu 1997 Japan 99
20497 18522 301, 302 Park Cheol-su 1995 South Korea 100
20498 18549 Hellions McDonald, Bruce 2015 Canada
20499 18552 Grand Piano Mira, Eugenio 2012 Spain 90
20500 18499 It Was a Faint Dream Jissoji, Akio 1974 Japan 120
20501 18550 Maleficent Stromberg, Robert 2014 USA 97
20502 Living Fire, The Kostyuk, Ostap 2015 Ukraine 77
20503 18503 Carmen: A Hip Hopera [TV] Townsend, Robert 2001 USA 88
20504 Shamara Andreychenko, Natalya 1994 Ukraine 105
20505 18489 First Born, The Mander, Miles 1928 UK 111
20506 Miss Hokusai Hara, Keiichi 2015 Japan 93
20507 18545 Frankenstein Rose, Bernard 2015 USA 89
20508 18551 54 Christopher, Mark 1998 USA 93
20509 18486 Galaxy Express 999 Rintaro 1979 Japan 129
20510 18514 Thus a Noise Speaks Oda, Kaori 2012 Japan 38
20511 18504 Dallos Oshii, Mamoru 1983 Japan 83
20512 18479 Sword of the Stranger Ando, Masahiro 2007 Japan 103
20513 Cat's Eye Teague, Lewis 1985 USA 93
20514 18541 Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny Lynch, Liam 2006 Germany 94
20515 18493 Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Tomino, Yoshiyuki 1991 Japan 120
20516 18512 Dog of Flanders, The Kuroda, Yoshio 1997 Japan 93
20517 18459 Jigokuhen Toyoda, Shiro 1969 Japan 91
20518 Dva dnya Stabovoy, Georgiy 1927 USSR 60
20519 18539 Quiet Chaos Grimaldi, Antonello 2008 Italy 112
20520 18556 WolfCop Dean, Lowell 2014 Canada 79
20521 18495 Ghost Train, The von Bolváry, Géza 1927 Germany 71
20522 18557 1 Sparrow, Pater 2009 Hungary 91
20523 Moyi dumky tykhi Lukich, Antonio 2019 Ukraine 104
20524 18511 You Will Die at 20 Alala, Amjad Abu 2019 Sudan 103
20525 Shkurnyk Shpykovskyi, Mykola 1929 USSR 75
20526 18518 East is East Edwards, Henry 1916 UK 80
20527 18507 Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey Talbert, David E. 2020 USA 122
20528 18543 Cover Up Green, Alfred E. 1949 USA 82
20529 18555 Professional: Golgo 13, The Dezaki, Osamu 1983 Japan 95
20530 I and Others Sobolev, Feliks 1971 USSR 49
20531 18506 Everybody's Talking About Jamie Butterell, Jonathan/Dan Gillespie Sells/Tom MacRae 2021 UK 115
20532 18520 Late Phases Bogliano, Adrian Garcia 2014 USA 95
20533 18542 Kidulthood Huda, Menhaj 2005 UK 91
20534 50 to 1 Wilson, Jim 2014 USA 110
20535 18515 Campaign Soda, Kazuhiro 2007 Japan 120
20536 18463 Double Date Barfoot, Benjamin 2017 UK 89
20537 Doukyuusei Nakamura, Shoko 2016 Japan 60
20538 Pervyy etazh Minaiev, Igor 1990 USSR 70
20539 Cup, The Wincer, Simon 2011 Australia 99
20540 18566 Film Portrait Hill, Jerome 1970 USA 81
20541 18585 Testament Broughton, James 1974 USA 20
20542 18564 Assault, The Rademakers, Fons 1986 Netherlands 149
20543 18570 Whirlpool of Fate Renoir, Jean 1925 France 71
20544 18567 Temptation of St. Anthony, The Méliès, Georges 1898 France 1
20545 18568 Doctor, Beware De Sica, Vittorio 1941 Italy 92
20546 18572 Bluebeard Méliès, Georges 1901 France 12
20547 18571 Oh! What a Night; or, the Sultan's Dream Méliès, Georges 1900 France 3
20548 18573 Coronation of Edward VII, The Méliès, Georges & Charles Urban 1902 France 4
20549 18569 Three Women Lubitsch, Ernst 1924 USA 83
20550 18576 Impulses Davis, James 1959 USA 10
20551 18594 Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, The Carlino, Lewis John 1976 UK 104
20552 18580 Fire Rescue Scene Dickson, W.K.L. & William Heise 1894 USA 1
20553 18578 Annabelle Butterfly Dance Dickson, W.K.L. 1894 USA 1
20554 18582 Passion Play of Oberammergau Vincent, Henry C. 1898 USA
20555 18579 Visible Compendium, The Jordan, Larry 1991 USA 17
20556 18584 Tramp's Dream, The Lubin, Siegmund 1899 USA
20557 18591 Partie d'écarté Lumière, Louis 1896 France 1
20558 18583 Element Greenfield, Amy 1973
20559 18586 Pussy Talk Mulot, Claude 1975 France 70
20560 18590 Venise, panorama de la place Saint-Marc pris d'un bateau Lumière, August & Louis Lumière 1897 France 1
20561 18577 False Cripple, The Lumière, August & Louis Lumière 1903 France 1
20562 18565 Wanted for Murder Huntington, Lawrence 1946 UK 103
20563 18587 Description of an Island Beatt, Cynthia & Rudolf Thome 1979 West Germany 192
20564 18596 March of the Machines, The Deslaw, Eugene 1927 France 9
20565 18575 Missing Husbands Feyder, Jacques 1921 France 136
20566 18581 Film with Three Dancers Emshwiller, Ed 1971 USA 20
20567 18595 Straits of Magellan: Drafts and Fragments Frampton, Hollis 1974 51
20568 18589 Expérience du ballon dirigeable de M. Santos-Dumont: I. Sortie du ballon Lumière, Louis 1900 France 1
20569 18588 Expérience du ballon dirigeable de M. Santos-Dumont: II. Le ballon et son moteur Lumière, Louis 1900 France 1
20570 18597 Zigomar - the Black Scourge Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte 1913 France
20571 18574 Pillow Fight Heise, William 1897 USA
20572 18599 Freeway Bright, Matthew 1996 USA 102
20573 18602 Kamikaze 1989 Gremm, Wolf 1982 West Germany 106
20574 18603 Legend of the Overfiend Takayama, Hideki 1989 Japan 108
20575 18605 Little Joe Hausner, Jessica 2019 Austria 105
20576 18606 Who's That Knocking at My Door? Scorsese, Martin 1968 USA 90
20577 18609 Harmonium Fukada, Koji 2016 Japan 120
20578 18610 Chocolate War, The Gordon, Keith 1988 USA 103
20579 18600 Contraband Powell, Michael 1940 UK 80
20580 18611 Intimidation Kurahara, Koreyoshi 1960 Japan 65
20581 18633 Theory of Everything, The Marsh, James 2014 UK 123
20582 Ambulance, The Cohen, Larry 1990 USA 95
20583 Shock Bava, Mario 1977 Italy 93
20584 Hot Shots! Abrahams, Jim 1991 USA 85
20585 18601 Rusty Knife Masuda, Toshio 1958 Japan 90
20586 18613 Salome's Last Dance Russell, Ken 1988 UK 90
20587 18615 Maximum Overdrive King, Stephen 1986 USA 97
20588 18616 Days of Youth Ozu, Yasujiro 1929 Japan 103
20589 18617 Welcome to Chechyna France, David 2020 USA 107
20590 18621 Ta'ang Wang Bing 2016 Hong Kong 148
20591 18623 On the Basis of Sex Leder, Mimi 2018 USA 120
20592 18622 Harriet Lemmons, Kasi 2019 USA 125
20593 18618 Just Mercy Cretton, Destin Daniel 2019 USA 136
20594 18619 Incorrigible, The Suzuki, Seijun 1963 Japan 95
20595 Survival of the Dead Romero, George A. 2009 USA 90
20596 18718 Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution, The Nelson, Stanley 2015 USA 115
20597 18658 Legend of Ben Hall, The Holmes, Matthew 2017 Australia 139
20598 18666 Murder in the Cathedral Hoellering, George 1951 UK 114
20599 18647 Roxanne Roxanne Larnell, Michael 2017 USA 100
20600 18640 Malibu's Most Wanted Whitesell, John 2003 USA 86
20601 Pacing Upside Down Nauman, Bruce 1969 56
20602 18711 Papusza Kos-Krauze, Joanna & Krzysztof Krauze 2013 France
20603 Consumer Art Natalia LL 1972-75 Poland
20604 18688 Outlaw Michael Howe, The [TV] Cowell, Brendan 2013 Australia 85
20605 18628 St. Louis Superman Khan, Sami & Smriti Mundhra 2019 USA 28
20606 10.000 Km Marques-Marcet, Carlos 2014 Spain 99
20607 18629 Live Today, Die Tomorrow! Shindo, Kaneto 1970 Japan 120
20608 18699 Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical [TV] Fickman, Andy 2005 USA 112
20609 18747 Heavyweight [Podcast] Goldstein, Jonathan 2016-22 Canada
20610 18748 Thousand Thoughts, A Bini, Joe & Sam Green 2018 USA 86
20611 18746 Little Ethiopia: Chez nous Bini, Joe & Maya Daisy Hawke 2020 UK 90
20612 18696 Treme [TV] Various Directors 2010-13
20613 18665 Aloïse de Kermadec, Liliane 1975 France 115
20614 18685 Strike! Kernochan, Sarah 1998 USA 97
20615 18701 Hunt, The Zobel, Craig 2019 USA 90
20616 18654 Fading Light, The Kavanagh, Ivan 2009 Ireland 71
20617 18754 Wounds Anvari, Babak 2019 USA 95
20618 18742 Kingsman: The Golden Circle Vaughn, Matthew 2017 USA 141
20619 18637 Saviours Nolan, Liam & Ross Whitaker 2007 Ireland 80
20620 18627 Annabelle Comes Home Dauberman, Gary 2019 USA 106
20621 18624 Alois Nebel Lunák, Tomás 2011 Czech Republic 84
20622 How Not to Be Seen Steyerl, Hito 2013 Germany 16
20623 18691 Affair in the Snow Yoshida, Yoshishige 1968 Japan 97
20624 18702 Korea Black, Cathal 1995 Ireland 87
20625 18689 Larry Kramer in Love and Anger Carlomusto, Jean 2015 USA 82
20626 18686 Red State Smith, Kevin 2011 USA 88
20627 18663 Cardboard Gangsters O'Connor, Mark 2017 Ireland 92
20628 18690 Snap Winters, Carmel 2010 Ireland 83
20629 18768 He Named Me Malala Guggenheim, Davis 2015 Cayman Islands 87
20630 18625 Age of Panic Triet, Justine 2013 France 94
20631 18764 Night Before, The Levine, Jonathan 2015 USA 101
20632 18703 Shell Graham, Scott 2012 UK 91
20633 18676 Go for Sisters Sayles, John 2013 USA 123
20634 18681 Gaza Keane, Garry & Andrew McConnell 2019 Ireland 92
20635 18659 Mise Éire Morrison, George 1959 Ireland 88
20636 18692 Shadow Dancer Marsh, James 2012 UK 102
20637 18652 Spring on Leper's Island Toyoda, Shiro 1940 Japan 88
20638 18728 Our Time Machine Chiang, S. Leo & Sun Yang 2019 China 86
20639 18730 Serial: Season 1 [Podcast] Koenig, Sarah 2014
20640 18641 True Detective (Season 1) [TV] Fukunaga, Cary Joji 2014 USA
20641 18650 Heat Wave Gosha, Hideo 1991 Japan 110
20642 18661 Kings Collins, Tom 2007 Ireland 88
20643 18756 TIME: The Kalief Browder Story [TV] Furst, Jenner 2017 USA
20644 María (y los demás) Reguera, Nely 2016 Spain 90
20645 Carmen & Lola Echeverría, Arantxa 2018 Spain 103
20646 18678 Christmas Carol, A [TV-1999] Jones, David Hugh 1999 USA 95
20647 18672 Wonderful Night in Split, A Ostojic, Arsen A. 2004 Croatia 100
20648 18673 Nasty Bailey-Bond, Prano 2015 UK 15
20649 18662 Almost There Zünd, Jacqueline 2016 Switzerland 80
20650 18700 Of Good Report Qubeka, Jahmil X.T. 2013 South Africa 109
20651 18694 Wedding Party, The Adetiba, Kemi 2016 Nigeria 110
20652 Next Skin, The Campo, Isa & Isaki Lacuesta 2016 Spain 103
20653 Quién te cantará Vermut, Carlos 2018 Spain 125
20654 18653 Battle of Hawaii Yamamoto, Kajiro 1942 Japan 11
20655 18719 Domains Kusano, Natsuka 2019 Japan 150
20656 B Ilundain, David 2015 Spain 80
20657 Trinchera infinita, La Arregi, Aitor/Jon Garaño/Jose Mari Goenaga 2019 Spain 147
20658 18706 Assassination Nation Levinson, Sam 2018 USA 108
20659 18770 Christmas Dream, A Zeman, Karel & Borivoj Zeman 1946 Czechoslovakia 8
20660 18769 Christmas Carol, A [TV-1971] Williams, Richard 1971 USA 28
20661 Muchos hijos, un mono y un castillo Salmerón, Gustavo 2017 Spain 90
20662 18765 Santa Claus Smith, George Albert 1898 UK 1
20663 18670 On My Way Bercot, Emmanuelle 2013 France 116
20664 18667 Absence Mittal, Ekta 2018 India 81
20665 18759 Disclosure Feder, Sam 2020 USA 108
20666 18763 Christopher's Christmas Mission [TV] Åhlin, Per 1975 Sweden 23
20667 Silencio de otros, El Bahar, Robert & Almudena Carracedo 2018 Spain 96
20668 18762 Dark Girls Berry, D. Channsin & Bill Duke 2011 USA 71
20669 18760 Resist [TV] Johns, Natalie/Mobolaji Olambiwonnu/Tani Ikeda 2018 USA
20670 18680 Flashback Memories 3D Matsue, Tetsuaki 2012 Japan 72
20671 18660 Sapporo Winter Olympics Shinoda, Masahiro 1972 Japan 167
20672 18656 Godzilla vs. Biollante Ohmori, Kazuki 1989 Japan 104
20673 No sé decir adiós Escalera, Lino 2017 Spain 96
20674 18664 Something Fishy Marshall, Tonie 1994 France 100
20675 Reconquista, La Trueba, Jonás 2016 Spain 108
20676 TV Buddha [INSTALLATION] Nam June Paik 1974
20677 Untitled (Human Mask) Huyghe, Pierre 2014 France 19
20678 18668 Divine carcasse Loreau, Dominique 1998 Belgium 69
20679 Rapture Neshat, Shirin 1999 USA 9
20680 Todas las canciones hablan de mí Trueba, Jonás 2010 Spain 107
20681 Dia perfecte per volar, Un Recha, Marc 2015 Spain 70
20682 18657 House of Yes, The Waters, Mark 1997 USA 85
20683 18736 Red Sparrow Lawrence, Francis 2018 USA 140
20684 18649 Mystification ou L'histoire des portraits Rinaldi, Sandrine 2003 France 56
20685 Voz dormida, La Zambrano, Benito 2011 Spain 128
20686 18655 Journey Among Women Cowan, Tom 1977 Australia 93
20687 18671 Painter and the Thief, The Ree, Benjamin 2020 Norway
20688 18698 Years and Years [TV] Jones, Simon Cellan & Lisa Mulcahy 2019 UK
20689 18715 Black Christmas Takal, Sophia 2019 USA 92
20690 18741 Let it Fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992 Ridley, John 2017 USA 144
20691 Palmeras en la nieve González Molina, Fernando 2015 Spain 163
20692 Mientras dure la guerra Amenábar, Alejandro 2019 Spain 107
20693 18749 Damsel Zellner, David & Nathan Zellner 2018 USA 113
20694 18669 Borders Traoré, Apolline 2017 Burkina Faso 90
20695 18738 Mister T. Krzysztalowicz, Marcin 2019 Poland 103
20696 Autor, El Cuenca, Manuel Martín 2017 Spain 112
20697 18710 Lodge, The Fiala, Severin & Veronika Franz 2019 UK 100
20698 18635 Spoon Pakalnina, Laila 2019 Norway 65
20699 18708 Color Out of Space Stanley, Richard 2019 USA 111
20700 10.000 noches en ninguna parte Salazar, Ramón 2013 Spain 113
20701 Petra Rosales, Jaime 2018 Spain 107
20702 18767 Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Juice in the Hood Barclay, Paris 1995 USA 88
20703 18707 Krush Groove Schultz, Michael 1985 USA 97
20704 Football Days Serrano, David 2003 Spain 113
20705 18687 Atomic Age Klotz, Héléna 2012 France 67
20706 18722 Free Hands Sy, Brigitte 2010 France 100
20707 18725 State Property Abbott, Abdul Malik 2002 USA 88
20708 Stuey Vidmer, A.W. 2003 USA 120
20709 18755 Anthony van Tulleken, Jonathan 2014 UK 19
20710 Eat Me Pape, Lygia 1975 Brazil 10
20711 18758 Five Heartbeats, The Townsend, Robert 1991 USA 120
20712 18726 I Got the Hook Up Martin, Michael 1998 USA 93
20713 Quién lo impide Trueba, Jonás 2021 Spain 220
20714 18638 Good Favour Daly, Rebecca 2017 Ireland 101
20715 18713 Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II Pittman, Bruce 1987 Canada 96
20716 Primos Sánchez Arévalo, Daniel 2011 Spain 98
20717 18675 Waveriders Conroy, Joel 2008 Ireland 78
20718 18646 Saving Grace Cole, Nigel 1999 UK 92
20719 18682 Light Shines Only There, The Oh, Mipo 2014 Japan 120
20720 18757 Who's the Man? Demme, Ted 1993 USA 85
20721 Dead Man and Being Happy, The Rebollo, Javier 2012 Spain 92
20722 18639 John Q Cassavetes, Nick 2002 USA 115
20723 18771 Long Distance Information Hart, Douglas 2011 UK 8
20724 18642 Stigmata Wainwright, Rupert 1999 USA 102
20725 18752 Image You Missed, The Foreman, Donal 2018 France 74
20726 18648 Tale of Iya, The Tsuta, Tetsuichiro 2013 Japan 169
20727 18721 Love! Valour! Compassion! Mantello, Joe 1997 USA 110
20728 18636 Wood, The Famuyiwa, Rick 1999 USA 106
20729 Mapa Siminiani, León 2012 Spain 85
20730 18630 Soul Plane Terrero, Jessy 2004 USA 86
20731 Painter McCarthy, Paul & Kevin Cloud Brechner 1995 USA 50
20732 18677 Scarlet Diva Argento, Asia 2000 Italy 91
20733 18753 Miracle on 34th Street Mayfield, Les 1994 USA 114
20734 18679 Silent Grace Murphy, Maeve 2000 Ireland 86
20735 18724 Brooklyn Babylon Levin, Marc 2001 USA 89
20736 18723 Paper Soldiers Daniel, David & Damon Dash 2002 USA 88
20737 18683 Jigsaw Guest, Val 1962 UK 107
20738 18705 Baller Blockin' Esteb, Steven 2000 USA 54
20739 18645 Season of Men, The Tlatli, Moufida 2000 Tunisia 122
20740 18727 Judy Goold, Rupert 2019 UK 118
20741 …And Europe Will Be Stunned [INSTALLATION] Bartana, Yael 2007-11 65
20742 18626 Alakazam the Great Shirakawa, Daisaku & Taiji Yabushita 1961 Japan 84
20743 Ever is Over All Rist, Pipilotti 1997 Switzerland 4
20744 18733 Arion Yasuhiko, Yoshikazu 1986 Japan 118
20745 18709 Ringing Bell Hata, Masami 1978 Japan 47
20746 18631 Unjust, The Ryu Seung-wan 2010 South Korea 119
20747 18739 Flight of the Doves Nelson, Ralph 1971 UK 105
20748 18751 Illustrated Man, The Smight, Jack 1969 USA 103
20749 18750 Moonraker, The MacDonald, David 1958 UK 82
20750 18716 Robbery Under Arms Lee, Jack 1957 UK 83
20751 18731 Mai Mai Miracle Katabuchi, Sunao 2009 Japan 93
20752 18643 German Youth, A Périot, Jean-Gabriel 2015
20753 18729 Zachariah Englund, George 1971 USA 93
20754 18693 Nothing Left to Do But Cry Benigni, Roberto & Massimo Troisi 1984 Italy 113
20755 Day is Done Kelley, Mike 2006 USA
20756 Platform, The Gaztelu-Urrutia, Galder 2019 Spain 94
20757 18717 Ain't No Tomorrows Tanada, Yuki 2008 Japan 79
20758 18743 Taro the Dragon Boy Urayama, Kirio 1979 Japan 75
20759 18732 Henry VIII and His Six Wives Hussein, Waris 1972 UK 125
20760 18734 Mahogany Gordy, Berry 1975 USA 109
20761 18735 Inn of the Damned Bourke, Terry 1974 Australia 118
20762 Giant, The Arregi, Aitor & Jon Garaño 2017 Spain 114
20763 More Sweetly Play the Dance Kentridge, William 2015 South Africa 15
20764 Us Dead Talk Love [INSTALLATION] Atkins, Ed 2012 37
20765 18737 Cheech & Chong's Next Movie Chong, Tommy 1980 USA 99
20766 18704 Tokyo Trash Baby Hiroki, Ryuichi 2000 Japan 88
20767 18772 Aquarela Kossakovsky, Victor 2018 UK 90
20768 18774 Coincoin and the Extra-Humans [TV] Dumont, Bruno 2018 France 211
20769 18773 Walesa: Man of Hope Wajda, Andrzej 2013 Poland 127
20770 18775 Our Legacy Vinel, Jonathan & Caroline Poggi 2016 France 25
20771 18777 Brillianty. Vorovstvo Khamdamov, Rustam 2011 Russia 25
20772 18778 Fear Musaeva, Malika 2018
20773 18776 Easy Fault Musaeva, Malika 2015
20774 18781 Thursday Till Sunday Castillo, Dominga Sotomayor 2012 Chile
20775 18780 Young & Wild Rivas, Marialy 2012 Chile 96
20776 18779 Marimbas from Hell Hernández Cordón, Julio 2010 Guatemala 74
20777 18782 Violeta Went to Heaven Wood, Andrés 2011 Chile 110
20778 18783 Carefree Sandrich, Mark 1938 USA 83
20779 18786 Mabel's Blunder Normand, Mabel 1914 USA 16
20780 18784 Sick Kitten, The Smith, George Albert 1903 UK 1
20781 18785 Raven, The Landers, Lew 1935 USA 62
20782 18788 Reality Bites Stiller, Ben 1994 USA 99
20783 18789 Xtro Davenport, Harry Bromley 1983 UK 82
20784 19097 Mandara Jissoji, Akio 1971 Japan 132
20785 18787 Cheap Thrills Katz, E.L. 2013 USA 88
20786 18791 John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection Faraut, Julien 2018 France 95
20787 18790 De Palma Baumbach, Noah & Jake Paltrow 2015 USA 107
20788 18792 They'll Love Me When I'm Dead Neville, Morgan 2018 USA 98
20789 18793 Leaving Neverland Reed, Dan 2019 UK 240
20790 18795 Finding Vivian Maier Maloof, John & Charlie Siskel 2013 USA 83
20791 18796 Wildlife Dano, Paul 2018 USA 105
20792 18797 Marjorie Prime Almereyda, Michael 2017 USA 99
20793 Apostasy Kokotajlo, Daniel 2017 UK 95
20794 18798 Our Sunhi Hong Sang-soo 2013 South Korea 88
20795 18799 Devil and Miss Jones, The Wood, Sam 1941 USA 92
20796 18801 Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear, The Zucker, David 1991 USA 85
20797 18800 Indignation Schamus, James 2016 USA 110
20798 18802 Beast with Five Fingers, The Florey, Robert 1946 USA 88
20799 18804 Whistlers, The Porumboiu, Corneliu 2019 Romania 97
20800 18805 Life Demme, Ted 1999 USA 108
20801 18806 Happy New Year, Colin Burstead Wheatley, Ben 2018 UK 95
20802 18807 Ethnographic Films Hurston, Zora Neale 1929 USA 12
20803 18808 Louder Than Bombs Trier, Joachim 2015 Norway 109
20804 18809 Spider-Man 3 Raimi, Sam 2007 USA 139
20805 18810 Tailor of Panama, The Boorman, John 2001 USA 109
20806 18812 Mimic del Toro, Guillermo 1997 USA 105
20807 18813 Double, The Ayoade, Richard 2013 UK 93
20808 18814 Relic, The Hyams, Peter 1996 USA 110
20809 18815 Phantom, The Wincer, Simon 1996 USA 101
20810 18817 Moon Over Miami Lang, Walter 1941 USA 91
20811 18818 On Moonlight Bay Del Ruth, Roy 1951 USA 95
20812 18835 Greta Jordan, Neil 2018 Ireland 98
20813 18836 Captain Marvel Boden, Anna & Ryan Fleck 2019 USA 124
20814 18845 Ema Larraín, Pablo 2019 Chile 102
20815 18827 Getting Any? Kitano, Takeshi 1994 Japan 108
20816 18824 Islands Gonzalez, Yann 2017 France 23
20817 18832 Bird People in China, The Miike, Takashi 1998 Japan 118
20818 18842 Bohemian Rhapsody Singer, Bryan 2018 USA 134
20819 18831 Lean on Pete Haigh, Andrew 2017 UK 121
20820 18825 1 Day Woolcock, Penny 2009 UK
20821 18834 Mary and the Witch's Flower Yonebayashi, Hiromasa 2017 Japan 103
20822 18838 Gerald's Game Flanagan, Mike 2017 USA 103
20823 18844 Aquaman Wan, James 2018 USA 143
20824 18830 Blade of the Immortal Miike, Takashi 2017 Japan 140
20825 18828 Birthday Party, The Friedkin, William 1968 UK 123
20826 18833 Ant-Man and the Wasp Reed, Peyton 2018 USA 118
20827 18821 Suicide Squad Ayer, David 2016 USA 123
20828 18829 Adolescents Lifshitz, Sébastien 2019 France 135
20829 18841 America to Me [TV] James, Steve/Bing Liu/Rebecca Parish/Kevin Shaw 2018
20830 18839 X-Men: Apocalypse Singer, Bryan 2016 USA 144
20831 18837 Dark Half, The Romero, George A. 1991 USA 122
20832 18847 Godfather Saga, The [TV] Coppola, Francis Ford 1977 USA 434
20833 18819 Floorwalker, The Chaplin, Charles 1916 USA 29
20834 18826 Bad Times at the El Royale Goddard, Drew 2018 USA 141
20835 18822 Sorry Angel Honoré, Christophe 2018 France 132
20836 18854 Plan B Genc, Ufuk & Michael Popescu 2016 Germany 103
20837 18877 Brink, The Li, Jonathan 2017 China 101
20838 18887 Confidential Assignment Kim Sung-hoon 2017 South Korea 124
20839 18859 Sumo Do, Sumo Don't Suo, Masayuki 1992 Japan 105
20840 18880 Nightshooters Price, Marc 2018 UK 100
20841 18858 Kolobos Liatowitsch, Daniel & David Todd Ocvirk 1999 USA 87
20842 18863 Kill Order Mark, James 2017 Canada 77
20843 18860 See No Evil Dark, Gregory 2006 USA 84
20844 18889 Bedevilled Jang Cheol-soo 2010 South Korea 115
20845 18865 Tokarev Sakamoto, Junji 1994 Japan 103
20846 18861 Fragile Balagueró, Jaume 2005 Spain 101
20847 18878 Seoul Station Yeon Sang-ho 2016 South Korea 92
20848 18870 Jailbreak Henderson, Jimmy 2017 Cambodia 92
20849 18874 No Tears for the Dead Lee Jeong-beom 2014 South Korea 116
20850 18866 Backcountry MacDonald, Adam 2014 Canada 92
20851 18849 Re:Born Shimomura, Yuji 2016 Japan 106
20852 18871 Grace Lee Project, The Lee, Grace 2005 USA 68
20853 18864 Tenderness of the Wolves Lommel, Ulli 1973 West Germany 82
20854 18867 Original Sin Ishii, Takashi 1992 Japan 117
20855 18853 Bad Biology Henenlotter, Frank 2008 USA 84
20856 18890 Motel, The Kang, Michael 2005 USA 75
20857 19045 Forbidden Room, The Risi, Dino 1977 Italy 102
20858 18879 Tall Man, The Laugier, Pascal 2012 Canada 106
20859 18862 Refugee Nakasako, Spencer 2003 USA 60
20860 18892 Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Florentine, Isaac 2013 Thailand 95
20861 18883 I am a Hero Sato, Shinsuke 2015 Japan 126
20862 18886 Killing Kind, The Harrington, Curtis 1973 USA 95
20863 18884 Night of Fear Bourke, Terry 1973 Australia 54
20864 18850 Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy Yuen Woo-ping 2018 Hong Kong 107
20865 18869 Ip Man 2 Yip, Wilson 2010 Hong Kong 108
20866 18881 Petey Wheatstraw Roquemore, Cliff 1977 USA 100
20867 Resolution Benson, Justin & Aaron Moorhead 2012 USA 93
20868 18888 Rogue McLean, Greg 2007 Australia 99
20869 18868 Eliminators Nunn, James 2016 UK 94
20870 18885 Big Man Japan Matsumoto, Hitoshi 2007 Japan 113
20871 18855 Wakefield Swicord, Robin 2016 USA 106
20872 18872 Hiruko the Goblin Tsukamoto, Shin'ya 1991 Japan 89
20873 18857 Oily Maniac, The Ho Meng-Hua 1976 Hong Kong 84
20874 18873 Revenger Lee Seung-Won 2018 South Korea 101
20875 18882 After School Midnighters Takekiyo, Hitoshi 2012 Japan 95
20876 18902 Book of Eli, The Hughes, Albert & Allen Hughes 2009 USA 118
20877 19123 Airplane II: The Sequel Finkleman, Ken 1982 USA 85
20878 18937 Colma: The Musical Wong, Richard 2006 USA 100
20879 18935 Heavy Metal in Baghdad Moretti, Eddy & Suroosh Alvi 2007 USA 84
20880 18896 Final Destination 5 Quale, Steven 2011 USA 92
20881 18895 Messenger, The Moverman, Oren 2009 USA 105
20882 18898 Carriers Pastor, Àlex & David Pastor 2009 USA 84
20883 18897 Iron Man 2 Favreau, Jon 2010 USA 124
20884 18899 First Movie, The Cousins, Mark 2009 UK
20885 18901 Perestroika Turner, Sarah 2009 UK 115
20886 18921 Drive Angry Lussier, Patrick 2010 USA 104
20887 18900 Limitless Burger, Neil 2011 USA 105
20888 18949 Hancock Berg, Peter 2008 USA 92
20889 18903 Bellflower Glodell, Evan 2011 USA 106
20890 18948 In Between Days Kim So Yong 2006 USA
20891 18907 Delhi Belly Deo, Abhinay 2011 India 102
20892 18893 Night Watchman, The Almada, Natalia 2011 Mexico 72
20893 Albert Nobbs Garcia, Rodrigo 2011 Ireland 113
20894 18909 Dead, The Ford, Howard J. 2010 UK 105
20895 18910 Rise of the Guardians Ramsey, Peter 2012 USA 97
20896 18911 Invisible War, The Dick, Kirby 2012 USA 93
20897 18913 Lone Survivor Berg, Peter 2013 USA 121
20898 18917 Way Way Back, The Faxon, Nat & Jim Rash 2013 USA 103
20899 18916 Metallica: Through the Never Antal, Nimród 2013 USA 93
20900 18912 Amazing Spider-Man, The Webb, Marc 2012 USA 136
20901 18918 Call Girl Marcimain, Mikael 2012 Sweden
20902 18914 Thor: The Dark World Taylor, Alan 2013 USA 112
20903 18904 Green Lantern Campbell, Martin 2011 USA 114
20904 18951 Orgazmo Parker, Trey 1997 USA 94
20905 19047 Kate Bornstein is a Queer and Pleasant Danger Feder, Sam 2014 USA 72
20906 18983 Visitor, The Paradisi, Giulio 1979 Italy 90
20907 19095 Peter Rabbit Gluck, Will 2018 USA 95
20908 18924 Eyes of a Stranger Wiederhorn, Ken 1981 USA 85
20909 18926 Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt Epstein, Rob & Jeffrey Friedman 1989 USA 75
20910 18925 Thrashin' Winters, David 1986 USA 90
20911 18927 Code Name: Emerald Sanger, Jonathan 1985 USA 95
20912 18928 Gleaming the Cube Clifford, Graeme 1989 USA 104
20913 18929 Trick or Treat Smith, Charles Martin 1986 USA 97
20914 18931 Ghost Stories Dyson, Jeremy & Andy Nyman 2017 UK 98
20915 18930 TerrorVision Nicolaou, Ted 1986 USA 85
20916 18908 Fast and the Furious, The: Tokyo Drift Lin, Justin 2006 Germany 104
20917 18934 Spawn Dippe, Mark A.Z. 1997 USA 96
20918 18953 Blackwood Wimpenny, Adam 2013 UK 90
20919 18936 Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight Dickerson, Ernest R. 1995 USA 92
20920 18922 Gook Chon, Justin 2017 USA 94
20921 18938 Shadow, The Mulcahy, Russell 1994 USA 108
20922 18939 London Symphony Barrett, Alex 2017 UK
20923 18940 Groove Harrison, Greg 2000 USA 83
20924 18943 Undercover Brother Lee, Malcolm D. 2002 USA 85
20925 18942 Party Monster Bailey, Fenton & Randy Barbato 2003 USA 98
20926 18941 Shaft Singleton, John 2000 USA 99
20927 18944 Most Terrible Time in My Life, The Hayashi, Kaizo 1993 Japan 92
20928 18945 Blade: Trinity Goyer, David S. 2004 USA 112
20929 18946 X-Men: The Last Stand Ratner, Brett 2006 USA 104
20930 18947 Woman in Black, The [TV] Wise, Herbert 1989 UK 100
20931 18932 Body Parts Red, Eric 1991 USA 88
20932 18981 Of Love & Law Hikaru, Toda 2017 UK
20933 18955 Nathan for You: Finding Frances [TV] Fielder, Nathan 2017 USA 120
20934 18956 Casting JonBenet Green, Kitty 2017 USA 80
20935 18963 Modulations Lee, Iara 1998 USA 75
20936 18954 Better Luck Tomorrow Lin, Justin 2002 USA 101
20937 18962 Dragonslayer Patterson, Tristan 2011 USA 74
20938 18959 Black Mother Allah, Khalik 2018 USA 77
20939 18958 Devil's Freedom González, Everardo 2017 Mexico 74
20940 18973 Bones Brigade: An Autobiography Peralta, Stacy 2012 USA 90
20941 18957 Cocote de Los Santos Arias, Nelson Carlo 2017 Argentina 106
20942 18966 Greener Grass DeBoer, Jocelyn & Dawn Luebbe 2019 USA 95
20943 18960 Furie Le-Van Kiet 2019 Vietnam 98
20944 18919 Wolverine, The Mangold, James 2013 USA 126
20945 18972 Venom Fleischer, Ruben 2018 USA 112
20946 19012 Noche, La Castro, Edgardo 2016 Argentina 135
20947 18964 Daytime Drinking Noh Young-seok 2008 South Korea 116
20948 18971 They Ghazvinizadeh, Anahita 2017 USA 80
20949 18970 Front Runner, The Reitman, Jason 2018 USA 113
20950 18952 Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion, The Park Hoon-jung 2018 South Korea 125
20951 18969 Little Match Girl, The Moguillansky, Alejo 2017 Argentina 71
20952 18974 Signalman, The [TV] Clark, Lawrence Gordon 1976 UK 38
20953 18977 Avengement Johnson, Jesse V. 2019 UK 90
20954 18976 Stop the Pounding Heart Minervini, Roberto 2013 USA 98
20955 Zombi Child Bonello, Bertrand 2019 France
20956 18978 Wild Nights with Emily Olnek, Madeleine 2018 USA 84
20957 18979 Children of the Sea Watanabe, Ayumu 2019 Japan 111
20958 18980 Hair High Plympton, Bill 2004 USA 78
20959 18961 Better Living Through Circuitry Reiss, Jon 1999 USA 85
20960 18992 Good Lie, The Falardeau, Philippe 2014 USA 110
20961 19103 Last of Us, The Slim, Alaeddine 2016 Tunisia 95
20962 18997 Naked Room, The Ibañez, Nuria 2013 Mexico 70
20963 18984 Elena Costa, Petra 2012 Brazil 80
20964 18986 Reunion, The Odell, Anna 2013 Sweden
20965 18985 Seymour: An Introduction Hawke, Ethan 2014 USA 84
20966 Housebound Johnstone, Gerard 2014 New Zealand 107
20967 18987 Fifi Howls from Happiness Farahani, Mitra 2013 USA 96
20968 18988 Tickled Farrier, David & Dylan Reeve 2016 New Zealand 92
20969 18994 Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present Hubby, Tyler 2016 USA 102
20970 18989 When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism Porumboiu, Corneliu 2013 Romania 89
20971 18991 Riot Club, The Scherfig, Lone 2014 UK 107
20972 18990 As Above, So Below Dowdle, John Erick 2014 USA 93
20973 19029 Merci patron! Ruffin, François 2016 France 84
20974 19052 No Escape Dowdle, John Erick 2015 USA 103
20975 18965 Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Soren, David 2017 USA 89
20976 18996 Ip Man 3 Yip, Wilson 2015 Hong Kong 105
20977 19049 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Liebesman, Jonathan 2014 USA 101
20978 18995 Everything Else Almada, Natalia 2016 Mexico
20979 19000 War, A Lindholm, Tobias 2015 Denmark 115
20980 19008 Everybody in Our Family Jude, Radu 2012 Romania 107
20981 18982 American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs Lee, Grace 2013 USA 82
20982 19032 Signal, The Eubank, William 2014 USA 97
20983 19010 Kings of Nowhere García, Betzabé 2015 Mexico 83
20984 18998 Baskin Evrenol, Can 2015 Turkey 97
20985 18967 Borg vs. McEnroe Metz, Janus 2017 Sweden 108
20986 19015 Notfilm Lipman, Ross 2015 USA 130
20987 18920 Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Webb, Marc 2014 USA 142
20988 18993 Lesson, The Grozeva, Kristina & Petar Valchanov 2014 Bulgaria
20989 19020 Wexford Plaza Wong, Joyce 2016 Canada 80
20990 19099 Amityville II: The Possession Damiani, Damiano 1982 USA 104
20991 19014 Sheik and I, The Zahedi, Caveh 2012 USA 104
20992 19038 Cowboys Mulloy, Phil 1991 UK
20993 19027 Llorona, La Bustamante, Jayro 2019 Guatemala 97
20994 19036 Under African Skies Berlinger, Joe 2012 USA 108
20995 19066 Traps Chytilová, Věra 1998 Czech Republic 124
20996 19003 Abandoned Goods Borg, Pia & Edward Lawrenson 2014 UK 37
20997 19011 Casi divas López, Issa 2008 Mexico 107
20998 19035 Escape, The Gruzsniczki, Andrei 2013 Romania 107
20999 19037 Long Walk, The Do, Mattie 2019 Laos 116
21000 19021 Dog Molina Campusano, José Celestino 2014 Argentina 88
21001 19109 Conducta Daranas, Ernesto 2014 Cuba 108
21002 19041 Heiresses, The Martinessi, Marcelo 2018 Paraguay 98
21003 19048 Carry on Girls Thomas, Gerald 1973 UK 88
21004 19122 Keepers, The [TV] White, Ryan 2017 USA 436
21005 19060 Criminal Queers Stanley, Eric & Chris Vargas 2013
21006 19096 7 Boxes Maneglia, Juan Carlos & Tana Schémbori 2012 Paraguay 105
21007 19059 Sergio and Sergei Daranas, Ernesto 2017 Cuba 93
21008 19120 Love, Antosha Price, Garret 2019 USA 92
21009 19001 Saudade Tomita, Katsuya 2011 Japan 167
21010 19009 Terror, The Del Ruth, Roy 1928 USA 85
21011 19087 In the Life of Music So, Caylee & Sok Visal 2019 USA 92
21012 19055 Rhymes for Young Ghouls Barnaby, Jeff 2013 Canada 88
21013 19056 Ninth Floor Shum, Mina 2015 Canada 81
21014 19094 Singing Fool, The Bacon, Lloyd 1928 USA 101
21015 19129 Siempre andamos caminando Urbina Mata, Dinazar 2017 Mexico 64
21016 19119 Life Espinosa, Daniel 2017 USA 104
21017 19028 Alcohol Years, The Morley, Carol 2000 UK 50
21018 19117 Why Don't You Just Die! Sokolov, Kirill 2018 Russia 99
21019 19108 Vida en común, La Yanco, Ezequiel 2019 Argentina 70
21020 19067 Bois dont les rêves sont faits, Les Simon, Claire 2015 France 144
21021 19126 Cossacks of the Kuban Pyrev, Ivan 1950 USSR 112
21022 19112 Crowded Day, The Guillermin, John 1954 UK 82
21023 19007 Molly Maxwell St. Onge, Sara 2013 Canada 90
21024 19033 Pater Cavalier, Alain 2011 France 105
21025 19121 Slade in Flame Loncraine, Richard 1975 UK 91
21026 19044 Inferninho Diogenes, Pedro & Guto Parente 2018 Brazil 82
21027 19090 That Man Bolt Levin, Henry 1973 USA 105
21028 19113 Open Secret, An Berg, Amy 2014 USA 99
21029 19046 Her Story [TV] Freeland, Sydney 2016 USA
21030 19118 Wind Knows That I'm Coming, The Leiva, José Luis Torres 2016 Chile 103
21031 19127 Eternal, The Almereyda, Michael 1998 USA 95
21032 19111 Sun Valley Serenade Humberstone, H. Bruce 1941 USA 86
21033 19110 Tehroun Homayoun, Nader T. 2009 France 95
21034 19064 Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship Kirchenbauer, Vika 2012 Germany 25
21035 19106 Power Rangers Israelite, Dean 2017 USA 124
21036 19115 Fool, The Bykov, Yuriy 2014 Russia 116
21037 19051 Red Ball Express Boetticher, Budd 1952 USA 83
21038 19080 Papirosen Solnicki, Gastón 2011 Argentina 74
21039 19034 Retablo Aparicio, Alvaro Delgado 2017 Peru 95
21040 19039 Cuatreros Carri, Albertina 2016 Argentina 83
21041 19107 Reminiscences of Jonas Mekas Raynal, Jackie 2015
21042 Living Dead Girl, The Rollin, Jean 1982 France 86
21043 19072 Spa Night Ahn, Andrew 2016 USA 93
21044 19105 Pénélope Doyon, Claire 2012 France 50
21045 19069 Digital Desert [INSTALLATION] Cogitore, Clément 2015
21046 18891 Journey from the Fall Tran Ham 2006 USA 135
21047 19018 Unkindness of Ravens, The Brewster, Lawrie 2016 UK 85
21048 19017 These Final Hours Hilditch, Zak 2013 Australia 87
21049 19016 Baronesa Antunes, Juliana 2017 Brazil 71
21050 19042 My Happy Family Ekvtimishvili, Nana & Simon Groß 2017 Germany 120
21051 19006 One or Two Questions Konrad, Kristina 2018 Germany
21052 19054 Our Loved Ones Émond, Anne 2015 Canada 102
21053 19086 Neither Heaven Nor Earth Cogitore, Clément 2015 France 100
21054 19125 Kamagasaki Cauldron War, The Sato, Leo 2018 Japan 115
21055 19089 Armorican Suite Breton, Pascale 2015 France 148
21056 19088 Team Hurricane Berg, Annika 2017 Denmark 96
21057 19114 Black Belt Jones Clouse, Robert 1974 USA 87
21058 19128 Porcelain Horse, The Andrade, Javier 2012 Ecuador 100
21059 19092 Crofter's Life in Shetland, A Brown, Jenny 1931 UK 64
21060 19022 Bad Influence Huaiquimilla, Claudia 2016 Chile 89
21061 19130 Marighella Moura, Wagner 2019 Brazil 155
21062 19101 World Without Women, A Brac, Guillaume 2011 France 56
21063 19025 History of Fear Naishtat, Benjamín 2014 Argentina 79
21064 19085 Uptown Saturday Night Poitier, Sidney 1974 USA 104
21065 19050 Ojuju Obasi, C.J. 'Fiery' 2014 Nigeria 95
21066 19040 Memory Exercises Encina, Paz 2016 Paraguay 70
21067 19093 Assassination Choi Dong-hoon 2015 South Korea 140
21068 19091 Skinflicker Bicât, Tonty 1973 UK 44
21069 19083 Amateurs Pichler, Gabriela 2018 Sweden 102
21070 19061 Tidal Wave Youn JK 2009 South Korea 120
21071 19068 Janwar Sonie, Bhappi 1965 India 247
21072 19073 Doomwatch Sasdy, Peter 1972 UK 92
21073 19023 One and a Half Prince Lungu, Ana 2018 Romania 105
21074 19078 Sense8: Amor Vincit Omnia [TV Episode] Wachowski, Lana 2018 USA 152
21075 19102 Killing Jesus Ortega, Laura Mora 2017 Colombia 95
21076 19070 Sample People Smith, Clinton 2000 Australia 97
21077 19026 Nadie, Los Mesa, Juan Sebastian 2016 Colombia 84
21078 19004 D-Day 6.6.44 [TV] Dale, Richard 2004 UK 120
21079 19075 Last Warning, The Leni, Paul 1928 USA 89
21080 19077 Drifters Grönlund, Peter 2015 Sweden 92
21081 19084 Drought González, Everardo 2011 Mexico 105
21082 18906 Sami Blood Kernell, Amanda 2016 Norway 110
21083 19104 I Promise You Anarchy Hernández Cordón, Julio 2015 Mexico 88
21084 19081 Neither the Sea Nor the Sand Burnley, Fred 1972 UK 110
21085 19057 Mayhem Lynch, Joe 2017 USA 86
21086 19062 Girls Lost Keining, Alexandra-Therese 2015 Sweden 106
21087 19076 Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter Lungu, Ana 2015 Romania 83
21088 19074 Destroy All Monsters! Honda, Ishiro 1968 Japan 88
21089 19065 Soldiers: Story from Ferentari Mladenovic, Ivana 2017 Romania 119
21090 19100 Unholy Three, The Conway, Jack 1930 USA 72
21091 19005 Assault Hayers, Sidney 1971 UK 89
21092 19082 Legend of Nigger Charley, The Goldman, Martin 1972 USA 98
21093 19131 Amazona Weiskopf, Clare 2016 Colombia 80
21094 19079 Captain Clegg Scott, Peter Graham 1962 UK 81
21095 19043 Ike: Countdown to D-Day [TV] Harmon, Robert 2004 USA 89
21096 19071 Alchemist Cookbook, The Potrykus, Joel 2016 USA 82
21097 19031 Stairs, The Gibson, Hugh 2016 Canada 95
21098 19024 Willie Dynamite Moses, Gilbert 1974 USA 102
21099 19053 Museo Ruizpalacios, Alonso 2018 Mexico 128
21100 19063 Unarmed Verses Officer, Charles 2017 Canada 86
21101 19002 Journey to a Mother's Room Clavellino, Celia Rico 2018 Spain 90
21102 Brothers Barron, Arthur 1977 USA 104
21103 Panther Van Peebles, Mario 1995 USA 124
21104 19132 Old Believers Sevciková, Jana 2001 Czech Republic 46
21105 42 Helgeland, Brian 2013 USA 128
21106 19133 Jakub Sevciková, Jana 1992 Czechoslovakia 65
21107 19134 One Million Years B.C. Chaffey, Don 1966 UK 100
21108 19135 Sons and Lovers Cardiff, Jack 1960 UK 103
21109 19137 Tarantella Bute, Mary Ellen & Ted Nemeth 1940 USA 4
21110 19139 Hellbound Train Gist, James 1930 USA 50
21111 19136 Felicia's Journey Egoyan, Atom 1999 UK 115
21112 19285 Imperatore di Roma, L' D'Alessandria, Nico 1988 Italy 90
21113 19140 Caveman Gottlieb, Carl 1981 USA 92
21114 19141 Exterminator, The Glickenhaus, James 1980 USA 101
21115 19138 My Best Girl Taylor, Sam 1927 USA 80
21116 19142 Chevalier Tsangari, Athina Rachel 2015 Greece 105
21117 19143 Woman in Black, The Watkins, James 2012 UK 95
21118 19144 Intolerable Cruelty Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen 2003 USA 100
21119 19145 Angela's Ashes Parker, Alan 1999 USA 145
21120 19146 Battle of the Sexes Dayton, Jonathan & Valerie Faris 2017 USA 121
21121 19148 Blades of Glory Speck, Will & Josh Gordon 2007 USA 93
21122 19149 God Bless America Goldthwait, Bobcat 2011 USA 105
21123 19150 Sun Don't Shine Seimetz, Amy 2012 USA 82
21124 19151 Lady, Stay Dead Bourke, Terry 1981 Australia 92
21125 Butler, The Daniels, Lee 2013 USA 132
21126 19157 Violent Playground Dearden, Basil 1958 UK 108
21127 19161 Black Sheep of Whitehall Dearden, Basil & Will Hay 1942 UK 80
21128 19163 Gemini Katz, Aaron 2017 USA 93
21129 19158 His Prehistoric Past Chaplin, Charles 1914 USA 22
21130 19153 Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur Jones, Chuck 1939 USA 8
21131 19160 Penny Paradise Reed, Carol 1938 UK 72
21132 LBJ Reiner, Rob 2016 USA 98
21133 19154 Three... Extremes Chan, Fruit/Takashi Miike/Park Chan-wook 2004 Hong Kong 125
21134 19187 Inugami Family, The Ichikawa, Kon 1976 Japan 146
21135 19162 Early Man Park, Nick 2018 UK 89
21136 19156 Justin Timberlake + the Tennessee Kids Demme, Jonathan 2016 USA 90
21137 19155 Eternal Love Lubitsch, Ernst 1929 USA 71
21138 19206 Chosen Ones, The Pablos, David 2015 Mexico 105
21139 19269 Sigur Rós: Inni Morisset, Vincent 2011 Iceland 74
21140 19259 Vigilante Force Armitage, George 1976 USA 89
21141 19210 Dirty Gertie from Harlem U.S.A. Williams, Spencer 1946 USA 65
21142 19176 Get a Horse! MacMullan, Lauren 2013 USA 6
21143 19278 Supersonic Whitecross, Mat 2016 UK 122
21144 19262 White Line Fever Kaplan, Jonathan 1975 USA 92
21145 19177 Blue Murder [TV] Jenkins, Michael 1995 Australia 198
21146 19191 Christmas Carol, A [TV-1984] Donner, Clive 1984 UK 100
21147 19208 Southbound Benjamin, Roxanne/David Bruckner/Patrick Horvath/Radio Silence 2015 USA 89
21148 19181 All This Panic Gage, Jenny 2016 USA 79
21149 19263 Fighting Back Teague, Lewis 1982 USA 98
21150 19268 Gorillaz: Live in Manchester [TV] Barnard, David 2006 UK 185
21151 19203 Kelly + Victor Evans, Kieran 2012 UK 94
21152 19298 Daddy and the Muscle Academy Pohjola, Ilppo 1991 Finland 55
21153 19228 Mad Dog Morgan Mora, Philippe 1976 Australia 102
21154 19266 Deathcheaters Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1976 Australia 93
21155 19216 Circumstance Keshavarz, Maryam 2011 USA
21156 19219 Ice Palace Blom, Per 1987 Norway 78
21157 19168 Did I Say Hairdressing? I Meant Astrophysics Leeds Animation Workshop 1998 UK 14
21158 19221 Scobie Malone Ohlsson, Terry 1975 Australia 98
21159 19197 Big Bad Wolves Keshales, Aharon & Navot Papushado 2013 Israel
21160 19224 Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changed Lives Garcia, Bobbito 2015 USA 99
21161 19222 Insidious: Chapter 2 Wan, James 2013 USA 105
21162 19218 Viva Breathnach, Paddy 2015 Ireland 100
21163 19279 Pure Necessity, The Claerbout, David 2017 Belgium 50
21164 19288 Dark Age Nicholson, Arch 1987 Australia 91
21165 19199 Canal, The Kavanagh, Ivan 2014 Ireland
21166 19277 Too Bad She's Bad Blasetti, Alessandro 1955 Italy 95
21167 19174 Super Dark Times Phillips, Kevin 2017 USA 100
21168 19299 Omar Gatlato Allouache, Merzak 1977 Algeria 90
21169 19284 Making of a Boyband, The [TV] Cohen, James 1996 UK
21170 19214 Doggiewoggiez! Poochiewoochiez! Everything is Terrible 2012 USA 55
21171 19294 First Love Garrone, Matteo 2004 Italy 100
21172 19281 Kodou Samb-Makharam, Ababcar 1973 Senegal 100
21173 19192 Another Thin Man Van Dyke, W.S. 1939 USA 105
21174 19275 BMX Bandits Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1983 Australia 88
21175 19289 Making Of Bouzid, Nouri 2006 Tunisia 120
21176 19230 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Rolling Stones Binzer, Rollin 1973 USA 90
21177 19169 Eyeful of Sound, An Moore, Samantha 2010 Canada 10
21178 19296 Fortress Nicholson, Arch 1985 Australia 85
21179 19280 Welcome to Portishead Signolet, Pascal 1998
21180 19287 Vampire Raiders, The Ho, Godfrey 1988 Hong Kong 86
21181 19188 Have You Seen My Movie? Smith, Paul Anton 2016 UK 136
21182 19267 Listening to You: The Who at the Isle of Wight 1970 [TV] Lerner, Murray 1998 UK 85
21183 19180 Amazing Catfish, The Sainte-Luce, Claudia 2013 Mexico 89
21184 19198 Mon Mon Mon Monsters Ko, Giddens 2017 Taiwan 113
21185 19274 Sky West and Crooked Mills, John 1966 UK 102
21186 19241 Jawbone Napper, Thomas 2016 UK 91
21187 19270 My Morning Jacket: Okonokos Erickson, Sam & Wyatt Smith 2006 USA 118
21188 19293 Breadcrumb Trail Bangs, Lance 2014 USA 90
21189 19172 Strain Andromeda, The McGuire, Anne 1992 USA 125
21190 19248 McKenzie Break, The Johnson, Lamont 1970 USA 106
21191 19271 Nirvana: Live at the Paramount Racco, Mark 2011 USA 72
21192 19196 G.B.F. Stein, Darren 2013 USA 93
21193 19290 Sonic Highways [TV] Grohl, Dave 2014 USA
21194 19171 Boles Cadez, Spela 2013 Slovenia 13
21195 19276 White Fire Pallardy, Jean-Marie 1985 France 101
21196 19291 Empty Beach, The Thomson, Chris 1985 Australia 85
21197 PT 109 Martinson, Leslie H. 1963 USA 140
21198 19165 Ghoul, The Tunley, Gareth 2016 UK 85
21199 19272 Jack & Diane Gray, Bradley Rust 2012 USA 110
21200 19173 Of Oz the Wizard Bucy, Matt 2004
21201 19297 Moment in the Reeds, A Makela, Mikko 2017 UK 108
21202 19260 Lovesong Kim So Yong 2016 USA 84
21203 19226 Old Enough Silver, Marisa 1984 USA 91
21204 19232 Baby Snakes Zappa, Frank 1979 USA 166
21205 19205 Pavee Lackeen: The Traveller Girl Ogden, Perry 2005 Ireland 89
21206 19234 Star Chamber, The Hyams, Peter 1983 USA 109
21207 19273 Troupe, The Nesher, Avi 1978 Israel 112
21208 19202 Freddy vs. Jason Yu, Ronny 2003 USA 97
21209 19257 Carmín Tropical Pérezcano, Rigoberto 2014 Mexico 80
21210 19194 Concert for George Leland, David 2003 UK 97
21211 19189 White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights, The Malloy, Emmett 2009 USA
21212 19264 Love Sick Gabizon, Savi 1995 Israel 94
21213 19183 Manic Melamed, Jordan 2001 USA 101
21214 19236 DeepStar Six Cunningham, Sean S. 1989 USA 100
21215 Barry Gandhi, Vikram 2016 USA 104
21216 19240 Dudes Spheeris, Penelope 1987 USA 90
21217 19190 Michael Kohlhaas - Der Rebell Schlöndorff, Volker 1969 West Germany 98
21218 19195 Shut Up & Sing Kopple, Barbara & Cecilia Peck 2006 USA 92
21219 19231 Vigilante Lustig, William 1982 USA 90
21220 19179 Quantum of Solace Forster, Marc 2008 USA 106
21221 19204 Ajami Copti, Scandar & Yaron Shani 2009 Israel 125
21222 19164 Escapist, The Wyatt, Rupert 2008 UK
21223 Elvis & Nixon Johnson, Liza 2016 USA 86
21224 19239 Ghostbusters Feig, Paul 2016 USA 116
21225 19166 Cottage to Let Asquith, Anthony 1941 UK 90
21226 19283 Fraud Fleischer Camp, Dean 2016 USA 52
21227 19227 Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The Higgins, Colin 1982 USA 114
21228 19201 Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Nelson, Stanley 2006 USA 86
21229 19184 Skeletons Whitfield, Nick 2009 UK
21230 19233 Clan of the Cave Bear, The Chapman, Michael 1986 USA 98
21231 19292 Art of Organized Noise, The Jones III, Quincy 2016 USA
21232 19238 Beauties of the Night Cuevas, María José 2016 Mexico
21233 19213 Number 23, The Schumacher, Joel 2007 Germany 98
21234 19217 Annabelle: Creation Sandberg, David F. 2017 USA 109
21235 19182 Rolling Vengeance Stern, Steven Hilliard 1987 Canada 90
21236 19229 Defiance Flynn, John 1980 USA 102
21237 Repo! The Genetic Opera Bousman, Darren Lynn 2008 USA 98
21238 19235 Grandma Weitz, Paul 2015 USA 79
21239 19175 Chinese Ghost Story III, A Ching Siu-Tung 1991 Hong Kong 104
21240 19223 Grave Encounters Vicious Brothers, The 2010 USA 90
21241 19209 Royal Affair, A Arcel, Nikolaj 2012 Denmark 138
21242 19242 Circle of Friends O'Connor, Pat 1995 Ireland 96
21243 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Bekmambetov, Timur 2012 USA 105
21244 Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat Hickox, Anthony 1989 USA 104
21245 19215 Peaky Blinders [TV] McCarthy, Colm/Tim Mielants/David Caffrey/Anthony Byrne/Otto Bathurst/Tom Harper 2013-17 UK
21246 19265 Kour Vorel, Tomás 1991 Czechoslovakia 89
21247 19255 Good Herbs, The Novaro, María 2010 Mexico 117
21248 19254 Vysotsky. Thank You for Being Alive Buslov, Pyotr 2011 Russia 128
21249 19252 War Balabanov, Aleksei 2002 Russia 120
21250 19245 Shame Jodrell, Steve 1988 Australia 90
21251 19200 Where Do We Go From Here? [TV] Donnellan, Philip 1969 UK 50
21252 19243 Mystic Pizza Petrie, Donald 1988 USA 104
21253 19258 Wetlands Wnendt, David 2013 Germany 109
21254 Jefferson in Paris Ivory, James 1995 USA 139
21255 19178 Carry Greenham Home Kidron, Beeban & Amanda Richardson 1983 UK 69
21256 19251 Sexo, pudor y lágrimas Serrano, Antonio 1999 Mexico 109
21257 19237 Fire Island Kids, The De Rome, Peter 1971
21258 19282 Kurt & Courtney Broomfield, Nick 1997 UK
21259 19186 Country Strong Feste, Shana 2010 USA 117
21260 Silent Tongue Shepard, Sam 1993 USA 98
21261 19256 Secreto de Romelia, El Cortés, Busi 1988 Mexico 100
21262 19247 Casper Silberling, Brad 1995 USA 100
21263 19212 Phantasm: Ravager Hartman, David 2016 USA 85
21264 Burrowers, The Petty, J.T. 2008 USA 96
21265 19250 She Doesn't Want to Sleep Alone Beristain, Natalia 2012 Mexico 83
21266 19170 I Spit on Your Grave: Vengeance is Mine Schenkman, Richard 2015 USA 92
21267 19193 My Universe Inside Out Hubley, Faith 1996 USA 25
21268 19261 Westler Speck, Wieland 1985 West Germany 94
21269 19249 Where Spring Comes Late Yamada, Yoji 1970 Japan 106
21270 Hyde Park on Hudson Michell, Roger 2012 USA 95
21271 19185 Last Exorcism, The Stamm, Daniel 2010 France 87
21272 19300 Guests, The Jacobs, Ken 2014 USA 73
21273 19301 Q & A Lumet, Sidney 1990 USA 132
21274 19302 Internal Affairs Figgis, Mike 1990 USA 117
21275 19303 They Drive by Night Walsh, Raoul 1940 USA 93
21276 19312 Living Desert, The Algar, James 1953 USA 73
21277 19306 Moscow on the Hudson Mazursky, Paul 1984 USA 115
21278 19305 Von Ryan's Express Robson, Mark 1965 USA 117
21279 19310 Shoot to Kill Spottiswoode, Roger 1988 USA 110
21280 19309 Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo Okamoto, Kihachi 1970 Japan 79
21281 19311 84 Charlie Mopic Duncan, Patrick Sheane 1989 USA 95
21282 19313 Fill the Void Burshtein, Rama 2012 Israel 90
21283 19314 GRIDLOCK'd Hall, Vondie Curtis 1996 USA 91
21284 19315 Saving Mr. Banks Hancock, John Lee 2013 USA 125
21285 19317 Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films Hartley, Mark 2014 Australia 106
21286 19304 Street of Chance Hively, Jack 1942 USA 74
21287 19318 French Twist Balasko, Josiane 1995 France 107
21288 19307 Fallen Sparrow, The Wallace, Richard 1943 USA 94
21289 19319 U-571 Mostow, Jonathan 2000 USA 116
21290 19320 Trip to Spain, The Winterbottom, Michael 2017 UK 108
21291 19321 Champagne Murders, The Chabrol, Claude 1967 France 105
21292 19325 What Women Want Meyers, Nancy 2000 USA 126
21293 19326 Wild Orchid King, Zalman 1989 USA 111
21294 19327 Jane Eyre Fukunaga, Cary Joji 2011 UK 121
21295 19328 To Be or Not to Be Johnson, Alan 1983 USA 108
21296 19329 Ladies in Lavender Dance, Charles 2004 UK 103
21297 19441 Dora-heita Ichikawa, Kon 2000 Japan 111
21298 19338 Tape Linklater, Richard 2001 USA 86
21299 19331 Master Spearman, The Uchida, Tomu 1960 Japan 99
21300 19334 Potiche Ozon, François 2010 France 103
21301 19330 Berlin Syndrome Shortland, Cate 2017 Australia 116
21302 19332 Legend of the Eight Samurai Fukasaku, Kinji 1983 Japan 133
21303 19337 Assassination Bureau, The Dearden, Basil 1969 UK 110
21304 19335 Mr. Sardonicus Castle, William 1961 USA 89
21305 19336 Tamara Drewe Frears, Stephen 2010 UK 107
21306 19339 Cosi fan tutte [TV] Haneke, Michael 2013 France 190
21307 19333 Trolls Mitchell, Mike 2016 USA 92
21308 19361 Bit of Scarlet, A Weiss, Andrea 1996 UK 74
21309 19488 Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen Lau, Andrew 2010 Hong Kong 106
21310 19440 Woman in the Septic Tank, The Rivera, Marlon 2011 Philippines 87
21311 Oceans Perrin, Jacques & Jacques Cluzaud 2009 France 104
21312 19505 Going the Distance Burstein, Nanette 2010 USA 102
21313 19510 London in the Raw Miller, Arnold L. 1965 UK 76
21314 19508 Seniman bujang lapok Ramlee, P. 1961 Singapore
21315 19393 Screwballs Zielinski, Rafal 1983 USA 80
21316 19426 Mr. Gaga Heymann, Tomer 2015 Israel 100
21317 19383 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later Miner, Steve 1998 USA
21318 19370 Savior Antonijevic, Predrag 1997 USA 103
21319 19502 Remington & the Curse of the Zombadings Castro, Jade 2011 Philippines 96
21320 19387 Man is a Woman Zilbermann, Jean-Jacques 1997 France 99
21321 19496 Cold in July Mickle, Jim 2014 USA 109
21322 19398 Jemima and Johnny Ngakane, Lionel 1966 South Africa 29
21323 19499 Dr Seuss' The Lorax Renaud, Chris 2012 USA 86
21324 Blue Water, White Death Gimbel, Peter & James Lipscomb 1971 USA 99
21325 19365 Voice of the Eagle: The Enigma of Robbie Basho Barker, Liam 2015 UK 87
21326 19363 Cold Turkey Lear, Norman 1971 USA 99
21327 19433 Best That Never Was, The [TV] Hock, Jonathan 2010 USA 101
21328 19378 Child's Play 2 Lafia, John 1990 USA 84
21329 19421 Games Gamblers Play Hui, Michael 1974 Hong Kong 107
21330 19407 Sword of the Beast Gosha, Hideo 1965 Japan 85
21331 19492 Beautiful Creatures LaGravenese, Richard 2013 USA 124
21332 19418 Elektra Friedrich, Götz 1981 West Germany 118
21333 19366 Free Willy Wincer, Simon 1993 USA 112
21334 19340 Art of Crying, The Fog, Peter Schønau 2006 Denmark 106
21335 19428 Kicking & Screaming [TV] Bragard, Jean-Claude 1995 UK
21336 19413 Nine Innings from Ground Zero [TV] Shapiro, Ouisie 2004 USA 60
21337 19411 Survive and Advance [TV] Hock, Jonathan 2013 USA
21338 19430 Atomic Falafel Shaul, Dror 2015 Israel 100
21339 19377 Heaven and Earth Kadokawa, Haruki 1990 Japan 106
21340 19435 Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives Fernie, Lynne & Aerlyn Weissman 1992 Canada 85
21341 19396 Blue Max, The Guillermin, John 1966 USA 156
21342 19371 Predator 2 Hopkins, Stephen 1990 USA 108
21343 19498 About Last Night Pink, Steve 2014 USA 100
21344 19424 Dream A40 Reckord, Lloyd 1965 UK 16
21345 19403 Jumping the Broom Akil, Salim 2011 USA 112
21346 19349 Dean Spanley Fraser, Toa 2008 UK 100
21347 19486 Cuban Fury Griffiths, James 2013 UK 98
21348 19384 Battle of the Ants, The Barkas, Geoffrey 1922
21349 19432 Creators of Shopping Worlds, The Farocki, Harun 2001 Germany 75
21350 19513 Warm Bodies Levine, Jonathan 2013 USA 98
21351 Bait Rendall, Kimble 2012 Australia 93
21352 19427 Taped Nightmare Toubro, Iselin 2015 Denmark 70
21353 19422 Boris Godounov Żuławski, Andrzej 1989 France 118
21354 19388 Tarzan the Ape Man Derek, John 1981 USA 112
21355 19395 Incident at Blood Pass Inagaki, Hiroshi 1970 Japan 117
21356 19495 Home Johnson, Tim 2015 USA 94
21357 19355 Knight and Day Mangold, James 2010 USA 109
21358 19391 H.O.T.S. Sindell, Gerald Seth 1979 USA 95
21359 19425 World Ten Times Over, The Rilla, Wolf 1963 UK 93
21360 19392 Next of Kin Dickinson, Thorold 1942 UK 102
21361 19379 Paragraph 175 Epstein, Rob & Jeffrey Friedman 2000 UK 81
21362 19386 Chain Reaction Barry, Ian 1980 Australia 87
21363 19359 Lemon Tree Riklis, Eran 2008 Israel 106
21364 19504 Far from the Madding Crowd Vinterberg, Thomas 2015 UK 119
21365 19397 Serious Charge Young, Terence 1959 UK 87
21366 19380 Inheritance, The Fly, Per 2003 Denmark 115
21367 19494 Sleepwalk with Me Birbiglia, Mike & Seth Barrish 2012 USA 90
21368 19348 Boheme, La Dornhelm, Robert 2008 Germany 114
21369 19354 Red Chapel, The Brügger, Mads 2009 Denmark 88
21370 19353 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Freudenthal, Thor 2010 USA 92
21371 19512 Omar Abu-Assad, Hany 2013 Palestine 96
21372 19351 Flickering Lights Jensen, Anders Thomas 2000 Denmark 109
21373 19500 Dirties, The Johnson, Matt 2013 Canada 83
21374 19506 Good Life, The Mulvad, Eva 2010 Denmark 87
21375 19511 Finding Fela Gibney, Alex 2014 USA 119
21376 19429 Samurai Wolf Gosha, Hideo 1966 Japan 75
21377 19514 Samba Nakache, Olivier & Éric Toledano 2014 France 118
21378 19352 Eyes Wide Open Tabakman, Haim 2009 Israel
21379 19437 Kill! Okamoto, Kihachi 1968 Japan 115
21380 19347 Deterrence Lurie, Rod 1999 France 101
21381 19342 Red Schwentke, Robert 2010 USA 111
21382 19404 Girl Stroke Boy Kellett, Bob 1973 UK 86
21383 Shark Night 3D Ellis, David R. 2011 USA 91
21384 19394 Ister, The Barison, David & Daniel Ross 2004 Australia 189
21385 19507 Ønskebørn Stærmose, Birgitte 2009 Denmark 29
21386 19420 I Touched Her Legs Rødbro, Eva Marie 2010 Denmark 15
21387 19372 Bench, The Fly, Per 2000 Denmark 93
21388 19489 Sand Storm Zexer, Elite 2016 Israel 87
21389 19373 When the Last Sword is Drawn Takita, Yojiro 2003 Japan 143
21390 19374 White Countess, The Ivory, James 2005 UK 135
21391 19360 Red Lion Okamoto, Kihachi 1969 Japan 115
21392 19490 Peter De Rome: Grandfather of Gay Porn Reid, Ethan 2014 UK 97
21393 19503 Silkevejen Rex, Jytte 2004 Denmark 75
21394 19434 It's Not Me, I Swear! Falardeau, Philippe 2008 Canada 110
21395 19344 I Want What I Want Dexter, John 1972 UK 91
21396 19369 Hidden Blade, The Yamada, Yoji 2005 Japan 132
21397 19385 Amreeka Dabis, Cherien 2009 Canada
21398 19382 Darkland Ahmad, Fenar 2017 Denmark 112
21399 19474 World in a Wine-Glass, The Field, Mary 1931
21400 19450 My Wife is a Gangster Cho Jin-gyu 2001 South Korea 107
21401 19473 Land of Mine Zandvliet, Martin 2015 Denmark 100
21402 19431 Miss Julie Ullmann, Liv 2014 Norway 130
21403 19447 On the Job Matti, Erik 2013 Philippines 118
21404 19402 Thi Tran Yen Tinh Le Duc Tien 1986 Vietnam 90
21405 19460 Samurai Fiction Nakano, Hiroyuki 1998 Japan 111
21406 19482 México 2000 González, Rogelio A. 1983 Mexico 95
21407 19445 Story of the Monkey King, The Ofuji, Noburo 1926 Japan
21408 19469 Premier Passions [TV] Uncredited Director 1998 UK
21409 19454 Tchoupitoulas Ross IV, Bill & Turner Ross 2012 USA 80
21410 19463 Case of the Bloody Iris, The Carnimeo, Giuliano 1972 Italy 94
21411 19477 Swallows and Amazons Lowthorpe, Philippa 2016 UK
21412 19423 Dark Horse Osmond, Louise 2014 UK 86
21413 19466 Another Sky Lambert, Gavin 1954 UK 86
21414 19470 Straight Outta L.A. [TV] Ice Cube 2010 USA 51
21415 19453 Shinsengumi: Assassins of Honour Sawashima, Tadashi 1969 Japan 122
21416 19468 I Am Michael Kelly, Justin 2015 USA 98
21417 19368 Last Days of Pompeii, The Bonnard, Mario 1960 Italy 105
21418 19345 Plan B Berger, Marco 2009 Argentina 103
21419 19452 Secret of the Urn, The Gosha, Hideo 1966 Japan 91
21420 19405 Kedi Torun, Ceyda 2016 USA 79
21421 19448 City of Violence, The Ryu Seung-wan 2006 South Korea 92
21422 19442 Samurai Saga Inagaki, Hiroshi 1959 Japan 111
21423 19400 Focus Ficarra, Glenn & John Requa 2015 USA 105
21424 19457 Kurt Cobain: About a Son Schnack, A.J. 2006 USA 96
21425 19436 Longest Ride, The Tillman Jr., George 2015 USA 128
21426 19456 Gambler, The [TV] Wilmshurst, Paul 2000 UK
21427 19376 Hillsborough [TV] Gordon, Daniel 2016 UK 121
21428 19446 Veteran Ryu Seung-wan 2015 South Korea 123
21429 19350 Greasy Strangler, The Hosking, Jim 2016 UK
21430 19455 Gonza the Spearman Shinoda, Masahiro 1986 Japan 126
21431 19509 Ittefaq Chopra, Yash 1969 India 104
21432 19364 Who's Gonna Love Me Now? Heymann, Barak & Tomer Heymann 2016 Israel 85
21433 19438 Santo Versus the Vampire Women Blake, Alfonso Corona 1962 Mexico 89
21434 19449 Testamentet Jepsen, Christian Sønderby 2011 Denmark 87
21435 19417 Keeping Room, The Barber, Daniel 2014 USA 95
21436 19483 Dull Sword, The Kouchi, Junichi 1917 Japan 2
21437 19444 Svend Wivel, Anne 2011 Denmark 110
21438 19484 Dance of the Chagamas Masaoka, Kenzo 1934 Japan
21439 19343 Europa Report Cordero, Sebastián 2013 USA 90
21440 19451 Suspect, The Won Shin-yeon 2013 South Korea 137
21441 19401 Secret Life of Pets, The Renaud, Chris 2016 Japan 87
21442 19485 Chemsex Fairman, William & Max Gogarty 2015 USA 83
21443 19461 McConkey Bruce, Rob/Scott Gaffney/Murray Wais/Steve Winter/David Zieff 2013 USA 100
21444 19476 Thieves, The Choi Dong-hoon 2012 South Korea 135
21445 19479 Wonder Mizue, Mirai 2014 Japan 8
21446 19478 Gruffalo, The [TV] Lang, Max & Jacob Schuh 2009 UK 27
21447 19464 Blue Collar White Christmas Kestner, Max 2004 Denmark 80
21448 19409 Brand X Chamberlain, Win 1970 USA 87
21449 19439 Candy Snatchers, The Trueblood, Guerdon 1973 USA 94
21450 19475 Fab Five, The [TV] Hehir, Jason 2011 USA 60
21451 19414 Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures Bailey, Fenton & Randy Barbato 2016 USA 108
21452 19472 Noiseman Sound Insect Morimoto, Koji 1997 Japan 16
21453 19491 Boxtrolls, The Stacchi, Anthony & Graham Annable 2014 USA 97
21454 Knock Knock Roth, Eli 2015 USA 99
21455 19356 Legend of Tarzan, The Yates, David 2016 USA 110
21456 19487 Dressed as a Girl Rothbart, Colin 2015 UK 101
21457 19419 Black Cap Drag Benner, Richard 1969 UK
21458 Justice League Dark Oliva, Jay 2017 USA 75
21459 19443 Ruined Heart: Another Lovestory Between a Criminal & a Whore Khavn 2014 Philippines 73
21460 19467 Bang Gang (A Modern Love Story) Husson, Eva 2015 France 98
21461 Reef, The Traucki, Andrew 2010 Australia 94
21462 19406 Wind in the Willows, The [TV] Hall, Mark 1983 UK 79
21463 19408 I Hate Christian Laettner [TV] Karpf, Rory 2015 USA 90
21464 19458 Impossible Job, An [TV] McGill, Ken 1994 UK 49
21465 19357 Metal Skin Wright, Geoffrey 1994 Australia 115
21466 19465 U, The [TV] Corben, Billy & Alfred Spellman 2009 USA 106
21467 19480 Arichan the Ant Seo, Mitsuyo 1941 Japan
21468 19481 Au Fou! Kuri, Yoji 1967 Japan 13
21469 19416 American Ultra Nourizadeh, Nima 2015 USA
21470 19471 Gentle Sex, The Howard, Leslie 1943 UK 92
21471 19412 Ski School Lee, Damian 1990 Canada 95
21472 19415 Submarino Vinterberg, Thomas 2010 Denmark 105
21473 19497 Coffee in Berlin, A Gerster, Jan Ole 2012 Germany 86
21474 19375 Grand Slam Montaldo, Giuliano 1968 Italy 120
21475 19399 Nightmare, The Ascher, Rodney 2015 USA 87
21476 19516 3.11 Sense of Home Erice, Víctor/Naomi Kawase/Kim So Yong/Kazuhiro Soda/Zhao Ye 2011 Japan 75
21477 19531 Sopranos, The [TV Series] Various Directors 1999-2007 USA
21478 19521 Urban Cowboy Bridges, James 1980 USA 135
21479 19522 Ghosts of the Abyss Cameron, James 2003 USA 61
21480 19527 From Beyond the Grave Connor, Kevin 1974 UK 98
21481 19530 Breaking Glass Gibson, Brian 1980 UK 104
21482 19632 Legend of Boggy Creek, The Pierce, Charles B. 1972 USA 90
21483 19526 Rush Hour Ratner, Brett 1998 USA 97
21484 19529 Hollywood Knights, The Mutrux, Floyd 1980 USA 95
21485 19533 OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies Hazanavicius, Michel 2006 France 99
21486 19534 Undertow Green, David Gordon 2004 USA 107
21487 19523 Bedelia Comfort, Lance 1946 UK 83
21488 19536 Creeping Flesh, The Francis, Freddie 1973 UK 94
21489 19518 Pickup Haas, Hugo 1951 USA 78
21490 19539 Night Has Eyes, The Arliss, Leslie 1942 UK 79
21491 19540 Eye of the Cat Rich, David Lowell 1969 USA 102
21492 19519 Paradine Case, The Hitchcock, Alfred 1947 USA 125
21493 19541 Savage Grace Kalin, Tom 2007 Spain 97
21494 19542 Running Scared Hyams, Peter 1986 USA 106
21495 19543 Hitler's Children Dmytryk, Edward 1943 USA 83
21496 19544 Boys are Back, The Hicks, Scott 2009 Australia 104
21497 19545 Oranges and Sunshine Loach, Jim 2010 UK 105
21498 19546 Gettin' Square Teplitzky, Jonathan 2003 Australia 100
21499 19548 Red Dog Stenders, Kriv 2011 Australia 92
21500 19547 Railway Man, The Teplitzky, Jonathan 2013 Australia 116
21501 19549 Paper Planes Connolly, Robert 2014 Australia 96
21502 19550 Times Square Moyle, Allan 1980 USA 111
21503 19551 Law, The Dassin, Jules 1959 Italy 114
21504 19552 Age of Shadows, The Kim Jee-woon 2016 South Korea 140
21505 19752 Boats Out of Watermelon Rinds Uluçay, Ahmet 2004 Turkey 97
21506 19732 Celtic Pride DeCerchio, Tom 1996 USA 91
21507 19767 Cholera Street Altioklar, Mustafa 1997 Turkey 1997
21508 19763 My Monkey Baby [TV] Alleway, Lynn 2009 UK 49
21509 19764 Frenzy Alper, Emin 2015 France 119
21510 19620 With Byrd at the South Pole Rucker, Joseph 1930 USA 82
21511 19773 From the Ashes Erskine, James 2011 UK 92
21512 19652 Video Dead, The Scott, Robert 1987 USA 90
21513 19749 Leprechaun Jones, Mark 1993 USA 92
21514 19748 Night of the Living Dead Savini, Tom 1990 USA 96
21515 19750 Sum of Us, The Burton, Geoff & Kevin Dowling 1994 Australia 99
21516 19746 Red Cross Girls Salvia, Rafael J. 1958 Spain 83
21517 19668 Semi-pro Alterman, Ken 2008 Germany 91
21518 19567 Baal [TV] Schlöndorff, Volker 1970 West Germany 87
21519 19762 Ginga: The Soul of Brasilian Fottball Alves, Tocha/Hank Levine/Marcelo Machado 2005 Brazil 79
21520 19675 Chasing Asylum Orner, Eva 2016 USA 90
21521 19629 Just Before Dawn Lieberman, Jeff 1981 USA 90
21522 19650 Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead Roache-Turner, Kiah 2014 Australia 98
21523 19559 Combination, The Field, David 2009 Australia 96
21524 19735 Dügün Akad, Lütfi 1973 Turkey 84
21525 19663 Female Agents Salomé, Jean-Paul 2007 France 117
21526 19679 Wicker Man, The LaBute, Neil 2006 Germany 102
21527 19609 Dangerous Green, Alfred E. 1935 USA 79
21528 19677 Bajrangi Bhaijaan Khan, Kabir 2015 India 163
21529 19644 Poitín Quinn, Bob 1978 Ireland 65
21530 19646 Love the Beast Bana, Eric 2009 Australia 88
21531 19710 Bodyline [TV] Schultz, Carl/George Ogilvie/Denny Lawrence/Lex Marinos 1984 Australia 330
21532 19649 My Prairie Home McMullan, Chelsea 2013 Canada 76
21533 19637 Hollow Crown, The [TV] Cooke, Dominic/Richard Eyre/Rupert Goold/Thea Sharrock 2012-16 UK
21534 19565 Last Ride Ivin, Glendyn 2009 Australia 90
21535 19705 Blackbird Descending - Tense Alignment le Grice, Malcolm 1977 UK
21536 19555 Finished People, The Do Khoa 2003 Australia
21537 19570 Beach Girls, The Townsend, Bud 1982 USA 91
21538 19582 Waiting City, The McCarthy, Claire 2009 Australia 100
21539 19676 Journey to the Center of the Earth Brevig, Eric 2007 USA 92
21540 19778 Another Sunday and Sweet F.A. [TV] Apted, Michael 1972 UK 50
21541 19670 Passport to Shame Rakoff, Alvin 1958 UK 86
21542 19755 Air Up There, The Glaser, Paul Michael 1993 USA 102
21543 19671 Forbidden King, George 1948 UK 87
21544 19564 Bastardy Courtin-Wilson, Amiel 2008 Australia 83
21545 19674 Disgrace Jacobs, Steve 2007 Australia
21546 19741 Into the West Newell, Mike 1992 Ireland 97
21547 19576 Bran Nue Dae Perkins, Rachel 2009 Australia 85
21548 19669 Cooties Milott, Jonathan & Cary Murnion 2014 USA 88
21549 19648 Deadgirl Sarmiento, Michael & Gadi Harel 2008 USA 101
21550 19672 Horseman, The Kastrissios, Steven 2008 Australia
21551 19729 License to Drive Beeman, Greg 1988 USA 88
21552 19562 Early Winter Rowe, Michael 2015 Canada 96
21553 19657 Jar City Kormákur, Baltasar 2006 Iceland 95
21554 19754 101 Reykjavik Kormákur, Baltasar 2000 Iceland 88
21555 19756 Those Glory Glory Days [TV] Saville, Philip 1983 UK 90
21556 19595 April and the Extraordinary World Desmares, Christian & Franck Ekinci 2015 France 105
21557 19662 Vavien Taylan, Durul & Yagmur Taylan 2009 Turkey 100
21558 19528 Tread Softly Stranger Parry, Gordon 1958 UK 90
21559 19765 Iqbal Kukunoor, Nagesh 2005 India 132
21560 19633 Khosla Ka Ghosla! Banerjee, Dibakar 2006 India 135
21561 19616 Mao's Last Dancer Beresford, Bruce 2009 Australia 117
21562 19561 Mule, The Mahony, Tony & Angus Sampson 2014 Australia 103
21563 19774 Lovedolls Superstar Markey, David 1986 USA 80
21564 19776 Space Camp Winer, Harry 1986 USA 107
21565 19588 Tunnel, The Ledesma, Carlo 2011 Australia 90
21566 19730 Somersault in a Coffin Zaim, Dervis 1996 Turkey 76
21567 19766 Wondrous Oblivion Morrison, Paul 2003 Germany 105
21568 19760 Endurance, The: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition Butler, George 2000 Sweden 97
21569 19761 Murder at the Windmill Guest, Val 1949 UK 58
21570 19757 Deadwood [TV] Various Directors 2004-06 USA
21571 19659 Anytown, USA Fraga, Kristian 2005 USA 93
21572 19734 Takva: A Man's Fear of God Kiziltan, Özer 2006 Germany 96
21573 19572 Downriver Scicluna, Grant 2015 Australia 99
21574 19769 Sophie Scholl: The Final Days Rothemund, Marc 2005 Germany
21575 19737 Autumn Alper, Özcan 2008 Turkey 99
21576 19711 Journeys with George Pelosi, Alexandra & Aaron Lubarsky 2002 USA 79
21577 19661 Plato's Academy Tsitos, Filippos 2009 Greece 103
21578 19707 Battery, The Gardner, Jeremy 2012 USA 101
21579 19740 Shellshock Rock Davis, John T. 1979 Ireland 46
21580 19635 Bubble, The Fox, Eytan 2006 Israel 117
21581 19666 Monster Pies Galea, Lee 2013 Australia 85
21582 19742 Back to Stay Mumenthaler, Milagros 2011 Argentina 99
21583 19605 Swallows and Amazons Whatham, Claude 1974 UK 92
21584 19583 Love, Lust & Lies Armstrong, Gillian 2010 Australia 87
21585 19571 100 Bloody Acres Cairnes, Cameron & Colin Cairnes 2012 Australia 91
21586 19772 Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul Akin, Fatih 2005 Germany
21587 19736 Diyet [TV] Akad, Lütfi 1975 Turkey
21588 19554 2:37 Thalluri, Murali K. 2006 Australia 91
21589 19568 Dead Man's Burden Moshe, Jared 2012 USA 93
21590 19751 King is Alive, The Levring, Kristian 2000 Denmark 109
21591 19777 My Father and My Son Irmak, Çagan 2005 Turkey 108
21592 19664 Cricket Tharp, Grahame 1950
21593 19607 Chennai Express Shetty, Rohit 2013 India 141
21594 19658 Screaming Masterpiece Magnússon, Ari Alexander Ergis 2005 Iceland 87
21595 19617 Edge of Night Panayotopoulos, Nikos 2000 Greece 112
21596 19566 Partisan Kleiman, Ariel 2015 Australia 94
21597 19738 Aaahh Belinda Yilmaz, Atif 1986 Turkey 100
21598 19665 Observance Sims-Dennett, Joseph 2015 Australia 90
21599 19743 Going Down in Morocco Colomo, Fernando 1989 Spain 83
21600 19727 Wishful Thinkers, The Trueba, Jonás 2013 Spain 93
21601 19745 Spare Parts/Rezervni deli Kozole, Damjan 2003 Slovenia 86
21602 19771 Girls Just Want to Have Fun Metter, Alan 1985 USA 87
21603 19728 OXI, an Act of Resistance McMullen, Ken 2014 UK 97
21604 19739 Like Mike Schultz, John 2002 USA 99
21605 19744 Tanna Dean, Bentley & Martin Butler 2015 Australia 104
21606 19731 Majority Yüce, Seren 2010 Turkey 111
21607 19775 Narcissus McLaren, Norman 1983 Canada 22
21608 19733 Bride & Prejudice Chadha, Gurinder 2004 UK
21609 19747 Hamam Özpetek, Ferzan 1996 Italy 94
21610 19686 Dance Craze Massot, Joe 1981 UK 50
21611 19684 Show of Shows, The Erlingsson, Benedikt 2015 Iceland
21612 19575 Magnet, The Frend, Charles 1951 UK 78
21613 19689 Aaah! Zombies!! Kohnen, Matthew 2007 USA 90
21614 19701 Holding the Man Armfield, Neil 2015 Australia 128
21615 19614 Chair, The Drew, Robert 1963 USA 59
21616 19696 Juan of the Dead Brugués, Alejandro 2011 Spain 92
21617 19577 Ursula oder das unwerte Leben Marti, Walter & Reni Mertens 1966 Switzerland 88
21618 19602 Leben drehen - wie mein Vater versuchte, das Glück festzuhalten, Das Vitija-Scheidegger, Eva 2015 Switzerland 77
21619 19758 Rituals Carter, Peter 1978 Canada 100
21620 19558 Twin Town Allen, Kevin 1997 UK 99
21621 19720 I Know How Many Runs You Scored Las Summer Edmonds, Stacey & Doug Turner 2008 Australia 80
21622 19599 Fraulein and the Sandman, The Luisi, Peter 2011 Switzerland 88
21623 19653 Dead Europe Krawitz, Tony 2012 Australia 84
21624 19722 Prey Warren, Norman J. 1977 UK 85
21625 19611 Longwave Baier, Lionel 2013 Switzerland 85
21626 19655 Eye of the Storm, The Schepisi, Fred 2011 Australia
21627 19589 Special Flight Melgar, Fernand 2011 Switzerland 103
21628 19619 Down Under Forsythe, Abe 2016 Australia 90
21629 19584 Vanity Baier, Lionel 2015 Switzerland 75
21630 19687 Everlasting Secret Family, The Thornhill, Michael 1988 Australia 94
21631 19690 More Than Honey Imhoof, Markus 2012 Germany
21632 19721 Next Goal Wins Brett, Mike & Steve Jamison 2014 UK
21633 19651 2 Girls Ataman, Kutlug 2005 Turkey 107
21634 19647 Cinema Komunisto Turajlic, Mila 2010 Serbia
21635 19618 Neuland Thommen, Anna 2013 Switzerland 93
21636 19573 Abigail Lesley is Back in Town Sarno, Joseph W. 1975 USA 100
21637 19557 Above and Below Steiner, Nicolas 2015 Switzerland 118
21638 19683 Vic + Flo Saw a Bear Côté, Denis 2013 Canada 95
21639 19622 Cursed House, The El Khatib, Ahmad 1987 Egypt 82
21640 19624 Draugasaga [TV] Víkingsson, Viðar 1985 Iceland 64
21641 19592 Altered Sánchez, Eduardo 2006 USA 88
21642 19603 Svengali Langley, Noel 1954 UK 82
21643 19556 Inconnu, de Shandigor, L' Roy, Jean-Louis 1967 Switzerland 90
21644 19718 Of Horses and Men Erlingsson, Benedikt 2013 Iceland
21645 19580 Zum Beispiel Suberg Baumann, Simon 2013 Switzerland 90
21646 19587 Seven Vampires, The Cardoso, Ivan 1986 Brazil 100
21647 19630 Echo, The Laranas, Yam 2004 Philippines 102
21648 19693 Fire in Babylon [TV] Riley, Stevan 2010 UK 87
21649 19598 Grüne Berg, Der Murer, Fredi M. 1990 Switzerland 125
21650 19699 That Sugar Film Gameau, Damon 2014 Australia 102
21651 19631 Domnisoara Christina Sergovici, Viorel 1992 Romania 109
21652 19673 Where Has Poor Mickey Gone? Levy, Gerry 1964 UK 59
21653 19680 CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story [TV] Stone III, Charles 2013 USA
21654 19606 Last Cab to Darwin Sims, Jeremy 2015 Australia 123
21655 19626 Rabies Keshales, Aharon & Navot Papushado 2010 Israel 90
21656 19698 Children of Nature Friðriksson, Friðrik Þór 1991 Germany 82
21657 19613 Arrowhead Warren, Charles Marquis 1953 USA 105
21658 19608 Dora or the Sexual Neurosis of Our Parents Werenfels, Stina 2015 Switzerland 88
21659 19697 Jacksons: An American Dream, The [TV] Arthur, Karen 1992 USA 240
21660 19708 Rocket, The Mordaunt, Kim 2013 Australia 96
21661 19688 Violators, The Walsh, Helen 2015 UK 100
21662 19719 Circle, The Haupt, Stefan 2014 Switzerland 102
21663 19596 Weather Forecast Cherry, Evelyn 1934 UK 20
21664 19579 Dead of Night: The Exorcism [TV] Taylor, Don 1972 UK 50
21665 19715 Hell of the Living Dead Mattei, Bruno 1980 Italy 101
21666 19654 Gayby Baby Newell, Maya 2015 Australia 85
21667 19604 Splinter Wilkins, Toby 2008 USA 82
21668 19585 Sanatorio, El Gomez, Miguel Alejandro 2010 Costa Rica 73
21669 19612 Fortune and Men's Eyes Hart, Harvey 1971 Canada 102
21670 19678 Monsters vs. Aliens Vernon, Conrad & Rob Letterman 2009 USA 94
21671 19667 Horde, The Dahan, Yannick & Benjamin Rocher 2009 France 93
21672 19640 Marebito Shimizu, Takashi 2004 Japan 92
21673 19704 Roommate, The Christiansen, Christian E. 2011 USA 91
21674 19716 My Degeneration Moritsugu, Jon 1990 USA 70
21675 19641 Applause Zandvliet, Martin 2009 Denmark 85
21676 19692 All This Mayhem Martin, Eddie 2014 UK 104
21677 19685 Naked Bunyip, The Murray, John B. 1970 Australia 136
21678 19682 Punk Rock Movie, The Letts, Don 1978 UK 86
21679 19717 Water Diviner, The Crowe, Russell 2014 Australia
21680 19703 Tomorrowland Bird, Brad 2015 USA 130
21681 19628 Iraqi Odyssey Samir 2014 Iraq 162
21682 19725 Stormy Weather Anspach, Sólveig 2003 Belgium 91
21683 19768 Circle of Deceit Schlöndorff, Volker 1981 France 108
21684 19638 Vinyan du Welz, Fabrice 2008 France
21685 19639 Out of the Ashes Albone, Tim & Lucy Martens 2010 UK
21686 19724 Femme de l'hôtel, La Pool, Léa 1984 Canada 89
21687 19723 Raspberry Reich, The LaBruce, Bruce 2004 Germany 90
21688 19597 I am the Keeper Boss, Sabine 2014 Switzerland 88
21689 19709 Horrible Way to Die, A Wingard, Adam 2010 USA 87
21690 19636 Tomorrow, When the War Began Beattie, Stuart 2010 Australia 104
21691 19590 Carnival Sunday Neville, Edgar 1945 Spain 77
21692 19712 X: The Unheard Music Morgan, W.T. 1986 USA 84
21693 19563 Trick Baby Yust, Larry 1973 USA 89
21694 19681 LoveTrue Har'el, Alma 2016 USA 82
21695 19643 Pirates! Band of Misfits Lord, Peter & Jeff Newitt 2012 USA 88
21696 19625 Girl's Dormitory Latifi, Mohammad Hossein 2004 Iran 96
21697 19578 Electroboy Gisler, Marcel 2014 Switzerland 113
21698 19691 Unbroken Jolie, Angelina 2014 USA 137
21699 19560 Proud Valley Tennyson, Pen 1940 UK 77
21700 19695 Forbidden Lie$ Broinowski, Anna 2007 Australia 104
21701 19615 Culpepper Cattle Company, The Richards, Dick 1972 USA 92
21702 19702 Death of a Gentleman Collins, Sam/Jarrod Kimber/Johnny Blank 2015 UK 99
21703 19601 Chrieg Jaquemet, Simon 2014 Switzerland 106
21704 19645 Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer Lerner, Mike & Maxim Pozdorovkin 2013 UK
21705 19726 Lacey Rituals, The Bruce, Jill/Bruce Lacey/Fred Lacey/Kevin Lacey/Saffron Lacey/Tiffany Lacey 1973 UK 63
21706 19586 Healing Monahan, Craig 2014 Australia 112
21707 19623 Rosie Gisler, Marcel 2013 Switzerland 106
21708 19621 Day is Done Imbach, Thomas 2011 Switzerland 111
21709 19713 Mulberry St Mickle, Jim 2006 USA 84
21710 19634 Hunter, The Nettheim, Daniel 2011 Australia 102
21711 19642 Honey Kaplanoglu, Semih 2010 Turkey 105
21712 19610 Red Shift [TV] Mackenzie, John 1978 UK 75
21713 19627 Tableau noir Yersin, Yves 2013 Switzerland 117
21714 19656 Kosmos Erdem, Reha 2009 Turkey 122
21715 19591 Dead Birds Turner, Alex 2004 USA 91
21716 19779 Tango Saura, Carlos 1998 Spain 115
21717 19780 Fados Saura, Carlos 2007 Portugal 90
21718 19781 Flamenco Saura, Carlos 1995 Spain 100
21719 19782 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Cohen, Rob 1993 USA 119
21720 19784 Second Awakening of Christa Klages, The von Trotta, Margarethe 1978 West Germany 88
21721 19789 Freedom Riders Nelson, Stanley 2010 USA 117
21722 19791 Flying Ace, The Norman, Richard E. 1926 USA 65
21723 19788 Cave of the Silken Web, The Ho Meng-Hua 1967 Hong Kong 82
21724 19787 Rumble in the Bronx Tong, Stanley 1996 Hong Kong 105
21725 19846 Dancing Hawk, The Królikiewicz, Grzegorz 1978 Poland 98
21726 19790 Weavers: Wasn't That a Time!, The Brown, Jim 1982 USA 78
21727 19793 Phil Ochs: There But for Fortune Bowser, Kenneth 2010 USA 96
21728 19794 Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me DeNicola, Drew & Olivia Mori 2012 USA 113
21729 19795 Susan Slept Here Tashlin, Frank 1954 USA 98
21730 19796 Inferno Baker, Roy Ward 1953 USA 83
21731 19786 October Man, The Baker, Roy Ward 1947 UK 98
21732 19785 Verdict, The Siegel, Don 1946 USA 86
21733 19797 Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows [TV] Jones, Kent 2007 USA 77
21734 19798 Mildred Pierce [TV] Haynes, Todd 2011 USA 336
21735 19800 No One Knows About Persian Cats Ghobadi, Bahman 2009 Iran 106
21736 19799 Waterloo Road Gilliat, Sidney 1945 UK 76
21737 19801 Ocean Waif, The Guy-Blaché, Alice 1916 USA 36
21738 19802 Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me Keach, James 2014 USA 116
21739 19803 Who is Harry Nilsson (And Why is Everybody Talkin' About Him?) Scheinfeld, John 2010 USA 116
21740 19804 RKO 281 [TV] Ross, Benjamin 1999 USA 83
21741 19805 Ocean's Thirteen Soderbergh, Steven 2007 USA 122
21742 19806 Rocket Science Blitz, Jeffrey 2006 USA 101
21743 19807 Wrecking Crew, The Tedesco, Denny 2008 USA 101
21744 19808 Kid Galahad Karlson, Phil 1962 USA 95
21745 19809 Happy Birthday to Me Thompson, J. Lee 1981 Canada 108
21746 19819 Goldene Pest, Die Brahm, John 1954 West Germany 95
21747 19816 Mystery of Natalie Wood, The [TV] Bogdanovich, Peter 2004 USA 172
21748 19878 Kid with the Golden Arm, The Chang Cheh 1979 Hong Kong 86
21749 19821 Valentino Russell, Ken 1977 UK 128
21750 19842 Strictly Dishonorable Stahl, John M. 1931 USA 91
21751 19817 Walk Cheerfully Ozu, Yasujiro 1930 Japan 95
21752 19810 Gran Casino Buñuel, Luis 1947 Mexico 92
21753 19812 Scavengers, The Cromwell, John 1959 USA 79
21754 19813 Two Champions of Death Chang Cheh 1980 Hong Kong 101
21755 19820 Reindeer Games Frankenheimer, John 2000 USA 104
21756 19822 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Runnin' Down a Dream Bogdanovich, Peter 2007 USA 239
21757 19814 Escape from Fort Bravo Sturges, John 1953 USA 99
21758 19963 Duel of the Iron Fist Chang Cheh 1971 Hong Kong 98
21759 19815 Ay, Carmela! Saura, Carlos 1990 Spain 102
21760 19893 Sword Stained with Royal Blood, The Chang Cheh 1981 Hong Kong 104
21761 19811 Stranger on the Prowl Losey, Joseph 1952 Italy 82
21762 19991 Brave Archer, The Chang Cheh 1977 Hong Kong 127
21763 19982 Great White Hope, The Ritt, Martin 1970 USA 101
21764 19941 Yidl Mitn Fidl Green, Joseph & Jan Nowina-Przybylski 1936 Poland 92
21765 19980 Black Girl Davis, Ossie 1972 USA 97
21766 19981 Carry on Henry Thomas, Gerald 1970 UK 89
21767 19951 Laserblast Rae, Michael 1978 USA 85
21768 19964 Enter the Ninja Golan, Menahem 1981 USA 94
21769 19929 Legendary Weapons of China Liu Chia-Liang 1982 Hong Kong 109
21770 19945 Pelle, La Cavani, Liliana 1981 France 131
21771 20050 Incredible Melting Man, The Sachs, William 1978 USA 86
21772 19962 Starcrash Cozzi, Luigi 1979 Italy 92
21773 19961 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Haller, Daniel 1979 USA 89
21774 19935 Big Lift, The Seaton, George 1950 USA 120
21775 19916 Mondo Hollywood Cohen, Robert Carl 1967 USA 120
21776 19922 Four in a Jeep Lindtberg, Leopold 1951 Switzerland 97
21777 19912 Trottie True/The Gay Lady Hurst, Brian Desmond 1949 UK 95
21778 19959 Damnation Alley Smight, Jack 1977 USA 91
21779 19957 Battlestar: Galactica Colla, Richard A. 1979 USA 125
21780 19933 Gypsy 83 Stephens, Todd 2001 USA 94
21781 19950 Split Image Kotcheff, Ted 1982 USA 111
21782 19915 Mystery Team Eckman, Dan 2009 USA 97
21783 19917 Users, The [TV] Hardy, Joseph 1978 USA 150
21784 19952 Journey Through the Past Young, Neil 1974 USA 79
21785 19948 Kickboxer DiSalle, Mark 1989 USA 105
21786 19953 Teen Witch Walker, Dorian 1989 USA 105
21787 19973 Rachel Papers, The Harris, Damian 1989 UK 95
21788 19958 Deathsport Arkush, Allan 1978 USA 82
21789 19947 Louie Bluie Zwigoff, Terry 1985 USA 75
21790 19920 Night People Johnson, Nunnally 1954 USA 93
21791 19949 Creepshow 2 Gornick, Michael 1987 USA 89
21792 19955 This is the Life DuVernay, Ava 2008 USA 97
21793 19970 Angels One Five O'Ferrall, George More 1954 UK 98
21794 19966 Man from Cairo Enright, Ray 1953 Italy 81
21795 19956 World's Greatest Lover, The Wilder, Gene 1977 USA 89
21796 19960 Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, The Baker, Roy Ward 1974 UK 89
21797 20029 Crippled Masters Law Kei 1979 Taiwan 90
21798 19954 Futureworld Heffron, Richard T. 1976 USA 104
21799 19965 There's Always a Price Tag de La Patellière, Denys 1958 France 102
21800 20039 Love Aaj Kal Ali, Imtiaz 2009 India 128
21801 19836 Ek Tha Tiger Khan, Kabir 2012 India 132
21802 20037 Sharmeelee Ganguly, Samir 1971 India
21803 20034 Nobody's Wife Sequeyro, Adela 1937 Mexico 82
21804 20042 She's Lost Control Marquardt, Anna 2014 USA 90
21805 20032 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Mukherjee, Ayan 2013 India 160
21806 20035 Caught Kiley, Maggie 2015 USA 82
21807 20023 Bachelor of Hearts Rilla, Wolf 1958 UK 94
21808 20064 Hardware Wars Fosselius, Ernie 1978 USA 13
21809 20047 Katy Perry: Part of Me Cutforth, Dan & Jane Lipsitz 2012 USA 93
21810 19841 RockStar Ali, Imtiaz 2011 India 159
21811 20018 Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela Bhansali, Sanjay Leela 2013 India 150
21812 19868 Damned: Don't You Wish That We Were Dead, The Orshoski, Wes 2015 USA
21813 19998 Kelly & Cal McGowan, Jen 2014 USA 111
21814 19830 Tom Dowd & the Language of Music Moormann, Mark 2003 USA 90
21815 20022 Blue Room, The Amalric, Mathieu 2014 France 76
21816 19903 Ghajini Murugadoss, A.R. 2008 India 183
21817 19825 Apartment Troubles Prediger, Jennifer & Jess Weixler 2014 USA 95
21818 19823 Bicyclettes de Belsize, Les Hickox, Douglas 1969 UK 29
21819 19833 Troubadours Neville, Morgan 2011 USA 91
21820 19891 Midnight Swim, The Smith, Sarah Adina 2014 USA 84
21821 19849 Little Accidents Colangelo, Sarah 2014 USA 105
21822 19852 Golden Gate Girl Eng, Esther 1941 USA 110
21823 19827 Petits matins, Les Audry, Jacqueline 1962 France 95
21824 19859 Little Ida Mikkelsen, Laila 1981 Norway 87
21825 20049 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Mehra, Rakeysh Omprakash 2013 India 186
21826 19986 Homes for the People Mander, Kay 1945 UK
21827 20044 Welcome to Blood City Sasdy, Peter 1977 UK 96
21828 20019 Low & Clear Hudson, Kahlil & Tyler Hughen 2012 USA 81
21829 19873 One. Two. One Akbari, Mania 2011 Iran
21830 19874 Craneway Event Dean, Tacita 2009 UK 108
21831 20051 London Road Norris, Rufus 2015 UK 91
21832 20015 Hera Pheri Priyadarshan 2000 India 156
21833 19983 Best of the Best Radler, Robert 1989 USA 97
21834 20017 Love is All Longinotto, Kim 2014 UK
21835 20055 Never Open That Door Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1952 Argentina 85
21836 19900 Dhoom Gadhvi, Sanjay 2004 India 129
21837 20060 Jandek on Corwood Freidrichs, Chad 2003 USA 88
21838 19994 Happy Man Szumowska, Malgorzata 2000 Poland 84
21839 19997 Party: Nature Morte, The Beatt, Cynthia 1991 Germany 89
21840 19996 Mercedes mon amour Okan, Tunç 1992 Turkey 90
21841 20033 Sparrows Can't Sing Littlewood, Joan 1963 UK 94
21842 19875 Double Agent 73 Wishman, Doris 1974 USA 73
21843 20062 Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation Zala, Eric 1989 USA 100
21844 19993 Chico Fekete, Ibolya 2001 Germany 112
21845 20010 Target Shoots First, The Wilcha, Christopher 2000 USA 70
21846 20045 Shaan Sippy, Ramesh 1980 India 181
21847 19999 Satyam Shivam Sundaram Kapoor, Raj 1978 India 172
21848 19988 Behind the Rainbow El-Tahri, Jihan 2009 South Africa 124
21849 19987 Sound City Grohl, Dave 2013 USA 107
21850 19992 Indeks Kijowski, Janusz 1981 Poland 94
21851 19857 Story of Sin, The Borowczyk, Walerian 1975 Poland 130
21852 20008 I-San Special Sonakul, Mingmonkul 2002 Thailand 112
21853 19869 My Voice Gomes, Flora 2002 Portugal 110
21854 19837 Vincent the Dutchman [TV] Zetterling, Mai 1972
21855 19872 Pestonjee Mehta, Vijaya 1988 India 125
21856 19877 Do widzenia, do jutra Morgenstern, Janusz 1960 Poland 88
21857 19899 Zaklete rewiry Majewski, Janusz 1975 Poland 94
21858 19840 Dream is What You Wake Up From, A Bullard, Larry & Carolyn Y. Johnson 1978 USA 50
21859 19871 Fado, A Singer's Story Queiroga, Perdigão 1947 Portugal 110
21860 19850 Akenfield Hall, Peter 1974 UK 95
21861 19835 Rose Smarzowski, Wojciech 2011 Poland 90
21862 19839 Soap Opera Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 46
21863 19834 Warriors Two Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1978 Hong Kong 95
21864 19867 Perhaps Love Chan, Peter 2005 China 108
21865 Wolf at the Door, A Coimbra, Fernando 2013 Brazil 101
21866 19876 Days and Nights Barakat, Henry 1955 Egypt
21867 19898 Pearl Jam Twenty Crowe, Cameron 2011 USA 109
21868 19885 Chapeau, Le Cournoyer, Michèle 1999 Canada 6
21869 19854 Fatmah Badrakhan, Ahmed 1947 Egypt 130
21870 19888 Minority, The Buckle, Dwayne 2006 USA 84
21871 19881 Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People Harris, Thomas Allen 2014 USA 90
21872 19890 Good Day to Be Black & Sexy, A Dortch, Dennis 2008 USA 92
21873 19889 Yelling to the Sky Mahoney, Victoria 2011 USA 94
21874 19843 Sisters in Cinema Welbon, Yvonne 2003 USA 57
21875 19831 Punks Polk, Patrik-Ian 2000 USA 91
21876 Dog's Will, A Arraes, Guel 2000 Brazil 104
21877 19829 Hidden Pleasures de la Iglesia, Eloy 1977 Spain 95
21878 19856 Boys in the Sand Poole, Wakefield 1971 USA 90
21879 19895 Tai-Chi Master Yuen Woo-ping 1993 Hong Kong 96
21880 19897 Good Ol' Freda White, Ryan 2013 UK 86
21881 20009 Lucky Them Griffiths, Megan 2013 USA 97
21882 19901 Excuse Me, is it Here They Beat Up People? Piwowski, Marek 1976 Poland 90
21883 19851 Louis Prima: The Wildest! McGlynn, Don 1999 USA 90
21884 19847 Fambul Tok Terry, Sara 2011 USA
21885 19824 Parineeta Roy, Bimal 1953 India 151
21886 19844 Barfi! Basu, Anurag 2012 India 151
21887 19862 There is a New World Somewhere Lu Li 2015 USA 102
21888 19896 Vessel Whitten, Diana 2014 USA 90
21889 19826 Nouba des femmes du mont Chenoua, La Djebbar, Assia 1979 Algeria
21890 19828 Moon & Cherry Tanada, Yuki 2004 Japan 82
21891 19902 Deluge, The Hoffman, Jerzy 1974 Poland 315
21892 19865 Requiem for a Village Gladwell, David 1976 UK 68
21893 19848 Midnight Ramble [TV] Bowser, Pearl & Bestor Cram 1994 USA 60
21894 19853 I Believe in Unicorns Meyerhoff, Leah 2014 USA 80
21895 19863 I Need That Record! Toller, Brendan 2008 USA 78
21896 19882 Knowing Men Glyn, Elinor 1930 UK 95
21897 19886 Stray Dog Granik, Debra 2014 USA 98
21898 19864 Teacher, A Fidell, Hannah 2013 USA 75
21899 19858 Elle Sarmiento, Valeria 1995 France 86
21900 19832 Soul Boys of the Western World Hencken, George 2014 UK 110
21901 19904 Year of the Woman Hochman, Sandra 1973 USA 87
21902 19892 Tashan Acharya, Vijay Krishna 2008 India 120
21903 19866 Khakee Santoshi, Rajkumar 2004 India 174
21904 19894 German + Rain Yokohama, Satoko 2007 Japan 71
21905 19870 Matka Królów Zaorski, Janusz 1987 Poland 127
21906 19845 Honeytrap Johnson, Rebecca 2014 UK 98
21907 19936 Vertiges Laurent, Christine 1985 France 108
21908 19928 InRealLife Kidron, Beeban 2013 UK
21909 19909 Women of Twilight Parry, Gordon 1953 UK 79
21910 19910 Seraphim Falls Von Ancken, David 2006 USA 111
21911 19908 Chocolate Pinkaew, Prachya 2008 Thailand 92
21912 19913 Helvetica Hustwit, Gary 2007 UK 80
21913 19943 Mukhsin Ahmad, Yasmin 2006 Malaysia 95
21914 19940 Harry Brown Barber, Daniel 2009 UK 103
21915 19939 Treeless Mountain Kim So Yong 2008 USA 89
21916 19942 Armored Antal, Nimród 2009 USA 88
21917 19911 Protector, The Pinkaew, Prachya 2005 Thailand 110
21918 20059 Mujhse Dosti Karoge! Kohli, Kunal 2002 India 149
21919 19924 Brandon Teena Story, The Muska, Susan & Greta Olafsdottir 1998 USA 89
21920 19985 Dance of the Drunken Mantis Yuen Woo-Ping 1979 Hong Kong 94
21921 19934 Citizen Juling Choonhavan, Kraisak/Manit Sriwanichpoom/Ing K. 2008 Thailand 222
21922 19925 Beloved Honoré, Christophe 2011 France 139
21923 19944 Paperboy, The Daniels, Lee 2012 USA 107
21924 19932 Wanderlust Wain, David 2012 USA 98
21925 19927 Tsirk Aleksandrov, Grigori & Isidor Simkov 1936 USSR 90
21926 19930 Concussion Passon, Stacie 2013 USA 96
21927 20002 Beware of Mr. Baker Bulger, Jay 2012 USA 92
21928 19923 Great Hip Hop Hoax, The Finlay, Jeanie 2013 UK
21929 19931 Comedian, The Shkolnik, Tom 2012 UK 79
21930 19938 Serbis Mendoza, Brillante 2008 Philippines 90
21931 19968 My Dog Skip Russell, Jay 1999 USA 95
21932 19979 Leaving Normal Zwick, Edward 1992 USA 110
21933 19978 Only the Strong Lettich, Sheldon 1993 USA 96
21934 19977 Shirley Valentine Gilbert, Lewis 1989 UK 108
21935 20027 Shaolin Chan, Benny 2011 Hong Kong 131
21936 19976 Magnificent Butcher Yuen Woo-Ping 1979 Hong Kong 108
21937 19974 Saved! Dannelly, Brian 2004 USA
21938 20011 Drop Dead Gorgeous Jann, Michael Patrick 1999 USA 98
21939 19972 Kiss of the Dragon Nahon, Chris 2001 France 97
21940 19971 Festival Express Smeaton, Bob 2003 UK
21941 20040 Wing Chun Yuen Woo-ping 1994 Hong Kong 96
21942 19969 Beautiful Boxer, The Uekrongtham, Ekachai 2003 Thailand
21943 19937 Yves Saint Laurent - L'Amour Fou Thoretton, Pierre 2010 UK 98
21944 Behind the Sun Salles, Walter 2001 Brazil 91
21945 19906 Biggie and Tupac Broomfield, Nick 2001 UK 107
21946 20058 Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing Florentine, Isaac 2006 USA 98
21947 19946 Robots Wedge, Chris 2005 USA 91
21948 19921 Brother to Brother Evans, Rodney 2004 USA 94
21949 20028 3 Evil Masters Lu Chun-Ku 1980 Hong Kong 92
21950 19792 Dernier tournant, Le Chenal, Pierre 1939 France 90
21951 19919 When the Road Bends... Tales of a Gypsy Caravan Dellal, Jasmine 2006 USA 116
21952 19918 Down to the Bone Granik, Debra 2004 USA 104
21953 19905 Glastonbury Temple, Julien 2006 UK 138
21954 19967 All the Pretty Horses Thornton, Billy Bob 2000 USA
21955 19990 Dragon Strike Chan, Jackie 1982 Hong Kong 102
21956 20020 Aiyyaa Kundalkar, Sachin 2012 India
21957 19883 Battle Wizard, The Pao Hsueh-Li 1977 Hong Kong 77
21958 20014 Autostop, L' Mikhalkov, Nikita 1991 USSR 56
21959 19884 Ninja Terminator Ho, Godfrey 1985 Hong Kong 88
21960 20063 Invincible Armour, The Ng See-Yuen 1977 Hong Kong 90
21961 20036 Knockabout Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1979 Hong Kong 92
21962 20052 Scarlet Dove, The Kassila, Matti 1961 Finland 86
21963 20024 Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke Bhatt, Mahesh 1993 India 163
21964 20021 Peter Green: Man of the World [TV] Graham, Steve 2009 UK 90
21965 20016 Zubeidaa Benegal, Shyam 2001 India 153
21966 20004 Girl Spy Before Vicksburg, The Olcott, Sidney 1910 USA
21967 20046 Maze Runner, The Ball, Wes 2014 USA
21968 20030 Of All the Things Lambert, Jody 2008 USA 85
21969 19914 Omkara Bhardwaj, Vishal 2006 India 150
21970 20031 Hasee Toh Phasee Matthew, Vinil 2014 India 141
21971 20005 Kati Patang Samanta, Shakti 1970 India 132
21972 19855 Long Night, The King Jr., Woodie 1976 USA 85
21973 19989 Boy Meets Girl Bacon, Lloyd 1938 USA 86
21974 20026 Brooklyn Castle Dellamaggiore, Katie 2012 USA 101
21975 20054 Me, Myself and Mum Gallienne, Guillaume 2013 France
21976 20056 Goob, The Myhill, Guy 2014 UK 84
21977 20007 Oriana Torres, Fina 1985 Venezuela 88
21978 20000 Undisputed 3: Redemption Florentine, Isaac 2010 USA 96
21979 19975 Sound of My Voice Batmanglij, Zal 2011 USA 85
21980 20038 Despicable Me 2 Renaud, Chris & Pierre Coffin 2013 USA 98
21981 20041 Detropia Ewing, Heidi E. & Rachel Grady 2012 USA 90
21982 20001 Gangster Basu, Anurag 2006 India 123
21983 20048 Lord's Tale, The [TV] Dineen, Molly 2002 UK 105
21984 20003 Tai Chi Zero Fung, Stephen 2012 China 98
21985 20053 Most Wanted Man, A Corbijn, Anton 2014 UK 122
21986 20025 Clan of the White Lotus Lo Lieh 1980 Hong Kong 95
21987 20066 Universal Hotel Thompson, Peter 1986 USA 20
21988 20065 Universal Citizen Thompson, Peter 1987 USA 21
21989 20067 Black Angel Neill, Roy William 1946 USA 80
21990 20068 Wicked Woman Rouse, Russell 1953 USA 77
21991 20069 Life, Love, Death Lelouch, Claude 1969 France 115
21992 20071 Hammett Wenders, Wim 1982 USA 97
21993 20075 Absence of Malice Pollack, Sydney 1981 USA 116
21994 20077 Signs & Wonders Nossiter, Jonathan 2000 France 105
21995 20081 Calle 54 Trueba, Fernando 2000 Spain 105
21996 20072 Narc Carnahan, Joe 2002 USA 105
21997 20076 Love at First Bite Dragoti, Stan 1979 USA 96
21998 20083 Vampire Circus Young, Robert 1971 UK 87
21999 20079 Dragons Forever Sammo Hung Kam-Bo & Corey Yuen 1988 Hong Kong 102
22000 20084 Student Nurses, The Rothman, Stephanie 1970 USA 89
22001 20080 Cal O'Connor, Pat 1984 UK 102
22002 20145 Voice of the Water, The Haanstra, Bert 1966 Netherlands 90
22003 20078 Drawing Restraint 9 Barney, Matthew 2005 USA
22004 20073 Thief, The Rouse, Russell 1952 USA 85
22005 20085 State of Play Macdonald, Kevin 2009 USA 127
22006 20074 Cop Hater Berke, William 1958 USA 75
22007 20086 Sound it Out Finlay, Jeanie 2011 UK 75
22008 20088 I Love You Phillip Morris Ficarra, Glenn & John Requa 2009 France 98
22009 20089 Fever Pitch Evans, David 1996 UK 102
22010 20090 Three Coins in the Fountain Negulesco, Jean 1954 USA 102
22011 20091 Simon and Laura Box, Muriel 1955 UK 91
22012 20092 Invisible Woman, The Fiennes, Ralph 2013 UK 111
22013 20093 Paper, The Howard, Ron 1994 USA 112
22014 20098 Zhertva vechernyaya Sokurov, Aleksandr 1988 USSR 20
22015 20102 Frisco Kid, The Aldrich, Robert 1979 USA 114
22016 20094 Kafka Soderbergh, Steven 1991 France 98
22017 20099 Finding Forrester Van Sant, Gus 2000 USA 136
22018 20103 Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, The Švankmajer, Jan 1990 UK 10
22019 20097 Rabbits Lynch, David 2002 USA 43
22020 20096 Unknown Known, The Morris, Errol 2013 USA 103
22021 20095 Hitler Lives Siegel, Don 1945 USA 17
22022 20144 Carrie Peirce, Kimberly 2013 USA 100
22023 20138 Prison and Paradise [VIDEO] Haryanto, Daniel Rudi 2010 Indonesia 93
22024 20163 Boy Whose Skin Fell Off, The [TV] Collerton, Patrick 2004 UK 50
22025 20137 Mysterion Honkasalo, Pirjo & Eira Mollberg 1991 Finland
22026 20159 Love Story Habicht, Florian 2011 New Zealand 92
22027 15173 Stagefright Jost, Jon 1981 USA 75
22028 20148 Flöz Dickebank - Wir sind mittlerweile wachgeworden Flütsch, Johannes/Klaus Helle/Marlis Kallweit 1975 West Germany 67
22029 20129 Tracking Down Maggie: The Unofficial Biography of Margaret Thatcher Broomfield, Nick 1994 UK 87
22030 20368 Bs. As. Pagán, Alberte 2006 Spain 79
22031 20140 Orpojen joulu Kuivalainen, Anu 1994 Finland 33
22032 20109 Diary of a Times Square Thief Bense, Klaas 2008 Netherlands 60
22033 20167 Between Heaven and Earth Hänsel, Marion 1992 Belgium 80
22034 20169 After Tiller Shane, Martha & Lana Wilson 2013 USA 85
22035 Full Alert Lam, Ringo 1997 Hong Kong 98
22036 20157 Vampire Academy Waters, Mark 2014 USA 104
22037 20132 Pressure Cooker Becker, Mark & Jennifer Grausman 2009 USA 99
22038 20149 Police [TV] Stewart, Charles & Tony Tyler 1982 UK 540
22039 20154 Redemption of General Butt Naked, The Anastasion, Daniele & Eric Strauss 2011 USA 85
22040 20133 Erotic Films of Peter De Rome, The De Rome, Peter 1973 USA 95
22041 20165 Come un uomo sulla terra Segre, Andrea & Dagmawi Yimer 2008 Italy 60
22042 20124 Question Bridge: Black Males Johnson, Chris/Kamal Sinclair /Bayete Ross Smith/Hank Willis Thomas 2012 USA 180
22043 20123 Death Warmed Up Blyth, David 1984 Australia 85
22044 20259 Reluctant Revolutionary, The McAllister, Sean 2012 UK 70
22045 20105 People Mountain, People Sea Cai Shangjun 2011 China 91
22046 20113 Pandora's Box [TV] Curtis, Adam 1992 UK 276
22047 20288 Game of Their Lives, The Anspaugh, David 2005 USA 101
22048 20233 Blood & Donuts Dale, Holly 1995 Canada 89
22049 20118 Fortune Teller Xu Tong 2010 China 158
22050 20236 Tenement Findlay, Roberta 1985 USA 94
22051 20156 Emperor's Shadow, The Zhou Xiaowen 1996 Hong Kong 130
22052 20153 Farewell China Law, Clara 1990 Hong Kong 114
22053 20268 Generation X [TV] Sholder, Jack 1996 USA 87
22054 20151 Mummifying Alan: Egypt's Last Secret [TV] Scott, Kenny 2011 UK
22055 20134 Savage Honeymoon Beesley, Mark 2000 New Zealand 90
22056 20160 President Mir Qanbar Shirvani, Mohammad 2005 Iran 70
22057 20136 Bright Eyes Marshall, Stuart 1987 UK 85
22058 20384 Welcome to Pine Point Shoebridge, Paul & Michael Simons 2011 Canada
22059 20130 Salma Longinotto, Kim 2013 UK 91
22060 20158 Time of Our Lives [TV] Grigsby, Michael 1994 UK 50
22061 20307 Woos Whoopee Messmer, Otto 1928 USA 7
22062 20155 Stars and the Water Carriers, The Leth, Jørgen 1974 Denmark 91
22063 20135 War Stories Preston, Gaylene 1995 New Zealand 95
22064 20170 Iraqi Short Films Andrizzi, Mauro 2008 Argentina 94
22065 20150 Faking It [TV] Various Directors 2000-06 UK
22066 20256 Captured Bird, The Vuckovic, Jovanka 2012 Canada 10
22067 20254 Blood Diner Kong, Jackie 1987 USA 88
22068 20237 Office Killer Sherman, Cindy 1997 USA 82
22069 20126 Por primera vez Cortázar, Octavio 1969 Cuba 9
22070 20320 They Eat Scum Zedd, Nick 1979 USA 73
22071 20258 Organ Fujiwara, Kei 1996 Japan 110
22072 20162 Vinyl Zweig, Alan 2000 Canada 180
22073 20370 Welcome to Lagos [TV] Anderson, Will 2010 UK
22074 20139 Revenge of the Dead Indians, The Lohner, Henning 1993 Germany 130
22075 20379 Foute Vrienden Dames, Roy 2010 Netherlands 87
22076 20386 Gandhi's Children MacDougall, David 2008 Australia 185
22077 20121 Geldsorgen Heynowski, Walter & Gerhard Scheumann 1975 East Germany 6
22078 20396 Balkan Champion [TV] Kincses, Ildiko Rika 2006 Germany 89
22079 20380 Code Black McGarry, Ryan 2013 USA 78
22080 20400 Vapautemme Hinta Renvall, Seppo 1991 Finland
22081 20116 Imitations of Life Hoolboom, Mike 2003 Canada 75
22082 20371 Please Vote for Me Chen Weijun 2007 China 58
22083 20392 Tracks Across Sand Brody, Hugh 2012 Canada
22084 20319 Little Bits of Light Walker, Campbell 2005 New Zealand 116
22085 20390 Frat House Gurland, Andrew & Todd Phillips 1998 USA 60
22086 20385 Conversations in Vermont Frank, Robert 1971
22087 20403 Children of the Commune, The Grossheim, Juliane 2009 Germany 82
22088 20389 Feltham Sings [TV] Hill, Brian 2002 UK 60
22089 20373 Fantail Vowell, Curtis 2013 New Zealand 81
22090 20378 American Nurse, The Jones, Carolyn 2014 USA 81
22091 20374 Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall Barens, Edgar 2013 USA 40
22092 20365 Asylum Pieces Dudding, Kathy 2010 New Zealand
22093 20404 Map Reader, The Brodie, Harold 2008 New Zealand 90
22094 20294 Arabs and Terrorism Haddad, Bassam 2007 USA 135
22095 20372 Fermat's Last Theorem [TV] Singh, Simon 1996 UK 50
22096 20321 Falls, The McMahon, Kevin 1991 Canada 89
22097 20398 Reprise du travail aux usines Wonder, La Willemont, Jacques 1968 France 10
22098 20399 Face of Britain, The Rotha, Paul 1935 UK 18
22099 20366 90° South Ponting, Herbert G. 1933 UK 72
22100 20388 Children of Golzow, The Junge, Winfried 1961-2007 East Germany
22101 20362 Land of the Long White Cloud Habicht, Florian 2009 New Zealand 75
22102 20393 Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction Huber, Sophie 2012 Switzerland 77
22103 20128 Passabe Leong, James 2006 Singapore 110
22104 20114 Brother Number One Goldson, Annie & Peter Gilbert 2011 New Zealand 97
22105 20146 Liberace of Baghdad, The McAllister, Sean 2005 UK 74
22106 20164 Woodenhead Habicht, Florian 2003 New Zealand 90
22107 20152 Of the Dead Ferbus, Jean-Pol/Dominique Garny /Thierry Zéno 1979 France 105
22108 20168 Strange Fruit Katz, Joel 2002 USA 57
22109 20252 Waves Washing the Sand Wu Yonggang 1936 China 68
22110 20166 D-Day: As it Happens [TV] Gorst, Martin & Joe Myerscough 2013 UK
22111 20125 Cry from the Grave, A Woodhead, Leslie 1999 UK 150
22112 20104 Corpus Christi [TV] Mordillat, Gérard & Jérôme Prieur 1997 France
22113 20141 Resurrected Greengrass, Paul 1989 UK 96
22114 20110 Awake in a Bad Dream Lataster, Peter & Petra Lataster-Czisch 2013 Netherlands 114
22115 20115 Independent Lens: Imelda [TV] Diaz, Ramona S. 2005 USA
22116 20309 Eagle Shooting Heroes, The Lau, Jeffrey 1993 Hong Kong 100
22117 20127 Enough to Eat? Anstey, Edgar 1936 UK 22
22118 20317 Exte: Hair Extensions Sono, Sion 2007 Japan 108
22119 20108 Eye on Research [TV] Wright, Bill 1957-59 UK
22120 20367 Paris Was a Woman Schiller, Greta 1996 UK 75
22121 20131 Clouds Over Cuba Tricklebank, Ben 2012 USA
22122 20142 Disappearance Foretold, A Meys, Olivier 2008 Belgium 86
22123 20147 Real World, The [TV Series] Various Directors 1992-2014 USA
22124 20143 P Like Pelican Kimiavi Da-hye 1972 Iran 25
22125 20106 Rats in the Ranks Anderson, Robin & Bob Connolly 1996 Australia
22126 20364 Africa, I will Pluck you Clean Téno, Jean-Marie 1992 Cameroon 88
22127 20397 Orator, The Tamasese, Tusi 2011 New Zealand 110
22128 20377 Fort McMoney [VIDEO GAME] Dufresne, David 2013
22129 20395 Our School Nicoara, Mona & Miruna Coca-Cozma 2011 Romania 95
22130 20111 Regels van Matthijs, De Schmidt, Marc 2012 Netherlands 72
22131 20381 Legend of King Midas, The Feuillade, Louis 1910 France
22132 20112 Chiusura Rossetto, Alessandro 2001 Italy 72
22133 20189 Devil Came on Horseback, The Sundberg, Annie & Ricki Stern 2006 USA
22134 20177 Heartlands O'Donnell, Damien 2002 USA
22135 20176 Kicking & Screaming Dylan, Jesse 2005 USA 94
22136 20180 Three Dancing Slaves/Le Clan Morel, Gael 2004 France 90
22137 20178 Wild Side Lifshitz, Sébastien 2004 France 94
22138 20187 Goal! Cannon, Danny 2005 UK 118
22139 20181 William Eggleston in the Real World Almereyda, Michael 2005 USA 86
22140 20182 Green Street Alexander, Lexi 2005 USA 109
22141 20199 Severance Smith, Christopher 2006 UK 96
22142 20183 Sione's Wedding Graham, Chris 2006 New Zealand
22143 20185 Gigolo, The Bracewell, Richard 2006 UK
22144 20171 Halloween Zombie, Rob 2007 USA 110
22145 20120 Troubleshooters, The Mi Jiashan 1989 China 110
22146 Wave, The Gansel, Dennis 2008 Germany 107
22147 20174 Do I Love You? Gornick, Lisa 2003 UK 72
22148 20191 Sigur Rós: Heima DeBlois, Dean 2007 Iceland
22149 20190 War Atwell, Philip G. 2007 USA 103
22150 20204 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush Donner, Clive 1968 UK 96
22151 20202 Willy McBean and his Magic Machine Rankin Jr., Arthur 1965 Japan 94
22152 20195 Mugabe and the White African Bailey, Lucy & Andrew Thompson 2009 UK
22153 20194 Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia Munro, David 1979 UK 50
22154 20228 Only God Sees Me Podalydès, Bruno 1998 France 120
22155 20197 Best Worst Movie Stephenson, Michael 2009 USA 93
22156 20196 Salt of Life, The Di Gregorio, Gianni 2011 Italy 89
22157 20198 Lymelife Martini, Derick 2008 USA 94
22158 20231 Losers, The White, Sylvain 2010 USA 97
22159 20201 Blood Bath Hill, Jack & Stephanie Rothman 1966 USA 80
22160 20188 Assembly, The Feng Xiaogang 2007 China 124
22161 20206 Outsider, The Luraschi, Tony 1979 USA 128
22162 20210 Transylvania 6-5000 De Luca, Rudy 1985 USA 94
22163 20209 Scarecrow, The Pillsbury, Sam 1982 New Zealand 87
22164 20211 American Dreamer Rosenthal, Rick 1984 USA 105
22165 20212 Goodbye Pork Pie Murphy, Geoff 1981 New Zealand 105
22166 20216 Puppetoon Movie, The Leibovit, Arnold 1987 USA 80
22167 20214 Once Bitten Storm, Howard 1985 USA 93
22168 20229 Police Story 2 Chan, Jackie 1988 Hong Kong 90
22169 20200 Human Highway Stockwell, Dean & Neil Young 1982 USA 88
22170 20207 Warlords of the 21st Century Cokeliss, Harley 1982 USA 91
22171 20217 Aria Various Directors 1987 UK 90
22172 20218 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare Talalay, Rachel 1991 USA 90
22173 20208 Fast Break Smight, Jack 1979 USA 107
22174 20175 Max Meyjes, Menno 2002 Hungary 108
22175 20219 Sunset Park Gomer, Steve 1996 USA 100
22176 20173 Good Old Naughty Days, The Reilhac, Michel 2002 France 69
22177 20303 Hoots Mon Neill, Roy William 1940 UK 77
22178 20223 Meet the Applegates Lehmann, Michael 1990 USA 90
22179 20225 Pearl Harbor Bay, Michael 2001 USA 182
22180 20359 Tito on Ice Ahonen, Helena & Max Andersson 2012 Germany 76
22181 20224 Passion of Darkly Noon, The Ridley, Philip 1995 UK 101
22182 20226 Forsaken, The Cardone, J.S. 2001 USA 90
22183 20205 Mafu Cage, The Arthur, Karen 1978 USA 102
22184 20227 Football Factory, The Love, Nick 2004 UK 90
22185 20215 Mean Machine Skolnick, Barry 2001 USA
22186 20213 Triumph of Love, The Peploe, Clare 2001 Italy 111
22187 20172 Marquis Xhonneux, Henri 1989 Belgium 83
22188 20344 Mickybo and Me Loane, Terry 2004 UK 95
22189 20220 Rockula Bercovici, Luca 1990 USA 87
22190 20281 Visit from the Incubus, A Biller, Anna 2001 USA 26
22191 20263 Rain of the Children Ward, Vincent 2008 New Zealand 98
22192 20184 Doctors, Liars and Women Aids Activists Say No to Cosmo Carlomusto, Jean 1988 USA
22193 20234 Cow Guan Hu 2009 China 105
22194 20250 Next Life, The Fan Jian 2011 Japan 81
22195 20251 And on the Eighth Day Broad, Richard 1970 UK
22196 20248 Portraits deutscher Alkoholiker Schmitz, Carolin 2010 Germany 79
22197 20246 Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare Froemke, Susan & Matthew Heineman 2012 USA 95
22198 20247 Living in Emergency Hopkins, Mark N. 2008 USA 93
22199 20255 Suddenly, Last Winter Hofer, Gustav & Luca Ragazzi 2008 Italy 85
22200 20272 United Strong, James 2011 UK 94
22201 20230 If You Are the One Feng Xiaogang 2008 China 130
22202 20238 P.S. Kidd, Dylan 2004 USA 97
22203 20239 September of Mine, The Yin Li 1990 China 88
22204 20242 Invisibles, Les Lifshitz, Sébastien 2012 France
22205 20289 Carver DiPrimio, Emily 2015 USA 75
22206 20282 Forced Entry Borden, Lizzy 2002 USA 130
22207 20284 Roman Bettis, Angela 2006 USA 92
22208 20161 Her Private Hell Warren, Norman J. 1968 UK 84
22209 20257 Orchestra of Piazza Vittorio, The Ferrente, Agostino 2006 Italy 93
22210 20360 Turtles Forever [TV] Burdine, Roy & Lloyd Goldfine 2009 USA 90
22211 20383 Mistral, Le Ivens, Joris 1965 France 30
22212 20287 Commune, The Fies, Elisabeth 2009 USA 91
22213 20245 Countess, The Delpy, Julie 2009 France 98
22214 20119 Goodbye Mr. Christie Mulloy, Phil 2011 UK 78
22215 20107 Going Where I've Never Been: The Photography of Diane Arbus [TV] Musilli, John 1972 USA 28
22216 20273 Soulmate Carolyn, Axelle 2013 UK 104
22217 20232 Spookies Joseph, Genie 1986 USA 85
22218 20244 Citadel Foy, Ciaran 2012 UK 85
22219 20240 Waiting Room, The Nicks, Peter 2012 USA 81
22220 20122 Emperor Visits the Hell Li Luo 2012 China 67
22221 20265 Break My Fall Wichmann, Kanchi 2010 UK
22222 20221 Carve Her Name With Pride Gilbert, Lewis 1958 UK 119
22223 20264 Frozen Green, Adam 2009 USA 93
22224 Ip Man: The Final Fight Yau, Herman 2013 Hong Kong 100
22225 20222 Cat Women of the Moon Hilton, Arthur 1954 USA 64
22226 20186 Foreign Intrigue Reynolds, Sheldon 1956 USA 100
22227 20306 Kærlighedens smerte Malmros, Nils 1992 Denmark 115
22228 20266 Awakening, The Murphy, Nick 2011 France 106
22229 Lost in Time Yee Tung-Shing 2003 Hong Kong 109
22230 20271 Man with the Iron Fists, The RZA 2012 USA 96
22231 20275 Poison Ivy Borderie, Bernard 1953 France 90
22232 20253 Message, The Chen Kuo-Fu & Gao Qunshu 2009 China 118
22233 20241 Dream Factory, The Feng Xiaogang 1997 China 90
22234 20262 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Chu, Jon M. 2011 USA 105
22235 20269 Among Friends Harris, Danielle 2012 USA 80
22236 20235 Gap-Toothed Women Blank, Les 1987 USA 31
22237 20270 Hide and Seek Asakura, Kayoko 2013 Japan 11
22238 20280 Of Dolls and Murder Marks, Susan 2012 USA 70
22239 20279 Hood of Horror Title, Stacy 2006 USA 84
22240 20283 Law in These Parts, The Alexandrowicz, Ra'anan 2011 Palestine 100
22241 20243 I Am Breathing Davie, Emma & Morag McKinnon 2012 UK
22242 20249 Missing Gun, The Lu Chuan 2002 China 90
22243 20276 Party is Over, The Romero, Gigi 2011
22244 20286 Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God Gibney, Alex 2012 USA 107
22245 20277 Death in Charge Snively, Devi 2009 USA 15
22246 20278 Lip Stick Lark, Shannon 2010 USA 11
22247 20274 Storme: Lady of the Jewel Box Parkerson, Michelle 1991 USA
22248 20343 World of Plenty Rotha, Paul 1943 UK
22249 20341 Morning in the Streets [TV] Harris, Roy & Denis Mitchell 1959 UK 35
22250 20361 Things Jordan, Andrew 1989 Canada 83
22251 20345 Someone Like Hodder Genz, Henrik Ruben 2003 Denmark 80
22252 20358 Scarfies Sarkies, Robert 1999 New Zealand 94
22253 20296 Life According to Sam Fine, Sean & Andrea Nix 2013 USA 90
22254 20331 Norway Veslemes, Yannis 2014 Greece 73
22255 20305 September Wheat Krieg, Peter 1980 West Germany 96
22256 20335 My Sucky Teen Romance Hagins, Emily 2011 USA 77
22257 20347 Making Christmas Crackers Cricks, George Howard & John Howard Martin 1910 UK 6
22258 20355 Il pane a vita Collizzolli, Stefano 2013 Italy
22259 20322 Horizon: World of Buckminster Fuller, The [TV] Uncredited Director 1964 UK 45
22260 20353 Illustrious Energy Narbey, Leon 1988 New Zealand
22261 20298 Scrap Vessel Byrne, Jason 2009 USA 55
22262 20357 Russian Fairytale, A Doldinger, Nicolas & Jake Mobbs 2013 UK 73
22263 20304 Angel Mine Blyth, David 1978 New Zealand 66
22264 20301 Kaikohe Demolition Habicht, Florian 2004 New Zealand 52
22265 20290 Grabbers Wright, Jon 2012 UK 94
22266 20293 Cséplö Gyuri Schiffer, Pál 1978 Hungary 103
22267 20342 Afflicted Lee, Derek & Cliff Prowse 2013 Canada 85
22268 20291 My Country Vicari, Daniele 2006 Italy
22269 20295 ThanksKilling Downey, Jordan 2009 USA 70
22270 20316 Dom kallar oss mods Jarl, Stefan & Jan Lindkvist 1968 Sweden 100
22271 20324 In Spring One Plants Alone Ward, Vincent 1980 New Zealand
22272 20312 South of the Clouds Zhu Wen 2003 China 100
22273 20117 Bonnie Scotland Horne, James W. 1935 USA 80
22274 20349 Modern Vampires [TV] Elfman, Richard 1998 USA 91
22275 20382 Night to Dismember, A Wishman, Doris 1983 USA 69
22276 20336 Phnom Penh Lullaby Kloc, Pawel 2011 Poland 103
22277 20340 Pistol: The Birth of a Legend, The Schroeder, Frank C. 1991 USA 90
22278 20339 Below Twohy, David 2002 USA 105
22279 20352 Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault La Salle, Eriq 1996 USA 120
22280 20328 Someone Else's Country Barry, Alister 1996 New Zealand
22281 20356 Naim and Jabar Hancock, David & Herbert Di Gioia 1975 USA
22282 20330 VTR St-Jacques Klein, Bonnie Sherr 1969 Canada 26
22283 20297 Group Portrait as a Still Life Kobrin, Vladimir & Sergei Karpuhin 1993 USSR
22284 20337 Sound of Jazz, The [TV] Smight, Jack 1957 USA 60
22285 20329 Dracula II: Ascension Lussier, Patrick 2003 USA 85
22286 20334 Bordello of Blood Adler, Gilbert 1996 USA 87
22287 20338 Black Box BRD Veiel, Andres 2001 Germany 102
22288 20327 Spiral Jetty Smithson, Robert 1970 USA 32
22289 20333 Came a Hot Friday Mune, Ian 1985 New Zealand 101
22290 20326 Jak zyc Lozinski, Marcel 1981 Poland 83
22291 20348 Summer of Blood Tukel, Onur 2014 USA 86
22292 20350 Santo and Blue Demon Against the Monsters Martínez Solares, Gilberto 1970 Mexico 85
22293 20325 Serbian Epics Pawlikowski, Pawel 1992 UK 50
22294 20332 Prijs van overleven, De van Gasteren, Louis 2003 Netherlands 56
22295 20387 People at No. 19, The Holmes, J.B. 1949 UK 18
22296 20310 Defamation Shamir, Yoav 2009 Israel 91
22297 20313 Pulnoc Tasovská, Klára 2010 Czech Republic 40
22298 20369 Marcela Trestíková, Helena 2007 Czech Republic 80
22299 20402 P'tite Bourgogne, La Bulbulian, Maurice 1968 Canada
22300 20391 Fela in Concert Lambert, Claude 1981 USA 57
22301 20323 Soundless Wind Chime Kit Hung 2009 Hong Kong 110
22302 20376 Eternal Frame, The Uthco, T.R. 1975 USA
22303 20346 Disturbing the Peace Ai Weiwei 2009 China 78
22304 20261 Pathogen Hagins, Emily 2006 USA 68
22305 20318 Red House, The Duncan, Alyx 2012 New Zealand 75
22306 20315 Soviet War Scare 1983 [TV] Chancellor, Henry 2007 UK 120
22307 20354 Modern Times [TV] Various Directors 1995-2001 UK
22308 20311 Raising Resistance Bernet, David & Bettina Borgfeld 2011 Germany 85
22309 20363 To-Day We Live: A Film of Life in Britain Bond, Ralph & Ruby Grierson 1937 UK 23
22310 20299 Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale Ball, Murray 1987 Australia 71
22311 20302 Man with a Movie Camera: The Participatory Global Remake an Experiment in Database Cinema for the 21st Century Bard, Perry 2007 Canada
22312 20405 I Love You Kostomarov, Pavel & Aleksandr Rastorguev 2011 Russia 81
22313 20394 Nirvana: Unplugged in New York [TV] McCarthy-Miller, Beth 1993 USA 45
22314 20308 Pain Is… Dwoskin, Stephen 1997 Germany 80
22315 20314 Watch the Birdie [TV] Russell, Ken 1963 UK 28
22316 20375 Latina/Littoria Pannone, Gianfeanco 2001 France 70
22317 20351 Complaint of Rape, A [TV] Stewart, Charles 1982 UK 45
22318 20300 Pleasure Girls, The O'Hara, Gerry 1965 UK 88
22319 20292 Chasing Madoff Prosserman, Jeff 2010 USA 91
22320 20406 Filmregény - Három növér Dárday, István 1978 Hungary 273
22321 20407 Aquí se construye (o Ya no existe el lugar donde nací) Agüero, Ignacio 2000 Chile 77
22322 20408 Alligator Teague, Lewis 1980 USA 94
22323 20409 Shiva Varma, Ram Gopal 2006 India 160
22324 20412 London After Midnight Browning, Tod 1927 USA 69
22325 20415 One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing Stevenson, Robert 1976 USA 93
22326 20413 First a Girl Saville, Victor 1935 UK 94
22327 20410 Man in a Uniform/I Love a Man in Uniform Wellington, David 1993 Canada 99
22328 20414 Fear Strikes Out Mulligan, Robert 1957 USA 100
22329 23857 Thief, The Chukhray, Pavel 1997 Russia 96
22330 20417 Life is a Long Quiet River Chatiliez, Etienne 1988 France 95
22331 20418 Fair Game Liman, Doug 2010 USA 108
22332 20419 Illusionist, The Burger, Neil 2005 USA 109
22333 20420 Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, The Ehrlich, Judith & Rick Goldsmith 2009 USA 92
22334 20421 Fan, The Scott, Tony 1996 USA 120
22335 20422 Don Jon Gordon-Levitt, Joseph 2013 USA 90
22336 20423 Death at a Funeral Oz, Frank 2007 Germany 90
22337 20424 Chloe Egoyan, Atom 2009 France 96
22338 20425 Geisha Boy, The Tashlin, Frank 1958 USA 98
22339 20411 Black Widow Johnson, Nunnally 1954 USA 95
22340 3 Men and a Baby Nimoy, Leonard 1987 USA 102
22341 20426 Mannequin Gottlieb, Michael 1987 USA 89
22342 20428 For Love of the Game Raimi, Sam 1999 USA 137
22343 20429 Letter to Jane Godard, Jean-Luc & Jean-Pierre Gorin 1972 France 52
22344 20427 Angels in the Outfield Brown, Clarence 1951 USA 99
22345 20431 Oz the Great and Powerful Raimi, Sam 2013 USA 130
22346 20480 Our Land Ghose, Goutam 1979 India 158
22347 20471 Vihir Kulkarni, Umesh Vinayak 2009 India 120
22348 20535 Thoovanathumbikal Padmarajan, P. 1987 India 151
22349 20531 Manoos Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1939 India 160
22350 20538 Harishchandrachi Factory Mokashi, Paresh 2009 India 96
22351 Pyl Loban, Sergey 2005 Russia 107
22352 20438 Deool Kulkarni, Umesh Vinayak 2011 India 135
22353 Okhota na Piranyu Kavun, Andrey 2006 Russia 167
22354 Dva dnya Smirnova, Avdotya 2011 Russia 76
22355 Svolochi Atanesyan, Alexander 2006 Russia 97
22356 20482 Unishe April Ghosh, Rituparno 1994 India 138
22357 Turetskiy gambit Fayziev, Dzhanik 2005 Russia 208
22358 20523 Malliswari Reddi, B.N. 1951 India 194
22359 Ironiya sudby. Prodolzhenie Bekmambetov, Timur 2007 Russia 115
22360 Pesa dlya passazhira Abdrashitov, Vadim 1995 Russia 103
22361 20448 Passion Play, The Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France 44
22362 20453 Shala Dahake, Sujay 2011 India 108
22363 20439 Abel Luna, Diego 2010 Mexico
22364 EuroTrip Schaffer, Jeff 2004 USA 90
22365 Shultes Bakuradze, Bakur 2008 Russia 100
22366 20451 Lemmy Olliver, Greg & Wes Orshoski 2010 USA 116
22367 9th Company Bondarchuk, Fedor 2005 Russia 139
22368 20515 Desperate Lives [TV] Lewis, Robert Michael 1982 USA 96
22369 Soldatskiy dekameron Proshkin, Andrey 2005 Russia 90
22370 Playing the Victim Serebrennikov, Kirill 2006 Russia 95
22371 20528 Under Night Streets Keene, Ralph 1958 UK 20
22372 Boginya: kak ya polyubila Litvinova, Renata 2004 Russia 105
22373 20506 Disco Godfather Wagoner, J. Robert 1979 USA 98
22374 20532 Endurance Woodhead, Leslie & Bud Greenspan 1999 USA 83
22375 Zhara Gigineishvili, Rezo 2006 Russia 95
22376 20457 Flying Scotsman, The Mackinnon, Douglas 2006 UK 102
22377 20468 Welcome Lioret, Philippe 2009 France 109
22378 20447 Sultan of Love, The Burguet, Charles & René Le Somptier 1919 France
22379 20462 Kabuliwala Gupta, Hemen 1961 India 95
22380 20544 Girlfriend Boyfriend Yang Ya-che 2012 Taiwan 106
22381 Rusalka Melikyan, Anna 2007 Russia 115
22382 20509 ...À la campagne Poirier, Manuel 1995 France 108
22383 20481 Gia Cristofer, Michael 1998 USA 120
22384 20477 Forest Karnad, Girish 1973 India 141
22385 20463 Oru Vadakkan Veeragatha Hariharan, T. 1989 India 168
22386 Antikiller Konchalovskiy, Egor 2002 Russia 114
22387 20546 Ranganayaki Kanagal, S.R. Puttana 1981 India 196
22388 20443 Island Fishermen de Baroncelli, Jacques 1924 France 93
22389 PiraMMMida Salavatov, Eldar 2011 Russia 105
22390 Arbitr Okhlobystin, Ivan 1992 Russia 85
22391 20521 Game 6 Hoffman, Michael 2005 USA 87
22392 Russkiy regtaym Ursulyak, Sergey 1993 Russia 95
22393 20455 Bulldog Jack Forde, Walter 1934 UK 73
22394 20454 Bat, The West, Roland 1926 USA 86
22395 20490 Last Summer of La Boyita, The Solomonoff, Julia 2009 Argentina 93
22396 20449 Now You See Me Leterrier, Louis 2013 USA 115
22397 20522 Love Me if You Dare Samuell, Yann 2003 France 94
22398 20478 Violent Years, The Morgan, William 1956 USA 65
22399 Ankor, eshchyo ankor! Todorovsky, Pyotr 1992 Russia 96
22400 20519 61* [TV] Crystal, Billy 2001 USA 129
22401 20446 Rude Virgo, Clement 1995 Canada 89
22402 Window to Paris Mamin, Yuri 1993 Russia 115
22403 Russkiy biznes Ayzenberg, Mark & Mikhail Kokshenov 1993 Russia 78
22404 20474 Haridas Nadkarni, Sundarrao 1944 India
22405 Kremen Mizgiryov, Aleksey 2007 Russia 84
22406 Myortvye docheri Ruminov, Pavel 2007 Russia 123
22407 20444 Coster Bill of Paris Feyder, Jacques 1922 France 50
22408 20459 Midnight Faces Cohen, Bennett 1926 USA 55
22409 20513 Vanaprastham Karun, Shaji N. 1999 India 119
22410 Kopeyka Dykhovichnyy, Ivan 2002 Russia 115
22411 20473 Katha Sangama Kanagal, S.R. Puttana 1975 India 144
22412 Shiver of the Vampires, The Rollin, Jean 1971 France 95
22413 20452 Heaven on Earth Mehta, Deepa 2008 Canada 106
22414 20475 Iceberg, L' Abel, Dominique/Fiona Gordon/Bruno Romy 2005 Belgium 84
22415 Dikoe pole Kalatozishvili, Mikheil 2008 Russia 108
22416 Zhila-byla odna baba Smirnov, Andrey 2011 Russia 150
22417 Gitler kaput! Vaysberg, Marius 2008 Russia 95
22418 20514 Mark of the Day, The Daquin, Louis 1949 France 101
22419 20530 Mayor of the Sunset Strip Hickenlooper, George 2003 USA 93
22420 Beremennyy Andreasyan, Sarik 2011 Russia 84
22421 20545 Manichitthrathazhu Fazil 1993 India 169
22422 20467 Whistleblower, The Kondracki, Larysa 2010 Germany 112
22423 Dyuba-Dyuba Khvan, Aleksandr 1992 Russia 140
22424 Kurochka Ryaba Konchalovsky, Andrei 1994 Russia 117
22425 Traktoristy II Aleynikov, Gleb & Igor Aleynikov 1992 Russia 89
22426 20524 Sandesham Anthikad, Sathyan 1991 India 138
22427 Na Deribasovskoy khoroshaya pogoda, ili Na Brayton-Bich opyat idut dozhdi Gaidai, Leonid 1993 Russia 91
22428 Progulka Uchitel, Aleksey 2003 Russia 90
22429 20497 Imagine: John Lennon Solt, Andrew 1988 USA 103
22430 Tourist Trap Schmoeller, David 1979 USA 85
22431 20525 Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music? Hunter, Vickie & Heather Whinna 2004 USA 91
22432 Zhenikh iz Mayami Eyramdzhan, Anatoly 1994 Russia 82
22433 20485 You're Gonna Miss Me McAlester, Keven 2005 USA 91
22434 20503 Winds of September Lin, Tom 2008 Taiwan 107
22435 20527 Day We Stared at the Sun [TV Series] Cheng Yu-Chieh 2010
22436 20487 Perfect Number Pang Eun-jin 2012 South Korea 119
22437 20498 Xiang si zhai Hu Xinling 1948 China
22438 20510 Curious Thing Hain, Alain 2010 USA 8
22439 20479 Arlésienne, L' Capellani, Albert 1908 France 18
22440 20488 Shelter Markowitz, Jonah 2007 USA 97
22441 DMB Kachanov, Roman (2) 2000 Russia 85
22442 20508 Tango & Cash Konchalovsky, Andrei 1989 USA 98
22443 V dvizhenii Yankovsky, Filipp 2002 Russia 97
22444 20499 My Back Pages Yamashita, Nobuhiro 2011 Japan
22445 20492 Poquianchis, Las Cazals, Felipe 1976 Mexico 110
22446 Shirli-myrli Menshov, Vladimir 1995 Russia 143
22447 20466 Monkey Warfare Harkema, Reginald 2006 Canada 75
22448 20464 Narthanasala Rao, Kamalakara Kameshwara 1963 India
22449 Geographer Drank His Globe Away, The Veledinskiy, Aleksandr 2013 Russia 120
22450 What Men Talk About Dyachenko, Dmitriy 2010 Russia 93
22451 20537 Kirishima Thing, The Yoshida, Daihachi 2012 Japan 103
22452 20493 Queer Story, A Shu Kei 1997 Hong Kong 100
22453 20472 Fish Story Nakamura, Yoshihiro 2009 Japan
22454 20507 Man Walks in the City, A Pagliero, Marcello 1950 France 95
22455 20433 Zigoto Drives a Locomotive Durand, Jean 1912 France 6
22456 Upyr Vinokurov, Sergey 1997 Russia 72
22457 20501 Last Days Here Argott, Don & Demian Fenton 2011 USA 91
22458 Bednaya Sasha Keosayan, Tigran 1997 Russia 95
22459 20520 Road to God Knows Where, The Schüppel, Uli M. 1990 Germany 90
22460 Strana glukhikh Todorovsky, Valery 1998 Russia 105
22461 20495 Discrete, La Vincent, Christian 1990 France 94
22462 20526 Thunder Soul Landsman, Mark 2010 USA
22463 20486 Dangerous Moves Dembo, Richard 1984 Switzerland 100
22464 20458 EMPz for Life King, Allan 2006 Canada 113
22465 20505 Fearless Freaks, The [TV] Beesley, Bradley 2005 USA 103
22466 20491 Class of Nuke 'Em High Haines, Richard 1986 USA 81
22467 Lyubit po-russki Matveev, Evgeniy 1995 Russia 86
22468 20483 Louvre City Philibert, Nicolas 1990 France 84
22469 Vremya pechali yeshchyo ne prishlo Selyanov, Sergey 1995 Russia 95
22470 20460 Trigger McDonald, Bruce 2010 Canada 83
22471 Limita Evstigneev, Denis 1995 Russia 89
22472 20450 Jocelyn Poirier, Léon 1922 France
22473 20484 Spring in the South Cai Chusheng 1932 China
22474 Zelyonyy slonik Baskova, Svetlana 1999 Russia 90
22475 Nasha Russia. Yaytsa sudby Orlov, Gleb & Maksim Pezhemskiy 2010 Russia 85
22476 20469 Sriman Prithviraj Majumdar, Tarun 1973 India
22477 Musulmanin Khotinenko, Vladimir 1995 Russia 110
22478 20461 Taxi! Greenwald, Barry 1982 Canada 57
22479 20534 Striptease Bergman, Andrew 1996 USA 115
22480 20511 Invasion U.S.A. Zito, Joseph 1985 USA 107
22481 20529 Shwaas Sawant, Sandeep 2004 India 107
22482 20465 Shyamchi Aai Atre, Pralhad Keshav 1953 India 152
22483 Dnevnik ego zheny Uchitel, Aleksey 2000 Russia 110
22484 Mongol Bodrov, Sergei 2007 Russia 126
22485 20533 Meera Dungan, Ellis & E.S. Tunda 1945 India 136
22486 Boy s tenyu Sidorov, Aleksey 2005 Russia 132
22487 20500 Muscle Beach Party Asher, William 1964 USA 94
22488 20512 Cyclists Special British Transport Films 1955 UK 16
22489 20445 Devadasu Raghavaiah, Vedantam 1953 India 191
22490 20434 Maro Charithra Balachander, K. 1978 India 169
22491 20437 Peruvazhiyampalam Padmarajan, P. 1979 India 118
22492 Voroshilovskiy strelok Govorukhin, Stanislav 1999 Russia 95
22493 20496 Man of No Importance, A Krishnamma, Suri 1994 UK 98
22494 20517 Hidden City Poliakoff, Stephen 1987 UK
22495 Serebryanye golovy Maslov, Vladimir & Evgeniy Yufit 1999 Russia 82
22496 20518 Halodhia Choraye Baodhan Khai Barua, Jahnu 1989 India 120
22497 20436 Metti Mahendran, J. 1982 India
22498 House on the Edge of the Park Deodato, Ruggero 1980 Italy 91
22499 20516 Accused: Tracie's Story [TV] Pearce, Ashley 2012 UK 59
22500 20440 Thaneer Thaneer Balachander, K. 1981 India 143
22501 Legenda No. 17 Lebedev, Nikolay 2013 Russia 134
22502 Metro Megerdichev, Anton 2013 Russia 133
22503 20502 Dr. Faustus Coghill, Nevill & Richard Burton 1968 UK 93
22504 20504 Apple, The Golan, Menahem 1980 USA 90
22505 20494 Andha Naal Balachander, Sundaram 1954 India 130
22506 20442 Travail Pouctal, Henri 1920 France
22507 20470 Pathinaru Vayathinile Rajaa, Bharathi 1977 India 139
22508 Brestskaya krepost Kott, Aleksandr 2010 Belarus 138
22509 20441 Harano Sur Kar, Ajoy 1957 India 162
22510 20543 Monster, The West, Roland 1925 USA 86
22511 20456 Jhinder Bandi Sinha, Tapan 1961 India
22512 Rossiya 88 Bardin, Pavel 2009 Russia 104
22513 Svoi Meskhiev, Dmitriy 2004 Russia 111
22514 20476 Aval Appadithaan Rudraiyaa, C. 1978 India 114
22515 20489 Semper Fi: Always Faithful Hardmon, Tony & Rachel Libert 2011 USA 75
22516 20547 Coogan's Bluff Siegel, Don 1968 USA 100
22517 20548 Who Killed Who? Avery, Tex 1943 USA 8
22518 20549 Topaze d'Arrast, Harry 1933 USA 78
22519 20550 Stoopnocracy Fleischer, Dave 1933 USA
22520 20555 Wild Oranges Vidor, King 1924 USA 88
22521 20552 Squaw Man, The Apfel, Oscar & Cecil B. DeMille 1914 USA 74
22522 20558 Boxcar Bertha Scorsese, Martin 1972 USA 97
22523 20602 Law and Disorder Passer, Ivan 1974 USA 103
22524 20561 Annie Oakley Stevens, George 1935 USA 90
22525 20559 Human Comedy, The Brown, Clarence 1943 USA 117
22526 20560 Adventurer, The Guy-Blaché, Alice 1917 USA 50
22527 20562 Call Me Madam Lang, Walter 1953 USA 117
22528 20566 Child Bride Revier, Harry 1938 USA 62
22529 20565 Homebodies Yust, Larry 1974 USA 96
22530 20567 Billy Budd Ustinov, Peter 1962 UK 119
22531 20564 Start the Revolution Without Me Yorkin, Bud 1970 USA 91
22532 20563 Night of the Following Day, The Cornfield, Hubert 1969 USA 93
22533 20568 Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet Dieterle, William 1940 USA 103
22534 20570 Prince of Foxes King, Henry 1949 USA 107
22535 20571 In the French Style Parrish, Robert 1963 USA 105
22536 20553 Lady Without Passport, A Lewis, Joseph H. 1950 USA 72
22537 20554 Gangster, The Wiles, Gordon 1947 USA 84
22538 20572 Purple Plain, The Parrish, Robert 1954 UK 100
22539 20573 Butcher Boy, The Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty' 1917 USA 25
22540 20574 Rawhide Hathaway, Henry 1951 USA 89
22541 20576 Stalking Moon, The Mulligan, Robert 1968 USA 109
22542 20556 Black Hand Thorpe, Richard 1950 USA 93
22543 20577 Happy Ending, The Brooks, Richard 1969 USA 117
22544 20557 Bewitched Oboler, Arch 1945 USA 65
22545 20578 Lloyds of London King, Henry 1936 USA 115
22546 20579 State Fair Lang, Walter 1945 USA 100
22547 20581 FBI Story, The LeRoy, Mervyn 1959 USA 149
22548 20606 Picking Peaches Kenton, Erle C. 1924 USA 20
22549 20584 Sorrows of Satan, The Griffith, D.W. 1926 USA 90
22550 20587 Golden Chance, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1915 USA 74
22551 20595 Truth and Illusion: An Introduction to Metaphysics Vidor, King 1964 USA 25
22552 20604 Running Wild La Cava, Gregory 1927 USA 68
22553 20580 Mayor of Hell, The Mayo, Archie 1933 USA 80
22554 20597 Strange Love of Molly Louvain, The Curtiz, Michael 1932 USA 72
22555 20585 Tortilla Flat Fleming, Victor 1942 USA 105
22556 20593 Bohème, La Vidor, King 1926 USA 94
22557 20586 This is the Night Tuttle, Frank 1932 USA 78
22558 20594 Zaza Cukor, George 1938 USA 83
22559 20592 Two Seconds LeRoy, Mervyn 1932 USA 67
22560 20607 Salome, Where She Danced Lamont, Charles 1945 USA 90
22561 20583 King and Four Queens, The Walsh, Raoul 1956 USA 86
22562 20598 Bandido Fleischer, Richard 1956 USA 92
22563 20589 Red Dance, The Walsh, Raoul 1928 USA 103
22564 20601 Jeanne Eagels Sidney, George 1957 USA 108
22565 20596 Mad Genius, The Curtiz, Michael 1931 USA 81
22566 20591 King Solomon's Mines Stevenson, Robert 1937 UK 80
22567 20599 Mysterious Lady, The Niblo, Fred 1928 USA 96
22568 20600 Son of Sinbad Tetzlaff, Ted 1955 USA 88
22569 20590 Green Fields Ben-Ami, Jacob & Edgar G. Ulmer 1937 USA 106
22570 20588 Captain Hates the Sea, The Milestone, Lewis 1934 USA 93
22571 20625 Take Off Nelson, Gunvor 1972 USA 10
22572 20627 Dressed to Kill Cummings, Irving 1928 USA 70
22573 20615 Fuddy Duddy Buddy Hubley, John 1951 USA
22574 20608 Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The Goldstein, Alvin 1974 USA 83
22575 20614 Cops and Robbers Avakian, Aram 1973 USA 89
22576 20623 Conrad in Quest of His Youth de Mille, William C. 1920 USA 60
22577 20626 Heart of Spain Kline, Herbert & Charles Korvin 1937 USA 30
22578 20613 Joe Dakota Bartlett, Richard 1957 USA 79
22579 20609 Old-Fashioned Way, The Beaudine, William 1934 USA 74
22580 20621 Man, Woman and Sin Bell, Monta 1927 USA 70
22581 20611 Alibi West, Roland 1929 USA 90
22582 20622 Nana, Mom and Me Rothschild, Amalie R. 1975 USA 47
22583 20616 End of the Road Avakian, Aram 1970 USA 110
22584 20624 J. W. Coop Robertson, Cliff 1972 USA 112
22585 20610 Barefoot Mailman, The McEvoy, Earl 1951 USA 83
22586 20617 Grand Duchess and the Waiter, The St. Clair, Malcolm 1926 USA 70
22587 20612 Evel Knievel Chomsky, Marvin J. 1972 USA 90
22588 20620 This is the Home of Mrs. Levant Graham Weill, Claudia & Eliot Noyes 1970 USA 17
22589 20618 Tiger Trouble Kinney, Jack 1945 USA 7
22590 20619 Don't Bank on Amerika Biskind, Peter 1970 USA 45
22591 20628 Alive Marshall, Frank 1993 USA 125
22592 20629 Men... Dörrie, Doris 1985 Germany 99
22593 20632 Brady Bunch Movie, The Thomas, Betty 1995 USA 90
22594 20630 Cendrillon Méliès, Georges 1899 France 6
22595 20635 Little Thief, The Miller, Claude 1989 France 104
22596 23059 Maria Full of Grace Marston, Joshua 2003 USA 100
22597 20631 All the Right Moves Chapman, Michael 1983 USA 91
22598 20633 Touch of Class, A Frank, Melvin 1973 UK 106
22599 20721 Mort un dimanche de pluie Santoni, Joël 1986 France 109
22600 20634 Santa Claus Conquers the Martians Webster, Nicholas 1964 USA 80
22601 20636 Starsky & Hutch Phillips, Todd 2004 USA 101
22602 20638 Get Smart Segal, Peter 2008 USA 110
22603 20639 King Kong Guillermin, John 1976 USA 134
22604 20640 Bright Eyes Butler, David 1934 USA 83
22605 20643 Ukrainian Rhapsody Parajanov, Sergei 1961 USSR 88
22606 20642 Black and White Toback, James 1999 USA 99
22607 20646 Champion, The Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 31
22608 20644 Jim Thorpe: All American Curtiz, Michael 1951 USA 107
22609 20717 Pacific 231 Mitry, Jean 1949 France 10
22610 20700 X-Ray Fiend, The Smith, George Albert 1897 UK 1
22611 20773 Happy Accidents Anderson, Brad 2000 USA 110
22612 20767 Fanaa Kohli, Kunal 2006 India 168
22613 20699 Prime Younger, Ben 2005 USA 106
22614 20672 Drugstore, The Ivens, Joris 1976 France 81
22615 20677 Paper Lion March, Alex 1968 USA 107
22616 20710 Images pour Debussy Mitry, Jean 1951 France 22
22617 20747 All Tomorrow's Parties Yu Lik-wai, Nelson 2003 France
22618 20769 Invincible Core, Ericson 2006 USA 105
22619 20687 Water Clement, Dick 1985 UK 95
22620 20778 SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, The Hillenburg, Stephen 2004 USA 87
22621 20681 Everybody's All-American Hackford, Taylor 1988 USA 127
22622 Darkness Falls Liebesman, Jonathan 2003 USA 86
22623 20668 Ax Fight, The Asch, Timothy & Napoleon A. Chagnon 1975 Venezuela 30
22624 20719 Transsiberian Anderson, Brad 2008 UK 111
22625 20665 Eternal Jew, The Hippler, Fritz 1940 Germany 62
22626 20676 Countdown Ottinger, Ulrike 1990 Germany 188
22627 20757 Waterboy, The Coraci, Frank 1998 USA 89
22628 20712 Gridiron Gang Joanou, Phil 2006 USA 125
22629 20674 Mauer, Die Böttcher, Jürgen 1991 Germany 99
22630 20673 Far from Poland Godmilow, Jill 1984 USA 106
22631 20658 Program, The Ward, David S. 1993 USA 114
22632 20663 Freaky Friday Nelson, Gary 1977 USA 95
22633 20671 Mädchen in Wittstock Koepp, Volker 1975 East Germany 20
22634 20664 Night Caller, The Verneuil, Henri 1975 France 91
22635 20703 Wristcutters: A Love Story Dukic, Goran 2006 USA
22636 20707 Charlots contre Dracula, Les Desagnat, Jean-Pierre 1980 France 85
22637 20690 We Are Marshall McG 2006 USA 131
22638 20754 White Dream, The von Cziffra, Géza 1943 Germany 93
22639 20758 Permutations Whitney, John 1968 USA 8
22640 20711 Devil's Playground Walker, Lucy 2002 USA 77
22641 20731 Battle Over Citizen Kane, The [TV] Epstein, Michael & Thomas Lennon 1996 USA 108
22642 20706 Coolie Desai, Manmohan & Prayag Raj 1983 India 177
22643 20705 Year of the Hare, The Jarva, Risto 1977 Finland 129
22644 20680 One Week McGowan, Michael 2008 Canada 94
22645 20739 Chronopolis Kamler, Piotr 1983 France 52
22646 20709 Lovely Molly Sánchez, Eduardo 2012 USA 100
22647 20697 Ghost of a Chance, A Mitani, Koki 2011 Japan 142
22648 20701 Broken English Cassavetes, Zoe R. 2007 USA 97
22649 20770 Arachveulebrivi gamopena Shengelaya, Eldar 1968 USSR 94
22650 20691 For Lovers Only Polish, Michael 2011 USA 87
22651 20768 August Underground Vogel, Fred 2001 USA 70
22652 20736 Last Night Tadjedin, Massy 2009 USA 93
22653 20737 Fashion Bhandarkar, Madhur 2008 India 167
22654 20745 Shake Hands with the Devil Anderson, Michael 1959 USA 110
22655 20659 Reincarnation of Isabel, The Polselli, Renato 1973 Italy 98
22656 20735 Mois d'avril son meurtriers, Les Heynemann, Laurent 1987 France 88
22657 20649 Rat Fever Assis, Cláudio 2011 Brazil 110
22658 20766 Bulgasari Jo Chong Gon & Shin Sang-ok 1985 North Korea 95
22659 20730 Hachi: A Dog's Tale Hallström, Lasse 2008 USA 93
22660 Sleepwalker Pinter, Johannes 2000 Sweden 95
22661 20738 Sensuela Tulio, Teuvo 1973 Finland 104
22662 20764 Feet of Song Russell, Erica 1988 UK 6
22663 20653 Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Chopra, Aditya 2008 India 167
22664 20765 Grosse Liebe, Die Hansen, Rolf 1942 Germany 102
22665 20753 Dostana Mansukhani, Tarun 2008 India 145
22666 20762 Heath is Green, The Deppe, Hans 1951 West Germany 90
22667 20777 Color Rhapsodie Bute, Mary Ellen & Ted Nemeth 1948 USA 6
22668 20652 What is That? Pilavios, Constantin 2007 Greece 5
22669 20678 Salt of This Sea Jacir, Annemarie 2008 Palestine 109
22670 20749 Pfarrers Töchterlein, Des Gärtner, Adolf 1913 Germany
22671 20774 Yantra Whitney, James 1957 USA 8
22672 20752 In July Akin, Fatih 2000 Germany 99
22673 20775 Track, The Leroy, Serge 1975 France
22674 20692 Hasher's Delirium, The Cohl, Émile 1910 France 5
22675 20741 1942: A Love Story Chopra, Vidhu Vinod 1994 India 157
22676 20654 Music Never Stopped, The Kohlberg, Jim 2011 USA 105
22677 20704 Betty Boop's Rise to Fame Fleischer, Dave 1934 USA 9
22678 20748 Unknown Soldier, The Mollberg, Rauni 1985 Finland 195
22679 20772 Baazigar Burmawalla, Abbas Alibhai & Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla 1993 India 175
22680 20714 Love Kuri, Yoji 1964 Japan 4
22681 20679 Bert & Dickie Blair, David 2012 UK 89
22682 20720 G.I. Joe: The Movie Jurwich, Don 1987 USA 93
22683 20698 Mod Squad, The Silver, Scott 1999 USA 92
22684 20696 Pan-Cinema Permante Nader, Carlos 2008 Brazil 83
22685 20734 Jack and the Beanstalk Fleischer, Dave 1931 USA 7
22686 20715 Bad Case, A Cohl, Émile 1909 France 5
22687 20661 Chang Cooper, Merian C. & Ernest B. Schoedsack 1927 USA 67
22688 Rose Red [TV] Baxley, Craig R. 2002 USA 254
22689 20666 Ciao Tan Yen 2008 USA 87
22690 20771 Erva do Rato, A Bressane, Júlio 2008 Brazil 80
22691 20744 Famosos e os Duendes da Morte, Os Filho, Esmir 2009 Brazil 101
22692 20755 Príncipe, O Giorgetti, Ugo 2002 Brazil 102
22693 20669 Treasure of Silver Lake, The Reinl, Harald 1962 Germany 111
22694 20759 Mandarin, The Bressane, Júlio 1995 Brazil 90
22695 20740 My Name is Khan Johar, Karan 2009 India 161
22696 20723 Blind Side, The Hancock, John Lee 2009 USA 128
22697 20675 Anderson Platoon, The Schoendoerffer, Pierre 1967 France 65
22698 20733 Thriller Potter, Sally 1979 UK 45
22699 20670 Sleepless, The Kim Dong-bin 2012 South Korea 86
22700 20657 Homem Que Não Dormia, O Navarro, Edgard 2012 Brazil 99
22701 20729 Peepli [Live] Rizvi, Anusha 2009 India 107
22702 20743 Big Fan Siegel, Robert D. 2009 USA 86
22703 20694 Tamboro Bernardes, Sergio 2009 Brazil 90
22704 20724 Citizen Boilense Litewski, Chaim 2009 Brazil 92
22705 20716 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, The Clark, Alfred 1895 USA 1
22706 20684 Dead Girl Howard, Adam Coleman 1996 USA 104
22707 20688 Meu Mundo em Perigo Belmonte, José Eduardo 2007 Brazil 92
22708 20732 A-Team, The Carnahan, Joe 2010 USA 119
22709 20726 Agneepath Anand, Mukul 1990 India 174
22710 20651 Haru Morita, Yoshimitsu 1996 Japan 118
22711 20718 Set of Teeth, A Cohl, Émile 1909 France 3
22712 20655 Alternative Fringe Guard, Candy 1993 UK 5
22713 20763 Bunny Game, The Rehmeier, Adam 2011 USA 76
22714 20742 Uninvited, The Guard, Tom & Charles Guard 2008 Germany 87
22715 20727 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Daldry, Stephen 2011 USA 129
22716 20728 Madonna: Material Girl Lambert, Mary 1985 USA 5
22717 20722 Sarfarosh Matthan, John Mathew 1999 India 174
22718 20660 Light in Darkness: The Return of Red Light Bandit Ignez, Helena & Ícaro Martins 2010 Brazil 83
22719 20682 Deranged Park Jeong-woo 2012 South Korea 109
22720 20750 Bungee Jumping of Their Own Kim Dae-seung 2001 South Korea 107
22721 20761 Murder-Set-Pieces Palumbo, Nick 2004 USA 105
22722 20667 Echoes of the Rainbow Law, Alex 2010 Hong Kong 117
22723 20656 Nashörner, Die Lenica, Jan 1964 West Germany 10
22724 20662 Draft Day Reitman, Ivan 2014 USA 110
22725 20725 Salaam Namaste Anand, Siddharth 2005 India 158
22726 20695 I Remember Navarro, Edgard 2005 Brazil 110
22727 20693 Three Extremes 2 Chan, Peter/Kim Jee-woon/Nonzee Nimibutr 2002 Hong Kong 140
22728 20779 Adorable menteuse Deville, Michel 1962 France 105
22729 20784 Prey for the Shadows Astruc, Alexandre 1961 France 95
22730 20780 Mauvaises rencontres, Les Astruc, Alexandre 1955 France 84
22731 20782 Life Upside Down Jessua, Alain 1964 France 93
22732 20781 Enclos, L' Gatti, Armand 1961 Yugoslavia 105
22733 20783 Ligne de mire, La Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1960 France 84
22734 20785 Carry on Teacher Thomas, Gerald 1959 UK 86
22735 20786 Hangin' With the Homeboys Vasquez, Joseph B. 1991 USA 88
22736 20790 Naughty Marietta Van Dyke, W.S. 1935 USA 106
22737 20788 Rancho Deluxe Perry, Frank 1975 USA 93
22738 20820 Yakuza Graveyard Fukasaku, Kinji 1976 Japan 97
22739 20787 Littlest Rebel, The Butler, David 1935 USA 70
22740 20789 One Hundred Men and a Girl Koster, Henry 1937 USA 84
22741 20793 Hula Girls Lee Sang-il 2006 Japan 121
22742 20791 Caltiki, the Immortal Monster Freda, Riccardo 1959 Italy 76
22743 20792 Debbie Does Dallas Clark, Jim 1978
22744 20794 I Just Didn't Do It Suo, Masayuki 2006 Japan 143
22745 20795 King, The Marsh, James 2005 USA 105
22746 20796 Things Change Mamet, David 1988 USA 100
22747 20797 Analyze This Ramis, Harold 1999 USA 103
22748 20798 Made Favreau, Jon 2001 USA 94
22749 20799 Freshman, The Bergman, Andrew 1990 USA 102
22750 20800 Unlawful Entry Kaplan, Jonathan 1992 USA 111
22751 20802 Clockwise Morahan, Christopher 1986 UK 96
22752 20801 Year One Ramis, Harold 2009 USA 97
22753 20818 Congo Marshall, Frank 1995 USA 108
22754 20806 Sympathy for the Underdog Fukasaku, Kinji 1971 Japan 93
22755 20822 Trespass Hill, Walter 1992 USA 101
22756 20821 Arrival, The Twohy, David 1996 USA 109
22757 20805 One-Man Band, The Méliès, Georges 1900 France 2
22758 20803 To Die by Your Side Cahn, Simon & Spike Jonze 2011 France 6
22759 20812 Rome Armed to the Teeth Lenzi, Umberto 1976 Italy 95
22760 20804 Afrita hanem Barakat, Henry 1949 Egypt 97
22761 20813 One True Thing Franklin, Carl 1998 USA 127
22762 20811 Paul Mottola, Greg 2011 USA 104
22763 20808 Come on George! Kimmins, Anthony 1939 UK 88
22764 20807 Rostov-Luanda Sissako, Abderrahmane 1998 Angola 76
22765 20814 Women of the Night King, Zalman 2001 USA 97
22766 20816 Cops vs. Thugs Fukasaku, Kinji 1975 Japan 100
22767 20817 Isn't She Great Bergman, Andrew 1999 USA 95
22768 20809 Deadly Weapons Wishman, Doris 1974 USA 75
22769 20824 Stranger, The Ray, Satyajit 1991 India 97
22770 20819 Jazz Singer, The Fleischer, Richard 1980 USA 115
22771 20815 Box, The Kelly, Richard 2009 USA 116
22772 20810 Crows Zero Miike, Takashi 2007 Japan 130
22773 21006 Romance of Book and Sword, The Hui, Ann 1987 China 180
22774 20823 Palmetto Schlöndorff, Volker 1998 USA 113
22775 20844 Boy's Choir Ogata, Akira 2000 Japan 129
22776 21011 Akame 48 Waterfalls Arato, Genjiro 2003 Japan 159
22777 20839 Happy Flight Yaguchi, Shinobu 2008 Japan 103
22778 21014 Don't Laugh at My Romance Iguchi, Nami 2007 Japan 137
22779 21003 Kiss, The Manda, Kunitoshi 2007 Japan 108
22780 20981 Yami no kodomo-tachi Sakamoto, Junji 2008 Japan 138
22781 21002 Brutal Hopelessness of Love, The Ishii, Takashi 2007 Japan 117
22782 21005 Larva to Love, A Iguchi, Noboru 2003 Japan 110
22783 20845 Pavillion Salamandre, The Tominaga, Masanori 2006 Japan 98
22784 20990 Sayonara Color Takenaka, Naoto 2005 Japan 119
22785 21004 Snakes and Earrings Ninagawa, Yukio 2008 Japan 123
22786 20846 Cafe Isobe Yoshida, Keisuke 2008 Japan 113
22787 20914 Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Thief, The Clennell, Jake 2006 USA 76
22788 20835 Blood of Revenge Kato, Tai 1965 Japan 90
22789 20831 Chef of South Polar, The Okita, Shuichi 2009 Japan 125
22790 21021 Milkwoman, The Ogata, Akira 2005 Japan 127
22791 20954 Silent Night, Bloody Night Gershuny, Theodore 1973 USA 87
22792 20984 Wolf Girl Fukagawa, Yoshihiro 2005 Japan 107
22793 20851 Violent City Gosha, Hideo 1974 Japan 96
22794 20983 Dog in a Sidecar Negishi, Kichitaro 2007 Japan 94
22795 20852 Onimasa Gosha, Hideo 1982 Japan 146
22796 20911 Opera Prima Trueba, Fernando 1980 Spain 94
22797 20858 Yakuza in Love, A Mochizuki, Rokuro 1997 Japan 110
22798 20993 One Million Yen Girl Tanada, Yuki 2008 Japan 121
22799 20874 Wolves, The Gosha, Hideo 1971 Japan 131
22800 20865 Letters, The Shono, Jiro 2006 Japan 121
22801 20994 Valachi Papers, The Young, Terence 1972 Italy 125
22802 20868 Josee, the Tiger and the Fish Inudo, Isshin 2003 Japan 116
22803 20951 Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad Matsuoka, Joji 2007 Japan 142
22804 20991 Canary Shiota, Akihiko 2004 Japan 132
22805 20848 Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker, The Nakamura, Yoshihiro 2007 Japan 110
22806 20828 Bare Essence of Life Ultra-Miracle Love Story Yokohama, Satoko 2009 Japan 120
22807 20825 Sono hi no mae ni Obayashi, Nobuhiko 2008 Japan 140
22808 21007 Cyborg Girl Kwak Jae-young 2008 Japan 115
22809 20932 Conan the Barbarian Nispel, Marcus 2011 USA 113
22810 20843 Rain of Light Takahashi, Banmei 2001 Japan 130
22811 20979 Crowd of Three, A Ohmori, Tatsushi 2009 Japan 131
22812 20827 Stella polaris Jensen, Knut Erik 1993 Norway 89
22813 21012 Motforestilling Løchen, Erik 1972 Norway 97
22814 20988 Money Ng Wui 1959
22815 20997 Blood-Stained Azaleas Lee Sun-Fung 1951 Hong Kong 105
22816 20998 Georgica Keedus, Sulev 1998 Estonia 109
22817 21000 Roar of the People Tang Xiaodan 1941
22818 20862 Qiao Wang Bin 1949 China
22819 20909 Kevade Kruusement, Arvo 1969 Estonia 84
22820 20836 Provincial Actors Holland, Agnieszka 1979 Poland 108
22821 21029 Aldri annet enn brak Carlmar, Edith 1954 Norway 77
22822 21018 Blood Will Tell Yueh Feng 1949 Hong Kong 90
22823 20832 Another Lonely Hitman Mochizuki, Rokuro 1995 Japan 105
22824 21023 Prodigal Son, The Ng Wui 1952 Hong Kong 108
22825 20826 Young and Dangerous Lau, Andrew 1996 Hong Kong 97
22826 20870 Two Moons Baranski, Andrzej 1993 Poland 133
22827 20864 Pearl in the Crown Kutz, Kazimierz 1972 Poland 111
22828 20871 Hullumeelsus Kiisk, Kaljo 1968 USSR 79
22829 20856 This Love of Mine Chang Yi 1987
22830 20854 Doll, The Has, Wojciech 1968 Poland 139
22831 20857 Birth Certificate Rózewicz, Stanislaw 1961 Poland 99
22832 20853 Nipernaadi Kiisk, Kaljo 1983 Estonia 88
22833 20855 Mocny czlowiek Szaro, Henryk 1929 Poland 77
22834 20834 Dawn Shen Fu 1979 China
22835 21028 Motherhood Tso Kea 1960 Hong Kong
22836 20927 Vendedora de rosas, La Gaviria, Víctor 1998 Colombia 116
22837 20896 Buildings & Vampires Casavecchia, Nico & Sebastian 2011 Spain 2
22838 21019 Page of History, A Lai Man-wai 1941
22839 20897 Dot Patterson, Edward & Will Studd 2010 UK 2
22840 21020 Blood in Snow Li Han Hsiang 1956 Hong Kong
22841 21016 Trip Through China, A Brodsky, Benjamin 1917 USA 100
22842 20898 Food About You Dubosc, Alexandre 2010 2
22843 21008 Reverse, The Lankosz, Borys 2009 Poland 99
22844 21009 Misarranged Love Trap, The Mok Hong-si 1950
22845 20999 Ideaalmaastik Simm, Peeter 1981 Estonia 91
22846 21010 Scenes of Yan'an Lam Chong & Tsui Tin-cheung 1941
22847 20989 Onibi Mochizuki, Rokuro 1997 Japan 101
22848 20982 Beauty of Beauties Li Han Hsiang 1967 Hong Kong
22849 21030 Viimne reliikvia Kromanov, Grigori 1969 Estonia 86
22850 21017 Let it Be Yen Lan-chuan & Chuang Yi-tseng 2005
22851 20986 Kissed by Winter Johnsen, Sara 2005 Norway 84
22852 20987 Marriage of the Fairy Princess Shi Hui 1955
22853 21025 Big Shar Checinski, Sylwester 1983 Poland 96
22854 21027 Depot of the Dead, The Petelski, Czeslaw 1959 Poland 104
22855 21026 Wives Breien, Anja 1975 Norway 84
22856 20985 Road, The Zhang Jiarui 2006 China 114
22857 20867 Ex Voto Langjahr, Erich 1990 Switzerland 110
22858 21013 Chair, The Tso Kea 1959
22859 20894 Waterboys Yaguchi, Shinobu 2001 Japan 91
22860 20859 Doing Time Sai, Yoichi 2002 Japan 93
22861 20917 Juvenile Yamazaki, Takashi 2000 Japan 100
22862 20922 Live Tape Matsue, Tetsuaki 2009 Japan
22863 20918 Whispering of the Gods, The Ohmori, Tatsushi 2005 Japan 107
22864 20921 Handicapped Love Graf, Marlies 1980 Switzerland 124
22865 20916 Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love Akiyama, Takahiko 2005 Japan 111
22866 20877 Sketches of Kaitan City Kumakiri, Kazuyoshi 2010 Japan 152
22867 20925 Dear Doctor Nishikawa, Miwa 2009 Japan 127
22868 20923 8000 Miles Irie, Yu 2009 Japan 80
22869 20879 Boys on the Run Miura, Daisuke 2010 Japan 114
22870 20924 Hero Show, The Izutsu, Kazuyuki 2010 Japan 134
22871 20901 Watashi no yasashikunai senpai Yamamoto, Yutaka 2010 Japan 102
22872 20878 Shikisoku Generation, The Taguchi, Tomoro 2009 Japan 114
22873 20900 Hyaku hachi Mori, Yoshitaka 2008 Japan 126
22874 20912 Inventor, The Gloor, Kurt 1981 West Germany 99
22875 20890 Gentle Breeze in the Village, A Yamashita, Nobuhiro 2007 Japan 121
22876 20889 Prodigy Hagiuda, Koji 2007 Japan 120
22877 20882 Chicken is Barefoot Morisaki, Azuma 2004 Japan 114
22878 20891 Detroit Metal City Lee, Toshio 2008 Japan 104
22879 20892 Iden & Tity Taguchi, Tomoro 2003 Japan 118
22880 20893 GS Wonderland Honda, Ryuichi 2008 Japan 100
22881 20899 Go Yukisada, Isao 2001 Japan 122
22882 20886 Kleine Freiheit Schlumpf, Hans-Ulrich 1978 Sweden
22883 20841 Parting Shot, A Waltz, Jeanne 2007 France 84
22884 21024 Troubled Water Poppe, Erik 2008 Norway 115
22885 20860 Ur-Musig Schläpfer, Cyrill 1993 Switzerland 107
22886 20872 Vitus Murer, Fredi M. 2006 Switzerland 123
22887 20866 Stealth Baier, Lionel 2006 Switzerland 112
22888 20873 Do It Gisiger, Sabine & Marcel Zwingli 2000 Switzerland 98
22889 20903 Days and Clouds Soldini, Silvio 2007 Italy 118
22890 20869 Verflixt verliebt Luisi, Peter 2004 Switzerland 92
22891 20904 Straight to the Heart Pool, Léa 1988 Canada 92
22892 20915 Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps Steiner, Michael 2010 Switzerland 110
22893 20895 Robot Contest Furumaya, Tomoyuki 2003 Japan 118
22894 20926 Wachtmeister Studer Lindtberg, Leopold 1939 Switzerland 112
22895 20829 Murder Farm, The Oberli, Bettina 2009 Germany 93
22896 20847 Karwall Hassler, Jürg 1970 Switzerland 65
22897 20830 Lucky Jack: Three Attempts to Stop Smoking Liechti, Peter 2003 Switzerland 90
22898 20919 Caterpillar Wakamatsu, Koji 2010 Japan 85
22899 20913 Space Tourists Frei, Christian 2009 Switzerland 98
22900 20861 Late Bloomers Oberli, Bettina 2006 Switzerland 90
22901 20842 Aisheen (Still Alive in Gaza) Wadimoff, Nicolas 2010 Qatar 86
22902 20905 Emigration Jacusso, Nino 1979 West Germany 100
22903 20907 You Love Me Too Berger, Helmut/Anja Franke/Dani Levy 1986 West Germany 85
22904 20908 No More Smoke Signals Bräuning, Fanny 2008 Switzerland 90
22905 20850 Kongreß der Pinguine, Der Schlumpf, Hans-Ulrich 1993 Switzerland 91
22906 20838 Sennen-Ballade Langjahr, Erich 1996 Switzerland 100
22907 20972 Ansiedad Zacarias, Miguel 1953 Mexico 127
22908 20929 Seven Minutes in Heaven Feferman, Linda 1985 USA 88
22909 20957 Impulse Baker, Graham 1984 USA 91
22910 20956 Static Romanek, Mark 1985 USA 93
22911 20948 No puedo vivir sin ti Leon Dai 2008
22912 20970 Sway Nishikawa, Miwa 2006 Japan 120
22913 20969 Joan Lui - ma an giorno nel paese arrivo io di lunedi Celentano, Adriano 1985 Italy 163
22914 20975 Emmanuelle and the Last Cannibals D'Amato, Joe 1977 Italy 85
22915 20910 Tokyo Mafia Shirai, Seiichi 1995 Japan 83
22916 20974 Boogie Boy Hamann, Craig 1997 USA 104
22917 20977 Sawako Decides Ishii, Yuya 2010 Japan
22918 20938 Temptation of St. Tony, The Õunpuu, Veiko 2009 Estonia 110
22919 20964 De l'autre côté du lit Pouzadoux, Pascale 2008 France 93
22920 20940 Sex, Okra and Salted Butter [TV] Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 2008
22921 20888 Zero Kezelos, Christopher 2010 Australia 13
22922 20971 Two Idiots in Hollywood Tobolowsky, Stephen 1988 USA 85
22923 20962 Asoka Sivan, Santosh 2001 India
22924 20958 Federal Hill Corrente, Michael 1994 USA 100
22925 20959 Dunston Checks In Kwapis, Ken 1996 Canada 88
22926 20849 Welcome to the Quiet Room Matsuo, Suzuki 2007 Japan 118
22927 20837 Kisaragi Sato, Yuichi 2007 Japan 108
22928 20906 Off-Balance Togashi, Shin 2000 Japan 95
22929 20876 Yoru o kakete Kim, Sujin 2002 Japan 133
22930 20961 Butterfly Effect, The Gruber, J. Mackye 2004 USA 113
22931 20973 Switch, The Speck, Will & Josh Gordon 2010 USA 102
22932 20963 Ping Pong Sori, Fumihiko 2002 Japan 114
22933 20978 Beresina Schmid, Daniel 1999 Switzerland 108
22934 20965 Inditial D: Drift Racer Lau, Andrew & Alan Mak 2005 Hong Kong 109
22935 20953 Lucky Number Slevin McGuigan, Paul 2006 Germany 110
22936 20840 Break Through! Izutsu, Kazuyuki 2004 Japan 118
22937 20967 Love Guru, The Schnabel, Marco 2008 Germany 87
22938 20960 Gregoire Moulin de Penguern, Artus 2001 France 90
22939 20833 Stranger of Mine, A Uchida, Kenji 2005 Japan 98
22940 20976 Ghetto Imbach, Thomas 1997 Switzerland 122
22941 20880 Sleeping Ember Mauro, Humberto 1928 Brazil 120
22942 20930 Colonial Misunderstanding, The Téno, Jean-Marie 2004 Cameroon 78
22943 20966 Remorse Chor Yuen 1965 Hong Kong 106
22944 20980 Mutual Understanding Chun Kim 1954
22945 20936 Pregnant Maiden, The Chor Yuen 1968
22946 20949 Love Lingers On Tso Kea 1957
22947 20946 Heritage Breien, Anja 1979 Norway 95
22948 20945 He Never Gives Up Lee Hsing 1970 Taiwan
22949 20881 Safadas, As Araújo, Inácio/Antonio Meliande/Carlos Reichenbach 1982 Brazil 86
22950 20887 Ten Thousand Pictures of You King, Robin 2006 UK 3
22951 20937 Father is Back Li Tie 1961
22952 20939 Golden Lotus Yueh Feng 1957 Hong Kong
22953 20950 Wonder Women Gan Kwok-Leung 1987 Hong Kong
22954 20996 Forgiveness Gabriel, Ian 2004 South Africa 112
22955 20933 Cosmic Africa Foster, Craig & Damon Foster 2003 South Africa 72
22956 20885 Lost Things Kohler, Angela & Ithyle Griffiths 2010 2
22957 20947 Kalde spor Skouen, Arne 1962 Norway 96
22958 20883 Sorry I'm Late Mankovsky, Tomas 2008 UK 3
22959 20944 Anna Lee Sun-Fung 1955
22960 20935 Ryna Zenide, Ruxandra 2005 Switzerland 94
22961 20931 Janken Musume Sugie, Toshio 1955 Japan 92
22962 20942 Wall, The Wong Hang 1956
22963 20884 Out of a Forest Boesen, Tobias Gundorff 2010 Denmark 6
22964 20902 Graduates, The Iwata, Yuki 2007 Japan 115
22965 20928 Reign of Assassins Su Chao-Pin 2010 China 103
22966 20952 Eternal Love Li Tie 1955 Hong Kong
22967 20941 Seventh Heaven, The Ng Wui 1956 Hong Kong 113
22968 20875 This is Where We Live Falk, Ben & Josiah Newbolt 2011 UK 3
22969 20934 How to Get a Wife Chun Kim 1961
22970 21031 Comandante Stone, Oliver 2003 USA 99
22971 Customs and Immigration Hoberman, J. 1971 USA 34
22972 Space Thing Mabe, Byron 1968 USA 70
22973 21032 Looking for Fidel Corbucci, Leonardo 2006 Italy 82
22974 21033 GoldenEye Campbell, Martin 1995 UK 130
22975 21034 I'll Do Anything Brooks, James L. 1994 USA 115
22976 21035 Citadel, The Vidor, King 1938 UK 112
22977 21043 Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy Blackton, J. Stuart 1909 USA 5
22978 21036 Diamonds Are Forever Hamilton, Guy 1971 UK 119
22979 21037 For Your Eyes Only Glen, John 1981 UK 127
22980 21040 Under Siege Davis, Andrew 1992 USA 102
22981 21042 Taxi Pires, Gerard 1998 France 89
22982 21083 Gwendoline Jaeckin, Just 1984 France 105
22983 21044 Nothing in Common Marshall, Garry 1986 USA 118
22984 21046 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Conran, Kerry 2004 USA 106
22985 21038 Drowning Pool, The Rosenberg, Stuart 1975 USA 108
22986 21047 Planet of the Apes Burton, Tim 2001 USA 119
22987 21063 Boarding Gate Assayas, Olivier 2007 France 106
22988 21048 Mercury Rising Becker, Harold 1998 USA 109
22989 21049 Snow Falling on Cedars Hicks, Scott 1999 USA 126
22990 21050 Gainsbourg Sfar, Joann 2010 France 135
22991 21051 Dennis the Menace/Dennis Castle, Nick 1993 USA 94
22992 21052 Continental Divide Apted, Michael 1981 USA 103
22993 21056 Cannonball Bartel, Paul 1976 USA 93
22994 21058 Boy in Blue, The Jarrott, Charles 1986 Canada 98
22995 21087 Amazon Women on the Moon Dante, Joe/Carl Gottleib/Peter Horton/John Landis/Robert K. Weiss 1987 USA 85
22996 21061 Mixed Nuts Ephron, Nora 1994 USA 97
22997 21059 Twilight of the Ice Nymphs Maddin, Guy 1997 Canada 91
22998 21053 Summer in the City Wenders, Wim 1971 West Germany 116
22999 21060 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Norrington, Stephen 2003 USA 110
23000 21062 Forty Shades of Blue Sachs, Ira 2004 USA 110
23001 21054 Color Me Blood Red Lewis, Herschell Gordon 1965 USA 79
23002 21057 Letter to Uncle Boonmee, A Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2009 Thailand 17
23003 21119 Nam Iruvar Meiyappan, A.V. 1947 India 153
23004 21114 Sarabande Dorsky, Nathaniel 2008 USA 15
23005 21109 Meditations on Revolution, Part V: Foreign City Fenz, Robert 2003 USA
23006 21145 General Returns from Once Place to Another Robinson, Michael 2006 USA
23007 21127 Buche, La Thompson, Daniele 1999 France 106
23008 21123 Memoirs of a Geisha Marshall, Rob 2005 USA 145
23009 21111 Horizontal Boundaries O'Neill, Pat 1997 USA 23
23010 21113 Still Raining, Still Dreaming Solomon, Philip S. 2009 USA
23011 21070 Quitting Zhang Yang 2001 China 112
23012 21094 It's Not My Memory of It - Three Recollected Documents The Speculative Archive 2003 USA
23013 21138 Thousand Clouds of Peace, A Hernández, Julián 2003 Mexico 80
23014 21133 Office Romance Ryazanov, Eldar 1977 USSR 159
23015 21117 Lucky Luke Huth, James 2009 France 103
23016 21136 Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures Gaidai, Leonid 1965 USSR 95
23017 21084 Apel Czekala, Ryszard 1971 Poland 7
23018 21073 Jack Frost Miller, Troy 1998 USA 101
23019 21137 David Dickson, Paul 1951 UK 40
23020 21091 Only the Lonely Columbus, Chris 1991 USA 102
23021 21080 Where the Day Takes You Rocco, Marc 1992 USA 105
23022 21075 Judge Dredd Cannon, Danny 1995 USA 96
23023 21095 Padosi Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1941 India 135
23024 21090 Raw Force Murphy, Edward D. 1982 USA 86
23025 21082 Silver Dream Racer Wickes, David 1980 UK 111
23026 21092 Hunter, The Kulik, Buzz 1980 USA 97
23027 21118 Tropico de cancer Polgovsky, Eugenio 2004 Mexico 53
23028 21140 Get Mean Baldi, Ferdinando 1976 Italy 84
23029 21141 Kolkata Lapore, Mark 2006 USA 30
23030 21129 Glass System, The Lapore, Mark 2000 USA
23031 21076 Veedu Mahendra, Balu 1988 India 110
23032 21102 O'er the Land Stratman, Deborah 2009 USA 52
23033 21093 Fight for Your Life Endelson, Robert A. 1977 USA 82
23034 21081 Sangre Escalante, Amat 2005 Mexico 90
23035 21078 Don't Open Till Christmas Purdom, Edmund 1984 UK 86
23036 21074 Pizza, birra, faso Caetano, Adrián & Bruno Stagnaro 1998 Argentina 92
23037 21088 Due Date Phillips, Todd 2010 USA 95
23038 21131 Death Bed: The Bed That Eats Barry, George 1977 USA 77
23039 21115 Hotel E Pärn, Priit 1992 Estonia 28
23040 21146 James Batman Marquez, Artemio 1966 Philippines
23041 21067 Dracula's Dog Band, Albert 1978 USA 90
23042 21097 Winter Dorsky, Nathaniel 2008 USA 22
23043 21086 En Uyir Thozhan Rajaa, Bharathi 1990 India 150
23044 21108 Good Cats Ying Liang 2008 China 103
23045 21124 Largo Winch Salle, Jérôme 2008 France 108
23046 21121 Feelings of Mountains and Waters Wei Te 1988 China 19
23047 21143 Black and White Trypps Number Three Russell, Ben 2007 USA 11
23048 21071 Raam Ke Naam Patwardhan, Anand 1992 India 90
23049 21105 Ghost Town Zhao Dayong 2009 China 169
23050 21132 Observando el Cielo Liotta, Jeanne 2007 USA
23051 21069 When Saturday Comes Giese, Maria 1995 UK 98
23052 21110 Asterix at the Olympic Games Forestier, Frederic & Thomas Langmann 2008 France
23053 21144 Free Will, The Glasner, Matthias 2006 Germany 163
23054 21116 Naukar Ki Kameez Kaul, Mani 1999 India 104
23055 21104 Hound of the Baskervilles, The [TV] Maslennikov, Igor 1981 USSR 154
23056 21103 Happily Ever After Tsutsumi, Yukihiko 2007 Japan 115
23057 21077 Nishaant Benegal, Shyam 1975 India 140
23058 21066 Franz Kafka Dumala, Piotr 1992 Poland 16
23059 21122 On Any Sunday Brown, Bruce 1971 USA 91
23060 21134 Milch Kovalyov, Igor 2005 USA 16
23061 21130 Above Us the Earth Francis, Karl 1977 UK 85
23062 21100 Slaughter Starrett, Jack 1972 USA 92
23063 21079 Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster Gaffney, Robert 1965 USA 78
23064 21112 Course a l'abime, La Schwizgebel, Georges 1992 Switzerland 5
23065 21096 Desyat Negrityat Govorukhin, Stanislav 1987 USSR 137
23066 21128 Sisyphus Jankovics, Marcell 1974 Hungary 3
23067 21098 Felix in Exile Kentridge, William 1994 South Africa 9
23068 21065 Barbershop Story, Tim 2002 USA 102
23069 21085 Girls Night Out Quinn, Joanna 1988 UK 6
23070 21142 Refleksy Kucia, Jerzy 1979 Poland 6
23071 21101 Roman d'une bottine et d'un escarpin, Le Monca, Georges 1909 France
23072 21125 Fire! Williamson, James 1901 UK 5
23073 21106 Screen Play Purves, Barry 1993 UK 11
23074 21120 Tram Ride Into Halifax Kenyon, James & Sagar Mitchell 1902 UK 2
23075 21068 Impulse Grefe, William 1974 USA 91
23076 21107 Chinnamul Ghosh, Nemai 1950 India 117
23077 21072 Wicked, Wicked Bare, Richard L. 1973 USA 95
23078 21099 Hunger Foldes, Peter 1974 Canada 10
23079 21089 Miss Frontier Mail Wadia, Homi 1936 India 161
23080 21135 Detective's Trip Around the World, A Lépine, Charles-Lucien 1906 France 16
23081 21139 Dislocation Venkatesh, Sudhir 2005 USA 52
23082 21147 Red Cliff II Woo, John 2009 China 142
23083 21148 Louise-Michel Delépine, Benoît & Gustave Kervern 2008 France 94
23084 21149 Shock Treatment Sharman, Jim 1981 USA 94
23085 21151 Kit Kat Sayed, Daoud Abdel 1991 Egypt
23086 21150 God Grew Tired of Us Quinn, Christopher Dillon 2006 USA 89
23087 21152 Watch on the Rhine Shumlin, Herman 1943 USA 114
23088 21167 Hill 24 Doesn't Answer Dickinson, Thorold 1955 Israel 102
23089 21165 Operation Crossbow Anderson, Michael 1965 USA 116
23090 21170 Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam [TV] Broomfield, Nick 1995 UK 106
23091 21160 Roger Dodger Kidd, Dylan 2002 USA 105
23092 21162 Blow Demme, Ted 2001 USA 123
23093 21166 Bloody Mama Corman, Roger 1970 USA 90
23094 21164 Buck Privates Lubin, Arthur 1941 USA 84
23095 21168 Believer, The Bean, Henry 2001 USA 102
23096 21153 Fear in the Night Shane, Maxwell 1947 USA 72
23097 21154 Dead Reckoning Cromwell, John 1947 USA 100
23098 21155 Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Douglas, Gordon 1950 USA 102
23099 21156 Crooked Way, The Florey, Robert 1949 USA 90
23100 21157 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead Hodges, Mike 2003 UK 103
23101 21173 Notorious Bettie Page, The Harron, Mary 2005 USA 91
23102 21172 I'm Not Scared Salvatores, Gabriele 2003 Italy 101
23103 21171 Hell and High Water Fuller, Samuel 1954 USA 103
23104 21158 Woman on Pier 13, The Stevenson, Robert 1949 USA 73
23105 21174 Racket, The Milestone, Lewis 1928 USA 84
23106 21175 I, Robot Proyas, Alex 2004 USA 114
23107 21176 Necrology Lawder, Standish 1970 USA 12
23108 21161 Morning After, The Lumet, Sidney 1986 USA 103
23109 21177 Dancer Upstairs, The Malkovich, John 2001 Spain 133
23110 21178 Caiman, The Moretti, Nanni 2006 Italy 112
23111 21179 Modesty Blaise Losey, Joseph 1966 UK 119
23112 21180 Cobra Cosmatos, George P. 1986 USA 87
23113 21181 Morons from Outer Space Hodges, Mike 1985 UK 87
23114 21188 O.S.S. Pichel, Irving 1946 USA 107
23115 21204 Proxy War Fukasaku, Kinji 1973 Japan 119
23116 21202 Desperate Outpost Okamoto, Kihachi 1959 Japan 109
23117 21193 All Through the Night Sherman, Vincent 1941 USA 107
23118 21196 Conspiracy [TV] Pierson, Frank 2001 UK 96
23119 21190 Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within [TV] Mackenzie, John 1998 USA 100
23120 21187 Zack and Miri Make a Porno Smith, Kevin 2008 USA 102
23121 21198 Supernova Hill, Walter 1999 USA 90
23122 21189 Looking Glass War, The Pierson, Frank 1969 UK 108
23123 21205 Baby Boy Singleton, John 2001 USA 129
23124 21195 Reilly: Ace of Spies [TV Series] Campbell, Martin & Jim Goddard 1983 UK 720
23125 21183 What Did the Lady Forget? Ozu, Yasujiro 1937 Japan 71
23126 21191 Bwana Devil Oboler, Arch 1952 USA 79
23127 21203 Hannibal Brooks Winner, Michael 1969 UK 101
23128 21182 British Picture, A [TV] Russell, Ken 1989 UK 50
23129 21185 Brotherhood, The Ritt, Martin 1968 USA 98
23130 21186 Critters Herek, Stephen 1986 USA 86
23131 21194 North Sea Watt, Harry 1938 UK 32
23132 21201 99 and 44/100% Dead! Frankenheimer, John 1974 USA 98
23133 21197 Body of Lies Scott, Ridley 2008 USA 128
23134 21192 Short Sharp Shock Akin, Fatih 1998 Germany 100
23135 21206 Odessa File, The Neame, Ronald 1974 UK 128
23136 21184 Paris to Monte Carlo Méliès, Georges 1905 France 10
23137 21211 Sin, The Barakat, Henry 1965 Egypt 105
23138 21231 Life or Death El Sheikh, Kamal 1955 Egypt
23139 21214 Wife of an Important Man, The Khan, Mohamed 1987 Egypt
23140 21221 No More Comics Takita, Yojiro 1986 Japan 120
23141 21208 Jazz [TV] Burns, Ken 2001 UK
23142 21217 Will, The Selim, Kamal 1939 Egypt 108
23143 21207 Not a Love Story: A Film about Pornography Klein, Bonnie Sherr 1981 Canada 69
23144 21219 Crazed Fruit Negishi, Kichitaro 1981 Japan 85
23145 21215 El Towk Wa El Eswera Beshara, Kairy 1986 Egypt
23146 21218 Take Care, Red Riding Hood Moritani, Shiro 1970 Japan 89
23147 21283 Shipyard Rotha, Paul 1935 UK 24
23148 21213 Bidaya wa nihaya Abouseif, Salah 1961 Egypt 130
23149 21226 Little Girl Who Conquered Time, The Obayashi, Nobuhiko 1983 Japan 104
23150 Pleasure of Being Robbed, The Safdie, Josh 2008 USA 71
23151 21267 Oscar Morkin, Sergio 2004 Argentina 56
23152 21272 Method, The Piñeyro, Marcelo 2005 Argentina 115
23153 21284 Perfume de violetas Sistach, Marisa 2000 Mexico 88
23154 21278 L.I.E. Cuesta, Michael 2001 USA 97
23155 21249 Autumn in New York Chen, Joan 2000 USA 105
23156 21276 Dark Blue World Sverák, Jan 2001 Czech Republic 112
23157 21245 Dying Young Schumacher, Joel 1991 USA 105
23158 21238 Delta Force, The Golan, Menahem 1986 USA 129
23159 21239 Cherry 2000 De Jarnatt, Steve 1988 USA 93
23160 21235 Violent Professionals, The Martino, Sergio 1973 Italy 92
23161 21243 Venetian Affair Thorpe, Jerry 1967 USA 92
23162 21262 My Sons Yamada, Yoji 1991 Japan 121
23163 21257 In the Pit Rulfo, Juan Carlos 2006 Mexico 84
23164 21282 Last Kiss, The Muccino, Gabriele 2001 Italy 118
23165 21259 Sacred Family, The Lelio, Sebastián 2005 Chile 99
23166 21293 Year Without Love, A Berneri, Anahí 2004 Argentina 97
23167 21261 Drained Dhalia, Heitor 2006 Brazil 112
23168 21251 Havana Suite Pérez, Fernando 2003 Cuba 85
23169 21255 Cocalero Landes, Alejandro 2007 Argentina 86
23170 21252 Estamira Prado, Marcos 2004 Brazil 121
23171 21254 Peões Coutinho, Eduardo 2004 Brazil 85
23172 21280 Live-In Maid Gaggero, Jorge 2004 Argentina 83
23173 21274 Eau à la bouche, L' Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques 1960 France 85
23174 21269 Lovesickness Ruiz Ruiz, Carlitos 2007 Puerto Rico 81
23175 21289 Nunca más Rodríguez, Marta & Fernando Restrepo Castañeda 2001 Colombia 56
23176 21270 Música en espera Goldfrid, Hernán 2009 Argentina 106
23177 21277 Perpetuum Mobile Pereda, Nicolás 2009 Canada 86
23178 21279 Stones in the Sky Rocha, Eryk 2002 Brazil 94
23179 21256 War Takes Castaño, Patricia & Adalaida Trujillo 2003 Colombia 77
23180 21291 Traitor Nachmanoff, Jeffrey 2008 USA 114
23181 Munyurangabo Chung, Lee Isaac 2007 Rwanda 97
23182 21220 Tutta la vita davanti Virzì, Paolo 2008 Italy 117
23183 21222 Mission: Impossible [TV Series] Various Directors 1966 USA 8400
23184 21233 Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, The Blamire, Larry 2001 USA 90
23185 21223 Mobbing Comencini, Francesca 2004 Italy 89
23186 21229 Who Wants to Kill Jessie? Vorlícek, Václav 1966 Czechoslovakia 80
23187 21209 Isolation O'Brien, Billy 2005 UK 95
23188 21228 I cento passi Giordana, Marco Tullio 2000 Italy 114
23189 21224 Professional, The Lautner, Georges 1981 France 109
23190 21225 How Harry Became a Tree Paskaljevic, Goran 2001 Italy 100
23191 21227 Soldier's Tale, The Blechman, R.O. & Christian Blackwood 1984 USA 51
23192 We Live in Public Timoner, Ondi 2009 USA 90
23193 21285 Missing Young Woman Portillo, Lourdes 2001 Mexico 74
23194 21210 Omagh [TV] Travis, Pete 2004 Ireland 106
23195 21230 Lake Tahoe Eimbcke, Fernando 2008 Mexico 81
23196 21260 Pope's Toilet, The Fernández, Enrique & César Charlone 2007 Uruguay 98
23197 Beales of Grey Gardens, The Maysles, Albert & David Maysles 2006 USA 91
23198 Lou Reed: Berlin Schnabel, Julian 2007 UK 85
23199 21271 Ballroom, The Bodanzky, Laís 2008 Brazil 95
23200 Great World of Sound Zobel, Craig 2007 USA 106
23201 21281 Born and Bred Trapero, Pablo 2006 Argentina
23202 Ground Truth, The Foulkrod, Patricia 2006 USA 72
23203 21288 36, Quai des orfèvres Marchal, Olivier 2004 France 111
23204 Life of Reilly, The Anderson, Frank L. & Barry Poltermann 2006 USA 84
23205 21295 Lost Embrace Burman, Daniel 2004 Argentina 99
23206 21294 I am Cuba, the Siberian Mammoth Ferraz, Vicente 2005 Brazil 90
23207 21292 Cronicas Cordero, Sebastián 2004 Mexico 108
23208 Who the #$&% Is Jackson Pollock? Moses, Harry 2006 USA 74
23209 21286 Addictions and Subtractions Gaviria, Víctor 2004 Colombia 108
23210 21216 Company, The [TV] Salomon, Mikael 2007 USA 286
23211 21266 Sierra, La Dalton, Scott & Margarita Martinez 2005 Colombia 84
23212 21241 Nada+ Cremata Malberti, Juan Carlos 2001 Cuba 90
23213 21248 Falkenberg Farewell Ganslandt, Jesper 2006 Sweden 91
23214 21244 Custodio, El Moreno, Rodrigo 2006 Argentina 95
23215 21242 Copacabana Rejtman, Martín 2006 Argentina 56
23216 Moving Midway Cheshire, Godfrey 2007 USA 95
23217 21258 Hacer patria Blaustein, David 2007 Argentina 127
23218 21253 En la Cama Bize, Matías 2005 Chile 85
23219 21265 Kill Them All Schroeder, Esteban 2007 Argentina 92
23220 21263 Gift of Pachamama, The Matsushita, Toshifumi 2008 Bolivia 102
23221 21246 My Brother's Wife de Montreuil, Ricardo 2005 Argentina 89
23222 21237 Justice Ramos, Maria 2004 Netherlands 100
23223 21287 Monument Ave. Demme, Ted 1998 USA 90
23224 21234 Passion of María Elena, The Moncada Rodríguez, Mercedes 2003 Mexico 76
23225 21264 Horn of Plenty Tabío, Juan Carlos 2008 Spain 108
23226 21247 Inmortal, El Moncada Rodríguez, Mercedes 2005 Mexico 78
23227 Al Franken: God Spoke Doob, Nick & Chris Hegedus 2006 USA 90
23228 21298 Children of the Steps Peeri, Igal 1984 Israel 90
23229 21297 Winchell Affair, The Heffner, Avraham 1979 Israel 104
23230 21299 Drifting Guttman, Amos 1982 Israel 80
23231 21296 House on Chelouche Street, The Mizrahi, Moshé 1973 Israel 110
23232 21301 Hombre Ritt, Martin 1967 USA 111
23233 21300 Child of the Big City Bauer, Yevgeni 1914 Russia
23234 21302 Don Camillo Duvivier, Julien 1951 France 107
23235 21303 Mona: The Virgin Nymph Benveniste, Michael & Howard Ziehm 1970 USA 71
23236 21304 Son of Kong, The Schoedsack, Ernest B. 1933 USA 70
23237 21305 War Wagon, The Kennedy, Burt 1967 USA 101
23238 21306 Silent Britain [TV] Thompson, David 2006 UK 90
23239 21307 Big Bus, The Frawley, John 1976 USA 88
23240 21309 Beethoven Levant, Brian 1992 USA 87
23241 21319 Roadkill McDonald, Bruce 1989 Canada 80
23242 21320 Arrangiatevi! Bolognini, Mauro 1959 Italy 105
23243 21310 Arte di arrangiarsi, L' Zampa, Luigi 1954 Italy 95
23244 21325 Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man Wincer, Simon 1991 USA 99
23245 21331 Thunder of Drums, A Newman, Joseph M. 1961 USA 97
23246 21335 Address Unknown Kim Ki-duk 2001 South Korea 117
23247 21322 Alexander Stone, Oliver 2004 Germany 175
23248 21327 1990: The Bronx Warriors Castellari, Enzo G. 1982 Italy 84
23249 21328 Violent Four, The Lizzani, Carlo 1968 Italy 98
23250 21312 Swindlers, The Rosi, Francesco 1959 Italy 132
23251 21329 Man on a String de Toth, André 1960 USA 92
23252 21311 Path of Hope Germi, Pietro 1950 Italy 105
23253 21321 Way West, The McLaglen, Andrew V. 1967 USA 122
23254 21333 Canterville Ghost, The Dassin, Jules 1944 USA 95
23255 21316 Vita agra, La Lizzani, Carlo 1964 Italy 112
23256 21330 Space Children, The Arnold, Jack 1958 USA 69
23257 21337 Onorevole Angelina, L' Zampa, Luigi 1947 Italy 90
23258 21314 Eroe dei nostri tempi, Un Monicelli, Mario 1955 Italy 85
23259 21323 Tall in the Saddle Marin, Edwin L. 1944 USA 87
23260 21336 Crocodile Kim Ki-duk 1996 South Korea 102
23261 21334 Medico della mutua, Il Zampa, Luigi 1968 Italy 98
23262 21326 Quigley Down Under Wincer, Simon 1990 USA 119
23263 21318 Prima comunione Blasetti, Alessandro 1950 Italy 90
23264 21358 Leoni al sole Caprioli, Vittorio 1961 Italy 100
23265 21357 Our Sweet Days of Youth Bae Chang-ho 1987 South Korea 118
23266 21385 Stenka Razin Romashkov, Vladimir 1908 Russia 10
23267 21338 Snake Fang Kimiai, Masud 1990 Iran
23268 21389 Mother Hatami, Ali 1991 Iran 108
23269 21346 What We Do is Secret Grossman, Rodger 2007 USA 92
23270 21383 Without Dowry Protazanov, Yakov & Alexandr Rou 1937 USSR 86
23271 21391 Tazza: The High Rollers Choi Dong-hoon 2006 South Korea 139
23272 21386 Courier Shakhnazarov, Karen 1987 USSR 88
23273 21363 Angaeggin chowon Ko Young Nam 1967 South Korea 100
23274 21388 Wayward Wife, The Soldati, Mario 1953 Italy 91
23275 21403 Napoletani a Milano De Filippo, Eduardo 1953 Italy 98
23276 21355 Thirteen, The Romm, Mikhail 1937 USSR 90
23277 21387 Lover, The Todorovsky, Valery 2002 Russia 102
23278 21369 Mum's Guest Mehrjui, Dariush 2004 Iran
23279 21399 Gli Sbandati Maselli, Francesco 1955 Italy 102
23280 21379 Contact, The Chang Yoon-hyun 1997 South Korea 105
23281 21406 Unforgiven, The Yoon Jong-bin 2005 South Korea 121
23282 21397 Can't Change the Meeting Place [TV] Govorukhin, Stanislav 1979 USSR 359
23283 21395 Public Enemy Kang Woo-Suk 2002 South Korea 138
23284 21382 Caídos del cielo Lombardi, Francisco J. 1990 Peru 121
23285 21407 Ghost Dad Poitier, Sidney 1990 USA 84
23286 21393 Our School Kim Myung-jun 2006 South Korea 135
23287 21351 Chi lavora è perduto Brass, Tinto 1963 Italy 85
23288 21384 Case No. 306 Rybakov, Anatoli 1956 USSR 81
23289 21356 Anne of Green Gables Sullivan, Kevin 1985 Canada 199
23290 21378 Art Museum by the Zoo Lee Jeong-hyang 1998 South Korea 108
23291 21340 Failan Song Hae-sung 2001 South Korea 115
23292 21350 Americano a Roma, Un Steno 1954 Italy 94
23293 21411 Avec mon mari Ohtani, Kentaro 1999 Japan 95
23294 21352 Sechinku Yim Soon-rye 1996 South Korea 92
23295 21347 Mohajeran Sabbaghzadeh, Medhi 1992 Iran
23296 21408 Overcoat, The/Shinel Batalov, Aleksei 1959 Russia 73
23297 21380 Family Ties Kim Tae-Yong 2006 South Korea 113
23298 21398 La Moara cu noroc Iliu, Victor 1955 Romania
23299 21344 Bajo California: El limite del tiempo Bolado, Carlos 1998 Mexico 96
23300 21402 Hemlock Afkhami, Behruz 2000 Iran 98
23301 21405 Febbre di vivere Gora, Claudio 1953 Italy 110
23302 21361 When the Trees Were Tall Kulidzhanov, Lev 1962 USSR 95
23303 21345 Ghesehaye Majid [TV Series] Poorahmad, Kiumars 1990 Iran
23304 21374 Destiny Has No Favourites Velarde, Alvaro 2003 Peru 90
23305 21372 Great Battle, The Ozerov, Yuriy & Julius Kun 1969 USSR 118
23306 21401 Virginian, The Gilmore, Stuart 1946 USA 90
23307 21339 Blank Generation Lommel, Ulli 1980 West Germany 90
23308 21368 Podranki Gubenko, Nikolay 1977 USSR 93
23309 21375 Happy End Jung Ji-woo 1999 South Korea 99
23310 21392 Nashestvie Room, Abram & Oleg Zhakov 1945 USSR 100
23311 21410 Città dolente Bonnard, Mario 1949 Italy 110
23312 21366 Friend Kwak Kyung-Taek 2001 South Korea 113
23313 21365 Years and Fates Litvyakov, M. 1988
23314 21349 My Generation No Dong-seok 2004 South Korea 85
23315 21359 General's Son Im Kwon-taek 1990 South Korea 108
23316 21362 Shestoye iyulya Karasik, Yuli 1969 USSR 112
23317 21377 El Diablo [TV] Markle, Peter 1990 USA 115
23318 21353 Bajo la piel Lombardi, Francisco J. 1996 Spain 112
23319 21360 Espejismo Robles Godoy, Armando 1972 Peru 82
23320 21342 Sonata soledad Robles Godoy, Armando 1987 Peru 90
23321 21343 Gameui beobjig Jang Hyeon-su 1994 South Korea 110
23322 21371 Goodbye, Boys Kalik, Mikhail 1964 USSR 82
23323 21367 Officers Rogovoy, Vladimir 1971 USSR 96
23324 21376 Django: la otra cara Velásquez, Ricardo 2002 Peru
23325 21341 Riders in the Sky English, John 1949 USA 69
23326 21404 Mare, The Zhekan, Ali 1986 Iran 108
23327 21409 Duel, The Kheifits, Iosif 1973 USSR 98
23328 21381 Niaz Davoudnejad, Alireza 1992 Iran 82
23329 21400 Big Swindle, The Choi Dong-hoon 2004 South Korea 116
23330 21396 Mulberry Lee Doo-yong 1986 South Korea 114
23331 21390 Alamo, The Hancock, John Lee 2004 USA 137
23332 21364 Chicha tu madre Quattrini, Gianfranco 2006 Argentina 96
23333 21412 What Dreams May Come Ward, Vincent 1998 USA 113
23334 21417 Into the Night Landis, John 1985 USA 115
23335 21414 I Love Melvin Weis, Don 1953 USA 76
23336 21415 Dr. Cyclops Schoedsack, Ernest B. 1940 USA 75
23337 21452 21-87 Lipsett, Arthur 1964 Canada 10
23338 21419 Dreamscape Ruben, Joseph 1984 USA 99
23339 21418 Cannibal ferox Lenzi, Umberto 1981 Italy 93
23340 21477 Pound Downey Sr., Robert 1970 USA 92
23341 21515 Waco: The Rules of Engagement Gazecki, William 1997 USA 136
23342 21420 Charly Nelson, Ralph 1968 USA 103
23343 21421 Confession May, Joe 1937 USA 86
23344 21422 Sidewalks of New York Burns, Edward 2000 USA 107
23345 21423 Oscar and Lucinda Armstrong, Gillian 1997 USA 132
23346 21424 No Name on the Bullet Arnold, Jack 1959 USA 77
23347 21425 Ground Zero Pattinson, Michael/Bruce Myles 1987 Australia 109
23348 21426 Baron Blood Bava, Mario 1972 Italy 90
23349 21427 Horseman on the Roof, The Rappeneau, Jean-Paul 1995 France 118
23350 21428 Seven Blood-Stained Orchids Lenzi, Umberto 1972 Italy 92
23351 21429 And the Band Played On Spottiswoode, Roger 1993 USA 141
23352 21416 Best Seller Flynn, John 1987 USA 110
23353 21431 Ricochet Mulcahy, Russell 1991 USA 97
23354 21430 Extreme Prejudice Hill, Walter 1987 USA 104
23355 21433 Class Carlino, Lewis John 1983 USA 98
23356 21434 Bandit of Sherwood Forest, The Sherman, George/Henry Levin 1946 USA 86
23357 21435 Borrowers, The Hewitt, Peter 1997 UK 83
23358 21453 Ahas Gauwa Pathiraja, Darmasena 1974 Sri Lanka
23359 21448 Heavy Mangold, James 1995 USA 105
23360 21440 Spider & Rose Bennett, Bill 1994 Australia 94
23361 21441 Monpti Käutner, Helmut 1957 West Germany 96
23362 21447 Lips of Blood Rollin, Jean 1975 France 88
23363 21436 Magic Fire Dieterle, William 1955 USA 120
23364 21456 Magic Face, The Tuttle, Frank 1951 USA 89
23365 21444 187 Reynolds, Kevin 1997 USA 110
23366 21439 Another Day, Another Man Wishman, Doris 1966 USA 70
23367 21437 Black Knight, The Garnett, Tay 1954 UK 85
23368 21450 Fixer, The Frankenheimer, John 1968 UK 132
23369 21451 13 Most Beautiful Women, The Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 40
23370 21445 Chaos Serreau, Coline 2001 France 109
23371 21443 Elgar [TV] Russell, Ken 1962 UK 50
23372 21454 Human Nature Gondry, Michel 2001 France 96
23373 21446 Wonderful Life Furie, Sidney J. 1964 UK 113
23374 21438 Amy Tass, Nadia 1998 Australia 104
23375 21442 Dogs of War, The Irvin, John 1980 UK 102
23376 21455 Dark Blue Shelton, Ron 2002 Germany 118
23377 21586 Moon Lady Handagama, Asoka 1998 Sri Lanka
23378 21593 Believe it or Not Ovcharov, Sergei 1983 USSR 72
23379 21574 This is My Moon Handagama, Asoka 2000 Sri Lanka 104
23380 21523 SherryBaby Collyer, Laurie 2006 USA 95
23381 21583 Hyderabad Blues Kukunoor, Nagesh 1998 India
23382 21594 Khon jorn Thihirun, Attaporn 1999 Thailand
23383 21520 Woman Suffers, The Longford, Raymond 1918 Australia 77
23384 21590 Aswesuma Rathnayake, Bennett 2002 Sri Lanka
23385 21547 Some Day in the Future Pathiraja, Darmasena 2002 Sri Lanka 116
23386 21517 Minus Man, The Fancher, Hampton 1999 USA 111
23387 21592 Baji Suleman, S. 1963 Pakistan
23388 21528 Surja Dighal Bari/The Ominous House Ali, Sheikh Niamat & Masihuddin Shaker 1980
23389 21522 Natural History of the Chicken, The Lewis, Mark 2000 USA 60
23390 21457 Bari Zogon Watanabe, Fumiki 1996 Japan 114
23391 21463 Girl from Carthage, The Chikly, Scemana 1924 Tunisia
23392 21543 Rupali Shaikate Kabir, Alamgir 1977 Bangladesh
23393 21465 Watch the K Foundation Burn a Million Quid Gimpo 1995 63
23394 21460 Sunday Nossiter, Jonathan 1997 USA 91
23395 21470 Still Looking for Morphine Fagras, Yannis 2001 Greece 119
23396 21476 Art Pepper: Notes from a Jazz Survivor McGlynn, Don 1982 USA 48
23397 21461 Baksa Badal Datta, Nityananda 1970 India 105
23398 21468 Grounded God Yukol, Chatrichalerm 1975 Thailand 153
23399 21493 So You Wanna Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star [TV] Kidel, Mark 1976 UK 81
23400 21524 Wordplay Creadon, Patrick 2006 USA 94
23401 21469 Swimmer, The/Motsurave Kvirikadze, Irakli 1982 Georgia 105
23402 21472 Rampage Gittoes, George 2006 Australia 108
23403 21531 Weather Underground, The Green, Sam & Bill Siegel 2002 USA 92
23404 21526 Topless Women Talk About Their Lives Sinclair, Harry 1997 New Zealand 87
23405 21471 Siege of Firebase Gloria, The Trenchard-Smith, Brian 1989 Australia 97
23406 21608 Soul to Soul Sanders, Denis 1971 USA 95
23407 21473 Made in Sheffield Wood, Eve 2001 UK 52
23408 21573 Train Has Stopped, The Abdrashitov, Vadim 1982 USSR 96
23409 21502 Shimana Perye Kabir, Alamgir 1977 Bangladesh
23410 21538 Nodir Naam Madhumati Mokammel, Tanvir 1994
23411 21537 Chitra Nodir Pare Mokammel, Tanvir 1999
23412 21509 Last of the Blue Devils, The Ricker, Bruce 1980 USA 90
23413 21480 Dies irae Skála, Petr 1972 Czechoslovakia
23414 21504 Citizen X [TV] Gerolmo, Chris 1995 USA 103
23415 21614 Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy Sayed, Daoud Abdel 2001 Egypt 135
23416 21507 Boys from the Blackstuff [TV] Saville, Philip 1982 UK 250
23417 21603 Traversees Mahmoud, Mahmoud Ben 1983 Tunisia 91
23418 21508 Rough Cut and Ready Dubbed Shaw, Dom 1982 UK 59
23419 21459 Door with Seven Locks, The Vohrer, Alfred 1962 Germany 96
23420 21530 Thank God He Met Lizzie Nowlan, Cherie 1997 Australia 91
23421 21604 Hop Pickers Rychman, Ladislav 1964 Czechoslovakia
23422 21607 Cruel Winter Blues Lee Jeong-beom 2006 South Korea 118
23423 21606 In Absentia Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay 2000 UK 20
23424 21474 Mancha de Sangre, La Best-Maugard, Adolfo 1943 Mexico 70
23425 21492 Phantom Stockman, The Robinson, Lee 1953 Australia 67
23426 21505 Kukuli Figueroa, Luis/Eulogio Nishiyama/Cesar Villaneuva 1961 Peru 87
23427 21485 Duke is Tops, The Nolte, William L. 1938 USA 73
23428 21482 Last Big Thing, The Zukovic, Dan 1996 USA 98
23429 21481 Madea's Family Reunion Perry, Tyler 2006 USA 107
23430 21511 What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? Mune, Ian 1999 New Zealand 103
23431 21491 Red Dust Hooper, Tom 2004 UK 110
23432 21497 Last Train to Freo Sims, Jeremy 2006 Australia 85
23433 21599 Forget Baghdad: Jews and Arabs - The Iraqi Connection Samir 2002 Germany
23434 21467 River Yar Welsby, Chris & William Raban 1972 UK 35
23435 21489 Yacoubian Building, The Hamed, Marwan 2006 Egypt 172
23436 21496 Charlie is My Darling Whitehead, Peter 1966 UK 60
23437 21597 Year Along the Abandoned Road, A Skallerud, Morten 1991 Norway 12
23438 21550 Coming Soon Burson, Colette 1999 USA 96
23439 21525 Personal Velocity: Three Portraits Miller, Rebecca 2001 USA 86
23440 21510 Ghoonghat Anwar, Khurshid 1962 Pakistan
23441 21582 Two Wise Wives Weber, Lois 1921 USA 80
23442 21487 Mark of the Wolfman, The López Eguiluz, Enrique 1968 Spain 88
23443 21549 Border Radio Anders, Allison/Dean Lent/Kurt Voss 1987 USA 87
23444 21484 Idiot Returns, The Gedeon, Sasa 1999 Czech Republic 99
23445 21462 Vampires' Night Orgy, The Klimovsky, León 1974 Spain 80
23446 21584 Elegant Spanking, The Beatty, Maria & Rosemary Delain 1995 USA 30
23447 21579 Foxfire Haywood-Carter, Annette 1996 USA 102
23448 21554 Great Santini, The Carlino, Lewis John 1979 USA 116
23449 21500 Overcoat, The Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg 1926 USSR 84
23450 21548 Rape [TV] Ono, Yoko & John Lennon 1969 Austria 77
23451 21553 Where the Buffalo Roam Linson, Art 1980 USA 96
23452 21519 Flamenco at 5:15 Scott, Cynthia 1983 Canada 29
23453 21506 Youcef Chouikh, Mohamed 1994 Algeria 105
23454 21581 Place Called Lovely, A Benning, Sadie 1991 USA 14
23455 21514 Mark of the Devil Armstrong, Michael 1970 West Germany 96
23456 21612 Phynx, The Katzin, Lee H. 1970 USA 92
23457 21562 Love Light, The Marion, Frances 1921 USA 89
23458 21516 Masala Krishna, Srinivas 1991 Canada 106
23459 21495 Bar, The Islam, Nazrul 1980 Pakistan
23460 21591 Hardbodies Griffiths, Mark 1984 USA 87
23461 21576 Spring Break Cunningham, Sean S. 1983 USA 101
23462 21529 Anantha Rathriya Vithanage, Prasanna 1996 Sri Lanka 82
23463 21479 Schramm: Into the Mind of a Serial Killer Buttgereit, Jörg 1994 Germany 65
23464 21532 Bell from Hell, A Guerín, Claudio 1973 Spain 106
23465 21587 Oh How it Hurts 66 Bykov, Rolan 1966 USSR 99
23466 21513 Requiem for a Handsome Bastard Morin, Robert 1992 Canada 93
23467 21551 Damned if You Don't Friedrich, Su 1987 USA 42
23468 21566 February 15, 1839 Falardeau, Pierre 2001 Canada 120
23469 21533 Age de la machine, L' Carle, Gilles 1977 Canada 28
23470 21600 Winter Stories Bouvier, Francois 1999 Canada 105
23471 21563 Dad and Dave Come to Town Hall, Ken G. 1938 Australia 97
23472 21527 Mr. Edison at Work in His Chemical Laboratory White, James H. 1897 USA 1
23473 21568 Transport z raje Brynych, Zbynek 1963 Czechoslovakia 93
23474 21561 After Mabo Hughes, John (Oz) 1998 Australia 84
23475 21539 Radioland Murders Smith, Mel 1994 USA 112
23476 21585 Bonheur c'est une chanson triste, Le Delisle, Francois 2004 Canada 90
23477 21559 One Night the Moon Perkins, Rachel 2001 Australia 57
23478 21611 Party, Le Falardeau, Pierre 1990 Canada 103
23479 21546 Tell Me a Riddle Grant, Lee 1980 USA 90
23480 21570 Plouffe, Les Carle, Gilles 1981 Canada 227
23481 21466 Riders in the Sky Polák, Jindrich 1968 Czechoslovakia 91
23482 21540 Males, Les Carle, Gilles 1971 Canada
23483 21464 Lo Sam Zayin Imberman, Shmuel 1987 Israel 102
23484 21613 Petit Pow! Pow! Noel Morin, Robert 2005 Canada 91
23485 21544 Kikar Ha-Halomot Toraty, Benny 2001 Israel 98
23486 21556 Kocár do Vídne Kachyna, Karel 1966 Czechoslovakia 115
23487 21494 Roger Toupin, epicier variete Pilon, Benoit 2003 Canada 97
23488 21490 Temps d'une chasse, Le Mankiewicz, Francis 1972 Canada 98
23489 21569 Vie heureuse de Leopold Z, La Carle, Gilles 1965 Canada 68
23490 21478 Aina Islam, Nazrul 1977 Pakistan
23491 21552 Soft Shell Man Turpin, Andre 2001 Canada 102
23492 21521 Straight Talk Kellman, Barnet 1992 USA 91
23493 21534 Novena, The Émond, Bernard 2005 Canada 97
23494 21535 Pura Handa Kaluwara Vithanage, Prasanna 1998 Sri Lanka 74
23495 21483 Mujhe Chand Chaiye Shaan 2000 Pakistan
23496 21475 Petrolejové lampy Herz, Juraj 1971 Czechoslovakia 101
23497 21596 Patti Rocks Morris, David Burton 1988 USA 86
23498 21503 Dhire Bohe Meghna Kabir, Alamgir 1973 Bangladesh
23499 21598 Malefique Valette, Eric 2002 France 90
23500 21580 Lift, The Maas, Dick 1983 Netherlands 98
23501 21558 Heer Ranjha Pervaiz, Masud 1970 Pakistan
23502 21575 Hunchback of the Morgue Aguirre, Javier 1973 Spain 87
23503 21458 Runaway O'Shea, John 1964 New Zealand 102
23504 21572 Father Sergius Protazanov, Yakov & Alexandre Volkoff 1919 Russia 112
23505 21557 Sat Bhai Chompa Shom, Dilip 1968 Pakistan
23506 21609 Anatomy Ruzowitzky, Stefan 2000 Germany 103
23507 21501 Octobre Falardeau, Pierre 1994 Canada 97
23508 21578 International Gorillay Mohammed, Jan 1990 Pakistan 167
23509 21595 Native Son Chenal, Pierre 1951 USA 91
23510 21542 Rozmarné léto Menzel, Jirí 1968 Czechoslovakia 74
23511 21555 Laurin Sigl, Robert 1989 West Germany 80
23512 21518 When the Cat Comes Jasny, Vojtech 1963 Czechoslovakia 91
23513 21560 Curse of the Devil Aured, Carlos 1974 Spain 73
23514 21567 Hansa Vilak Bandaranayake, Dharmasiri 1980 Sri Lanka
23515 21541 Beder Meye Josna Bokul, Tojammel Hossen 1991 Bangladesh
23516 21571 Deja Vu Markovic, Goran 1987 Yugoslavia 102
23517 21486 House of Fools Konchalovsky, Andrei 2002 Russia 104
23518 21536 Uncle Moses Goldin, Sidney M. & Aubrey Scotto 1932 USA 87
23519 21605 Haseena Atom Bomb Khan, Saeed Ali 1990 Pakistan
23520 21564 Vojtech, receny sirotek Tyc, Zdenek 1990 Czechoslovakia 80
23521 21589 Zarqa Shahid, Riaz 1969 Pakistan
23522 21565 Srabon Megher Din Ahmed, Humayun 2000 Bangladesh
23523 21601 Younger Sister Pathiraja, Darmasena 1977 Sri Lanka
23524 21499 Door to the Sky, A Benlyazid, Farida 1989 Morocco 107
23525 21498 Warrior, The Kapadia, Asif 2001 UK 86
23526 21615 What's Up, Tiger Lily? Taniguchi, Senkichi & Woody Allen 1966 USA 80
23527 21616 Indiscreet Donen, Stanley 1958 USA 100
23528 21617 Low Down, The Thraves, Jamie 2000 UK 95
23529 21618 Vincent Burton, Tim 1982 USA 6
23530 21619 One Hour Photo Romanek, Mark 2002 USA 96
23531 21620 Return to Me Hunt, Bonnie 2000 USA 116
23532 21621 Jane Eyre Zeffirelli, Franco 1995 UK 113
23533 21622 Club, The Beresford, Bruce 1980 Australia 99
23534 21623 Nacho Libre Hess, Jared 2006 Germany 92
23535 21624 Ring of Bright Water Couffer, Jack 1969 UK 107
23536 21625 Boys Town Taurog, Norman 1938 USA 96
23537 21626 Three Men and a Cradle Serreau, Coline 1985 France 106
23538 21627 Caddie Crombie, Donald 1976 Australia 107
23539 21628 Letters to Ali Law, Clara 2004 Australia 106
23540 21637 Lighthorsemen, The Wincer, Simon 1987 Australia 111
23541 21633 Shiralee, The Norman, Leslie 1957 UK 99
23542 21631 Backroads Noyce, Phillip 1977 Australia 61
23543 21635 Eureka Stockade Watt, Harry 1949 Australia 103
23544 21634 Sundowners, The Zinnemann, Fred 1960 UK 113
23545 21630 Big Steal, The Tass, Nadia 1990 Australia 100
23546 21629 Sunshine Boys, The Ross, Herbert 1975 USA 111
23547 21632 Madame Curie LeRoy, Mervyn 1943 USA 124
23548 21639 Da Vinci Code, The Howard, Ron 2006 USA 149
23549 21646 Pengantin remaja Umboh, Wim 1971 Indonesia
23550 21654 Winter Woman Kim Ho-sun 1977 South Korea 116
23551 21689 Daughters of Kim's Pharmacy, The Yu Hyun-mok 1963 South Korea 97
23552 21648 Homeless Angel Ch'oe In-kyu 1941 Korea 73
23553 21738 Syrian Bride, The Riklis, Eran 2004 France 97
23554 21706 Heart of the Game, The Serrill, Ward 2005 USA 93
23555 21644 Night Stalker, The Kleven, Max 1987 USA 89
23556 21711 Petomane, Le MacNaughton, Ian 1979 UK 33
23557 21695 Test of Love, A/Annie's Coming Out Brealey, Gil 1984 Australia 93
23558 21645 Come Come Come Upward Im Kwon-taek 1989 South Korea 134
23559 21640 Hyeon Hae-tan Knows Kim Ki-young 1961 South Korea
23560 21742 Secret Ballot Payami, Babak 2001 Iran 105
23561 21666 Gita Cinta dari SMA Arizal 1979 Indonesia
23562 21656 Dosuni Park Sang-ho 1963 South Korea
23563 21696 Kinship Kim Soo-yong 1963 South Korea
23564 21642 Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine Jayanti, Vikram 2003 UK 87
23565 21668 Early Rain, An Jeong Jin-woo 1966 South Korea
23566 21671 Ball Shot by a Midget, A Lee Won-se 1981 South Korea 100
23567 21659 Deep Blue Fothergill, Alastair/Andy Bryatt/Martha Holmes 2003 UK 90
23568 21651 First Great Train Robbery, The/The Great Train Robbery Crichton, Michael 1978 UK 111
23569 21661 Si Doel Anak Modern Djaya, Sjuman 1976 Indonesia 110
23570 21694 Empty Dream Yu Hyun-mok 1965 South Korea 100
23571 21692 Daengbyeot Ha Myeong-jung 1985 South Korea 100
23572 21674 Love Me Once Again Jeong So-yeong 1968 South Korea 93
23573 21700 Delfim, O Lopes, Fernando 2002 France 88
23574 21680 Under Heaven in Seoul Lee Hyeong-pyo 1961 South Korea 115
23575 21677 Fisherman's Fire Ahn Chul-yeong 1939 Korea 52
23576 21679 Body Confession, The Jo Keung-ha 1964 South Korea 131
23577 21663 General's Moustache, The Seong-ku Lee 1968 South Korea 103
23578 21655 First Love Lee Myung-se 1993 South Korea 110
23579 21658 Odd Angry Shot, The Jeffrey, Tom 1979 Australia 92
23580 21641 Barefoot Youth Kim Ki-duk (2) 1964 South Korea 116
23581 21691 Inem Pelayan Sexy Akup, Nya Abbas 1976 Indonesia 98
23582 21690 Spotswood Joffe, Mark 1991 Australia 95
23583 21649 Hot Roof, A Lee Min-Yong 1995 South Korea 108
23584 21685 My Girl 2 Zieff, Howard 1994 USA 99
23585 21652 Old Jar Craftsman, The Choi Ha Won 1969 South Korea 95
23586 21643 Welcome to Collinwood Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo 2002 USA 85
23587 21664 Eliana, Eliana Riza, Riri 2002 Indonesia 105
23588 21714 Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures, The Algar, James 1975 USA 89
23589 21682 Songgong sidae Jang Sun-Woo 1988 South Korea 110
23590 21681 i.d. Davis, Philip 1994 UK 107
23591 21662 Public Prosecutor and a Teacher, A Yoon Dae-Ryong 1948 South Korea 51
23592 21647 My Bodyguard Bill, Tony 1980 USA 96
23593 21740 Pad Italije Zafranovic, Lordan 1981 Yugoslavia 114
23594 21653 Hyperbola of Youth Han Hyeong-mo 1956 South Korea 94
23595 21721 We Can Go Through All of This Karya, Teguh 1977 Indonesia 115
23596 21702 Dead Heart Parsons, Nick 1996 Australia 104
23597 21741 For the Term of His Natural Life Dawn, Norman 1929 Australia 101
23598 21710 Tjoet Nja' Dhien Djarot, Eros 1988 Indonesia 150
23599 21704 Radiance Perkins, Rachel 1998 Australia 83
23600 21736 What's Up with Cinta? Soedjarwo, Rudy 2002 Indonesia 112
23601 21699 Gathering!, The Di Nata, Nia 2003 Indonesia 129
23602 21703 Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap Umam, Chaerul 1986 Indonesia 95
23603 21717 What Did You Do in the War, Thanassi? Katsouridis, Dinos 1971 Greece 85
23604 21724 Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta Karya, Teguh 1989 Indonesia 139
23605 21735 Gie Riza, Riri 2005 Indonesia 147
23606 21725 Cinta Pertama Karya, Teguh 1973 Indonesia 110
23607 21715 Si Doel Anak Betawi Djaya, Sjuman 1972 Indonesia 90
23608 21730 Ibunda Karya, Teguh 1986 Indonesia 103
23609 21737 40,000 Horsemen Chauvel, Charles 1941 Australia 100
23610 21667 Yangsan Island Kim Ki-young 1955 South Korea 90
23611 21705 Doea Tanda Mata Karya, Teguh 1985 Indonesia 100
23612 21727 Churchill's Island Legg, Stuart 1941 Canada 21
23613 21733 Backroads Cheechoo, Shirley 2003 Canada
23614 21688 Highschool Joker Seok Rae-myeong 1977 South Korea 90
23615 21731 Sherina's Adventure Riza, Riri 2000 Indonesia 112
23616 21709 Beauty of Vice, The Nikolic, Zivko 1986 Yugoslavia 105
23617 21708 Foster Child Cardinal, Gil 1987 Canada 43
23618 21707 Cintaku di Kampus Biru Prijono, Ami 1976 Indonesia
23619 21728 Tiga Dara Ismail, Usmar 1956 Indonesia 115
23620 21719 November 1828 Karya, Teguh 1978 Indonesia
23621 21732 Michael the Brave Nicolaescu, Sergiu 1971 Romania 203
23622 21716 Return of the Dead Army, The Anagnosti, Dhimiter 1989 Albania
23623 21739 On Our Selection Hall, Ken G. 1932 Australia 99
23624 21726 Taksi Noer, Arifin C. 1991 Indonesia 90
23625 21734 Learning Path, The Todd, Loretta 1991 Canada 57
23626 21650 Hunters: Asivaqtiin Michael, Mosha 1977 Canada 14
23627 21713 Erskinville Kings White, Alan 1999 Australia 90
23628 21712 Jonggak Yang Ju-nam 1958 South Korea 99
23629 21723 En pays neufs Proulx, Maurice 1937 Canada 67
23630 21718 Leaf on a Pillow Nugroho, Garin 1998 Indonesia 83
23631 21684 Si Mamad Djaya, Sjuman 1973 Indonesia 111
23632 21676 First Son Lee Doo-yong 1985 South Korea 115
23633 21683 Flames in the Valley Kim Soo-yong 1967 South Korea 80
23634 21722 Crveniot konj Popov, Stole 1981 Yugoslavia 137
23635 21660 Don Kim So-dong 1958 South Korea 123
23636 21720 Australian Rules Goldman, Paul 2002 Australia 95
23637 21697 Naga Bonar Risyaf, M.T. 1987 Indonesia 95
23638 21673 Thousand Year-Old Fox, A Shin Sang-ok 1969 South Korea
23639 21678 Burying Old Alive Kim Ki-young 1963 South Korea 90
23640 21657 Petty Middle Manager Lee Bong-rae 1961 South Korea 100
23641 21669 Petrina hronia Voulgaris, Pantelis 1985 Greece 142
23642 21693 Water Mill, The Lee Man-hee 1966 South Korea 92
23643 21687 Sonagi Ko Young Nam 1979 South Korea 100
23644 21670 Hand of Destiny, The Han Hyeong-mo 1954 South Korea 85
23645 21675 Tirana Year Zero Koci, Fatmir 2001 France 89
23646 21665 Nameless Stars Kim Kang-yun 1959 South Korea 106
23647 21698 Hard Times Botelho, João 1988 Portugal 90
23648 21729 Alone in the Dark Boll, Uwe 2005 Canada 96
23649 21743 Pictures for Cities Weary, Jeff 1982 Australia
23650 21753 Brick Wall Winkler, Paul 1974 Australia 22
23651 21751 Warrah Cantrill, Corinne & Arthur Cantrill 1982 Australia
23652 21758 In Search of Anna Storm, Esben 1978 Australia 91
23653 21748 Going Down Keenan, Haydn 1982 Australia 94
23654 21744 Sons of Namatjira Levy, Curtis 1975 Australia 51
23655 21757 Kali Stretch, Brendon 1975 Australia
23656 21749 27A Storm, Esben 1974 Australia 86
23657 21745 Alternative, The [TV] Eddey, Paul 1977 Australia 74
23658 21746 Night, the Prowler, The Sharman, Jim 1978 Australia 90
23659 21754 Petersen Burstall, Tim 1974 Australia 97
23660 21756 K Tape One Wilson, Jim (Australia) 1974 Australia
23661 21752 We Are All Alone My Dear Cox, Paul 1975 Australia 22
23662 21747 Lalai Dreamtime Edols, Michael 1972 Australia
23663 21755 Idea Demonstrations Part 1 Parr, Mike & Peter Kennedy 1972 Australia
23664 21760 Last Embrace Demme, Jonathan 1979 USA 102
23665 21759 Dangerous When Wet Walters, Charles 1953 USA 95
23666 21762 Balance, La Swaim, Bob 1982 France 102
23667 21761 Long Memory, The Hamer, Robert 1953 UK 96
23668 21763 My Wife is an Actress/Ma femme est une actrice Attal, Yvan 2002 France 95
23669 21764 Wasp Woman, The Corman, Roger 1959 USA 63
23670 21766 A tout de suite/Right Now Jacquot, Benoît 2004 France 95
23671 21767 Ordinary Decent Criminal O'Sullivan, Thaddeus 1999 Ireland 93
23672 21768 Something Has Happened Andersson, Roy 1987 Sweden 24
23673 21769 Darr Chopra, Yash 1993 India 178
23674 21782 Kampen om tungtvannet Dréville, Jean & Titus Vibe-Müller 1948 Norway 98
23675 21807 Divorcing Jack Caffrey, David 1998 UK 109
23676 21789 Joao de Deus de Carvalho, Joao Ponces 1980 Portugal
23677 21815 Feed Leonard, Brett 2005 Australia 101
23678 21783 Blossoms in Autumn Klopcic, Matjaz 1973 Yugoslavia 122
23679 21805 80,000 Suspects Guest, Val 1963 UK 113
23680 21781 Kun isällä on hammassärky Karu, Erkki 1923 Finland
23681 21770 Hollywood Party Rowland, Roy 1934 USA 68
23682 21799 Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done Melendez, Bill 1975 UK 81
23683 21773 Reception of King Haakon in Kristiania, The Sterner, N.E. 1905 Sweden
23684 21777 Last Torch Song, The de Orduna, Juan 1957 Spain 110
23685 21810 Diputado, El de la Iglesia, Eloy 1978 Spain 110
23686 21792 Magic Lighter Methling, Svend 1946 Denmark 71
23687 21793 Tistega lepega dne Stiglic, France 1962 Yugoslavia 91
23688 21774 Ultimos de Filipinas, Los Roman, Antonio 1945 Spain 99
23689 21809 Noche de Walpurgis, La Klimovsky, León 1971 Spain 86
23690 21791 Sylvi Puro, Teuvo 1913 Finland 49
23691 21775 Ebba the Movie Donner, Johan 1982 Sweden 78
23692 21804 Samson & Sally Hastrup, Jannik 1984 Denmark 59
23693 21794 Horrors of the Black Museum Crabtree, Arthur 1959 UK 95
23694 21786 Holiday Camp Annakin, Ken 1948 UK 97
23695 21788 Elvis! Elvis! Pollak, Kay 1976 Sweden 101
23696 21808 Bedroom Mazurka Hilbard, John 1970 Denmark 92
23697 21801 Dunungen Hedqvist, Ivan 1919 Sweden 131
23698 21800 Red Boogie Ačimović-Godina, Karpo 1982 Yugoslavia
23699 21780 Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni Pavlovic, Zivojin 1980 Yugoslavia 118
23700 21812 Night Like This, A Walls, Tom 1932 UK 72
23701 21784 Firebird, The Ekman, Hasse 1952 Sweden 99
23702 21776 Dreams of the Red Chambers Cen Fan 1962 China
23703 21787 Eva, the First Stone Wickman, Torgny 1969 Sweden 93
23704 21796 Tabarana Kathe Kasaravalli, Girish 1986 India 179
23705 21806 Catnapped! The Movie Nakamura, Takashi 1995 Japan 77
23706 21795 War Between Men and Women, The Shavelson, Melville 1972 USA 110
23707 21779 Digital Master Wong, Kirk 1982 Hong Kong 78
23708 21798 Singing Princess, The Domenighini, Anton Gino 1949 Italy 76
23709 21771 Mec fuld musik Lauritzen, Lau 1933 Denmark 100
23710 21813 I Went Down Breathnach, Paddy 1997 Ireland 107
23711 21814 Heroic Times Gémes, József 1983 Hungary 79
23712 21811 Lola, the Coalgirl Lucia, Luis 1952 Spain 89
23713 21790 Wake, The Kvium, Michael & Christian Lemmerz 2000 Denmark 462
23714 21802 Stuart Little 2 Minkoff, Rob 2002 USA 77
23715 21797 Rdece klasje Pavlovic, Zivojin 1970 Yugoslavia 85
23716 21778 Little Fox, The Dargay, Attila 1981 Hungary 79
23717 21785 Sea Prince and the Fire Child Hata, Masami 1981 Japan 108
23718 21816 Maytime Leonard, Robert Z. 1937 USA 132
23719 21817 Twin Falls Idaho Polish, Michael 1998 USA 110
23720 21818 History of the World, Part 1 Brooks, Mel 1981 USA 92
23721 21819 Changing Lanes Michell, Roger 2002 USA 99
23722 21821 Peter and Paul [TV] Day, Robert 1981 USA 190
23723 21822 Island in the Sun Rossen, Robert 1957 USA 119
23724 21820 Sayon no kane Shimizu, Hiroshi 1943 Japan 75
23725 21826 Skip Tracer Dalen, Zale 1977 Canada 95
23726 21849 Schuh des Manitu, Der Herbig, Michael 2001 Germany 87
23727 21825 24 heures ou plus... Groulx, Gilles 1977 Canada 114
23728 21835 Miracle Maker, The [TV] Hayes, Derek W. & Stanislav Sokolov 2000 Russia 90
23729 21853 Big Kahuna, The Swanbeck, John 1999 USA 90
23730 21846 Bye Bye Blues Wheeler, Anne 1989 Canada 116
23731 21833 Left Luggage Krabbe, Jeroen 1997 Netherlands 100
23732 21841 Bossa Nova Barreto, Bruno 2000 Brazil 95
23733 21836 Hej-Rup! Fric, Martin 1934 Czechoslovakia 99
23734 21824 Water Sark Wieland, Joyce 1965 Canada 14
23735 21839 Free Fall Forgács, Péter 1998 Hungary 75
23736 21829 Wopbobaloobop a Lopbamboom, A Bausch, Andy 1989 West Germany 82
23737 21843 My Own Breathing Byun Young-joo 1999 South Korea 77
23738 21823 Witte, De Vanderheyden, Jan 1934 Belgium 100
23739 21831 Mariken van Nieumeghen Stelling, Jos 1974 Netherlands 80
23740 21854 Giselle Wivel, Anne 1991 Denmark 92
23741 21837 Kamlabai Mohan, Reena 1992 India 46
23742 21828 Mira Rademakers, Fons 1971 Belgium 95
23743 21842 My American Cousin Wilson, Sandy 1985 Canada 95
23744 21847 Hell House Ratliff, George 2001 USA 85
23745 21850 Father, Son and Holy War Patwardhan, Anand 1994 India 120
23746 21851 Passing Through/Torn Formations Hoffman, Philip 1988 Canada 45
23747 21844 Not of This World/Fuori dal mondo Piccioni, Giuseppe 1999 Italy 100
23748 21845 Illuminated Texts Elder, R. Bruce 1982 Canada
23749 21838 Confort et l'indifference, Le Arcand, Denys 1982 Canada 109
23750 21832 Twee vrouwen Sluizer, George 1979 Netherlands 110
23751 21827 Histoire d'un secret Otero, Mariana 2003 France 95
23752 21840 Fotoamator [TV] Jablonski, Dariusz 1998 Poland 52
23753 21830 Fleurs sauvages, Les Lefebvre, Jean Pierre 1982 Canada 152
23754 21834 Kindergarten Kossakovsky, Victor 2000 Germany
23755 21852 Art of Worldly Wisdom, The Elder, R. Bruce 1979 Canada 55
23756 21860 Strange Behavior Laughlin, Michael 1981 New Zealand 98
23757 21857 Private Parts Bartel, Paul 1972 USA 86
23758 21858 Die Another Day Tamahori, Lee 2002 UK 132
23759 21861 Black Cauldron, The Berman, Ted & Richard Rich 1985 USA 80
23760 21862 Deputy Droopy Avery, Tex & Michael Lah 1955 USA 7
23761 21863 Ideal Husband, An Parker, Oliver 1999 UK 97
23762 21864 16 Years of Alcohol Jobson, Richard 2002 UK 102
23763 21865 Faraway, So Close! Wenders, Wim 1993 Germany 140
23764 21866 Big Trouble Sonnenfeld, Barry 2002 USA 84
23765 21882 Nomads McTiernan, John 1986 USA 95
23766 21883 Jack's Back Herrington, Rowdy 1988 USA 97
23767 21880 Borrower, The McNaughton, John 1991 USA 97
23768 21869 Phantom Tollbooth, The Jones, Chuck/Abe Levitow/Dave Monahan 1970 USA 90
23769 21868 Lupin the 3rd [TV] Miyazaki, Hayao/Masaaki Osumi/Isao Takahata 1971 Japan 529
23770 21875 Death Machine Norrington, Stephen 1995 UK 120
23771 21881 Dentist, The Yuzna, Brian 1996 USA 92
23772 21878 Necronomicon Gans, Christophe/Shusuke Kaneko/Brian Yuzna 1993 USA 97
23773 21867 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother [TV] Takahata, Isao 1976 Japan
23774 21876 Femme de Rose Hill, La Tanner, Alain 1989 Switzerland 95
23775 21873 Rampage Friedkin, William 1988 USA 97
23776 21874 101 Dalmatians Herek, Stephen 1996 USA 103
23777 21870 Anne of Green Gables [TV] Takahata, Isao/Ken'ichi Baba/Kozo Kusuba/Kazuyoshi Yokota/Shigeo Koshi 1979 Japan
23778 21879 Promise, The von Trotta, Margarethe 1994 Germany 116
23779 21871 Prison Harlin, Renny 1988 USA 102
23780 21891 Wendigo Fessenden, Larry 2001 USA 91
23781 21923 Zena s krajolikom Matic, Ivica 1989 Yugoslavia 75
23782 21933 One Life Stand Thomas, May Miles 2000 UK 119
23783 21926 Raffl Berger, Christian 1984 Austria 100
23784 21946 Dreamplay/Dromspel Straume, Unni 1994 Norway 90
23785 21950 Ticks/Infested Randel, Tony 1993 USA 85
23786 21941 Shadowbuilder Dixon, Jamie 1998 USA 90
23787 21890 Polychrome Phantasy McLaren, Norman 1935 Canada 3
23788 21888 Life of a Shock Force Worker Cengic, Bahrudin 'Bato' 1972 Yugoslavia 100
23789 21940 Flying Dutchman, The Stelling, Jos 1995 Netherlands 140
23790 21919 Greyfriars Bobby Chaffey, Don 1961 USA 91
23791 21887 Cheburashka Kachanov, Roman 1972 USSR 19
23792 21909 Unearthing, The Martin, Wrye & Barry Poltermann 1994 USA 82
23793 21916 Resurrected, The O'Bannon, Dan 1992 USA 108
23794 21948 Boy Named Charlie Brown, A Melendez, Bill 1969 USA 85
23795 21947 Snoopy, Come Home Melendez, Bill 1972 USA 70
23796 21921 Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself Scherfig, Lone 2002 Denmark 109
23797 21924 Beyond the Door Assonitis, Ovidio G. & Robert Barrett 1974 Italy 94
23798 21905 Dead Pit, The Leonard, Brett 1989 USA 95
23799 21900 Lighthouse/Dead of Night Hunter, Simon 1999 UK 95
23800 21918 Luther the Geek Albright, Carlton J. 1990 USA 80
23801 21908 Mitten, The Kachanov, Roman 1967 USSR 10
23802 21931 Broken Down Film Tezuka, Osamu 1985 Japan 6
23803 21895 Space Crusier Yamato Masuda, Toshio 1977 Japan 135
23804 21942 Goodnight, Children Norshteyn, Yuriy 2000
23805 21949 House of Flame Kawamoto, Kihachiro 1979 Japan 19
23806 21889 Heidi: A Girl of the Alps [TV] Takahata, Isao 1974 Japan
23807 21892 Inspirace Zeman, Karel 1949 Czechoslovakia 10
23808 21935 Black Pearls Janic, Toma 1958 Yugoslavia 99
23809 21925 Mobile Soldier Gundam Tomino, Yoshiyuki 1979 Japan
23810 21885 Gay Purr-ee Levitow, Abe 1963 USA 86
23811 21898 Miris dunja Idrizovic, Mirza 1982 Yugoslavia 97
23812 21937 Kuduz Kenovic, Ademir 1989 Yugoslavia
23813 21913 Lamhe Chopra, Yash 1991 India 187
23814 21914 Astroboy [TV Series] Various Directors 1963 Japan
23815 21903 Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, The Kinney, Jack/Clyde Geronimi/James Algar 1949 USA 68
23816 21944 Boneyard, The Cummins, James 1991 USA 98
23817 21904 Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life Capaldi, Peter 1995 UK 23
23818 21897 Neon Genesis Evangelion [TV Series] Various Directors 1995 Japan
23819 21901 Asterix and Cleopatra Goscinny, Rene/Lee Payant/Albert Uderzo 1968 France 72
23820 21910 Coffee Break Furukawa, Taku 1977
23821 21938 Aberdeen Moland, Hans Petter 2000 UK 113
23822 21894 Ganba no Boken Dezaki, Osamu/Kyosuke Mikuriya/Yoshio Takeuchi/Shigetsugu Yoshida 1975 Japan
23823 21915 Urban Ghost Story Jolliffe, Genevieve 1998 UK 88
23824 21936 Four Eyes Finnigan, Duncan 2003 UK 75
23825 21893 Tarzan Lima, Kevin & Chris Buck 1999 USA 88
23826 21884 Ugly, The Reynolds, Scott 1996 New Zealand 93
23827 21896 One More Kiss Jean, Vadim 1999 UK 102
23828 21902 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Davis, John A. 2001 USA 82
23829 21911 Cherry Falls Wright, Geoffrey 1999 USA 91
23830 21929 Barn of the Blood Llama West, Kevin L. 1997 Australia 80
23831 21920 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Asbury, Kelly & Lorna Cook 2002 USA 83
23832 21886 Strictly Sinatra Capaldi, Peter 2000 UK 96
23833 21943 Silent Scream Hayman, David 1989 UK 85
23834 21917 Acid House, The McGuigan, Paul 1998 UK 110
23835 21899 Complicity Millar, Gavin 1999 UK 99
23836 21932 Last Unicorn, The Bass, Jules & Arthur Rankin Jr. 1982 UK 92
23837 21939 Jack Be Nimble Maxwell, Garth 1992 New Zealand 93
23838 21930 Mother's Day Kaufman, Charles 1980 USA 98
23839 21934 Bebe's Kids Smith, Bruce W. 1992 USA 74
23840 21927 Being Human Forsyth, Bill 1994 USA 122
23841 21945 Horoskop Draskovic, Boro 1969 Yugoslavia 87
23842 21912 Late Night Shopping Metzstein, Saul 2000 UK 91
23843 21906 AfterLife Peebles, Alison 2003 UK 104
23844 21955 Belle Delvaux, André 1973 Belgium 96
23845 21954 Valdez is Coming Sherin, Edwin 1971 USA 90
23846 21953 Irene, Irene Del Monte, Peter 1975 Italy 105
23847 21956 I'll Never Forget What's'is Name Winner, Michael 1967 UK 99
23848 21957 Final Conflict, The/Omen III Baker, Graham 1981 USA 108
23849 21958 Boys from Brazil, The Schaffner, Franklin J. 1978 USA 123
23850 21959 Last Act, The Karim-Masihi, Varuzh 1991 Iran 110
23851 21960 Au rendez-vous de la mort joyeuse Bunuel, Juan Luis 1973 France 90
23852 21962 Ganito kami noon... Paano kayo ngayon? Romero, Eddie 1976 Philippines 125
23853 21963 52 Pick-Up Frankenheimer, John 1986 USA 110
23854 21964 Walking Tall Karlson, Phil 1973 USA 125
23855 21965 Highway 61 McDonald, Bruce 1991 Canada 102
23856 21967 Class of 1984 Lester, Mark L. 1982 USA 93
23857 21966 New Waterford Girl Moyle, Allan 1999 Canada 97
23858 21968 Uncle Buck Hughes, John 1989 USA 100
23859 21977 Brent av frost Jensen, Knut Erik 1997 Norway 97
23860 21971 Telegraphist, The Gustavson, Erik 1993 Denmark 102
23861 21975 Det brenner i natt! Skouen, Arne 1955 Norway 96
23862 21981 Prophet of Hunger, The Capovila, Maurice 1970 Brazil 93
23863 21976 Kamilla Lokkeberg, Vibeke 1981 Norway 100
23864 21982 Herman Gustavson, Erik 1990 Norway 88
23865 21986 Cross My Heart and Hope to Die Holst, Marius 1994 Norway 96
23866 21983 Orion's Belt Solum, Ola & Tristan de Vere Cole 1985 Norway 87
23867 21973 Turbulence Guerra, Ruy 2000 Brazil 95
23868 21970 Gjest Baardsen Ibsen, Tancred 1939 Norway 99
23869 21972 Fjols til fjells Carlmar, Edith 1957 Norway
23870 21974 Papageno Reiniger, Lotte 1935 Germany 11
23871 21987 Pleasures of War Lingford, Ruth 1998 UK 12
23872 21978 Gordos e Magros Carneiro, Mário 1976 Brazil 100
23873 21984 Frida - med hjertet I handen Nesheim, Berit 1991 Norway 113
23874 21980 Magico e o Delegado, O Campos, Fernando 1983 Brazil 103
23875 21985 Dolphin, The Lima Jr., Walter 1987 Brazil 108
23876 21969 Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema de Almeida, Neville 1991 Brazil 90
23877 21988 Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, The Jackson, Peter 2014 New Zealand 144
23878 21989 Mad Dog and Glory McNaughton, John 1992 USA 96
23879 21993 Legions of the Nile Cottafavi, Vittorio 1959 Italy 91
23880 21994 Professor Hannibal Fábri, Zoltán 1956 Hungary 89
23881 21990 Little Valentino Jeles, András 1979 Hungary 102
23882 21991 Rooksporen van de Staak, Frans 1992 Netherlands 105
23883 21996 Troublemaker Bausch, Andy 1988 Luxembourg 98
23884 21997 Himmel oder Hölle Murnberger, Wolfgang 1990 Austria 75
23885 21992 Hyppolit, the Butler Sekely, Steve 1931 Hungary 72
23886 21995 Royal Hunt, The Sen, Mrinal 1977 India 119
23887 21998 Flesh and Bone Kloves, Steve 1993 USA 127
23888 21999 Xica da Silva Diegues, Carlos 1976 Brazil 107
23889 22000 Passion Fish Sayles, John 1992 USA 135
23890 22001 Your Friends & Neighbors LaBute, Neil 1998 USA 99
23891 22002 She's So Lovely Cassavetes, Nick 1997 France 96
23892 22003 Love with the Proper Stranger Mulligan, Robert 1963 USA 100
23893 22004 Blue in the Face Wang, Wayne/Paul Auster 1995 USA 88
23894 22005 Music of Chance, The Haas, Philip 1993 USA 98
23895 22006 Touch Schrader, Paul 1997 USA 96
23896 22007 Last Supper, The Title, Stacy 1995 USA 94
23897 22008 Naked in New York Algrant, Dan 1994 USA 91
23898 22009 Belles of St. Trinians, The Launder, Frank 1954 UK 90
23899 22012 Devil's Ballad, The Ichikawa, Kon 1977 Japan 144
23900 22011 Pecker Waters, John 1998 USA 87
23901 22010 Redes Gómez Muriel, Emilio & Fred Zinnemann 1936 Mexico 65
23902 22069 Vuelve Sebastiana Roca, Augusta & Jorge Ruiz 1953 Bolivia 28
23903 22032 King and His Movie, A Sorín, Carlos 1986 Argentina 107
23904 22053 Successful Man, A Solás, Humberto 1986 Cuba 116
23905 22026 Julio Comienza en Julio Caiozzi, Silvio 1979 Chile 120
23906 22033 Roots Alazraki, Benito 1954 Mexico 85
23907 22068 Man of Principle, A Norden, Francisco 1984 Colombia 90
23908 22083 Barroco Leduc, Paul 1989 Mexico 108
23909 22035 People at Universal, The Aljure, Felipe 1991 Colombia 110
23910 22077 One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away Golik, Kresimir 1970 Yugoslavia 85
23911 22014 Cuestion de fe Loayza, Marcos 1995 Bolivia 89
23912 22070 Cecilia Solás, Humberto 1982 Cuba 127
23913 22075 Ziva istina Radic, Tomislav 1972 Yugoslavia 77
23914 22080 Jirocho sangokuchi Makino, Masahiro 1953
23915 22065 Tiempo de morir Triana, Jorge Alí 1985 Colombia 98
23916 22085 Time to Die Ripstein, Arturo 1966 Mexico 90
23917 22025 Love Me Forever or Never Jabor, Arnaldo 1986 Brazil 110
23918 22037 Confessing to Laura Osorio Gómez, Jaime 1990 Colombia 90
23919 22086 Moon in the Mirror, The Caiozzi, Silvio 1990 Chile 75
23920 22036 Tres vecas Ana Kohon, David Jose 1961 Argentina 115
23921 22027 Gerónima Tosso, Raúl Alberto 1986 Argentina 96
23922 22043 Jericho Lamata, Luis Alberto 1991 Venezuela 90
23923 22020 …And God Created Them Morales, Jacobo 1979 Puerto Rico 120
23924 22081 Boda, La Urgelles, Thaelman 1982 Venezuela 110
23925 22066 Madagascar Pérez, Fernando 1995 Cuba 50
23926 22039 Dead Men's River Luzardo, Julio 1964 Colombia 90
23927 22041 Son o no son García Espinosa, Julio 1980 Cuba 84
23928 22042 Tenda dos Milagres Pereira dos Santos, Nelson 1977 Brazil 132
23929 22013 Pobre, mi madre querida Manzi, Homero & Ralph Pappier 1948 Argentina 92
23930 22028 Eight Thousand Li of Cloud and Moon Shi Dongshan 1947 China 124
23931 22054 Memory Haunts My Reverie, The Grlic, Rajko 1981 Yugoslavia 103
23932 22061 Red Lantern Fujita, Toshiya 1974
23933 Jo-Jo at the Gate of the Lions Sjogren, Britta 1992 USA 104
23934 22031 Corner Left Unnoticed by Love Li Yalin & Zhang Qi 1981 China
23935 22034 Noche eterna, La Cespedes, Marcelo & Carmen Guarini 1991 Argentina 80
23936 22056 Izgubljeni zavicaj Babaja, Ante 1980 Yugoslavia
23937 22059 I Have Two Mothers and Two Fathers Golik, Kresimir 1968 Yugoslavia 93
23938 22044 Debt, The Pereira, Miguel 1988 UK 96
23939 22062 Beast to Die, The Murakawa, Toru 1980 Japan 119
23940 Angela Miller, Rebecca 1995 USA 99
23941 22016 Imperio de la fortuna, El Ripstein, Arturo 1986 Mexico 130
23942 22018 Puerta cerrada Alton, John & Luis Saslavsky 1939 Argentina 105
23943 22055 Slucajni zivot Peterlic, Ante 1969 Yugoslavia 66
23944 22060 Birch Tree, The Babaja, Ante 1967 Yugoslavia 92
23945 22049 Deveti krug Stiglic, France 1960 Yugoslavia 107
23946 22067 House of 72 Tenants, The Wang Weiyi 1963 China 83
23947 22078 Sado Higashi, Yoichi 1978 Japan 102
23948 22074 Begging for Love Hirayama, Hideyuki 1998 Japan 135
23949 22023 Home, Sweet Home Pai Ching-Jui 1970 Taiwan
23950 22021 Luces de Buenos Aires, Las Migliar, Adelqui 1931 Argentina 85
23951 22017 Beyond the Green Hills Nishikawa, Katsumi 1963 Japan
23952 22082 North Wind Soffici, Mario 1937 Argentina 92
23953 22073 Man in the Iron Mask, The Wallace, Randall 1998 USA 132
23954 22076 Virgen de la Caridad, La Peón, Ramón 1930 Cuba 72
23955 22038 Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai Sang Hu & Hu Sha 1954 China 106
23956 22071 Plague, The Puenzo, Luis 1991 Argentina 105
23957 22079 Koncert Belan, Branko 1954 Yugoslavia 96
23958 22051 Men Only Bauer, Branko 1957 Yugoslavia 106
23959 22019 Rendezvous, The Saito, Koichi 1972 Japan 87
23960 22024 Aventuras de Juan Quin Quin, Las García Espinosa, Julio 1967 Cuba 112
23961 22048 Station Furuhata, Yasuo 1981 Japan 132
23962 22029 Naval Battle of 1894, The Lin Nong 1962 China 95
23963 22047 When You Hear the Bells Vrdoljak, Antun 1969 Yugoslavia 92
23964 22057 Martin in the Clouds Bauer, Branko 1961 Yugoslavia 110
23965 22030 New Year Sacrifice Sang Hu 1984 China 100
23966 22045 Everlasting Glory Ting Shan-Hsi 1976 Taiwan 116
23967 22052 Izbavitelj Papic, Krsto 1976 Yugoslavia 80
23968 22058 Kaja, ubit cu te! Mimica, Vatroslav 1969 Yugoslavia 87
23969 22050 Rondo Berkovic, Zvonimir 1966 Yugoslavia 95
23970 22046 There Grows a Green Pine in the Woods Vrdoljak, Antun 1971 Yugoslavia 94
23971 22040 Últimos días de la víctima Aristarain, Adolfo 1982 Argentina 90
23972 22088 Town Without Pity Reinhardt, Gottfried 1961 USA 105
23973 22089 Night Shift Howard, Ron 1982 USA 105
23974 22091 Absolutamente Certo Duarte, Anselmo 1957 Brazil 95
23975 22090 Sirens Duigan, John 1994 Australia 94
23976 22093 Oyster and the Wind, The Lima Jr., Walter 1997 Brazil 112
23977 22092 A Intrusa Christensen, Carlos Hugo 1979 Brazil 100
23978 22110 Secret Face, The Kavur, Ömer 1991 Turkey 118
23979 22111 My Breakfast with Blassie Lautrec, Linda/Johnny Legend/Mark Shepard 1983 USA 60
23980 22112 Olympia Feyder, Jacques 1930 USA 80
23981 22095 Carnaval no Fogo Macedo, Watson 1949 Brazil
23982 22114 Bagh Bahadur Dasgupta, Buddhadev 1989 India 91
23983 22113 Shaheed Qaiser, Kalil 1962 Pakistan
23984 22094 Pinwheel, The Hah Myung Joong 1990 South Korea
23985 22100 Favela Dos Meus Amores Mauro, Humberto 1935 Brazil
23986 22109 Vie revee, La Dansereau, Mireille 1972 Canada 85
23987 22104 Daughter 2 Yukol, Chatrichalerm 1997 Thailand
23988 22103 Stations MacGillivray, William D. 1983 Canada 87
23989 22099 My Own Karun, Shaji N. 1994 India 141
23990 22108 Women and Millions Ileli, Jorge 1961 Brazil
23991 22097 Agulha no Palheiro Viany, Alex 1953 Brazil 95
23992 22098 Once Upon a Time... Rittakol, Bhandit 1995 Thailand 140
23993 22105 Tiger from Tjampa, The Djajakusuma, D. 1953 Indonesia 97
23994 22102 In a Handful of Time Baek Il-Sung 1994 South Korea 116
23995 22096 Moleque Tiao Burle, José Carlos 1943 Brazil 78
23996 22107 Fragmentos da vida Medina, Jose 1929 Brazil 30
23997 22101 Mandi Benegal, Shyam 1983 India 167
23998 22115 Beyond the Mountain Jeong Ji-yeong 1991 South Korea 108
23999 22116 Viver de Morrer Ileli, Jorge 1969 Brazil 81
24000 22106 Human Clay Gonzaga, Adhemar 1929 Brazil
24001 22118 Ek Din Achanak Sen, Mrinal 1989 India 105
24002 22119 Give a Girl a Break Donen, Stanley 1953 USA 82
24003 22120 World, the Flesh and the Devil, The MacDougall, Ranald 1959 USA 95
24004 22121 Fireworks Revisited Zalcock, Bev 1994 UK
24005 22122 Thousand Clowns, A Coe, Fred 1965 USA 118
24006 22123 Gal Young 'Un Nunez, Victor 1979 USA 105
24007 22124 I Don't Kiss Téchiné, André 1991 France 116
24008 22129 Lisbon Story Wenders, Wim 1994 Germany 100
24009 22130 Un, deux, trois, soleil Blier, Bertrand 1993 France 104
24010 22133 Queen of the Night, The Ripstein, Arturo 1994 Mexico 117
24011 22137 IP5 Beineix, Jean-Jacques 1992 France 119
24012 22140 Parfum d'Yvonne, Le Leconte, Patrice 1994 France 89
24013 22134 Man Who Lost His Shadow, The Tanner, Alain 1991 Spain 102
24014 22135 Scream of Stone Herzog, Werner 1991 Germany 105
24015 22128 House of Smiles, The Ferreri, Marco 1991 Italy 110
24016 22143 Actor, The Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1993 Iran 88
24017 22141 Genesis: The Creation and the Flood Olmi, Ermanno 1994 Italy 91
24018 22127 Gorilla Bathes at Noon Makavejev, Dušan 1993 Yugoslavia 83
24019 22139 Dirty Like an Angel Breillat, Catherine 1991 France 102
24020 22131 Branches of the Tree Ray, Satyajit 1990 India 130
24021 22142 New Life, A Assayas, Olivier 1993 France 117
24022 22136 Guerre sans nom, La Tavernier, Bertrand 1992 France 240
24023 22138 Long Silence, The von Trotta, Margarethe 1993 Italy 98
24024 22132 Voyage of Captain Fracassa, The Scola, Ettore 1991 France 132
24025 22153 Outpost, The Gothár, Péter 1995 Hungary 82
24026 22154 Spotted Dog Running at the Edge of the Sea Gevorkian, Karen 1990 USSR 132
24027 22145 Famine '33 Yanchuk, Oles 1991 USSR 115
24028 22152 Au petit Marguery Benegui, Laurent 1995 France 95
24029 22146 I Wanted to See Angels Bodrov, Sergei 1992 Russia 83
24030 22151 Deathmaker Karmakar, Romuald 1995 Germany 110
24031 22147 Citizen Langlois Cozarinsky, Edgardo 1994 France 65
24032 22144 Satan Aristov, Viktor 1991 USSR 106
24033 22148 Schtonk! Dietl, Helmut 1992 Germany 111
24034 22149 Wild Horses Piñeyro, Marcelo 1995 Argentina 122
24035 22155 Félins, Les Clément, René 1964 France 97
24036 22156 Monkey Shines Romero, George A. 1988 USA 115
24037 22157 Wings of Fame Votocek, Otakar 1990 Netherlands 109
24038 22158 Medusa Touch, The Gold, Jack 1978 UK 110
24039 22159 Evilspeak Weston, Eric 1981 USA 89
24040 22160 Cecile is Dead Tourneur, Maurice 1944 France 90
24041 22730 Fear Street: Part One - 1994 Janiak, Leigh 2021 USA
24042 22161 Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Apted, Michael 2010 USA 113
24043 22732 Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 Janiak, Leigh 2021 USA 114
24044 22731 Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 Janiak, Leigh 2021 USA 109
24045 22164 Chairy Tale, A Jutra, Claude & Norman McLaren 1957 Canada 12
24046 22162 Double Life, A Cukor, George 1947 USA 104
24047 22163 Experiment Perilous Tourneur, Jacques 1944 USA 91
24048 22165 Kingdom of the Fairies, The Méliès, Georges 1903 France 17
24049 22166 Big Shave, The Scorsese, Martin 1967 USA 6
24050 22180 Met Dieric Bouts Delvaux, André 1975 Belgium 35
24051 22168 Monsieur Hawarden Kümel, Harry 1969 Belgium 109
24052 22172 Kagiraniki zenshin Uchida, Tomu 1937 Japan
24053 22195 Enfants de Neant, Les Brault, Michel 1968 France 45
24054 22304 Blood on Wolf Mountain Fei Mu 1936 China 70
24055 22173 18 Who Cause a Storm Yoshida, Yoshishige 1963 Japan 108
24056 22193 Damaged Lives Ulmer, Edgar G. 1933 USA 61
24057 22190 New York Lightboard McLaren, Norman 1961 Canada 9
24058 22186 Leonarduv denik Švankmajer, Jan 1972 Czechoslovakia 12
24059 22181 Peine du talion, La Feuillade, Louis 1916 France
24060 22170 Lines: Vertical McLaren, Norman & Evelyn Lambart 1960 Canada 6
24061 22194 Serpent's Way, The Widerberg, Bo 1986 Sweden 111
24062 22188 Jud Suss Harlan, Veit 1940 Germany 98
24063 22187 Pete Roleum and His Cousins Losey, Joseph 1939 USA 16
24064 22177 Sabotier du Val de Loire, Le Demy, Jacques 1956 France 26
24065 22171 Wonderful Living Fan, The Méliès, Georges 1904 France 2
24066 22174 Mouvement perpetuel Jutra, Claude 1949 Canada
24067 22179 Pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1958 France 20
24068 22185 As You Like It Huszárik, Zoltán 1976 Hungary 20
24069 22191 One Fine Day Olmi, Ermanno 1968 Italy 105
24070 22183 Seated Figures Snow, Michael 1988 Canada 42
24071 22196 Luck of Ginger Coffey, The Kershner, Irvin 1964 Canada 100
24072 22176 Reporters Depardon, Raymond 1981 France 90
24073 22189 Doramundo de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro 1978 Brazil 95
24074 22167 Rotation Staudte, Wolfgang 1949 East Germany 80
24075 22192 Dimanche à Pekin Marker, Chris 1956 France 22
24076 22178 Maudite soit la guerre Feuillade, Louis 1910 France 6
24077 22169 Rabindranath Tagore Ray, Satyajit 1961 India 54
24078 22182 Rosen fur den Staatsanwalt Staudte, Wolfgang 1959 West Germany 97
24079 22175 1001 Films Delvaux, André 1989 Belgium 8
24080 22308 Joe Albany... a Jazz Life Langer, Carole 1980 USA 57
24081 22233 Henri Matisse Campaux, Francois 1946 France 23
24082 22266 Vietnamfluchtling, Ein Heynowski, Walter & Gerhard Scheumann 1979 East Germany 4
24083 22274 Seara Vermelha D'Aversa, Alberto 1964 Brazil
24084 22296 Rio Fantasia Macedo, Watson 1957 Brazil 115
24085 22263 Halbstarken, Die Tressler, Georg 1956 West Germany 97
24086 22236 Tragodia tou Aigaiou, I Maros, Basil 1961 Greece 75
24087 22293 De witte De Hert, Robbe 1980 Belgium 106
24088 22223 Rosemary Thiele, Rolf 1958 Germany 99
24089 22280 Classified People Zauberman, Yolande 1988 France 55
24090 22276 Wedding in White Fruet, William 1972 Canada 106
24091 22199 Busca de un muro, En Bracho, Julio 1974 Mexico 120
24092 22259 Mickey Mouse in Vietnam Savage, Lee 1969 USA 1
24093 22203 Studie Nr. 2 Fischinger, Oskar 1930 Germany
24094 22302 Viking, The Frissell, Varick & George Melford 1931 Canada 70
24095 22228 Rituaes e Festas Bororo Reis, Luiz Thomas 1916 Brazil 26
24096 22258 Loon's Necklace, The Crawley, F.R. 1949 Canada 12
24097 22281 Cimu qu Zhu Shilin 1937 China 110
24098 22287 Sete Gatinhos, Os de Almeida, Neville 1980 Brazil 109
24099 22294 Brussels by Night Didden, Marc 1983 Belgium 90
24100 22295 Trois pommes a cote du sommeil Leduc, Jacques 1989 Canada 98
24101 22242 Sao Paulo, a Metropolitan Symphony Kemeny, Adalberto & Rudolf Rex Lustig 1929 Brazil 90
24102 22229 Portrait de Dorian Gray, Le Boutron, Pierre 1977 France 105
24103 22297 Carry on, Sergeant! Bairnsfather, Bruce 1928 Canada 117
24104 22213 Bossemans et Coppenolle Schoukens, Gaston 1938 Belgium 84
24105 22260 Nan zheng bei zhan Cheng Yin & Tang Xiaodan 1952 China 122
24106 22290 Gestes du repas de Heusch, Luc 1958 Belgium 23
24107 22307 Dood van een sandwichman De Hert, Robbe & Guido Henderickx 1971 Belgium 33
24108 22217 Ukraine in Flames Avdeyenko, Yakov & Yuliya Solntseva 1943 USSR 56
24109 22226 Saturday Night Pogacic, Vladimir 1957 Yugoslavia 91
24110 22211 Ship Aground, A Shahani, Kumar 1988 India 26
24111 22207 Memorias de un Mexicano Toscano, Carmen & Salvador Toscano 1950 Mexico
24112 22212 Symphonie mécanique Mitry, Jean 1956 France 12
24113 22206 Figures of Thought Khopkar, Arun 1990 India 33
24114 22218 Vie est à nous, La Becker, Jacques/Jacques B. Brunius/Henri Cartier-Bresson/Jean-Paul Le Chanois/Maurice Lime/Pierre Unik/André Zwobada/Jean Renoir 1936 France 66
24115 22306 Meeuwen sterven in de haven Kuypers, Rik/Ivo Michiels/Roland Verhavert 1955 Belgium 94
24116 22221 Despues de tantos anos Franco, Ricardo 1994 Spain
24117 22309 Wir Wunderkinder Hoffmann, Kurt 1951 West Germany 108
24118 22232 India '67 Sukhdev, S. 1968 India 57
24119 22214 Kaliya Mardan Phalke, Dhundiraj Govind 1919 India
24120 22301 Daera Amrohi, Kamal 1953 India 139
24121 22222 Ehe im Schatten Maetzig, Kurt 1947 Germany 105
24122 22210 Blonde Barbarei Dore O. 1972 West Germany 15
24123 22220 Take-Off at 18:00 Hours Álvarez, Santiago 1969 Cuba 41
24124 22219 Grand bonheur Le Roux, Hervé 1993 France 165
24125 22239 Powodz Bossak, Jerzy & Waclaw Kamierczak 1947 Poland 13
24126 22237 Hoof Here, a Hoof There, A Chytilová, Věra 1989 Czechoslovakia 129
24127 22234 Tibesti Too Depardon, Raymond 1976 France 40
24128 22311 Flere Atomkraftvaerker Saske, Peter & Nick Hart-Williams 1975 Denmark
24129 22231 Minas-Texas Correia, Carlos Alberto Prates 1989 Brazil 73
24130 22235 Wintergartenprogramm Skladanowsky, Max 1895 Germany 7
24131 22216 Before My Eyes Kaul, Mani 1989 India
24132 22200 Mysterien eines Frisiersalons Brecht, Bertolt & Erich Engel 1923 Germany 32
24133 22255 Gu er jiu zu Ng Wui 1949 Hong Kong
24134 22248 Ubistvo s predumisljajem Stojanovic, Gorcin 1995 Yugoslavia 94
24135 22261 Morning, The Djordjevic, Mladomir 'Purisa' 1967 Yugoslavia 95
24136 22298 Ressurreição Omar, Arthur 1987 Brazil
24137 22313 We Are Not Angels Dragojevic, Srdjan 1992 Yugoslavia 98
24138 22315 Xian shi bian Cheng Yin 1981 China
24139 22197 Colmena, La Camus, Mario 1982 Spain 112
24140 22292 Mater amatisima Salgot, Jose Antonio 1980 Spain 110
24141 22283 Trout García Sánchez, José Luis 1978 Spain
24142 22209 Aus einem deutschen Leben Kotulla, Theodor 1977 West Germany 145
24143 22241 Epoch of Murder Madness Okamoto, Kihachi 1967 Japan 99
24144 22305 Bwana Kitoko Cauvin, Andre 1955 Belgium 80
24145 22275 Rhapsody in Two Languages Sparling, Gordon 1934 Canada 10
24146 22225 Berlin - Ecke Schonhauser Klein, Gerhard 1957 East Germany 81
24147 22299 Jacob the Liar Beyer, Frank 1975 East Germany 95
24148 22227 Dias contados Uribe, Imanol 1994 Spain 93
24149 22204 Klinkaart Meyer, Paul 1956 Belgium 19
24150 22250 Film and Reality Cavalcanti, Alberto 1942 UK 103
24151 22262 Xiao hua Zhang Zheng 1980 China
24152 22224 Alas de mariposa Bajo Ulloa, Juanma 1991 Spain 108
24153 22240 Krsysztof Penderecki [TV] Zanussi, Krzysztof 1968 Poland 35
24154 22215 Petits métiers de Paris, Les Chenal, Pierre 1932 France
24155 22202 Kaninchen bin ich, Das Maetzig, Kurt 1965 East Germany 110
24156 22249 Bezoek aan Picasso Haesaerts, Paul 1949 Belgium 21
24157 22303 Exemplo Regenerador Medina, Jose 1919 Brazil 7
24158 22247 Au pays de Neufve-France [TV] Bonnière, René 1960 Canada
24159 22314 Luciano Guerín, Claudio 1965 Spain 39
24160 22265 Simparele Solás, Humberto 1974 Cuba
24161 22264 Histoire de detective Dekeukeleire, Charles 1929 Belgium
24162 22271 Attilas '74 Cacoyannis, Michael 1975 Cyprus 103
24163 22282 Back to God's Country Pevney, Joseph 1953 USA 78
24164 22254 Boerensymfonie Delattre, Maurice & Henri Storck 1944 Belgium 116
24165 22288 Images d'Ostende Storck, Henri 1929 Belgium 15
24166 22269 Canada's Sweetheart: The Saga of Hal C. Banks Brittain, Donald 1985 Canada 115
24167 22244 Triadische Ballett, Das Hasting, Marianne/Franz Schömbs/Georg Verden 1970 West Germany 29
24168 22267 Seuls Smolders, Olivier 1989 Belgium 13
24169 22312 Kolybelnaya Kalik, Mikhail 1960 USSR 90
24170 22286 Triste Tropico Omar, Arthur 1974 Brazil 75
24171 22279 Taoli jie Ying Yunwei 1934 China
24172 22245 Quarto, O Biafora, Rubem 1968 Brazil 101
24173 22257 Aráras Mauro, Humberto 1940 Brazil 3
24174 22273 Yan zhi lei Wu Yonggang 1938 Hong Kong
24175 22230 Tokyo Siblings, The Ichikawa, Jun 1995 Japan 92
24176 22289 Mi hermano Fidel Álvarez, Santiago 1977 Cuba 17
24177 22253 Gros Bill, Le Bigras, Jean-Yves & Rene Delacroix 1949 Canada 91
24178 22277 Roi sans divertissement, Un Leterrier, François 1963 France 85
24179 22300 Summer Guests Stein, Peter 1976 West Germany 115
24180 22252 Boatman's Daughter Shen Xiling 1935 China 101
24181 22246 Compasso de Espera, Em Filho, Antunes 1969 Brazil 98
24182 22270 Reminiscências Junqueira, Aristides 1909 Brazil 11
24183 22243 Amorosas, As Khouri, Walter Hugo 1968 Brazil 100
24184 22310 Ballet of the Mermaids Sparling, Gordon 1938 Canada 10
24185 22251 Revolución Sanjinés, Jorge 1963 Bolivia 9
24186 22291 Ya sui qian Zhang Shichuan 1937 China
24187 22278 Soaring Aspirations Wu Yonggang 1936 China
24188 22256 Matar ou Correr Manga, Carlos 1954 Brazil 87
24189 22272 Independent Life, An Kanevsky, Vitali 1992 UK 97
24190 22285 Cartoons in the Hotel Barre, Raoul 1915 USA
24191 22268 Feng yun er nü Xingzhi Xu 1935 China 89
24192 22205 Village in Travancore, A Bilimoria, Fali 1956 India
24193 22284 Grand paysage d'Alexis Droeven, Le Andrien, Jean-Jacques 1981 Belgium 88
24194 22318 Back Street Stevenson, Robert 1941 USA 89
24195 22319 Whole Town's Talking, The Ford, John 1935 USA 93
24196 22317 Man Between, The Reed, Carol 1953 UK 100
24197 22322 Jack-Knife Man, The Vidor, King 1920 USA 60
24198 22321 Gideon of Scotland Yard Ford, John 1958 UK 91
24199 22320 Rising of the Moon, The Ford, John 1957 Ireland 81
24200 22325 Love Affair Freeland, Thornton 1932 USA 68
24201 22323 Hollywood Cruze, James 1923 USA 80
24202 22326 Hell is a City Guest, Val 1960 UK 98
24203 22327 Doña Bárbara de Fuentes, Fernando 1943 Mexico 138
24204 22333 Hercules Francisci, Pietro 1959 Italy 107
24205 22329 Android Lipstadt, Aaron 1982 USA 80
24206 22330 Fantastic Invasion of Planet Earth/The Bubble Oboler, Arch 1966 USA 91
24207 22336 Lorna Meyer, Russ 1964 USA 78
24208 22379 It Came from Somewhere Else Hassler, Howard 1988 USA 89
24209 22433 Chained Heat Nicholas, Paul 1983 USA 95
24210 22337 Donovan's Brain Feist, Felix E. 1953 USA 84
24211 22328 Dancing with Crime Carstairs, John Paddy 1947 UK 83
24212 22338 Children of the Damned Leader, Anton M. 1963 UK 90
24213 22339 Strange Affair, The Greene, David 1968 UK 106
24214 22340 Antony and Cleopatra Heston, Charlton 1973 USA 160
24215 22351 Clock Cleaners Sharpsteen, Ben 1937 USA 9
24216 22352 Demetrius and the Gladiators Daves, Delmer 1954 USA 101
24217 22346 Undead, The Corman, Roger 1957 USA 71
24218 22350 Barraca, La Gavaldón, Roberto 1945 Mexico 110
24219 22344 Jericho Mile, The [TV] Mann, Michael 1979 USA 97
24220 22348 Fort Ti Castle, William 1953 USA 73
24221 22354 Giant of Marathon, The Tourneur, Jacques 1959 Italy 90
24222 22353 Mad Magician, The Brahm, John 1954 USA 72
24223 22345 300 Spartans, The Maté, Rudolph 1962 USA 114
24224 22341 A.T.M.: iiA toda maquina!! Rodríguez, Ismael 1951 Mexico 120
24225 22342 Scarlet Pumpernickel, The Jones, Chuck 1950 USA 7
24226 22429 Espaldas mojadas Galindo, Alejandro 1955 Mexico 116
24227 22455 Santa Moreno, Antonio 1932 Mexico 81
24228 22374 Last Mile, The Bischoff, Samuel 1932 USA 70
24229 22406 Stone Cold Baxley, Craig R. 1992 USA 90
24230 22409 Scanners III: The Takeover Duguay, Christian 1992 Canada 101
24231 22473 My Memories of Mexico Bustillo Oro, Juan 1944 Mexico
24232 22384 There Ain't No Justice Tennyson, Pen 1939 UK
24233 22361 Man with Two Lives, The Rosen, Phil 1942 USA 65
24234 22387 Global Groove Godfrey, John & Nam June Paik 1973 USA 30
24235 22452 Rio Escondido Fernández, Emilio 1948 Mexico 110
24236 22411 Death Warrant Sarafian, Deran 1990 USA 111
24237 22415 Tyutyun Korabov, Nikola 1962 Bulgaria 150
24238 22469 Aguila o sol Boytler, Arcady 1938 Mexico 78
24239 22472 Grito, El Aretche, Leobardo Lopez 1968 Mexico 120
24240 22402 Nocaut García Agraz, José Luis 1984 Mexico
24241 22410 Una carta de amor Zacarias, Miguel 1943 Mexico 117
24242 22418 Esquina, bajan...! Galindo, Alejandro 1948 Mexico
24243 22461 Posledno Iyato Christov, Christo 1974 Bulgaria 86
24244 22380 Felix in Hollywood Messmer, Otto 1923 USA 8
24245 22405 Tlayucan Alcoriza, Luis 1962 Mexico 105
24246 22334 Noose Gréville, Edmond T. 1948 UK 72
24247 22413 Motivos de luz, Los Cazals, Felipe 1985 Mexico 96
24248 22364 Phantom Creeps, The Beebe, Ford 1939 USA 79
24249 22414 Dona Diabla Davison, Tito 1950 Mexico 95
24250 22468 Rosauro Castro Gavaldón, Roberto 1950 Mexico 90
24251 22371 Modern Sculptors de Chomón, Segundo 1908 France 5
24252 22458 Tres huastecos, Los Rodríguez, Ismael 1948 Mexico 120
24253 22391 Chopper Chicks in Zombietown Hoskins, Dan 1989 USA 86
24254 22383 Psychotronic Man, The Sell, Jack M. 1979 USA 90
24255 22462 Naufragio Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto 1978 Mexico 101
24256 22366 Electra One Balcázar, Alfonso 1967 Spain 86
24257 22369 Avantazh Djulgerov, Georgi 1977 Bulgaria 138
24258 22454 Confines, Los Valdez, Miti 1987 Mexico
24259 22365 Ubu et la grande Gidouille Lenica, Jan 1979 France 80
24260 22393 Études sur Paris Sauvage, André 1928 France 76
24261 22367 Swamp Country Patrick, Robert 1966 USA 93
24262 22466 Suavecito, El Méndez, Fernando 1951 Mexico 89
24263 22388 Northfield Cemetery Massacre Dear, William & Thomas Van Dyke 1976 USA 83
24264 22356 Under the Sign of Scorpio Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani 1969 Italy 90
24265 22363 Calabacitas tiernas Martínez Solares, Gilberto 1949 Mexico 101
24266 22375 Paris express Duhamel, Marcel/Jacques Prévert/Pierre Prévert 1928 France 47
24267 22382 Prebroyavane na divite zaytzi Sachariev, Eduard 1973 Bulgaria 69
24268 22360 Ten Thousand Days Kósa, Ferenc 1967 Hungary 110
24269 22456 Jealousy Poggioli, Ferdinando Maria 1942 Italy 86
24270 22417 Segreti segreti Bertolucci, Giuseppe 1985 Italy 92
24271 22416 Screen Test [ST80]: Marcel Duchamp Warhol, Andy 1966 USA 4
24272 22444 Ladrón de cadáveres Méndez, Fernando 1957 Mexico 80
24273 22463 Jeux des reflets et de la vitesse Chomette, Henri 1925 France 8
24274 22368 Rhythmus 23 Richter, Hans 1923 Germany 2
24275 22392 Three Transitions Campus, Peter 1973 USA 5
24276 22453 Love Around the Corner Cortes, Alberto 1986 Mexico 95
24277 22378 Red Mantle, The Axel, Gabriel 1967 Denmark 92
24278 22449 Bulto, El Retes, Gabriel 1992 Mexico 114
24279 22451 Maria de mi corazon Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto 1979 Mexico 137
24280 22474 Man Without a Body Saunders, Charles & W. Lee Wilder 1957 UK 80
24281 22467 Juego de mentiras Burns, Archibaldo 1967 Mexico 84
24282 22389 Brainiac, The Urueta, Chano 1962 Mexico 77
24283 22445 Ritzar bez bronya Sharaliev, Borislav 1966 Bulgaria 85
24284 22376 Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II [TV] Miles, William & Nina Rosenblum 1992 USA 90
24285 22457 Tres Garcia, Los Rodríguez, Ismael 1947 Mexico 118
24286 22358 Dead Man Walking Dark, Gregory 1988 USA 90
24287 22372 Incidence of Catastrophe Hill, Gary 1988 44
24288 22465 Oveja negra, La Rodríguez, Ismael 1949 Mexico 104
24289 22403 Gallo de oro, El Gavaldón, Roberto 1964 Mexico 105
24290 22447 Na malkiya ostrov Vulchanov, Rangel 1958 Bulgaria 94
24291 22459 School for Tramps González, Rogelio A. 1955 Mexico 99
24292 22448 Malquerida, La Fernández, Emilio 1949 Mexico 86
24293 22362 Kiss for Cinderella, A Brenon, Herbert 1925 USA 105
24294 22446 Shanty Tramp Mawra, Joseph P. 1967 USA 72
24295 22471 Gangsters contra charros Orol, Juan 1948 Mexico 79
24296 22460 Kneeling Goddess, The Gavaldón, Roberto 1947 Mexico 107
24297 22355 This is Not a Test Gadette, Fredric 1962 USA 73
24298 22464 Byalata staya Andonov, Metodi 1968 Bulgaria 83
24299 22386 Selected Works: Reel 4 Wegman, William 1972 USA 21
24300 22420 Arena, The Carver, Steve 1973 USA 83
24301 22357 Cucaracha, La Rodríguez, Ismael 1959 Mexico 97
24302 22390 Za-la-Mort Ghione, Emilio 1915 Italy
24303 22397 Dona Perfecta Galindo, Alejandro 1951 Mexico
24304 22431 Falcons, The Gaál, István 1970 Hungary 100
24305 22385 Heist, The Cazals, Felipe 1976 Mexico 83
24306 22421 Peace Killers, The Schwartz, Douglas 1971 USA 88
24307 22440 Creature with the Atom Brain Cahn, Edward L. 1955 USA 70
24308 22394 Janitzio Navarro, Carlos 1935 Mexico 56
24309 22359 Heart of an Indian, The Ince, Thomas H. 1912 USA 20
24310 22419 Song of the Streets Trivas, Victor 1933 France 81
24311 22423 Who? Gold, Jack 1974 UK 93
24312 22437 Hell's Angels Forever Chase, Richard/Leon Gast/Kevin Keating 1983 USA 92
24313 22441 Satan's Sadists Adamson, Al 1970 USA 88
24314 22427 Wild Birds Sjöberg, Alf 1955 Sweden 100
24315 22377 Sensualidad Gout, Alberto 1951 Mexico 96
24316 22428 My Son, the Hero Tessari, Duccio 1962 Italy 111
24317 22425 Thunder Trail Barton, Charles 1937 USA 58
24318 22422 Theodora, Slave Empress Freda, Riccardo 1954 Italy 88
24319 22426 He Who Rides a Tiger Crichton, Charles 1966 UK 103
24320 22331 Good-Time Girl MacDonald, David 1948 UK 81
24321 22435 Informers, The Annakin, Ken 1963 UK 105
24322 22434 Brain That Wouldn't Die, The Green, Joseph 1963 USA 81
24323 22424 Mystery Ranch Howard, David 1932 USA 56
24324 22439 Charge at Feather River, The Douglas, Gordon 1953 USA 96
24325 22436 Brain from Planet Arous, The Juran, Nathan 1958 USA 70
24326 22430 Rocket Attack, U.S.A. Mahon, Barry 1961 USA 68
24327 22438 Squeeze, The Apted, Michael 1977 UK 104
24328 22399 Angel de fuego Rotberg, Dana 1992 Mexico 95
24329 22395 Dance of the Damned Shea, Katt 1988 USA 83
24330 22401 Santa Foster, Norman & Alfredo Gomez de la Vega 1943 Mexico 111
24331 22442 Comin At Ya! Baldi, Ferdinando 1981 Italy 91
24332 22396 Jacknife Jones, David 1989 USA 102
24333 22398 Luponini de Chicago Bohr, José 1935 Mexico 79
24334 22408 Baisano Jalil, El Pardave, Joaquin 1942 Mexico
24335 22404 Historia de un gran amor Bracho, Julio 1942 Mexico 155
24336 22443 Treasure of the Four Crowns Baldi, Ferdinando 1983 Spain 97
24337 22432 Where the River Runs Black Cain, Christopher 1986 USA 100
24338 22739 Three Sisters von Trotta, Margarethe 1988 France 112
24339 22478 3 font la paire, Les Guitry, Sacha 1957 France 85
24340 22475 Number Seventeen Hitchcock, Alfred 1932 UK 83
24341 22476 Cry of the Owl, The Chabrol, Claude 1987 Italy 102
24342 22481 Honour Thy Father Ho Ping 1989 Taiwan
24343 22485 Neverending Memory Yeh Hung-Wei 1988 Taiwan
24344 22479 Dark Night Tan, Fred 1986 Taiwan 115
24345 22484 Alger la blanche Collard, Cyril 1986 France 28
24346 22483 If I Were Real Wang Tung 1981 Taiwan 99
24347 22486 Camisards, Les Allio, René 1972 France 100
24348 22487 Da tou zai Tsai Yang Ming 1988 Taiwan 97
24349 22480 Reves de cuir/Leather Dreams Leroi, Francis 1992 France
24350 22482 Courts-circuits Grandperret, Patrick 1981 France 95
24351 22488 Halimaw De Leon, Christopher & Mario O'Hara 1986 Philippines
24352 22491 Jésus devant Pilate Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24353 22492 Jésus succombe sous sa croix Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24354 22495 New Exploits of Elaine, The Gasnier, Louis J./Leopold Wharton/Theodore Wharton 1915 USA
24355 22498 Broken Coin, The Ford, Francis 1915 USA 440
24356 22493 Max, professeur de tango Linder, Max 1914 France 10
24357 22494 Jésus est présenté au peuple Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24358 22489 Jésus au jardin des oliviers Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24359 22490 Jésus chassant les vendeurs du temple Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24360 22497 Jésus parmi les docteurs Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24361 22496 Jésus et la samaritaine Nonguet, Lucien & Ferdinand Zecca 1903 France
24362 22500 My Favorite Brunette Nugent, Elliott 1947 USA 87
24363 22502 3x3D Godard, Jean-Luc/Peter Greenaway/Edgar Pêra 2013 France 70
24364 22503 Familystrip Miñarro, Lluis 2009 Spain 70
24365 22506 Dancing Lady Leonard, Robert Z. 1933 USA 94
24366 22504 Macao von Sternberg, Josef 1952 USA 80
24367 22507 Songwriter Rudolph, Alan 1984 USA 94
24368 22505 Deception Rapper, Irving 1946 USA 112
24369 22508 Fine Madness, A Kershner, Irvin 1966 USA 104
24370 22509 Track 29 Roeg, Nicolas 1988 UK 90
24371 22510 Streamers Altman, Robert 1983 USA 118
24372 22511 1918 Harrison, Ken 1984 USA 94
24373 22512 Twice Upon a Time Korty, John & Charles Swenson 1983 USA 75
24374 22513 Four of Them Champion, Claude/Francis Reusser/Jacques Sandoz/Yves Yersin 1968 Switzerland 105
24375 22517 Damn Yankees Abbott, George 1958 USA 110
24376 22526 All Night Long Tramont, Jean-Claude 1981 USA 88
24377 22516 September 30, 1955 Bridges, James 1978 USA 101
24378 22518 Gold Diggers of 1937 Bacon, Lloyd 1936 USA 101
24379 22519 White Dawn, The Kaufman, Philip 1974 USA 109
24380 22515 Border, The Richardson, Tony 1982 USA 108
24381 22520 Lodz Ghetto Adelson, Alan & Kate Taverna 1988 USA 103
24382 22525 Dressmaker, The O'Brien, Jim 1988 UK 89
24383 22529 Woman of My Dreams, The Jacoby, Georg 1944 Germany 93
24384 22521 Thy Kingdom Come... Thy Will Be Done Thomas, Antony 1988 UK 107
24385 22528 George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey Stevens Jr., George 1984 USA 110
24386 22530 Springtime in the Rockies Cummings, Irving 1942 USA 91
24387 22524 Two Hearts Beat as One Thiele, Wilhelm 1932 Germany 85
24388 22523 By Design Jutra, Claude 1981 Canada 88
24389 22522 Cattle Annie and Little Britches Johnson, Lamont 1980 USA 95
24390 22531 Violetera, La Amadori, Luis César 1958 Spain 108
24391 22527 Good Mother, The Nimoy, Leonard 1988 USA 103
24392 22534 Shinjuku Triad Society Miike, Takashi 1995 Japan 100
24393 22535 Pal Joey Sidney, George 1957 USA 111
24394 22536 Coma Crichton, Michael 1978 USA 113
24395 22538 Hello, Dolly! Kelly, Gene 1969 USA 146
24396 22539 Broken Lance Dmytryk, Edward 1954 USA 96
24397 22540 Mark of the Vampire Browning, Tod 1935 USA 61
24398 22541 Backlash Sturges, John 1956 USA 84
24399 22542 Made in Heaven Rudolph, Alan 1987 USA 103
24400 22543 Our Story Blier, Bertrand 1984 France 110
24401 22544 Nicholas and Alexandra Schaffner, Franklin J. 1971 UK 183
24402 22545 Jack the Ripper Baker, Robert S./Monty Berman 1960 UK 88
24403 22553 Hallelujah Trail, The Sturges, John 1965 USA 165
24404 22550 Ashes, The Wajda, Andrzej 1965 Poland 234
24405 22552 Conquest Brown, Clarence 1937 USA 113
24406 22548 Scalphunters, The Pollack, Sydney 1968 USA 102
24407 22547 Bohème, La Comencini, Luigi 1988 France 106
24408 22546 Assassination of Trotsky, The Losey, Joseph 1972 France 103
24409 22551 Garden of Evil Hathaway, Henry 1954 USA 100
24410 22549 Star! Wise, Robert 1968 USA 176
24411 22557 Jonathan Livingston Seagull Bartlett, Hall 1973 USA 120
24412 22569 Fiancee des tenebres, Les de Poligny, Serge 1945 France 100
24413 22570 Times of Joy and Sorrow Kinoshita, Keisuke 1957 Japan 162
24414 22566 Girl I Abandoned, The Urayama, Kirio 1969 Japan 116
24415 22564 Song of Roland, The Cassenti, Frank 1978 France 110
24416 22573 Scorpio Winner, Michael 1973 USA 114
24417 22567 Tokyo Trial Kobayashi, Masaki 1983 Japan 277
24418 22560 Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War Watanabe, Kunio 1957 Japan 113
24419 22555 Genghis Khan Levin, Henry 1965 USA 124
24420 22558 Three Little Words Thorpe, Richard 1950 USA 102
24421 22574 Robo no ishi Tasaka, Tomotaka 1938 Japan
24422 22575 Solemn Communion Féret, René 1977 France 105
24423 22572 I Want to Be a Shellfish Hashimoto, Shinobu 1959 Japan 89
24424 22561 Young Winston Attenborough, Richard 1972 UK 145
24425 22565 Nightmare Castle Caiano, Mario 1965 Italy 90
24426 22554 Where Chimneys Are Seen Gosho, Heinosuke 1953 Japan 108
24427 22562 Disciples of Hippocrates Ohmori, Kazuki 1980 Japan 126
24428 22571 Cromwell Hughes, Ken 1970 UK 145
24429 22556 Chorus Line, A Attenborough, Richard 1985 USA 113
24430 22559 Royalists, The Calef, Henri 1947 France 109
24431 22563 Dracula [TV] Curtis, Dan 1974 UK 100
24432 22568 Kiku to Isamu Imai, Tadashi 1959 Japan 117
24433 22577 State of the World Abraham, Ayisha/Chantal Akerman/Pedro Costa/Vicente Ferraz/Wang Bing/Apichatpong Weerasethakul 2007 Portugal 105
24434 22580 Cotton Candy Gehr, Ernie 2002 USA 49
24435 22591 Baazi Dutt, Guru 1951 India 143
24436 22581 Paras-Pathar Ray, Satyajit 1958 India 111
24437 22611 Devatha Reddi, B.N. 1941 India 186
24438 22604 Utsav Karnad, Girish 1984 India 145
24439 22594 Oridathu Aravindan, Govindan 1987 India 112
24440 22592 Badi Bahen Bose, Nitin 1937 India 153
24441 22610 Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1946 India 124
24442 22607 New Delhi Times Sharma, Ramesh 1986 India 123
24443 22613 Meera Gulzar 1979 India 155
24444 22608 Adaminte Variyellu George, K.G. 1983 India 142
24445 22609 Insaf Ka Tarazu Chopra, B.R. 1980 India 146
24446 22587 22-Jun-87 Patwardhan, Jayoo & Nachiket Patwardhan 1979 India 121
24447 22616 Chandidas Bose, Debaki 1932 India 133
24448 22612 Muthal Mariyathai Rajaa, Bharathi 1985 India 163
24449 22617 Mohan Joshi Hazir Ho! Mirza, Saeed Akhtar 1984 India 130
24450 22582 Holi Mehta, Ketan 1985 India 120
24451 22583 Guddi Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1971 India 121
24452 22584 Musafir Mukherjee, Hrishikesh 1957 India 149
24453 22615 Achamillai Achamillai Balachander, K. 1984 India 160
24454 22601 Aurat Khan, Mehboob 1940 India 154
24455 22602 Street Singer Rivers, Fernand 1938 France 90
24456 22588 Taxi Driver Anand, Chetan 1954 India 133
24457 22585 Ramshastri Bedekar, Vishram/Gajanan Jagirdar/Raja Nene 1944 India 122
24458 22603 Barsaat Kapoor, Raj 1949 India 171
24459 22614 Chakra Dharmaraj, Rabindra 1981 India 140
24460 22598 Nirmalyam Nair, M.T. Vasudevan 1973 India 134
24461 22596 Aadmi Aur Aurat [TV] Sinha, Tapan 1984 India 56
24462 22605 Amrit Manthan Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre 1934 India 155
24463 22597 Ondanondu Kaladalli Karnad, Girish 1979 India 156
24464 22599 Avvaiyyar Subbu, Kothamangalam 1953 India 174
24465 22595 Atithi Sinha, Tapan 1966 India 112
24466 22606 Agnisnaan Saikia, Bhabendra Nath 1985 India 172
24467 22593 Paroma Sen, Aparna 1984 India 139
24468 22590 Gejje Pooje Kanagal, S.R. Puttana 1969 India 162
24469 22586 Adi Shankaracharya Iyer, G.V. 1983 India 130
24470 22589 Damul Jha, Prakash 1985 India 106
24471 22600 Phaniyamma Karanth, Prema 1983 India 118
24472 22618 Return of the Streetfighter Ozawa, Shigehiro 1974 Japan 85
24473 22619 Streetfighter's Last Revenge, The Ozawa, Shigehiro 1974 Japan 83
24474 22621 Sallah Kishon, Ephraim 1964 Israel 110
24475 22623 Balamos Tornes, Stavros 1982 Greece 82
24476 22622 Anna's Engagement Voulgaris, Pantelis 1972 Greece 87
24477 22620 Colour of Iris, The Panayotopoulos, Nikos 1974 Greece 100
24478 22624 Starstruck Armstrong, Gillian 1982 Australia 95
24479 22628 Ubu Dunbar, Geoff 1978 UK 18
24480 22627 Fly, The/A Légy Rofusz, Ferenc 1980 Hungary 3
24481 22625 Moving Out Pattinson, Michael 1983 Australia 91
24482 22626 Beginnings Gagnon, Lina/Suzanne Gervais/Clorinda Warny 1981 Canada 9
24483 22629 Massacre at Central High Daalder, Rene 1976 USA 85
24484 22631 First Nudie Musical, The Haggard, Mark & Bruce Kimmel 1976 USA 100
24485 22630 Great Texas Dynamite Chase, The Pressman, Michael 1977 USA 90
24486 22632 Love Letters/Lettres d'Amour Autant-Lara, Claude 1942 France 110
24487 22634 Seven Seas: Frigidity Chapter Shimizu, Hiroshi 1932 Japan 67
24488 22636 Sait-on jamais... Vadim, Roger 1957 Italy 96
24489 22637 Alice or the Last Escapade Chabrol, Claude 1977 France 93
24490 22639 Delitto d'amore Comencini, Luigi 1974 Italy 108
24491 22640 Prodigal Daughter, The Doillon, Jacques 1981 France 95
24492 22642 Andy Warhol's Bad Johnson, Jed 1971 USA 100
24493 22641 Bedtime for Bonzo De Cordova, Frederick 1951 USA 83
24494 22643 It: Chapter Two Muschietti, Andy 2019 Canada 169
24495 22644 Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her, The Benson, Ned 2013 USA 100
24496 22645 Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them, The Benson, Ned 2014 USA 123
24497 22646 Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him, The Benson, Ned 2013 USA 89
24498 22647 Suzanne's Career Rohmer, Eric 1963 France 52
24499 23856 Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer Broomfield, Nick 1992 UK 87
24500 22648 St. Louis Blues Murphy, Dudley 1929 USA 16
24501 22649 Sinai Field Mission Wiseman, Frederick 1978 USA 127
24502 22652 Video 50 [TV] Wilson, Robert 1978 West Germany 50
24503 22654 Eugénie de Franval Skorecki, Louis 1975 France 105
24504 22650 Coatti Tornes, Stavros 1977 Italy 76
24505 22651 Déjeuner du Matin Bokanowski, Patrick 1974 France 12
24506 22656 Lady Snowblood 2: Love Song of Vengeance Fujita, Toshiya 1974 Japan 89
24507 Love in the Buff Pang Ho-Cheung 2012 Hong Kong 112
24508 Jouet criminel, Le Arrieta, Adolfo 1969 France 37
24509 22657 Illusion, The Barriga, Susana 2009 Cuba 24
24510 22659 Patria Barriga, Susana 2007
24511 22658 Cómo construir un barco Barriga, Susana 2007
24512 22660 Tarzan's Secret Treasure Thorpe, Richard 1941 USA 81
24513 22662 Ivanhoe Thorpe, Richard 1952 USA 106
24514 22664 Tarzan Finds a Son! Thorpe, Richard 1939 USA 90
24515 22665 Tarzan Escapes Thorpe, Richard 1936 USA 95
24516 22666 Walking Dead, The Curtiz, Michael 1936 USA 66
24517 22667 Ransom! Segal, Alex 1956 USA 109
24518 22663 Cry Terror! Stone, Andrew L. 1958 USA 96
24519 22668 Surrender Dwan, Allan 1950 USA 90
24520 22674 Sun Also Rises, The King, Henry 1957 USA 130
24521 22669 Forbidden Capra, Frank 1932 USA 81
24522 22670 Chained Brown, Clarence 1934 USA 76
24523 22671 Cass Timberlane Sidney, George 1947 USA 119
24524 22684 Parnell Stahl, John M. 1937 USA 118
24525 22672 Romance Brown, Clarence 1930 USA 76
24526 22673 White Cliffs of Dover, The Brown, Clarence 1944 USA 126
24527 22675 Madame Du Barry Dieterle, William 1934 USA 79
24528 22683 Last Challenge, The Thorpe, Richard 1967 USA 105
24529 22681 White Cargo Thorpe, Richard 1942 USA 90
24530 22678 Bus Riley's Back in Town Hart, Harvey 1965 USA 93
24531 22677 Toy Wife, The Thorpe, Richard 1938 USA 95
24532 22682 Subterraneans, The MacDougall, Ranald 1960 USA 89
24533 22679 Diane Miller, David 1956 USA 110
24534 22676 Cry Havoc Thorpe, Richard 1943 USA 97
24535 22680 Saratoga Trunk Wood, Sam 1945 USA 135
24536 22685 Ivan the Terrible, Part 3 Eisenstein, Sergei 1947 USSR 4
24537 22686 Toby and the Tall Corn [TV] Leacock, Richard 1954
24538 22687 Legend 2, The Yuen, Corey 1993 China 95
24539 22689 Wong Fei-Hung Burns the Tyrant's Lair Hu Peng 1949 Hong Kong 72
24540 22692 Mysterious Murderer (Part 2) Tong Tik-sang 1951
24541 22691 Paragon of Sword & Knife Chen Lipin 1967
24542 22688 Paragon of Sword & Knife (Part II) Chan Lit-Ban 1968
24543 22690 Mysterious Murderer (Part 1) Tong Tik-sang 1951
24544 22693 Flesh Gordon Benveniste, Michael & Howard Ziehm 1974 USA 78
24545 22694 Sphere Levinson, Barry 1998 USA 134
24546 22695 batteries not included Robbins, Matthew 1987 USA 106
24547 22696 Red Planet Hoffman, Anthony 2000 USA 106
24548 22697 Elephant Boy Flaherty, Robert J. & Zoltan Korda 1937 UK 80
24549 22698 Am Rande der Welt Grune, Karl 1927 Germany
24550 22699 Seeds Milligan, Andy 1968 USA 78
24551 22700 Ghastly Ones, The Milligan, Andy 1968 USA 72
24552 22701 Dead or Alive: Final Miike, Takashi 2002 Japan 89
24553 22702 Torrente 2: Mission in Marbella Segura, Santiago 2001 Spain 99
24554 22704 Disraeli Green, Alfred E. 1929 USA 89
24555 22705 White Sister, The King, Henry 1923 USA 143
24556 22706 Beau Geste Brenon, Herbert 1926 USA 101
24557 22717 War Brides Brenon, Herbert 1916 USA 72
24558 22711 Monsieur Beaucaire Olcott, Sidney 1924 USA 106
24559 22708 Little Old New York Olcott, Sidney 1923 USA 110
24560 22710 Valiant, The Howard, William K. 1929 USA 66
24561 22713 Dark Angel, The Fitzmaurice, George 1925 USA 80
24562 22712 Driven [lost film] Brabin, Charles 1923
24563 22709 Smilin' Through Franklin, Sidney 1922 USA 96
24564 22715 Miracle Man, The Tucker, George Loane 1919 USA
24565 22719 Champions, Part 2: Trappings of Power Brittain, Donald 1986 Canada 56
24566 22718 Canadian Pacific II Rimmer, David 1975 Canada 11
24567 22720 Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors, The Brittain, Donald 1986 Canada 57
24568 22721 Canadian Pacific Rimmer, David 1974 Canada 9
24569 22722 Kidnapped Mann, Delbert 1971 UK 100
24570 22723 Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert 1960 USA 97
24571 22724 Creature Comforts [TV Series] Goleszowski, Richard 2003 UK
24572 22725 I Want to Go Home Resnais, Alain 1989 France 100
24573 22726 Dove's Lost Necklace, The Khemir, Nacer 1991 Tunisia 86
24574 22728 Kung Fu Panda 3 Nelson, Jennifer Yuh & Alessandro Carloni 2016 USA 95
24575 22729 Panels for the Walls of Heaven Brakhage, Stan 2002 USA 32
24576 22733 Corpo Ardente, O Khouri, Walter Hugo 1966 Brazil 85
24577 22734 Southern Winds De Leon, Mike/Shoji Kokami/Slamet Rahardjo/Cherd Songsri 1993 Indonesia 112
24578 22736 Satan's Sword Misumi, Kenji 1960 Japan 106
24579 22737 Satan's Sword II Misumi, Kenji 1960 Japan 90
24580 22735 Satan's Sword 3: The Final Chapter Mori, Kazuo 1961 Japan 100
24581 22738 Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The Lawrence, Francis 2014 USA 123
24582 22741 Enoken no chakkiri Kinta 'Zen' - Mamayo sandogasa - Ikiwa yoiyoi Yamamoto, Kajiro 1937 Japan 76
24583 22740 Enoken no chakkiri Kinta 'Go', kaeri wa kowai, mateba hiyori Yamamoto, Kajiro 1937 Japan 61
24584 22742 Paris vu par... 20 ans après Akerman, Chantal/Bernard Dubois/Philippe Garrel/Frederic Mitterrand/Vincent Nordon/Philippe Venault 1984 France 100
24585 22745 Dakarguli samotkhe Rondeli, Davit 1938 USSR 85
24586 22743 Qolga Kobakhidze, Mikheil 1967 USSR 20
24587 22744 Musikosebi Kobakhidze, Mikheil 1969 USSR 17
24588 22747 Once Upon a Time in China III Tsui Hark 1993 Hong Kong 109
24589 22746 Once Upon a Time in China V Tsui Hark 1994 Hong Kong 101
24590 22748 Once Upon a Time in China IV Yuen Bun 1993 Hong Kong 102
24591 22749 Once Upon a Time in China VI Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1997 Hong Kong 102
24592 22750 End of Desire Astruc, Alexandre 1958 France 86
24593 22751 Chun Lee Sun-Fung 1953 Hong Kong 128
24594 22754 Scopitones: Sylvie Vartan Lelouch, Claude 1963
24595 22753 Action immédiate Labro, Maurice 1957 France 100
24596 22757 Autumn Chun Kim 1954 Hong Kong 103
24597 22755 Lessons in Love Astruc, Alexandre 1962 France 95
24598 22752 Family Ng Wui 1953 Hong Kong 140
24599 22756 Lourdes and Its Miracles Rouquier, Georges 1955 France 90
24600 22761 Two Hours to Zero Klahr, Lewis 2004 USA 9
24601 22760 Two Days to Zero Klahr, Lewis 2004 USA 23
24602 22759 Two Minutes to Zero Klahr, Lewis 2003 USA 1
24603 22763 Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone Johnson, Lamont 1983 Canada 90
24604 22762 Solarbabies Johnson, Alan 1986 USA 94
24605 22764 Bread of Love, The Mattsson, Arne 1953 Sweden
24606 22765 Fando y Lis Jodorowsky, Alejandro 1968 Mexico 93
24607 22766 Couple épatant, Un Belvaux, Lucas 2002 France 97
24608 22768 Après la vie Belvaux, Lucas 2002 France 124
24609 22767 Cavale Belvaux, Lucas 2002 France 113
24610 22769 Ringu 0: Basudei Tsuruta, Norio 2000 Japan 99
24611 22770 Lawless Breed, The Walsh, Raoul 1952 USA 83
24612 22771 Destricted Barney, Matthew/Richard Prince/Larry Clark/Marco Brambilla/Sam Taylor-Wood/Marina Abramovic/Gaspar Noé 2006 UK 129
24613 22772 Ajeeb Daastaans Ghaywan, Neeraj/Kayoze Irani/Shashank Khaitan/Raj Mehta 2021 India 142
24614 22773 Star is Born, A Pierson, Frank 1976 USA 140
24615 22775 Irrational Man Allen, Woody 2015 USA 95
24616 22776 Five Scouts Tasaka, Tomotaka 1938 Japan 73
24617 22777 Stories on Human Rights Various Directors 2008 Russia
24618 22778 Love and Anger Bellocchio, Marco/Bernardo Bertolucci/Jean-Luc Godard/Carlo Lizzani/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Elda Tattoli 1969 Italy 102
24619 22780 Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge Rønning, Joachim & Espen Sandberg 2017 USA 129
24620 22779 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Marshall, Rob 2011 USA 137
24621 22781 Shinpan Ôoka seidan: Dai-nihen Ito, Daisuke 1928 Japan
24622 22782 Shinpan Ôoka seidan: Dai-ippen Ito, Daisuke 1928 Japan
24623 22783 Shinpan Ôoka seidan; Daisanpen: Kaikatsuhen Ito, Daisuke 1928 Japan
24624 22786 Hänsel and Gretel Reiniger, Lotte 1954 UK 10
24625 22784 Sleeping Beauty, The Reiniger, Lotte 1954 UK 10
24626 22788 Snow White and Rose Red Reiniger, Lotte 1954 UK 11
24627 22787 Däumlienchen Reiniger, Lotte 1954 UK 10
24628 22785 Cinderella Reiniger, Lotte 1954 UK 11
24629 22789 Running Jumping & Standing Still Film, The Lester, Richard 1959 UK 10
24630 22793 Battle of New Orleans, The Godfrey, Bob 1968 UK 3
24631 22794 Ivul Unmade Hulse, Matt 2009 UK 18
24632 22790 Forest Murmurs Hodgson, Jonathan 2006 UK 12
24633 22792 Downside Up Hill, Tony 1985
24634 22795 This is My Land Rivers, Ben 2006 UK 14
24635 22791 Rabbit Wrake, Run 2005 UK 9
24636 22796 Jurassic Park III Johnston, Joe 2001 USA 92
24637 22798 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Bayona, Juan Antonio 2018 USA 128
24638 22797 Jurassic World: Dominion Trevorrow, Colin 2022 USA 147
24639 22799 Paris, je t'aime Various Directors 2006 France 121
24640 22800 Caught in a Cabaret Normand, Mabel 1914 USA 23
24641 22808 Twenty Minutes of Love Maddern, Joseph & Charles Chaplin 1914 USA 20
24642 22809 Between Showers Lehrman, Henry 1914 USA 15
24643 22804 Mabel's Strange Predicament Normand, Mabel 1914 USA 17
24644 22807 Cruel, Cruel Love Nichols, George & Mack Sennett 1914 USA 16
24645 22805 Star Boarder, The Nichols, George 1914 USA 16
24646 22801 His Favorite Pastime Nichols, George 1914 USA 16
24647 22806 Making a Living Lehrman, Henry 1914 USA 11
24648 22803 Mabel at the Wheel Normand, Mabel & Mack Sennett 1914 USA 18
24649 22802 Tango Tangle Sennett, Mack 1914 USA 12
24650 22811 Weather Diary 2 Kuchar, George 1987
24651 22810 Weather Diary 6 Kuchar, George 1990
24652 22812 Weather Diary 4 Kuchar, George 1988
24653 22813 Boccaccio '70 De Sica, Vittorio/Federico Fellini/Mario Monicelli/Luchino Visconti 1962 Italy 205
24654 22818 Miyamoto Musashi III: Birth of the Nito-ryu Style Uchida, Tomu 1963 Japan 104
24655 22814 Miyamoto Musashi V: Duel at Ganryu Island Uchida, Tomu 1965 Japan 121
24656 22817 Miyamoto Musashi Uchida, Tomu 1961 Japan 110
24657 22815 Miyamoto Musashi IV: Duel at Ichijyo-ji Temple Uchida, Tomu 1964 Japan 128
24658 22816 Miyamoto Musashi II: Duel at Hannya Hill Uchida, Tomu 1962 Japan 107
24659 22819 Love in the City Antonioni, Michelangelo/Federico Fellini/Alberto Lattuada/Carlo Lizzani/Francesco Maselli/Dino Risi/Cesare Zavattini 1953 Italy 90
24660 22821 Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril Saito, Buichi 1972 Japan 81
24661 22820 Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in the Land of Demons Misumi, Kenji 1973 Japan 89
24662 22822 63 Up [TV] Apted, Michael 2019 UK 145
24663 22823 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Yates, David 2018 USA 134
24664 22824 De Generazione Various Directors 1994 Italy 110
24665 22825 Fantastic Animation Festival Berko, Dean A. & Christopher Padilla 1977 USA 91
24666 22826 Wide Awake Berliner, Alan 2006 USA 79
24667 22828 Beast Alley Sugawa, Eizo 1965 Japan 150
24668 22827 Ruten Futagawa, Buntaro 1937 Japan
24669 22830 Band of Brothers [TV] Frankel, David/Tom Hanks/David Leland/Richard Loncraine/David Nutter/Phil Alden Robinson/Mikael Solomon/Tony To 2001 UK 600
24670 22831 Closer Nichols, Mike 2004 USA 104
24671 22832 I.Q. Schepisi, Fred 1994 USA 95
24672 22834 Gleaners & I: Two Years Later, The Varda, Agnès 2002 France 63
24673 22835 Trumbo Roach, Jay 2015 USA 124
24674 22836 Chocolat Hallström, Lasse 2000 USA 121
24675 22837 Cecil B. Demented Waters, John 2000 USA 88
24676 22838 Blind Date Edwards, Blake 1987 USA 93
24677 22845 Daibosatsu tôge - Kanketsu-hen Uchida, Tomu 1959 Japan 106
24678 22841 Song of Songs, The Mamoulian, Rouben 1933 USA 90
24679 22843 8½ Women Greenaway, Peter 1999 UK 118
24680 22846 Daibosatsu tôge - Dai ni bu Uchida, Tomu 1958 Japan 105
24681 22840 Elementary School, The Sverák, Jan 1991 Czechoslovakia 100
24682 22844 Haiti. Untitled Leth, Jørgen 1995 Denmark 82
24683 22839 Judgment Night Hopkins, Stephen 1993 USA 109
24684 22856 Star Trek: Generations Carson, David 1994 USA 118
24685 22870 White Orchid, The Le Borg, Reginald 1954 Mexico 81
24686 22869 Fuete Vasilev, Vladimir & Boris Yermolayev 1987 USSR 100
24687 22862 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Reynolds, Kevin 1991 USA 138
24688 22864 Black Eagle Gordon, Robert 1948 USA 76
24689 22850 Beast Shall Die, The Sugawa, Eizo 1959 Japan 96
24690 22890 Boiler Room Younger, Ben 2000 USA 119
24691 22885 Late Quartet, A Zilberman, Yaron 2012 USA 105
24692 22893 Frontera, La Larrain, Ricardo P. 1991 Chile 120
24693 22883 Paulina Mitre, Santiago 2014 Argentina 103
24694 22858 Mensajes de voz Franco, Fernando 2007 Spain 12
24695 22867 Chinese Take-Out Borensztein, Sebastián 2011 Argentina 93
24696 22861 Sentados frente al fuego Fernández Almendras, Alejandro 2011 Germany 95
24697 22881 Voice Over Rosete, Martín 2011 Spain 10
24698 22879 Listen Nyoni, Rungano & Hamy Ramezan 2014 Denmark 13
24699 22884 Sky, the Earth and the Rain, The Leiva, José Luis Torres 2008 Chile 110
24700 Skylab, Le Delpy, Julie 2011 France 114
24701 22882 News Osnovikoff, Iván & Bettina Perut 2009 Chile 80
24702 22854 Get 'em All Sugawa, Eizo 1960 Japan 87
24703 22873 Borgman van Warmerdam, Alex 2013 Netherlands 113
24704 22860 Mon roi Maïwenn 2015 France 124
24705 22866 Too Much Flesh Arnold, Pascal & Jean-Marc Barr 2000 France 110
24706 22872 On War Bonello, Bertrand 2008 France 130
24707 22900 Certain Doubts of William Kentridge Gabassi, Alex 2007 Brazil 53
24708 22871 Moon Warriors Sammo Hung Kam-Bo 1993 Hong Kong 83
24709 22880 Fard Alapont, David & Luis Briceño 2009 France 13
24710 22855 Mistress for the Summer, A Molinaro, Édouard 1960 France 80
24711 22857 Body sob 19 Purikitpanya, Paween 2007 Thailand 125
24712 22889 Club Sandwich Eimbcke, Fernando 2013 Mexico 82
24713 22878 Career Opportunities/One Wild Night Gordon, Bryan 1991 USA 84
24714 22887 Epitaph Jeong Beom-sik & Jung Sik 2007 South Korea 98
24715 22848 Eighth Day, The Van Dormael, Jaco 1996 France 118
24716 22868 Hebihimesama Kinugasa, Teinosuke 1940 Japan 112
24717 22892 Santiago Violenta Díaz Espinoza, Ernesto 2014 Chile 90
24718 22851 Señales de ruta Díaz, Tevo 2000 Chile 30
24719 22847 Prairie, The Wisbar, Frank 1947 USA 65
24720 22901 Guilt of Janet Ames, The Levin, Henry 1947 USA 83
24721 22859 Vengo Gatlif, Tony 2000 Spain 90
24722 22863 Korkoro Gatlif, Tony 2009 France 111
24723 22874 Charles Bronson chileno: o idénticamente igual, El Flores del Pino, Carlos 1981 Chile 70
24724 22888 What to Do in Case of Fire Schnitzler, George 2001 Germany 101
24725 22852 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1, The Condon, Bill 2011 USA 117
24726 22849 White Elephant Trapero, Pablo 2012 Spain
24727 22894 First Person Plural Borshay, Deann 2000 USA 59
24728 22898 Surire Osnovikoff, Iván & Bettina Perut 2015 Chile 80
24729 22903 Analfabetas, Las Sepúlveda, Moisés 2013 Chile 73
24730 22886 Stay Forster, Marc 2005 USA 99
24731 22876 Poll Kraus, Chris 2010 Germany 129
24732 22865 Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus Shainberg, Steven 2006 USA 122
24733 22853 Pinero Ichaso, Leon 2001 USA 103
24734 22877 Away We Go Mendes, Sam 2009 USA 98
24735 22899 Don Juan Sladkowski, Jerzy 2015 Sweden 92
24736 22895 Inner Tour, The Alexandrowicz, Ra'anan 2001 Israel 85
24737 22891 In Search of Our Fathers Williams, Marco 1992 USA 70
24738 22896 Huacho Fernández Almendras, Alejandro 2009 Chile 89
24739 22897 Madre del Cordero, La Espinosa, Rosario & Enrique Farías 2014 Chile 80
24740 22904 Snake Pit, The Litvak, Anatole 1948 USA 108
24741 22905 Scoundrel, The Hecht, Ben/Charles MacArthur 1935 USA 78
24742 22918 Death of a Salesman Benedek, Laszlo 1951 USA 115
24743 22938 Tale of Two Cities, A Conway, Jack 1935 USA 128
24744 22990 Vixen! Meyer, Russ 1968 USA 70
24745 22928 200 Motels Palmer, Tony & Frank Zappa 1971 USA 98
24746 22906 Bhowani Junction Cukor, George 1956 UK 110
24747 22978 Violette Chabrol, Claude 1978 France 124
24748 23337 Lead Shoes, The Peterson, Sidney 1949 USA 16
24749 23678 Glimpse of the Garden Menken, Marie 1957 USA 5
24750 23577 Fuji Breer, Robert 1974 USA 8
24751 22971 Sitting Pretty Lang, Walter 1948 USA 84
24752 22972 Slight Case of Murder, A Bacon, Lloyd 1938 USA 85
24753 22973 These Three Wyler, William 1936 USA 93
24754 23098 Loving Kershner, Irvin 1970 USA 89
24755 22982 Of Human Bondage Cromwell, John 1934 USA 83
24756 22984 Platinum Blonde Capra, Frank 1931 USA 89
24757 22994 Georgy Girl Narizzano, Silvio 1966 UK 100
24758 23007 Stevie Enders, Robert 1978 UK 102
24759 22969 True Glory, The Kanin, Garson & Carol Reed 1945 UK 87
24760 22998 Country Girl, The Seaton, George 1954 USA 104
24761 23004 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Paton, Stuart 1916 USA 105
24762 23003 Reuben, Reuben Miller, Robert Ellis 1983 USA 101
24763 23000 Emperor Jones, The Murphy, Dudley 1933 USA 72
24764 22974 Bedford Incident, The Harris, James B. 1965 USA 102
24765 23066 Buchanan Rides Alone Boetticher, Budd 1958 USA 78
24766 22909 Tightrope Tuggle, Richard 1984 USA 114
24767 22980 My Favorite Wife Kanin, Garson 1940 USA 88
24768 22981 Peyton Place Robson, Mark 1957 USA 157
24769 23210 Welcome to L.A. Rudolph, Alan 1976 USA 106
24770 22985 They Might Be Giants Harvey, Anthony 1971 USA 98
24771 22986 For Me and My Gal Berkeley, Busby 1942 USA 104
24772 22987 Goin' South Nicholson, Jack 1978 USA 109
24773 22988 Road to Singapore Schertzinger, Victor 1940 USA 85
24774 22991 Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman Juran, Nathan 1958 USA 66
24775 22992 Mission: Impossible II Woo, John 2000 Australia 123
24776 22993 Intermezzo Ratoff, Gregory 1939 USA 70
24777 22995 Summer Place, A Daves, Delmer 1959 USA 130
24778 22996 Walk on the Wild Side Dmytryk, Edward 1962 USA 114
24779 23002 Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Hudson, Hugh 1984 USA 129
24780 22999 Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? Katzin, Lee H. 1969 USA 101
24781 23821 Brimstone and Treacle Loncraine, Richard 1982 UK 85
24782 23409 Maniac Esper, Dwain 1934 USA 51
24783 23008 Mudhoney Meyer, Russ 1965 USA 92
24784 23001 Vice Squad Sherman, Gary 1982 USA 97
24785 23559 Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies, The Steckler, Ray Dennis 1964 USA 82
24786 23880 Slither Zieff, Howard 1973 USA 97
24787 23376 Blue Bird, The Lang, Walter 1940 USA 88
24788 22907 Eddy Duchin Story, The Sidney, George 1956 USA 123
24789 22908 École des facteurs, L' Tati, Jacques 1947 France 18
24790 22910 Dumb-Hounded Avery, Tex 1943 USA 7
24791 22911 Fountain of Youth, The [TV] Welles, Orson 1956 USA 27
24792 22912 Discipline of D.E., The Van Sant, Gus 1982 USA 13
24793 22914 Burlesque on Carmen, A Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 31
24794 22915 Exterior Night Rappaport, Mark 1993 USA 36
24795 22916 Essai d'ouverture Moullet, Luc 1988 France 15
24796 22917 Hardly Working Lewis, Jerry 1981 USA 91
24797 22956 Leave 'Em Laughing Bruckman, Clyde 1928 USA 21
24798 22922 Chartres Series, The Brakhage, Stan 1994 USA 9
24799 22947 Western, A Dunphy, Laurie 1987
24800 22932 Horla, Le Pollet, Jean-Daniel 1966 France 38
24801 22936 Vulture, The/Ha-Ayit Yosha, Yaki 1981 Israel 96
24802 22919 Tangos volés de Gregorio, Eduardo 2002 France 90
24803 22963 Mexican Tapes, The Hock, Louis 1986
24804 22923 Joan Does Dynasty Braderman, Joan 1986 35
24805 22946 Mongols, The Kimiavi, Parviz 1973 Iran 92
24806 22944 Adynata Thornton, Leslie 1983 USA 30
24807 22959 Fig Leaves Hawks, Howard 1926 USA 71
24808 22942 Occasional Work of a Female Slave Kluge, Alexander 1973 West Germany 91
24809 22960 Mémoire courte, La de Gregorio, Eduardo 1982 France 105
24810 22964 Machine That Killed Bad People, The Fagin, Steve 1990
24811 22920 Black Sin Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1990 West Germany 42
24812 22943 Rendez-vous de minuit, Le Leenhardt, Roger 1961 France 90
24813 22926 Child and the Soldier, The Mir-Karimi, Seyyed Reza 2000 Iran 90
24814 22925 Rembrandt Laughing Jost, Jon 1988 USA 100
24815 22930 Silent Majority, The Saeed-Vafa, Mehmaz 1987
24816 22966 Suicide Bordowitz, Gregg 1996
24817 22953 Barrabas Feuillade, Louis 1919 France
24818 22924 Selva, Un portrait de Parvameh Navai Klonaris, Maria 1983
24819 22955 Forevermore: Biography of a Leach Lord Saks, Eric 1989
24820 22935 Go Further Mann, Ron 2003 Canada 90
24821 22957 Oldest Profession, The Autant-Lara, Claude/Mauro Bolognini/Philippe de Broca/Jean-Luc Godard/Franco Indovina/Michael Pfleghar 1967 France 97
24822 22952 False Student, A Masumura, Yasuzo 1960 Japan 94
24823 22921 Deadman, The Ahwesh, Peggy & Keith Sanborn 1987 USA 38
24824 22967 Spy in the House that Ruth Built, A Green, Vanalyne 1989
24825 22950 Marriage of the Blessed Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1989 Iran 75
24826 22937 Noviciat Burch, Noël 1964 France 17
24827 22949 Yours Scher, Jeff 1997
24828 22958 Mammame Ruiz, Raúl 1986 France 65
24829 22962 Valse Triste Conner, Bruce 1977 USA 5
24830 22940 Mr. Hoover and I de Antonio, Emile 1989 USA 90
24831 22961 En rachâchant Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet 1982 France 7
24832 22968 Peddler, The Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 1987 Iran 95
24833 22934 Same River Twice, The Moss, Robb 2003 USA 78
24834 22927 Circle's Short Circuit Stracke, Caspar 1998
24835 22941 Blue Moon Ko I-Chen 1997 Taiwan 97
24836 22931 Cabale des oursins Moullet, Luc 1991 France 13
24837 22954 Ananas Gitai, Amos 1984 France 76
24838 22965 Confession, The Parajanov, Sergei 1990 USSR
24839 22939 Fellow Citizen Kiarostami, Abbas 1983 Iran 52
24840 22951 Jazz '34: Remembrances of Kansas City Swing [TV] Altman, Robert 1996 USA 72
24841 22929 Mutable Fire Psyche, Erotic 1984
24842 22933 Incontinence De Landa, Manuel 1978
24843 23054 Lunch Date, The Davidson, Adam 1990 USA 11
24844 Neighbors Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline 1920 USA 18
24845 23010 Me and Orson Welles Linklater, Richard 2009 UK 114
24846 23071 Mannequin Borzage, Frank 1937 USA 95
24847 22976 Lost Moment, The Gabel, Martin 1947 USA 88
24848 23011 Portrait of a "60% Perfect Man": Billy Wilder Tresgot, Annie 1982 France 59
24849 23083 Carrington Hampton, Christopher 1995 UK 122
24850 Eyewash Breer, Robert 1959 USA 3
24851 23118 Magical Maestro Avery, Tex 1952 USA 6
24852 23148 Angry Silence, The Green, Guy 1959 UK 95
24853 23147 Tender Trap, The Walters, Charles 1955 USA 111
24854 23154 Cider House Rules, The Hallström, Lasse 1999 USA 131
24855 23144 Biloxi Blues Nichols, Mike 1988 USA 106
24856 23183 Hard Way, The Sherman, Vincent 1943 USA 109
24857 23228 Life and Death of 9413: A Hollywood Extra, The Florey, Robert & Slavko Vorkapich 1928 USA 11
24858 23229 Huey Long Burns, Ken 1985 USA 88
24859 23014 Those Awful Hats Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 2
24860 Wold Shadow, The Brakhage, Stan 1972 USA 3
24861 Four in the Afternoon Broughton, James 1951 USA 15
24862 Riddle of Lumen, The Brakhage, Stan 1972 USA 14
24863 23015 Tell-Tale Heart, The Klein, Charles F. 1928 USA 20
24864 23237 White Fawn's Devotion Deer, James Young 1910 USA 11
24865 Cat's Cradle Brakhage, Stan 1959 USA 6
24866 22989 Harper Smight, Jack 1966 USA 121
24867 23016 Punk's Not Dead Dynner, Susan 2007 USA 93
24868 Geography of the Body Maas, Willard 1943 USA 7
24869 23322 Anastasia Litvak, Anatole 1956 USA 105
24870 23332 Matrimony's Speed Limit Guy-Blaché, Alice 1913 USA 14
24871 23360 Heat and Dust Ivory, James 1983 UK 130
24872 23363 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines Annakin, Ken 1965 USA 132
24873 23364 Flamingo Kid, The Marshall, Garry 1984 USA 100
24874 Horseman, the Woman, and the Moth, The Brakhage, Stan 1968 USA 26
24875 23562 Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers Blank, Les 1981 USA 51
24876 From Phases II Breer, Robert 1953 USA 3
24877 Eyes Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 35
24878 23706 God is My Witness Anand, Mukul 1992 India 193
24879 Zweigroschenzauber Richter, Hans 1929 Germany 2
24880 23657 With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain Cartier-Bresson, Henri 1938 USA 18
24881 Fleming Faloon Land, Owen 1963 USA 7
24882 23667 Please, Don't Bury Me Alive! Gutierrez, Efrain 1976 USA
24883 Blue Moses Brakhage, Stan 1962 USA 11
24884 Jamestown Baloos Breer, Robert 1957 USA 6
24885 Motion Pictures Breer, Robert 1956 USA 3
24886 23020 Mended Lute, The Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 11
24887 23702 Under Western Stars Kane, Joseph 1938 USA 65
24888 70 Breer, Robert 1970 USA 5
24889 Deus Ex Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 35
24890 23718 City Without Nights Tang Ziaodan 1957 China 130
24891 Shores of Phos: A Fable, The Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 10
24892 66 Breer, Robert 1966 USA 5
24893 Unconquered, The Hamilton, Nancy 1954 USA 50
24894 Himself as Herself Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1967 USA 55
24895 From Phases Breer, Robert 1952 USA 2
24896 23493 Little Kidnappers, The/The Kidnappers Leacock, Philip 1953 UK 95
24897 Sausalito Warhol, Andy 1967 USA 30
24898 N:O:T:H:I:N:G Sharits, Paul 1968 USA 36
24899 Great Blondino, The Nelson, Robert & William T. Wiley 1967 USA 42
24900 Sincerity I Brakhage, Stan 1973 USA 27
24901 23566 Lady Helen's Escapade Griffith, D.W. 1909 USA 8
24902 23651 Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze Dickson, W.K.L. 1894 USA 1
24903 23691 Dreams That Money Can Buy Richter, Hans 1947 USA 99
24904 23680 House I Live In, The LeRoy, Mervyn 1945 USA 11
24905 23701 Thriller [TV] Landis, John 1983 USA 13
24906 23565 Tulips Shall Grow Pal, George 1942 USA 7
24907 23447 Conquest of Everest, The Lowe, George 1953 UK 78
24908 23437 Sadie Thompson Walsh, Raoul 1928 USA 97
24909 23486 Mom and Dad Beaudine, William 1945 USA 97
24910 23482 I Remember Mama Stevens, George 1948 USA 134
24911 Ming Green Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1966 USA 7
24912 Eye Music in Red Major Menken, Marie 1961 USA 6
24913 High Kukus Broughton, James 1973 USA 3
24914 23466 Come Back, Little Sheba Mann, Daniel 1952 USA 99
24915 Printemps, Le Hanoun, Marcel 1971 France 85
24916 23508 Anna and the King of Siam Cromwell, John 1946 USA 128
24917 23759 King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis Mankiewicz, Joseph L. & Sidney Lumet 1970 USA 153
24918 23521 With Car and Camera Around the World Wanderwell, Aloha 1929 USA
24919 Door Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 2
24920 23525 Mauna Kea: Temple Under Siege [TV] Lander, Joan & Puhipau 2006 USA 57
24921 23529 Requiem-29 Garcia, David 1970 USA 31
24922 23455 Elusive Pimpernel, The Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger 1950 UK 109
24923 Nuptiae Broughton, James 1969 USA 14
24924 Peaceable Kingdom, The Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 8
24925 23049 Luke’s Movie Muddle Roach, Hal 1916 USA
24926 Songs 24-27 Brakhage, Stan 1967-68
24927 23700 Scratch and Crow Hill, Helen 1995 Canada
24928 23676 George Stevens World War II Footage Stevens, George 1946 USA 420
24929 Loony Tom Broughton, James 1951 USA 11
24930 Animals of Eden and After, The Brakhage, Stan 1970 USA 35
24931 Pasht Brakhage, Stan 1965 USA 5
24932 Alles dreht sich, alles bewegt sich Richter, Hans 1929 Germany 3
24933 23710 Quasi at the Quackadero Cruikshank, Sally 1975 USA
24934 Pat's Birthday Breer, Robert 1962 USA 13
24935 Angels' Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 2
24936 Breathing Breer, Robert 1963 USA 6
24937 This is It Broughton, James 1970 USA 10
24938 Pleasure Garden, The Broughton, James 1953 UK 38
24939 23547 Tin Toy Lasseter, John 1988 USA 5
24940 23674 Sex Life of the Polyp, The Chalmers, Thomas 1928 USA 11
24941 23673 Virtuous Vamp, A Kirkland, David 1919 USA 50
24942 23039 Swiss Miss Blystone, John G. 1938 USA 72
24943 23660 Brandy in the Wilderness Kaye, Stanton 1971 USA 87
24944 Hamfat Asar Jordan, Larry 1965 USA 13
24945 23682 Peege Kleiser, Randal 1972 USA 28
24946 Eat Warhol, Andy 1964 USA 45
24947 23705 Dragon Painter, The Worthington, William 1919 USA 50
24948 23662 Way of Peace, The Tashlin, Frank 1947 USA 18
24949 23050 Never Weaken Newmeyer, Fred C. 1921 USA 19
24950 23045 Adventures of a Good Citizen, The Themerson, Stefan 1937 Poland 8
24951 23046 Victor, The Ruttmann, Walter 1921 Germany 3
24952 23679 Into the Woods [TV] Lapine, James 1991 USA 153
24953 Scotch Tape Smith, Jack 1962 USA 3
24954 23683 Our Day Kelly, Wallace 1938 USA
24955 23042 Glumov's Diary Eisenstein, Sergei 1923 USSR 5
24956 Long Bodies, The Crockwell, Douglass 1947
24957 23494 Ringling Bros. Circus Parade Selig, William Nicholas 1902 USA 3
24958 23655 Cab Calloway Home Movies Calloway, Cab & Zulme Calloway 1948-51 USA
24959 Golden Positions, The Broughton, James & Kermit Sheets 1971 USA 30
24960 23688 Punch Drunks Breslow, Lou 1934 USA 17
24961 23659 Felicia Dickson, Bob/Alan Gorg/Trevor Greenwoof 1965 USA 12
24962 23038 Haunted Spooks Goulding, Alfred J. & Hal Roach 1920 USA 25
24963 23035 Confessions of a Co-Ed Burton, David & Dudley Murphy 1931 USA 75
24964 23742 Itam Hakim, Hopiit Masayesva Jr., Victor 1984 USA 58
24965 Blood's Tone Brakhage, Stan 1965 USA
24966 23031 Pin Up Girl Humberstone, H. Bruce 1944 USA 83
24967 Mother's Day Broughton, James 1948 USA 22
24968 23540 Fatty's Tintype Tangle Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty' 1915 USA 20
24969 23811 Sayonara Logan, Joshua 1957 USA 147
24970 23033 Serpentine Dance, Annabelle White, James H. 1897 USA
24971 Sexual Meditation: Room with View Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 4
24972 23689 P'tang, Yang, Kipperbang [TV] Apted, Michael 1982 UK 80
24973 23029 Walker, The Schrader, Paul 2006 UK 108
24974 23654 Behind Every Good Man Elliot, Nick 1966 USA 8
24975 Oz: The Tin Woodman's Dream Smith, Harry 1967 USA 15
24976 Number 14: Late Superimpositions Smith, Harry 1964 USA 30
24977 Blazes Breer, Robert 1961 USA 3
24978 23664 Notes on the Port of St. Francis Stauffacher, Frank 1951 USA 23
24979 23408 Daughter of Shanghai Florey, Robert 1937 USA 63
24980 23407 Great Man, The Ferrer, Jose 1956 USA 92
24981 23444 Love Goulding, Edmund 1927 USA 96
24982 23530 Time and Dreams Jordan, Mort 1976 USA 51
24983 23019 Making of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jaws’, The Bouzereau, Laurent 1995 USA 125
24984 23605 Pups is Pups McGowan, Robert F. 1930 USA 20
24985 23415 One Night of Love Schertzinger, Victor 1934 USA 80
24986 23023 In One Breath: Alexander Sokurov's Russian Ark Elstermann, Knut 2003 Germany 44
24987 23411 Ella Cinders Green, Alfred E. 1926 USA 60
24988 No President Smith, Jack 1969 USA 50
24989 23048 Men Who Made the Movies: Howard Hawks, The [TV] Schickel, Richard 1973 USA 57
24990 23034 Tiefland Riefenstahl, Leni 1954 Germany 98
24991 Sausalito Stauffacher, Frank 1948 USA 11
24992 23040 Plane Crazy Disney, Walt & Ub Iwerks 1928 USA 6
24993 23036 Mausam Gulzar 1975 India 156
24994 23783 Hatful of Rain, A Zinnemann, Fred 1957 USA 109
24995 Woman, A Chaplin, Charles 1915 USA 26
24996 23037 I Flunked, But… Ozu, Yasujiro 1930 Japan 65
24997 23685 Julius Caesar Bradley, David 1950 USA 106
24998 23653 Mingus Reichman, Thomas 1968 USA 58
24999 23656 John Henry and the Inky-Poo Pal, George 1946 USA 7
25000 23652 Manzanar Nakamura, Robert A. 1971 USA
25001 Diploteratology Land, Owen 1978 USA 7
25002 23579 Tess of the Storm Country Porter, Edwin S. 1914 USA 80
25003 Andy Warhol Menken, Marie 1965 USA 22
25004 Sexual Meditation No. 1: Motel Brakhage, Stan 1970 USA 6
25005 23541 Memphis Belle, The Wyler, William 1944 USA 45
25006 23568 Modesta Doniger, Benjamin 1956 USA 35
25007 23542 All My Babies Stoney, George C. 1953 USA 55
25008 Glen Falls Sequence Crockwell, Douglass 1946
25009 Daybreak Brakhage, Stan 1957 USA
25010 Whiteye Brakhage, Stan 1957 USA
25011 23024 House with Closed Shutters, The Griffith, D.W. & G.W. Bitzer 1910 USA 18
25012 Bardo Follies Land, Owen 1967 USA 20
25013 Remeadial Reading Comprehension Land, Owen 1970 USA 5
25014 Institutional Quality Land, Owen 1969 USA 5
25015 Of Blood, Of Pleasure and of Death Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1948 USA 70
25016 23548 OffOn Bartlett, Scott 1968 USA 9
25017 23427 Mouthpiece, The Flood, James & Elliott Nugent 1932 USA 90
25018 23426 Little Miss Marker Hall, Alexander 1934 USA 80
25019 23545 From Stump to Ship Ames, Alfred & Howard Kahn 1930 USA 30
25020 23544 Melody Ranch Santley, Joseph 1940 USA 84
25021 Psyche Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1948
25022 23645 I am Joaquin Valdez, Luis 1969 Mexico 20
25023 23546 Chulas Fronteras Blank, Les 1976 USA 58
25024 23717 Question of Attribution, A [TV] Schlesinger, John 1992 UK 70
25025 23649 Red Book Geiser, Janie 1994
25026 23684 Stark Love Brown, Karl 1927 USA 70
25027 23646 Hot Dogs for Gauguin Brest, Martin 1972 USA 22
25028 23663 Precious Images Workman, Chuck 1986 USA 8
25029 23699 Study in Reds, A Bennett, Miriam 1932
25030 Lights Menken, Marie 1966 USA 6
25031 Arabesque for Kenneth Anger Menken, Marie 1961 USA 5
25032 23686 Maclovia Fernández, Emilio 1948 Mexico 105
25033 23716 So's Your Old Man La Cava, Gregory 1926 USA 67
25034 Fire of Waters Brakhage, Stan 1965 USA 10
25035 23713 Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB Lucas, George 1967 USA 15
25036 Vein Brakhage, Stan 1965 USA
25037 23675 Longford [TV] Hooper, Tom 2006 UK 93
25038 23677 Monty Python's Flying Circus [TV Series] MacNaughton, Ian & John Howard Davies 1974 UK 1350
25039 Chumlum Rice, Ron 1964 USA 26
25040 Rhythm Lye, Len 1953
25041 Songs 28-30 Brakhage, Stan 1968-69
25042 Mosaic in Trust Kubelka, Peter 1955 Austria 16
25043 Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof Kuchar, George & Mike Kuchar 1963 USA 8
25044 Tootsies in Autumn Kuchar, Mike 1963 USA 12
25045 Lovemaking Brakhage, Stan 1968 USA 36
25046 23570 Evidence of the Film Marston, Lawrence & Edwin Thanhouser 1913 USA 15
25047 Tusalava Lye, Len 1929 UK 9
25048 Western History Brakhage, Stan 1971 USA 8
25049 23594 Roberto Succo Kahn, Cédric 2001 France 124
25050 23598 Scorta, La Tognazzi, Ricky 1993 Italy 92
25051 23839 To Die For Litten, Peter Mackenzie 1994 UK 101
25052 Color Sound Frames Sharits, Paul 1974 USA 27
25053 23372 Tevye Schwartz, Maurice 1939 USA 96
25054 23400 Romeo and Juliet Cukor, George 1936 USA 126
25055 Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision Mock, Freida Lee 1994 USA 96
25056 23380 Down Argentine Way Cummings, Irving 1940 USA 90
25057 23855 Mary Reilly Frears, Stephen 1996 USA 108
25058 23553 Verbena Tragica Lamont, Charles 1939 USA 75
25059 23030 Follow the Boys Sutherland, A. Edward 1944 USA 122
25060 23581 Blacksmith Scene Dickson, W.K.L. 1893 USA 1
25061 23816 Taxing Woman's Return, A Itami, Juzo 1988 Japan 127
25062 23818 Love in Germany, A Wajda, Andrzej 1984 Germany 110
25063 23526 Wobblies, The Bird, Stewart & Deborah Shaffer 1979 USA 89
25064 23028 Labyrinth of Passion Almodóvar, Pedro 1982 Spain 100
25065 23889 Plenty Schepisi, Fred 1985 USA 124
25066 23899 Boulevard Nights Pressman, Michael 1979 USA 102
25067 23793 One Potato, Two Potato Peerce, Larry 1964 USA 92
25068 23878 Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman Godmilow, Jill 1974 USA 58
25069 23755 Land That Time Forgot, The Connor, Kevin 1975 UK 90
25070 Machine of Eden, The Brakhage, Stan 1970 USA 14
25071 Weir-Falcon Saga, The Brakhage, Stan 1970 USA 30
25072 23609 Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man, The Pickering, Mimi 1975 USA 40
25073 23613 Why Man Creates Bass, Saul 1968 USA 29
25074 23604 Kannapolis, N.C. Waters, H. Lee 1941 USA 137
25075 23627 Duck and Cover Rizzo, Anthony 1951 USA 9
25076 23591 Power of the Press, The Capra, Frank 1928 USA 62
25077 23610 Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport Harris, Mark Jonathan 2000 UK 122
25078 23608 Chechahcos, The Moomaw, Lewis H. 1924 USA 87
25079 Swain Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1950 USA 24
25080 Saugus Series O'Neill, Pat 1974 USA 18
25081 23587 Clash of the Wolves Smith, Noel M. 1925 USA 74
25082 Contrathemis Grant, Dwinell 1941
25083 23592 From the Manger to the Cross Olcott, Sidney 1912 USA 60
25084 Thank You Jesus for the Eternal Present Land, Owen 1973 USA 6
25085 23624 Jam Session Berne, Josef 1942 USA 3
25086 23616 Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther Dowidat, Esther & Raymond Dowidat 1939 USA 14
25087 23625 Trance and Dance in Bali Bateson, Gregory & Margaret Mead 1952 USA 22
25088 23582 Bronx Morning, A Leyda, Jay 1931 USA 11
25089 23585 Westinghouse Works, Panorama View Street Car Motor Room Bitzer, G.W. 1904 USA 6
25090 23584 Making of an American Hedlund, Guy 1920 USA 14
25091 23395 Sky High Reynolds, Lynn 1922 USA 51
25092 23445 Temptress, The Niblo, Fred 1926 USA 117
25093 Eros, O Basileus Markopoulos, Gregory J. 1967 USA 45
25094 23618 To Fly! Freeman, Jim 1976 USA 27
25095 Cosmos Belson, Jordan 1969 USA 7
25096 23017 24 Realities per Second Kusturica, Nina & Eva Testor 2005 Austria 58
25097 Harlot Warhol, Andy 1965 USA 70
25098 23420 Emigrants Landing at Ellis Island Abadie, A.C. 1903 USA 2
25099 23418 Bread Park, Ida May 1918 USA
25100 23417 Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition to Crow Agency Dixon, Joseph K. & Roland Dixon 1908 USA 26
25101 Reflections on Black Brakhage, Stan 1955 USA 12
25102 Phenomena Belson, Jordan 1968 USA 7
25103 23416 Girl Without a Soul, The Collins, John H. 1917 USA 50
25104 Gnir Rednow Cornell, Joseph 1955 USA 6
25105 World Belson, Jordan 1970 USA 6
25106 Aviary Burckhardt, Rudy & Joseph Cornell 1955 USA 14
25107 Chakra Belson, Jordan 1972 USA 8
25108 23404 Hair Piece: A Film for Nappyheaded People Chenzira, Ayoka 1984 USA 10
25109 Momentum Belson, Jordan 1968 USA 6
25110 Flesh of Morning Brakhage, Stan 1956 USA 22
25111 Lighted Field, The Noren, Andrew 1987 USA 62
25112 Loving Brakhage, Stan 1957 USA 6
25113 23658 Unmasked Cunard, Grace & Francis Ford 1917 USA
25114 23026 Love and Crime Ishii, Teruo 1969 Japan 92
25115 23666 Humoresque Borzage, Frank 1920 USA 60
25116 Meditation Belson, Jordan 1972 USA 7
25117 Old House, Passing, The Jordan, Larry 1967 USA 45
25118 Color Sequence Grant, Dwinell 1943 USA 2
25119 23421 Jubilo Badger, Clarence G. 1919 USA 66
25120 Stop Motion Tests Grant, Dwinell 1942 USA 3
25121 23611 March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany Glenn, Jack 1938 USA 16
25122 Duo Concertantes Jordan, Larry 1964 USA 9
25123 23423 Evergreen Manzarek, Ray 1965 USA 12
25124 23422 Flowers and Trees Gillett, Burt 1932 USA 8
25125 Death in the Forenoon Hill, Jerome 1966 USA 2
25126 23419 George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute Alexander, C. Allen 1937 USA 12
25127 Bells of Atlantis Hugo, Ian 1952 USA 12
25128 Film Exercises 1-5 Whitney, John & James Whitney 1943-45 USA 22
25129 Cruisin' J-Town Kubo, Diane 1972 USA 30
25130 Movie Trip Through Filmland, A Fenton, Paul 1921 USA 4
25131 We're Alive Gleason, Michie/Christine Lesiak/Kathy Levitt 1974 USA 49
25132 Reverberation Gehr, Ernie 1969 USA 23
25133 Bohulano Family Film Collection Bohulano, Concepcion & Delfin Bohulano 1950-78 USA
25134 23812 Chicana Morales, Sylvia 1979 USA 23
25135 Nymphlight Burckhardt, Rudy & Joseph Cornell 1957 USA 8
25136 Fable for Fountains Cornell, Joseph 1957 USA 16
25137 Angel Cornell, Joseph 1957 USA 3
25138 Canaries, The Hill, Jerome 1969 USA 4
25139 23634 Cry of the Children, The Nichols, George 1912 USA 29
25140 23636 Newark Athlete Dickson, W.K.L. 1891 USA
25141 23635 Parable Forsberg, Rolf & Tom Rook 1964 USA 20
25142 23632 Computer Animated Hand, A Catmull, Ed 1972 USA 1
25143 23639 Bargain, The Barker, Reginald 1914 USA 70
25144 23668 Men and Dust Dick, Lee 1940 USA 16
25145 23022 What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City Porter, Edwin S. & George S. Fleming 1901 USA 1
25146 23025 Moon at Arm's Length, The Méliès, Georges 1898 France 3
25147 23637 Negro Soldier, The Heisler, Stuart 1944 USA 43
25148 23633 Cure for Pokeritis, A Trimble, Laurence 1912 USA 13
25149 23661 They Call it Pro Football Sabol, Steve 1966 USA
25150 23638 Uncle Tom's Cabin Daly, William Robert 1914 USA 54
25151 Gymnopedies Jordan, Larry 1965 USA 6
25152 23640 Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair, The Snody, Robert R. 1939 USA 55
25153 23669 Moon Breath Beat Bechtold, Lisze 1980 USA 5
25154 23670 Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests Capstaff, John 1922
25155 23018 Robert and Beltran Mack, Max 1915 Germany
25156 23027 Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge Le Prince, Louis Aime Augustin 1888 UK
25157 23671 Augustas, The Nixon, Scott 1930 18
25158 23672 Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia Bruno, Ellen 1990 USA
25159 23630 One Survivor Remembers Antholis, Kary 1996 USA 39
25160 23052 Sunshine State Sayles, John 2002 USA 140
25161 22975 Dark Mirror, The Siodmak, Robert 1946 USA 85
25162 23078 Twisted Nerve Boulting, Roy 1968 UK 118
25163 23080 Kinsey Condon, Bill 2004 USA 118
25164 23086 Innocents with Dirty Hands Chabrol, Claude 1975 France 102
25165 23090 Made for Each Other Cromwell, John 1939 USA 93
25166 23089 Three Faces of Eve, The Johnson, Nunnally 1957 USA 91
25167 23088 Tomorrow Anthony, Joseph 1972 USA 103
25168 23093 Dust Be My Destiny Seiler, Lewis 1939 USA 88
25169 22977 Among the Living Heisler, Stuart 1941 USA 68
25170 23117 Patterns Cook, Fielder 1956 USA 83
25171 23121 Algiers Cromwell, John 1938 USA 95
25172 23120 You Were Never Lovelier Seiter, William A. 1942 USA 97
25173 22979 Knock on Any Door Ray, Nicholas 1949 USA 100
25174 22983 Fourteen Hours Hathaway, Henry 1951 USA 92
25175 23160 Svengali Mayo, Archie 1931 USA 82
25176 23190 Tarantula Arnold, Jack 1955 USA 80
25177 23205 Magical Mystery Tour, The [TV] Knowles, Bernard & The Beatles 1967 UK 55
25178 23219 Beau James Shavelson, Melville 1957 USA 105
25179 23221 Upside of Anger, The Binder, Mike 2004 Germany 117
25180 23224 Bird of Paradise Vidor, King 1932 USA 80
25181 23230 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Mostow, Jonathan 2003 Germany 109
25182 23238 Igby Goes Down Steers, Burr 2002 USA 97
25183 23245 Playboys, The MacKinnon, Gillies 1992 UK 110
25184 23250 Anna Karenina Wright, Joe 2012 UK 129
25185 23248 Sudden Impact Eastwood, Clint 1983 USA 117
25186 23280 Dementia 13 Coppola, Francis Ford 1963 USA 81
25187 23288 Mouse That Roared, The Arnold, Jack 1959 UK 83
25188 23295 Cop Harris, James B. 1988 USA 110
25189 23297 Two for the Seesaw Wise, Robert 1962 USA 119
25190 23291 Room Service Seiter, William A. 1938 USA 78
25191 23306 Day the World Ended Corman, Roger 1956 USA 82
25192 23309 Move Over, Darling Gordon, Michael 1963 USA 103
25193 23325 Project X Kaplan, Jonathan 1987 USA 108
25194 23323 Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street Fuller, Samuel 1972 Germany 102
25195 23329 tom thumb Pal, George 1958 USA 98
25196 23333 Secret Six, The Hill, George 1931 USA 83
25197 23335 Hell's Angels on Wheels Rush, Richard 1967 USA 95
25198 23334 Pardners Taurog, Norman 1956 USA 90
25199 Man on a Swing Perry, Frank 1974 USA 110
25200 Blame it on Rio Donen, Stanley 1984 USA 100
25201 23344 Caddy, The Taurog, Norman 1953 USA 95
25202 23348 Tall Guy, The Smith, Mel 1989 UK 90
25203 23349 Cold Mountain Minghella, Anthony 2003 USA 155
25204 23352 Butterfly Cimber, Matt 1981 Canada 107
25205 23354 Dark at the Top of the Stairs, The Mann, Delbert 1960 USA 123
25206 Sugarbaby Adlon, Percy 1985 Germany 87
25207 23356 Raggedy Man Fisk, Jack 1981 USA 94
25208 23355 Marlene Schell, Maximillian 1984 Germany 96
25209 23358 Barretts of Wimpole Street, The Franklin, Sidney 1934 USA 110
25210 23359 Boy Who Could Fly, The Castle, Nick 1986 USA 114
25211 23365 Frances Clifford, Graeme 1982 USA 140
25212 23367 Mambo Kings, The Glimcher, Arne 1992 USA 104
25213 23368 Rock Around the Clock Sears, Fred F. 1956 USA 77
25214 23369 Neighbors Avildsen, John G. 1981 USA 94
25215 aloha, bobby and rose Mutrux, Floyd 1975 USA 85
25216 Fan, The Bianchi, Edward 1981 USA 95
25217 23370 Fade to Black Zimmerman, Vernon 1980 USA 100
25218 23371 Other Side of Midnight, The Jarrott, Charles 1977 USA 165
25219 Fabulous Baron Munchausen, The Zeman, Karel 1962 Czechoslovakia 84
25220 23768 Rock, Rock, Rock! Price, Will 1956 USA 83
25221 23804 That Touch of Mink Mann, Delbert 1962 USA 99
25222 23790 They Saved Hitler's Brain Bradley, David 1963 USA 74
25223 23810 Atom Age Vampire Majano, Anton Giulio 1961 Italy 87
25224 23809 Paradise Alley Haas, Hugo 1961 USA 85
25225 23800 Hell to Eternity Karlson, Phil 1960 USA 132
25226 23769 Tarzan's Greatest Adventure Guillermin, John 1959 UK 88
25227 23808 Once Before I Die Derek, John 1965 USA 97
25228 23771 Hellcats of the Navy Juran, Nathan 1957 USA 82
25229 23772 Attack of the Giant Leeches Corman, Roger 1959 USA 62
25230 Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp Fleischer, Dave 1939 USA 22
25231 23726 Invasion of the Bee Girls Sanders, Denis 1973 USA 85
25232 23795 Thin Red Line, The Marton, Andrew 1964 USA 99
25233 23732 I Drink Your Blood Durston, David E. 1970 USA 88
25234 23724 Quackser Fortune Has A Cousin in the Bronx/Fun Loving Hussein, Waris 1970 Ireland 90
25235 23729 Ciao! Manhattan Palmer, John 1972 USA 84
25236 Domo Arigato Oboler, Arch 1973 USA 91
25237 23736 Too Late the Hero Aldrich, Robert 1970 USA 133
25238 Farewell Uncle Tom Jacopetti, Gualtiero & Franco Prosperi 1971 Italy 128
25239 23721 1776 Hunt, Peter H. 1972 USA 141
25240 23727 Cry Uncle! Avildsen, John G. 1971 USA 87
25241 23738 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Clark, Bob 1972 USA 87
25242 23728 Baby Maker, The Bridges, James 1970 USA 109
25243 23730 Groupies Dorfman, Ron 1970 USA 80
25244 Me and My Brother Frank, Robert 1969 USA 95
25245 23723 Big Doll House, The Hill, Jack 1971 USA 93
25246 Maidstone Mailer, Norman 1970 USA 110
25247 23754 Hercules in New York Seidelman, Arthur Allan 1970 USA 91
25248 23743 Gambit Neame, Ronald 1966 USA 109
25249 23764 Free Woman, A Schlöndorff, Volker 1972 Germany 100
25250 Rider on the Rain Clément, René 1970 France 115
25251 Lettre pour L… Goupil, Romain 1993 France 100
25252 23794 American Dream, An Gist, Robert 1966 USA 103
25253 23801 Father Goose Nelson, Ralph 1964 USA 115
25254 23799 Cold Wind in August, A Singer, Alexander 1961 USA 80
25255 Fool Killer, The González, Servando 1965 USA 100
25256 23813 Who's Minding the Mint? Morris, Howard 1967 USA 97
25257 23798 Terror, The Corman, Roger 1963 USA 81
25258 23797 Quare Fellow, The Dreifuss, Arthur 1962 Ireland 85
25259 We Still Kill the Old Way Petri, Elio 1967 Italy 92
25260 23792 Gunn Edwards, Blake 1967 USA 94
25261 23805 Beach Party Asher, William 1963 USA 101
25262 23777 Eegah Hall Sr., Arch 1963 USA 92
25263 23796 Arabesque Donen, Stanley 1966 USA 105
25264 23737 She-Beast, The Reeves, Michael 1966 Italy 74
25265 1991=HERE Kobrin, Vladimir 1991 17
25266 23740 Creeping Terror, The Nelson, Arthur 1964 USA 75
25267 23739 Hurry Sundown Preminger, Otto 1967 USA 142
25268 23741 Comic, The Reiner, Carl 1969 USA 94
25269 23735 100 Rifles Gries, Tom 1969 USA 110
25270 23756 Prize, The Robson, Mark 1963 USA 136
25271 Doomed Love Horn, Andrew 1984 USA 75
25272 23414 Kennel Murder Case, The Curtiz, Michael 1933 USA 73
25273 You and Me Shepitko, Larisa 1971 USSR 97
25274 Dance of the Seven Veils [TV] Russell, Ken 1970 UK 59
25275 Cut-Throats Nine Marchent, Joaquín Luis Romero 1972 Spain 90
25276 Cry Dr. Chicago Manupelli, George 1971 USA 98
25277 23383 Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The Sturges, Preston 1947 USA 90
25278 So Fine Bergman, Andrew 1981 USA 91
25279 23412 Dance, Fools, Dance Beaumont, Harry 1931 USA 81
25280 23765 Kansas City Bomber Freedman, Jerrold 1972 USA 99
25281 Energy and How to Get It Frank, Robert 1981 USA 30
25282 23374 Terror of Tiny Town, The Newfield, Sam 1938 USA 63
25283 Emmanuelle 5 Borowczyk, Walerian 1987 France 85
25284 23428 Strike Up the Band Berkeley, Busby 1940 USA 120
25285 Cinéastes de notre temps: Jean Vigo [TV] Rozier, Jacques 1964 France 94
25286 Claro Rocha, Glauber 1975 Italy 111
25287 This Side of Paradise Mekas, Jonas 1999 USA 35
25288 23405 Criminal Code, The Hawks, Howard 1931 USA 95
25289 Daughter of the Dragon Corrigan, Lloyd 1931 USA 72
25290 23439 Theodora Goes Wild Boleslawski, Richard 1936 USA 94
25291 23434 Sanders of the River Korda, Zoltan 1935 UK 98
25292 23443 Folies Bergere/The Man from the Folies Bergere Del Ruth, Roy 1935 USA 84
25293 23441 She Married Her Boss La Cava, Gregory 1935 USA 90
25294 Virgin's Bed, The Garrel, Philippe 1969 France 114
25295 23442 Rome Express, The Forde, Walter 1932 UK 94
25296 Promises Written in Water Gallo, Vincent 2010 USA 75
25297 23446 Beachcomber, The/Vessel of Wrath Pommer, Erich 1938 UK 92
25298 23425 Little Princess, The Lang, Walter 1939 USA 91
25299 23433 Cimarron Ruggles, Wesley 1931 USA 124
25300 23432 Think Fast, Mr. Moto Foster, Norman 1937 USA 66
25301 23424 Cocaine Fiends, The O'Connor, William A. 1936 USA 68
25302 Board and Care Ellis, Ron 1980 USA 27
25303 23382 Dark Journey Saville, Victor 1937 UK 82
25304 23534 Happy Time, The Fleischer, Richard 1952 USA 94
25305 Chafed Elbows Downey Sr., Robert 1966 USA 63
25306 Dehors-dedans Fleischer, Alain 1975 France 80
25307 23488 Wild Zero Takeuchi, Tetsuro 1999 Japan 98
25308 23489 Retroactive Morneau, Louis 1997 USA 91
25309 Audition Zwartjes, Frans 1973 Netherlands 38
25310 23497 Five Oboler, Arch 1951 USA 93
25311 23461 Senator Was Indiscreet, The Kaufman, George S. 1947 USA 81
25312 23481 Rocket Ship X-M Neumann, Kurt 1950 USA 77
25313 23528 Symphonie Pastorale, La Delannoy, Jean 1946 France 105
25314 23009 Jail Bait Wood Jr., Edward D. 1954 USA 71
25315 23435 Monolith Monsters, The Sherwood, John 1957 USA 77
25316 23786 Go, Johnny, Go! Landres, Paul 1958 USA 75
25317 23776 I Bury the Living Band, Albert 1958 USA 76
25318 23784 Bachelor Party, The Mann, Delbert 1957 USA 93
25319 23778 Queen of Outer Space Bernds, Edward 1958 USA 79
25320 23470 Bride of the Monster Wood Jr., Edward D. 1955 USA 69
25321 Biopotentials Kobrin, Vladimir 1988 28
25322 23774 White Wilderness Algar, James 1958 USA 73
25323 Soul-Fire Robertson, John S. 1925 USA 88
25324 Submit to Me Kern, Richard 1985 USA 12
25325 23377 Kipps Reed, Carol 1941 UK 82
25326 Songs for Swinging Larvae Whifler, Graeme 1981 6
25327 23391 Tin Pan Alley Lang, Walter 1940 USA 94
25328 23451 Inspector General, The Koster, Henry 1949 USA 102
25329 Blind Beast vs Dwarf Ishii, Teruo 2001 Japan 95
25330 Câncer Rocha, Glauber 1972 Brazil 86
25331 Beat This!: A Hip Hop History [TV] Fontaine, Dick 1984 UK 60
25332 Female Vampire Franco, Jesús 1973 France 82
25333 23509 Naughty Nineties, The Yarbrough, Jean 1945 USA 76
25334 Oshibki yunosti Frumin, Boris 1978 USSR 87
25335 Falconhead Part II: The Maneaters Zen, Michael 1984 USA 65
25336 23520 Spitfire/The First of the Few Howard, Leslie 1942 UK 117
25337 23398 Mighty Joe Young Schoedsack, Ernest B. 1949 USA 94
25338 23644 Il Mare Lee Hyun-seung 2000 South Korea 105
25339 Runner Owen, Don 1963 Canada 11
25340 Story of Richard O, The Odoul, Damien 2007 France 75
25341 23712 Foot Fist Way, The Hill, Jody 2008 USA
25342 23711 Jew Suss Mendes, Lothar 1934 UK 105
25343 23715 Blindness Meirelles, Fernando 2008 Canada 121
25344 23703 Camille 2000 Metzger, Radley 1969 Italy 115
25345 23704 Little American, The DeMille, Cecil B. 1917 USA 80
25346 23720 Running Out of Time To, Johnnie 1999 Hong Kong 93
25347 Wodaabe: Herdsmen of the Sun [TV] Herzog, Werner 1989 France 52
25348 23719 Soong Sisters, The Cheung, Mabel 1997 Hong Kong 145
25349 23643 Angels in the Dust Hogarth, Louise 2007 South Africa 95
25350 Antonio Gaudi Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1984 Japan 72
25351 23647 Remember Me Muccino, Gabriele 2003 Italy 125
25352 23681 Bitter Harvest Scott, Peter Graham 1963 UK 91
25353 23642 Art & Copy Pray, Doug 2009 USA 89
25354 23641 Long Hair of Death, The Margheriti, Antonio 1964 Italy 100
25355 23628 Point Blank Cavayé, Fred 2010 France 84
25356 23631 Teaserama Klaw, Irving 1955 USA 69
25357 Laura Hamilton, David 1979 France 95
25358 Hell of a Note, A Pennell, Eagle 1977 USA 28
25359 Chinese Boxes Petit, Christopher 1984 UK 87
25360 Night in Nude, A Ishii, Takashi 1993 Japan 110
25361 Himiko Shinoda, Masahiro 1974 Japan 100
25362 Narcissus and Psyche Bódy, Gábor 1980 Hungary 261
25363 Szamanka Żuławski, Andrzej 1996 Poland 110
25364 23904 Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, The Gessner, Nicolas 1976 Canada 94
25365 23648 Love on a Diet To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai 2001 Hong Kong 94
25366 23551 Drive-In Massacre Segall, Stu 1976 USA 72
25367 23614 Camp Graff, Todd 2003 USA
25368 23623 King of the Cowboys Kane, Joseph 1943 USA 67
25369 23619 Immoral Mr. Teas, The Meyer, Russ 1959 USA 63
25370 23622 Those Wonderful Movie Cranks Menzel, Jirí 1978 Czechoslovakia 90
25371 23615 Mondo Trasho Waters, John 1969 USA 95
25372 23606 Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers! Meyer, Russ 1968 USA 71
25373 23621 Fantasticks, The Ritchie, Michael 2000 USA 86
25374 23535 So Close Yuen, Corey 2002 Hong Kong 110
25375 23626 Quiet Wedding Asquith, Anthony 1941 UK 80
25376 23572 Inheritors, The Bannert, Walter 1982 Austria 97
25377 23557 Nada Chabrol, Claude 1974 France 132
25378 23697 Hamlet Gade, Sven & Heinz Schall 1921 Germany 131
25379 23543 Vortex B., Beth & Scott B. 1982 USA 90
25380 Running Fence Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin 1977 USA 58
25381 23549 Ballad of Jack & Rose, The Miller, Rebecca 2004 USA 112
25382 23554 Born to Fight Rittikrai, Panna 2004 Thailand 95
25383 23538 Losers, The/Nam's Angels Starrett, Jack 1970 USA 95
25384 23576 Friday the Thirteenth Saville, Victor 1933 UK 89
25385 23564 Cherry, Harry & Raquel! Meyer, Russ 1970 USA 71
25386 23563 Broadway: The Golden Age McKay, Rick 2003 USA 111
25387 23567 Baby Love Reid, Alastair 1969 UK 93
25388 23536 Common Law Cabin Meyer, Russ 1967 USA 69
25389 23629 Blood Sucking Freaks/The Incredible Torture Show Reed, Joel M. 1976 USA 91
25390 23687 Visitor, The McCarthy, Tom 2007 USA 106
25391 23696 Aile ou la cuisse, L' Zidi, Claude 1976 France 104
25392 Violent Naples Lenzi, Umberto 1976 Italy 95
25393 23550 Snuff Findlay, Michael/Roberta Findlay/Horacio Fredriksson 1976 Argentina 80
25394 Adj király katonát Erdöss, Pál 1983 Hungary 113
25395 Lisova pisnya. Mavka Ilyenko, Yuri 1981 USSR 83
25396 Lidé z hor Spáta, Jan 1968 Czechoslovakia 27
25397 Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door [TV] Frears, Stephen 1988 UK 50
25398 Oj! Nie moge sie zatrzymac! Rybczynski, Zbigniew 1976 Poland 10
25399 Paradaisu byu Takamine, Go 1985 Japan 113
25400 Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves Fleischer, Dave 1937 USA 17
25401 Population: 1 Daalder, Rene 1986 USA 72
25402 I'm a Stranger Here Myself Helpern, David 1974 USA 60
25403 Ironmaster Lenzi, Umberto 1983 Italy 93
25404 It’s Me Zwartjes, Frans 1976 Netherlands 68
25405 Izo Miike, Takashi 2004 Japan 128
25406 Madame Wang's Morrissey, Paul 1981 USA 98
25407 Primary Photobiological Processes Kobrin, Vladimir 1988 19
25408 Helmut Newton: Frames from the Edge Maben, Adrian 1989 West Germany 99
25409 Zang-e Tafrih Kiarostami, Abbas 1972 Iran 11
25410 Road Movie Strick, Joseph 1974 USA 88
25411 Arc, The Tregenza, Rob 1991 USA 96
25412 Telokhranitel Khamraev, Ali 1979 USSR 90
25413 Shiiku Oshima, Nagisa 1961 Japan 105
25414 Hamsarayan Kiarostami, Abbas 1982 Iran 17
25415 Squadra antiscippo Corbucci, Bruno 1976 Italy 93
25416 End of August at the Hotel Ozone, The Schmidt, Jan 1967 Czechoslovakia 77
25417 Tadjrebeh Kiarostami, Abbas 1973 Iran 53
25418 Unstrap Me Kuchar, George 1968 USA 78
25419 Who is Sonny Rollins? Fontaine, Dick 1968 Canada 28
25420 Lutte, La Brault, Michel/Marcel Carrière/Claude Fournier/Claude Jutra 1961 Canada 28
25421 Cinéastes de notre temps: D'un silence l'autre [TV] Labarthe, André S. 1967 France 50
25422 Train Stop, The Loznitsa, Sergei 2000 Russia 25
25423 Ruslan and Ludmila Ptushko, Aleksandr 1972 USSR 150
25424 Savage Man Savage Beast Climati, Antonio & Mario Morra 1975 Italy 94
25425 Szörnyek évadja Jancsó, Miklós 1987 Hungary 100
25426 Self-Organization of Biological Systems Kobrin, Vladimir 1989 20
25427 Sceny narciarskie z Franzem Klammerem Dziworski, Bogdan/Gerald Kargl/Zbigniew Rybczynski 1980 Poland 21
25428 Summer Soldiers Teshigahara, Hiroshi 1972 Japan 107
25429 Sweet Toronto Pennebaker, D.A. 1971 USA 56
25430 Home Sweet Home [TV] Leigh, Mike 1982 UK 89
25431 Kyanq Peleshian, Artavazd 1993 Armenia 7
25432 Lifespan Whitelaw, Sandy 1975 Netherlands 77
25433 Little Richard: Keep on Rockin' Pennebaker, D.A. 1973 USA 26
25434 Chelovek ukhodit za ptitsami Khamraev, Ali 1976 USSR 87
25435 Cérémonie d'amour Borowczyk, Walerian 1987 France 97
25436 23603 Doctor of Doom Cardona, René 1963 Mexico 77
25437 Posledniy son Anatoliya Vasilievicha Kobrin, Vladimir 1990 USSR 43
25438 Outsider, The Tarr, Béla 1981 Hungary 122
25439 Eto loshadi Okeev, Tolomush 1965 USSR 10
25440 Tiger on the Beat Liu Chia-Liang 1988 Hong Kong 93
25441 Times For Dwoskin, Stephen 1970 UK 80
25442 Tisza-öszi vázlatok Gaál, István 1963 Hungary 17
25443 Trésor des îles chiennes, Le Ossang, F.J. 1990 France 108
25444 White Castle, The van der Keuken, Johan 1973 Netherlands 78
25445 Two Tons of Turquoise to Taos Tonight Downey Sr., Robert 1975 USA 85
25446 Universal Soldier Endfield, Cy 1971 UK 94
25447 Guns Kramer, Robert 1980 France 90
25448 Blood is Sex Izumiya, Shigeru 1982 Japan 50
25449 Viva la vie Lelouch, Claude 1984 France 106
25450 23867 Underground U.S.A. Mitchell, Eric 1980 USA 85
25451 23583 Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The Care, Peter 2002 USA 104
25452 23863 Switchblade Sisters Hill, Jack 1975 USA 91
25453 23875 Shoot Hart, Harvey 1976 Canada 98
25454 Almost Human Lenzi, Umberto 1974 Italy 92
25455 23874 Klansman, The Young, Terence 1974 USA 112
25456 23873 Tattoo Brooks, Bob 1981 USA 103
25457 23876 Pipe Dreams Verona, Stephen 1976 USA 89
25458 23865 Carny Kaylor, Robert 1980 USA 107
25459 23872 Adventures of the Wilderness Family, The Raffill, Stewart 1975 USA 100
25460 23870 Personals, The Markle, Peter 1981 USA 88
25461 Forbidden World Holzman, Allan 1982 USA 86
25462 23883 Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold Bail, Charles 1975 USA 96
25463 23868 Tracks Jaglom, Henry 1976 USA 92
25464 Little Romance, A Hill, George Roy 1979 USA 108
25465 23862 Why Shoot the Teacher? Narizzano, Silvio 1977 Canada 101
25466 23866 Certain Sacrifice, A Lewicki, Stephen Jon 1985 USA 60
25467 23006 Sharky's Machine Reynolds, Burt 1981 USA 122
25468 23901 Jabberwocky Gilliam, Terry 1977 UK 100
25469 23864 Squirm Lieberman, Jeff 1976 USA 92
25470 23903 Black Sunday Frankenheimer, John 1977 USA 143
25471 Luci lontane Chiesa, Aurelio 1987 Italy 89
25472 23902 Deadly Blessing Craven, Wes 1981 USA 102
25473 Black Emperor Yanagimachi, Mitsuo 1976 Japan 90
25474 Jekyll & Hyde... Together Again Belson, Jerry 1982 USA 87
25475 23900 Force of One, A Aaron, Paul 1979 USA 90
25476 Soldier, The Glickenhaus, James 1982 USA 96
25477 23896 Ritz, The Lester, Richard 1976 USA 91
25478 23749 Jackson County Jail Miller, Michael 1976 USA 89
25479 23760 Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny and Girly Francis, Freddie 1970 UK 101
25480 23725 Joe Avildsen, John G. 1970 USA 107
25481 23763 Out of It Williams, Paul 1969 USA 95
25482 23762 Cannibal Girls Reitman, Ivan 1973 Canada 84
25483 23745 End, The Reynolds, Burt 1978 USA 100
25484 23791 Macon County Line Compton, Richard 1974 USA 89
25485 23746 Crazy Mama Demme, Jonathan 1975 USA 82
25486 23747 England Made Me Duffell, Peter 1973 UK 100
25487 23906 Possession of Joel Delaney, The Hussein, Waris 1972 USA 105
25488 23757 Yum-Yum Girls, The Rosen, Barry 1976 USA 93
25489 23750 Made for Each Other Bean, Robert B. 1971 USA 107
25490 23861 Stardust Apted, Michael 1975 UK 97
25491 23766 Arruza Boetticher, Budd 1972 USA 75
25492 23895 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Nimoy, Leonard 1984 USA 105
25493 23752 Big Bad Mama Carver, Steve 1974 USA 83
25494 23744 Tropic of Cancer Strick, Joseph 1970 USA 87
25495 High Crime Castellari, Enzo G. 1973 Italy 100
25496 23751 Terror House Townsend, Bud 1972 USA 98
25497 23748 White Lightning Sargent, Joseph 1973 USA 101
25498 Reflection of Fear, A Fraker, William A. 1973 USA 89
25499 23877 Tunnel Vision Israel, Neal 1976 USA 67
25500 23879 Bilitis Hamilton, David 1977 France 95
25501 23835 Lovin' Molly Lumet, Sidney 1974 USA 98
25502 23905 Baby Blue Marine Hancock, John D. 1976 USA 90
25503 23869 Gumball Rally, The Bail, Charles 1976 USA 107
25504 23881 Femmes Fatales Blier, Bertrand 1976 France 107
25505 23753 Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze Anderson, Michael 1975 USA 100
25506 23837 Naked Tango Schrader, Leonard 1990 USA 90
25507 23828 Latino Wexler, Haskell 1985 USA 105
25508 23831 Timerider Dear, William 1983 USA 93
25509 23825 Turtle Diary Irvin, John 1985 UK 97
25510 23822 Gothic Russell, Ken 1986 UK 90
25511 23823 Coca-Cola Kid, The Makavejev, Dušan 1985 Australia 94
25512 23817 Personal Services Jones, Terry 1987 UK 105
25513 23815 Black Rain [USA] Scott, Ridley 1989 USA 125
25514 Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later, A Lelouch, Claude 1986 USA 108
25515 23847 Ironweed Babenco, Hector 1987 USA 144
25516 23849 Before and After Schroeder, Barbet 1996 USA 108
25517 23858 Maybe ... Maybe Not/Most Desired Man, The Wortmann, Sonke 1994 Germany 100
25518 23897 Enormous Changes at the Last Minute Bank, Mirra/Ellen Hovde/Muffie Meyer 1983 USA 115
25519 23854 Germinal Berri, Claude 1993 France 158
25520 23859 Bolero Derek, John 1984 USA 104
25521 23853 Tango Leconte, Patrice 1993 France 90
25522 23852 Miserables, Les Lelouch, Claude 1995 France 178
25523 23850 Lawnmower Man, The Leonard, Brett 1992 UK 105
25524 23843 Shakes the Clown Goldthwait, Bobcat 1991 USA 83
25525 23844 Million Dollar Hotel, The Wenders, Wim 1999 Germany 121
25526 23599 Story of O, The/Histoire d'O Jaeckin, Just 1975 France 97
25527 23597 Fencing Master, The Olea, Pedro 1992 Spain 88
25528 23595 Children of the Marshland/Les Enfants du marais Becker, Jean 1998 France 115
25529 23596 Mahabharata, The Brook, Peter 1989 France 171
25530 Nightfall Gibby, Gwyneth 1999 Germany
25531 23590 Chained for Life Fraser, Harry L. 1951 USA 81
25532 23761 Count Yorga, Vampire Kelljan, Bob 1970 USA 91
25533 23826 Grim Prairie Tales Coe, Wayne 1990 USA 94
25534 23824 Lust in the Dust Bartel, Paul 1985 USA 85
25535 23589 Tupac Resurrection Lazin, Lauren 2003 USA 110
25536 23884 D.O.A.: A Right of Passage Kowalski, Lech 1980 USA 93
25537 23893 Galaxina Sachs, William 1980 USA 95
25538 Erendira Guerra, Ruy 1983 France 103
25539 Signal 7 Nilsson, Rob 1986 USA 92
25540 22997 Union City Reichert, Marcus 1980 USA 87
25541 Perfect Strangers Cohen, Larry 1984 USA 91
25542 New Barbarians, The Castellari, Enzo G. 1983 Italy 91
25543 23907 Between the Lines Silver, Joan Micklin 1977 USA 101
25544 23898 Sitting Ducks Jaglom, Henry 1980 USA 90
25545 23833 Eddie and the Cruisers Davidson, Martin 1983 USA 92
25546 23891 Code of Silence Davis, Andrew 1985 USA 101
25547 23814 Firestarter Lester, Mark L. 1984 USA 114
25548 23886 Great Wall, A Wang, Peter 1986 USA 100
25549 23827 Missing in Action Zito, Joseph 1984 USA 101
25550 23871 Bill Cosby--"Himself" Cosby, Bill 1982 USA 105
25551 23890 Journey of Natty Gann, The Kagan, Jeremy Paul 1985 USA 101
25552 23888 Always Jaglom, Henry 1985 USA 105
25553 23832 Home of the Brave Anderson, Laurie 1986 USA 90
25554 23830 Crimes of the Heart Beresford, Bruce 1986 USA 105
25555 My First Wife Cox, Paul 1984 Australia 95
25556 23834 Crossover Dreams Ichaso, Leon 1985 USA 86
25557 23887 He Knows You're Alone Mastroianni, Armand 1981 USA 94
25558 23885 Angel O'Neill, Robert Vincent 1984 USA 92
25559 23836 Zombie Island Massacre Carter, John N. 1984 USA 95
25560 Summer Lovers Kleiser, Randal 1982 USA 98
25561 Night of the Juggler Butler, Robert 1980 USA 101
25562 23829 Venom Haggard, Piers 1982 UK 98