The 1,000 Greatest Films (Resources/Links)

• View the 1,000 films in Microsoft Excel format.
• If 1,000 films is simply not enough to get your teeth into, or if you believe that too much consensus is a bad thing, then maybe TSPDT's Starting List of 25,562 films (in Microsoft Excel format) is for you. This can also be viewed online, in condensed format here.
NEW Every critic's selection that contributed towards the current 1,000 Greatest Films can, for the first time, be viewed in EXCEL format. Also provided is the traditional PDF Companion (1,420 pages) to the 1,000 Greatest Films. This document also contains every critic's pick that contributed to the current 1,000 Greatest Films. However, due to its cumbersome nature (and with the aforementioned EXCEL file essentially taking its place), this will probably be the last PDF companion provided (unless some sort of unlikely internet uproar is detected).
NEW TSPDT Letterboxd Account Created and maintained by Dmytro Petryk, you can view the 1,000 Greatest Films, as well as the top 2,500 films from the Greatest Films project, the 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list, and more in the Letterboxd way.
NEW The Best Blurays Project: TSPDT This very handy website provides their recommended Bluray releases for each of the 1,000 Greatest Films.
Letterboxd view of the Starting List (maintained by Léo Barbosa).
2022 Sight & Sound Poll: Courtesy of Gregory Meshman, you can view a complete list of all the 2022 Sight & Sound votes in one place. Additionally, this file comprises all the films that received at least four votes, with links to DVD Beaver reviews (where possible) and their home video status (in the English language).
• Listed below are the websites sourced for the detailed presentation of the 1,000 Greatest Films. These links are recommended for your online film diet.